Chapter 3 History

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Chapter : 3

Shubham Jha - Class 10

1. What is Applied History ?

2. Applied History and Research in

Various Fields

3. Applied History and Our Present

Shubham Jha - Class 10

‘Applied History’ is also known as ‘Public History’.

‘Applied History’ is a field of study concerned with the application of

history for the benefit of people in the contemporary and future

Knowledge of history is useful as it can provide guidance in finding

solutions to contemporary social issues and incorporate them in the
social planning.

Knowledge of history is essential for this purpose.

Shubham Jha - Class 10


Shubham Jha - Class 10

1. The history of philosophy helps in understanding the origin of
various ideologies, the intellectual traditions giving rise to those
ideologies and their historical development.

2. Philosophy needs language as a medium of expression.

3. In order to understand the philosophical expression, knowledge of

the history of language proves useful.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
1. The history of science helps in understanding the chronological order of
scientific discoveries, inventions and theories.

2. It can also help to understand the cause-effect chain that led to those
discoveries and inventions.

3. It is said that ‘need’ is the mother of inventions.

4. These efforts are based on already available scientific knowledge.

6. Knowledge of history of science helps in understanding the factors that

facilitated a scientific discovery/ invention and also its chronology.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
1. The history of technology helps in understanding the changes and their causes in the
field of agricultural production, commodity production, architecture, engineering,

2. Scientific discoveries/inventions and technological advancement are mutually

dependent on each other.

3. Knowledge of science and technology was very important at every step from the
making of stone tools to agricultural production in the evolution of mankind.

4. Later the advancement of science promoted the mechanisation of production.

5. It is necessary to know the history of technology in order to understand the

development of mechanisation and the mutual dependence between science and
Shubham Jha - Class 10 technology.
The field of mutual social transactions expands with the growth of industry and trade.
It also promotes continuous development of the network of cultural interactions.

It is an integral part of the industrial and commercial management.

The nature of the market and commerce has continued to change.

Accordingly, the nature of human relationships and the social organisation also has
continued to change.

It is necessary to study the history of culture, social organisation and economic

Shubham Jha - Class 10 institutions.
In order to understand various factors involved in the chain of production such as
means of production, human resources and processes of production, as well as the
chain of market and sales management, etc.

It is essential to have a knowledge of similar functional systems of the past.

In order to achieve it, understanding of the social and economic institutions that
support the industrial and commercial processes is important.

Knowledge of history in this regard makes the management at various levels easier.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
(6) Arts

• It is important to understand the development of various art forms

with the help of their style of expression.

• Their foundation in the form of intellectual emotional-cultural


• The key to the expressions in any art form, emotional temperament of

the artist and the developmental history of the respective art form can
be understood with the help of cultural history.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
➢ Humanities include disciplines like history, archaeology, sociology, anthropology,
political science, economics, etc.

➢ All disciplines are supposed to have their origin in philosophy.

➢ Ancient people all over the world tried to speculate in order to understand the
relationship between the universe and human existence.

➢ It gave rise to various mythological stories about the origin of this world, the universal
order, human life, gods and goddesses, rituals and their philosophical explanation.

➢ Roots of philosophical ponderings are to be found in these mythological stories.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

➢ Only historical knowledge can help us in understanding these developmental stages.
Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage

It is in the form of human creation. It is of

two types - tangible and intangible.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

1. Tangible Cultural Heritage :

This type of cultural heritage includes ancient sites, buildings,

artefacts, manuscripts, sculptures, paintings, etc.

2. Intangible Cultural Heritage :

This type of cultural heritage includes the following things –

• Oral traditions and their language

• Traditional knowledge
• Social customs and rituals of celebrating festivals
• Styles of performing arts
• Certain traditional skills
• Communities, groups who represent such
traditions, Customs and skills

Shubham Jha - Class 10

(B) Natural Heritage :
The concept of natural heritage gives importance to the thought
of biodiversity. It includes the following things -

(1) Fauna

(2) Flora

(3) Ecology and geomorphic

Characteristics which is crucial for sustaining the flora

and fauna of a particular region.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
It is essential for the benefit of future generations to preserve our

UNESCO, the global organization has announced some directives with

the objective of promoting the cultural and natural heritage.

On the basis of those directives list of sites and traditions are declared
as ‘World Heritage’ .

Shubham Jha - Class 10

The list of UNESCO’s World Natural Heritage now includes
Western Ghats.

The Kaas plateau in the District Satara , is also a part of

the Western Ghats.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

‘Cultural and Natural Heritage Management’ is one of the
main aspects of applied history.

The work of conservation and preservation of the Cultural

Heritage falls under the jurisdiction of the Archaeological
Survey of India and India’s State Departments of Archaeology.

Beside, INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural

Heritage) is actively working in this field.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

The work of conservation and preservation of cultural and natural heritage requires
participation of experts from various fields.

They need to be duly aware of the cultural, social and political histories of the heritage site.
Principles of applied history are useful in creating the awareness among them.

(1) The operations necessary for the conservation,

preservation and development of the heritage
site can be handled without causing any change in
its original state.

(2) The local social structure and psychology of the

local people, challenges faced by them in the
present situations and their expectations can be
surveyed in detail.
Shubham Jha - Class 10
(3) Due precautions can be taken to avoid hurting sentiments
of the local people while completing the projects of
conservation, preservation and development of a heritage

(4) Participation of the local people in the project can be


(5) Systematic plan can be designed to employ the local skills

in a creative way and create better opportunities of livelihood.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

People often ask about the practical value of history.

The answer to the question about the nature of applied

history answers this question as well.

The visible and invisible relics of the past exist in the present.

We nurture some kind of curiosity, attraction toward them.

We wish to know more about their history because they

represent the creative thoughts and traditions of our
ancestors. It is our heritage.

Shubham Jha - Class 10

It helps in building our identity. The history of
our heritage links us with our origin.

Applied history is concerned with the preservation and

conservation of our heritage and make it accessible to people.

Hence it becomes necessary to preserve and conserve

it for future, for our benefit as well as for the benefit
of future generations.

Heritage management creates opportunities of


Shubham Jha - Class 10

The National Archives of India is in ...................... .

(a) Delhi (b) Kolkata (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai

Shubham Jha - Class 10

Humanities include disciplines like history, archaeology,
sociology and ...................... .
(a) anthropology (b) political science (c) economics (d) all of the

Shubham Jha - Class 10

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