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Number Systems

‰ A number system is nothing more than a code that uses
symbols to refer to a number of items.
‰ The binary number system and digital codes are
fundamental to computers and to digital electronics in
‰ In this chapter, the binary number system and its
relationship to other number systems, such as decimal ,
hexadecimal, and octal is the principal focus.
‰ You will learn to make conversion between binary and
octal and decimal and octal.
‰ Also, digital codes such as binary coded decimal (BCD),
the Gray code, the Excess-3, and the ASCII are covered.
‰ The arithmetic operations with binary numbers are also
summer 2009 1
Decimal Systems
‰ The decimal number system uses the symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
and 9.
‰ The decimal number system contains 10 symbols and is
sometimes called the base 10 system.
‰ The decimal system is a positional value system in which the
value of a digit depends on its position.
‰ In general ‘’ Any number is simply the sum of the products of
each digit value and its positional value ’’

(2*10 3)+(7*10 2)+(4*10 1)+(5*100)+(2*10 –1)+(1*10 –2)+(4*10 –3)

summer 2009 2
Decimal Counting
‰ When counting in decimal system, we start with 0 in the unit’s
position and take each symbol (digit) in progression until we
reach 9.
‰ Then we add a 1 to the next higher position and start over with
zero in the first position. This process continues until the count
of 99 is reached.
‰ Then we add a 1 to third position and start over with zeros in
first two positions.
‰ The same pattern is followed continuously as high as we wish
to count.
‰ It is important to note that in decimal counting
9 the units position (LSD) changes up ward with each step in
the count,
9 the tens position changes up ward every 10 steps in the
9 the hundreds position changes upward every 100 steps in
the count and so on.
summer 2009 3
Binary System
‰ A binary system is a code that uses only two basis symbols, 0 &1 and is sometimes
called the base 2 system.
‰ This base 2 system can be used to represent any quantity that can be represented in
decimal or other number systems.
‰ All the statements made earlier concerning the decimal system are equally applicable
to the binary system.
‰ The binary system is also a positional value system, where in each binary digit has its
own value or weight expressed as a power of 2.

‰ The subscripts 2 & 10 were used to indicate the base in which the particular number is
‰ This convention is used to avoid confusion whenever more than one number system
is being employed.
‰ In binary system, the term binary digit is often abbreviated to the term bit, which we
will use henceforth.
‰ The most significant bit (MSB) is the left most bit (largest weight). The least significant
bit (LSB) is the right most bit (Smallest weight). These are indicated in previous
example. summer 2009 4
Binary Counting
23=8 22=4 21=2 20=1 Decimal
‰ Let us use 4 bit binary numbers to Weights
illustrate the method for counting
0 0 0 0 0
in binary. The sequence (shown
on the right side) begins with all 0 0 0 1 1
bits at 0, this is called the Zero 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
‰ For each successive count the
0 1 0 0 4
units (20) position toggles; that is,
it changes from one binary value 0 1 0 1 5
to the other. 0 1 1 0 6
‰ Each time the units bits changes 0 1 1 1 7
from a 1 to 0, the twos (21) position
1 0 0 0 8
will toggle (change states).
‰ Each time the twos position 1 0 0 1 9

changes from 1 to 0, the fours (22) 1 0 1 0 10

position will toggle (change 1 0 1 1 11
1 1 0 0 12
‰ Like wise, each time the fours
1 1 0 1 13
position goes from 1to 0, the
eights (23) position toggles. 1 1 1 0 14

1 1 1 1 15
summer 2009 5
Hexadecimal Number Systems
‰The hexadecimal system uses base 16.
‰Thus, it has 16 possible digit symbols.
‰It uses the digits
‰0 through 9 plus
‰the letters A, B, C, D, E and F as the 16 digit
‰In table below the relationships between
hexadecimal, decimal and binary.
‰Note that each hexadecimal digit represents
a group of four binary digits.
‰It is important to remember that hex
(abbreviation for hexadecimal) digits A
through F are equivalent to the decimal
values 10 though 15.
summer 2009 6
Counting in Hexadecimal
‰ When counting in hex, each digit Decimal Binary Hexadecimal
position can be incremented 0 0000 0
(increase by 1) from 0 to F. 1 0001 1
‰ Once a digit position reaches the
2 0010 2
value F, it is reset to 0 and the next
digit position is incremented. 3 0011 3
‰ This is illustrated in the following 4 0100 4
hex counting sequences. 5 0101 5
6 0110 6
28, 29, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F,30, 31, … 7 0111 7

6F9,6FA, 6FB, 6FC, 6FD, 6FE, 6FF, 700… 8 1000 8

9 1001 9
10 1010 A
11 1011 B
12 1100 C
13 1101 D
14 1110 E
15 1111 F

summer 200916 10000 10 7

17 10001 11
Octal Number System
‰ The octal number system is very important in digital
Computer work.
‰ The octal number system has a base of eight, meaning
that it has eight possible digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7.
‰ Thus, each digit of an octal number can have any value
from 0 to 7.
‰ The advantage of the octal system is its usefulness in
converting directly from a 3 bit binary number.
‰ The digit positions in an octal number have weights as
84 83 82 81 80 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5

Octal points

‰ The equivalent binary and octal representations for

decimal numbers 0 through
2009is shown below 8
Counting in Octal
Decimal Binary Octal
‰ The largest octal digit is 7, so
0 000 0
that in counting in octal, a digit
position is incremented up 1 001 1
ward form 0 to 7. 2 010 2
‰ Once it reaches 7, it recycles to 3 011 3
0 on the next count and causes 4 100 4
the next higher digit position to 5 101 5
be incremented. 6 110 6
‰ For example: 7 111 7
65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, … 8 001 000 10
9 001 001 11
275, 276, 277, 300, 301, … 10 001 010 12
11 001 011 13
12 001 100 14
13 001 101 15
14 001 110 16
15 001 111 17
summer 2009 16 010 000 20 9
17 010 001 21
Conversion of one Number System to Another
‰ Binary-to-decimal Conversions:
™ Any binary number can be converted to its decimal equivalent simply by
summing together the weights of the various positions in the binary number,
which contain a 1.
™ For Example
a) 1 1 0 0 1 12
25 24 23 22 21 20

32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5110

b) 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 02
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

128 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 17810
™ Note that the procedure is to find the weights (i.e. powers of
2) for each bit position that contains a 1, and then to add
them up.
™ Also note that the MSB has a weight of 27 even though it is
the eighth bit this is because the LSB is the first bit and has
a weight of 20.
summer 2009 10
Decimal – to – Binary conversions
‰ There are two ways to convert a decimal whole number to its
equivalent binary system representation.
‰ The 1st method (Sum-of-Weights)

‰ The decimal number is simply expressed as a sum of power

of 2 and then 1s and 0s are written in the appropriate bit
a) 5710= 32 + 16 +8 + 1 = 25 +24 +23 +0 + 0+ 20 = 1110012

b) 13210 = 128 + 4 = 27 + 0 + 0 + 0+ 0+ 22 + 0 + 0 = 100001002

a) 39810 =????

b) 415310= ????
summer 2009 11
The 2nd method (‘’Repeated Division’’)
‰ This method uses repeated division by 2.
‰ Requires repeatedly dividing the decimal number by 2 and
writing down the remainder after division until the quotient of
0 is obtained.
‰ Note that the binary result is obtained by writing the first
remainder as the LSB and the last remainder as the MSB.
‰ Examples
a) 3710=?2
37÷ 2 = 18 with remainder of 1 1s → LSB
18 ÷ 2 = 9 with remainder of 0 2s
9 ÷ 2 = 4 with remainder of 1 4s
4 ÷ 2 = 2 with remainder of 0 8s
2 ÷ 2 = 1 with remainder of 0 16s
1 ÷ 2 = 0 with remainder of 1 32s → MSB
∴ 3710= 1001012
b) 39810= ?2
summer 2009 12
Flow chart for Repeated Division

Divide by 2

Record Quotient (Q)

and Remainder (R)

Collect R’s with first R as LSB
and last R as MSB

summer 2009 13
Hex –to- decimal Conversion
‰ A hex number can be converted to its decimal equivalent by
using the fact tat each hex digit position has a weight that is
a power of 16.
‰ The LSD has a weight of 160 = 1,the next higher digit position
has a weight of 161 = 16, the next has a weight of 162 = 256,
and so on.
a) 35616
= 3*162 + 5*161 + 6*160 = 768 + 80 + 6 = 85410

b) A3F16
= 10*162 + 3*161 + 15*160 = 2560 + 48 + 15 = 262310

‰ 1BD516=???10

‰ C9A16 =???10 summer 2009 14

Decimal-to-Hex conversion
‰ Recall that we did decimal –to- binary conversion using repeated
division by 2. Like wise decimal-to-hex conversion can be done
using repeated division by 16.
a) Convert 4710 to hex
47 ÷ 16 = 2 remainder of 15 → F

2 ÷ 16 = 0 remainder of 2
∴ 4710 = 2F16

b) Convert 23410 to hex

234 ÷ 16 = 14 remainder of 10 → A

14÷ 16 = 0 remainder of 14 → E
∴ 23410 = EA16
a) Convert 10010 to hex
b) Convert 44510 to hex
summer 2009 15
Hex-to-Binary conversion
‰ The Hexadecimal number system is used primarily as a
‘’Shorthand’’ method for representing binary numbers.
‰ It is a relatively simple method to convert a hex number to
‰ Each hex digit is converted to its 4 bit binary equivalent. (see
table ‘’Hexadecimal Number system’’).
a) C316 = C 3

1100 0011 = 110000112

b) 7D816 = 7 D 8

0111 1110 1000 = 0111111010002

‰ Convert A56B16 to binary
summer 2009 16
Binary-to- Hex conversion
‰ Conversion from binary to hex is just the reverse of the above
‰ The binary number is grouped in to groups of four bits, and each
group is converted to its equivalent hex digit.
‰ Zeros are added, as needed, to complete a 4-bit group.
a) Convert 1011010011102 to Hex
1011 0100 11102 = 1011 0100 1110

B 4 E 16
b) Convert 101001010112 to Hex
0101 0010 10112 = 0101 0010 1011

5 2 B 16
‰ This is why hex (and octal) are so useful in representing large binary
Convert 10011101010101012 to Hex
summer 2009 17
Octal to decimal Conversion
‰ An octal number, can easily be converted to its decimal equivalent by
multiplying each octal digit by it positional weight i.e. a power of 8.
a) 4158 = 4*82 + 1*81 + 5*80 = 256 + 8 + 5 = 26910

b) 7308 = 7*82 + 3*81 + 0*80 = 448 + 24 + 0 = 47210

Decimal –to – Octal Conversion

‰ Decimal integer can be converted to octal by using repeated division with a
division factor of 8.
‰ Convert 3510 to octal
35 ÷8=4 remainder of 3 → LSD

4 ÷8=0 remainder of 4 → MSD

∴ 3510 = 438
‰ Note that the first remainder becomes the least significant digit (LSD) of the
octal number and the last remainder becomes the most significant digit (

summer 2009 18
Octal to Binary Conversion
‰ The conversion from octal to binary is presented by
converting each octal digit to its 3- bit binary equivalent.


a) 478 = 4 7

100 111 = 1001112

b) 3058 = 3 0 5

011 000 101 = 0110001012

summer 2009 19
Binary to Octal Conversion
‰ Converting from binary to octal integers is simply the reverse
of the foregoing process.
‰ The bits of the binary number are grouped into groups of
three bits starting at the LSB.
‰ The each group is converted to its octal equivalent.
a) Convert 1011110012 to Octal
101 111 0012 = 101 111 001

5 7 18
b) Convert 100111102 to Octal
010 011 1102 = 010 011 110

2 3 68
Convert B 2 F16 to Octal
summer 2009 20
‰ As far as fractions are concerned, you multiply by 2 and record a
carry in the integer position.
‰ The carries taken in forward order are the binary fraction.
a) Convert 0.62510 to a binary fraction
0.625 * 2 = 1.25 → 0.25 with carry of 1
0.25 * 2 = 0.5 with carry of 0
0.5 * 2 = 1.0 with carry of 1
∴ 0.62510 = 0.1012
b) Convert 0.2310 into an octal fraction
0.23 * 8 = 1.84 → 0.84 with carry of 1
0.84 * 8 =6.72 → 0.72 with carry of 6
0.72 * 8 = 5.76 → 0.76 with carry of 5
∴ 0.2310 = 0.1658
67.8210= ---------2
summer 2009 21

67.8210= ---------2

summer 2009 22
Summary of Conversions
The following summery should help you in doing the
different conversion.
9 When converting from binary [or octal, or hex] to
decimal, use the method of taking the weight sum of
each digit position.
9 When converting from decimal to binary [or octal or
hex] use the method of repeatedly dividing by 2 [or 8
or 16] and collecting remainders [refer fig. flow
9 When converting from binary to octal [or hex], group
the bits in groups of the three [or four], and convert
each group into the correct octal [or hex] digit.
9 When converting from octal [or hex] into binary,
convert each digit in to its 3-bit [or 4-bit] equivalent.
9 When converting from octal to hex [or vice versa,
first convert to binary, then convert the binary into
the desired number system.
summer 2009 23
‰ When numbers, letters, or words are represented by
Special group of symbols, we say that they are being
encoded, and the group of symbols is called a code.
‰ The group of 0s and 1s in the binary number can be
thought of as a code representing the decimal number.
‰ When a decimal number is represented by its equivalent
binary number, we call it straight binary coding.
‰ We have seen that the conversing between decimal and
binary can be come long and complicated for large
‰ For this reason, a means of encoding decimal numbers
that combines some features of both the decimal and
binary system is used in certain situations.
summer 2009 24
Binary-Coded- Decimal Code

‰ If each digit of a decimal number is represented by its 4- bit

binary equivalent the result is a code called binary-coded-
decimal (hereafter abbreviated BCD).
‰ Since a decimal digit can be as large as 9, four bits are
required to code each digit (the binary code for 9 is 1001).
a) The decimal number 437 is changed to its BCD equivalent as
4 3 7 (decimal)

0100 0011 0111 (BCD)

b) 9 5 8 0 (decimal)

1001 0101 1000 0000 (BCD)

summer 2009 25
‰ Clearly, only the 4- bit binary numbers from 0000 through
1001 are used.
‰ The BCD Code does not use the numbers 1010, 1011,
1100, 1101, 1110 and 1111.
‰ In other words only 10 of the 16 possible 4 bit binary
code groups are used.
‰ If any of the ‘’forbidden’’ 4 bit numbers ever occurs in
machine using the BCD code, it is usually an indication
that an error has occurred.
¾ Convert the BCD number 011111001000 to its decimal equivalent
0111 1100 1000 (BCD)

7 8
Forbidden code group
indicates errorsummer
in BCD2009
number 26
Comparison of BCD and Binary
‰ It is important to realize that BCD is not another number system like
binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
‰ It is, in fact, the decimal system with each digit encoded in its binary
‰ It is also important to understand that a BCD number is not the same
as a straight binary number.
‰ A straight binary code takes the complete decimal number and
represents it in binary;
‰ But the BCD code converts each decimal digit to binary individually.
‰ To illustrate, take the number 253 and compare its straight binary and
BCD codes:
25310 = 111111012 (Straight binary)
25310 = 0010 0101 0011 (BCD)
‰ The BCD code requires 12 bits while the straight binary code requires
only 8 bits to represent 253.
‰ This is because BCD does not use all possible 4-bit groups, as pointed
out earlier, and is therefore somewhat inefficient.
‰ The main advantage of the BCD code is the relative ease of converting
to and from decimal only the 4 bit code groups for the decimal digits 0
through 9 need to be remembered.
summer 2009 27
Gray Code
‰ The Gray code belongs to a class of codes called
minimum change codes, in which only one bit in the
code group changes when going from one step to
the next.
‰ The gray code is an unweighted code, meaning that
the bit positions in the code groups do not have any
specific weight assigned to them.
‰ Because of this, the gray code is not suitable for
arithmetic operations but finds application in
input/out put devices and some types of analog-to-
digital converters.
‰ Table below shows the gray code representation for
the decimal number 0 through 15,together with
straight binary code.
summer 2009 28
Decimal Binary Gray ‰ If we examine the Gray code groups for
code code each decimal number, it can be seen that
in going from any one decimal number
to the next, only one bit of Gray code
0 0000 0000 changes.
1 0001 0001 ‰ For example:
2 0010 0011 Decimal Gray code
3 0011 0010 3 to 4 0010 to 0110
4 0100 0110 14 to 15 1001 to 1000
5 0101 0111 ‰ Compare this with the binary code,
6 0110 0101 where anywhere from one to all of the
bits changes in going from one step to
7 0111 0100 the next.
8 1000 1100 ‰ For example:
9 1001 1101 Decimal Binary code Gray code
10 1010 1111 7 to 8 0111 to 1000 0100 to 1100
11 1011 1110 ‰ The Gray code is often used in
12 1100 1010 situations where other codes, such as
binary, might produce erroneous or
13 1101 1011 ambiguous results during those
14 1110 1001 translations in which more that one bit
15 1111 1000 of the code is changing.
‰ Obviously, using the Gray code would
eliminate this problem, since only one
bit changes occurs per transition and no
summer 2009 between bits can occur.
“race” 29
Binary-to-Gray code Conversion
‰ Conversion between binary code and Gray code is sometimes useful.
The following rules explain how to convert from a binary number to a
Gray code word:
‰ The most significant bit (left-most) in the Gray code is the same as the
corresponding MSB in the binary number.
‰ Going from left to right, add each adjacent pair of binary code bits to get
the next Gray code bit. Discard carries.
• For example, the conversion of the binary number 10110 to Gray code
is as follows:

• The Gray code is 1 1 101.

summer 2009 30
Gray -to- Binary Conversion
‰ The following rules explain how to convert from gray code to a binary
number :
‰ The most significant bit (left-most) in the binary code is the same as
the corresponding bit in the Gray code.
‰ Add each binary code bit generated to the Gray code bit in the next
adjacent position. Discard carries.
‰ For example, the conversion of the Gray code word 11011 to binary
is as follows:

‰ The binary number is 10010.

summer 2009 31
The Excess –3 code
‰ The excess-3 code is another important BCD code. To encode a
decimal number to the excess –3 form, we add 3 to each digit of the
decimal number and convert to binary form.
‰ For example

a) Convert 4 to an excess –3 number

Decimal number Excess-3 codes number
4 +3=7 0111
(Add 3) (Convert to 4-bit binary)
b) Convert 39 to an excess –3 number
3 9
+3 +3 Add 3 to each digit
6 12
Convert to 4-bit binary code
0110 1100
9 Note that both BCD and Excess-3 use only 10 of the 16 possible 4-
bit code groups.
9 The Excess-3 code, however, does not use the same code groups.
9 For Excess-3 code, the invalid code groups are 0000, 0001, 0010,
1101,1110, and 1111. summer 2009 32
‰ Computer should recognize codes that represent
letters of the alphabet, punctuation marks, and other
special characters as well as numbers.
‰ These codes are called ’’alphanumeric codes’’.
‰ A complete alphanumeric code would include:
9 The 26 lower case letters;
9 26 upper case letters,
9 10 numeric digits,
9 7 punctuation marks, and
9 anywhere from 20 to 40 other characters, such as +, /, #, %,
*, and so on.
‰ A complete alphanumeric characters and function
are found on a standard typewriter (or computer)

summer 2009 33
The ASCll Code
‰ The most widely used alphanumeric code, the
America standard code for Information Interchange
(ASC II), is used in most micro computers and mini
computers, and in many mainframes.
‰ The ASCII code (pronounced ‘’ask-ee’’) is a 7- bit
code, and so it has 27= 128 possible code groups.
‰ This is more than enough to represent all of the
standard keyboard characters as well as control
functions such as the <RETURN> AND < LINEFEED>

summer 2009 34
Character 7-Bit ASCII Octal Hex Character 7-Bit Octal Hex
A 100 0001 101 41 Y 101 1001 131 59
B 100 0010 102 42 Z 101 1010 132 5A
C 100 0011 103 43 0 011 0000 060 30
D 100 0100 104 44 1 011 0001 061 31
E 100 0101 105 45 2 011 0010 062 32
F 100 0110 106 46 3 011 0011 063 33
G 100 0111 107 47 4 011 0100 064 34
H 100 1000 110 48 5 011 0101 065 35
I 100 1001 111 49 6 011 0110 066 36
J 100 1010 112 4A 7 011 0111 067 37
K 100 1011 113 4B 8 011 1000 070 38
L 100 1100 114 4C 9 011 1001 071 39
M 100 1101 115 4D blank 010 0000 040 20
N 100 1110 116 4E . 010 1110 056 2E
O 100 1111 117 4F ( 010 1000 050 28
P 101 0000 120 50 + 010 1011 053 2B
Q 101 0001 121 51 $ 010 0100 044 24
R 101 0010 122 52 * 010 1010 052 2A
S 101 0011 123 53 ) 010 1001 051 29
T 101 0100 124 54 - 010 1101 055 2D
U 101 0101 125 55 / 010 1111 057 2F
V 101 0110 126 56 , 010 1100 054 2C
W 101 0111 127 57 = 011 1101 075 3D
X 101 1000 130 58 <RETURN> 000 1101 015 0D
<LINEFEED> 0001010 012 0A
summer 2009 35
Example 1:
The following is a message encoded in ASCII code. What is the message?
1000101 1001100 101 0100
Solution: convert each 7- bit code to its hex equivalent. The results are
1000101 1001100 101 0100

45 4C 54

‰ The ASCII code is used for the transfer of alphanumeric information
between a computer and input / output devices such as video terminals or
Example 2
Determine the codes that will be entered in to memory when the operator
types in the following BASIC statement:
Locate each character (including the space) in table and record its ASCII
G 1000111
O 1001111
T 1010100
O 1001111
( Space) 0100000
2 0110010 summer 2009 36
5 0110101

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