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Thermo Scientific

FID Upgrade Kit

Per TRACE™ GC Ultra
Installation Guide
PN 317 093 27, Revision April 2009

FID Upgrade Kit for TRACE™ GC - Ultra Installation Guide
May 2007 Edition
Part Number 317 093 27
© 2007-2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Printed in ITALY.

Published by Thermo Fisher Scientific S.p.A. Technical Publications, Strada Rivoltana 20090 Rodano - Milan
Tel: +39 02 950591 Fax: +39 02 95059388

Printing History:First Edition, released May 1999

Second Edition, released January 2000
Third Edition, released May 2001
Fourth edition, released January 2002
Fifth Edition, released September 2003
Sixth Edition, released April 2004
Seventh Edition, released May 2007
Eighth Edition, released April 2009

Reference to System Configurations and Specifications supersede all previous information and are subject to change without notice.

TRACE™ GC Ultra is a trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., and its subsidiaries Other brand and product names may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Flame Ionization Detector ................................................................................................................. 5
About This Guide....................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
Who Performs the Installation of the Kit ...................................................................... 6
Detector Gases Requirements ....................................................................................... 6
Transformer for FID...................................................................................................... 7
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................... 7
Removing the GC Panels ................................................................................. 9
Installing the FID Control Card ..................................................................... 11
Mounting the FID on the GC ......................................................................... 14
Reinstall the GC Panels ................................................................................. 15
Restarting the GC........................................................................................... 16
Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 17
Set FID Parameters .................................................................................................................. 18
Range Parameter ............................................................................................ 19

Operating Sequences
Installing FID Upgrade Kit ............................................................................................................... 8
Configuring Detector and Make-up Gas ........................................................................................... 17
Parameters Setting ............................................................................................................................. 18

The TRACE GC Ultra ....................................................................................................................... 8
TRACE GC Ultra Top Cover ............................................................................................................ 9
TRACE GC Ultra Rear Panel ............................................................................................................ 10
Extension Slots Top View ................................................................................................................. 11
Detector Control Card Expansion Slots ............................................................................................ 12
Jet for FID ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Installation of the FID ....................................................................................................................... 15

Installation Guide iii


iv Installation Guide

Flame Ionization
This guide provides the instructions to install and configure the Flame Ionization
Detector on your TRACE GC Ultra.

Guide at a Glance…
About This Guide ...................................................................................................6
Introduction ............................................................................................................6
Getting Started........................................................................................................7
Set FID Parameters...............................................................................................18

Operating Sequences
Installing FID Upgrade Kit.....................................................................................8
Configuring Detector and Make-up Gas ..............................................................17
Parameters Setting ................................................................................................18

Installation Guide 5
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector About This Guide

About This Guide

It provides the instructions to install and configure the Flame Ionization Detector
on your TRACE GC Ultra.

NOTE For Conventions, Symbols and Costumer Communications, please refer to the TRACE GC
Ultra Operating Manual.

The upgrade kit contains all the material required to install the Flame Ionization
Detector on your TRACE GC Ultra:
• FID Assembly for TRACE
• FID Control Card
• FID Standard Outfit

CAUTION The detector gas control module is not part of this kit.

Who Performs the Installation of the Kit

If, for any reason, the kit is not installed by Thermo Fisher Scientific technical
personnel, you must carefully adhere to the following instructions.

Detector Gases Requirements

The FID requires air and hydrogen as fuel gases. The use of the make-up gas is
optional. Optimum performance with capillary column are achieved with make-
up gas.
According to the required gases, the DGFC or the Non-DGFC module may be:
• Type AB for the control of air and hydrogen.
• Type AD for the control of air and hydrogen.
• Type AC for the control of air, hydrogen and make-up gas.

6 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Getting Started Flame Ionization Detector

1. Verify that the detector gas control module installed on your GC is

compatible with the FID gas requirements.

2. The connections of the detector gases must be performed as described in the

following table:

Installed Connect Hydrogen Connect Air Connect Make-up

Module to to Gas to
AB Gas 2 Gas 1 —
AC Gas 2 Gas 1 Gas 3
AD Gas 3 Gas 1 —

For further details, refer to Chapters 16 and Chapter 17 of the TRACE GC Ultra
Operating Manual.

Transformer for FID

NOTE If your GC has serial number lower than 983808 (Milan) or TR101089 (Austin), the
installation of a dedicated transformer might be necessary. Please contact us for details.

Getting Started
This paragraph contains the instruction to install the FID on your GC.
To properly install the FID upgrade kit, the following sequential operations must
be performed:
• Remove the top and right side panels of the GC.
• Install the detector control card into the GC electronic compartment (control
• Mount the FID on the GC.
• Remount GC panels.
• Restart the GC.
• Configure the detector.

Installation Guide 7
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Getting Started

Before starting, the following preliminary operations must be carried out:

1. Cool the oven and detector base body to room temperature.

2. Make sure that the detector base body is leak free.

3. Close the gas supplies.

4. Turn off the main power on the rear panel of the GC.

5. Disconnect the main power cable from the rear of the GC.

Installing FID Upgrade Kit
Follow this instruction to properly install the FID Upgrade Kit.

Figure 1-1. The TRACE GC Ultra

8 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Getting Started Flame Ionization Detector

Removing the GC Panels

This operation allows to access the GC upper parts and the electronic

Material needed:
• 2-mm Allen wrench
• 3-mm Allen wrench

Remove the GC Top Cover

1. Lift the detector cover off the GC top cover.

2. Open the oven door and unscrew the two top cover fastening screws.

3. Push the cover back about 1 cm and lift it up and off the GC.

Figure 1-2. TRACE GC Ultra Top Cover

Installation Guide 9
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Getting Started

Remove the GC Right Side Panel

1. Loosen and remove the screw that secures the right side panel to the right
upper rear corner of the GC by using the 3-mm Allen wrench. Refer to
Figure 1-3.

2. Slide the side panel towards the back of the GC and then tilt the top of the side
panel outwards. Continue to slide the panel towards the rear of the GC.

3. Hold the side panel parallel to the GC, and pull the lower edge of the panel
away from the GC.

1. Right Panel Securing Screw

Figure 1-3. TRACE GC Ultra Rear Panel

10 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Getting Started Flame Ionization Detector

Installing the FID Control Card

The FID control card must be installed into the proper expansion slot marked A, B
or C located on the left part of the GC mother board in the electronic
compartment. Refer to Figures 1-4 and 1-5.

NOTE In the case all the expansion slots are occupied, it is necessary to remove one of the three
detector control card currently installed and replace it with the FID control card.

Material needed:
• 3-mm Allen wrench

C 1

B 3

1. Slot cover plate 2. Cover plates fixing screw

3. Free slot A B C. Extension slot position
Figure 1-4. Extension Slots Top View

1. Loosen the fixing screw of the slot cover plate that corresponds to the selected
A, B or C expansion slot on the mother board.

Installation Guide 11
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Getting Started


1. Detector control card expansion Slots 2. Additional heat control jumpers

3. Mother board

Figure 1-5. Detector Control Card Expansion Slots

2. Verify that the jumper marked Jx, adjacent to the defined detector control card
connector on the mother board, is positioned between the pins 2 and 3. Refer
to the following table.

Expansion slot Corresponding Jumper

A J8
B J7
C J6

12 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Getting Started Flame Ionization Detector

Jumper Positioning

Pins 1-2 = additional heat control enabled

Pins 2-3 = additional heat control not enabled

WARNING! The jumper marked “Jx” must be positioned between the pins 2 and 3.

3. Guide through the slot mentioned at point 1 the signal and ignition cables
coming from the top of the card.

4. Plug the detector control card into the selected expansion slot on the mother

5. Fix the control card by using the same screw previously removed at point 1.

Installation Guide 13
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Getting Started

Mounting the FID on the GC

This operation allows the correct installation of the FID on your TRACE GC

Material needed
• Jet for FID
• Tool for jet

1. Place the jet into the detector base body housing and tighten it with the proper
tool. Ensure the jet is perfectly vertically aligned to avoid damaging its
ceramic part.

1. Tool for jet 2. Jet

3. Detector base body
Figure 1-6. Jet for FID

2. Install the FID on the detector base body and secure it by using the fixing
screw on the front of the detector cell.

3. Carefully, connect the signal and ignition polarization cables coming from the
detector control card, to the detector cell.

14 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Getting Started Flame Ionization Detector

2 4


1. FID 2. Fixing screw

3. Detector base body 4. Signal cable
5. Ignition polarization cable

Figure 1-7. Installation of the FID

Reinstall the GC Panels

This operation allows to reinstall the GC panels

Material needed:
• 3-mm Allen wrench

1. Reinstall all the GC panels proceeding in the reverse order of their removal
(refer to Removing the GC Panels on page 9).

Installation Guide 15
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Getting Started

Restarting the GC
1. Verify that the connections of the detector gases has been correctly

2. Open the gas supplies.

3. Reconnect the main power.

4. Turn on main power.

16 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Configuration Flame Ionization Detector

This paragraph contains the instructions to configure your GC to operate with
You configure the detector and make-up gas in the CONFIGURE menu. Refer to
Chapter 16 of the TRACE GC Ultra Operating manual.

Configuring Detector and Make-up Gas
1. Press CONFIG then scroll to Left detector or Right detector
depending on the location of the detector to configure. Press ENTER to open
the detector gas menu.

Detector type <
Makeup gas
1 This line appears only if the DGFC module is present. Refer to note.

2. Select Detector type. This line indicates the type of detector mounted and
the slot (A, B or C) of the relevant control board. Press ENTER to display the

3. To change detector type, scroll to the desired detector and press ENTER to
confirm the selection. An asterisk appears beside the detector selected.

4. When the DGFC Module is present scroll to Makeup gas and press ENTER.
The gases applicable to the detector in use are displayed in the submenu. An
asterisk appears beside the currently active make-up gas is also displayed in
parentheses in the title bar.

5. To change the make-up gas, scroll to the desired gas and press ENTER to
confirm the selection. An asterisk appears beside the make-up gas selected.

Installation Guide 17
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Set FID Parameters

Set FID Parameters

To set FID parameters, it is necessary to open the FID menu and the FID Signal
• The DETECTOR (FID) menu contains the detector control parameters.
To set parameters, refer to the Chapter 17 of the TRACE GC Ultra Operating
• The DETECTOR SIGNAL menu contains the parameters that control the
detector signal. To set parameters, refer to the Chapter 16 of the TRACE GC
Ultra Operating Manual.

NOTE To verify the correct installation of the detector on your GC, perform the FID Checkout as
described in Section II of the TRACE GC Ultra Standard Operating Procedures manual
PN 31709200.

Parameters Setting
1. To open FID menu, press LEFT DETECTOR or RIGHT DETECTOR depending
on the location of the detector. The following menu is displayed:


Flame Off
Base temp 250 250
Signal pA (5.5)
Ign.thresh2 2.0
Flameout retry Off
H2 35 35
Air 350 350
Mkup N23 30 30<
1. These settings could also be for a right detector.
2. This parameter lines will be displayed according to the Range parameter in the DETECTOR
SIGNAL menu. See Range Parameter on page 15.

18 Installation Guide
Upgrade Kit
Set FID Parameters Flame Ionization Detector

3. If you have a non-DGFC module, the actual value are not displayed, and you can only turn
the flows on and off.

2. To open FID Signal menu, press LEFT SIGNAL or RIGHT SIGNAL according to
the location of the detector. The following menu is displayed:


Output (1000)
Offset 100
Auto zero? Y/N
Range 10^(0..3) 0<
Analog filter Off
Baseline Comp Off
1. These settings could also be for a right signal

Range Parameter
The Range 10^ parameter is an input attenuation value. It is set from 0 (high
sensitivity) to 3 (low sensitivity). The dynamic of the FID card is as follows:

Range Input Signal Output Signal

0 1 nA 1 Volt
1 10 nA 1 Volt
2 100 nA 1 Volt
3 1 μA 1 Volt

This means that if we have a small variation (in pA) of the baseline value when
the Range 10^ is set 0 or 1, the input amplifier circuit of FID card can read it,
and, according with threshold value set, can qualify the Flameout retry (if it is set
If the Range 10^ is set 2 or 3, the small variation (in pA) of the baseline is not
detected from the FID card. For this reason, when the Range 10^ is set 2 or 3, the
Signal pA, Ign. thresh and Flameout retry parameters will be not
displayed in the DETECTOR FID menu.

Installation Guide 19
Upgrade Kit
Flame Ionization Detector Set FID Parameters

20 Installation Guide

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