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Foundation University
Dr. Miciano Road, Taclobo, Dumaguete City 6200

Worksheet For Midterms (Scholarly Write-Up)


Chariza Mae E. Cameon

Foundation University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Level II)

NUR103: Nursing Informatics

Noel Ryan P. Rubi RN, MSN

December 27, 2022

Foundation University
Dr. Miciano Road, Taclobo, Dumaguete City 6200

1. What is Nursing informatics solutions for emergency preparedness and response?

-It is evident that technology and informatics are playing a significant role in disaster relief and
humanitarian endeavors. To execute its application, technology is an essential instrument for
acquiring, assessing, and anticipating data trends that were previously unknown to mankind.
Informatics, which includes nursing informatics solutions, is the process of turning raw data into
information, knowledge, and wisdom. Enhancing biosurveillance efforts, developing
communications, and managing information during disasters all have been facilitated by fusing
technology and informatics applications with response operations (Weiner, E., & Slepski, L. A.
2012). For instance, informatics aided with the emergency response after Hurricane Katrina. To
help hurricane victims communicate with their doctors and access their own electronic
prescription drug information, KatrinaHealth, an online resource, was developed (Markle
Foundation, 2006). Collaboration between federal, state, and municipal authorities enabled the
construction of this data repository for a number of private firms, a national foundation, and
national medical professional groups.

2. List the steps in developing an emergency preparedness plan?

-To begin, think about your risk as a list of potential emergencies. Furthermore, form a team in
which every member of the family serves as a type of first responder. Additionally, make vital
information easily accessible. Update your alert and reaction procedure as well. Finally, see if
your strategies are working ("5 steps to emergency preparedness for any disaster," 2017).

3. What is technology in nursing informatics?

-Nursing technology is medical technology designed to help RNs, LPNs, and other nursing
professionals provide better care to patients. Nursing technology is a broad subject, with
examples ranging from small mobile devices to automated medication administration systems.
Any medical facility can be swiftly inspected to demonstrate how prevalent healthcare
technology has become ("10 best nursing technologies for improving patient care," 2021).A
computer is a device that processes text, manipulates data and signals, and does calculations by
Foundation University
Dr. Miciano Road, Taclobo, Dumaguete City 6200

using electronic components and instructions to the components (Nursing Informatics, 7th

4. How do you use informatics and technology in your nursing practice?

-Technology and informatics have greatly influenced me as a level II nursing student in
developing my abilities and becoming a competent nurse in the future. For instance, the internet
allows me to access a variety of nursing-related information and videos that assist me in better
understanding concepts. As a result, some of our courses, especially the challenging ones, are
simple to understand. Additionally, using technology to enhance my expertise can assist me in
spotting potential issues earlier. For instance, using electronic documentation makes it possible
to notice changes in patient status promptly because the information is available right instantly.
The data are evaluated, systematized, and organized, and the trending of patient vital signs is
constantly available. As a student nurse, this will enable me to apply my knowledge to properly
formulate an appropriate plan of action. Our lives as nursing students are made less stressful by
these innovative thinking.

5. What common technologies and or devices can you consider as useful in nursing?
-These includes: computers, telemedicine, telehealth, wearable technology, digital monitoring,
assistive devices, Electronic Health Records (EHR), point-of-care technology, electronic lift
systems and smart beds, automatic IV pumps, smartphones, training and education, and
scheduling applications (10 best nursing technologies for improving patient care, 2021).

6. What is the biggest issue for ehealth?

-System security: System security is the most significant concern because e-health services deal
with sensitive data, such as medical information. It is concerned with audits and access control
(Liu, F., Rijnboutt, E., Routsis, D., Venekamp, N., Fulgencio, H., Rezai, M., & van der Helm, A.
2013, October). The health care facility's information systems exchange a large amount of data.
Foundation University
Dr. Miciano Road, Taclobo, Dumaguete City 6200

Providing safe patient care requires the handling of sensitive and secret information, therefore
lowering risks and securely securing the data are equally crucial. However, the interoperability
of medical IT and equipment industry communication standards is insufficiently established, as
is management.Despite the fact that the FDA is in charge. There is a classification system for
medical equipment interface improvements are also feasible for the devices (Nursing
Informatics, 7th Edition).
Foundation University
Dr. Miciano Road, Taclobo, Dumaguete City 6200


Markle Foundation. (2006). Lessons from KatrinaHealth. Retrieved from org/handle/10207/bitstreams/15501.pdf

Weiner, E., & Slepski, L. A. (2012). The role of technology and informatics in disaster planning
and response. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 30, 149.

5 steps to emergency preparedness for any disaster. (2017, May 18).


10 best nursing technologies for improving patient care. (2021, February 27). Gale Healthcare

Liu, F., Rijnboutt, E., Routsis, D., Venekamp, N., Fulgencio, H., Rezai, M., & van der Helm, A.
(2013, October). What challenges have to be faced when using the cloud for e-health services?.
In 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services
(Healthcom 2013) (pp. 465-470). IEEE.

Virginia K. Saba, EdD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, & Kathleen A. McCormick, PhD, RN, FAAN,
FACMI, FHIMSS, (2021). Nursing Informatics, 7th Edition.

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