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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

AIME 2023
by r00tsOfUnity, MrThinker, fruitmonster97, rohan.sp, Juno, mahaler, Mogmog8, v4913, naman12, Derpo-
FanBoy, i equal tan 90, mannshah1211, djmathman, rrusczyk

– I

– February 7th, 2023

1 Five men and nine women stand equally spaced around a circle in random order. The probability
that every man stands diametrically opposite a woman is m
n , where m and n are relatively prime
positive integers. Find m + n.

If logb n = logb n and b logb n = logb bn, then the value of n is equal to kj , where j and k are
relatively prime. What is j + k?

3 A plane contains 40 lines, no 2 of which are parallel. Suppose there are 3 points where exactly 3
lines intersect, 4 points where exactly 4 lines intersect, 5 points where exactly 5 lines intersect,
6 points where exactly 6 lines intersect, and no points where more than 6 lines intersect. Find
the number of points where exactly 2 lines intersect.

4 The sum of all positive integers m for which 13!m is a perfect square can be written as 2 3 5 7 11 13 ,
a b c d e f

where a, b, c, d, e, and f are positive integers. Find a + b + c + d + e + f .

5 Let P be a point on the circumcircle of square ABCD such that P A·P C = 56 and P B ·P D = 90.
What is the area of square ABCD?

6 Alice knows that 3 red cards and 3 black cards will be revealed to her one at a time in random
order. Before each card is revealed, Alice must guess its color. If Alice plays optimally, the ex-
pected number of cards she will guess correctly is m
n , where m and n are relatively prime positive
integers. Find m + n.

7 Call a positive integer n extra-distinct if the remainders when n is divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are
distinct. Find the number of extra-distinct positive integers less than 1000.

8 Rhombus ABCD has ∠BAD < 90◦ . There is a point P on the incircle of the rhombus such that
the distances from P to lines DA, AB, and BC are 9, 5, and 16, respectively. Find the perimeter
of ABCD.

9 Find the number of cubic polynomials p(x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are integers in
{−20, −19, −18, . . . , 18, 19, 20}, such that there is a unique integer m ̸= 2 with p(m) = p(2).

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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

10 There exists a unique positive integer a for which the sum

X  n2 − na


is an integer strictly between −1000 and 1000. For that unique a, find a + U .
(Note that ⌊x⌋ denotes the greatest integer that is less than or equal to x.)

11 Find the number of subsets of 1, 2, 3, ..., 10 that contain exactly one pair of consecutive integers.
Examples of such subsets are 1, 2, 5 and 1, 3, 6, 7, 10.

12 Let △ABC be an equilateral triangle with side length 55. Points D, E, and F lie on sides BC,
CA, and AB, respectively, with BD = 7, CE = 30, and AF = 40. A unique point P inside △ABC
has the property that
∡AEP = ∡BF P = ∡CDP.
Find tan2 (∡AEP ).

13 Each
√ face√of two noncongruent parallelepipeds is a rhombus whose diagonals have lengths
21 and 31. The ratio of the volume of the larger of the two polyhedra to the volume of the
smaller is mn , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n. A parallelepiped
is a solid with six parallelogram faces such as the one shown below.

14 The following analog clock has two hands that can move independently of each other.

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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5

Initially, both hands point to the number 12. The clock performs a sequence of hand movements
so that on each movement, one of the two hands moves clockwise to the next number on the
clock while the other hand does not move.
Let N be the number of sequences of 144 hand movements such that during the sequence, every
possible positioning of the hands appears exactly once, and at the end of the 144 movements,
the hands have returned to their initial position. Find the remainder when N is divided by 1000.

15 Find the largest prime number p < 1000 for which there exists a complex number z satisfying
- the real and imaginary part of z are both integers;

- |z| = p, and
- there exists a triangle whose three side lengths are p, the real part of z 3 , and the imaginary part
of z 3 .

– II

– February 15th, 2023

1 The number of apples growing on each of six apple trees form an arithmetic sequence where
the greatest number of apples growing on any of the six trees is double the least number of
apples growing on any of the six trees. The total number of apples growing on all six trees is
990. Find the greatest number of apples growing on any of the six trees.

2 Recall that a palindrome is a number that reads the same forward and backward. Find the great-
est integer less than 1000 that is a palindrome both when written in base ten and when written
in base eight, such as 292 = 444eight .

3 Let △ABC be an isoceles triangle with ∠A = 90◦ . There exists a point P inside △ABC such
that ∠P AB = ∠P BC = ∠P CA and AP = 10. Find the area of △ABC.

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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

4 Let x, y, and z be real numbers satisfying the system of equations

xy + 4z = 60
yz + 4x = 60
zx + 4y = 60.

Let S be the set of possible values of x. Find the sum of the squares of the elements of S.

5 Let S be the set of all positive rational numbers r such that when the two numbers r and 55r are
written as fractions in lowest terms, the sum of the numerator and denominator of one fraction
is the same as the sum of the numerator and denominator of the other fraction. The sum of all
the elements of S can be expressed in the form pq , where p and q are relatively prime positive
integers. Find p + q.

6 Consider the L-shaped region formed by three unit squares joined at their sides, as shown below.
Two points A and B are chosen independently and uniformly at random from inside this region.
The probability that the midpoint of AB also lies inside this L-shaped region can be expressed
as m
n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

7 Each vertex of a regular dodecagon (12-gon) is to be colored either red or blue, and thus there
are 212 possible colorings. Find the number of these colorings with the property that no four
vertices colored the same color are the four vertices of a rectangle.

8 Let ω = cos 2π
7 + i · sin 7 , where i =

−1. Find
(ω 3k + ω k + 1).

9 Circles ω1 and ω2 intersect at two points P and Q, and their common tangent line closer to P
intersects ω1 and ω2 at points A and B, respectively. The line parallel to line AB that passes
through P intersects ω1 and ω2 for the second time at points X and Y , respectively. Suppose

P X = 10, P Y = 14, and P Q = 5. Then the area of trapezoid XABY is m n where m and n are
positive integers and n is not divisible by the square of any prime. Find m + n.

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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

10 Let N be the number of ways to place the integers 1 through 12 in the 12 cells of a 2 × 6 grid so
that for any two cells sharing a side, the difference between the numbers in those cells is not
divisible by 3. One way to do this is shown below. Find the number of positive integer divisors
of N .

1 3 5 7 9 11

2 4 6 8 10 12

11 Find the number of collections of 16 distinct subsets of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} with the property that for
any two subsets X and Y in the collection, X ∩ Y ̸= ∅.

12 In △ABC with side lengths AB = 13, BC = 14, and CA = 15, let M be the midpoint of BC. Let
P be the point on the circumcircle of △ABC such that M is on AP . There exists a unique point
Q on segment AM such that ∠P BQ = ∠P CQ. Then AQ can be written as √mn , where m and n
are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

13 Let A be an acute angle such that tan A = 2 cos A. Find the number of positive integers n less
than or equal to 1000 such that secn A + tann A is a positive integer whose units digit is 9.

14 A cube-shaped container has vertices A, B, C, and D where AB and CD are parallel edges of
the cube, and AC and BD are diagonals of the faces of the cube. Vertex A of the cube is set on
a horizontal plane P so that the plane of the rectangle ABCD is perpendicular to P, vertex B is
2 meters above P, vertex C is 8 meters above P, and vertex D is 10 meters above P. The cube
contains water whose surface is 7 meters above P. The volume of the water is m n cubic meters,
where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.



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AoPS Community 2023 AIME

15 For each positive integer n let an be the least positive integer multiple of 23 such that an ≡ 1
(mod 2n ). Find the number of positive integers n less than or equal to 1000 that satisfy an =
an+1 .

– These problems are copy-

right © Mathematical Association of America (

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Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School.

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