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Justin Howell

MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation

17 November 2020

Mozart, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, I

Music is a form of art universally appreciated and respected by the world because of

its power to inspire and move the masses. Throughout the worlds history musical eras have

come and gone but have not died in the past. The classical period of music that was alive

roughly 1750-1830 and was a landmark era in musical history; numerous famous works

created during this era continue to be enjoyed and played by listeners all over the world today.

One of the most widely recognized and actively played works from this era is Eine Kleine

Nachtmusik. Although the other three movements within this piece of work are masterpieces,

the first movement is much more significant due to its reflection and impact on society,

music, and culture of the classical period.

Following the transition from the Baroque Era to the Classical/ Romantic period,

society in South Central Europe began to experience an “Age of Enlightenment.” This birth of

new ideals and schools of thought caused a shift in culture, and in response, the music scene

evolved as well. Due to this newfound classicism that Europe developed for the arts, the idea

of music being something that can be written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes

became normalized. As a result, Composers in the classical period inevitably abandoned the

complex polyphonic musical textures popularized during the Baroque period and sought to

create works with clearer and lighter homophonic textures, which often included the use of

counterpoint and contrasting moods in it’s structure. In contrast to the dramatic and direct style

of baroque music, classical music emphasized balance and elegance.

Wolfgang Mozart was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant composers to ever live

and his musical talent shined in every masterpiece he brought to life. As a child Mozart was a
Justin Howell
MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation
17 November 2020

musical prodigy immersed in a musical environment due to his father being a musician

himself, so he spent his entire childhood playing and creating music. Before he reached the

age of five years old, he was creating and composing his own music, and by his early teenage

years he had already established himself as a musical genius with numerous works under his

belt. He became a big name in the music scene during his early thirties because by this time

he had composed masterpieces in numerous musical genres and was one of the only

composers to accomplish this. His versatility gained him recognition from music lovers in all

social classes, giving him a successful career.

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik was written by Wolfgang Mozart in 1787 but was not

published until years later due to Mozart being busy writing other works at the time. But

Thirty-one years after Mozart’s untimely death in 1791, his work comprised of four

movements and was published in 1822. It did not take very long for it to become widely

successful and highly regarded amongst the public because of its majestic sound. Its sonata-

allegro form provided great entertainment for listeners since it incorporated the use of

contrasting keys, which added a richness to the sound through variety. Higher class audiences

favored the first movement because the tonal structure of it was similar to other instrumental

works of the classical period in that its texture was homophonic, which was embraced by

aristocratic culture due to its simplicity being considered graceful and fashionable in taste.

Belonging to the category of chamber music, which comprised of the two subgenres

divertimento and serenade, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik I specifically falls into the genre of

serenade. Social gatherings held by wealthier classes were the primary reason the serenade genre

flourished in this time and since the elements of this genre combine symphony with chamber
Justin Howell
MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation
17 November 2020

music, it has an elegant sound that aristocratic culture was attracted to. People that listen to this

genre should expect to hear light and calming instrumentals. The title “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”

itself literally translates to “a little light music” in English. This piece also reflects Mozart’s

genius due to the fact it is undoubtedly one of the most popular serenade songs ever created.

The first movement of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik I is in sonata allegro form, so it consists

of three sections played in allegro. The three sections are the Exposition, development, and

the recapulation. The exposition opens the first movement by displaying the two themes of the

work. The initial theme is an ascending rocket theme that is played both aggressive and

swiftly by violin, followed by the second theme which is played in g major and is more

graceful and elegant. Theme one is designed to grab the attention of the audience with its

aggressive and fast paced style, while theme two satisfies their taste for an elegant or majestic

sound by introducing the second theme.

In a way this movement may relate to the culture that preferred the genre of serenade

music, because the second theme of the song is the sound that listeners were accustomed to

due to this genre mainly being played in fancy social gatherings. However, instead of

allowing this work to be played for the purposes of background music, Mozart forces listeners

to pay attention to the music being played by including the dramatic theme that the work

opens with. This subtle detail makes the listeners appreciate the entire act and give all their

attention and respect that it deserves.

Despite Mozarts career lasting only a few decades, his impact on music in his era and

the ones to follow are legendary. The classicism and classism of the classical period may have

greatly contributed to the success of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik I, but the genius in its
Justin Howell
MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation
17 November 2020

composition and structure are the reason it was so widely adored. As centuries have gone on

since its publishing, music has been everchanging and the way it is played has as well.

However even today Eine Kleine Nachtmusik I it still is the most recognized works created by

Mozart and one of the most recognizable works in the world. People of all classes and all

tastes can enjoy this masterpiece anywhere and any way they desire.
Justin Howell
MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation
17 November 2020


. “About MOZART's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.” Redlands Symphony, 2020,

Natalia Kuznetsova, Tidewater Community College. “Music Appreciation.” Lumen, 0AD,


Forney, Kristine, et al. “Expanding the Conversation: Mozart, Chamber Music, and Larger

Forms.” The Enjoyment of Music, edited by Chris Freitag, thirteenth edition ed., W.W

Norton & Company, 2018, pp. 181–185.

Justin Howell
MUSC-132-02- Music Appreciation
17 November 2020

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