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Jean M. Williams, Editor

University of Arizona, Emeritus

Vikki Krane, Editor

Bowling Green State University

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ISBN 978-1-260-57556-9
MHID 1-260-57556-X

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We dedicate this eighth edition of Applied Sport offer some quotes from colleagues who paid tribute
Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance to to Ken after his passing: 
Ken Ravizza, who died July 9, 2018. Ken has been a
“. . . he received a Ph.D. in sport philosophy
contributor to the book since the first edition 35 years with an emphasis on existential philosophy/
ago with his chapter, “Increasing Awareness for phenomenology. . . This training may have had a
Sport Performance.” Ken was not only a pioneer profound effect on how Ken approached his sport
in the field of applied sport psychology, but also a psychology consulting. He wanted performers to
true giant who will be remembered as one of our be in the moment and focus on what they needed
greatest practitioners. He was a much sought-after to do.”
consultant, having worked with numerous inter- —Penny McCullagh 
collegiate athletic departments (e.g., Cal State
Fullerton, UCLA, Texas, Nebraska, Harvard), “His kindness, his wisdom, his sense of humor
Olympic teams (e.g., U.S. baseball, water polo, and his honesty were an amazing combination.
Ken was probably the original mindfulness prac-
softball, figure skating), and professional teams
titioner . . . the whole concept of BREATHE was
(e.g., Anaheim Angels, New York Jets, Chicago part of his daily orientation with athletes and
Cubs, Tampa Bay Rays). Ken’s expertise in moti- teams (BE HERE, BE PRESENT, FOLLOW
vation, managing stress, developing mental skills, YOUR BREATH).”
and team building also was requested by business —Gloria Balague 
groups, health care and school staffs, cancer pat-
ents, police officers, and physicians. Ken’s extensive “Ken was absolutely the best in our field at being
and successful consulting activities are particularly innovative with coaches and athletes. He could
remarkable considering that they occurred while give just enough without overstating the message.”
he maintained a 40-year career as a distinguished —Rich Gordon 
professor at Cal State Fullerton, where he taught
“Ken had a special gift of reaching out and con-
classes, mentored graduate students, and devel-
necting with people on a genuine, authentic, inter-
oped one of the best applied sport psychology pro- personal level . . . Ken intrinsically took interest
grams in the country. Not surprisingly, Ken was in you as a person and wanted to learn as much
also a dynamic, sought-after speaker. We fondly as he could about your unique journey/story.
remember his presentations at AASP conferences He was the most compassionate, warm, sincere,
where you knew you had to arrive early because, heartfelt caring person I have ever known. A great
when Ken presented, the audience would end up listener who understood the importance of context
“standing room only!”  in consulting, Ken was simply the best at bringing
What made Ken so special and such an out- out the best in others.”
standing professional? To answer that question, we —Dave Yukelson


Preface xiii 7 The Sport Team as an Effective Group 122

Contributors xx Mark Eys, Wilfrid Laurier University;
Shauna M. Burke, Western University;
1 Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future 1 Blair Evans, The Pennsylvania State University
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus;
Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State University; 8 Communicating Effectively 139
Mallory E. Mann, Pacific Lutheran University David P. Yukelson, The Pennsylvania State

2 Motor Skill Learning for Effective
Coaching and Performance 19 9 Psychological Characteristics of Peak
Cheryl A. Coker, Plymouth State University Performance 159
Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State University;
3 A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona;
and Performance Enhancement 40 Scott A. Graupensperger, The Pennsylvania
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington State University

4 The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and 10 Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance 176
Implications for Empowering Athletes and the Kenneth Ravizza, California State University
Promotion of the Quality of Sport Engagement 57 at Fullerton; Angela Fifer, Breakthrough
Joan L. Duda, The University of Birmingham, Performance Consulting; Eric Bean,
UK; Darren C. Treasure, University of Bath, UK Get a Strong Mind

5 The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When 11 Goal-Setting for Peak Performance 189
Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality 77 Daniel Gould, Michigan State University
Thelma S. Horn, Miami University; Jocelyn H.
Newton, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; 12 Understanding and Managing Stress
Curt L. Lox, University of North Florida in Sport 210
Lee Baldock, University of South Wales, UK;
6 Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Sheldon Hanton, Cardiff Metropolitan University,
Coach and Athlete Leadership 100 UK; Stephen D. Mellalieu, Cardiff Metropolitan
Julia S. Ammary, Lehigh University; University, UK; Jean M. Williams, University of
Jeff Janssen, Janssen Sports Leadership Center Arizona, Emeritus

Brief Contents  vii

13 Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool

Robin S. Vealey, Miami University; Samuel T. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Forlenza, Shippensburg University

14 Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence 20 When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping
and Enhancing Performance 278 Professionals 433
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, David Tod, Liverpool John Moores University,
Emeritus; Colleen M. Hacker, Pacific Lutheran England; Hayley E. McEwan, University of the
University West of Scotland, Scotland; Mark B. Andersen,
Halmstad University, Sweden
15 Concentration and Strategies for
Controlling It 314 21 Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures 451
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus; Mark H. Anshel, Middle Tennessee State
Jennifer Bhalla, Pacific University University, Emeritus; Jean M. Williams,
University of Arizona, Emeritus
16 Mindfulness in Sport 334
Joe Mannion, Pepperdine University 22 Athlete Burnout: An Individual and
Organizational Phenomenon 475
J. D. DeFreese, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill; Thomas D. Raedeke,
PART THREE—IMPLEMENTING East Carolina University; Alan L. Smith,
TRAINING PROGRAMS Michigan State University

23 Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological

17 Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Considerations 492
Skills Training Program 357
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus;
Robert S. Weinberg, Miami University; Jean M. Carrie B. Scherzer, Mount Royal University
Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus
24 Athletes’ Careers and Transitions 519
18 A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting
Natalia B. Stambulova, Halmstad University,
Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs 386
Frank L. Smoll, University of Washington;
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington 25 Exercise and Physical Activity Participation:
An Identity-Centered Approach 542
19 Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence 409
Diane E. Whaley, University of Virginia;
Diane L. Gill, PhD, University of North Carolina Duke Biber, University of West Georgia
at Greensboro; Cindra S. Kamphoff, PhD,
Minnesota State University, Mankato Index 563

Preface xiii Teaching Several Skills: Blocked versus

Contributors xx Random Practice 26
Teaching Several Variations of a Skill:
Variable Practice 29
1 Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future 1 Intervention Strategies 31
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Case Study 34
Emeritus; Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State
Situation #1 Sample Response 34
University; Mallory E. Mann, Pacific Lutheran
3 A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness
History of Sport Psychology 2
and Performance Enhancement 40
1965–1979: Birth of Sport Psychology and
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington
Supporting Organizations 4
The 1980s: Increased Research, Professional Operant Conditioning: The ABCs
Growth, and Acceptance 6 of Behavior Control 41
1990–2019: Progress in Research, Application, Positive and Aversive Approaches to Influencing
and Professional Issues 9 Behavior 42
Future Directions in North American Applied Aversive Punishment: The Pain of It All 43
Sport Psychology 11 Response Cost: This’ll Cost You 44
Positive Reinforcement: Getting Good Things
to Happen 45
Performance Feedback: Providing Information
PART ONE—LEARNING, Needed to Improve Performance 49
INTERACTION 4 The Motivational Climate, Motivation,
and Implications for Empowering Athletes
and the Promotion of the Quality of Sport
2 Motor Skill Learning for Effective
Engagement 57
Coaching and Performance 19
Joan L. Duda, The University of Birmingham,
Cheryl A. Coker, Plymouth State University
UK; Darren C. Treasure, University of Bath, UK
Motor Learning Defined 19
Achievement Goals: The Importance of How We
Phases of Motor Skill Learning 20 Judge Our Competence 59
The Cognitive Phase 20 Doing It for the Joy: The Determinants of Intrinsic
The Associative Phase 21 Motivation and Self-Determination 65
The Autonomous Phase 23 Pulling It Together: Toward More Empowering
Whole versus Part Practice 24 Sport Engagement 70

Contents  ix

5 The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory:

When Coaches’ Expectations Become PART TWO—MENTAL
Thelma S. Horn, Miami University; ENHANCEMENT
Jocelyn H. Newton, University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse; Curt L. Lox, 9 Psychological Characteristics of Peak
University of North Florida Performance 159
The Expectation–Performance Process 78 Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State University;
Sport Applications 86 Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona; Scott A.
Graupensperger, The Pennsylvania State University
6 Leadership in Sport: The Critical Overview of Peak Performance 160
Importance of Coach and Athlete Psychological Characteristics During Peak
Leadership 100 Experiences in Sport 160
Julia S. Ammary, Lehigh University; Flow and Clutch States 161
Jeff Janssen, Janssen Sports Leadership The Individualized Zone of Optimal
Center Functioning 162
Psychological Attributes and Skills of Successful
7 The Sport Team as an Effective and Less Successful Athletes 164
Group 122 A Profile of Mental Toughness 167
Mark Eys, Wilfrid Laurier University; Team, Coach, Family, and Organizational
Shauna M. Burke, Western University; Influences on Peak Performance 168
Blair Evans, The Pennsylvania State Conclusion: What It Takes to “Make It” 169
The Nature of Sport Groups 123 10 Increasing Awareness for Sport
Performance 176
Group Cohesion 123
Kenneth Ravizza, California State University at
Team Building 130
Fullerton; Angela Fifer, Breakthrough Performance
Consulting; Eric Bean, Get a Strong Mind
8 Communicating Effectively 139
The Importance of Awareness in Athletics 177
David P. Yukelson, The Pennsylvania
State University Awareness as It Relates to Skill Development 178
Techniques for Developing Awareness 183
Communication Defined 140
Communication in Sport 141
11 Goal-Setting for Peak Performance 189
Communication and Groups 143
Daniel Gould, Michigan State University
Goal-Setting Research and Theory 189
Examining Athletes’ and Coaches’ Uses of
Goal-Setting 192
x  Contents

Goal-Setting and Technology 193 14 Cognitive Techniques for Building

Goal-Setting Guidelines 195 Confidence and Enhancing Performance 278
A Goal-Setting System for Coaches 200 Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona,
Common Problems in Setting Goals 201 Emeritus; Colleen M. Hacker, Pacific Lutheran
12 Understanding and Managing Stress Key Definitions: Confidence, Mental Toughness,
in Sport 210 Optimism, Self-Efficacy 279
Lee Baldock, University of South Wales, Common Misconceptions about Confidence 281
UK; Sheldon Hanton, Cardiff Metropolitan Prerequisites for Gaining Confidence 282
University, UK; Stephen D. Mellalieu, Self-Talk 285
Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK; Identifying Self-Talk 291
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Techniques for Controlling Self-Talk 292
Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management in Sport 15 Concentration and Strategies for
Psychology 211 Controlling It 314
Causes of and Responses to Stress 211 Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona,
Measurement of Stress-Related Symptoms 214 Emeritus; Jennifer Bhalla, Pacific University
Explaining the Relationship of Stress
Foundations for Attention Control Training 315
to Performance 215
Increasing Awareness of Types of Attention 320
Implications for Stress Management
Interventions 220 External Factors: Strategies to Minimize External
Distractions 323
Internal Factors: Strategies to Stay
13 Using Imagery as a Mental Training Focused 325
Tool in Sport 244
Robin S. Vealey, Miami University;
Samuel T. Forlenza, Shippensburg 16 Mindfulness in Sport 334
University Joe Mannion, Pepperdine University

What Is Imagery? 244 Eastern Roots and Western Branches:

Mindfulness and Culture 336
Evidence that Imagery Works to Enhance
Athletes’ Performance 247 Mindfulness in Sport Psychology 337
How Does Imagery Enhance Athletes’ Research Support for Mindfulness
Performance? 250 Interventions 338
How Do You Set Up an Imagery Training Formal Mindfulness-Based Modalities
Program? 256 in Sport 339
Imagery Cookbook for Coaches Doing Mindfulness with Athletes 341
and Practitioners 260 Interpersonal Mindfulness 344
Case Studies 266 A Word of Caution 346
Contents  xi

19 Gender, Diversity, and Cultural

TRAINING PROGRAMS Diane L. Gill, PhD, University of North Carolina
at Greensboro; Cindra S. Kamphoff, PhD,
17 Integrating and Implementing a Minnesota State University, Mankato
Psychological Skills Training Program 357 Overview and Framework 409
Robert S. Weinberg, Miami University; Jean M. The Cultural Context of Sport 411
Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus Gender and Sexuality 415
Are Psychological Interventions Effective in Race and Ethnicity 417
Improving Sport Performance? 358 Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Sport
Who Will Benefit from Psychological Skills Psychology 420
Training? 359
Who Should Conduct the Psychological Skills
Training Program? 360 PART FOUR—ENHANCING
Components of Successful SPC Relationships and HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Programs 361
When Should You Implement a Psychological
Skills Training Program? 362 20 When to Refer Athletes to Other
When Should Athletes Practice Psychological Helping Professionals 433
Skills? 363 David Tod, Liverpool John Moores University,
How Much Time Should Be Spent in Mental England; Hayley E. McEwan, University of the
Training? 363 West of Scotland, Scotland; Mark B. Andersen,
Setting Up a Mental Skills Training Program 364 Halmstad University, Sweden
Determining What Skills to Include 370 The False Dichotomy of Performance
Evaluation of Program Effectiveness 372 Enhancement Versus Problematic
Practical Pointers for Teaching Mental Skills 373 Personal Issues 434
Ethical Considerations for the Sport Psychology How to Start the Referral Process 436
Consultant 378 When Referrals Don’t Go Smoothly 438
Potential Problem Areas 379 Some Specific Athlete-Related Issues 439
Professional Development Tasks for Sport
Psychology Consultants and Students 444
18 A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting
Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs 386
Frank L. Smoll, University of Washington; 21 Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures 451
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington Mark H. Anshel, Middle Tennessee State
University, Emeritus; Jean M. Williams,
Developing Coach-Training Programs 387
University of Arizona, Emeritus
Implementing Sport Psychology Workshops
for Coaches 395 Rationale for an Antidoping Policy in Sport 452
A Final Word 401 Review of Substances/Methods Banned in Sport 452
xii  Contents

How Widespread Is Doping in Sport? 457 Athletes’ Reactions to Injury 498

Likely Causes of Doping in Sport 460 Teaching Specific Psychological Rehabilitation
Strategies for Controlling Doping 462 Strategies 507

22 Athlete Burnout: An Individual and 24 Athletes’ Careers and Transitions 519

Organizational Phenomenon 475 Natalia B. Stambulova, Halmstad University,
J. D. DeFreese, University of North Carolina Sweden
at Chapel Hill; Thomas D. Raedeke, Evolution and Current Structure of Athlete Career
East Carolina University; Alan L. Smith, Approaches in Sport Psychology 520
Michigan State University Career Development Frameworks
and Research 523
What Is Athlete Burnout? 475
Career Transition Frameworks and Research
How Prevalent Is Athlete Burnout? 476
Summary 527
Why Does Burnout Occur? A Review of
Insights from Cultural Praxis 531
Theoretically Informed Burnout Antecedents 477
Career Assistance Professional Philosophy and
Integrating the Burnout Knowledge Base: How the
Interventions 532
Individual and Organization Fit 481
Preventing Athlete Burnout: Individual and
Organizational Intervention Strategies 481 25 Exercise and Physical Activity
Participation: An Identity-Centered
Approach 542
23 Injury Risk and Rehabilitation:
Diane E. Whaley, University of Virginia;
Psychological Considerations 492
Duke Biber, University of West Georgia
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona,
Emeritus; Carrie B. Scherzer, Mount Royal Psychological Benefits of Physical Activity 542
University The Case for an Identity-Centered Approach 546
Case Studies: Applying Theory to Practice 551
Factors That Predispose Athletes to Injury 492
Interventions to Reduce Injury Vulnerability 497 Index 563

Coaches and athletes have turned to applied sport New to This Edition
psychology to gain a competitive edge—to learn,
among other things, ways to manage competitive The same important topics, focus, and organiza-
stress, control concentration, improve confidence, tional structure have been retained for this eighth
increase communication skills, and promote team edition, but the revision reflects the latest research,
harmony. practice, and anecdotal examples in applied sport
The first edition of Applied Sport Psychology: psychology. In this edition, we have added a new
Personal Growth to Peak Performance, which was chapter on mindfulness. We also have taken new
published in 1986, was one of the first books writ- approaches to several of the topics. The coverage
ten specifically to introduce coaches and sport of building confidence and controlling concentra-
psychology consultants to psychological theories tion has been updated and extended. The chapter
and techniques that could be used to enhance on doping, previously referred to as drug abuse,
the performance and personal growth of sport integrates new conceptualizations on this topic. The
participants from youth sport to elite levels. The chapter on athletes’ career transitions reflects more
book focused primarily on three dimensions: contemporary theoretical approaches to under-
(a) techniques for developing and refining psycho- standing shifts in athletes’ focus and experiences
logical skills to enhance performance and personal during sport careers, as well as strategies to assist
growth; (b) suggestions for establishing a learning athletes going through transition periods. A new
and social environment that would enhance the approach also has been taken in the coverage of
effectiveness of coaches and maximize the skill exercise psychology, reflecting an identity approach
and personal growth of athletes; and (c) special to understanding exercise behaviors.
issues such as staleness and burnout, psychology All of the chapters have updated reference lists
of injury and injury rehabilitation, and retirement and integrate the most recent research into the dis-
from athletics. cussion of each topic. Also, throughout all of the
Later editions had the same focus but were chapters, new exercises and case studies have been
expanded to cover more topics and to add a phys- added to help students think more critically about
ical activity focus. New chapters were added on applied sport psychology and to apply the content
motivation, training youth sport coaches, improving to real-world situations. Current examples have
communication, referring athletes for professional been added to all chapters, as well as additional dis-
counseling, drug abuse in sport, cultural compe- cussion of practical applications reflecting today’s
tence, and exercise psychology. The last chapter coaches and athletes.
reflected the growing importance to applied sport Connect provides additional resources for in­
psychology of understanding the psychological ben- structors and has been updated coinciding with the
efits and risks of exercise and the psychological and eighth edition of the book. Visit Connect to find helpful
behavioral principles for enhancing exercise adop- materials such as a test bank of questions, PowerPoint
tion and adherence. presentations, student learning experiences. The

xiv  Preface

student learning experiences can assist instructors graduate course, the instructor may want to sup-
in bringing the content to life and applying it to real- plement it with readings from the research stud-
life situations. ies cited by the contributors.

Written Specifically for Sport Comprehensive Coverage of Topics

Psychologists and Coaches
No other text in applied sport psychology encom-
Approximately 400 books have been published on passes the comprehensive approach taken here. The
mental skills for peak performance, but most of first chapter discusses the past, present, and future
these books continue to be written primarily for the of sport psychology. The remainder of the book is
sport participant. Their coverage is not comprehen- divided into four parts.
sive enough for the sport psychology consultant or Part One covers learning, feedback, motiva-
coach who needs to understand the rationale behind tion, leadership, and social interactions that result
the psychological constructs and must know how in group cohesion and the development of effective
to make application across a wide variety of situa- groups and communication. For clarity and sim-
tions and sport participants. Books written for sport plicity, some of these chapters have been written in
psychology consultants and coaches are typically the vernacular of the coach. These chapters are not
general textbooks that attempt to cover the entire only useful for coaches, however. Sport psychology
field of sport psychology. Thus, their coverage of consultants frequently find it necessary to work with
applied issues—and particularly psychological inter- coaches in areas such as improving communication
ventions for enhancing sport performance, personal skills, building team rapport, and fostering more
growth, and exercise participation—is superficial effective leadership behaviors. Also, the same prin-
compared to the in-depth coverage this text pro- ciples of learning, motivation, and social interaction
vides. Other applied textbooks do not have the that help to increase a coach’s effectiveness apply
comprehensive coverage of this book, the expertise to the sport psychology consultant teaching mental
of the diverse contributors, or as clear a presenta- skills and interacting with athletes. Accordingly,
tion of the theories and research that provide the the knowledge and insight gained from reading the
foundation for application. chapters in Part Two are as appropriate for current
and prospective sport psychology consultants as
Based on the Latest Research they are for coaches.
and Practice Part Two of the book discusses mental train-
ing for enhancing performance. This section begins
The knowledge and experiential base in applied with a chapter on the psychological characteristics
sport psychology, particularly for science-based of peak performance; other chapters discuss identi-
interventions, has greatly expanded since the ini- fying ideal performance states, setting and achieving
tial publication of this book. Each new edition goals, managing stress and energy levels, training
has reflected the latest research and cutting-edge in imagery, identifying optimal concentration and
practice in applied sport psychology. Although learning how to control it, building confidence, and
the primary focus of the eighth edition contin- teaching mindfulness. Part Three deals with imple-
ues to be on application, each chapter provides menting training programs. The first chapter pro-
theoretical and research foundations when appro- vides suggestions for integrating and implementing
priate. When using the book as a textbook for a a psychological skills training program. The second
Preface  xv

chapter provides guidance on how to conduct sport Integrated Organization and

psychology training programs with coaches. The
Writing Style
final chapter provides guidance and suggestions for
achieving cultural competence. The book has the major advantage of drawing on
Part Four focuses on enhancing health and the diverse expertise and perspectives of 44 con-
wellness. It contains chapters that address when tributors, but it avoids the common disadvantage
sport competitors should be referred to other help- of disparate coverage and diverse writing styles
ing professionals, causes and interventions for frequently found in edited textbooks. The content
doping in sport, the occurrence and prevention of and sequencing of chapters have been carefully
burnout, injury risk and rehabilitation, transitions coordinated to ensure comprehensive coverage
in sport careers, and the psychological benefits of and progressive development of concepts while
exercise, as well as interventions to increase exer- eliminating undesirable overlap and inconsis-
cise adoption and adherence. No sport psychology tency in terminology. Writing focus, styles, and
book has dealt with all of these issues, even though organization have been standardized as much as
they are crucial to sport performance, personal possible. In addition, many of the chapters in this
development, and the enhancement of sport and edition have been rewritten for even greater clarity
exercise participation and benefits. and succinctness. Each chapter cites appropriate
The appropriateness of these chapters for research and theory, applies this work to the world
certain courses will depend on the students’ back- of sport and/or exercise, and provides examples
grounds and interests. The book was planned to and intervention exercises whenever appropriate.
provide complete coverage of psychological theo- Each chapter also begins with an introduction that
ries, techniques, and issues relevant to enhancing highlights the content of the chapter and ends with
personal growth, sport performance, and exercise a conclusion or summary of the major psycholog-
participation. Instructors may select those chap- ical constructs and skills and study questions for
ters that are appropriate for their courses. For students.
example, Chapters 2 and 3 concern motor skills
learning and principles of reinforcement and feed-
back; this material might be redundant if students Application Examples and
already have a thorough background in motor Teaching Resources
learning. Chapter 23, on sport transitions, may
interest only individuals who work with athletes The numerous examples given throughout the book
facing transition. greatly facilitate the translation of psychological
theory and constructs into everyday practice. Many
of the examples involve well-known professional
Written by Leading Experts in and amateur sportspeople. The examples cut across
Sport Psychology a wide variety of sports and provide important anec-
dotal evidence that can be used to motivate individ-
The contributors to this volume are leading scholars uals to develop psychological and behavioral skills
and practitioners in sport and exercise psychology. for their sport and exercise participation. These
They work with physically active people from youth real-life examples are frequently supplemented with
sport to Olympic and professional levels, and many hypothetical examples, exercises, and case studies
have illustrious backgrounds as elite athletes or created by the contributors to clarify appropriate
coaches. applications.
xvi  Preface

To further provide an optimal learning environ- climate of a sport program. The benefits that can be
ment for students, instructors can visit Connect for derived from this text will arise not just in sport per-
more resources. SmartBook® 2.0, chapter lecture formance but in overall performance outside of sport
PowerPoints, an objective test bank, and student and, perhaps most important, in general personal
learning experiences are available. growth and increased physical and mental health.

Applied Sport Psychology Provides Acknowledgments

Many Benefits
We thank Mallory Mann and Alan Kornspan for
The rewards are many for those who choose to ded- their help in updating the supplemental materials.
icate themselves to the pursuit of excellence and We also are indebted to the fine editorial staff at
personal growth through use of the theories and McGraw-Hill, most particularly we thank Erika Lo,
techniques of applied sport and exercise psychology. our product developer, for her efficiency and thor-
Coaches and sport participants acknowledge the oughness during the development of this edition.
importance of mental factors in sport development Finally, we would like to thank Katie Roman, our
and performance, yet the time individuals actually development editor, Rajendra Singh Bisht, our proj-
spend practicing mental skills belies this view. In pub- ect manager, and Lisa McCoy, our freelance copy-
lishing this book, we have made a serious effort to editor, for their attention to detail and guidance
help abolish that inconsistency by supplying not only during the production process.
the necessary knowledge to improve performance
but also the knowledge to improve the psychological Jean M. Williams & Vikki Krane
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Jean M. Williams is a professor emeritus at the Mark B. Andersen is a registered clinical psychologist
University of Arizona. She taught courses in stress in Australia and an adjunct professor at Halmstad
and coping and psychology of excellence. She con- University in Sweden. He has published nine books,
sulted with intercollegiate athletes and coaches and more than 180 journal articles and book chapters, and
with top amateur and professional athletes. Earlier has made over 100 national and international confer-
in her career she coached nationally ranked fencing ence presentations, including 18 invited keynotes on
teams. Williams has published nine books (seven four different continents. Besides his psychodynamic
are edited texts) and more than 100 research arti- and Buddhist/mindfulness approaches in his clinical
cles and book chapters. She is a past president, work with private clients, he also supervises psycholo-
fellow, and certified consultant in the Association gists in eight different countries around the world (via
of Applied Sport Psychology and a fellow in the Skype). He lives in Hobart, Tasmania.
National Academy of Kinesiology.
Mark H. Anshel is a professor in the Department
Vikki Krane is a professor of teaching excellence of Health and Human Performance, with a joint
in the School of Human Movement, Sport, and appointment in the Department of Psychology
Leisure Studies at Bowling Green State University. at Middle Tennessee State University. His aca-
Krane’s scholarship focuses on gender and sex- demic degrees include a BS in physical education
uality in sport. She has published over 100 book (Illinois State University) and an MA (McGill
chapters and journal articles and is editor of the University) and PhD (Florida State University) in
book Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Sport: Queer motor behavior/sport psychology. He is the author
Inquiries. Krane has been the editor of The Sport of Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice (5th
Psychologist and the Women in Sport and Physical ed.), Applied Exercise Psychology, and Concepts in
Activity Journal. Krane has consulted with a variety Fitness: A Balanced Approach to Good Health. He
of athletes, including at the high school, rising elite has authored numerous book chapters and articles
adolescent, and college levels. in scientific journals. Anshel is a fellow with the
American Psychological Association (Div. 47).
Julia D. S. Ammary is the director of athletics lead-
ership development at Lehigh University where she Lee Baldock is a doctoral student and lecturer
is responsible for the oversight and facilitation of in the School of Health, Sport and Professional
comprehensive leadership development efforts for Practice at the University of South Wales, the
student-athletes and coaches and participates in the United Kingdom. His primary research interests lie
review, evaluation, and development of Lehigh’s 25 in exploring the stress and well-being of key stake-
Division I sports programs. Ammary played softball holders operating in sport organizations, with his
at Lehigh before earning her master’s degree in inter- PhD examining the stress and well-being of elite
collegiate athletics leadership from the University football (soccer) coaches. He is also a neophyte
of Washington. She joined the Janssen Sports practitioner (sport psychology) who has provided a
Leadership Center as an associate and conducts range of consultancy services to athletes, coaches,
leadership development seminars with student-ath- and national governing bodies from different sports
letes at high schools and colleges across the country. at the elite and nonelite level.

Contributors  xxi

Duke Biber is an assistant professor in Health and burnout, depression, anxiety, well-being) with athlete
Community Wellness in the College of Education, at social functioning (e.g., social support, negative social
the University of West Georgia. He is the research experiences) and physical functioning. DeFreese is the
coordinator for the Wolf Wellness Lab at the programs and services director for UNC’s Center for
University of West Georgia and teaches exercise the Study of Retired Athletes and program manager
psychology, mental and emotional wellness, and for the UNC’s Brain & Body Health and Milestone
research methods in health psychology. His research Wellness Programs, that provides comprehensive
examines the impact of emotional regulation (e.g., assessments to former NFL players completed in
self-compassion and mindfulness training) on col- collaboration with the NFLPA Players’ Association
lege student physical activity adherence. Burke has Trust services department and UNC hospitals.
also served as a mental skills consultant for Emory
University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Joan L. Duda is a professor of sport and exercise
Southern University, and Georgia State University. psychology in at The University of Birmingham, the
United Kingdom. She is president of the European
Shauna M. Burke is an associate professor in the College of Sport Sciences, past president of the
School of Health Studies at Western University. Her AASP, and has been a member of the executive
primary specialization is the psychology of health boards of several other professional organizations
and physical activity, with a focus on child obesity in the field. Duda has published over 300 papers
and family health. In addition to over 100 presen- and book chapters on motivational processes and
tations, workshops, and invited lectures at national the psychological and emotional dimensions of
and international scientific conferences, Burke has sport, exercise, and dance. As a mental skills con-
published several research articles and book chap- sultant, Duda has worked with athletes, coaches,
ters in the areas of group dynamics, childhood obe- and parents from the grassroots to the Olympic
sity, and physical activity, and has also co-authored and professional levels as well as performing art-
a textbook entitled Core Concepts in Health, now in ists. For her contributions to the field, she received
its third Canadian edition. an honorary doctorate degree from the Norwegian
School of Sport Sciences and is a recipient of the
Cheryl Coker is a professor in the Doctor of Physical Distinguished Scholar Award from NASPSPA.
Therapy Program at Plymouth State University.
She is a motor learning specialist who draws from M. Blair Evans is an assistant professor in the
her experiences an athlete, coach, and movement Department of Kinesiology at Pennsylvania
educator to assist practitioners in putting theory State University. He completed his doctoral stud-
into practice. She has given over 100 presentations ies at Wilfrid Laurier University, followed by a
throughout the United States and internationally post-doctoral fellowship at Queen’s University
on coaching and motor behavior, has contributed (Canada). Evan’s teaching and research interests
to numerous scholarly and practitioner journals, share an assumption that small groups—collectives
and is the author of the textbook Motor Learning like sport teams and exercise groups—are a vital
and Control for Practitioners, which has been well context for promoting physical activity while also
received for its applications-based approach. being a place for social participation in the com-
munity. Along with colleagues and students in the
J. D. DeFreese is a clinical assistant professor in Penn State Team lab, he leverages theories pertain-
the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at ing to group dynamics to target social issues rang-
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ing from promoting youth well-being to enhancing
His research examines associations among current sport experiences for individuals with physical
and former athlete psychological functioning (e.g., disabilities.
xxii  Contributors

Mark Eys is the Canada Research Chair in Group and she has presented over 100 scholarly papers
Dynamics and Physical Activity and a professor at at national and international conferences. She is
Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada) in the depart- former editor of the Journal of Sport and Exercise
ments of Kinesiology/Physical Education and Psychology and former president of APA Division
Psychology. His research focus is group dynam- 47, the North American Society for the Psychology
ics in sport and exercise, with specific interests in of Sport and Physical Activity, and the Research
cohesion and individual roles within a group envi- Consortium of AAHPERD (now SHAPE).
ronment. Eys is an Early Researcher Award recip-
ient from the Ministry of Research and Innovation Daniel Gould is the director of the Institute for the
(Province of Ontario). He is also a former intercol- Study of Youth Sports and a professor at Michigan
legiate basketball player and has coached soccer at State University. His research focuses on competi-
club and university levels. tive stress and coping, positive youth development
through sport, and the effectiveness of psychologi-
Angela Fifer is a performance enhancement trainer cal skills training interventions. He is also involved
at the United States Military Academy at West in coaching education and children’s sports. Gould
Point, where she provides performance excellence has been a consultant to elite international athletes
training to numerous varsity and club teams and in a wide variety of sports. Formerly a wrestler and
individuals. Fifer completed her PhD in kinesiol- football and baseball player, he remains an avid fit-
ogy at Michigan State University. Her research ness enthusiast. Gould was the founding co-editor
has focused on recreational female marathoners of The Sport Psychologist. He served as president
and how they find life meaning through running. of the AASP and held leadership positions with
She won the 2009 AASP Distinguished Student numerous organizations such as U.S.A. Wrestling
Practitioner Award. Angie is an avid marathoner and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee.
and recent Ironman finisher.
Scott Graupensperger is a doctoral student in kine-
Samuel T. Forlenza is an associate professor of exer- siology at The Pennsylvania State University, where
cise science at Shippensburg University. He teaches he studies the impact of group and peer influences
courses in sport and exercise psychology, research in sport and exercise settings. Graupensperger’s
design and statistics, stress management, and first- research entails understanding how teammates and
year seminars. Forlenza’s research interests primarily the team environment may influence student-ath-
center around the application of imagery for sport letes’ decisions to engage in health-risk behavior
and exercise performance. He also is interested (e.g., alcohol misuse) with a particular focus on the
in students’ perceptions of older adults and their role of social identity on adherence to group norms.
interest in serving the older adult population in the He is currently supported by a National Research
future. When Sam is not teaching and conducting Service Award (F31) from the National Institute of
research, he enjoys cooking, exercising, and reading. Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse.

Diane L. Gill is a professor in the Department of Colleen M. Hacker is a professor in the Department
Kinesiology at the University of North Carolina at of Kinesiology at Pacific Lutheran University. She is
Greensboro. Her research emphasizes social psy- a fellow in the National Academies of Practice, is a
chology, with a focus on physical activity and psycho- CMPC, and is listed on the USOC Sport Psychology
logical well-being. Her publications include the text, and Mental Skills Registry. She served on the coach-
Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise (now ing staff in six Olympic Games. Hacker also serves as
in its fourth edition), and over 100 journal articles, the mental skills coach to professional, international,
Contributors  xxiii

and Olympic athletes in a variety of sports, including authored The Team Captain’s Leadership Manual,
MLB, the NFL, PGA, LPGA, MLS, and NWSL. Championship Team Building, How to Develop
She received the Distinguished Professional Practice Relentless Competitors, The Commitment Continuum
Award from AASP; the Presidential Citation from System, and The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches.
APA; and has delivered over 200 professional pre-
sentations, published more than 40 articles, book Cindra S. Kamphoff, is the director of The Center of
chapters and co-authored a book. Sport and Performance Psychology and a professor
in sport and performance psychology at Minnesota
Sheldon Hanton is pro vice-chancellor for research State University. Her research focuses on the psy-
and innovation at Cardiff Metropolitan University, chology of running and marathoning, and gender
the United Kingdom, and a professor of sport and cultural diversity in sport and physical activity.
psychology.  He is the editor-in-chief of The Sport She received the 2006 NASPE Sport and Exercise
Psychologist international journal. Hanton is a char- Psychology Academy Dissertation Award. She is
tered psychologist with the British Psychological an active member of SHAPE and AASP, and reg-
Society and Practitioner with the Health and Care ularly works as a consultant teaching mental skills
Professions Council. His research interests focus on to athletes. Kamphoff authored the bestselling book
competition and organizational stress, positive orga- Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High
nizational psychology, mental toughness, reflective Performance Edge. She also is a Certified Mental
practice, and injury psychology, amassing in excess Performance Consultant through AASP.
of 250 journal articles, edited texts, book chapters,
and conference communications. Curt L. Lox is dean of the Brooks College of
Health at the University of North Florida. Lox has
Thelma Sternberg Horn is a professor in the coached at the youth and high school levels and
Department of Kinesiology and Health at Miami has worked as a sport psychology consultant for
University (Ohio). Her research interests are players and coaches at the interscholastic, inter-
focused on the social psychological factors that collegiate, national, and professional levels. His
influence the psychosocial development of chil- research interests center around the psychologi-
dren, adolescents, and young adults in sport and cal impact of exercise for special populations. He
physical activity settings. Horn is a former editor of completed his master’s degree at Miami University
the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and the (Ohio) and doctoral degree at the University of
fourth edition of her edited text, Advances in Sport Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Lox is co-author of
Psychology, was published in 2019. She has coached The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and
at both interscholastic and intercollegiate levels and Practice which is currently in its fifth edition.
teaches courses that focus on children and youth in
sport and coaching behavior and practices. Joe Mannion earned his doctorate in clinical psychol-
ogy at Pepperdine University, where he developed a
Jeff Janssen is one of the world’s top experts on sport-based mindfulness program for his dissertation.
sports leadership and president of the Janssen Sports He completed his predoctoral internship at Wake
Leadership Center. Mr. Janssen’s pioneering work Forest University and two 1-year externships in neu-
on sports leadership has led to the creation of com- ropsychology at the Sports Concussion Institute
prehensive and cutting-edge leadership academies and Long Beach VA Hospital. Mannion earned his
for student-athletes and coaches at North Carolina, Master of Science degree in sport psychology at
Michigan, Illinois, Arkansas, LSU, NC State, Georgia Southern University and completed a year
Colorado, and many other schools. He also has of extended graduate studies at Victoria University
xxiv  Contributors

in Melbourne, Australia. He has been an adjunct at Rugby Science Network. Mellalieu is also a char-
two universities and is a regular participant in Team tered psychologist with the British Psychological
Denmark and Team Switzerland’s private “mind- Society and a practitioner with the Health and Care
fulness and acceptance approaches in elite sport” Professions Council, with consultancy experience
summit. Mannion collaborates with athletes, entre- in a number of Olympic and professional sports.
preneurs, and other performers in a private consult-
ing practice and enjoys connecting through social Jocelyn Horn Newton is an associate professor in
media (e.g., LinkedIn, ResearchGate). the Department of Psychology at the University of
Wisconsin La Crosse where she primarily teaches
Mallory E. Mann is an assistant professor in the graduate classes in school psychology. Newton is
Department of Kinesiology at Pacific Lutheran an associate editor for the journal Psychology in
University. Her scholarly interests include coaching the Schools. Her research interests center around
effectiveness and cultural sport psychology. Mann the study of parent and teacher behaviors that
is a certified consultant through the Association for affect the preschool child. Newton completed a BA
Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). She has experi- at the College of Wooster, an MA, and a PhD in
ence consulting with youth and college athletes in mul- school psychology at Ball State University. She is
tiple sports. Before attaining her current position as a nationally certified school psychologist and has
a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology, experience in psychoeducational assessment and
she coached college basketball and has over 15 years consultation in elementary and preschool settings.
of coaching experience at the youth level.
Thomas Raedeke is a professor in kinesiology at East
Hayley McEwan teaches in the School of Health and Carolina University. Given his interest in motivation,
Life Sciences, University of the West of Scotland stress, and well-being, one of his research specialties
(UWS), Lanarkshire, Scotland. She received her focuses on burnout. Currently, he is an associate
doctorate from UWS in 2016. Her research interests editor for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
include the training and supervision of practitioners and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied
and the development of professional judgement and Sport Psychology and Sport, Exercise, and Performance
decision-making expertise in sport practitioners. Psychology. Raedeke is a certified consultant through
Since 2009, Hayley has worked as a sport psychol- the Association of Applied Sport Psychology, has
ogy practitioner with athletes and coaches. She was served as chair for the Sport and Exercise Psychology
a Great Britain age-group triathlete and continues Academy, and was a recipient of the University of
to compete in sprint distance triathlon. North Carolina Board of Governors Award for
Excellence in Teaching. Prior to university employ-
Stephen D. Mellalieu is a professor in sport psy- ment, he was a research assistant at the American
chology in the Cardiff School of Sport and Health Coaching Effectiveness Program/Human Kinetics
Sciences at Cardiff Metropolitan University, the and the United States Olympic Training Center.
United Kingdom. He has published over 100
research papers and co-edited several texts within Kenneth Ravizza now deceased, was professor emer-
the applied sport psychology field. His research itus at California State University at Fullerton. His
interests lie in stress, well-being and performance, research examined the nature of peak performance in
psychological skills training, and the organizational a variety of domains. Ravizza was posthumously con-
environment of elite sport. He is the current editor ferred as a Certified Mental Performance Consultant
of the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, a former (CMPC) Emeritus through AASP. He developed and
editorial board member of The Sport Psychologist, implemented performance-enhancement programs
and co-founder and network editor of the World for business groups, health care and school staffs,
Contributors  xxv

cancer patients, police officers, and physicians. He personality, stress and coping, and sport psychology
worked with his university’s baseball, softball, and research and interventions. Smith has directed per-
gymnastics teams; with Olympic athletes such as U.S. formance enhancement programs for several pro-
baseball, water polo, softball, and figure skaters; and fessional baseball organizations, and his research
with professional teams such as the Anaheim Angels team has developed widely used sport psychol-
and New York Jets. He also consulted with numerous ogy measurement tools, including the Coaching
athletic departments in the area of coaching effective- Behavior Assessment System, the Sport Anxiety
ness (UCLA, Texas, LSU, Harvard). Scale-2, the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28, the
Motivational Climate Scale for Youth Sports, and
Carrie B. Scherzer is an assistant professor of psy- the Achievement Goal Scale for Youth Sports.
chology at Mount Royal University in Calgary,
Alberta. She completed her doctorate at the Frank L. Smoll is a professor of psychology at the
University of Arizona in clinical psychology, with University of Washington. His research focuses on
an emphasis in sport psychology. Scherzer received coaching behaviors in youth sports and on the psy-
her BA in psychology (Honours) from Concordia chological effects of competition on children and
University and her MS in athletic counseling at adolescents. He has published more than 145 scien-
Springfield College. Her research interests include tific articles and book chapters, and he is co-author
rehabilitation from injury, eating disorders, and pro- of 22 books and manuals on children’s athletics.
fessional training and development. She is a Certified Professor Smoll is a fellow of the APA, AAKPE,
Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC)  and for- and AASP. In 2002, he was the recipient of AASP’s
merly chaired the certification review committee of Distinguished Professional Practice Award. Smoll
AASP. She currently serves on the editorial board for has extensive experience in conducting psycholog-
the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. She has done ically oriented coaching clinics and workshops for
performance enhancement, injury rehabilitation, and parents of young athletes.
academic counseling with intercollegiate athletes.
Natalia B. Stambulova is a professor in sport and
Alan L. Smith is a professor and chair in the exercise psychology at the School of Health and
Department of Kinesiology at Michigan State Welfare at Halmstad University, Sweden, and a
University. His research addresses the link of sport visiting professor at the School of Sports Science
and physical activity involvement with young peo- and Clinical Biomechanics at Southern Denmark
ple’s psychological and social functioning. This University, Denmark. Her research and about
work includes issues surrounding peer relationships, 200 publications are about athletes’ career/tal-
motivational processes, and athlete burnout. Smith ent development, transitions, and evidence-based
has served as associate editor of the Journal of Sport strategies for career assistance. She is a fellow
& Exercise Psychology and on the editorial boards and a winner of the Distinguished International
of Child Development, International Journal of Sport Scholar Award of the Association of Applied Sport
Psychology, and Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. Psychology (2004), a fellow and former vice-pres-
He is president of the North American Society for ident (2009–2017) of the International Society of
the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity and Sport Psychology, and a member of several editorial
is a fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology. boards.

Ronald E. Smith is a professor of psychology at the David Tod teaches in the Department of Psychology,
University of Washington. He is a co-founder and Aberystwyth University, the United Kingdom. He
past president of the Association of Applied Sport received his doctorate from Victoria University in
Psychology. His major research interests are in 2006. His research interests include the training and
xxvi  Contributors

supervision of practitioners, applied sport psychol- Robert S. Weinberg is a professor in the Department
ogy service delivery, and the relationship between of Kinesiology and Health at Miami University
body image and health, particularly around percep- (Ohio). He has published over 140 journal arti-
tions of muscularity. Since 1993, Tod has provided cles as well as 8 books and 30 book chapters. He
applied sport psychology services to a range of ath- was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Applied Sport
letes from juniors to Olympians across a variety of Psychology and served as president of AASP and
sports. He competed in rugby union, powerlifting, NASPSPA and chair of the AAHPERD Sport
and ballroom dance. Psychology Academy. He is a certified consul-
tant of AASP and a member of the U.S. Olympic
Darren Treasure is a high-performance sport con- Committee’s Sport Psychology Registry. He has
sultant who provides mental performance support worked extensively with young athletes, developing
to Olympic and world champion athletes and their psychological skills. He has been a varsity ath-
teams who have competed and won at the highest lete and coach in tennis, football, and basketball.
level of sport. He has worked with Nike’s Oregon
Project since 2007 and has had the opportunity Diane E. Whaley is a professor in educational
to work with some of the world’s finest distance psychology/applied developmental science in the
runners. Darren currently works with a select num- School of Education and Human Development,
ber of NFL and NBA players, the University of University of Virginia. Her research explores how
Oregon, and consults on various Nike innovation socioemotional factors (particularly identity and
and sports marketing projects. In addition to his self) influence exercise participation across the life
practical experience, Darren was a tenured profes- span and how individual differences (e.g., age, gen-
sor at Arizona State University, where his research der, race) affect those decisions. She works exten-
focused on motivation and elite-level sport perfor- sively in her local community to develop effective
mance. He recently accepted an honorary profes- strategies to encourage healthy eating and physi-
sor position at the University of Bath in the United cal activity. Whaley is past editor of the Journal of
Kingdom, where he will continue his research Aging and Physical Activity and served on the edito-
focused on understanding and optimizing human rial boards of JASP and TSP, as well as the executive
performance. board of AASP.

Robin S. Vealey is a professor in the Department David Yukelson is director of sport psychology
of Kinesiology and Health at Miami University services for the Penn State University Athletic
(Ohio). She has authored three books (Coaching Department. He provides counseling and support
for the Inner Edge, Best Practice in Youth Sport, and to coaches and athletes in the areas of mental train-
Competitive Anxiety in Sport) and also publishes ing techniques for managing concentration and
in the areas of self-confidence, coaching effective- confidence under pressure, leadership effectiveness,
ness, and mental skills training. She is a Certified communication and team cohesion, coping skill
Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) and strategies for handling multiple demands and stress
has consulted with athletes and teams at the effectively, and issues pertaining to the personal
youth, collegiate, and elite levels. Vealey is a fel- development of intercollegiate student-athletes. He
low and past president of the Association for is a past president, fellow, and certified consultant
Applied Sport Psychology, chair of the AASP in the Association of Applied Sport Psychology
Certification Council, former editor of The Sport (AASP), has published numerous articles in pro-
Psychologist, and a fellow in the National Academy fessional refereed journals, and is a frequent invited
of Kinesiology. speaker at national and international conferences.

Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus
Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State University
Mallory E. Mann, Pacific Lutheran University

Scholars and professionals in the field of sport Applied sport psychology is concerned with
psychology study motivation, leadership, group the psychological factors that influence partic-
dynamics, exercise and psychological well-being, ipation and performance in sport and exercise;
performers’ thoughts and feelings, and many other the psychological effects derived from participa-
dimensions of participation in sport and physi- tion; and theories and interventions that can be
cal activity. Among other functions, today, those used to enhance performance, participation, and
trained in sport psychology teach classes; con- personal growth. Applied sport psychology has
duct research; and consult with athletes, coaches, grown tremendously in recent years, as evidenced
and exercise participants to improve performance by the number of coaches and athletes now look-
and enhance the quality of the sport and exercise ing to sport psychology for a competitive edge. It
experience. now is common to hear of professional athletes or
Coaches showed interest in the psychological Olympic teams who work with a sport psychology
aspects of athletic competition even before there consultant. For example, these individuals use var-
was a science called sport psychology. For exam- ious psychological training programs to learn per-
ple, in the 1920s, Knute Rockne, the football coach formance enhancement strategies that help them
of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame, popularized manage competitive stress, control concentration,
the pep talk by making it an important part of his improve confidence, and increase communication
coaching. We should note, however, that Rockne skills and team cohesion. There are many specific
did not attempt to psych up his team for every intervention goals in sport and exercise settings.
contest and that sport psychology involves more What follows are a few situations in which sport
than a mere concern for psyching up athletes for psychology interventions have helped individuals
competition. in a variety of professions.

2 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

Applied sport and exercise psychology a stress fracture limited her running for ten
in action weeks leading up to the marathon.
Former high school coach and Positive
At the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games, Team USA Coaching Alliance founder, Jim Thompson,
Women’s Ice Hockey lost the gold medal in a used imagery with his basketball players
3–2 sudden death after being favored to win. throughout the season to help them prepare for
To overcome this disappointment and prepare games and recover from errors.
for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games,
individually and collectively they implemented
mental skills training to improve their men-
tal toughness as they once again faced, and The authors of subsequent chapters will present
conquered, the pressure of being a gold medal psychological principles and interventions that can
favorite. be used to enhance performance, personal growth,
Connecticut 2017 physical educator of the and health. These principles and interventions pro-
year, Abigail Wrinn, created a mastery moti- vide the foundation for effectively dealing with the
vational climate in her middle-school physical preceding situations, as well as many others that
education classes to improve student interest athletes, coaches, sport psychology consultants,
and engagement in physical activity. athletic trainers, fitness trainers, and physical edu-
NBA players Kevin Love, DeMar DeRozan, cators might encounter. But first, in this chapter we
and Jahlil Okafor have reported anxiety and will provide a brief overview of the past, present, and
mood issues that have affected their perfor- future of sport psychology, with a primary emphasis
mance and personal fulfillment. The NBA on sport psychology practices in North America.
partnered with sport psychology experts in The coverage is intentionally selective to the focus
mindfulness training to address the mental of the book. For a more comprehensive historical
health of athletes. overview, see Landers (1995) and Vealey (2006).
The U.S. military integrates mental skills
(e.g., attentional control, energy management,
and imagery) simulations during training
History of Sport Psychology
sessions to improve physical skills such as rap- The conceptual roots of sport psychology lie in
pelling and rifle accuracy. antiquity (Mahoney, 1989). For example, in early
The Centers for Disease Control and Greek and Asian cultures, the interdependence of
Prevention identified goal-setting as one of mind and body was not only acknowledged but also
the strategies to increase physical activity in was emphasized as central to both performance
communities. Fitness experts can implement and personal development. However, most of the
mental skills training to help sedentary people scientific foundation of modern sport psychology
initiate and adhere to exercise programs. has developed since the 1970s. The roots for the
Four-time Olympian Shalane Flanagan emergence and acceptance of sport psychology as
became the first American woman to win a discipline lie largely within the domain of kinesi-
the New York City Marathon (2017) in four ology (the study of human movement), but devel-
decades. Earlier that year, Shalane used opments in psychology also played a major role in
mental skills training to help her focus on the its evolution, and psychologists conducted some of
positives and reduce her fear of reinjury after the early influential sport psychology investigations.
It is important to recognize that the foundation of
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  3

sport psychology is multidisciplinary. Scholars and sport psychology lab Griffith started at the University
practitioners in psychology, motor learning, exer- of Illinois (Kornspan, 2013), very little writing occurred
cise science, and other disciplines have contributed in sport psychology through the 1960s except for occa-
to and advanced the knowledge base. sional research studies that were, according to Landers
Coleman Griffith, a psychologist, considered (1995), typically atheoretical, unsystematic, and lab-
by many to be the grandfather of sport psychology oratory based. During this time, one book was pub-
in North America, was the first person to research lished, Psychology of Coaching (1951) by John Lawther,
sport psychology over an extended period and then a psychologist who also headed the Pennsylvania State
to apply it to enhance the performance of athletes University basketball team. Coaches were particularly
and coaches (Gould & Pick, 1995). Griffith was interested in Lawther’s treatment of such topics as
hired by the University of Illinois in 1925 to help motivation, team cohesion, personality, emotions, and
coaches improve athletes’ performance. He wrote handling athletes.
two books, Psychology of Coaching (1926) and Unlike the more recent development of sport
Psychology of Athletics (1928); established the first psychology in North America, the former Iron
sport psychology laboratory in North America; Curtain countries of Eastern Europe have a long
published over 40 articles (half dealt with sport history of researching and implementing the applied
psychology); and taught the first courses in sport aspects of sport psychology, specifically focused
psychology. Griffith also corresponded with Notre on enhancing elite athletes’ performance. Because
Dame coach Rockne about psychological aspects of in these countries sport excellence was perceived
coaching, and was hired in 1938 to consult with the as an important propaganda tool in advancing the
Chicago Cubs baseball team. We also should credit community political system, sport psychology was
Carl Diem in Berlin and A. Z. Puni in Leningrad a highly esteemed academic and professional field
(now St. Petersburg) for establishing sport psychol- that received considerable state support and accep-
ogy laboratories in Europe about this same time. tance. Sport psychology consultants were viewed
Another pioneer practitioner and researcher as central figures in facilitating athletes’ quest for
from this historical era was Dorothy Yates (Kornspan excellence; so, in some nations, consultants were
& MacCracken, 2001). She taught at Stanford and awarded the title of academician, a title that ele-
San Jose State College and had a private practice vated the recipient to the level of a national hero.
in psychology. Yates wrote two books (1932, 1957) The first interest in sport psychology in Eastern
and a research article (1943) describing her mental Europe can be traced to a physician, Dr. P. F. Lesgaft,
training interventions with boxers and aviators. The who in 1901 described the possible psychological ben-
interventions focused on mental preparation, partic- efits of physical activity (Vanek & Cratty, 1970), and
ularly a relaxation set-method. Because of her suc- in the early 1920s, Puni and Rudik published the first
cess, she was asked in 1942 to develop a psychology research articles. The beginning of sport psychology
course at San Jose State University for athletes and also can be traced to the Institutes for Physical Culture
aviators. Some of her students became aviators fly- in Moscow and Leningrad, which were established in
ing during World War II, and letters from them tes- the 1920s. The Soviet space program further sparked
tified to the effectiveness of her work and teaching. extensive investment in athletic research in the 1950s
Unfortunately, the pioneering efforts in sport psy- (Garfield & Bennett, 1984). Russian scientists suc-
chology by Griffith and Yates were not immediately cessfully explored the use of ancient yogic techniques
followed in any systematic way; therefore, no recogniz- to teach cosmonauts to control psychophysiological
able discipline of sport and exercise psychology was processes in space. Self-regulation training or psychic
established in the 1930s and 1940s (Vealey, 2006). self-regulation was used to voluntarily control such
Although Alfred Hubbard, in 1951, reinstituted the bodily functions as heart rate, temperature, and muscle
4 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

tension, as well as emotional reactions to stressful Ogilvie, this book “moved the coaching world off
situations, such as zero gravity. About 20 years dead center.” After extensively researching the per-
later, as Kurt Tittel, then director of the Leipzig sonality of athletes, Ogilvie and Tutko developed
Institute of Sports (a 14-acre sport laboratory that the controversial Athletic Motivation Inventory,
during the 1970s employed 900 people, over half of which they claimed predicted success and problems
whom were scientists), explained, new training meth- in athletes. In actuality, sport is so complex that
ods similar to psychic self-regulation were responsi- no inventory can predict performance. For exam-
ble for the impressive victories by East German and ple, they advised one football team not to draft a
Soviet athletes during the 1976 Olympics (Garfield & highly successful college player because he did not
Bennett, 1984). The exact training techniques remain have what it would take mentally to make it in the
vague; however, a book by a Russian sport psychology pros. The player went to another team and earned
consultant indicates that autogenic training, visualiza- the Rookie of the Year award. Despite legitimate
tion, and autoconditioning (self-hypnosis) were key criticism of their prediction claims (see Fisher,
components (Raiport, 1988). Ryan, & Martens, 1976), Ogilvie and Tutko’s con-
Most of the Eastern European sport institutes siderable consulting with college and professional
where athletes trained had teams of sport psychology teams fostered public interest in applied sport psy-
consultants. For example, on a visit to a major sport chology. Because of Ogilvie’s numerous contribu-
institute in Bucharest, Romania, Salmela (1984) tions in the 1960s and beyond, many in the field
reported meeting with a team of eight sport psychol- consider him the father of applied sport psychol-
ogy scholars and consultants. In contrast, in North ogy in North America.
America, one or two people comprised the average
faculty size. Greater government control limited Establishment of Professional Organizations
the scope of sport psychology research in Eastern The 1960s also witnessed the first efforts to bring
European countries, but large-scale, government- together groups of individuals interested in sport psy-
dictated research did have advantages such as the chology. José Maria Cagigal, Ferruccio Antonelli,
fact that all Eastern European countries imple- Jose Ferrera-Hombravella, and Michel Bouet met
mented as many as 30 hours of training in self- at the third Congress of the Latin Group of Sports
control for elite athletes (Salmela, 1984). Because of Medicine (1963) and discussed the idea of organiz-
its government-funded research and widespread inte- ing an International Congress dedicated entirely
gration of sophisticated mental training programs, to sport psychology (Cei & Serpa, 2018). Then, in
many authorities believed Eastern Europe was 1965, the International Society of Sport Psychology
ahead of the rest of the world in the development (ISSP) was formed and held the First World
and implementation of applied sport psychology. Congress of Sport Psychology, which is widely
regarded as the first worldwide gathering of sport
psychology professionals. More than 500 experts rep-
1965–1979: Birth of Sport resenting 40 countries (Cei & Serpa, 2018) attended,
Psychology and Supporting and Ferruccio Antonelli, an Italian psychiatrist, was
Organizations elected the first president of the organization. ISSP
continues to host worldwide meetings.
During the 1960s, San Jose State University clinical The second meeting of ISSP was held in 1968 in
psychologists Bruce Ogilvie and Tom Tutko (1966) Washington, DC, hosted by the newly formed North
created considerable interest in sport psychology American Society for the Psychology of Sport and
with their research, which culminated in Problem Physical Activity (NASPSPA). Prior to that, the first
Athletes and How to Handle Them. According to meeting of NASPSPA was held in 1967 preceding the
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  5

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, foundation of sport and exercise psychology as
Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) conference an academic subdiscipline solidified, systematic
in Las Vegas, Nevada. Arthur Slatter-Hammel of research by ever-increasing numbers of sport psy-
Indiana University was the first president. NASPSPA chology scholars played a major role. In fact, the
hosts annual meetings that focus on research in the primary goal of sport psychology professionals in
areas of motor learning and control, motor develop- the 1970s was to gain acceptance for the field by
ment, and sport and exercise psychology. advancing the knowledge base through positivist
The late 1960s also saw the formation of framed, experimental research (largely lab based).
the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning At this time, there was little agreement as to an
and Sport Psychology (referred to as SCAPPS appropriate knowledge base for the field; research
to reflect the French translation of the name). topics were varied and involved many target popu-
Founded by Robert Wilberg at the University of lations, and most of the scholarship in this era was
Alberta in 1969, SCAPPS was initially under the directed toward social psychological topics (e.g.,
auspices of the Canadian Association for Health, personality, social facilitation, achievement moti-
Physical Education, and Recreation, but it became vation, competitive anxiety, team cohesion, coach
independent in 1977. The members and leaders behaviors, coach–athlete relations).
of NASPSPA and SCAPPS were influential in The earlier interest in personality research
building the research base in sport psychology and declined in the mid-1970s because of heated debates
gaining acceptance of the field. During this same about the validity of personality traits and the inven-
period, the equivalent can be said within Europe for tories used to assess them, most of which came
sport psychology professionals who, in 1969, cre- from mainstream psychology. Many sport psychol-
ated the European Federation of Sport Psychology ogy scholars and consultants continued to believe
(FEPSAC) and elected Ema Geron (then from that internal mechanisms (i.e., traits) govern behav-
Bulgaria, now Israel) as its first president. ior, but also became concerned about the influence
The growth and acceptance of sport psychol- of environmental variables. The interactionism par-
ogy within organizations continued in the 1970s, adigm, which considers person and environmental
when it was added to the conference programs of variables and their potential interaction, surfaced
the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and gained considerable credibility. Although not as
and AAHPERD. The Sport Psychology Academy, extensive, research also began to focus on two other
formed within AAHPERD in 1975, was the first areas: the study of women in sport from a feminist
group for which a major goal was to bridge the gap perspective, largely due to a conference hosted by
between the researcher and practitioner by provid- Dorothy Harris (1972) and a book published by
ing an opportunity for scholars in sport psychology Carole Oglesby (1978), and exercise psychology,
to share their research and expertise with coaches largely through Bill Morgan’s research into exer-
and physical education teachers. cise, fitness, and well-being. The growing volume of
quality research in the 1970s led to the establish-
Recognition Through a Knowledge Base ment of the first journal in the field, Journal of Sport
In the 1970s, sport psychology in North America Psychology, in 1979.
began to flourish and receive recognition within
kinesiology as a subdiscipline separate from motor Discouragement of Applied Work
learning. Dorothy Harris, an early pioneer in U.S. In addition, we should mention that applied sport
applied sport psychology, started the first graduate psychology work was discouraged during the
sport psychology specialization at Pennsylvania 1970s. Some of the negativity toward what was
State University in 1966 (Gill, 1995). As the perceived as premature application came from the
6 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

bad publicity of Arnold Mandel’s work with the journals (see Table 1-1). Much of the research pub-
San Diego Chargers. Mandel was a psychiatrist who lished in these journals was driven by cognitive the-
was hired in 1973 to enhance performance, but an ories from psychology and the desire to test their
offshoot of his work was the discovery that many applicability within sport and exercise settings (e.g.,
professional football players were taking steroids self-efficacy, motivational orientations, competence
and speed (an illegal stimulant) purchased on the motivation, outcome attributions) and by topics of
street. Mandel wrote them prescriptions for the relevance to potential performance enhancement
drugs in an effort to get them off uncontrolled sub- interventions (e.g., athletes’ thoughts, images,
stances. Management would not acknowledge the and attention control). William Straub and Jean
drug problem or help him resolve it. As described in Williams’ (1984) book Cognitive Sport Psychology
The Nightmare Season (Mandel, 1976), Mandel was propelled research in this area, supporting the need
banned by court order from further contact with for attention to cognitive interventions in sport
players and not allowed within a certain geographi- psychology.
cal radius of the stadium. Rainer Martens’s 1979 article, About Smocks
Instead of forays into application, many in the and Jocks, spawned an increase in field research.
field felt sport psychology would be better served by Martens chided the field for largely conducting
first developing a research foundation upon which laboratory-based research when more relevant ques-
interventions might be based. This goal influenced tions and findings could result from field research.
some of the research during the 1970s and even This focus on field research spurred more and bet-
more of the research in the 1980s (which contin- ter applied questions and results. Field research
ues today). It also contributed to the scholarly focus has been conducted on topics such as identifying
in the late 1970s and early 1980s on cognition (see effective coaching behaviors; discovering ways to
the next section), which is particularly relevant to enhance team cohesion and coach–athlete com-
applied concerns. munication; goal-setting techniques; determining
psychological characteristics of successful perform-
ers; and developing psychological and behavioral
The 1980s: Increased Research, interventions for enhancing performance, personal
growth, and exercise participation. Following this
Professional Growth, and Acceptance increase in empirical research, Deborah Feltz and
In the 1980s, the emphasis on scientific credibility, Dan Landers (1983) published the first meta-analy-
including the development of a sufficient scholarly sis in the field, examining 60 studies revealing men-
foundation to justify the practice of sport psychol- tal practice can influence performance (Krane &
ogy, grew tremendously. Also during this time, sport Whaley, 2010).
psychology interventions were implemented in sys- Two other important research developments
tematic ways (Vealey, 2006). That, in turn, led to occurred during the 1980s. One was better doc-
increased consulting with athletes and recognition umentation of the effectiveness of psychological
of important professional issues. interventions at enhancing performance (see the
meta-analysis by Greenspan and Feltz, 1989, for
examples of research from this era). The second
Research was increased attention to exercise and health psy-
Perhaps the best reflection of the quality and vol- chology issues, such as the psychological effects
ume of work in any academic area is the number of of exercise, overtraining, factors influencing par-
research journals devoted strictly to the discipline. ticipation and adherence to exercise programs,
By the 1980s, there were four sport psychology exercise addiction, the relationship of exercise to
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  7

Table 1-1  Timeline for the Establishment of Professional Organizations and Journals*

1965 International Society for Psychology of Sport (ISSP)

1967 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA)
1969 Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS)
1969 European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC)
1970 International Journal of Sport Psychology (ISSP)
1975 Sport Psychology Academy (SPA) added to AAHPERD
1979 Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (NASPSPA) (its name was Journal of Sport Psychology
prior to 1988)
1985 Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) (its name was the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology prior to 2006)
1987 Division 47 (Society for Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology) of the American
Psychological Association (APA)
1987 The Sport Psychologist
1989 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)
2000 Psychology of Sport and Exercise (FEPSAC)
2003 International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
2007 Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
2008 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (ISSP)
2010 Journal of Sport Psychology in Action (AASP)
2012 Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology (APA Division 47)
2017 Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology (AASP)

*Initials in parentheses after journals indicate sponsoring organization.

stress reactivity, and the psychology of injury and Olympic athletes, led to increased publicity for the
injury rehabilitation (see Chapters 23 and 25). field. Some of this work began in the 1970s, such
These advancements resulted in a distinct knowl- as Richard Suinn working with the U.S. Nordic ski
edge base for applied work to enhance athletes’ and biathlon teams. Sport psychology consulting
performance and the domains of exercise and became more systematic with U.S. teams when,
health psychology. in 1983, the United States Olympic Committee
(USOC) established an official Sport Psychology
Sport psychology, Olympic and professional sport.  Committee and a registry of qualified sport psy-
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, state sup- chology consultants approved to work with U.S.
port for sport psychology substantially declined Olympic teams. For example, in the 1984 Olympic
in Eastern European countries due to the fall of Games, Betty Wenz and Robert Nideffer served
communist control (Kantor & Ryzonkin, 1993). In as mental skills coaches for Team USA (Granito,
contrast, there was considerable growth and recog- 2002). In 1985, the USOC hired Shane Murphy,
nition of the value of sport psychology interventions its first full-time sport psychology consultant. As
in North America. In particular, sport psychol- a result of the USOC’s development of its sport
ogy professionals working with athletes, especially psychology program, sport psychology consultants
8 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

played an increasingly prominent and visible role in the 1980s and continues today, particularly in
in the Olympics (see Suinn, 1985, and The Sport North America, as certification standards and grad-
Psychologist, no. 4, 1989). In professional sport, uate education curricula in sport psychology are
Ken Ravizza began working as a sport psychology established and refined.
consultant with the Major League Baseball team the
Los Angeles Angels in 1985. Formation of professional organizations. One
Televised and written coverage of various sport important applied development during the 1980s
psychology topics and interventions with Olympic was the formation in 1985 of the Association for
athletes also created considerable interest among Applied Sport Psychology (AASP, known as the
professionals and laypersons. Involvement by sport Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport
psychology consultants in the Olympic movement Psychology prior to 2006) with 143 charter mem-
(see Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, no. 2, bers. John Silva played the primary role in forming
2012) and on the professional and intercollegiate AASP and served as its first president, and Jean
levels continues to grow. Williams, who later served as the first female pres-
ident of AASP (1993), had an integral role in its
Professional issues. The growing use of sport development (Krane & Whaley, 2010). The original
psychology consultants during the 1980s led to purpose of AASP was to promote applied research
important professional issues, such as: Is there an in the areas of social, health, and performance
adequate scientific base for the practice of sport enhancement psychology; the appropriate applica-
psychology? What kinds of services should be tion of these research findings; and the examination
offered? Who is qualified to provide these services? of professional issues such as ethical standards,
Beginning with an article by Robert Harrison and qualifications for becoming a sport psychology con-
Deborah Feltz (1979) on the professionalization of sultant, and certification of sport psychology con-
the field, almost 20 articles debating these issues sultants. Another objective was to promote the field
were published in sport psychology journals during of sport psychology within mainstream psychology.
the 1980s. In reference to the second question, an Prior to this time, relatively few people from psy-
article by Danish, Petitpas, and Hale (1981) was chology were involved in sport psychology.
particularly influential. They advocated a human In 1987 the American Psychological
development and educational approach (e.g., teach- Association (APA) officially recognized a sport
ing mental skills) for sport psychology interven- and exercise psychology division, Division 47. Bill
tions, as opposed to the clinical and remedial model Morgan served as the first president, and Diane
of correcting problems typically found in clinical Gill became the first female president in 1997.
psychology. This early clarification and distinc- Division 47 provides APA members with an oppor-
tion stemmed partly from tensions between sport tunity to share research and address relevant issues
psychology practitioners trained in kinesiology- in sport psychology. In 2016, the division changed
based versus clinical psychology–based academic its name to the Society for Sport, Exercise and
programs. Though the interdisciplinary foundation Performance Psychology.
of sport psychology is a strength, providing multi- Although initial efforts to create a similar sec-
ple approaches and strategies for interventions in tion within the Canadian Psychological Association
sport and exercise, the tension between education (CPA) began in the 1980s, the Sport and Exercise
and training in psychology or kinesiology has been Section was formally recognized in 2006 (Granito,
evident since Rainer Martens publicly challenged 2017). Also, in 2006, Natalie Durand-Bush and
psychologists Ogilvie and Tutko about their person- Penny Werthner developed the Canadian Sport
ality trait inventory. This debate gained steam again Psychology Association (CSPA).
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  9

1990–2019: Progress in Research, interventions based on qualities of the individual

and avoids the masking effect that sometimes occurs
Application, and Professional Issues
with nomothetic (group means) comparisons. Use
These years have been characterized by exciting of this methodology has grown since the 1990s (see
growth and diversification in the knowledge and prac- Barker, Mellalieu, McCarthy, Jones, & Moran, 2013).
tice of sport psychology and considerable progress Qualitative studies are also noteworthy. They add
regarding professional issues in sport psychology. to the knowledge base as researchers gain in-depth
knowledge on a topic by, for example, observing
Intervention research. Particularly impressive, and and interviewing people. Previously, research con-
relevant to this book, is the continued research into sisted almost exclusively of quantitative methods,
the effectiveness of interventions to enhance the but during the 1990s use of qualitative data collec-
performance of athletes and to increase the physical tion techniques increased. The initial growth can
activity levels of all types of individuals. Although be attributed to Tara Scanlan’s work (Scanlan,
more research is needed, the findings from this era Ravizza, & Stein, 1989; Scanlan, Stein, & Ravizza,
should quiet critics who have questioned whether 1989). She also was instrumental in using and
sufficient knowledge exists to justify the ethical advocating a mixed-methods approach (integrat-
delivery of sport psychology services. For example, ing qualitative and quantitative research methods)
when this book was first published in 1986, its edi- (Scanlan, Russell, Beals, & Scanlan, 2003). Today,
tor, Jean Williams, was criticized by several promi- the work of Brett Smith and Andrew Sparkes
nent colleagues because she had envisioned a book (2009) has spawned more diversity in accepted
to promote applied sport psychology by exposing qualitative approaches, specifically narrative
current and future coaches and sport psychology inquiry, whereas Cassandra Phoenix has brought
consultants to psychological theories and interven- attention to the benefits of integrating visual meth-
tions they could use to enhance the performance ods into sport psychology research (see Phoenix &
and personal growth of athletes. One colleague even Smith, 2011).
called her a charlatan. The focus of sport psychology research has
broadened as the sport world continues to grow
in complexity and specificity. New and interesting
Diversifying Research areas for research continue to evolve. One such
In her overview of the historical development scholarly area of interest focuses on the mental
of sport and exercise psychology, Vealey (2006) health and well-being of athletes competing at
describes 1993–2005 as a time of emerging diver- all levels of sport. As evidence of interest in this
sity in methods, paradigms, and epistemology. As research, the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
examples, she cites interpretive approaches, fem- was established in 2007.
inist epistemology and methodology, a pragmatic Another indicator of diversity in the field
research philosophy, an ecological meta-theoreti- during this era was the call for more research into
cal approach, and use of single-subject designs and the influence of culture on psychological processes
qualitative methods. As Vealey notes, the use and and behavior. Although highlighted by Duda and
promotion of such diverse approaches leads to mul- Allison in 1990, it wasn’t until the 2000s when the
tiple ways to ask and address different questions. field responded with the application of cultural
Two of the preceding advances are particu- studies within sport psychology (Krane, 2001;
larly important. The use of single-subject designs Ryba, Schinke, & Tennenbaum, 2010; Schinke &
has been beneficial to intervention research (and McGannon. 2015) and the growth of cultural sport
practice) because it encourages personalizing psychology (e.g., Schinke & Hanrahan, 2008). This
10 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

work recognizes the importance of understand-

ing marginalized (i.e., minority) participants’ cultural studies in sport and exercise psychol-
experiences and offers theory-driven sport psy- ogy to open an avenue for acknowledging their
chology interventions with diverse athletes (see contributions in the written history of the field.
Chapter 19). Marking the interest of this area,
four journals devoted special issues to cultural
sport psychology topics (see International Journal Training of sport psychology consultants. What is
of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2009; Journal of the necessary minimum curriculum to produce
Clinical Sport Psychology, 2011; Psychology of Sport the scholarly competencies and practitioner skills
and Exercise, 2015; Journal of Sport Psychology in for sport psychology consultants? In 1991, AASP
Action, 2017). established a curricular model for individuals to
be certified as sport psychology consultants and
provide mental skills training. This initial model
Women Trailblazers in U.S. Sport assessed a curriculum (i.e., coursework) balanced
Psychology across human movement (kinesiology), counseling,
and psychology. Starting in 1996, the USOC required
Employing a feminist cultural studies perspec- consultants who wish to work with Olympic pro-
tive, Krane and Whaley (2010) pointed out the grams to be AASP-certified.
gap in our historical knowledge that overlooked In 2017, the AASP Certification Council (CC)
the contributions of women in the field of sport created new certification requirements for profes-
and exercise psychology. They identified eight sionals working in sport psychology. Some of the
trailblazing women in U.S. sport psychology: major changes included a reduction in the overall
Joan Duda, Deborah Feltz, Diane Gill, Penny number of courses professionals must complete
McCullagh, Carole Oglesby, Tara Scanlan, and the addition of a required certification exam.
Maureen Weiss, and Jean Williams. These When compared to the previous certification pro-
trailblazers began their careers in sport psychol- cess, the newly revised requirements also place
ogy before the passage of Title IX (the law that a much stronger emphasis on psychology and
prohibited sex discrimination in U.S. public counseling skills. In addition to changes in the
educational institutions), when lack of support academic preparation and training of profession-
and outright discrimination against women als in the field, the CC altered the title conferred
students and faculty were common. In spite of upon becoming certified from Certified Consultant
the challenges they faced, they were instrumen- (CC, AASP) to Certified Mental Performance
tal in moving the field forward. As Krane and Consultant (CMPC). For information outlining the
Whaley stated, “Their legacy includes gener- specific criteria and process for becoming a CMPC,
ations of students who have carved their own see AASP’s website (
careers in sport and exercise psychology; lines .org/certification/become-certified/).
of research that have established the field as
rigorous, theory-based, practical, and relevant; Ethical standards. Another professional issue in
and leadership in professional organizations which progress occurred in the 1990s is setting stan-
that was and continues to be thoughtful, com- dards for ethical behavior. Although the growth in
petent, and wise” (p. 369). While their contri- applied sport psychology led to a tremendous boon
butions to the field spanned the 1970s through for individuals interested in consulting, negative
today, it took the current focus on diversity and by-products resulted, such as unqualified individu-
als providing services and unethical practitioners
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  11

promising more than they could deliver. These such as music, business, and health (e.g., medical
concerns and others led AASP to approve ethi- centers, cancer centers).
cal standards and guidelines for sport psychology
consultants (see Growth in Exercise Psychology
.org/about/­ethics/­ethics-code/). Individuals certi- Another important development during the last
fied by AASP must agree to abide by these ethical 20 years is that exercise psychology has become
standards. a highly viable area of specialization, particularly
Job Market within the academic community. Although the con-
tent within this domain is meritorious in its own
Four career tracks have been identified within right and grew tremendously during this era, much
applied sport and exercise psychology: (a) teach- of the growth has been driven by widespread grant
ing and research in sport sciences, (b) teaching support. For example, funding opportunities have
and research in psychology, (c) providing clinical occurred because of recent attention to the exer-
and counseling services to athletes and other pop- cise goals in Healthy People 2020, Play60, and the
ulations, and (d) applying sport psychology skills position statements from the ACSM and Centers
across diverse contexts (e.g., coaching, athletic for Disease Control and Prevention on the impor-
training, academic counseling, health promotion) tance of exercise in reducing the risk of disease and
(APA Division 47, 2019). Many faculty in academic all-cause mortality.
positions (i.e., teaching and researching) also con-
sult with athletes and coaches. During the 1990s,
there was tremendous growth in academic posi- Future Directions in North American
tions. Enthusiasm is tempered, however, by the fact
Applied Sport Psychology
that in the current economic climate, many univer-
sities also have slowed hiring of new faculty. Exciting challenges remain for applied sport psychol-
We are seeing growth in consulting opportuni- ogy, both in terms of expanding its scientific foun-
ties within applied sport psychology. More college dation and professional practice and in dealing with
and university athletic departments in the United professional issues. Vealey (2006) offers some good
States are employing sport psychology consultants future directions for research that still are relevant
than in the past, though it is competitive and var- today. In line with the diversifying research theme
ied in structure (Connole, Shannon, Watson II, identified earlier, she advocates that questions and
Wrisberg, Etzel, & Schimmel, 2014; Voelker, 2013). methods be even more inclusive and diverse, which
For example, some schools maintain a team of con- requires taking a problem-focused approach to scholar-
sultants, whereas others hire outside consultants. ship and avoiding the traps of traditional insular para-
Increasingly, intercollegiate athletic departments digms. Further, she suggests asking questions such as,
are seeking consultants certified in sport psychol-
ogy and credentialed in counseling or clinical How can we induce social-structural change in sport
psychology. The U.S. military, who has become and exercise to enhance the psychological and physical
one of the largest employers of sport psychology well-­being of participants? How do social-cultural fac-
tors influence mental processes and behavior related
graduates, has recognized the relevance of perfor-
to sport and exercise psychology? . . . What types of
mance enhancement skills and hires civilians with
sport experiences influence positive and negative psy-
an applied sport psychology background to con- chological outcomes for participants? (pp. 148–150)
duct mental skills training with military personnel
(Riccuti, Baird, & Clark, 2013). Further, consulting When it comes to interventions, we agree with
opportunities exist in other performance domains scholars who advocate the inclusion of a cultural
12 Chapter 1   Sport Psychology: Past, Present, Future

praxis approach (e.g., Hacker & Mann, 2017; development through sport, injury prevention and
Ryba & Wright, 2005; Vealey, 2006). For exam- rehabilitation (e.g., hospitals, sports medicine, and
ple, interventions designed as tools for individual physical therapy centers), and exercise and wellness
empowerment should help athletes understand how promotion (e.g., insurance companies, employee
problematic subcultures may have enculturated neg- wellness programs, medical centers, and treatment
ative self-perceptions and unhealthy behaviors. In centers for substance abuse). Good examples of
other words, sport psychology interventions should programs in youth life-skills development are The
do more than help athletes perform better. First Tee ( and Play It
We offer a few additional observations, sugges- Smart (
tions, and predictions about the future. One cer- A challenge for the field will be to continue to
tainty is that both knowledge and interest in applied grow and expand applied opportunities for sport
sport psychology will continue to grow, and even and exercise psychology practitioners while main-
larger numbers of individuals will seek the services taining and strengthening its interdisciplinary foun-
of a sport psychology consultant or express inter- dation. An emphasis on disciplinary diversity and
est in becoming a sport psychology consultant. We cultural competence will ensure appropriate ethical
predict increased opportunities for sport psychol- education and training. Although current trends
ogy consultants in college and professional sport. suggest an increase in career opportunities for
Health and exercise psychology also will continue counseling and clinically trained sport psychology
to grow, driven largely by ever-increasing opportu- professionals, an increasingly diverse sport world
nities in external research funding and the potential with ever-mounting challenges for performers would
for academic positions. Another avenue of opportu- suggest that holistic training and interdisciplinary
nity comes from sport psychology consultants who education (e.g., counseling, clinical psychology,
recognize the potential for using their training to motor learning, exercise science, cultural sport psy-
enhance performance in domains such as the per- chology) should remain the focus. We continue to
forming arts and business. Fletcher (2010) and Hays believe in the need for the field to stand on interdis-
(2009) provide more information about consulting ciplinary, systematic, evidence-based interventions
in these domains. Additionally, the U.S. military with sport and exercise participants.
will continue to provide opportunities for people As the demand and need for mental skills
trained in sport psychology. Opportunities for grad- training, as well as concern for the mental health
uates with postgraduate degrees in performance psy- of athletes, continue to grow, we are confident that
chology, sport psychology, or related fields as well the field of applied sport psychology has much to
as AASP certification will continue to grow. offer you, the reader of this book. We are hopeful
Other less traditional realms for future that you will use the content in this book to enhance
career growth are areas such as youth life-skills your own performance and personal growth.

Applied sport psychology is concerned with the psychological factors that influence participation
and performance in sport and exercise; the psychological effects derived from participation; and
theories and interventions used to enhance performance, participation, and personal growth. Today
many athletes and coaches look to sport psychology for a competitive edge by seeking psychological
Jean M. Williams, Vikki Krane, and Mallory E. Mann  13

training, for example, to learn to manage competitive stress, control concentration, improve confi-
dence, enhance communication, and improve team harmony.
The storied history of sport and exercise psychology shows the ebbs and flows of research
trends (e.g., topics and methods used) and professional opportunities. Throughout, however,
there has been a concerted research effort to develop the knowledge base and assess the appli-
cation of applied sport psychology interventions. Today, professional organizations address
educational, research, and professional issues while promoting and supporting consultants, fac-
ulty, and students.
Challenges remain for applied sport psychology, both in terms of expanding its scientific foun-
dation and professional practice and in dealing with professional issues, but one certainty is that
both knowledge and interest in sport psychology will continue to grow. A key future challenge will
be growing the job market at a rate that parallels the increasing number of individuals interested in
becoming a sport psychology consultant, faculty member, and/or researcher and then ensuring that
these individuals are appropriately trained for the job market. We are optimistic about the future of
applied sport psychology, both in terms of those seeking mental skills training guidance and those
pursuing career opportunities in the field.

Study Questions

1. Define what is meant by applied sport psychology and when it might be used.
2. How are professionals in sport psychology trained, and what do they do?
3. Briefly describe the development of sport psychology in North America.
4. Contrast the development of sport psychology in Eastern Europe to that in North America.
5. If you conducted a really good study that might be publishable or given as a talk, what journals
and organizations would you want to check out?
6. What progress has been made on the professional issues identified in this chapter?
7. What are some of the concerns and questions that scholars and consultants in sport psychol-
ogy must address in the future?
8. Describe some of the traditional and nontraditional job opportunities that sport psychology
professionals might pursue.

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Sport Psychology, 25, 4–32.
Cei, A., & Serpa, S. (2018). José Maria Cagigal: The legacy of a pioneer of sport psychology.
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 49, 256–266.
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Motivation, and
Social Interaction
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Motor Skill Learning for Effective
Coaching and Performance
Cheryl A. Coker, Plymouth State University

Most people get excited about games, but I’ve got to be excited about practice, because that’s my classroom.
—Pat Summitt, 8 NCAA Championships, deceased head basketball coach,
University of Tennessee Lady Vols

Effective coaching depends on many factors. Motor Learning Defined

Coaches must have excellent knowledge of their
sport, be innovative strategists, skilled motivators, Motor skill learning should be understood as a set
and effective personal counselors. However, at the of internal processes, associated with practice or
core of successful coaching is an understanding experience, leading to relatively permanent changes
of the motor learning process. First and foremost, in the capability for skilled movement behavior.
effective coaches must be good teachers. Most Capability means that once a skill has been learned,
sports comprise a diverse array of complex motor the potential, or likelihood, for exhibiting skilled
skills. Athletes enter the sporting arena with dif- performance is quite high, although we realize that
ferent abilities and prior experiences. The coach even highly skilled athletes do occasionally make
must understand both how the novice performer errors. Because motor learning is internal, taking
acquires brand-new skills and how the experienced place within the athlete’s central nervous system,
athlete maintains, and possibly improves, peak per- we cannot observe learning directly. We can, how-
formance on well-learned skills. This understanding ever, monitor an athlete’s performance, which is
will enable the coach to structure effective practices observable behavior, and draw an inference about
and to provide clear, effective feedback to the ath- learning. For example, a beginning swimmer’s first
lete about performance errors. For the sport psy- attempts at the butterfly stroke will likely proceed
chologist, this understanding serves as the basis for in an awkward, step-by-step manner. As the swim-
a more comprehensive assessment of athlete behav- mer practices, form, timing, and coordination
ior and of potential intervention strategies that will improve. By monitoring these changes in perfor-
enhance performance. mance, we infer that the swimmer is learning. It is

20 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

also important that the changes in performance be think of these stages as age dependent. Fourteen-
relatively permanent; that is, the athlete should be year-old Guan Tianlang, who finished 58th at the
able to demonstrate the skill repeatedly, even after a 2013 Masters and was the youngest golfer ever to
period of no practice. make the cut in a major tournament, would be con-
sidered highly proficient, yet adults who have skied
all of their lives become novices when introduced to
Phases of Motor Skill Learning snowboarding for the first time.

As athletes progress from the novice stage to an

advanced level, they go through different phases The Cognitive Phase
or steps (see Figure 2-1). These phases commonly
are characterized by the goal of the athlete in each In the cognitive or beginning phase of skill learning,
(Gentile, 2000), as well as their behavioral tenden- athletes focus on gaining an understanding of how
cies (Fitts & Posner, 1967). Such information is the skill is to be performed. The coach or instructor
useful, as it provides the coach a basis from which assists the athlete in this process by describing the
to make informed decisions that will optimize the skill’s key elements. In addition, he or she will typ-
learning of his or her athletes (see Table 2-1 follow- ically provide demonstrations, digital video, charts,
ing this section). It would, however, be misleading or other visual cues to help the learners “picture”
to think of these phases as distinct because, as the new skill.
learning progresses, one phase blends gradually Based on the explanation and demonstrations
into another so that no clear transition between provided by the coach, athletes begin to develop
them is evident. Thus, the phases of learning should a motor program for that skill. A motor program
be thought of as a continuum, with some overlap is an abstract, internal representation of the skill,
occurring between them. Coaches should also be similar to a computer program that contains a set
aware that an athlete can be in one stage for a given of instructions to guide the movement. At first the
skill and in a different stage for another skill. For motor program may be very crude, containing just
example, a soccer player may be in the autonomous enough details to allow the athletes to make a “ball-
stage for dribbling but the cognitive stage for head- park” response. There also are likely to be errors in
ing the ball because it is being introduced for the the program. However, with practice and feedback,
first time. Finally, it would also be misleading to both from the athlete’s sensory systems and from

Cognitive Phase Autonomous Phase

Associative Phase
Development of Basic Skill Mastery/
Skill Refinement
Movement Pattern Elite Performance

Closed Skills Open Skills

Fixation Diversification

Figure 2-1  Stages of learning

Cheryl A. Coker  21

the coach, the motor program is revised and refined coach also entails the design of practice experiences
so that it gradually becomes more effective at con- for initial motor program development. This prac-
trolling performance. tice should allow for numerous repetitions (blocked
Much conscious attention is directed toward practice) in which athletes can allocate their undi-
the details of the movement in this phase, and ath- vided attention to the details of the movement itself
letes are unable to attend to external events, such as to encourage the discovery of effective performance
the positions of teammates or movements of defen- strategies. Furthermore, the provision of feedback is
sive players. The movements produced in this phase important in this phase to reinforce, motivate, and
will lack synchronization and appear choppy and guide athletes in modifying their performance.
deliberate. This phase is also characterized by incon-
sistency and the production of numerous errors that Duration of the Cognitive Phase
are typically gross in nature. Athletes will be highly The cognitive phase of learning is a relatively short
dependent on the coach at this point, as they lack period in the overall learning process. It may last
the capability to determine the specific cause of only a few minutes, or it may involve a longer period
an error and its subsequent correction. Finally, the if the skill is complex. The cognitive phase is com-
dominant sensory system in this phase is vision, as is plete when the athletes can reasonably execute the
evident when a beginner learns to dribble a basket- skill the way it was demonstrated.
ball, intently watching both the hand and the ball.

Role of the Coach

The Associative Phase
The role of the coach during the cognitive phase is to
facilitate the athlete’s development of a basic move- The focus of the associative or intermediate phase
ment pattern by clearly communicating the critical of skill learning is refinement. Through practice, the
aspects of the skill through verbal instructions and learner moves from having a general idea of how to
demonstrations. There is much truth in the saying execute the movement to being able to perform the
“a picture is worth a thousand words,” and a demon- skill both accurately and consistently. The coach’s
stration will help learners create a reference image role during this phase shifts to one that mainly
of the skill so that practice can begin. However, a involves planning and implementing effective prac-
correctly performed demonstration does not neces- tice conditions, as well as providing feedback for
sarily ensure that the athletes’ attention was focused skill enhancement.
on the most important part of the demonstration. During the associative phase of learning, the
Verbal cues should be used to direct athletes’ motor program is further developed and athletes
attention in conjunction with the demonstration gradually eliminate extraneous movements and
(e.g., Janelle, Champenoy, Coombes, & Mousseau, make fewer, less gross errors. They improve their
2003). The coach must tell the athletes specifically speed, accuracy, coordination, and consistency.
what to look for, whether it is the pattern of racket Movements will become more automated, allowing
movement in a looped tennis backswing, the posi- for reallocation of attentional resources to perfor-
tion of the recovery elbow in the freestyle, or the mance factors, such as monitoring the environment
entire pattern of coordination in a baseball swing. and planning game strategy. Visual control of move-
Further, those cues should be short and concise to ment is gradually replaced by proprioceptive control,
avoid overloading the athlete with information. or “feel,” and dribbling a basketball can now be
Once athletes have been exposed to several effectively executed without looking at the ball or
demonstrations, they must be afforded the opportu- hand and probably even with the eyes closed. Were
nity to practice the skill. Accordingly, the role of the proprioceptive cues not available during the early
22 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

phases of learning? Yes, they were available, but it objective of practice is to diversify the movement
takes many practice trials before athletes come to pattern, or teach the athlete to be able to quickly
associate the feel of their movements with the out- adapt to the demands of the performance situation.
comes that these movements produce. Schmidt Practice should therefore be gamelike so that the
(1975) referred to the generation of “expected sen- athlete becomes better at anticipating changes in
sory consequences,” meaning that we expect our the environment.
movements to feel a certain way, and we can use As indicated earlier, athletes in the associative
such sensory feedback to evaluate the correctness phase are increasingly able to direct their attention
of our movements. In other words, using this infor- toward aspects of the performance environment.
mation, the athlete not only learns to identify the Given the nature of open skills, learning where to
cause of performance errors but, over time, will also direct one’s attention to locate appropriate cues is
develop the capability to generate strategies for their critical to successful decision making and perfor-
correction. mance. Research has shown that there are marked
differences in visual search strategies between
The Role of the Coach beginners and experts. For example, expert soccer
During the associative phase, the coach must design players were found to fixate more often on the knee
effective practices to optimize skill refinement. and hip regions of their opponents than their nov-
Understanding the nature of the skill is the first step ice counterparts, suggesting that the information
to accomplishing this objective. A skill can be cat- in these areas was important in anticipating the
egorized as falling on a continuum between being opponent’s next move (Nagano, Kato, & Fukada,
closed and open, according to the predictability of 2004). Skilled performers are also better able to use
the environment in which that skill is performed. contextual information, such as the game situation
Closed skills are those performed in a relatively sta- or court/field setting, when anticipating (Runswick,
ble, predictable environment, such as bowling, tar- Roca, Williams, McRobert, & North, 2018).
get archery, free-throw shooting, and tennis serving. Further, research has shown that these anticipa-
Successful performance of such skills requires that tory skills can be acquired and enhanced through
the athlete be able to consistently and accurately specific training in visual search strategies and deci-
replicate the movement pattern (fixation), and prac- sion making (e.g., Raab, Masters, & Maxwell, 2005;
tice should reflect this objective. Some closed skills, Vickers, 2007). Consequently, coaches should cre-
however, involve intertrial variability. For example, ate learning environments that include contextual
each time a putt is attempted in a round of golf, it and kinematic information sources (Runswick
is from a different position in relation to the hole. et al., 2018), direct athletes to focus on the areas in
For these types of skills, consistency in technique which the critical cues for performance occur, and
is important, but the performer also must be able provide a variety of practice experiences where they
to utilize that technique in a variety of situations. have to identify and respond to those cues (Magill,
Accordingly, the athlete should practice on differ- 1998). By manipulating task or practice variables
ent greens, on a variety of slopes, and from different within those experiences, such as imposing rule
locations and distances from the hole. Open skills modifications, altering playing area dimensions, and
are those in which the environment is changing and manipulating situational factors such as the posi-
unpredictable. Examples include returning a punt in tioning of the defense (Passos, Araújo, Davids &
football, executing a breakaway in field hockey or Shuttleworth, 2010), coaches can create a learning
soccer, and driving through heavy rush-hour traffic. environ­­ment that can shape visual search and decision-
Because the performer must constantly conform making behaviors through self-exploration and guided
his or her actions to those of the environment, the discovery (Williams, Jannelle, & Davids, 2004).
Cheryl A. Coker  23

This strategy will be discussed in more detail later

in the chapter. Exercise 1: Automatic behavior
Learning experiences should also be designed To experience what happens when elite athletes
with three key variables in mind according to the consciously focus on their movements, perform the
recently proposed OPTIMAL theory (Wulf & following:
Lewthwaite, 2016). Specifically, motor learning is Everyone has a natural walking pace. Determine
enhanced when (a) a positive motivational climate your natural pace by walking across the room several
is created; (b) learners are given choices over certain times. Describe your thought process during this
aspects of practice, such as when to receive feedback, activity, as well as what happened to your gait.
how often to view a demonstration, and the level of
task difficulty; and (c) athletes’ attention is directed
on the planned effects of their movements rather In the autonomous phase, the athletes’ motor
than internally on the movements themselves. program for generating the correct movements is
Finally, the provision of effective feedback con- highly developed and well established in memory.
tinues to be an important role of the coach through- Free from having to concentrate on executing the
out this phase. That feedback not only should guide skill, they can concentrate on other things besides
the athletes in correcting movement errors but technique. For example, the NBA’s Stephen Curry
should also help them develop their error detec- can dribble down court at full speed on a fast break
tion and correction capabilities by teaching them to and does this without looking at the ball and while
relate the feelings associated with a movement to planning the best strategy for getting the ball to the
the resulting performance outcome. basket. During such a play, he considers the posi-
tion and movements of his opponents and team-
Duration of the Associative Phase mates and whether to pass, drive to the basket, pull
The associative phase of skill learning is a much lon- up short and shoot, or set up a new play. Curry does
ger period than the cognitive phase, ranging from all this while dribbling the ball at full speed, giving
perhaps a few hours for learning simple skills to sev- no thought to the mechanics of dribbling.
eral years for mastering complex ones. In fact, not all Progressing from the cognitive through the
learners will transition to the final stage of learning, associative and arriving at the autonomous phase
as it represents the highest level of skill proficiency. of learning requires an amount of practice and a
period of time that depends on the abilities of the
individual, the complexity of the task itself, the
The Autonomous Phase learner’s prior movement experiences, and the effi-
ciency of the learning environment. Certainly, high-
The autonomous or advanced phase of learning speed dribbling requires more time and practice to
emerges when the learner can perform the skill at master than does a vertical jump or a simple for-
a maximal level of proficiency. As the term implies, ward roll. In fact, some speculate that it requires a
performance is quite automatic; the learner seems minimum of ten years and over a million repetitions
to require very little conscious thought or attention to produce high-level performance in major sports
to the details of movement. In fact, asking highly such as football, basketball, baseball, and gymnas-
skilled performers to consciously focus on their tics (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993).
movements will seriously disrupt performance,
especially in high-speed activities, such as perform- Role of the Coach
ing a routine on the uneven bars in gymnastics or Instruction during the autonomous phase of learning
executing a dodge and kick for a goal in soccer. basically serves two purposes: first, to help athletes
24 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

maintain their level of skill, and, second, to motivate and progress through the associative to the autono-
the athletes to want to continue to improve. Once a mous phases again. The process of relearning a skill
consistently high level of skill is achieved, it must be is therefore time intensive, and performance will
maintained not only during a single season but also initially suffer. Thus, major changes in technique
from season to season. Recall that our definition of should be undertaken during the off-season, and
motor learning referred to changes in the capability athletes must be motivated to invest in the amount
for skilled behavior that are relatively permanent. of practice necessary to see the change through.
Also, it would be a mistake to assume that learning
has ended in the autonomous phase and that per- Practice Considerations
formance cannot be improved. Although the level
of competence an athlete may achieve in a skill has Often considered the single most important factor
certain limits and performance may be approaching in the control of learning is practice. In general, the
some arbitrary standard of perfection, the progres- greater the number of practice trials, the better the
sion to this point usually occurs so gradually that it learning. Current knowledge suggests that the nec-
is rarely possible to claim that athletes have reached essary conditions for reaching international-level
their highest level of achievement. However, because performance in many different domains is at least
of the difficulty in improving performance as one ten years of effortful practice under optimal training
approaches the highest levels of skill, even though conditions (Ericsson, 2003; Ericsson et al., 1993).
practice continues, athletes may lose motivation to Such conditions require a well-defined task of appro-
strive for improvement. Thus, the role of the coach priate difficulty for the athlete, information feed-
as a motivator becomes very important during this back, and sufficient opportunities for repetition and
phase of learning. The use of goal-setting and rein- correction of errors. Ericsson and his colleagues use
forcement can help skilled athletes maintain motiva- the term deliberate practice to characterize training
tion. These topics will be discussed in detail in later activities that contain all of these elements.
chapters. Deliberate practice by itself, however, is not
enough to enable athletes to learn a skill correctly.
For practice to be effective, the athletes must be
Error Correction and the Learning Process motivated to learn. The old adage “practice makes
An understanding of the motor learning process and perfect” is not necessarily true; athletes must prac-
the phases of skill learning is not only important for tice with the intent to improve. This means that skill
teaching new skills to novice athletes but is also crit- learning involves more than simply going through
ical when a coach desires to change a highly skilled the motions physically. Without the goal to con-
athlete’s well-learned technique. Making a minor stantly improve the level of performance, practice
change in technique, such as widening a baseball can lead to a mediocre level of proficiency or,
player’s batting stance, is simple and can usually be worse, a deterioration of skill.
accomplished easily. Having a tennis player change
from an Eastern forehand grip to the Continental
grip also should be accomplished with little diffi- Whole versus Part Practice
culty. This is because changes such as these require
very little relearning. However, when you ask ath- Many of the sport skills an athlete must learn are
letes to make a major change in technique, such quite complex, such as a floor exercise routine in
as going from a two-hand backhand in tennis to gymnastics, a reverse lay-up in basketball, or a for-
a one-hand backhand, you are essentially asking ward double somersault with two twists in diving.
them to return to the cognitive phase of learning Even a relatively simple skill, such as a two-foot putt
Cheryl A. Coker  25

Table 2-1  Performer Characteristics and Role of the Coach for Each Stage of Learning

Stage of Learning Performer Characteristics Role of the Coach

Cognitive High degree of cognitive activity Motivate to want to learn the skill
Use of self-talk Provide verbal instructions and
Development of initial motor program demonstrations to help learners gain a
basic understanding of the skill
Much conscious attention to details of
movement Design experience for initial
development of motor program
Inability to attend to external events
Assist learner by providing feedback
Lack synchronization and appear choppy
regarding errors and prescribing
and deliberate
Production of numerous errors
Errors are large
Lack capability to determine
specific cause of errors and subsequent
Vision is the dominant sensory system
Associative Fewer errors Plan and implement appropriate
Improvements in speed, accuracy, practice opportunities (fixation vs.
coordination, and consistency diversification)
Attend less to physical execution of skill Teach visual search strategies
Can devote attention to environment Continue to provide feedback to
reinforce, motivate, and correct
Proprioceptive control replaces visual
Refining motor program
Help athletes to develop error
Developing capability to identify errors detection and correction capabilities
and generate strategies for their correction
Autonomous Highly proficient Continue to plan appropriate practice
Performance is automatic opportunities
Focus completely directed to Provide feedback when needed
environment and decision making Motivate

in golf, may seem very complex to the beginner. variations. In the first, the progressive-part method,
A coach must decide whether to have the athletes the first two parts of a skill are practiced separately
practice the activity or skill in its entirety, known and then combined and practiced as a unit. The
as whole practice, or to use part practice where the third part is practiced separately next and then com-
skill is divided into smaller, meaningful units that bined with the first two, and so on until the skill
can be practiced separately and then combined into is performed in its entirety. The second variation
the whole skill. Between these two extremes are two is known as the repetitive-part method. Using this
26 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

Part-Whole Progressive Part Repetitive Part

Approach Approach Approach
Push Away Push Away Approach + Push
Pendulum Swing Approach + Push Away
Delivery Away Approach + Push
Pendulum Swing Away + Pendulum
Approach + Push Swing
Away + Pendulum Approach + Push
Swing + Delivery Away + Pendulum Approach + Push
Swing Away + Pendulum
Swing + Delivery
Approach + Push
Away + Pendulum
Swing + Delivery

Figure 2-2  Illustration of part practice techniques using bowling

method, the first part is practiced independently. an athlete is having difficulty with a particular com-
Once a level of proficiency is obtained, the sec- ponent of the skill, such as the ball toss of a tennis
ond is immediately added to it and the two parts serve. It is important to note, however, that learning
are practiced together. The pattern continues until a skill through the part method not only involves
all parts have been integrated. Figure 2-2 illustrates learning the individual parts but also how those
each part method using bowling. components combine. The transitions between indi-
The decision to practice a motor skill as a whole vidual elements must be executed smoothly so that
or in parts should be based on the nature of the skill the entire performance flows as a coherent unit; oth-
and the capabilities of the learner. In general, the erwise, the skill will be performed in a disjointed and
whole method is favored if (a) the skill is not too segmented fashion when combined into a whole.
complicated and can be understood in a meaning- By demonstrating the whole skill before breaking it
ful way; (b) the skill is not too dangerous and can down for part practice and explaining how the parts
be practiced with a reasonable degree of success are associated, coaches can facilitate the athletes’
(many gymnastics and diving routines, certain wres- understanding of how the parts fit into the whole.
tling maneuvers, and pole vaulting, for example, Further, troublesome components should be inte-
because of the potential for injury, lend themselves grated into the whole skill as quickly as possible.
to part practice); (c) the athlete is capable, highly
motivated, and has an extensive background in var-
ious sports; and (d) the athletes’ attention span is Teaching Several Skills: Blocked versus
long enough to deal with the whole skill (Christina Random Practice
& Corcos, 1988). Skills with components that are
highly interdependent, meaning that the execution In most sports, athletes are challenged to learn a vari-
of each part is highly dependent on the part that ety of different skills. Swimmers, for example, must
precedes it, are also best served by whole practice. learn four competitive strokes, along with starts and
The part method of practice, on the other hand, turns. Gymnasts must learn many routines on several
is of greatest value when a skill is very complex and pieces of equipment. Tennis players must learn fore-
involves separate, independently performed parts, hand and backhand ground strokes, several different
such as a gymnastics floor exercise routine, or when serves, net play, and appropriate strategies. Golfers
Cheryl A. Coker  27

are charged with learning to hit many different clubs would present a more difficult environment for the
over a variety of distances and often through various athlete because of the constant switching between
obstacles. Novice athletes have to learn the many tasks. Indeed, if we plotted the swimmers’ perfor-
skills of their sport before the first competition. mance of the four strokes over the two-week learning
Experienced athletes have to practice these many period, we would probably find better performance
skills in order to maintain peak performance. under blocked practice. However, a sizable body of
Considering the large number of skills most research seems to contradict this intuitive view. The
sports comprise and the often-restricted practice results of many laboratory-based experiments indi-
time available, coaches are forced to teach more cate that blocked practice produces better acquisi-
than one skill in a week; often, several skills must tion performance than random practice but poorer
be taught in a single practice session. How can a long-term learning, as measured by delayed reten-
coach sequence the practice of several tasks during tion and transfer, the application of the practiced
the practice period to maximize learning? skill in a new situation (e.g., Li & Wright, 2000;
Suppose that an age-group swim team practices Shea & Morgan, 1979). Studies using more real-
four times a week for an hour per session. The coach world sport skills, such as learning different badmin-
would like to devote two weeks to teaching the four ton serves (Goode & Magill, 1986; Wrisberg & Liu,
competitive strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breast- 1991), ground strokes in tennis (Hebert, Landin,
stroke, and freestyle. A commonsense approach & Solmon, 1996), golf short-game skills (Aiken
to scheduling would be to practice the butterfly & Genter, 2018; Porter, Landin, Hebert, & Baum,
for two sessions, then the backstroke for two ses- 2007) and different snowboarding skills (Smith,
sions, and so on until all four strokes are completed. 2002), lend additional support to this notion. This
This schedule of practice is called blocked practice, phenomenon is known as the contextual interference
where all the trials of a given task are completed effect, based on the early work of Battig (1966). (For
before moving on to the next task. Note that the reviews on contextual interference see Barreiros,
order in which the strokes are practiced could be Figueiredo, & Godinho, 2007; Brady, 2008.)
arbitrary as long as practice on one stroke is com- Essentially, contextual interference proposes that
pleted before beginning practice on the next stroke. making the practice environment more difficult for
Intuitively, blocked practice seems to make sense the learner, as with random practice, leads to better
because it allows the swimmers to concentrate on learning, even though performance during acquisition
one stroke at a time without worrying about inter- is depressed. This is certainly a counterintuitive idea.
ference from the other strokes. Attempts to explain why random practice is more
An alternative approach to scheduling would effective than blocked practice for learning suggest
be to practice all four strokes within each practice two possible mechanisms. First, when several tasks
period but to do so in a random order so that the are present in the athletes’ working memory at the
swimmers never practice the same stroke on two same time, they have to use more elaborate processing
consecutive trials. This is called a random practice strategies to keep the tasks distinct. The more effortful
schedule. It is important to note that at the end of processing produces better memory representations
the two-week period, both practice schedules would for the tasks (e.g., Shea & Zimny, 1988). Second, when
have provided the same amount of practice on each athletes practice a task on trial 1 but do not repeat
of the four strokes. that task until several trials later, there may be some
Which of these practice schedules might pro- forgetting of the “solution” to the task. Consequently,
duce more efficient learning in our swimmers? At the athletes are forced to go through more solution
first glance, the obvious answer would be blocked generations with random practice, which ultimately
practice, as it would appear that random practice leads to better retrieval (Lee & Magill, 1983).
28 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

Trials Session Session Session Session Session Session Session Session
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Practice 3 BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR

Practice 1 BK BK BK BK BK BK BK BK



Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Figure 2-3  Three practice variations for practicing swimming strokes

(FLY = butterfly; BK = backstroke; BR = breaststroke; FR = freestyle)

Although the research on contextual inter- the movement, blocked practice conditions may be
ference discussed thus far implies that a random more beneficial than random practice (e.g., Landin
practice schedule would optimize learning, one & Hebert, 1997). However, once the basic move-
additional factor should be considered. Evidence ment pattern is acquired, research suggests that
exists indicating that during the initial stage of skill the amount of contextual interference should be
acquisition, when the learner is getting the idea of increased systematically (Porter & Magill, 2010).
Cheryl A. Coker  29

Two strategies should therefore be considered but each one will be hit by a batter, possess differ-
before moving to a random practice schedule: serial ent bounce and roll characteristics, and go to dif-
and repeated blocked practice. Using the swimming ferent spots on the field, forcing the player to move
example, rather than practicing the butterfly for to multiple locations and adapt to the ever-changing
two sessions followed by the backstroke for two ses- demands presented. Coach B reasons that in the
sions and so on until all four strokes are completed real game no two ground balls are exactly alike, so
(blocked practice), or practicing all four strokes variability of practice would be more likely to pro-
within each practice period where the same stroke duce the specific skills needed by a shortstop. This
is never practiced consecutively (random practice), type of drill more realistically simulates actual game
repeated blocked practice would involve the perfor- conditions. It is also possible that in an actual game
mance of several successive trials of each stroke, a shortstop will have to field a ball that is slightly
with the sequence repeated throughout the practice different from any of the 100 variations experienced
period, while serial practice would be organized during practice.
such that a set sequence of single trials of each The variable practice approach adopted by
stroke is practiced repeatedly. Figure 2-3 shows sam- Coach B has been shown to result in better learning
ple practice variations for all four strategies. than the constant conditions offered by Coach A’s
practice (e.g., Douvis, 2005; Shoenfelt, Snyder,
Maue, McDowell, & Woolard, 2002). Coach B’s
Teaching Several Variations of a Skill: shortstop would be more likely to experience
Variable Practice success when faced with a “novel” fielding situa-
tion than Coach A’s shortstop because of all the
In the preceding discussion, the coach’s goal was practice with similar versions of the task. What is
to teach several different tasks. There also are times, actually being learned through variable practice is
however, when only a single task is to be learned more than simply the specific actions practiced.
during a practice session, such as shooting a jump The shortstop develops a general capability to pro-
shot, kicking a field goal, or fielding a ground ball. duce fielding responses, a capability that enhances
How should the coach structure practice for these generalizability, allowing athletes to transfer their
situations to maximize learning? learning to actions not specifically experienced in
Consider the task of fielding a ground ball and practice. According to schema theory (Schmidt,
throwing to first base. This task essentially involves 1975), variable practice allows the learner to dis-
perceiving a stimulus (the ground ball), moving the cover relationships among environment conditions
body in front of the ball, fielding it, and making an (her location on the field, speed and bounce char-
accurate throw. Coach A believes the best way to acteristics of the ball, distance from first base);
learn this task would be to practice under constant what she “told” her muscles to produce (how
conditions. She will give her shortstop 100 ground fast to move, where to put her glove, how hard to
balls to field, but each one will be thrown by a pitch- throw); and the outcomes that these movements
ing machine, have constant velocity, come to the produced (missed/caught the ball, threw too far
same spot on the field, and have exactly the same or too short). Through variable practice, the ath-
bounce and roll characteristics. Coach A feels that lete’s understanding of these relationships becomes
this type of practice will allow her shortstop to mas- stronger, and she develops a schema or rule that
ter the fundamentals of fielding and to “groove” her relates the initial environment conditions, such as
response. distance of the throw, to the force and trajectory
Coach B adopts a variable practice approach. requirements that must be selected to produce a
She also will give her shortstop 100 balls to field, correct throw. When the shortstop is called on to
30 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

execute a “new” fielding response, one that she correction, however, is dependent on the coach’s
has never experienced before, her variable prac- ability to accurately analyze the skill and the con-
tice experiences allow her to better estimate the text in which it is performed. Proficiency in skill
response specifications needed by her motor pro- analysis cannot be underrated. Failure to identify
gram to produce the new response. The athlete the underlying cause of an error has clear implica-
who has experienced only one version of the task tions regarding the potential success of the corre-
through constant practice may be able to execute sponding intervention strategy.
that version very well but will be limited in develop-
ing a repertoire of responses that may be needed in Error Identification and Diagnosis
the criterion activity.
Skill analysis begins with a systematic observation
Before we leave the topic of variable practice,
whereby the athlete’s technique is compared with
a word of caution may be in order. As discussed
correct technique (see Knudson, 2013 and Hall,
with blocked and random practice, the skill level of
2019 for more details on conducting a systematic
the athlete should be considered prior to deciding
observation). The key here is to focus on the basic
whether to employ constant or variable practice.
movement pattern rather than on small idiosyncra-
When athletes have no prior experience in an activ-
sies in individual style. In other words, is the ath-
ity, it may be advantageous to begin with constant
lete’s technique fundamentally sound?
practice at one version of the task—shooting a jump
Next, the coach must determine the cause of
shot from one spot on the court, for example—
the error(s) observed. Errors in performance are
before introducing variable practice. Initial con-
not always related to technique. However, since we
stant practice will allow the pure beginner to master
can see only the output of a learner’s performance,
the basics of the skill and pass through the cogni-
there is a tendency to focus on only those technical
tive phase of learning. Once this is accomplished,
aspects of the skill that can be seen, and the under-
however, variable practice should be introduced
lying processes that led to the performance can be
in a manner that systematically increases the level
overlooked (Coker, 2018). Errors can be a function
of contextual interference, as previously discussed,
of technique, physiological deficiencies, inaccurate
in order to develop the schemas needed in the
or delayed decision making, drill design, or psycho-
actual sport.
logical factors (see Figure 2-4).
To illustrate, fatigue, incorrectly anticipating
Improving Performance a teammate’s location, or a technique error could
Critical to an athlete’s skill development is the all be viable causes of an off-target pass in soccer.
design and implementation of a variety of interven- Similarly, in baseball, consistently fouling off to
tion strategies for error correction. Effective error the right could be the result of misidentifying the


Inaccurate or
Physiological Psychological
Technique Delayed Drill Design
Deficiencies Factors
Decision Making

Figure 2-4  Possible sources of performance errors

Cheryl A. Coker  31

pitch; a delay in its identification; slow bat speed movement pattern, or the key technical compo-
due to the use of a long, swooping swing; or the mis- nents that influence the final outcome. Very often,
direction of attentional focus, as is the case when one error is the cause of other errors, and if the
an athlete is thinking about past failures against the critical error can be corrected, others may be elim-
pitcher rather than adopting the needed narrow- inated. Another approach is to identify the criti-
external focus (see Chapter 15) to locate critical cal error that occurs earliest in the sequence. For
cues about the pitch. Because the appropriate inter- example, in diving, if the approach on the board
vention strategy will be different for each possibility, is incorrect, the takeoff, the dive itself, and the
correctly identifying the true cause of the error is entry will likely be adversely affected. By correct-
critical to the performance enhancement process. ing the faulty approach, the errors that emerged
In addition, before assuming that the error observed later in the sequence as a consequence are likely to
is the fault of the performer, coaches should ensure be eliminated. Finally, when multiple errors seem
that the drill or activity selected matches the target unrelated, a good strategy is to select the one that
goal and that equipment and tasks are developmen- is easiest to learn and leads to the greatest improve-
tally appropriate. For example, the technique used ment. This strategy is advantageous, in that it will
by youngsters when shooting a basketball often motivate the athlete to continue to put forth the
resembles that of a shot-putting motion. While effort needed to learn the skill.
the intent of the practice may be proper technique
development, the goal of the performer is to get
Intervention Strategies
the ball in the basket. If the youngster is not strong
enough to successfully propel the ball using proper Once an error has been identified and its source
form, he or she will likely adopt a technique that determined, the role of the coach shifts to the provi-
will allow for the generation of more force (similar sion of feedback and/or the manipulation of task or
to a shot-put motion) in order to achieve the goal of practice variables to improve performance.
getting the ball in the basket. The appropriate inter-
vention in this case is not to attempt to correct the
technical flaws viewed, but to instead lower the bas- Feedback
ket and/or use a smaller ball. By making the activity The provision of performance-related feedback is
more developmentally appropriate, a new move- considered essential for motor skill acquisition, as
ment pattern will be adopted, resulting in improved it assists in guiding the learner in modifying subse-
technique. quent movement attempts. More specifically, it can
Once errors and their cause have been iden- reinforce a behavior, provide information about the
tified, the next step is to select which error to correctness of a performance attempt, explain why
correct. With beginners especially, several per- an error occurred, prescribe how to fix an error,
formance errors are probably occurring simulta- and motivate athletes to continue working toward
neously. If the coach tried to give feedback about their goals (see Figure 2-5). However, practitioners
every error observed, the athlete would likely be should not assume that simply providing feedback
overloaded with too much information, result- will lead to positive change. Feedback acts as a
ing in very little correction on the next trial. constraint that shapes a learner’s efforts to achieve
Consequently, only one error should be addressed the task goal. Because the learner will attempt to
at a time. Given multiple errors, where does one achieve what was prescribed, feedback can either
begin? The coach should try to identify the error hinder or facilitate skill development depending on
that is most fundamental or critical. This error will its frequency, timing, amount, precision, and the
often be associated with the skill’s fundamental learner’s task-related experiences.
32 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

Consider the sandwich approach when providing feedback.

First, provide athletes with information to positively
reinforce that which was done correctly. Next, provide
specific information prescribing how to improve some
aspect of performance. Finally offer encouragement,
projecting a positive outcome in the future, to motivate
athletes to continue with their efforts. Reinforcement

Volleyball serve example

Error Correction
Reinforcement: Good! The position and height of your
toss was much better that time. Motivation
Error Correction: On the next serve, try to strike the
ball with your arm fully extended.

Motivation: You almost have it! By contacting the ball

with your arm extended, you will generate
more force and the ball will clear the net
more consistently.

Figure 2-5  The sandwich approach for providing feedback

Because of its guidance quality, many people process, then gradually reduce the rate as athletes’
intuitively think that the more feedback given, the skill proficiency increases (Winstein & Schmidt,
greater the gains in learning and performance. 1990). In bandwidth feedback, the coach identifies
However, this is not the case. While athletes do an acceptable error tolerance, or “bandwidth,”
need a higher frequency of feedback initially and provides feedback only when the athlete’s per-
to develop an understanding of the movement formance falls outside this range (e.g., Chambers
being learned, those who are refining their skills & Vickers, 2006). For example, a bandwidth for
should actually receive less. When feedback is putting performance in golf could be a two-foot
given too often, athletes become accustomed to radius around the hole with mid-length putts; if
receiving it. As a result, rather than evaluating the putt stops anywhere outside of this range,
response-produced sensory information, they will the athlete would be provided with feedback,
simply wait for the coach to tell them what they perhaps related to swing ratio. The advantage of
did and how to fix it. This results in passive learn- this method is that it is based on the athlete’s
ers whose dependency on their coach not only actual performance rather than some arbitrary,
impedes skill development but can also have det- fixed schedule. Finally, learner-regulated feedback,
rimental effects on performance when feedback is where augmented feedback is provided to the ath-
withdrawn, as it often is during competition (e.g., lete only when he or she requests it, is an alter-
Butki & Hoffman, 2003). native strategy that has also been shown to be
Several methods for reducing feedback fre- effective (e.g., Chen, Kaufman, & Chung, 2001;
quency have been found effective for skill devel- Chiviacowsky & Wulf, 2002, 2005). Because ath-
opment. In the faded feedback approach, coaches letes control when augmented feedback is given,
give feedback more often early in the learning feedback frequency is individualized. Moreover,
Cheryl A. Coker  33

the athlete is thought to benefit by becoming rather than telling a sprinter to increase the turn-
actively engaged in the learning process. over of their leg action to increase speed (inter-
To further promote active learning, coaches nal focus), the athlete could alternatively be given
should not only give their athletes the opportunity the external focus of minimizing ground contact
to attend to and process response-produced sensory (Porter et al., 2010). The latter prescription is less
information before offering corrections (Anderson, likely to disrupt the natural flow of the movement
Magill, Sekiya, & Ryan, 2005) but also encourage and allows for the discovery of how to achieve the
them to assess their performance before telling them movement goal, thereby enhancing learning and
what was observed (Chen, 2001). Prompt them to performance.
do so by asking whether they achieved their move-
ment goal and then ask more specific follow-up ques-
tions. This questioning approach promotes reflective Manipulating Task and/or Practice Variables
thinking and facilitates the athletes’ development of While there is a tendency to rely on the provision
the necessary problem-solving skills to determine of feedback for error correction, coaches can also
their own errors and the corresponding adjust- influence change by manipulating task and/or
ments needed for their correction (Chambers & practice variables. By imposing rule modifica-
Vickers, 2006). tions, changing equipment characteristics, altering
Since feedback plays a major role in how playing area dimensions, manipulating situational
a learner will modify subsequent movement factors during performance, and altering task cri-
attempts, coaches must also choose their words teria, practitioners can create action possibilities
carefully when conveying information. In some that allow for the emergence of improved tech-
instances, a movement pattern that may not niques and/or tactics by capitalizing on the pro-
be ideal for the individual may be imposed and cess of guided discovery (Williams, 2003). For
adopted as a result of the correction(s) prescribed example, a no-contact rule could be established
(Williams & Hodges, 2005). Good feedback forcing defensive players to learn positioning and
encourages learners to explore a variety of move- funneling strategies (Turner, 2005). Soccer skills
ment solutions, allowing for the discovery of the can be improved by playing futsal. The smaller
optimal pattern suited for that particular learner pitch demands rapid decision making, as players
(Williams, 2003). Good feedback also focuses on are constantly under pressure from the opposition
one correction at a time; is positive, short, and and playing area boundaries. Also, the smaller
simple; and matches the learner’s developmental low-bounce ball of futsal promotes the develop-
level. The common practice of providing move- ment of greater ball control. In lacrosse, defenders
ment-related feedback should also be reconsid- can be strategically positioned at different dis-
ered. Porter, Wu, and Partridge (2010) reported tances between the shooter and the target to allow
that 84.6 percent of elite track and field coaches for the exploration of different shooting strate-
gave feedback related to specific body and limb gies (manipulating situational factors). Finally,
movements. This form of feedback prompts ath- improved skill performance can be achieved by
letes to adopt an internal focus of attention, which manipulating task criteria, as demonstrated by
an abundance of evidence disputes. Instead, supe- Chow, Davids, Button, and Koh (2008), whose
rior learning and performance have been found participants learned the soccer chip shot through
when athletes are prompted to focus on the effects practice kicking a ball over a height barrier to
their actions have on the environment (external targets at varying distances in the absence of any
focus; see Wulf, 2013 for a review). In other words, instruction regarding technique.
34 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

Case Study the basket, come off screens aggressively, and

move around! Now get back out there and
What follows is a case study with corresponding make their defense work. If you can’t figure it
questions designed to test your ability to integrate out, I’ll put someone else in who can!
the motor learning concepts from this chapter. Read Questions
through the situation presented. Assess the charac- a. Rewrite this feedback statement to
teristics of the learner, the task(s), and the perfor- increase its effectiveness. Explain why
mance context and then determine what you would your rewrite is more effective.
do to design a more effective learning experience.
Compare your completed answers to the sample b. Design a drill to improve the players’
responses provided for Situation #1. If your answers proficiency at finding an open space on
fall short, review them to assure that they are as offense.
thorough and thoughtful as the sample response to
Situation #1.
Situation #1 Sample Response
1. The varsity basketball coach at your high
school is taking a leave of absence in the mid- Learner
dle of the season, and you have been hired Given that the athletes are on the varsity basketball
as the interim coach. To assist with the tran- team, it can be assumed that they are in the asso-
sition, you observe the coach’s practices the ciative stage of learning for the skills of shooting,
week before his departure. You note that the dribbling, and passing.
players appear to have good fundamentals and
can execute the coach’s drills without much Task
challenge. For example, to work on shooting,
With the exception of the free throw, the skills used
the athletes dribbled the ball to six positions
in the game of basketball are classified as open
around the key, taking 15 shots at each loca-
skills. Accordingly, practice should promote diver-
tion before moving to the next one. The shoot-
sification, as the athlete needs to be able to quickly
ing percentage during this drill was impressive.
adapt to the demands of the performance situation.
The players’ performance in the game later
In other words, practice should be gamelike so that
that week, however, was much different. They
the athlete becomes better at anticipating changes
seemed flustered; were hesitant when deciding
in the performance context.
whether to shoot, pass or drive to the basket;
and missed many of their shots.
Performance Context
Based on the information provided in this For shooting, the performance context variations
situation, describe how you will design that will influence how the athlete must execute the
practice to improve game performance. skill include the distance and angle from the basket,
taking the shot off a dribble or pass, the type of pass
2. The coach is getting frustrated that his players that precedes the shot, the position and actions of
can’t execute their offense the way they did in the defensive players, and the position and actions
practice. He calls a timeout to give his team of teammates. See Figure 2-6.
the following feedback:
What is going on out there? We practiced Designing Practice
moving around the court to get into position The shooting drill described earlier, where players
to receive the ball all week! You need to cut to dribbled the ball to six positions around the key
Cheryl A. Coker  35

A player dribbles to 1 and executes a shot. Then he runs

to 2 where he receives a bounce pass and shoots. He
follows his shot, gets the rebound and dribbles to 3 1 5
where a defender will challenge him and he has the 4 6
option to shoot or drive to the basket. At 4 another 2
defender awaits. The player receives a chest pass and 3
has to decide whether to penetrate the lane or pass to a
player standing under the basket. If he penetrated the
lane, he rebounds and dribbles to 5. If he decided to
pass, the receiver passes the ball back to him at 5
where he executes an undefended jump shot, follows
his shot, rebounds then dribbles to 6 and shoots over a

Figure 2-6  Sample redesign of case study shooting drill

taking 15 shots at each location before moving to the To improve players’ decision making regarding
next one, is an example of blocked practice, a strat- whether to shoot, pass, or drive to the basket, they
egy more appropriate for beginners who are trying must be taught what critical cues to look for, be
to get the idea of the movement. Because these ath- taught where to look for them, and be provided with
letes are in the associative stage of learning and the a variety of practice experience where they have to
task of shooting during a game is an open skill, drill identify and respond to those cues. For example, if
design should promote diversification and increased there are two defenders in the lane, driving to the
levels of contextual interference. This is accom- basket will be ineffective. However, when a defender
plished through a combination of variable and ran- is guarding too closely, an opportunity to drive to
dom practice. In other words, multiple skills and skill the basket presents itself. In addition, the defender
variations (as determined through the assessment of is vulnerable on the side of his forward foot, which
the performance context) should be practiced in a typically corresponds to the arm held in the highest
repeated blocked or random order. While this can be position. Rather than cue players to look at their
accomplished in numerous ways, the following is an opponents’ feet, direct their visual attention to the
example of how the shooting drill described in the torso area, which allows them to both read the
scenario could be redesigned: defender’s arm position and see the floor.

This chapter has focused on one of the most important roles of a coach, that of a teacher of motor
skills. The motor learning process is incredibly complex. Coaches should strive to develop a working
knowledge of that process because it is foundational to the structuring of optimal practice expe-
riences and the design of effective intervention strategies for skill acquisition and performance
36 Chapter 2   Motor Skill Learning for Effective Coaching and Performance

Study Questions

1. Define the term motor learning and explain why learning must remain an inference based on
2. Briefly describe Fitts and Posner’s three phases of motor skill learning.
3. How is proprioception, or “feel,” important in motor performance?
4. What are the effects of asking highly skilled performers to consciously attend to their
5. Explain why the coach’s role as motivator is so important during the autonomous phase of
6. Describe how a coach should proceed to change a highly skilled athlete’s well-learned
7. What general guidelines should a coach consider in deciding to use the whole method versus
the part method of practice?
8. How could one use blocked practice to teach several skills? Random practice? Which would
be more effective and why?
9. Give an example of how a coach could use variable practice to teach several variations of a
10. What changes should take place in the frequency of feedback given as a learner progresses
from the cognitive to the associative stage of learning? Fully explain the reasons for these
changes, and provide one example of a method that can be used to accomplish this.
11. What variables can be manipulated to prompt the emergence of improved techniques and/or
tactics by capitalizing on the process of guided discovery?

Aiken, C. A., & Genter, A. M. (2018). The effects of blocked and random practice on the learn-
ing of three variations of the golf chip shot. International Journal of Performance Analysis In
Sport, 18(2), 339–349.
Anderson, D. I., Magill, R. A., Sekiya, H., & Ryan, G. (2005). Support for an explanation of the
guidance effect in motor skill learning. Journal of Motor Behavior, 37, 231–238.
Barreiros, J., Figueiredo, T., & Godinho, M. (2007). The contextual interference effect in applied
settings. European Physical Education Review, 12, 195–208.
Battig, W. F. (1966). Facilitation and interference. In E. A. Bilodeau (Ed.), Acquisition of skill
(pp. 215–244). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Brady, F. (2008). The contextual interference effect in sport skills. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 106,
Cheryl A. Coker  37

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A Positive Approach to Coaching
Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington

It should always be about the kids. Everything you do should be to make sure the kids you coach have a
positive experience and learn all the great life lessons that sports can teach.
—Helen Williams, college basketball coach

Of course we want to win every game, but winning forever is more about realizing your potential and
making yourself as good as you can be. Realizing that is a tremendous accomplishment, whether it’s in
football or in life.
—Pete Carroll, professional football coach

Much of human interaction consists of attempts to and intervention programs directed toward coaches
influence the behavior of other people. Influence (Chapter 19), may be related. My focus will be pri-
attempts occur constantly in virtually every life set- marily on enhancing sport performance, although,
ting. Sometimes the attempts are directed at influ- as you’ll see, this goal is intimately related to the
encing attitudes, motives, values, or emotions. At psychosocial climate created by interactions among
other times social interactions or task performance coaches and athletes. Although emphasis is on
are the targets of influence attempts. improving coaching effectiveness, the principles
Sport is a setting where all of these targets discussed can be applied by sport psychology con-
of influence—thoughts, emotions, motivational sultants in their work and to such diverse situations
factors, and behaviors—are relevant. Influence as parenting skills.
attempts occur constantly as athletes interact with Coaches try to influence their players in many
teammates, opponents, officials, and their coaches. important ways. One of their most important goals
In the discussion to follow, I will focus on influ- is to create a good learning situation where athletes
ence attempts directed by coaches to their athletes can acquire the technical skills needed to succeed as
and provide a conceptual framework to which individuals and as a team. Another priority for most
other topics in this book, such as motivational coaches is to create a social environment where the
processes (Chapter 4), goal-setting (Chapter 11), participants can experience positive interactions

Ronald E. Smith  41

with one another. This is certainly a key factor in Two aspects of these relations are of interest. The
building team cohesion; in making athletes more first is the relation between antecedents and behav-
receptive to technical instruction; and in foster- iors (A and B); the second is the link, or contingency,
ing a supportive environment where athletes can between behavior and its consequences (B and C).
develop teamwork, dedication, mental toughness,
and other valued traits. Indeed, virtually everything Antecedents: Stimulus Control of Behavior
coaches do can be viewed as attempts to increase Through experience we learn which behaviors
certain desired behaviors and to decrease undesir- have which consequences under which conditions.
able behaviors. Antecedents that signal the likely consequences of
The psychology of coaching is essentially a set of particular behaviors in given situations are known
strategies designed to increase a coach’s ability to
as discriminative stimuli. These signals help guide
influence the behavior of others more effectively. It
our behavior so that it is appropriate and will most
is often said that stripped of its jargon and complex-
likely lead to positive consequences. Much skill
ities, psychology is basically the application of com-
learning in sports involves learning to read the envi-
mon sense. I believe the basic principles of learning
ronment and respond appropriately. Thus, a basket-
discussed in this chapter—positive (as opposed to
ball player learns how to set up the offense when
aversive) control, reinforcement, and performance
the opponent switches from one defense to another.
feedback—make good sense. But more important,
The same player also may learn that it is not a good
they have been shown in many scientific studies to
idea to crack jokes in the presence of the coach
be among the most effective ways to increase moti-
after a tough loss. When antecedents are influential
vation, morale, enjoyment of the athletic situation,
in governing a behavior, that behavior is said to be
and performance.
under stimulus control.
With experience in sports, many behaviors come
Operant Conditioning: The ABCs under stimulus control, and we react automatically
and mindlessly to changing stimulus conditions. The
of Behavior Control same thing occurs in the realm of social behaviors.
To understand what motivates people and con-
trols their behavior, we must consider the relations Response Consequences
between people and their environment, and this The key feature in operant conditioning is what
is the focus of research on operant conditioning happens after a response is made. In general, conse-
(Martin & Pear, 2014). The operant analysis of quences always involve either the presentation, the
behavior involves the study of relations between nonoccurrence, or the removal of a positive or an
three kinds of events: antecedents (A), or environ- unpleasant or aversive stimulus. For example, in the
mental stimuli; behaviors (B) in which the person coach–athlete interaction, a positive stimulus may
engages; and consequences (C) that follow the be a word of praise or a smile, and an aversive stim-
behaviors and either strengthen or weaken them. ulus may be critical comments by the coach.
The relations that exist among these if, then ele- Figure 3-1 shows five basic response con-
ments are called contingencies. The ABCs of contin- sequences that result from the presentation or
gencies can be expressed in the following way: removal of positive or aversive stimuli in response
IF particular antecedent stimuli (A) are present to a given behavior. Presentation of a positive
(rewarding) stimulus is called positive reinforce-
AND behavior (B) is enacted, ment, and it increases the likelihood that the
THEN a particular consequence (C) will occur. behavior will occur in the future under the same
42 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

Present Remove
Positive Reinforcement (weakens behavior)
Positive Stimuli
(strengthens behavior) Response Cost Punishment
(weakens behavior)

Aversive Punishment
Negative Reinforcement
Aversive Stimuli (suppresses/weakens
(strengthens behavior)

Figure 3-1  Five basic response consequences created by the presentation

or removal of positive or negative stimuli and their effects on

conditions. Negative reinforcement involves removal The term negative reinforcement is sometimes
or avoidance of aversive stimuli, the effect being a confused with punishment, but the two are clearly
strengthening of the behavior that results in suc- different because they have different effects.
cessful escape or avoidance. For example, an ath- Punishment reduces the likelihood of a behavior,
lete may drop out of a sport program to escape an whereas negative reinforcement, like positive rein-
abusive coach, or a gymnast who has been injured forcement, strengthens the behavior.
may avoid performing a particular routine because
of anxiety concerning possible reinjury. In the latter
case, the avoidance response may become stronger Positive and Aversive Approaches to
over time because each time it occurs, it is nega- Influencing Behavior
tively reinforced by anxiety reduction.
Removal of a positive stimulus that has in the As our cursory examination of response conse-
past followed the behavior results in extinction, quences and their influence on behavior suggests,
reducing the likelihood of the behavior. Extinction two basic approaches can influence the behavior of
of operant behaviors occurs when reinforcement others. Psychologists refer to these as positive control
stops. Thus, if an athlete stops getting attention for (use of positive reinforcement) and aversive control
inappropriate comments, that behavior is likely to (use of punishment). Both forms of control are based
decrease. When previously reinforced behaviors on the fact that behavior is strongly influenced by the
no longer pay off, we are likely to abandon them consequences it produces. Positive and aversive con-
and replace them with more successful ones. trol, in turn, underlie the positive approach and the
Other consequences involve either presenta- negative approach to coaching (see Chapter 19).
tion or removal of unpleasant, aversive stimuli, as The positive approach is designed to strengthen
the two forms of punishment illustrate. Aversive desired behaviors by motivating players to perform
punishment entails the presentation of aversive them and by reinforcing the behaviors when they
stimuli, with the effect of suppressing the behavior. occur. The negative approach involves attempts
Thus, a coach who harshly criticizes an athlete for to eliminate unwanted behaviors through punish-
being late for practice will probably find a marked ment and criticism. The motivating factor in this
reduction in tardiness in the future. Another form approach is fear. Observational studies of coaches
of punishment, known as response cost, involves indicate that most coaches use a combination of
removal of something positive, when an athlete is positive and aversive control (e.g., Smith, Shoda,
benched after performing poorly. Cumming, & Smoll, 2009).
Ronald E. Smith  43

Aversive Punishment: The Pain of It All motivation. If it becomes the predominant motive
for athletic performance, it not only decreases
In our society, aversive control through punish- enjoyment of the activity but also increases the
ment is perhaps the most widespread means of con- likelihood of failure. The athlete with a high fear
trolling behavior. Our system of laws is backed up of failure is motivated not by a positive desire to
by threats of punishment. Similarly, fear of failure achieve and enjoy the thrill of victory but by a dread
is one means of promoting school achievement, of the agony of defeat. Athletic competition is trans-
social development, and other desired behaviors. formed from a challenge into a threat. Because high
The reason punishment is the glue that holds so anxiety disrupts motor performance and interferes
much of our society’s fabric together is that, for the with thinking, the athlete with a high fear of failure
most part, it seems to work. It is the fastest way is prone to choke under pressure because he or she
to bring behavior under control. In sport, it finds concentrates more on the feared consequences of
one mode of expression in the negative approach mistakes than on what needs to be done in a positive
to coaching. sense. Research has shown that athletes with a high
Frequently in sport we hear the statement, fear of failure not only perform more poorly in com-
“The team that makes the fewest mistakes will petition but also are at greater risk for injury and
win”—and, indeed, this is usually the case. Many burnout, enjoy the sport experience less, have high
coaches therefore develop coaching tactics ori- stress, and are more likely to drop out (Gustafsson,
ented toward eliminating mistakes. The most nat- Sagar, & Stenling, 2017; Smith, Smoll, & Passer,
ural approach is to use aversive control. To get rid 2002). The research literature also shows that the
of mistakes, we simply punish and criticize athletes quickest and most effective way to develop fear of
who make them. The assumption is that if we make failure is by punishing people when they fail. Thus,
players fearful enough of making mistakes, they are coaches who create fear of failure through the use of
more likely to perform well. punishment may, ironically, increase the likelihood
that their athletes will make the very mistakes they
are trying to prevent and may make athletes afraid
Negative Side Effects of Aversive Punishment to take risks of any kind.
Punishment has other potential side effects that
When you punish your people for making a mis-
most coaches wish to avoid. A predominance of
take or falling short of a goal, you create an envi-
ronment of extreme caution, even fearfulness. In aversive control makes for an unpleasant teaching
sports it’s similar to playing “not to lose”—a for- situation. It arouses resentment and hostility, which
mula that often brings on defeat. may be masked by the power differential that exists
—Hall of Fame basketball between coach and athlete. It may produce a kind
coach John Wooden of cohesion among players based on their mutual
hatred for the coach, but most coaches would prefer
There is clear evidence that punishment other bases for team cohesion. It is even possible
and criticism can decrease unwanted behaviors. that players may consciously or subconsciously act
Unfortunately, the evidence is equally compelling in ways that sabotage what the coach is trying to
that punishment has certain undesirable side effects accomplish. Moreover, coaches occupy a role that
that actually can interfere with what a coach is athletes admire, and they should not overlook their
trying to accomplish. First, punishment works by importance as role models. The abusive coach is
arousing fear. If used excessively, punishment pro- certainly not exhibiting the kind of behavior that
motes the development of fear of failure, and this will contribute to the personal growth of athletes
is undoubtedly the least desirable form of athletic who emulate the coach.
44 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

Does this mean coaches should avoid all crit- therefore less likely to cause avoidance of the
icism and punishment of their athletes? Not at punisher or the punishing situation, and it may
all. Sometimes these behaviors are necessary for actually increase the attractiveness of the with-
instructional or disciplinary purposes, but they drawn reinforcer (which can then be used to rein-
should be used sparingly and with a full appreci- force desired alternative behaviors). Second, the
ation for their potential negative side effects. The punisher is not modeling abusive aggression, so
negative approach should never be the primary there is less opportunity for learning aggression
approach to athletes. This is particularly the case through imitation. For these reasons, the response
where child athletes are concerned, but it also cost procedure is a preferred alternative to aver-
applies at higher competitive levels, including pro- sive punishment. In using such punishment, it is
fessional sports. useful to verbalize the contingency in a matter-
Although abusive coaches may enjoy success of-fact fashion, without expressing anger; for exam-
and may even be admired by some of their play- ple, “I don’t like to do this, but because you were
ers, they run the risk of losing other players who late for practice, it automatically means you get
could contribute to the team’s success and who less playing time during our next game.”
could profit personally from an athletic experience.
Those who succeed through the use of aversive con- The Positive Alternative
trol usually do so because (a) they also are able to
I like the challenge of getting players to rise to
communicate caring for their players as people, so
certain levels, but that’s the easy part. The biggest
athletes don’t take the abuse personally; (b) they challenge is to get them to believe in what we’re
have very talented athletes; (c) they recruit thick- doing. They have to understand that it’s O.K. to
skinned athletes who are less affected by aversive have good days and bad days.
feedback; or (d) they are such skilled teachers and
—Dawn Staley, University of South Carolina
strategists that these abilities overshadow their neg- women’s basketball coach
ative approach. In other words, such coaches win in
spite of, not because of, the negative approach they Fortunately, there is an alternative to the negative
espouse. approach. As a means of influencing behavior, it can
accomplish everything aversive control does and
Response Cost: This’ll Cost You much more—without the harmful side effects. The
positive approach is aimed at strengthening desired
The legendary baseball umpire Bill Klem once behaviors through the use of encouragement, pos-
called a batter out on a close third strike. The itive reinforcement, and sound technical instruc-
enraged batter flung his bat high into the air and tion carried out within a supportive atmosphere.
whirled around to argue the call. Klem whipped From this point of view, the best way to eliminate
off his mask, fixed the batter with a steely gaze,
mistakes is not to try to stamp them out with pun-
and said, “If that bat comes down, you’re out of the
game.” (Smith, 1993, p. 280)
ishment, but to strengthen the correct or desired
behaviors. The motivational force at work here is a
The second form of punishment, response positive desire to achieve, rather than a negative fear
cost, involves depriving people of something of failure. Mistakes are seen not as totally negative
they value. This form of punishment has two dis- occurrences, but as, in the words of John Wooden,
tinct advantages over aversive punishment. First, “stepping stones to achievement that provide the
even though response cost may arouse tempo- information needed to improve performance.” The
rary frustration or anger, it does not create the positive approach, through its emphasis on improv-
kind of fear that aversive punishment does. It is ing rather than on “not screwing up,” fosters a more
Ronald E. Smith  45

positive learning environment and tends to promote sensitivity to the needs of individual athletes may
more positive relation-ships among coaches and be tested. Potential reinforcers include social
athletes. Research clearly has shown that athletes behaviors such as verbal praise, smiles, nonverbal
like positive coaches better, enjoy their athletic signs such as applause, or physical contact such as
experience more, and report higher team cohesion a pat on the back. They also include the opportu-
when playing for them, and perform at a higher level nity to engage in certain activities (such as extra
when positive control techniques are used (Smith batting practice) or to play with a particular piece
& Smoll, 2011). Even negative control procedures of equipment.
work more effectively if they occur within a context Social reinforcers are most frequently
of positive interactions. employed in athletics, but even here the coach
The cornerstone of the positive approach is must decide what is most likely to be effective with
the skillful use of positive reinforcement to increase each athlete. One athlete might find praise given in
motivation and to strengthen desired behaviors. the presence of others highly reinforcing, whereas
Another highly effective technique is the use of another might find it embarrassing. The best way
performance feedback. Let’s discuss these specific for a coach to find an effective reinforcer is to get
techniques. to know each athlete’s likes and dislikes. If at all
possible, it is a good idea to use a variety of rein-
forcers and vary what one says and does so that the
Positive Reinforcement: Getting Good coach does not begin to sound like a broken record.
Things to Happen In the final analysis, the acid test of one’s choice
of reinforcer is whether it affects behavior in the
As noted earlier, positive reinforcement is any desired manner.
consequence that increases the likelihood of a The effectiveness of verbal reinforcement can
behavior that it follows. Reinforcement can take be increased by combining it with a specific descrip-
many possible forms: verbal compliments, smiles tion of the desirable behavior the athlete just per-
or other nonverbal behaviors that convey approval, formed. For example, a coach might say, “Way to
increased privileges, awards, and so on. go, Sally. Your head stayed right down on the ball on
The effective use of reinforcement to strengthen that swing.” In this way the power of the reinforce-
behavior requires that a coach (a) find a reinforcer ment is combined with an instructional reminder of
that works for a particular athlete, (b) make the what the athlete should do. This also cues the ath-
occurrence of reinforcement dependent on perfor- lete to what the coach wants him to concentrate on.
mance of the desired behavior, and (c) make sure
the athlete understands why the reinforcement
is being given. The relations between behaviors Selecting and Reinforcing Target Behaviors
and their consequences are termed reinforcement Systematic use of reinforcement forces coaches
contingencies. to be specific in their own minds about exactly
which behaviors they want to reinforce in a given
Choosing Effective Reinforcers athlete at a particular time. Obviously, they will not
You can observe a lot by watching. want to reinforce everything an athlete does cor-
rectly, lest the power of the reinforcer be diluted.
—Hall of Fame baseball player
The most effective use of “reward power” is to
Yogi Berra
strengthen skills an athlete is just beginning to mas-
Choosing a reinforcer is not usually difficult, ter. In many instances complex skills can be broken
but in some instances the coach’s ingenuity and down into their component subskills, and coaches
46 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

Case Study 1

Using Positive Reinforcement and Shaping to Improve Football Performance

The systematic use of positive reinforcement and shaping to improve the performance of a youth football
team’s offensive backfield was described by Judi Komaki and Fred Barnett (1977) in a study that illustrates
the operant behavior modification approach. The coach selected three different offensive plays, each of which
was broken down into five stages judged to be crucial to the execution of the play and was presented to the
players accordingly. For example, one of the plays included the following stages: (a) quarterback-center
exchange; (b) quarterback spin and pitch; (c) right halfback and fullback lead blocking; (d) left halfback
route; and (e) quarterback block. Breaking down the play in this manner allowed the coach to respond to the
elements that were run correctly, give specific feedback to the players about their execution of each of the five
stages, and gradually shape their learning of the entire play.
During the first phase of the experiment, behavioral data were carefully collected on how often the
stages of each play were executed correctly. Then the coach began to systematically apply reinforcement pro-
cedures to Play A. Each time the play was run in practice, the coach praised the athletes for the elements that
were run successfully. Reinforcement was not applied when Plays B and C were run. After a period of time,
the reinforcement procedure was shifted to Play B only, and later to Play C only. Applying the technique to
only one play at a time permitted a determination of the specific effects of reinforcement on the performance
of each of them.
A comparison of the percentage of stages executed correctly before and after introduction of the rein-
forcement procedure indicated that performance increased for all three plays, but only after reinforcement
was introduced for that play. The level of performance for Play A improved from 61.7 to 81.5 percent, execu-
tion of Play B improved from 54.4 to 82 percent, and execution of Play C improved from 65.5 to 79.8 percent.
Clearly, the systematic use of reinforcement led to a substantial improvement in performance. Other studies
have shown similar performance improvement in gymnastics, swimming, baseball, golf, and tennis (see
Smith, Smoll, & Christensen, 1996 for a review).

can concentrate on one subskill at a time until it Shaping

is mastered. For example, a football coach might Through the use of an operant approach called shap-
choose to concentrate entirely on the pattern run ing, gradual but dramatic performance improve-
by a pass receiver, with no concern about whether ments can be accomplished as the desired behaviors
or not the pass is completed. This is where a coach’s are reinforced under increasingly stringent require-
knowledge of the sport and of the mastery levels of ments. To use shaping effectively, start with what the
individual athletes is crucial. Athletes can enjoy lots athlete is currently capable of doing and then grad-
of support and reinforcement long before they have ually require a more skillful level of performance
completely mastered the entire skill if coaches are before reinforcement is given. It is important that
attentive to their instructional needs and progress. the shift in demands be realistic and that the steps
Ronald E. Smith  47

be small enough so that the athlete can master them to operate on a continuous schedule. Thus, the
and be reinforced. For example, a youth softball key principle in using schedules is to start with
coach may at first praise novice infielders whenever continuous reinforcement until the behavior is
they stop a ball (with any part of their anatomy). established, then to shift gradually to partial rein-
As proficiency increases, however, she may require forcement to maintain a high level of motivation
that the players field the ball in the correct position, and performance (Martin & Pear, 2014). The tim-
and later that they field the ball cleanly in the cor- ing of reinforcement is another important consider-
rect position and make an accurate throw. Used cor- ation. Other things being equal, the sooner after a
rectly, shaping is one of the most powerful of all the response that reinforcement occurs, the stronger are
positive control techniques. Case Study 1 illustrates its effects on behavior. Thus, whenever possible, try
the use of positive reinforcement to shape football to reinforce a desired behavior as soon as it occurs.
performance. If this is not possible, try to find an opportunity to
praise the athlete later on.
Schedules and Timing of Reinforcement
One of the most frequently asked questions is how Reinforcing Effort and Other Desirable
often and how consistently reinforcement should be Behaviors
given. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been To this point, I have discussed the use of rein-
done concerning the effects of so-called schedules of forcement to strengthen skills. It is important to
reinforcement on behavior change. Reinforcement realize, however, that reinforcement can be used
schedules refer to the pattern and frequency with to strengthen other desirable behaviors as well.
which reinforcement is administered. Although For example, the positive approach can be used to
there are many different kinds of schedules, the reduce the likelihood of disciplinary problems by
most important distinction is between continuous reinforcing compliance with team rules. There is no
and partial schedules. On a continuous schedule, reason why a coach should not recognize and rein-
every correct response is reinforced. On partial force exemplary conduct on the part of particular
schedules, some proportion of correct responses athletes or the team as a whole. One of the most
are reinforced and some are not. effective ways of avoiding disciplinary problems is
During the initial stages of training, rein- by strengthening the opposite (desired) behaviors
forcement is best given on a continuous schedule. through reinforcement (Smith & Smoll, 2012).
Frequent reinforcement not only helps strengthen Similarly, instances of teamwork and of ath-
the desired response but also provides the athlete letes’ support and encouragement of one another
with frequent feedback about how well she or he is should be acknowledged and reinforced from time
doing. Once the behavior is learned, however, rein- to time. Doing so not only strengthens these desir-
forcement should be shifted to a partial schedule. able behaviors but also creates an atmosphere in
Research has shown that behaviors reinforced on which the coach is actually serving as a positive
partial schedules persist much longer in the absence model by supporting them. Research has shown
of reinforcement than do those that have been rein- that the best predictor of liking for the coach and
forced only on a continuous schedule (Skinner, desire to play for her or him in the future is not the
1969). For example, people will put a great many won–lost record of the team but how consistently
coins into slot machines, which operate on partial the coach applies the positive approach and avoids
schedules. In contrast, they are unlikely to persist the use of punishment (Smith & Smoll, 1991).
long in putting coins into soft drink machines that One of the most important points of all has
do not deliver because these machines are supposed been saved until last. It is easy to praise an athlete
48 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

who has just made a great play. It is less natural to to attribute her or his performance to the extrinsic
reinforce an athlete who tried but failed. A good reward and cease performing the behavior if the
principle is to reinforce effort as much as results. external reward is withdrawn. To illustrate, a parent
After all, the only thing athletes have complete con- of a champion youth swimmer sought our advice on
trol over is the amount of effort they make; they what to do because his son would no longer com-
have only limited control over the outcome of their pete in meets until he was able to see the size of the
efforts. Coaches have a right to demand total effort, trophy to determine if it was worth winning.
and this is perhaps the most important thing of all Extrinsic rewards do not always have such
for them to reinforce. If athletes have had good tech- negative motivational consequences. If extrinsic
nical instruction, are free from self-defeating fear reinforcement is given to acknowledge a specific
of failure, and are making maximum effort (all of level of effort and performance, it is unlikely to
which should be promoted by the use of the positive undermine intrinsic motivation (Deci, Koestner, &
approach), then performance and winning will take Ryan, 1999). Rather, it provides important informa-
care of themselves within the limits of the athletes’ tion to an athlete that she has met a standard of
ability. John Wooden, the legendary “Wizard of excellence and thereby provides a basis for positive
Westwood,” placed great emphasis on this concept: self-reinforcement by the athlete. Positive internal
self-evaluations can strengthen behavior and also
You cannot find a player who ever played for maintain and even increase intrinsic motivation
me at UCLA that can tell you he ever heard me
(Cervone, 1992). Thus, it is a good idea for coaches
mention “winning” a basketball game. He might
say I inferred a little here and there, but I never
to instill self-pride in their athletes with statements
mentioned winning. Yet the last thing that I told my like, “Great job! You ought to feel proud of yourself
players, just prior to tipoff, before we would go on for that effort.” There is considerable evidence that
the floor was, “When the game is over, I want your standards for self-reinforcement often are adopted
head up—and I know of only one way for your head from other people, and a coach can be an influen-
to be up—and that’s for you to know that you did tial source of standards of excellence that athletes
your best. . . . This means to do the best YOU can can internalize, particularly if the coach has devel-
do. That’s the best; no one can do more. . . . You oped a strong positive relationship with them.
made that effort”. (personal communication, 1975)

Positive Reinforcement and the Mastery

Reinforcement and Intrinsic Motivation Motivational Climate
Motivation theorists make an important distinction Positive reinforcement can be applied to virtually
between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motiva- any behavior. For example, we could choose to
tion (see Chapter 4). When people are motivated reinforce effort, persistence, and improvement, or
to perform an activity for its own sake, for the we could give reinforcement only when an athlete
love of the game, they are said to be intrinsically is outperforming others, both teammates and oppo-
motivated. When they perform the activity only to nents. The positive approach described earlier has
obtain some external reward, they are extrinsically emphasized reinforcement for effort, improvement,
motivated. and meeting internal standards of performance.
Can positive reinforcements like trophies and This approach is designed to foster a mastery (task)-
money undermine intrinsic motivation? Under oriented motivational climate, in which athletes
some circumstances, yes. If external rewards are will feel successful and competent when they have
suddenly introduced for performance of a behavior learned something new, experienced skill improve-
that is intrinsically rewarding, a person may come ment, mastered the task at hand, or given their
Ronald E. Smith  49

best effort. Importantly, even if athletes perceive of their sport experience when coaches create a
themselves as possessing lower ability than oth- mastery motivational climate. One study found that
ers, they can still feel competent and successful if a coach-created mastery environment was ten times
focused on mastery-oriented achievement goals (see more important than the team’s won–lost record in
Chapter 4). accounting for how much young athletes liked their
By contrast, when young athletes are in a coaches and wanted to play for them in the future
state of ego involvement, their definitions of per- (Cumming, Smoll, Smith, & Grossbard, 2007).
sonal success and demonstrated competence are Other research has shown that training coaches
other-referenced. The goal here is to show that one in how to create a mastery climate has notable
is superior to relevant others or to avoid appearing positive effects on young athletes. In response to
inferior to others. When coaches make reinforce- a decreased emphasis on winning, such athletes
ment contingent on outperforming others or win- exhibited significant decreases in performance anx-
ning, punish unsuccessful performance, and fail to iety over the course of the season, whereas athletes’
attend to effort or to developing personal goals for trait anxiety increased in a control condition whose
improvement, they can easily create an ego-oriented coaches did not receive the mastery approach to
motivational climate. coaching intervention (Smith, Smoll, & Cumming,
Research has shown that the motivational cli- 2007; see Chapter 18 for details). Athletes also
mate created by teachers and coaches has strong showed salutary changes in their achievement goals,
effects on achievement goals, standards of success, defining success in terms of personal improve-
and behavior. Children are more likely to invest in ment, enjoying teammates, and having fun, rather
learning, develop intrinsic motivation, and adopt than winning or besting others (Smoll, Smith, &
adaptive achievement strategies in mastery climates Cumming, 2007). Training coaches in how to cre-
in which the emphasis is on learning, personal ate a mastery climate also increases teams’ task and
improvement, and developing new skills rather than social cohesion (McClaren, Eys, & Murray, 2015).
on interpersonal evaluation and social comparison
with others. Relatedly, communicating that ability
is changeable rather than inborn or determined by Performance Feedback: Providing
physical attributes results in greater effort, stronger Information Needed to Improve
persistence in the face of failure, and, ultimately,
better performance (Dweck & Molden, 2017).
By contrast, maladaptive achievement strategies, We all need people who will give us feedback.
fear of failure, and motivational problems tend to That’s how we improve.
occur in ego-involving motivational climates, in —Bill Gates
which mistakes are punished, children with greater
ability receive more encouragement and rewards, Positive reinforcement serves not only as a reward for
and social comparison is emphasized (Duda, desirable behavior but also as a form of performance
Papaioannou, Appleton, Quested, & Krommidas, feedback (see Chapter 2 for more details on feedback).
2014). As John Wooden and other progressive In other words, providing positive acknowledgement
coaches have recognized, focusing on effort, prepa- of results or effort communicates the message that per-
ration, and dedication to personal improvement formance has met or exceeded the coach’s standards.
pays dividends not only in performance but also When it is possible to measure desired and undesired
in the development of healthy attitudes and values behaviors objectively, the coach can utilize the highly
concerning sport participation. Especially notewor- effective tool of performance feedback to increase
thy is the fact that athletes report greater enjoyment motivation and performance.
50 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

Performance feedback is a prominent feature self-satisfaction that function as positive reinforce-

of what many successful coaches do. For exam- ment when subsequent feedback indicates improve-
ple, psychologists Ronald Gallimore and Roland ment. Such self-administered reinforcement can be
Tharp (2004) charted all of John Wooden’s behav- even more important than external reinforcement
iors during 15 practice sessions. They found that from the coach in bringing about improved perfor-
75 percent of Wooden’s comments to his players mance. Promoting self-motivation in athletes also
contained instructional feedback. Most of his com- reduces the need for coaches to reinforce or pun-
ments were specific statements of what to do and ish. When feedback is public, as in posting statis-
how the players were or were not doing it. Indeed, tics, the actual or anticipated reactions of others to
Wooden was five times more likely to inform than one’s performance level can serve as an additional
to merely praise or reprimand. Wooden once motivator of increased effort and performance.
remarked, “I believe correcting is the positive Improvement is also likely to result in reinforce-
approach. I believe in the positive approach. Always ment from teammates.
have.” But he also knew how to give negative feed- A final motivational function of objective
back without demeaning the athlete: feedback is in relation to formal goal-setting pro-
grams. Because goal-setting is discussed in detail in
Approval is a greater motivator than disapproval, Chapter 11, I will simply point out that successful
but we have to disapprove on occasion when we
goal-setting programs provide clear feedback that
correct. It’s necessary. I make corrections only after
I have proved to the individual that I highly value
informs athletes as to their performance in rela-
him. If they know we care for them, our correction tion to the goal (Smoll & Smith, 2018). Without
won’t be seen as judgmental. I also try to never such feedback, goal-setting does not improve per-
make it personal. (Wooden & Jamison, 209, p. 87) formance, and without clear and specific goals
that are either assigned by others or set internally,
performance feedback has limited effect on per-
Informational and Motivational Benefits formance. In one study participants engaged in a
of Feedback strenuous aerobic task on an arm-powered exer-
Objective feedback is effective in improving per- cise bicycle (Bandura & Cervone, 1983). Four
formance for a variety of reasons. For one thing, experimental conditions were created by the pres-
feedback can correct misconceptions. Athletes, like ence/absence of challenging assigned goals and
other people, often have distorted perceptions of the presence/absence of performance feedback.
their own behavior. Objective evidence in the form Over the three performance periods, those who
of statistics or numbers can help correct such mis- had both assigned goals and feedback improved
conceptions and may motivate corrective action. their level of performance 59 percent. In con-
For example, it can be a sobering experience for a trast, those who had only goals without feedback
basketball player who fancies himself a great ball or received only feedback improved from 20 to
handler to learn that he has many more turnovers 25 percent—no more than the group that received
than assists. neither goals nor feedback. The presence of both
Feedback also creates internal consequences challenging goals and performance feedback
by stimulating athletes to experience positive (or provided a powerful motivational boost to task
negative) feelings about how well they performed performance.
in relation to their standards of performance.
An athlete who is dissatisfied with his or her Instructional Benefits of Feedback
level of performance may not only be motivated Feedback has not only motivational but also
to improve but will also experience feelings of instructional effects (see Chapter 2). Objective
Ronald E. Smith  51

performance feedback provides information about Implementing a Performance Measurement

(a) the specific behaviors that should be per- and Feedback System
formed, (b) the levels of proficiency that should be
As in the application of positive reinforcement, a
achieved in each of the skills, and (c) the athlete’s
successful feedback program requires that coaches
current level of proficiency in these activities. This
identify specific and measurable behaviors or con-
instructional function of feedback can be especially
sequences—something that can be counted. The
valuable when execution of a given skill is broken
performance measures can be fairly global (e.g.,
down into its stages or components, as was done in
number of rebounds per minute) or more specific
the football study described earlier. When the skill
and dealing with subskills (e.g., percentage of
is a highly complex one, such as hitting a baseball,
rebound plays in which the opponent is boxed out).
verbal or video feedback on how frequently a hit-
In many instances, coaches can choose between
ter executes each of the essentials (keeping the bat
measuring a desired behavior or its undesirable
in the correct position, shifting one’s weight cor-
counterpart. In line with the positive approach to
rectly, striding with the hips closed, keeping one’s
coaching, I strongly recommend choosing the cor-
head down during the swing, and so on) can be
rect behavior for feedback rather than the mistake
very valuable in pinpointing areas of strength and
(or, at the very least, presenting both). This puts a
weakness so that attention can be directed toward
coach in the position of reinforcing improvement
correcting mistakes. The information provided by
rather than punishing or criticizing mistakes. It also
subsequent objective feedback allows both coach
focuses players’ attention on what they should do
and athlete to monitor progress in a more useful
rather than on what they should not do. Case Study 2
fashion than by depending on a more global mea-
illustrates the use of positive performance feedback
sure of proficiency, such as batting average.
combined with expert instruction.
The foregoing discussion suggests a number of
Finally, it is important to note that perfor-
principles for giving effective feedback to athletes.
mance feedback measures can be derived not only
Feedback should be contingent on what the athlete
for individual players but also for subgroups or even
has just done, and it should be framed so that it can
for the team as a whole. Such measures can help to
help the athlete continue to improve. Immediate
promote team cohesion by emphasizing the impor-
feedback is more beneficial than delayed feedback
tance of teamwork and by providing a specific mea-
(Locke & Latham, 2013). The athlete is provided
sure of group performance.
with feedback both on correct aspects of perfor-
Positive reinforcement and performance feed-
mance and on errors that were made. However,
back techniques can be applied to sports in many
the athlete should then be told or shown very spe-
ways. Given the success they have enjoyed in a wide
cifically how to correct the error, emphasizing the
variety of performance settings, these strategies
good things that will happen when the correction
have the potential to increase coaching effective-
is made. This is an excellent way to combine cor-
ness at all competitive levels, from children’s pro-
rective instruction with encouragement and rein-
grams to the demanding and exacting realm of elite
forcement and turn a communication that could be
and professional sports. Table 3-1 presents some
construed as negative into something positive and
practical guidelines based on the positive approach
emphasized in this chapter.
52 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

Case Study 2

Using Instruction and Feedback to Improve Pitching Performance

In the world of professional baseball, organizations spend millions of dollars to develop talent for the major
leagues. The key to organizational success is successful instruction. An example of the successful use of
feedback-enhanced instruction is seen in the following case.
The athlete was a pitcher in his first year of minor league baseball. He had an excellent fastball, but
it was clear that he needed another pitch to compete successfully at an elite level. He had a rudimentary
curve ball over which he had limited command. The pitching instructor (Brent Strom of the Houston Astros)
planned a systematic program of instruction, an important component of which was throwing his curve ball
at an apparatus known as “the string zone.” The apparatus was set up at home plate in front of the catcher.
The heavy strings, arranged in a rectangular shape, framed the strike zone and could be slid up, down, or
sideways to create different target areas. Following instruction on how to hold and release the ball and some
warm-up pitches, the pitcher would throw a series of 25 to 30 pitches at the string target under the watchful
eye of the instructor. A record was kept of the percentage of pitches that passed through the strike zone at
each pitching session. Thus, the pitcher received intrinsic feedback from his muscular and visual senses,
extrinsic feedback from the instructor, and graphical feedback on the percentage of strikes thrown at each
test session. On days when the pitcher appeared in games, the percentage of curve balls regarded as strikes
by viewing the video recording from center field was also charted.
Figure 3-2 shows the data collected on the test Physical
and game days. At baseline (Phase A, before the inter- Baseline Skills Relaxation
vention), the pitcher showed limited ability to hit the 70 B+C
target. Once formal instruction began (Phase B), he 60
% Breaking Ball Strikes

showed steady improvement in practice sessions but B

not in games. He attributed this to anxiety experi- A
enced during games, so at that point, a second com- 40
ponent, relaxation training (see Chapter 12), was 30
introduced as technical instruction continued (Phase 20 Games
B 1 C). Increased command over his arousal level
as he learned to relax during games (see Chapters
12 and 13) helped reduce the practice–game discrep- 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ancy in accuracy. Though not shown in this figure,
Pitching Days
the expert instruction resulted not only in greater
Figure 3-2  Percentage of curve ball strikes
accuracy but also in a much sharper break on his
thrown by the pitcher in test sessions
curve ball over time. By his second year in the minor
and games prior to instruction
leagues, his curve ball rivaled his fastball in its effec- and feedback, during instruction,
tiveness. The pitcher went on to a successful major and following relaxation training
league career. combined with instruction.
Ronald E. Smith  53

Table 3-1  Getting Positive Things to Happen: Some Practical Guidelines

Administering positive reinforcement

1. Be liberal with reinforcement, particularly in the early stages of learning.
2. Have realistic expectations and consistently reinforce compliance with your standards.
3. Try to reinforce desired behaviors as soon as they occur.
4. Reinforce effort and perseverance, not just results.
5. Pair reinforcement with a statement of what the athlete did correctly, e.g., “Way to go, you blocked out
really well.”
6. Verbally reinforce compliance with team rules to help prevent disruptive behavior.
7. Help athletes set positive, individualized behavioral performance goals. Use written or statistical per-
formance feedback to track improvement and stimulate self-reinforcement processes in athletes.

Reacting to mistakes
1. Regard mistakes as learning opportunities.
2. Ask the athlete what should have been done instead to reinforce the performance principle.
3. If the athlete knows how to correct the mistake, give encouragement. If not, demonstrate.
4. The “positive sandwich” is an excellent way to combine instruction with encouragement and reinforce-
ment. First, find something the athlete did right and reinforce it (e.g., “You did a good job of getting to
that fly ball.”). Then tell the athlete how to
correct the mistake, emphasizing the good things that will happen as a result (e.g., “Now, if you catch
the ball with both hands, you’ll hang onto it and make that play.”). Finally, end with an encouraging
statement (e.g., “Keep working on this and you’re going to be a good fielder.”).
5. Restrict criticism to behaviors that are in the athlete’s control, such as lack of effort.
6. Avoid aversive punishment as much as possible. It builds fear of failure, the athlete’s worst enemy.
Response cost is a more desirable alternative if punishment is used.

Adapted from Smith, R. E., and Smoll, F. L. Sport psychology for youth coaches: Developing champions in sports and life.
New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012, 164.

In this chapter I have focused on some of the advantages of a positive approach to coaching that
uses reinforcement (a) to strengthen desired behaviors and (b) to promote the development of a
positive motivation for success rather than fear of failure. Objective performance feedback on spe-
cific aspects of performance is a highly successful motivational and instructional technique. Both
systematic reinforcement and objective feedback require that the coach identify specific behaviors
that are important to individual and team success. This is in itself a highly desirable practice because
it focuses both coach and player attention on exactly what needs to be mastered and executed. It
54 Chapter 3   A Positive Approach to Coaching Effectiveness and Performance Enhancement

also promotes goal-setting based on specific behaviors rather than on more general goals that are
difficult to measure. The systematic use of positive reinforcement and objective feedback has yielded
impressive results in many performance settings, including sports, and their utilization is appropri-
ate at all competitive levels of athletics.

Study Questions

1. In what ways can coaching be viewed as attempts to influence behavior?

2. What are the ABCs of behavior control within an operant conditioning analysis of behavior?
3. Define the four basic consequences created by the presentation or removal of positive or aver-
sive stimuli and explain their effects on behavior.
4. Differentiate between negative reinforcement and punishment.
5. Define positive reinforcement and contrast it with punishment in terms of its effects on behav-
ior and the motivational factors that underlie its effectiveness.
6. What are the direct effects and undesirable side effects of punishment? Distinguish between
aversive punishment and response cost. How can we explain the fact that highly punitive
coaches are sometimes very successful in eliciting high levels of athlete performance?
7. What are reinforcement contingencies and how are they applied in shaping?
8. Summarize the schedules of reinforcement described in the text, as well as their effects on
9. What is the importance of reinforcing effort rather than focusing entirely on outcome?
10. How can the positive approach be used to reduce disciplinary problems?
11. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Under what conditions can intrinsic
motivation be undermined by positive reinforcement and what can be done to reduce this
12. How would you use positive reinforcement to create (a) a task-oriented motivational climate
and (b) an ego-oriented motivational climate?
13. What are the effects of performance feedback on task performance, and what are the mecha-
nisms whereby feedback is assumed to motivate behavior? What is the instructional value of
14. What are some of the key principles in implementing a performance feedback program? How
are these related to the positive approach to coaching?

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The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and
Implications for Empowering Athletes and the
Promotion of the Quality of Sport Engagement
Joan L. Duda, The University of Birmingham, UK
Darren C. Treasure, University of Bath, UK

With a defeat, when you lose, you get up, you make it better, you try again. That’s what I do in life, when I
get down, when I get sick, I don’t want to just stop. I keep going and I try to do more. Everyone always says
never give up but you really have to take that to heart and really do never definitely give up. Keep trying.
—Serena Williams, winner of 23 Grand Slam singles titles, four Olympic gold medals,
and number one in the world for 319 weeks

Success is not an accident, success is actually a choice. Success is born out of faith, an undying passion,
and a relentless drive.
—Stephen Curry, six-time NBA all-star, two-time NBA MVP, and player for the
Golden State Warriors when winning three NBA championships

You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.
—Michael Phelps, American swimmer and the most decorated
Olympian of all time, with a total of 22 medals

Serena Williams, Stephen Curry, and Michael Phelps athlete is unlikely to reach his or her full potential.
speak to the very essence of why understanding Motivation also is pertinent to how the athlete
motivation is of such interest to coaches, parents, experiences and responds to sport. Whether or not
sports psychology consultants, and athletes alike. sport contributes positively or negatively to athletes’
Motivation is the foundation of sport performance welfare is linked to motivation-related factors.
and achievement. Without it, even the most talented In spite of its significance in the athletic milieu,

58 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

however, motivation is one of the most misunder- performance impairment or fail to live up to his
stood psychological constructs among sport partici- potential, and contemplate dropping out or actually
pants and practitioners. quitting tennis, we infer that motivational problems
What is motivation, and how does an athlete abound.
or his or her coach optimize it? Some think that A number of factors need to be considered
whether an athlete is high or low in motivation is before we can determine the degree to and the way
somehow inherent in the athlete’s personality—a in which the participant is motivated. It is import-
relatively unchangeable characteristic of the person. ant to consider how much motivation the individ-
Others believe coaches “motivate” athletes, perhaps ual has (i.e., the quantity of motivation), as well as
in their pre-game pep talks or in the techniques the quality of that motivation (Duda, 2001, 2005).
they use in practice to foster their athletes’ focus Typically, the quantity of motivation is reflected in
and intensity. There is perhaps some truth in each how “into” her or his sport the athlete is at the pres-
of these perspectives. However, sport motivation is ent time and how well she or he is currently per-
more complex and multifaceted than either of them. forming. However, it is important to keep in mind
Contemporary research shows motivation to be that there are different reasons why an athlete may
dependent both on some malleable psychological be “motivated” in the short term. There may be
tendencies of the athletes themselves and on aspects a high quantity of motivation at the moment, but
of the social environments in which they develop, what about the quality of that motivation?
train, and compete. In particular, variations in The quality of motivation is inferred by the ath-
motivation are held to be a function of the diverse lete’s sustained, positive, and healthy engagement in
ways in which athletes interpret their sport-related the sport. This includes both the athlete’s accom-
experiences. These different ways of interpreting plishments and development over time as well as
sport stem from individual dispositional differences the degree of enjoyment and psychological and
between athletes and situational dynamics. physical benefits associated with sport involvement.
How do we decide if an athlete is motivated? Is Variability in the quantity and quality of sport moti-
good or poor performance the best or only indica- vation is intricately linked with how athletes think
tor? In general, researchers suggest that motivation before, during, and after their engagement in sport.
is inferred from variability in behavioral patterns. What thoughts appear critical to variations in
For example, John, a club tennis player, seeks out motivation? Researchers (e.g., Ryan & Deci, 2002)
opponents who really challenge his game. Whether have shown that individuals feel and act more
practicing or competing, John tries his hardest to motivated when they think they have the compe-
get to every shot and to hit it well, even when down tence to meet the demands of the task at hand and
love–40 in a game or behind 1–5 in a set. John believe they have some control, or autonomy, with
maximizes the tennis talent that he has. When an regard to their participation. The assumption that
athlete such as John tries hard, seeks out challenge, perceptions of ability and autonomy are critical to
persists in the face of adversity, and performs up to motivational patterns is fundamental to a number
his ability level on a reasonably consistent basis, we of popular contemporary theories of motivated
typically conclude that this person is highly moti- behavior. Two of those theoretical frameworks,
vated. In contrast, if John were to hold back in train- which have provided a foundation for research and
ing or a match and not give his best effort, prefer to practice on sport motivation, will be reviewed here.
play opponents or work on drills that are too easy These are the achievement goal frameworks and
or way beyond his capabilities, regularly experience self-determination theory.
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  59

Achievement Goals: The Importance quantity and particularly the quality of our motiva-
tion (Duda, 2001).
of How We Judge Our Competence
Fundamental to achievement goal models is
The principle is competing against yourself. It’s that there are at least two central achievement goal
about self-improvement, about being better than perspectives (task and ego) that govern the way
you were the day before. athletes think about achievement and guide subse-
—Steve Young, MVP Super Bowl XXIX quent decision making and action (Nicholls, 1989).
According to Nicholls (1989), task and ego goal
It’s focusing on the small things and not living or states entail distinct ways of processing an activity
dying by the results. and can fluctuate throughout the course of an event.
—Rory McIlroy, MBE, four-time Major When task involved, an athlete’s main purposes
Championship winner, one of only four are to gain skill or knowledge, to exhibit effort, to
players in history to win three champion- perform at one’s best, and to experience personal
ships by the age of 25
improvement. This athlete is focused on what he or
For me, losing a tennis match isn’t failure, it’s she is doing and is thinking primarily about how to
research. accomplish the task. If such purposes are achieved,
—Billie Jean King, former number one the individual feels competent and successful. When
women’s professional tennis player, winner ego involved, athletes are preoccupied with the ade-
of 39 Grand Slam titles, including 12 sin- quacy of their ability and the demonstration of supe-
gles, 16 women’s doubles, and 11 mixed rior competence compared to others. Perceptions
doubles titles of competence and subjective achievement, in this
case, entail social comparisons with others. High
The larger psychology literature, as well as anec- ability is demonstrated for the ego-involved athlete
dotal experience, points to the relevance of feelings when his or her performance is perceived to exceed
of competence to achievement striving in sport and that of others or to be equivalent with less effort
other life domains. Our contemporary understand- exerted. The athlete’s focus is on whether he or she
ing of sport motivation recognizes, however, that is good enough (if confidence is low) and how to
adaptive versus problematic motivational patterns prove (rather than improve) his or her high level of
are not merely a function of whether an athlete has competence (if confidence is high).
high or low perceptions of his or her ability. Rather, When task involvement is manifested, it is
we also need to consider the criteria that athletes assumed that the athlete will think, act, and feel in
use to decide whether they are able or not. That is, a motivated manner, regardless of her or his level of
how does the athlete define demonstrated compe- perceived ability. A task-involved athlete is expected
tence, and what are the implications for how this to possess high quality motivation. Ego involve-
athlete experiences and responds to sport? ment, too, can correspond to positive achievement
To answer such questions, one area of work that patterns (e.g., high performance or persistence) and
we need to address is grounded in achievement goal high quantity of motivation, as long as the athlete
frameworks. These frameworks assume that percep- is quite certain that her or his ability is high. When
tions of competence (how able we think we are), an athlete is ego involved and thinks the possibil-
as well as differences in goal perspectives, or the ity of demonstrating superior competence is “slim
ways in which individuals judge their competence to none,” the achievement-related cognitions, emo-
and perceive success, are the critical antecedents to tions, and behaviors displayed are far less than
60 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

optimal. That is, the quantity and, in particular, the well-being and moral functioning of athletes suggests
quality of motivation are diminished. that high-task/high-ego participants can be similar
Achievement goal theory states that an individu- to their low-task/high-ego counterparts in express-
al’s goal perspective state—task or ego involvement— ing maladaptive views about and exhibiting negative
is the result of both individual differences and situa- responses to sport (Reinboth & Duda, 2006).
tional factors. With respect to the former, an athlete’s In general, a significant body of research has
proneness for task and ego involvement is assumed to revealed that task and ego goal orientations are
be captured by his or her dispositional task and ego associated with qualitatively different behavioral,
goal orientations. We will first discuss the nature and cognitive, and affective patterns in sport that are
implications of these goal orientations in the athletic likely to have an impact not only on short-term
domain. performance but also on the quantity and quality
of long-term participation. Researchers have found
a task orientation to be related to positive motiva-
Significance of Goal Orientations tional outcomes—for example, the belief that effort
Achievement goal orientations are not bipolar is a cause of success, the use of problem-solving
opposites (Nicholls, 1989). Rather, they are inde- and adaptive learning strategies, enjoyment, satis-
pendent dimensions. As a result, an athlete can be faction, and intrinsic interest (Duda, 2001, 2005;
high ego/low task, high task/low ego, high task/high Roberts, Treasure, & Kavussanu, 1997). Previous
ego, or low task/low ego. From both a theoretical work has also revealed a task orientation to be
and an applied perspective, it is important to con- associated with the belief that one’s level of phys-
sider athletes’ degree of proneness for both task and ical ability is changeable or malleable (Sarrazin,
ego goals to get a more complete view of their moti- Biddle, Famose, Cury, Fox, & Durand, 1996). This
vational processes. is very important in the context of sport, because
Findings from studies involving male and elite-level performers usually reach their potential
female athletes from a variety of competitive levels only after years of training. If an athlete believed
and age groups show that an adaptive achievement this commitment to training was not going to lead
profile is one of high task and high ego orienta- to increases in ability (i.e., given that she or he
tion (Duda, 2001). But why might this be the case? holds the view that sport ability is “fixed”), it is
Some researchers have suggested that a high task unlikely that the athlete would be optimally moti-
orientation might, to some degree, insulate highly vated to train over time.
ego-oriented individuals from the negative con- In contrast, an ego orientation has been found
sequences of low perceived ability when they are to be associated with boredom, the belief that
performing poorly and thus be motivationally advan- deception is a cause of success, and reported anxi-
tageous in the long run (Nicholls, 1989). Athletes ety (Duda, 2001; Roberts et al., 1997). Ego orienta-
who are high in both task and ego orientation have tion has also been found to be related to the belief
multiple sources for feeling successful and compe- that ability is an important determinant of success
tent. They have the flexibility of focusing on either and the idea that sport competence is stable and a
task or ego goals at different times in their training “gift” (Sarrazin et al., 1996). Such a belief system
or competitions to enhance their motivation quantity may lead an athlete who is questioning his or her
(Duda, 2001). We should note that there are some ability not to be as motivated or committed to long-
questions regarding whether a high-task/high-ego ori- term training. These individuals believe that ulti-
entation profile is most adaptive when the focus is mately “You’ve either got it or you haven’t,” and the
on indexes of the quality of motivation (Duda, 2001). possession of “it” is deemed a prerequisite to sport
For example, research examining the subjective achievement.
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  61

Achievement goal models state that individuals she is preoccupied with demonstrating superior
in a state of ego involvement who have high per- ability compared to others. In contrast, an athlete
ceptions of perceived ability are likely to respond emphasizing an ego-avoidance goal would be most
in a fashion similar to competitors who are task concerned about not revealing his or her inferior-
involved, regardless of whether their perceived com- ity. For this athlete, the most important thing is to
petence is high or low. This has led a number of avoid showing that he or she does not possess ade-
leading sport psychology researchers to contend quate levels of ability. Central to this elaboration of
that a high ego orientation may not be detrimental the two-goal model of achievement goals (Nicholls,
to performance. Indeed, it has been argued that it 1989) is the assumption that an ego-approach goal
is hard to see how an individual could succeed, par- orientation would positively relate to achievement
ticularly at the elite level, without having a strong striving, whereas an ego-avoidance goal empha-
ego orientation. The assumption here is that elite sis would be coupled with negative motivational
athletes are primarily motivated by winning and outcomes.
outperforming others. Drawing from the existent research and simi-
Although we would agree that it is likely lar to the findings of studies based on the dichoto-
that all elite-level athletes perceive success in an mous goal models, results regarding the presumed
ego-involving fashion at certain times, we would positive implications of ego-approach goals in
caution those who want to promote ego orienta- sport-related settings have been equivocal (Adie,
tion. Indeed, high levels of ego orientation may Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2008a; Nien & Duda, 2008).
not be motivating at the elite level of sport, as even Our understanding of the nature, antecedents, and
these athletes sometimes doubt their ability (e.g., consequences of ego-avoidance goals, especially
due to injury, during a performance slump). At in contrast to an ego-approach goal perspective,
such times, a predominant ego orientation coupled is still in its infancy (Duda, 2005). An ego-avoid-
especially with moderate or low task orientation ance perspective on sport achievement has been
puts individuals at jeopardy for feeling incom- linked to greater fear of failure, stronger beliefs that
petent because their focus is primarily on their sport ability is fixed or unchangeable, perceptions
performance compared to others (Duda, 2001; of an ego-involving climate, heightened anxiety,
Nicholls, 1989). Because of the social comparative lower intrinsic motivation, and greater amotivation
nature of sport and the high demands placed on (Nien & Duda, 2008; Papaioannou, Zourbanos,
competitors, both in training and competition, ath- Krommidas, & Ampatzoglou, 2012).
letes (particularly those who are elite) are involved Regardless of skill level, or whether their ego-
in an activity that is designed to challenge the goal focus is approach or avoidance oriented, those
adequacy of their perceived ability on a day-to-day who are particularly concerned about how they are
basis. doing compared to others (ego-involved athletes)
Pertinent to any debate of the advantages or are likely to become prime candidates for question-
disadvantages of an ego orientation in sport are ing their competence. This might be a regular occur-
contemporary extensions of achievement goal mod- rence for those of us who are less talented but can
els (e.g., Elliot, 1999; Elliot & McGregor, 2001). strike any athlete at any time. It is important at this
That is, recently some researchers have called point to remember that we are discussing perceived
for a reconsideration of dichotomous task/ego ability here, not actual ability. Although actual abil-
approaches to achievement goals and have instead ity may not be altered during a game of tennis or
advocated consideration of approach and avoid- a round of golf, athletes’ perceptions of ability can
ance aspects of an ego goal focus. An athlete would and do change, often in a relatively short period,
be considered ego-approach oriented when he or and are seldom stable over a long period. Indeed,
62 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

lab-based research by Nien and Duda (2006) found able compared to others. For example, athletes who
that, in contrast to those focused on a task goal, back off at the end of a race because the outcome is
the performance and affective responses of study already determined (i.e., they won’t be the winner)
participants who emphasized ego-approach goals and coast to the finish line or athletes who begin to
were no different than what was observed for par- engage in inappropriate achievement strategies or
ticipants geared toward ego-avoidance goals follow- unsportsperson-like behavior when it looks like they
ing competitive losses in cycling races. Whether will not be the best on that day are unlikely to ever
approach or avoidance oriented, centering on ego reach their full potential.
goals translated into negative processes and out- Finally, if the expectation of demonstrating
comes when coupled with failure to demonstrate low ability becomes chronic, it may lead to regular
superiority. Such findings are not surprising when and high levels of anxiety and, eventually, a deval-
one considers that sport studies to date have found uing of, and loss of interest in, the activity. If this
a strong positive correlation between ego-approach chain of events occurs, it is likely that these ath-
and ego-avoidance goal emphases (e.g., Nien & letes may find themselves in a state of amotivation
Duda, 2008). Moreover, aligned with theoretical (Vallerand, 2001). At the very least, if such high-ego,
expectations (Elliot, 1999), both ego-approach approach-oriented athletes stay in sport, we might
and ego-avoidance goals have been found to be expect them to become strongly ego-avoidance goal
tied to fear of failure in the sport domain (Nien & oriented over time (Duda, 2005).
Duda, 2008). Elliot and McGregor (2001) also have distin-
How can ego involvement set the stage for guished between the approach and avoidance facets
performance impairment? Nicholls (1989) has of task (or mastery-based) goals. This distinction
suggested that the negative relationship between has led to what is termed the 2 × 2 achievement
ego involvement and performance is instigated by goal framework. A task (or mastery) approach
the expectation an individual holds about looking goal entails a focus on the development of per-
incompetent. This expectation of looking low in sonal competence and realization of task mastery.
ability can result in a decrease in performance in A task (or mastery) avoidance goal, on the other
a number of ways. First, in an attempt to protect hand, centers on the avoidance of demonstrating
one’s perceptions of competence, it may cause an self-referenced incompetence. To date, sport stud-
athlete to select sport tasks that are too easy or ies grounded in the 2 × 2 achievement goal model
too difficult. Although choosing to engage in less have pointed to the same advantages of a task-ap-
challenging tasks prevents the unhappy prospect proach goal, as has been revealed in the multitude
of making errors and appearing to be less able, it of studies based on dichotomous achievement goal
simultaneously hinders an individual from devel- frameworks (Duda, 2001, 2005; Dweck, 1999;
oping a variety of sport skills to the maximum. Nicholls, 1989). Task-approach goals have been
Likewise, selecting tasks that are much too hard found to correspond positively to perceptions of
provides the athlete with a ready-made justification a task-involving climate, intrinsic motivation, per-
for the unsuccessful outcome, as he or she is able to ceived competence, self-esteem, life satisfaction,
state, “I failed, but so did everyone else.” This strat- and the belief that sport competence is an attri-
egy, however, will be costly for the athlete in terms bute that can be enhanced through training (e.g.,
of maintaining or enhancing his or her skill develop- Castillo, Duda, Alvarez, Merce, & Balaguer, 2011).
ment over time. Consonant with the predictions emanating from the
Second, the expectation of looking incompe- 2 × 2 achievement goal model (Elliot & McGregor,
tent can result in a lack of trying when failure is 2001), task-avoidance goals have been linked to neg-
looming and when it looks like one will appear less ative processes and outcomes such as amotivation,
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  63

self-handicapping, fear of failure, and anxiety (Nien Research has shown a perceived task-involving
& Duda, 2008). In a longitudinal study of young climate to be associated with more adaptive moti-
male soccer players, Adie, Duda, and Ntoumanis vational and affective patterns than perceptions
(2010) found task-approach goals to positively pre- of a performance or ego-involving climate in sport
dict and task avoidance to negatively correspond to (Duda & Balaguer, 2007). For example, perceptions
changes in an athlete’s reported well-being over two of task-involving, coach-created environments have
competitive seasons. Research on young handball corresponded to greater enjoyment, more adaptive
players participating in elite training centers found coping strategies, perceived competence, greater
those young talented athletes emphasizing mastery team cohesion and more positive peer relationships,
avoidance goals at the beginning of the season had and higher levels of moral functioning. Studies also
a higher risk of experiencing burnout symptoms have shown perceptions of a task-involving climate
at the season’s end. In contrast, players endorsing to be negatively related to claimed self-handicap-
task-approach goals at the beginning of the season ping behavior in elite-level sport (e.g., Kuczka &
exhibited less burnout when the season concluded. Treasure, 2005). Self-handicapping is evident when
athletes who might be concerned about not per-
forming well “set the stage” to provide an excuse, or
Significance of the Sport Context
“scapegoat,” to explain their poor subsequent per-
A key variable in determining the motivation of formance. In so doing, failure could be attributed to
athletes is situational and relates to the salience the “handicap” rather than any inadequacy in per-
of task- and ego-involving cues in the achievement sonal ability. Such a strategy also allows athletes to
context. The focus here is on how the perceived save face in front of others.
structure of the environment, often referred to In contrast, perceptions of an ego-involving
as the motivational climate (Ames, 1992; Duda & motivational climate have been linked to greater
Balaguer, 2007), can make it more or less likely that anxiety and performance-related worry, drop-
a particular goal state is manifested in training or ping out of sport, greater peer conflict, greater
competition. This perception of the motivational self-handicapping, and lower levels of moral func-
climate affects the achievement patterns of individ- tioning (Duda & Balaguer, 2007). Other work has
uals through their view of what goals are reinforced found perceptions of an ego-involving climate to
in that setting (Treasure, 2001). In essence, percep- positively predict indexes of physical ill-being among
tions of the goal perspectives emphasized in these athletes (e.g., reported physical exhaustion and
social environments are assumed to be predictive of symptoms; Reinboth & Duda, 2006). Moreover, the
variability in motivational processes. degree to which the sport environment is deemed
Sport research has shown that a perceived ego-involving appears to have implications for ath-
task-involving setting is characterized by the athletes’ letes’ level of self-esteem and the degree to which their
view that the coach does reinforce high effort, coop- self-worth is tied to athletic performance (Reinboth
eration among team members, and learning and & Duda, 2006). When athletes train and compete in
improvement, as well as the perception that every- a highly ego-involving motivational climate and have
one on the team (regardless of ability level) contrib- some doubts about their sport competence, they also
utes to the team’s achievements (Newton, Duda, & are more likely to question their worth as a person
Zin, 2000). A perceived ego-involving team climate, overall. When a highly ego-involving atmosphere is
in contrast, is marked by athletes perceiving that the deemed to be operating on a team, athletes also per-
coach punishes their mistakes, fosters rivalry among ceive their coach to provide less social support and
team members, and gives much of his or her atten- positive feedback and be more punishment oriented
tion to the most talented athletes on the team. (Duda & Balaguer, 2007).
64 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

Consideration of situational criteria from necessarily detrimental to achievement striving

within achievement goal theories would not be (at least from a quantity of motivation perspec-
complete, particularly in the context of youth sport, tive; Duda, 2001), but it is especially problematic
without considering the influence peers (Vazou, when coupled with low task orientation and low
Ntoumanis, & Duda, 2007) and parents (White, perceived competence and/or grounded in a fear
1996) have in the development of children’s and of looking incompetent. All in all, techniques
adolescents’ achievement motivation. The majority designed to increase task orientation are likely to
of the work on the motivational climates created be more readily accepted by practitioners in the
by such significant others in the sport setting has sport world and probably will be a more effective
concentrated on parental influences. This research strategy for an applied sports psychology consul-
points to the benefits of task-involving parents and tant to pursue.
the negative implications of an ego-involving paren- Focusing on the individual to enhance the
tal climate (Duda, 2001). quality of motivation by affecting his or her dis-
positional goal orientations may seem a viable
option, but practically speaking, this strategy may
Implications for Practice be most suitable for an elite athlete who has access
The existent research establishing links between to a sports psychology consultant on a regular basis.
task and ego goals (whether dispositional or Concentrating on individual change in dispositional
situational in nature or approach or avoidance tendencies may not be the most efficient and fea-
centered) and various motivational patterns has sible alternative for a team or, especially, in the
contributed to our understanding of motivational youth sport setting, where the goal should be the
processes in sport. But how do we enhance moti- development of all players rather than the perfor-
vation based on the research grounded in achieve- mance of a select few. However, in a relatively short
ment goal frameworks? According to theoretical period, a coach may be able to structure a context
predictions and existing empirical findings, high- in such a way as to influence athletes’ recognition
ego/low-task athletes are the most susceptible to that they participate in a more task-involving moti-
motivational difficulties. The evidence suggests vational climate. In so doing, the coach can have
that a sport psychology consultant should try to a positive impact on the quality of athletes’ sport
enhance the dispositional task goal orientation participation.
for these athletes, perhaps by introducing task- In addition to coaches, particularly youth
involving, process- or performance-centered goal- coaches, interventions designed to enhance moti-
setting (see Chapter 11; Roberts & Kristiansen, vation should target the attitudes and behaviors of
2012) and/or self-regulation techniques (e.g., Duda, moms and dads and other significant people in the
Cumming, & Balaguer, 2005; see Chapter 12). athletes’ lives. By making certain types of goals and
We should consider implementing strategies that performance feedback salient, a parent can influ-
encourage athletes to focus on gains in skill or ence young athletes’ views about themselves, per-
knowledge, monitoring effort levels, and self- ceptions of the sport activity per se, and the criteria
referenced criteria for success. It may be very diffi- they use to evaluate success and failure. For exam-
cult in the ego-involving milieu of sport to reduce an ple, when a young sport participant returns from
athlete’s ego orientation, and it is likely that many a weekly tennis game and a parent asks, “Did you
athletes and coaches will be unwilling to moderate win?,” the athlete receives a rather clear message as
what they believe is a vital ingredient in developing to what the parent considers most important. This
motivation in sport—namely, focusing on winning message may counter or compromise the efforts of
and being superior. A high-ego orientation is not a coach or sports psychology consultant to enhance
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  65

task involvement. We would suggest, therefore, that Doing It for the Joy: The Determinants
any intervention designed to promote task involve-
of Intrinsic Motivation and
ment in sport recognize the role parents and other
significant adults (e.g., league officials) and peers Self-Determination
(Vazou et al., 2007) may play in determining a
Money is not a motivating factor. Money doesn’t
young athlete’s views on how to define sport suc- thrill me or make me play better because there
cess and the manner in which he or she tends to are benefits to being wealthy. I’m just happy with
judge demonstrated competence. a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from
To enhance motivation, coaches, parents, and playing the game I love. If I wasn’t paid to be a
sports psychology consultants should critically eval- professional footballer I would willingly play for
uate what they do and how they do it in terms of nothing.
task and ego goals. For example, how do you define —Lionel Messi, five-time winner of FIFA’s
sport success for your players or children? Is it in World Football Player of the Year award
terms of development and effort or winning and
losing? As a coach, do you design practice sessions Sport is an achievement activity. Therefore, know-
that optimally challenge your players, or do you ing how competent athletes perceive themselves and
repeat well-learned skills that may delay or stifle being aware of the criteria by which these athletes
development even though they increase the proba- define their competence is relevant to their motiva-
bility of winning today or right now? How do you tion in sport. Also relevant to motivational patterns
evaluate performance? What behaviors do you con- are the reasons why athletes decide to participate in
sider desirable? Do you congratulate players and their selected sport activity. The reasons for sport
your children when they win and outperform oth- engagement can range from autonomous reasons
ers, or when they try hard and improve? How do (i.e., one participates because of a “love of the
you react when the team, your athlete, or your child game” and/or because he or she personally values
loses? If you feel that you coach, parent, or consult the benefits of participation) to more controlling
in a task-involving manner, then you are probably reasons (i.e., one participates to obtain extrinsic
fostering the quality of athletes’ motivation and pro- rewards outside the activity itself and/or because he
moting adaptive beliefs and positive achievement or she feels compelled to engage in sport).
strategies. If your style of coaching, parenting, or Self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci,
consulting is ego-involving, you may be setting up 2002) has become a very popular approach to
more mature athletes or children, even those who understanding motivation and behavior in sport.
are currently the most successful, for motivational Fundamentally, SDT distinguishes between behav-
difficulties in the future. iors that individuals perform freely or autonomously
To assist the coach, parent, or sports psychol- and those that they pursue for more or less extrinsic
ogy consultant in modifying the motivation-related or controlled reasons. The theory examines why an
atmosphere being created for athletes, Table 4-1 lists individual acts (i.e., the level that their motivation
some suggestions on how to develop a task-involving is more or less self-determined), how various types
motivational climate (Duda & Balaguer, 2007; of motivation lead to different outcomes, and what
Treasure, 2001). These suggestions have been social conditions support or undermine optimal
organized around the task, authority, recognition, functioning and well-being via the satisfaction of
grouping, evaluation, and timing (TARGET) situa- basic psychological needs.
tional structures Epstein (1989) has argued make There are different types of autonomous and
up the “basic building blocks” of the achievement controlled motivation, and according to Deci and
environment. Ryan (2002), they vary along a self-determination
66 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

Table 4-1  Description of TARGET Structures and Strategies That Enhance Task Involvement

TARGET Structure Strategies

Task. What athletes are asked to learn and Provide the athlete with a variety of moderately
what tasks they are given to complete demanding tasks that emphasize individual chal-
(e.g., training activities, structure of lenge and active involvement.
practice conditions). Assist athletes in goal-setting.
Create a developmentally appropriate training
environment by individualizing the demands of the
tasks set.
Authority. The kind and frequency of Encourage participation by your athletes in the
participation in the decision-making decision-making process.
process (e.g., athlete involvement in Develop opportunities for leadership roles.
decisions concerning training, the setting
Get athletes to take responsibility for their own
and enforcing of rules).
sport development by teaching self-management and
self-monitoring skills.
Recognition. Procedures and practices used Use private meetings between coach and athlete to
to motivate and recognize athletes for their focus on individual progress.
progress and achievement (e.g., reasons for Recognize individual progress, effort, and
recognition, distribution of rewards, and improvement.
opportunities for rewards).
Ensure equal opportunities for rewards to all.
Grouping. How athletes are brought together Use flexible and mixed ability grouping
or kept apart in training and competition arrangements.
(e.g., the way in-groups are created Provide multiple grouping arrangements (i.e.,
during practice). individual, small group, and large group activities).
Emphasize cooperative solutions to training
problems set.
Evaluation. Standards set for athletes’ Develop evaluation criteria based on effort,
learning and performance and the procedures improvement, persistence, and progress toward
for monitoring and judging attainment of individual goals.
these standards. Involve athletes in self-evaluation.
Make evaluation meaningful. Be consistent.
Timing. Appropriateness of the time Training programs should recognize that athletes,
demands placed on learning and performance even at the elite level, do not train, learn, or develop
(e.g., pace of learning and development, at the same rate.
management of time and training schedule). Provide sufficient time before moving on to the next
stage in skill development.
Spend equal time with all athletes.
Assist athletes in establishing training and
competition schedules.
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  67

Autonomous Controlled
Motivation Motivation

Intrinsic Extrinsic Motivation


Intrinsic Integrated Identified Introjected External

Motivation Regulation Regulation Regulation Regulation

Figure 4-1  Self-determination continuum

Source: Deci & Ryan (2002).

continuum (Figure 4-1). We will start by describ- personally endorsed value and benefit). For exam-
ing the least self-determined types of motivation ple, an athlete who has high identified motivation
and move toward a portrayal of more autonomous and wants to improve his fitness level chooses not
motivational regulations (Vallerand, 2001). First are to miss any sessions during off-season conditioning
those athletes characterized by amotivation. These and preseason training. The athlete engages in this
athletes have no sense of personal control with regular fitness training out of personal choice, even
respect to their sport engagement, and there are no though the activity is very demanding and can be
extrinsic (or intrinsic) reasons for doing the activity. unpleasant.
Amotivated athletes are no longer sure of why they At the opposite end of the self-determination
are playing their sport. continuum is the classic state of intrinsic motiva-
Next on the continuum come three forms of tion, in which an athlete participates in an activity
extrinsic motivation, with the least autonomous for its own sake and because he or she personally
being external regulation. In this case, behavior is chooses to do so. It is highly autonomous and rep-
performed to satisfy an external demand or stems resents the quintessential state of self-determination
from the external rewards an athlete expects to (Ryan & Deci, 2002).
secure. For example, an athlete might say, “I’m Interviews with elite Australian track and field
going to practice today but only because my schol- athletes (Mallett & Hanrahan, 2004) offer support
arship depends on it.” With the second form of for Deci and Ryan’s (1985) multidimensional con-
extrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, athletes ceptualization of extrinsic motivation. Mallett and
participate because they feel they have to play the Hanrahan found that in addition to excitement,
sport. Such motivation is still extrinsic in nature; it enjoyment, a love for competing at the highest level,
only replaces the external source of control with an and a sense of relatedness with fellow athletes, less
internalized contingency, for example, “I’m going self-determined motives for participation emerged.
to practice today because I can’t deal with the guilt Specifically, these elite-level athletes identified
I will feel if I miss.” With the third type of extrin- money and social recognition as motives, while oth-
sic motivation, identified regulation, the athlete ers spoke to the job aspect of the sport. The data
does not engage in the behavior out of free choice, showed, however, that the athletes had successfully
but as a means to an end (and in terms of some managed to internalize and integrate the more
68 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

self-determined extrinsic motivation regulations within our various life domains. When the sport
into their personal values as elite-level performers. environment meets these three basic needs, we
This is an important finding, as motivation-related expect to witness greater self-determination,
differences between athletes who engage in sport investment, and well-being in the athletic setting
for more or less self-determined reasons are likely (Adie, Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2008b, 2012; Alvarez,
to be great. Balaguer, Castillo & Duda, 2009; Reinboth, Duda,
A fundamental tenet of self-determination & Ntoumanis, 2004) and reduced indicators of ath-
theory is that autonomous motivation is quality lete ill-being (Adie, Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2008b;
motivation. Individuals engaged in an activity by Reinboth, Duda, & Ntoumanis, 2004).
choice and for intrinsic reasons will experience bet- Understanding the social contexts that facilitate
ter consequences than those whose participation athletes’ motivation, performance, and well-being
is less autonomous. Research has found a positive via the satisfaction of these needs is an import-
relationship between autonomous motivation and ant line of inquiry. To this end, research in youth
higher levels of task perseverance and psychological (e.g., Reinboth et al., 2004) and amateur, as well as
well-being and found it to be negatively related to elite sport (e.g., Adie et al., 2008b, 2012; Balaguer,
feelings of stress, anxiety, and self-criticism in sport Castillo, & Duda, 2008; Reinboth & Duda, 2006;
(e.g., Gagné, Ryan, & Bargmann, 2003; Krane, Treasure, Lemyre, Kuczka, & Standage, 2007), has
Greenleaf, & Snow, 1997). Consistent with this line shown that perceptions of autonomy support (and
of inquiry, recent studies have suggested that SDT the degree of involvement or social support offered)
may provide a useful framework to understand burn- from the coach positively predict the satisfaction
out in sport. In a sample of elite-level swimmers, of the participants’ needs for competence, related-
Lemyre, Treasure, and Roberts (2006) found that ness, and autonomy. Coaches who are autonomy
over the course of a competitive swimming season, supportive solicit their athletes’ input, offer mean-
susceptibility to burnout was more likely to occur ingful choices, provide a rationale for their requests,
when an athlete’s reasons for participating shift to a and downplay the presence of or potential motivat-
more extrinsic motivation regulation. Aligned with ing impact of extrinsic rewards. Socially supportive
the findings of Lemyre and colleagues, a study by coaches are there to help when needed and indicate
Cresswell and Eklund (2005) on burnout among they care and respect their athletes (even if they are
top amateur rugby union players showed intrinsic not performing well!).
motivation to be negatively associated, amotivation More recently, SDT-based research in the
positively associated, and extrinsic regulation not sport domain has considered the implications of
related to reported burnout. autonomy-supportive and -controlling coach behav-
According to SDT, whether or not an athlete iors on need satisfaction, as well as the thwarting
has more or less self-determined reasons for engag- of athletes’ basic needs for competence, auton-
ing in sport is dependent on his or her degree of omy, and relatedness (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis,
basic need satisfaction. More specifically, Ryan & Thogersen-Ntoumani, 2011). Highly controlling
and Deci (2002) propose that all of us, athletes coaches tend to intimidate their athletes, run their
and nonathletes alike, need to feel competent (i.e., team in an autocratic fashion, and use extrinsic
feel sufficiently efficacious to interact effectively rewards to control the behavior of the players on
with the environment), autonomous (i.e., perceive their team. When athletes’ needs are thwarted by
we are acting according to our own volition and a coach, there is an active attempt to have athletes
have options and choices), and connected with feel incompetent, “like a pawn on a chessboard,”
others (i.e., view relationships with important and disconnected from the coach (and potentially
individuals as being supportive and respectful) their own teammates). In their research on young
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  69

male soccer players across a competitive season, Athletes who are intrinsically motivated and receive
Balaguer and colleagues found changes in coaches’ extrinsic rewards are not necessarily more moti-
autonomy-supportive behaviors to correspond to vated. Indeed, research has indicated that extrin-
the athletes feeling greater need satisfaction and sic rewards can diminish intrinsic interest (Deci
reporting less need thwarting over time. When & Ryan, 1985). Rewards, however, also can foster
the players felt more competence, autonomous, intrinsic motivation. What seems to be critical in
and related over the season, they also experienced sport is to consider how extrinsic reinforcements
greater vitality (i.e., feelings of energy) and reported are interpreted by individual athletes. That is, what
fewer burnout symptoms. On the other hand, do these rewards mean to the athlete?
changes in the players’ perceptions of a controlling Extrinsic rewards have a controlling aspect. The
coach-created environment corresponded to players use of extrinsic reinforcements by coaches and par-
reporting greater need thwarting across the sea- ents can provide athletes with a sense of “who is
son. Need thwarting was positively associated with pulling the strings” in terms of their sport involve-
increases in player burnout. ment. Rewards are detrimental to intrinsic motiva-
tion when they take away from athletes’ sense of
self-determination. Consider how a coach might
Intrinsic Motivation in the Often Extrinsic refer to an intercollegiate athlete’s scholarship and
World of Sport the resulting impact on that athlete’s intrinsic inter-
At all competitive levels, some athletes play sport est in the sport. Perhaps during the recruitment pro-
for intrinsic reasons. The sources of that intrinsic cess the coach repeatedly used the scholarship to
interest may vary. It may be the continuous learning coax the athlete to come play for his or her team.
that sport affords, the possibility of personal accom- In this case, the athlete’s decision to play for this
plishment and mastery, or the opportunity to experi- coach might be more likely to be perceived as con-
ence pleasant sensations whether they be sensory or tingent on this external reward rather than being
aesthetic (Vallerand, 2001). All in all, intrinsically self-determined. When that athlete performs poorly,
motivated athletes find sport pleasurable in and of if the coach says, “How can you play like that? We’re
itself and are maximally motivated both quantita- paying you to perform!,” the athlete might think of
tively and qualitatively. Indeed, we would argue that his or her participation as more like work and less
it is most unlikely that athletes, even multimillion- like an inherently enjoyable activity, which may lead
aires, would be able to sustain high levels of moti- to motivational difficulties.
vation and commitment throughout their careers if It is important to keep in mind that sometimes
they did not have high levels of intrinsic motivation rewards inform us about our level of competence
for engaging in their sport, particularly during peri- and worth. When receiving the reward is contin-
ods of adversity, duress, and poor performance. gent on personally controllable aspects of per-
From youth sport onward, competitive athlet- formance and an athlete obtains the reward, this
ics is dominated by extrinsic reinforcements. One should increase his or her perceived ability while
can win medals and trophies. Fame and fortune not undermining self-determination. As a result, it
may be the consequences of sport involvement for should foster intrinsic motivation. The social envi-
some. Talented college athletes in the United States ronment that surrounds athletes (which is created
may be rewarded with scholarships. Athletes at the by coaches, parents, sports psychology consultants,
professional level are paid for their sport achieve- peers, the media, and fans) has a huge impact on
ments. An interesting question therefore is: What is the meaning of extrinsic rewards. Whether extrinsic
the effect of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motiva- reinforcements are likely to be viewed as controlling
tion? The answer to this question is, “It depends.” or informational regarding one’s ability is a function
70 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

of the characteristics of these environments. In a greater sense of personal autonomy. SDT and
sport situations that allow athletes little autonomy, related research also points to the relevance of
the rewards are more likely to be interpreted in a socially supportive sport environments (Reinboth
controlling manner. et al., 2004). Socially supportive coaches are there
to assist athletes when they need help and convey
that they care about their athletes as people rather
Implications for Practice
than only as sport performers. Committed and
The literature on intrinsic motivation and self- compatible coach–athlete relationships (Olympiou,
determination in sport provides another rationale Jowett, & Duda, 2008) and the fostering of positive
for cultivating perceived competence, as well as social exchanges between and cooperation among
perceived personal control and feelings of con- team members should also lead to an enhanced
nection among sport participants. In essence, this sense of relatedness and social support.
research indicates that perceived adequate ability,
feelings of autonomy, and feeling that one is cared
for and respected in the sport setting are the fuel Pulling It Together: Toward More
that fires athletes’ intrinsic motivation. Caution in Empowering Sport Engagement
the use (and especially the overuse) of extrinsic rein-
forcements in athletic settings is required. Extrinsic Recently, a conceptualization of the motivational
rewards must be salient to the athletes to have any climate that pulls together principles and concepts
influence, positive or negative, and should be used cutting across achievement goal theory (AGT)
sparingly so that athletes are less likely to construct and SDT was proposed by Duda (2013; Duda &
a behavior–reward contingency (i.e., “If I do this, I Appleton, 2016; see Figure 4-2). This conceptual-
will get that”). This can promote an external locus of ization holds that the motivational climate is mul-
control in the athlete’s sport involvement. The goals tidimensional as well as hierarchical and could
cooperatively set among coach, sports psychology be considered more or less empowering and dis-
consultant, and athlete (see Chapter 12) should be empowering, depending on the most prominently
performance rather than primarily outcome based, emphasized psychological features. An empower-
more task involving (Roberts & Kristiansen, 2012), ing environment is one that is more task-involving,
and intrinsic in nature (Deci & Ryan, 2002). They autonomy supportive, and socially supportive. In
also should be realistic, that is, optimally challeng- contrast, a disempowering environment would be
ing with the exertion of effort. Achieving these goals highly ego-involving and controlling. Duda’s con-
will enhance perceptions of competence, and these ceptualization also considers the mechanisms by
goals are more within the athlete’s personal control which more or less empowering and disempowering
than goals tied to competitive outcomes. coach behaviors can lead to differential responses
Finally, coaches and other significant people in their athletes. That is, it is assumed that more or
in athletes’ lives can foster their self-determination less empowering and disempowering coach-created
(Reinboth et al., 2004) in other ways. We have climates hold implications for sport participants’
already discussed the motivational significance goal orientations and the degree to which their
of a task- versus ego-involving sport environment. needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness
Drawing from the SDT literature, it is important to are satisfied or thwarted. Pulling from Nicholls
try to make the athletic environment as autonomy (1989) and tenets of AGT, the competence embed-
supportive as possible. Considering the athletes’ ded in this conceptualization is one that is based
perspective and allowing them to make choices in on task-involved criteria. Specifically, when creat-
training and competition events should cultivate ing a more empowering motivational climate, the
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  71

Task- Autonomy- Socially- Ego-

Involving Supportive Supportive Involving


Task Psychological Ego Psychological

Orientation Need Orientation Need
Satisfaction Thwarting

Autonomous Controlled
Motivation Motivation

Positive Sport Experience Negative Sport Experience

Sustained Participation Disengagement/Dropping Out
Well-Being Ill-Being

Figure 4-2  Empowering and disempowering motivational climates

assumption is that coaches would aim to promote have greater autonomous motivation (as suggested
the competence of their athletes by enhancing their by SDT), positive outcomes are expected. In con-
task orientation and having them recognize com- trast, when the needs for autonomy, relatedness,
petence gains based on improvement, mastery, and and a more mastery-grounded sense of competence
appropriately centered effort. are not satisfied and/or are actively opposed by
When athletes’ feelings of autonomy, related- the coach and the athletes’s ego orientation is pro-
ness, and task-involved competence are satisfied and nounced, compromised functioning and ill-being
they are strongly task oriented, autonomous motiva- should result.
tion should be encouraged. When sport participants
72 Chapter 4   The Motivational Climate, Motivation, and Implications for Empowering Athletes

Research and the wisdom gleaned from practice suggest motivation is a key ingredient in athletes’
success, and we need to recognize that the quantity and quality of athletes’ motivation is inferred
from a constellation of behaviors, emotions, and cognitive variables—not from competitive sport
performance alone. Athletes are more likely to exhibit an adaptive form of motivation when they
perceive they have the necessary capabilities to match the psychological and physical challenges of
the sport in question, have a sense of personal autonomy, and feel connected to others with regard
to their sport involvement.
Motivation deficits appear when an athlete doesn’t think he or she “has what it takes,” perceives
himself or herself to be like “a pawn on a chessboard,” and/or feels disenfranchised from or not
respected by relevant others in the sport setting. In other words, understanding variations in sport
motivation implies that we pay attention to athletes’ thoughts regarding issues of competence, per-
sonal control, and connectedness to others.
When sport participants feel competent and in charge of their own destiny, their motivation to
participate is more likely to be more internalized. When athletes play sport for the love of the game
and other self-determined reasons, they do not need external rewards to encourage or legitimize their
involvement. As a consequence, coaches, sports psychology consultants, and other significant social
agents in athletes’ lives need to be careful when considering the use of extrinsic reinforcements as
a means to increase motivation so that they do not diminish intrinsic interest. External reward con-
tingencies can lead to self-determination if they inform athletes about their gains in competence, are
not employed in overabundance, and are provided in an autonomy-supportive manner. Otherwise,
they may cause more harm than good.
Research on achievement goals has indicated that how athletes judge their competence level is
also critical to motivational processes and outcomes. A focus on task involvement in the athletic
setting has several advantages, including that the source of subjective success is more within the ath-
lete’s direct influence and is less likely to result in feelings of incompetence. Defining sport compe-
tence in terms of self-referenced effort or task mastery criteria repeatedly stokes the motivation fire.
A positive approach to sport (and the motivation to participate in sport) is more likely when athletes
maintain a strong task orientation and continually try to improve in some aspect of the technical,
strategic, and/or mental part of their “game.”
An emphasis on ego involvement can advance an athlete’s desire to excel too, but it can also
have its motivational costs. First, a strong ego focus, whether approach or avoidance oriented, leads
athletes to perceive opponents and teammates as primarily reference points for feeling more or less
competent, rather than as cohorts with whom we learn, collaborate to improve individually and
collectively, or cooperate in competition. Thus, an emphasis on ego goals can jeopardize an athlete’s
sense of connectedness in the sport environment.
Second, when aiming to reach ego-centered goals, the criteria for success (showing superiority or
avoiding the demonstration of inferiority) are less within the athlete’s control, which endangers her
or his sense of autonomy. Finally, no matter the degree of athletic prowess or the competitive level
of the athlete, emphasizing ego goals can prove detrimental if that individual’s confidence starts to
Joan L. Duda and Darren C. Treasure  73

waver and she or he possesses a weak task orientation. In this instance, the athlete desperately wants
to be the best, fears he or she will not be, and has no other meaningful way of redefining her or his
goals and sense of competence to feel good about the performance. Because the world of sport is
competitive, challenging, and conducive to competence questioning, coaches, parents, and sports
psychology consultants should encourage robust task involvement in an attempt to optimize sport

Study Questions

1. What are the behavioral characteristics that reflect whether an athlete’s motivation is high
or low?
2. What is the difference between the quantity and quality of motivation among athletes?
3. How do task- and ego-involved athletes differ in the way they judge their competence and per-
ceive success in sport?
4. What are the distinctions between and consequences of being more ego-approach or
ego-avoidance goal oriented?
5. Define and give an example of a task (or mastery)–approach and task-avoidance goal focus.
6. Illustrate how being primarily oriented to ego goals can set the stage for performance impair-
ment and motivational difficulties.
7. What do we mean when we say that an athlete is intrinsically motivated in contrast to extrinsi-
cally motivated?
8. Describe the process by which external rewards can influence the intrinsic motivation of
9. What are ways in which we can make a sport environment more autonomy supportive and less
10. Pulling from AGT and SDT, what are the characteristics of an “empowering” coach? Provide
specific examples of disempowering coaching behaviors.

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Social psychology of sport (pp. 145–156). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
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parents. Pediatric Exercise Science, 8, 122–129.

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When
Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality
Thelma S. Horn, Miami University
Jocelyn H. Newton, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Curt L. Lox, University of North Florida

Joshua is a 14-year old boy who is just entering ninth grade. He has been playing basketball since he was
eight years old. About two years ago, Joshua experienced a significant height increase and is now close
to six foot two inches tall. Because he has always been tall compared to his same-age teammates, he has
been assigned by his coaches to play the center forward or post position. Upon his arrival at high school,
the coaching staff develops the expectation that Joshua will be exhibiting over the next two years the same
adolescent fast-growth spurt as his peers, thus allowing him to reach six foot seven or eight inches. So, they
continue to use him at the center forward position and are making sure that he works primarily on those
position skills (lots of rebounding but little ball handling or perimeter shooting). Three years go by, and
Joshua is just beginning his senior year. He is still six feet two inches and is struggling to compete against
post players from other teams. When the coaches try to move him to another position (e.g., forward, shoot-
ing guard), he can’t adapt very well, as he has not really developed those position-specific skills. Although
he had been “on track” since the eighth grade to play at the college level, he has received very little recent
interest from college coaches, who see him as “too small” to play at post but without the skills needed to
play other positions.

As this example demonstrates, Joshua may have spurt and was not going to grow more than an
fallen victim to the expectancies developed by his inch or two. Thus, he did not reach the height that
coaches regarding his future height. On the basis of was expected by his coaches, and he never had
that expectation (which turned out to be untrue), the opportunity to develop skills that would have
the coaches channeled him into the post position allowed him to play as a guard or forward.
and then had him focus only on skills relevant to This example illustrates the phenomenon
that position. In actuality, by ninth grade, Joshua known as the self-fulfilling prophecy effect. In the
had probably already passed his adolescent growth education literature, it has also been labeled the

78 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Pygmalion effect and was based on results from a expectation–performance process. In the follow-
series of early studies (see, for example, Brophy, ing pages, we will examine how coaches’ expecta-
1983; Rist, 1970; Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1968) tions or judgments of their athletes can influence
on the impact that teacher expectations can have the athletes’ performance and behavior, how such
on the subsequent academic success of individ- expectancy effects can be particularly negative for
ual students in their classes. Similar early studies selected athletes, and how coaches can individual-
conducted in the sport setting (e.g., Horn, 1984; ize their interactions with athletes to avoid behaving
Rejeski, Darracott, & Hutslar, 1979; Sinclair & in expectancy-biased ways and thus facilitate the
Vealey, 1989), as well as more recent ones (e.g., performance of all athletes.
Bunning, 2016; Solomon, & Rhea, 2008; Trouilloud,
Sarrazin, Bressoux, & Bois, 2006; Weaver, Moses,
& Snyder, 2016), indicated that coaches also form
expectations and that such expectations can affect The Expectation–Performance Process
the performance and psychosocial growth of indi-
vidual students and athletes. According to the self-fulfilling prophecy theory, the
Some reviews of this expectancy-based lit- expectations coaches form about the ability of indi-
erature (e.g., Jussim & Harber, 2005; Murdock- vidual athletes can serve as prophecies that dictate
Perriera & Sedlacek, 2018), especially as it occurs or determine the level of achievement each athlete
in the academic setting, generally conclude that the will ultimately reach. In 1983, Brophy proposed a
expectations formed by teachers at the beginning of sequence of steps to explain how the expectation–
the academic year have the potential to affect the performance connection is accomplished. This
progress of individual students. However, these writ- type of model can be used to describe how the
ers also caution that the overall effects of teacher self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon also can occur
expectation may be somewhat modest in nature. in sport settings.
Furthermore, the impact and presence of teacher Step 1: The coach develops an expectation for
expectations may vary as a function of both context each athlete that predicts the level of
(e.g., subject matter) and student variables (e.g., performance and type of behavior that
socioeconomic status, gender, race, ethnicity, level athlete will exhibit over the course of
of self-concept) (e.g., Friedrich, Flunger, Nagengast, the year.
Jonkmann, & Trautwein, 2015; Jamil, Larsen, &
Hamre, 2018). It might be fair to say, then, that Step 2: The coach’s expectations influence his
many teachers and coaches are not Pygmalion- or her treatment of individual athletes.
prone (i.e., they do not allow their expectations to That is, the coach’s behavior toward
affect the performance or the achievement of their each ­athlete differs according to the
students and athletes). However, there certainly coach’s belief concerning the athlete’s
does appear to be a subset of teachers and coaches competence.
who exhibit expectancy biases in educational and Step 3: The way in which the coach treats each
sport settings. athlete affects the athlete’s performance
Such variation among teachers and coaches and rate of learning. In addition, differ-
implies that those who are aware of and under- ential communication tells each athlete
stand the self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon how competent the coach thinks he or she
can avoid becoming Pygmalion-type coaches is. This information affects the athlete’s
or teachers. Therefore, it is the purpose of this self-concept, achievement motivation, and
chapter to present information concerning the level of aspiration.
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  79

Step 4: The athlete’s behavior and performance have conducted a series of studies showing that
conform to the coach’s expectations. coaches’ preseason expectations for their athletes’
This behavioral conformity reinforces the sport potential are based, at least in part, on their
coach’s original expectation, and the pro- (the coaches’) estimates of athletes’ psychological
cess continues. abilities (e.g., perceived coachability, role accep-
tance, self-discipline, maturity). To enhance efforts
We will now examine each of these steps in by researchers and practitioners to examine the
greater detail. bases of coaches’ expectations, Solomon (2008)
developed the Solomon Expectancy Sources Scale
Step 1: Coaches Form Expectations (SESS) that provides a quantitative measure of
At the beginning of an athletic season most coaches the primary criteria that individual coaches use to
form expectations for each athlete on their teams. assess their athletes’ ability in the sport domain.
These expectations are really initial judgments or Additional information relevant to coaches’ for-
assessments regarding the physical competence or mation of expectations comes from a recent body
sport potential of each athlete and are based on cer- of literature that has focused on the talent identifi-
tain pieces of information available to the coach. In cation process. Specifically, in the elite youth sport
particular, the research indicates that coaches most setting, it is typical for program administrators and
often use three types, or categories, of information. coaches to conduct tryouts for young children with
The first category contains what we can label an “eye” toward the identification of future talent.
person cues and includes such informational items Recent research on this talent identification process
as the individual’s socioeconomic status, racial or (e.g., Jokuschies, Gut, & Conzelmann, 2017; Miller,
ethnic identity, family background, gender, sexu- Cronin & Baker, 2015; Vaeyens et al., 2013) has iden-
ality, physical attractiveness, body size, physique, tified a number of criteria that youth sport coaches
and style of dress. The exclusive use of any or all may use in identifying (or prophesizing about)
of these person cues to form judgments about an future sport giftedness. The identified criteria focus,
athlete’s physical competence would certainly lead again, on such things as physical attributes and
to inaccurate and very stereotyped expectations, as skills, technical skills, cognitive-perceptual skills,
will be discussed later in this chapter. Fortunately, motor abilities, and psychological (or personality)
not all coaches form their expectations based solely characteristics. The results of these studies provide
on person cues. Rather, many coaches also rely on support for the idea that coaches use factors from
behaviorally based information. This can include all three of the groupings identified earlier.
performance-related information such as the ath- Although the initial expectations formed by
lete’s scores on certain physical skills tests, the ath- most coaches quite probably are based on informa-
lete’s past performance achievements (e.g., previous tion from a variety of sources, individual coaches
season statistics), and other teachers’ or coaches’ likely differ with regard to the weight they assign to
comments concerning the athlete’s performance each source. That is, some coaches may particularly
and behavior. Coaches also base initial impressions value the comments of other coaches in evaluating
of athletes on observation of their behavior in prac- an athlete during recruitment or at the beginning
tice or tryout situations (e.g., player’s work ethic, of the season, whereas other coaches may place
response to criticism, interaction with teammates). greater emphasis on the player’s physical attributes
A third and more recently identified category of (e.g., speed, size, strength, body build). Therefore,
information that coaches can and do use includes psy- two coaches could form very different sets of expec-
chological characteristics. Solomon and her colleagues tations for the same athlete on the basis of what
(e.g., Becker & Solomon, 2005; Solomon & Rhea, 2008) sources of information each valued most.
80 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

his initial beliefs may well “see” only what she or

Exercise 1 he expects to see from that player. Solomon and
Assume that you have just been appointed the new her colleagues (e.g., Solomon, Golden, Ciapponi,
varsity coach for a high school basketball team. & Martin, 1998; Solomon & Kosmitzki, 1996) have
Because you are new to the school, you know very referred to this characteristic of coaches as “per-
little about the players who will try out for your ceptual flexibility” or, by extension, “perceptual
team. Team tryout days arrive, and you realize that inflexibility.” Coaches who develop expectations
you will have to make some difficult cuts and that of players at the beginning of the season that are
such decisions will need to be made within three not flexible or fluid tend to perceive individual ath-
to four days. What sources of information will you letes’ performance and behavior from a very rigid
use? How much (percentage-wise) will you depend perspective. That is, these coaches will perceive in
on each source of information? How will you design their athletes’ performance and behavior exactly
and conduct tryout days so that you might obtain what they expect to see. This type of situation is
the best information with which to make your team illustrated in Example 1 where the coach’s initial
selection? Will you use fitness tests, skills tests, skill expectations or judgments concerning the relative
drills, games, one-on-one contests, small-sided games/ athletic ability of both Ollie and Lenny are formed
drills, or other activities? What information will you on the basis of the previous season’s performance.
use to assess or measure psychological or behavioral These initial expectations, which may no longer be
variables (e.g., work ethic, coachability, persistence) accurate, cause the coach to perceive the two ath-
that you think might be of value in selecting your letes’ performance differently. Such differential per-
team members? That is, what things will you focus ceptions, in turn, affect the way the coach reacts or
on? Discuss the accuracy of your judgments in these responds to that player. This type of situation leads
areas and how that might affect your team decisions. to the second step in the sequence of events com-
posing the self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon.

It obviously follows, then, that a coach’s initial

judgment of an athlete may be either accurate or
Example 1
inaccurate, depending on the sources of informa-
tion used. Accurate assessments of a player’s com- Tryouts have just gotten under way for the Midtown
petence generally pose no problem, as they usually Mayhem, a highly competitive men’s roller derby
do not adversely affect the player’s subsequent per- team. Among the potential team members are
formance. However, inaccurate expectations (i.e., “Outlaw Ollie,” a returning player who was the team’s
expectations that are either too high or too low) leading jammer in the previous season, and “Levelin’
that also are inflexible can be very disruptive for Lenny,” who rode the bench in his debut on last year’s
athletes and can interfere with their optimal athletic team. The athletes are warming up by skating laps
progress. Consider, for example, the coach who mis- around the rink at progressively higher speeds. At
judges a particular athlete at the beginning of the turn 2 of the rink, Levelin’ Lenny skids out and falls.
season and falsely believes that individual to be less The team’s coach, who has developed the expectancy
competent than he or she really is. If the coach’s that Lenny is not a talented athlete, perceives this
expectation or judgment is flexible (i.e., changes fall to be due to Lenny’s lack of innate coordination.
when the athlete demonstrates better performance Thus, he responds by turning to his assistant coach
than expected), then the initial false expectation and saying, “Clearly, he’s no better than last year!” If,
does not cause a problem. In contrast, a coach who however, it had been Outlaw Ollie who had skidded
is very inflexible and resistant to modifying her or out, the coach, who perceives Ollie to be a gifted
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  81

skater, might assume the fall was caused by some

external problem, such as a wet or dusty track. Based Example 2
on this perception, the coach orders all skaters to stop Alicia and Mai, sprinting teammates on their school’s
until the team manager can come over to sweep/mop track and field team, are working on starting off
up that turn of the track. the block shortly before a track meet one day.
When Alicia (a high-expectancy athlete) executes a
successful start off the block in response to the gun,
Step 2: Coaches’ Expectations the coach responds with approval and encouragement
Affect Their Behavior and stops the drill to provide Alicia with further
To determine if coaches’ expectancies affect their instruction (i.e., she stutter-stepped her first few strides
behavior, researchers have conducted studies to approaching the hurdle). Later, when Mai (a low-
address the crucial question, “Do coaches treat expectancy athlete) executes the same successful start
athletes they believe have high ability (i.e., high- off the block, the coach responds with approval only
expectancy individuals) differently from athletes (“Good job, Mai”) but then goes on to show Alicia
they believe have low ability (i.e., low-expectancy how she can improve her stride further.
individuals)?” Generally this question has been
examined by measuring (either observationally or
via athlete self-report forms) the type, frequency, with high-expectancy players being shown more
and quality of instructional behavior coaches exhibit warmth and positive affect (e.g., smiling, head nod-
toward individual athletes. The overall conclusion ding) than their low-expectancy teammates.
from this research (e.g., Becker & Wrisberg, 2008; Perhaps of greater consequence is the differ-
Bunning, 2016; Horn, 1984; Rejeski et al., 1979; ential treatment that high- and low-expectancy
Sinclair & Vealey, 1989; Solomon & Kosmitzki, players may receive in the quantity and quality of
1996; Solomon et al., 1998; Solomon, 1996) indi- instruction. If a coach firmly believes certain play-
cates that some coaches do indeed show differen- ers on her team do not have the requisite athletic
tial instructional behaviors to these two groups of competencies to be successful (i.e., the low-expec-
athletes. Applying the results of this research to tancy players), that coach may, first of all, reduce
any specific athletic setting, we could expect the the amount of material or skills those players are
Pygmalion-type coach to show differential behavior expected to learn, thus establishing a lower stan-
to high- and low-expectancy athletes in regard to dard of performance for them. Second, the coach
(a) the frequency and quality of interactions the may allow the low-expectancy players less time in
coach has with the individual athletes, (b) the quan- practice drills. As a result, these athletes may spend
tity and quality of instruction given to each athlete, relatively more practice time in non–skill-related
and (c) the frequency and type of performance activities such as retrieving balls, waiting in line,
feedback given to each athlete. setting up equipment, keeping score, and taking
In the first behavioral category, frequency and statistics. Finally, the coach may be less persistent
quality of coach–athlete interactions, a Pygmalion- in helping low-expectancy athletes learn a difficult
prone coach typically initiates less interpersonal skill (see Example 3).
contact (either of a social or a skill-related nature) In addition to differences in the quality of
with athletes she believes to be less skilled. As a instruction, researchers have found differences in
result, the coach spends more time with athletes the type and frequency of feedback that coaches give
who are highly skilled (see Example 2). In addition, to high- and low-expectancy players. One of the pri-
the quality of coach–athlete interactions may differ, mary ways coaches respond differently to individual
82 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Example 3 Example 4
During practice, Alicia (the high expectancy athlete During the course of a men’s varsity volleyball match,
from Example 2) is having difficulty completing her a hitter approaches the net for an attack. Seeing the
hurdle set without stumbling in the final set of two opponents put up a single blocker, he reaches out to
hurdles. The coach stops the team drill and spends direct the ball around the block. The other team is
three or four minutes giving specific corrective form able to keep the ball in play. When the play is over,
feedback to Alicia. Each time, he asks her to rerun the athlete, who is a high-expectancy player, is told
the hurdle set and asks Mai (the low-expectancy by his coach, “OK, Chuy, at least you kept the ball in
athlete from Example 2) to reset the hurdles for her play. But next time, when you see a single block, hit
teammate. Later in the drill, when Mai evidences the the ball—your attack is good enough to get it through
same difficulty Alicia was having, the coach removes a single block!” If, however, a low-expectancy player
her from the drill by saying to another athlete, executes the same play, the Pygmalion-type coach
“Maxine, come here and take Mai’s place. Let’s see might respond with approval only: “Great work,
if you can show us how to do it right.” Jordan, you kept the ball away from the block. That
was a smart move for you.”

athletes is in their use of praise and criticism. With their performance. In contrast, low-expectancy per-
regard to praise, the expectancy-based research stud- formers receive a positive communication from the
ies (e.g., Bunning, 2016; Horn, 1984; Rejeski et al., coach but no accompanying technical information
1979; Solomon, 1996) generally have suggested
that Pygmalion-prone coaches do one of two things.
First, they may give high-expectancy students and
Example 5
athletes more reinforcement and praise after a suc- Zoe and Elizabeth have both joined a competitive
cessful performance than they do low-expectancy traveling youth gymnastics club. Although both
individuals. Alternatively, Pygmalion-prone coaches athletes begin the season at the same level of
may actually give proportionately more reinforce- performance, their coach has very high expectations
ment to the low-expectancy students and athletes. for Elizabeth’s performance and ultimate success
Unfortunately, however, this higher frequency of because of her “natural” physical attributes. The
reinforcement or praise given by coaches and teach- coach does not have the same high expectations
ers to these low-expectancy individuals may actually for Zoe. At the first invitational of the season, both
be qualitatively suspect, because the reinforcement athletes hold their own and take second and third
often is given inappropriately (i.e., given for a medi- place in their respective events. The coach responds
ocre performance or for success at a very easy task) to Elizabeth’s performance by telling her that she
(see Example 4). can considerably improve upon her scores if she
Observation of teachers’ and coaches’ feed- practices her balance, tumbling, and flexibility. The
back also has revealed differences in the amount coach concludes with the comment, “We’ll work on
of corrective or technical instruction given. In the those things next week in practice so you’ll be ready
sport setting, this may be especially evident in the to compete at the next invitational.” In contrast,
feedback coaches provide their athletes following the coach responds to Zoe’s performance by saying,
a performance. As illustrated in Example 5, high- “Good job, Zoe, hang in there. Great team spirit
expectancy performers receive informational and today!”
corrective feedback that tells them how to improve
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  83

to tell them what they can do to improve their per-

formance. These differences in feedback responses Example 6
may well be due to the different expectations the During a basketball game, Carmen (a high-
coach holds for the various athletes. For example, expectancy athlete) executes a difficult fast-break pass
because the coach fully expects Elizabeth’s per- up the court to Monica (a low-expectancy athlete).
formance to improve, he is more apt to provide The pass was a bit high, but Monica was able to
Elizabeth with technical information to help her rein it in and get fouled by the other team, earning
achieve skill success. However, the low expectations the chance to shoot foul shots. The coach comments,
the coach holds for Zoe lead the coach to believe “OK, Monica. At least you drew the foul!” but then
that corrective instruction may be fruitless and cer- says to Carmen, “Wow! Nice lead on that pass!”
tainly not useful for her.
Finally, coaches may also differ in the type
of attribution they use to explain the cause of the
be corrected. The coach attributes a similar failure
high- and low-expectancy athletes’ successful or
by Monica to lack of ability (i.e., her physical size).
unsuccessful performances. Laboratory-based
As the previous examples illustrate, coaches
experimental studies (e.g., LeFoll, Rascle, &
may indeed treat their high- and low-expectancy
Higgins, 2008; Rascle, LeFoll, Charrier, Higgins,
athletes differently. However, we need to exercise
Rees, & Coffee, 2015) have shown that the type of
caution concerning these observed differential
attributional feedback given to study participants
coaching behaviors. That is, we must not jump to
had a significant effect on their performance on a
the conclusion that it is essential for coaches to
motor learning task, as well as their psychosocial
treat all athletes on their teams in exactly the same
responses. Although this aspect of performance
way. Because athletes differ in their skills as well as
feedback has not been well studied in field settings,
in their personalities, coaches are well advised to
we certainly might speculate that a coach’s beliefs
individualize their instructional behavior to accom-
concerning the competence or incompetence of
modate the uniqueness of each athlete. Therefore,
selected players on his or her team would induce
it is important at this point to emphasize that
that coach to verbalize different attributions for the
athletes’ performance outcome. For instance, the
coach in Example 6 holds different perceptions or
expectations concerning the physical competence
Example 7
of Carmen (a high-expectancy player) and Monica Later in the game described in Example 6, Carmen
(a low-expectancy player). These expectations lead (the high-expectancy player) attempts to move past
the coach to attribute these players’ performances her defender by dribbling behind her back, a move
to different causes. When Monica drives for a layup the team has been practicing but no player has
but is fouled, the coach immediately, and in this attempted in game play. Carmen gets called for
case verbally, attributes that success to the opposing traveling. Her coach yells out, “Good try, Carmen,
team’s error (i.e., a lucky break for Monica). In com- that was the perfect time to use that move! You just
parison, the coach verbally attributes the successful didn’t get the ball around your back quick enough.
pass by Carmen to ability. Similarly, the coach’s You’ll get there.” When Monica (the low-expectancy
response to these athletes’ performance errors may player) attempts the same move and the other team
also be affected by the coach’s judgment of each steals the ball, the coach angrily responds, “Monica,
player’s ability. In Example 7, the coach attributes what are you doing? You’re too big to be using moves
Carmen’s lack of success in dribbling to poor tech- like that on the court.”
nique and thus suggests that the performance can
84 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

observable differences in a coach’s behavior toward behavior toward these two athletes, it is equally
individual athletes on his or her team do not auto- likely that the coach’s original expectation or judg-
matically imply that the coach is acting in a biased ment concerning each athlete’s sport potential actu-
manner. If the differences in the coach’s behavior ally determined, rather than just predicted, the level
are designed to and actually do facilitate the per- of achievement that Alicia and Mai reached. The
formance and achievement of each athlete, then coach’s expectations, then, served as self-fulfilling
such differential coaching behavior is appropriate. prophecies by setting in motion a series of events
However, if the differential treatment an athlete or (i.e., consistent differences in the quality of instruc-
a group of athletes consistently receives from their tion) that ultimately caused the original expecta-
coach in practices and games limits the athletes’ tions to be fulfilled.
ability or opportunity to learn, then such differ- In addition to the negative effects that a
ential coaching behavior is dysfunctional, and the coach’s biased instructional behavior has on an
coach’s expectations may be serving as self-fulfilling athlete’s rate of learning and level of achievement,
prophecies. such behavior can affect the athlete’s psychologi-
cal growth. Research work in sport psychology has
demonstrated that the type of instructional behav-
Step 3: Coaches’ Behavior Affects iors that a coach exhibits, as well as the type of team
Athletes’ Performance and Behavior culture or climate that is established, are correlated
The third step in the sequence of events in the with, and can actually cause, changes in athletes’
self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon occurs when a self-concept, perceived competence, intrinsic moti-
coach’s expectancy-biased treatment of an individ- vation, sport commitment, and competitive trait
ual athlete affects that athlete’s performance and anxiety over a season (see reviews by Carpentier &
psychological growth. It is easy to understand how Mageau, 2013 and Horn, 2008). As noted by Horn
the biased behavior described in the preceding sec- and Newton (2019), as well as others (Weiss &
tion is likely to maximize the athletic progress of Phillips, 2015), this association between coaches’
high-expectancy athletes while limiting the achieve- behavior and changes in athletes’ self-perceptions,
ments of their low-expectancy teammates. Players intrinsic motivation, and anxiety is quite consistent
who are consistently given less effective and less with several developmental, cognitive, and social
intensive instruction or who are allowed less active psychological theories that suggest that the eval-
time in practice drills will not show the same degree uation or feedback adults provide is an important
of skill improvement as their teammates who are source of information that children and adolescents
given optimal learning opportunities (see Chapter 2 use to determine how competent or incompetent
for more in-depth information on organizing and they are.
designing effective practice sessions). In Examples 2 In the athletic setting, then, the type of feed-
and 3, Alicia and Mai obviously are not being given back coaches give to individual athletes may
the same quality of instruction. If this instructional affect the athletes’ self-perceptions (e.g., their self-
behavior is typical of the treatment these athletes confidence, self-efficacy, and anxiety) by commu-
receive from their coach over the season, we might nicating to the athletes how competent or skilled
well anticipate that after a certain period of time the coach thinks they are. In Example 4, Chuy and
Alicia’s basketball skills will be considerably bet- Jordan have demonstrated the same level of perfor-
ter than Mai’s. Their coach will attribute these mance, but each receives a different response from
skill differences to what she believes to be innate the coach. This differential feedback may be com-
differences in the athletes’ physical talents. Given municating to these athletes what standard of per-
the observed variation in the coach’s instructional formance each is expected to achieve. Jordan, who
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  85

is clearly reinforced for that level of performance, less correctable cause). The differential messages
may be receiving information telling him that he is carried via these coaching communications may
at the maximum level he is capable of achieving. affect each athlete’s future performance and
Chuy, however, is led to believe his performance, motivation.
although acceptable, can and should be improved
because he has the requisite skills to perform at a
higher level.
Step 4: The Athlete’s Performance Conforms
Correspondingly, in Example 5, the coach to the Coach’s Expectations
responds to Elizabeth’s second-place performance The final step in the chain of events in the
with corrective feedback, thus overtly telling her self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon occurs when
that her performance can be improved with effort the athlete’s performance and behavior conform
and covertly supplying her with the perception that to the coach’s original expectation. This behavioral
she is capable of a higher level of skill. In contrast, conformity is, in itself, a very important component
although the coach gives Zoe a positive and encour- in the chain of events because it reinforces for the
aging response for a similar level of performance, coach that his or her initial judgment of the athlete
the coach does not provide her with the additional was accurate. This confirms for the Pygmalion-
information to tell her that she can improve her per- prone coach that he or she is a very astute judge of
formance and that she is capable of achieving at a sport potential and can recognize true athletic tal-
higher level. Thus, the coach has indirectly commu- ent at the beginning of the season.
nicated his expectations or judgments concerning As a final point with regard to the self-fulfilling
each athlete’s level of ability. prophecy process, it is important to recognize
Finally, as noted in the previous section, coaches that not all athletes allow their coach’s behavior
also may affect their athletes’ self-perceptions or expectations to affect their performance or
by the attributions they make for their athletes’ psychological responses (see discussion by Horn,
performance. When a coach attributes an athlete’s 2008 on this topic). Specifically, some athletes
successful performance to the athlete’s high level of are resistant to the Pygmalion process. If these
skill (as in Example 6), the athlete develops a high athletes do receive biased feedback from their
expectancy for future success and a positive attitude coach, they are able to discount that information
toward the sport activity. In contrast, when a coach and use other informational sources (e.g., feedback
attributes successful performance to luck, the from peers, parents, or other adults) to form their
attribution does not encourage an athlete to believe perceptions of how competent or skilled they
that she can attain the same performance in the are. Research from the educational psychology
future and provides the athlete with no information literature (e.g., Madon, Jussim, & Eccles, 1997) has
concerning personal competence. Similarly, a suggested that high-achieving students in academic
coach who attributes an athlete’s skill error to lack classrooms are generally invulnerable to negative
of effort, lack of practice, or some other athlete- teacher perceptions/expectations, whereas their
controlled factor will do more to facilitate future lower-achieving classmates are very susceptible to
motivation, decrease feelings of helplessness, and their teachers’ expectations. Assuming that such
encourage a positive attitude than attributing the interindividual variability also occurs in the athletic
athlete’s failure to lack of ability. In Example 7, setting, then there are some athletes (perhaps the
Carmen’s performance failure is attributed by her higher-achieving ones) who will be resistant to their
coach to incorrect skill execution (a controllable coaches’ expectations. Thus, even if a coach shows
and correctable error), whereas Monica’s failure is biased treatment of such an athlete, the self-fulfilling
attributed to her body size (a less controllable and prophecy process will short-circuit.
86 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Sport Applications boy may be at a stage of physical development com-

parable to that of the average 14- or 15-year-old boy.
The research and theory detailed in the previous In contrast, a late-maturing 12-year-old may be at a
pages describe the processes by which coaches’ stage of development comparable to that of a 9- or
expectations and behavior can affect the perfor- 10-year-old boy. Given such obvious differences in
mance and psychological growth of individual ath- rate of maturation, the early maturer’s physical and
letes on their team. Some of this information is motor abilities are likely to be superior to those of
based on research that has been conducted in the the late maturer. It is important to know, however,
academic classroom and that is then applied to the that the late-maturing boy’s disadvantage is only
sport domain. Although these two instructional con- temporary—he will eventually catch up to and may
texts certainly have many similarities, some factors even surpass his early maturing peers in physical size
make each domain unique. This section discusses and athletic performance. Unfortunately, however,
three expectancy-related issues that are particularly because the late-maturing boy in many youth sport
relevant to the sport context. programs is falsely diagnosed by unwitting coaches to
be a low-expectancy athlete (i.e., a child who is not
now and never will be physically competent), that
child may not receive optimal instruction, adequate
Maturation, Maturational Rates, playing time, or effective performance feedback and
and the Sport Expectancy Process may even, in fact, be cut from the program. Thus,
A contextual factor that may be particularly import- even though the late-maturing boy could develop into
ant in the physical activity domain relates to the a proficient athlete, he may be inhibited from doing
idea that children vary considerably in the rate so because of expectancy-biased coaching behaviors.
at which they grow and mature. Children who Therefore, we should consider late-maturing boys to
mature early will reach full physical maturation two be at an especially high risk for negative expectancy
to three years earlier than children who mature at effects and subsequently less apt to be selected to a
a more average rate. Furthermore, children who competitive team.
mature late will not reach full physical maturation Of course, as illustrated in the example provided
until two or three years later than their average at the beginning of this chapter, early maturing chil-
maturing peers and four to five years later than the dren may initially be advantaged (i.e., at entry into
early maturing child. As a result, within any given a competitive level of sport), but they may quickly
chronological age group (e.g., within a team of lose such advantages once their average- and late-ma-
12-year-olds), there will likely be considerable vari- turing peers catch up to them. Coaches may then
ation in children’s physical status. Such differences perceive the early maturing child as someone who
in maturational rates (and relative body size) may never reached his potential and/or never learned
not only affect children’s and adolescents’ perfor- skills that would make that athlete able to compete at
mance and behavior but also may cause coaches to other positions. An early maturing volleyball player,
hold differential expectancies for individual athletes for example, who is taller than his peers may be
(see, for example, recent studies by Cripps, Hopper, assigned to front-row play only (hitting and blocking)
& Joyce, 2016; Furley & Memmert, 2016). and never be taught and/or expected to learn back-
On a seventh-grade basketball team, for example, row skills. But when his teammates catch up to him
all boys may be between 12 and 13 years old chrono- in height, size, and power at the later stages of high
logically, but they may differ in terms of their biologi- school, the early maturer may not be competitive at
cal and physical status. The early maturing 12-year-old the skills needed for other positions.
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  87

A more complicated pattern of expectancy bias An issue related to maturational variability

may occur for girls in sport. Although early matur- is the phenomenon known as the Relative Age
ing girls may have the same advantages as early Effect (RAE) (Dixon, Horton, & Weir, 2011;
maturing boys during the childhood years (before Hancock, Adler, & Côté, 2013). The body of
the age of 12), the reverse may be true after this age. work in this area indicates that in some sports,
That is, early maturing girls could begin experienc- children who are born in the later months of their
ing the effects of a negative expectancy bias on the chronological age group year (i.e., those who are
part of their coaches around or after the time that the youngest) may be more apt to be cut from
these girls reach puberty. This could occur because competitive youth sport teams and/or receive less
some of the physical changes that girls experience instruction or support from coaches. As noted by
as they reach puberty (e.g., breast development, Hancock et al. in their analysis of this research,
menarche, increase in hip width) are typically not the RAE may be, in part, a reflection of the
perceived in Westernized societies as conducive to self-fulfilling prophecy phenomenon, a claim that
sport proficiency. Thus, some coaches may perceive has been supported by some researchers (e.g.,
or believe that these physical changes, which occur Pena-Gonzalez, Fernandez-Fernandez, Moya-
at an earlier age for the early maturing girls, will Raman, & Cervello, 2018).
be detrimental to their sport proficiency and per-
formance. In addition, gender-biased coaches may
believe girls who are becoming more “womanly” in
appearance may no longer be interested in sport,
because such gender-biased individuals still perceive
Exercise 2
participation in sport as antithetical to femininity. You have just been appointed director of an age-
Thus, early maturing girls may suddenly be seen by group youth sport program for a particular sport.
gender-biased coaches as less physically competent This program provides nonschool competitive sport
and less interested in sport participation. opportunities for children ages 8 to 16 years. The
This argument is consistent with the bioso- previous director of this program had used an ability
cial hypothesis developed by Malina (1994, 2002) tracking system. That is, at each age level, children
to explain the correlational relationship that links had been assigned, based on a tryout system, into
girls’ participation in intensive sport training with one of three ability-differential teams: (a) a high-
a delay in age of menarche. As Malina suggests, level competitive, travel-oriented team composed of
coaches may use a linear body build (narrow hips, the best athletes at that age level; (b) a moderate-
flat chest, relatively low body fat), which is more level competitive team that competed at the local or
typical of a late rather than an early maturing girl, to regional level; and (c) a low-level competitive team
select athletes into particular sport programs such that was open to all those who tried out and that was
as gymnastics, cross-country, dance, track, volley- primarily instructional in nature. Will you continue
ball, swimming, and diving. Thus, early maturing this practice of tracking children/adolescent ability
girls who no longer exhibit a linear build may either at each age group? What are the arguments for and
be cut from sport programs once they reach puberty against such a practice? Should your decision on this
or be socialized out of sport (i.e., be encouraged issue be different for different age groups? How will
to turn to more feminine activities). It is the early you communicate your decisions regarding athlete
maturing girl, then, who may be at especially high placement at the various levels to the child and
risk for negative expectancy effects once she reaches parent?
(early) puberty.
88 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Sport Stereotypes and the Expectancy Process The situations described in the previous para-
graphs illustrate only some of the race-related ste-
Another expectancy issue concerns selected ste-
reotypes that abound in sport. There are certainly
reotypes that are related to the performance and
many more (see Brooks & Althouse, 2013). These
behavior of individuals in sport situations. Two
examples show that expectations based on race are
particularly pervasive stereotypes in the sport set-
not accurate and certainly can inhibit the progress
ting are those concerning race and gender (see also
of individual athletes or groups of athletes. Support
Chapter 19). A common stereotype regarding race
for this idea is evident in the educational psychology
is that African American individuals are “naturally”
literature where researchers (e.g., Jamil et al., 2018)
gifted in particular sports and physical activities
have found that teacher expectations have greater
such as basketball and sprinting events (Kobach
effects on the academic achievement of Caucasian
& Potter, 2013). Although this may initially appear
girls and minority students (boys and girls) than
to be a positive stereotype, it has certain negative
on the achievement of nonminority boys in math
ramifications for those African American children
who are not “as good as they are supposed to be.”
A number of gender-related stereotypes also are
Coaches may perceive an African American child
evident in the sport and physical activity setting (see
who, for example, does not score higher than his
a summary of this literature by Chalabaev, Sarrazin,
Caucasian peers on a series of sport skills tests as
Fontayne, Boiche, & Clement-Guillotin, 2013).
either lazy or “untalented.” Such perceptions may
These stereotypes often are based on perceptions
be reflected in the fact that African American ath-
that males and females differ in selected physical
letes in some programs must either make the start-
(e.g., height, body composition, limb length) and/or
ing lineup or be cut from the team. Thus, African
psychological traits (e.g., competitiveness, aggres-
American children may be held to a higher standard
siveness) that are relevant to performance out-
of performance in these sports because of the ste-
comes in different types of physical activity. These
reotypes concerning their physical prowess.
gender-related stereotypes generally portray girls as
Another aspect of racially biased stereotypes a whole to be less proficient in sports/activities that
involves perceptions concerning athletes’ mental capa- require strength, speed, or power, while boys as a
bilities. Specifically, although African American ath- whole may be perceived to be less competent in other
letes are perceived to be very competent with regard types of activities (e.g., dance, gymnastics, synchro-
to physical capabilities (e.g., speed, reaction time, nized swimming). Coaches who hold such gender
strength), Caucasian athletes are perceived to have stereotyped beliefs certainly may interact with their
better mental capabilities (i.e., they are believed to be male and female athletes in very expectancy-biased
better decision makers and leaders). Pygmalion-prone ways. Thus, girls in some coeducational youth sport
coaches who subscribe to such racial stereotypes may programs (e.g., baseball, basketball) may be more
act in ways that reflect these biased beliefs. Thus, apt to be treated as low-expectancy athletes. That
African American athletes may not be considered for is, their coaches may give them less instruction in
sport leadership or decision-making positions (e.g., practice and less playing time in games. When they
football quarterback, basketball point guard, volley- do play in games, they may be relegated to positions
ball setter, baseball catcher). Even if they are given the where they are inactive for large amounts of time
opportunity to practice or play at such positions, their (see observational studies by Clark & Paechter,
“mistakes” will be perceived as evidence of their innate 2007; Hasbrook & Harris, 1999; Landers & Fine,
inability to perform well in these roles rather than as 1996; and Messner, 2000 for interesting detail
an indicator that they may need more instruction or regarding gendered behavior in children’s physical
practice to acquire the necessary skills. activity contexts). Even on all-girl teams, a coach’s
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  89

stereotyped belief that girls are not and cannot be

physically competent may cause her or him to estab- Example 8
lish lower standards of performance for them and Lived experiences reported by NCAA Division I
to give greater amounts of inappropriate praise (i.e., athletes who were participants in a study conducted
to accept and praise mediocre performance accom- by Simons, Bosworth, Fujita, and Jensen (2007)
plishments). Such expectancy-biased behavior may focused on the athlete stigma in higher education.
be particularly negative during the childhood years
because girls may then be less apt to develop the White male water polo athlete: “If a professor
necessary fundamental motor and sport skills that knows you are an athlete, you are assumed to be
will serve as an inhibitor of sport performance in stupid until you can prove otherwise.” (p. 251)
the postpubertal years. African American female basketball player:
“Professor asked the student athletes to stand
on the first day of class and said, “These are the
people who will probably drop this class.” (p. 251)
Exercise 3 White male swimmer: In a big class (400 people).
Read articles by Barak, Krane, Ross, Mann, & Before test professor said, “It’s an easy test. Even
Kaunert, (2018); Kauer & Krane, (2006); Kian, athletes can pass.” (p. 251)
Clavio, Vincent, and Shaw (2011); and Withycombe White male rugby player: “Student (classmate)
(2011). In small groups, summarize the results of says her diploma loses some value when they let
these articles by compiling a list of the stereotyped basketball players in.” (p. 262)
beliefs and attitudes that are evident in these
narratives. What can and should coaches do to
overcome or address such stereotypical ideas in the
sport setting?
athletes (e.g., especially minority male athletes from
high-revenue sports) at particularly high risk.
Stereotype threat theory (Steele, 1997) and
Stereotyping at the Collegiate Level critical race theory (Agyemang & DeLorme, 2010)
Athletes at the college level may face their own have been used to demonstrate that negative ste-
unique brand of stereotyping. Specifically, recent reotypes can undermine academic performance as
research articles (e.g., Feltz, Hwang, Schneider, & well as motor and sport performance via a number
Skogsberg, 2013; Singer, 2016) have documented the of psychological and cognitive mechanisms (e.g.,
continuing presence of the “dumb-jock” stereotype Chalabaev, Sarrazin, Stone, & Cury, 2008; Fuller,
that portrays athletes as intellectually inferior to 2017; Riciputi & Erdal, 2017).
their classmates. Such stereotyped attitudes toward Interestingly, a recent study by Feltz and her
collegiate athletes have been reported to be held by colleagues (2013) has indicated that college athletes
professors, teaching assistants, classmates, and who perceived that their coach exhibited a positive
other university personnel (see quotes contained regard for their academic ability were less suscepti-
in Example 8). Although this dumb-jock stereotype ble to stereotyped threat perceptions. Thus again,
appears to be somewhat generic in its application to coaches, even at the collegiate level, may be a key
all college athletes, the research studies to date indi- factor in either enhancing or undermining the poten-
cate that other contextual factors such as race, eth- tially negative effects of the dumb-jock stereotype
nicity, gender, and sport type interact to place some that athletes may face in the academic classroom.
90 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Coaches’ Personal Characteristics, athlete’s traits and abilities are malleable) should be
Their Leadership Styles, and the Sport less at risk for developing and exhibiting Pygmalion-
Expectancy Process prone behaviors.
From a somewhat different perspective,
As noted earlier in this chapter, the research conducted
we could also look at the research on coaches’
to date suggests that not all coaches are expectancy
leadership styles (see Chapter 6 as well as a recent
biased. Given this variability in coaches’ tendency to
review by Beauchamp, Jackson, & Loughead, 2018)
be Pygmalion prone, it would seem to be of interest
to identify possible predictors of Pygmalion-prone
to determine what types of coaches are most apt to
behaviors. For example, coaches who adopt a more
fall into this category. That is, what characteristics
autonomy-supportive interpersonal style (Mageau
distinguish those coaches who act in expectancy-
& Vallerand, 2003) can be described as those who
biased ways from coaches who do not do so?
try to help their athletes take responsibility for their
One characteristic of coaches that may be own learning, performance, and behavior. Thus,
related to their expectancy biases concerns their such coaches provide athletes with opportunities for
implicit theories regarding individuals’ traits or abil- choice (within limits), engage athletes in the decision-
ities. This concept was introduced by Carol Dweck making process, and give them informationally
and her colleagues (e.g., Dweck & Molden, 2007; based feedback that focuses on controllable aspects
Levy, Stroessner, & Dweck, 1998) to describe two of their performance. In contrast, coaches who
types of individuals. Fixed or entity theorists are exhibit a controlling interpersonal style use more
those individuals who believe that people’s traits external methods to direct and control their athletes’
and abilities are stable and essentially unchange- performance and behavior. Thus, they threaten
able. In contrast, incremental theorists are those athletes with punishment, use guilt-inducing methods
individuals who believe that traits and abilities are of behavioral control, and allow athletes little or no
malleable (i.e., that abilities can be changed or involvement in any decision-making processes. Given
improved over time or with effort). In a series of such contrasting interpersonal styles, it would seem
experiments, Dweck and her colleagues have shown reasonable to hypothesize that coaches who adopt a
that fixed or entity theorists, as compared to incre- more controlling leadership style would be more apt
mental theorists, (a) made more extreme judgments to act in expectancy-biased ways than would coaches
about others’ traits and abilities based on a small who adopt a more autonomy-supportive style.
sample of their behavior; (b) believed more strongly From a related perspective, we can contrast
that individuals would show a high degree of consis- coaches who create a more mastery-oriented
tency in their behavior over time; (c) showed less team climate with coaches who create a more
tendency to adjust their initial trait judgments of performance-oriented team climate. Based on the
another person even when exposed to information literature in this area (e.g., Braithwaite, Spray, &
that was contrary to their initial trait judgment of Warburton, 2011; Hall, Newland, Newton, Podlog, &
that individual; and (d) more strongly agreed with Baucom, 2017), coaches who create a performance-
societal stereotypes regarding particular race and oriented climate can be described as those who
occupational groups. Assuming that coaches also place heavy emphasis in practices and games on
can be identified or categorized as either entity or performance outcomes (e.g., winning or losing).
incremental theorists, it would follow that coaches Such coaches also create a team environment that
who adhere to an entity perspective (i.e., that an ath- encourages between-player rivalries (e.g., coaches
lete’s traits and abilities are fixed) should be more try to motivate athletes to outperform each other)
apt to be Pygmalion prone, whereas coaches who and focuses attention on a limited number of
adhere to an incremental perspective (i.e., that an players (e.g., only the “stars” get attention from the
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  91

coach). In addition, in this type of team climate, apt to exhibit expectancy-biased behaviors than
player mistakes are perceived as extremely negative would mastery-oriented coaches.
and deserving of punishment. In contrast, coaches As the comments in this section indicate, cer-
who create a mastery-oriented team climate place tain coaching characteristics, attitudes, beliefs, and
greatest emphasis in practices on the development leadership styles may be more conducive than oth-
of individual players’ skills (e.g., reinforcement and ers to the occurrence of expectancy effects in the
rewards given to all individuals who work hard and sport setting. A summary of these personal factors is
who show improvement in skills). Such coaches provided in Table 5-1. Coaches who adopt, assume,
also view player mistakes as part of the learning or exemplify the characteristics, beliefs, attitudes,
process and distribute their time and attention to and behaviors descriptive of the Pygmalion-prone
all players on the team and not just the stars. Again, coach may certainly be at risk for undermining the
based on behavioral differences between these two performance and behavior of individual athletes on
contrasting leadership styles, we could hypothesize their team.
that performance-oriented coaches would be more

Table 5-1  Characteristics, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors of Pygmalion-Prone and

Non–Pygmalion-Prone Coaches

Pygmalion-Prone Coach Non–Pygmalion-Prone Coach

Beliefs about Athletic “Good athletes are just born “Athletic ability is something that can
Ability that way.” be developed through practice and good
Beliefs about “I can be a successful coach if I recruit “I can be a successful coach if I work
Coaching Success or get good athletes.” hard to design and conduct good prac-
“If my team does not have a successful tices and institute the right game strate-
season, it’s because I did not have good gies and tactics.”
athletes, or because my athletes did “If my team does not have a successful
not do what they could or should have season, I will consider the possibility
done to be successful. I don’t have to that I could or should have done some-
change any of my strategies or behaviors thing differently. I will likely change
next season. I just need to get better ath- some of my strategies, behaviors, and
letes or more cooperative athletes.” tactics next season in an effort to
improve my coaching effectiveness.”
Stereotypic Beliefs The Pygmalion-prone coach holds The non–Pygmalion-prone coach does
stereotypic beliefs regarding gender, not subscribe to stereotypic beliefs
race/ethnicity, country of origin, and regarding gender, race, ethnicity, country
socioeconomic status. These stereotypic of origin, or socioeconomic status. The
beliefs affect or determine the coach’s coach’s behaviors toward and with ath-
attitude toward, and behaviors with, letes are individualized.
individual athletes.
92 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

Pygmalion-Prone Coach Non–Pygmalion-Prone Coach

Preseason This coach tends to form preseason This coach forms presea-son expec-
Expectations expectations for individual athletes tations for individual athletes based
based on “person” cues (e.g., race, primarily on performance-related
ethnicity, gender, body size, and information sources (i.e., how athletes
appearance). perform in drills, scrimmages, and other
performance contexts).
Perceptual Flexibility This coach’s preseason expectations This coach’s preseason expectations are
are rigid and fixed. Thus, the coach fluid and flexible. Thus, expectations for
sees in each athlete’s performance individual athletes may change as the
and behavior in practices and games athlete’s performance and behavior in
exactly what he or she expected practices and games provide new infor-
to see. mation for the coach to use in evaluating
that athlete.
Leadership Style This coach exhibits an autocratic This coach exhibits a democratic or
or controlling leadership style. The autonomous leadership style. Although
source of power lies within the coach. the coach is clearly the team leader, he
Athletes are not consulted about any or she regularly consults with athletes
team decisions, rules, strategies, or regarding team decisions, team rules,
practices. The coach is the central strategies, practices, etc. The coach
source of authority, and he or she encourages athletes to take personal
­conveys the attitude that “it’s my way responsibility for their own behaviors,
or the highway.” motivation levels, training, etc.
Team Climate This coach creates a climate in This coach creates a team climate in
practices and games that is perfor- practices and games that is mastery-
mance-oriented or ego-involving. oriented or task-involving. In this
In this climate, player mistakes are climate, each team member is perceived
punished; better players receive to be a valuable contributor, emphasis
more attention, encouragement, and is placed on individual effort and skill
rewards, and intrateam rivalry is improvement, and mistakes are viewed
encouraged. as opportunities to learn and improve.

combination of these methods. Using information

Exercise 4 from this chapter about coaches’ leadership styles,
As a head coach, you know there are a number of describe how the autonomy-supportive and control-
ways to select team captains. You can let members ling coaches might differ in their approach to the
of your team vote on who they want to be their selection of team captains. Also, discuss the positive
captain(s). You can pick the captain(s) yourself and negative effects of the different ways to select
with no input from your athletes. Or you can use a team captains.
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  93

Coaches’ preseason judgments of individual athletes can serve as self-fulfilling prophecies by initiat-
ing a series of events that cause the coaches’ initial expectations to become reality. This self-fulfilling
prophecy phenomenon can be most detrimental when a coach forms an initial expectation that is
inaccurate and underestimates an athlete’s true ability. The coach’s biased judgment of the athlete’s
sport potential, in turn, causes the coach to provide that player with less frequent and less effec-
tive instruction. Not only does such biased coaching behavior ultimately interfere with the athlete’s
opportunity to learn but it also has a negative effect on his or her motivation and self-confidence.
When the athlete subsequently exhibits an inability to perform well and a lack of motivation in prac-
tice situations, the coach’s original—but false—judgment of incompetence is fulfilled.
Fortunately, the research that has been conducted in academic classrooms as well as in physical
activity settings shows that all coaches are not Pygmalion prone. That is, some coaches do not
allow their preseason judgments of individual athletes to affect the quality of their interaction with
those players. It seems likely that coaches who are made aware of the effects that their expectations
may have on athletes and who are trained to monitor their own instructional behavior may become
more effective in working with individual athletes. The results of this research demonstrate that it is
important that researchers and coaches more closely examine coaching behavior as one of the major
factors that affect the performance and psychological growth of young athletes. See Chapter 18 for
more recommendations regarding effective coaching behavior and for a coach self-report form that
can be used by practicing coaches to evaluate their own behavior.

Study Questions

1. Identify and briefly describe the four steps in the expectation–performance process.
2. What sources of information might coaches use to form initial expectations for individual ath-
letes on their team?
3. A coach’s initial expectations for an individual athlete can vary along two dimensions (accu-
racy and flexibility). Briefly describe the consequences of the four possible combinations.
4. Do all coaches show expectancy-biased behavior? Explain what is meant by the term
Pygmalion-prone coach.
5. Explain what the term late-maturing child means, and then explain why late-maturing boys
may be at an especially high risk for negative expectancy effects.
6. Explain why early-maturing girls may be at risk for negative expectancy effects once they reach
7. Describe the stereotypes in the sport setting associated with race. Explain how such stereo-
types may affect selected groups of athletes.
94 Chapter 5   The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Theory: When Coaches’ Expectations Become Reality

8. Define the terms entity theorist and incremental theorist. Explain why coaches who adhere to
an entity theorist perspective of athletic ability might be more apt to be Pygmalion prone in
their interactions with individual athletes.
9. Explain how a mastery-oriented team climate differs from a performance-oriented one.
Consider how each climate might be related to coach expectations.

Applied Experiences

1. Observation Study: Assign students in groups of two or three to attend and observe a practice
session for a team in their local community (e.g., high school, youth sport, college, recreation).
Each student should bring along a timing device (e.g., stopwatch, phone, iPad), and each one
should identify one athlete to observe (ideally including a starter/regular player and a non-
starter/substitute). Each observer should then record the number of minutes out of that prac-
tice that her or his athlete is mentally and/or physically active (e.g., participating in skill drills,
scrimmages, listening to or observing coach demonstrations/lectures) as compared to the
number of minutes that the athlete is nonactive (e.g., sitting out of drills/scrimmages, shagging
balls, setting up equipment, keeping score). Observers should also take notes regarding the
type of feedback given by the coach to their particular athlete. After the observation is com-
pleted, students within groups should write a report documenting their findings. The report
should be based on the expectancy-biased information presented in this chapter. Note: This
assignment could also be revised to incorporate ideas obtained from Chapter 2 in this volume
that focus on effective practice organization and design and/or from Chapter 18 that focus on
behavioral interventions with coaches.
2. Preparation of Scenarios: Students within the class should be divided into eight small groups.
Each group should be assigned one of the eight examples that were provided throughout
this chapter. Then students within groups will identify a sport of their choice and prepare a
scenario (or multiple scenarios) that illustrate(s) the same expectancy-biased concept as that
portrayed in their assigned example. At the end of the class, students should act out for their
classmates the sport-specific scenario they prepared, with appropriate discussion regarding the
implications of the expectancy-biased behavior that they portrayed.
3. Interview Project: Each student (or group of students) should interview two to three coaches
with the intent of identifying the criteria that these coaches use to evaluate their athletes
during tryouts. Students might develop their interview questions based on the studies that
Solomon and her colleagues conducted on the topic of the origins of coach expectancies (see
Solomon, 2008, 2010; Solomon & Rhea, 2008).

Agyemang, K. J. A., & DeLorme, J. (2010). Examining the dearth of Black head coaches at the
NCAA football bowl subdivision level: A critical race theory and social dominance theory analysis.
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 3, 35–52.
Thelma S. Horn, Jocelyn H. Newton, and Curt L. Lox  95

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How female athletes present intersectional identities in photographic self-representations. Quest,
70(4), 471–491.
Beauchamp, M. R., Jackson, B., & Loughead, T. (2018). Leadership in physical activity contexts.
In T. S. Horn & A. Smith (Eds.), Advances in sport and exercise psychology (4th ed., pp. 151–170).
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Becker, A. J., & Solomon, G. B. (2005). Expectancy information and coaching effectiveness in
intercollegiate basketball. The Sport Psychologist, 19, 251–266.
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Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance
of Coach and Athlete Leadership
Julia S. Ammary, Lehigh University
Jeff Janssen, Janssen Sports Leadership Center

I feel my attitude sets the tone. It’s my job to magnify my teammates’ strengths and to hide their weak-
nesses. I put people in position to do their thing.
—Dawn Staley, Basketball Hall of Fame member and Olympic Gold medalist

Why is it that some teams consistently perform up administrators and coaches consistently invest time
to their full potential while others, even with strong and energy in the development of a leadership cul-
talent, fail to live up to expectations? How do some ture within their teams. In fact, because of the rich
teams develop and sustain a championship-level learning laboratory inherent in sport and the ample
program year after year, even though athletes come opportunities to apply core leadership concepts in
and go on a regular basis? How do some teams practical and tangible ways, many coaches, parents,
build and maintain a winning culture where people and administrators are capitalizing on the oppor-
not only survive but also thrive individually and tunity to intentionally develop leadership skills in
collectively? student-athletes.
Many factors determine a team’s success, but Inspired by compelling curiosities, anchored in
few are as influential as the all-encompassing power leadership theory and research, and written from a
of strong and credible leadership. Many people practitioner’s perspective, this chapter focuses on
automatically assume that as the primary leader three questions: Why is leadership important?, What
of a team, the coach is the common denominator is leadership?, and, How can core leadership con-
among strong programs. While the coach’s lead- cepts and strategies be applied in sport to develop and
ership is absolutely critical to success, the best enhance personal, interpersonal, and team effective-
leaders know their effectiveness ultimately is deter- ness? For the sake of clarifying expectations (a lead-
mined not by manipulating a large number of fol- ership practice that is extremely valuable in working
lowers, but by empowering others. Top program with coaches, athletes, and teams), please note that

Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  101

this chapter does not intend to neatly define leader- because it seems to be invisible when it is done well
ship. Instead, it acknowledges that leadership is a (i.e., processes and people function smoothly and
powerful, complex, and heuristic process involving seamlessly), and we are most acutely aware of its
the psychology, sociology, and spirit of people in value in its absence or in times of transition and
social situations. Accordingly, the goal of this chap- change. Even though research has not delivered
ter is to facilitate a leadership journey, exposing the consistent facts proving that leadership is the key
reader to a range of perspectives and offering some to a team’s success, a number of studies have cor-
practical strategies that may enhance the leadership related contemporary and multifaceted leadership
development of coaches, athletes, and teams. approaches to enhanced interpersonal relation-
Why is leadership in sport so important? We ships, trust, morale, and satisfaction, which can all
would be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t facilitate greater collective efficacy, teamwork, and
believe now more than ever that strong leadership improved performance over time (Callow, Smith,
is needed to support the fast-paced and dynamically Hardy, Arthur, & Hardy, 2009; Loughead & Hardy,
changing environments in which our sport organiza- 2005). Peer leaders who frequently inspire, moti-
tions and teams are attempting to flourish. As sport vate, enhance creativity, solve problems, and use
scandals “go viral” and are played out very publicly contingent rewards are associated with teammates
through social media, and as social media and other who experience great joy and satisfaction playing
technology platforms attempt to take the place of the sport, are motivated to pursue challenging tasks
real face-to-face communication, there is a growing with great effort, and are interested in learning
“trust gap” between leaders and their people (Maak (Glenn, 2003; Price & Weiss, 2011).
& Pless, 2006; Pless, Maak, & Waldman, 2012). We Recent findings by journalist Sam Walker
need different and effective educational approaches (2017) substantiate the correlation between team
to overcome this trust gap. We must intentionally leaders and team success. As featured in his book,
develop quality leaders in our emerging genera- The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates
tions who will make strong decisions, communicate the World’s Greatest Teams, Walker devised a system
clearly, and balance the needs and well-being of peo- to identify the greatest teams of all time in pursuit
ple with the pressure to deliver results. of an understanding of what those teams have in
Today, teams need the objective realism of common. Through his research, he learned that the
great managers and the vision and passion of great greatest teams can be traced back to exceptional
leaders to achieve team goals (Bolman & Deal, leaders. Further, he identified the seven traits of
2013). Many top coaches and sport leadership elite captains as:
experts would agree that leadership is a differentiat-
ing element of a championship experience. Said leg- • Extreme doggedness and focus in competition
endary North Carolina women’s soccer coach Anson • Aggressive play that tests the limits of the rules
Dorrance, “The final piece in a championship team • A willingness to do thankless jobs in the
is leadership. The most attractive type of leadership shadows
to me is the student-athlete who is a coach on the
field. I want a driving verbal force who won’t let stan- • A low-key, practical, and democratic communi-
cation style
dards slip. That’s how teams with ordinary talent can
win championships” (Dorrance, 1994). • Passionate nonverbal displays to motivate others
For decades, researchers and practitioners • Strong convictions and the courage to stand
have been searching for traits, behaviors, and strat- apart
egies that prove that leadership works. The reality
is that leadership is difficult to measure, perhaps • Ironclad emotional control
102 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

Clearly, leadership development is and will discipline means: behaving wisely” (p. 21–22). The
continue to be a critical element in the stability and objective nature of sport reinforces the practice of
forward progression of our individuals, teams, orga- behaviors that produce winning results, providing
nizations, institutions, and corporations. The good extra incentive for teams to invest time and energy
news is that we believe leadership can be taught, in refining their understanding and applications
learned, practiced, and improved by anyone who of the behaviors that become leadership. Studies
cares deeply about facilitating positive change within highlighting established strategies for personal,
a team. interpersonal, and team leadership development are
How is leadership (and leadership in sport) devel- explored with further detail in the latter part of this
oped? While sport provides an environment rich in chapter.
opportunities to experiment with leadership aware-
ness and skills, we simply cannot leave to chance
the leadership learning of our coaches and athletes. Exercise 1
Debunking the myth that leaders are born and not
made, enhanced leadership capacity is linked to Summarize the importance of leadership in sport.
formal training efforts (Dugan, 2006), where the Consider the impact of both coach and athlete
synthesis of core concepts and skills results from leadership.
discussion and reflection upon situations, behav-
iors, and the evolving leadership needs of a team.
Formal leadership training complements the daily,
informal development efforts by coaches at prac- Having established the compelling reasons for
tice, and thus is most effective when integrated as a cultivating effective leaders and having acknowl-
part of team culture and routines rather than being edged the incredible opportunity sport provides
scheduled as an added obligation (in addition to to do so, we must examine the elusive question
strength/conditioning, tactical/technical skill devel- about what we are attempting to develop: What is
opment, mental training, community service, team leadership?
building, etc.). Investment by athletes and coaches
is most sincere when formal leadership program- Leadership Theory
ming is reinforced as a key element of program plan- Leadership is a complex phenomenon that has
ning and when the developmental efforts are shared existed since the earliest human civilizations; in
by key constituents (coaches, athletes, support staff, every group of people there is at least one person
parents). who mobilizes others toward the achievement of
Ultimately, sport experiences and formal train- a vision. Over the past half-century, researchers
ing can be only as influential as participants are dis- have explored key elements of leadership effec-
ciplined. Leadership effectiveness can be enhanced tiveness, sparking an evolution of thought mani-
through a conscious commitment to learning about, fested in thousands of published definitions and
experimenting with, and assessing strategies and numerous theories and models. Current focus is on
behaviors. As former Princeton University men’s transformational, emotionally intelligent, adaptive,
basketball coach Pete Carril (Carril & White, 1997) and ethical leadership (e.g., Gomes, 2014; Lamm,
said, “Great philosophers of education have said Carter, & Lamm, 2016 ). These conceptualiza-
there are two things important in learning. Both tions of leadership include integrated and relation-
begin with a definition of the words to know. One ship-based approaches (e.g., Hogg et. al., 2005),
is learning facts, data—information. The other is focusing on group roles and processes, collabora-
knowing how to behave intelligently. That is what tion, and  shared goals (Dugan & Komives, 2010).
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  103

Further, shared leadership that “emanates from great performance, effort, or character when ath-
the members of teams and not simply from the letes meet or exceed team standards).
appointed team leader” (Pearce & Sims, 2002, p. 172),
• Intellectual Stimulation: Leaders and partici-
seems to be gaining interest and momentum, and pants’ efforts are more creative and innovative
may even be a stronger predictor of team effective- as a result of questioning assumptions, refram-
ness. Outlined next are a few of these integrated ing problems, and encouraging creativity in
approaches to leadership whose key elements are one another. Each person’s knowledge and
directly applicable to sport. abilities are enhanced through this process.
Bass and Riggio’s (2006) transformational Buy-in by athletes is greatly enhanced when
leadership theory describes a course of action team members are involved in preseason team
where both leaders and participants engage in a development sessions, including goal-setting,
mutual, ongoing process of raising one another to brainstorming action steps, and systems of
higher levels of motivation, moral reasoning, and accountability. Follow-through on the sugges-
self-consciousness. By appealing to social and com- tions of athletes goes a long way in building
munity values, transformational leadership encour- trust and engendering ownership of team ideals
ages collaboration and interdependence, including among team members. Encouraging athletes
the follower as an essential element of leadership to continue learning about leadership is also
(teamwork in sport). Within this theory, every par- a great way to spark creativity and intellectual
ticipant has the potential to lead, and leadership is stimulation (e.g., small groups of athletes
not based on position or title, but rather on the devel- assume responsibility for educating team mem-
opment of individual potential and performance to bers about a different leadership topic monthly,
promote positive action toward the achievement of presenting what they have observed and learned
team goals. The four primary components of trans- and making suggestions for team improvement).
formational leadership include:
• Individualized Consideration: Leaders grow
• Idealized Influence: Leaders behave in ways that future leaders by paying attention to each indi-
allow them to serve as role models and that vidual participant’s needs for achievement and
result in admiration, respect, and trust from par- growth. They serve as a supporter, mentor, and
ticipants. In sport, coaches and team captains coach for participants, thereby increasing those
earn the respect of team members through lead- individuals’ potential for growth and develop-
ership by example and modeling team standards ment. Vocal leadership by coaches or captains
(e.g., team captains must pass team fitness tests cannot only address the masses; one-on-one dia-
to maintain credibility). logue, feedback, and attentiveness are incredibly
• Inspirational Motivation: Leaders motivate and important in developing team members who are
inspire those around them through purpose and committed to team goals above personal pur-
challenge. Enthusiasm and optimism are dis- suits (e.g., coaches find time for individual meet-
played as participants are engaged in helping lead- ings at the beginning, middle, and end of their
ers create an exciting and attractive future. Great seasons to check in with team members about
coaches and captains learn about what motivates expectations, perceptions, and progress).
and frustrates their team members and identify
Supporting the application of the transfor-
meaningful roles that put athletes in positions to
mational leadership theory in sport, Price and
succeed. Recognition of small wins accumulates
Weiss (2013) linked coach and peer transforma-
and contributes to overall team morale (e.g.,
tional leadership behaviors to positive individual
using a sticker system to publicly acknowledge
104 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

• Self-regulation: the ability to control impulses

Exercise 2 and think before acting
Identify coaches who exemplify transformational • Motivation: passion to pursue goals with energy
leadership. These can be coaches you know and persistence
personally, coaches you know about from the media,
or even TV or movie characters. Identify things
• Empathy: the ability to understand and react to
the emotions of others
they have done consistent with each component of
transformational leadership (idealized influence, • Social skills: the abilities to find common
inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and ground and build relationships with others
individualized consideration). It is clear that each of these elements of emo-
tional intelligence also is necessary in sport: com-
posure is a critical element of peak performance,
and team outcomes, including enhanced indi-
and sustainable leadership in the face of adversity
vidual and collective efficacy. These discoveries
requires mature self-awareness and regulation. Most
are consistent with previous research findings
of the greatest leaders in sport are self-motivated
that transformational leadership behaviors were
and demonstrate uncommon commitment, inspir-
associated with followers’ empowerment, self-
ing others through their behavior or performance
confidence, effort, team unity, and cooperation
(this is the same idea as idealized influence in
(Bass & Riggio, 2006). A study examining an ath-
transformational leadership). Team leaders with the
letics department in the Football Championship
greatest impact also employ the empathy and social
Subdivision demonstrated that the transforma-
skills necessary to sustain significant relationships
tional leadership style of the athletics director,
with and generate meaningful action from team
in addition to an organizational culture priori-
tizing relationships, strong communication, and
Chelladurai (2007, 2012) suggests that coaches
employee participation in the change process, con-
and athlete leaders must balance the demands of
tributed positively to navigating change with little
the situation and the required leader behaviors
resistance from employees (Peachey, Bruening, &
with the individual preferences of team members
Burton, 2011).
to take the most appropriate action that will lead
Emotionally intelligent leadership is another
to peak performance and satisfaction. This model
relevant approach that is predicated upon
is aligned with the core tenets of emotionally intel-
enhanced understanding of self and others for
ligent leadership, suggesting that coach and athlete
maximized performance (Chan & Mallet, 2011;
leaders must constantly be aware of themselves
Meyer & Fletcher, 2007). Emotional intelli-
(mental states, biases, behavioral and style tenden-
gence, made popular by Daniel Goleman (1998),
cies), others’ preferences (related to motivation,
expanded upon Gardner’s (1983) concepts of
communication, action, etc.), and the current situ-
intrapersonal (the ability to know one’s own emo-
ation (dynamic and changing in sport) to lead most
tions) and interpersonal (the ability to understand
others’ emotions and intentions) intelligences.
There is no doubt that self-awareness is a criti-
Goleman introduced the five components of emo-
cal component of contemporary leadership (Allen,
tional intelligence as:
Shankman, & Haber-Curran, 2016; Komives,
• Self-awareness: the ability to recognize and Lucas & McMahon, 2013; Kouzes & Posner, 2014;
understand one’s own moods, emotions, and Rosenbach, Taylor, & Youndt, 2012). This assump-
drives as well as their effects on others tion has given rise to the idea that the most effective
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  105

leadership involves the expression of, and operation • Exclusive, narrow-minded, or stereotypical
from, one’s truest self. As stated previously, coaches • Management
and team leaders earn respect and trust by being
honest and genuine with teammates. Athletes or • Linear or hierarchical
coaches who attempt to lead for the sake of approval,
popularity, or selfish motives will quickly fail in the Practical Applications of Leadership
face of urgency and adversity.
in Sport
The diversity and evolution of perspectives
within the discipline of leadership and the simul- Effective leadership in sport involves the interplay
taneous need for increased effectiveness have only of many of the defining elements of the philosophies
intensified the level of intrigue among dynamic described earlier. Of great importance, especially in
audiences of managers, coaches, students, athletes, the domain of competition where urgency is inher-
parents, and researchers alike. While leadership ent, is the understanding that athletics leadership
is far more complex than any singular approach, development is a process. For optimal effectiveness,
enduring themes of leadership inherent in the it takes time, thoughtfulness, practice, coaching,
aforementioned theories and evident in sport are feedback, and a community of support. Perhaps
summarized here in a comparative listing of what equally significant is the recognition that leadership
leadership “is” and “is not.” has the power to catalyze positive individual growth
and unleash the potential of team performance. In
Leadership is . . . short, developing leadership in coaches, athletes,
and teams is worth the investment.
• Process-oriented
• Awareness and skills that can be taught, learned, Coach leadership development. Coaches are highly
practiced, and improved upon by anyone influential in the quality and success of an athlete’s
• Using multiple lenses to interpret people and experience. Perhaps even more challenging than
situations to influence behavior and manage fostering satisfaction and growth in individual stu-
relationships dent-athletes is the responsibility of a coach to produce
extraordinary results with ordinary people (Kouzes &
• Layered: effectiveness and sustainability require Posner, 2008). Extraordinary results may be defined
awareness, learning, action, growth, and influ-
differently depending on the level of competition, phi-
ence on personal, interpersonal and community
losophy of the coach, and desired outcomes of the pro-
gram or organization; but across the board, a coach’s
• Strengthened by diversity essential leadership role is to influence and facilitate
• Enhanced by specific goals and clearly defined individual and collective peak performance in pursuit
collective achievement of a shared goal (Yukl, 2012). Many coaches exceed
their basic responsibilities by assuming, either inten-
tionally or unintentionally, the roles of life skills educa-
Leadership is not . . .
tor, holistic developer, and mentor.
• A quick fix; it takes a consistent commitment to Accordingly, it is critical for coaches to recog-
see tangible results and changed behavior
nize that contemporary leadership models, pred-
• The appointment of a title or position, event, icated upon relationships, inclusion, and trust,
or result appeal to the modern-day athlete more so than tra-
• Limited to individuals who possess specific quali- ditional, dictatorial, and hierarchical approaches
ties or characteristics or behave in certain ways (Rieke, Hammermeister, & Chase, 2008). Business
106 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

leadership and management guru Peter Drucker 3. Connect: Develop positive and authentic rap-
recognized this when he declared, “The leader of port with athletes
the past was a person who knew how to tell. The • Demonstrate genuine care and concern
leader of the future will be a person who knows how about areas outside of athletics (ask about
to ask” (Goldsmith & Morgan, 2004, p. 78). their day, school, families, etc.)
Research aiming to identify optimal leadership
behaviors in sport find that elements of the transfor- • Discuss core beliefs and values
mational leadership theory and emotionally intelli- • Learn more about each other’s
gent leadership are suited to enhance the leadership personalities
effectiveness of a coach at any level (Price & Weiss, • Actively listen; summarize conversations and
2013; Rieke et al., 2008; Yukl, 2012). These behav- verify that the athlete’s perspective was accu-
iors include: rately heard (see Chapter 8)
• Communicate clearly and concisely and
1. Lead Yourself First: Model composure, ethical request reiteration by the athlete to ensure
decision making, congruence between values and the coach perspective was accurately heard
actions, and a commitment to serving the team (see Chapter 8)
• List desirable and appropriate core values 4. Empower: Help your athletes develop the skills
and identify key behaviors through which and confidence they need to fulfill realistic
they can be modeled to athletes responsibilities and roles
• Identify standards of operation that will not
be compromised under any circumstance • Work with athletes to build their confidence
(see Chapter 14)
(team rules, disciplinary procedures, etc.)
• Utilize a self-monitoring form to estimate the • Help athletes to identify realistic process
goals (see Chapter 11)
percentage of instances whereby technical
instruction and encouragement and/or praise • Regularly solicit feedback from athletes and
of good performance and effort are employed incorporate suggestions where appropriate
in a practice or competition • Provide leadership responsibilities to athletes
in a variety of settings and affirm a job
2. Provide a Roadmap: Motivate athletes to work
well done
hard toward a compelling vision of what is
possible 5. Cultivate: Reinforce behavior and provide con-
structive feedback after desirable and undesir-
• Engage athletes in a discussion in which they able performances and effort
describe an ideal team culture
• Identify tangible goals and specify concrete • Employ the positive sandwich technique—
action steps (see Chapter 11) find something to commend about the play,
followed by specific technical instruction to
• Engage your athletes in imagery exercises,
correct the mistake, and end with a note of
envisioning the execution of defined action
encouragement (Smoll & Smith, 1989)
steps and goals (see Chapter 13)
• Provide examples and stories of athletes and • Learn how to help athletes reduce anxiety
(see Chapter 13)
teams who have experienced similar success
to that which is desired ºº Identify signs of high cognitive anxiety in
• Infuse practice with drills publicly rewarding athletes
competitiveness and effort ºº Employ simple relaxation techniques
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  107

The presence of the relationship-oriented earn credibility with their athletes, Janssen and Dale
behaviors described here does not eliminate the posit that credible coaches are:
need for task-oriented behaviors in coaching. In
fact, it is the balance of behaviors that are task- • Character based
oriented (planning, clarifying, monitoring, problem • Competent
solving), relations-oriented (supporting, developing, • Committed
recognizing, empowering), change-oriented (envi-
sioning change, encouraging innovation, and • Caring
facilitating collective learning), and external (net- • Confidence builders
working, monitoring, and representing) that will • Communicators
most effectively influence the performance of a
team (Joshi, Pandey & Han, 2009; Marrone, 2010; • Consistent
Yukl, 2012). Leadership and management are dif- Through their training, coaches are exposed
ferent and equally important. A team without an to the model and have an opportunity to self-assess
effective leader lacks enthusiasm and purpose. A their strengths and areas for improvement, as well
team without an effective manager may be derailed as receive helpful feedback from their athletes on
by reality (Bolman & Deal, 2008). each of the components.
This multifaceted approach to leadership may When it comes to leadership effectiveness,
seem difficult or even counterintuitive for coaches perception is reality: “Leader effectiveness resides
who are intensely competitive, focused, and results in both the behaviors of the leader and the eyes
oriented. However, studies show that athletes who of the beholder” (Smoll & Smith, 1989, p. 1544).
play for coaches employing strategies consistent However, research also shows that coaches’ percep-
with those outlined earlier not only report greater tions of their own behaviors differ drastically from
satisfaction with their experience, but they also their actual behaviors, and from those perceived
perform better (Loughead & Hardy, 2005; Price & by athletes (Kenow & Williams, 1999). As such,
Weiss, 2013). Olympic athletes met or exceeded per- coaches must be willing to monitor their own behav-
formance expectations when they had healthy rela- ior and honestly self-evaluate, as well as seek behav-
tionships with their coaches predicated upon trust, ioral feedback from others with genuine openness to
effective communication, and a detailed plan to making important changes. As Hogg and colleagues
perform well during competition (Gould, Guinan, (2005) support, in both individual and team sport
Greenleaf, Medbery, & Peterson, 1999). Studies by settings, athlete satisfaction and performance may
Price and Weiss (2011, 2013) linked coaches who be enhanced by increasing the coaches’ awareness
exhibit transformational leadership behaviors with and monitoring of the exchanges between coaches
athletes’ levels of enjoyment, confidence in their and athletes.
abilities, and perceived preparedness for future The key to achieving positive long-term
team success. changes in their own and others’ behaviors lies in
Janssen and Dale (2002) developed a leadership the commitment to leadership development by the
model and training program for coaches called The coach. Leadership is a contact sport: follow-up
Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches. Their central idea and follow-through are universally respected ele-
is that effective coaches develop and maintain cred- ments of leadership (Goldsmith & Morgan, 2004).
ibility with their athletes as their primary method Athletes assume that if a coach does not follow up
of leadership influence. Credible coaches seek lead- or respond to feedback, he or she does not care.
ership influence through collaborative coaching Leaders who regularly ask for input are perceived as
methods of respect, trust, and communication. To stronger leaders.
108 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

Athlete Leadership Development (identifying approximately one-fourth of their team-

Having great leadership is a big key to success. mates as leaders on their team). Interestingly, inter-
It’s really the leaders’ team, because they are the views conducted by Bucci et al. (2012) indicated that
ones whom the rest of the players, especially the some coaches rely on a leadership group. One coach
freshmen, look up to when setting the standards. shared, “I like for each player to be a leader within his
Our team will go as far as our leaders are willing [or her] strength” (p. 252).
to take us. Evidently, the variety in number, type, and
—Mike Candrea, Head coach, selection methods of team leaders indicates that
University of Arizona Softball there is not necessarily a right way to formally
identify athlete leaders. Methods of selecting ath-
The quality of your team leaders can make or
lete leaders (some options are listed next) vary by
break your season.
team according to the coach’s preference, team
—Kay Yow, Former head coach, need, and qualified nominees in a given year. Some
North Carolina State Women’s Basketball
captain selection policies are even influenced by
Intelligent coaches know that while they are the athletics department. For example, in honor of
ultimately responsible for the satisfaction and per- a long-standing tradition at Yale University, each
formance of their teams, the most direct strategy team may formally recognize only a single team cap-
for success is to develop the leadership of their ath- tain. To determine the best method for their teams,
letes (Price & Weiss, 2011). In fact, coaches become coaches should discuss their captain selection pro-
more powerful when they share and expand their cess with other coaches, as well as their own ath-
power or influence through others. Scholars have letes, to ensure maximum buy-in and potential for
defined an athlete leader as “an individual occupy- positive influence by subsequently elected leaders.
ing either a formal or an informal leadership role Strongly encouraged is an objective team dialogue
within a team who influences team members toward where leader criteria (characteristics, skills, behav-
the achievement of a common goal” (Bucci, Bloom, iors) are identified collectively, followed by open
Loughead, & Carron, 2012, p. 243). Student-athlete nominations based on that criteria. This process, of
leadership development mirrors that of a coach,
though coaches also play a key role in facilitating
the evolution of the athlete. Five practical stages of Exercise 3
athlete leadership development include determining Potential options for determining formal team leaders
and selecting athlete leaders, developing a partner- (Janssen, 2004, p. xxi)
ship, educating athletes about leadership, providing List the pros/cons of each method. Discuss with
opportunities for application, and giving regular other coaches for additional insights.
feedback and engaging athletes in reflection.
1. Coach chooses captains
Determining/selecting athlete leaders. Athlete lead- 2. Players vote for captains
ers may be formally named as a captain, or they may 3. Athletes nominate/coach makes final decision
emerge informally based on their credibility and influ-
ence among peers (Bucci et al., 2012). Supporting 4. Seniors automatically named captains
the idea of multiple athletes leading a team are 5. Create a team council
the findings of Loughead and Hardy (2005). Two- 6. No official captains named
thirds of the athletes they surveyed perceived that 7. Other?
both captains and teammates served as peer leaders
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  109

course, requires maturity from team members, but fact that athletes look to their teammates for trans-
the results can be incredibly empowering and educa- formational leadership behaviors that contribute to
tional for an entire team. team unity and cooperation, but rely on coaches to
positively influence individual outcomes (including
Developing a partnership. As we learned from the inspiration, motivation, confidence, and goal attain-
previous section on coach leadership development, ment), as well as overall team efficacy (Price &
the quality of the coach–athlete relationship not Weiss, 2013). Athletes who saw their teams as cohe-
only influences athletic and personal development, sive, efficient, goal achieving, and confident about
it also can leverage or limit athlete leadership effec- future team success also identified transformational
tiveness (Kenow & Williams 1999; Philippe & Seiler, leadership behaviors in coaches and peers. It is par-
2006). Trusting relationships, which are the key to amount that coaches and team leaders understand
a strong leadership partnership between the athlete their potential collective influence on positive team
and coach, are fostered through open communica- outcomes and individual development of team
tion. Coaches interviewed by Bucci et al. (2012) members. Besides serving as role models whose
all mentioned the value of meeting regularly with actions will likely be emulated by athletes on the
their team leaders; athlete leaders are more likely team, peer leaders and coaches “have the potential
to fully embrace the responsibilities and risks of to be powerful motivators and inspirational leaders
peer leadership when they know the coach believes who can influence athletes’ psychological responses
in them. For more information on developing effi- and team outcomes” (Price & Weiss, 2013, p. 277).
cacy and motivation of athletes. Coaches should
also be intentional about defining leadership and Educating athletes about leadership. Before ath-
clarifying associated behavioral expectations with letes can be expected to lead, they need to develop
their athlete leaders at the beginning of each season. the awareness and skills to execute their responsi-
Common language helps both coaches and athletes bilities. Comprehensive athlete leadership educa-
articulate thoughts more clearly, make strong deci- tion involves three developmentally incremental
sions, provide honest feedback, and evaluate efforts stages: leadership of self, leadership of others,
consistently. and development of a championship team culture.
Strengthening the case for a leadership part- Janssen’s Team Captains Leadership Model (2004)
nership between coaches and athlete leaders is the (see Figure 6-1) is an example of a strong framework
for student-athlete leadership education addressing
each of these stages. Focusing on the two types of
Exercise 4 leadership that clearly are evident in sport, lead-
ership by example (the ability to lead oneself) and
Athlete leaders and coaches should discuss the
vocal leadership, this model and associated modular
following questions:
training help athletes connect each core concept to
•• What are realistic coach expectations of an skills that can be practiced within a team setting.
athlete-leader? The “four Cs” (commitment, confidence, com-
•• What are realistic leader expectations of a posure, and character) comprising the inside square
coach? serve as the four keys and the foundation to effective
leadership by example (these four qualities also rep-
•• How do we define leadership on our team?
resent the “idealized influence” and “inspirational
What are we, the leadership team, trying to
motivation” elements of the transformational lead-
ership theory, which are linked to enhanced levels
110 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership


Commitment Confidence


Composure Character


Figure 6-1  The team captains leadership model

of confidence about future team performance by sport psychology consultants can develop each of
teammates). Once an athlete consistently displays these attributes in their athletes. Successful coaches
high levels of each C, he or she has likely earned the often pay close attention to the demeanor of their
respect and credibility among coaches and team- athletes, and they spend a large amount of their time
mates needed to lead vocally by encouraging team- and energy on developing and sustaining what they
mates and by enforcing team standards. see as the right demeanor for their teams. The most
In studies examining the ideal characteristics successful coaches know that while they can dictate
and roles of athlete leaders and their potential the amount of drills and exercises a team does, they
impact on teams (e.g., Dupuis, Bloom, & Loughead, cannot simply give their athletes a genuinely strong
2006; Moran & Weiss, 2006; Price & Weiss, 2011), work ethic, make them tougher or more composed by
five main themes consistently emerge as keys to command, or force them to be more positive. Instead,
effective peer leadership: demeanor, performance, they create the conditions in which their athletes’ nat-
relationships, character, and cultivation of future ural, intrinsic motivations flourish.
leaders. An individual’s demeanor can be defined As an example, consider a coach who wants a
as outwardly recognizable manners and behaviors, particular athlete to demonstrate his or her tough-
especially those directed toward others. Coaches ness by playing through the pain of a minor injury.
and teammates can often pinpoint specific attri- An effective strategy might be to ask the athlete to
butes of successful team leaders. For example, an identify the most inspiring instances of athletes play-
effective team leader may be said to possess a consis- ing through injuries of equal or greater severity. The
tently strong work ethic, a certain kind of toughness, athlete learns, actively adjusts his or her own self-
undaunted composure, or an especially positive atti- expectations accordingly, and ideally competes with
tude. With careful and deliberate effort, coaches and a fuller effort and conviction. Inspirational anecdotes
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  111

can be extremely powerful because they expand the overall well-being of the individual members of the
realm of possibility within an athlete’s mind. team. Ultimately, relationships among teammates
and coaches either encourage or inhibit success. The
Workers get the most out of themselves; when a
body has limited talent, it has to muster all its
group dynamics within a team are either conducive
resources of character to overcome this shortcom- to peak performance or an obstruction to it. Athletes
ing. If you think you are working hard, you can and coaches who develop strong relationships with
work harder. If you think you are doing enough, each other invariably make each other better because
there is more that you can do. No one really ever they are willing to work harder for one another,
exhausts his [or her] full potential. Winning takes openly challenge one another, and make sacrifices
character and intelligence. It is the most import- for one another in pursuit of common goals.
ant thing you can do because it’s a reaffirmation Perhaps one of the most difficult elements of
of your character. athlete leadership is navigating the fine line between
—Pete Carril, former Princeton friendship and teammate expectations. Often, a peer
University basketball coach leader must confront teammates who may not be
complying with team rules or standards, but may fail
Performance is another key to effective peer lead-
to do so effectively for fear of losing a friend. To help
ership. Athlete leaders must be able to demonstrate
athlete leaders separate the two, coaches or sport psy-
a high level of skill, consistently execute their perfor-
chology consultants can remind athletes that if they
mance roles within a team’s plan or according to a
have earned genuine trust and credibility from their
coach’s instructions, and demonstrate an advanced
friends, the only issue to be concerned with is the strat-
knowledge of their sport. For many coaches, cre-
egy used to deliver the communication. Many relation-
ating successful performance is their central task.
ship problems, when closely examined, turn out to in
The best way to ensure peak performance is through
fact be communication problems. A widely used and
informed strategy, focused repetition in practice,
preferred method of conflict resolution within teams
physical conditioning, and pre-performance mental
is the Describe, Express, Specify and Consequences
preparation techniques, such as imagery. Successful
(D.E.S.C.) method, wherein an individual:
coaches and athletes know their own strengths and
weaknesses, strategically match their own strengths 1. Describes or defines an undesired behavior
and weaknesses with those of their opponents, prac- 2. Expresses why the behavior is problematic
tice the execution of those strategies, and mentally
prepare themselves at the time of competition. 3. Specifies possible solutions and alternatives
Demeanor and performance are easily identifi- 4. Identifies the consequences that will ensue if
able as elements of effective athlete leadership, but the behavior is not altered
they are not totally sufficient because they do not
necessarily influence others. Athlete leaders must The D.E.S.C. method is an effective tool for athlete
be able to build and sustain strong relationships, leaders to use when dealing with their peers because
consistently exhibit sound moral character, and cul- it separates individuals from their behaviors and
tivate future leaders. Athlete leaders can build strong makes clear that the behavior is what is being chal-
relationships by communicating openly and hon- lenged, not the specific individual.
estly with their teammates and coaches, serving as I realize over the years that individuals who sin-
an extension of and liaison to their coaching staff, cerely care about others, who are generous in
practicing the ability to give feedback constructively every sense of the word, and who pay attention
and receive feedback maturely, and conveying gen- to their teammates are often the best leaders
uine concern not only for winning but also for the because they do not have any enemies on the
112 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

team. These players are also able to be hard Providing opportunities for application. In addition
on their teammates, as well as discuss both the to cultivating the aforementioned characteristics,
positive and negative realities without their team- awareness, and skills, athletes need opportunities to
mates holding a grudge. (anonymous interviewed practice leading. Athlete leaders must be challenged
coach from Bucci et al., 2011)
and supported to think independently by being
Athlete leaders who consistently exhibit sound given opportunities to make their own decisions.
moral character command the respect of their coaches An anonymous coach in an interview study shared
and teammates, thus fortifying their relationships and this sentiment: “If I want to control everything, I
giving weight to their communications. Athlete lead- am not developing anything” (Bucci et al., 2011,
ers who do the right thing on and off the field, mod- p. 252). Coaches must empower players by giving
eling team values, and who act selflessly and maturely them leadership responsibilities, such as:
are often those who embody the kind of character • Running the warm-up in practice or running an
that is trusted and admired by other team members. entire off-season practice
Recent generations of athletes have grown up in a
highly subjective, postmodern world, a world in which • Organizing pre-practice and/or post-practice
traditional notions of morality and character have lost huddles, or responsibility for calling refocusing
nearly all objective meaning. As a result, coaches and time-outs during practice
sport psychology consultants must spend time col- • Managing team logistics (rides to practice,
laborating with athlete leaders on the identification meal decisions, hotel room assignments during
of common core values and common understanding travel, etc.)
of ethically acceptable behaviors. In a world where • Facilitating appropriate team-building activities
common ethics seem to be steadily disintegrating and
disappearing, it is becoming increasingly apparent that • Making difficult decisions about keeping
athletics provide not only a much-needed opportunity troubled or uncommitted team members on
but also an ideal venue for character development. the roster
Highly effective teams unite around common values
and create their own moral codes. Giving regular feedback and engaging athletes in
On such teams, the most successful athlete reflection. To reap the benefits that effective team
leaders are often the individuals who best exemplify leaders can provide, coaches must continue to offer
the collective ethos. As a result, those individuals guidance and direction, especially after providing
greatly influence other teammates to uphold team leaders the opportunity to practice their skills. After
values and become future leaders. The best athlete analyzing the situation together, coaches must help
leaders are those who hold teammates accountable athletes evaluate what worked, what did not, and
to team standards; efficiently mobilize their team- why. As we gleaned from the authentic leadership
mates to act, inspire, and motivate their teammates; theory, effective leadership of self by coaches and
and develop leadership in younger team members athletes is a prerequisite for influencing others and
by appropriately delegating responsibilities. After leading a team. Leading oneself is about knowing
identifying and developing initial generations of and trusting oneself while continuing to learn and
athlete leaders, coaches and sport psychology con- grow. In referencing a leader’s ability to think on the
sultants should pay careful attention to which ath- fly and make confident decisions, Bolman and Deal
lete leaders most effectively cultivate future leaders (2013) suggest,
in accordance with the ongoing evolution of the
the quality of your judgment depends on the infor-
team’s values and goals. mation you have at hand, your mental maps, and
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  113

how well you have learned to use them. . . . There she is unable to serve the team in a greater capacity
is no shortcut to developing this kind of expertise. without working on her shortcomings.
It takes effort, time, practice, and feedback. Some To provide structure in the reflection process,
of the effort has to go into learning frames and Janssen (2004) has developed a template for lead-
the ideas behind them. Equally important is put-
ers called the Captain’s Weekly Monitoring Sheet
ting the ideas to use. Experience, one often hears,
(included as an exercise next). In addition to reflect-
is the best teacher, but that is only true if you
reflect on it and extract its lessons. (p. 12) ing on the previous week’s successes and lessons by
considering the specific situations they confronted,
An example of this approach comes from the actions they took or failed to take, and the
Lehigh University, where student-athletes and response by teammates, captains and team leaders
coaches have the opportunity to engage in compre- are encouraged to discuss the sheet with coaches on
hensive leadership training. Recognizing that rea- a weekly basis. This regular meeting not only pro-
son, reflection, and application build self-awareness vides the leadership team with an opportunity to
and lead to improvement, the educational leader- continually monitor the team’s chemistry, commit-
ship programs teach athletes to think critically and ment, confidence, and culture, it also provides the
independently by utilizing case studies, real-time coach with a productive forum to provide feedback
team scenarios, regular discussions, and evaluation to the leaders on how they are doing.
tools. Athletes are actively engaged in the leader-
ship process and regularly reflect on their efforts,
effectiveness, and progress toward team goals. For
example, coaches can have an emerging team leader Exercise 5 Captain’s Weekly
develop a written plan for team success, including Monitoring Sheet
tangible goals and values, which the coach reviews Date:
with the athlete. The athlete can then be encour-
aged to communicate these goals and values to Self-Leadership
teammates. In order to promote selfless thought How would I rate myself as a leader this past week
and action to uphold team core values and goals, on a 1 (terrible) to 10 (great) scale?
facilitators regularly ask athletes to practice swap- Commitment, Confidence, Composure, Character,
ping roles with each other and identifying the ways Encourager, Enforcer
their personal actions affect others. For example, What went well? (Highlights)
the star basketball player gets injured and is out What didn’t go so well? (Concerns)
for the remainder of the season. He imagines what What might I do differently next time? (Lessons)
impact the media’s focus on his injury may have on
Team Leadership
his team. As a result, he politely requests that media
respect his decision not to do a press conference, What is the mood of our team right now?
because he doesn’t want any attention taken away distracted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 focused
from his teammates who are still competing hard scared 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 confident
for a championship. An example of a student who passive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 aggressive
values regular reflection in order to learn, unlearn, conflicted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 unified
and relearn for maximum effectiveness is a senior fatigued 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fresh
captain who, after receiving all positive feedback apathetic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 motivated
from her teammates about her leadership, thanks frustrated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 having fun
her peers for the confidence, but asks for construc- Who is struggling right now—how might I reach out to
tive suggestions about how to improve, noting that her or him?
114 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

Is there anything I need to prepare for/guard against Preparing future leaders and creating a strong cul-
this coming week? ture of team leadership requires enhanced coordi-
Observations/Comments: nation and communication within and across the
The Team Captain’s Leadership Manual team (Eccles & Tran, 2012).
© Janssen Peak Performance • www In a generation where values and virtues seem • 1-888-721-TEAM to be determined by an individual’s immediate
needs (Elmore, 2010), the opportunity to voice
diverse perspectives is the norm. Further, levels of
Team Leadership Development urgency, competitiveness, and expected results in
At Lehigh, our competitive goal is to win cham- sport are ever intensifying, so it can be challenging
pionships. Having a talented team is obviously to establish common ground among teammates and
important to the success of any program, but coaches. Lou Holtz, former Notre Dame and South
championships are not won by talent alone. Carolina head football coach, observed that “the
Championships are won by teams who have the difference between athletes now and 25 years ago
ability to distinguish themselves by achieving at is that today everybody wants to talk about his/her
a higher standard than anyone else. Strong team rights and privileges, whereas 25 years ago people
leadership results in a culture that is committed talked about their obligations and responsibilities”
to continually raising the bar and doing whatever
(Associated Press, 2002). Nevertheless, melding indi-
it takes to reach it.
vidual strengths, weaknesses, desired roles, and individ-
—Sue Troyan, head coach, ual goals into one cohesive unit is absolutely critical to
Lehigh University women’s basketball
the effective functioning of a team. The following exer-
As sport psychology consultants, coaches, and cise outlines a practical team leadership development
leadership trainers of athletic teams understand, process (which can be facilitated creatively through an
building and sustaining a culture of leadership is experiential learning tool like a ropes course or simply
not possible through the isolated efforts of a few through a series of focused discussions).
standout athlete leaders. Sustaining peak perfor-
mance requires a collective commitment to devel-
oping leadership that is tightly aligned with team
objectives (Goldsmith & Morgan, 2004). Former
Exercise 6 (For teams to complete collectively)
director of General Electric’s Crotonville and cur- 1. Define leadership. What individual leadership
rent Michigan Business School professor Noel responsibilities does each team member have?
Tichy (Tichy & Cardwell, 2002) writes in The Cycle What do we expect of our team captains and
of Leadership: coaches?
A well-designed leadership pipeline, discipline, and 2. Identify a vision. What would our team look
commitment are absolutely essential in order for an like, feel like, and sound like in its ideal form?
organization to assure that it will have the leaders 3. Determine team core values. Identify guiding
it needs, when and where it needs them. Without a principles that serve as guardrails for team mem-
deliberate and formal pipeline structure, leadership ber actions (what are we unwilling to compro-
development is only random. Some leaders will
mise under any circumstance?).
emerge, but their emergence will not be predictable,
there will not be nearly enough of them, nor will 4. Identify concrete team goals. What are we col-
they have the diversity and level of skills of those lectively working toward in this segment of our
who have been systematically taught and tracked. season (short term), this year overall (medium
(p. 170) term), and in the future (longer term)?
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  115

5. Outline behavioral expectations. List the tan- recognizing his personal responsibility and willing-
gible, observable, and repeatable actions that ness to be held accountable by teammates.
support or negate progress toward the team goals Janssen (1999) identifies seven elements of
and the upholding of team core values. championship team building for high school and
6. Discuss accountability. How will we recognize university teams (common goal, commitment, com-
team members who behave according to our plementary roles, communication, constructive
plan? How will we discourage destructive behav- conflict, cohesion, credible leadership) that can be
iors through systems of accountability? incorporated into team leadership development ses-
sions. A corresponding evaluation can be found in
his book, Championship Team Building, and serves
A great example of an outcome of the leader- as a useful tool to compare and discuss perceptions
ship development process described in Exercise  5 of team members, peer leaders, and coaches.
is the team commitment contract in Figure  6-2, Just as individual athlete or coach leadership
compiled by a collegiate men’s wrestling team. development begins with an inward focus on the
Facilitated by team leaders (this served as an excel- willingness and ability to lead oneself, effective team
lent opportunity for practicing leadership), this leadership development must begin with an inter-
process encouraged each team member to engage nal identification of a shared purpose and mission.
with the larger team goal in a meaningful way, Team goal-setting sessions, where team members

Mission: Leader on Pushing
We are committed to being the best we and off the Myself and Respect Win Vision:
can at everything that we do and to
Mat Everyone Else Our vision for the future is to reestablish
wrestle as much as possible. We are
Lehigh as a national powerhouse in
here to push each other to get better, as
wrestling. We see ourselves earning
well as better ourselves. We will go
back our credibility within and outside
above and beyond what is required of us;
of Lehigh by surpassing expectations.
we will overachieve. Through this, we will
Scholar Making Being Be the We also see ourselves growing as a
earn respect and be successful in our
Athletes Sacrifices Reliable Starter team and becoming closer.
endeavors. This will prepare ourselves for
life after wrestling at Lehigh and make
us more well-rounded individuals.

Doing Committed
Positive Quitting or
Focus Dependable Role the to the Team Being
Attitude Backing
Models Right and Each Professional
Things Other
Make the Become a
A Family Good Proud Blue Collar
Determined Most of Motivate Champion
my Time Sportsmanship
Core Values: Be Strong •Win EIWA’s
Accountability Always Believing Mentally, •Send 10 to nationals
Responsibility Working to in Myself Academically, •All-Americans and National
out for Champions
Improve and the Physically, and
Hard work Each Other •Team GPA 3.1 or higher
Team Emotionally •Top 10 finish in the country
Motivation •Become closer as a team
Pride Represent •Wrestle as much as possible
Confidence Lehigh and Be the Best Being Loyal •Participate in more activities
Excellence Lehigh that I can and Devoted around campus
Determination •Become more involved in
Charity Wrestling be Trustworthy student-athlete leadership

Figure 6-2  Lehigh wrestling covenant

116 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

collectively and clearly define desired process, per- currently plays and/or wishes to play in the future.
formance, and outcome goals, have been found This method also helps unsung heroes to be recog-
to have the greatest impact on performance (see nized publicly for their efforts (Paradis & Martin,
Chapter 11 for more information about goal-setting). 2012). Emphasis on role acceptance (willingness to
Consistent with the process orientation of leader- fulfill the duty for the good of the team) over satis-
ship development, the longer the duration of the faction (playing one’s ideal role) can contribute to
team development and team-building processes, the a team-first mentality where role players are valued.
greater its effectiveness (Paradis & Martin, 2012). It can also be helpful for the coach to establish a
Once common ground has been established by team-wide understanding that roles are not set in
involving everyone in the identification of desired stone and can evolve over the course of the season
team outcomes, each team member must affirm his (Carron & Eys, 2012).
or her commitment level. It is helpful for an ath- Clarifying a shared goal, conversing about and
lete to honestly consider the reasons he or she is defining commitment, and identifying important
willing and able to be committed to team goals, and complementary roles help teams establish a solid
perhaps even to share these reasons with teammates foundation by promoting habits of honest and con-
and coaches. Making time for this conversation sistent communication. Hopefully, these proactive
is empowering for the individual and helps create steps in building team leadership will help teams
team trust by clarifying intentions. Also helpful in navigate conflict as it inevitably arises. Great teams
solidifying an individual athlete’s commitment level with solid leadership learn how to utilize adversity
is the discovery of personal strengths and the great- as a springboard for greater cohesion and team per-
est potential contributions toward the team goal. formance. The best way to help teams learn how
Acknowledging the importance of and then to navigate conflict constructively is by providing
working to develop complementary roles often is athletes opportunities to give and receive hon-
challenging for teams composed of many talented est feedback from each other regularly. This habit
individuals; however, this element of development encourages team members to approach conflict
is vital to effective team leadership. Paradis and assertively and respectfully, rather than shying away
Martin found that “coach­athlete interviews”—“a from it or exacerbating the problem further. Former
process whereby (a) coaches write down their head women’s basketball coach at the University of
beliefs relating to each athlete’s role on the team Tennessee Pat Summitt engrained the value of this
and (b) athletes write down their perceptions of kind of behavior in her program: “The entire aim
their respective roles, followed by a discussion” of our policies at Tennessee is to get our players to
(2012, p. 163), is a great way to manage role expec- discipline each other. We have evolved a system in
tations. Additionally, having teammates provide which I don’t have to do a whole lot of punishing,
anonymous feedback to their peers can assist with penalizing, or pushing them. Our upperclassmen
role clarity. They may write, “In order for us to be become the disciplinarians of our team instead of
successful, Player X must do this . . .” (p. 163). A me.” Constructive conflict management is really
follow-up meeting among team members can fur- about maturity in managing relationships and com-
ther enhance team cohesion and understanding of munication relative to team goals.
its members by reviewing responses and personal Knowing how to navigate conflict appropri-
reactions to the shared perceptions. A third strategy ately certainly helps in sustaining effective relation-
to improve role identity and acceptance is to have ships, but it is also important to continue learning
the entire team collectively list every role that would about those with whom you interact regularly.
be necessary for the team to be successful, followed Studies have identified the need for positive team
by individual presentation of the role he or she dynamics and improved social interactions (to
Julia S. Ammary and Jeff Janssen  117

foster mutual trust within team members), as well and effective strategy for developing enhanced
as the value of team building in the enhanced per- group functioning, coaches have indicated that
formance and functioning of groups (e.g., Martin, team-building techniques are challenging to imple-
Carron, & Burke, 2009). In a meta-analysis of 17 ment effectively (Yukelson, 1997). Part of this
studies, team-building experiences in sport have perception may come from a lack of comfort or
been found to have a small to moderate positive confidence in strategies and process. Involving
effect on task and social cohesion; clarity, accep- coaches and athletes in the planning process can
tance, and satisfaction of roles; performance; enhance buy-in and ownership (Carron & Spink,
athlete satisfaction; and self-confidence (Paradis 1993). For more information on effective team
& Martin, 2012). Despite being the most regular building and group cohesion, see Chapter 7.

Aligned with the frameworks of transformational and emotionally intelligent leadership, leadership
development in sport happens on individual (coach and team leader), small group (several peer
leaders and partnerships with coaches), and team levels, perhaps simultaneously. Great leaders in
sport possess keen awareness of self, others, and context and demonstrate the capacities to manage
themselves, positively influence others, and intentionally develop a culture of leadership within a
program. It is difficult to catalyze positive change when only certain members of an organization are
invested or involved. As such, leadership development must be approached as an inclusive process
whereby key constituents and all members are involved at appropriate levels. The key to changing
behavior is “learning to learn” from those around us and then modifying our behavior on the basis
of their suggestions and in the context of a larger team goal.
Leadership is perhaps best understood as both a science and an art: “Artistry is neither exact nor
precise; the artist interprets the experience, expressing it in forms that can be felt, understood and
appreciated” (Bolman & Deal, 2013, p. ix). Leadership is as much about emotional intelligence as it
is about analysis and strategy. Leadership is a lifelong process requiring a commitment to learning
and self-improvement in pursuit of individual and team outcomes. A leader who thinks she or he
knows it all knows nothing. As Coach John Wooden prophetically said, “It’s what you learn after
you know it all that counts.”

Study Questions

1. What is the transformational leadership theory? List the four key tenets.
2. Describe emotional intelligence. How or why is it important for sport leaders?
3. Why are integrated approaches to leadership development applicable in sport?
4. Why is it important for coaches and athletes to partner in executing team leadership?
118 Chapter 6   Leadership in Sport: The Critical Importance of Coach and Athlete Leadership

5. How could you partner with coaches, student-athletes, or a sport psychology consultant to
strengthen the leadership within a team? Provide a specific example.
6. What are the keys to effective self-leadership?
7. What are key elements of leading others effectively?
8. Describe several strategies to help develop leadership in athletes.

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The Sport Team as an Effective Group
Mark Eys, Wilfrid Laurier University
Shauna M. Burke, Western University
Blair Evans, The Pennsylvania State University

After losing three key players to the WNBA, the [University of Connecticut] Huskies are looking to build
chemistry quickly as they prepare for more players to see the floor. . . . UConn is hoping the chemistry they’re
building away from the gym will translate into cohesiveness on the court. Building chemistry is one of the
many steps to reclaiming the national title after two years of disappointment. (Stacy, 2018, paras 2 and 10)

Membership and involvement in groups is a fun- past two decades (1999–2018). In addition to
damental characteristic of our society. We band recruiting skilled athletes and developing effective
together in a large number and variety of groups strategies/tactics, UConn team members deliber-
for social reasons or to carry out more effectively ately develop positive relationships prior to the
some job or task. Thus, each of us interacts daily season by arranging social events (e.g., celebrating
with numerous other people in group settings— birthdays or hosting potluck dinners), participating
in the family, at work, in social situations, and on in off-season training together, and reinforcing the
sport teams. The result is a reciprocal exchange of general expectations and culture of the team. These
influence; we exert an influence on other people in activities are anticipated to help the performance of
groups and, in turn, those groups and their mem- the group. As incoming player Christyn Williams
bers have an influence on us. Accordingly, there noted, “The team chemistry is amazing already and
are many positive aspects to social influence and it’s just summer, so it’s going to be a good year”
group involvement. For example, the opening quote (Stacy, 2018, para. 9).
to this chapter highlights the perceived importance A second illustration, however, shows another
of team unity to the performance of sport groups. side of group influence. In April 2018, a first-year high
The University of Connecticut (UConn) women’s school quarterback (14-year-old Rodney Kim Jr.)
basketball team is a perennial powerhouse in the was the victim of hazing while being initiated onto
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the football team at Davidson High School in
winning 50 percent of the national titles over the Alabama. Hazing is a process of humiliating new

Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  123

group members and represents the extreme of ini- objectives, share a common fate, exhibit structured
tiation rites; it is also inappropriately rationalized patterns of interaction and modes of communi-
as necessary for building team cohesion (Johnson, cation, hold common perceptions about group
Guerrero, Holman, Chin, & Signer-Kroeker, 2018). structure, are personally and instrumentally interde-
pendent, reciprocate interpersonal attraction, and
In Kim’s case, several upper-year players physically
consider themselves to be a group. (p. 14)
abused him to such a degree that he broke his arm,
among other injuries (Skiver, 2018). Other-high To understand how this definition applies within
profile hazing cases show an astonishing array of sport teams, explanations for each of the key char-
abusive behaviors, whereby team members have acteristics are provided in Table 7-1.
profoundly negative effects on one another through Many of the characteristics of a group summa-
harmful physical, verbal, relational, and sexual acts. rized by Carron and Eys (2012) underpin a con-
As Kim’s lawyer communicates, “They’ve taken cept termed “groupness” (Spink, Wilson, & Priebe,
from him his dream of playing football. . . . he is 2010). Although groupness is likely present to some
damaged for life” (Skiver, 2018, para. 9). degree on all sport teams, each group will vary in
These anecdotes show the dramatic influence the amount that is evident. For example, interac-
groups can have on their members. In the first exam- tive team sports such as soccer or hockey gener-
ple, the influence was a positive one, whereas in the ally necessitate teamwork among members during
hazing case, the influence was negative and destruc- competition—a feature that is less evident in sequen-
tive. The fundamental question is how groups can tial team sports (e.g., baseball) and typically absent
come to exert such influence on individual members among members of teams in individual sports like
and their behaviors. From a coaching perspective, running or golf (Evans, Eys, & Bruner, 2012).
insight into this issue could produce prescriptions Hence, these sports differ in the degree to which
for the development of a positive, productive sport they require group processes—this is important to
group—an effective, cohesive team. In this chapter, consider when (a) predicting how group members
both the nature of groups and group cohesion are dis- will interact and (b) developing efforts to improve
cussed, and some suggestions for the development of the group environment.
effective groups in sport settings are offered. Nonetheless, groups in each of these settings
rely on one another in several ways (e.g., sharing
a collective group goal) and, as such, team mem-
The Nature of Sport Groups bers are likely to have a powerful influence on one
another. Thus, coaches or leaders of all types of
As Carron and Eys (2012) noted, “every group is sport teams must develop a strong sense of “we” to
like all other groups, like some other groups, and encourage positive group outcomes. Hand-in-hand
like no other group” (p. 12). What this means, of with developing a sense of “we” is the development
course, is that individual groups not only contain of cohesiveness.
characteristics that are common to every other
group but they also possess characteristics that are
unique to the group itself. The uniqueness or diver- Group Cohesion
sity among groups has led group dynamics theo-
reticians to advance a variety of definitions in an Definition
attempt to portray what a group is. With regard to
Groups are dynamic, not static. They exhibit life
sport groups, Carron and Eys defined a team as:
and vitality, interaction, and activity. Their vitality
a collection of two or more individuals who pos- may be reflected in many ways—some positive, oth-
sess a common identity, have common goals and ers negative. For example, at times the group and
124 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

Table 7-1  Characteristics That Are Used to Describe a Sport Group

Characteristic Description Sport Example

Common identity and/or Members collectively view them- A high school basketball team wear-
self-categorization selves as group members ing team coats around school and
referring to the group as “we”
Common goals or objectives Implicit or explicit long- and A cheerleading squad that has goals
short-term goals that relate to all regarding performance during the
members season outlining what they expect to
Common fate Success or failure is shared by A national ski-jumping team whose
team members to some extent existence depends on receiving fund-
ing from the national governing body
Structured pattern of interaction Verbal and nonverbal communi- A football team with highly refined
and communication cation and interaction styles that verbal and nonverbal communication
are specific to the group to convey plays
Group structure Developing common beliefs and A swim team with structured expec-
behaviors involving roles, status, tations for behavior (e.g., being at the
and norms pool before 6 a.m.) and with estab-
lished leadership roles
Personal and task interdependence Members rely on one another to An ice hockey team whose members
perform, to achieve goals, and to rely on one another to work together
develop relationships on the ice, to host social events, to get
to practice, etc.
Interpersonal attraction Friendships and closeness typi- A rock-climbing squad whose mem-
cally develop among teammates bers become friends and spend time
together away from the gym

its members may be in harmony; at other times, Cohesion has many dimensions or aspects—it
conflict and tension may predominate. Sometimes is perceived in multiple ways by different groups and
communication may be excellent between leaders their members. As one major differentiation, percep-
and members, but at other times, it may be nonex- tions about the degree of unity within the group are
istent. Also, commitment to the group’s goals and assumed to be manifested in two principal ways: in rela-
purposes may vary over time. All of these varia- tion to the group’s task and social aspects of the unit.
tions represent different behavioral manifestations This task versus social cohesion distinction appears
of an underlying, fundamental group property that to be important for all age groups (e.g., Carron et al.,
is referred to as cohesion—an emergent state that 1985; Eys, Loughead, Bray, & Carron, 2009; Martin,
is “reflected in the tendency for a group to stick Carron, Eys, & Loughead, 2012). With respect to
together and remain united in the pursuit of its adult sport groups, a finer distinction was proposed
instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction (Carron et al., 1985), in that these perceptions of the
of member affective needs” (Carron, Brawley, & group are organized and integrated by individual mem-
Widmeyer, 1998, p. 213). bers into two additional categories (see Figure  7-1).
Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  125

Group integration represents each individual’s per- the main correlates within each general category are
ceptions about the closeness, similarity, and bonding discussed.
within the group as a total unit (i.e., it consists of
“we” and/or “us” evaluations). Individual attractions Environmental Factors
to the group represent each individual’s personal Perhaps the most easily identifiable correlates of
attractions to the group and, more specifically, what cohesion are environmental factors—those that are
personal motivations act to retain an individual in demonstrated by the setting in which group mem-
the group (i.e., consists of “I” and/or “me” evalua- bers interact (e.g., physical characteristics of the
tions). As Figure  7-1 shows, then, cohesion within environment). Most notably, individuals who are in
adult sport groups is considered to have four facets: close proximity (i.e., who are physically close to each
individual attractions to the group (task), individual other) have a greater tendency to bond together.
attractions to the group (social), group integration Being in close contact provides the opportunity for
(task), and group integration (social). It should be interaction and communication, which may hasten
noted that qualitative and quantitative studies with group development. To provide this opportunity,
youth and children suggest that their perceptions of team members should be placed into situations
cohesion appear to be less defined and that assessing that make interaction inevitable. Some situations
the broader dimensions of task and social cohesion in sport that ensure physical proximity among
is sufficient to gain an understanding of their group group members include having a team locker room,
environment. encouraging team members to take classes with one
another, or scheduling games that require the team
The Correlates of Cohesiveness to travel and/or stay with one another.
Carron and Eys (2012) provided a framework to The team’s size also is associated with the
discuss the main correlates of cohesion in sport development of cohesiveness. Widmeyer, Brawley,
teams, including four general categories: environ- and Carron (1990) demonstrated that there is an
mental factors, personal factors, leadership factors, inverted-U relationship between social cohesion
and team factors. In the following sections, some of and team size in intramural basketball teams. That
is, moderate-sized groups showed the greatest cohe-
siveness, and larger and smaller groups exhibited
the least. Interestingly, the results of this study
also showed that task cohesiveness decreased with
Group Cohesion
increasing group size. Widmeyer and colleagues felt
that this decrease could be attributed to the fact
that it is more difficult to obtain consensus and task
Task Social commitment in larger groups. Although these stud-
ies are limited to a basketball setting, it is clear that
the number of athletes, coaches, and staff members
have an influence on team cohesiveness.
Individual Individual
Group Attractions Group Attractions
Integration to the Integration to the Personal Factors
Group Group
Personal factors that are associated with cohesion
Figure 7-1  A conceptual model for group cohesiveness include the characteristics, beliefs, or behaviors of
Source: Brawley, Carron, & Widmeyer, 1987; Carron, Widmeyer, group members. An important personal factor asso-
& Brawley, 1985; and Widmeyer, Brawley, & Carron, 1985. ciated with the development of both task and social
126 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

cohesion in sport teams is satisfaction. Satisfaction example, the importance of transformational leader-
is derived from many sources, such as whether ship has been emphasized in sport psychology (see
a team provides opportunities to feel valued and Chapter 6), which describes at least four influential
competent, as well as whether an individual feels behaviors (Bass & Riggio, 2006), including ideal-
socially related to his or her teammates (Reimer & ized influence (e.g., setting positive examples and
Chelladurai, 1998). Satisfaction also results from adhering to group values), inspirational motivation
the recognition from others and, as such, the coach– (e.g., clearly conveying the shared vision for the
athlete relationship is a key contributor. Ultimately, group), intellectual stimulation (e.g., encouraging
satisfied athletes are likely to have a positive influ- followers to be involved in problem solving), and
ence on team functioning and, conversely, athletes individualized consideration (e.g., paying attention
who experience high cohesiveness will likely feel to the needs of each group member). Generally
more satisfied (Widmeyer & Williams, 1991). speaking, transformational leadership behaviors
Competitive state anxiety is another personal have been demonstrated to have a positive asso-
factor that is related to cohesion. Athletes who per- ciation with athletes’ perceptions of team cohe-
ceive their teams to be higher in task cohesion expe- sion (Price & Weiss, 2013; Smith, Arthur, Hardy,
rience less cognitive anxiety and are more likely to Callow, & Williams, 2013). Furthermore, the pos-
view their symptoms of both cognitive (e.g., worry) itive effects of transformational leadership have
and somatic (e.g., sweaty palms) anxiety as bene- spurred researchers and practitioners to develop
ficial and necessary for peak performance (Eys, interventions and workshops to teach coaches how to
Hardy, Carron, & Beauchamp, 2003). In describ- engage with their athletes and teams consistent with
ing the relationship between cohesion and anxiety, this leadership style (e.g., Turnnidge & Côté, 2017).
Wolf, Eys, Sadler, and Kleinert (2015) proposed It is important to remember that the coach is
that athletes feel like they have more resources at not the only source of leadership within the team.
their disposal, and feel less pressure, when they are Peer leadership, or athlete leadership, allows for
members of cohesive teams. Thus, cohesive settings additional guidance regarding task, social, and
should lead to more facilitative perceptions of anx- motivational objectives of the team, and those in
iety because athletes perceive the sport situation as leadership roles also represent the group’s interests
a challenge (i.e., “this is an exciting situation that I outside of the sport context (e.g., media) (Fransen
can cope with”) as opposed to a threat (i.e., “this et al., 2017; Loughead, Hardy, & Eys, 2006). As
is an impossible situation and I am hopeless”). with coach leadership, the quantity and quality of
Chapter 12 contains more information about com- peer leadership are influential with respect to the
petitive anxiety. experience of task and social cohesion with sport
teams (Hardy, Eys, & Loughead, 2008; Price &
Leadership Factors Weiss, 2013).
The interrelationships among the coach, the ath-
lete, cohesiveness, and performance are complex. In Team Factors
a mutiny, for example, cohesion is high, the leader– When a set of individuals is brought together with
subordinate relationship is poor (and the leader is the intention of performing as a group, cohesion can
excluded from the group), and performance from be influenced by a number of structural character-
an organizational perspective is poor. When exam- istics that emerge as the group develops (e.g., roles
ining the characteristics of optimal leaders, or the and norms), processes that take place among group
situations in which they succeed, sport researchers members (e.g., group goals, communication), and
tend to focus on models highlighting the relation- group performance outcomes that occur through-
ships formed between leaders and followers. For out the duration of its existence. The emergence of
Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  127

these factors is inevitable and essential if the set of performed. One element is the degree to which
individuals is to become a more cohesive group. athletes understand or do not understand what
constitutes their role. Role ambiguity refers to the
Roles. A role is a set of behaviors that is expected lack of clear, consistent information regarding one’s
from the occupants of specific positions within the role (Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, & Rosenthal,
group. Thus, when we think of the “role of a coach,” 1964). Beauchamp, Bray, Eys, and Carron (2002)
a number of expectations for behavior come to mind: noted that it is important for athletes to understand
instruct athletes; set up the team’s offensive and defen- four aspects of their role: (a) the scope of their
sive alignments; communicate with parents, media, responsibilities or generally what their role entails,
and the general public; organize practices; and so on. (b) the behaviors that are necessary to successfully
Within every group there are two general cat- fulfill their role responsibilities, (c) how their role
egories of roles: formal and informal (Mabry & performance will be evaluated, and (d) what the
Barnes, 1980). As the term suggests, formal roles consequences are should they not successfully ful-
are explicitly set out by the group or organization. fill their role responsibilities. In general, previous
Coach, team captain, and manager are examples of research has shown that athletes who understand
explicit leadership roles within a team. Spiker and their roles better are more satisfied (Eys, Carron,
setter in volleyball; forward, guard, and center in Bray, & Beauchamp, 2003), experience less anx-
basketball; and scrum-half and prop in rugby are iety (Beauchamp, Bray, Eys, & Carron, 2003),
examples of explicit performance roles. The sport and are likely to view their teams as more cohe-
team as an organization requires specific individu- sive (Bosselut, McLaren, Eys, & Heuzé, 2012). A
als to carry out each of these roles. Thus, individ- National Hockey League coach once observed that
uals are trained or recruited for these roles, and the worst thing that could happen to a team was to
specific expectations are held for their behavior. have its “enforcer” score a few goals in successive
Informal roles evolve as a result of the interactions games. The enforcer would then begin to see him-
that take place among group members but are not self as (and prefer the role of) goal scorer, to the
specifically prescribed. Some examples of the infor- detriment of the team as a whole. In sum, the roles
mal roles that often emerge on a sport team are that individuals are expected to perform should be
leader (vocal or “lead by example” leaders), task clearly spelled out.
booster (spark plug), enforcer, mentor, social con- A second element of role involvement related
vener, cancer, distracter, team player, star player, to group cohesiveness is the degree to which
and comedian (Cope, Eys, Beauchamp, Schinke, & athletes accept and are committed to their role
Bosselut, 2011). Informal roles can have a positive responsibilities (Benson, Eys, Surya, Dawson, &
(e.g., mentor) or negative (e.g., distracter) influence Schneider, 2013). An athlete may be more inclined to
on the team. For example, Cope, Eys, Schinke, accept his or her role responsibilities within a group
and Bosselut (2010) interviewed coaches regard- that is united and on the same page with respect
ing their perceptions of individuals occupying the to their collective goal. Thus, the success of the
“cancer” or “bad apple” role. They noted several total team and the importance of all roles for team
consequences of dealing with this type of individ- success should continually be emphasized. When all
ual, including increased distractions to the group, group members perceive that their responsibilities
negativity spreading among members, clique forma- are important and contribute to the common good,
tions, performance decrements, member attrition, they more willingly accept and carry them out.
and decreased cohesion. Finally, these and other elements of role
A variety of elements associated with ath- involvement that are important to the group
letes’ roles determine how effectively they can be environment and are likely contributors to the
128 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

Table 7-2  Important Role Elements for Sport Teams

Element Definition

Role ambiguity A lack of clear, consistent information regarding one’s role (Kahn et al., 1964)
Role acceptance The willingness of athletes to execute their role responsibilities
(Benson et al., 2013)
Role efficacy Athletes’ beliefs about their capabilities to carry out role responsibilities (Bray,
Brawley, & Carron, 2002)
Role conflict Athletes’ perceptions about the incongruent expectations of others
(Kahn et al., 1964)
Role overload Athletes having too many role expectations and/or being unable to prioritize them
Role satisfaction How happy athletes are with their given role(s) on the team
Role performance Athletes’ behaviors pertaining to role responsibilities

cohesiveness of sport teams are briefly defined in practice, off-season, and socially. That teammates
Table 7-2. The applied practitioner or coach should put forth maximum effort and support each other
be conscious of these role elements when working were the most relevant in competition and practice.
with sport teams. Off-season norms included continuing training and
development, as well as maintaining contact with
Norms. The presence of norms also is associated other group members. Finally, in social situations,
with increased cohesiveness (Gammage, Carron, & group members were expected to attend social
Estabrooks, 2001). A norm is a standard for behav- events (e.g., parties) and have respect for each other.
ior that is expected of all members of the group. Interestingly, Bruner, Carreau, Wilson, and Penney
It may be task irrelevant or task relevant; in either (2014) found that female youth athletes endorsed
case, a norm reflects the group’s consensus about norms for competition, practice, and social contexts
behaviors that are considered acceptable. The ath- more strongly than males and suggested that an
letes’ treatment of team managers (Gammage et al., applied implication of this finding is that coaches of
2001) or trainers is one example of a task-irrelevant youth sport teams, particularly male teams, should
norm. On one team the manager might be regarded develop strategies (e.g., a team behavioral contract)
and treated as little more than an unpaid servant; on that will promote normative behaviors that are pos-
another team he or she might be considered a mem- itive for the group.1
ber of the coaching staff. In both cases new team The relationship between the presence of group
members quickly become aware of the standard of norms and the degree of group cohesiveness is
behavior considered acceptable in their interactions
with the manager and begin to act accordingly.
In a sport setting, Munroe, Estabrooks, Dennis, We recognize the complexity of examining gender differences
and Carron (1999) asked athletes to identify the in sport research, and important issues are not elaborated upon
within the present chapter. However, please refer to Gill and
types of norms that exist within their teams. They Kamphoff (present volume), Eys et al. (2015), and Krane and
found that important, and sometimes similar, Kaus (2014) for a more in-depth discussion of gender in sport
norms existed in four different contexts: competition, and sport teams.
Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  129

circular. The development of norms contributes to numerous and can be directed to the (a) preparatory
the development of cohesiveness. With increased (e.g., planning), (b) execution (e.g., coordination),
group cohesiveness there is also greater conformity (c) evaluation (e.g., performance monitoring), and
to group standards for behavior and performance. (d) adjustment (e.g., problem solving) objec-
A recently formed group has minimal influence tives that govern team performance (McEwan &
over its members. But as the group develops and Beauchamp, 2014). One major process associated
becomes more cohesive, adherence to norms for with cohesion is communication. As the level of
behavior increases. Failure to conform can lead to communication relating to task and social issues
sanctions or punishment. For example, the group increases, cohesiveness is enhanced (McLaren
can control the amount of interaction it permits & Spink, 2018). And as the group becomes more
members, their degree of involvement in decision cohesive, communication also increases. Group
making, and their accessibility to task and social members are more open with one another, and
rewards. they volunteer more, talk more, and listen better. In
An important aspect of group norms is their short, the exchange of task information and social
stability. An arbitrary norm can persist for four or pleasantries increases with cohesiveness.
five generations after the original members have
been removed from the group (Jacobs & Campbell, Performance outcome. As has been the case with
1961). Thus, if a sport team develops negative so many other factors, the relationship between cohe-
norms, such as abusive behavior toward officials or sion and performance outcome is a circular one.
other team members, a laissez-faire attitude toward More specifically, cohesiveness contributes to perfor-
training, or a reliance on individual versus team mance success, and performance success increases
goals, those norms could persist over a number of cohesiveness. Carron, Colman, Wheeler, and Stevens
seasons unless steps are taken to eliminate them. (2002) conducted a meta-analysis to examine the
Thus, establishing positive group norms is cohesion–performance relationship, from which a
extremely important in sport teams, particularly if number of issues arose. First, both task and social
an inappropriate norm is in place. One technique cohesion were positively related to performance
that has been used successfully is to enlist the formal and the relationships were cyclical. That is, the
and informal leaders of the group as active agents. If strength of the cohesion-to-performance relation-
athlete leaders (in addition to the coach) accept and ship was as strong as the performance-to-cohesion
adhere to specific standards, other group members relationship. Second, there was no significant dif-
soon follow. In some instances, the athlete leaders ference between the strengths of the task cohesion–
may be resistant to change. This poses a problem performance relationship (i.e., effect size  =  0.61)
because on sport teams the formal and informal and the social cohesion–performance relationship
leaders are usually the most highly skilled. If this is (i.e., effect size = 0.70) although the latter was slightly
the case, the coach must decide how important the greater. Finally, these relationships (a) existed
new standard is to the long-term success of the orga- equally for teams that were task interdependent
nization. In the event that the new standard is con- (e.g., volleyball) and those more individual in
sidered to be very important, the coach may have to nature (e.g., track and field), (b) were present
release the resistant team members. across the spectrum of skill and competitive levels,
and (c) were found to be stronger in female teams.
Group processes. Another important team factor Overall, performance success is an important team
that influences the development of team cohesion factor for developing cohesion. Consequently, if
is the interactive processes that occur among the possible, a coach should try to avoid an excessively
members. Teamwork processes and behaviors are difficult schedule early in a season.
130 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

Team Building program (Bruner, Eys, Beauchamp, & Côté, 2013;

Martin, Carron, & Burke, 2009). Notably, cohesion
The midfielder Eric Dier said: “I think a lot of the is a primary focus of the team-building approach
work that we’ve done with [sport psychology consul- developed by Carron, Spink, and Prapavessis
tant Dr. Pippa Grange] has been prior to the tour- (Carron & Spink, 1993; Prapavessis, Carron, &
nament starting, over the last six or seven months.” Spink, 1996; Spink & Carron, 1993), which is
This has reportedly included getting the players to
the most commonly adopted approach in sport
sit down together in small groups to share their life
research (Bruner et al., 2013). The following para-
experiences and anxieties, and to reveal intimate
truths about their character and what drives them. graphs describe how it is used within sport.
The point, [England manager] Southgate has said, The Spink and Carron team-building approach
is to build trust, “making them closer, with a better involves an indirect intervention process composed
understanding of each other.” of an introductory stage, a conceptual stage, a practi-
—Reflections on teambuilding by members cal stage, and an intervention stage. The initial three
of England’s 2018 World Cup of Football/ stages occur during coach–sport psychology spe-
Soccer team (Saner, 2018, para. 7) cialist interactions as the coach learns about group
dynamics and prepares strategies that will be used
The importance of developing an effective to develop cohesion within his or her team (Carron
sport group environment is recognized even among & Spink, 1993). In the introductory stage, the sport
athletes whose performances are almost exclusively psychology specialist teaches the coach about group
individual. As such, coaches and sport psychology dynamics and the general benefits of group cohe-
specialists invariably seek ways to build an effective sion (e.g., the relationship between perceptions of
team by using the process of team building—defined cohesiveness and enhanced team dynamics can
by Carron and Eys (2012) as “team enhancement or be discussed). This understanding is further estab-
team improvement for both task and social purposes” lished during the conceptual stage; here the sport
(p. 368). Team building consists of strategies to help psychology specialist teaches the coach about the
members work together more effectively and provides various components of the team-building protocol
meaningful experiences for both athletes and coaches and helps the coach identify key areas to focus
that ultimately lead to a greater sense of unity. efforts on (e.g., the specific needs of the group).
Team building can either be directly applied During the practical stage, coaches engage in
by sport psychology specialists (e.g., a specialist an interactive brainstorming session with the sport
conducting a goal-setting seminar with athletes and psychology specialist and/or other coaching staff
coaches) or indirectly applied, where coaches and to generate strategies to use for team building in
sport psychology specialists develop an intervention their group. Active involvement of the coach(es) is
together and then the intervention is applied by the valuable for three reasons:
coach. Sport team-building interventions are often
indirect to permit the coach to be the primary arbi- 1. Coaches differ in personality and preferences,
trator of the group environment. so a strategy that might be effectively imple-
mented by one coach might not be by another.
Carron and Spink’s (1993) Team-Building 2. Coaches are the individuals most familiar with
Approach their groups and will have a sense for the most
Although team building promotes a number of indi- appropriate strategies.
vidual and group outcomes (e.g., self-confidence, 3. Coaches have control over the protocol, which
communication, role understanding, trust), cohe- leads to increased coach investment and com-
sion is typically at the core of any team-building mitment to team building.
Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  131

Although coaches are largely responsible for Additional Team-Building Approaches

this brainstorming process, it is helpful to provide Team-building approaches are rarely designed to suit
examples of strategies that can be used. Table  7-3 all situations, and many team-building intervention
contains examples of these team-building strategies alternatives are available in addition to the Carron
that are applied to sport. and Spink approach. Although many of these can-
The team-building protocol is finally introduced not be fully described within the confines of this
and maintained by coaches during the intervention chapter, it is important to consider approaches that
stage. The intervention stage may last through- may be used to suit the needs of distinct groups.
out the entire season, as coaches continually use One example of an approach that is typically
team-building strategies and evaluate the process used to increase mutual understanding and cohesion
and suitability of strategies.

Table 7-3  Examples of Team-Building Strategies for Coaches to Enhance Group Cohesiveness

Factor Example Strategies

Distinctiveness •• Provide the team with unique identifiers (e.g., shirts, logos, mottos).
•• Emphasize any unique traditions and/or history associated with the team.
Individual roles •• Create a team structure in which there is a clear differentiation in team positions/roles.
•• Ensure that all members understand how their role(s) can contribute to team success.
•• Establish mentorship opportunities between veterans and rookies.
Group norms •• Establish standards of conduct across all team-related settings (competition,
school, etc.).
•• Use input from team members to form norms.
•• Show individual team members how group standards can contribute to more effective
team performance and a greater sense of team unity.
•• Reward team members who adhere to the group’s standards and sanction those who
do not.
Individual sacrifices •• Encourage important team members to make sacrifices (e.g., ask a veteran athlete to
sit out to give a novice athlete more playing time).
•• Members contribute to fundraising or other community-related activities (e.g., assisting
in the maintenance of a trail used for training).
Interaction and •• Provide opportunities for athlete input.
communication •• Create an environment that fosters mutual trust and respect so that athletes feel
comfortable communicating.
•• Have all players identify (on paper) why they want their fellow players on the team,
then create a summary sheet for each player.
•• Establish an online group or forum on social networking websites.
Adapted from: Bruner & Spink, 2011; Bull, Albinson, & Shambrook, 1996; Carron, & Spink, 1993; Munroe, Terry, & Carron,
2002; Prapavessis et al., 1996; Yukelson, 1984; Zander, 1982.
132 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

late in the season (e.g., during playoffs) with well-es- implementing this team-building strategy was
tablished groups is the Personal-Disclosure Mutual- considered particularly critical for its delivery.
Sharing intervention (PDMS; Dunn & Holt, 2004). team-building strategy was considered particularly
During PDMS, sport psychology specialists assign critical for its delivery.
team members “homework” by asking the team to
prepare a written passage that answers a personal
question about their sport involvement (e.g., “why Developing team values
do you compete in this sport?” or “what are you will-
The Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team, a
ing to sacrifice for your team?”). Once all members
member of the National Hockey League, has
have prepared their passage, the specialist leads a
engaged in several values-based team-building
team meeting where members read their passage
exercises. Values are beliefs that influence
aloud. These group sessions can be very powerful
behavior and serve as guidelines to evaluate
and often last several hours. PDMS demands a high
behavior (Crace & Hardy, 1997). A modified
level of responsibility to ensure that the statements
version of the Crace and Hardy intervention
remain confidential and should be used only when
model was introduced to the Toronto Maple
members are comfortable enough to reflect on per-
Leafs at the beginning of the 2005–2006
sonal experiences as a group.
season. Although the model recommends that
Another example that may be useful in facili-
the players and coaches be introduced to the
tating team building is the Mastery Approach to
principles behind team-building interventions,
Coaching (MAC; Smoll & Smith, 2008), which is
it was felt that professional hockey players
ideal for youth sport settings. The use of the MAC
already had a clear understanding of what con-
protocol for team building is based on the expec-
stitutes a functional team environment.
tation that positive and task-oriented coaching
Thus, the session began with players divided
behaviors will enable positive group environments.
into four groups of six, each table with a group
McLaren, Eys, and Murray (2015) conducted an
leader who was one of the team’s captains. The
intervention study to compare soccer players’ per-
player development coach, Dr. Paul Dennis,
ceptions of coaches who participated in a MAC
asked the leaders to discuss in their groups the
training session early in the season with coaches
important beliefs that would help guide their
who did not experience the training. They found
behavior and motivation for the upcoming
that athletes who belonged to teams with coaches
season. After a 20-minute discussion, the group
who attended a MAC training session reported
leaders reported three or four of their groups’
increased group cohesion, providing evidence for
most important beliefs. A general discussion
the usefulness of MAC training for youth sport
ensued, and the players collectively rank-
team building.
ordered the beliefs. Following are the results:
Finally, sport psychology specialists may be
well advised to include athletes as active con- Team Values Summary, 2005–2006 Season
tributors to team-building strategies, particularly
1. Team Toughness: Mentally and physically,
experienced athletes who may prefer ownership
never quit. Stick up for one another.
over the process. The applied example found in
the box highlights a protocol the Toronto Maple 2. Team Speed: We must all take short shifts
Leafs used to develop “team values” that enlisted so we can wear down our opponents by the
and depended on the opinions of all team mem- third period. We’ll be able to win the close
bers. The inclusion of selected high-status mem- games if we can do this.
bers of the team (i.e., captains, co-captains) in
Mark Eys, Shauna M. Burke, and Blair Evans  133

3. Team Defense: We can score, but in the 10. Commitment: Make the commitment
past we’ve hung the goalies “out to dry.” to team concepts, systems, and office
We need a commitment to play solid conditioning.
The ten beliefs the players presented to
4. Work Ethic: On and off the ice strive toward
the coaching staff were transformed into
your goal. Push yourself to be better.
a plaque, and each player took ownership
5. Accountability: Being truthful and up-front by signing his name to it. The plaque
to your teammates. Don’t make excuses. It was mounted in the dressing room as a
has to be 24 players held accountable by reminder of what the group valued as a
each other and the coaches. team. Throughout the season, head coach
6. Respect: Respect must be earned. Respect Pat Quinn often referred to one of the values
each other’s roles and what different play- as a theme to begin his team meetings
ers bring to the table, for example, goal in preparation for an upcoming game. In
scoring, checking, penalty killing. addition, if the team was underachieving, he
would target one of the belief statements. For
7. Positive Attitude: We need to be more pos-
example, if there was a lackluster effort after
itive. No complaining about line combina-
a period, the coach would refer to “loyalty,”
tions, defense partner, and so on.
which the players had defined as not cheating
8. Loyalty: Don’t cheat yourself or your team- themselves or their teammates from giving
mates from your best effort. If you play their best effort. The coach implied that
5 minutes or 20 minutes, work hard when- they were letting each other down and not
ever you get the chance. adhering to their own values. Such tactics
9. Leadership: There are 24 leaders in this would help motivate the players into giving a
dressing room, no passengers. more concerted effort to achieve their goals.

Like all groups, sport teams are dynamic. As such, they are subject to change, to growth, to mod-
ification, and to improvement. The coach is probably in the best position to influence change in
a positive direction. To do this efficiently and effectively, it is beneficial to draw on the wealth of
research information that has been developed over a number of years in management science, social
psychology, sociology, physical education, and kinesiology. Given the influence that groups have on
their members, knowledge of group structure, group dynamics, and group cohesiveness is essential
for coaches. This understanding will provide an excellent base from which to weld athletes into a
more effective team.
134 Chapter 7   The Sport Team as an Effective Group

Study Questions

1. Briefly describe the six characteristics of sport groups.

2. Define cohesiveness. What are the four facets of cohesion specific to adult sport teams? How
does cohesion among youth sport teams differ from that among adult sport teams?
3. List the four factors that contribute to cohesiveness and give one specific example of each.
4. Discuss the relationship of team size to group cohesiveness.
5. Describe the environmental, personal, and leadership factors that contribute to the develop-
ment of cohesiveness.
6. Four team factors related to cohesion are roles, norms, group processes, and performance out-
come. Distinguish among each of these factors and describe how the factors might be manipu-
lated or modified to enhance team cohesion.
7. Give at least one example (using a sport of your choice) of a strategy that a coach or sport
psychologist could employ to enhance group cohesiveness using each of the following factors:
(a) distinctiveness, (b) individual positions, (c) group norms, (d) individual sacrifices, and
(e) interaction and communication.

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Communicating Effectively
David P. Yukelson, The Pennsylvania State University

I wish my coach was a little clearer with me. I wish I knew where I stood with her. I wish she believed
in me more. Right now, I feel like I’m working really hard but nothing ever seems to be good enough.
Anytime I go into my coach’s office to talk, things get turned around and I’m always on the defensive. I
wish the communication between us was better; more open and authentic.
—Penn State University student-athlete

In my work with intercollegiate student-athletes, be done on this particular play, transmits to me a

I often am asked to address the topic of commu- nonverbal signal indicating it’s time to take care of
nication, particularly as it pertains to group cohe- business, then I know with great confidence, we are
sion, interpersonal relationships, and team culture. going to execute the upcoming play with precise
timing, intensity, and cohesiveness.
Effective communication is critical to the success
of any team or organization and its members. The His remarks reminded me that there is much
ability to express one’s thoughts, feelings, and needs more to communication than meets the ear. From
effectively and reciprocally to be able to understand a global perspective, communication goes beyond
the thoughts, feelings, ideas, and needs of others is talking and listening; rather, it’s about connecting with
central to good communication. people, verbally and nonverbally, in a meaningful way.
One day following a workshop on communica- Although coaches, athletes, and sport psychol-
tion and team building, a football player came up to ogy consultants talk about the importance of effec-
me and remarked that, to him, communication is tive communication in team success, surprisingly
what teamwork and group chemistry are all about. very little has been written about the subject, par-
From a group perspective, it is tied to oneness of ticularly as it pertains to sport. Hence, the purpose
thought, synchronization of roles, and everyone of this chapter is to explore what effective commu-
being on the same page. He elaborated by saying, nication is as it relates to sport, identify barriers to
If I can walk up to the line of scrimmage and know effective communication, and develop strategies for
that the offensive tackle next to me is thinking the improving communication processes within athletic
same thing I am, has internalized what needs to environments.

140 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

Communication Defined Other factors such as stress, perceptual filter-

ing, and psychological expectancies can all influ-
The philosopher and social theorist John Dewey notes ence the way messages are expressed, received,
the word communication shares the same etiology, or and interpreted (Henschen & Miner, 1989;
root, as the word community, and is the result of peo- Vealey, 2005). In the process of interpreting verbal
ple feeling engaged in shared projects and meaningful and nonverbal messages, information may be lost or
social interactions (Stuhr, 1997). At the core of this distorted. Sometimes we think we hear a person say
statement is the notion of engaged communication one thing when, in fact, he or she said something
processes and connecting with people in a meaningful different. We then act on the basis of what we think
way. When an individual feels engaged in conversa- the person said. Many communication problems
tion, it connotes a feeling the other person is listen- are rooted in this kind of misunderstanding.
ing and genuinely cares about what is being said. The The following example provides an illustration
quote at the beginning of the chapter points to the of how a compliment can be misinterpreted due
importance of engagement and the athlete’s desire to to stress, selective filtering, or emotional mood
connect with her coach on a meaningful level. states: During a practice, an athlete misses an
Communication is a multidimensional process offensive rebound, yet the coach compliments him
that involves sending, receiving (encoding), and for demonstrating good positioning, footwork, and
interpreting (decoding) messages through a vari- intensity. Stressed over a variety of things going on
ety of sensory modalities (Crocker, 1990; Harris in his life (e.g., two midterms, limited playing time
& Harris, 1984). These messages can be verbal (as recently, breaking up with his partner), the athlete
in written or spoken communication) or nonverbal processes the compliment as an insult. For reasons
(facial expressions, body language, body position- not apparent to the coach, tension builds and tem-
ing) and can be distinguished in terms of content pers fly. Angry over the turn of events, the coach
and emotion. The way a message is expressed will verbally denounces the athlete’s reaction as stupid,
influence how the message is received and inter- mumbles to himself, “I can’t control how he took
preted. From a social psychological perspective, it,” and benches the athlete. Consequently, a wall is
both person and situation variables influence this formed, communication is blocked, and the intent
dynamic process. An individual’s personality, val- of the message is never received.
ues, upbringing, beliefs, personal mannerisms, and Likewise, during the course of a long competi-
style of communicating interact with a variety of tive season, coaches also are susceptible to height-
situation-specific circumstances to influence the way ened job stress and emotional mood swings (Dale
messages are transmitted and received. Contextual & Weinberg, 1990; Smith, 1986), which in turn
factors come into play, such as your relationship can have an adverse effect on their relationships
with the other person (e.g., history you share, per- and ability to communicate effectively. I recall a
ceived level of trust, power and control issues), the situation midway through the course of a season
environment you find yourself in (e.g., office, prac- where a coach was not happy with the way her team
tice field, public or private setting), and the cultural was playing. The pressure to win, coupled with
context from which communication is to take place increased travel demands and injuries to key person-
(e.g., learned rules and behaviors that are supposed nel, resulted in the coach being extremely stressed.
to be followed). Although there are individual differ- Frustrated and impatient toward the end of prac-
ences in the way people respond, understanding the tice, the coach chastised a young, inexperienced
dynamics that surround these contexts can attenuate first-year player for making a mistake. The coach’s
misunderstanding and influence individuals’ inter- comments were so demeaning, her tone of voice
personal effectiveness (Clampitt, 2005). so penetrating and hurtful, her nonverbal body
David P. Yukelson  141

language so piercing that the athlete shut down and to communicate in a manner consistent with one’s
tuned out anything positive that was said thereafter. own personality and coaching philosophy (Wooten,
The whole situation was unfortunate because the 1992). Similarly, Martens (1987) notes that clear,
athlete, talented yet low in self-confidence, began to honest, and direct communication with no hidden
fear failure, was scared to make a mistake, and never agenda is what coaches should strive for in develop-
quite recovered for the rest of the season. ing successful coach–athlete relationships. In addi-
These examples show how communication is tion, empathy, approachability, consistency, and
an attitude that goes beyond the content of what is responsiveness to individual differences have been
said. How one sends the message is just as import- shown to be critical elements for effective commu-
ant as what is said, especially when one is stressed. nication in sport settings (Lorimer, 2013; Yukelson,
Coaches and athletes must make certain the mes- 1997).
sage conveyed is the message received. Practically As noted earlier, communication is a dynamic
speaking, it has been my experience that many process that involves mutual sharing, which implies
interpersonal problems in teams result from indi- reciprocal participation (e.g., two parties sharing
viduals’ lack of understanding of each other’s needs thoughts, feelings, ideas, or information about a
and feelings. As Orlick (2008) astutely notes, “It is particular subject). To truly understand or compre-
difficult to be responsive to another’s needs or feel- hend another individual’s perspective, people need
ings when you do not know what they are” (p. 283). to be adept at the art of listening. At its purest level,
Consequently, an important goal of interpersonal the essence of communication involves mutual shar-
communication is to learn how to express oneself ing, which leads to mutual understanding (through
so the other person is in a position to better under- sharing, the other person is in a better position to
stand. This entails active listening and engaged truly understand). In the context of a team, if a
conversation, both from a verbal and nonverbal group is to function effectively, its members must
perspective. Tone of voice, facial expression, body communicate openly and honestly with one another
posture/spatial distance, and eye contact are some about the efficiency of group functioning and the
of the nonverbal cues that influence communica- quality of interpersonal relationships (Yukelson,
tion. As a general rule, become aware of how you 1997). Effective communication is apparent when
come across to others, and make sure you say what team members listen to one another and attempt to
you mean and mean what you say. build on each other’s strengths and contributions
(Sullivan, 1993; Yukelson, 1997).
For coaches, the foundation for effective com-
Communication in Sport munication skills is having credibility in the eyes
of their athletes and having developed trust and
With regard to sport, so much of what goes on in respectful relationships (Orlick, 2008; Yukelson,
athletics revolves around communication. Research 1984). Credibility is reflected in the athletes’ atti-
in this area predominantly has looked at leader- tudes about the trustworthiness of what you say and
ship and communication styles as they relate to do (Martens, Christina, Harvey, & Sharkey, 1981;
variables such as motivation, individual and team Vealey, 2005). Trust is linked to the concepts of
expectations, coaching effectiveness, reinforce- honesty, integrity, authenticity, and respect. Lack of
ment and constructive feedback, team cohesion, honesty and betrayal of trust can lead to many inter-
and conflict resolution skills (Connelly & Rotella, personal problems within a team, including feelings
1991; Horn, 1985, 2008; Jowett & Chaundry, 2004; of tension, anger, hostility, resentment, divisions,
Martens, 1987, 2004). Although styles of commu- and jealousy. It is very difficult to regain someone’s
nication vary from coach to coach, it is important trust once it is broken.
142 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

Athletes seem to be motivated most by coaches highlights the point: “Kathy, you are too anxious
for whom they have a lot of respect (Lynch, 2001). on the strip. You are telegraphing messages to your
Respect often is not communicated directly in opponent as to what your intentions are. Relax, see
words; rather, it is demonstrated through actions, things develop, trust your decisions and actions,
sincerity, genuineness, and social influence (Egan, and when you see the window of opportunity open
1994). Athletes will lose respect for their coaches up, go for it!” The importance of giving construc-
if they feel betrayed, manipulated, and deceived or tive tactical feedback in relation to training methods
perceive their coach is not listening, or worse, does and goals an individual or team is striving to accom-
not care. To illustrate the point, I remember a situ- plish cannot be overstated..
ation where a coach “heard through the grapevine” Athletes react in various ways to how coaches
that a particular athlete violated a long-standing communicate with them. They know the character-
team rule. The coach, who liked to be in control of istics they like and dislike in coaches. From a devel-
everything, failed to garner all the facts. She solic- opmental perspective, research in the area of youth
ited information from other teammates as to what sports indicates young athletes like coaches who
had happened, but never talked directly to the per- are knowledgeable and instructive, supportive and
son in question. As a consequence, the athletes encouraging, enthusiastic and motivated, reliable,
felt betrayed and angry, respect for the coach was fair, and consistent (Martens, 2004; Martens et al.,
shattered, and interpersonal relations among the 1981; Smith, Smith, & Smoll, 1983). In contrast,
athletes became strained. A good rule is to solicit all young athletes dislike coaches who are judgmental,
the facts before passing judgment and treat people manipulative, capricious, inconsistent, or constantly
exactly the way you want to be treated. Putting your- negative. Personally, I believe the same principles
self in the shoes of others and seeing things from hold true for older athletes. My observation has
their perspective (i.e., empathy) helps build credibil- been that intercollegiate athletes respond best to
ity, trust, and mutual respect. coaches who are open, honest, sincere, approach-
As noted earlier, coaches who are good com- able, and caring. Most athletes do not mind being
municators have credibility with their athletes. yelled at as long as they know the coach cares. One
They establish open lines of communication; they of our coaches at Penn State notes,
are honest, fair, authentic, sincere, and consistent.
They accept individuals for who they are and gen- I have a tendency to raise the decibel level in my
voice because I am trying to get their attention,
uinely care about them as people outside of athlet-
but that does not mean I don’t understand or that
ics. This values-based perspective is consistent with I don’t care. You want players to feel comfortable
applied research by Janssen and Dale (2002), who around you, but at the same time, realize you are
found credible coaches to be character based, com- the authority figure.
petent, committed, caring, consistent, confidence
builders, and good communicators. From a tactical He goes on to say, “A coach can gain trust
standpoint, coaches who are good communicators with their athletes by being honest, consistent, and
explain, clarify, and individualize instruction to approachable. I try to get my athletes to respect me
meet the athlete’s needs as well as the team’s needs. by attempting to be fair in my decisions and truthful
They observe performance analytically and are able when giving assessment and advice.” Again, from a
to help athletes improve performance by providing philosophical perspective, this example points to the
clear and constructive behavioral feedback in a importance of engaging athletes in the communica-
nonthreatening manner (Martin & Hrycaiko, 1983; tion process, creating an atmosphere that reflects a
Smith, 1986). The following discussion between community of caring. Athletes work hard to achieve
a coach and a fencer between competitive bouts their goals and want to feel a sense of connection
David P. Yukelson  143

with their coach on a genuine and meaningful level. book The Advantage, Lencioni (2012) proposes a
They expect to be treated with dignity and respect four-prong communication model that has relevant
and should give the same in return. Similarly, ath- application for coaches and staff development:
letes (and people in general) want to know their
1. Put together a cohesive leadership team that is
role is valued and contributions appreciated.
aligned in principle and purpose.
2. Be clear and consistent with cascading messag-
Communication and Groups ing directly from the leadership team through-
One of the most gratifying experiences a coach out the organization.
or athlete can have is to be a member of a team 3. Reinforce clarity with shared knowledge and
that gets along well and works together efficiently feedback at all levels.
in a cohesive, harmonious, task-oriented manner
4. Adopt a transformational perspective: the
(Orlick, 2008; Yukelson, 1984). Communication
leadership team needs to be humble enough
lies at the heart of group process. If a group is to
to listen to what others have to say without an
function effectively, members must be able to com-
egocentric filter distorting the process. (See
municate easily and efficiently with one another
Chapter 6 for more information on transfor-
(Shaw, 1981). Because communication directly
mational leadership.)
affects group solidarity, role internalization and
team coordination, collective efficacy, and suc- Similarly, recognizing the importance of clear mes-
cessful team performance (Eccles & Tenanbaum, saging, collective accountability, valued roles and
2004), I spend a great deal of time talking with responsibilities, and a concept she refers to as radi-
athletic teams about group process and synergistic cal candor, Scott (2017) offers a variety of leadership
team functioning, communication and the dissem- strategies and communication tools for building col-
ination of information and shared knowledge, role laborative relationships and an effective team cul-
clarity and team culture, and methods for improving ture that is based on listening, sharing, caring, and
harmonious team relations. Team building comes mutual respect. Starting with understanding what
from a shared vision of what the group is striving motivates each person on a team and distinguish-
to achieve and is tied to commitment, individual ing between ruinous empathy and authentic listen-
and mutual accountability, collaboration, com- ing, the author offers concrete recommendations
munication, and teamwork (Yukelson, 1997). A for providing guidance, direction, and constructive
shared vision that has meaning and purpose cre- feedback in a credible and consistent manner. For
ates synergistic empowerment. In successful teams, example, Scott suggests that leaders embrace collab-
coaches and athletes talk openly and honestly oration and share opinions that are consistent with
about task-related issues that affect them directly, an organization’s philosophy and mission. She also
and everyone works together to develop a positive suggests a leader needs to be humble enough to lis-
group atmosphere and team culture conducive for ten to what others have to say without an egocentric
team success (Collins, 2001a; Goleman, Boyatzis, & filter distorting the process. As for radical candor,
McKee, 2002; Pain & Harwood, 2009; Yukelson & Scott’s message is care personally and challenge
Weinberg, 2016). directly.
Business leaders point to the importance of Unfortunately, not every group functions cohe-
clear and transparent communication in building sively. Several teams I have worked with have had
a healthy team culture and organizational struc- their fair share of interpersonal communication
ture (Collins, 2001b; Katzenbach & Smith, 1993; problems and conflict, ranging from interpersonal
Lencioni, 2012; Scott, 2017). For instance, in his jealousies within the team to power struggles,
144 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

control issues, and perceived injustices, as well as you can be with each other, the better your chances
coach–athlete and/or athlete–athlete inequities. In are of getting along and achieving both individual
my experience, many interpersonal problems on and team goals (Orlick, 1986). Thus, it is import-
teams stem from poor communication, oftentimes ant for coaches and athletes to learn how to express
the result of misunderstanding or miscommunica- their thoughts and feelings about various issues that
tion between the coach and the team, a coach and affect them directly. Team building requires a group
an athlete, or among athletes themselves. Over climate of trust, mutual respect, openness, and gen-
the course of a season, a variety of contextual fac- uine support in which airing problems and matters
tors can influence the way relevant information is of concern is not just appropriate but encouraged
disseminated or received (e.g., emotional disap- (Orlick, 2008; Yukelson, 1997).
pointment following a tough loss, concerns about
diminished playing time, interpersonal cliques that
Team Communication Dynamics
may exist within a team, or other perceived barriers
that make someone apprehensive about commu- Harris and Harris (1984) offer an interesting frame-
nicating). Henschen and Miner (1989) have iden- work to examine communication processes in ath-
tified five types of misunderstandings that often letic teams. The framework consists of three different
surface within groups: communication configurations: coach–team, coach–
athlete, and athlete–athlete interactions.
• A difference of opinion
• A clash of personalities in the group Coach–team communications. From a coach–team
perspective, group synergy and team chemistry
• A conflict of task or social roles among group are of vital importance. According to DePree
(1989), group synergy comes from leaders (in this
• A struggle for power between one or more case, coaches) sharing a vision of what could be if
individuals everyone puts their skills and resources together to
• A breakdown of communication between the achieve team goals and objectives. Individual and
leader and the group or among members of the mutual accountability, passion and belief, and a
group itself genuine commitment to a common team goal are
needed. Athletes unite behind common goals, so
Misunderstandings are also the result of inac- it is important to get athletes to think in terms of
cessibility to relevant information (not being privy the philosophy, operating procedures, and values
to certain sources of information); inattentiveness that govern the team (Yukelson, 1984). Similarly,
(failing to listen, not paying attention, being dis- homogenous attitudes and expectations (e.g., unity
tracted); lack of assertiveness (failure to speak up); of purpose), as well as shared ideals and covenants
or misperceiving someone’s motives, intentions, or to live by, are required (Walsh, 1998). In terms of
behavior (inference mind reading). Similarly, peo- shared ideals, it is important to obtain consensus
ple often are afraid to express how they truly feel for and commitment from the team regarding team
fear of being ridiculed or rejected for saying what goals, operating procedures, rules of engagement,
is truly on their minds (Holt, Knight, & Zukiwski, and normative behaviors, including appropriate
2012; Orlick, 1986). methods for achieving them (Carron & Hausenblas,
Learning how to express oneself in a con- 1998; Goleman et al., 2002; Holt & Dunn, 2006;
structive manner and communicate effectively is Pain & Harwood, 2009; Yukelson, 1997). To this
an important initial step in preventing and solving end, the coach should solicit input from team mem-
problems. It has been stated that the more open bers regarding their perceptions of what needs to be
David P. Yukelson  145

done for everyone to come together and be an effec- athletes according to your coaching philosophy
tive team. Everyone on the team must be on the and team mission statement; and correct errors
same page, working together with a collective desire in a positive way.
to be successful. To achieve these ends, a coach may
find the following communication principles useful: Coach–athlete communications. As for coach–
impart, inspire, monitor, clarify, and reinforce. athlete lines of communication, coaches should
build a psychological and social environment con-
• Impart relevant information regarding team ducive to goal achievement and team success. They
rules, expectations, operating procedures, and should take the time to get to know their athletes
goals the group is striving to achieve. Clarify the as unique individuals and find out their strengths,
team’s mission and purpose, outline strategies talents, interests, and needs. The principles of
and action plans to reach team goals and objec- transformational leadership and reciprocal influ-
tives, and involve staff and athletes in decisions ence are applicable here in the context of athletes
that affect them directly. and coaches working together to clarify goals,
• Inspire everyone to reach for their best. expectations, and need fulfillment (Goleman et
Communicate with a sense of inspired enthusi- al., 2002; Martens, 1987; Yukelson, 1993, 1997).
asm the effort and focus required to reach team Coaches should be open, honest, and up-front
goals. Be honest, direct, clear, and empowering. with athletes about various decisions that affect
Instill a sense of pride, passion, belief, and team them directly. Likewise, as already noted, athletes
spirit. Strive to make everyone on the team feel need feedback as to where they stand and how they
valued and significant. are progressing in relation to individual and team
• Monitor the progress the team is making. Set up goals. Research indicates that evaluative feedback
a constructive goal-setting program with short- is an important part of communication and the
term process goals and action plans leading goal-­setting process (see Chapter 11 and Locke &
to long-term visionary objectives (e.g., per- Latham, 1990). Unfortunately, some coaches are
formance goal boards are often very helpful). not very good at giving feedback in a positive and
Monitor, evaluate, and adjust goals as needed. supportive manner (Orlick, 2008). Similarly, some
Give athletes feedback on how they are doing in athletes have difficulty internalizing feedback for
relation to individual and team goals. Challenge what it is and, as a consequence, take feedback per-
everyone involved to improve and become bet- sonally as opposed to constructively. Developing
ter. (See Chapter 11 for more information about strategies to improve coach–athlete communica-
goal-setting.) tion processes can rectify many misunderstandings
and hurt feelings.
• Clarify how things are going. Talk openly about In terms of coaching for accountability, four-
the commitment required to achieve team goals time national coach of the year Russ Rose has a
and what needs to be done to keep things on unique way of providing feedback with his athletes
task. Challenge everyone to take responsibility on the Penn State Women’s Volleyball Team, some-
for their own actions and to work hard with pas- thing he refers to as The One-Minute Drill. At various
sionate determination, meaningful effort, and times during the season, Coach Rose will pull aside
sustained focus. a player individually in the gym for a one-minute
• Reinforce behavior that you want repeated. meeting and point out, “This is what I think you are
Catch people doing things right; provide lots of doing well, this is what I think you need to work
informational and emotional support, encour- on, and here is where I see you making the best
agement, and positive reinforcement; discipline contribution to the team during the next training
146 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

cycle. Do you have any questions?” The One-Minute approaching a coach if they do not feel valued,
Drill provides open, honest, and direct feedback in included, or respected. Although it is common for
a forthright manner. It clarifies expectations, allevi- coaches to have a so-called open-door policy, many
ates uncertainty, and lets the athlete know exactly athletes find it difficult to walk through the door
where she stands. The volleyball players may not if they feel the coach is not going to listen to their
like what the coach has to say, but afterward they concerns with genuine interest, fear retaliation for
know what is expected and what they have to work opening up, or perceive there to be hidden agen-
on to improve (Yukelson & Rose, 2014). Likewise, das. Connelly and Rotella (1991) note that some
recognizing the importance of composure, emo- athletes go so far as to fake honesty—tell coaches
tional self-control, and body language on team per- what they think coaches want to hear so the athletes
formance, Penn State women’s soccer coach Erica don’t have to deal with the situation at hand.
Walsh and her staff periodically will splice together Situations often arise during the course of a
video snippets of the team demonstrating poor season that can exacerbate coach–athlete communi-
body language in game situations and point out the cation problems (e.g., general frustration associated
destructive impact it can have on team energy and with not performing well, decreased playing time,
team synergy during competitive contests. Although personality clashes, stress, fatigue, and injury, to
Coach Walsh is a master tactician and a very posi- name just a few). In situations like these, athletes
tive coach, the example highlights the importance often perceive the coach as being insensitive, unap-
of a coach using feedback creatively to get her mes- preciative, unapproachable, or uninterested. As a
sage across about the significance of nonverbal consequence, it is not unusual for an athlete to feel
communication and its influence on concentration, apprehensive about approaching the coach. Rather
role responsibilities, and team composure. She puts than clam up, athletes need to learn how to express
the ownership and responsibility on the team to themselves in an assertive manner. A practical tech-
make appropriate in-game adjustments and holds nique I have found to be useful is to have athletes
them accountable for maintaining high standards of write on a cue card three main points they would
performance effectiveness throughout the year. like to express to the coach. We then role-play and
Positive coach–athlete relationships are so simulate potential scenarios. Athletes visualize
important at all levels. In addition to providing themselves communicating their message in a con-
tangible feedback about performance accomplish- fident and successful manner. This type of prepara-
ments, many athletes will seek out their coach to tion helps build confidence and desensitize athletes
talk about things outside of sport that affect their to situations they perceive to be stressful.
lives and self-esteem. In intercollegiate settings, this Proactively, coaches also should consider de­vel-
might include concerns about various transition oping an individualized communication plan with
and adjustment issues, academic and time manage- their athletes for interacting effectively at the compe-
ment problems, and ways to navigate interpersonal tition site (Orlick, 2008). Because athletes prepare
relationships. Thus, a coach often is asked to take and respond differently in competitive environ-
on many mentoring roles (e.g., counselor, confi- ments, it is suggested coaches assess ahead of time
dant, teacher, friend, role model, and sometimes their athletes’ needs and preferences and respond
substitute parent). For these reasons, it is important accordingly. Prior to competition, some athletes
that lines of communication be open between ath- like to be left alone; others appreciate a word of
lete and coach and that a trusting relationship be encouragement or a task-oriented cue that reminds
established. them to concentrate and bring their best focus for-
As for breakdowns in coach–athlete com- ward. The same holds true for post-competition
munications, many athletes are not confident feedback. Some athletes are very emotional after
David P. Yukelson  147

competition and don’t want to be disturbed; others had different experiences and perhaps different
want feedback immediately. Thus, a coach–athlete cultural upbringing from you. Hence, recog-
communication plan for competition helps to alle- nize individual differences in the way people
viate stress and possible misunderstandings that respond. Do not assume that you (the commu-
may arise. nicator) and the other person(s) (the receiver)
A number of studies by Jowett and her col- will interpret the information in the same
leagues have highlighted the central role empa- manner.
thy plays in developing and maintaining strong • Use a style of communication that is comfort-
coach–athlete interpersonal relationships (Jowett able for you. Whether you are laid back, ani-
& Shanmugam, 2016; Jowett & Poczwardowski, mated, relaxed, vocal, or somewhere in between,
2007; Rhind & Jowett, 2010). Empathy is reflected communicate in a manner that is consistent
in the four key constructs (closeness, commitment, with your personality and coaching philosophy.
complementarity, and co-orientation) at the core of
relational coaching, and a communication model, • Characteristics of effective communication
COMPASS, has been advanced to highlight key include being open, honest, direct, sincere, and
intervention strategies coaches and athletes can consistent. Sarcasm, ridicule, and degrading or
use to develop improved ongoing relationships demeaning comments are poor communication
(e.g., Conflict management, Openness, Motivation, techniques and should be discouraged.
Preventative, Assurance, Support, and Social net- • Convey rationales as to why athletes should or
works). Since communication is an ongoing inter- should not do certain behaviors.
active process, and over the course of a long season,
some kind of intrateam conflict is inevitable, both
• Never underestimate the power of positive social
influence techniques. Focus on being positive
the coach and athlete have a responsibility to make
and consistent. Catch people doing things
it work. As stated earlier in the chapter, effective
correctly. The skillful use of positive reinforce-
communication involves mutual sharing, which
ment can increase motivation and strengthen a
ultimately leads to mutual understanding. Efforts to
person’s confidence and self-esteem
develop an authentic partnership based on mutual
(see Chapter 3).
trust, mutual respect, sharing, and empathetic lis-
tening is a positive step in the right direction in • Reduce uncertainty; clarify expectations and be
creating a culture of caring and improved interper- supportive. As a coach, strive to create a sup-
sonal relations (Vealey, 2017; Wachsmuth, Jowett, portive atmosphere in which athletes feel their
& Harwood, 2016; Yukelson & Weinberg, 2016). efforts and contributions to the team are valued
In summary, communication is a two-way and appreciated.
street; hence, both the coach and the athlete • Work to improve nonverbal communication
have a responsibility to make it work. Following skills. Remember the axiom: “Your actions
is a summary of tips for improving coach–athlete speak louder than words.”
communications (Janssen & Dale, 2002; Jowett &
Poczwardowski, 2007; Martens, 2004; Orlick, 2008; • Work on developing empathy skills. Put yourself
in the other’s shoes. Listen attentively to feel-
Vealey, 2005). If these suggestions don’t work, it
ings and concerns. Collaborate to find appropri-
might be appropriate for a sport psychology consul-
ate solutions.
tant to intervene.
• Evaluate and monitor group process. Set aside
• To communicate successfully, understand that time with the team to discuss openly how things
each person with whom you communicate has are going (e.g., what is working, what is not,
148 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

what you need more or less of from coaches, adversity). In front of the team, each player discloses
teammates, trainers, support staff). This is an why the events listed were unique and instrumen-
excellent way to show athletes you care about tal to her or him. This interpersonal team-building
their feelings and opinions. exercise is a great activity for learning unique things
about each other and developing team camaraderie.
• Recognize the impact stress and losing can have
on emotions, both from a coach and athlete Likewise, drawing on my business consulting experi-
perspective. When stress builds and coaches and ences, I have found the Johari Window (Luft, 1970)
athletes lose control of their emotions, frustra- to be a useful heuristic communication exercise and
tion may distort or override the content of what feedback tool in helping athletes discover their own
gets heard. interpersonal strengths and weaknesses and how
they come across to others. Athletes choose 5 adjec-
• If you have an open-door policy, show athletes tives from a list of 56 that best describe their own
(and your assistants) that you are sincere about personality. Teammates rate each athlete on the
using it! same list of adjectives with responses mapped onto
a four-window grid: open area known to self and
Athlete–athlete communications. As for intrateam others, hidden area not known to others but known
athlete communication, it is important that team- to self, blind spot known to others but not known
mates establish and maintain harmonious working to self, and unknown quadrant not known to self or
relationships with each other. Ideally, they should others. Through self-disclosure and feedback, the
have each other’s back and show genuine support idea is to make the open area known to self and oth-
for each other both on and off the athletic field. In ers as large as possible, which in turn builds greater
reflection, some of the most cohesive teams with interpersonal trust among participants. The ben-
whom I have ever been associated had a special rela- efits of using personal disclosure/mutual sharing
tionship off the field (i.e., a “bonding together feel- team-building activities have been well documented
ing”) that propelled them to be successful as a team in the literature (e.g., Dunn & Holt, 2004; Holt &
during competitions. Athletes can be a great source Dunn, 2006; Pain & Harwood, 2009; Yukelson,
of social support for one another; they often spend Sullivan, Morett, & Dorenkott, 2003; Yukelson,
a lot of time together and share common experi- 1997). In summary, I believe these team-building
ences that are unique to their own peer subculture. activities are excellent at promoting inclusion and
For teams to get to know one another better, I often team cohesion, lending depth to better understand-
employ team-building activities at the beginning of ing teammates, interpersonal relationships, group
the year that promote personal disclosure through processes, and team culture.
mutual sharing. As an example, I might have a team Along these lines, athletic teams are very much
go around a circle discussing individual and team like families. Some degree of tension, frustration,
assets and strengths, or have them do a timeline and conflict is inevitable. At the intercollegiate level,
exercise depicting life events that significantly influ- several teams I have worked with have had their fair
enced them as a person or team. For instance, in share of interpersonal communication problems and
basketball, I had each member of the team reflect conflict. Problems have ranged from roommate prob-
on three to five critical events that have shaped their lems (e.g., incompatibility, intolerance, general needs
life as a person or basketball player. On a horizontal not being met), to interpersonal jealousies within
axis depicting their life span (one to current age), the team, to coach–athlete inequities, to first-year
positive influential experiences are marked above adjustment and other transition issues. Typically, the
the line (e.g., instrumental coach at age 14) and neg- underlying issues revolve around misunderstanding,
ative experiences below the line (e.g., overcoming insensitivity, distrust, betrayal, and athletes feeling,
David P. Yukelson  149

in general, like they are not being heard or listened • Keep confrontations private—deal with the per-
to. Likewise, in a diverse and multicultural athletic son directly in a respectful manner.
environment, some degree of conflict or misunder- • Recognize that not all conflicts can be resolved,
standing may occur. When teammates have different but most can be managed better if both parties
racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual, or social class communicate.
identities, misunderstandings can occur (Schinke &
Hanrahan, 2009). Because values, beliefs, relational
roles, and attitudes may differ, athletes need to learn Active Listening and Empathy
to be accepting, respecting, and understanding. See Whether you are a sport psychology consultant,
Chapter 19 to learn more about becoming culturally coach, athlete, or friend, listening is an essential
competent. interpersonal skill to develop. Many of us have
Learning how to communicate effectively is heard the axiom “listen to others, they will listen
an important first step in developing satisfying to you.” It seems so simple, almost intuitive, but
interpersonal team relationships. Recognizing that it has been my experience counseling coaches and
it is difficult to be responsive to someone else’s athletes the last 30 years that most communication
thoughts, feelings, and needs when you don’t know problems in interpersonal relationships stem from
what they are, here are some suggestions derived lack of listening.
from Orlick (1986, 2008) and from my personal Rosenfeld and Wilder (1990) have identified
experiences to help improve interpersonal commu- three levels of listening, each representing a dif-
nication processes within a team: ferent degree of listening effectiveness. Active lis-
tening is the preferred mode of listening in which
• Make sure everyone is pulling in the same the listener is attuned, connected, and engaged,
direction (team comes first). Recognize that
demonstrating a caring attitude and desire to truly
the more open you can be with each other, the
understand what the other person has to say. The
better your chances are of getting along and
second level of listening, superficial or inattentive
achieving your goals.
listening, occurs when listeners tune out quickly
• Discuss strategies for improving team harmony, once they think they have enough information to
including ways to support and help each other decipher what the speaker’s intent is. Although
on and off the athletic field. listeners at this level may grasp the basic meaning
• Listen to others; they will listen to you! Put of the message, they often fail to comprehend the
yourself in the shoes of others; try to understand emotional feeling or underlying concepts of what
the other person’s perspective. is being communicated. The third level of listening
could be characterized as arrogant listening. Here,
• Learn how to give and receive feedback or listeners seem to be more interested in what they
­criticism constructively. Listen to the intent
have to say as opposed to what the other person is
of what is being said; avoid taking things
saying. These individuals often wait for pauses in
the conversation so they can jump in and hear them-
• Accept team members for who they are, selves speak.
i­ncluding their flaws, personality quirks, By far the most useful tool for improving com-
­idiosyncrasies, and funny little habits that munication is active listening (Martens, 1987). When
make them unique. people talk about themselves, they do so in terms of
• Avoid backstabbing and gossiping about team- experiences (things that happen to them), behaviors
mates. Interpersonal cliques and petty jealousies (what they do or fail to do), and emotional affect
will destroy team morale quickly. (the feelings that accompany these experiences and
150 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

behaviors). Elements of good listening skills include This may put the person you are talking with on
attending physically and psychologically to the per- the defensive. Wait until he or she has reached
son with whom you are communicating (e.g., adopt an appropriate comfort level.
a posture that indicates active involvement), listen-
• Clarifying. Make clear to the other person what
ing to become more aware of what it is the person is has been heard. Clarifying does not mean “I
really trying to say (both verbally and nonverbally), agree with your opinion,” but rather, it lets the
paraphrasing or clarifying to ensure your under- speaker know someone cares enough to truly lis-
standing is correct, and some form of summarizing ten. Some good lead-ins include “What I hear you
statement to pull everything together in a respectful, saying is . . .”; “I am not sure I quite understand,
empathetic way (Egan, 1994). Along these lines, but it sounds as though you are angry with the
the acronym SOLER outlined by Egan (1994) has coach because she benched you. Is that it?”
proven to be a very useful nonverbal technique facili-
tating the attending process: • Encouraging. Use a variety of verbal and non-
verbal statements or mannerisms to prompt ath-
• Square and face the client (adopt a posture that letes to keep talking. These include head nods,
indicates involvement) gestures, a phrase such as “uh-huh,” or the simple
• Espouse an Open posture to communicate open- repetition of key words the athlete has uttered.
ness and availability to the client • Paraphrasing. Checks whether the responder
• Lean toward your client (this connotes you are understands the message. Similar to reflective
interested in what the client has to say) listening, paraphrasing involves using one’s own
words, in concise comments, to feed back to the
• Maintain good Eye contact (this deepens your
level of engagement) athlete the essence of what has just been said.

• Relax body position (being natural puts people • Reflecting. Let the person know you hear the
at ease) content and feelings of what is being said.
(“You’re sad because . . .”; “You feel confident
Reflective listening is one of the most power- of your ability to play at this level but worry
ful methods of demonstrating to the person you about getting in.”)
are working with that you are actively listening and
striving to understand. It has been said that reflec-
• Empathetic Understanding. Use empathic state-
ments to keep the person you are dealing with
tive listening is to verbal communication as video
focused on the task at hand. (“It must be hard for
feedback is to physical skill instruction (Henschen
you to sit and watch teammates practice while you
& Miner, 1989). The skills of questioning, clarify-
are recovering from arthroscopic knee surgery.
ing, encouraging, paraphrasing, reflecting, empa-
Stay committed to your rehab, you will be back at
thetic understanding, and summarizing make up the
practice soon enough stronger than ever.”)
basic listening sequence. The following reflective lis-
tening techniques (Egan, 1994) may facilitate better • Summarizing. Pull together all the main ideas
communication between athlete and sport psychol- and feelings of what has been said. (“It sounds
ogy consultant (or coach): as if you have mixed feelings about the situation.
On one hand, you have more time for yourself,
• Questioning. Use open-ended questions and but you’re also concerned about getting your
statements that encourage the athlete to con- starting job back.”)
tinue speaking. (“How are you feeling about the
injury?” “Tell me more about what happened.”) The skills of attending and listening are not
As a general rule, avoid initial “why” questions. always sufficient in and of themselves to provide
David P. Yukelson  151

quality relationships with people. Of primary inter- • Show empathetic understanding by paraphrasing
est is the concept of empathy. Empathy is a special and summarizing main points.
kind of mindfulness and understanding. In essence, • Set goals and develop concrete action plans based
it means putting yourself in the shoes of the other on what it is the individual is striving to achieve.
person, trying to understand and feel what the other Introduce role-playing scenarios and coping
person is experiencing from his or her own perspec- rehearsal techniques to help the individual feel
tive. Empathy is not the same thing as sympathy. confident and prepared to take immediate action.
Rather, it is an acquired skill that reflects an over-
all attitude of genuine concern, caring, and interest
(Egan, 1994). Empathetic listeners reflect what they Assertiveness Training: The Need
hear by restating ideas heard in their own words and for Expression
by asking good probing questions (Rosenfeld &
At times athletes need to stand up for their rights
Wilder, 1990). Through active and reflective listen-
and be able to express themselves in a forthright
ing, a coach will be in a better position to accurately
yet respectful manner. Assertiveness refers to the
infer the psychological state of an athlete and thus
honest and straightforward expression of a person’s
be more responsive to athletes’ changing needs,
thoughts and feelings in a socially appropriate way
something researchers refer to as empathetic accu-
that does not violate or infringe on the rights of oth-
racy (Lorimer, 2013; Lorimer & Jowett, 2009). The
ers (Connelly & Rotella, 1991; Lazarus, 1973).
following example gives two responses, one low and
Assertiveness is a learned social skill that takes
one high in empathy:
time and practice to be perfected. Learning to assert
oneself in a respectful and considerate manner comes
easy for some, yet is difficult for others. Reasons
people have difficulty include lack of confidence
Athlete describes presenting problem: I really get (i.e., it takes courage to be assertive), vulnerability
mad when my coach criticizes me without letting me (i.e., risk of making oneself known has potential neg-
explain anything. I get angry not because he criticizes ative consequences), interpersonal concerns (e.g.,
me, but because he does it in such a degrading way. being hesitant to speak up for fear of hurting some-
Sport psychology consultant (low empathy): “You one’s feelings), and lack of awareness (i.e., failure
don’t like being criticized.” to learn how to be assertive) (Connelly & Rotella,
Sport psychology consultant (high empathy): “You 1991; Egan, 1994; Holt, Knight, & Zukiwski, 2012).
get really mad when he criticizes you, and his insulting As an example, some first-year players may be afraid
manner makes you feel personally attacked.” to speak up in team meetings for fear of looking bad
in the eyes of others or may be intimidated or hes-
itant to ask for help. Sociocultural upbringing and
It is important to remember that not all prob- other socialization factors may also affect one’s deci-
lems can be resolved and not all people want help. sion to be assertive (Schinke, Yukelson, Bartolacci,
Listen to what the athlete is asking for, and respond Battochio, & Johnstone, 2011).
accordingly. Perhaps the following guidelines will The following DESC formula proposed by
help you be a more effective listener: Greenberg (1990) is a good example of how people
• Focus on the person who is talking. Be attentive, can express themselves more assertively:
nonjudgmental, and supportive. 1. Describe the situation as you see it, paint a ver-
• Be attuned to body language and listen for both bal picture of the other person’s behavior or the
content and feelings. situation to which you are reacting: “What I see
152 Chapter 8   Communicating Effectively

happening is this . . .”; “When my play is criti- the “Four Olves”: invOLVE, resOLVE, absOLVE,
cized, I feel. . . .” and evOLVE. Involve: make the group the target of
change, begin by having the team talk about what
2. Express your feelings regarding the other per-
constitutes an effective team culture and the com-
son’s behavior or the situation you have just
mitment required from each member to make it
described: “When you do this, it makes me feel
work. Resolve: as problems or conflict arise during
like . . .”; “I get angry and frustrated when you
the season, have them collaborate and come up with
talk behind my back.”
collective solutions for problems discussed and hold
3. Specify what changes you would like to see each other accountable and responsible for their
take place: “I would prefer you give me feed- actions. Absolve: once the issue is resolved, move on
back in a more constructive, less degrading free of any lingering repercussions (e.g., do not make
manner”; “I would appreciate it if you did not them feel they are in the doghouse once things are
talk behind my back.” resolved). Evolve: always find positive lessons, use
4. Consequences to expect: “If you don’t get off each episode as an opportunity to learn and grow
my case, I will ask coach to meet with us to into a smarter, more experienced, cohesive unit.
straighten this situation out.” Most people do not enjoy confrontations, but by
communicating honestly and directly in a respectful
In terms of resolving team conflicts, Vealey (2005) manner, good things will occur (Vealey, 2005; 2017;
offers an innovative communication strategy called Yukelson, 1997).

Communication is a multifaceted process that involves the transmission or exchange of thoughts,
ideas, feelings, or information through verbal and nonverbal channels. Effective communication
involves mutual sharing and mutual understanding. Its foundation is based on trust and mutual
respect. Open lines of communication can help alleviate many problems that arise within sport
environments. An important aspect of communication that has been highlighted is the need to be
honest, sincere, direct, and consistent. Because messages transmitted are not always received and
interpreted the same way, coaches, athletes, and sport psychology consultants must strive to be
consistent in their verbal and nonverbal communications. Often when incongruent messages are
transmitted, the receiver can become confused as to the true meaning of the message, thus leaving
the door open for miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Although much of this chapter has focused on coach–athlete communications, many principles
discussed carry over to the applied sport psychology consultant working in an athletic environment.
The communication skills we teach coaches and athletes are the same skills we use as effective
consultants. Gaining entry, building rapport, developing trust, and individualizing a mental skills
training program based on the needs and desires of coaches and athletes all require good listening
and communication skills.
David P. Yukelson  153

Study Questions

1. Why is communication an important tool for a coach and sport psychology consultant to
2. What factors interfere with effective communication processes in sport?
3. Give some behavioral examples of verbal and nonverbal communication in sport.
4. As a sport psychology consultant, what are some things you would do to improve coach–
athlete communications?
5. As a coach or sport psychology consultant, what would you do to intervene if interpersonal
conflict arose among team members that resulted in disruption of group cohesion and team
6. The volleyball team at Nike University tends to clam up when the going gets tough (i.e.,
communication breaks down; the team loses its intensity, enthusiasm, and focus in critical
situations and fails to make appropriate adjustments to things that are going on during
competition). How would you intervene as either a sport psychology consultant or coach to
deal with this situation?
7. Why are active listening and empathy such important skills for a sport psychology consultant
to develop in working with coaches and athletes?
8. What are some things you could do to become a better listener?

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Mental Training
for Performance
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Psychological Characteristics
of Peak Performance
Vikki Krane, Bowling Green State University
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona
Scott A. Graupensperger, The Pennsylvania State University

Trying to articulate the zone is not easy because it’s such an indescribable feeling. That moment doesn’t
happen often, and when it does happen, you feel like you’re playing out of your head! You aren’t feeling
any tension or any pressure and physically your strokes are just flowing, every ball you hit is going in.
Emotionally you’re really calm. There’s no strain involved. It’s a euphoric feeling. The feeling that what-
ever you touch turns to gold. Whatever you do, whatever decision you make on the court, whatever stroke
or shot you try, you know it’s going to work.
—Chris Evert, tennis champion

Peak performances are those magic moments when be trained so they consistently play closer to their
an athlete puts it all together—both physically and optimal level? To answer these questions, it is first
mentally. The performance is exceptional, seem- necessary to know if there are any common char-
ingly transcending ordinary levels of play. Privette acteristics that identify peak performances. If so, is
defined peak performance as “an episode of supe- this ideal state similar from one athlete to another
rior functioning” (1983, p. 1361). Competitively, or from one sport to another? More important,
these performances often result in a personal best. if common qualities are identified, can they be
They are the ultimate high, the thrilling moment learned and developed?
that athletes and coaches work for in their pursuit It is safe to assume that peak performance is a
of excellence. Unfortunately, for many athletes they consequence of both physical and mental factors.
are relatively rare and seemingly nonvoluntary. But Mind and body cannot be separated. A precondi-
are they truly nonvoluntary? Can athletes be trained tion to peak performance is a certain level of phys-
so that peak performances occur more frequently? ical conditioning and mastery of the necessary
If not to produce a peak performance, can athletes physical skills. Obviously, the higher the level of

160 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

physical skill and conditioning, the more poten- Psychological Characteristics During
tial control the athlete has over his or her perfor-
Peak Experiences in Sport
mance. Yet one must realize that peak performance
is relative to each athlete’s present level of ability. Early research in this area—primarily consisting of
Peak performances are most likely to occur when interviews asking athletes to describe their greatest
athletes’ skills match the demand or challenge of moments in sport—indicated that peak performance
the situation (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). Absolute feels like being in a cocoon, where you are completely
skill level is not important; rather, it is important detached from the external environment and any
that the athlete has the skills to match the expected potential distractions (Garfield & Bennett, 1984).
level of play. Thus, concern for enhancing peak per- Others have summarized this peak state as “like play-
formance is as relevant to coaches and sport psy- ing possessed, yet in complete control” (Loehr, 1984,
chology consultants who work with less skilled and p. 67). Contemporary researchers find remarkably
youth sport athletes as it is to coaches and sport similar descriptions of peak performance today (e.g.,
psychology consultants who work with professional Anderson, Hanrahan, & Mallett, 2014). Across stud-
or elite amateur athletes. ies, common psychological characteristics associated
with peak performances include:
Overview of Peak Performance • Total immersion in the activity
• Thoughts focused on the present moment/not
The focus of this chapter is the mental side of peak distractible
performance and how the mind interacts with the
body in ultimately producing performance. Most • Feeling in complete control
athletes and coaches will acknowledge that at least • Time/space disorientation (usually slowed
40 to 90 percent of success in sports is due to down)
mental factors. The higher the skill level, the more • Feeling that performance was automatic and
important the mental aspects become. In fact, at the effortless/being on “autopilot”
elite competitive level, it is not uncommon to hear
that the winner invariably comes down to who is the • Control over emotion, thoughts, and arousal
strongest athlete—mentally—on a given day! • Highly self-confident/loss of fear—no fear of
If the mental side of performance is so import- failure
ant to success, then perhaps an ideal internal psy- • Physically and mentally relaxed
chological climate exists during peak performance.
Before discussing the research supporting this • Limited or no recall of the event
premise, we must offer a caution. Do not think • Highly energized
that the field of sport psychology has found all • Fun, enjoyable, and rewarding
the answers. There is, however, a growing founda-
tion for understanding ways that athletes can har-
ness the mental side of the game to increase the
likelihood of achieving peak performance (Brown Exercise 1
& Fletcher, 2017). This chapter and the following
chapters in this section reflect the latest state of Think back to a time when you had a best-ever
knowledge and the current thinking and prac- performance. Make a list of what you were feeling
tices of those involved in mental training for peak and thinking and how your body felt. Then think
performance. back to a time when you performed very poorly. Write
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  161

down what you were feeling and thinking and how • There is a paradox of control, or the sense
your body felt at that time. Compare the two lists and of being in complete control without actively
develop a profile of the characteristics of your ideal attempting to be in control (also described as
mind-set for performance. effortless and without fear of failure).
• There is a loss of self-consciousness whereby
one is aware of performing but is not concerned
with self-evaluation.
Flow and Clutch States
• Time seems to speed up or slow down.
Often associated with peak performance is the • The experience is autotelic—the activity is enjoy-
psychological construct flow, defined as “the state able, and participation becomes its own reward.
in which people are so involved in an activity that
nothing else seems to matter” (Csikszentmihalyi, Although this nine-dimension conceptualization of
1990, p. 4). Csikszentmihalyi (2002) describes flow has been widely accepted and used to develop
this psychological state as intrinsically rewarding popular questionnaires in sport (Koehn, Morris,
and harmonious, where everything comes together & Watt, 2013) and exercise (Karageorghis, Jones,
and clicks into place, even during extreme chal- & Stuart, 2008), researchers have raised concerns
lenges. Although an abundance of studies have in more recent critiques of this conceptual model.
demonstrated a relationship between flow and Swann and colleagues (Swann, Piggott, Schweickle,
peak athletic performances (see Swann, Keegan, & Vella, 2018) assert the original nine-dimension
Piggott, & Crust, 2012), flow is not analogous to model implicitly has been accepted as true despite
peak performance. One may be in flow and not not being vigorously tested in ways that could do
necessarily be having a peak performance; however, anything other than support the model. Further, the
when an athlete experiences peak performance, nine-dimension model conflates what now are rec-
she or he appears to be in flow. Others have theo- ognized as two distinct psychological states related
rized that  flow may be a precursor to, or the psy- to peak performance: flow and clutch.
chological process underlying, peak performance In their Integrated Model of Flow and Clutch
(Jackson, 1996). States, Swann et al. (2017a) introduce clutch as a
In its original conception, nine dimensions psychological state that, alongside flow, is associ-
of flow are described (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; ated with peak performance. Defined as “any per-
Jackson, 2000): formance increment or superior performance that
occurs under pressure situations” (Otten, 2009
• The challenge of the situation matches the skills p. 584), clutch states differ from flow states in that
of the athlete, and these challenges and skills they involve deliberate focus, heightened awareness
are at a personal high level. of situational demands, and intense effort (Swann
• Awareness and action merge; the athlete “ceases et al., 2017b). Both clutch and flow states are marked
to be aware of herself as separate from her by enjoyment, enhanced motivation, perceived con-
action” (Jackson, 2000, p. 142). trol, altered perceptions of time, complete absorp-
tion, and confidence (Swann et al., 2017a).
• Goals are clear.
In a study on peak performance, golfers
• Unambiguous feedback indicates that what is described flow states as “letting it happen,” while
being done is correct. clutch states occur by “making it happen” (Swann,
• Total and complete concentration on the task at Keegan, Crust, Piggot, 2016). Swann and colleagues
hand occurs. (2018) further assert that although clutch and
162 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

flow share overlapping characteristics, individu- studies have examined strategies for training ath-
als cannot simultaneously experience both states. letes to achieve flow (see Norsworthy, Gorczynski,
This integrated model is new, and more research is & Jackson, 2017). Empirically supported meth-
needed on the concept of clutch. ods include imagery (e.g., Koehn et al., 2013),
Researchers also have examined factors that hypnosis (e.g., Pates & Cowan, 2013), asynchro-
may facilitate or disrupt flow. In a review of flow nous music (e.g., Pates, Karageorghis, Fryer, &
studies, Swann et al. (2012) summarized the factors Maynard, 2003), pre-performance routines (e.g.,
that facilitated the likelihood of achieving flow as Pates, Cowen, & Karageorhis, 2012), and mindful-
having an appropriate focus, optimal mental and ness (which can include meditation and breathing
physical preparation, optimal motivation, optimal exercises with an emphasis on awareness of body
arousal, positive thoughts, positive emotions, confi- sensations, thoughts, and emotions) (e.g., Scott-
dence, positive feedback, good team play and inter- Hamilton, Schutte, & Brown, 2016). Taken as a
action, and optimal environmental and situational whole, findings suggest that athletes can learn pre-
conditions. The factors that prevented flow were the requisite skills that may enhance the likeliness of
exact opposite (e.g., having an inappropriate focus, experiencing flow. Athletes who learn to be con-
lack of motivation, or negative thoughts). Further, fident, focus their attention on the task at hand,
Chavez (2008) examined what happens when an control their anxiety, and have appropriate and
athlete is pulled out of flow. The majority of ath- challenging goals may experience flow and peak
letes in this study believed that restoring flow is performance more often.
possible and can be facilitated by positive thinking,
a task mind-set, relaxing, clearing one’s mind, and
building confidence. The Individualized Zone of Optimal
Another approach to examining psychological states
Exercise 2 during successful athletic performance focuses on
Think of a time when you were in flow in sport. performance-related emotions (Hanin, 2000a).
Remember what it was like to feel that way. Now also The Individualized Zone of Optimal Functioning
pay attention to the circumstances surrounding that (IZOF) model (Hanin, 2000b) attempts to iden-
performance: what were your goals and expectations tify emotional patterns associated with individual
going into the event; how were your coaches and athletes’ successful performances with the goal of
teammates acting; did you notice the fans, the teaching athletes to recreate these patterns. Optimal
weather, the playing conditions? Compare this performance states, which are unique to individual
experience to a time when you were not able to focus athletes, can include both positive and negative
and could not mentally get into the game. How do emotions. This model includes four groups of emo-
your experiences compare with those described in this tional states: positive performance enhancing, pos-
chapter? itive performance impairing, negative performance
enhancing, and negative performance impairing.
For example, elite Finnish athletes described feeling
energetic as a positive performance-enhancing emo-
When considering the characteristics of flow and tion, whereas easygoing was considered a positive
the factors that facilitate or disrupt it, it seems that emotion that was performance impairing (Hanin,
using psychological skills may enhance the likeli- 2000c). Tense and dissatisfied were described as
hood of experiencing flow. Several intervention negative performance-enhancing emotions, whereas
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  163

feeling tired was considered negative and perfor- performances and establishing a range of optimal
mance impairing. To discover individuals’ IZOFs, and dysfunctional emotions. As Figure  9-1 shows,
athletes complete an assessment, such as the both positive and negative emotions considered
Individualized Profiling of Psychobiosocial States performance-enhancing comprise the optimal zone,
(Ruiz, Hanin, & Robazza, 2016), identifying emo- and performance-impairing emotions comprise the
tions related to their successful and unsuccessful dysfunctional zones.

Most Selected Emotions in Cross-Country Skiing

Dysfunctional Emotions Optimal Emotions Dysfunctional Emotions
(neg. perf. imparing) (neg. perf. enhancing) (pos. perf. enhancing) (pos. perf. imparing)

Intensity of Emotion

Shaded Area =
6 Optimal Zone(s)






























Most Selected Emotions in Ice Hockey

Dysfunctional Emotions Optimal Emotions Dysfunctional Emotions

10 (neg. perf. imparing) (neg. perf. enhancing) (pos. perf. enhancing) (pos. perf. imparing)

Intensity of Emotion

Shaded Area = Optimal Zone(s)


at e

At fied




Un ired

Sl in

ve iet

Un ling

























Figure 9-1  IZOF-based-emotion iceberg profiles in cross-country skiing and ice hockey
Source: Hanin, Y. L. (2000c). Successful and poor performance and emotions. In Y. L. Hanin (Ed.), Emotions in sport (p. 185).
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
164 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

Athletes whose emotional states are within their images changed to productive feelings and images
IZOF are more successful than athletes with emo- during the event. Additionally, Ruiz and Hanin
tional profiles out of their IZOF (Hanin, 2000c). (2004) found these symbolic images remained rel-
Pellizzari, Bertollo, and Robazza (2011) found that atively stable over a five-month period, yet they also
gymnasts’ emotions within their optimal zones were evolved and reflected new experiences. Ruiz and
associated with good performances, whereas poor Hanin concluded that metaphors can both increase
performances were associated with emotions in awareness of competitive emotions and be used to
dysfunctional zones. Similarly, upon recall of best change dysfunctional images and beliefs.
and worst performances by elite figure skaters and
gymnasts, high intensity of optimal-pleasant emo-
tions was related to best performances, whereas
Exercise 3
high intensity of dysfunctional emotions was asso-
ciated with poor performance (Robazza, Bortoli, & Develop a metaphor that represents your athletic
Hanin, 2006). ability. Pick one skill and think about the movements
This research supports the conclusion and what they feel like. Then consider what
that performance-enhancing and performance- symbolizes those movements. The image only needs
impairing IZOFs can be identified for individual to make sense to you. It can be an animal, something
athletes. Interestingly, these patterns of optimal and in nature, a machine, or anything else that feels right.
dysfunctional emotions differed not only across ath- It should remind you of what it feels like to perform
letes but also across contexts. Elite Finnish cross- really well.
country skiers identified different IZOF for races,
intensive training, and technical training (Hanin
& Syrja, 1997). Teaching athletes to regulate their
emotional state within their performance- enhanc- Psychological Attributes and Skills of
ing zones may increase the likelihood of peak Successful and Less Successful Athletes
performance or assist athletes to perform more con-
sistently. For example, athletes can carefully select pre- Although it is interesting to understand the psycho-
performance music to assist in regulating their logical characteristics associated with peak perfor-
emotional states (Middleton, Ruiz, & Robazza, 2017). mances, it may be considered even more important
The IZOF approach can include the “metaphor to know how athletes achieve these psychological
self-generation method” in which athletes develop a states. Hence, a substantial amount of research has
personally meaningful, symbolic image “that allows examined the psychological skills that successful
for understanding something unknown (or difficult athletes use, often by comparing more and less suc-
to describe)” (Hanin & Stambulova, 2002, p. 397). cessful athletes, with the goal of learning why some
Individual metaphor profiles revealed that when individuals outperform others.
considering their best performances, athletes’ meta- Researchers have developed a variety of scales
phors were action oriented and symbolized strength, that measure psychological skills used by athletes.
power, and skill (e.g., “a tiger ready to pounce”). Not The earliest questionnaire, developed by Mahoney
surprisingly, when considering worst performances, and Avener (1977), assessed confidence, concen-
athletes generated converse images reflecting weak- tration, anxiety, self-talk, and imagery. Using this
ness and lack of readiness (e.g., “a cow on the ice,” scale, or modifications of it, studies revealed more
“a sinking boat”). Notably, it was not unusual for successful athletes had high self-confidence and
athletes to describe negative images and unpleasant few self-doubts, used imagery more often, and con-
feelings pre-event even when describing best-ever trolled their anxiety better than the less successful
performance. However, these negative feelings and athletes (e.g., Gould, Weiss, & Weinberg, 1981).
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  165

Subsequently developed questionnaires focused • Well-developed concentration and focusing

on assessing the use of psychological skills. These skills
scales included the Psychological Skills Inventory • Well-honed practice and competition plans
for Sport (PSIS; Mahoney, Gabriel, Perkins, 1987),
the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS; Thomas, • Distraction control strategies
Murphy, & Hardy, 1999), and the Ottawa Mental • Postcompetition evaluation and continual
Skill Assessment Tool (Durand-Bush, Salmela, & refinement of their mental approach
Green-Demers, 2001). While each of these ques- • Emphasis on quality rather than quantity of
tionnaires measures slightly different aspects of practice
mental preparation and psychological skill use, find-
ings from studies using them are remarkably similar. • Use of competition simulation
It seems that regardless of how it is measured, elite Adding to the previous findings, Fletcher and
and successful athletes consistently report using the Sarkar (2012) interviewed Olympic gold medalists
following psychological skills, which likely contrib- about their resilience. These champions were con-
ute to their high-level performances (e.g., Hayslip, scientious, innovative, open to new experiences,
Petrie, MacIntire, & Jones, 2010): emotionally stable, and optimistic. These findings
are consistent with Gould, Dieffenbach et al.’s
• Imagery (2002) interviews with Olympic champions. In
• Attentional focusing addition, Gould, Dieffenbach et al. found that the
• Maintaining concentration gold medalists had high levels of dispositional hope
(i.e., a sense of control in setting and achieving
• Controlling anxiety and activation goals), high productive perfectionism (i.e., personal
• Positive self-talk standards), and low unproductive perfectionism
• Goal-setting (i.e., concerns about mistakes, parental criticism
and expectations, doubts). The champion athletes
Employing a different methodological approach, in both studies possessed what Gould and col-
qualitative researchers examining peak perfor- leagues called “sport intelligence,” which included
mance have interviewed athletes to obtain detailed analyzing skills and performances, being innovative,
descriptions of their perceptions and experiences. making good decisions, being proactive, and taking
Across studies with Olympic and other elite athletes responsibility for their actions.
(e.g., Anderson et al., 2014; Gould, Dieffenbach, & Perhaps one of the most salient differences
Moffett, 2002; Legg, Mackie, & Park, 2005), a consis- between more and less successful performances
tent pattern emerged of what Orlick and Partington is the extent to which athletes adhere to their
(1988) called “mental links to excellence.” These mental preparation plans and precompetition
athletes described routines and how well practiced and internalized
• Total commitment their coping strategies were. Overall, successful
athletes have highly developed techniques for
• Clearly defined goals coping with distractions, which reduce the impact
• High confidence of negative unforeseen events or allow them to
• A positive attitude interpret these occurrences positively (Anderson
et al., 2014). Coping strategies often included
• Control of arousal levels and a facilitative inter- using positive thinking; a narrow, specific focus
pretation of anxiety of attention; and  changing their environment
• Daily imagery practice (e.g., avoiding potential irritants, moving away
166 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

from others) (e.g.,  Gould & Maynard, 2009). circumstances, the situation, and what it felt like
The less successful athletes departed from their mentally and physically. Now think about what
normal routines, abandoned competitive plans mental skills assisted you in achieving that state and
when under pressure, lost competitive focus, and performance. Make a list of these mental skills and
did not rigorously adhere to their mental prepa- mental states.
ration plans.
Across all these quantitative and qualitative
Another interesting theme that has emerged from
studies, there appear to be some commonalities in
studies with elite performers links peak performance
the psychological characteristics of more successful
with being creative, engaging in self-reflection, devel-
athletes. For successful athletes, the most consistent
oping perspective, and having balance in one’s life
finding is that they are highly confident. They also
(Fletcher & Sarkar, 2012; Gould, Dieffenbach et al.,
tended to be “psyched up” rather than “psyched
2002). Comparable to Gould and colleagues’ notion
out” by demanding competitive situations, such
of sport intelligence, optimal performance appears
as the Olympics or World Championships. Overall,
to be related to training smart. Developing talent,
the psychological characteristics and mental skill
according to Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, and
use associated with successful elite athletic perfor-
Whalen (1993), involves viewing difficult situations
mance include the following:
as challenging and enjoying the hardships inherent
• High self-confidence in perfecting skills. Being creative and reflective may
allow athletes to view challenges more like a puz-
• Total commitment
zle to complete rather than as a difficult situation.
• A strong performance focus Research with talented teenagers found creativity
• The ability to cope well with stress and is associated with enjoyable flow experiences, and
distractions enjoyment is one of the primary determinants of
developing talent (Csikszentmihalyi et al., 1993).
• Good attention-focusing and refocusing skills
Part of enjoying sport excellence and being mentally
• Ability to rebound from mistakes tough is having balance in one’s life. This theme sug-
• An optimistic, positive attitude gests that a broader view of psychological influences
on peak performance may be appropriate.
• High personal standards
• Well-developed precompetition and competitive
plans Exercise 5
• The ability to control emotions and remain Think about your training routine. How much time
appropriately activated
and effort do you put into it? Map out a typical
• A view of anxiety as beneficial week of training, including practice, strength and
• Use of performance goals conditioning, mental skills training, time with sport
medicine, and any other training obligations. Now
• Use of imagery identify times during the week when you are creative,
self-reflective, and develop perspective. Would you
describe your routine as training smart and having
Exercise 4
balance in one’s life? If not, what changes would
Think of a typical time when you were in a clutch allow you to train smart and with balance?
or zone of optimal functioning state. Take in the
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  167

A Profile of Mental Toughness Given its link to peak performance, researchers

have focused on how mental toughness is fostered.
It seems that throughout this chapter we have been Connaughton, Hanton, and Jones (2010) inter-
discussing what may be termed mental toughness. viewed super-elites (Olympic or World Champion
When discussing what it takes to be successful in athletes) and coaches and sport psychology consul-
sport, athletes often express that to have consis- tants who worked with them, focusing on the devel-
tently strong athletic performances, they need to be opment and maintenance of mental toughness. As
mentally tough. Based on interviews with elite ath- they summarized, mental toughness development
letes, coaches, and sport psychology consultants, programs “should initially concentrate on skill mas-
Jones, Hanton, and Connaughton (2007) described tery, enjoyment, competitiveness, a disciplined and
mental toughness as an unshakable belief that one structured training regimen, and finally, building a
can achieve their goals, regardless of obstacles or belief of superiority” (p. 191). These findings have
setbacks. In his recent review, Gucciardi (2017) been complemented by research in which coaches
further conceptualized mental toughness as a provided their perceptions of developing mental
“state-like psychological resource that is purposeful, toughness. Coaches believed that they could play
flexible, and efficient in nature for the enactment an important role in helping athletes develop men-
and maintenance of goal-directed pursuits” (p. 18). tal toughness through hard physical practice, fos-
Athletes high in mental toughness also score high tering climates that promoted mental toughness,
on confidence, constancy (i.e., dedication and building confidence, and encouraging mental skill
dependability), control, determination, imagery, development (Driska, Kamphoff, & Armentrout,
positive cognition, self-belief, and self-esteem 2012; Weinberg, Butt, & Culp, 2011), but there are
(Zeiger & Zeiger, 2018). Based on extant research notable challenges for coaches to be the primary
it seems that, during competitions, mentally tough source of delivery, such as a lack of time in prac-
athletes tices (Mahoney, Ntoumanis, Gucciardi, Mallett,
& Stebbings, 2016). Nevertheless, interviews with
• Have an “unshakable belief” (they know expert applied sport psychology consultants led
they can do anything they set their minds
Weinberg, Freysinger, and Mellano (2018) to con-
to do)
clude that coaches can build mental toughness in
• Stay focused their athletes but must be systematic, thought-
• Regulate performance (increase effort as ful, and reflective in doing so. Specifically, these
necessary) researchers forwarded a model that encourages
coaches to create adverse situations in practice
• Cope well with pressure while teaching mental skills to overcome the adver-
• Are aware of, and control, their thoughts sity. Similarly, researchers have described how a
and feelings behavioral-focused coaching framework can be
• Control the environment (i.e., are not affected adapted to develop mental toughness in their play-
by things out of their control) ers, demonstrating that coaches can indeed play
a key role in athlete mental toughness (Anthony,
Postcompetition, mentally tough athletes cope with Gordon, Gucciardi, & Dawson, 2018). These stud-
both failure and success. They learn from their fail- ies point to the importance of coaches and sport
ures and use them to motivate themselves toward psychology consultants in helping athletes develop
future success. mental toughness.
168 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

sources of motivation and personal growth (Sarkar,

Exercise 6 Fletcher, & Brown, 2015). That is, for some athletes,
Reflect on a recent performance during an athletic overcoming adversity is an important component of
competition. Identify the skills you did well. What building resiliency.
can you do to try to improve further upon these skills?
Now identify two to three mistakes that you made. Team, Coach, Family, and Organizational
What would you do differently or what can you do Influences on Peak Performance
in practice to avoid making that mistake again?
Consider these as lessons learned and make a plan to To this point, we have emphasized factors within ath-
improve future performances. Name three things you letes that help or hinder peak performance. Another
can do to become more mentally tough. consideration is the effect that other people may
have on high-level athletic performance, such as
teammates, coaches, family members, and adminis-
Often used interchangeably with mental tough-
trators. Pertaining to team performance, much focus
ness are the terms grit and resilience. Both of these
has been on team building, given the positive correla-
concepts seem to overlap with mental toughness.
tion between performance and team cohesion (see
In fact, grit was characterized as “old wine in a
Filho, Dobersek, Gershgoren, Becker, & Tenenbaum,
new bottle,” suggesting that it is indistinguishable
2014). Olympic athletes believe that team cohesion is
from concepts such as mental toughness and resil-
critical to their success (Gould, Greenleaf, Chung, &
ience (Credé, Tynan, & Harms, 2017). Fletcher
Guinan, 2002). In particular, having a positive team
and Sarkar (2013) explain resilience as the ability
leader and strong team chemistry were considered
to make positive adaptions following adversity.1
helpful, while lacking trust and confidence in one’s
Interviews with high achievers from a variety of per-
teammates interfered with optimal performance.
formance domains yielded six themes of resilient
Coaches also can be quite influential on ath-
qualities pertaining to peak performance:
letes. Ideally, coaches help athletes learn the psy-
• Positive and proactive personality (i.e., a dispo- chological, physical, and tactical skills needed to be
sition toward taking constructive action) successful. However, coaches may unintentionally
interfere with success. U.S. Olympic athletes iden-
• Ability to learn from past experience (successes tified that coaches with strong commitment and
and struggles)
those who implemented a clear performance plan
• Sense of control assisted successful performances (Gould, Greenleaf
• Flexibility and adaptability et al., 2002). Conversely, the following coach attri-
butes hindered team success:
• Balance and perspective
• Perceived social support (Sarkar & Fletcher, • Inability to deal with crises
2014) • Unrealistic expectations
Other work shows that Olympic gold medalists • Overcoaching and excessive interactions with
viewed adversity they faced (e.g., injuries, significant team members
failures, death of family member) as instrumental to • Inability to make decisive and fair decisions
their success because they turned the adversity into
• Inability to “keep it simple”
See Gucciardi (2017) for a complete discussion on the com- Research also highlights the critical role that
monalities and key differences between resilience and mental
parents and family members played in elite athletes’
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  169

support network (Gould, Dieffenbach et al., 2002; able to maintain their composure, be prepared to
Gould & Maynard, 2009). Families provided social cope with distractions, and have a sound competi-
and emotional support and encouragement, guided tive plan (Gould, Greenleaf et al., 2002).
athletes through good and bad experiences, pro- Similarly, that mental preparation is important
moted autonomy, and voiced their belief in the ath- for success was a consistent theme across studies
lete’s ability to succeed and encouraged a “can-do” of Olympic athletes (Gould & Maynard, 2009). The
attitude. Another issue affecting athletes’ ability Canadian Olympians in Orlick and Partington’s
to perform optimally is organizational stress, or (1988) study believed that through psychological
concerns that arise because of the management of skills training they improved their performance level
teams. Five primary sources of organizational stress and learned to perform more consistently at their
have been identified: goals and athletic develop- best. Many of the Olympic athletes interviewed by
ment, logistics and operations (e.g., daily training), Orlick and Partington stated that they could have
team and culture (e.g., attitudes and behavior within obtained their best performances much sooner had
team), coaching, and selection (e.g., being chosen they strengthened their mental skills earlier in their
to compete) (Arnold, Fletcher, & Daniels, 2016). athletic careers. All of these attributes may be devel-
In their review of Olympic preparation, Gould oped or enhanced by using psychological skills.
and Maynard (2009) identified the following social At this point, a word of caution is needed regard-
and situational factors that can influence athlete ing the interpretation of the research summarized
performance: team confidence, team cohesion in this chapter. Much of the evidence presented was
and harmony, team residency program (i.e., spend- either descriptive or correlational. What this means
ing dedicated time training together), support of is that it generated descriptions of successful athletic
friends and family, good coach–athlete relation- experiences or identified relationships between psy-
ships, media training, having experienced support chological skills and peak performances. Based on
personnel, and having plans for coping with travel this type of research, we cannot make any conclu-
concerns and equipment problems. In all, it seems sions about cause-and-effect relationships—we cannot
that team and environmental factors affect the like- say certain mental states cause peak performances;
lihood of peak performance. we can note only that they are related. When consid-
ering the question, “Are the psychological differences
between successful and less successful athletes criti-
Conclusion: What It Takes to “Make It” cal to performance differences?” there seems to be a
lot of evidence suggesting that psychological charac-
There seems to be a fairly strong consensus that to teristics are associated with peak performances. Still,
become a successful elite athlete takes commitment, we do not know if athletes first learned the psycholog-
dedication, mental toughness, and the ability to ical skills necessary to achieve an ideal mental state
pursue a dream in a rational manner. When asked, or if they developed these characteristics by being
coaches, scouts, and athletes state the importance consistently successful. It also is plausible that ath-
of psychological states and mental skill use. Top letes with certain psychological strengths are drawn
coaches and scouts in the National Hockey League to elite-level sport. We may never know what causes
used words such as desire, determination, attitude, an ideal mental state. However, given the weight of
heart, and self-motivation when asked what deter- the evidence presented, it seems safe to assume that
mines who does and does not make it at the pro- (a) elite athletes have consistent psychological pro-
fessional level (Orlick, 2007). Olympic coaches felt files when they compete at elite levels, (b) they use
that to be successful, athletes needed confidence, psychological skills in pursuit of their athletic goals,
social support, and cohesive teams, as well as to be and (c) these skills can be learned and developed.
170 Chapter 9   Psychological Characteristics of Peak Performance

This chapter began with the questions “Is there an ideal body–mind state associated with peak per-
formance?” and “If so, is this ideal state similar from one athlete to another or from one sport to
another?” Across a wide range of sources, a certain psychological profile appears to be linked with
successful athletic performance. Although there are individual variations, in most cases this general
profile is depicted by the characteristics listed in Table 9-1. This ideal performance state does not
just happen. Top-level athletes have learned to create and maintain this state so that their talents
and physical skills thrive. Additionally, successful athletes have strong support networks that include
their families, friends, teammates, and coaches. Having high team cohesion, good communication
and relationships with coaches, and minimal organizational stress also are associated with elite
Psychological skills are learned through knowledge and practice, just as physical skills and com-
petitive strategies are learned. Some gifted athletes may perfect these mental states on their own,
but most need to be taught specific training techniques. The remaining chapters in this section of
the book provide techniques for creating and maintaining desirable mental and physiological states.
Just as improving physical skills, strategies, and conditioning increases the likelihood of peak per-
formance, learning to control psychological readiness and the ideal mental climate for peak perfor-
mance also enhance performance.

Table 9-1  Mental Links to Peak Performance

Psychological Profile of Successful Elite Athletes Mental Skills Associated with Peak Performances

•• High self-confidence and expectations of •• Setting goals

success •• Imagery
•• Self-regulation of arousal (energized yet •• Developing competition plans
•• Practicing coping skills so they become
•• Feeling in control automatic
•• Total concentration •• Employing competitive simulation
•• Keen focus on the present task •• Thought control strategies
•• Viewing difficult situations as exciting and •• Arousal management techniques
•• Attention control
•• Productive perfectionism (i.e., have high
standards, yet flexibility to learn from •• Developing refocusing skills and plans
•• Positive attitude and thoughts about
•• Strong determination and commitment
Vikki Krane, Jean M. Williams, and Scott A. Graupensperger  171

Study Questions

1. Compare and contrast flow and clutch states. Then describe how these relate to, but are dis-
tinct from, peak performance.
2. Summarize the psychological states typically associated with peak performances.
3. What factors will enhance and hinder flow experiences?
4. What is the IZOF model and how does it relate to peak performance?
5. Describe several metaphors you associate with successful and less successful performances.
6. What are the primary psychological characteristics that distinguish between more and less suc-
cessful athletic performances?
7. Summarize the major psychological characteristics of elite athletes.
8. What are the primary psychological skills that elite athletes use? What is the association
between these skills and peak performance?
9. Describe mental toughness and its relationship to performance.
10. Describe how athletes’ relationships with their teammates may influence optimal
11. What are things that coaches may do that will interfere with peak performance?
12. What is organizational stress and how might it influence athletes’ performances?
13. If you were a coach or administrator, how would you minimize the problems faced by Olympic
athletes who did not achieve their goals?

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Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance
Kenneth Ravizza, California State University at Fullerton
Angela Fifer, Breakthrough Performance Consulting
Eric Bean, Get a Strong Mind

In a heated volleyball match between conference it as needed to reach the optimal level of arousal for
rivals, the defensive specialist becomes increasingly performance. Then the athlete must attend to the
worried about the outcome of the game. She shanks appropriate task-relevant performance cues that will
a ball and a few points later serves the ball five feet fine-tune or lock in his or her concentration. For
out of bounds. As her game spirals out of control, example, a softball player will get only two or three
her coach yells, “Relax!” but she cannot figure out great pitches to hit in a game. The player must be
how to begin to relax in such a high-stakes moment fully focused on each pitch so that when the right
with the game on the line. This athlete is experienc- pitch comes, she is in her ideal performance state
ing classic symptoms of choking (Baumeister, 1984) and ready to make solid contact. If the athlete is
and unfortunately lacks the awareness of how to not focused on each pitch, she may be focused on
bring herself back to the present moment. irrelevant cues, focused thoughts outside of her con-
The underlying basis of psychological interven- trol, or become anxious if her thoughts are too inter-
tions for performance enhancement involves teach- nal, as supported by Moran’s (2009) concentration
ing athletes the importance of being aware when principles.
they are not in control. To build awareness, athletes Lack of awareness in athletes is almost always
should first identify their own ideal performance the result of excessive concern with achieving the
state (see Chapter 9) so they can contrast that state end result. For example, a baseball player in a pres-
with the present one. Thus, awareness is the first sure situation may focus on the end result of getting
step to gaining control of any pressure situation. a hit. Awareness and control are part of the process
The athlete must “check in” and determine if his of skill execution—specifically, execution in the present
or her arousal level, emotional state, thought pro- moment. Anxiety lies in the end result. Thus, the field-
cesses, and focus are where they need to be and, if goal kicker in football must focus on the key compo-
not, adjust them to give the best opportunity for suc- nents of kicking, such as wind, ground conditions, the
cess. For example, the athlete must be aware of an opponents’ alignment, getting proper distance, and his
arousal level that is too low or too high and adjust target. At this point the athlete is totally focused on

Kenneth Ravizza, Angela Fifer, and Eric Bean  177

the key components of the task at hand and is ready learn to feel comfortable being uncomfortable.” Since
to react spontaneously to the situation with controlled that is the case, we tell athletes, “So what, deal with
intensity. This type of appropriate focus of attention is it!” Though to enhance their ability to feel comfort-
essential to maximize performance. able being uncomfortable, it is important they practice
The athlete’s challenge is to focus on basic dealing with adversity and recognize that they have
skills even when his or her physiology may increase “something to go to” (i.e., mental skills) to get them
significantly. The situation can seem to speed up refocused. As athletes work on this ability to deal with
or become out of control because of the perceived adversity in practice, it only increases their confidence
threat. The athlete does not need to make a major to know they do not have to feel great to perform well.
change; instead, he or she should become aware of A helpful structure for athletes to develop is a
his or her own ideal performance state and routine seven-step process, developed by Ken Ravizza and
behaviors they are already using to achieve this state. colleagues, called The Rs (Ravizza & Hanson, 1994;
Athletes often perform many of the techniques Ravizza & Osborne, 1991; Statler & Tilman, 2010;
we talk about in sport psychology instinctively. Tilman, Ravizza, & Statler, 2011):
Awareness of these instinctive routines provides
athletes with something to focus on to regain con- • Responsibility
trol and empowers them to take responsibility for • Recognize
their physical and mental games. Sport psychology
consultants have contributed to enhancing perfor-
• Release
mance by providing a structure or consistent frame- • Regroup
work for the various mental skills athletes often • Refocus
have developed and practiced haphazardly.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the
• Ready
importance of awareness in reaching peak perfor- • Respond
mance in sport. A model of performance resilience,
This structure clarifies for athletes that there
The Rs, will be discussed to give athletes a process
is a relationship between the various thoughts and
and vocabulary to assess their performance in the
behaviors they use to maximize performance and
moment and to have a plan to adjust if needed.
their performance outcome, particularly during
Awareness, an essential step in self-regulation, will
times of adversity. When they begin to under-
be discussed in relation to skill development and
stand  that they have control over their own reac-
the management of performance stress and other
tions, attitudes, and behaviors no matter what the
psychological factors. The final section will discuss
situation presents, they begin to take responsibility
specific methods athletes can use to develop height-
for their performance, which is the first step in truly
ened awareness.
becoming aware. Figure 10-1 is a visual of the Rs
cycle and will be referred to throughout the chapter.
The Importance of Awareness in Athletics The Rs provide a framework for athletes and
coaches to establish control and take responsibil-
Peak performance is about compensating and adjust- ity for performance. Using the Rs as a framework
ing. While the flow state often is desired, athletes are (see Figure  10-1), athletes can work through any
in the zone only 10 to 20 percent of the time. So why situation by choosing to focus on the right aspects
are athletes so concerned with feeling just right and of their performance. At the center of the figure
surprised when they are not? Lou Pinella, a veteran is Responsibility, where athletes start by taking
professional baseball manager, claimed, “A player must accountability for their actions. Responsibility
178 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

athletes are now focused, present, and feeling back

Respond Recognize under control after working through the steps of the
Rs. If everything comes together, athletes might find
themselves in a flow-like state (with their A game),
Trust but more often athletes are battling with less than
their best (B or C game) (Ravizza & Hanson, 2016).
The key is that athletes trust what they have that day,
rather than trying extra hard to make things perfect.
Ready control Release
The Rs are a tool by which athletes take control of
the situation and let go of the things outside of their
control. The Rs can be a continuous cycle the ath-
Plan lete moves through or a single step he or she checks
into if they are feeling good. For example, a distance
runner may get passed by a competitor, but recog-
Refocus Regroup nizes it is not in her plan to chase down the compet-
itor and settles back into trusting her own race plan.
Figure 10-1  The R’s Athletes must recognize their strengths and
weaknesses so they can maximize their strengths and
is central to the process because the athlete must improve on their weaknesses. A good way for a player
understand that distractions and mistakes are inev- to develop more awareness in this area is to have play-
itable, but by being proactive and controlling one- ers write a scouting report on themselves. What is the
self, performance control can also be achieved. opponent saying about them? Also, have them write
Self-control encompasses the next three Rs, where it about what they would like the opponent to say about
is up to the athlete to get their body and mind back them. Julie Wilhout, Loyola Marymount’s women’s
under control. It begins with Recognize the internal basketball coach, uses this technique to help the
and external factors that affect performance (e.g., players increase their awareness of where they need
the stressors and distractions); Release anything to direct their attention. Another practical way to
disrupting optimal performance using a purposeful remind players to have a mission for practice is to
physical or mental mechanism to “let it go”; and have them establish a routine. For example, when
then Regroup by adjusting composure and regaining you put on your shoes, set an offensive goal as you
a centered balance. lace up your right cleat and a defensive goal as you
Once an athlete is in the present moment, he or lace up the left one, and when you take your shoes
she can check back in on their plan by Refocusing off, evaluate how you did. The reality is that each
and possibly adjusting the plan to the situation. The day we either take a step toward our goal, remain the
refocus should be positive, process-oriented, and same, or take a step back. Always remember, failure
couched in the present moment (3 Ps), thus giving can be a step forward if you learn from it.
the athlete task-relevant cues on which to focus.
Being Ready is a commitment during which the ath-
lete takes a centered breath and focuses on the plan. Awareness as It Relates
Athletes may need a physical signal from them- to Skill Development
selves to know they are all set, for example, stepping
into a ready position. Athletes must learn the difference between merely
Finally, athletes can trust their training, the performing skills and experiencing skills. The
plan, and themselves and just Respond. Hopefully, difference between just going through the motions
Kenneth Ravizza, Angela Fifer, and Eric Bean  179

and really experiencing the skills hinges on had to track right, pass through a gate 10 or 20 yards
the awareness involved. Feldenkrais (1972), a away where their teammate had to receive the ball
movement specialist, offers the following analogy: smoothly, then track right, and pass it back through
the gate. They had to complete 20 passes in a row.
A man without awareness is like a carriage whose If a player missed one gate or did not receive a pass
passengers are the desires, with the muscles for
correctly, they had to start over. From a mental
horses, while the carriage itself is the skeleton.
Awareness is the sleeping coachman. As long as the standpoint, the drill exposed the team’s ability to
coachman remains asleep the carriage will be dragged focus and refocus while under pressure. These are
aimlessly here and there. Each passenger seeks a basic field hockey skills, but there is a difference
different destination and the horses pull different when they are done with awareness. If the player’s
ways. But when the coachman is wide awake and attention is on other aspects of the day, such as a
holds the reins the horses will pull and bring every party coming up or an argument with a friend, con-
passenger to his proper destination. (p. 54) sistency in the focused passing drill will be impos-
sible. This type of drill has two major advantages
Like the coachman, athletes must gain control
for the coach. First, visible objective performance
of muscles, emotions, and thoughts and integrate
demonstrates whether or not the athlete is con-
them into a smooth performance. When athletes
centrating. More important, awareness training
are aware and focused on the sport experience, they
is incorporated into the practice of basic skills.
exert more control over the situation. They recog-
This sophisticated approach to basic skills allows
nize when their balance is off, when too much ten-
coaches to make the most of practice time by inte-
sion is present in certain muscle groups, or when
grating mental or awareness skills training with
thoughts have become self-defeating. Aware athletes
basic physical fundamentals.
are more attuned to subtle fluctuations in the flow
During one practice, the Cal State Fullerton
of the contest and can adjust that much sooner.
baseball team engaged in a focused bat and catch
Aware athletes can conserve vital energy by exerting
drill for 90 minutes because they had not been
no more than the needed intensity.
hitting exact locations consistently. This emphasis
on basics was crucial because the players realized
Learning the Basics the coach was serious about executing the basics.
Awareness requires that athletes totally focus their The difference between performing the basics and
attention on the task. This ability must be devel- focusing on the basics lies in the players’ awareness.
oped in practice. Coaches want their athletes to Athletes must learn to concentrate when the pres-
be intense and totally involved in practice because sure is on, and the focal points for concentration
focus aids in creating quality practice time. Many become the task-relevant cues. Augie Garrido, for-
coaches also realize the importance of mental train- mer Cal State Fullerton baseball coach, gave the
ing for performance, but the challenge is to find following example:
time for it. For this reason, it is important to incor-
porate awareness training with the physical skills We are really working on having the players clear
their minds. Yesterday one player was given a
that are already being performed in practice. For
bunt signal and he proceeded to pop out. His next
example, coaches and sport psychology consultants
time at the plate he was in a bunting situation and
should encourage athletes to develop concentration tried to bunt but missed. So I called him over and
as they stretch before practice by feeling the stretch said, “You’ve tried two times and failed, and you
and breathing into it. are about to fail again because you still have the
With a collegiate field hockey team, we did a other two times on your mind. Give yourself the
simple passing drill to focus on awareness. Players best chance to be successful by seeing the ball and
180 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

bunting the ball. You can do that. Stay right with present moment. The new perspective suspends the
the ingredients of bunting. You’ve done it a hun- athlete’s usual thoughts and distractions, and about
dred times, but you have to get the other times off five minutes into the run, the athlete experiences
your mind.” The player proceeded to lay down a running in a more aware fashion.
perfect bunt. (1982)
Coaches and sport psychology consultants are
When athletes practice physical skills and mental encouraged to discuss with their athletes this idea
skills together, their confidence increases because of playing the edge so that each athlete can begin to
they are ready and experienced in the subtle skill of understand and identify where that edge is for him
concentration. or her. Figure  10-2 and the chapter appendix sug-
Awareness can also be useful in understanding gest ways of keeping records of the mental aspects
progress and making technical adjustments. For of performance.
example, a baseball pitcher is given the feedback It is also important to recognize incremental
that he needs to raise his arm on a fastball release. improvements. As athletes gain more awareness,
Using a pre-established gradation system of execu- they make more accurate adjustments in their per-
tion, the player understands the number 5 is given formance. This ability to refine the subtle intricacies
for the ideal release distance, and a 1 Is given for a of performance is a critical skill as athletes strive
side arm release. After each pitch the player is asked for maximum performance. With enhanced aware-
to assign a numerical value from 1 to 5 to the arm ness, athletes improve self-control and experience a
location. It Is essential that the athlete reflects the feeling of growing success. Even if the outcome is
position of his arm, and the coach can help him not perfect, players develop a more positive attitude
increase his awareness to do so. about the skill and will keep their motivation level
where it needs to be. Within the Rs model, a player
Playing the Edge of Peak Performance would move directly from recognize to refocus,
where they check in, get ready, and just play.
To reach their full sport potential, athletes in every
sport must learn to play the performance edge. For
example, they must learn to control that delicate Awareness in Managing Performance Stress
balance between power and grace. This type of con- To move consistently toward peak performance,
trol necessitates that athletes be aware. They must each athlete must know and be aware of his or her
monitor their performance to recognize when it is own experience of optimal performance. Athletes
at its peak. In athletic training, athletes frequently must learn to control the excitement of the sport
push too hard or do not push hard enough. At such situation so their energy can be channeled into the
times the athletes need to relate to their movement performance, or to reorganize when the arousal
experience with the precision of a surgeon so that level is too low and activate it as needed. To gain this
they can make needed adjustments. For example, control, athletes must learn how competitive stress
runners constantly monitor their body for subtle affects individual performance (see Chapter  12).
messages so that they can make adjustments to The first step goes back to the Rs and recognizing
reach that edge of peak performance. one’s arousal level and then to either release if some-
One awareness technique we use with runners thing is not going well or refocus if everything is on
is the blindfold run. A blindfolded runner and a track. The athlete must recognize which situations
partner run a specified distance together, with the or stressors tend to negatively affect his or her per-
partner providing physical support and removing formance. Knowledge of stressful areas allows for
any dangers. The blindfold alters the runner’s per- the development of a strategy to prepare and cope
spective, as the runner is now totally focused on the effectively with them. For example, playing in front
Kenneth Ravizza, Angela Fifer, and Eric Bean  181



1. What were your stressors for today’s game?

2. How did you experience the stress (thoughts, actions, body)?

3. How was your level of arousal for today’s game? What were your feelings at
these various points?
a. Bus ride to game: 0 5 10
b. Warm-up on field, court, etc.: Too Low Perfect Too High
c. Just before the game:
d. During the game:

4. What techniques did you use to manage the stress and how effective were you
in controlling it?

5. How was your self-talk? (Describe.)

6. What did you learn from today’s game that will help you in your next game?

7. What mental training techniques were most effective for you?

8. Briefly describe one play or segment of the game that you enjoyed.

9. How would you rate your play?

0 5 10
10. Briefly describe how you felt about today’s game. Terrible OK Great

11. Anything you want to say?

Figure 10-2  Sample performance feedback sheet

182 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

of a crowd or in the presence of scouts is stressful; rearview mirror for a police officer. When the light
thus, the athlete can mentally prepare to deal with is red, we must stop.
the situation to avoid surprise. The athlete has time Using this analogy, the athlete must be aware of
to get support from teammates and the coaching his or her signal lights and recognize the situations
staff and to develop his or her own strategy, such as that shift activation level, self-talk, breathing pat-
making a fist and releasing it, throwing some grass terns, and ability to focus. Thus, if the athlete can
down, or wiping his hand down his leg. be aware of when he or she is shifting from a green
Once the athlete understands the stressors, light to a yellow light and it is recognized early, it
the next step is to be aware of the way that stress is can be turned around more easily. When the signal
experienced since the manifestations of stress vary light is not recognized until it is red, it is much more
greatly among individuals. For example, “As the difficult to get it turned around. The signal light
pressure mounts, my shoulders and neck tighten, analogy can be an incredibly useful tool to
my thoughts jump around, and I tend to get jittery.”
Changes in breathing are another bodily cue that • Indicate the way an athlete experiences the
often signals too much stress. Athletes should be situation
sensitive to how their breathing responds to stress. • Monitor potential stressors
For example, do they start to breathe more rapidly • Aid in the development of a contingency plan to
and shallowly? Do they hold their breath? Do they cope effectively with stressors
have difficulty breathing? These manifestations of
stress may be perceived as problems, but they can be • Build confidence in the ability to handle adverse
used as signals to provide feedback to the athlete as situations
to whether the arousal level is appropriate. The ath- • Provide a vocabulary for coaches, athletes, and
lete gains this personal knowledge by reflecting on sport psychology consultants to discuss situa-
previous performances and essentially using sport tional awareness
experiences like a biofeedback machine. Release the • Allow athletes to “check in” during practice and
physical tension by taking a deep breath, tensing performances and make necessary adjustments
and releasing various muscles, or shrugging one’s
shoulders. Figure 10-3 is an illustration of the signal light
To help athletes understand the concept of that includes examples for a softball player to help
self-monitoring as a way to increase awareness, the her recognize what her green, yellow, and red lights
coach or sport psychology consultant can use the are. Working through the softball player example,
analogy of a traffic signal light (Ravizza & Hanson, when she lets it happen and just thinks, “see ball,
1994; Tilman et al., 2011). Sport performance is hit ball,” she is in the green light. After a strikeout,
similar to driving a car. Most of the time that we are however, she may be headed to a yellow light. If she
driving, we are not thinking about the mechanics or carries her mistake into the field for defense and
technical aspects of driving. When we come to a sig- yells at a teammate for missing a tough fly ball, she
nal light, we must be aware of the light or check in; is rapidly approaching a red light.
if it is green, we continue. Similarly, when athletes The athlete’s consistent focus on his or her
are playing well, there is no need to think about it, thoughts, feelings, and use of appropriate interven-
but they must check in for that split second. When tions allows him or her to maintain an optimal per-
we are driving and the light is yellow, we have to formance state despite distractions and adversity.
observe the intersection in more detail to determine Interventions may include relaxation and activation
whether it is safe to continue, as well as check our techniques, concentration methods, thought control,
Kenneth Ravizza, Angela Fifer, and Eric Bean  183

steps into his stance, and trusts his shot. Swish—he

hits the next shot.
Mindfulness is another tool for athletes
∙ Opponent to develop both for practice and competition.
∙ Officials Mindfulness is about purposely bringing your atten-
∙ Multiple Mistakes tion to the present moment in a nonjudgmental way
(Kabat-Zinn, 2003). Through mindfulness prac-
tice, one can recenter their focus and balance their
emotions (Baltzell, 2016), find a quiet stillness and
YELLOW LIGHT attentiveness (Grossman & Van Dam, 2011), and
∙ Field Conditions develop a greater sense of personal presence (Zizzi,
∙ Weather 2017). Mindfulness helps athletes be more aware of
∙ First Mistake where they need to be in order to perform their best.
A fencer needs to use their breath to remain calm
and focused during a match. (See Chapter 16 for an
in-depth discussion of mindfulness.)
Another valuable technique is keeping a sport
∙ Everything is Working journal. The sport journal provides a structured
∙ Feels Great method to reflect on sport performances and to
∙ Minimal Awareness capitalize on the wealth of experiential knowledge
∙ Just Playing gained from the performance. The journal guide-
lines in the appendix ask questions about stressors;
Figure 10-3  Signal light activity manifestations of stress; and feelings associated
with performance, concentration, and skill exe-
and use of imagery (see Chapters 12 to 15 for spe- cution. After teams play a game, they can discuss
cific techniques). There are also situations when the what the members have learned so that, with the
athlete must recognize that it is time just to flow coach, they can establish new goals or modify ear-
with the experience and let it happen (Ravizza, lier ones. Similarly, feedback sheets, as discussed
1984; Ravizza & Osborne, 1991). earlier (see Figure 10-2), allow athletes to process
the subjective information gained and bring closure
to the last performance so they can begin to focus
Techniques for Developing Awareness on the next performance. Shifting focus to the next
performance is particularly helpful in tournament
Many techniques are available to increase aware- play when the athletes have to perform many times
ness. Athletes can utilize The Rs as a process to both during a short period, because it is critical to bring-
develop awareness and improve their performance. ing closure, or letting go of one performance before
For example, a basketball player can work through beginning another.
The Rs after missing his first free-throw shot by tak- With the athlete’s permission, coaches and
ing responsibility for being distracted by the hard sport psychology consultants can read these jour-
foul. The athlete should recognize he is upset with nals and feedback sheets, using the information as a
missing the shot, release it by bouncing the ball, and foundation for better understanding the athlete and
then regroup by taking a centered breath. He refo- what behavior or intervention might best facilitate
cuses on his plan (elbow up and follow through), performance and personal growth. Athletes often
184 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

perceive writing feelings in a journal or on a feed- such as heart rate, is another tool for gaining
back sheet as less threatening than verbal discus- awareness regarding ideal performance states.
sions. Such writing often forges an understanding Monitoring should be done before a number of
that promotes discussion. critical competitions and then compared with
Some coaches and sport psychology consul- subsequent performance to determine an athlete’s
tants have helped athletes glean information regard- optimal level of arousal.
ing ideal psychological states for peak performance Group discussion is another method that
by having them fill out psychological questionnaires coaches and sport psychology consultants can use
just before beginning a performance. Ideally, this to increase athlete awareness. Coaches should pro-
should be done prior to a number of competi- vide their athletes with an opportunity to discuss
tions, enabling a comparison between performance a performance by encouraging but not requiring
and scores on the questionnaires. The intention them to do so. Sport psychology consultants should
is to find what psychological state(s) typically do the same thing after practicing mental training
occurred when athletes performed at their best. The techniques. Coaches and sport psychology consul-
Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2; tants also can foster this form of communication
Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990) is one example of through one-on-one discussions. Coaches and sport
an appropriate questionnaire for this purpose. The psychology practitioners should share their perspec-
CSAI-2 assesses the athlete’s current cognitive anx- tive or expertise but also encourage the athletes
iety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence. We know to talk about the experience by asking questions
from the research discussed in Chapter 12 that each about arousal and confidence levels, stressors, and
of these psychological states may be relevant to per- manifestations. Every team is capable of this type
formance. See some of the questionnaires discussed of team-building interaction, but such dialogue is
in other chapters for additional examples of poten- frequently difficult to facilitate at first. As the ath-
tially appropriate instruments. It should be noted letes become much more aware of the needs of
that not all sport psychology consultants find these their teammates, team cohesion and a mental game
questionnaires useful. It is critical that the consul- vocabulary will be more likely to result. In turn,
tant discuss the results with the athletes to deter- athletes gain new insights into their own sport per-
mine whether the information obtained is accurate formances. For example, if teammates understand
for that athlete. that one athlete responds to stress by withdrawing
Imagery is another skill athletes can use to to mentally prepare for performance, they will not
gain awareness of their ideal performance state. think there is something wrong with the athlete who
This technique is particularly effective to develop is quiet.
through practice if the athletes are in the off-sea- A good time to begin group discussions is after
son, out with an injury, or not getting much play- a positive experience because the feelings are non-
ing time during competition. Imagery can be used threatening. For example, after a great practice, the
to relive previous excellent performance, with par- coach can ask the athletes to discuss what made the
ticular attention given to identifying what feelings, practice so good. How was it different from a non-
arousal level, thoughts, muscle tension, atten- productive practice session?
tional focus, and so forth might have occurred. Regarding specific methods of increasing aware-
There is also merit in imaging previous bad perfor- ness, it is important that practitioners do what
mances and experiencing shifting to a successful they are comfortable with. However, it is strongly
performance in order to contrast their psycholog- suggested that coaches and sport psychology con-
ical state with what appears to be a more optimal sultants slowly integrate the various methods dis-
state. Monitoring relevant physiological systems, cussed in this chapter.
Kenneth Ravizza, Angela Fifer, and Eric Bean  185

Developing awareness is a critical element of peak performance because it provides athletes with
the experiential knowledge to gain control of the performance. Awareness is the first step in raising
self-control in sport participation. Initially, athletes need to become aware of their ideal performance
state. Next, athletes need to recognize when they are no longer at that ideal state. As athletes develop
awareness skills, they will recognize earlier when they are not focused or aroused appropriately. This
early recognition aids athletes in gaining control and refocusing on the present task. Athletes with a
range of interventions can use them to get their mental-emotional and physical states to approximate
what they have found leads to peak performance. The Rs process, mindfulness, journal keeping, perfor-
mance feedback sheets, assessing precompetitive performance states through psychological question-
naires and physiological monitoring, using imagery to relive past performances, and group discussions
are all effective techniques for developing awareness. Depending on the athlete’s preferences and the
circumstances, certain techniques may be more effective than others at any given moment.

Study Questions

1. Why is it important that athletes be aware of their ideal performance state?

2. What is the difference between merely performing skills and experiencing skills?
3. Why is it important to incorporate awareness training with the physical skills that are already
being performed in practice?
4. Give an example of focused practice.
5. What is meant by playing on the edge? What techniques can help an athlete become aware of
this skill?
6. What is mindfulness, and how can mindfulness be integrated into your practice and
7. How can a sport journal and performance feedback sheets be used to increase awareness?
Describe what might be included in a journal and feedback sheets.
8. How can psychological questionnaires and physiological monitoring be used to increase aware-
ness of ideal performance states?
9. When might imagery and group discussion be used to increase awareness?
10. What are The Rs? How does awareness fit into the model?

Baltzell, A. (2016). Mindfulness and performance. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Baumeister, R. F. (1984). Choking under pressure: Self-consciousness and paradoxical effects of
incentives on skillful performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(3), 610–620.
186 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

Feldenkrais, M. (1972). Awareness through movement. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
Garrido, A. (1982, December 7). Interview with author. Fullerton, CA.
Grossman, P., & Van Dam, N. T. (2011). Mindfulness by any other name . . . : Trials and tribulations
of sati in western psychology and science. Contemporary Buddhism, 12(1), 219–230.
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Wherever you go, there you are. New York, NY: MJF Books.
Martens, R., Vealey, R. S., & Burton, D. (1990). Competitive anxiety in sport. Champaign, IL:
Human Kinetics.
Moran, A. (2009). Attention in sport. In S. D. Mellalieu & S. Hanton (Eds.), Advances in applied
sport psychology (pp. 195–220). New York, NY: Routledge.
Ravizza, K. (1984). Qualities of the peak experience in sport. In J. Silva & R. Weinberg (Eds.),
Psychological foundations for sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ravizza, K., & Hanson, T. (1994). Heads-up baseball: Playing the game one pitch at a time.
Indianapolis, IN: Masters Press.
Ravizza, K., & Hanson, T. (2016). Heads-up baseball 2.0: 5 skills for competing one pitch at a time.
Tampa, FL: Hanson House.
Ravizza, K., & Osborne, T. (1991). Nebraska’s 3R’s: One play-at-a-time preperformance routine for
collegiate football. The Sport Psychologist, 5, 256–265.
Statler, T., & Tilman, T. (2010, August). Compensate and adjust: A model for mental resiliency.
Techniques for Track and Field and Cross Country, 28–30.
Tilman, T., Ravizza, K., & Statler, T. (2011, January–April). Clear your mind to clear the way:
Managing the moment. Engineer, 46–49.
Zizzi, S. (2017). Core concepts of mindfulness. In S. J. Zizzi & M. B. Andersen (Eds.), Being mind-
ful in sport and exercise psychology, (pp. 3–14). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.

Guidelines for Keeping a Sport Journal

The sport journal is a tool to help you further If you are wondering where to start, give the
develop your mental skills for sport performance. following prompts and descriptions some thought:
The first step in gaining self-control is to develop
1. Peak Performance. What does it feel like when
an awareness of your sport performance so that
you play or practice at your best? Describe
you can recognize when you are pulled out of the
some of your most enjoyable experiences
most appropriate mental state for you. The journal
playing your sport. What have you learned
provides you with an opportunity to record the dif-
from these moments when you are fully
ferent intervention strategies that you experiment
with to regain control. The long-range goal is to
develop various techniques that you can implement 2. Stressors. Outside the sport: write down your
in stressful situations to perform to your potential. thoughts about various events outside your
The journal also can be a place to record your sport that are distracting to you—for example,
feelings and the personal knowledge that you are parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, peers, job has-
gaining about yourself, how you handle adversity, sles, financial issues, community (hometown
the game, and how you work with others. expectations). Within your sport: do the same
The journal also can serve as a place where for distractions on the field, such as impor-
you can be creative and express yourself through tance of contest, location, and spectators.
writing, drawing, or technology. A physical journal 3. Coaching Staff. What do you need from your
may provide a needed change from technology, or coaches? What can you give them in order to
you may find it easier to create your journal within reach your goals? What can you do to make
your laptop, tablet, or phone. You do not have to your relationship with your coaches more
make an entry every day, but date the entries you do productive?
make, as the journal is an informal record of your
4. Teammates. What do you want from your
thoughts and experiences as you train for high-level
teammates? What can you give them? How do
performance. There is a lot to learn from your pur-
you relate to and work with your teammates?
suit of excellence—this journal will give you some-
Write about your relationship with other team-
thing to reflect on after your journey is completed.
mates. Any unfinished business?
If you choose to have someone read your jour-
nal, please feel free to delete any parts that you 5. Confidence. Currently how confident are you
think are too personal to share. The intention of with regard to achieving your goals? What
someone who is reviewing your writing should be to can you do differently to feel more confident?
guide you and make suggestions that may facilitate What can you ask of yourself, your coach, or
your self-exploration in reaching your goals. your teammates?

188 Chapter 10   Increasing Awareness for Sport Performance

6. Manifestations of Your Stress. How do you been successful? Unsuccessful? Describe your
experience stress leading up to and during per- preperformance routine.
formance? Assess your thoughts and physio- 11. Imagery. How would you rate your imagery
logical and behavioral reactions. What did you skills? Do you see a TV screen–type image,
do to intervene and keep in balance? or is it more of a feeling image? How clear
7. Awareness and Concentration. What changes are your images? Can you control the speed
do you observe in your performance when you and tempo of your images?
are aware? What concentration methods are 12. Controlling Your Activation Level. What are
you experimenting with? What are your focal you doing to control your activation level?
points for various skills? What are you doing to increase activation and
8. Relaxation Training. How are your relaxation intensity? What are you experimenting with to
skills developing? Are there any parts of your reduce activation levels? What is working for
body that are more difficult than others to you and what is not working?
relax? What method is best for you? How 13. Pressure Situations. How are you handling
are you able to relate this to your play? How pressure situations? What are you doing dif-
quickly can you relax? ferently? What are you doing to learn to cope
9. Thought Control. How is your self-talk more effectively?
affecting your performance? Write out 14. Quality Practice Time. What do you do to
some of your negative self-talk and make it mentally prepare for practice? How do you
positive. keep your personal difficulties from affecting
10. Centering/Concentration Skills. What are you your play? What are you doing to take charge?
doing to concentrate appropriately before What works for you and what hasn’t worked?
the contest and during the contest? What has 15. Anything Else You Want to Address.

Goal-Setting for Peak Performance
Daniel Gould, Michigan State University

Without goals you are like a ship without a rudder—heading in no particular direction.
—Roy Williams, head basketball coach at the University of North Carolina

Goal-setting is one of the most used techniques if goal-setting is to be effective. To use goal-setting
in applied sport psychology. It has been shown to effectively, coaches, sports medicine staff, and sport
influence the performance of athletes of varied age psychology consultants must understand the goal-
and ability levels and has also been linked to posi- setting process and the many factors that can affect it.
tive changes in important psychological states, such This chapter has a fourfold purpose: (a) to
as anxiety, confidence, and motivation. Goal-setting examine psychological and sport psychological
is also being extensively used in exercise settings to research and theory on goal-setting, (b) to discuss
help people of all ages increase their health and fit- fundamental goal-setting guidelines, (c) to present
ness, by certified athletic trainers to help athletes a system for effectively initiating goal-setting pro-
rehabilitate injuries, and by sport administrators as cedures, and (d) to identify and offer solutions for
a vehicle to achieve organizational goals. It is clearly common problems that arise when setting goals.
a technique that coaches, athletic administrators, Each of these will be discussed.
fitness professionals, and sport psychology consul-
tants should employ regularly. Goal-Setting Research and Theory
Unfortunately, goal-setting is not always em-
ployed effectively. Coaches and athletes may falsely Before examining the research on goal-setting and
assume, for example, that because athletes set theoretical explanations for the relationships between
goals on their own, these goals will automatically goal-setting and performance, we must first define
facilitate performance. This is seldom the case. Many goals and distinguish between various types of goals.
athletes set inappropriate goals or do not set goals
in a systematic fashion, while coaches and sport psy- Defining Goals
chology consultants often forget to initiate the fol- Locke and Latham (2002) have generated the most
low-up and evaluation procedures that are necessary widely accepted definition for the term goal. For

190 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

these investigators, a goal is an “objective or aim of goals have more powerful effects than individual
action” defined as attaining “a specific standard of goals (Burke, Shapcott, Carron, Bradshaw, &
proficiency on a task, usually within a specified time Estabrooks, 2010).
limit” (p. 705). From a practical perspective, then,
goals focus on achieving some standard, whether it
is increasing one’s batting average by 10 percent- Goal Effectiveness Research
age points, lowering one’s time in the 800 meters, Extensive psychological research has been conducted
or losing five pounds. This definition also implies on the topic of goal-setting (see Locke & Latham,
that such performance standards will be achieved 1990, 2002; Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981;
within some specified unit of time, such as by the Tubbs, 1991, for extensive reviews). Typically, this
end of the season, within two weeks, or by the end research has involved a comparison of the perfor-
of practice. mance of individuals who set goals or certain types
Martens (1987) and Burton (1989) have made of goals (e.g., specific-explicit goals) with the per-
distinctions between outcome goals, which repre- formance of individuals who are simply told to do
sent standards of performance that focus on the their best or are given no goals. Studies sometimes
results of a contest between opponents or teams manipulate other factors, such as individual char-
(e.g., beating someone), and performance goals, acteristics (e.g., educational level, personality) or
which focus on improvements relative to one’s situational variables (e.g., the presence or absence
own past performance (e.g., improving one’s time of feedback).
in the mile). Hardy, Jones, and Gould (1996) Psychological research on goal-setting is
extended the outcome–performance goal dis- impressive in that it has been conducted in a variety
tinction to include process goals, which specify of laboratory and field settings and has used with
the procedures in which the athlete will engage a wide variety of tasks, ranging from truck loading
during performance (e.g., a skier focusing on keep- to brainstorming sessions; it has employed diverse
ing his hands in front of him during a downhill samples, including elementary school children,
run, a tennis player on keeping her feet moving uneducated laborers, managers, and scientists. In
when fatigued). These distinctions are important addition, a clear pattern of results has emerged with
because evidence suggests that certain types of ready implications for sport psychology consultants
goals are more useful in changing behavior than and coaches alike.
other types of goals. The most important result generated from
Finally, Weinberg and Gould (2019, p. 374) this line of research is that goal-setting clearly and
have defined group goals as attaining “. . . specific consistently facilitates performance. In their excel-
standards of group (not individual) proficiency, lent and comprehensive classic review of well over
usually within a specified time.” Typical group 100 studies on goal-setting Locke and colleagues
goals include having the volleyball team win (1981) concluded that “the beneficial effect of
the regional tournament, having a football team goal-setting on task performance is one of the most
reduce the number of offside penalties called robust and replicable findings in the psychological
by 20 percent over the first half of the season, literature. Ninety percent of the studies showed
or having a golf team reduce the average num- positive or partially positive effects. Furthermore,
ber of putts taken per round. Research reveals these effects are found just as reliable in the field
that it is important to set both individual and setting as in the laboratory” (p. 145). Thus, a review
team goals, as group goals have powerful influ- of the psychological research clearly shows that
ences on performance (Widmeyer & DuCharme, goal-setting is a powerful technique for enhancing
1997). In fact, some have suggested that group performance.
Daniel Gould  191

Given the abundance of research on goal-setting competition between comparison group partici-
and the consistent pattern of results found in the pants, and the failure to control levels of participant
psychological literature, it is not surprising that motivation and commitment (Weinberg, 1994).
sport psychology researchers have been studying Burton et al. (2002) also noted task complexity, the
goal-setting for over three decades. Botterill (1977) failure to use appropriate goal implementation strat-
conducted one of the earliest studies when he had egies, and the fact that athletes often operate closer
youth ice hockey players perform an endurance to their performance potential as issues that arise
task, finding that difficult goals were more effec- in sport goal-setting research. Goal-setting, then, is
tive in enhancing performance than easy goals, and more complex to apply in sport than it might appear
explicit goals were more effective than general “do on the surface.
your best” goals. He concluded that explicit, dif- While goal-setting research in sport has not
ficult, and group-set goals were most effective in been easy or simple, it has clearly shown that
enhancing endurance task performance. goal-setting can and does influence performance in
Intense interest in sport psychological goal- sport settings. In fact, in a meta-analytic or statis-
setting research was spurred by a 1985 Journal of tical review of 36 independent sport and exercise
Sport Psychology review article written by noted goal-setting studies, Kyllo and Landers (1995) con-
goal-setting researchers Locke and Latham, which cluded that goal-setting was a successful technique
suggested that goal-setting research principles found for improving performance. Burton and Weiss
in the general psychological literature were applica- (2008) also found that 70 of 88 studies (80 percent)
ble to the sport context. This has led to a series of showed moderate to strong effects for goal-setting in
sport psychology studies testing Locke and Latham’s sport. Lastly, a recent meta-analytic review focused
proposition in the sport environment (see Burton, on examining the effects of multicomponent goal-
Naylor, & Holliday, 2002, Burton & Weiss, 2008, setting interventions on changing physical activity
and Butt & Weinberg, in press for excellent reviews behavior showed that goal-setting interventions
of these studies) and some healthy dialogue on how were effective for fostering physical activity in a
to study the process by which goal-setting func- variety of settings and across a range of populations
tions in sport (see Locke, 1991, 1994; Weinberg & (McEwan et al., 2016).
Weigand, 1996). Many of these studies were field based. For
More recent sport psychology goal-setting example, Swain and Jones (1995) examined goal-
research investigations have examined such issues setting in four university basketball players over a
as whether specific goals are more effective than series of games. Using a single-subject baseline
general “do your best” goals, the effectiveness of design, results revealed goal-setting had positive
long-term versus short-term goals, the relationship consequences on three out of four identified behav-
between goal difficulty and task performance, how iors. Hence, goal-setting was found to be effective in
different types of goals influence performance, changing desired behaviors.
and the effectiveness of goal-setting interventions. In a very well-designed multiple baseline study
Results of these studies have shown that goal-setting with four female speed skaters, Wanlin, Hrycaiko,
works well in sport, but not as well as in other set- Martin, and Mahon (1997) had participants take
tings such as business (Burton et al., 2002, Burton & part in a goal-setting package. This package involved
Weiss, 2008). Robert Weinberg, one of the leading developing an overall mission (general subjective
sport psychology researchers in the area, has indi- goal), a long-term goal, subgoals and practice goals,
cated that research efforts are characterized by a self-talk, and goal visualization. It was taught to
number of methodological problems, such as spon- each skater, and performance was compared prior
taneous goal-setting by control group participants, to and after the goal-setting package was used.
192 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

Results revealed that the goal-setting package was Examining Athletes’ and Coaches’ Uses
effective in influencing the skaters to work harder
of Goal-Setting
and show fewer off-task behaviors. Race times also
improved. Hence, goal-setting was effective in facil- Burton, Weinberg, and their colleagues (Burton,
itating desirable behaviors and performance in the Gillham, Weinberg, Yukelson, & Weigand, 2013;
skaters and decreasing undesirable behaviors. Burton, Weinberg, Yukelson, & Weigand, 1998;
Finally, more recent studies fall in line with Weinberg, Burton, Yukelson, & Weigand, 2000;
these results. For example, Vidic and Burton (2010) Weinberg, Butt, Knight, & Perritt, 2001) have spear-
found that an eight-week goal-setting program headed a line of research examining the goal-setting
involving long, intermediate, and short-term goals practices actually employed by athletes and coaches.
enhanced the confidence, motivation, and perfor- For example, Burton et al. (1998) surveyed 321 male
mance of female collegiate tennis players. O’Brien, and 249 female collegiate athletes representing 18
Mellalieu, and Hanton (2009) found that a ten-week sports regarding their goal-setting practices. Findings
goal-setting program facilitated targeted perfor- revealed that most of the athletes set goals but rated
mance measures, self-confidence, and facilitative them as only moderately effective, preferred moderate
interpretations of anxiety in boxers, although results to very difficult goals, and more often reported prob-
were more consistent with elite versus nonelite lems with setting goals that were too hard versus easy.
participants. Most interesting was the researchers’ comparison
Taken together, these field studies support the between more and less effective goal setters, which
earlier findings of Burton (1989). They also rein- found that more effective goal setters used all types
force a main contention of this chapter; that is, of goals and implemented productive goal-setting
goal-setting will only be effective when a systematic strategies more frequently than did their less effective
approach is adopted and a knowledgeable profes- counterparts. Based on these results, it was concluded
sional customizes the goal-setting process to his or that coaches and athletes underutilize goal-setting
her particular setting and athletes. and need further goal-setting education. In particu-
In summary, although not unequivocal, the lar, more emphasis must be placed on teaching ath-
results of the psychological and sport and exer- letes about process goals, the relationship between
cise psychology research literature provide strong long- and short-term goals, skill and fitness goals, and
support for using goal-setting procedures to facil- implementing goals in practice and competition.
itate athletic performance. Moreover, these find- Other studies in this line of research showed
ings are further strengthened by the fact that they that Olympic athletes all set some type of goals
have been demonstrated in studies using varied (Weinberg et al., 2000). Interviews with collegiate
tasks and largely different populations in both coaches from a variety of sports also showed that
laboratory and field settings. A survey of leading they used individual, team, practice, and competi-
sport psychology consultants working with U.S. tion goals (Weinberg, Butt, Knight, & Perritt, 2001),
Olympic athletes also has shown that goal-setting although there was some divergence in how system-
is the most often used psychological intervention atic the coaches were in their use of goal-setting.
in both individual athlete–coach and group consul- Summarizing much of this research, Weinberg
tations (Gould, Tammen, Murphy, & May, 1989). (2010) indicates that
Data from Orlick and Partington’s (1988) exten-
sive study of Olympic athletes supports the survey • Coaches and athletes set both short- and long-
results from the sport psychology consultants. The term goals
athletes reported daily goal-setting as a part of • It is important to set goals in practice and
their training program. competitions
Daniel Gould  193

• Many athletes fail to implement action plans for Theoretical Explanations for the Relationship
achieving their goals Between Goal-Setting and Performance
• Coaches and athletes do not consistently write The old adage that there is nothing more practical than
down their goals a good theory is an appropriate way to view the goal-
• Barriers to goal-setting include a perceived lack setting process. It is important to know that goal-setting
of time, stress, fatigue, social relationships, influences performance, but it is equally important for
injury, and a lack of confidence coaches and sport psychology consultants to under-
stand how and why goal-setting is effective, especially
when problems occur in goal-setting and these individ-
Goal-Setting and Technology uals must assess the situation and make adjustments.
Several explanations have been proposed to
With the advent of the information age, today’s describe how goals influence performance. More
athlete or exerciser is likely to use a smart phone specifically, in their mechanistic theory, Locke and
or other technologies such as a pedometer. It is Latham (2002) contend that goals influence per-
notable, then, that goal-setting is one of the most formance in four ways. First, goals direct the per-
popular behavior change techniques used on these former’s attention and action to important aspects
devices to promote physical activity and health out- of the task. For example, by setting goals, a bas-
come behavior change (e.g., weight loss). For exam- ketball player will focus attention and subsequent
ple, approximately one in five smart phone users action on improving specific skills, such as blocking
has an app that supports setting health-related goals out under the boards or decreasing turnovers, as
(Conroy, Yang, & Maher, 2014). opposed to becoming a better ball player in general.
While more research in this area is badly Second, goals help the performer mobilize effort.
needed, initial investigations have explored how goal- For example, by setting a series of practice goals,
setting combined with a package of other prompt- a swimmer will exhibit greater practice effort in
ing and self-monitoring techniques can be used to attempting to achieve these objectives. Third, goals
increase physical activity and promote other posi- not only increase immediate effort but also help
tive health outcomes (Fukuoka, Kamitani, Dracup, prolong effort or increase persistence. As a case in
& Jong, 2011; Fukuoka, Lindgren, & Jong, 2012). point, the boredom of a long season is offset and
DesClouds, Laamarti, Durand-Bush, & El Saddik persistence is increased when a wrestler sets a num-
(2018), in a study tracking university athletes’ smart ber of short-term goals throughout the year. Finally,
phone usage, found that the athletes spent an aver- research has shown that performers often develop
age of 31.7 hours a week on their phones, mostly and employ new learning strategies through the
using social media. They urged sport psychology process of setting goals. Golfers, for instance, may
researchers to explore how smart phones can be learn new methods of putting in an effort to achieve
used to help athletes self-monitor and improve per- putting goals that they have set in conjunction with
formance and health outcomes. their coach.
Given the role technology plays in the lives of Locke and associates’ subsequent writings
athletes, exercisers, coaches, and athletic support (Locke & Latham, 1990, 2002) suggest that a num-
staff, consideration must be given to how these tech- ber of factors mediate the goal-setting–performance
nologies can be harnessed to promote athlete and relationship. These include factors such as impor-
exerciser well-being and performance. Goal-setting tance, self-efficacy, feedback, and task complexity.
principles, like those discussed in this chapter, In essence, Locke has argued against a simple rela-
should certainly be applied to their use. tionship between goals and behavior, indicating that
194 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

a number of factors combine to influence effective any goal-setting program. The implication is that
goal-setting. goal-setting will work differently depending on one’s
In contrast, Burton’s cognitive theory (1983) goal-setting style.
focuses solely on how goal-setting influences per- When setting goals, then, coaches and sport
formance in athletic environments. Athletes’ goals psychology consultants should make every effort
are linked to their levels of anxiety, motivation, and to become aware of the mechanisms causing per-
confidence. That is, when athletes focus solely on formance changes to occur. Simply stated, theo-
outcome or winning goals, unrealistic future expec- rists indicate that performance changes occur
tations often result; such expectations can lead to because of
lower levels of confidence, increased cognitive
anxiety, decreased effort, and poor performance. • The influence of goals on such psychological
attributes as anxiety, confidence, satisfaction,
Unlike outcome goals, performance goals are both
and motivation
in the athlete’s control and flexible. Moreover,
when properly employed, performance goals assist • Directing attention to important aspects of the
the athlete in forming realistic expectations. This, skill being performed
in turn, results in optimal levels of confidence, cog- • Mobilizing effort
nitive anxiety, and motivation and, ultimately, in
enhanced performance. • Increasing persistence
Burton and his colleagues (Burton & Naylor, • Fostering the development of new learning
2002; Burton & Weiss, 2008) further developed his strategies
theoretical view of goal-setting. The most interesting
aspect of this update was the contention that an ath-
lete’s goal motivational orientation interacts with Life Skills Goal-Setting Programs
perceived ability to produce one of three goal styles: Goals can also be used to enhance personal devel-
a performance orientation, where the athlete defines opment. For example, Steve Danish and his col-
success based on learning and self-­improvement and leagues have used goal-setting as a cornerstone of
has high perceived ability (although the perceived programs designed to enhance life skills, particu-
ability is not judged to be critical to this one ori- larly in at-risk populations (e.g., Danish, Nellen,
entation); a success orientation, where the athlete & Owens, 1996; Papacharisi, Goudas, Danish, &
defines success on social comparison and winning Theodorakis, 2005). In particular, these schol-
and has high perceived ability; and a failure orien- ars have initiated intervention programs that are
tation, where the athlete defines success on social designed to promote health-enhancing behaviors
comparison and winning but has low perceived (such as learning how to learn, staying healthy)
ability. They predict that goal-setting should best and decrease health-compromising behaviors
increase performance for the performance-oriented (e.g., drug and alcohol use) in participants, par-
athlete, moderately increase performance for the ticularly at-risk youth. Because of the importance
success-oriented athlete, and slightly decrease per- of sport in the lives of many youth, these pro-
formance for the failure-oriented athlete. Moreover, grams focus on identifying and learning life skills
evidence collected with prospective Olympic ath- like goal-setting and then transferring the valu-
letes supports these predictions (Burton et al., able life skills learned in the sport environment
2013). Goal-setting, then, interacts with a variety of to other, more general life situations. Organizers
personal and situational factors, and these motiva- focus on effectively setting and achieving sport
tional factors must be taken into consideration in goals by helping athletes clarify their training and
Daniel Gould  195

competition objectives. Efforts are then made to specific guidelines concerning the most effective
“teach for transfer” by helping participants apply types of goals to use. Similarly, sport psychology
their new goal-setting skills to other life contexts. consultants (Botterill, 1983; Gould, 1983; Orlick,
An example of the steps followed in such a pro- 2015; Weinberg, 2010) who have had extensive
gram is given in Danish et al. (1996): experience in employing goal-setting techniques
with athletes have been able to derive a number of
(a) the identification of positive life goals,
useful guidelines for those interested in utilizing
(b) the importance of focusing on the process (not
the outcome) of goal attainment, (c) the use of a
such techniques, the most important of which are
general problem solving model, (d) the identifica- summarized here.
tion of health-comprising behaviors that can impede
goal attainment, (e) the identification of health-­ Set Specific Goals in Measurable
promoting behaviors that can facilitate goal attain- and Behavioral Terms
ment, (f) the importance of seeking and creating
social support, and (g) ways to transfer these skills
Explicit, specific, and numerical goals are more effec-
from one life situation to another. (p. 215) tive in facilitating behavior change than general “do
your best” goals or no goals at all. The research has
Finally, these steps are implemented in a series convincingly shown that “when people are asked to
of 10 one-hour workshops. do their best, they do not do so” (Locke & Latham,
Additional research on the efficacy of 2002, p. 706). Therefore, it is of the utmost impor-
programs to develop life skills based on goal- tance that in the athletic environment goals be
setting is needed, but initial reports are encour- expressed in terms of specific measurable behaviors.
aging (e.g., Papacharisis, Goudas, Danish, & Butt and Weinberg (in press), for example, recom-
Theodorakis, 2005). Moreover, these programs mend that subjective goals (e.g., having a positive
clearly demonstrate the importance of looking attitude or feeling more energized) that can be dif-
beyond goal-setting as simply an athletic perfor- ficult to measure can be made measurable by simply
mance enhancement technique to looking at it having athletes or exercisers self-rate them on numer-
as a general skill that can positively influence all ical scales (e.g., 1 = not at all positive or energized,
aspects of one’s life. The programs also emphasize 10 = highly positive or energized). Thus, goals such
the need to teach for transfer and not assume that as doing one’s best, becoming better, and increasing
just because a person can effectively set goals in one’s strength are least effective. More effective goals
sport, he or she will automatically use goal-setting include being able to high jump six feet five inches by
in other life contexts. the end of the season or increasing one’s maximum
lift on the bench press to 240 pounds. If athletes are
to show performance improvements, specific measur-
Goal-Setting Guidelines able goals must be set!
The research clearly shows that goal-setting facili-
Set Moderately Difficult But Realistic Goals
tates performance. It is misleading to think, how-
ever, that all types of goals are equally effective in Locke and his associates (1981) have found a
enhancing athletic performance. Research reviews direct relationship between goal difficulty and task
conducted by Burton et al. (2002), Burton and performance. That is, the more difficult the goal,
Weiss (2008), Locke and Latham (1990), Weinberg the better the performance. It must be remem-
(1994), and Kyllo and Landers (1995) indicate bered, however, that this relationship is true only
that this is not the case. Their work has produced when the difficulty of the goal does not exceed the
196 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

performer’s ability. Unrealistic goals that exceed Set Process and Performance Goals
the ability of an athlete only lead to failure and as Well as Outcome Goals
frustration. In fact, in their meta-analysis, Kyllo and
Many societies place tremendous emphasis on the
Landers (1995) found that moderately difficult (as
outcome of athletic events. Because of this, most
opposed to extremely difficult) goals lead to the
athletes are socialized to set only outcome goals
best performance. Thus, it is recommended that
(e.g., winning, beating a particular opponent).
goals be set so that they are difficult enough to chal-
However, outcome goals have been shown to be less
lenge athletes but realistic enough to be achieved
effective than performance goals (Burton, 1984,
(McClements, 1982).
1989; Burton et al., 2002).
Theorists suggest that focusing on outcome
Set Short-Range as Well as Long-Range Goals goals has several inherent weaknesses (Burton,
When asked to describe their goals, most athletes 1984, 1989; Burton & Weiss, 2008; Martens, 1987).
identify long-range objectives, such as winning First, athletes have, at best, only partial control over
a particular championship, breaking a record, or outcome goals. For example, a cross-country com-
making a particular team. However, sport psychol- petitor can set a personal best but fail to achieve the
ogy consultants often emphasize the need to set outcome goal of winning because he or she came
more immediate short-range goals. The superiority in second. Despite her or his superior effort, this
of combining short- and long-term goals as com- runner could not control the behavior of the other
pared to focusing only on long-term goals was also competitors.
demonstrated in the Kyllo and Landers’ (1995) A second important weakness of outcome goals
meta-analysis. Research also has revealed that both is that athletes who employ them usually become
short- and long-range goals are needed to main- less flexible in their goal adjustment practices. For
tain motivation and performance (Weinberg, Butt, example, an athlete who sets an outcome goal of
& Knight, 2001). Short-range goals are import- winning every game but loses the initial contest
ant because they allow athletes to see immediate often will reject goal-setting altogether. However,
improvements in performance and in so doing an athlete who sets an individual performance goal,
enhance motivation. They have been found to be such as decreasing her or his 100-meter breaststroke
especially important with complex tasks (Locke time by five-tenths of a second and fails to achieve
& Latham, 2002). Additionally, without short- this goal is more likely to reset the goal to one-tenth
range goals, athletes often lose sight of their long- of a second.
range goals and the progression of skills needed to Finally, process goals (e.g., watch the ball lon-
obtain them. ger by focusing on the pitcher’s release, get back
An effective way to understand the relationship on defense) orient the athlete to focus on task-​rel-
between short- and long-range goals is to visualize a evant strategies and procedures that need to be
staircase (see Figure 11-1). The top stair represents executed to have a good performance. Focusing
an athlete’s long-range goal or objective and the on outcome goals can distract athletes, as they
lowest stair her or his present ability. The remain- tend to worry about the event outcome and do
ing steps represent a progression of short-term goals not attend to task-relevant strategies (Hardy et al.,
of increasing difficulty that lead from the bottom 1996).
to the top of the stairs. In essence, the performer Although focusing on outcome goals, espe-
climbs the staircase of athletic achievement by tak- cially at the time of competition, has weaknesses,
ing a step at a time, accomplishing a series of inter- this does not mean outcome goals have no benefits.
related short-range goals. They can facilitate short-term motivation by helping
Long-Term Goal:
By the state tournament
develop my serve as a

Short-Term Goal 4:
Practice serving in competitive
als practice situations 3 days a week
erm (visualize staying calm in these
rt-T practices)
s of
rie Short-Term Goal 3:
Se Visualize staying calm in
tight matches when serving
3 days a week

Short-Term Goal 2:
Develop a more effective second
serve by adding spin 50% of the
time and varying court placement

Short-Term Goal 1:
Improve first serve accuracy by
10% by taking an extra serving
lesson once a week and practicing
30 first serves every day
Present Ability:
Weak serving game: Successful
only 45% of time on first serve
and no variation on second serve

Figure 11-1  Goal Staircase: A series of short-term goals leads to long-term goals for improved tennis serve

198 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

athletes set long-term priorities and may be espe- be forgotten. In fact, Orlick and Partington (1988)
cially useful away from competition when athletes found that one characteristic of highly successful
may lack the motivation to practice. Athletes with Olympians was their routine of setting clear daily
high levels of confidence may also be less affected practice goals.
by the negative side effects of outcome goals (Hardy Common practice goals may include focusing
et al., 1996). It is clear, however, that at or near 100 percent, making five sincere positive statements
competitions, it is best to emphasize process and to teammates, running to and from all drills, and
performance goals and that focusing exclusively on achieving various performance standards. These
outcome goals is ineffective. are typically not the most frequently cited goals of
Research by Filby, Maynard, and Graydon athletes, but they take on special significance when
(1999) also has provided support for the idea of one considers the amount of time athletes spend in
setting performance and process, as well as out- practice as opposed to competition. Moreover, most
come goals. Moreover, looking across all goals, athletes report that it is easier to get “up” and moti-
Burton et al. (2002) reported that nine out of ten vated for a game or match, whereas additional moti-
studies supported the notion of using a combina- vation is often needed for daily practices.
tion of process, performance, and outcome goals.
Finally, evidence reveals that setting holistic pro- Set Positive “Approach” Goals as Opposed to
cess goals like “push” or “smooth” were effective Negative “Avoidance” Goals
in allowing skilled but anxious athletes to perform
Goals can be stated in either positive terms (e.g.,
their best in high-stress situations (Mullen &
increase the percentage of good first serves in
Hardy, 2010).
tennis) or negative terms (e.g., don’t drop the
In summary, by emphasizing personal per-
ball). Recent research also distinguishes between
formance and process goals in an environment
approach goals that focus on attaining compe-
where outcome goals predominate, coaches cre-
tence (e.g., finish in the top ten in a marathon) and
ate greater opportunities for meeting the success
avoidance goals that focus on avoiding incompe-
needs of all athletes. Those highly gifted compet-
tence (e.g., not to finish out of the top ten in the
itors who easily exceed the performances of their
marathon), showing that approach goals are more
opponents learn to compete against themselves
effective (Lochbaum & Smith, 2015). Although it
and, in turn, reach new performance heights.
is sometimes necessary for athletes to set goals in
Similarly, the less skilled athletes on the team are
negative terms, it has been suggested that, whenever
no longer doomed to failure; they learn to judge
possible, goals should be stated positively (Bell,
success and failure in terms of their own perfor-
1983). That is, identify behaviors to be exhibited as
mance, not solely on the basis of peer compari-
opposed to behaviors that should not be exhibited.
sons. Finally, focusing on process goals directs the
Instead of having goal tenders in ice hockey strive to
athlete’s attention away from outcome and puts it
decrease the number of unblocked shots, have them
on task-relevant cues.
set goals of increasing the number of saves they can
make. This positive goal-setting procedure helps
Set Goals for Practice and Competition athletes focus on success instead of failure.
When implementing a goal-setting program, people
frequently make the mistake of setting only goals Identify Target Dates for Attaining Goals
that relate to competition. This does not imply that Not only should goals describe the behavior of
setting competitive performance goals is inappropri- focus in specific measurable terms, but they should
ate; rather, it suggests that practice goals should not also identify target dates for goal accomplishment.
Daniel Gould  199

Target dates help motivate athletes by reminding file. Later the coach can use the contracts to remind
them of the urgency of accomplishing their objec- the athletes of their goals.
tives in realistic lengths of time.
Provide for Goal Evaluation
Identify Goal Achievement Strategies Based on their review of the research, Locke and his
associates (1990) concluded that evaluative feedback
All too often goals are properly set but never ac- is absolutely necessary if goals are to enhance per-
complished because athletes fail to identify goal formance, showing that in 17 of 18 studies goals plus
achievement strategies. That is, the athlete fails to feedback resulted in better performance than goals
understand the difference between setting goals and alone. Therefore, athletes must receive feedback
developing and initiating effective goal achievement about how present performance is related to both
strategies. In fact, it has been reported that ath- short- and long-range goals. In many cases feedback
letes who use multiple goal-setting strategies have in the form of performance statistics, such as batting
the best performance (Weinberg, Butt, & Knight, average, assists, goals scored, or steals made, is readily
2001). An important ingredient for any effective available. Other goals, however, require that coaches
goal-setting program, then, is identification of multi- make special efforts to provide evaluative feedback.
ple ways of achieving goals. For example, a wrestler For instance, a coach helping an athlete control
needing to lose ten pounds prior to the start of the his or her temper on the field may have a manager
season should identify an achievement strategy of record the number of times the player loses his or her
cutting out a midafternoon snack and running an temper in practice. Similarly, a softball coach helping
additional two miles a day. outfielders attain their goal of efficiently backing up
one another may have an observer record the number
Record Goals Once They Have of times players move into or fail to move into correct
Been Identified positions after the ball is hit.
Coaches and athletes are not consistent in writing
Provide Support for Goals
down their goals (Weinberg, 2002). It is easy for
athletes to focus attention on their goals soon after A goal-setting program will not succeed unless those
those goals have been set. Over the course of a long individuals who are paramount in the athlete’s life
season, however, goals are sometimes forgotten. support it. This typically includes the coach, the ath-
Therefore, it is useful for athletes to record their lete’s family, and teammates. Research with British
goals in written form and place them where they youth soccer players, however, indicates that this
will be seen (e.g., in their lockers). In fact, in the does not always occur (Holt, Kinchin, & Clarke,
previously mentioned speed skating study, Wanlin 2012). Therefore, efforts must be made to educate
et al. (1997) concluded that using a logbook was these individuals about the types of goals the ath-
a particularly important component of a success- lete sets and the importance of their support and
ful goal-setting package. Additionally, Harris and reinforcement in encouraging progress toward the
Harris (1984) recommend that athletes keep note- goals. For instance, if an athlete sets performance
books recording goals, goal achievement strategies, goals as opposed to outcome goals but significant
and goal progress on a daily or weekly basis. Finally, others in the athlete’s life stress only the outcome of
Botterill (1983) suggests that the coach develop a the game or match, it is unlikely that performance
contract stating all goals and goal achievement strat- goals will change behavior. Simply stated, signifi­
egies for each athlete. Each athlete then signs her or cant others must understand the goal-setting pro-
his contract, and the coach keeps the contracts on cess and support it!
200 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

Set Group Goals successful in implementing goal-setting procedures,

Although the bulk of sport psychology consultants’ however, coaches must develop and employ a goal-
attention has focused on individual athlete goals, setting system. Botterill (1983) has outlined the
Widmeyer and Ducharme (1997) emphasized the essentials of such a system in detail. Of the many
need to set group goals. A particularly important elements Botterill discusses, three are paramount
point these authors make is that understanding and can be incorporated into a three-phase goal-
group goals involves more than knowing individ- setting system: (a) the planning phase, (b) the meeting
ual athletes’ goals. The group task must be clearly phase, and (c) the follow-up/evaluation phase.
specified along with the process for achieving group
goals. When setting group goals, long-term team The Planning Phase
objectives should be identified, clear sequences Coaches will be ineffective if they attempt to set
of short- and long-term goals specified, team goal goals without first spending considerable time plan-
progress assessed, progress toward group goals ning them. Before discussing goals with athletes,
rewarded, and team confidence fostered in group for instance, coaches must identify individual and
goals. All team members should have input into the team needs. These needs may focus on any num-
team goal-setting process. ber of areas such as player fitness, individual skills,
Dawson, Bray, and Widmeyer (2002) also have team skills, playing time, good sport behavior, and
shown that when setting group goals, the process enjoyment.
involves more than setting collective goals. In con- Following this needs analysis, coaches must
trast, they found evidence for four types of goals on identify potential team and individual goals. Most
any team: (a) an individual member’s goals for self coaches can identify a large number of potential
(e.g., be the leading scorer on the team); (b) an indi- goals for their athletes, so it is important for them to
vidual’s goal for the team (e.g., qualify for postsea- consider how likely it is that their athletes will agree
son play by finishing in the top half of the league); to and accomplish the goals. In doing so, coaches
(c) the group’s goals (e.g., win the league title); and should consider the athletes’ long-range goals, indi-
(d) the group’s goal for the individual member (e.g., vidual potential, commitment, and opportunity for
lead the team in assists). They also showed that practice. Finally, coaches must begin to consider
individual goals and expectations might differ from possible strategies that they can use to help athletes
those generated by the collective. For example, one achieve their goals. For example, a segment of each
athlete might see his role as the point scorer on the practice could be devoted to the accomplishment of
team, while the team sees him as an assist leader. identified goals, or extra practices could be held.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that
coaches and team leaders discuss and integrate indi- The Meeting Phase
vidual goals with team goals. Role clarification and
definition are critical if effective team performance Once coaches have considered individual athlete
is to result (see Chapter 7). and team needs, they should schedule goal-setting
meetings. The first of these meetings should include
the entire team. At the first meeting, coaches should
A Goal-Setting System for Coaches convey basic goal-setting information (e.g., the value
of setting goals, areas in which to set goals, types of
Goal-setting research and guidelines provide goals to set, the importance of performance and pro-
coaches with the information necessary for imple- cess goals) and ask the athletes to think about their
menting goal-setting techniques with athletes. To be general objectives for participation, as well as specific
Daniel Gould  201

team and individual goals. Coaches must then give their present skills, identify specific goals, describe
the athletes time to reflect on their reasons for partic- goal achievement strategies, and develop goal eval-
ipation and to formulate potential goals. uation schedules. In addition, performance evalua-
A few days after the initial meeting, a second tion cards are printed (see Figure 11-2) and used to
meeting should be held for the purpose of dis- evaluate performance on a percentage scale (0 per-
cussing some of the athletes’ goals. It is especially cent, poor; 100 percent, excellent). The evaluation
important to examine goals with respect to their cards are completed after various competitions and,
importance, specificity, and realistic nature. It is when combined with other available statistics, serve
also desirable to examine possible strategies for as feedback for weekly goal follow-up meetings.
achieving these goals. Although written in the vernacular of the coach, this
In most cases it will be impossible to set spe- goal-setting system can also be used by sport psy-
cific goals for each athlete during these initial group chology consultants as they work with athletes on
meetings. Therefore, coaches must also hold a num- goal-setting. The suggestions are equally appropriate
ber of meetings with individual athletes and small for goals in the physical and mental skills domains,
subgroup meetings (e.g., forwards, centers, and but they may need to be somewhat modified for
guards in basketball). In these meetings individual sport psychology consultants working with an indi-
goals should be recorded, specific strategies for vidual rather than the entire team.
achieving these goals identified, and goal evaluation
procedures determined. Before and after practice
are often the most effective times for holding such Common Problems in Setting Goals
Goal-setting is not a difficult psychological skill to
use. However, it would be a misconception to think
The Follow-Up/Evaluation Phase that problems do not arise when setting goals. Some
of the more frequently encountered problems are
As previously stated, goal-setting will not be effective
outlined next.
unless evaluative feedback is provided to athletes.
Moreover, recent research shows that public post-
ings and oral feedback are critical for goal success. Setting Too Many Goals Too Soon
Unfortunately, because of the hectic nature of the A natural mistake that occurs when one first imple-
season, this is often forgotten. It is therefore a good ments a goal-setting system is to set too many goals
idea to schedule goal evaluation meetings through- too soon. For example, it is not uncommon for
out the season. At these meetings, subgroups of ath- coaches and athletes to set five or ten specific goals.
letes should discuss their goals and progress made This usually has negative results. The athletes have
toward achieving them and reevaluate unrealistic so many individual goals that they cannot properly
goals or goals that cannot be achieved because of monitor goal progress, or if they do monitor prog-
injury or sickness. ress, they find the record keeping overwhelming
Finally, to facilitate goal follow-up and evalua- and lose interest. A more effective approach is to
tion, coaches should develop systematic ways of pro- prioritize goals and focus on accomplishing the one
viding feedback. Figure 11-2 contains such a system or two most important ones. When these goals are
for the sport of basketball. Prior to the season, the achieved, the athletes then focus on the next most
coach prints goal achievement cards that athletes important prioritized goals. As the athletes become
complete during the preseason or seasonal meetings. more experienced in goal-setting, they also learn to
These cards contain places for the athletes to rate handle greater numbers of goals more efficiently.
202 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

Goal Achievement Card—Basketball

Name B. Jones Date 9-27-13

Position Forward Years Experience 2


Skill–Activity Specific goal Strategy Target date

To correctly Shoot 4
lay-ups execute 8 sets of
jump shots out of 10 10 jump
free throws jump shots shots October 27
from the 8’ before
to 10’ range practice
Ball handling every day


Performance Evaluation Card—Basketball

Name B. Jones Date 12-4-13

Position Forward Game 3

Available statistics/Coach
Skill–Activity performance rating (0–100%) Comments

Overall offensive play 80%

Overall defensive play 94%

Shooting 70% Jump shot

lay-ups 2 for 2 release ball
jump shots 2 for 6 at peak of
free throws 3 for 4

Ball handling 90%

turnovers 1

Rebounding 90%

Figure 11-2  Sample goal achievement and performance evaluation cards for the sport
of basketball
Daniel Gould  203

Failing to Recognize Individual Differences Inexperienced goal setters often will set goals that
Not all athletes will be excited about setting goals, are too general. Improving one’s first serve in ten-
and some may even have a negative attitude. nis, executing a better Yamashita vault in gym-
Coaches and sport psychology consultants must nastics, and lessening the frequency of negative
expect this and not overreact. Forcing athletes to set thoughts are too vague. These goals are more effec-
goals is ineffective, for individual commitment is tively stated as increasing the number of good first
needed. Rather, expose all the athletes to goal-setting, serves from 50 to 55 percent in tennis, improving
and then work with those who show interest. Over the Yamashita vault by sticking the landing eight
time, their success will convince other, less committed out of ten times, and reducing negative thoughts to
athletes to begin setting goals. five or fewer during each practice session. When
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the the- stating goals, always ask, “How can we make this
orizing and research of Burton and his colleagues goal measurable and specific?”
show that performance-oriented athletes respond
better to goal-setting than failure-oriented athletes. Failing to Modify Unrealistic Goals
Yet failure-oriented athletes, who judge success by In his extensive five-month study of goal-setting,
comparing themselves to others and have low per- Burton (1989) found that competitive collegiate
ceived ability, could profit greatly from setting per- swimmers had problems readjusting goals once they
formance and process goals that, when achieved, were set. Although the swimmers had little diffi-
will help enhance their confidence. So special culty raising their goals once they were achieved, a
coaching efforts are needed to get failure-oriented number of athletes failed to lower goals that became
individuals to focus on performance and process, as unrealistic because of illness or injury. Coaches
opposed to outcome goals. must recognize this problem and continually
Finally, in a series of four case studies con- emphasize the appropriateness of lowering goals
ducted with professional soccer players in Denmark, when necessary.
Larsen and Engell (2013) emphasized that while
goal-setting was effective, those working with ath- Failing to Set Process and Performance Goals
letes must take a flexible approach that recognizes
The work of Martens (1987), Burton (1989), and
individual differences. The sport psychology con-
Filby et al. (1999) has demonstrated the value of
sultant or coach must look closely at each player’s
setting performance and process goals as opposed
individual goal-setting process. Larsen and Engell
to outcome goals. For too many athletes, however,
go on to emphasize that at times goal-setting can be
winning or outcome goals are the only worthy goals.
very complex and will need complex solutions and
This is psychologically destructive and illogical,
may depend on the player’s ability to be reflective.
but occurs because of the tremendous emphasis
There seldom will be only one factor included in the
Americans place on winning. Coaches must be
process. In essence, “The ‘art’ of goal-setting is a
aware of this problem and continually emphasize
dynamic, ever changing and complex phenomenon,
the attainment of performance and process goals.
the method itself must be flexible. . .’ (p. 49).
For instance, coaches must continually remind ath-
letes that great performances will typically lead to
Setting Goals That Are Too General the best possible outcomes. Finally, coaches must
Throughout this chapter, the emphasis has been realize that changing their athletes’ perception of
on the need for setting specific, measurable the importance of outcome versus performance and
goals. Unfortunately, this does not always occur. process goals may take a long-term effort.
204 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

Understanding the Time Commitment Needed teammates at least five times per practice; the team
to Implement a Goal-Setting Program manager recorded the number of positive remarks
made. Similarly, an injured runner set specific goals
It is not uncommon for a coach to become inter-
for the number of times per week she would prac-
ested in goal-setting and to begin to implement a
tice imagery. Finally, a football coach whose team
goal-setting program with her or his athletes during
seemed unenthusiastic and burned out at the end
the preseason or early season. However, as the sea-
of a long season had considerable success asking
son progresses, less and less time is spent on goal-
the players to identify what elements of football
setting. By the end of the season the goal-setting
were most fun for them (e.g., lineman throwing and
program is all but forgotten.
catching the football) and then setting team goals
Like other psychological skills, goal-setting
to incorporate specified amounts of fun activities in
takes time to implement. It must be recognized that
every practice.
a good deal of commitment on the part of the coach
As I discussed earlier, a coach may also adopt
is needed. When planning your goal-setting pro-
a life skills approach by helping an athlete who has
gram, think about the busiest time of your team’s
learned to set goals in the sport domain (e.g., to
season and how much time is available to commit
improve free-throw shooting percentage by shoot-
to goal-setting. It is much better to devote 20 min-
ing 20 extra shots a day) to transfer this goal-setting
utes a week to goal-setting throughout the season
ability to other life contexts (e.g., improve his or her
and follow through on that plan than to say you will
math grades by setting a goal of studying 30 addi-
devote 20 minutes a day to goal-setting and not fol-
tional minutes a day).
low through on it. Similarly, time spent in preseason
planning and organization (e.g., mass-producing
goal achievement cards and goal evaluation forms) Failing to Create a Supportive Goal-Setting
makes the goal-setting process much more efficient Atmosphere
and realistic to implement.
To reiterate, coaches and sport psychology con-
Finally, consider program efficiency when
sultants cannot set goals for their athletes or force
organizing your program. One collegiate basketball
them to participate in the goal-setting process. The
coach, for example, simply had her athletes write
athletes must be self-motivated and committed
down a practice goal on index cards for the next
to the program. For this reason, the goal-setting
day’s practice. The coaching staff then evaluated
leader needs to create a supportive goal-setting
and provided feedback relative to these practice
atmosphere, and in creating such an atmosphere,
goals during each postpractice cool-down period.
communication style is critical. Coaches and sport
psychology consultants must act as facilitators of
Setting Only Technique-Related Goals goal-setting discussions, not as dictators (Botterill,
It is very easy to focus all of one’s attention on tech- 1983). They must share limitations with athletes
nique-related goals (e.g., shooting statistics, faster and identify unrealistic goals, while simultaneously
running times). However, as previously mentioned, avoiding pessimistic remarks and putdowns. In
athletes may want to use goal-setting in a number essence, the leader must adopt a positive commu-
of other areas. For example, a high school volley- nication style that includes good listening skills, a
ball coach who was having trouble with his team’s sincere orientation, a positive approach, and the
cohesion found it useful to have several key play- provision of regular feedback related to goal-setting
ers set goals of giving sincere positive feedback to progress (see Chapter 8).
Daniel Gould  205

This chapter has provided strong empirical and experiential support for the utility of using goal-
setting in helping athletes attain personal growth and peak performance. Goals are effective because
they influence psychological states such as self-confidence, direct attention to important aspects
of the task, mobilize effort, increase persistence, and foster the development of new learning strat-
egies. Guidelines for effective goal-setting include setting behaviorally measurable goals, difficult
yet realistic goals, short-range as well as long-range goals, performance and process goals as well
as outcome goals, practice and competition goals, and positive/approach as opposed to negative/
avoidance goals. Equally important are identifying target dates for attaining goals, identifying goal
achievement strategies, recording goals once they have been identified, providing goal evaluation
procedures, providing for goal support, and setting group goals. Lastly, common problems that arise
when setting goals include setting too many goals too soon, failing to recognize individual differ-
ences, setting goals that are too general, failing to modify unrealistic goals, failing to set process and
performance goals, not understanding the time and commitment needed to implement a goal-setting
program, setting only technique-related goals, and failing to create a supportive goal-setting atmo-
sphere. These problems can be easily avoided or controlled if they are recognized at the onset of the
goal-setting process.
Like other psychological skills, goal-setting is not a magic formula that guarantees success. Goal-
setting is a tool, a very effective tool, that when combined with hard work and discipline can help
coaches, athletes, and sport psychology consultants reap the fruits of personal athletic growth and
peak performance. It is highly recommended, then, that coaches and sport psychology consultants
at all levels of competition engage in goal-setting with their athletes.

Study Questions

1. Define what a goal is and differentiate between the following types of goals: (a) specific objec-
tive, (b) outcome, (c) performance, (d) process, and (e) group goals.
2. Briefly describe Locke and colleagues’ (1981) mechanistic and Burton and colleagues’ cogni-
tive explanations for the relationship between goal-setting and performance.
3. Describe what is meant by saying life skill goal-setting programs teach for goal-setting transfer.
4. Think of your own sport and physical activity involvement and identify two goals you have set
in the past. Evaluate your two goals relative to the 12 goal-setting guidelines presented in this
5. Describe the three phases of a goal-setting system for coaches and sport psychology
6. Indicate why failing to set performance and process goals is a common problem when setting
goals with athletes.
7. Is it easier to adjust goals upward or downward? Explain.
206 Chapter 11   Goal-Setting for Peak Performance

8. Give an example of goal-setting that is not technique related.

9. Four types of group goals have been set: individual group members’ goals for themselves, the
group’s goals for individual members, the group’s goals for the group, and individual members’
goals for the group. Imagine that you are a member of a basketball team and provide an exam-
ple of each type of goal. For your team to be effective, how best should these goals be related?
10. How can a coach create a supportive goal-setting atmosphere?

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Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport
Lee Baldock, University of South Wales, UK
Sheldon Hanton, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Stephen D. Mellalieu, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus

Nerves can be brilliant because they get your adrenalin going and it means you care and want to do
well. There’s a fine line, though. Getting too nervous can ruin a race and that’s happened to me. . . . After
Beijing the 800m took a bit of a dip and it became this challenge. I just got so nervous and so worked
up that I literally dived in and I completely stiffened up. I’d never experienced it before. The whole way
through the race I didn’t feel myself and it was that moment where I learnt I had to relax. I realized
there was no point in harming myself, getting that nervous, and that I had to just chill out and enjoy
the experience.
—Rebecca Adlington, 2012, Double Olympic, World, European, and Commonwealth swimming champion

The potential to experience high levels of stress in consultant’s primary provision of support com-
sport and the challenges associated with the envi- prises helping athletes, their role is expanding to
ronments that surround the modern-day athlete are assist other key stakeholders in managing stress.
widely acknowledged. Thus, an integral element of This chapter aims to describe a contemporary
an athlete’s preparation program is some form of understanding of stress, outline the various ways
stress management, with the goal to cope with those in which stress manifests itself in sport for athletes
challenges and to achieve the optimal mental and and coaches, and the process through which stress
physical state needed to perform. More recently, is proposed to influence performance. The remain-
the stress experiences of other key stakeholders der of the chapter then provides an overview of the
within the sport environment have been consid- major skills and strategies that sport psychology
ered (i.e., coaches, support staff, parents), with consultants and coaches can utilize to help athletes
coaches, for example, now widely recognized as successfully manage stress, with consideration of
“performers” in their own right (e.g., Arnold et al., the transfer of these skills for use by coaches and
2019). Consequently, although a sport psychology other key stakeholders.

Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  211

Cognitive-Behavioral Stress appraisal of the situation), become anxious, and,

consequently, suffer performance decrements in the
Management in Sport Psychology
fight. In the break between one of the rounds, the
Contemporary approaches to understanding stress- boxer reflects again on their emotional state (fur-
ful encounters experienced by those within sport ther appraisal of the situation), identifies the cause
frequently adopt a cognitive­behavioral focus, that of their symptoms, and subsequently addresses
is, one that seeks to change cognitions and thought how to cope with the situation and their emotions.
patterns to influence behavior (i.e., performance). During the next round, the boxer may now think
The most popular cognitive approach used in sport and behave (i.e., perform) more effectively as a
psychology is Lazarus’s (1999) cognitive motiva- result of this continued ongoing process of further
tional relational theory (CMRT). CMRT describes appraisal.
the experience of stress as an ongoing transaction
involving an individual evaluating or appraising the
demands they face in relation to themselves and
Causes of and Responses to Stress
their surrounding environment. An individual’s Before deciding on appropriate stress management
view of a potentially stressful situation, known as strategies to recommend, it is important to under-
a stress appraisal, will usually focus on whether a stand what factors may cause stress in sport (i.e.,
threat, harm/loss, benefit, or challenge is to be expe- the demands faced) and the typical responses to the
rienced. The individual will evaluate that situation stress experienced.
(termed a primary appraisal) to determine if the
demands faced are likely to be stressful, and subse- Causes of Stress
quently whether they possess the necessary physi-
cal and mental resources to deal with the stress and The intense physical and psychological demands
the likely outcomes that will ensue (secondary or (also known as stressors) athletes face when com-
further appraisal of the situation). Threat is experi- peting in sport come from a range of sources relat-
enced when resources are perceived as insufficient ing to competition, organization, and personal
to meet the demands of the situation, and that factors that exist within their environment (see
threat elevates the more the individual perceives Fletcher, Hanton, & Mellalieu, 2006; Neil, Hanton,
dire consequences for failure to meet the demands. Mellalieu, & Fletcher, 2011).
With threat appraisals and the resultant physi- • Competitive stressors are the demands primarily
cal changes that occur in the body due to the stress and directly associated with competitive perfor-
process, the individual will then attempt to manage mance (e.g., the level of physical preparation
the situation accordingly. In the case of athletes, attained, the standard of the opponent, the
under the cognitive-behavioral approach to stress internal and external pressures and expectations
management, they are taught to utilize cognitive, to perform).
affective, and behavioral strategies to cope with the
specific internal or external demands faced in sport. • Organization stressors are the demands asso-
Consider a professional boxer competing ciated primarily and directly with the sports
against an undefeated world champion for the organization (e.g., the performer’s role in the
world championship belt in front of an intimidat- sport organization, sport relationships and inter-
ing audience in the current champion’s hometown. personal demands).
The boxer may initially evaluate the demands faced • Personal stressors are the demands associated
as threatening and out of their control (primary primarily and directly with the personal life of
212 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

the individual(s) (e.g., lifestyle issues, financial stress, its opposite sets up a counter tension to hold
demands, the relationships with family or signif- the segment of the body in place. The resulting dou-
icant others). ble pull can build up formidable heights of tension
over much of the body, yet most people will not
For coaches, the demands they experience
identify it. This double pull explains why a person
emanate from sources that are largely analogous
can be scared stiff and rigid with anger or unable
to those reported for athletes (Norris, Didymus, &
to move because of fright. It also explains why an
Kaiseler, 2017); however, in addition, performance-
athlete shoots air balls, misses a short putt, passes
related demands for coaches consider both the
with too much force, or overhits a tennis ball. The
performance of their athlete(s) (e.g., athlete
principle of the double pull, often referred to as
coachability, training performance) and their
bracing, has great significance for athletes. When
own performance (e.g., competition preparation,
excessive muscular tension occurs, it interferes with
competition issues).
execution of the skill because it prevents appro-
priately coordinating movement (see Exercise 1).
Responses to Stress Proper form in a movement involves using just the
In addition to understanding the demands perform- right amount of tension at any given time in the rel-
ers face, it is important to recognize the mental and evant muscles. Athletes can learn the right amount
physical symptoms that these demands produce. of contraction, that is, to expend only those ener-
gies necessary to execute the skill. This is called dif-
Arousal and activation. Arousal refers to a gener- ferential relaxation.
alized physiological and psychological activation
of the person, with neural excitation varying on a
continuum from deep sleep to extreme excitement.
It serves an energizing function and thus reflects Exercise 1: How excessive tension disrupts
the intensity level of motivation and is nondirective. movement
Whether the arousal starts with a thought or an Rest your dominant forearm and hand palm down
external stimulus, the result is autonomic nervous on a desk or tabletop. Tense all the muscles in the
system responses such as increased heart and respi- hand and fingers and then try to alternately tap the
ration rates, butterflies in the stomach, muscle ten- index and middle fingers back and forth as quickly
sion, and sweating. Activation is used synonymously as possible. Relax all the muscles in the forearm and
with the term arousal, and it also refers to the over- hand and repeat the exercise, noting the differences in
all physical and mental state that is required by an speed and smoothness of coordination.
athlete to be ready to perform a respective task or
activity (Hardy, Jones, & Gould, 1996, p. 118).
If increases in an athlete’s levels of arousal or
overall activation state come from experiencing Competitive anxiety. The typical emotion asso-
high stress when competing in sport or preparing to ciated with the experience of stress in sport is
compete, one of the products of this process, phys- competitive anxiety. Competitive anxiety is a
ical tension, in particular can have immediate and situation-specific, negative (unpleasant) emotional
powerful effects on an athlete. For example, when a response to one’s view of competitive stressors, and
muscle tenses up due to worry and anxiety or trying the general involvement in competition, as threats
too hard, it contracts, or is shortened. This is due to (Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990). This response
the voluntary muscles in humans being arranged in may include symptoms such as worry, together with
pairs. When a muscle tightens because of perceived a heightened perception of one’s physiological state
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  213

or level of arousal. These responses represent the I discovered the symptoms helped me psych up
mental (cognitive) and perceived physical (somatic) for races. If you knew the nerves were there the
components of anxiety. adrenaline would flow and make me perform bet-
Cognitive anxiety responses represent the ter . . . concentrate harder. They (the symptoms)
would make me concentrate on the race . . . help
thoughts experienced in stressful situations
me prepare to swim fast . . . to get off the blocks
and include worries, negative expectations, and
quickly, get in the pool and swim fast.
apprehensions about performance (i.e., mental
(Quote from an Olympic Swimmer describ-
responses to stressors). Somatic responses repre-
ing how they interpreted their symptoms as
sent an athlete’s perceptions of their physiological
positive and the subsequent effects on their
arousal state in stressful environments (i.e., per- concentration efforts and performance, cited
ceived physical response to stressors). Somatic in Hanton & Jones, 1999, p. 10.)
anxiety symptoms include factors such as muscu-
lar tension, butterflies in the stomach, increased The preceding distinctions highlight the impor-
heart rate, dry mouth, cold and clammy hands, tance of examining not just the athletes’ anxiety
and perspiration. symptoms and their intensity but also whether they
Differences exist in how competitive anxiety is interpret their anxiety responses as having a facil-
experienced in relation to the individual (personal) itative or debilitative effect on their performance.
and the environment in which they compete (situ- In essence, interpretation of the direction of the
ational). These factors include the athlete’s gen- anxiety effect represents a further appraisal of
der, skill level, and type of sport performed (see the initial symptoms experienced. In line with the
Mellalieu, Hanton, & Fletcher, 2006 for a review). cognitive-behavioral approach to stress manage-
For example, female athletes’ cognitive anxiety ment, the key message for sport psychology consul-
experiences are predicted by their perceptions of tants is to understand that how individuals evaluate
readiness to perform and the importance of doing and appraise the symptoms they experience will
well. In contrast, males’ cognitive anxiety responses influence subsequent efforts and strategies toward
are predicted by perceptions of their opponents’ maintaining optimal performance states.
ability in relation to themselves and their perceived Studies have also found some important indi-
likelihood of winning (Jones, Swain, & Cale, 1991). vidual attributes that are related to having a positive
Although competitive stressors might lead ath- interpretation of anxiety symptoms. For example,
letes to experience some type of anxiety response, athletes who view competitive anxiety symptoms as
the potential effect is not inherently negative. For having a beneficial effect on performance demon-
example, one athlete might perceive a racing heart strate better overall performance standards, are
as a positive “psyched-up” feeling, while another higher in skill level, feel more in control, exhibit
appraises the same anxiety symptom as negative higher levels of self-confidence, demonstrate a more
nervousness. Hanton and Jones (1999) identified a resilient personality, and are more experienced
large body of research that has consistently identi- and highly competitive when compared to those
fied that certain athletes have the ability, or have who interpret anxiety symptoms as more negative
learned over time, the skills that enable them to toward performance (see Wagstaff, Neil, Mellalieu,
interpret their negative anxiety symptoms as nec- & Hanton, 2011 for a review).
essary and beneficial toward performance (see the Given this association with better performance
following example), whereas others see such symp- and desirable personal qualities, applied research-
toms as detrimental. The expression of getting one’s ers have sought to identify and explore the factors
butterflies to “fly in formation” illustrates having that enable athletes to achieve a positive interpre-
positive interpretation skills. tation of their competitive anxiety symptoms. This
214 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

research has been undertaken with the explicit aim be undertaken. Here, sport psychology consultants
of informing the structure and content of possible typically adopt a combined approach to assess the
stress management programs and has helped con- demands (i.e., stressors) perceived and the context
struct the interventions used within the restructur- in which these demands occur, how mentally and
ing approach described later in the chapter. Further, physically anxious an athlete may be (the level or
athletes with a positive interpretation of their anxi- intensity of anxiety symptoms), associated physio-
ety consistently suggest the application of strategies logical responses (i.e., arousal level), and whether
that help them appraise their symptoms in a pos- the athlete views the symptoms experienced as
itive way are most valuable to their performance having a beneficial or detrimental influence on
preparation. The important psychological strategies performance (directional interpretation of symp-
involved in this approach are self-regulatory skills tom effects). This assessment often uses a combi-
that provide a sense of perceived control over one- nation of validated psychometric questionnaires
self and one’s environment, enabling maintenance alongside interviewing procedures with the athlete
of high self-confidence to protect against negative in question and sometimes their coaches or sup-
anxiety interpretation. port staff.
Significant attention has also been afforded to Questionnaires assess athletes’ typical and
the responses of coaches in relation to the demands situation-specific anxiety responses to competition
that they experience in their roles. Specifically, four (i.e., their trait and state anxiety). Trait anxiety is a
types of immediate responses have been established: general predisposition to respond across many situa-
cognitive (e.g., negative thoughts, maladaptive attri- tions with high levels of anxiety because of typically
butions, loss of focus, making negative decisions), appraising situations as threatening (i.e., individ-
affective (e.g., emotions such as anger and anxiety, uals rate how they generally feel). State anxiety is
becoming “moodier”), physiological (e.g., tension, more specific (i.e., rate how they feel “right now”);
increased heart rate, shaking), and behavioral (e.g., it varies from moment to moment and fluctuates
sharper tone of voice and agitated body language); proportionately to the perceived threat of a situa-
for a full review see Olusoga and Thelwell, 2016. tion (Spielberger, 1966). Individuals high in trait
Although some positive responses have been high- anxiety are expected to respond with elevated state
lighted (e.g., increased productivity, motivation, and anxiety. A common trait anxiety measure is the Sport
focus), most of the responses have been suggested Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2; Smith, Smoll, Cumming,
to have a negative influence on coaching style (e.g., & Grossbard, 2006). It has a somatic scale and two
become too directive), the quality of the coach’s cognitive scales (worry, concentration disruption).
work, and the relations with their athletes and their The revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2
subsequent performances. Indeed, as coaches’ ambi- (CSAI-2; Cox, Martens, & Russell, 2003) assesses the
tions often rest upon their ability to harness the full intensity of state cognitive and somatic anxiety symp-
potential from their athletes, they need to effectively toms as well as self-confidence. In addition, modified
manage the demands they encounter. CSAI-2 scales exist (e.g., Jones & Swain, 1992) that
add subscales to assess directional interpretation of
anxiety symptoms. More recently, a reconceptualized
Measurement of Stress- three-dimensional model of performance anxiety has
Related Symptoms been proposed comprising cognitive, physiological,
and regulatory dimensions, with preliminary support
Prior to practitioners providing any form of inter- across cultures provided for its associated Three-
vention, an accurate assessment of the experiences Factor Anxiety Inventory (see Cheng & Hardy, 2016;
of the stress process, and its consequences, should Cheng, Hardy, & Markland, 2009).
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  215

One note of caution regarding these psycho- of player behavior during training and competi-
metric scales is that their use in applied settings tion and form the basis of a postevent evaluation
is often intrusive due to their format, length, and interview.
time to complete (see Horvath & Röthlin, 2018; Data from measurement of physiological arousal,
Krane, 1994). Brief self-report measures are an such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension
alternative that allows examination of anxiety symp- (electromyography), and sweating (skin conduc­
toms experienced closer to and, in certain noncon- tance), would be helpful, and particularly so
tinuous sports, during competition. These include with repressors. If the equipment and monetary
scales such as the Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2; resources are available, brain wave data and the
Cox, Robb, & Russell, 1999), Mental Readiness measurement of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and
Form (MRF; Krane, 1994), and Immediate Anxiety corticosteroids (all released into the bloodstream
Measurement Scale (IAMS; Thomas, Hanton, & during stress) could be undertaken. One limita-
Jones, 2002). All adopt a brief and simple tion with physiological assessment of the stress
response format. For example, the MRF has three response is the notion of response stereotypy
1- to 11-point scales with anchors of “calm-worried,” (Lacey, 1967). Specifically, in the same stressful
“relaxed-tense,” and “confident-scared,” respec- situation, one athlete might display an increase in
tively, for assessment of “My thoughts are,” “My blood pressure, and another might show an ele-
body feels,” and “I am feeling.” vated heart rate. Consequently, an athlete’s most
Another consideration when using anxiety relevant physiological response to stressful encoun-
questionnaires is that not all individuals are will- ters needs to be identified to enable the most
ing to give open and honest responses. Particularly meaningful collection of information.
problematic are athletes with a repressive coping Following this comprehensive assessment of
style. Repressors represent individuals who “avoid the stress experiences of an athlete in and around
disturbing cognitions in an attempt to minimize dis- competition, and the subsequent behavioral/perfor-
tress and negative emotions . . . [and] typically deny mance outcomes that ensue, sport psychology con-
having elevated levels of anxiety even though their sultants collate and analyze the information. This
behavior and physiological symptoms suggest oth- information then underpins the selection of a rele-
erwise” (Williams & Krane, 1992, p. 136). Thus, a vant treatment framework for the athlete.
repressor would report low anxiety levels when they
are, in fact, quite high, making questionable any
determination of the anxiety–performance relation- Explaining the Relationship of Stress
ship and its intervention implications. to Performance
For all athletes, and particularly so for prob-
able repressors, sport psychology consultants Before recommending the implementation of ap­­
should seek a comprehensive range of assessment propriate stress management interventions, a final
strategies to fully diagnose stress experiences in consideration is to understand the various ap­­
addition to psychometric assessment. For exam- proaches in sport psychology research describing
ple, sport psychology consultants may ask athletes and explaining the effects of stress, and related
to record their stress-related symptoms in some constructs, upon performance and how these have
form of diary or logbook (this would not work influenced the development of intervention strat-
for repressors) and may observe and record the egies. These stress–performance explanations are
athlete’s behavior in vivo. Here, the use of digital grouped around three themes: early arousal-based
video technology and match analysis techniques approaches, contemporary anxiety theories, and
can facilitate objective observation and assessment mechanistic explanations
216 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

Early Arousal-Based Approaches tasks, gross motor skills, and strength and speed
In sport psychology, researchers initially referred tasks benefit from higher levels of arousal. For
to the arousal-based concepts of drive theory and example, the desirable mental and physical state
the inverted-U hypothesis to describe the stress or to demonstrate readiness to perform as a target
arousal–performance relationship (see Woodman & rifle shooter is very different from a weightlifter—
Hardy, 2001, for a review). According to drive the- composure, accuracy, and calmness are key factors
ory (Spence & Spence, 1966), increases in drive or within the fine muscular control event of target
arousal are associated with linear increases in per- shooting, whereas strength, power, and assertive-
formance, providing that the task is well learned— ness are key determinants of performance within
that is, the dominant response of the athlete is the the gross muscular activity of weightlifting. In
correct one. Drive theory is no longer used because terms of individual difference factors, athletes with
neither research nor anecdotal evidence supports higher skill levels, more experience in the compet-
its premise. itive setting, good stress-coping skills, lower trait
anxiety, or an extroverted personality can handle
Alternatively, the inverted-U hypothesis (Yerkes
higher arousal levels without performance defi-
& Dodson, 1908) describes the relationship between
cits, in contrast to those with the opposite profile
arousal and performance through an inverted-U
(Figure 12-2).
function. Increases in arousal from drowsiness
With the inverted-U approach, the challenge
to alertness result in progressive performance
is for the athlete to determine what level of arousal
gains up to an optimal level of arousal, beyond
(usually a range) typically leads to the best per-
which increases in arousal result in progressive
formance on a given task and to then try to con-
performance decrements (see Figure 12–1).
sistently reproduce this arousal state from one
The characteristics of the task and the per-
competition to the next—thus the need to know how
former determine the optimal level of arousal.
to raise or reduce levels of arousal accordingly (see
Tasks that are complex, that are high in decisional
Exercise 2). Although the inverted-U hypothesis
demands, or that require fine motor skills for pre-
provides some useful information for determining
cision and steadiness benefit from lower levels of
arousal level and interventions, it is too simplistic
arousal for optimal performance, whereas simple

Good Maximum Performance


Poor Poor Performance Poor Performance

Low Moderate High

(underaroused) (optimally aroused) (overaroused)
Emotional Arousal
Figure 12-1  The inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  217

Good High Skilled


Low Trait Anxiety

Low Skilled
High Trait Anxiety
Low Moderate High
Figure 12-2  The inverted-U relationship between Individual difference factors
and optimal levels of arousal

and has too many limitations (e.g., fails to consider optimal functioning (IZOF; Hanin, 2000) is a prac-
cognitive anxiety and its interaction with arousal) to tical tool for helping athletes establish the level
be used solely in explaining the stress–performance (i.e., intensity) of emotions experienced (e.g., pre-
relationship or for prescribing stress management performance anxiety, excitement, anger) within
strategies. which the best performance occurs (often referred
to as “being in the zone”). If, however, the inten-
sity of these emotions is outside of the “optimal”
Exercise 2: Estimating optimal arousal levels zone or range, performance will suffer. A further
for given tasks postulation of IZOF is that there is interindividual
and intraindividual variability in how athletes sub-
Select six to eight different sport skills (avoid global
jectively perceive their emotions in relation to their
activities such as basketball or tennis) and rank their
impact on performance (facilitative or debilitative).
optimal arousal level (use 1–5 scale with 1 = low)
Despite support for its practical significance, as it
by analyzing factors such as the number of muscle
allows athletes to develop a greater self-awareness
actions to execute and amount of coordination
of their psychological readiness to perform and con-
required, fine versus gross motor activity/skill,
sider how they may “get into the zone,” IZOF has
precision and steadiness versus strength and speed,
received criticism for its lack of explanation as to
and decision characteristics (number of, alternatives,
why different levels of emotions may be optimal or
speed to make).
detrimental to performance (Woodman & Hardy,
2001). See Chapter 9 for a more detailed discussion
of IZOF.
Contemporary Anxiety Theories
In an attempt to more accurately describe the stress Multidimensional anxiety theory. This theory
and performance relationship, sport psychology (MAT, Martens et al., 1990) makes distinctions
consultants have developed theories and models between competitive state cognitive and somatic
from investigations grounded within actual experi- anxiety on the premise that they have different
ences of competing in sport. antecedents and relationships to performance.
Somatic anxiety is predicted to display an inverted-U
Individual zones of optimal functioning. Building relationship, with performance and cognitive anx-
upon the zone of optimal functioning (ZOF) iety a negative linear relationship (i.e., as cogni-
hypothesis (Hanin, 1986; see Ruiz, Raglan, & tive anxiety increases, performance progressively
Hanin, 2015 for a review), the individual zone of deteriorates). Thus, like the IZOF approach, MAT
218 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

suggests that an appropriate level of somatic anx- somatic anxiety) on performance (see Figure 12-3).
iety can have positive performance effects, but Specifically, cognitive anxiety determines whether the
not so for cognitive anxiety, as these symptoms effect of physiological arousal on performance will be
should always be reduced. MAT also considers self- smooth and small, large and catastrophic, or some-
confidence and its relationship with performance. where in between the two extremes (Woodman &
Although self-confidence is not a component of Hardy, 2001).
competitive anxiety, it is proposed to exhibit a pos- In contrast to MAT, therefore, the catastrophe
itive linear association with performance (i.e., par- model suggests that elevations in cognitive anxi-
allel increases in self-confidence and performance ety can have positive performance consequences
occur). MAT has received only partial support in dependent upon the levels of physiological arousal.
the sport psychology literature, potentially due For example, when cognitive anxiety levels are low,
to the fact that it does not consider the beneficial variations in physiological arousal will lead to small
effects of cognitive anxiety on performance and, performance effects characterized by an inverted-U
according to Woodman and Hardy (2001), because type relationship. Under high cognitive anxiety con-
it fails to consider the interactive effects of the com- ditions, increasing physiological arousal will, up to
petitive anxiety subcomponents upon performance. a threshold, lead to positive effects on performance.
However, continued increases in physiological
Cusp catastrophe model. To overcome some of the arousal beyond this threshold are proposed to result
existing limitations with MAT, the cusp catastro- in a “catastrophic” drop in performance.
phe model of anxiety and performance (Hardy, While support for the initial cusp catastrophe
1990) describes the interactive effects of cognitive model has been mixed, subsequent adaptations to
anxiety and physiological arousal (as opposed to include additional factors on the anxiety–performance





Figure 12-3  Cusp catastrophe model of anxiety and performance

(Hardy, 1990), describing the interactive effects
of cognitive anxiety and physiological arousal on
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  219

relationship have proved more fruitful. Hardy and col- the task. For example, many athletes suggest being
leagues (1990; Hardy & Parfitt, 1991) have proposed “nervous” means the race or match is important
five-dimensional, higher-order butterfly catastrophe and leads them to focus intently and try harder with
models that include additional factors such as self- regard to subsequent preparation for/execution of
confidence and the difficulty of the task demands (see performance.
also Hardy, Beattie, & Woodman, 2007). For example,
increased self-confidence allows athletes to tolerate Attentional control theory. An extension to PET is
higher levels of physiological arousal when mentally that of attentional control theory (ACT, Eysenck,
anxious before suffering a decrement in performance Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007), which explains
(Hardy, Woodman, & Carrington, 2004). The implica- how anxiety affects attention and performance.
tions for practitioners from the higher-order butterfly Specifically, anxiety impairs the efficiency of
catastrophe model highlight the importance of having attention because it causes a shift in attention to
suitable strategies and skills that can enhance or main- threat-related stimuli rather than toward task- and
tain (protect) levels of self-confidence to enable suc- goal-relevant information, thereby negatively affect-
cessful stress management. ing performance. The inability to exercise atten-
tional control may, however, be compensated for by
inhibition and shifting functions that stop the effect
Mechanistic Explanations of the threat-related stimuli and shift attentional
Although the cusp catastrophe model gives a clear resources to task demands. Therefore, while anxi-
explanation for the relationship between stress and ety influences efficiency (the relationship between
performance, it provides insight only into what effective task performance and the use of atten-
may occur. In reality, the model and the theories tional resources), it does not influence effectiveness
discussed so far do not fully explain the mecha- (outcome in terms of performance accuracy).
nisms by which stress and its associated response— Support for both PET and ACT has been
competitive anxiety—influence performance. A established in sport (e.g., for a review see Wilson,
number of approaches are discussed here that 2008), with both theories assuming there is a fun-
attempt to explain the stress and performance damental distinction between performance effec-
relationship and the implications for sport psychol- tiveness (quality of performance) and processing
ogy practice. efficiency (the relationship between performance
effectiveness and use of processing resources) and
Processing efficiency theory. The first of these that anxiety impairs processing efficiency more
approaches, Eysenck and Calvo’s (1992) processing than performance effectiveness. The implication
efficiency theory (PET), has been used by Hardy for sport psychology consultants here is that the
and associates to explain the debilitating and facil- experience of high levels of cognitive anxiety are not
itating effects of cognitive anxiety on performance inherently negative and that it can serve to motivate
described by catastrophe models. PET suggests athletes to increase effort to prevent their anxiety
that when a person is anxious, a proportion of their from impairing performance, but at the expense of
attentional capacity for the task is filled by task- using a greater amount of their available concentra-
irrelevant cognitive worry, effectively reducing their tion (attentional) resources.
working memory capacity, impairing cognitive pro-
cessing efficiency, and, potentially, performance. It Conscious processing hypothesis. A final theory of
is also worth noting that cognitive anxiety or worry attentional processes is the conscious processing
may also signal the importance of the task to the hypothesis (CPH; Masters, 1992). CPH attempts to
individual and lead to an increased investment in explain the mechanisms underlying anxiety-induced
220 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

performance decrements. Here, a high-anxious per- Implications for Stress

former starts to use excessive thinking (reinvest-
Management Interventions
ment), which leads to the execution of skills with
an inward attention that in turn can lead to a fail- As discussed in the preceding sections, many dif-
ure to execute the skill successfully (Weiss, 2011), ferent theories/models have been forwarded in an
a process that is commonly referred to as “paralysis attempt to describe or explain the effect of the typ-
by analysis.” That is, skills that are normally under- ical symptoms associated with stress (i.e., competi-
taken with little or no thought become disrupted tive anxiety and arousal) upon performance. These
due to the skilled athlete trying to “consciously” explanations have resulted in interventions typically
control the movement. In doing so, the athlete is being grouped into one of three approaches adopted
adopting a mode of control based on explicit or by sport psychology consultants. The first perspec-
declarative knowledge (i.e., factual knowledge) that tive is that when elevated arousal and competitive
is associated with early stages of learning of a skill anxiety have a detrimental effect on performance, a
(Gucciardi & Dimmock, 2008). The implication for reduction approach is required to reduce the symp-
sports psychology consultants is that attempts to toms associated with stress. The second perspective
solely focus on encouraging athletes to exert con- is based on the principle that high levels of anxi-
scious control over previously automated skills will ety and arousal associated with a stress experience
cause performance impairments whereby anxiety need not be detrimental, but may be interpreted in
may induce regression from implicit/automatic con- a positive way that actually benefits performance.
trol to explicit/verbal control. Under these conditions, anxiety is viewed as a signal
The attentional-based mechanistic explana- that indicates the presence of a threat and stimu-
tions for the anxiety–performance relationship are lates action, including heightened attention, plan-
most closely related to the concept of “choking” in ning, motivation, and effort toward managing the
sport. Indeed, choking is a term frequently cited in demands experienced (i.e., the coping processes).
the media to label unexpected or sudden failures in This notion is fundamental to the restructuring
athletic performance due to anxiety when perform- approach to stress management in which athletes
ing under high-pressure situations. Choking is char- are taught to restructure interpretations of symp-
acterized by high arousal and anxiety symptoms and toms from a negative to a positive viewpoint (i.e.,
the feeling that the harder one tries, the worse one’s debilitative to facilitative). The third perspective
performance. describes circumstances whereby athletes possess
Generally, researchers agree that choking is an insufficient activation state in relation to their
the product of misguided attention control com- sporting task or activity (i.e., underarousal). Here,
bined with elevated arousal and anxiety, caused sport psychology consultants take an energizing
by concern with excessive self-consciousness and approach—that is, they try to enhance performance
the mechanics of skill execution. The likelihood of by using interventions that increase arousal.
an athlete experiencing choking in sport has been The preceding approaches fall under an
suggested to be moderated by a number of inter- “emotion-focused” coping umbrella; that is, they
personal and environmental factors (e.g., skill type, reflect introducing coping efforts that regulate the
perfectionism, fear of negative evaluation, team emotional and associated responses (e.g., anxiety
cohesion, coping approach, and self-presentation; and arousal) that emanate from the problem
cf. Hill, Carvell, Matthews, Weston, & Thelwell, causing the stress (i.e., the stressors). Although
2017). Chapter 15 presents a detailed consider- used less often, a fourth effective approach for
ation of choking and specific choking prevention managing stress is that of prevention; it falls under
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  221

a problem-focused coping umbrella, which entails with other people, and feeling understood and cared
trying to prevent or manage the stressful demands for. Social support provides individuals with tangi-
(stressors) the individual experiences. Teaching ble assistance, information, and emotional support.
athletes and coaches a range of both emotion- and Tangible and informational support offer specific
problem-focused strategies would best prepare information and direction to an athlete to thrive in
them to cope with stress and subsequently produce a competitive setting, while caring and emotional
effective behavior and performance. The remainder support provides a valuable sense of being under-
of the chapter presents interventions that fall under stood and appreciated. In sport, this may take the
the four approaches (preventative, reduction, form of athletes asking a coach, support staff or
restructuring, energizing) for stress management management personnel, fellow athlete, friends, or
skills and strategies. family for advice with regard to how to manage the
competition stress they are experiencing. Athletes
can be encouraged to engage in social support activ-
Stress Management Skills and Strategies: ities (sharing problems) with others and generally
Preventative Approaches seek to build up their support networks. For exam-
Problem-focused or preventative strategies to manage ple, a young professional soccer player struggling to
competition stress involve efforts that deal with the perform in their first season may be encouraged to
stressor causing the stress symptoms as a way to bring seek an “elder” on the team who can empathize and
relief. Problem-focused strategies aim to remove, or share personal experiences of the challenges faced
more likely reduce, the stressor. If effective, they pro- in being a rookie athlete. While everyone needs
vide a long-term solution to stress management for social support, athletes in individual sports in par-
that particular issue (stressor). They work, however, ticular may lack the large social support resources
only when the athlete is able to exert some control typically found in team sports. This may leave them
over eradicating the stressor. When not possible, vulnerable to stress when the pressure mounts,
emotion-focused coping strategies are more appropri- meaning it is especially important to ensure they
ate treatments. Some examples of problem-focused have suitable support networks.
strategies appropriate for sport include advice seek-
ing, information gathering, planning, problem solv- Information gathering. Here athletes actively seek
ing, and proactive behavior. In addition, see Randall, information regarding a stressor they are faced with
Nielsen, and Houdmont (2019) for a discussion of in order to empower themselves with the knowledge
what sport psychology consultants can learn from to determine how best to cope. In sport, a common
organizational psychology regarding how to design competition stressor is concerns around one’s oppo-
and implement effective interventions to reduce sition or opponent. Problem-focused information
stressors that occur outside of competition but still gathering in this respect would involve athletes
affect the stress levels and performance of athletes. undertaking an analysis of their future or past oppo-
sition. By gathering information and familiarizing
Advice seeking. This is a process of seeking support himself with an opponent’s tactics and strategies,
from an individual, group of individuals, or organi- the athlete becomes more informed, more in control
zation in an attempt to cope with a stressor. Social of his performance, and able to perceive (appraise)
support helps to provide relief from stress, increase the opposition as less of a threat than before
perception of control over events, and reduce sus- the information was available. Similar problem-
ceptibility to illness (Sheridan, Coffee, & Lavallee, focused approaches can be adopted to deal with
2014). Having good social support means being other competition and organization stressors, such
involved in social relationships, feeling connected as practicing at a novel or difficult venue in advance
222 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

of competition or holding pre-competition training should specify what the athlete should do the day
camps to familiarize athletes and teams with their before the event, when preparing to leave for the
new environment. competition, upon arrival at the competition site,
during the warm-up and the countdown to perform-
Planning. Planning is the process of thinking ing, and during the event itself.
about the activities required to achieve a desired It is important to make the plan specific to
goal on some scale. Depending upon the activities, the athlete in question, using the time scales or sig-
a plan can be long, intermediate, or short range. nificant moments/critical incidents that they see
Planning is synonymous with goal-setting and helps as meaningful in achieving optimal preparation in
facilitate goal achievement and growth both in per- their lead-up to competition. Further sensitivity
sonal and performance terms. In sport a common to the athlete’s idiosyncrasies can be developed
example of planning to prevent or manage stress is by considering the relevant or desired cognitions
a pre-competition plan. Pre-competition plans are (thoughts), emotions (feelings), and behaviors (per-
essentially global competition preparation strate- formances) experienced across these significant
gies. They typically are composed of a sequence of moments. Once constructed, pre-competition plans
process-oriented goals (Hardy et al., 1996) that pro- can be tested, revised, and modified as desired.
vide a simple way to help focus on priority sources Visual reminders can be kept as hard copies (in kit
of information and key aspects of performance and bags or on changing room/accommodation walls
in this case preparation for performance—whether or lockers) or in electronic format (mobile devices,
technical or emotional. To develop a competition tablets) to provide forms of reinforcement.
plan, athletes should first perform a retrospective
analysis of what they did and what they felt prior Problem solving. Problem solving refers to the
to their best and worst performances. The athlete athlete sitting down to think about possible solu-
is then helped to use these profiles to construct a tions to a problem with which they are confronted
pre-competition plan (see Figure 12-4). The plan (i.e., experiencing competition stress). Consider

Night Before Competition Day Travel & Arrival Pre-Race On The Track
At Venue Warm-Up

24 Hr To Start 3 Hr To Start 2 Hr To Start 45 Min To Start 10 Min To Start

Doing Watch TV Pack Keep Busy Listen to IPod Race Drills Quiet 5 minutes
Kit Bag Stretch & Watch TV Get Used to the Personal Breathing Routine
Nutrition Facilities Warm-Up
Walk Around

Thinking Relax Keep Mind Begin Thinking Getting Feet Visualize/Think

Occupied with Through Each on Track About My Race
Nonathletics Part of My Race Getting Sharp Think Positive
Things (Start/Middle/End)

Feeling Relaxed Calm Confident Sharp Big & Confident & Big

Figure 12-4  Example of a pre-competition plan for a track and field athlete
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  223

an athlete who has become anxious about his or stressors. Proactive behaviors comprise the build-
her ability to sink free throws during the crucial ing up of a reserve of personal coping resources,
moments of the game. A problem-solving strategy recognizing potential stressors, initially appraising
would be to think about a course of action to cope the stressors, and preliminary coping efforts seek-
with the potential stressor, such as working out ing and using feedback about the success of one’s
a new practice regimen or speaking to the coach efforts. Athletes who are proactive take responsibil-
or sport psychology consultant about a technical ity for their training and performance rather than
element of their pre-shot routine. Problem solv- looking for causes in other circumstances or people.
ing would not be the act of going to the coach They seek to develop all areas of their performance
or engaging in the practice itself, but rather the through learning new skills and knowledge in rela-
thought process involved in arriving at a solution tion to their physical (new strength and condition-
to the problem. To facilitate problem solving, ath- ing regimens), technical, tactical (keeping up to date
letes can be encouraged to with new styles of play, rules, or law changes), emo-
tional (seeking new social support networks), and
• Identify the problem—an athlete cannot manage holistic resources (managing nonsport demands).
their stress unless they know what’s causing it.
Proactivity is distinct from action taking, in that the
• Break the problem down into specific parts— latter refers to taking actions in the present to cope
describe all elements. Who and what are with a problem, whereas proactive behavior refers to
involved? Where and when does it happen? taking actions to prevent future negative outcomes.
How do they react?
• List all the possible solutions, decide what Stress Management Skills and Strategies:
they want out of the situation, and think Reduction Approaches
about ways to solve the problem. Ask these
Interventions that seek to reduce physiological
questions: Can they change the stressful situa-
arousal and the intensity of competition anxiety
tion? Can they avoid it? Can they change how
symptoms can be classified broadly into muscle-
they respond?
to-mind and mind-to-muscle approaches. Muscle-to-
• Explore the consequences of each solution— mind techniques focus on the bodily aspects and
look at the pros and cons for each option. How include breathing exercises and progressive relax-
does it make them feel? What affect will it have ation (PR). Mind-to-muscle strategies focus on
on the other people involved? What are the efferent nerve control, or the stimulation from the
short-term and long-term consequences? Do the brain to the muscles, and include meditation, visual-
benefits outweigh the costs? Choose the solu- ization, and autogenic training. Reviews of research
tion that promises the best outcome. findings clearly indicate the effectiveness of these
• Set the course—write down the plan and discuss/ relaxation techniques in enhancing sport perfor-
revise it with a trusted coach, support staff mem- mance (see the meta-analysis by Meyers, Whelan, &
ber, or fellow team member. Murphy, 1996).
Overall, treatments attempt to target or match
• Go for it and take some time to reflect in detail the dominant anxiety symptoms experienced in
on what helped and what didn’t. stressful situations (Davidson & Schwartz, 1976),
as greater reduction in muscular problems follows
Proactive behavior. This is the engagement of muscular interventions, and symptoms that pri-
forms of coping in advance to prevent or mute marily involve cognitive processes tend to respond
the influence of events that are potential future particularly well to cognitive therapies or mind-
224 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

to-muscle strategies. When anxiety problems man- Coaches and teachers often shout “relax” to an
ifest themselves equally cognitively and somatically, athlete or learner whose performance is suffering
the most effective intervention integrates physical because of being too tense—for example, a beginning
and cognitive techniques. Fortunately, interventions swimmer going into the deep end for the first time
for one aspect of anxiety often affect the other—that or a skilled athlete becoming frustrated because per-
is, reducing somatic symptoms can have a similar formance is not up to expectations. Although the
reducing effect on cognitive symptoms, just as inter- instruction to relax is certainly appropriate, often
ventions aimed at reducing cognitive symptoms can these performers are clueless as to how to relax, par-
have a corollary effect on somatic symptoms. Also ticularly when in an uptight state. To learn to avoid
note that reduction techniques are less likely to be too much tension, athletes need to be taught to rec-
needed when the activation demands for a given sport ognize unwanted tension and to relax or release it.
skill are high, as discussed earlier, compared to when The tension sensation comes from the contraction
activation demands are low. In fact, using them may of skeletal muscle fibers. Relaxation comes from no
have a detrimental effect on performance if it lowers more than stopping the contraction, thus releasing
activation below the levels appropriate for the opti- the tension from the contracted muscle. Total relax-
mal execution of the task and for the given individual. ation means letting go and doing absolutely nothing
Normally, techniques such as thought stopping, with the muscles so that no messages are traveling
positive thought control, and cognitive restructuring either to or from the brain.
would also be presented as alternative techniques Why would an athlete want to be completely
for reducing cognitive symptoms, and these tech- relaxed, that is, to experience what zero-activation
niques are covered in Chapter 14. The relaxation level feels like? The answer is that in learning to
skills in this chapter are described as a series of log- train the muscles to relax totally, athletes develop a
ical and progressive steps. To help athletes acquire much greater sensitivity to their bodily feelings and
the skills in question, sport psychology consultants responses and what causes their reactions. This
regularly adopt a common learning framework that awareness increases their sensitivity to tension levels
follows these phases: and their ability to regulate different levels of tension
to match the demands of the performance situation.
• The athlete learns the skill fundamentals in a In addition, once trained in deep relaxation, ath-
comfortable position while in a quiet, warm,
letes can use this skill to remove localized tension
stress-free environment, working closely with
that contributes to headaches or lower back pain or
the practitioner.
pain surrounding injuries. Complete relaxation can
• Increasing independence from the practitioner, facilitate recovery from fatigue, and it can also pro-
the athlete becomes more self-directed and mote the onset of sleep and reduce other insomnia
begins to apply the skill in nonthreatening problems that plague many athletes prior to compe-
situations. tition. If sleeping is a problem, we recommend doing
any of the relaxation exercises when you are trying
• The athlete is instructed to use and test the to fall asleep. The progressive relaxation exercise in
efficacy of the skill in a nonsporting stressful
Appendix A is an excellent one for learning total
relaxation, but meditation, visualization, and auto-
• The final stage of learning and acquiring the genic training also work for some athletes.
skill involves the athlete being able to apply the Finally, the ability to relax completely provides
skills across a range of increasingly demanding the foundation for learning the skill of momentary
sporting situations: practice, warm-up, and com- relaxation, which can be done quickly and does
petitive events. not achieve as deep a relaxation state as complete
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  225

relaxation. Examples of momentary exercises are of these adjustments create even more tension and
the briefer ones, such as those found in the breath- impairment of performance.
ing section and the quick muscle relaxation exer-
cises. Momentary relaxation skills are extremely
important for athletes because they can be used to Exercise 3: Increasing awareness of
reduce overactivation at any point during practices ineffective breathing
and competition. When the nerves are carrying
worry messages instead of the stimuli for smooth, Raise your shoulders way up and notice what
coordinated, integrated efforts, performance suf- happens to your breathing. This posture forces your
fers. Momentary relaxation lowers arousal and, breathing to move into just the upper chest and to
particularly important, removes excessive muscu- become rapid and shallow.
lar tension and, hopefully, worry and anxiety stim-
uli. The momentary respite also allows the athlete
to return to a point of controlled balance. Every Learning to take a deep, slow, complete breaths
aspect of performance is enhanced: coordination, from the belly will usually trigger a relaxation
attentional focus, awareness, confidence, precision, response. This response is the basis for a variety of
speed, and so on. breathing exercises (see Mason, 1980, for further
Momentary relaxation can be used just before details from which the exercises in Figure 12-5 are
and during warm-up. In fact, stretching in prepa- adapted), but first, learning to breath properly is
ration for competition is a good time to utilize the essential.
strategies of momentary relaxation and to focus on Breathing properly comes from the dia-
the upcoming performance. The more uptight the phragm, the thin muscle separating the lung and
athlete is prior to performance, the longer the ses- abdominal cavities. With a complete breath, the
sion of momentary relaxation should be. After the diaphragm pulls down, causing the belly to expand
competition, this type of relaxation can be used to and a vacuum to occur in the lungs, filling the
return to a controlled, balanced state that enables lungs up from the bottom. To facilitate learning
focusing on other aspects of the athlete’s life. During what this feels like, individuals should forcefully
the competition, depending on the specific sport, empty all the air from their lungs and notice what
brief periods or lapses in play allow for momentary happens on the next inhalation. When practicing a
relaxation as needed, but athletes must first learn to complete breath, individuals should imagine that
become aware of excessive tension. Doing a quick their lungs are divided into three levels and that
momentary relaxation exercise can also facilitate inhalation occurs in three steps. First, they fill the
concentration and imagery practice because it elimi- lower section of the lungs with air by relaxing the
nates or reduces thoughts and stimulation that inter- belly and letting it gently swell out as they deeply
fere with the needed single-minded focus. inhale from the diaphragm. Next, they fill the mid-
dle portion of the lungs by expanding the chest cav-
Breathing exercises. Breathing properly is relaxing ity and raising the rib cage. Finally, they bring the
and facilitates performance by, for example, increas- breath (air) all the way to the top of the lungs by
ing the amount of oxygen in the blood and carrying raising the collarbones and widening the shoulder
more energy to the muscles. Those who experience blades. All three stages progress continuously and
stress during a high-pressure performance situation smoothly. Once comfortable with this sequential
find their breathing is usually affected in one of inhalation, they should emphasize taking a long,
two ways—they either hold their breath or breathe slow, deep inhalation through the nose, inhaling as
rapidly and shallowly from the upper chest. Both much air as possible.
226 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

Exercise Description

Sighing with Exhalation Exhale completely through the mouth, making an audible sigh. Then close the mouth
and inhale quietly through the nose to a count of 4. Then hold breath for a count of 7,
feeling the tension building in the throat and chest. Exhale audibly through the
mouth to the count of 8, letting go of the tension in the rib cage. Repeat the cycle
until the desired level of relaxation is achieved.

Rhythmic Breathing Inhale to a count of 4, hold breath for a count of 4, exhale to a count of 4, and pause
for a count of 4 before repeating the sequence. The rhythm of breathing can be
altered by changing the count.

1:2 Ratio Breathe to a count of 4 on the inhalation and a count of 8 on the exhalation. If out
of breath before reaching 8, next time take a deeper breath during inhalation and
exhale more slowly. Emphasize awareness of a full inhalation and exhalation. With
more practice and deepened relaxation, the count may need to be changed to a
5:10 or 6:12 ratio.

5-to-1 Count Say and visualize the number 5 while taking a deep, full, slow breath. Exhale fully
and completely. Mentally count and visualize the number 4 with the next inhalation.
During the exhalation, say, “I am more relaxed now than I was at number 5.” Do
not rush the thought. Inhale while mentally counting and visualizing the number 3.
With the exhalation, say, “I am more relaxed now than I was at number 4.” Allow the
feeling of deepening relaxation. Continue until reaching number 1. At approaching
number 1, you should feel totally calm and relaxed. The complete exercise takes
one to two minutes. If done properly, it should lead to more relaxation than
practicing a single complete breath. This exercise can be used before or during
practices and competition, depending on how much time is available and how
much relaxation is needed.

Concentration Breathing This is a good exercise to practice when having problems with distracting thoughts.
Concentrate on focusing attention on breathing rhythm. If the mind wanders to
some other thought between inhaling and exhaling, redirect attention back to
the next breath, letting the intruding thought disappear. The next step is to think
of becoming more relaxed with each exhalation while continuing to focus on the
rhythm of breathing.

Figure 12-5  Breathing exercises for reduction of tension from pressure situations

During the exhalation, the emphasis is on can feel this quietness, they are learning how to
feeling as if the air drains out of the bottom of the relax. Whenever athletes or coaches get too tense,
lungs. First empty the top of the lungs, then the rib they should try to re-create this moment of peace
cage area, and finally the lower part of the lungs. To and calm by momentarily practicing this exercise.
force out the last bit of air from the lungs, pull the
belly in even farther. The exhalation should be long,
Exercise 4: Confirming diaphragmatic
slow, and complete and result in all tension leaving
the body as the air is fully exhaled. Individuals are
directed to focus on feeling the stillness and calm Put one hand on your abdomen and the other on your
at the moment directly after fully exhaling, as this upper chest. If you are taking a deep, complete breath
is the quietest or calmest time of the breath. If they from the diaphragm, the hand on your abdomen will
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  227

move out with the inhalation and in with the exhalation, sessions will achieve a state of complete relaxation,
while the hand on the chest remains relatively still. and variations can occur, both for achieving complete
and momentary relaxation. See Figure 12-6 for shorter
and alternative variations of this technique.
After learning the procedure, athletes should
Meditation. Regular meditation helps one
take at least 30 to 40 deep breaths each day or substi-
achieve a state of deep relaxation and facilitates
tute their favorite breathing exercise in Figure 12-5.
concentration by disciplining the mind. Four
Associating deep breathing with events that naturally
basic components are common to most forms of
occur during the day, such as texting, downloading
meditation: a quiet environment, a comfortable
e-mail, or waiting for class to begin, will facilitate
position, a mental device, and a passive attitude. A
practice and provide the benefit of regularly releas-
mental device, such as a mantra (i.e., meaningless,
ing unhealthy tension. The basic technique behind
rhythmic sound of one or two syllables) or fixed
breathing correctly is essential to be able to effec-
gazing at an object, quiets the mind by providing a
tively engage in the range of adapted breathing exer-
nonarousing and nonstimulating focus of attention.
cises provided in Figure 12-5.
It is critical that athletes do not worry about how
Progressive relaxation. Initially developed by well they are performing the technique or “try hard,”
Jacobson (1930) under the assumption that an anx- because this disrupts effective meditation. Emphasize
ious mind cannot exist within a relaxed body, PR a “let it happen” attitude; this passive attitude is
consists of a series of exercises that involve contract- perhaps the most important element in learning to
ing a specific muscle group, holding the contraction meditate. If distracting thoughts or mind wandering
for five to seven seconds, and then relaxing. The occur, the athlete should redirect attention to the
exercises progress from one muscle group to another. mental device, focusing on this cue and letting all
The contraction phase teaches awareness and sensi- other thoughts move on through consciousness with a
tivity to what muscular tension feels like. The letting passive attitude, making no attempt to attend to them.
go, or relaxation phase, teaches an awareness of what The relaxation response developed by Herbert
absence of tension feels like and that it can volun- Benson (1975) is a generalized version of Eastern
tarily be induced by passively releasing the tension in transcendental meditation but without reference to
a muscle. Thus, in the learning process, the athlete mysticism and unusual postures. For a mental device,
simply identifies a localized state of tension, relaxes it athletes use a word such as calm or a word/sound of
away, and then contrasts the tension sensations with their choosing and adopt the following instructions:
the ensuing relaxation that comes from the elimina- 1. Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place
tion of tension. By practicing this internal sensory and close the eyes.
observation, the athlete can become quite proficient
2. Deeply relax all muscles, beginning at the top
at recognizing unwanted tension sensations wherever
of the head and progressing to the feet (feet to
they may occur and can then easily release the ten-
head if preferred) and keep them relaxed.
sion rapidly in practically any stressful situation.
Initial practice requires 25 to 30 minutes and 3. Concentrate on breathing whilst breathing eas-
should be done daily. The coach or sport psychology ily and naturally through the nose. With each
consultant should take athletes through the initial ses- breath out, say the word calm or some other
sion, then provide a handout or audio track contain- mantra or nonsense sound silently to oneself.
ing instructions for progressing through the muscle 4. When finished, sit quietly for several minutes,
groups (see Appendix A for a PR script and guidance initially with eyes closed and then open. Do
for using it). Once the skill is acquired, shorter practice not stand for a few minutes.
228 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

Exercise Description

Differential PR.  Use Appendix A muscle sequence or devise your own. Generate half as much ten-
sion and relax and then just enough tension to identify and let it go. Create tension
only in the muscle group being contracted and only at the predetermined level of
intensity. Practicing this helps individuals better accomplish the differential relaxation
required during practice and competition, as well as throughout the day, because
of the increase in sensitivity to the slightest unwanted tension in different muscle
groups and increase in confidence in the ability to control the level of tension.

Abbreviated active PR. Once skilled at PR, use a shorter procedure to achieve deep muscle relaxation by
combining some of the muscle groups. Tense each group for 5 to 10 seconds and
then relax for 30 to 40 seconds. For example, “Make a tight fist with both hands,
tighten the biceps and forearms, hold. . . and relax. . . .”, and repeat for different sec-
tions of the body.

Passive PR. Having learned active, deep muscle relaxation, try relaxing the muscles without first
tensing them by merely letting go of whatever level of muscular tension is in the
muscle group. Slowly progress from one part of the body to another, relaxing each
body part more deeply by letting go of any remaining tension. The same sequence
of complete or abbreviated body parts can be used for passive PR as for active PR.
Many people find this passive form of relaxation more effective and pleasant than
the active form.

Momentary muscle Best used during performance, such as just before serving, shooting a free throw,
relaxation. batting, or even while running, particularly middle or long distances; also during
daily life whenever you get uptight. Quick body scan: Scan from head to toe
(or toe to head), stop only at muscle groups where the tension level is too high,
release that tension, and continue the scan. Neck and shoulder check: It is com-
mon to carry excessive tension in the neck and shoulders, so scan these muscles
periodically for any undue signs of tension and, if you feel it, tense and relax or
release it passively. Releasing this excessive tension tends to spread relaxation to
the rest of the body; it may also have a calming effect on the mind. Sport muscle
check: Substitute whatever muscle group is most appropriate for the sport skill.
For example, batters could squeeze their bat and golfers their club followed by
relaxing to the appropriate level.

Figure 12-6  Alternative progressive muscular relaxation strategies

The athlete does the preceding for 5 minutes lying on a beach feeling the warm sand and sun on
and, with practice, builds to 15 to 20 minutes, trying the body while listening to the continuous rhythm
to remain passive by letting the relaxation happen and of breaking waves and smelling the salt air. Other
not worrying about the time or whether the strategy images might be sitting in the midst of a beautiful
is working. Practice one to two times daily, but not mountain scene or lying in a grassy valley by a gen-
within one hour after a meal because the digestive tle, gurgling stream. Whatever image provides the
processes can interfere with the relaxation response. athlete with a sense of calm and relaxation is the
one he or she should use.
Visualization. Visualizing being in a place condu-
cive to relaxation is another technique for eliciting Autogenic training with visualization. Autogenic
relaxation. For example, an athlete might visualize training consists of a series of exercises designed
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  229

to produce two physical sensations typically asso- the intervention to the prominent anxiety response,
ciated with relaxation: warmth and heaviness interventions should be designed to treat both cog-
(see Linden, 1993). Essentially a technique of nitive and somatic anxiety simultaneously because
autohypnosis or self-hypnosis, it focuses attention of their shared overlap, so any attempt to reduce
on the sensations one is trying to produce. As in one of the anxiety components is likely to “cross
meditation, it is important to let the feeling hap- over” and influence the other.
pen passively. There are six stages in the train-
ing, and the athlete must learn each stage before Stress inoculation training. This approach com-
progressing to the next stage (see Appendix B bines the skills of imagery, self-talk, and relaxation
for a full description). The progression can be to develop a coping skills program. Imagery is
modified to suit athletes’ learning rates as well as initially used to rehearse exposure to increasingly
the training program and length of season of the “stair-step” stressful encounters and is then paired
sport. Once athletes have mastered the six stages with relaxation at each step to induce a relaxed
of autogenic training, they may be ready to com- state while maintaining the image before progress-
bine autogenic exercises with visualization. The ing to imaging a slightly more stressful situation.
progression goes from first doing the autogenic The athlete is then exposed to challenging but
exercise to then visualizing the desired feeling or manageable stressful environments where these
objective. For example, athletes might build con- coping skills are tested in real life. The intensity
fidence by imaging some peak or clutch perfor- of the demands is steadily increased so that cop-
mance when everything went just right, or they ing skills are built up to effectively deal with the
might program success by imaging the proper most stressful situation the athlete may encounter,
execution and outcome of a skill or strategy for an thereby “inoculating” the athlete to the effects of
upcoming competition. The visualization applica- the stressors.
tions are without limit, but the athlete must first
have skill at imagery (see Chapter 13). It typically Stress management training. This approach adheres
takes several months of 10 to 40 minutes of daily to similar underlying principles of stress inocula-
practice to become proficient at experiencing tion training; however, the distinguishing factor is
heaviness and warmth in the limbs, the sensation the focus on coping with emotional and affective
of a relaxed and calm heartbeat and respiratory responses to the stressor(s):
rate, warmth in the abdomen, and coolness in the
forehead. 1. Imagery rehearsal: athlete is asked to focus on
Despite the time required to become proficient emotional and affective responses to demand(s)
being visualized.
in autogenic training, many athletes find it a satis-
factory means of training for relaxation and imag- 2. Rehearsal phase: practitioner encourages
ery. The approach is particularly appealing to those strong and intense emotional response through
athletes who respond to autosuggestion. use of verbal propositions.
3. Athlete is instructed to “turn off” intense emo-
Multimodal stress management techniques. Other,
tional and affective response by implementing
more complex multimodal frameworks have been
coping responses in the form of relaxation and
proposed and successfully tested to reduce anxi-
self-instruction skills.
ety symptoms, including stress inoculation train-
ing (Meichenbaum, 1985) and stress management 4. Skills are transferred from imagined rehearsal
training (Smith & Rohsenow, 1987). The rationale scenarios to real-life settings of a steadily
behind these approaches is that rather than “match” increasing stressful nature.
230 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

Stress Management Skills and Strategies: thereby creating beliefs that lead to functional con-
Restructuring Approaches sequences for performance.
Traditionally, three progressive stages are used
The distinction between restructuring interventions
that focus on identifying, disputing, and then replac-
and those that solely seek to reduce arousal and anx-
ing negative interpretations of anxiety symptoms:
iety is the presence of an appraisal process whereby
First, athletes’ record/describe the negative mental
athletes (or coaches) gain control over their anxiety
and physical anxiety symptoms they experience;
by restructuring, that is, interpreting their anxiety
then they identify the symptoms are indeed irra-
symptoms (both mental and physical) as beneficial
tional and will have a negative impact upon prepa-
(or positive) for optimal performance. The restruc-
ration and performance. This is achieved through
turing approach advocates combining various tech-
guided questioning in relation to the symptoms
niques (see next) into an integrated framework.
experienced: “Is my appraisal based on fact?” “Does
my appraisal help me achieve my sporting goals?,”
Re-creating symptoms. Athletes first use imag- and “Does my appraisal help me to feel positive
ery to re-create symptoms associated with anxious about my upcoming sport performance?” If athletes
thoughts and feelings related to competition. For answer “no” to these questions, they are asked to
example, the athlete is asked to identify stressful challenge this initial appraisal and provide examples
situations where the images have been experienced of how these interpretations can be disputed. Here,
and then recall experiences of these symptoms, pos- practitioners educate the athlete to dispute this irra-
sibly with the aid of video footage or a diary/compe- tional appraisal and replace it with a rationalized
tition log (imagery scripts and audio tracks can also or restructured thought process, thereby creating
be used to aid with the creation of symptoms). The a positive anxiety interpretation for performance.
athlete is encouraged to include as much informa- Continuing the example, athletes would be educated
tion as possible in order to re-create a vivid image. to change the appraisal of their symptoms by ques-
The information gleaned is then used to create a tioning whether the symptoms reported are always
series of images depicting the symptoms associated detrimental to performance. Athletes would be
with the stressful situations. asked to replace these thoughts with ones suggest-
ing that the worries experienced highlight the per-
Rationalizing and restructuring symptoms. Once sonal importance of the event and create increased
athletes can re-create anxious thoughts and feel- effort and a more focused and concentrated state.
ings, they are taught to rationalize and restructure Finally, athletes are educated to consider that
symptoms via the use of self-talk and rational-emo- the physical symptoms experienced actually indi-
tive behavioral therapy (REBT). These skills are cate a level of physical preparedness for the task
based on the notion that athletes experience and and a readiness to perform optimally. Initially,
appraise situations that lead to beliefs that are application of these skills can be challenging, and it
either rational (i.e., positive interpretation of anx- is advised athletes progress through the stages with
iety symptoms) or irrational (i.e., negative inter- a high degree of conscious thought and reliance on
pretation of anxiety symptoms). Rational beliefs a trained sport psychology consultant. Tapes, dia-
lead to functional (beneficial) consequences for ries, and scripts are often used to assist and educate
performance, whereas irrational beliefs lead to the performer during this process to help create
dysfunctional (harmful) consequences. Self-talk individualized restructuring programs; however, as
and REBT are used to question the interpreta- athletes practice the skill and engage in ongoing dia-
tion of the negative symptoms experienced and logue with the practitioner, the application of the
restructure them to form a positive interpretation, skill becomes a more automatic process.
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  231

Confidence management. Following rationaliza- putt or shoot a free throw but you are breathing rap-
tion and restructuring of symptoms, imagery can idly, have rigid muscles, and are so worried about
be employed as a confidence management strategy failure that thoughts cannot be focused, it is best to
to allow individuals to image themselves success- take a reductionist approach rather than trying to
fully managing the emotions that accompany par- convince yourself that such anxiety symptoms are
ticipating in competitive sport (e.g., completing a okay because they can facilitate performance.
pre-shot routine under stressful conditions). The
content of such images falls broadly into two cate- Case Studies
gories: mastery of performance-related plans (e.g., Examples of the reduction and restructuring stress
tactical plans/strategies being executed correctly) management strategies sport psychology consul-
and specific skills related to the athlete’s role (e.g., tants may utilize to treat anxiety symptoms experi-
successful shooting skills such as a penalty kick in enced as a consequence of competition stress are
soccer). Initially, athletes develop a series of imag- discussed next.
ery scripts and audio tracks to use to perfect their
imagery skills. For example, if the core of the imag-
Stress Management Skills and Strategies:
ery routine that athletes require is a focus on images
depicting mastery of certain skills within their sport
Energizing Approaches
under stressful conditions, athletes are asked to As discussed earlier, sometimes performance suf-
(a) record the key skills for their role in their sport— fers not because athletes are experiencing the
for example, shooting skills as a goal attack in net- debilitating effects of stress, but because they lack
ball; (b) recount recent good performances of these a sufficient stimulus to create the optimum mental
skills, possibly making use of video; and (c) include and physical activation state for performance. This
as much information as possible to re-create a vivid problem is more likely to occur when the activation
image. The athlete is then asked to use this informa- demands are higher due to the task characteristics
tion to develop a series of imagery routines to create of the sport (see the inverted-U section). Other com-
images depicting mastery of skills while experienc- mon times are during tedious practices and when
ing the symptoms associated with the stressful situa- athletes are fatigued, discouraged, or approaching
tion. The information athletes input to this process, burnout. Athletes need to learn how to recognize
and the use of their knowledge base of the sport, signs and symptoms of low energy and activation.
are key features in creating individualized imagery As an example, a track athlete should be sensitive
routines that have relevance to the individual. After to and then energize dead legs during a race, or a
gaining competence at re-creating images in non- weightlifter may want to put all available energy into
threatening situations away from the competitive the legs and arms to attain a particular lift.
arena, use of the skill is incorporated into progres- When athletes are not sufficiently activated,
sively increasing stressful environments within the there are a variety of effective techniques for ener-
athlete’s sport to gain full control over the skill in gizing or increasing arousal and activation. Meta-
intense, pressurized competitive settings. analysis has documented their effectiveness at
The effectiveness of restructuring is well docu- enhancing performance (Meyers et al., 1996). Many
mented and can be utilized by other key stakehold- of these techniques come from simply reversing the
ers to manage their stress, but there are caveats for focus of the interventions outlined in the reduction
its use, such as when athletes are performing skills approach so that they become energizing rather
that typically require low activation levels and their than calming.
arousal level and perceived anxiety symptoms are Breathing exercises. For example, consider a
extremely high. For example, if you need to sink a breathing exercise whereby the athlete is instructed
232 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

to consciously deepen and increase their breathing “My muscles are quivering with energy.” Whatever
rate and imagine that with each inhalation they are the phrase, imagine creating that sensation when
increasing energy levels to reach an optimum activa- saying it.
tion state. If the athlete is also fatigued, add imag- Transferring energy. Performers can be taught
ining breathing fatigue out with each exhalation. to transfer energy from other sources. Take activa-
This breathing technique can be combined with self- tion and arousal that result from anger, frustration,
talk cues such as “energy in” on the inhalation and or some other emotion that tends to interfere with
“fatigue out” on the exhalation. performance and convert it into positive energy to
Energizing imagery. Hundreds of images can accomplish performance goals. Use the environ-
be conjured up for generating energy—for example, ment as a source for transferring energy, such as
images of trains moving slowly, gaining momentum drawing energy from the spectators or even from
and speed; images of heavy machinery where work- the opponent, both when it appears the opponents
ing parts move rapidly; images of natural forces have the momentum and when they have clearly
such as powerful waves and winds; and images of lost it.
animals sprinting and moving rapidly. Instruct the Disassociate from fatigue. Another way to deal
athlete to develop a supply of energizing images with underactivation caused by fatigue is to focus
that work for them in various situations encoun- attention away from it. Most athletes do the oppo-
tered in their particular sport. Then establish a plan site, thereby increasing fatigue the more they tune
ahead of time for their use, such as lapses in action into it. Instead, suggest that they apply their con-
or, if appropriate, during actual performance (e.g., centration skills and focusing ability on what is hap-
running). Then practice them on a regular basis. pening or about to happen within the performance
Energizing imagery is particularly effective when setting rather than on how they are feeling. Long-
fatigue is beginning to set in, when discouraged by a distance runners also use disassociation strategies—
series of points that have been lost, or when a sud- that is, they think about something completely unre-
den burst of energy is needed to finish play. lated to running.
Energizing verbal cues. In the midst of a per-
formance, verbal cues can be effective energizers.
Words such as “explode,” “charge,” “psych up,” Exercise 5: Applying what you have learned
“power,” and “come on” help facilitate the process
of energizing. Raiport (1988), a former Russian Design an optimal intervention for each particular
sport psychology consultant, described a tech- scenario described.
nique that combined energizing words, images, and
breathing that was used by Eastern European sport 1. John, a professional golfer, sees a sport psychol-
psychology consultants to help athletes self-induce ogy consultant because the demands of playing
greater activation. The breathing pattern is one of on the tour circuit have made him so stressed
exhaling on the first part of the phrases and inhal- that he is having difficulty sleeping, and some-
ing on the italicized part. For example, take the times during competitions he is so tense that he
phrase “I am breathing deeper, inhaling energy.” cannot consistently hit fairways as he does in
The most meaningful part of the phrase (in italics) practice. He then starts to doubt his swing, and
is combined with the inhalation, which naturally the worry and tension can carry over to his put-
facilitates energy physiologically. Repeat this pat- ting. What interventions might a coach or sport
tern until achieving the desired activation. Raiport psychology consultant implement to help John?
recommended other phrases, such as “Strength is Indicate how to sequence them and describe how
flowing into my body,” “I am vigorous and alert,” and they might be practiced.
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  233

2. Jane, a sport psychology consultant, finds that 3. Sue, a high school coach, finds that her team
her relaxation training with Tom, a promising ice usually competes well. She is frustrated, however,
hockey forward, to help manage pre-game mental with their play during practice. She feels that
worries and physical anxieties is leading to Tom the team’s development is not what it could be
feeling “flat” on the ice. Explain why Jane’s inter- because the players often lack intensity and
vention with Tom is not working and describe an focus. What might the coach do to try and cor-
alternative strategy that might help him manage rect this problem?
his pre-game symptoms more effectively.

The experience of stress in sport is a phenomenon widely acknowledged as having a significant
impact upon performance, often with detrimental repercussions. Stress management strategies can
be taught to athletes and coaches using a cognitive-behavioral framework that considers the demands
they face, how they appraise these demands, the subsequent mental and physical symptoms that
arise (including arousal levels and activation state), and how these symptoms are viewed as affecting
performance. Central to this approach is the need to understand the relational-meaning (appraisals)
they ascribe to their changing stress experiences over time. In an effort to successfully cope with
stress in sport, athletes and coaches can adopt problem-focused strategies that aim to prevent or
manage the amount of stress experienced and emotion-focused techniques that seek to reduce symp-
toms, restructure their meaning, or raise arousal levels to achieve suitable activation states.

Study Questions

1. Explain Lazarus’s (1991) cognitive motivational relational theory and its role in the stress
2. Discuss the role of appraisal in how an athlete or coach may experience and manage the stress
associated with competing in sport.
3. Give examples of the potential demands athletes and coaches may encounter when competing
in sport.
4. Summarize the typical responses athletes and coaches report associated with stress in sport.
5. Consider how negative emotions such as anxiety that occur as a consequence of the stress
process can actually have beneficial effects for performance for athletes.
6. Identify three different methods sport psychology consultants can use to measure performers’
experiences of stress.
7. Name, describe, and discuss the merits of early arousal-based approaches, contemporary
anxiety theories, and mechanistic explanations offered to explain the relationship between
stress and performance in sport.
234 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

8. Compare and contrast the concepts underlying an emotion- versus problem-focused coping
strategy to managing stress in sport.
9. Provide examples of three preventative stress management strategies coaches may use in sport.
10. Contrast the three emotion-focused coping approaches and when to use them.
11. Summarize the two main strategies that sport psychology consultants recommend to “reduce”
the intensity of symptoms experienced when competing in sport, and describe the interven-
tions within each strategy.
12. Describe a typical “restructuring” stress management intervention with an athlete or coach.
13. Provide five examples of energizing techniques a sport psychology consultant might recom-
mend to athletes to enhance their activation state.

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Active Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script
and Guidance for Using It

General instructions: Practice PR either sitting or “Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and
lying down. The latter is usually more conducive try to put yourself in a relaxed state. Close your eyes
to relaxation, but athletes should sit up if they tend and take a long, slow, deep breath through your
to fall asleep. The lying down position is on the nose, inhaling as much air as you can. Then exhale
back with the head, neck, and trunk in a straight slowly and completely, feeling the tension leaving
line. The legs should be straight and 6 to 12 inches your body as you exhale. Take another deep breath
apart, with the heels inward and the toes pointing and let the day’s tensions and problems drain out
outward. Rest the arms comfortably at the sides of you with the exhalation. [Pause.] Relax as much
with the hands a little way from the thighs, palms as possible and listen to what I say. Remember not
up, and fingers comfortably bent. Put a small pil- to strain to relax. Just let it happen. During the ses-
low (rolled up sweats are a good substitute) under sion, try not to move any more than necessary to
either the knees or neck (not both) for additional stay comfortable. Particularly, try not to move mus-
comfort. If using a sitting position the athletes cles that have already been relaxed.
should sit upright, hips against the backrest, with “As we progress through each of 12 muscle
the arms and legs uncrossed and the feet flat on groups, you will first tense the muscle group for
the floor. The hands rest comfortably on the thighs approximately 5 to 7 seconds and then relax for 20
(palms down). Throughout the exercise emphasize to 30 seconds. Do not start the tensing until I say
the importance of following instructions passively. ‘NOW.’ Continue to tense until I say ‘OKAY’ or
This is particularly essential during the relaxation ‘RELAX,’ at which time immediately let go of all
phase. Just let the relaxation happen—don’t force the tension.
it. Relaxation requires no effort—just let go of the “Begin with tensing the muscles in the
muscle contraction. Any effort to relax causes ten- dominant hand and lower arm by making a tight
sion. Read the following script beginning in a nor- fist and bending your hand back at the wrist NOW.
mal, conversational tone but, over the course of the Feel the tension in the hand and up into the lower
session, your voice should progressively and subtly arm. . . . Okay, relax by simply letting go of the
become smoother, quieter, and more monotonous tension. Notice the difference between tension
while giving the relaxation phase instructions and, and relaxation [pause 20 to 30 seconds]. . . . Make
in contrast, should increase slightly in volume and another fist NOW [pause 5 to 7 seconds]. Okay,
speed during the tension phase: relax. Just let the relaxation happen by stopping the

Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  239

contraction; don’t put out any effort [pause 25 to “Next tense the muscles of the neck and shoul-
30 seconds]. ders by raising your shoulders upward as high as
“Next tense the muscles of the dominant upper you can while pulling your neck down into your
arm by pushing your elbow down against the floor shoulders. Tense NOW. . . . feel the discomfort. . . .
or back of the chair. Tense NOW. Feel the tension RELAX. Drop your shoulders back down and feel
in the biceps without involving the muscles in the the relaxation spreading through your neck, throat,
lower arm and hand. . . . Okay, release the tension and shoulders. . . . Let go more and more. . . . Tense
all at once, not gradually. Just let it happen. Let it all NOW by raising your shoulders and sinking your
go. . . . Tense NOW. . . . Okay, release it. Contrast neck. . . . Okay, relax. Let go more and more. Enjoy
the difference between tension and letting go into the deepening sensation of relaxation. . . . Remember
relaxation. Relaxation is no more than the absence relaxation is simply the absence of tension.
of tension. “Next tighten your abdomen as though you
“With your nondominant hand, make a tight expect a punch while simultaneously squeezing the
fist and bend your wrist back NOW. Feel the tension buttocks together. Tense NOW. You should feel a
in your hand and lower arm, but keep the upper arm good deal of tightness and tension in the stomach
relaxed. . . . Okay, relax by simply draining all of the and buttocks. . . . RELAX, release the tension, let
tension out. . . . NOW tense again. . . . Okay, relax it all drain out. Just let it happen. . . . NOW tense
and feel the difference between the tension and again. . . . Okay, relax. Feel the spreading sensation
relaxation. . . . NOW push the elbow down or back of relaxation. Let go more and more. 
to tighten the nondominant upper arm. . . . Okay, “Turn your attention to your legs. Tighten the
relax. . . . NOW tense the upper arm again. Note the muscles in your thighs by simultaneously contract-
discomfort. . . . RELAX. Let all the tension dissolve ing all the muscles of your thighs. Tense NOW. Try
away. . . . Enjoy the feelings of relaxation. . . . Notice to localize the tension only to your thighs. . . . Note
the sensations you have in the muscles of both arms the sensation. Okay, relax. Contrast the tension
and hands. . . . Perhaps there is a sort of flow of and relaxation sensations. Remember relaxation
relaxation—perhaps a feeling of warmth and even is merely the absence of tension; it takes no effort
heaviness in these muscles. Notice and enjoy this except merely releasing the tension. . . . NOW tighten
feeling of relaxation. the thighs again. . . . Okay, release the tension—
“Turn your attention to the muscles in your face. just passively let it drain out. Enjoy the feeling of
Tense the muscles in your forehead by raising your relaxation.
eyebrows NOW. Feel the tension in your forehead “Next flex your ankle as though you are trying
and scalp. (Pause for only three- to five-second con- to touch your toes to your shin. Tense NOW. You
tractions with these smaller muscle groups.) Okay, should be feeling tension all through your calf,
relax and smooth it out. . . . Enjoy the spreading ankle, and foot. Contrast this tension with when
sensation of relaxation. . . . NOW frown again. . . . you tensed the thigh. Okay, relax. Simply release
RELAX. Allow your forehead to become smooth the tension; let go of any remaining tension.  .  .  .
again. . . . Your forehead should feel smooth as glass. NOW tense again. . . . Okay, slowly release all
“Next squint your eyes very tightly and at the the tension.
same time pucker your lips and clench your teeth, “Next straighten your legs and point your toes
but not so tightly that it hurts. Tense NOW. Feel the downward. Tense NOW. Note the discomfort. . . .
tension. . . . Okay, relax. . . . Let the tension dissolve Okay, relax. Feel the spreading sensation of relax-
away. . . . NOW tense again. . . . Okay, let all the ation as you relax deeper and deeper. . . . NOW
tension go. . . . Your lips may part slightly as your straighten your legs. . . . RELAX. Release all the ten-
cheeks and jaw relax. sion. Let go more and more.
240 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

“Relax all the muscles of your body—let them back into your body. Stretch your arms and legs if
all go limp. You should be breathing slowly and you wish. Open your eyes when you are ready.”
deeply. Let all last traces of tension drain out of Take several minutes to discuss athletes’ reac-
your body. You may notice a sensation of warmth tions to this PR exercise. Get them to identify
and heaviness throughout your body, as though what it felt like and how successful they thought
you are sinking deeper and deeper into the chair or they were at relaxing. For those who had diffi-
floor. Or you may feel as though you are as light as culty relaxing, stress again the importance of the
air, as though you are floating on a cloud. Whatever absence of effort, of being passive and just letting
feelings you have, go with them. . . . Enjoy the sen- it happen. Also remind them of the need to prac-
sation of relaxation. . . . Relax deeper and deeper. tice regularly. Just like any physical skill, PR takes
. . . Scan your body for any places that might still practice. See if any of the athletes became aware of
feel tension. Wherever you feel tension, do an addi- places in their body where they tend to hold ten-
tional tense and relax. sion. The goal is to spot this tension and release
“Before opening your eyes, take several deep it before it leads to headaches and backaches or
breaths and feel the energy and alertness flowing performance problems.

Six Stages in the Training of
Autogenic Responses

Throughout all the stages, emphasize letting the take longer to achieve. Instructions follow the same
feeling happen in a very passive manner. In the first general content and format as the first stage, except
stage, the athlete focuses attention on the domi- “heavy” is replaced with “warmth.” Before practic-
nant arm while silently saying: (a) “My right (left) ing the warmth phrases, however, the athlete begins
arm is heavy” (repeat phrase six times); (b) “I am by repeating the final suggestion for the preceding
calm” (or “I am at peace”) (optional and said only stage:
once and then alternated with the first step until
1. “My arms and legs are heavy” (repeat six
completing three to six cycles of these two steps).
The athlete then cancels out the effect by bending
their arm, taking a deep breath, and opening their 2. “I am calm” (or “at peace”; say only once).
eyes. The canceling out should always occur with 3. “My right (left) arm is warm” (and so forth, as
each part of the heaviness stage, and the following done in stage one).
stages, in order to ultimately maximize the effect.
The preceding is practiced two or three sessions a If athletes are having difficulty feeling the
day (it takes only one or two minutes each time) appropriate sensation, facilitate learning by having
until the heaviness starts to spread to the opposite them first physically experience the sensation. For
arm. When this occurs, replace “my right arm” with example, if trying to achieve heaviness in the right
“my left arm” and, once effective, “my arms.” Once arm, put a pillow over the arm and, if need be, a
the heaviness starts to generalize to the legs, replace book or two on top of the pillow. For the warmth
“my arms” with “my legs are heavy” and, once effec- sensation, immerse hands in hot water or put a heat-
tive, “my arms and legs are heavy.” Ultimately, the ing pad or hot water bottle over the hands while
entire body starts to feel heavy. If the mind wan- they initially do the exercise.
ders, emphasize passively redirecting attention back Regulation of the heartbeat is the third stage
to the task at hand. Some athletes may be able to and consists of the autosuggestion, “My heartbeat
produce a sense of heaviness immediately; others is regular and calm.” The athlete may need to be
may take one or two weeks of three or more times sensitized to their own heart activity by putting
of practice daily to accomplish the sensation. their hand over their heart when initially doing the
Once the heaviness experience has been well exercise. Again, follow the progressive procedure
trained and can be induced rapidly and reliably, described previously, only this time begin with the
add the second stage, which is “warmth” and may phrase, “My arms and legs are heavy. My arms and

242 Chapter 12   Understanding and Managing Stress in Sport

legs are warm.” Follow the same additive protocol thoughts and high levels of muscle tension when
for the fourth, fifth, and sixth stages, which consist in the waiting room at the top of the mountain pre-
of the following: paring to race and just before the race. While these
Stage 4: Breathing rate: “My breathing rate is symptoms had been present throughout her career,
slow, calm, and relaxed: It breathes me.” Elizabeth now felt she was unable to control them
and their adverse impact on her pre-race preparation
Stage 5: Warmth in the solar plexus: “My and her performance.
solar plexus is warm” (hand placed on upper Professional assessment. Elizabeth was asked
abdominal area); or say, “Sun rays are stream- to complete a series of validated questionnaires
ing quiet and warm.” assessing the level of pre-race anxiety symptoms
Stage 6: Coolness of the forehead: “My fore- and whether she felt they had a positive or negative
head is cool.” impact on her upcoming performance. Her responses
Once the athlete has achieved competence, the and a one-on-one consultation between the sport
entire sequence can be practiced as follows: psychology consultant and Elizabeth established
that Elizabeth’s pre-race anxiety levels were high
“My arms and legs are heavy” six times; “I am and that she viewed these symptoms as having a
calm” once. detrimental effect on performance. As bobsled is
“My arms and legs are warm” six times; an explosive event that requires the production of
“I am calm” once. a high degree of force over a short distance at the
“My heartbeat is regular and calm” six times; start (Elizabeth was the brake woman and respon-
“I am calm” once. sible for maximizing the velocity of the sled), the
optimal activation state for readiness to perform is a
“It breathes me” six times; “I am calm” once. relatively high level of controlled physical and men-
“My solar plexus is warm” six times; “I am tal symptoms. Consequently, the sport psychology
calm” once. consultant recommended an intervention program
“My forehead is cool” six times; “I am calm” that adhered to the principles of the restructuring
once. approach. If the sport psychology consultant had
prescribed techniques that sought only to reduce
the symptoms Elizabeth experienced, it likely would
Elizabeth have led to a detrimental effect upon performance,
The athlete. Elizabeth is a 36-year-old bobsled because Elizabeth may have become too mentally
athlete who competed in her event for 12 years and physically relaxed for the activation demands of
and represented her country at numerous World the bobsled start.
Championships and two Olympic Games. Although Intervention program. An intervention program
achieving at national trials the qualification time for based upon restructuring the interpretation (negative
the Olympic Games, she felt that her performance to positive) of both mental and physical anxiety was
and time failed to satisfy the expectations of herself, provided to Elizabeth. The emphasis was for Elizabeth
her teammates, and her coach. to restructure her anxiety interpretations to allow her to
Reason for consultancy. Elizabeth had indicated view her mental symptoms as indicators of the impor-
to her national team’s sport psychology consultant tance of the event and her physical ones as indicators of
that prior to the recent Olympic trials and, indeed, physical readiness and commitment to high effort. The
during the warm-up events to the trials, she was sport psychology consultant also provided confidence
having problems dealing with distracting negative maintenance techniques (i.e., imagery and goal-setting).
Lee Baldock, Sheldon Hanton, Stephen D. Mellalieu, and Jean M. Williams  243

Outcome. After undertaking the intervention pro- her performance as a coach. In particular, she sug-
gram for a 12-week period, the treatment resulted in gested that she felt that the quality of her message
the sought reinterpretation of Elizabeth’s anxiety from was being negatively affected and affecting the way
negative to positive without reducing the level of anxi- in which her team was performing. Due to the level
ety symptoms experienced (suggesting that Elizabeth at which she is operating, being able to confidently
had obtained a suitable state of activation prior to make decisions and address the group is vital in
competition). In addition, Elizabeth felt the symptoms order for Jennifer to convey her messages effectively.
could actually improve her performance. Consequently, the sport psychology consultant rec-
ommended an intervention program that adhered to
the principles of both the “preventative” and “reduc-
Jennifer tion” approaches.
The coach. Jennifer is a 38-year-old international Intervention program. A range of preventative
volleyball coach and has been coaching for four years approaches (i.e., advice seeking, planning, informa-
since retiring from the sport. Despite being an interna- tion gathering) was first adopted in order for Jennifer
tional player for 12 years, her four years of coaching to better understand how significant others dealt with
have been at the youth level, and this is the first time similar scenarios and to ensure that her decisions
she has coached at the senior level. could be fully justified. It was thought that with more
Reason for consultancy. Jennifer has indicated to justification, the worry of making and articulating the
the team’s sport psychology consultant that she has decisions would stop or lessen. Additionally, a reduc-
been experiencing extremely high levels of worry and tion program over the course of six weeks was imple-
panic and feelings of sickness and shortness of breath, mented that involved teaching Jennifer a range of
particularly during team selections and when provid- breathing strategies (i.e., concentration breathing, 5:1
ing tactical information. She said she never felt this count) to reduce her physical symptoms and to direct
way before as a coach, but now she is coaching many her attention away from her negative interpretation of
players with whom she was a good friend when she the players’ thoughts. Some confidence-building strat-
was playing and she is struggling to manage decisions egies were also adopted based around her previous
that may affect them. positive experiences of delivering pre-game team talks
Professional assessment. Jennifer was asked (i.e., imagery).
to complete a series of validated questionnaires The intervention program resulted in Jennifer
assessing the level of anxiety symptoms and whether attaining more confidence in her decisions. On the
she viewed that experiencing these symptoms had a advice of a significantly experienced other, it also
positive or negative impact on her coaching perfor- resulted in her changing the way in which she pre-
mance. A one-on-one consultation between the sport pared the players by speaking before the pre-game
psychology consultant and Jennifer further explored team talk to them individually about important deci-
Jennifer’s understanding of her anxiety responses. sions involving them. Jennifer suggested that this alle-
Following this consultation, it was established that viated most of the symptoms of cognitive and physical
prior to addressing the group, her anxiety levels anxiety and that she was able to control the remain-
were high and having a detrimental impact upon ing symptoms by using her breathing techniques.

Using Imagery as a Mental Training
Tool in Sport
Robin S. Vealey, Miami University
Samuel T. Forlenza, Shippensburg University

This visualization stuff works.

—Carli Lloyd, Olympic and World Cup soccer champion and 2015 FIFA World
Player of the Year

Eight months before the 2010 Vancouver Games, “I love that exercise,” says Vonn. “Once I visualize a
Lindsey Vonn skis the Olympic downhill in her mind. course, I never forget it. So I get on those lines and go
She is in a subterranean workout room in Salzburg, through exactly the run that I want to have. I control
Austria, balanced with each foot on a nylon slack line my emotions and just make it routine.” (Layden, 2010)
suspended three feet off the pebbled orange rubber Lindsey Vonn took advantage of her most pow-
floor. She is crouched in an aerodynamic tuck, erful weapon—her mind—in her preparation for the
her hands thrust out in front of her chin. Her trainer 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Along with her talent
speaks gently into her right ear: You’re on the downhill and physical preparation, her use of imagery as part
course at Whistler. . . . Vonn closes her eyes and begins of a systematic mental training regimen enabled her
shifting her weight rhythmically from one foot to the to win not only the 2010 Olympic downhill but also
other as if executing high-speed turns on a Canadian four World Cup overall championships. Not all of
mountainside more than 5,000 miles away. us are world-class athletes like Vonn, but all of us
She exhales and inhales forcefully, mimicking the can enhance our personal performances through
aerobic demands of high-speed racing, alternately glid- the systematic use of imagery.
ing and turning. Close your eyes with her and you can
almost hear the chattering of snow beneath skis. After What Is Imagery?
nearly a minute—shorter than the Olympic downhill
but a long time on wobbly strips of thick cloth—she Imagery is using one’s senses to re-create or create
relaxes her body and jumps to the floor . . . aglow from an experience in the mind. It is a mental representa-
three hours of training on a warm summer morning. tion of an action in one’s mind (Jeannerod, 1994),

Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  245

but without the external stimulus for the action tactics of upcoming opponents. By viewing films of
being present. This is what makes imagery so pow- the opponent’s defense, a quarterback can create
erful. An Alpine skier can imagine herself skiing a an offensive game plan and visualize the successful
downhill run, and her brain will interpret her images execution of this strategy without having previously
and fire the muscles in her legs as if she actually played against that particular opponent.
was skiing the course (Suinn, 1980). The power of
imagery allows athletes to practice sport skills, strat-
egies, and mental skills without physically being in Example
the training or competitive environment.
Bobsledder Lyndon Rush described how he
repeatedly used imagery to create a perfect upcoming
Imagery as Re-creating or Creating
performance in his mind on the Olympic sliding track
Imagery can be used to re-create and create many in Sochi: “I’ve tried to keep the track in my mind
types of experiences that benefit athletes. Consider throughout the year. I’ll be in the shower brushing my
the power of being able to re-create experiences in teeth. It just takes a minute, so I do the whole thing
your mind. Athletes may re-create their own personal or sometimes just the corners that are more technical.
highlight films by arranging three to five outstanding You try to keep it fresh in your head, so when you
performance moments into an imagined video that do get there, you are not just starting at square one.
they watch for one to two minutes at least once a It’s amazing how much you can do in your mind”
day (Selk, 2008), a practice that could be used to (Clarey, 2014, p. 3). Rush admitted that he had
buoy confidence. mentally driven the Sochi course hundreds of time
Imagery can also be used to re-create perfor- from start to finish prior to competing in the Games.
mances to learn from mistakes and extract valuable
lessons from previous performances. Athletes
often get stuck in this type of imagery by focusing
on their mistakes, and they replay these miscues Athletes can also use imagery to create and
without any type of planned strategy for dealing rehearse productive responses for various competi-
with these negative images. The key for athletes is tive situations, such as performing in front of large
to learn to use imagery in a productive and con- crowds or responding to mistakes in competition.
trolled manner to learn from performance mis- Many elite athletes create elaborate mental focus
takes and to program their minds and bodies to plans for competition and regularly use imagery to
respond optimally. A college gymnast described rehearse and prepare to respond productively to
this process: “I missed that handstand on the high various competitive stressors. Four-time Ironman
bar in practice . . . and I need to make sure during champion Chrissie Wellington describes her use
the actual meet I do it better. So I imaged cor- of imagery to practice responses: “I [first] picture
recting that mistake right after practice” (Post & myself performing at my peak. Then I imagine all
Wrisberg, 2012, p. 109). the things that could go wrong, and picture myself
As stated in the definition of imagery, imagery dealing with them. What will I do if my goggles are
also involves using our senses to create new experi- knocked off? What will I do if I suffer a puncture or
ences in the mind. Although imagery is essentially cramps?” (Oakley, 2015, p. 26).
a product of memory, our brains are able to put
pieces of the internal picture together in different Imagery as a Polysensory Experience
ways. Football quarterbacks use imagery in this way The second key to understanding imagery is real-
to create offensive game plans based on the defensive izing that imagery is a polysensory experience that
246 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

should involve all relevant senses, from visual to Imagery as a Mental Training Tool
auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and kines- Athletes must use imagery in a systematic manner
thetic. Auditory refers to sound, such as hearing the for it to qualify as mental training. Dreaming or ran-
crack of the bat in baseball or the satisfying sound dom imagery is not systematic, and there is no evi-
of a perfect golf drive. Olfactory refers to smell, dence that these forms of imagery enhance athletes’
such as a swimmer smelling chlorine in the pool. performance. This doesn’t mean that athletes have
Tactile is the sensation of touch, such as feeling the to spend numerous hours a day engaged in imagery
grip of a golf club or the textured leather of a bas- for it to help their performance. However, they must
ketball. Gustatory refers to the sense of taste, such use it in a systematic and intentional manner, even if
as tasting salty sweat in your mouth. Kinesthetic in small doses, to have the desired effect on perfor-
sense is the feel or sensation of the body as it moves mance. This is similar to physical training, in which
in different positions. The kinesthetic sense is random, occasional physical practice won’t do much
important for a gymnast using imagery to practice to increase an athlete’s skills. However, systematic,
a balance beam routine or a diver using imagery to repetitive physical (and mental) practice clearly pays
feel the rotations before reaching for the water. The off in performance improvement in any sport.
more vivid the image, the more effective it is. Let’s Athletes must learn to control their imag-
use the example of a wide receiver in football to ery to use it effectively as a mental training tool.
stress the importance of using different senses. The Controllability is the ability of athletes to imagine
receiver uses his visual sense to read the defense exactly what they intend to imagine, as well as the
and focus on the ball before catching it. He uses his ability to manipulate aspects of the images that
auditory sense to listen to the snap count barked by they wish to change. Dreams are for the most part
the quarterback. He uses his tactile and kinesthetic uncontrollable—we simply experience them during
senses to run his pattern, jump in the air, catch a sleep. Imagery, by contrast, must be controllable so
hard thrown ball, and land with both feet touching that athletes can manipulate images in productive
in bounds. He might also smell freshly mown grass ways to program themselves for optimal perfor-
and the sweat of his opponent’s jersey when he is mance. Sometimes images become uncontrollable,
tackled. He may even taste his mouthguard. All of such as when athletes “choke” under pressure or
these sensory cues serve to make the image vivid, experience performance slumps. Thus, coaches and
thus preparing the receiver to perform optimally in sport psychology consultants must help athletes
competition. gain control of their images so that imagery can
In addition to the senses just discussed, the be used effectively in mental training. In addition
emotions associated with various sport experiences to controllability, the other key to using imagery
are an important part of imagery. In using imagery effectively in mental training is vividness. Vividness
to help control anxiety, anger, or pain, athletes must refers to how clearly athletes can see an image and
be able to re-create these feelings in their minds. how detailed the image appears to them. Vividness
Jonny Wilkinson, former professional rugby player, involves such features as whether the image is in
describes the multiple senses and emotions he expe- color, how many senses are being used, and the
rienced during precompetitive imagery: “You are emotion or physical sensations experienced when
creating the sights and sounds and smells, the atmo- engaging in imagery.
sphere, the sensation, and the nerves, right down to Overall, imagery as a mental training tool
the early morning wake-up call and that feeling in involves the systematic practice and use of engag-
your stomach. It helps your body to get used to per- ing in vivid and controllable polysensory images
forming under pressure” (Bailey, 2014, p. 2). to enhance performance. When athletes first begin
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  247

using imagery, it is typical to lack vividness and that external imagery is more useful for tasks that
especially controllability of images. However, emphasize exact posture and form (e.g., figure skat-
systematic practice has been shown to be very ing, gymnastics) (Cumming & Williams, 2012).
effective in increasing imagery ability (Anuar, But there is no set formula for when to use each
Cumming, & Williams, 2016; Williams, Cooley, perspective. Athletes should experiment to find the
& Cumming, 2013). It is important to encour- imagery perspective and sensory type that is most
age athletes if they are not skilled in their initial helpful to them for specific situations.
attempts at imagery. Imagery is a skill that takes Overall, athletes should be encouraged to prac-
time to train, but it is a learnable skill that they can tice both perspectives to be competent and com-
improve with practice. fortable with each. One way to develop athletes’
imagery ability is to have them actually perform
Internal and External Imagery Perspectives the skill (e.g., serve a volleyball, noting all the sen-
sations) and then immediately close their eyes and
When you spontaneously engage in imagery, do you
try to replay the serve using an internal perspective
see yourself as if you’re watching videotape, or do
(as if from inside their body). Repeat until the ath-
you see yourself from behind your own eyes? This
lete can discern little difference between actual and
question differentiates between an external and an
imaged performance. Do this physical-mental prac-
internal imagery perspective. Athletes who use an
tice routine again, only this time with an external
external imagery perspective see the image from out-
imagery perspective (as if seen on videotape). Once
side their bodies as if they are viewing themselves
athletes are more skilled in imagery, they may prefer
with a video camera from either behind, in front, or
to keep their eyes open and may discover a prefer-
on either side. When athletes use an internal imag-
ence for using one perspective more than another.
ery perspective, they see the image from inside their
bodies, the way their eyes normally see. Consider
the imagery perspectives used by three different Evidence that Imagery Works to
female gymnasts (Post & Wrisberg, 2012, p. 113).
Enhance Athletes’ Performance
“I would see the skill as if I was actually like, doing
the routine per se . . . where I would look if I was There is a wealth of evidence that supports the effec-
doing the skill.” tiveness of imagery as a mental training tool. As
shown in Figure 13-1, imagery (a) enhances sport
“There are times where I would visualize things
from like . . . a coaching standpoint, like watching
performance and learning, (b) enhances thoughts
from the side and seeing the vault as a whole.” and emotions that are critical to athletes’ perfor-
mance, and (c) is systematically used by successful,
“I can see the whole thing like watching it on a world-class athletes who attest to its importance.
video. I can watch myself from the side, the back,
from the top . . . basically whatever I want.” Enhancing Sport Performance and Learning
Research has demonstrated that imagery can be Imagery interventions have successfully enhanced
effective using both internal and external perspec- performance and learning in both adult and youth
tives, with more experienced performers benefiting athletes (Smith, Wright, Allsopp, & Westhead,
from switching between the two. Some evidence 2007). The research in this area is divided into
suggests that internal imagery benefits tasks that three sections: mental practice research, prepara-
depend on perceptual information (e.g., hitting a tory imagery research, and imagery as part of multi-
pitched softball, returning a serve in tennis) and modal mental training programs (see Figure 13-1).
248 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

Evidence That Imagery Works

Enhances Performance Enhances Thoughts Successful Athletes

and Learning and Emotions Use It!

Mental practice of skill over ↑ Self-confidence Successful athletes use

time imagery more extensively
↑ Motivation and more systematically
Preparatory imagery for than less successful
competition ↑ Attentional Control athletes

Part of multimodal mental ↓ Anxiety

training program

Figure 13-1  Summary of research support for the effectiveness of imagery

Mental practice research. Using imagery to per- to develop and refine sport skills. However, mental
form a specific sport skill repetitively in the mind practice is useful in complementing the rigorous
is called mental practice. Typically, mental practice physical practice schedules of athletes. Athletes can
occurs across a period of time in an intermittent engage in physical practice for only finite periods
learning style similar to a distributed physical prac- of time because of fatigue and attentional overload.
tice schedule. Literally hundreds of studies have Mental practice allows athletes to refine their sport
examined the effects of mental practice on sport skills without having to physically engage in the
performance, with the overall finding that mental activity. A Canadian Olympic gold medalist in the
practice, although not as effective as physical prac- bobsled emphasizes this point:
tice, does enhance performance and is better than
In bobsledding, you can only do two or three runs
no practice at all (Cumming & Ramsey, 2009).
per day. I would have liked to do 20 of them but I
Interestingly, there is evidence to show the couldn’t. The physical demands were too high. . . .
combination of physical and mental practice can So I did a lot of imagery instead and it was a real
enhance performance more than physical practice learning process. . . . Each track filled up a video-
or mental practice alone (Frank, Land, Popp, & tape in my head. (Durand-Bush & Salmela, 2002)
Schack, 2014). This research finding suggests that
the mental representation of the skill being prac- Preparatory imagery. Research has also shown that
ticed changes more substantially through combined using imagery immediately before performance can
physical and mental practice as compared to either help athletes perform better by “priming” the correct
physical or mental practice alone. This is an excit- movement execution (Cumming & Williams, 2012).
ing possibility, which emphasizes the importance Imagery as a preparatory strategy used prior to per-
and usefulness of integrating physical and mental formance has improved performance at strength
practice in building sport skills. and muscular endurance tasks, golf putting, table
This is not to say that mental practice can tennis, tennis, and free-throw shooting. Often, imag-
completely take the place of physical practice. ery is used just prior to performing to “psych up,”
Deliberate, repetitive physical practice is critical calm down, or focus on relevant aspects of the task.
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  249

Imagery has also been shown to be an effective part

of athletes’ pre-performance routines, which involve you . . . with a clear focus, smooth motion, and
a planned sequence of thoughts and behaviors that great confidence see yourself shooting perfect
lead to automatic performance execution. free throws. Continue imaging yourself shooting
and making free throws until I ask you to stop”
(Post, Wrisberg, & Mullins, 2010, p. 10).
This imagery script was developed after
A field study of imagery training the first five games of the season when a
in basketball high school girls’ basketball coaching staff
concluded that the team’s free-throw shooting
“Begin by taking some deep breaths. Take percentage of 58 percent was unacceptable. The
a deep breath in through your nose and out coach guided players through the script each
through your mouth. Tell yourself to relax. day for one week and then once a week for the
Do this again for several more times. Now remainder of the season. He also encouraged
imagine yourself shooting free throws in the players to practice imagery on their own. Just
upcoming game. Become aware of your sur- prior to the team taking the floor for warm-
roundings; imagine yourself playing in the ups before games, the coach guided the team
game. Image yourself as clearly as possible. through the imagery exercise. However, he did
See who is there; who is playing with you. this only for half of the games (the script was
Hear the sounds associated with the game . used in 18 of the team’s 36 games).
. . simulate, in your mind’s eye, various dis- Overall, the team made 254 and missed
tractions . . . voices from the crowd . . . a hard 109 free throws (70 percent) in games preceded
foul by the opponent . . . and tell yourself to let by the imagery intervention, compared to 173
these distractions go. made and 153 (53 percent) missed for games
See yourself being fouled. Now see yourself not preceded by the imagery activity. The play-
at the foul line. Adjust your feet until you feel ers took the intervention seriously and agreed
comfortable and square to the basket. Knees that it was helpful to them in their free-throw
are bent—legs are the primary force for the performance.
shot. Your wrist is cocked, with your shoulders,
elbow, hand, and the ball lined up towards the
basket. Now focus on the rim and feel yourself
extending your arm toward the target. Flip Multimodal mental training interventions. The
the wrist forward and let the ball roll off your effects of imagery on performance and learning
fingertips. Follow through with one smooth have also been examined within multimodal men-
motion. See the ball swishing through the net. tal training interventions that are implemented with
Your balance and relaxation enable you athletes over time. For example, a mental training
to shoot perfect free throws. Feel your shot, program consisting of imagery, relaxation, and self-
smooth and graceful. Take a breath. For the talk training was implemented with soccer players
next few minutes, image yourself shooting free during the season to improve three soccer-specific
throws in different game situations. Each time skills (Thelwell, Greenlees, & Weston, 2006).
see and feel the smoothness of the shot. Multiple mental training intervention studies across
You enjoy shooting free throws, shooting free many types of sports have shown that performance
throws is fun. You enjoy the challenge it gives may be enhanced using a multimodal intervention
approach that includes imagery.
250 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

Enhancing Competition-Related of play and her successful responses to these oppo-

Thoughts and Emotions nents. Phil Mickelson, one of the top golfers in the
world, states, “When I see a shot, I see in my mind’s
In addition to helping athletes perform better,
eye a ‘window’ I want the ball to pass through at the
research findings indicate that imagery enhances
apex of its flight.”
the competition-related thoughts and emotions of
Emily Cook, Olympic freestyle skier, stated: “I
athletes (see Figure 13-1). This is important because
don’t think I could possibly do a jump, or especially
a basic objective of sport psychology is to help ath-
a new trick, without using this imagery process. For
letes think better—to enable them to manage their
me, this is the key to the athlete I have become”
thoughts and emotions effectively to create a pro-
(Clarey, 2014). Olympic champion swimmer Missy
ductive competitive focus.
Franklin described how imagery prepared her for
Imagery training can enhance confidence,
the London Games: “When I get there, I’ve already
motivation, attentional control, decision making,
pictured what’s going to happen a million times, so I
and flow in athletes (Calmels, Berthoumieux, &
don’t actually have to think about it” (Maese, 2016).
d’Arripe-Longueville, 2004; Koehn, Morris, & Watt,
Four-time Olympic diver Troy Dumais explained his
2014; Mamassis & Doganis, 2004; Post & Wrisberg,
use of imagery: “The imagery work is what makes
2012; Stewart & Hall, 2016). Imagery also can
it happen. If you can see yourself hitting a dive,
change perceptions of anxiety from harmful to facil-
the chances of you hitting a dive increase greatly”
itative and help decrease or control precompetitive
(Maese, 2016).
anxiety (Cumming, Olphin, & Law, 2007; Post &
Wrisberg, 2012). A gymnast describes how imagery
helped her manage anxiety prior to her routines: “It
calms my nerves, because I would see myself doing
How Does Imagery Enhance Athletes’
it and that reminded me to stop worrying about Performance?
what could happen and instead focus on the rou-
tine” (Post & Wrisberg, 2012, p. 110). How can a sensory experience in our mind enhance
our ability to perform in sport? Neuroimaging tech-
niques have shown that imagery activates the same
Successful Athletes Use Imagery
areas and processes in the brain as when the move-
Successful elite athletes use imagery more exten- ment being imaged is actually executed. This similar
sively and systematically, and they have better neural activity between imagery and actual physical
imagery skill compared to less accomplished ath- performance is called functional equivalence (i.e.,
letes (Calmels, d’Arripe-Longueville, Fournier, imagery is functionally equivalent to physically
& Soulard, 2003; Gregg & Hall, 2006). Mental practicing the movement) (Jeannerod, 1994). When
training (including imagery) to develop systematic athletes image certain movements, the correspond-
competitive routines and plans was a critical fac- ing motor-related areas of the brain are activated.
tor in the successful performance of U.S. Olympic Thus, systematic imagery practice strengthens the
athletes (Gould, Guinan, Greenleaf, Medbery, & neural pathways involved in the specific physical
Peterson, 1999). movement, resulting in improved performance.
Athletes who have at one time been the best in
the world at their sport advocate the use of imagery,
Developing and Enhancing Mental
including Michael Phelps and Lindsey Vonn. Chris
Evert, the great tennis champion, admitted that she Representations of Action
practiced imagery before important matches by We tend to think of images as video recordings,
painstakingly imagining opponents’ specific styles but it’s more accurate to think of them as networks
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  251

or scaffoldings that we build in our brains. These & Schneider, 2018), golf putting (Frank et al.,
networks are built through imagery, which acti- 2014), and volleyball serving (Velentzas, Heinen, &
vates and strengthens neural connections and can Schack, 2011).
even change the structure of our brains (Nyberg, An athlete’s mental representation of a skill
Eriksson, Larsson, & Marklund, 2006). includes a series of basic action concepts (BACs),
Images are mental representations of an action which are cognitive chunks of body postures and
or event in one’s mind. Through imagery or men- movement that are the building blocks of the skill
tal practice (like with physical practice), athletes in the brain’s memory (Schack, 2012). To assess
develop expertise by creating more efficient and these in research, athletes look at pictures or ver-
intricate mental representations (or networks) bal descriptions of BACs and attempt to organize
that they use to guide their performance (Schack them in relation to the overall task. Example BACs
& Mechsner, 2006). Think of the mental repre- for the four phases of the overhand volleyball serve
sentation network of the pole vault in an Olympic are shown in Table 13-1. This research demon-
pole vaulter’s brain as compared to a high school strates how performance is enhanced through
pole vaulter’s brain. The expert pole vaulter has an imagery, with the conclusion being that imagery
extensive and intricate mental representation of the or mental practice enhances the BACs represent-
approach run, plant, takeoff, swing, inversion, and ing specific mental representations of sport skills.
turn over the bar. The novice pole vaulter has an Performance is improved using imagery as a men-
incomplete and less organized mental representa- tal training tool to activate, optimize, and even
tion of the phases of this skill. reorganize athletes’ mental representations of
Athletes develop mental representations of skills in their sports.
their sport skills through extensive, deliberate
physical practice. They also can enhance these Developing and Enhancing Effective Responses
mental representations, and thus their expertise, Building upon the concepts of functional equiva-
through mental practice using imagery. Mental lence and mental representations, imagery is viewed
training using imagery has been shown to result in as facilitative to performance when it activates and
the development of better mental representations modifies effective responses in the brain to differ-
in gymnastics (Simonsmeier, Frank, Gubelmann, ent stimuli (Lang, 1979). A common misperception

Table 13-1  Basic Action Concepts that Make Up the Mental Representation of the Volleyball Overhand Serve

Preparatory Phase Set Phase Hit Preparation Hit

1. Muscle relaxation 7. Image the movement 9. Toss the ball 11. Whipping arm
2. Positive self-talk 8. Ball to chest level 10. High elbow 12. Flick wrist
3. Get coach’s information 13. Immediate readiness
4. Lock in serve target
5. Breath control
6. Bounce the ball
252 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

is that imagining various stimuli (e.g., big crowd, Creating Better Mental Readiness
importance of competition, colors and sounds) As discussed previously, imagery can enable ath-
helps your performance. But research based on bio- letes to perform better by helping them optimize
informational theory (Lang, 1979) indicates that their mental readiness in such ways as managing
athletes have to imagine not just the stimulus char- arousal, focusing attention, and enhancing confi-
acteristics in a situation but also their responses to dence. Athletes commonly use imagery to psych
these stimuli. up or calm down to meet the energy demands of a
When athletes engage in imagery, they activate particular sport, as well as to visualize aspects of the
stimulus characteristics that describe the content of upcoming competition to sharpen the focus they
the image for them and response characteristics that need to be successful. For example, imagery may
describe what their responses are to the stimuli in help a wrestler psych himself up to a high energy
the situation. For example, imagining shooting a level before a match and to focus his attention on
pressurized penalty kick at the end of a champion- the specific strategies and moves he needs to use
ship soccer game would involve the stimulus charac- against a particular opponent.
teristics of the sound of the crowd, the position of
the opposing goalkeeper, and the sight of the goal
Can Imagery Hurt Athletes’ Performance?
itself. The response characteristics for this image
might include feeling strong legs, quick and decep- Coaches often ask, “Can imagery ever hurt my ath-
tive feet, and feelings of confidence and focused letes’ performance?” Certainly, if athletes focus on
attention on the ball going into the goal. the wrong image at the wrong time, that can hurt
According to bio-informational theory, by repeat- their performance. Nicole Detling, sport psychol-
edly accessing response characteristics and modi- ogy consultant, explains: “In images, it’s absolutely
fying these responses to represent perfect control crucial that you don’t fail. You are training those
and execution of sport skills (or practicing perfect muscles, and if you are training those muscles to
responses), imagery can enhance athletes’ perfor- fail, that is not really where you want to be. So if
mances. According to the theory, simply imaging athletes fail in an image, we stop, rewind, and we
the characteristics of the situation (stimulus charac- replay it again and again and again” (Clarey, 2014).
teristics) won’t do it. Rather, athletes must imagine When individuals used debilitative imagery, or
intense and perfect behavioral, mental, and physiolog- imagined performing unsuccessful putts, their golf
ical responses to various competitive challenges. putting accuracy declined (Short et al., 2002). This
Research has shown that response-oriented research indicates that imagery can hurt athletes’
imagery results in greater physiological reactiv- performance if they systematically imagine bad per-
ity (Cumming et al., 2007) and more “priming” formances. This doesn’t mean that athletes should
responses in the brain as measured by electroen- not use imagery, as the point of imagery training is
cephalographic (EEG) activity (Smith & Collins, to enable athletes to control their previously uncon-
2004) as compared to stimulus-oriented imagery. trollable images. Athletes are going to experience
Moreover, athlete performance has been improved images whether they engage in mental training
to a greater degree through imagery that included or not, so it seems productive to enable them to
both stimulus and response characteristics, as become more skillful in their use of imagery. The
opposed to imagery that just includes stimulus char- point is that athletes should create a mental repre-
acteristics (Smith & Collins, 2004). Thus, imagery sentation for effective, not ineffective, responses.
training should be an active response process to spe- In addition, research has shown that attempts
cific stimuli, not just an exercise in imagining the to suppress debilitative images from conscious
surrounding environment. awareness can increase the probability that these
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  253

debilitative images will hurt performance (Beilock, out-of-bounds on the left.” These well-meaning, yet
Afremow, Rabe, & Carr, 2001). When individuals in negative, coaching comments often create images in
a golf-putting task were told what not to image (“Be athletes’ heads of the exact performance the coach is
careful to try not to image hitting the ball short of suggesting that they not do. The key is to think pro-
the target. Don’t image undershooting the target!”), ductively and simplify one’s image to focus on suc-
they performed poorly, even when they attempted cessful execution and outcomes. Debilitative images
to suppress these negative images. Similarly, golfers may occur during performance slumps or after a
who were told to avoid thinking about the sand bun- particularly bad performance. However, the goal of
ker (suppressive imagery) performed more poorly systematic imagery training is to continue to develop
than golfers who were only told to focus on the tar- one’s skills in controlling images and replace debili-
get hole and successfully sink the putt (facilitative tative images with images of successful performance.
imagery) (Ramsey, Cumming, & Edwards, 2008).
From a practical perspective, athletes should
not program themselves to NOT do something, or How to Make Athletes’ Imagery More
constantly focus on debilitative images and attempt Functionally Equivalent
to suppress them. Likewise, coaches should refrain There are several ways to help athletes engage in more
from “negative coaching,” or giving verbal feedback functionally equivalent imagery (see Figure 13-2).
such as, “Don’t pop up!” or “Watch out for the Remember that functional equivalence means that

Performance posture

Hold sport equipment

Feel/imagine (don’t just watch) performance on video

Load images with vivid kinesthetic responses

Load images with vivid emotional responses

Use real-time for competition, slow-motion when correcting

Personalize imagery scripts to enhance basic action concepts

Use memorable verbal triggers and symbolic images

Figure 13-2  Ways to make imagery more functionally equivalent

254 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

we want the images used by athletes to activate their Coaches can help athletes personalize this action
brain in ways that are similar to when they are phys- observation by filming from different angles to
ically performing the skills. create personalized videos. For example, individual-
1. When possible, athletes should practice imagery ized action DVDs that they watched while wearing
in a posture similar to their performance postures, golfing attire, holding the clubs, and engaging in
wearing performance clothes, holding performance specific stances as shown on the videos improved
implements, and in a similar environment to the per- the imagery ability of experienced golfers (Wright,
formance environment. It is common for athletes to McCormick, Birks, Loporto, & Holmes, 2015).
be standing up and moving in ways that represent 3. Athletes should load their images with vivid
performance execution when practicing imagery. A behavioral, psychological, and physiological responses.
diver could stand and then move her arms and twist Remember that imagery enhances performance by
her body as she mentally rehearses a specific dive. repeatedly accessing response characteristics for a
An Olympic freestyle skier describes how the starting particular stimulus situation and modifying these
area is full of skiers mentally rehearsing their routines responses to represent perfect control and execution
by moving: “Oh yeah, It’s ridiculous. We’re all up of the skill. A swimmer’s imagery should contain not
there flapping our arms. It looks insane, but it works” only the situational conditions (swimming in a spe-
(Clarey, 2014). Alpine skiers grip their poles with cific pool, water is choppy, championship meet) but
eyes closed and move their bodies as they imagine also the swimmers’ behavioral (swimming strongly,
skiing a downhill or slalom course. Hockey players right on pace), psychological (feeling confident,
can hold and move their sticks to visualize various focused on race), and physiological (feeling ener-
actions on the ice, and tennis players can hold their gized, warm muscles ready to explode) responses.
racquets and visualize service return responses. Athletes must load their images with vivid, produc-
Beyond just seeing themselves performing, ath- tive, personalized responses.
letes should focus on the kinesthetic sensations felt 4. Know when to use real-time, slow-motion, and
as when performing in these situations. A gymnast fast-motion imagery. Athletes should make their
describes doing this: “I put my hands up over my images as realistic in timing as possible in rela-
head to feel that body position and then squeeze my tion to the actual timing of their physical perfor-
muscles and actually do a half twist while standing mance. Timing is a critical performance factor
there as if I was doing the skill” (Post & Wrisberg, in many sports; thus, it becomes a key response
2012, p. 112). Although people envision mental characteristic that athletes want to stamp into
training as something an athlete does while lying on their images. Elite swimmers and runners are
a couch, athletes can be much more active in rehears- typically able to imagine their races down to the
ing using imagery. Imagery still works when athletes fraction of a second in terms of their splits and
are sitting or lying quietly, but performance has been final times. Gymnasts used real-time imagery
shown to be enhanced in several sports by engaging when they wanted to feel the rhythm and tim-
in more active imagery (Wakefield, Smith, Moran, & ing of the movements in their routines (Post &
Holmes, 2013). Wrisberg, 2012).
2. Athletes can mentally rehearse while watching a However, athletes report using slow-motion
video of themselves performing a task in their sport imagery when learning new skills, correcting bad
(e.g., pitching in softball). Instead of going through habits, and focusing on one small part of their over-
the motions of watching film, athletes should put all performance (O & Hall, 2009; Post & Wrisberg,
themselves “inside” the film to feel and personally 2012). Athletes also report using fast-motion imag-
experience the movements they are observing. ery when they need only to remind themselves of
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  255

how a mastered task is generally performed (O & You hear [coach] call out that you will be
Hall, 2009). This type of imagery may be useful in swimming the 1000 for time. Feel yourself in your
competitive settings where time is limited, and a lane getting ready . . . and begin to narrow your
brief fast-motion image could enhance focus and focus on your practice set. Release any possible
distractions . . . cold water . . . the school day . . .
confidence. Research has supported that all types
and remind yourself of what you need to do to
of timing used in imagery can enhance perfor-
swim your ideal practice set . . . whether that be
mance (O & Munroe-Chandler, 2008). going out faster . . . keeping your stroke long . . .
5. Personalize imagery scripts to create and/or executing your flip turns flawlessly . . . or maintain-
enhance the specific BACs that make up a skill. ing a tighter dolphin kick off the wall.
Imagery scripts are written or recorded verbal
As you wait to start, feel yourself being confident,
descriptions that athletes use to guide them through
positive, having high energy, and a competition
imagery. Developing scripts makes images inten- focus for the upcoming set. Now adjust yourself
tional, systematic, and focused on the imagery in the water as you wait to start . . . just a few
preferences of each athlete. Scripts should include seconds to go. As [coach] yells go . . . image your-
the behavioral, psychological, and physiological self starting your ideal 1000-yard practice set. See
responses that athletes want to experience in and feel yourself going out fast . . . swimming strong
relation to competition and/or training demands. . . . keeping your stroke long . . . maintaining your
Athletes can develop their scripts on their own tempo . . . having a hard kick . . . executing a perfect
or get help from a sport psychology consultant or s-shaped catch . . . timing your breathing just right
coach. Imagery scripts will evolve as athletes learn with your stroke.
what words and images help them the most during As you get to the wall, experience yourself executing
their imagery sessions (some example scripts are your ideal flip turn . . . cleanly coming over the top
provided in this chapter, and many sport-specific with your hips and legs coming straight over . . .
scripts are available online). staying low to the surface . . . hitting the wall should-
Athletes should image full performance width apart and pushing off strongly . . . using a tight
sequences as well as outcomes. We know that imag- and fast dolphin kick you get good distance from the
ery enhances the BACs that make up the mental wall. As you surface, see and feel yourself swimming
representation of skills in the brain, so athletes ideally. Now continue in your timed practice set, feel-
could create scripts that include effective perfor- ing strong and powerful with your long stroke, hard
kick, and rhythmic tempo . . .
mance of the subskills that are part of the overall
skill being imaged. For example, the BACs of an As you swim your last lap, you dig into your
expert’s mental representation of the volleyball reserves and use them to powerfully propel your-
serve are listed in Table 13-1. Athletes could use self forward. Your training pays off in this lap
a list like this as a guide for creating their person- as you maintain strong technique and relentless
alized images of serving. Of course, each script tempo. As you pull toward the finish, you attack
would be customized with individual preferences, the water with powerful strokes and kicks in pur-
but the list in Table 13-1 gives athletes a guide for suit of the final touch, surging forward until you
an imagery script for this skill from the prepara- put your head down and touch the wall. You feel
pride and satisfaction that your body is totally
tory phase through successful completion of the
spent from maxing all your energy into the swim.
skill. Notice the responses and subskills included
Your awareness broadens from competition mode
in the following image of a 1,000-yard practice as you relax and feel the accomplishment of a best
set in swimming (adapted from Post, Muncie, & time and confidence in your training and swim-
Simpson, 2012, p. 337): ming skill.
256 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

6. Use verbal triggers and symbolic images as part

of imagery training to strengthen athletes’ mental Exercise 1: Triggers and symbols
representations of sport skills. To help athletes Identify several verbal triggers and symbolic images
strengthen or build their mental representations that can be used in your sport to program skilled
through imagery, you as a coach can guide them with performance by your athletes. Be innovative and
verbal triggers and symbolic images. Triggers are attempt to think beyond the traditional, typical
words or phrases that remind athletes to focus on key triggers that are used by all coaches in your sport.
aspects in an image to make the mental representation The key is finding triggers and symbolic images that
correct. Coaches use triggers all the time in teaching help athletes really “feel” the image.
skills or as points of emphasis they want athletes to
think about when performing. Softball batters can
think aggressive and lock in to the ball at the plate.
Volleyball serving is taught by having athletes focus How Do You Set Up an Imagery
on the bow and arrow technique. Basketball players Training Program?
are taught to plant their inside foot and square up for
perfect jump-shot form. Cross-country skiers think Step 1: Introduce Imagery to Athletes
quick for their uphill technique to trigger the quick, An approach that we have found useful in introduc-
short-kick technique needed on hills. Golfers use ing imagery to athletes is the analogy of building
simple triggers such as smooth to create the imagined a machine. When athletes continuously practice a
tempo of a perfect golf swing in their minds prior to sport skill over and over, they are in essence attempt-
hitting a shot. A professional golfer kept the word ing to build a machine. Divers attempt to fine-tune
oooom-PAH written on her driver to program the their body to make their muscles react flawlessly in
image of an easy slow backswing followed by a strong a dive. Shot putters work hours refining their tech-
and vigorous downswing. nique in order to uncoil their body in maximum
Symbolic images are mental symbols or models thrust. Coaches and athletes spend a great deal of
for desired components of performance. Archers can time using drill and repetition, attempting to build a
envision a string extending from the center of the tar- flawless, automatic machine. Why not use imagery
get that pulls their arrows directly into the bull’s-eye. to help? Make the point that building a machine for
Sprinters may imagine the explosive energy in their optimal sport performance requires mental training
legs as coiled springs that will catapult them from as well as physical training.
the starting blocks. Instead of telling tennis players The introduction of imagery can take place in
to take the racquet back in a straight line, tell them an informal group setting if you are working with
to take it back as if they were sweeping dishes off the a team. We recommend that you spend no more
dinner table. Golfers can imagine turning their body than 15 to 20 minutes summarizing some important
inside a barrel to ensure proper body rotation on the points about imagery. An introduction to imagery
swing and can imagine their arms as a pendulum might include the following steps.
swinging from the shoulders for the proper putting
stroke. A gymnast may visualize her back against a Hook ’em. Grab athletes’ attention right away:
cold, steel wall to perfect the image and movement You could (a) discuss the concept of building a
of a perfectly straight body during a floor exercise machine, (b) ask them if they use imagery and
routine. Triggers and symbolic images help athletes have them describe how they use it, and (c) explain
lock in the proper responses because they’re brief, how several famous, successful athletes use imag-
colorful, and easy to visualize. ery. Also, it is critical that you are enthusiastic and
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  257

model your confidence and strong belief in the Arm as iron bar. Pair each athlete with a partner
power of imagery. of similar height and strength. While directly fac-
ing each other, one partner extends his dominant
Define and give evidence. Briefly explain what arm straight out, palm up, so the back of the wrist
imagery is by using a definition, such as “practic- is resting on the partner’s opposite shoulder. The
ing in your head” or “building your mental action other partner cups both of his hands above the
plan.” Without bogging them down with scientific bend in the partner’s elbow. The person whose arm
research, provide some brief evidence that imagery is extended then maximally tightens all the muscles
does work to enhance performance. It is helpful to in the arm, trying to make it as strong as possible.
use testimonials from famous coaches and athletes Then the partner tests for strength by pushing
who believe in imagery. down at the elbow with both hands, trying to see
how much strength it takes to bend the arm. Then
Explain how it works. Provide a simple and brief switch roles. Afterward, resume the initial posi-
explanation for how imagery works to enhance per- tion with the original partner. This time, to create
formance. Athletes are always intrigued when they strength, the partner is to close everything out of
learn that innervation of their brains during imag- his mind and imagine that the arm is a thick steel
ery is similar to when they are performing the skill. bar. Not only is the arm a hard, steel bar, but it also
To emphasize the way imagery works, you may want extends out through the opposite wall. Once the
to take your athletes through one or both of the partner has created the image of an unbendable,
following exercises so they can immediately experi- strong steel bar, he indicates such by raising a fin-
ence the power of imagery. ger on the opposite hand. This signals the partner
to again test for strength. Again, switch roles. In
String and bolt. Give each athlete a string approxi- follow-up discussion you will find that most ath-
mately 14 to 16 inches long threaded through a heavy letes will be amazed at how much stronger their
bolt (a neck chain and heavy ring also will work). arm was using the iron bar image.
Stabilizing the elbow, ideally on a tabletop, have Give specifics about how imagery will be used.
each athlete lightly hold the two ends of the string At this point let the athletes know exactly how they
between the thumb and forefinger with the weight will incorporate imagery into their training. For
suspended directly below. Focusing on the weight, example, a basketball team could start by using
each athlete in his or her mind’s eye should imag- mental practice for free throws and imagery to men-
ine the weight moving right and left like the pen- tally rehearse specific team plays. It is a mistake to
dulum of a clock. Once most athletes have at least try to do too much too soon. However, it is import-
some movement right and left, have them change ant for athletes to quickly see how imagery can be
the image so the weight swings directly away from applied to meet their practical needs.
and then toward the chest. Again, once successful,
change the image so the weight moves in a clock-
wise circle and finally in a counterclockwise circle. Step 2: Help Athletes Evaluate Their
In discussing this exercise, you will find most ath- Imagery Ability
letes are impressed at how imagining the movement After sparking athletes’ interest in imagery, the next
ultimately translates to the actual physical move- step is to help them evaluate their imagery abili-
ment of the pendulum. Once completed, you can ties. One method of evaluation is to take the ath-
explain to the athletes that the subtle muscle inner- letes through some of the Basic Training imagery
vation in the arm and hand created by the imagery exercises provided in this chapter. By discussing
is responsible for the movement of the pendulum. their images with them, you could determine
258 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

whether certain areas need to be strengthened. also helpful to develop additional exercises in areas
Another way to evaluate imagery ability is to admin- in which athletes are having trouble.
ister the Sport Imagery Evaluation (see Appendix B),
which measures athletes’ abilities to experience Vividness
different senses, emotions, and perspectives during
imagery. There are other inventories designed to Exercise 2
measure imagery ability, but this evaluation seems
to be most useful to the coach/practitioner. Place yourself in a familiar place where you usually
For best results, direct athletes through the perform your sport (gym, pool, rink, field, track,
exercises in the evaluation (it takes approximately etc.). It is empty except for you. Stand in the middle
15 minutes). Encourage athletes to answer honestly of this place and look all around. Notice the quiet
on the basis of their imagery ability. Afterward, dis- emptiness. Pick out as many details as you can. What
cuss the results informally with athletes to better does it smell like? What are the colors, shapes, and
understand their unique imagery abilities and to forms that you see? Now imagine yourself in the
target areas that can be improved through practice. same setting, but this time there are many spectators
there. Imagine yourself getting ready to perform.
Try to experience this image from inside your body.
Step 3: Guide Athletes Through “Basic See the spectators, your teammates, your coach, and
Training” of Their Imagery Skills the opponents. Try to hear the sounds of the noisy
crowd, your teammates’ chatter, your coach yelling
Basic Training is similar to a preseason physical encouragement, and the particular sounds of your
conditioning program. By developing a founda- sport (e.g., ball swishing through the net, volleyball
tion of strength and endurance, athletes are better spike hitting the floor). Re-create the feelings of
equipped to fine-tune their physical skills when the nervous anticipation and excitement that you have
season begins. By strengthening their imagery “mus- before competing. How do you feel?
cles” in Basic Training, athletes are more likely to
benefit from the use of imagery during the season.
Basic Training includes three types of imag-
ery exercises. First, athletes need to develop vivid
Exercise 3
images. Like using a fine-tuning control on a tele- Choose a piece of equipment in your sport, such as
vision, increasing the vividness of images sharpens a ball, pole, racket, or club. Focus on this object. Try
the details of the image. Second, athletes must be to imagine the fine details of the object. Turn it over
able to control their images. Controllability exer- in your hands and examine every part of the object.
cises involve learning to manipulate images by will. Feel its outline and texture. Now imagine yourself
Third, athletes need to enhance their ability to performing with the object. First, focus on seeing
engage in self-awareness. It is a skill to use imagery yourself very clearly performing this activity. Visualize
to become more aware of underlying thoughts and yourself repeating the skill over and over. See yourself
feelings that often influence our performance with- performing from behind your own eyes. Then step
out our realizing it. outside of your body and see yourself perform as if
It is helpful for athletes to gain proficiency in you were watching yourself on film. Now, step back in
all three types of imagery exercises. The example your body and continue performing. Next, try to hear
exercises purposely use vague descriptors to encour- the sounds that accompany this particular movement.
age you to develop your own imagery exercises that Listen carefully to all the sounds that are being made
are tailored specifically for you or your athletes. It is as you perform this skill. Now, put the sight and the
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  259

a mistake or perform the skill incorrectly, stop the

sound together. Try to get a clear picture of yourself image and repeat it, attempting to perform it perfectly
performing the skill and also hear all the sounds every time. Re-create past experiences in which
involved. you have not performed the skill well. Take careful
notice of what you are doing wrong. Now imagine
yourself performing the skill correctly. Focus on how
Exercise 4 your body feels as you go through different positions
Pick a very simple skill in your sport. Perform the skill in performing the skill correctly. Build a perfect
over and over in your mind and imagine every feeling machine!
and movement in your muscles as you perform that
skill. Try to feel this image as if you were inside your
own body. Concentrate on how the different parts of Self-Awareness
your body feel as you stretch and contract the various
muscles associated with the skill. Think about building a Exercise 7
machine as you perform the skill flawlessly over and over
Think back and choose a past performance in which
again, and concentrate on the feeling of the movement.
you performed very well. Using all your senses,
Now try to combine all of your senses, but partic-
re-create that situation in your mind. See yourself
ularly those of feeling, seeing, and hearing yourself
as you were succeeding, hear the sounds involved,
perform the skill over and over. Do not concentrate
feel your body as you performed the movements, and
too hard on any one sense. Instead, try to imagine the
reexperience the positive emotions. Try to pick out the
total experience using all of your senses.
characteristics that made you perform so well (e.g.,
Once athletes have mastered these exercises, you
intense concentration, feelings of confidence, optimal
might consider follow-up variations to imagine more
arousal). After identifying these characteristics, try
complex skills, grouping skills together, or placing the
to determine why they were present in this situation.
skill in the context of competition (such as reacting to
Think about the things you did in preparation for this
certain defenses, executing strategy, etc.).
particular event. What are some things that may have
caused this great performance?
Repeat this exercise, imagining a situation in
Controllability which you performed very poorly. Make sure you are
very relaxed before practicing this image, as your
Exercise 5 mind will subconsciously resist your imagery attempts
Choose a simple sport skill and begin practicing it. to re-create unpleasant thoughts, images, and feelings.
Now imagine yourself performing this skill either with Attempt to become more self-aware of how you reacted
a teammate or against an opponent. Imagine yourself to different stimuli (e.g., coaches, opponents, officials,
executing successful strategies in relation to the fear of failure, needing approval from others) and how
movements of your teammate or opponent. these thoughts and feelings may have interfered with
your performance.

Exercise 6
Exercise 8
Choose a sport skill that you have trouble performing.
Begin practicing the skill over and over. See and feel Think back to a sport situation in which you
yourself doing this from inside your body. If you make experienced a great deal of anxiety. Re-create that
260 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

situation in your head, seeing and hearing yourself.

Especially re-create the feeling of anxiety. Try to feel concern is to build the imagery program into ath-
the physical responses of your body to the emotion, letes’ routines. The imagery program should be an
and try to recall the thoughts going through your integral part of training and practice.
mind that may have caused the anxiety. Now attempt Another key is to fit the needs of the athlete.
to let go of the anxiety and relax your body. Breathe The imagery program need not be long and complex.
slowly and deeply, and focus on your body as you In fact, when first starting, it is a good idea to keep
exhale. Imagine all of the tension being pulled into it concise and simple. Initially, choose a sport skill
your lungs and exhaled from your body. Continue or strategy that is easy to control, such as when the
breathing slowly and exhaling tension until you are environment is stable rather than reactive. For exam-
deeply relaxed. Now repeat this exercise, imagining ple, in basketball you could start with free-throw
a situation in which you experienced a great deal of shooting and in racket sports with the serve. As your
anger and then relax yourself using the breathing and athletes become more proficient at and accepting of
exhalation technique. the program, you can increase its complexity.

Imagery Cookbook for Coaches

Exercise 9 and Practitioners
The purpose of this exercise is to help you become
It is impossible to design a single imagery program
more aware of things that happen during competition
appropriate for all sports. For that reason, we have
that bother you when you perform. Think about the
designed this section like a cookbook, which item-
times when your performance suddenly went from
izes the necessary ingredients of an imagery pro-
good to bad. Re-create several of these experiences
gram. The ingredients listed include ways to use
in your mind. Try to pinpoint the specific factors that
imagery, times in which imagery may be practiced,
negatively influenced your performance (e.g., officials,
and strategies to enhance imagery practice. It is up
teammates, opponents’ remarks, opponent started
to you to choose which ingredients are most rele-
to play much better). After becoming aware of these
vant for the needs of your athletes.
factors that negatively affected your performance,
take several minutes to re-create the situations, Ways to Use Imagery
develop appropriate strategies to deal with the
negative factors, and imagine the situations again; Athletes can use imagery in a number of ways to
but this time imagine yourself using your strategies enhance sport performance. These include
to keep the negative factors from interfering with your • Learning and practicing sport skills
performance. Reinforce yourself by feeling proud and
confident that you were able to control the negative • Correcting mistakes
factors and perform well. • Learning and practicing performance strategies
• Preparing a mental focus for competition
Step 4: Implement a Systematic • Automating preperformance routines
Imagery Program • Building and enhancing mental skills
Athletes are now ready to begin a systematic pro- • Aiding in the recovery from injuries
gram of imagery. Imagery practice must be sys-
tematic to be effective, so always follow the KISS Learning and practicing sport skills. One of the
principle (keep it simple and systematic). The first best places for athletes to start using imagery is
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  261

mental practice, or the repetitive practice of a Learning and practicing performance strategies. 
sport skill in their minds. They should choose Imagery is very useful in helping athletes learn and
one or two skills in their sport and mentally prac- practice performance strategies, such as tactics,
tice these skills. Urge athletes to mentally prac- systems of play, and decision making. For exam-
tice on their own, but they will be more inclined ple, football quarterbacks can mentally rehearse
to do so if mental practice is incorporated as part various plays in relation to specific defenses, even
of their regular training. Coaches can implement imagining reacting to blitzes, calling an audible,
a volleyball serving drill in which athletes serve and completing the appropriate offensive counter
ten balls and mentally practice each serve prior to this defense. When introducing a new basketball
to physically performing it. This also could be offense or out-of-bounds play, coaches can direct
applied to shooting free throws, executing wres- athletes to walk through the new pattern and
tling moves, serving in tennis, sprinting over a set then immediately follow this physical practice by
of hurdles, or hitting a baseball. Mental practice imagining their movements through the patterns.
is also useful to aid beginners in learning sport Before competition, coaches can lead athletes in
skills by helping them to develop a visual picture mentally rehearsing these previously learned offen-
of the skill. sive and defensive strategies and plays. Similarly,
skiers may ski over a particular course in their
Correcting mistakes. A very simple use of imag- mind to prepare for an upcoming downhill race.
ery for athletes is in correcting mistakes. Athletes Softball outfielders may use imagery to practice
receive constant feedback and corrections from throws from the outfield based on various situa-
coaches, and imagery is a great tool that athletes tions that may arise in a game. Tennis players can
can use to gain the most benefit from these cor- mentally rehearse their planned strategy against a
rections. Athletes should listen to their coaches’ particular opponent.
feedback or correction and then see it and feel it
as they incorporate the information from the coach Preparing a mental focus for competition. Imagery
into their image and execution of the skill. Coaches can be used by athletes to create and practice in
should teach and expect athletes to use imagery their heads the strong, unshakable mental focus
each time they receive feedback by requesting them needed for specific competitions. Coaches should
to imagine the desired correction in performance; help athletes answer two questions: “What will it be
coaches should ask each time: Can you see it? Can like?” and “How will I respond?” “What will it be
you feel it? like?” refers to the external factors of competition,
Coaches also can help athletes “calibrate” or the physical and social environment. For each
their images by observing athletes perform and competitive situation that athletes face, they should
then comparing their observations with what vividly imagine what it will be like in terms of the
the athletes perceive is occurring in their per- facilities, crowd, potential distracters, officials,
formance (Simons, 2000). Simons describes weather, and so on.
how a high jumper attempts to recall the image The second question, “How will I respond?,”
of her jump immediately after each attempt. She is by far the most important question for ath-
describes her image of her jump to her coach, letes. Athletes should plan to respond, not react.
who then describes her observations of the jump. Responding requires mental skill and toughness
In this way, the coach is calibrating the athlete’s to manage one’s thoughts and emotions and per-
image of the jump to ensure that the athlete’s per- formance when faced with obstacles, surprises,
ception and image of what she is doing are indeed and disappointments. Athletes should program the
correct in form. answers to the two questions into a short imagery
262 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

routine that they practice over and over in their associated with these successes. An imagery exercise
heads in the days and weeks leading up to a par- called Ideal Self-Image (ISI) is useful to work on con-
ticular competition. Imagery used in this way is fidence. To practice the ISI exercise, athletes should
an attempt to help athletes gain “experience” in imagine themselves displaying the skills and quali-
responding to competitive challenges. ties that they would most like to have, such as more
assertive communication skills, a confident posture
Automating preperformance routines. A pre­ after performance errors, or the ability to manage
performance routine is a preplanned, systematic emotions during competition. Then, they should
sequence of thoughts and behaviors in which an compare their ISI with their current self-image. This
athlete engages prior to performing a specific skill. should enable them to understand specific behaviors
Pre-performance routines typically are used by ath- and thoughts that they can actively engage in to begin
letes prior to the execution of specific sport skills, to move toward their ISI. The ISI exercise should be
such as a golf shot, basketball free throw, gymnas- used continuously to understand differences between
tics vault, volleyball or tennis serve, field goal kick their real and ideal selves. Imagery then can be used
in football, start in swimming, or any of the jumping to practice new behaviors and ways of responding
and throwing events in track and field. Research has that move athletes toward their ISI.
supported pre-performance routines as facilitative
to athletes’ performances.
Athletes should keep their routines simple and Develop your athletes’ abilities
flexible, so that they are easily repeatable yet open to “see” success
to some change if competitive conditions dictate
this. Pre-performance routines help athletes lock Sport psychology consultant Sean McCann
in a sense of automaticity, so that once they begin (2015) uses the following exercise with “com-
their routine they kick in their automatic pilot, bat” sport athletes (e.g., wrestling, judo, boxing,
which is where the best performances occur. Pre- taekwondo). He asks them to think about
performance routines also give athletes something their toughest opponent and asks if they can
to think about besides the pressures of kicking beat them. Typically, they say yes. He then
the game-winning field goal or shooting the game- asks them how, and there is often uncertainty.
winning free throw. The key is for athletes to McCann has the athlete describe the best strat-
develop a routine and then practice it through imag- egy to beat this opponent and then visualize
ery in their physical training sessions and then use it this as clearly as possible for 30 seconds.
habitually in competition so that it becomes second After the 30-second imagery period, they
nature. Hopefully, this will help their performance review the strategy to see if it was successful.
become second nature! The idea is to keep problem solving and strate-
gizing and visualizing until they are able to see
Building and enhancing mental skills. Imagery their success against this particular opponent.
as a mental training tool can be used to build and McCann explains that when athletes visualize
enhance all types of mental skills important to an new behavior patterns, they are taking the first
athlete’s performance. steps to actually perform in that way. If they
cannot see themselves executing the specific
Self-confidence. Athletes can nurture a self-im- strategies, the odds of them succeeding in real
age of competence and success by re-creating past competition are minimal.
successful performances and the positive feelings
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  263

Energy management. Athletes who need to increase

their energy (arousal) to psych up for competition Sample imagery script for relaxation/
can imagine playing intensely and assertively in front stress reduction
of a roaring crowd. Athletes who need to decrease
their energy or arousal before competition can men- 1. G
 et into a comfortable position and close
tally recall their preparation and good performances your eyes. Take several deep, cleansing
in practice and previous competitions and then visu- breaths to relax and center yourself. Take
alize themselves handling the pressure and perform- a moment to scan your muscles. If you feel
ing successfully in the upcoming competition. tension anywhere, gently remind yourself
An imagery exercise called the Energy Room to “let it go.” Continue to scan the muscles
can help athletes regulate arousal from different of your body. Wherever you feel any ten-
competitive demands. The Energy Room image sion, allow yourself to consciously “let it
involves athletes walking down a dark tunnel to a go.” As you do this, repeat the words “let it
door that leads them into a room that is very com- go” to yourself.
fortable and pleasing. (You can create whatever
2. I would like you to visualize a very thick
type of room you wish.) Imagine the room is sealed
rope that is tied into a big knot. See the
and special air is piped in that creates the type of
knot in your mind’s eye. Notice the tightly
energy that is needed for this specific athlete in his
intertwined pieces of the rope that are
or her event. The athletes feel themselves become
stretched taut against each other. Now
more energized or relaxed with each inhalation and
visualize the knot slowly loosening, slowly
feel increasing focus, intensity, or relaxation. The
loosening—a little bit of slack at a time until
breathing continues until the athletes feel appropri-
it is slack, limp, and completely uncoiled.
ately energized and walk back through the tunnel
feeling relaxed, focused, intense, centered, or confi- 3. N
 ow visualize a candle that has burned
dent. Whatever variation is used in this image, the out. Focus on the cold and hard wax that
main objective is for athletes to have an imaginary has accumulated at the base of the candle.
place that they can go to create optimal energy and Now visualize the wax slowly softening—
use any mental strategies they want to employ. The becoming first gooey, then soft like butter,
room should become comfortable and familiar so then totally liquid as the wax warms and
it is an easy place for athletes to go in their minds melts.
to manage and control their physical and mental 4. V
 isualize yourself on a loud city corner.
arousal levels. It’s windy and cold, very busy, and very
noisy. Feel people buffet you as they rush
Stress management. Energy management is usu- by, hear the noise of cars and trucks, and
ally needed just before or during competition. smell the fumes as buses drive by. Right
Imagery may also be helpful to reduce stress that beside you is a construction site, and a
occurs because of an overload of life demands (e.g., jackhammer goes off without warning. It is
job pressure, exams, deadlines). Coaches and ath- so loud that your ears hurt and your body
letes both should have two or three relaxing images vibrates with the noise and concussions as
that they can use when they need to reduce stress it tears up the concrete. Slowly, ease your-
and help them to relax and unwind. These images self away so you are lying on your back
might be of a favorite place or a warm beach. An on a grassy knoll by a sparkling blue lake.
example stress reduction imagery script is provided
in the following box.
264 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

was shifting attention to the wrong things at the end

The sun warms your face and body, and a of her races. She made a tactical correction in her
gentle breeze creates small ripples on the race plan and then mentally practiced her new strat-
water. Listen as the jackhammer fades into egy using imagery.
a woodpecker gently rapping on a tree. Aiding in the recovery from injury. Because
5. N
 ow focus inwardly on yourself. You have injured athletes typically cannot participate in physi-
released the knots and relaxed your body. cal training, imagery allows them to mentally practice
You have softened and then melted the ten- skills and strategies during their recovery. Injured ath-
sion of your day. You have transformed the letes should attend team training sessions and imagine
bustle and noise in your life into pleasant themselves running through the drills and workouts
sounds of nature. By doing this, you have just as though they were physically performing them.
gained control over your mind and body. Challenge your athletes to use their time recovering
Remind yourself now that you have the abil- from their injuries to engage in mental training and to
ity to gain control of your thoughts and feel- maintain a focused, productive, strong-willed mind-set
ings through creative visualization. Affirm toward recovery. Among other things, athletes can set
your personal power to choose to think and progressive rehabilitation goals and vividly imagine
feel well and to believe in your ability to the attainment of these goals. They can also use the
transform your life in productive ways. ISI exercise to work toward full recovery of their com-
petitive self-image.
6. R
 efocus now on your breathing, and Olympic freestyle skier Emily Cook engaged in
repeat the following affirmation each extensive imagery training during a prolonged injury
time you exhale: “My body is relaxed and layoff by creating imagery scripts in a recorder
open” (wait 30 seconds). Now change (Clarey, 2014). Cook says: “I would say into the
that affirmation (each time you exhale) recorder: ‘I’m standing on the top of the hill. I can
to: “I choose to think and be well” (wait feel the wind on the back of my neck. I can hear
30 to 50 seconds). Feel pride in yourself the crowd. Kind of going through all the different
and your abilities, and reinforce to your- senses and then going through what I wanted to do
self now that you have the power each for the perfect jump. I turn down the in-run. I stand
day to manage how you think and feel. up. I engage my core. I look at the top of the jump.’”
Take time each day to relax your body, Cook then played the recording back as she relaxed,
melt away the tension, and quiet the eyes closed, feeling her muscles firing in response.
noise in your life. She said that her imagery work helped her return to
her sport as a better jumper.

Increasing self-awareness. By systematically prac- Times to Use Imagery

ticing imagery, athletes can become more aware
You now know some specific uses for imagery. But
of what is taking place within and around them by
when is the most effective time to use it? Staying
relaxing and paying attention to sensory details.
with our cookbook design, we offer three sugges-
A runner may learn much about a previously run
tions about when to use imagery.
race by vividly re-creating it in her mind. A member
of the U.S. Nordic ski team was having problems Daily practice. To be systematic, daily imagery
sustaining the level of concentration she needed practice is a great idea, although research shows
throughout her races. By imagining her past races that three times per week is effective (Wakefield &
in vivid detail, she suddenly became aware that she Smith, 2009, 2011). As you will see in the sample
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  265

programs at the end of the chapter, this may require evaluation cards based on their post-performance
only five to ten minutes per day or session. imagery. Using imagery at this time facilitates
increased awareness of what actually happened
• Before physical practice sessions. This fits imag- during the competition.
ery into the athletes’ routine and may get them
into the proper frame of mind for practice. Imagery Cookbook for Coaches and Practitioners. 
• After physical practice sessions. This has been You now have all the ingredients (uses, times, strat-
successful with groups in reaffirming the points egies) to cook up an effective and systematic imag-
emphasized in practice that day. Also, athletes ery program for your athletes. Remember the KISS
are more relaxed at the end of practice and may principle—keep it simple and systematic instead of
be more receptive to imagery at that time. trying to do too much at first. Carefully consider
the types and methods of imagery that will work for
• During practice. For example, if a basketball you in your particular situation.
coach implements an imagery program to prac-
tice free throws, he or she may build in time Sample imagery programs. Two sample imagery
for imagery prior to shooting free throws in programs are provided next to give you a basic idea
practice. This is especially helpful in developing about the structure and progression of imagery
kinesthetic imagery ability. programs for athletes. These program outlines are
generic and can be modified to meet the sport-
Pre-performance routine. It is helpful for athletes to
specific and program-specific needs of your
go through a pre-performance imagery routine before
competition. This routine should be individualized
for each athlete and practiced in pre-performance
situations. To facilitate developing a routine, it is Team Imagery Program
helpful to have a quiet, comfortable room available The coach or sport psychology consultant should
to all athletes prior to competition. However, if begin the team imagery program well before
no room is available, imagery can be practiced the start of the competitive season so athletes
anywhere. In this case, athletes could use the Energy are familiar with imagery and proficient in their
Room image suggested earlier to mentally prepare imagery skills.
for competition. Suggestions about the content of
these precompetitive routines are included with the First three weeks of preseason
sample programs at the end of the chapter.
Also, certain skills in sport are conducive to 1. Introduce program (10 minutes).
a pre-performance imagery routine before actually 2. Evaluate athletes’ imagery ability (15 minutes).
performing the skill. Closed skills such as free-throw
3. B
 asic Training (three times per week for
shooting, field goal kicking, ski jumping, volleyball
10 minutes following practice). Begin Basic
serving, or gymnastic vaulting are more easily prac-
Training with the exercises suggested in this
ticed in this way, as opposed to open skills such as
chapter, then add exercises that are appropri-
broken field running in football or executing a fast
ate for your team and sport (team tactics
break in basketball.
and strategies).
Post-performance review. Another appropriate time 4. P
 rovide individual imagery sessions for ath-
to use imagery is after competition. This should be letes who are interested. Also, invite athletes
an individual exercise, but coaches can monitor it to meet with you individually to discuss per-
by having the athletes complete post-competitive sonalized imagery training they can do on
266 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

their own. Continue to provide individual after each game. This card should ask the athletes to
sessions for athletes throughout the season if evaluate their performance in such areas as physi-
they want them. cal skills, strategies, fulfillment of role, achievement
of goals, energy management, attentional focus,
Remainder of season. (three times per week self-confidence, areas that need improvement, and
10 minutes before, following, or during practice). strategies to improve these areas. Make the card
concise and objective so the athletes will find it easy
1. Repetitive practice of simple sport skills* to complete (see Chapter 11 for a sample evaluation
2. Repetitive practice of advanced sport skills* card).
3. C
 ompetitive tactics and strategies in relation
to specific needs of team and upcoming Individual Imagery Program
1. E
 ducation about imagery to understand basics
4. Re-create past successful performance of imagery
5. G
 oal programming (planning and imagining 2. E
 valuation of imagery ability (use
attainment of specific goals) for future success questionnaire)
Include in all sessions the imagery exercises 3. Basic Training (once a day for 10 minutes)
marked with an asterisk. They are a warm-up for the 4. R
 egular imagery sessions (throughout compet-
other types of imagery. After these initial warm-up itive season)
exercises, you can use any type of imagery exercises.
Other suggested images might include the following: Pre-practice (5 minutes): Technique work, goal
programming for practice
• Confidence in fulfilling team role successfully Post-practice (10 minutes): Re-create practice
• Attentional focus (develop a team focus plan for performance, mental skills practice (according
different opponents) to individual need), practice precompetitive
• Using verbal triggers and symbolic images imagery program

• Energy management (Energy Room or similar 5. Competition day

image to feel control over arousal regulation) Pre-event imagery (10 to 20 minutes): Use for-
• Correcting mistakes/practice refocusing plan mat suggested in “Team Imagery Program”
• Pre-competitive routine (should be practiced at Post-event review (10 to 20 minutes): Design
least twice a week) personal event evaluation card or log

Pre-competitive imagery routine. The suggested

practice outline (the first five steps listed under Case Studies
“Remainder of season”) could be incorporated into
Now that you’ve read the “cookbook” and some
individual pre-competitive routines. Encourage each
sample programs, let’s try your hand at planning
athlete to develop his or her own routine, and make
imagery training programs for athletes. In this
available a pre-event imagery room or specified area
in which imagery can be practiced privately. section, three case studies are presented that
describe athletes who are having performance
Post-game imagery review. You may want to devise problems. Read through each case and use your
an event evaluation card that athletes will complete knowledge from the chapter to plan an imagery
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  267

intervention to help that athlete perform better. concerned that she will not make it back to her pre-
Write your plan for each athlete down on paper, vious performance level, and she is worried that she
and then go on to read the hypothetical imagery will now fail to gain a scholarship.
interventions that we suggest for each case. Don’t
look ahead until you plan your own imagery inter- Suggested Imagery Intervention Plans
ventions for each athlete! Molly. Initially we got to know Molly and
talked with her about her perceived strengths and
Molly weaknesses as a figure skater. We introduced the
Molly, a 13-year-old figure skater, is attempting her concept of imagery to her and guided her through
senior freestyle test for the third time. Molly needs imagery in which she imagined her performance
to pass this test to qualify for the highest level of during practice and during a test session. After
national competition. In practice, Molly has com- imagining each scene, she wrote down the char-
pleted all of the elements of her freestyle program acteristics of the performances, including how
with ease, but she tends to choke during the test she felt during the performance, what she said to
sessions. Her coach attempts to be patient and sup- herself, how she prepared for the performances,
portive by telling Molly that she just needs to try and how she responded to mistakes. Based on an
harder and practice more. evaluation of Molly’s imagery ability, we recom-
mended some Basic Training exercises with an
Mario emphasis on arousal control and refocusing after
Mario is a collegiate ice hockey player who lacks We worked with Molly to develop a pretest
consistency in his performance. He performs well imagery program in which she saw herself perform-
until he becomes distracted by his anger in reac- ing well, achieving her goals (goal programming),
tion to game events that he cannot control, such and refocusing after mistakes in her program.
as poor officiating, rough play by opponents, or We developed an imagery script for Molly to use
poor ice conditions. When asked about his incon- before test sessions focusing on arousal control and
sistency, Mario says, “I just can’t concentrate on the self-confidence. Here is an example of Molly’s imag-
game when things go wrong!” Mario’s coach tells ery script:
him that he’d better get a handle on his temper and
focus on the game. I am calm, confident, and in control. My muscles
are loose and relaxed, like flexible springs. I am
breathing easily, feeling my lungs fill with energizing
Dee air. During my warm-up, I feel focused and confi-
Dee is a gifted high school sprinter. She is in top dent. My blades cut into the ice with ease, making a
physical condition and is expected to have a great crisp cutting noise. My jumps are snappy and explo-
senior season and earn a track scholarship to a sive. My spins are centered and tight. My muscles
major university. Dee injures her ankle before the are warm and elastic. As I step onto the ice for my
first meet of the year, yet when she returns to com- program, I feel balanced and in control. I take my
beginning position with a confident posture, feeling
petition a few weeks later, she does not perform
excited anticipation to perform my best. I know that
as well as she or her coaches expected. Dee has I’m ready.
recovered physically from the injury, but mentally
she is worried about reinjury. She is not putting Molly practiced this pretest imagery program
100 percent effort into practice, and her per- during simulated test sessions and during practice
formance suffers as a result. Deep down, she is sessions to re-create the testing experience. Through
268 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

imagery, Molly developed the mental skills to Mario was able to use his imagery scripts to
become more mentally tough and focused during practice emotional control and refocusing skills. He
pressure performances. became more consistent in his ability to focus after
negative events during games and continued to use
Mario. We first got to know Mario and talked with imagery for refocusing.
him about his perceived strengths and weaknesses
as a hockey player. We introduced the concept of Dee. We first got to know Dee and discussed her
imagery to him and guided him through an imagery physical and mental approach to competition. We
session in which he visualized his performance being guided her through several imagery sessions in
negatively affected by anger. After the imagery, we which she imagined her performance both before
specifically worked with Mario to identify the spe- and after her injury. We asked Dee to focus on how
cific characteristics of the situation, such as what she felt, what she said to herself, and what her men-
triggered his anger, his attitude before and after the tal attitude was during both situations. We had her
trigger event, and his focus before and after the trig- re-create through imagery the times before her injury
ger. We evaluated Mario’s imagery ability and recom- in which she ran well and had her compare her
mended various Basic Training exercises, especially thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to times after her
focusing on self-awareness and controllability. injury. During this time, we also had Dee practice
We worked with Mario to develop a refocusing imagery to become more skilled at controlling
imagery program in which he saw himself refocus- her images.
ing after negative events, directing the anger in a We worked with Dee to develop an imagery
productive way, and performing well after negative program in which she re-created the feelings of
events. Mario imagined several different scenarios confidence and competence she experienced prior
in which he typically loses his temper and his focus, to her injury. We had her keep a log of her mental
such as after a poor call from an official or rough states before, during, and after practices and meets.
play by the opposing team. We worked with Mario Additionally, Dee recorded any triggers that she
to develop several imagery scripts incorporating associated with changes in her attitude or mood
imagery triggers, so he could mentally practice emo- toward her ability. Initially, Dee’s log indicated that
tional control and refocusing. An excerpt from his she questioned her running ability. After a period
emotional control script follows: of systematic and consistent use of imagery, Dee’s
attitude began to change. She began to feel surer of
[Trigger event] . . . Deep breath . . . Squeeze stick . . .
herself and thus pushed herself harder during prac-
Let anger swell up from the bottom of your toes,
into your legs, all the way through your trunk and
tice. The combination of her mental and physical
chest. Feel the anger flowing down out of your arms, training helped Dee get back to her preinjury run-
feel the hot emotions bursting out of your fingers. ning level. Seeing was believing for Dee as she went
Squeeze all of that anger into your stick. Take a deep on to become a successful collegiate runner and an
breath. Relax your hands. advocate for the power of imagery.

Imagery is using one’s senses to re-create or create an experience in the mind. Athletes must use
imagery in a systematic and intentional manner as a mental training tool for it to enhance their
performance. Both scientific and experiential accounts of the use of imagery to enhance sport
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  269

performance report positive results. Athletes can and should increase their imagery skills to engage
in vivid and controlled images and to utilize both internal and external imagery perspectives.
Neuroimaging techniques reveal how imagery activates the same areas and processes in the brain
as when the movement being imaged is actually executed. This similar neural activity between imag-
ery and actual physical performance is called functional equivalence. Systematic imagery practice
strengthens the neural pathways involved in the specific physical movement, resulting in improved
performance. Athletes can make their imagery more functionally equivalent by practicing imagery
using their typical performance posture and movements, holding performance implements, loading
their images with vivid responses to specific stimuli, using verbal triggers or symbolic images, and
generally imaging in real time.
Setting up a systematic imagery program involves introducing imagery to athletes, helping them
evaluate their imagery abilities to understand their strengths and areas that need improvement,
leading athletes in Basic Training exercises, and helping athletes integrate imagery into their physical
practice routines. Imagery can be used to practice specific sport skills, prepare for competitive
strategies and tactics, prepare a mental focus for competition, automate pre-performance routines,
enhance mental skills, and aid in the recovery from injuries.

Study Questions

1. Briefly describe some of the evidence supporting the positive influence of imagery on
sport performance.
2. Describe the four phases of setting up an imagery training program.
3. How does imagery enhance performance in terms of the functional equivalence explanation?
4. What are five different ways imagery can be used by athletes?
5. Explain five specific ways that athletes can make their imagery training more
functionally equivalent.
6. Develop an imagery program for an athlete in your sport using the imagery cookbook.
7. Explain why and how imagery can be polysensory.
8. What are three different times imagery can be used optimally by athletes?
9. What is the difference between external and internal imagery, and how can athletes use
each perspective?
10. Can imagery hurt athletes’ performance? Explain and then identify how athletes can avoid this
negative imagery effect.

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Sample Imagery Script for Competition

Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. a warm-up drill. (Pause for 30 seconds.) Now in
Focus on the center of your body and take several your mind’s eye, focus on the specific goals and
slow deep breaths. With each inhalation, imagine strategies for this particular competition. Imagine
that you are pulling all of the tension from your yourself performing perfectly, achieving your goals
body into your lungs. With each exhalation, imag- for the competition and successfully executing
ine that you are releasing all of your tension and specific strategies for this opponent. (Pause for
negative thoughts from your body. Continue this 60 seconds.)
focused breathing until your body becomes relaxed Now imagine yourself arriving at the competi-
and your mind is alert and open for productive tion site feeling confident in your physical and men-
thoughts. (Pause for 30 seconds.) tal preparation. (Pause for 20 seconds.) You feel
Imagine it is the night before an important the nervous anticipation of competition and remind
competition or performance. You are preparing for yourself that it is exhilarating to play your sport.
the next day’s event. As you are preparing to go to You love it! (Pause for 10 seconds.) Imagine your
sleep, you are focusing on feeling calm, confident, feelings as you dress and go through any precompet-
and physically and emotionally in control. (Pause itive preparations. (Pause for 20 seconds.) You feel
for 10 seconds.) You are excited and anticipatory confident in your preparation and clearly focused
about performing well tomorrow. (Pause for 10 sec- on your upcoming performance. Your breathing
onds.) You sleep well and awaken feeling rested, is calm and controlled. Your muscles feel warm
excited, and focused. (Pause for 8 seconds.) You and elastic, ready to explode with intensity and
realize that you are well prepared, both physically precision. You are ready! (Pause for 15 seconds.)
and mentally, for the competition. Physically, you Imagine going through your competition warm-up
feel balanced and ready. Mentally, you are confi- as you have done so many times in practice. (Pause
dent and focused. (Pause for 10 seconds.) for 30 seconds.) Your warm-up goes well, yet you
Now imagine that you are at home prepar- remind yourself that you are ready for any unex-
ing to leave for the competition site. (Pause for pected problem or obstacle. You are confident in
10 seconds.) You take some time to run through your refocusing ability and remind yourself that you
your mental warm-up by visualizing several repe- are mentally tough. You feel optimally energized
titions of a few basic skills in your sport, such as and ready to go. Enjoy it!


Sport Imagery Evaluation

As you complete this evaluation, remember that clear image that you can. After you have completed
imagery is more than just visualizing something in imagining each situation, rate your imagery skills
your mind’s eye. Vivid images may include many using the following scales.
senses, such as seeing, hearing, feeling, touching,
For items a–f:
and smelling. Vivid images also may include feeling
emotions or moods. 1 = no image present
In this exercise you will read descriptions of 2 = not clear or vivid, but a recognizable image
general sport situations. You are to imagine the
3 = moderately clear and vivid image
situation and provide as much detail from your
imagination as possible to make the image as real 4 = clear and vivid image
as you can. Then you will be asked to rate your 5 = extremely clear and vivid image
imagery in seven areas:
For item g:
a. How vividly you saw or visualized the image. 1 = no control at all of image
b. How clearly you heard the sounds. 2 = very hard to control
c. How vividly you felt your body movements
3 = moderate control of image
during the activity.
4 = good control of image
d. How clearly you were aware of your mood or
felt your emotions of the situation. 5 = complete control of image
e. Whether you could see the image from inside
your body. Practicing Alone
f. Whether you could see the image from outside
Select one specific skill or activity in your sport,
your body.
such as shooting free throws, performing a parallel
g. How well you could control the image. bar routine, executing a takedown, throwing a pass,
After you read each description, think of a spe- hitting a ball, or swimming the butterfly. Now imag-
cific example of it—the skill, the people involved, ine yourself performing this activity at the place
the place, the time. Then close your eyes and try to where you normally practice (gym, pool, rink, field,
imagine the situation as vividly as you can. court) without anyone else present. Close your eyes
There are, of course, no right or wrong images. for about one minute and try to see yourself at this
Use your imagery skills to create the most vivid and place, hear the sounds, feel your body perform the

Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  275

a. Rate how well you saw yourself doing the activity. 1 2 3 4 5

b. Rate how well you heard the sounds of doing the activity. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Rate how well you felt yourself making the movements. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Rate how well you were aware of your mood. 1 2 3 4 5
e. Rate how well you were able to see the image from inside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
f. Rate how well you were able to see the image from outside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
g. Rate how well you controlled the image. 1 2 3 4 5

movement, and be aware of your state of mind or that everyone notices. Close your eyes for about
mood. Try to see yourself from behind your eyes one minute to imagine making the error and the
or from inside your body. Then, try to see yourself situation immediately afterward as vividly as you
from outside your body, as if you were watching a can. First, try to experience the feelings you have
videotape of yourself performing. as you make the mistake. Then, quickly try to re-cre-
ate the situation in your mind and imagine yourself
Practicing with Others correcting the mistake and performing perfectly.
Try to see the image from behind your eyes or from
You are doing the same activity, but now you are inside your body as you correct the mistake. Next,
practicing the skill with your coach and teammates try to see the image as if you were watching through
present. This time, however, you make a mistake a video camera as you correct the mistake.

a. Rate how well you saw yourself in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5

b. Rate how well you heard the sounds in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Rate how well you felt yourself making the movements. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Rate how well you felt the emotions of this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
e. Rate how well you were able to see the image from inside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
f. Rate how well you were able to see the image from outside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
g. Rate how well you controlled the image. 1 2 3 4 5

Playing in a Contest doing the activity very skillfully and the specta-
tors and teammates showing their appreciation.
Imagine yourself performing the same or simi- As you imagine the situation, try to see the crowd
lar activity in competition, but imagine yourself and hear the noise they are making. Imagine
276 Chapter 13   Using Imagery as a Mental Training Tool in Sport

yourself feeling confident in your ability to per- Try to image yourself performing from inside
form, as well as your ability to handle the pres- your body, as if you were actually performing, as
sure. Now close your eyes for about one minute well as from outside your body, as if you were a
and imagine this situation as vividly as possible. spectator.

a. Rate how well you saw yourself in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5

b. Rate how well you heard the sounds in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Rate how well you felt yourself making the movements. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Rate how well you felt the emotions of this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
e. Rate how well you were able to see the image from inside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
f. Rate how well you were able to see the image from outside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
g. Rate how well you controlled the image. 1 2 3 4 5

Recalling a Peak Performance emotions, and re-create the experience. Imagine

your performance and re-create the feelings you
Recall one of your all-time best performances—a experienced, both mentally and physically, during
performance in which you felt confident, in control, that performance. Try to see the image from within
in the zone. Close your eyes for about one minute yourself, and then try to imagine the situation from
and try to see yourself in that situation, feel your outside yourself.

a. Rate how well you saw yourself in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5

b. Rate how well you heard the sounds in this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
c. Rate how well you felt yourself making the movements. 1 2 3 4 5
d. Rate how well you felt the emotions of this situation. 1 2 3 4 5
e. Rate how well you were able to see the image from inside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
f. Rate how well you were able to see the image from outside your body. 1 2 3 4 5
g. Rate how well you controlled the image. 1 2 3 4 5

Scoring Interpret your scores in the visual, auditory,

kinesthetic, emotion, and controllability categories
Now let’s determine your imagery scores and see based on the following scale: excellent (20–18),
what they mean. Sum the ratings for each category good (17–15), average (14–12), fair (11–8), and
and record them below. poor (7–4). Notice the categories in which your
Robin S. Vealey and Samuel T. Forlenza  277

scores were low and refer to exercises in the chapter so don’t just rely on your visual sense. Work to
to increase your imagery ability in those areas. All of improve the others! Remember, it takes practice but
these categories are important for imagery training, you can increase your imagery ability. Good luck!

Directions Dimension Score

Sum all a items Visual

Sum all b items Auditory
Sum all c items Kinesthetic
Sum all d items Emotion
Sum all e items Internal perspective
Sum all f items External perspective
Sum all g items Controllability

Cognitive Techniques for Building
Confidence and Enhancing Performance
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus
Colleen M. Hacker, Pacific Lutheran University

If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.
—Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company and assembly line mass production

But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are
no limits.
—Michael Phelps, winner of 23 Olympic gold medals

The most consistent finding in peak performance Confident athletes think about themselves and the
literature is the direct correlation between self- action at hand in a different way than those who
confidence and success (see Chapter 9). Athletes lack confidence. They have learned that the con-
who are truly outstanding know the importance of scious mind is not always an ally, that it must be
self-confidence to their performance. Their confi- disciplined, just as their bodies have been disci-
dence has been developed over many years and is plined. We all spend vast amounts of time talking to
the direct result of factors such as effective thinking ourselves. Much of the time we are not even aware
and frequent experiences in which they have been of this internal dialogue, much less its content.
successful. Because developing, maintaining and Nevertheless, thoughts directly affect feelings and
regaining confidence is such a high priority for ath- ultimately actions:
letes and coaches who wish to become successful
(Beaumont, Maynard, & Butt, 2015), understanding
confidence and how to develop, maintain, regain, Inappropriate or misguided thinking usually leads to
and enhance it is an equally high priority for sport negative feelings and poor performance, just as appro-
psychology consultants working in applied settings. priate or positive thinking leads to enabling feelings and
What we think and say to ourselves in prac- good performance (McPherson, 2000; Neil, Hanton, &
tice and competition is critical to performance. Mellalieu, 2013; Thomas, Maynard, & Hanton, 2007).

Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  279

In terms of confidence and performance, it is also earlier chapters in this book have provided, either
true that a reciprocal, bidirectional relationship directly or indirectly, some answers to this question.
exists whereby For example, seeing improvement in physical skill
and providing for a history of successful experiences
build both confidence and the expectation of future
Poor performance often leads to unproductive feel- success. Coaches who observe the learning and
ings, negative thinking, and lowered confidence performance guidelines outlined in Chapters 2 and
(Hays, Thomas, Maynard, & Bawden, 2009; Kingston, 3 will be more likely to maximize successful skill
Lane, & Thomas, 2010). development in their athletes. Effective coach–
Athletes who are truly outstanding are often athlete interactions, as illustrated in Chapters 6, 7,
self-confident, and this confidence is not an acci­dent. and 8, are likely to enhance each athlete’s sense of self-
Vealey and colleagues (Vealey, Hayashi, Garner- worth and self-esteem. Practices that maximize such
Holman, & Giacobbi, 1998) proposed a Sport- growth in athletes, whether the growth be in physical
Confidence Model that includes nine sources of skills or personal development, lead to a more posi-
confidence, such as mastery, demonstrations of tive self-concept and increased self-confidence.
ability, physical/mental preparation, social support, In this chapter we discuss techniques for im­­
coaches’ leadership, and situational favorableness. proving confidence and performance by learning
Their model, and efforts to test and review it (e.g., to develop and manage thoughts or cognitions
Machida, Otten, Magyar, Vealey, & Ward, 2017; appropriately. Developing and maintaining confi-
Machida, Ward, & Vealey; 2012; Vealey & Chase, dence for high-level competition requires that ath-
2008), provides excellent information for helping to letes become aware of and then deliberately step
understand sport confidence. So, too, does the con- away from many of the dysfunctional thinking
fidence profiling process developed by Hays and col- habits they may have developed over the years. It
leagues (Hays, Thomas, & Maynard, 2010), which is is important that athletes understand how the mind
an ideographic interview approach that enables the works, how it affects their feelings and actions,
athlete to discuss confidence in his or her own words. and ultimately how it can be disciplined. Initially
This chapter’s focus, however, is to look at the thoughts may appear to occur spontaneously and
relationship between thoughts and confidence. The involuntarily—thus, beyond control. With the skills
central thesis is that self-talk and particular thinking of awareness and mindfulness, athletes can appro-
habits are key factors that influence confidence, feel- priately and positively manage their thoughts. They
ings, and ultimately behavior, including performance. can learn to use self-talk to facilitate both learning
Confident athletes have thinking habits which, when and performance. They can also learn to identify
consistently practiced until they become automatic and replace self-defeating thoughts with positive
and natural, enable them to retain and benefit from ones—thoughts that build confidence and the expec-
the experiences in which they have been successful tation of success. Such positive thought processes
and to release, reappraise, or reframe the memories often become self-fulfilling prophecies.
and feelings from their less successful experiences.
Confident athletes think they can, and they do. They
never give up. They typically are characterized by Key Definitions: Confidence, Mental
positive self-talk, images, and attitudes. Toughness, Optimism, Self-Efficacy
If confidence is so critical to successful perfor-
mance and personal growth, what can coaches and Most dictionary definitions of confidence include
sport psychology consultants do to help promote phrases such as “feeling of self-assurance” and “a
self-confidence within their athletes? Many of the belief in one’s powers.” It is useful to think of sport
280 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

confidence as a relatively global concept that refers Based on recommendations from interviews
to an individual’s belief that they can do what- conducted with experienced mental performance
ever it takes to be successful in their sport. The consultants, Weinberg et al. (2018) provided
image of any great athlete (e.g., Serena Williams, guidelines to help coaches foster mental tough-
LeBron James, Tom Brady) is one that exudes this ness in athletes. They recommend that coaches
confidence. be purposeful, deliberate, and systematic in how
The idea of “mental toughness” is certainly they think about their relationship with athletes
related to the concept of confidence. Through a and staff, the practice environment, and the inte-
series of interviews with international-caliber ath- gration of mental skills into all aspects of the
letes, Jones, Hanton, and Connaughton (2002) performance environment. Fostering a communi-
arrived at a definition of mental toughness as “the cation style that is not only challenging but also
natural or developed psychological edge . . . that constructive and encouraging, being an active
enables you to cope better than your competitors listener, fostering athlete autonomy and choice,
with the demands of performance . . . and to remain seeing each athlete as an individual, being pur-
more determined, focused, confident, and in con- poseful and intentional about creating adversity
trol.” Furthermore, they identified the most import- in practice (distractions, competitive challenges,
ant attribute of mental toughness as “an unshakable recovering after team or individual mistakes, etc.),
belief in your ability to achieve your competitive and then teaching athletes the requisite mental
goals.” Their later work affirmed that belief and skills necessary to successfully overcome those
focus (attitude/mind-set dimension) are the founda- challenges are essential.
tion for mental toughness development and mainte- A related concept important to the understand-
nance (Connaughton, Hanton, & Jones, 2010). ing of confidence is optimism, which is the tendency
While coaches and athletes generally agree to expect the best possible outcome or to dwell on
on the value and prevalence of mental toughness the most hopeful aspects of a situation. In the world
in top performers, in their qualitative overview of of sport and competitive performance, the propen-
mental toughness research, Anthony, Gucciardi, sity to look for opportunities to score, to maintain
and Gordon (2016) noted that there has been rela- effort, to rebound, to mount a comeback, and to
tively little advancement in what coaches, athletes, excel, regardless of the circumstances, is indispens-
and mental performance consultants can do to able for success. Most importantly, any athlete or
develop mental toughness. Perhaps in response to performer can systematically cultivate and develop
that observation, several recent lines of scholarship this optimistic tendency, as the following pages will
(Anthony, Gordon, Gucciardi & Dawson, 2018; describe.
Beck, Petrie, Harmison, & Moore, 2017) have begun A fourth related concept is self-efficacy
to develop coaching education frameworks to help (Bandura, 1997). Think of self-efficacy as a
coaches foster mental toughness in their athletes, situation­specific type of confidence referring to
while others (Eubank, Nesti, & Littlewood, 2017; one’s expectation of succeeding at a specific task or
Weinberg, Freysinger, & Mellano, 2018) focused on meeting a particular challenge, such as sinking this
how mental performance consultants can work with free throw or beating this opponent. See Chapter 4
athletes and coaches to help build and maintain for a discussion of self-efficacy and its role in moti-
mental toughness. Both lines of research emphasize vation and performance. Taken together, the con-
the collaborative role that coaches should have with cepts of confidence, mental toughness, optimism,
their athletes in creating challenging, autonomous, and self-efficacy make up both a global and a spe-
individualized, and multidimensional mental tough- cific belief that “I can do it,” which is essential for
ness programs. success, especially for athletic success. Without this
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  281

belief, one automatically concedes an advantage to in Vealey’s model and a consistently constructive
the opponent. thinking process. It’s better to think of the road
Perhaps the best example of the powerful to greater self-confidence as frequently under con-
impact of beliefs on performance occurred over a struction. Most athletes are in a perpetual cycle of
half-century ago when Roger Bannister, a young feeling confident, then needing to rebuild, regain, or
English medical student, made history by break- maintain their confidence.
ing one of sport’s most fabled physical and psy-
chological barriers—running a mile in less than Misconception 2: Only Positive Feedback
four minutes. Many today consider his run one of
Can Build Confidence
the defining athletic achievements of the twenti-
eth century. Until his 1954 race, it was considered Although positive feedback from teammates, par-
physically and mentally impossible for the body to ents, and coaches certainly helps build confidence,
endure the punishment of such a feat. Individuals so, too, can negative comments such as criticism
had even written treatises on why the body was and sarcasm if the athlete chooses not to be dev-
physiologically incapable of running the mile in astated by such comments but to use them in a
under four minutes. Bannister, however, believed constructive way. In fact, it’s not uncommon for
that the mile could be run in under four minutes successful athletes to use negative comments as fuel
and, equally important, he was the person who to ignite their confidence, if only to prove others
would do it. He achieved the impossible not merely wrong.
by physical practice but also by rehearsing in his
head breaking through the four-minute barrier so
often and with so much emotional intensity that he Misconception 3: Success Always Builds
programmed his mind and body to believe he would Confidence
do it. What people do not realize, though, is that the It is generally true that “nothing succeeds like suc-
greatest impact of his feat was on others. Within the cess,” but this is not the whole story. Successful
next year, 37 runners broke the four-minute barrier athletes do not always make an easy transition to
and, to date, over 1,400 athletes have run a sub-four- the next level of competition, despite their years
minute mile. The only thing that changed was their of previous success. Other successful athletes may
belief system! lose their confidence because past success at lower
levels becomes a form of pressure from which they
cannot escape. Still other athletes who experience
Common Misconceptions about great success use their perceptual abilities to focus
only on their weaknesses and to remember only
Confidence their failures. Thus, successful athletes may limit
their future success because they do not have the
Misconception 1: Either You Have It or level of confidence that their accomplishments
You Don’t might warrant.
Some people believe that confidence is an inher- Logic would assert that confidence follows
ited disposition or trait that cannot be changed by competence, that after having performed and accom-
training, practice, or experience. The truth is that plished at a certain level, confidence inevitably fol-
the high self-confidence seen in outstanding ath- lows. Although seemingly obvious and often true
letes is not an accident or a random genetic occur- (Connaughton et al., 2010), success or competence
rence over which athletes have no control. Instead, in no way guarantees confidence. Robert Hughes
confidence is the result of the sources identified provides insight on this seeming contradiction when
282 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

he noted that: “The greater the artist, the greater the and positive experiences may also have occurred
doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the least tal- and they examine what went wrong in a constructive
ented as a consolation prize.” Or take the example way.
of Michael Strahan, former All-Pro defensive end Taken collectively, the preceding points all indi-
for the New York Giants, who was plagued by self- cate that confidence results from how one thinks, what
doubt when his team was losing. How could a player one focuses on, and how one reacts to the events in
of such obvious and demonstrated competence be so one’s life.
lacking in confidence? The answer lies in the often
illogical and irrational nature of the human mind.
Strahan’s mind was apparently focused on his mis- Prerequisites for Gaining Confidence
takes, misses, and losses, rather than on his sacks,
tackles, and successes, even though he had ample Now that we have dispelled several myths about
successes in his immediate past to draw strength and confidence and shown that confidence is within an
optimism from. Only when he disciplined his think- athlete’s grasp, how does one gain confidence? The
ing with regular mental training sessions that incor- following four prerequisites provide a solid founda-
porated success imagery did Strahan’s confidence tion for building confidence:
come back, and with that confidence his long-term
1. Understand the reciprocal interaction between
dominance was virtually assured (King, 2001).
thoughts and performance and between perfor-
mance and thoughts.
Misconception 4: Confidence Equals
Outspoken Arrogance 2. Cultivate honest self-awareness.

Certain confident individuals in the world of sport 3. Develop an optimistic explanatory style.
are outspoken and brash, but there are just as many 4. Embrace a psychology of excellence, belief,
who have an equally powerful quiet confidence. and mental toughness.
Names such as Muhammad Ali, Charles Barkley,
and Terrell Owens (TO) are associated with
loud and often abrasive levels of confidence, but Understand the Interaction of Thought
other great athletes such as Tim Duncan, Peyton and Performance
Manning, and Megan Duggan are every bit as con-
The thoughts we have of our ability, of the demands
fident on the inside while conveying politeness and
we face, and of the environment we happen to be
modesty on the outside. It is crucial for athletes to
in determine to a large extent the way we feel at
realize that they can be confident without being
any given moment. Think, “I have done this many
considered conceited or arrogant.
times before,” and you feel confident. Think, “I am
being taken advantage of,” and you feel anger. Think,
Misconception 5: Mistakes Inevitably “This practice is worthless,” and you feel impatient
Destroy Confidence and unmotivated. These immediate feelings, in turn,
The greatest difficulty in gaining confidence is the directly affect performance because they produce
fact that sports are played by imperfect human objectively verifiable changes in muscle tension,
beings who often make mistakes. Too many athletes blood flow, hormone production, and attentional
selectively attend more to the mistakes and errors focus. For example, thoughts that anticipate failure
that are inevitable in sport. Other athletes build lead to feelings of anxiety and, among other things,
confidence despite their failures because they inappropriate muscle tension and attentional focus.
selectively attend to whatever small improvements The confident athlete deliberately directs his or her
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  283

thoughts onto those aspects of the environment and or worthless and hopeless” (Seligman, 1991, p. 98).
self that produce powerful, confident feelings, so as In the often-hostile world of sport, explanatory style
to produce better and better performance. Since past is a useful tool for helping athletes maintain opti-
or recent performance, whether in practice or com- mism and confidence when facing the inevitable
petition, can affect a competitor’s thinking patterns setbacks, obstacles, and disappointment.
(Stanger, Chettle, & Whittle, 2018; Thomas, Lane, Explanatory style can be broken into three
& Kingston, 2011), the best athletes are able to rec- dimensions. The first is permanence—the degree to
ognize that after failure or setbacks, active monitor- which one feels events will repeat and continue to
ing must occur, because more often than not they affect one’s life either negatively or positively. An
need to reframe and redirect their thoughts onto the athlete with an optimistic explanatory style will
immediate moment and on behavior they can control usually assume that positive events, such as suc-
(e.g., effort, attitude, response to errors, and personal cess, will repeat rather than be a fluke, and they
belief). respond to negative or difficult events or setbacks
with the explanation that they will not continue to
Cultivate Honest Self-Awareness occur; that is, they are isolated and rare. In contrast,
an athlete with a negative explanatory style tends
Striving for control over one’s thoughts and feel-
to think that good events will not repeat but bad
ings is a process demanding honest self-awareness.
events will.
Athletes must commit to becoming aware of what
The second dimension is pervasiveness—the
they say to themselves, what the circumstances
degree to which one feels that a particular experi-
are when the self-talk occurs, how self-talk varies
ence will generalize to other contexts. The optimis-
in different competitive situations, and what con-
tic athlete tends to assume that a good event or a
sequences follow from the particular self-talk. One
success in one aspect of his or her game will pos-
must be willing to honestly pursue the question,
itively affect other aspects but that mistakes and
“Am I really thinking in a way that will give me
difficulties will remain confined to their original
the best chance of success?” For most people who
context. For example, success with the first serve
play sport, the real opponent is within themselves
bodes well for the net game and groundstrokes.
in the form of ineffective cognitive habits. This is a
The more pessimistic athlete tends to assume that a
difficult and ongoing battle that every athlete must
breakdown in one area of the game will also spread
undertake to succeed, and it is also the challenge
to other areas and that successes will be limited to
that makes sport such a great experience with so
their original, narrow context.
much potential for self-development and personal
The third dimension of explanatory style is
personalization—the degree to which one sees him-
self or herself as the primary causal agent in events.
Develop an Optimistic Explanatory Style Optimistic athletes take personal credit for suc-
The term explanatory style refers to the way an ath- cesses and progress and protect their confidence
lete internally responds to and explains both the by explaining failures as the result of forces beyond
good and bad events that occur in life. According to their control (e.g., exceptional play by the oppo-
Seligman (1991), explanatory style is the hallmark nent) or forces within their control (e.g., effort)
of whether an individual is an optimist or a pessi- that they will change. Pessimistic athletes have the
mist. This habitual style of interpreting events is opposite tendency, namely, to see success as a func-
developed in childhood and adolescence and “stems tion of luck and circumstance rather than personal
directly from your view of your place in the world, actions but to view losses and setbacks as due to
whether you think you are valuable and deserving, personal shortcomings (e.g., low ability).
284 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

An athlete’s tendency to interpret events along conservative and realistic shot selection led to bet-
the preceding dimensions is learned and reinforced ter performance.
through experience. By learning techniques of pro-
ductive self-talk and selective perception and then Embrace a Psychology of Excellence
employing these techniques in practice and com-
petition, athletes can systematically cultivate both Here are a few components of an approach to an
optimism and confidence. overall psychology of excellence that has a better
The preceding does not mean that one ignores chance of resulting in a pattern of constructive
mistakes or adopts a totally unrealistic view of one’s thinking, energy, optimism, and enthusiasm:
ability and circumstances. Taking notice of errors 1. Go for your dreams. Get excited about doing
or shortcomings is a great way to grow, as long as the best that you can, even things that few
it is done with an eye to the bigger question, “How people have ever done before. Believe that
do I use this to help me improve?” For example, great things are possible. Look at performance
watching a game film and noting technical errors as an opportunity to enjoy and compete in the
is a good idea, as long as the athlete (a) simultane- sport you love.
ously makes note of the good points revealed on the
film, (b) decides right then and there what correc- 2. Focus on your successes. Deliberately use
tive changes to make to improve those errors, and your capacity for free will to dwell on and
(c) while correcting those errors remains focused on emphasize your day-by-day accomplishments,
his or her good points and bright future. improvements, and episodes of great effort.
To summarize, an optimistic explanatory style After every practice session or competition
is one in which errors are treated as temporary, (not just after the successful ones), file away
specific to that one practice or game, correctable, in a training log at least one instance of suc-
and atypical of one’s potential, whereas one looks cess, one instance of improvement, and one
at successes as more permanent, more general, and instance of great effort.
certainly more indicative of one’s true abilities. 3. Be your own best friend, biggest fan, and
greatest coach. Give yourself the same helpful
“It’s just these few mistakes that I’ll soon correct; advice and total support you routinely give
they don’t affect the rest of my game, and they are to your very best friends and teammates. At
offset by all the things I did well.” the end of each day create the image of a
(Quote by optimist) positive and helpful person in your life,
“I made many errors, they spoiled every part of my
and talk to yourself the way that person
game, and they’re going to keep on happening.” would.
(Quote by pessimist) 4. Create your own reality. Interpret events in
a way that opens you to greater and greater
Can an athlete have excessive optimism? A golf chances for success. If your performance
study by Kirschenbaum, O’Connor, and Owens early in a contest (e.g., first at bat, first field
(1999) found that individuals could be overly opti- goal attempt) does not go well, take it as a
mistic, having such positive illusions about their skill signal that you are getting all the kinks out
and control that they make poor decisions. Across and thus will do better as the game continues.
all skill levels, performance suffered on challeng- Conversely, if early performance is good, take
ing holes because of too aggressive shot selection. it as a signal that you are in a great groove and
An intervention in which golfers were taught more it will continue.
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  285

All athletes who search for the “mental edge” Theordorakis, 2014) and to interpret what they are
that will take their game to the next level must feeling or perceiving. The talk might be automatic or
honestly look inside and understand the source of strategically planned, and it can be positively or nega-
their thinking habits, explanatory style, emotional tively phrased (Hardy, Comoutos, & Hatzigeorgiadis,
tendencies, and beliefs about themselves. This is 2018). Self-talk becomes an asset when it enhances
an ongoing mental battle that athletes must enter self-worth and performance. Such talk can help the
and win to achieve their dreams. The remainder of athlete change cognitions, generate positive emo-
this chapter is devoted to learning the skills that will tions, stay appropriately focused, attend to the criti-
make this possible. cal cues, and productively cope with difficulties.
In a recent special issue of The Sport
To Enhance Self-Confidence Psychologist (2018), numerous scholars examined
• Know your strengths as an athlete and actively the effect of self-talk in different sports and levels
develop several sources of confidence of competition, and each found confirming results
for the facilitative effect of self-talk on performance.
• Focus on performance factors within your
control Abdoli, Hardy, Riyahi, and Farsi (2018) focused
on professional athletes and found that basketball
• Look for reasons why you should succeed players used short, instructional self-talk phrases
• Engage in factual disputing and countering argu- (rather than motivational phrases) to enhance per-
ments when your confidence waivers formance (e.g., follow through, bend). Van Dyke,
Van Raalte, Mullin, and Brewer (2018) examined
• Use positive, productive self-talk and images
elite gymnasts and found that positive self-talk was
• Maintain a “right now” focus the best predictor of success over the course of an
• Identify specific situations where your confi- entire competitive season, while negative self–talk
dence may be challenged and create effective had deleterious effects on several functions of self-
responses to maintain confidence talk, including attention, confidence, and both
cognitive and emotional control. And in a series of
• Be clear on the process/outcome balance for
enhancing, regaining, and maintaining your replication studies, Van Raalte et al. (2018) found
confidence no differences between two types of self-talk inter-
ventions, use of interrogative questions (e.g., “Will
• Project confidence in your body language and I?) versus declarative statements (“I will), but both
other non-verbal behavior exceeded the no-self-talk strategies control group on
performance and motivation. Latinjak, Maso, and
Self-Talk Comoutos (2018) studied novice Ultimate play-
ers and the type of self-talk they used before and
The key to cognitive control is self-talk. The fre- after task execution. The athletes were more likely
quency and content of thoughts vary from person to use technical self-instructions (e.g., “Extend
to person and situation to situation. You engage in your arm”) before execution, but self-talk changed
self-talk any time you carry on an internal dialogue between attempts to reflect the success or failure
with yourself, whether out loud (e.g., mumbling to of the previous performance (e.g., after failure, self-
yourself) or quietly inside your head. Self-talk refers instructions were more likely to be error descrip-
to all the things athletes say to themselves to stim- tors such as, “You bent your arm too much”).
ulate and reinforce, direct, and evaluate actions McCormick, Meijen, and Marcora’s (2018) research
and events (Hatzigeorgiadis, Zoubanos, Latinjak, & with ultra-marathoners showed no significant effects
286 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

of motivational self-talk on actual performance, but selection criteria, however, kept all studies from
in interviews six months after the study, the partic- being included, plus no consideration could be
ipants indicated that they found the self-talk strat- given to the influence of negative self-talk that is
egies helpful and actually incorporated them into illustrated in anecdotal reports in the media and the
their training. For example, Gould, Eklund, and reported self-talk of individual athletes in qualitative
Jackson’s (1992a, 1992b) studies of Olympic wres- studies nor the rich source of data from cognitive-
tlers indicated that self-talk was a technique that behavioral interventions (e.g., Cotterill, Sanders, &
the wrestlers used to foster positive expectancies Collins, 2010; Gaudiano, 2008; McArdle & Moore,
and appropriately focus attention. These wrestlers 2012; Neil et al., 2013; Thomas, Hanton, & Maynard,
also reported more positive expectancies and task- 2007; Thomas, Maynard, & Hanton, 2007). Van Dyke
specific self-talk prior to their best versus worst et al., (2018) examined the predictive ability of sev-
performances. In another qualitative study, Gould, eral aspects of self-talk utilizing actual archival bal-
Finch, and Jackson (1993) investigated the stress- ance beam performances across an entire season of
coping strategies of U.S. national champion figure competition among competitive gymnasts. Findings
skaters and found that their two most common coping indicated that positive self-talk significantly pre-
strategies were (a) rational thinking and self-talk and dicted balance beam consistency and performance.
(b) positive focus and orientation maintenance. It is important to note that negative self-talk had
Self-talk becomes a liability when it is per- deleterious effects on several functions of self-talk,
ceived as negative, distracting to the task at hand, including attention, confidence, and both cogni-
or so frequent that it disrupts the automatic perfor- tive and emotional control. Although the reviewers
mance of skills. For example, studies of observed recommended continued investigations before firm
self-talk and behavioral assessments with junior and conclusions could be drawn, they also questioned
competitive adult tennis players found that nega- the value of using thought-stopping interventions to
tive self-talk led to performing worse (Van Raalte, decrease negative self-talk. We, however, see suffi-
Cornelius, Hatten, & Brewer, 2000). Similar results cient evidence for negative self-talk impeding per-
have occurred in the laboratory with a dart-throwing formance but also recognize that there is individual
task (e.g., Peters & Williams, 2006) and when told variability.
to say (and see) planned, destructive self-talk (i.e., Regardless of the valence of self-talk (positive
“I will miss the bull’s eye”) (Cumming, Nordin, or negative), content and type of self-talk consis-
Horton, & Reynolds, 2006). Two more recent sys- tently emerge as key considerations. Instructional
tematic reviews of the influence of self-talk on per- self-talk highlights technical, tactical, or kinesthetic
formance (Hatzigeorgiadis, Zourbanos, Galanis, & components of performance, while motivational
Theordoraakis, 2011; Tod, Hardy, & Oliver (2011), self-talk focuses on activation control, increasing
both using a meta-data analysis, found that positive effort, and task mastery. Barwood, Corbett, Wagstaff,
self-talk was consistently beneficial to performance McVeigh, and Thelwell (2015) found that moti-
(although negative self-talk did not necessarily vational self-talk improved the 10-km time trial of
undermine performance), that both instructional male cyclists over that of the neutral self-talk group,
and motivational self-talk facilitated performance, indicating the importance of valence (positive or
and that self-talk interventions were more effective negative) and content of self-talk. Also examining
for fine as opposed to gross motor tasks and for the effects of motivational self-talk (and cognitive-
novel more so than well-learned tasks. specific imagery) on the response time of trained
It is worth noting that although Tod, et al. martial artists, Hanshaw and Sukal (2016) found
(2011) reported no evidence (only four studies) that the interaction of both motivational self-
for negative self-talk impeding performance, review talk and imagery reduced the response times of
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  287

participants. However, Hatzigeorgiadis et al. (2018) Athletes exposed to supportive coaching behaviors
studied the effects of a motivational self-talk inter- had more positive self-talk (one sample) and less
vention during an endurance cycling task and found negative self-talk (both samples) and exposure to neg-
that the self-talk–trained group produced greater ative coaching behaviors correlated with more nega-
power output during the final third of cycling in tive self-talk (both samples) and less positive self-talk
demanding, high heat conditions. (one sample) (Zourbanos, Hatzigeorgiadis, Tsiakaras,
Dickens, Van Raalte, and Hurlburt (2018) Chroni, & Theodorakis, 2010). Similarly, DeMuynck
addressed some of the potential retrospective short- et al. (2017) examined the valence (positive vs. neg-
comings of earlier research whereby athletes are ative self-talk) and style (autonomous-supportive vs.
often asked hours, days, and even weeks after an controlling) of coaching feedback on tennis play-
event to describe their self-talk content by utilizing a ers’ perseverance, satisfaction, and self-talk. They
Descriptive Experience Sampling (DES) technique found that self-talk played an intervening role in
to examine golfers’ self-talk during competition. player enjoyment, perseverance, and satisfaction.
They found that more self-talk occurred during tour- Specifically, positive self-talk provided beneficial
nament play than in practice. Further, they found effects via greater competence satisfaction and
that inner speaking was six times as frequent as decreased negative self-talk, thus highlighting the
speaking out loud. Thibodeaux and Winsler (2018) value of an autonomous-supportive communication
also utilized athlete self-reporting measures of self- style from coaches.
talk compared to actual, on-court performance Before we address how specific types of self-
observations, both in practice and competition, talk can be used in different situations to help
among a group of youth tennis players. Findings achieve excellence in learning and performance and
indicated that players used more negative and pos- to promote confidence, we want to remind you that
itive self-talk and only infrequently used instruc- the interview research reported in Chapter 9 found
tional self-talk in practice and games. It’s interesting many athletes stating that their best sport perfor-
to note that athletes’ self-reports of self-talk use did mances occurred when they had no thoughts at all.
not related to actual, on-court observations of those The athletes were so immersed in the action that it
same athletes, indicating a disconnect between just seemed to happen without conscious thought.
awareness and accuracy of retrospective reports. Tim Gallwey, author of The Inner Game of Tennis
Van Raalte, Vincent, and Brewer (2016) advo- (1974); Bob Rotella, author of Golf Is a Game of
cated for a sport-specific model of self-talk that Confidence (1996); and others have stressed that
builds on existing theory and research and includes peak performance does not occur when athletes
several components, namely contextual factors, per- are thinking about it. They emphasize learning to
sonal factors, behavioral patterns, team climate and turn performance over to unconscious or automatic
culture, and two types of self-talk called System I functions—functions that are free from the interfer-
(spontaneous, automatic, quickly comes to mind) ence of thought.
and System 2 (intentional; requires working mem-
ory, mental simulation, and hypothetical thinking). I’m not thinking . . . I block everything else out.
Common questions athletes might consider for Michael Phelps, who won 23 Olympic gold
System 2 decisions include: Does the self-talk match medals in swimming, describing his preparation
my arousal level?, How much is too much?, and for races (cited in Whitworth, 2008, p. 25)
Should I try something new? Common System 1
questions include: What is the self-talk really say- It may be desirable to strive for such thought-
ing? And is intervention needed? Coaches influence free performance, but athletes usually do think when
athletes’ self-talk and need to behave accordingly. performing. In fact, they engage in sport-related
288 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

self-talk outside of practice as well as before, during, self-talk becomes shorter, less frequent, and even
and after both practice and competition (Dickens, nonexistent. Once skillful, shifting focus to what the
et al., 2018; Thibodeaux & Winsler, 2018). There is performer wants to achieve (e.g., “deep outside cor-
even evidence that more self-talk occurs in compe- ner” when serving or “high and inside” if pitching)
tition settings than in practice settings and that the may prove more helpful than physical mechanics
greatest use occurs during competition compared to The content and timing of self-talk are influ-
before or after performance (Hardy, Hall, & Hardy, enced by whether skills are self-paced or externally
2005). In addition, individual sport and skilled ath- paced. Skills that are self-paced—that is, initiated
letes use self-talk more frequently than team sport by the performer when he or she is ready and
and less skilled athletes (Hardy, Hall, & Hardy, without interference from other performers (e.g.,
2004). This self-talk affects athletes’ self-concept, pitching, shooting free throws, bowling, archery,
self-confidence, emotions, and behavior. Therefore, golf, serving)—provide more opportunities for pre-
it is important that coaches and sport psychology programming successful execution with self-talk.
consultants teach athletes to recognize and con- With reactive, externally paced skills such as spik-
trol their thoughts. Once successful, these athletes ing in volleyball, the fast break in basketball, or
are far more likely to experience those desirable volleying in tennis, the performer needs to use nat-
episodes of unconscious immersion. The question urally occurring pauses in the game (e.g., chang-
should not be whether to think, but what, when, and ing sides of the court, time-outs, out-of-bounds) as
how to think. The rest will take care of itself. opportunities to focus their self-talk on what they
want to do when the action begins again. That said,
if done appropriately, self-talk can be used effec-
Self-Talk for Skill Acquisition and Performance tively during the actual performance of externally
In their review of 47 self-talk studies, Tod et al. (2011) paced skills (Johnson, Hrycaiko, Johnson, & Halas,
concluded that performance benefits occurred with 2004; Rogerson & Hrycaiko, 2002). For example,
the use of positive, instructional, and motivational skilled tennis players improved their volleying per-
self-talk, with the latter two equally effective on formance after they were taught a two-word (split,
precision and conditioning-based skills. The nature turn) self-talk sequence in which they separately
and desirability of self-talk change as performers said the words and timed each to specific reactions
become more proficient. During early learning, skill and movement on the court (Landin & Hebert,
acquisition is usually aided when instructional self- 1999). The players attributed the success of the self-
talk is used to remind the performer of key aspects talk to its directing their attentional focus. They also
of the movement. For example, cue words such as reported increased confidence.
“step, swing” in tennis and “step, drop, step, kick”
for a soccer punt foster cognitive associations that
aid in learning proper physical execution. Even Self-Talk for Changing Bad Habits
on the beginning level, self-talk should be kept as Athletes will need to use self-talk when they want
brief and minimal as possible. Over-verbalization by to change a well-learned skill or habit. To change
the coach or athlete can cause paralysis by analy- a bad habit, it is usually necessary to intentionally
sis and increase the likelihood of choking under force conscious control over the previously auto-
pressure (Iwatsuki, Van Raalte, Brewer, Petipas, & matic execution and to then direct attention to the
Takahashi, 2016). As skill acquisition improves, the replacement movement. Self-talk can facilitate this
goal is to reduce conscious control and promote process. The more drastic the change, the more
the automatic execution of the skill (Schmidt & detailed the self-talk in the relearning phase. When
Lee, 2014; Wulf, 2013). Thus, as skills are mastered, an athlete uses self-talk in this way, it is essential
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  289

that the content of the statements focus on what Oliver, and Tod (2009) proposed that it is one of the
they want to happen rather than what they want to mediating mechanisms that help explain the self-talk/
avoid because the head fills with the negative image performance relationship.
when focusing on the error, making the appropri-
ate actions even more difficult to execute, and par-
ticularly so in high-anxiety conditions (Woodman,
Self-Talk for Creating Affect/Mood
Barlow, & Gorgulu, 2015). In essence, saying what and Controlling Effort
not to do (“don’t fumble,” “don’t miss this free Affective cues can enhance performance. For
throw,” or “don’t miss right”) will actually result in example, a sprinter in the starting blocks will get
more dropped balls, more missed free throws, and a faster start by saying “explode” than by thinking
more shots wide of the goal. (See later section on about hearing the gun, because such a cue directly
thought stoppage for a theoretical explanation of triggers the desired affect and movement when the
why this occurs.) A cue such as “step-push forward” gun sounds (Silva, 1982). Motivational self-talk is
rather than “don’t stay on your back foot” could be particularly effective for psyching up and maximiz-
used if inadequate weight transfer occurs during ing effort and persistence (Hatzigeorgiadis, Galanis,
skill execution. An additional bonus with this type Zourbanos, & Theodorakis, 2014). Further support
of short but “desired action-oriented” self-talk is comes from a study in which 10K cyclists used
that it reinforces the habit of making thoughts pos- such self-talk and found that it led to faster times
itive. Remember, “Winners say what they want to and higher output even though their perceived exer-
happen; losers say what they fear might happen.” tion (RPE) remained unchanged (Barwood et al.,
2015). Finn (1985) advised under-aroused athletes
to use a combination of self-talk and rapid breath-
Self-Talk for Attention Control ing to reach a desired emotional state. Statements
Distractions abound during competition and prac- like “Come on, rev up, go all out!” combined with
tice. Even focusing on the past (“If I had only made rapid breathing will increase the athlete’s heart rate
that last putt”) or the future (“If I birdie the next and produce a mood state more favorable for peak
hole, I’ll be leading the field”) distracts from exe- performance. Novice and expert martial arts partic-
cuting the present skill. Once again, focusing the ipants increased their handgrip strength when they
mind on what is desired right now (e.g., “head down, added a loud, guttural yell (kiap), which presumably
smooth”) gives the athlete the best chance of success. increased arousal (Welch & Tschampl, 2012).
See Chapters 15 (concentration) and 16 (mindful- It may be difficult for some athletes to get
ness) for more information highlighting the benefit started in the morning, at practice, or in the first
of “playing in the now.” Athletes often report using few moments of a contest. Others may have diffi-
self-talk cues to improve concentration, and both culty changing tempo or maintaining effort. Phrases
laboratory and field-based experiments have consis- such as “Let’s go,” “pace,” “pick it up,” “be strong,”
tently shown improved performance with self-talk train- “jump,” and so forth can be very effective in con-
ing interventions designed to improve attention and/ trolling effort. An emphasis on effort control is
or counter the negative effects of the myriad of factors particularly beneficial because it helps athletes
impairing attention (e.g., Gregersen, Hatzigeorgiadis, recognize the importance of hard work in achiev-
Galanis, Comoutos, & Papaioannou, 2017; Galanis, ing success. And if by chance the athletes do not
Hatzigeorgiadis,Comotoutos,Charachousi,&Sanchez, succeed, they are more likely to attribute failure
2018; Galanis, Hatzigeorgiadis, Zourbanos, & to insufficient effort and therefore want to work
Theodorakis, 2016). The influence of self-talk on harder in the future. Coaches should note that this
concentration and attention is so powerful that Hardy, is a much more productive attribution strategy than
290 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

blaming lack of success on factors such as luck, self-efficacy (Bruton, Mellalieu, Shearer, Roderique-
poor officiating, or lack of skill. Davies, & Hall, 2013) and sport confidence
(Vealey & Chase, 2008). Another benefit of higher
Self-Talk for Changing Affect/Mood self-efficacy is that it leads to expending more effort
on a task and persisting longer when confronted
and the Effect of Emotions
with setbacks and obstacles (Bandura, 1997).
In a similar manner, the use of appropriate self- Efficacy beliefs, however, are vulnerable and need
talk can help an athlete change his or her mood to constant reinforcement, particularly when con-
achieve a desired emotional state. Both anecdotal fronted with failures (Rongian, 2007), and efficacy
and research data support this conclusion. Golf lowers when imaging being unconfident (Nordin &
legend Sam Snead learned in high school that sim- Cumming, 2005).
ply recalling the phrase “cool-mad” helped him According to Bandura (1997), self-efficacy is
control his temper so that it worked for him rather influenced by verbal persuasion, both from others
than against him. Experimental data indicates that and from self, in the form of self-talk. Self-talk inter-
a motivational self-talk intervention significantly vention studies have supported his conclusion as
decreased cognitive anxiety (Hatzigeorgiadis, well as shown an improvement in performance (e.g.,
Zourbanos, Mpoumpaki, & Theodorakis, 2009). Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2008; Zetou, Vernadakis,
Hanton and Jones (1999) demonstrated that com- Bebetsos, & Makraki, 2012). Further support for
petitive swimmers who perceived their precom- the influence of self-talk comes from elite college
petitive anxiety symptoms as debilitative could be and national team coaches, who rated the encour-
taught to use self-talk interventions to reinterpret agement of positive self-talk as the third most effec-
them as facilitative and thereby enhance their per- tive strategy for developing self-efficacy, ranking
formance. Similar intervention results occurred physical practice first and modeling confidence
with elite golfers who were selected initially because by the coach second (Gould, Hodge, Peterson, &
they interpreted the emotions they experienced as Gianni, 1989). Furthermore, self-talk interventions
debilitative toward performance (Neil et al., 2013). enhance self-confidence (e.g., Hatzigeorgiadis et al.,
And Latinjak, Hatzigeorgiadis, and Zourbanos 2009; Thomas, Maynard, & Hanton, 2007), with
(2017) explored the impact of spontaneous (fast, Hatzigeorgiadis et al. (2009) also finding evidence
automatic, and unconscious) and goal-directed that enhanced self-confidence may be the mechanism
(slow, effortful, and conscious) self- talk among that explains the facilitating effects of self-talk on per-
male and female athletes and found a facilitative formance. These findings illustrate the value of using
effect for goal-directed self-talk in anger- and anxiety- self-talk interventions to enhance self-efficacy and
producing situations. See Chapter 12 for a further confidence (Chang, Ho, Lu, Ou, Song, & Gill, 2014).
discussion of how to change anxiety and/or its
effect on performance. Self-Talk for Adoption and Maintenance
of Exercise Behavior
Self-Talk for Building Self-Efficacy and Many studies in the area of exercise behavior have
Confidence implicated self-efficacy cognitions as a significant
Studies have shown that athletes with high self- factor in predicting adoption and adherence to an
efficacy and/or confidence outperform those exercise program (see Chapter 25 and McAuley &
with lower levels (Feltz, Short, & Sullivan, 2008; Blissmer, 2000, for a review). Self-efficacy cog-
Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2009). Correspondingly, nitions are a mediator of behavior change, that
performance accomplishment is a predictor of is, the mechanism by which interventions affect
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  291

exercise behavior (Dishman et al., 2004). These Most athletes discover that during an unsuc-
findings suggest that appropriately modifying cessful performance, their mind actually pro-
self-efficacy cognitions toward exercise contrib- grammed failure through self-doubt and negative
utes to exercise adoption and adherence. The statements. The body merely performed what
nature of exercisers’ self-talk is also important, the mind was thinking. Examples might include,
in that positive self-talk (e.g., I went one block “I never swim well in this pool” or “I always play
farther than last time) can promote greater confi- poorly against this opponent” and then going on to
dence in one’s exercise activity and can increase swim or compete exactly as prophesied. Obviously,
commitment, whereas negative self-talk (e.g., I’m future performance would be enhanced if athletes
too fat to walk) can do the opposite. could eliminate dysfunctional and self-defeating
thoughts, but before such thoughts can be elimi-
nated, they need to be identified. Three of the most
Identifying Self-Talk effective tools for identifying self-talk are retrospec-
tion, imagery, and keeping a self-talk log.
Appropriate use of the preceding kinds of self-talk
will enhance self-worth and performance. The first Retrospection
step in gaining control of self-talk is to become aware
of what you say to yourself. Surprisingly enough, By reflecting on situations in which they performed
most people are not aware of their thoughts, much particularly well or particularly poorly and trying
less the powerful impact they have on their feelings to re-create the thoughts and feelings that occurred
and behavior. By getting athletes to review carefully prior to and during these performances, many ath-
the way in which they talk to themselves in differ- letes are able to identify typical thoughts and com-
ent types of situations, the athletes and the coach or mon themes associated with both good and bad
sport psychology consultant will identify what kind performance (Latinjak, Zourbanos, Lopez-Ros, &
of thinking helps, what thoughts appear to be harm- Hatzigeorgiadis, 2014). It is also beneficial to recall
ful, and what situations or events are associated the specific situation or circumstances that led to
with this talk. Once athletes develop this awareness, the thoughts and resulting performance. Viewing
they usually discover that their self-talk varies from video clips of actual past performances helps the
short cue words and phrases to extremely complex athlete recount the action by heightening the mem-
monologues, with the overall content ranging from ory of the event. If this technique is used, also film
self-enhancing to self-defeating. The key is to know the time before and right after the contest and the
both when and how to talk to yourself. time-outs or breaks during the contest.
Identifying the thoughts that typically prepare Thoughts during all of these times play a major
an athlete to perform well and to cope successfully role in determining the quality of one’s present
with problems during performance can provide a performance, one’s expectations regarding future
repertoire of cognitive tools for the enhancement performance, and even one’s feelings of self-esteem.
of performance. The use of these same thoughts
in future performance environments should create Imagery
similar feelings of confidence and direct perfor- Another technique is to have athletes relax as deeply
mance in much the same way. When an athlete can as possible and then try reliving a past performance
re-create these positive thoughts and bring them to through imagery, re-creating all relevant sensory expe-
the new environment, the athlete can be said to be riences, such as how a moment looked, felt, or sounded.
taking control of his or her mind. Obviously, this technique is more effective with athletes
trained in imagery (see Chapter 13 for suggestions).
292 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

Athletes who are effective at imagery can usually caused the negative thoughts to start and when such
describe exactly what happened during the com- thinking stopped. For example, if fouled, do I start
petition and what thoughts and feelings preceded, worrying from the moment the whistle blows or
accompanied, and followed the performance. It may only after I walk to the free-throw line? This detailed
be helpful to have them write down the recalled knowledge will help in planning an optimal interven-
thoughts, situations, and outcomes or, if it is not tion. For instance, if worry begins with the referee’s
disruptive, talk into a recorder as they are imaging. whistle, then this is the cue with which to link an
Hanshaw and Sukal’s (2016) research with trained alternative thought pattern.
martial artists showed that motivational self-talk Monitoring thought and behavior patterns
combined with cognitive-specific imagery signifi- during practice is as important as during compe-
cantly reduced the response times in their sample of tition. Often the pattern of thoughts found during
experienced athletes. competition is merely a reflection of what occurs
during practice; thus, learning to recognize and
Self-Talk Log control self-talk during practices provides the foun-
Not all athletes can use retrospection and imagery dation for effective thinking during competition. A
to remember accurately how they thought and felt DES technique recently developed by Dickens et al.
or what circumstances triggered their thoughts and (2018) might be one useful approach to monitor
feelings. Even athletes who are comfortable using and analyze the self-talk/performance relationship.
these tools run the risk that time and personal They fitted golfers with small beepers and at ran-
impressions may distort their memory of actual dom times during a tournament the beepers went
thoughts and circumstances. Research has shown off. The golfers were instructed to respond to the
that keeping a thought awareness logbook provides beeps by immediately noting their inner dialogue
insights into the content of an athlete’s self-talk, the and other relevant characteristics of their inner
situations that prompt negative self-talk, and the experience. Obviously, the DES could be set up
consequences of using negative self-talk (Hardy, for use in practice or at appropriate times in any
Roberts, & Hardy, 2009; Latinjak, et al., 2014). competitive situation.
Thoughts should be transcribed as soon after they
occur as possible.
When keeping a log, the athlete should address Exercise 1
such questions as, What do I say before, during, For three days carry a notebook, cell phone, or your
and following my good and poor performances? tablet and record, immediately if possible, self-talk that
Not only what thoughts, but how frequently am you perceive as negative or dysfunctional. Note the
I talking to myself? What is said after teammates circumstances in which the self-talk occurred and how
perform poorly, after having difficulty performing it affected your feelings and behavior. What did you
a new skill or strategy, when fatigued, and after the learn from the self-talk log? Then design and implement
coach criticizes performance? Do I stay in the pres- an appropriate intervention from the techniques for
ent moment, or do I revert to dwelling on past per- controlling self-talk. Evaluate its effectiveness.
formance or future outcome? Does the content of
self-talk center on things such as how I feel about
myself, how others feel about me or on letting down Techniques for Controlling Self-Talk
my friends and teammates, or how unlucky I am?
If there is a problem in thinking, the goal is Using the preceding self-monitoring tools is just the
to identify the problem and its boundary points in first step in the process necessary for producing
specific terms. To do so, specify the initial cue that performance-enhancing thoughts and eliminating
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  293

disabling thoughts. In fact, paying too much atten- he prepared for his final putt in a playoff
tion to undesirable thoughts can be detrimental if against Sergio Garcia to win the 2007 Open
not linked to some action or change process; thus, Championship (cited in Jones, 2007, p. 12)
once awareness is heightened, the coach or sport
psychology consultant should immediately instruct
Thought Stoppage
the athlete in how to start dealing with them.
Similarly, when good performance is analyzed, it If an athlete’s self-talk is too unproductive, negative,
should be with the intent of trying to purposefully and thus distracting, or if the talk is detrimental to
duplicate those thoughts/feelings in the future. performance, it must be terminated. Getting rid
In this section we present techniques for of such thoughts often makes it possible to break
controlling self-talk. The empirical support for the link that leads to negative feelings and behav-
the effectiveness of these techniques is well docu- iors and an inappropriate attentional focus. The
mented. In fact, a meta-analysis by Meyers, Whelan, technique of thought stoppage provides a starting
and Murphy (1996) calculated a greater effect size point for eliminating counterproductive thoughts
for cognitive restructuring interventions than that (Meyers & Schleser, 1980). It is a simple technique
found for goal-setting, mental rehearsal, and relax- that often works but, when it does not, should be
ation interventions. A more recent meta-analysis of followed with the second, third, or fourth technique.
32 self-talk studies yielded a positive moderate effect Thought stoppage begins with creating awareness of
size of .48 (Hatzigeorgiadis, Zourbanos, Galanis, & the unwanted thought and then using a trigger to
Theodorakis, 2011). Their analyses also found that interrupt or stop the undesirable thought. The trig-
systematic training in and practice of the self-talk ger can be a word such as stop or a physical action
routine are crucial to maximizing the effectiveness such as snapping the fingers or clapping a hand
of the self-talk technique. In fact, training was the against the thigh. Each athlete should choose the
strongest moderator of intervention effectiveness. most natural trigger and use it consistently.
Techniques for controlling self-talk include Thought stoppage will not work unless the ath-
lete first recognizes undesirable thoughts and then
Thought stoppage is motivated to stop them. Getting athletes to do
Changing negative thoughts to positive the preceding is not as easy for the coach and sport
thoughts psychology consultant to accomplish as it sounds.
Countering/disputing For example, even after using tools to create aware-
ness of thoughts, one professional golfer would not
Reframing/reappraising admit negative statements were affecting her golf.
ABC cognitive restructuring (Rational To convince her of the severity of the problem, she
Emotive Behavioral Therapy, REBT) was asked to empty a box of 100 paper clips into
Mindfulness (see Chapter 16 ) her pocket. Each time she had a negative thought,
she had to move a clip to her back pocket. At the
Affirmation statements end of the golf round she had shot an 84 and had
Mastery and coping video 87 paper clips in her back pocket! The process of
Highlight videos actually counting paper clips, each of which repre-
sented a self-defeating thought, made her dramat-
There were no thoughts about “this is for the ically aware of her problem and motivated her to
Open” . . . I stroked it in. change (Owens & Bunker, 1989).
Quote from Padraig Harrington, triple-major Thought stoppage is a skill, and as with any
champion golfer, describing his thoughts as other skill, it is best to first practice it before use in
294 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

competition. An effective way to practice is to com- suppress unwanted thoughts often find themselves
bine it with imagery of past performance. Athletes even more preoccupied by the thoughts they are
should select a typical dysfunctional thought or trying to escape, particularly so when under stress,
thought pattern they would like to eliminate. Then time pressure, or distraction conditions. Similar cog-
close your eyes and as vividly as possible imagine nitive results have occurred within sport research
being in the situation in which you usually have (Dugdale & Ecklund, 2003; Woodman, et al., 2015)
those thoughts. Once the situation is re-created, and also with trying to suppress action (Woodman &
practice interrupting the thought with the trigger Davis, 2008). That is, participants were more
selected for thought stoppage. Repeat until you can likely to overshoot the hole when putting, particu-
effortlessly and automatically eliminate dysfunc- larly under the stress of cognitive load, when they
tional talk and accompanying feelings of worry and received instructions to avoid overhitting the hole,
anxiety, and then move on to using thought stop- but only with repressors (individuals who report
page during actual physical practice. low cognitive anxiety but who had high physiologi-
During the earlier stages of practicing thought cal arousal, suggesting that they really are anxious).
stoppage, athletes may want to visibly or verbally use Wegner (1994) explained these failures (i.e., doing
their trigger, such as saying “stop” out loud. Doing the opposite of what one intends) with the theory
so makes athletes more conscious of their wish to of ironic processes of mental control. For an inter-
stop dysfunctional talk and also helps coaches and esting discussion of the implications this theory has
sport psychology consultants to monitor usage. If for sport psychology research and interventions, see
body language shows frustration or disgust with Janelle (1999); Hall, Hardy, and Gammage (1999);
play, the thoughts probably are frustrating too. and Woodman et al., 2015.
When coaches and sport psychology consultants see These findings indicate how important it is for
no visible or verbal thought-stoppage trigger during athletes to use undesirable thoughts as the stimu-
these circumstances, they should directly ask the lus or trigger to deliberately focus the mind on
athlete what thoughts are occurring. This approach a desired process or outcome. This leads to the
serves to reinforce awareness and the need to stop next technique for controlling thoughts—changing
such talk immediately. The other advantage of ver- self-defeating thoughts to self-enhancing thoughts.
bal or visible practice is that athletes realize they are When simply stopping an unwanted thought proves
not alone in their need to deal more effectively with difficult or ineffective alone, this next technique can
self-talk. The technique is particularly effective if often solve the problem.
becoming more positive is a team effort and respon-
sibility. When one high school basketball coach
instituted such a program halfway through the Changing Negative Thoughts to Positive
season, the impact was so impressive and positive Thoughts
that both players and the coaching staff attributed Although it makes sense to stop negative thoughts
turning a losing season into a winning season to the altogether, sometimes this cannot be accomplished.
athletes’ learning to control negative talk and body An alternative is to learn to replace the negative
language and to becoming supportive toward one thought with a positive thought that either pro-
another rather than critical and sarcastic. vides encouragement and support or appropriately
Even with practice, it may be difficult for some redirects attention. The coach or sport psychol-
to suppress an unwanted thought (e.g., “Don’t think ogy consultant should instruct athletes to switch
about the umpire”). In fact, studies by Wegner and to appropriate affirming, productive language as
his colleagues (see Wegner, 2009 for a review) have soon as they become aware of a dysfunctional self-
demonstrated that individuals deliberately trying to statement. For example, when a gymnast finds
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  295

himself saying, “This new move is really hard—I’ll A good way to first implement this technique
never get it right!” he could immediately follow the is for athletes to make a list of self-defeating things
phrase with, “I’ve learned hard moves before; if I’m they typically say and would like to change. The
persistent I’ll learn this one too.” self-talk log can be a good source for generating this
One advantage of teaching this technique list. Meichenbaum (1977) emphasized that athletes
after thought stoppage is that it takes pressure off should specify when they make these statements
athletes who initially doubt their ability to control and what causes them. The goal is to recognize the
their thoughts. Although these athletes think they situation involved and why the thought occurred.
cannot control what thoughts first enter their head, Athletes should then identify a substitute positive
they usually will accept their ability to control the statement. It may be helpful to make a list with each
thoughts that follow. An example is the golfer who self-defeating thought on one side and the preferred
used the “paper clip” technique to become aware self-enhancing statement directly opposite the nega-
of her many self-defeating thoughts. Her goal in tive thought (see Table 14-1).
working with cognitions was simply to reduce the Notice that the self-enhancing statements in the
dysfunctional statements that were not followed table always bring the athlete back to the present
by self-enhancing statements. Not having to worry time and personal control of the situation. Coupling
about the occurrence of a self-defeating statement some type of relaxation with this technique may
took considerable pressure off her. Each day she prove helpful considering negative thoughts often
was able to reduce the number of paper clips that occur when an individual is stressed and therefore
stood for negative thoughts not followed by positive likely overaroused physiologically. For example, ath-
thoughts, and in time she was able to rid herself of letes might stop their negative thought, take a deep
the recurring pattern of dysfunctional talk. breath, and substitute the self-enhancing thought
as they feel calmer and more present with the long,
Just little key words like “come on,” “think head slow exhalation.
down,” “stay low and hard.” I’m saying things There is nothing unusual about having nega-
like that to myself when warming up. That’s all
tive thoughts, and even the greatest athletes have
it needs, just some key words, something positive
anxious or negative thoughts on occasion. Tennis
just to get me focused and overcome the negative
thoughts. legend Arthur Ashe once feared “he wouldn’t get a
single serve in the court” just before his U.S. Open
(elite field hockey player, cited in
championship. Bobby Jones, the famous golfer, was
Thomas, Hanton, & Maynard, 2007)
standing over a two-foot putt that would allow him
Learning to turn off negative or inappropri- to win the U.S. Open when he had the thought,
ate thoughts takes time, particularly when negative “What if I stub my putter into the ground and miss
thought patterns have become the athlete’s habitual the ball entirely and lose the tournament?” These
mode of response to adversity (Cautela & Wisocki, champions, however, did not store their negative
1977). Frustration over the recurrence of negative thoughts away where they could build into a men-
thoughts may be lessened if the coach or sport tal block. Instead, Ashe and Jones replaced those
psychology consultant draws the parallel to trying thoughts with constructive ones. The key is not to
to unlearn well-established errors in physical tech- allow negative thoughts to control and dominate
nique. We change old habits slowly, whether they the mind. Make the last thought in any string or
are physical or cognitive, and only with consider- sequence of thoughts self-enhancing.
able motivation and practice. Remind athletes that Although their purpose was not changing
it’s easier and more effective to replace a bad habit negative to positive self-talk, intervention stud-
than it is to simply break it. ies by Hatzigeorgiadis and colleagues found that
296 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

Table 14-1  Examples of Changing Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts

Self-Defeating Thoughts Change to Self-Enhancing Thoughts

I can’t believe it’s raining. I have to play in the rain. No one likes the rain, but I can play as well in it as
anyone else.
You dumb jerk. Ease up. Everyone makes mistakes. Brush it off and
put your mind on what you want to do.
There’s no sense in practicing. I have no natural talent. I’ve seen good players who had to work hard to be
successful. I can get better if I practice correctly.
This officiating stinks; we’ll never win. There’s nothing we can do about the officiating, so
let’s just concentrate on what we want to do. If we
play well, the officiating won’t matter.
Why did they foul me in the last minute of play—I’m My heart is beating fast. That’s OK, I’ve sunk free
so nervous, I’ll probably choke and miss everything. throws a hundred times. Just breathe and swish.
We’ll win the meet only if I get a 9.0 on this routine. Stop worrying about the score; just concentrate on
how you’re going to execute the routine.
The coach must think I’m hopeless. I never get individ- That’s not fair. Coach has a whole team of athletes
ual help. to train. Tomorrow I’ll ask what I need to work on the
most and focus on that.
I don’t want to fail. Nothing was ever gained by being afraid to take risks.
As long as I give my best, I’ll never be a failure.
I’ll take it easy today and go hard next workout. The next workout will be easier if I go hard now.
Who cares how well I do anyway? I care, and I’ll be happier if I push myself.
This hurts; I don’t know if it’s worth it. Of course it hurts, but the rewards are worth it.

teaching swimmers self-talk cues that had either Albarracin, 2014), and, if true, self-talk interven-
an attentional or anxiety control (2007) or instruc- tions such as stopping negative thoughts or changing
tional or motivational focus (2004) resulted in not them to positive thoughts may not be appropriate
only improving performance but also in a signifi- for all. This concern comes from the finding by
cant deterioration in the frequency of interfering Peters and Williams (2006) that Asian cultures
thoughts. These findings suggest that simply divert- had significantly more negative self-talk than those
ing attention to a desirable self-talk cue may lessen from European or North American cultures during
dysfunctional self-talk. dart-throwing performance and that their negative
The recommendations presented earlier are self-talk related to better performance. Conversely,
based on research conducted with athletes and as previously found, the opposite occurred for their
nonathletes from individualistic cultures (e.g., the European Americans. Additionally, cross-cultural
United States, Western Europe). Some research research suggests that a self-critical versus self-
suggests that the relationship of self-talk to perfor- enhancing orientation is a characteristic of collec-
mance may be different for individuals from differ- tivist individuals’ self-concept and is necessary for
ent cultures (Deen, Turner, & Wong, 2017; Dolcos & self-improvement (Kitayama, 2002).
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  297

Countering/Disputing more quickly? What other skills do I have that might

Changing negative to positive self-statements prob- help me learn this offensive pattern? The more evi-
ably will not achieve the expected behavioral out- dence and logic there is to refute the negative belief
come if the athlete still believes in the negative structure, the more effective the counters will be in
statements. Athletes will rarely be able to accom- getting the athlete to accept the positive statement.
plish something if they truly believe they cannot. Later it may be possible for the athlete to identify
Furthermore, the motivation even to try will be the negative or irrational thought and simply dismiss
eroded if there is no belief that one’s efforts will it with phrases such as “That’s not right,” “Who says
ultimately yield success. Bell (1983) proposes that I can’t?” or just plain “Bull.”
in such instances merely directing one’s thoughts In his discussion of countering, Bell (1983)
toward desired actions may not be enough. Instead, makes another excellent point. Sometimes thoughts
the athlete may have to identify and build a case are neither correct nor incorrect—they cannot be veri-
against the negative self-statements that are interfer- fied. Bell suggests that what is more important is deter-
ing with effective performance. Bell suggests using mining whether a given thought helps an athlete reach
the tool of countering under these circumstances. his or her goals. Encourage athletes to ask themselves,
“Is this thinking in my best interest? Does this thinking
I’m not sure how much I really believe what I’m help me feel the way I need to, or does it make me
trying to say to myself. I know that what I feel worried and tense? When athletes realize that thinking
is negative and that it’s not going to help. . .I tell certain thoughts can only be detrimental, it becomes
myself “come on,” “I’ve done it before,” and “I am sensible, and thus easier, to stop them or change them.
good enough.” But then I have this big question:
“just because I did it then does it mean that I’ll be
able to do it today?” And the answer is “no”. . .”)
(athlete debilitator, cited in Thomas, Another effective technique for dealing with neg-
Hanton, & Maynard, 2007). ative self-talk is reframing, described by Gauron
(1984) as the process of creating alternative frames
Countering is an internal dialogue that uses of reference or different ways of looking at the
facts and reasons to refute the underlying beliefs world. Because the world is literally what we make
and assumptions that led to negative thinking. it, reframing allows us to transform what appears at
Rather than blindly accepting the negative voice in first to be a weakness or difficulty into a strength
the back of one’s head, the athlete argues against it. or possibility, simply by looking at it from a dif-
When learning to use counters, it is important to ferent point of view. Gauron encourages athletes
describe the evidence necessary to change an atti- to cultivate the skill of reframing because it helps
tude or belief. For example, if an athlete thinks he is athletes control their internal dialogue in a positive,
too slow, the coach or sport psychology consultant self-enhancing manner. Almost any self-defeating
might try helping the athlete identify issues such as, statement or negative thought can be reframed, or
What makes me think I am slow? Have I ever in the interpreted from a different perspective, so that it
past played with good speed? Am I as fast as any of aids rather than hinders the athlete.
the other athletes? If yes, are they successful at run- An important element of reframing is that
ning this offense? What might be causing my slow- it does not deny or downplay what the athlete is
ness, and can I do anything to change it? If I am not experiencing or encourage the athlete to ignore
quite as fast as some of my teammates, do I have any something troublesome. Instead, by reframing,
other talents that might compensate for this, such as the athlete acknowledges what is happening and
being able to read the situation faster so I can react decides to use it to his or her best advantage. For
298 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

example, if an athlete was saying, “I’m feeling tense self-concept, self-confidence, and performance.
and anxious about playing today,” that statement Once identified—a task that may take considerable
can be reframed or the feeling reappraised to “I’m soul searching—these self-defeating types of beliefs
feeling excited and ready.” need to be modified. Here are some irrational
Research support for the positive effects of thoughts and cognitive distortions common among
reframing comes from a study that compared the athletes (Dryden, 2009; Turner, 2016a, 2016b) .
mental preparation of teams who met or exceeded
their goals in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics to teams • Perfection is essential
that failed to meet expectations at the games • Catastrophizing (awfulizing)
(Gould, Guinan, Greenleaf, Medbery, & Pederson, • Worth depends on achievement
1999). These researchers found that members of
the more successful teams reported that they were • Personalization (self or other depreciation)
able to “reframe negative events in a positive light.” • Fallacy of fairness (low frustration tolerance)
Additional support comes from research by Hanton • Blaming (self or others)
and Jones (1999), who improved performance in
nonelite swimmers by teaching them to reframe • All-or-none thinking (labeling)
their anxiety symptoms as facilitative rather than • One-trial generalizations
debilitative to performance (see Chapter 12 for • Shoulds (demandingness)
similar examples). Recently, Didymus and Fletcher
(2017) assessed the efficacy of their cognitive- • Emotional reasoning
behavioral intervention of reframing on field hockey Let’s take a look at each of these thought patterns
players’ appraisal of organizational stressors, affec- along with some suggestions for modifying such
tive states, and performance satisfaction. Among irrational and distorted thinking.
these high-level athletes, by following the intervention
(looking at the situation in new ways), competitors Perfection is essential. One of the most debilitat-
experienced enhanced performance satisfaction, ing irrational ideas for athletes (coaches, too) is that
more pleasant emotions, and greater challenge rather one must be thoroughly competent and successful
than the typical threat appraisal. and achieve everything attempted. No one can con-
sistently achieve perfection. Individuals who believe
Identifying Irrational and Distorted Thinking they should will feel crushed with every error, every
defeat, and every setback. Their self-concept will
In addition to dealing with negative self-talk and likely suffer, and they may start a fear-of-failure syn-
self-doubt, athletes need to realize that they may drome. Furthermore, they will put such pressures
be engaging in cognitive distortions and irratio- on themselves to do well that both their enjoyment
nal thinking. According to Albert Ellis (1982), and performance will likely suffer. There is always
a prominent cognitive-behavioral psychologist, value in striving for excellence, but nothing is gained
individuals fail to reach their goals and perform by demanding perfection.
below their ability primarily because they accept
and endorse self-defeating, irrational beliefs, such Catastrophizing (awfulizing). Catastrophizing often
as always demanding perfection, catastrophizing, accompanies perfectionistic tendencies, as the ath-
and believing one’s worth depends upon achieve- lete believes that any failure will be a humiliating
ment. If athletes accept such beliefs, their progress disaster. Catastrophizers expect the worst possible
and satisfaction will be blocked. Such thinking is thing to happen. Unfortunately, expecting disaster
counterproductive because it negatively influences often leads to disaster! Individuals become plagued
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  299

by what-ifs. “What if I lose today?” “What if my par- grips with unfairness and learning to stay composed
ents are embarrassed when I strike out?” “It would is one of sport’s great lessons.
be awful If I don’t score a goal.” Realistic evalua-
tions of the actual situation and setting appropri- Blaming (self or others). This takes two forms—you
ate goals help combat perfectionistic thinking and hold other people responsible for your actions and
catastrophizing. feelings, or you blame yourself for every problem
or outcome. Making excuses or assigning fault to
Worth depends on achievement. Too many athletes others gains nothing. Athletes must learn to replace
believe they are only as good as their accomplish- external attributions with attributions that are
ments, specifically whether or not the play went within their control such as “Success comes from
well and they won. Correspondingly, they think they effort and working hard, whereas failure comes
must excel in order to please others. Try asking an from lack of effort or insufficient practice of key
athlete or coach to describe who he or she is without fundamentals.” Athletes often learn their attribu-
mentioning their sport success! Athletes must learn tions from coaches. If coaches blame failure on fac-
to value themselves for more than what they accom- tors outside one’s control, athletes will too. Coaches
plish in sport; worth as a human being is based on and sport psychology consultants should provide
factors other than achievement and outcome. appropriate internal attributions for successes and
failures. When athletes realize they are responsi-
Personalization (self or other depreciation).  ble for and in control of their performance, their
Athletes who personalize believe they are the cause confidence will grow after a good performance and
and focus of activities and actions around them. they will have more confidence in turning current
They think that everything people do or say is some failures into future successes. Accepting complete
kind of reaction or reference to them. They also responsibility for everything, however, is equally
tend to frequently make comparisons to others, unproductive. “We lost because I missed that last
trying to determine who is better, who gets more free throw.” This irrational blame can lead to poten-
playing time, and so forth. tial problems, such as loss of confidence and the
thought, “The coach and my teammates must really
Fallacy of fairness and ideal conditions (low hate me.” Instead, help athletes to be realistic and
frustration tolerance). You feel resentful because honest in evaluating performance outcome.
you think you know what is fair, but other people
do not act in accordance with your beliefs. “Fair” is All-or-nothing thinking and labeling. Seeing things
often a disguise for just wanting your own way. “Ideal as all good or all bad, for example, “If I fail to win
conditions” means that coaches should carve out the this tournament, I am a total failure and an inade-
easiest possible path for athletes to follow. It is irra- quate person.” Such thinking can also lead to judg-
tional to think that things will come easily or that the mental labeling—the identification or description of
world of sport, and life, should somehow be fair—that something or someone with an extreme evaluative
each investment of time and energy should deliver word or phrase, such as “choker,” “butterfingers,”
an equitable level of success, or that everyone should “air brain,” “loser.” Once established and internal-
be treated the same. Holding these expectations pro- ized, these negative labels are difficult to erase—
duces frustration because in reality coaches do treat labeling is disabling. Coaches and sport psychology
players differently; one’s efforts, improvements, and consultants should instead set a good example and
achievements are not always noticed; and the breaks stress that athletes avoid any kind of negative evalua-
of the game, and life, are often unfair. Coming to tive language and judgmental and absolute thinking.
300 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

One-trial generalizations. This cognitive distortion the cause. In this case, irrational assumptions such
results from reaching a general conclusion based on as perfectionism, worth depends on achievement, or
a single incident or piece of evidence. For example, personalization may have been the culprit.
if you play poorly the first time you golf in the rain, The coach or sport psychology consultant can
you might expect it to happen again when similar help athletes identify and dispute their irrational
circumstances are present. If these conclusions are assumptions. One excellent way to do so is to use
based on only one or two experiences, careful anal- Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
ysis can usually lead to negating them. If based on (REBT) (Turner, 2016a, 2016b; Turner & Barker,
many experiences, largely because of the expectation, 2014; Turner, Slater & Barker, 2014; Wood, Barker,
then practicing under perceived negative conditions & Turner, 2017; Wood, Barker, Turner, & Sheffield,
until success is achieved will often produce evidence 2017), sometimes referred to as ABC cognitive restruc-
to repudiate the initial negative generalization. turing. The goal of REBT is to identify and dispute irra-
tional beliefs and then replace them with facilitative,
Shoulds (demandingness). These people have a list
flexible, adaptive beliefs both for life in general and in
of ironclad rules and expectations about how they and
sport to help deal with the inevitable career setbacks
other people should act. People who break the rules
that are bound to occur from injury, losses, or poor
anger them, and they feel guilty when they break the
performance. Athletes are taught to recognize that
rules. Avoid should and must statements because they
when failure, rejection, or poor treatment occur (A),
put unreasonable demands on yourself and others.
it’s their irrational beliefs (B) that cause the emo-
Emotional reasoning. Athletes mistake feelings tional distress and negative behavioral responses (C)
for facts. If you feel unmotivated and flat, then you and not the event Itself. Turner and Barker (2014)
must be an unmotivated, flat person. Such people provide a pictorial model of the REBT process (see
are more likely to have problems with adverse emo- Figure 14-1).
tions because they tend to generalize them as endur-
ing, personal characteristics versus just transitory

Modifying Irrational and Distorted A

Thinking: ABC (DE) Cognitive Restructuring
through REBT
Irrational beliefs often underlie much of the stress and
resulting self-defeating thoughts and feelings athletes
experience during athletic performance and in life B
in general. Unfortunately, athletes often are unaware Belief
that the culprit is maladaptive beliefs and thinking.
Instead, they think the circumstance or event caused
the deleterious emotional reaction and behavior. For
example, a basketball player misses a critical free C
throw in the final seconds of a game and ends up Emotional &
New Effective
feeling worthless and fearing similar circumstances Behavioral
Rational Belief
in the future. The typical athlete probably thinks the
missed free throw caused the thoughts and anxiety. Figure 14-1  The REBT process
In actuality, the assumptions the athlete made are Source: Adapted from Turner and Barker (2014)
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  301

ABC Cognitive Restructuring

A. Activating Event B. Beliefs or Interpretations C. Consequences D. Dispute

Briefly describe the Record the actual dysfunctional Identify feelings, Write rational response(s)
actual event that led self-talk and, if appropriate, bodily reactions, to the automatic thoughts
to the feelings and include mental pictures and behavior

Fouled in final ten “I lost the game for the team.” Depressed, tensed “Hey, I’m disappointed
seconds with game (personalization) up, blew defensive but that was just one
tied – missed free (blaming) assignment after point out of 40 minutes
throw “I always choke in pressure free throw of play.”
situations.” “I missed this shot, but
(overgeneralizations) there are other times
when I’ve come through
under pressure. I’ll put
extra time into free
throw practice and work
on staying loose and
Figure 14-2  Example of how to use ABC cognitive restructuring to identify and modify irrational distorted thinking

The process begins by keeping a daily record 2. Are they helpful to you? Self-destructive
in which athletes record not only their upsetting thoughts are usually irrational.
thoughts but also the resulting feelings and behav- 3. Are they useful in reducing conflicts with
ior and the negative events that triggered them other people, or do you set up a me-ver-
(see Figure 14-2). In column A, briefly describe the sus-them situation?
activating event in terms of what happened, what
one saw and heard. In column B, record the exact 4. Do they help you reach your short- and long-
content of whatever dysfunctional self-talk one term goals, or do they get in the way?
thought or said out loud. In column C, record the 5. Do they reduce emotional conflict and help
resulting emotional and behavioral consequences. you feel the way you want to feel?
To help determine what dysfunctional talk to
record, Dryden (2009) suggests that the disputation After completing the ABC steps across a des-
process focus on three questions: Is the belief true ignated number of days, implement the next crit-
or false? (empirical), Does the belief make sense? ical step, which entails trying to rebut or dispute
(logical), and Is the belief helpful? (pragmatic). You self-criticism (D), etc. The first step is to reexamine
can also use Steinmetz, Blankenship, and Brown’s the self-talk under box B to determine if irrational
(1980) five criteria for deciding whether self-talk beliefs or distortions in thinking might underlie
and underlying beliefs are rational or irrational, pro- what appeared, on the surface, to be automatic
ductive or unproductive. statements. Record the underlying beliefs in box B
after the dysfunctional self-talk statement. In many
1. Are the beliefs based on objective reality? cases, more than one thinking error may have led
Would other people see the event the way you to the self-talk. For example, see Figure 14-2 for
perceived it? Are there other explanations? Did what occurred when the athlete missed the free
you exaggerate and personalize experiences? throw. Identifying the underlying irrational beliefs
302 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

and thinking distortions helps athletes discover Less enlightened coaches and athletes might
the erroneous or illogical aspects of their ini- fear that modifying irrational beliefs, such as perfec-
tial self-talk. Once done, substitute more rational tionistic demands and taking excessive responsibil-
and productive thoughts in box D. If a particular ity for performance outcome, may take the edge off
dysfunctional thought often occurs (e.g., saying an athlete’s competitiveness. This fear is unfounded.
“I always screw up” or something equivalent after Reflecting back to an athlete’s best moments in
every disappointment), the person will want to fre- competition almost always reveals the opposite.
quently repeat the substituted rational statement Helping athletes eliminate irrational beliefs and
until it is believed. Believability might increase if develop more adaptive thoughts will go a long way
you incorporate one of the quick relaxation tech- toward improving performance and, perhaps more
niques discussed in Chapter 12. For example, take a important, personal growth.
complete, slow breath and with the exhalation say,
“Lighten up! Learn from it and move on.” The pre- Constructing Affirmation Statements
ceding may be difficult, but it gets easier and easier
with practice. The ultimate goal is to create such Feelings of confidence, efficacy, and personal con-
awareness that athletes immediately recognize and trol will be enhanced if coaches and sport psychology
dispute dysfunctional self-talk and replace them consultants assist athletes in constructing personal
with flexible, effective, and functional ones (E) affirmation statements. Affirmations are statements
(see Figure 14-1). that reflect positive attitudes or thoughts about
Support for REBT exists within a sport milieu oneself. They are statements about what you want,
(e.g., Deen et al., 2017; Turner, 2016a, 2016b; phrased as if you already had it. For example, Ivan
Turner & Barker, 2013). Using the intervention Lendl (then in the top five of world tennis rankings)
with four elite youth cricketers, Turner and Barker had a record of 9 wins and 12 losses against John
found visual and statistical analyses indicated a McEnroe, and he did not like to play him. Lendl
change from irrational beliefs to rational beliefs then started writing each day in a notebook, “I look
and a reduction in cognitive anxiety. McArdle and forward to playing John McEnroe.” Over time his
Moore (2012) successfully addressed an elite rugby record against McEnroe improved to where he won
player’s disabling perfectionism (“I should perform the last ten straight matches (Wishful Inking, 1991).
exceptionally well at all times because doing things The most effective affirmations are true and
perfectly means success,” p. 306) and catastrophiz- vivid. A good source of affirmations is positive
ing (“I made a mistake; I’m going to lose my place statements that might naturally have occurred with
on the team,” p. 304) as indicated in the following previous successful performance. Affirmations
quotes: should capture the desired feelings: “I am strong as
a bull,” “I fly down the finish line,” “I really come
through under pressure.” Slogans can also serve as
“. . . he appreciates he is a good player, and is not
affirmations: “Winners think they can and they do”;
worried he will be judged on bad performances.”
“He now thinks through how he is feeling before “See it, think it, believe it, do it”; “Say yes to suc-
and after and tries to rationalize.” “He thinks cess.” Each slogan can become a recipe or formula
about positives and uses self-talk.” “He has for success, provided it is internalized.
become more relaxed, confident as the sessions Another way to build and accept affirmations
have developed.” is to have athletes make an honest list of their
(quotes from parents and a coach about the strengths that contains all of their positive attributes
effects of REBT, cited in Turner and Barker, (technical, tactical, psychological, physiological).
2013, pp. 141–142) In essence, this is a master list of assets, strengths,
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  303

and positive qualities. Now is not the time for mod- Designing Mastery and Coping Self-Talk
esty! Reviewing the list serves to remind athletes Audio or Video Files
of how capable and deserving they are of success.
Every individual has the capacity to program his or
It also provides a foundation for an appropriate
her mind for successful thoughts. Some athletes do it
affirmation to bring the physical or mental game
naturally; others must learn how to be effective think-
to the next level. The athlete should write affirma-
ers. One effective method for training the mind to
tion statements that are positive, action-oriented self-
think in a confident, success-oriented way is through
statements, such as “I play well under pressure”;
the use of mastery and coping audio or video files
“I can come back when I’m behind”; “I play pun-
such as an MP3, MP4, your smart phone, or an iPod.
ishing, smart defense.” Affirmations should be in
For a mastery file, the athlete records his or her own
the present tense and worded in a way that avoids
voice describing an outstanding performance or an
perfectionist, unrealistic statements, such as “I
existing video in which events proceeded precisely
always . . .” or “I never . . . .”
as desired, including the ideal thoughts, feelings,
Once formulated, how can these statements be
and emotions experienced just before, during, and
best used to foster confidence and the desired goal
after performance. Feedback from teammates or the
of the affirmation? Athletes can write the statements
coach might help in preparing the voice-over script
on a notecard that can be carried in an equipment
to enhance the impact and use of polysensory infor-
bag or taped to the bench to read during stoppage of
mation. Speak slowly and provide pauses to allow the
play or in free moments throughout the day. Some
mind time to fully imagine, or see on the video, each
athletes create acronyms from their affirmation and
of the performance scenes. If preferred, use a musi-
write them on pieces of equipment or athletic tape.
cal background that creates the desired emotions.
Once the affirmation becomes so integrated into the
Listening or watching a mastery rendition of ideal
conscious mind that it is completely believed and
performances over and over helps program the con-
made automatically, select another affirmation on
scious and subconscious mind for success.
which to work. Other techniques for utilizing affir-
Because obstacles and setbacks are likely to
mations are to post them (singularly or in combina-
occur in even the best of circumstances, producing
tion) in places such as one’s bedroom, bathroom,
and listening to and/or watching a coping file is an
locker, or screen saver. Consider recording the affir-
effective way of programming the mind to maintain
mations and playing them whenever possible, such
confidence, control, and focus in the face of difficul-
as between classes or before going to bed.
ties. These coping tools allow the athlete to practice
dealing with many of the likely things that could go
wrong. The situation might be one in which the ath-
Exercise 2 lete makes a mistake or loses mental or emotional
Write three affirmation statements that reflect control. The athlete then rehearses the strategies
what is true about yourself (e.g., “I work to improve needed to regain control and confidence. This is an
my technique daily”; “I come through in clutch excellent opportunity to practice not only this chap-
situations”; “I positively affect my teammates.”). Next, ter’s cognitive techniques but also activation/anxi-
list one or two specific examples to serve as evidence ety control, imagery, and concentration techniques.
for the truth of that affirmation. It should be stressed that the emphasis on creating
Now is not the time for modesty! Add to the a coping audio or video file is not to dwell on the
affirmation list as you acquire new skill sets, achieve stressful or distracting situation described, but on
accomplishments, or develop new characteristics. the process by which the athlete regains control and
confidence when confronted with these situations.
304 Chapter 14   Cognitive Techniques for Building Confidence and Enhancing Performance

Use Highlight Video to Enhance Performance the soundtrack. Watching well-executed play while
Modern video technology is so common that recalling the self-talk, emotions, and sensations
almost any athlete or team has access to enough that accompanied the scenes enhances confidence
raw footage from which a personal or team high- and self-efficacy and serves as a form of imagery
light video can be created. It is particularly desir- rehearsal that programs the mind and body in
able to select performances in which athletes can many positive ways (see Chapter 13). Successful
see themselves excelling at the skills or strategies examples of NCAA, Olympic, and professional
that currently need emphasis. Again, an athlete’s champions using highlight video are too numerous
or teams’ favorite musical selection can serve as to mention.

There is a direct correlation between self-confidence and success. Confident athletes think about
themselves and the action at hand in a different way from those who lack confidence. The dif-
ference is that the confident athlete’s self-talk and internal imagery are consistently positive and
enthusiastic. This self-enhancing thinking is likely to lead to enabling feelings and good perfor-
mance, just as the inappropriate or misguided thinking of athletes lacking in confidence is likely
to lead to negative feelings and poor performance. Athletes can learn to use self-talk to build confi-
dence and self-efficacy, to appropriately direct attentional focus, and thus to facilitate learning and
performance. The first step in gaining control of thinking is to monitor self-talk to become aware
of what kind of thinking helps, what thoughts are occurring that appear to be harmful, and what
situations or events are associated with the talk. Three of the most effective tools for identifying
self-talk are retrospection, imagery, and keeping a self-talk log.
Once awareness of self-talk and feelings, particularly of dysfunctional talk, is heightened, the
coach or sport psychology consultant can instruct the athlete in how to start dealing with these
thoughts. Techniques such as thought stoppage, changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts,
countering, reframing, cognitive restructuring of irrational and distorted thinking, and construct-
ing affirmation statements are possible tools for producing performance-­enhancing thoughts and
eliminating disabling thoughts. Mastery and coping audio or video technology can also enhance
confidence and performance.
Using these interventions will require an investment of time and faith on the part of the athlete,
and there is no guarantee of immediate improvements. As with any other training method that truly
enhances performance and personal growth, the results will emerge gradually, often in precise cor-
relation to the athlete’s persistence and commitment.

Study Questions

1. Describe how the self-talk of a successful athlete is different from that of an unsuccessful ath-
lete. Give five examples of self-talk from each.
Jean M. Williams and Colleen M. Hacker  305

2. What is the relationship between (a) self-talk and self-esteem and (b) self-confidence and
3. Compare and contrast optimistic and pessimistic explanatory styles in terms of the three
dimensions of explanatory style. How would you rate yourself on each of these?
4. Name and describe the seven uses for self-talk. Using any sport or exercise setting, provide an
example of each.
5. Susie, a varsity golfer, is concerned that her self-talk may be having an adverse effect on her
play. What three techniques could she use to become more aware of her self-talk, and how
might she use them?
6. Describe how a coach or sport psychology consultant might help athletes use the techniques
of thought stoppage and changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts.
7. How does countering a negative self-statement differ from reframing? Give examples of both
in response to the statement “I’m always getting beaten on my opponent’s first serve” or an
equivalent statement from your own experiences.
8. List and describe at least eight types of irrational and distorted thinking.
9. Using the ABCDE model, provide an example for how you can use the REBT cognitive
restructuring model to help an athlete modify irrational and distorted thinking.
10. When John monitors his self-talk, what five criteria should he use to determine whether his
self-talk and underlying beliefs are rational or irrational?
11. What are the guidelines for determining and using affirmations?
12. How does a mastery audio or video file help an athlete develop appropriate self-talk?
13. What is the purpose of a coping audio or video file, and how is this purpose accomplished?
14. How might a video be designed and used to enhance an athlete’s confidence and

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The second author would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Kyle Drugge at Pacific
Lutheran University.

Concentration and Strategies
for Controlling It
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus
Jennifer Bhalla, Pacific University

I’m just focused on how fast I’m going, how fast I’m feeling, and pretty much block everything out, the
sounds, the sights, just kind of listen to the rhythm of the water, and just maintaining the same stroke, the
same rhythm, the same tempo, and thinking about how I want to get my hand to the wall.
—Katie Ledecky, 2016, Winner of 5 Olympic gold medals
and 14 World Championship gold medals

Concentration is essential for performing one’s appropriate cues, such as some aspect of the envi-
best whether the performer is an athlete, student, ronment or internal stimuli, while screening out
surgeon, musician, or something else. Few areas in irrelevant and distracting external and internal stim-
sport psychology are as important to overall perfor- uli such as an audience booing, bad officiating calls,
mance as the area of concentration or attention.1 or thinking, “I blew it!”
Effective concentration entails attending to the Under maximally demanding conditions, good
right things at the right time and in the right way. concentration entails 100 percent attention to the
Unless concentration skills have been mastered task at hand. The goal is total absorption in the
and the performer knows what to attend to, perfor- experience. As a case in point, Walsh and Spelman
mance will almost always suffer. (1983) reported that conductor Carlos Kleiber
When someone performs badly, one of the never noticed the earthquake rattling a giant
most frequently heard comments is “I couldn’t con- chandelier when he was conducting Strauss’s Der
centrate” or “I lost my focus.” What do we mean Rosenkavalier at La Scala! Less than 100 percent
by good concentration? The major component of attention will work when conditions are not max-
concentration is the ability to selectively attend to imally demanding. For example, most of the time
people can safely drive a car while also carrying on
a conversation with a passenger. Texting, however,
The words concentration and attention are used interchangeably
in this chapter.
diverts attention away from the demands of driving,

Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  315

leading to diminished performance and an increase another sign of lost concentration. One of the best
in near and actual crashes (Klauer et al., 2014). examples comes from studying. How often have you
Thus, we need to consider the demands of the task read a chapter that was boring or with something
and give appropriate attention resources to success- else on your mind only to discover that you’ve been
fully achieve those demands. turning the pages and have no idea what you read?
The best concentration, and the greatest pros- Finally, although not always, when performance
pect of succeeding, occurs from total immersion level is suffering, there is a good chance you have
in the here and now, in the present (Hermansson & lost optimal concentration. A first step in regaining
Hodge, 2012). When our minds drift into the past concentration is to increase your awareness of these
(e.g., a mistake) or future (e.g., potential outcome), signs of having lost it.
present performance can suffer. To illustrate, when In what situations are we most likely to not
the University of Virginia men’s basketball team have or to lose concentration? There are many
headed into the 2018 NCAA championship as the possible answers, but the most likely ones are after
#1 overall seed, there were high expectations, but mistakes, when stressed out, when not sufficiently
Virginia lost to a #16 seed in the first round, a his- motivated, or when overmotivated. Motivation and
toric loss that will be talked about for years to come. stress play a major role in determining physiolog-
Obviously many factors contributed to Virginia’s ical arousal level and perception of cognitive and
loss, including possibly inappropriate attention as somatic anxiety and thereby influence attentional
noted here: focus (see Chapters 4, 11, and 12 for relevant
discussions and interventions). It is impossible to
We dominated one of the best leagues in the coun-
try and we had lost only two games all year…I
perform one’s best in the present moment when
knew we could beat anybody on a given night. But ruminating about a previous mistake. Instead, if
we didn’t give enough attention to being in the there is time, quickly learn from the mistake and
moment…we lost our edge a bit…we lost our swag- let it go. If there is no time to learn, let it go and
ger and the way we do things. We had our eyes deal with it later. This sounds simple, but is often
on the national championship, maybe too much. difficult to do. Throughout the chapter we present
(Ty Jerome, member of the 2017-2018 exercises designed to increase your ability to con-
UVA men’s basketball team, as cited in trol focus.
Katz, 2018) The next few sections primarily discuss some
of Aidan Moran’s (2009) and Robert Nideffer’s
Optimal concentration also requires keeping (1976, 1990) conceptualizations of concentration
an appropriate focus over an appropriate length of and principles for attention control training. This
time and the ability to shift attention based upon work provides an excellent foundation for training
changing performance demands. It is not enough to concentration, including clarifying the relationships
start with the appropriate focus; it must be main- among arousal, anxiety states, and focus of concen-
tained as long as needed. Correspondingly, for tration and how and why choking occurs.
many tasks, the athlete must be able to shift his or
her focus of attention in response to changing per-
formance and environmental demands (cf., Bernier,
Trottier, Thienot, & Fournier, 2016). Foundations for Attention
Based upon the preceding, you have lost con- Control Training
centration when you attend to irrelevant cues, have
inappropriate divided attention, or leave the present 1. Decide to concentrate —it won’t just happen by
moment. Becoming aware of gaps in experience is chance (Moran).
316 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

2. Athletes need to be able to engage in at happen automatically or by chance. One way to train
least four different types of concentration such a conscious decision is to use the idea of an
(Nideffer). imaginary switch (Moran, 2009; Moran, Toner, &
3. Different sport situations make different atten- Campbell, 2019). The switch is turned on when
tional demands on an athlete. Accordingly, the concentration is needed (e.g., earlier example of
athlete must be able to shift to the appropriate studying lapses) and off when not needed, thus
type of concentration to match changing atten- allowing for a mental rest. Environmental cues and
tional demands (Nideffer). the demands of the performance task will help dic-
tate when and which is appropriate.
4. You “lose” your concentration if focus on fac-
tors outside your control (Moran).
Different Types of Concentration
5. Under optimal conditions, the average per-
When a coach notices an athlete has lost concen-
son can meet the concentration demands
tration, all too often they just shout, “Concentrate!”
of a wide variety of performance situations
Coaches would be far more effective if they stated
on what specifically the athlete should focus. To
6. The phenomenon of choking—of having perfor- help determine that, Nideffer (1976) posited the
mance progressively and uncontrollably deteri- idea that performers engage in four types of con-
orate when in high-pressure situations—occurs centration, which result from the combinations of
as physiological arousal increases well beyond both width and direction of attentional focus. The
the desired level and perceptions of anxiety width of attentional focus relates to understanding
states become debilitative, causing attention to that sometimes a broad attentional focus is needed
involuntarily narrow and become more inter- (e.g., survey the entire field or scan all muscles for
nally focused (Nideffer, except for inclusion of tension) and other times a narrow attentional focus
anxiety states). (e.g., watch the ball or monitor your thinking) will
7. Alterations in physiological arousal and per- produce successful results. The direction of atten-
ceptions of anxiety states affect concentration; tional focus centers on the idea that there are times
thus, their systematic manipulation is one when athletes need to focus inwardly and times
way to gain some control over concentration when focus should be shifted outwardly to some-
(Nideffer). thing in the environment. Combining the width and
direction dimensions results in four types of atten-
8. Alterations in the focus of attention also affect
tional focus: broad external, broad internal, narrow
physiological arousal and anxiety states; thus,
external, and narrow internal (see Figure 15-1).
systematic manipulation of concentration is
one way to gain some control over arousal
(e.g., muscular tension levels, heart rate, and
respiration rate) and anxiety states (cognitive
and somatic) (Nideffer).
Assess Perform
9. Focus outward when you get nervous (Moran).

Decide to Concentrate Analyze Rehearse

The first principle centers on a deliberate decision

by the athlete to concentrate. That mental effort INTERNAL
must be put forth because concentration will not Figure 15-1  Dimensions of attention
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  317

Shifting Attention Thus, athletes are continually required to shift

Different performance situations make different attentional focus even though some sports or posi-
attentional demands. A quarterback in football has tions require more of one type of attention than
a greater need to develop a broad external focus others. An increasingly important role for the sport
of attention (e.g., awareness of the entire field) than psychology consultant and coach is to assist ath-
a guard who needs a narrower type of external letes in knowing what is most important to focus
concentration (e.g., opposing player he intends to on at a particular time and to assess and develop
block). Often there are many demands for shifting their ability to appropriately shift from one type of
attention within a particular sport or skill. An exam- attention to another. Consulting work with athletes,
ple from golf illustrates the point. even skilled ones, has indicated that athletes may
When golfers walk up to the ball, they need a not know which focus gives them the best results.
broad external type of attention in order to take in Research shows that attentional focusing can be
information such as the placement of hazards (e.g., improved with attention control training that entails
trees, sand traps, out-of-bounds markers, water) and drills in which athletes have to shift their attention
various conditions (e.g., slope and dryness of the (e.g., Ziegler, 1994). We present some of these drills
terrain, speed and direction of the wind). Once this later in the chapter.
external information is garnered, golfers shift to a
broad internal focus to plan what shot to hit and Avoid Focusing on Factors Outside
what club it will take. They recall how they played Your Control
past similar situations and what the results were, as Concentration is lost when focus shifts from factors
well as anything that might modify how they should within an athlete’s control to components that are
now play. After formulating a plan, golfers take outside his or her control. Common examples are
their set-up position, where attention usually shifts worrying about past performances or projecting
to a narrow internal type of concentration, such as too far into the future or focusing on uncontrolla-
mentally rehearsing the shot or taking a relaxing ble distractors, such as a booing audience or a poor
breath. Before starting the swing, golfers typically officiating call. Shifting attention to factors outside
shift attention to the ball or club, a narrow external your control prevents focusing on relevant cues for
focus. Evaluation after the shot takes golfers back to present performances, thus hindering performance.
a broad internal focus (see Figure 15-2). Mindfulness training is one way to help athletes

Quarterback dropping back Hitter tracking the ball
to pass Sighting as a marksman
Basketball player starting a Golfer addressing a ball
fast break Reading a test question
Golfer assessing hole Reading in noisy setting
Lawyer presenting to a jury
Analyzing mental strengths Monitor neck and
Coach formulating a game shoulder tension
plan Deep breath to relax
Planning essay answer Mentally rehearse a skill
Clinician forming a Memorize a fact

Figure 15-2  Examples of dimensions of attention
318 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

stay nonjudgmentally in the present moment, plus focused, and perceptions of cognitive and somatic
it can enhance perceptions of flow states and help anxiety become debilitative. This creates perfor-
with gaining control of physiological arousal (see mance problems by a tendency to rush (e.g., start to
Chapter 16). throw the ball or run before completing the catch);
by muscles antagonistic to performance tighten-
Can Meet Concentration Demands Under ing, thus interfering with weight transfer, timing,
Optimal Conditions and coordination; and by an inability to attend to
task-relevant cues.
The fifth principle indicates that if individuals are
Before addressing prevention and treatment of
appropriately motivated, trained in what to do
choking, we need to acknowledge that the preceding
(including focus), and have control over their level
discussion of choking implies a clearer understand-
of arousal (neither too high nor too low), they are
ing of the concept than what exists. For example,
capable of effective concentration. They can control
there is currently no good theory of choking, and
the width and direction of attention enough to be
much remains to be known about who is susceptible
effective because the actual attentional demands
to choking, the features of pressure situations that
of most tasks are not so extreme that the average
influence the psychological response, the processes
person cannot meet them. Under less-than-optimal
of situation appraisal, and the ways that attentional
conditions, however, concentration problems can
control can be overwhelmed, thereby leading to dis-
occur. Individual differences in attentional strengths
traction in some cases, to damaging self-focus on
and weaknesses also come into play, but discussion
procedural skill execution in other cases, or perhaps
of these differences goes beyond the focus of this
to other performance-impairing mechanisms (see
chapter (see Nideffer, 1976, 1990).
Christensen, Sutton, & McIlwain, 2015).
Operationally Defining Choking
A perfect example of choking, the sixth principle, Prevention and Treatment of Choking
comes from a sport psychology consultant who The seventh and eighth principles underlying
worked with a football quarterback. The coach attention control training suggest that by creating
referred the player because his play was outstand- changes in what is going on with arousal, interpre-
ing in practice, but he often blew it (choked) when tation of anxiety states, or attentional focus, ath-
under pressure in big games. The quarterback told letes can break the downward spiral associated with
the sport psychology consultant that he became so choking. Thus, if athletes sufficiently lower their
stressed during big games he could literally feel his excessive physiological arousal (e.g., tight muscles,
heart thumping and he kept thinking he was going pounding heart), they will reduce the number of
to blow it. Worse, when he dropped back to pass, it attentional distractions and improve their ability
was like looking for the receiver through the hole to concentrate and perform. Likewise, if coaches
in a roll of toilet paper. Behaviorally, we can infer and sport psychology consultants can get the ath-
that athletes are choking when there is a signifi- letes to reinterpret their physical feelings (e.g., give
cant and uncontrollable drop in performance in a positive interpretation to being aroused, such as
high-pressure situations; they “blow it”; and, more “I’m ready”), the physical activation might lower
often than not, they cannot regain control without and, if not, it no longer is a negative distraction.
some outside assistance. In cases of “choking,” the To illustrate, Abernethy (2001) and Zaichkowsky
athlete becomes focused on the threatening pres- and Naylor (2005) have advocated that a founda-
sure, physiological arousal gets too high, attention tion of psychological skills training relative to per-
involuntarily narrows and becomes more internally formance is increasing athletes’ awareness of their
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  319

arousal level as it relates to the construct of atten- taught before each delivery to use a pre-performance
tion. Correspondingly, helping athletes change their routine that included modifying arousal to optimal
perception of cognitive and somatic anxiety from levels and that used behavioral steps, attention con-
debilitative to facilitative should have a similar pos- trol (e.g., focusing on a target), and cue words. They
itive effect on attentional focus and performance. demonstrated that the intervention alleviated chok-
Also, having the skill to manipulate concentration ing through the prevention of self-focus and distrac-
so that it is task-focused rather than inappropriately tion. The Hill study, on the premise that effective
internal and narrow will have a desirable effect on interventions are multimodal, also included process
physiological arousal and anxiety states. goals, cognitive restructuring, imagery, and simu-
An unrealistic goal of some sport psychology lated practice and emphasized the importance of
programs is to prevent choking by teaching athletes designing the interventions to meet the individual
some type of relaxation, rehearsal, and/or focusing needs of the athlete. The interventions were based
procedure. In truth, we probably can reduce the fre- on their earlier work that revealed, “self-confidence,
quency of choking through better training, but we focus, anxiety management and perceived control
cannot eliminate it—thus, learning to recover once were the psychological constructs that required
choking has occurred may be even more critical enhancement to prevent choking” (Hill et al., 2011,
than trying to eliminate choking altogether. Vealey p. 468).
and colleagues promote actively physically and men-
tally preparing for choking by understanding that it Focus Outward When You Get Nervous
will happen, so athletes need to be prepared. Using
The final principle for attention control training
techniques that are practiced in multiple pressure
indicates that when an athlete is anxious, she or
settings can serve as effective coping mechanisms
he should focus attention outward on actions as
when choking happens (see Vealey, Low, Pierce, &
opposed to inwardly on self-perceptions. The rea-
Quinones-Paredes, 2014).
son is because too often nervousness leads to self-
When providing interventions dealing with
perceptions that reflect doubts about one’s ability
choking, we are likely to be successful only if the
to meet the demands of the task and even catastro-
program has a performance-specific training focus—
phizing about the consequences of a failure to do so.
for example, teaching an athlete to use relaxation
An outward task focus stops this debilitative think-
and to then appropriately focus attention at a partic-
ing because typically a performer can consciously
ular time (e.g., at bat one might take a deep relaxing
focus on only one thing at a time.
breath and then focus attention on the pitcher) and
In the sections that follow we address concen-
to provide training to rehearse doing so in particular
tration training exercises that have proven helpful
performance situations, including simulated pres-
in enhancing athletes’ ability to appropriately focus
sure. When engaged in this training, appropriate
and, when necessary, refocus.
self-talk behaviors should be maintained because
doing so enhances focus and self-confidence.
Research has shown that incorporating detailed Process versus Outcome
pre-performance routines is another way to prevent During practice and one’s free time, especially in
and treat choking (Gröpel & Mesagno, 2017; Hill, sports that require a great deal of training and sac-
Hanton, Matthews, & Fleming, 2011; Mesagno & rifice on the part of the athlete, individuals often
Mullane-Grant, 2010). For example, in a study with motivate themselves by thinking about outcome: “I
bowlers predisposed to choke under pressure, they am working this hard because I want to win a gold
found accuracy improved and more relevant, task- medal.” “By making these sacrifices, I  can get the
focused attention occurred when bowlers were recognition and financial rewards I want.” Once the
320 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

competition begins, however, an outcome focus can movement effect (e.g., pendulum-like motion of the
generate physical and attentional changes that inter- golf club when pitching), are particularly beneficial.
fere with performance. For example, Hill, Hanton, If, however, athletes are not sufficiently motivated
Matthews, and Fleming (2010) found that during during a competition, they can think about outcome
critical competitions thinking about the outcome— to get arousal levels and focus up to an optimal level.
the importance of winning—created pressure. The
chokers in their study maintained this outcome Increasing Awareness of Types
focus (e.g., focused on impressing others), but the
of Attention
participants who excelled adopted a task-oriented
approach (e.g., the use of process goals). The In concentration training, knowing what to focus on
coaches they studied also identified the importance is as critical as knowing how to control one’s focus.
of a task-focused approach during critical events. Athletes may have excellent concentration skills,
The pressure comes from me and wanting to but if they focus on the wrong things, the skills will
win. But I just work on the processes of the not be very helpful. Additionally, they must know
game . . . that is all I think about. when to switch from one focus to another in a very
(Competitor who excelled under pressure, short time period. Fortunately, the brain is capable
cited in Hill et al., 2010, p. 226) of responding in milliseconds (one thousandth of a
second), and extremely complex skills can be done
You have to take away winning and the almost instantaneously if switching attention is
consequences of winning, and [just] focus on the practiced correctly.
1. Narrow-external drills.  Focus on an object
(Quote from coach, cited in
across the room, noticing just it and observing
Hill et al., 2010, p. 226)
every detail. Do the same with a different object.
Another example of a process focus comes from Now pay attention to what you hear by taking
what Jessie Diggins said when thinking about her each separate sound, identifying and mentally
experiences competing in—and winning—the skiing labeling it, such as footsteps, voices, or a cough.
cross country team sprint competition in the 2018 Focus on only one sound at a time.
PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. In some sports, one way to enhance a narrow-
external focus is for the coach to place different
Luckily, I wasn’t focused on the fact that I was numbers on a ball or puck and have the players
going up against the current Olympic sprint
yell out the number as the ball or puck approaches
champion and the reigning World Championship
sprint winner. I just so focused on the task at
them (e.g., receiving a served volleyball). Another
hand and getting my job done. version puts different colors on the balls or pucks
and instructs players to hit to a different location
(Diggins, 2018)
depending on the color. Because players have a
Sport psychology consultants and coaches can tendency to become too aroused during these
train vulnerable athletes to recognize their tendency drills, we suggest reminding them to relax the
toward placing too much importance on outcome shoulder muscles and keep the knees bent so they
(during the competition) and to use those thoughts, can move quickly.
when they occur, as signals to attend to the process. 2. Broad-external drills. Look straight ahead,
Process cues are related to the process of perform- see as much of the room as your peripheral vision
ing as opposed to the outcome. Later we discuss will allow. Simultaneously note all the objects
growing evidence that cues, such as an external in the room. In some team sports, coaches can
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  321

enhance this experience by making a game of emotion or thought. Let each thought or emotion
FREEZE out of it. The coach yells FREEZE; appear gently, without being forced. Identify
players immediately stop and close their eyes, the nature of it and remain calm no matter how
and then the coach asks the players or a selected pleasant or unpleasant it was. Stop and attend to
player where everyone was on the floor or field another. Now try to empty yourself of all thoughts
and where the ball or puck was. and feelings. Let them go. If this is not possible,
3. Narrow-to-broad external drills. Extend both tune in to only one and hold your attention there.
arms in front of you with thumbs up a couple Have individuals of similar size pair up and
of inches apart framing some “main focus” in stand facing each other. One extends his or her
the distance. See the main focus in as much dominant arm with the palm up and wrist resting
detail as you can. While maintaining that focus, on the partner’s opposite shoulder. The individual
slowly move your arms to the side and notice with the extended arm focuses on contracting the
everything between the thumbs. Repeat several muscles to make the arm as strong as possible,
times, actively concentrating on the task. Many while the other cups his or her hands over the elbow
athletes report this drill enables them to see the and slowly pulls downward to bend the elbow.
primary focus while also clearly picking up the (Note: The palm must be up to prevent elbow
broader field. It is like having your camera in injury.) Repeat, only this time the individual with
“portrait mode.” What you focus on is crisp and the extended arm focuses on staying relaxed and
clear and the other objects around it are there, creating an image such as the arm is a solid steel
but fuzzy. A variation is to think of your external bar that extends through the wall. Signal when the
focus as a zoom lens; practice zooming in and image is created, and the partner will begin slowly
out, narrowing or broadening (panoramic), thus increasing force on the elbow, trying to bend it.
practicing what often occurs within athletic skills In most cases, the arm will not bend as easily.
and situations. This exercise demonstrates the power of imagery
To become internally aware, we can focus on through a narrowly focused mind that directs
bodily sensations. One exercise is to sit on a chair energy and creates great strength.
and focus on the feeling of where the chair or floor 5. Broad-internal drills. Think of times in which
supports your body. Start with the feet and become you solved a problem. What processes did you go
aware of your bodily sensations. Before moving on through? Do a quick assessment of your mental
to another sensation, let each sensation linger for a strengths and weaknesses in problem solving.
moment while you examine it; consider its nature Have athletes perform an important sport
and source. This will help enhance internal body skill in a low-stress environment. Instruct them to
awareness. focus on every body sensation while simultaneously
4. Narrow-internal drills. Focus on your breath- attending to what they might be feeling or thinking.
ing for a few breaths. Notice how the abdomi- Emphasize keeping a passive, open awareness.
nal region rises as the air comes in and how it Repeat the exercise but do it when performing in
gently falls as the air goes out. Now pause after a higher-stress environment. Contrasting these two
the inhalation and make the exhalation longer experiences can help athletes identify the subtle
than the inhalation, letting all the air effortlessly changes that sometimes occur in stress conditions
come out. Next switch the focus to any tension in that can lead to poorer performance. It is okay if
your shoulders (or pick another muscle group). athletes, either during or after the exercise, shift to
Release that tension and contrast your relaxed a narrow-internal focus in order to zoom in on a
versus tense shoulders. Attend now only to an particularly relevant sensation.
322 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

6. Narrow-to-broad internal drill. Become once athletes have learned the appropriate focus in
aware of bodily sensations, such as the feeling a relatively stress-free environment, progressively
of where the chair or floor supports your body. add challenges so athletes can practice the skill in
Before moving on to another sensation, let each stress-filled conditions.
sensation linger for a moment while you examine The preceding sounds fairly straightforward, but
it; consider its nature and source. Next, experi- the optimal attentional focus may not be what the
ence all these sensations simultaneously without coach and sport psychology consultant think. There
identifying or labeling any particular one. Doing is growing evidence that instructing individuals to
so necessitates the broadest possible internal focus on an external movement effect, as opposed to
body awareness. A variation of the preceding is one’s own movements or an external cue not related
to switch focus among different muscle groups, to the movement effect, leads to the best learning
becoming aware of any tension in the muscle and performance, probably by allowing automatic
group and then releasing it. Combine the muscle control processes to mediate movement. For exam-
groups until you end with focusing on the total ple, researchers found that when learning to hit a
body and releasing whatever tension you observe. pitch shot in golf, better results occur from focusing
on the pendulum-like motion of the club (an exter-
7. Intention leads to attention. Intentions are
nal movement effect focus) rather than the swing
psychological processes that affect our effort
of their arms (an internal focus) or the dimples on
and attention and consequently our performance
the ball (an external focus not related to the effect).
and physiological responses. Goal-setting is one
In hitting a backhand cross-court shot in tennis,
example of intention. We suggest that equally
focusing on the trajectory of the ball and its landing
important is the intent behind every drill, skill, and
point leads to greater accuracy than focusing on the
movement and every intention to focus. The intent
backswing and the racket–ball contact point. Thus,
is what primes attention. To illustrate how inten-
the distance of the external movement effect also
tion leads to attention, do the following: For one
appears relevant, with the best results occurring with
minute, scan the room and find everything that is
an external focus far enough away to be easily distin-
green. . . . Now close your eyes and describe how
guishable from body movements, but not so far away
many things in the room are blue. You may not
that the performer cannot relate the effect to the
remember any. The same effect occurs in sport.
movement technique. Although not universal, these
If we are primed by our attentional focus to look
results have been found with novices and experts
for something, we are more likely to see it and see
and with diverse tasks such as a ski simulator, bas-
it in more detail. Although the preceding exercise
ketball shooting, dart throwing, volleyball serves,
does not practice a specific attentional style, it
illustrates the danger of having the wrong inten- soccer passes, and various balance tasks. See Kee,
tion and, ergo, attention. Chatzisarantis, Kong, Chow, and Chen (2012) and
Wulf (2007) for a review of this literature. That said,
After the preceding basic practice, put the view the preceding as a starting point. Treat athletes
focus on creating drills whereby the athlete iden- as individuals because optimal attentional focus for
tifies and practices using the optimal focus within the same task might vary across performers (Bernier
their specific performance demands. As we men- et al., 2016), and there are always limitations and
tioned earlier, do not assume athletes automatically exceptions to research results.
know where to look and how to focus when told to In the remainder of this chapter we provide
concentrate. Create drills that help athletes find specific strategies and techniques that coaches and
and then practice the focus that best suits them. sport psychology consultants can use to train better
In general, for all drills that train what to focus on, concentration control in athletes. These strategies
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  323

are divided into two sections: strategies to control swimming, and figure skating. Dress rehearsal is
distracting external factors and strategies to control based on the concept that ease in skillful compet-
internal distractions. The categorization is some- itive performance is unconsciously conditioned by
what arbitrary because external and internal stimuli the external and internal stimuli that surround ath-
continually affect each other. Because of this inter- letes during practice. The greater the number of dif-
action, strategies in one category may be effective ferent stimuli present during competition compared
in correcting apparent lack of concentration in the to practice, the more likely performance quality will
other category. decrease. Stimuli can include things such as the ath-
letes’ uniforms, background illumination, announc-
ers’ voices, and music and applause. Ironically, to
External Factors: Strategies to Minimize make a good impression during the competitive
External Distractions event, athletes usually wear uniforms or costumes
different from the ones they wear during practice.
The novelty of the competitive environment com-
This means that an unconscious stimulus (the prac-
pared to the practice environment tends to reduce
tice uniform) associated with the performance of
performance. Research by Orlick and Partington
the skill (response) is not elicited during the com-
(1988) found that the ability to control distracti-
petition and also that wearing a different uniform is
bility was closely associated with superior perfor-
a new stimulus that may inhibit performance. Dress
mance at the Olympic Games. Athletes therefore
rehearsal in which the athlete wears the competi-
need to be trained not to react (orient) to irrelevant
tion uniform and goes through the same sequence
external stimuli. In a competition, these stimuli are
of events as in competition, including factors such
situational factors that coaches often expect the ath-
as scoring and judging, needs to be conducted fre-
letes to have learned to control by trial and error
quently after athletes have mastered their skills and
in previous competitive experiences. This “previous
are practicing the whole routine for performance.
experience” strategy for developing concentration
The reverse of this strategy can also be applied
control has obvious limitations and false assump-
when an athlete is in a slump. In this case the ath-
tions. Coaches need to realize that athletes can
letes ceremoniously discard their uniforms and
be systematically trained before a competition to
thereby symbolically disconnect from the slump
be situationally independent. The concept under-
associations while now practicing with a new uni-
lying training is based on Pavlovian conditioning.
form that has no failure associations. The athlete is
Through training, the novelty of the competitive
metaphorically and ritualistically reborn. Athletes
environment can be minimized when athletes prac-
and coaches should not lose sight of the fact that
tice their physical skills while being exposed to all
these rituals are not the underlying reasons for
possible external stimuli that can occur during a real
nonperformance. Often, it is more productive for
competition, but realize that not all unusual events
the coach and athlete to maintain their traditional
can be anticipated, so also prepare a “coping plan”
patterns with an understanding that performance is
to deal with the unexpected. What follows are three
typically not linear, but rather up and down.
strategies that reduce the competition novelty effect
upon performance, including a case study showing
the efficacy of one of the techniques. Strategy 2: Rehearsal of Simulated Competition
Strategy 1: Dress Rehearsal Simulated competition experiences enable performers
Dress rehearsal is a particularly effective strategy to become so familiar with the stimuli associated with
for sports such as gymnastics, diving, synchronized competition or some performance situation, that they
324 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

no longer become distracted. They are trained to con- routines with a loud recording of a previous meet
centrate and dissociate from the disruptive stimuli. played over the public address system. This tape
Research is limited, but does support the effective- could include other gymnasts’ music, audience
ness of simulation training (Hill et al., 2011; Hodge & applause, and so on. A similar example for team
Smith, 2014; Oudejans & Pijpers, 2010). sports such as football, basketball, and volleyball
would be holding the week’s practice before an
As for the [simulated] practice . . . I would start
away game with the public address system loudly
off chipping from a fluffy lie, then a patch of mud,
then a lie that I would have on the course. The playing hostile crowd noises and the opposing
pressure would start to build, and I got confidence team’s fight song. Such exercises reduce the effect
from it. of competition-induced novelty, which tends to
(Postintervention quote from professional interfere with performance. The goal is to make the
golfer who had frequently choked under practice workouts seem just like the competitive
pressure, cited in Hill et al., 2011, p. 476) experience.
When using this strategy, coaches and sport
There are numerous anecdotal accounts of psychology consultants should overtrain athletes
simulation training. Gymnasts might rehearse their in these simulated practices of the worst possible

Case Study

The world-renowned The New Zealand All Blacks rugby team is consistently one of the best elite rugby teams
in the world, with a 75 percent winning percentage from 1903 to 2011 (Hodge & Smith, 2014). With this
notoriety and level of success comes pressure to perform, creating a prime situation for choking to be an issue.
Hodge and Smith (2014) used a case study design to study public expectation, pressure, and coach-led coping
techniques designed to alleviate choking. A coach who was with the team for the study period (2004–2011), as
well as playing for the team from 1980 to 1985 participated in this study. Data were collected through an inter-
view with this coach, along with analysis of autobiographies and media interviews with coaches and players.
Results showed that the coach and players felt that pressure was a privilege, viewing it as something positive.
To deal with this pressure, coaches used techniques to help players make better decisions under pressure. For
example, the coach said, “You need to throw in some things [players] haven’t seen so they deal with unpre-
dicted plays that are being made against them.” A player corroborated this by indicating, “Replicating game
day [at practice]…[The coaches] throw in what they call unpredicted events, to try get some problem-solving, or
even try to upset us and force us into the Red Zone.” The coach concluded that,
You can fold under pressure, or you can make other people fold. We worked really hard on developing
pressure situations at training and teaching players to combat it, to see how they reacted. We put them
under immense pressures and they built up a real resilience and an ability to cope.

Other techniques coaches and players used to avoid choking were embracing the pressure, walking
toward the pressure, resilience, mental skills training, and problem solving. Results suggested that self-focus
and internal distractions may explain choking, and using strategies like the ones presented in this case study
will help alleviate choking.
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  325

scenario, such as having a basketball player wait the the day of the team sprint competition at the 2018
length of a timeout before shooting a free throw. In PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games. She believed
football, many psychologically astute coaches turn that knowing all the scenarios that could happen
the sprinklers on before practice and then soak the and rehearing a response increased her ability to
ball between plays to prepare for a game in which cope under stressful situations.
rain is likely. Pilots and astronauts spend a signifi-
In my mind, I was running through every possi-
cant amount of time practicing in realistic flight ble scenario. I’d spent a lot of time visualizing
simulators to help them maintain concentration and the course, how I would ski it, when to switch
appropriate responses in the face of disruptions or techniques, what line to take on the downhill and
emergencies. Sport-specific video games can sim- the best places to pass people. By the time I was
ulate competitive situations, or coaches can judi- warming up for the race, I had run through 20
ciously spring novelty situations in practice. Athletes different ways the finals could go down in my
generally look forward to these challenges as long mind, so that for every possible situation I’d have
as they provide an opportunity for learning and are a ready response. In team sprinting, you have to
not used to punish or embarrass. Just as learning a be willing to adjust your strategy on the fly.
physical skill takes time, learning the mental control (Jessie Diggins, 2018 USA Team Sprinting
of concentrating on the task while not reacting to Olympic Gold Medal winner)
external stimuli takes many hours of training.
Internal Factors: Strategies
Strategy 3: Mental Rehearsal
to Stay Focused
Use mental rehearsal to create the high stress and
external distractions that often occur in competi- The coach or sport psychology consultant must help
tion and then image effectively performing and train the athlete’s mind to exert control because
concentrating under those conditions. Obviously, concentration inhibits distraction. Lapses in con-
athletes cannot use this strategy until they have centration invite fear and self-doubt, and the result-
learned relaxation and imagery skills. A variation ing worry and anxiety lead to further increases in
of such rehearsal is to have athletes form pairs in lack of concentration, thus creating a vicious cycle
which one member of the pair mentally rehearses that ultimately leads to failure. The effect of internal
a sport skill while the other attempts to distract the factors becomes more pronounced in high-pressure
performer from the mental rehearsal. The distrac- situations. As an analogy, what would happen if you
tion can be anything except touching. The goal is walked on a board 4 inches wide, 15 feet long, and
to stay relaxed and focused on performing by tun- 9 inches above the ground (like a practice beam in
ing out the distractions. After this type of mental gymnastics)? You probably could do this without hes-
rehearsal, have the athlete rate his achieved con- itation. In contrast, if the board were 60 feet off the
centration on a 0–6 scale. Thereafter the athletes ground, you might become paralyzed by the fear of
reverse roles. An intervention similar to the pre- falling. Such fear inhibits performance and increases
ceding with the U.S. national rhythmic gymnastics the possibility of failing. Ironically, there is no differ-
team found that it helped gymnasts learn how to ence in the physical skill required. The difference is
detach and dissociate themselves from external dis- in the psychological response to the perceived stress-
tractions and resulting unwanted internal reaction ful event, and as a result, your attention is on fear and
(Schmid & Peper, 1982). trying not to fall instead of just walking across the
Another beneficial example comes from beam. In addition, if you had previously fallen off a
Jessie Diggins practicing mental rehearsal before beam, then every time you thought about it or related
326 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

the experience to someone, you might have unknow- external factors (e.g., ball, racquet head) rather than
ingly rehearsed all of the cognitive and motor events the score. Coaches and sport psychology consultants
that led to failure. should work with athletes to help them establish
One way to improve concentration is to reduce effective cues for triggering optimal concentration
self-doubts and competitive anxiety and their result- and performance. Such cues must be individualized
ing physical manifestations (e.g., increased physio- because what is effective for one athlete may not be
logical arousal, including muscle tension). Unless for another. Similarly, some athletes perform best
an athlete has control over internal dialogue, his or with frequent cues and others with few.
her focus of attention will not be congruent with
good performance, let alone peak performance. In Strategy 2: Centering
addition to the specific arousal, anxiety, and cogni- Centering is an excellent technique for controlling
tion techniques found in Chapters 12 and 14, in our physiological arousal and for ignoring negative and
work with performers, we have found the following task-irrelevant stimuli. It reduces arousal and stops
strategies helpful in controlling internal dialogue negative or task-irrelevant focus because it shifts
and facilitating concentration and performance. focus to relevant performance cues. To understand
centering, you need first to understand three terms:
Strategy 1: Attentional Cues and Triggers center of mass, centered, and centering. Imagine a
Athletes can use visual, verbal, and kinesthetic cues vertical line from your head to your toes, dividing
to focus their attention on specific points and to your body into two equal parts, and then a horizon-
refocus concentration once it has been lost (Bernier, tal line so that half your weight is above and half
et al., 2016). These cues help athletes center their below it. Where those two lines intersect (some-
attention on the most appropriate focus within the where behind your navel) is your center of mass.
task at hand and thus help them avoid distracting You are centered within a performance situation
thoughts and feelings. Both laboratory and field when your body weight is distributed about your
experiments have consistently shown improved per- center of mass in a way that feels comfortable (e.g.,
formance with training in self-talk cues designed body seems to communicate a physical readiness to
to improve attention and/or counter the negative perform). Exactly how your center of mass should
effect of factors that impair attention (Galanis, be distributed varies from situation to situation.
Hatzigeorgiadis, Comotoutos, Charachousi, & When you need more aggressiveness and alertness,
Sanchez, 2018; Gregersen, Hatzigeorgiadis, Galanis, your center of mass is raised and slightly forward.
Comoutos, & Papaioannou, 2017). The more relaxed and immovable you need to be,
the lower your center of mass.
“I think about my feet, where they’re going to Centering is a conscious process used to adjust
land. My hips, knees, legs, arms, neck. Where my
weight about your center of mass so you feel cen-
head should be positioned. Where my chin should
be going uphill, downhill.
tered and in control. It entails directing attention
inward to your center of mass and then altering
(Meb Keflezighi, 2014, Olympic Marathon
breathing and tension levels in various muscle
champion and winner of the Boston and
New York City marathons, as cited in
groups (e.g., deep, relaxing breath from abdomen
Matthews, 2014) and relax neck and shoulder muscles). Time the
centering technique as closely as possible to the
Generally, it is best to find cues that focus on beginning of the motor sequence so that attention
positives rather than negatives, the present (current can be directed immediately afterward (perhaps
or upcoming moment) rather than the past or the with attentional cues) to the task at hand. Research
future, and the process (proper form or execution) or supports the effectiveness of a centering breath
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  327

from adolescent to adult and unskilled to elite per- Strategy 5: Use of Brain Biofeedback
formers (Haddad & Tremayne, 2009; Halliwell, (Neurofeedback) to Enhance Attention
1990; Rogerson & Hrycaiko, 2002).
Previously, the influence of attention and concen-
tration on performance has primarily depended
Strategy 3: TIC-TOC on behavioral observations, interview data, case
Another effective strategy for switching attention studies, and the self-report of performers, but sport
from nonproductive to productive thoughts, feelings, psychology consultants are now directly measur-
or actions is an exercise that uses the words TIC and ing brain activity, using electroencephalography
TOC to trigger the response (Burns, 1993). Simply (EEG), to determine how athletes attend to infor-
stated, any self-statement, feeling, or action that is irrel- mation from the outside, process information
evant or harmful to what you need to be doing right internally, and the relationship of each of these to
now is a TIC and should be immediately recognized. performance. This knowledge has led to EEG neuro-
Then switch to a task-relevant focus (e.g., desired effect feedback training (NFT). The majority of published
of the action such as optimal ball flight), or a TOC. In studies have found that NFT effectively improves
both sport and nonsport situations, become aware of athletes’ performance, but substantial evidence for
TICs and immediately make them TOCs. effectiveness, and for that of specific protocols, is
missing (see Mirifar, Beckman, & Ehrlenspiet, 2017,
Strategy 4: Turning Failure into Success for a review).
The EEG can identify athletes with superior
Many athletes report that they commonly lose con-
brain efficiency (e.g., Wilson & Shaw, 2011) and
centration after making a mistake. One way to deal
those who would benefit from training to enhance
with this problem is to train athletes to turn fail-
their attentional abilities. The athlete trains using
ure into success. This is a cognitive habit by which
his or her brain waves to become aware of the
athletes mentally rehearse successful performance
attentional state needed to control the display on
after a failure. Rather than dwelling on the error,
the computer, and with practice, this attentional
as soon as possible mentally rehearse executing the
awareness and control transfer to the sport set-
same skill perfectly. One component of successful
ting. Neurofeedback is also an excellent method to
performance is to avoid self-judgment or blaming
demonstrate the effects of emotions on the ability to
others, which disrupts concentration, and to instead
pay and sustain attention and to refocus. Although
refocus on imaging success.
use of neurofeedback is becoming more widespread,
More harmful than making a performance
disadvantages are the cost, time required, and need
error is ruminating on the failed event. The verbal
for a trained clinician. For sport skills where atten-
retelling to others or the chronic rumination on why
tion is paramount, such as with shooters, batters,
one made a mistake is a type of global visual-motor
goalies, and others, neurofeedback may be the atten-
behavior rehearsal in which the athlete conditions
tion training of choice in the future.
the mind to perform the same failure behavior
again. Instead of reciting the error, athletes might
ask: “What was the problem and how do I fix it?”
Strategy 6: Increasing Focusing
“How could I have performed differently in the and Refocusing Skills
same situation?” or “What other skills do I need?” Focus training teaches performers to gently hold
Then athletes can mentally rehearse the previous their attention on a predetermined task and, if the
conditions leading to the error, but now change attention wanders, to gently bring the attention
their behavior so that they imagine themselves per- back. The dynamics of this strategy are similar to
forming the skill perfectly. those of meditative practices, such as Raja yoga
328 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

meditation in which a person focuses on a mantra Exercise C: Grid exercise. Another training exer-
and each time the attention wanders from the man- cise for practicing focusing ability is the grid exer-
tra, the person gently guides the attention back to cise (Harris & Harris, 1984). It requires a 10-by-10
it. Using a similar approach, the following exercises block grid with each block containing a two-digit
can help performers improve their focusing skills. number ranging from 00 to 99. The purpose of this
The next chapter on mindfulness also presents exercise is to scan the grid and within a given time
some good exercises for focus training. (usually one to two minutes) find and put a slash
through as many numbers as possible in numeri-
Exercise A: Narrowing attention. Sit quietly, close cal sequence starting with the number 00. The
your eyes, and see how long you can focus on a sin- same form can be reused by starting with a num-
gle thought. For many activities, this is very import- ber above the highest number reached on the first
ant. Next, athletes can enhance locking in their attempt. New grids can be developed easily by sim-
concentration by practicing focusing in the sport ply relocating the numbers. According to Harris
location. For example, some tennis players focus and Harris, athletes who have the ability to con-
only on their strings prior to a serve and then trans- centrate, scan, and store relevant cues will usually
fer this narrow focus to what they need to do in the score in the upper 20s and into the 30s during a
next moment. For serving, they might focus on what one-minute timed trial.
is necessary for them to execute their ideal serve After an initial practice, increase the difficulty
(such as a cue word, feeling of power, or looking at of the exercise by creating distractions such as loud
a spot where the ball is to go). noises and verbal harassment by a partner. This exer-
cise helps create awareness of when focus breaks
Exercise B: One pointing. Look at an action down by attending to irrelevant information, leaving
photo or an object from your sport. For example, if the here and now, or not staying fully immersed in
your sport is baseball, softball, or tennis, you might the task. Besides training focusing skills, Harris and
focus on the ball. If distracting thoughts enter your Harris reported the extensive use of this exercise in
mind, bring your attention back to the ball. Don’t Eastern Bloc countries as a precompetition screening
shut out the thoughts or continue to explore the device to select athletes most ready to compete on
disruptive thoughts or feelings. Just gently bring the team.
your attention back to the ball. This exercise also
can be done with watching a second hand or dig- Exercise D: Video games. Many video games
ital display on a watch “tick off” the seconds for increase reaction speed, hand– eye coordination,
one minute. How many times did you lose your and concentration. For example, Michele Mitchell,
concentration? the 1984 and 1988 Olympic silver medalist in
Have athletes practice Exercises A and B daily women’s platform diving, attributed her consis-
for five minutes and chart their progress. Get them tent performance to good concentration enhanced
to time how long they can focus their attention by playing computer video games. As she said: “It
before becoming distracted. It is our experience helped me to be in the present.” The advantage
that these home mindfulness practices help athletes of many video games is that momentary lapses in
eliminate their concentration-breaking thoughts. concentration result in immediate feedback—you
Note, however, that one research study found that lose. Most early games involved only hand move-
a higher dispositional susceptibility to mindfulness ments and had little similarity to real sport, but
was a prerequisite for such training to enhance per- the newer technology and games often involve total
formance and affect attentional focus strategies body movement and are sport specific. The closer
(Kee et al., 2012). the video game’s reactions and movements parallel
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  329

sport demands, the more likely they will transfer to concentration athletes need for good performance,
the sport setting. and if for some reason attention lapses, using the
protocols will help refocus attention. Gröpel and
Strategy 7: Developing Pre-performance Mesagno’s (2017) recent review of choking inter-
and Performance Protocols ventions in sports found that pre-performance
routines were among the most reported effective
Many athletes develop the ability to tune in to their
ideal performance state by associating concentra-
tion with certain performance rituals. Preset behav- No matter what happens, what you are faced with,
ioral protocols should be established for warm-ups, or how you feel go through your routine.
practice, and specific times during actual competi- This way, you are able to trust that a good shot is
tion, including unexpected events that might occur. inevitable. As long as you practice this routine, it
These protocols should cue both body and mind. makes me focus. Focus on what I can control. It
calms me ... it eradicates mental anxieties. I know
It will take time to help each athlete identify his or
I can go on to hit good shots as a result [of the
her own ideal pre-performance routine. Once a rou- PSR], even though I’m under pressure.
tine is developed, it should be thoroughly practiced.
Elite golfer (cited in Hill & Hemmings,
Over time these protocols will serve automatically
2015, p. 530)
to trigger the optimal arousal, thinking, and focused

Concentration is the ability to direct attention to appropriate cues in the present task instead of
being controlled by irrelevant external or internal stimuli. The ability to control thoughts, arousal,
and attentional focus is the common denominator in the concentration of winning competitors.
Most top athletes have developed their own mental strategies for doing this. These strategies are
often perceived as a component of natural athletic ability, but in fact, they are primarily learned
through regular practice just as any difficult physical skill is learned.
Every athlete will have individual attentional strengths and weaknesses and ability to regulate
emotion and thoughts. These influence the ease with which the athlete can utilize the appropriate
focus, the types of situations that are likely to be stressful, the specific behaviors that are likely to
occur under pressure, and the types of errors that occur within a performance situation (e.g., suscep-
tible to internal versus external distractions, the tendency to choke when under high pressure). That
said, to perform effectively, all athletes must have a rudimentary understanding of concentration
and what influences it, as well as a specific understanding of the optimal attentional focus for the
sport skills they perform. They need to know how to focus, shift their focus, and, when necessary,
refocus. They also need to know when and how to modify the factors that influence concentration
(e.g., arousal, anxiety states, self-talk).
Moran’s and Nideffer’s conceptualizations of concentration and their principles for attention control
training provide a foundation for understanding and training concentration, including clarifying the
relationships between arousal, anxiety, and focus of attention; how and why choking occurs; and how
330 Chapter 15   Concentration and Strategies for Controlling It

to prevent or deal with choking. The initial education phase of concentration training often begins with
differentiating and experiencing the four types of concentration (width and direction of focus) typically
used within performance situations and recognizing when to shift from one focus to another. After
becoming knowledgeable and skilled at the optimal attentional foci for their specific task demands, ath-
letes need to know and practice strategies that will help them stay focused or to refocus when encoun-
tering external and internal distractors. The exercises described at the end of this chapter, such as using
mental rehearsal, associating concentration with certain triggers, and developing performance and
pre-performance protocols, should prove helpful. Because of athlete and task variability, concentration
training must include the development of individualized, situation-specific training exercises, and these
need to progress from using them in practice sessions to actual competitive or equivalent settings.

Study Questions

1. Under maximally demanding conditions, what five components are entailed in good
2. What five factors help determine if you have lost attention?
3. Under what circumstances are you most likely to lose or not have appropriate concentration?
4. Describe Moran’s and Nideffer’s nine principles for understanding concentration and atten-
tion control training.
5. Diagram the figure depicting Nideffer’s four types of attentional focus, distinguish conceptu-
ally among the four (including when to use each), and give an example of each.
6. How do arousal level and anxiety influence attentional focus and choking?
7. How is choking defined in terms of attentional focus?
8. Describe how to prevent and treat choking.
9. Explain the process versus outcome notion with regard to attentional phenomena.
10. Describe the techniques of dress rehearsal, rehearsal of simulated competition, and mental
rehearsal; give an example of each; and discuss the premise behind why they are effective strat-
egies to keep concentration.
11. How can attentional cues and triggers and the TIC-TOC exercise be used to either focus or
refocus concentration?
12. What is centering, why would you use it, and how is it done?
13. Provide an example of how the technique of “turning failure into success” might be used and a
brief description of why the strategy might be effective.
14. Briefly describe the four exercises under the section “Increasing Focusing and
Refocusing Skills.”
15. Provide two examples of when and how developing performance and pre-performance proto-
cols might be used to improve concentration.
Jean M. Williams and Jennifer Bhalla  331

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Mindfulness in Sport
Joe Mannion, Pepperdine University

You don’t have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you.
—Dan Millman

I meditate everyday. . . I think it’s important. . . it’s like having an anchor. . . I have a calmness about
whatever comes my way and a poise, and that comes from starting the morning off with meditation.
—Kobe Bryant

Millman’s words capture a central tenet of mindful- to relate to them as (a) frequently inaccurate (and
ness and mindfulness-based approaches to well- being therefore not to be taken personally), (b) separate
and performance enhancement. Namely, how we from external reality, (c) arbitrary such that one may
relate (and respond) to thoughts is often more of a choose a different course of action, and (d) separate
problem than the content of thoughts. To put it in from the self or one’s identity. Depending on rapport
practical and succinct terms, we might ask athletes and cultural context, sport psychology consultants
(and ourselves), “Do you believe everything you might engage athletes in exploring these relationships
think?” The question is not meant to be rhetorical, but with their own thoughts, feelings, and sensations. For
rather, humanistic or phenomenological (i.e., closely example, Exercise 1 demonstrates that thoughts are
examining one’s lived experience). The same may not inner laws to which athletes must conform and do
be said regarding feelings and body sensations. Just not inherently translate to external reality.
because one feels incompetent as an athlete does not
mean that athlete actually is incompetent, regardless Exercise 1: Thoughts Are Not Laws
of how intense or compelling the feeling might be. 1. Say out loud, “I can’t tap my hand.”
To expound on this tenet, individuals, especially
in Western cultures, tend to relate to thoughts (and 2. Then begin physically tapping your hand.
feelings and body sensations) as though they are (a) 3. Continue repeating “I can’t tap my hand” while
accurate, (b) equivalent to external reality, (c) law-like you are tapping your hand.
such that one must conform behavior to the thought 4. Continue tapping while repeating “I can’t tap my
content, and (d) equivalent to the self or one’s identity. hand” for approximately 30 seconds.
It is more precise and often less problematic, however,

Joe Mannion  335

This exercise illustrates that thoughts are not equiva- of daily life (e.g., activities, inner experiences,
lent to external reality. This principle may be extended reactions to these experiences). Over time, prac-
to apply, for example, to negative thoughts about per- titioners begin to change their relationships with
formance (e.g., “I can’t do anything right today”). inner experiences—no longer, for example, assuming
Another exercise to highlight that thoughts, thoughts are accurate, identifying with them, and
feelings, and sensations are separate from the self getting reactive—as if they are equivalent to external
involves asking athletes, “If you are observing your reality (e.g., athletes sometimes negatively react to
thoughts, who is observing the thoughts?” The thoughts of making performance mistakes as if they
answer may be described as the observing self or the made those mistakes in actual competition).
noticing self (or a sport-adapted term such as the cap- Readers may notice this approach diverges
tain). What is important is establishing that there from traditional tenets and assumptions about men-
is a more significant and stable self, observing the tal skills–performance links. Whether one is a sea-
ever-changing stream of thoughts, who may make soned practitioner or a student of sport psychology,
mindful decisions in response to what is observed, the differences between traditional interventions in
rather than mindlessly conforming. What is the the field and newer mindfulness-based approaches
practical implication? Athletes typically are faced can get confusing. It is important to consider these
with decisions related to performance and well- differences, however, for competent intervention.
being before, during, and after practice or compe- Traditional sport psychology practices tend to empha-
tition. If they are relating to thoughts, feelings, and size, active attempts to control inner experiences
sensations in the usual manner (i.e., as accurate, (e.g., thoughts, feelings, body sensations), whereas
equivalent to external reality, law-like, one’s identity) mindfulness-based approaches tend to emphasize
and the content is negative, the consequences can a frequently counterintuitive acceptance of these
be detrimental, such as avoidance, distractibility, experiences. Even among experts in these respective
preoccupation, reduced effort, self-handicapping, areas, there is disagreement regarding whether they
increased anxiety, and hostility. have degrees of compatibility or if they are in concep-
So how does mindfulness factor with this tenet? tual opposition and therefore incompatible. There
Mindfulness is a sort of prescription for how to is also disagreement over their relative effectiveness
potentially change these inner relationships between and what specific performance outcomes may occur.
an athlete’s observing self and the thoughts, feelings, From a humanistic perspective, and based on work-
and body sensations that are observed. It represents ing experience, the assumption herein is that differ-
a way to be with these inner sensations, as Millman ent athletes will prefer different approaches, so it is
stated, without automatically being controlled by important for consultants to be ready and able to
them. Succinctly, mindfulness may be described approach various situations from both perspectives.
as deliberate nonjudgmental (or compassionate) Mindfulness has potentially myriad applica-
awareness of present-moment thoughts, feelings, tions in applied sport psychology, affecting well-
body sensations, and the environment (Bishop being and performance in and beyond sport. This
et al., 2004; Kabat-Zinn, 1990). Langer (1990) con- chapter is meant to serve as an overview of mindful-
trasted mindfulness with mindlessness, which she ness in sport, including a brief examination of how
described as simply going through the motions or mindfulness made its way from Buddhist philos-
automatically responding; a state of mind that is ophy into Western science and eventually entered
vulnerable to mistakes, unnecessary difficulties, sport psychology, associated research, and common
and predetermined outcomes. Mindfulness prac- practical approaches. The overall emphasis will
tices (e.g., meditation, mindful stretching, mindful be on mindfulness as a practice and on establish-
eating) cultivate dispositional mindful awareness ing clarity regarding its core facets. A final section
336 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

includes predominant formal sport-based modal- Epstein (2005) also described the origin of suf-
ities and introductory mindfulness interventions. fering in the second Noble Truth as intense craving
In this chapter, I offer a survey of the landscape in or clinging, not just general desire. In other words,
this area from which students and practitioners may problems arise in the way one relates to intense
continue to explore, benefit, and engage. desire, rather than in desire itself, such as mindless
or servant-like indulgence (e.g., acting without reflec-
tion on personal values or potential consequences).
Athletes, for example, often crave feelings of being
Eastern Roots and Western Branches: worthy or competent that they believe winning will
Mindfulness and Culture achieve for them. Parents sometimes destructively
cling to the goal of their adolescent child becoming
How did mindfulness enter the sport psychology an elite athlete. There are many unhealthy ways in
canon? To offer respect to its Buddhist roots, it which intense desires for adoration, identity, beauty,
is necessary to consider that mindfulness is a key material gain, and other attributes mindlessly unfold
aspect of Buddhist philosophy, dating back over in and through sport. The Third Noble Truth pro-
2,500 years (Epstein, 1995). The Four Noble claims that the mitigation of suffering is possible,
Truths are core facets of Buddha’s teachings and and the Fourth Noble Truth describes the Eightfold
are focused on the human condition of suffering, Path for this cessation and the way to nirvana.
its cause, and a prescription for change. The fol- The Eightfold Path is a set of ethical, behavioral,
lowing summaries of the Four Noble Truths and meditative, and moral principles: right understand-
the Eightfold Path, a means to enlightenment, are ing, right intention, right speech, right action, right
highly abbreviated and meant to help establish basic livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right
context. The Four Noble Truths are traditionally concentration (Epstein, 1995). Within this context,
stated as mindfulness is intended (along with concentration
and effort) to help increase and stabilize awareness
1. Life is suffering.
to perceive these and other truths. Mindful insights,
2. The cause of suffering is desire. subsequently, can pierce faulty perceptions and
3. The mitigation of suffering is possible. default patterns of reacting, offering possibilities of
relief and new ways of being and relating.
4. An Eightfold Path exists for the cessation of
Contemporary references to mindfulness fre-
quently do not acknowledge these historical and
Mark Epstein (1995, 2005), who has spent much cultural considerations and sometimes prescribe it
of his psychiatric career helping Western therapists in ways that are antithetical to its original Buddhist
and general audiences understand Buddhist teach- intent. Chögyam Trungpa (2002) warned against
ings (and integrate them into Western therapy), using meditation, Buddhist principles, and spiritual-
offered his interpretation of the notion of suffering ity for the purposes of ego building and for material
in the first Nobel Truth as pervasive dissatisfaction, or or worldly gain. Thich Nhat Hanh, another Buddhist
an absence of permanent satisfaction. As he noted, leader, offered that adoption of mindful practice,
even highly pleasurable experiences can lead to dis- regardless of the goal, would eventually transform
satisfaction, as they are transient and do not offset people and cultivate a perspective of compassion,
insecurity or unrest. Examples in sport include the so long as it is done with a spirit of camaraderie
temporary reduction in performance anxiety from (Confino, 2014). Contrasting Buddhist philoso-
a successful practice and the impermanent joy or phy and Western materialism, he further noted
relief from reaching a new competition level. that individuals can be victims of their success
Joe Mannion  337

and associated pursuits, but not of their happiness interventions with collegiate and Olympic rowers.
(an important Buddhist value; see Andersen & They noted mindfulness meditation seemed to
Mannion, 2011, regarding integration of Buddhist enhance a variety of relevant psychological skills,
philosophy into sport psychology practice). including concentration, stress management, and
letting go, as well as qualities experienced during
East Meets West peak performance (e.g., being in the present, sense
of freedom). Kabat-Zinn et al. (1985) also reported
Interest in mindfulness concepts in Western psy-
positive feedback from athletes and coaches regard-
chology and medicine predates adoption in main-
ing the approach. Following this conference paper,
stream sport psychology by decades. Western
mindfulness received minimal attention in sport psy-
psychology interest appears to have germinated
chology until almost two decades later when Gardner
in the mid-1900s, especially among psychody-
and Moore (2004) explored the potential benefits of
namic leaders (e.g., Fromm, Suzuki, & Demartino,
mindfulness in sport.
1970; Jung, 1964). Harvard cardiologist Herbert
Gardner and Moore (2004) contrasted
Benson pioneered Western medical interests in
traditional psychological skills training (PST)
mindful practices, publishing the seminal text, The
approaches in sport psychology with mindfulness,
Relaxation Response (Benson, 1975/2000), which
pointing out that attempts to control, eliminate, or
examined physiological and psychological health
replace thoughts and emotions, for some athletes,
benefits of some forms of meditation (e.g., tran-
can introduce other task-irrelevant thoughts and
scendental meditation, his own steps to elicit the
processes and, consequently, disrupt performance.
relaxation response; see Chapter 12 for a descrip-
For example, a baseball player using traditional PST
tion of Benson’s exercise adapted to sport). Soon
approaches to change thought processes may notice
thereafter, Jon Kabat-Zinn’s (1982) work on mind-
negative self-talk as he waits in the batter’s box for
fulness meditation and related practices as inter-
the next pitch. Attempts to reframe, alter, or stop
ventions for stress and other medical conditions
this internal dialogue divert a portion of attention
formed a basis for proliferation of mindfulness in
inward. Subsequently, this diversion may misplace
clinical psychology.
some of the athlete’s attention away from more
Collectively, mindfulness-based modalities fre-
salient external cues, such as instructions from
quently are called the third wave of behavioral and
cognitive therapies (Hayes, 2004). Although the sec- coaches or the pitcher’s body. For some athletes,
ond wave (i.e., traditional cognitive-behavioral ther- the intervention may have a sort of iatrogenic effect
apy; CBT) tends to emphasize changing maladaptive (i.e., the treatment makes things worse).
thoughts, feelings, and sensations, the third wave Further supporting this reconceptualization,
emphasizes changing the relationship individuals Gardner and Moore (2004) cited Wegner’s (1994)
have with these passing inner experiences (e.g., mind- theory of ironic processes of mental control, which
fully observing a self-critical thought, accepting it as describes the effort to achieve a desired mental state
inaccurate, and letting it pass with compassion and (such as traditional PST approaches to create ideal
without taking it personally or acting on it). performance states) as involving two processes. The
first mental process comprises scanning for mental
content consistent with the desired state. The sec-
Mindfulness in Sport Psychology ond process evaluates whether the first process is
necessary by scanning for mental content that is
Often referred to as one of the first peer-reviewed inconsistent with the desired state. Key to implica-
applications of mindfulness in our field, Kabat-Zinn, tions regarding sport performance and well-being,
Beall, and Rippe (1985) conducted mindfulness-based Wegner and Erber (1992) suggested that when an
338 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

individual actively attempts to suppress unwanted Gardner and Moore (2007) proposed that
thoughts under pressure (e.g., an athlete trying to MAC can enhance athletic performance as well as
suppress negative thoughts during competition), enhance overall psychological well-being in and out
the first process is inhibited by anxiety, leaving the of sport. Birrer, Röthlin, and Morgan (2012) pro-
second mental process dominant. In other words, posed 11 psychological skills relevant to sport that
the meta-cognitive process (i.e., thinking about may be improved through regular mindfulness prac-
thinking) of scanning for unwanted mental content tice: (a) attention, (b) motivation, (c) volition (e.g.,
predominates, paradoxically bringing that material overcoming fatigue, pain management), (d) arousal
into awareness. Therefore, attempting to control regulation, (e) perceptual-cognitive functions,
or suppress undesirable thoughts can make them (f) motor control, (g) self skills (e.g., self-awareness,
ironically “hyperaccessible” under stress (Wegner & self-confidence), (h) personal development and life
Erber, 1992). skills, (i) coping, (j) communication and leader-
Rethinking mental skills–performance links, ship, and (k) recovery.
Gardner and Moore (2004) concluded that con-
sistent high performance in sport requires, in part,
mindful awareness of task-relevant external cues; Research Support for Mindfulness
nonjudgmental and nonreactive awareness of inter- Interventions
nal thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations;
and clarification of values paired with values-based A growing evidence base supports using mindful-
behavior. Similarly, they suggested that optimal self- ness to enhance well-being and performance. In par-
regulation necessitates low levels of self-criticism, ticular, randomized controlled trial studies, often
vigilance (external or internal), and worry con- considered the most powerful research design for
cerning performance outcomes. Based on these assessing interventions, and meta-analyses, a statis-
ideas, Gardner and Moore (2004) proposed tical technique used to synthesize data from many
that athletes might be better served by accepting studies on the same topic, offer strong support
thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations (i.e., regarding the benefits of mindfulness. Randomized
being mindful) rather than actively striving to alter, controlled trial studies examining mindfulness-based
control, or suppress them. This foundation led to programs have demonstrated, for example, reduced
the development of the Mindfulness-Acceptance- anxiety, depression, and bodily complaints (e.g.,
Commitment (MAC) program, a protocol focused Farb et al., 2010); increased positive affect (e.g.,
on increasing mindful awareness and non- Jha, Stanley, Kiyonaga, Wong, & Gelfand, 2010);
judgmental acceptance in sport. As described increased self-compassion; and decreased anger
by Gooding and Gardner (2009), the goal of expression, worry, and absent-mindedness (Robins,
MAC is to help athletes Keng, Ekbad, & Brantley, 2012). Carson and col-
leagues (2004) reported interpersonal benefits,
maintain attention without the need to reduce, which have potential implications for a range of
limit, or otherwise control naturally occurring sport relationships (e.g., teams, coach–athlete,
internal experiences such as thoughts, emotions,
parent–athlete), including increased relationship
and physical sensations. The protocol uses accep-
tance, values-commitment, and mindfulness training
satisfaction, autonomy, closeness, and acceptance
to promote the development of present moment and decreased relationship distress. In a review of
acceptance of all forms of thoughts, feelings, over 50 randomized controlled trial studies, Keng,
and physical sensations, along with attention to Smoski, and Robins (2011) found a wide array of
competition-appropriate cues and contingencies. benefits, in addition to those mentioned earlier,
(p. 308) supporting mindfulness interventions: decreases in
Joe Mannion  339

aggression, alcohol and substance use, disordered • Greater emotion regulation

eating, and distress, and improved attention, life sat- • Less burnout
isfaction, and immune functioning.
Further, neuropsychology-based investigations These benefits likely have positive influences on
have shown, for example, mindfulness interventions sport performance. Accordingly, in post-intervention
to increase working memory (e.g., Farb et al., 2010) journals, college basketball players noted improve-
and reduce emotional reactivity and disruption on ments in athletics as well as other life domains (e.g.,
a lab-based performance test (Ortner, Kilner, & relationships, temperament, academic performance;
Zelazo, 2007). Moore and Malinowski (2009) also Vidic et al., 2017). Another study of college basket-
reported that experienced mindfulness meditators ball players revealed level of mindfulness to be predic-
demonstrated faster processing speed, superior tive of free-throw shooting performance (Gooding &
attention, and greater cognitive flexibility than non- Gardner, 2009). Bühlmayer, Birrer, Röthlin, Faude, &
meditators, all of which may affect performance Donath’s (2017) meta-analysis showed mindfulness
depending on sport-specific demands. was related to performance improvement in pis-
Given the salience of many of these effects tol and rifle shooting and dart throwing (precision
for athletes, researchers began to examine mind- sports). In randomized controlled studies, perfor-
fulness interventions in the context of sport. For mance enhancement has been attributed to mind-
example, wheelchair basketball players who partic- fulness interventions via athlete self-assessment
ipated in an eight-week mindfulness training pro- (Josefsson et al., 2019), as well as coach-standardized
gram reported benefits that spanned competition, ratings of athlete performance (Gross et al., 2018).
training, and everyday life, including improved
foul shooting accuracy, concentration, awareness,
heart rate regulation, stress management, and sleep Formal Mindfulness-Based
(MacDonald, Oprscu, & Kean, 2018). Additionally, Modalities in Sport
mindfulness has been associated with decreased
incidence of injury (Petterson & Olson, 2017) and Several formal mindfulness-based approaches have
increased pain tolerance (Kingston, Chadwick, emerged in the sport psychology literature. As
Meron, & Skinner, 2007). Across studies (e.g., De noted earlier, Gardner and Moore (2004, 2007)
Petrillo, Kaufman, Glass, & Arnkoff, 2009; Gross proposed the first modality specific to sport, MAC.
et al., 2018; Kaiseler, Poolton, Backhouse, & Its goals included increasing mindful awareness
Stanger, 2017; Li, Zhu, Zhang, Gustafsson, & Chen, and nonjudgmental acceptance, promoting focused
2019; Vidic, St. Martin, & Oxhandler, 2016), ath- attention, and encouraging commitment to behav-
letes who have been taught mindfulness have shown iors consistent with personal values. The program
has the following seven modules:
• Increased awareness
1. Preparing the client with psychoeducation
• Increased sense of control
2. Introducing mindfulness and cognitive
• Greater focus defusion
• Improved athletic coping skills 3. Introducing values and values-driven behavior
• Decreased stress 4. Introducing acceptance
• Decreased detrimental aspects of perfectionism 5. Enhancing commitment
• Reduced substance use 6. Skill consolidation and poise—combining
• Less hostility mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment
340 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

7. Maintaining and enhancing mindfulness, through compassionate practices toward other

acceptance, and commitment (Moore, 2009, people.
p. 298) Kaufman, Glass, and Pineau (2017) adapted
Kabat-Zinn’s (1990) Mindfulness-Based Stress
MAC includes education on mindfulness and Reduction to sport, resulting in Mindful Sport
acceptance, short meditations, and values clarifica- Performance Enhancement (MSPE). MSPE is
tion (Gardner & Moore, 2004, 2007). Athletes are designed to be delivered in a group format, but
taught to observe (cognitive defusion) and accept a may be adapted for individual athletes. Exercises
wide spectrum of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sen- include seated and walking meditations, mindful
sations (rather than attempt to change or suppress body scans, and yoga-like movements and postures.
them) and to refocus on task-relevant cues. Values The current iteration (Kaufman et al., 2017) is six
are distinguished from goals (e.g., growth versus weeks long with weekly 1.5-hour sessions, each of
completing a marathon), and athletes are encour- which includes both didactic lessons and experien-
aged to commit to behaviors associated with their tial content to practice these lessons. MSPE facilita-
values, regardless of what they are thinking or feel- tors ideally tailor program material to the sport of
ing (Gardner & Moore, 2007). These processes are their audience, if possible, as well as model mind-
meant to enhance awareness, attention, and emo- fulness qualities. Participants are asked to meditate
tional regulation and, subsequently, performance 10 to 40 minutes per day throughout the program
and overall psychosocial well-being. and to complete a daily mindfulness log. Sessions
Since the MAC protocol was published, sev- are sequenced to progress from nonmoving mind-
eral other mindfulness programs have been pre- fulness practices (e.g., seated meditation, mindful
sented in the literature. The goals of Mindfulness eating) to practice in motion (beginning with yoga
Meditation Training in Sport 2.0 (MMTS 2.0; poses, followed by walking meditation), and finally
Baltzell & Summers, 2017) are to enhance atten- integration into sport-specific movement. Program
tion, poise (i.e., improving one’s relationship with content includes psychoeducation and exploration
aversive thoughts, feelings, and sensations, espe- of mindfulness as it relates to a variety of sport and
cially in the context of competitive pressure), and life topics such as flow states, acceptance, attach-
adaptation (i.e., increased ability to be present and ment, and nonstriving.
adjust as appropriate). It includes six modules: Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness
(a) mindfulness, (b) acceptance, (c) concentration, and Knowledge (mPEAK) (Haase et al., 2015) is
(d) compassion, (e) core values and self-regulation, based on MBSR (Kabat-Zinn, 1990) as well. It is
and (f) intentional engagement. The program is distinct, however, in its organization and inclusion
designed for a group format and is intended to be of resilience and neuroscience psychoeducation,
presented in six weekly hour-long sessions (which particularly related to interoceptive processing (i.e.,
may be broken into two 30-minute sessions) that senses beyond the five basic senses, such as pres-
include instruction, practice, and discussion. Daily sure, temperature, and musculoskeletal tightness)
ten-minute practice is encouraged throughout the when performing under challenging conditions (see
program. Sport performance is believed to poten- Paulus et al., 2009). While developed in conjunc-
tially improve through an enhanced and adaptive tion with the U.S. National BMX Cycling Team (see
ability to attend to relevant cues in the environment.
Based in part on the importance of compassion /mpeak), mPEAK is presented for use across per-
in Buddhist philosophy, MMTS 2.0 also empha- formance contexts. Haase et al. (2015) have noted
sizes self-compassion throughout the program and that the program is still in early stages and subject
includes interpersonal mindfulness, for example, to revision. At the time of this writing (early 2019),
Joe Mannion  341

the mPEAK program is described as a three-day unpleasant, or neutral, rather than being tempted to
intensive workshop followed by six weekly follow-up automatically react with forms of active engagement
sessions designed to increase performance and resil- such as suppression, avoidance, and intellectualiza-
ience (defined as the ability to successfully adapt, tion (Epstein, 1995; Kabat-Zinn, 1994). Words like
including during difficult or threatening situations). acceptance and openness might seem foreign in the
The program has four core principles or pillars (UC context of sport. Phil Jackson, 11-time National
San Diego Health, 2019): Basketball Association (NBA) Championship
coach who is known for his integration of Zen
1. “Inhabiting your body” (learning mindful aware- Buddhism and mindfulness into coaching, stated:
ness of the body, including interoception)
2. “Getting out of your own way and letting go” In basketball—as in life—true joy comes from being
(learning intentional versus default-mode fully present in each and every moment, not just
responding) when things are going your way. Of course, it’s
no accident that things are more likely to go your
3. “Dancing with pain and working with dif- way when you stop worrying about whether you’re
ficulty,” such as fear, stress, and failure going to win or lose and focus your full attention on
(recognizing, accepting, and changing one’s what’s happening right this moment. (Phil Jackson
relationship to difficulty) Quotes, 2019)
4. “The pitfalls of perfectionism and the glitch Jackson noted that a vital skill for athletes (and
in goals” (letting go of perfectionism and opti- coaches) is to be able to divorce themselves from
mizing motivation to achieve goals) what just happened (e.g., a referee’s bad call, an
Participants are encouraged to practice mindfulness issue with a teammate or competitor) and to re-
and self-regulation skills for a minimum of 30 min- center again and again (Begley, 2014). Another way
utes per day. of explaining this idea to athletes is by stipulating
that acceptance, in this context, is not meant to
insinuate resignation or giving up; rather, it is often
Doing Mindfulness with Athletes a key step in making desirable changes.
For effective mindfulness practice, it is import-
While participation in a formal mindfulness pro- ant to understand the concept of cognitive defusion.
gram, will provide in-depth training, athletes can Cognitive defusion refers to separating one’s self
benefit from less comprehensive mindfulness prac- from one’s thoughts. It is to observe or be aware
tice, too. The following section is composed of of thoughts, reactions to thoughts (e.g., emotional
exercises that sport psychology consultants may responses, overanalysis, avoidance), and the con-
use and adapt based on their athletes’ needs. When sequences of those reactions (see Bernstein et al.,
introducing mindfulness to athletes, it may be help- 2015). When in a state of defusion, one recognizes
ful to distinguish mindful awareness from general and accepts that a thought may or may not be
awareness (which is explored in depth in Chapter true, may or may not be important, is not a threat,
10). Again, mindfulness specifically entails a delib- and is simply something to notice (Harris, 2009).
erate nonjudgmental (or compassionate) aware- Defusion, or meta-awareness, can help create a
ness of present-moment thoughts, feelings, and gap between thoughts and reaction that can allow
bodily sensations as they endlessly arise and fade athletes and coaches to consider different and/or
away (Bishop et al., 2004; Kabat-Zinn, 1990). It effective responses to their thoughts (as opposed to
also means striving to remain open, curious, and trying to eliminate or control them; Hayes, 2004).
accepting of what is observed, whether pleasant, Cognitive defusion can be illustrated by holding
342 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

up one hand, spreading out the fingers, and plac- competition. One may even reinforce that athletes
ing the spread fingers right in front of one’s eyes already have experience with this skill, shaking off
(hand touching one’s nose, representing mental the jeers of opposing fans. Exercise 2 offers another
content). This demonstrates what the world looks way to practice cognitive defusion.
like in a state of cognitive fusion. Next, move the After exploring what mindfulness is and ratio-
hand, while in the same position, outward, such that nales for its use in sport (and there are many idio-
there is space between one’s eyes and the hand. This syncratic ways to do this based on one’s training
new expanded view offers a clearer perspective and and the audience), sport psychology consultants
highlights cognitive defusion. may choose to introduce mindful breath medi-
Another exercise involves the sport psychology tation. Begin by encouraging athletes to have an
consultant (or teammate) narrating an athlete’s observing stance of nonjudgment, acceptance, and
internal dialogue while standing next to or behind curiosity. To enhance participation and system-
her (e.g., saying out loud common negative self-talk atic practice, tell athletes, for example, that doing
while she shoots free throws). The athlete practices mindfulness meditation is like going to the men-
mindfully noticing the consultant’s dialogue and, tal weight room to strengthen these skills for real-
without engaging or suppressing, gently returns her life application. Remind them that attention, just
awareness to the task (over and over), just as she like in practice and competition, will invariably
would with her internal dialogue during practice or be pulled in different directions (e.g., thoughts of
the past or future, commentary about the exercise,
noises, sensations elsewhere in the body), and they
Exercise 2: Cognitive Defusion might find themselves reacting with judgment,
This cognitive defusion exercise is meant to highlight frustration, or wanting to flesh out new thoughts
the arbitrariness of unpleasant thoughts and modify or ideas. Encourage them to notice these distrac-
the athlete’s relationship with them. Ideally, the tions and associated reactions with compassion,
athlete should already understand mindfulness openness, and curiosity and, importantly, to gently,
basics (especially concerning mistaken relationships kindly, return their attention to the present moment
with thoughts) and have solid trust with the sport (e.g., on their breath), striving to remain observant
psychology consultant. rather than actively engaging (Bishop et al., 2004).
Note that this practice of realizing one’s focus is not
1. Identify a self-defeating belief (e.g., “I can’t where it should be and then refocusing will become
handle the pressure”) or thought based in shame, a template for refocusing in practice and competi-
regret, or worry (“don’t choke again”) or that tion. When ready, athletes can follow these basic
otherwise blocks values-based behavior. steps for a brief demonstration of mindful breathing:
2. Sing the statement to the tune of the “Happy
1. Sit comfortably with your legs uncrossed and
Birthday” song several times.
arms at your sides or on your lap.
3. Notice any changes in the way the words now are
2. Close your eyes, if comfortable, and begin by
bringing your awareness to your breathing.
4. If they had a positive insightful experience, con-
sider reinforcing the phrase’s loss of power with 3. Notice as your chest and stomach rise and fall
a kindhearted, “that is what is keeping you from with each passing breath.
going out and doing what you do almost every 4. You’re not trying to breathe in a special way;
practice?” rather, just notice the sensations of the natural
flow of your breath.
Joe Mannion  343

5. Notice where you feel your breath—in the 5. Let your attention slowly move to your lower
chest, nostrils, throat, mouth—feel the expand- legs. Simply pay attention to them; be compas-
ing and relaxing with each breath. sionately aware.
6. If you realize you’re no longer noticing the cur- 6. Little by little, move your attention up your
rent breath, gently and compassionately return whole body, noticing each body part: upper
your awareness to it. legs, hips, stomach, lower back, chest, upper
7. Take a few moments simply to notice your back, hands, lower arms, upper arms, shoul-
breathing. ders, neck, face, and head.

8. Before finishing, take a moment to notice any 7. Be aware of your whole body, noticing any
changes in your state since starting. changes in your state since beginning the scan.
8. When you’re ready, open your eyes.
Initially, athletes might practice mindful breath-
ing for one minute. With practice, they extend the Athletes also can integrate being mindful into com-
exercise into a five- to ten-minute meditation. Once mon sport routines such as stretching or warm-up
athletes are comfortable doing it, they can integrate activities. One might introduce mindful stretching
mindful breathing in sport practice and competition similar to the following:
settings. 1. Slowly bend at the waist and lean forward, let
Another fundamental exercise is a mindful your arms hang toward the floor.
body scan. Once practiced, this scan can be done
2. Feel the stretch in your lower back and legs.
in short periods, such as breaks in competition,
to recenter. Instead of focusing on breathing, here 3. Notice any sensations as you stretch. Be aware
athletes attend to the sensations in their bodies. As of them without judgment—just experience the
with all mindfulness exercises, reinforce that it is moment.
okay if other thoughts appear; simply notice them 4. Simply notice the feelings and sensations.
and gently return awareness to the body. It also may
be helpful to remind athletes that the purpose of This script is just one example of a simple mindful
the exercise is bring awareness to body sensations stretch. Athletes can be encouraged to approach any
as best one can, not to make any changes. To do a or all stretching exercises with mindful focus. As
mindful body scan, follow these steps: they become proficient, they can add mindful focus
to jogging warm-ups or sport skill warms-ups (e.g.,
1. Sit or lie comfortably with arms and legs in an mindful dribbling in soccer or basketball). These
uncrossed position. exercises encourage being fully present during what
2. Close your eyes if that’s comfortable for you. often are rote, mindless activities.
Some athletes may find it helpful to record
3. Begin by gently checking in with your body, as their sport psychology consultant’s mindful medita-
it is right now. Notice any sensations. tion prompts (e.g., with a phone) and go through an
4. Start the scan by noticing your feet. Be aware exercise while listening to the recording (or use a
of them without judgment—just experience the mindfulness app). There also are a number of apps,
moment. Simply notice the feelings and sen- such as Headspace or Calm, that provide guided
sations such as temperature, muscle tension, meditation practice, individualized prompts, and
touch, or pressure. Do not label them good or reminders to practice (see
bad, do not try to change them—just be aware .com/health/mental-health/top-meditation-iphone
of them. -android-apps#the-mindfulness-app).
344 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

After completing any mindfulness exercise, it is Once athletes are comfortable with mindful
important to process athletes’ experiences, includ- breathing and the body scan, they can expand their
ing any pleasant or unpleasant experiences, and to practice to a broader mindfulness meditation (see
explore how the skill might apply in the athlete’s Appendix A). This exercise allows for deep, deliber-
performance preparation (e.g., mindful warm-ups ate, nonjudgmental (or compassionate) awareness
focusing on stretching sensations), performance sit- of present-moment thoughts, feelings, and bodily
uations (e.g., the ball can replace the breath as the sensations for a longer period (e.g., 10 to 20 min-
object of attention), and life (e.g., mindfully notice utes or more). Conversely, Biegel and Corbin (2018)
a breath cycle during a difficult conversation). It is offer a brief checking in exercise, The 3-Second Rule,
important to revisit the fundamentals and note it which can be used before or even during practice
takes consistent practice (e.g., five to ten minutes and competition. Athletes quickly assess the focal
of daily mindfulness meditation) to build habit areas of the mind, body, and heart rate plus breath.
strength, just like developing physical skills. Remind
1. Take three seconds to mindfully notice your
athletes that distraction does not represent failure
mind: what thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions
or not being good at mindfulness.
are present.
It is not uncommon for athletes who are par-
ticularly perfectionistic or self-critical, however, to 2. Take three seconds to mindfully notice your
struggle with the idea that becoming intermittently body: scan your whole body, observing what
distracted is expected and normal. Sometimes meta- feels normal, different, loose, tight, hurt, or
phors can express ideas faster and with more influ- any other sensations.
ence than dry technical explanations (Andersen & 3. Take three seconds to mindfully notice your
Speed, 2011), and one that is often effective is liken- heart rate plus breath: become aware of the
ing mindfulness meditation to a bicep curl: when an connection between your heart rate and
individual is lifting a dumbbell during the concentric breathing.
phase of a bicep curl, the associated muscle fibers fire.
Similarly, when an individual is mindfully noticing, This quick mindful awareness can provide informa-
for example, the breath, associated neural pathways in tion to adjust for effective and efficient sport per-
the brain innervate. When a person lowers the weight formance. Notably, this brief exercise will be most
during the eccentric phase of the curl, bicep fiber effective after athletes have developed proficiency
contraction decreases. Likewise, when a person’s with mindfulness.
attention inevitably wanders from the current breath,
activity in associated neural pathways decreases.
When the individual realizes his attention has wan- Interpersonal Mindfulness
dered and compassionately returns it to the breath, it
is like beginning the next bicep curl. It is all part of To this point, mindfulness has been almost exclu-
the exercise. The repetitions strengthen the skills and sively described as an intrapersonal practice (i.e.,
pathways, so it is no more a failure to lose mindful awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, bodily
awareness than it is to perform the eccentric phase of sensations, and surroundings). Interest in mind-
a bicep curl. Additionally, some people find it helpful fulness as an interpersonal practice, however, has
to name distractions that they notice: name it to tame increased in recent years. This focus is particularly
it (e.g., “thoughts,” “noises”) and return focus to the important, as research has shown common factors
breath or body. It is the recovery of mindful awareness can be pivotal to therapy outcomes (Schore, 2014;
(over and over and over, just like in sport practice) Tryon & Tryon, 2010). In particular, meta-analyses
that is really the object of the practice. and reviews have demonstrated that the quality of
Joe Mannion  345

therapist–client relationships (typically as per- an interpersonal process. Attunement occurs when

ceived by the client) is a key determinant of therapy sport psychology consultants use their presence to
outcomes, often more predictive than the interven- be mindfully aware of their clients’ external cues
tions themselves (e.g., Norcross, 2011; Orlinsky & (e.g., affect, reported mood, behaviors) and to be
Howard, 1986; Sexton & Whiston, 1994). Therefore, less distracted by irrelevant stimuli, whether inter-
paying attention to the quality of such collaborative nal (e.g., memories, worries) or external (e.g., prac-
relationships is important when seeking to improve tice or game activities). This type of presence and
outcomes, because it is in and through these rela- attunement may allow consultants to accurately
tionship dynamics that interventions unfold. understand and sense what clients are experiencing
A number of scholars (e.g., Mannion & and what they may need. In collaboration, sport
Andersen, 2015, 2016; Petitpas, Giges, & Danish, psychology consultants and athletes often can sense
1999) incorporated these long-standing findings when the other is not present and attuned. When
into the sport, performance, and exercise psy- athletes sense that their consultant is present and
chology literature. Mannion and Andersen (2015, attuned, they may feel felt and understood, helping
2016), for example, have adapted the work of Daniel them deepen their working alliances and gain confi-
Siegel, a pioneer of interpersonal neurobiology. He dence in their consultant’s interventions. Resonance
described how mindfulness might enhance relation- occurs when both members of the dyad are present
ship quality (and potentially outcomes) by relating and attuned and a powerful sense of “we” emerges,
it to three practical factors: presence, attunement, without either individual losing themselves (e.g.,
and resonance (Siegel, 2010). The following exam- boundary blurring). As Gallese and colleagues
ples pertain to sport psychology consultant–athlete (2007) described, when we take in our clients and
relationships, but also may be applied to other rel- help them become mindfully present and attuned to
evant relationships (e.g., coach–athlete, parent– us, they in turn begin to take us in psychologically
athlete, teammates). Presence occurs, for example, (see Mannion & Andersen, 2015, 2016, for further
when sport psychology consultants have personal examination of these processes in performance and
mindfulness practices and are able to sustain and exercise contexts). Many sport psychology consul-
mindfully recover compassionate, open, accepting, tants have had the experience of athletes reporting
and curious awareness of the present moment (as that in difficult moments they heard their consul-
opposed to being mentally or emotionally absent). tant’s voices in their heads offering helpful guidance.
This intrapersonal practice may help sport psychol- Interpersonal mindfulness practice includes
ogy consultants and their clients maintain receptive exercises to modify sport practices and improve
mind-sets (e.g., pro-social states) and manage and interpersonal attunement between teammates.
reduce protective mind-sets (e.g., fight-flight-freeze During his NBA coaching tenure, Phil Jackson
states). This idea has tentative support from func- described adapting practice environments and
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research sport rules to enhance mindful awareness. For
that has demonstrated trait or dispositional mind- example, he would hold scrimmages in dim lighting
fulness to be associated with increased prefrontal or with a no-talking rule, each of which prompted
activity (e.g., improved attention, memory, and players to have heightened awareness of the pres-
problem solving) and decreased amygdala activ- ent moment (presence) and each other’s body lan-
ity (e.g., reduced flight-or-fight response) (e.g., guage (attunement; Jackson & Delehanty, 1995).
Creswell, Way, Eisenberger, & Lieberman, 2007). Based on similar principles, another attunement
Siegel (2010) distinguished that one can have exercise that may be used between teammates or
mindful presence whether alone or with company. between sport psychology consultants and athletes
Presence is the foundation of attunement, which is is emotion charades.
346 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

1. Two athletes sit facing each other. curious in the observation of the given focus; (b) to
2. One athlete chooses a feeling to emote and recognize when the attention has drifted; and
selects an intensity level between 1 and 10 (c), without indulging or actively suppressing those
without disclosing the feeling. distractions, kindly and gently return the attention
to the original focus, whether during meditation
3. Silently, using only body language, that athlete or on the field. Sport psychology consultants may
conveys the feeling and intensity. reinforce these ideas by linking the meditation
4. The other athlete pays mindful attention to the practice with sport performance. For example, the
partner’s body language for about 45 seconds. breath (or other mindful focus) can be replaced by
5. Then the observing athlete tries to name the the present-moment, task-relevant stimulus (e.g.,
feeling and intensity level and states what cues the ball, practice swings, coaching instructions,
led to these guesses. a competitor) and when attention drifts to task-
irrelevant stimuli (e.g., distracting thoughts, crowd
6. The emoting athlete discloses the feeling, noises, anxiety symptoms in the body), the athlete
intensity level, and what the cues were should gently and kindly return to the task-relevant
intended to express. Any discrepancies cue. Additionally, one may explore how mindful-
in interpretations can be explored. ness practice may increase tolerance, for example,
Variations on this exercise may include doing it of precompetitive anxiety until it passes, reducing
pre-meditation and post-meditation to notice any reliance on unhelpful coping, such as overtrain-
differences or improvements in accuracy. Athletes ing, overeating comfort foods, or not adhering to
may choose progressively more nuanced feelings or precompetitive routines. Sport psychology consul-
include multiple feelings. With practice, the pair’s tants should consider how these various principles
accurate attunement will likely increase and should and exercises might be adapted to meet the idio-
be explored in terms of translating this attunement syncratic needs of their clients.
to sport. This exercise may be particularly helpful Like other psychological skills, mindfulness
with athletes who compete in pairs (e.g., figure involves some risks, and sport psychology con-
skaters or tennis doubles partners). This mindful- sultants are ethically bound to be aware of and
ness exercise can be creatively modified for specific prepared to respond to possible adverse effects.
sports, sport cultures, and athlete personalities. Although not specific to mindfulness meditation,
the National Institutes of Health’s National Center
for Complementary and Integrative Health issued
A Word of Caution a statement that meditation is generally safe for
healthy people, but cited “rare reports” of causing
When teaching mindfulness, consultants should or worsening psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety
be aware of common myths about it that may and depression (see
interfere with learning. In and of itself, mindful- /meditation/overview.htm#hed5). Dissociation also
ness specifically does not aim to induce relax- can accompany meditation (APA, 2013), and pur-
ation, improve productive thinking, or clear an poseful induction can become involuntary overtime,
individual’s mind of thoughts. Focusing on these leading to fear and aversion (see Van Dam et al.,
aims can be counterproductive to mindfulness 2018, for additional considerations).
practices. While these mental states may be out- Regarding implications for sport psychology
comes of mindfulness practices, remember the practice, it is not difficult to imagine that some
goals of mindfulness are (a) to be nonjudgmental athletes who have used avoidance strategies, for
and compassionate, open, radically accepting, and example, to cope with unpleasant thoughts, feelings,
Joe Mannion  347

or body sensations, may at first notice increases in however, are required to know how to respond if an
these experiences. While initial increases occasion- athlete should experience acute distress or adverse
ally occur, they should dissipate with mindfulness effects (see Chapter 19 regarding when and how to
practice. Proper training and clinical judgment, refer athletes for mental health counseling).

It is unlikely that any single intervention or approach will help all athletes, and it can be difficult
to predict which athletes will benefit from different interventions. From a humanistic perspective,
sport psychology consultants need to be adequately knowledgeable and flexible to meet the varying
needs and interests of diverse clients. Mindfulness-based approaches offer an alternative to tradi-
tional PST, and considerable evidence supports their effectiveness for improving general well-being
and various clinical conditions. There is also mounting evidence showing sport performance bene-
fits of practicing mindfulness.
As Thich Nhat Hanh suggested, mindfulness practice has transformative potential (Confino,
2014). This practice may cultivate a variety of well-being benefits, including a compassionate per-
spective such that sports participation might become means for discovery, growth, connection, and
healing. Sport psychology professionals and students can learn more about mindfulness approaches
from recent sport and mindfulness texts (e.g., Baltzell, 2016; Zizzi & Andersen, 2017). Additionally,
sport psychology practitioners and graduate students may benefit from pursuing training in formal
mindfulness modalities and personal practice. Mindfulness in sport psychology is in a relatively
early stage. It is an exciting time, given the emerging research and intervention opportunities, and it
may be tempting to oversimplify or oversell potential benefits. As our field continues to wrestle with
these issues, it brings to mind a Zen poem by Shunryu Suzuki called Mind Weeds. As he stated, when
weeds are pulled and buried near a plant, they give nourishment. Like mental weeds in mindfulness
practice, our collaborative weeding of remaining issues will gradually enrich our understanding,
practice, and service, both to ourselves and our clients.

Study Questions

1. How does mindfulness fit into Buddhist philosophy?

2. What are three myths about mindfulness?
3. What is Wegner’s theory of ironic mental processes, and what is the relevance to sport
4. How are mindfulness-based approaches different from traditional sport psychology
5. What is cognitive defusion, and how may it help athletes?
348 Chapter 16   Mindfulness in Sport

6. What are three metaphors that may be helpful to use when explaining mindfulness concepts?
7. How might you integrate mindfulness meditation into sport practice?
8. How may mindfulness enhance sport performance?
9. What are six well-being benefits of mindfulness?
10. Summarize the various formal mindfulness-based modalities used in sport psychology.
11. Distinguish between intrapersonal and interpersonal mindfulness.
12. What is presence, attunement, and resonance, and how may they affect sport psychology consul-
tants’ work with athletes?
13. Identify components of intrapersonal mindfulness than can benefit relationships among
14. Identify two resources for further study of using mindfulness in sport.

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Mindful Meditation Script

1. Close your eyes, if comfortable, and begin by compassionately return your awareness to it.
bringing awareness to the sense of being in Some people find it helpful to name the dis-
this [room, gym] in this seated posture traction first. Thought. Sound. Feeling. Name
2. Listen for ambient noises, knowing each sound it to tame it and return to the breath.
is anchoring your attention in the present 8. If you notice you’re feeling more relaxed, that’s
moment. fine. If you’re feeling unsettled or anxious,
3. Now, bring a wide attention to your whole that’s fine. If you’re not sure how you’re feel-
body. Notice, as best you can at this moment, ing, that’s fine, too.
with compassion, [pause] openness, [pause] 9. Notice those transitions from exhale to inhale
acceptance, [pause] and curiosity. and from inhale to exhale.
4. Each time you notice that your attention has 10. [Depending on time] Take a few more
drifted from your body, [snap fingers] you just moments to notice your breathing.
became mindful again. Without indulging the 11. Now begin to widen your mindful awareness
distraction or trying to suppress it, just gently again, noticing your whole body [pause] in
and kindly bring your attention back to your these seated postures. [pause] Begin to notice
body. sounds again.
5. Next, begin to bring your mindful awareness 12. Before we finish, take a moment to notice
to the current breath, if you haven’t already. any changes in the quality of your presence of
Notice as your chest and stomach rise and fall mind since we started. Notice any changes in
with each passing breath. the feeling of your body since we began.
6. You’re not trying to breathe in a special way, 13. At your own pace, begin to flutter your eyes
but rather, just noticing the sensations of or open your eyes, taking a few moments to
the torso expanding and relaxing with each reorient to the space and each other [pause]
[pause] passing [pause] breath. maintaining mindful awareness.
7. Again, each time you realize you’re no lon-
ger noticing the current breath, gently and


Training Programs
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Integrating and Implementing a
Psychological Skills Training Program
Robert S. Weinberg, Miami University
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus

The authors of Chapters 9 through 15 have dis- Most comprehensive mental training programs
cussed peak performance characteristics, psy- stress the development of psychological skills and
chological theory, and interventions for training techniques such as goal-setting, arousal control,
specific psychological skills. When sport psy- anxiety management, imagery, confidence, self-talk
chology consultants began employing psycholog- control, concentration, and readying routines (just
ical skills interventions in the early 1980s, little to name a few). The multitude of possibilities makes
empirical data was available to guide these initial it very difficult to integrate all the components into
attempts, but that has changed in the last 30 to one comprehensive mental training program. In
35 years. Numerous field-based studies have investi- addition, situational constraints (e.g., the athlete
gated the effectiveness of psychological interventions or team has limited time) do not always permit the
and how to conduct psychological skills training pro- implementation of a comprehensive mental train-
grams. Some of these studies have investigated ques- ing program, and thus it is often necessary, and
tions such as: How old and skillful should athletes be desirable, to plan an abbreviated program individ-
before beginning psychological skills training? Who ualized to the specific needs of the athlete(s) and
should conduct the training program? What are the situation. Furthermore, when does a performance
components of successful consultant–athlete rela- enhancement issue become a clinical issue that
tionships, and how are they built? Is there an ideal requires special training from a clinical or counsel-
time during the year for implementing a psychological ing psychologist? For example, Moore (2012) offers
skills training program? How much time is needed for a thoughtful discussion of when an athlete in dis-
psychological skills training? What specific compo- tress might simply be suffering from “normal” per-
nents should be incorporated into training, and how formance anxiety versus when this distress requires
should they be sequenced and integrated? Are there special psychological/clinical knowledge.
any practical pointers for teaching mental skills? In Unfortunately, there are no ready-made solu-
this chapter we address these questions and others. tions to questions of how coaches and sport

358 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

psychology consultants can integrate and implement indicated moderate positive effects on performance
a psychological skills training program. The data- for interventions such as goal-setting, mental rehearsal,
base is expanding, but many questions still remain, anxiety management, cognitive restructuring, atten-
and only partial answers exist for other implemen- tional focusing, and multiple components.
tation questions, so caution must be observed until A more recent meta-analysis by Brown and
more definitive studies are conducted. Nonetheless, Fletcher (2017) confirmed and expanded these
if a mental training program is to be effective, strat- findings. They investigated 35 empirical studies that
egies for putting all of the different components into assessed the effects of psychological and psycho-
place must be planned and well thought out. In this social interventions on sport performance. Some
chapter, we offer some suggestions and practical of their major findings included the following:
pointers for implementing mental skills training and (a) Both psychological and psychosocial interven-
for integrating various psychological skill compo- tions significantly enhanced sport performance,
nents into these programs. Unless otherwise noted, with psychosocial interventions producing the larg-
these guidelines are the same for either the coach est positive effects. (b) Performance effects lasted at
or sport psychology consultant. Finally, we again least a month after the completion of the interven-
caution you to view these recommendations only as tion. (c) Effects were greater when coaches delivered
suggested guidelines. the intervention. (d) Effects were somewhat greater
for males than for females. Applied sport psychology
consultants now understand that to be effective, a
Are Psychological Interventions Effective psychological intervention must be carried out in an
in Improving Sport Performance? individualized, systematic manner over time, often
using an integrated program with a variety of psy-
Probably the most important question that sport chological techniques (e.g., goal-setting, imagery,
psychology consultants need to ask themselves relaxation, and control of self-talk and attention).
revolves around the effectiveness of their psycho-
logical interventions in enhancing performance and Models of Sport Psychology
personal growth. It is the same problem that has Delivery and Practice
plagued clinical psychologists and counselors over Now that we know sport psychology interventions
the years—demonstrating that what they do makes a can be effective, the next step for a sport psychology
difference in the behavior and well-being of their cli- consultant is determining which model of delivery
ents. Defending the effectiveness of psychological to employ. Fortunately, Aoyagi and Poczwardowski
skills-training programs requires the accumulation of (2012) have reviewed the major models used in
well-controlled, outcome-based intervention studies delivering sport psychology interventions to ath-
conducted in competitive sport environments. letes. It is beyond the scope of the present chapter
These are traditionally difficult to carry out because to review all these models. Following we provide
of time and money constraints, unwillingness of a brief listing of them and suggest accessing the
coaches and athletes to participate, and inability to review for more detailed information.
adequately control the environment.
Fortunately, sport psychology researchers have
Psychological Skills Training (Sport Psychology
been working hard to establish a database concerning
the effectiveness of various psychological interventions Service Delivery)
in improving performance. Sufficient studies existed • Sport Psychology Service Delivery Heuristic
by 1996 for Meyers, Whelan, and Murphy to conduct (Poczwardowski, Sherman, & Henschen, 1998).
a meta-analysis. Their analysis of 90 interventions This model focuses on common features in the
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  359

consultant “toolbox” applicable to the process • Educational Model (Weiss, 1995). This model
of consultation (as opposed to performance combines performance enhancement and devel-
enhancement), such as professional boundaries, opmental needs with a primary focus on per-
professional philosophy, making contact, assess- sonal development and healthy lifestyle through
ment, and consultant evaluation. positive sport experiences.
• Cognitive-Behavioral Consultation Model (Perna
et al., 1995). This involves eight steps, including
consultation orientation, sport familiarization,
evaluation and assessment, goal identification, Who Will Benefit from Psychological
group intervention, individual intervention, Skills Training?
outcome evaluation, and reassessment of goals.
Highly skilled athletes certainly benefit from sys-
tematic psychological skills training programs. As
Psychological Skills Training athletes start to excel, physical differences tend to
(Nurturing Athletic Excellence) become smaller. At this level, minute adjustments
and differences in the mental game can literally
• Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (Hanin, mean the difference between winning and losing.
2007). This model takes an idiographic For example, Orlick (2000) provides a number of
approach, focusing on an understanding of pos- case studies of Olympic athletes who systematically
itive and negative emotions and their effects on employed a mental training program. The athletes
performance and identifying the optimal range reported that their mental training and discipline
of each emotion for best performance. were a critical component of their success. Their
• Resonance Performance Model (Newburg et al., comments generally reflect the notion that every-
2002). This model attempts to combine perfor- body they were competing against was physically
mance enhancement goals with ones of personal talented. The key difference was in their consistency
balance and fulfillment, which accounts for of mental preparation and training.
the model’s unique potential to become a truly That said, some coaches and athletes think
holistic tool in sport psychology practice. mental training strategies are only applicable to
elite athletes or for fine-tuning the performance
Counseling of the already highly skilled. In fact, psycholog-
ical skills training is appropriate for all athletes,
• Life Development Intervention (Hodge, Danish, including young developing athletes (Camire,
& Martin, 2013). This is a psychoeducational- Forneris, Trudel, & Bernard, 2011; Chase, 2013);
developmental approach to sport psychology the vast number of competitive recreational ath-
that emphasizes continuous growth and change. letes (Whelan, Meyers, & Donovan, 1995); and spe-
cial populations, such as people who are mentally
Interdisciplinary disabled/intellectually challenged (Gregg, 2013),
• Periodization of Mental Training (Holiday et al., physically challenged (Martin, 2013), or hearing
2008). This model parallels periodized physical impaired (Vose, Clark, & Sachs, 2013).
training using the same principles in manipu- Even with advances in documenting the effec-
lation of the training volume (e.g., number of tiveness of mental training and, for the most part,
mental training sessions and skills) and inten- increased receptivity of athletes and coaches to
sity (e.g., difficulty, complexity, and specificity such training, the problem still exists that some
of mental skills) across the training cycles. athletes resist starting mental skills training or, if
360 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

they start, they fail to adhere to the program. One sport psychology. Their certification requirements
approach to better understanding what causes this include a background in sport sciences, psycho-
problem and how to correct it comes from a recent logical sciences, sport psychology, and supervised
study by Gnacinski et al. (2017). They employed experience implementing psychological skills with
the stages of change model, normally used when sport and exercise participants. The certification
trying to change health behaviors, to determine criteria were modified in 2016 by dropping some of
athletes’ readiness for psychological skills training the coursework and adding passing an exam, plus
(Gnacinski et al., 2017). Without going into detail changing the title to Certified Mental Performance
about the stages of change model, results indicated Consultant for the person who becomes certified.
that readiness for psychological skills training could The United States Olympic and Paralympic Com­
be better understood by knowing what stage the ath- mittee (USOPC) also requires AASP certification
lete was in, which helped determine what type of to become part of its sport psychology registry.
intervention (e.g., cognitive oriented vs. behavioral Having an individual who is certified by the
oriented) would be most beneficial. AASP ensures a certain background and a commit-
ment to ethical standards; however, just because an
individual is certified does not necessarily mean he
Who Should Conduct the Psychological or she has the type of orientation or experiential
Skills Training Program? background that would best meet the needs of a
specific team or athlete. For example, will the per-
Ideally, a psychological skills training program son’s focus be on dealing with personal and emo-
should be planned, implemented, and supervised tional problems (i.e., clinical approach) or teaching
by a qualified sport psychology consultant (SPC). mental skills for enhancing performance (perfor-
The SPC has the advantage of having more exten- mance enhancement approach)? Does the person
sive special training and experience than a coach. have experience with younger athletes or primarily
Also, athletes may be more open to discussing elite athletes? Is he or she sufficiently knowledge-
difficulties with the psychological aspects of play able about the sport in which the psychological
because the SPC does not decide who stays on the skills are to be applied? Does the person have refer-
team and who gets to play. The basic premise of ences from prior clients? These and other questions
this book is that it is also the responsibility of the guide the selection of the SPC who best suits the
coach to provide mental skills training and reinforce athletes’ specific needs and goals.
optimal psychological states; after all, who knows If an SPC conducts the program, we recom-
the athletes better and who works more closely with mend that the coach, or coaching staff, attend
them? As noted earlier (Brown & Fletcher, 2017), most, or all, of the initial group training sessions
data shows very positive effects when coaches for a number of reasons. First, the coach’s presence
deliver the psychological training. Having coach- tells the athletes that the coach thinks the sessions
administered programs is particularly critical when are important. Second, the SPC will not be present
budgetary constraints exist or there are problems during most of the physical practices and competi-
with the availability of an SPC. tions; a knowledgeable coach can be a key person
When the mental training program is to be in ensuring the effectiveness of mental skills train-
implemented by an SPC, the selection of that person ing by seeing that appropriate application of such
is critical. Who is qualified to be a, SPC? In 1991 the training occurs. Ideally, the SPC and coach should
Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP have special meetings, whether formal or informal,
Newsletter, 1991) adopted criteria for the certifica- to discuss ways for the coach to apply and reinforce
tion of individuals working in the area of applied whatever is emphasized in mental skills training
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  361

sessions. Third, misunderstandings regarding what with the athlete, and (c) assuring that the con-
the SPC is doing will not occur because the coach sulting relationship meets the needs of the athlete
will know exactly what is happening and will be pro- (Sharp & Hodge, 2011).
viding feedback regarding what needs to be done. Similarly, Petitpas, Giges, and Danish (1999)
What can be done for athletes who do not have argued that the effectiveness of psychological
have coaches that include mental training and who interventions is closely tied to the quality of the
do not have personal access to an SPC or cannot relationship between the athlete and SPC. They
afford one? To help athletes get around these bar- draw on the counseling psychology literature, which
riers, Weinberg, Neff, and Jurica (2012) developed has demonstrated that of all the techniques and
a method for providing online mental training that variables examined, the only one that has consis-
(a) is affordable, (b) is Internet based, (c) is fully tently related to positive therapeutic outcomes has
automated, (d) generates individualized mental been the counselor–client relationship (Sexton &
training programs, (e) is taught by sport psychol- Whitson, 1994). Sport psychology research also
ogy experts, (f) follows best practices in mental indicates that the ability to build rapport and create
training, and (g) provides useful tools that enhance a positive environment is highly correlated with suc-
individual program success (e.g., PowerPoint pre- cessful sport psychology interventions (e.g., Gould,
sentations with voiceovers, interviews with sport Murphy, Tammen, & May, 1991; Martin, Wrisberg,
psychology professionals, whiteboard presentations Beitel, & Lounsbury, 1997).
of mental skills, and simulations of different scenar- A content analysis of interviews from ten expe-
ios), along with innovative coach and parent educa- rienced SPCs (Sharp, Hodge, & Danish, 2015)
tion programs. In addition, a smart phone app has revealed that the sport psychology consulting rela-
been developed that allows athletes to download tionship was reflective of (a) rapport, (b) respect,
mental training programs onto their phones. (c) trust, (d) a partnership, and (e) a positive
impact on the client. Members of the consulting
relationship made individual contributions to the
Components of Successful SPC relationship, with the SPCs contributing (a) hon-
Relationships and Programs esty, (b) commitment, (c) knowledge and expertise,
(d) counseling skills, and (e) professional ethical
NCAA coaches defined a successful SPC as some- behavior and the clients contributing (a) openness
one who is available and can fit into their sched- to change, (b) honesty, and (c) willingness to work.
ule, can provide multiple contacts throughout the How does one develop a good practitioner–athlete
season, is active yet in the background (i.e., an relationship? Longstaff and Gervis’s (2016) the-
observer in a supportive role), and is embedded in matic analysis of 13 interviews with competent
the team. Conversely, coaches’ concerns included SPCs revealed that participants used a range of
covering the cost and whether they would get counseling principles, including facilitative con-
enough time from the SPC, giving up control to ditions, self-disclosure, counseling skills, the for-
the SPC, and having an SPC who put too many mation of working alliances, and awareness of the
ideas into the athletes’ heads (e.g., overthink) unreal relationship. Noncounseling strategies, such
(Zakrajsek, Steinfeldt, Bodey, Martin, & Zizzi, as gaining an understanding of the athlete’s sport-
2013). In another study, SPCs said that they felt ing environment, were also used to build relation-
the three most important characteristics for an ships with their athletes.
effective consultant were (a) building a connec- Interestingly, new SPCs tend to be rigid and
tion with the athlete to create positive change, take a problem-solving approach, whereas with more
(b) building a professional consulting relationship experience they focus on developing relationships
362 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

with clients and being more adaptive in their When Should You Implement a
approach (Tod, Andersen, & Marchant, 2008).
Psychological Skills Training Program?
Murphy and Murphy (2013) provide some excel-
lent suggestions for developing attending and listen-
The ideal time for initially implementing training
ing skills, which are critical to creating a positive
may be when individuals are just beginning to
consultant–client relationship.
participate in sport. As any experienced teacher
In addition, certain counseling compe-
or coach knows, it is far easier to develop proper
tencies have been rated as essential for SPCs
physical technique in a beginner than it is to mod-
working with athletes (Ward, Sandstedt, Cox, &
ify poor technique in a more experienced athlete.
Beck, 2005). These include such competen-
Although never empirically tested, the same phe-
cies as recognizing the limits of competency or
nomenon may be true for psychological skills.
expertise, respecting confidentiality, recogniz-
Furthermore, early implementation ensures the
ing how one’s own values and biases may affect
establishment of a psychological skills foundation
psychological processes, making appropriate
that will facilitate future achievement of full ath-
referrals, understanding the unique athlete cul-
letic potential, enjoyment, and personal growth.
ture, understanding the influence of the athletic
Special adjustments may be needed, however,
environment on athletes, and considering cul-
based on the population of athletes. For example,
tural differences when working with athletes.
very young athletes may need fewer goals, shorter
As to the last point, Barber and Krane (2005)
training sessions, simpler verbal instruction, and
demonstrated that sensitivity to ethnic and racial
turning the exercises into games, but these athletes
diversity and sexual orientation in applied sport
can still benefit from some sort of mental skills
psychology settings enhances the quality of the
training, provided they are interested in receiving it
relationship. More SPCs of color are needed,
(Visek, Harris, & Blom, 2013).
and, Butryn (2002) argues, more multicultural
Regardless of age or skill level, once the decision
training programs for consultants working with
is made to implement a psychological skills program,
diverse athlete populations. The AASP addressed
it is generally agreed that the least desirable time to
this need in 2018 by adding a Diversity and
begin the program is after the competitive season has
Culture course requirement to its recently modi-
started and the athlete is facing a string of competi-
fied certification criteria.
tions in quick succession. At this time, mental train-
Of course, the philosophy and implementation
ing often amounts to a quick fix, bandage approach
of mental training programs differ somewhat from
with limited effectiveness, but there are exceptions
one SPC to the next. Each person has to understand
(e.g., see Thomas, Maynard, & Hanton, 2007). One
the nature of the team or individual athletes he or
of the underlying principles of this book is that psy-
she is working with and integrate that with his or
chological skills are learned and therefore need to be
her own background, training, and orientation. It’s
practiced systematically, just like physical skills. To
important for the consultant to communicate his
draw an analogy, golfers or tennis players would not
or her philosophy to the athletes and coaches at
change their grip on the club or racket right before a
the outset and to make sure that everyone under-
tournament without extensively using the new grip in
stands the parameters of the consultation. Lastly,
practice for several weeks or even months. Similarly,
the most successful SPCs are those who know the
we should not expect athletes to be able to learn and
research and applied literature and subsequently
implement new psychological skills in such a short
make every effort to implement only evidence-based
period of time.
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  363

The best time to begin psychological skills train- learning to competition because the psychological
ing is during the off-season or the preseason. During skills may not be fully integrated and therefore per-
this period there is more time to learn new skills, and formance decrements could occur.
it is easier to try new ideas because athletes are not This progressive method of practice is also
pressured with winning. Some athletes have reported psychologically sound from a learning standpoint
that it took several months to a year to fully under- because it allows athletes to gain knowledge and
stand and integrate their new psychological skills into competence in using each mental skill as environ-
actual competitions. Regardless of when initial imple- mental demands slowly become more variable, chal-
mentation occurs, we strongly believe that one-shot lenging, and applicable. The ultimate goal is for the
or occasional psychological skills training, no matter practice of mental skills to become such an integral
how competently carried out, cannot be as effective part of all physical practices that the training pro-
as that provided on a continuous basis over time. gram does not appear to be something extra.

When Should Athletes Practice How Much Time Should Be Spent in

Psychological Skills? Mental Training?
The rudiments of most psychological skills should By now it should be obvious that the time needed
first be taught and systematically practiced during for practicing mental skills varies according to what
special training sessions. The first or last 15 to is being practiced and how well it is learned. If a
30 minutes of practice is often a good time for train- new mental skill is being introduced, special 15- to
ing. The content of the particular session will deter- 30-minute training sessions three to five days per
mine whether it is better held at the beginning or week may be needed. As athletes become more pro-
end of practice. Homework assignments also can be ficient, fewer special training sessions are necessary.
given, but unless the athletes are self-directed, it is However, special sessions still may be advisable for
better to have most mental training practice occur individual athletes who are experiencing difficulty
under someone’s supervision. learning the mental skills.
As soon as possible, the psychological skills The time frame we have just recommended
practice should be integrated with physical skills may not be desirable if an SPC is implementing
practice, with the integration having a performance- the training, particularly when the SPC has to
specific focus. For example, once athletes have spend time traveling to reach the team. Under
learned the skill of relaxation and recognizing ten- such circumstances, fewer and longer mental
sion, they should be instructed to scan their muscles training sessions are usually held unless a coach
for harmful tension and practice appropriate differ- or other organization member is trained to carry
ential relaxation, or perhaps a tense-and-relax exer- out the mental training program. Most of the
cise, while performing. Specific performance times initial meetings should be group sessions to best
should be identified—for example, always scan and use the SPC’s time. However, individual sessions
relax before pitching, shooting a free throw, serving and individualized training programs are needed
a tennis ball, or taking a shot in golf. Once relaxation to optimize the effectiveness of mental training
skills have been effectively integrated into physical programs. It is particularly critical that athletes
workouts, they should be tried during simulated or be assigned training exercises to practice during
practice competition and later during actual competi- the times the SPC is not with the team. The trav-
tion. It is important not to proceed too quickly from eling SPC must design practice exercises in such
364 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

a way that maximum feedback occurs from par- Setting Up a Mental Skills Training
ticipation and that adherence to training is likely
to occur. In the absence of the consultant, the
coach or an individual designated by the coach Thus far we have discussed important questions
can play a major role in ensuring compliance regarding mental training programs, but none tell
and feedback, particularly if he or she assumes us exactly what to do in setting up such a program;
responsibility for personally conducting the train- therefore, what follows is an attempt to outline
ing exercises. some of these critical components.
A logical question that arises after a mental
training program has been put in place is, “When
can athletes stop mental skills training?” In the Self-Regulation: A Key to Effective
truest sense, mental skills training continues as Mental Training
long as athletes participate in sport. In this sense, One of the critical aspects of successfully imple-
mental skills are no different from physical skills. menting a mental training program is the use of
Retention will not occur without continued prac- self-regulation. Self-regulation encompasses the pro-
tice. When we hear the names of such athletes as cesses by which people manage their own behaviors
Peyton Manning, Roger Federer, Tiger Woods, that are directed toward specific goals. Being able to
Anika Sorenstam, LeBron James, Candice Parker, regulate and control one’s behavior is an essential
and Michael Phelps (just to name a few), we think part of any athlete’s mental training plan, and this
of individuals who are highly skilled and great process has five specific phases (Kirschenbaum,
competitors. These same athletes, however, are 1997).
also known for their great practice habits, espe- Begin with problem identification. This phase
cially making sure that the mental aspects of their encourages you to evaluate progress in your sport
respective sports are integrated into their physical thoroughly and to remain open to new suggestions
practice on an ongoing basis. about all aspects of performance. For example, you
If athletes never stop mental skills training, might become aware that you lose your concen-
what is the ideal length of time for their first expo- tration by thinking negatively at critical junctures
sure to a formal mental skills training program? during competition. This awareness is a critical
Most SPCs would recommend an average of first step on the road to improvement. The second
between three and six months because it takes time step is to establish commitment to change. This usu-
to learn these new mental skills, use them in prac- ally involves developing specific plans and setting
tice, and then integrate them into actual competitive goals. After problems are identified and commit-
situations. The specific sport, time available, exist- ments are made, actions must be initiated so that
ing mental skills, and commitment of individuals positive steps toward goal attainment can occur.
are all factors to consider in determining the actual This execution of self-regulated change is the third
length of time. For example, we have worked with step. It can be viewed as a feedback loop with self-
athletes who simply wanted to change a small part monitoring leading to self-evaluation, which in turn
of their mental approach and were able to do that in leads to self-consequation (Kirschenbaum, 1997).
a relatively short time. In contrast, other SPCs have For example, you might monitor progress toward a
provided comprehensive psychological skills train- goal of improving your average bowling score from
ing to specific teams and/or individuals over multi- 125 to 135. After several weeks, you could evalu-
ple years (e.g., Colleen Hacker’s 12 years with U.S. ate whether you achieved your goal. If you did, you
Soccer). These types of programs are obviously the might treat yourself to a great dinner; this would
gold standard. be an example of positive consequation. Although
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  365

self-regulation implies a solitary pursuit of goals, of when it may be appropriate to refer athletes for
in sport you also have to manage the environment counseling or psychotherapy.)
(step 4), which might include teammates, friends, Thus, the SPC should tell the athlete what he
and coaches, as well as specific playing and practice or she does and does not do, as many people still
conditions. The long-term goal of self-regulation is believe that if athletes see a consultant, then some-
to maintain behavior change over time and across thing must be psychologically wrong with them
different situations. This fifth step is called gener- (e.g., they “have to see a shrink”). Rather, we try to
alization. It is often difficult to achieve because it emphasize that if an athlete stayed after practice to
requires dedicated, consistent, systematic practice work with the coach on a particular move or physi-
of mental skills over time. cal technique, most people would applaud this extra
effort to improve. Similarly, if an athlete realizes
that he or she needs to work on some aspect of the
Discuss Your Approach—What You Do and mental game such as concentration skills, this also
What You Don’t Do should be applauded.
Many athletes are still fairly naive or uninformed In discussing your philosophy or approach, a
about what sport psychology is and what SPCs do; contemporary way of making initial contact with
therefore, spell out these parameters right at the athletes is through electronic methods such as
outset of the initial meeting. Although most ath- e-mail or web pages. More and more people are
letes typically view sport psychology solely in terms using the Internet as a communication tool, and it
of performance enhancement, they also should be is at least as good as, and in several cases superior
made to understand its mental health aspects and to, traditional contact (e.g., phone, in-person con-
potential for application outside of sport. In fact, as tact methods). For example, when Zizzi and Perna
reflected in the title of this text, sport psychology (2002) compared traditional versus electronic con-
has as much to do with personal growth issues as it tact, they found that the electronic group completed
does with achieving maximum performance. more contacts and assessments compared to the tra-
In addition to conducting a brief discussion ditional group one month after taking a workshop.
on what sport psychology is, it is equally critical
that SPCs clarify their specific approach in dealing
with psychological problems in sport and exercise. Emphasize the Importance
Consultants use two approaches when working with of Mental Training
athletes: clinical and educational. Research and Another important component to an initial meeting
experience have indicated that the large majority with athletes is convincing them of the need for sys-
of athletes consulting with SPCs typically require tematic mental training, which can be done in many
an educational versus clinical approach. They need ways. One way to have athletes identify how import-
to develop psychological skills such as improving ant their state of mind is in achieving success is to
concentration or managing anxiety, rather than to have them decide what percentage of their game is
deal with a deep-seated, severe psychological prob- mental. Then compare this percentage to the actual
lems. Therefore, we will focus on the educational percentage of practice time spent training mental
approach, but it should be made clear that if an skills. The disparity is usually large because the
educational SPC or coach comes across an athlete mental side of sport is recognized as very import-
who has such a serious psychological problem that ant, yet little or no time is spent specifically practic-
it is beyond his or her skills to treat, then the ath- ing these mental aspects.
lete should be referred to a qualified individual or Providing anecdotes about the importance
counseling center. (See Chapter 20 for a discussion of mental preparation from relevant, well-known
366 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

amateur and professional athletes is another effec- outside the psychological realm influence perfor-
tive way to increase receptivity. Along these lines, mance. These include such things as physiological
a study from the U.S. Olympic Training Center conditioning, biomechanics (technique), strategy,
(Murphy, Jowdy, & Durtschi, 1990) revealed that and equipment. For example, a golfer who has
more than 90 percent of Olympic athletes surveyed developed a flaw in his or her swing may attribute
regularly used some sort of mental preparation and the resulting poor performance to negative self-talk,
training in preparing for competition. This type of whereas the underlying problem is biomechanical;
information can help athletes realize that mental thus, an intervention to modify the self-talk will not
training does work and that it is being used by most be effective.
of our very best athletes, although athletes of all In terms of the actual psychological skills eval-
ability levels can benefit from such training. uation, one procedure we recommend is the com-
Fortunately, the popularity of applied sport bination of an oral interview, written psychological
psychology has evolved to the point that it is becom- inventories, and behavioral observation. With this
ing easier to sell a mental skills training program procedure the athlete has a chance to tell his or her
to most athletes. Nevertheless, some athletes still story face to face, as well as to respond to some
refuse to accept mental skills training. Most SPCs objective questionnaires. It also enables the con-
recommend not forcing unreceptive athletes to par- sultant to spot consistencies (and inconsistencies)
ticipate, with the exception of the initial training ses- between oral and written responses.
sion. Conversely, there also can be problems with There are various approaches to conducting an
athletes who are highly enthusiastic about mental initial interview, but we recommend a combination
training. Occasionally this enthusiasm can lead to of Orlick’s semi-structured interview (2000) and the
unreasonable expectations. Athletes, coaches, and questions he asks on his initial and performance
SPCs must realize that no amount of mental train- planning forms (2016). The following is a possible
ing will substitute for poor mechanics, lack of prac- structure, but there is leeway for changes and to
tice, or limited physical aptitude. use the athlete’s responses to form other follow-up
Assess Psychological Strengths • Summarize your involvement in your sport,
and Weaknesses noting important events both positive and
Once athletes know the approach the SPC plans to negative (this is a good starting point, as it lets
take and are convinced of the importance of mental athletes talk about themselves and become more
training, the next step is to determine the athletes’ comfortable).
psychological strengths and weaknesses as related • What are your goals for this year and your ulti-
specifically to sport. A needs assessment helps mate dream goal?
reveal those psychological skills that are deficient • Describe one of your best-ever performances.
or appear to have the most adverse effect on per- What were you feeling and focusing on before
formance and personal satisfaction. It also reveals and during the performance?
the athlete’s mental strong points. When something
is bothering athletes or they are struggling with a • Describe what you believe to be your great-
specific problem, they often overlook all the things est psychological strength and your biggest
that they do well, and these should not be forgotten. weakness.
In conducting the initial evaluation of ath- • Describe the boundaries of any specific psycho-
letes’ psychological strengths and weaknesses, it logical problem you are currently having (i.e.,
is important that SPCs understand that factors what, when, why, how).
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  367

• What specific areas do you want to target for Durand-Bush, Salmela, and Green-Demers (2001) to
improvement this year (mentally, physically, or assist consultants and coaches in their design of appro-
technically)? priate and individualized mental training programs, as
well as to help researchers assess the effectiveness of
• What is your relationship with your coach?
interventions with sport performers.
This interview typically lasts approximately It should be noted that SPCs should consider
one hour. The initial interview is very important a number of factors before administering ques-
not only to find out where the athlete needs help tionnaires or other formal assessments to athletes
but also as a place to start building the trust that (Beckman & Kellmann, 2003). For example, to be
is critical for any therapeutic relationship. For an used effectively, assessment instruments need to be
SPC to be maximally effective, the athlete needs to reliable and valid for the individual athlete or sport
feel comfortable and believe that the consultant not group in question, be seen as useful by the ath-
only is competent but also cares about the athlete’s lete(s), and be completed honestly by the athlete(s).
particular situation. One thing that we have found In addition, SPCs need to provide athletes with a
important is that the consultant needs good concep- clear identification of the purpose of the assessment
tual knowledge of the sport to be effective and build and make sure that the athlete and coach (if appli-
credibility with the athletes. Simons (2013) pro- cable) are committed to the assessment. Marchant
vides some thoughtful commentary on conducting (2013) provides a good discussion of factors to con-
an intake interview, especially noting the need for sider when determining what psychological tests to
a more integrative view that also notes the culture give, including tests that might be considered more
and context in which the athlete is performing, what clinical in nature that would need special training
physical/physiological limitations might be rele- to interpret.
vant, and what the training regimen of the athlete is. Once the interview and psychological inven-
In addition to the interview, between 63 and tories have been completed, we recommend that
75 percent of SPCs use paper and pencil question- written feedback be provided to each athlete that
naires (O’Conner, 2004) to assess psychological traits/ highlights his or her psychological strengths and
states and skills related to sport and more general weaknesses as they relate to sport performance and
mood states. Woodcock, Duda, Cumming, Sharp, and participation. This assessment should be given to
Holland (2012) provide some excellent recommenda- athletes in a second one-on-one meeting, and ath-
tions for effective psychometric assessment to help letes should be provided with an opportunity to
practitioners more accurately assess athletes’ mental react to it. This provides an opportunity to get con-
skills. Although many different inventories are utilized, sensual validation from athletes in terms of the eval-
some of the more popular ones include the following: uation of the SPC. At times we have found the oral
Sport Competition Anxiety Test (Martens, 1977), interview and written assessments to be contrary,
Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, and this is a good time to bring any discrepancy up
Vealey, & Burton, 1990) and its revised (Cox, Martens, and resolve it. The assessment should conclude with
& Russell, 2003) and modified versions (assesses recommendations for the type of skills and interven-
there is a facilitative or debilitative effect on perfor- tion program that the consultant thinks would best
mance, Jones & Swain, 1992), Sport Anxiety Scale suit the athlete’s needs.
(Smith, Smoll, & Schutz, 1990), Athletic Coping One weakness of using interviews, question-
Skills Inventory-28 (Smith, Schutz, Smoll, & Ptacek, naires, and behavioral observation to determine an
1995), and Trait-State Sport Confidence Inventory athlete’s psychological strengths and weaknesses is
(Vealey, 1986). In addition, the Ottawa Mental Skills that the athlete plays a relatively passive role in the
Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3) has been developed by process. Motivation and adherence problems will
368 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

occur in the psychological skills training program In this particular example, an athlete client
if the athlete does not fully accept the decisions of one of the authors had the goal of making the
reached in the needs assessment. Butler and Hardy national team. Four months before the qualifying
(1992) propose that using performance profiling competition, the athlete, with the help of the sport
resolves this problem, and an increasing number psychology consultant, determined what psycholog-
of SPCs are using the approach and finding it very ical skills he would need, and their relative impor-
effective. For these reasons, we recommend per- tance, in order to make the national team (see the
formance profiling as an alternative approach to dark bars depicting long-term goals). The athlete
assessing psychological strengths and weaknesses. then assessed his present level of skill specific to
When using performance profiling, the athlete, with each of the constructs (see the shaded bars). This
his or her own labels and definitions, determines information was displayed pictorially, and together
the psychological skills needed for success. Once the athlete and the sport psychology consultant
done, the athlete rates him- or herself on each of the determined what progress the athlete wanted to
identified constructs. Butler and Hardy (1992) pro- make in the next month and exactly what he would
pose that the rating use a 0–10 scale anchored with have to do to reach each of his psychological skills
“not at all” and “very much.” The athlete’s resulting goals. See the clear bars added later to represent the
constructs are then displayed in the form of perfor- athlete’s short-term goals. (Note: The athlete had
mance profiles. See Figure 17-1 for one example of previously received some psychological skills train-
plotting and using a performance profile to deter- ing and was adamant that he simultaneously work
mine psychological needs and goals. on all the constructs.)

Goal: Making the National Team

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strong Mentally

Stay Positive


Process Focused





Physically Relaxed

Long-term Goal Present Short-term Goal

Figure 17-1  Example of using performance profiling to determine

psychological needs and goals
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  369

The performance profiling sheet also has • Facilitates discussion, communication, and
the advantage of providing a format for the ath- interaction within teams
lete and SPC to periodically assess and record the
From an athlete perspective, the benefits include
athlete’s progress in using interventions to reach
the following:
his or her goals, which is done by using that same
10-point rating scale. Once done, draw a new bar • Raises self-awareness
to depict the rating, or you can extend or shade in • Helps decide what to work on
the existing bar depicting starting status (labeled
“present”) and short-term goals. When using per- • Motivates to improve
formance profiling in this way, we also recom- • Sets goals
mend modifying the sheet in Figure 17-1 to allow • Monitors and evaluates performance
sufficient room for comments after listing each
• Encourages more responsibility for development
The SPC and coach can assess the psycholog- Regardless of the approach used to assess psy-
ical strengths and weaknesses of teams by using chological strengths and weaknesses, if an SPC is
essentially the same profiling procedure as that working with an entire team, it is essential that the
described for the individual athlete. We recommend coach be involved in the needs assessment because
putting the team members into groups of three to he or she is more likely to know the team’s men-
five players. Have each group take five to ten min- tal strengths and weaknesses over a period of time.
utes to identify the constructs that they perceive This might, in turn, require different psychological
as important to reach the team’s goal. Then have a approaches based on the team’s history. For exam-
team discussion regarding each construct identified ple, quite different psychological needs would prob-
by the groups, with the goal of reaching consensus ably be perceived for a team with a long history
regarding what psychological skills to include. After of losing compared to a team that climbed to the
identifying the resulting constructs and their relative top and has the pressure of maintaining number-
importance, have the small groups use the 10-point one status.
scale to rate the present status of the team on each An obvious implication of this discussion on
of the constructs. Also ask the groups to provide needs assessment is that the coach should be wary
a rationale for their decision. Once finished, have of anyone who suggests a canned mental training
all team members discuss each group’s ratings and program that does not provide for the specific needs
rationale until some consensus is reached regarding of a given athlete or group of athletes. Although
a final rating. such a program may be better than nothing, the
Empirical research has investigated the bene- more attention that is paid to the individual needs
fits of performance profiling from both athlete and and the maturation and experiences of the given
SPC perspectives (Weston, Greenlees, & Thelwell, group, the more likely it is that the program will be
2013). From the consultants’ perspective, the bene- successful.
fits include the following: Finally, when evaluating athletes’ psychological
strengths and weaknesses, bear in mind that more
• Provides a basis for goal-setting than psychological factors influence performance. A
• Identifies athlete mental strengths and baseball player, for example, may attribute his slump
weaknesses to being overly anxious when, in reality, his problem
is biomechanical, relating to a hitch in his swing.
• Raises athlete awareness Thus, input from coaches, biomechanists, and phys-
• Evaluates and monitors athlete performance iologists is often useful. In fact, some professional
370 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

teams have started to hire a “performance team” Determining What Skills to Include
consisting of experts from multiple areas to get an
integrated view on performance enhancement and Once psychological assessment is complete and all
developing optimal training regimens. needed psychological skills have been identified, the
coach or SPC must decide how many of these skills
to emphasize. This decision should be based on
Analyze the Demands of the Sport when the program is first being implemented (e.g.,
Every sport has unique physical, technical, and preseason, practice season, competitive season) and
logistical demands that require special preparation how much time the athletes and coach are willing
by participating athletes. These characteristics that to devote to mental skills training. Several questions
distinguish different sports also affect the type of are pertinent at this point:
mental preparation and training an athlete may
need. Thus, SPCs need a detailed understanding • How much practice time will be given on aver-
of important aspects of the sport in which they age each week to mental skills training?
are working. • How many weeks of practice are available?
For example, sports that involve explosive- • Will there still be time to practice mental skills
ness and anaerobic power (e.g., 100-yard dash) after the competitive season starts or after the
will differ greatly from those requiring endurance first couple of losses?
and aerobic conditioning (e.g., long-distance run-
ning and cycling). Similarly, a sport or sport skill • How interested are the athletes in receiving
requiring great precision (e.g., golf putting) might mental skills training?
differ from one requiring more gross motor move- The answers to these questions will help pro-
ments (e.g., power lifting). Furthermore, a sport vide a realistic perspective on the commitment to
or performance that lasts a very short time (fig- mental skills training and the time available for
ure skating) would require a different set of psy- accomplishing psychological skill objectives. When
chological skills from one that lasts hours (e.g., a there is not adequate time or commitment for a
marathon). Whether a sport or sport skill is self comprehensive training program, it is better to pri-
or externally paced influences optimal mental oritize objectives and emphasize a few to work on
training interventions. Self-paced skills are ones initially rather than work superficially on all of the
in which the environment is relatively stable and needed skills. The coach or SPC may even wish to
predictable and the performer, within a few lim- develop a two- to three-year plan.
itations, can initiate the activity when ready (e.g., Although there is certainly no definitive
free-throw shot, tennis or volleyball serve, soccer answer as to what a comprehensive psycholog-
penalty kick, golf). Externally paced skills typi- ical skills training program should include or
cally occur when the performer has to react to in what sequence these skills should be taught,
an unstable and unpredictable environment (e.g., Vealey (2007) provides a thoughtful analysis of
tennis and volleyball, except for serving; most the nature of psychological skills training pro-
team sport skills). See Lidor (2007) for prepa- grams. Specifically, she proposes a number of
ratory routines in self-paced events. In essence, skills that can and should be developed in a well-
the demands of the sport or sport skill need to be rounded program (see Table  17-1). It’s import-
carefully analyzed and considered when devising ant to note that these skills reflect areas related
a mental skills training program. Observing prac- to personal development as well as performance
tices/competitions is one way to clarify the sport enhancement.
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  371

Table 17-1  Mental Skills for Athletes self-confidence, which not only are critical to sport
performance (see Chapters 9 and 14) but also are
Foundation Skills: Achievement drive
central to a wide array of behaviors outside the
Self-awareness world of sport and physical activity. Thus, it would
Productive-thinking appear inappropriate to begin other psychological
Self-confidence skills training until individuals learn a certain level
Performance Skills: Perceptual-cognitive skill of proficiency in the foundation skills.
The performance skills in Vealey’s model are
Attentional focus
some of the traditional psychological skills that
Energy management
most SPCs attempt to teach, including energy man-
Personal Development Identity achievement agement (e.g., arousal regulation), attentional focus,
Skills: and perceptual-cognitive skills (e.g., decision-making
Interpersonal skills). These skills are addressed in detail in var-
competence ious chapters throughout this text. The premise is
that exceptional performance is most likely to occur
Team Skills: Leadership
when these skills are learned and integrated into an
Communication athlete’s actual competitive performance.
Cohesion “Personal development skills are mental skills
Team Confidence that represent significant maturational mark-
ers of personal development, and that allow for
Source: Vealey, R. S. 2007. Mental skills training in sport. In G. high-level psychological functioning through clarity
Tenenbaum & R. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology. of self-concept, feelings of well-being, and a sense of
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
relatedness to others” (Vealey, 2007, p. 290). Two
The most basic skills, termed foundation skills, personal development skills that Vealey feels are
represent those qualities that are basic and neces- especially important are identity achievement (estab-
sary psychological skills. The first foundation skill is lishing a clear sense of identity) and interpersonal
achievement drive, which is the compelling desire to competence (interacting effectively with others).
overcome obstacles to accomplish something worth- Taking a life skills approach is an example of a men-
while. The second foundation skill is self-awareness. tal training intervention that focuses on personal
Before athletes can start changing some of their development skills.
previous bad habits, they need to understand and The final category of mental skills is team
become aware of exactly when and where their skills, which are collective qualities of the team that
problem behaviors occur and what they are think- are instrumental to an effective team environment
ing and feeling at that time. In addition, athletes and overall team success. Team skills are made up
need to be aware of what they typically think and of (a) team confidence—the belief that the team has
feel when performing at their best. That is, do they the collective resources or team abilities to achieve
have an ideal performance state that is associated team success, (b) cohesion—the team’s ability to
with peak performance (see Chapter 9)? Keeping stick together and remain united in the pursuit of
a sport journal is one way to increase awareness of its goals (see Chapter 7), (c) communication—the
performance states and to understand how different process of interpersonal interaction within the team
situations bring about different emotional reactions that facilitates team success and athletes’ well-being
(see Chapter 10 for journaling guidelines and other (see Chapter 8), and (d) leadership—the ability of
techniques for increasing awareness). The third and individuals to influence others on the team to think
fourth foundation skills are productive thinking and and act in ways that facilitate team success and the
372 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

Table 17-2  A Sample of Psychological Skills Objectives and Outcomes

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3

Positive Mental Coping with Mistakes Handling the High-
Attitude and Failures Stress Situation
Refrain from negative statements Accept the fact that mistakes and Learn to interpret the situation as
at games or practices. failures are a necessary part of the a challenge rather than as a threat.
learning process.
Change “I can’t” statements to Avoid excuses. Appropriately Recognize too much tension.
“I can” statements. accepting responsibility will help Achieve appropriate differential
turn failures into successes. relaxation.
Always give 100% effort. Stay positive even after a stupid Keep thoughts positive and
mistake. focused on the task at hand.
Listen while coaches talk. Be supportive of teammates even Image goal of performing well
when they are making mistakes. under high-stress situations.
Hustle during all plays and drills. Keep focused concentration rather Focus concentration on appropri-
than dwelling on mistakes. ate cues.

quality of the team’s social-psychological environ- Evaluation of Program Effectiveness

ment (see Chapter 6).
SPCs have a wide variety of methods and It is not easy to evaluate the impact of a psycholog-
techniques that they can choose from to develop ical skills training program, yet evaluation is essen-
and enhance the preceding psychological skills. tial for improving a training program and the skills
The most commonly used methods are the four of the person in charge of the program. In fact, eval-
traditional techniques of goal-setting (Chapter 11), uation should be an essential feature of any orga-
imagery (Chapter 14), physical relaxation and nizational and individualized intervention. Aside
arousal regulation (Chapter 12), and thought con- from the accountability demands that ethically
trol (Chapter 14). oblige SPCs to evaluate the effectiveness of what
Regardless of the specific skills and methods they do, practical considerations are also important.
included in the psychological skills training pro- First, program evaluation provides consultants
gram, it will be more effective if psychological and coaches with the information needed to gauge
objectives appropriate to the athletes are identi- the effectiveness of the various components of their
fied and if these objectives are defined in easily programs and to make modifications where needed.
understood and measurable terms; Table  17-2 Second, an evaluation provides consumers with an
provides some examples. Such definitions help opportunity to provide feedback concerning areas
clarify exactly what the objective means and what that they feel weren’t included or to suggest changes
outcomes are expected once it is achieved. The in the way the program was conducted. Third, eval-
definitions also provide a clear foundation for uation is the only way we can objectively judge
planning strategies to accomplish the objectives whether the program achieved its intended goals in
and for assessing how effective the strategies were changing some aspects of the individual’s or team’s
in achieving the objective. behavior or performance.
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  373

It is important to note that evaluation should Other authors provide good guidance on con-
be a continuous process. SPCs should assess the ducting program evaluation. See Partington and
strengths and weaknesses of the content and delivery Orlick (1987a, 1987b) and Orlick (2016) for sam-
of each of their sessions, especially team sessions. ple sport psychology evaluation forms and data on
Questions such as the following might be addressed: what makes a consultant effective from both the
Did the session accomplish its objective(s)? Were coaches’ and athletes’ point of view. Luiselli (2012),
explanations of psychological concepts and direc- noting the similarities of cognitive­behavioral theory
tions for practicing the training exercises adequate? and applied behavioral analysis, provides sugges-
What techniques appeared to work best? Was time tions for program evaluation, including intervention
allotted appropriately during the session? Are any integrity, social validity, and assessment. Anderson,
additions or deletions warranted? How responsive Miles, Mahoney, and Robinson (2002) suggest
did the athletes appear to be? Writing a critique is employing four distinct categories of effectiveness
more beneficial than simply trying to remember indicators when conducting an evaluation. These
strengths and weaknesses. Plans for future sessions include the quality of support (e.g., consultant
may need to be modified on the basis of the results effectiveness), psychological skill and well-being
of each session evaluation. (e.g., anxiety control, happiness), response to sup-
A more formal, total evaluation should occur port (e.g., changes in knowledge and attitude), and
at the end of the mental skills training program. performance (objective, subjective). This approach
This evaluation might include team and individual presents a more well-rounded view of evaluation
discussions as well as written evaluations by the ath- than simply performance (bottom line), which is
letes and coaches. The evaluation should focus on the focus of many interventions.
the players’ assessment of the value of the program
from both a psychological and performance per-
spective. Objective performance data should be used Practical Pointers for Teaching
in addition to subjective reports from coaches and
Mental Skills
athletes. For example, one recommended objective
data system entails behavioral assessment, which In the preceding chapters on mental skills training,
involves collecting and analyzing information and the authors have presented many excellent pointers
data relevant to the behaviors targeted for change for teaching specific mental skills. The following
(see Tkachuk, Leslie-Toogood, & Martin, 2003). In pointers apply either to the entire psychological
addition, athletes should be asked how often they training program or to its components.
actually practiced their skills. If in a team setting,
make it anonymous by having each athlete hand
in a piece of paper with the number of times they
Provide the What, Why, When, and How
practiced the mental skill/exercise. When psycho- of Training
logical skills programs don’t work, one of the major For mental skills to be of maximum value, the ath-
reasons is simply because athletes did not systemat- lete must consciously and continually choose to
ically practice what they were being taught. The fol- utilize mental training methods. This necessitates
lowing questions are also helpful: What did athletes a high level of commitment, an understanding of
see as the major strengths and weaknesses of the proper execution, and ultimately the ability to be
mental skills training? What mental skills improved self-sufficient in mental preparation. This can be
the most? What exercises and handouts were the accomplished in a number of ways. Athletes who
most helpful? What suggestions do athletes have to are taught the what, why, when, and how of men-
make the program even better in the future? tal skills training are more likely to acquire the
374 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

necessary knowledge base to become self-sufficient practiced. Do not force everyone into a fixed pat-
in mental training, as well as the motivation to fol- tern. Instead, encourage athletes to modify or com-
low through with the program. It is critical that the bine techniques until they derive the most effective
initial educational aspect of the program provides method for them. A backup technique should also
the athletes with an understanding of what princi- be identified and practiced for those times when the
ples the program is based on and how it works. At preferred one fails to accomplish its objective.
the beginning of each special mental training ses- Providing handouts or recordings/videos of
sion, the coach or SPC should outline for the ath- exercises and specific concepts, including the ones
letes the purpose, content, and approximate length in this book, is another way to ensure that athletes
of the session. It is also a good idea to allot time have a variety of exercises to use and the knowledge
for discussion and questions after practicing each base for making modifications and application.
exercise and at the end of each session. In addition Although using these tools might facilitate prac-
to enhancing forthright self-examination and the tice, be sure athletes do not become so dependent
learning process, the sharing that occurs in these on them that they cannot practice the mental skills
discussions often improves communication and without such props.
understanding among teammates and leads to bet-
ter group support and team cohesiveness. Use Goal-Setting and Journal Assignments
You can also enhance and individualize the teach-
Stress Personal Responsibility ing of specific mental skills by using goal-setting and
When it comes to performance, some athletes have journal assignments. This is one reason many SPCs
the attitude “When you’re hot, you’re hot, and when suggest that athletes be encouraged to keep a jour-
you’re not, you’re not.” They view peak performance nal (see Chapter 10) and set goals (see Chapter 11)
as more a consequence of fate than something under early in a training program. The following case
their own personal control. Implementers of mental study is an example of their use and the desired
skills training should teach the opposite attitude. self-sufficiency outcome for a mental skills training
Peak performance is not fate or mysterious; it is a program.
product of the body and mind, both of which can be
controlled. This is why, with the right physical and Pre-competition and Competition Plans
mental training, athletes can learn to repeat their The ultimate goal of psychological skills training is
best performances more consistently. This means for each athlete to learn how to create consistently
learning to be in control of oneself instead of letting at competition time the ideal performance state
the environment or others do the controlling. The (thoughts, feelings, bodily responses) typically asso-
athlete must ultimately accept the fact that only he ciated with his or her peak performance. Rarely will
or she can take responsibility for being physically this occur if pre-competition preparation and com-
and mentally ready to compete. petition behaviors are left to chance or good and
bad breaks. Athletes get ready for competition in a
Be Flexible and Individualized variety of ways, but more often than not, they fail
When teaching mental skills to a group of athletes, to have a consistent pattern of readying procedures.
the best approach is to be flexible and individualized. Performance is likely to be enhanced if an athlete’s
All athletes do not learn mental skills in the same preparation becomes more systematic.
way and at the same pace any more than they do One of the objectives of pre-competition plan-
physical skills. Within reasonable time constraints, ning is to arrange the external and internal world
a variety of techniques should be introduced and in a way that maximizes the athlete’s feelings of
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  375

Case Study

John, a cross-country runner, after having been taught to recognize tension and to relax, identifies that he
grimaces and his neck and shoulder muscles tighten when he runs under poor weather conditions, after
experiencing the first signs of fatigue, and when a steep hill is coming up. He records this in his journal.
Next, John sets a reasonable goal for correcting the problem: “In one week, I will run a workout over hilly
terrain keeping my face, neck, and shoulder muscles relaxed throughout the run.” After he records the
goal, he plans and records a strategy for reaching the goal: “(a) Do five minutes of progressive relaxation
(PR) each day on just the face, neck, and shoulder muscles. (b) After PR practice, visualize running fluidly
over hilly terrain. (c) When running, frequently scan the face for tension—if needed, relax the face so the
forehead is smooth as glass and the jaw is slack. When the face is relaxed, scan neck and shoulders for
unwanted tension. If tense, relax by slowly rolling the head and/or dropping the shoulders.” Each day John
records his progress in achieving the goal. Once John feels he is consistently achieving the goal, he may
want to establish a slightly more difficult goal and repeat the process.

control. The athlete’s external world consists of the showing these films to their athletes well before a
actual physical surroundings, what is happening in competition
these surroundings, and the physical things the ath- The best pre-competition and competition
lete does. The internal world is the athlete’s physical plans consist of procedures that ready the athlete
state, thoughts, feelings, mental images, and atten- physically and mentally for competition. The typical
tional focus. The greater the familiarity, routine, and physical preparations should be supplemented with
structure in the external environment, the easier it is emotional and cognitive readying procedures if ath-
for the athlete to be in control of his or her inter- letes are to maximize their chances of being ready
nal world. The external world can be stabilized in a to peak at competition time. This entails planning
number of ways—for example, eating similar meals procedures for monitoring and controlling the task
the same amount of time before each competition; at hand as competition nears. It also means moni-
always arriving at the contest site with a set amount toring and controlling emotions, self-talk, and focus
of time for pre-competition preparation; establish- Mental monitoring and readying procedures
ing a set dressing ritual; and following the same should be integrated with certain external markers,
equipment check, taping, and warm-up procedures. such as waking up the morning of competition, trav-
Maintaining a constant and familiar external eling to the competition, arriving at the competition
world is even more critical with away competi- site, getting dressed, doing warm-up exercises and
tions. This is more easily accomplished when ath- technique drills, and dealing with the short time
letes diligently adhere to elaborate and consistent between physical warm-ups and the beginning of
pre-competition plans before both home and away competition. When some athletes arrive at a compe-
games. The coach can also increase familiarity by tition site, they like to find a quiet place where they
taking the athletes to the site of away games before can practice five to ten minutes of relaxation exer-
the competition begins, ideally at least a day before. cises such as deep breathing or passive progressive
Some coaches and SPCs even advocate getting films relaxation. Such athletes believe these relaxation
of the away facility, including the locker rooms, and procedures have the benefit of bringing them to the
376 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

same starting point prior to each competition before another medalist deemphasized pre-performance
they begin the rest of their onsite preparation. Other routines and strategy, feeling that they made him
athletes combine their dressing ritual with cogni- “too programmed.” This orientation is captured in
tive focusing techniques designed to build positive the following quotation: “I don’t worry about strat-
expectations and narrow attentional focus to what egy and technique. I try to keep my mind clear of
the athletes want to do during the competition. getting caught up in all that stuff. . . I just keep my
Often athletes end their dressing ritual or precede mind clear and when I get out there, I just react”
their physical warm-up with a five- to ten-minute (Eklund et al., 1993, p. 44).
imagery exercise of exactly how they want to feel, Athletes also need refocusing plans in case
think, focus, and perform during competition. things don’t go exactly as originally planned. A
Other athletes prefer to do the imagery while they refocusing plan is aimed at helping athletes refocus
do their stretching exercises. In many sports it is away from unwanted external distractions or inter-
equally critical to have set mental/physical ready- nal distractions such as harmful anger, worries, and
ing routines for just prior to executing a skill (e.g., self-put-downs or something as common as not being
before self-paced skills such as free throws, penalty fully motivated in practice. Orlick (2016) provides
kicks, golf shots, or serves). excellent advice for developing positive and effec-
Some interesting qualitative research by Gould, tive refocusing plans for potential distractions. He
Eklund, and Jackson (1992) and Eklund, Gould, emphasizes that plans need to be developed and sys-
and Jackson (1993) on thoughts and cognitions tematically practiced (i.e., daily) so that if athletes
of Olympic wrestlers highlights the importance of lose their best focus, they will know how to change
pre-competition and competition plans as well as channels to get back on a positive track quickly. The
individual variability. First, some between-group bottom line is having a plan to control distractions
differences among medalists and nonmedalists and to focus through distractions. He recommends
revealed that medalists had competition plans writing out a distractions control plan that has four
firmly in their minds and did not spontaneously columns: Distractions, Usual Response, Preferred
second-guess these plans during matches, whereas Response, and Refocus Reminders. In the first col-
nonmedalists reported spontaneous deviations umn, list major distractions or refocusing situations
from their competition plans and often a resulting faced in the past. In the second, indicate typical self-
negative consequence (i.e., poorer performance). talk and focus during the distraction. In the third,
In addition, medalists had very systematic pre- what would you prefer to think, feel, and focus on
performance routines that they consistently adhered the next time. In the fourth, write down reminders
to throughout the Olympics, whereas nonmedalists that you can use to get your focus back to where
reported deviating from their pre-performance rou- you want it (e.g., deep-breath to relax, say “focus” or
tines, especially in matches considered less chal- “change channel”). The following section provides
lenging or important. another example of a type of refocusing plan.
Despite these differences between medalists
and nonmedalists, interviews revealed individual
differences and variations among the medalists. For
Responding to Errors: Develop
example, one medalist placed great importance on a Mistake Ritual
pre-match focus: “I just try to think about the tech- To compete at any level means accepting that mak-
niques I am going to use and what strategies I am ing mistakes is part of one’s performance. Many
going to do and get that into my mind before I go sports even have statistical categories for their
out on the mat so I am focused on what I am going errors, including unforced errors in tennis, turn-
to do” (Eklund et al., 1993, p. 43). Conversely, overs in basketball, and interceptions in football.
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  377

Learning to effectively cope with those errors is their homework more quickly by using mental train-
essential to success. Athletes need to bounce back ing concentration skills. Use them to become more
immediately and in a way that does not cause a loss aware of when one’s mind is wandering and then
of confidence, concentration, and effective self-talk. refocus on the task at hand. If an athlete gets so
Failing to do so may lead to a fear of making mis- uptight before tests that he or she cannot remember
takes, which often leads to conservative, tentative, what was learned, suggest that the same relaxation
“play not to lose” performance. and positive thinking skills taught to control com-
Because mistakes do happen and athletes often petitive anxiety can be used for test-taking anxiety
lack the psychological skill to deal with them, a and other stressful situations they face.
necessary component of a comprehensive men- An issue of the Journal of Applied Sport
tal training program is developing a mistake ritual Psychology (2002, #4) focused on the application of
(Thompson, 2011). A mistake ritual is something psychological skills typically used in sport and exer-
you say or do that communicates to yourself (and cise settings to other settings and endeavors, such as
others) that you recognized the mistake, have business, medicine, space travel, and special forces.
dealt with it immediately, and are instantly focused More and more SPCs are practicing in areas outside
on the next play. Orlick (2016) and Thompson of sport, fueled in part by interest in the psychology
(2011) and the organization The Positive Coaching of excellence. For example, Loehr and Schwartz
Alliance ( provides several com- (2001) have discussed the similarities of high per-
mon words and actions for mistake rituals. These formers, whether they are elite athletes or CEOs
include: “Flush it,” “No sweat,” “Brush it off,” working for a Fortune 500 company. Similarly,
“Bounce,” “Park it,” and “Tree it.” Julie Foudy, for- Murphy (1996) discusses the transfer from working
mer captain, gold medalist, and World Cup cham- with elite athletes at the Olympic Training Center to
pion in soccer, describes the use of mistake rituals working with performers in the corporate arena. His
(Foudy, 2017, pp. 238–240) that Colleen Hacker, clients (whether sport or nonsport) tell him that the
their mental skills coach, used with the team. For skills they are taught help them achieve their best
example, after a mistake, players were encouraged under pressure, allow them to stay focused during
to respond by either making a motion as if flushing difficult tasks, and enable them to enjoy even the
an imaginary toilet or saying the words “flush it” most challenging assignments. The army has been
and to then use instructional self-talk (e.g., “Next hiring individuals trained in sport psychology to
play”) to direct attention to the immediate moment teach soldiers psychological skills, on the premise
and a “right-now” mentality. Using these mistake that such training will be more effective than their
rituals helps maintain mental toughness and pro- previous focus on teaching primarily physical skills.
motes rapid emotional and psychological recovery Thus, the transfer from sport to other areas of life
(see Thompson, 2011, for examples of mistake ritual seems to be a fertile ground for future practitioners
worksheets). and researchers. Finally, Fletcher (2010) provides
an extensive bibliography and narrative commen-
tary of applying sport psychology to business.
Stress Application to Other Life Pursuits
One tremendous bonus that comes from imple-
menting a mental training program is that the skills Practice It Before Teaching It
learned are applicable to life in general, and the Before teaching any of the mental training exercises
benefits last long after the competitive year is over. to athletes, SPCs and coaches should take the time
SPCs need to play a role in maximizing this trans- to practice each technique themselves. Personally
fer. For example, suggest that athletes learn to do experiencing an exercise is an excellent way to
378 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

increase one’s ability to teach a specific technique limitation, it is critical that consultants attempt to
and to answer any questions athletes may have. An attend some practices and competitions. We have
additional bonus, particularly if the practice is sys- found that this is particularly important at the
tematic and long term, is that the practitioner will beginning stages of the intervention. This firsthand
accrue psychological benefits similar to those the view provides consultants with critical informa-
athletes receive from the practice, and they can bet- tion that is not evident from an interview or paper-
ter lead by example. and-pencil measure. Survey research (Gould,
Tammen, Murphy, & May, 1989; Partington &
Teach by Example and Self-Monitor Orlick, 1987a) also indicates that the amount of
In regard to psychological control—or any type of time observing athletes directly affected building
behavior—good coaches and SPCs teach and lead trust between athletes and consultants and was a
by example. The coach who appears calm, confi- critical component to the perceived effectiveness of
dent, and in control during a competition usually SPCs. Watson and Shannon (2013) provide excel-
has athletes who act the same way. The next time lent guidelines for conducting systematic observa-
you see athletes consistently losing control and tions, including when, where, and what to observe
concentration after poor officiating calls, look to for both individual and team sport athletes.
the bench, and you may see the coach behaving
similarly. Watch how athletes react to poor perfor- Emphasize Strengths
mance. Athletes who become negative or rattled as Competition Nears
after mistakes are often led by coaches who react Behavior by the coach and SPC prior to and during
similarly. Williams et al. (2003) found that athletes competition is particularly critical. The nearer the
low in self-confidence and/or high in anxiety are time to competition, the more important it is that
particularly vulnerable to the detrimental effects of they are reassuring and complimentary toward ath-
coaches who lose control and fail to offer support. letes. This is not the time to be critical of technique
For psychological training to be maximally effective, or anything else. Besides, it is too late to change
the coaches and SPCs must exemplify the behavior weaknesses, so there is no reason to focus on them.
they expect from athletes. Instead, if at all possible, get athletes to think they
The preceding implies that the most effective are looking great and help build their confidence. In
coaches and SPCs will be those who increase their short, now is the time to build from what is positive,
self-awareness through active self-monitoring of to play to strengths rather than weaknesses.
their thoughts, feelings, and behavior and, when
necessary, make adjustments. For example, ask
questions such as “How do these change in certain
Ethical Considerations for the Sport
situations?” “How do they influence my communi-
cation?” and “Am I a good role model for the men- Psychology Consultant
tal discipline and psychological control I wish to
Presenting ethical guidelines and discussing ethical
concerns involved in implementing mental skills
training programs (e.g., conflicts with confidential-
Observe Practices and Competitions ity and dual relationships) exceeds the scope of this
Whenever Possible chapter and book. We would be remiss, however,
As noted earlier, one of the disadvantages of SPCs to not mention that SPCs have a responsibility to
conducting mental training programs with teams become knowledgeable about standards of ethical
is their lack of day-to-day availability. Despite this behavior and to always meet those standards. At the
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  379

core of these standards is the general philosophy with largely minority athletes versus exclusively
that SPCs respect the dignity and worth of the indi- Caucasian athletes. If the consultant or coach does
vidual and honor the preservation and protection not adequately anticipate and plan for the different
of fundamental human rights. The athlete’s welfare sets of challenges that come from working with dif-
must be foremost. ferent populations, he or she can severely reduce
One advantage of selecting an AASP Certified the effectiveness of the program. In addition, they
Mental Performance Consultant to provide psy- need to plan for commonly occurring problems
chological skills training is that certification such as the following:
requires completion of an ethics course, knowl-
edge of AASP’s Code of Ethics (modified from • Overcoming player reluctance about participat-
ing in a mental training program
the American Psychological Association’s Ethical
Standards, 1992), and the commitment to always • Spending too little time with individual athletes
behave ethically. The AASP also has an ethics com- in a team setting
mittee that serves as a resource for ethical inquiries • Gaining the trust of the athletes
and for responding to allegations of ethical viola-
tions. We refer the reader to the AASP’s website for • Making sure athletes systematically practice
articles on ethics and a copy of the Code of Ethics. their skills
We also recognize that other countries and organiza- • Lacking knowledge about the specific sport or
tions within those countries (e.g., Canadian Society presenting problem
for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology) • Maintaining contact with athletes throughout a
have comparable codes and resources. competitive season
• Getting full cooperation from the coaching staff
Potential Problem Areas or organization
An SPC needs to be aware of these potential
Although the potential benefits of implementing problem areas and be ready to deal with them if
a psychological skills training program are clearly necessary. It has taken most of us several years to
demonstrable, each situation also offers its own learn many of these things by trial and error. We
unique set of problems. For example, working one made mistakes in our early years of consulting
on one with individual athletes is quite different because we simply weren’t aware of, or hadn’t
from working with an entire team. Working with experienced, many of these nuances of setting
Olympic or professional athletes might present up and implementing a mental training program.
an entirely different set of problems than working However, with good preparation, careful thought,
with high school athletes, just as would working and a sense of commitment, this can be a very
rewarding experience.

In this chapter we have addressed many general issues relating to the integration and implementa-
tion of a psychological skills training program. In summary, (a) there are advantages to having either
a coach or SPC implement a psychological skills training program; (b) athletes of all types and age
and skill levels can benefit from mental training; (c) mental skills training should continue for as
380 Chapter 17   Integrating and Implementing a Psychological Skills Training Program

long as an athlete participates in sport; (d) the initial mental skills training program should probably
last three to six months and start in the off-season or preseason; (e) a psychological skills needs
assessment should be made to determine the specific components to be incorporated in training and
the psychological objectives to be achieved; (f) there is no one best way to sequence and integrate
psychological components even though one was proposed; (g) once basic mental skills are acquired,
they should have a performance-specific focus and be integrated with practice of physical skills; and
(h) real benefits from psychological skills training will occur only with long-term systematic practice.
We have also suggested practical teaching pointers that apply either to the entire psychological
training program or to many of its components. Stress that athletes accept responsibility for their
mental state. Be flexible, eclectic, and individualized in planning training techniques. Stress per-
sonal growth and how to use mental skills in nonathletic settings. Practice techniques before teach-
ing them. Teach by personally exemplifying the mental skills being taught. Finally, we concluded the
chapter with ethical considerations that all psychological training implementers need to be aware of
and observe in their own behavior.

Study Questions

1. Discuss three different models of sport psychology practice/intervention.

2. Are psychological skills intervention programs effective in enhancing performance?
Provide evidence to support your answer.
3. Based on research, discuss three things a consultant can do to enhance his or her
4. Discuss who will benefit most from psychological skills training.
5. What are some advantages and disadvantages of a coach or SPC conducting a mental
training program?
6. How much time should be spent in mental training?
7. When is the best time to practice psychological skills?
8. When is the best time to implement a psychological skills training program?
9. Discuss what would be covered in a first interview with an athlete.
10. Discuss the use of psychological inventories to help assess athletes’ psychological skills.
11. How is performance profiling done, and what are its benefits from an SPC’s and an athlete’s
point of view?
12. Discuss Vealey’s distinction between psychological methods and psychological skills. What
are the different categories of psychological skills? What impact does this distinction between
methods and skills have on the implementation of a psychological skills training program?
13. John, a diver, goes to a, SPC because his performance is “erratic.” One of the SPC’s observations is
that he has no consistent predive readying procedure. How might the SPC help John develop a pre-
dive routine, what might it include, and why should this intervention improve John’s performance?
Robert S. Weinberg and Jean M. Williams  381

14. Discuss how a psychological skills program might be evaluated.

15. Discuss five practical pointers that may help make a psychological skills program more
effective. Cite specific practical examples and research to support your points.

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A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting
Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs
Frank L. Smoll, University of Washington
Ronald E. Smith, University of Washington

We use the psychology of positive. We see things as they could become and strive to make it happen. That’s
so empowering on a daily basis.
—Pete Carroll, National Football League coach

There are several routes to knowledge and sound Given the inadequacy of human observation,
practice in sport psychology. Personal experience we cringe when some sport psychology consultants
and informal observations are typically the first reject the need for scientific study of an interven-
stage in the process of scientific inquiry. People tion based on the faulty notion that “I don’t need
do something or they notice something of interest to test it, because I know it works from my own
and try to figure out why it occurred, or they draw experience.” The pages of history illustrate well the
conclusions from their personal observations. This folly that can result from this way of “knowing.” For
is a good starting point, but experiential knowledge instance, in the history of medicine, experiential
cannot be the end point for an ethically grounded knowledge has served as the basis for procedures
science of sport psychology. The reason is that per- that physicians “knew” were effective from their
sonal judgments and conclusions are likely tainted clinical experience, including purging, blood-letting,
by various sources of error, including self-serving blistering, and lobotomies. Unfortunately for their
biases that selectively reinforce already-existing patients, these treatments were later shown through
beliefs and mental operations that cause us to make empirical research not only to be ineffective but also
misjudgments about reality. Indeed, psychologist dangerous and sometimes fatal. Today, all major
Daniel Kahneman won the 2002 Nobel Prize in medical and psychological organizations champion
Economics for his pioneering research on the falli- evidence-based practice (see Institute of Medicine,
bility of human judgment, even by so-called experts 2001; McHugh & Barlow, 2010). This means that
in their fields. all interventions (whether medical or behavioral)

Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  387

should be based on firm empirical evidence, and observation. An empirical foundation for coach-
they should have demonstrated efficacy derived ing guidelines not only enhances their validity and
from outcome research in which interventions are potential value but also increases their credibility in
formally compared with control conditions. the eyes of clients.
Most coaches are fairly well versed in the tech-
nical aspects of their sport, but they rarely have had Theoretical Model and Research Paradigm
any formal training in creating a healthy psycholog-
Recognition of the potential impact of coaches
ical environment for athletes. It is here that sport
on athletes’ psychological welfare prompted us to
psychology consultants are capable of making signif-
develop a cognitive-mediational model of coach–
icant contributions, by developing and conducting
athlete interactions (Smoll, Smith, Curtis, & Hunt,
educational programs that positively affect coach-
1978). The basic elements of the model are repre-
ing behaviors and thereby increase the likelihood
sented as follows:
that athletes will have positive experiences. With
regard to evaluation of coach-training programs, COACH BEHAVIORS
qualitative testimonials from coaches and practi- ATHLETES’ PERCEPTIONS AND RECALL
tioners are of interest. However, as affirmed earlier, ATHLETES’ EVALUATIVE REACTIONS
they are no substitute for experimental demonstra-
tions of program efficacy. Likewise, programs that This model stipulates that the ultimate effects of
are promoted as “scientifically based” because they coaching behaviors are mediated by the athletes’
are founded on scientific data obtained in other recall and the meaning they attribute to the coach’s
areas of psychology cannot be considered to be evi- actions. In other words, what athletes remember
dence based until the program itself is evaluated in about their coach’s behaviors and how they inter-
carefully controlled research. pret these actions affect the way athletes evaluate
This chapter begins with an overview of the their sport experiences. Furthermore, a complex of
development and systematic evaluation of two cognitive and affective processes is involved at this
interventions designed to assist coaches in relating mediational level. These processes are likely to be
more effectively to young athletes. Consideration affected not only by the coach’s behaviors but also
is then given to cognitive-behavioral principles and by other factors, such as the athlete’s age, what he
techniques for implementing psychologically ori- or she expects of coaches (normative beliefs and
ented coach-training programs. Although the focus expectations), and certain personality variables such
throughout is on youth sports, the various methods as self-esteem and anxiety. Eventually, the basic three-
and approaches are applicable to sport psychology element model was expanded to reflect these factors
workshops for coaches at virtually all levels of com- (Smoll & Smith, 1989). The more comprehensive
petition, including the professional ranks. model specifies a number of situational as well as
coach and athlete individual difference variables that
are expected to influence coach behaviors and the
Developing Coach-Training Programs perceptions and reactions of athletes to them.
In accordance with the model, we studied how
A crucial first step in developing training programs observed coaching behaviors, athletes’ perception
is to determine what to present. In addressing and recall of the coach’s behaviors, and athlete atti-
this issue, our work was guided by a fundamen- tudes are interrelated. We also explored the manner
tal assumption that training programs should be in which athlete and coach individual difference
based on scientific evidence rather than on intu- variables might serve as moderator variables, influ-
ition or what we “know” on the basis of informal encing behavior–attitude relations. An overview of
388 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

our basic and applied research is presented next. permit the direct observation and coding of coaches’
A more detailed account appears elsewhere (Smith & actions during practices and games (Smith, Smoll, &
Smoll, 2011), and abstracts of the studies are Hunt, 1977). The behavioral categories, derived
posted on our Youth Enrichment in Sports website from content analyses of observers’ verbal descrip-
( tions of coach behavior-situation units using a
time-sampling procedure, are shown in Table 18-1.
Measurement of Coaching Behaviors The 12 CBAS categories are divided into two
To measure leadership behaviors, we developed the major classes of behaviors. Reactive (elicited) behav-
Coaching Behavior Assessment System (CBAS) to iors are responses to immediately preceding athlete

Table 18-1  Response Categories of the Coaching Behavior Assessment System

Response Category Behavioral Description

Class I: Reactive (Elicited) Behaviors

Responses to desirable performance
 Reinforcement A positive, rewarding reaction (verbal or nonverbal) to a good
play or good effort
 Nonreinforcement Failure to respond to a good performance
Responses to mistakes
 Mistake-contingent encouragement Encouragement given to an athlete following a mistake
 Mistake-contingent technical instruction Instructing or demonstrating to an athlete how to correct a mistake
 Punishment A negative reaction (verbal or nonverbal) following a mistake
 Punitive technical instruction Technical instruction following a mistake given in a punitive or
hostile manner
 Ignoring mistakes Failure to respond to an athlete’s mistake
Responses to misbehavior
 Keeping control Reactions intended to restore or maintain order among team

Class II: Spontaneous (Emitted) Behaviors

Game related
 General technical instruction Spontaneous instruction in the techniques and strategies of the
sport (not following a mistake)
 General encouragement Spontaneous encouragement that does not follow a mistake
 Organization Administrative behavior that sets the stage for play by assigning,
for example, duties, responsibilities, and positions
Game irrelevant
 General communication Interactions with athletes unrelated to the game/practice

Adapted from Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L., & E. B. Hunt. A system for the behavioral assessment of athletic coaches. Research
Quarterly, 48, 1977, 401–407.
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  389

or team behaviors, whereas spontaneous (emitted) We also obtained coaches’ postseason ratings of
behaviors are initiated by the coach and are not a how frequently they engaged in each of the observed
response to a discernible preceding event. Use of behaviors.
the CBAS in observing and coding coaching behav- These data provided clear evidence for the
iors in a variety of sports indicates that the scoring crucial role of the coach. We found that win-loss
system is sufficiently comprehensive to incorporate records bore little relation to our psychosocial
the vast majority of overt leader behaviors, that high outcome measures (i.e., reactions to coach,
interrater reliability can be obtained, and that indi- enjoyment, and self-esteem); virtually all of the
vidual differences in behavioral patterns can be dis- systematic variance was accounted for by differences
cerned (Smith, Smoll, & Christensen, 1996). in coaching behaviors. Not surprisingly, we found
that the most positive outcomes occurred when
children played for coaches who engaged in high
Coaching Behaviors and Children’s levels of positive reinforcement, who responded
Evaluative Reactions to mistakes with encouragement and technical
Following development of the CBAS, a systematic instruction, and who emphasized the importance
program of research was carried out over a period of fun and personal improvement over winning. Not
of several years (Curtis, Smith, & Smoll, 1979; only did the children who had such coaches like
Smith & Smoll, 1990; Smith, Smoll, & Curtis, 1978; their coaches more and have more fun, but they also
Smith, Zane, Smoll, & Coppel, 1983; Smoll et al., liked their teammates more.
1978). This involved pursuing several questions con- A study of 268 male and female youth
cerning the potential impact of youth coaches on basketball players yielded similar results to those
athletes’ psychological welfare. For example, how discussed earlier (Cumming, Smoll, Smith, &
frequently do coaches engage in behaviors such Grossbard, 2007). The athletes’ attitudes toward the
as encouragement, punishment, instruction, and coach were positively associated with perceptions of
organization, and how are observable coaching a supportive, learning-oriented sport environment
behaviors related to children’s reactions to their and negatively associated with perceptions of
organized athletic experiences? Answers to such a coaching climate that emphasized gaining
questions not only were a first step in describing the superiority over others. Win-loss percentages
behavioral ecology of one aspect of the youth sport positively predicted players’ evaluations of their
setting, but also provided an empirical basis for the coach’s knowledge and teaching ability, but
development of a psychologically oriented interven- accounted for far less attitudinal variance than
tion program. did measures of the coaching climate. Moreover,
The results indicated that the typical baseball or young athletes’ sport enjoyment and evaluations of
basketball coach engages in more than 200 codable their coach were more strongly related to coaching
actions during an average game. We were thus able behaviors than to their team’s win-loss record.
to generate behavioral profiles of up to several A more recent study also reported stronger and more
thousand responses over the course of a season. In pervasive relations between coaching climate and
large-scale observational studies, we coded more than athletes’ attitudes toward their coach, teammates,
80,000 behaviors of some 70 male youth coaches, and sport experience than did winning (Breiger,
then interviewed and administered questionnaires Cumming, Smith, & Smoll, 2015).
after the season to nearly 1,000 children Another important issue concerns the degree of
in their homes to measure their recall of their accuracy with which coaches perceive their own behav-
coaches’ behaviors and their evaluative reactions to iors. Correlations between CBAS-observed behaviors
the coach, their sport experiences, and themselves. and coaches’ ratings of how frequently they performed
390 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

the behaviors were generally low and nonsignificant. of anything approximating acceptable scientific evi-
The only actions on their self-report measure that cor- dence. We therefore felt it was important not only to
related significantly (around 0.50) with the observa- develop an empirical foundation for a coach-training
tional measures were the punitive behaviors. Overall, program but also to measure its effects on coaches
we found that children’s ratings on the same perceived and the youngsters who play for them.
behavior scales correlated much more highly with Our intervention, which is known as Coach
CBAS measures than did the coaches’ own reports! It Effectiveness Training (CET), was conceptualized
thus appears that coaches were, for the most part, bliss- within a cognitive-behavioral framework (Bandura,
fully unaware of how they behaved and that athletes 1986). It was specifically designed to train coaches
were more accurate perceivers of actual coach behav- to provide a more positive and socially supportive
iors. Because behavior change requires an awareness athletic environment for their young athletes. In an
of how one currently is behaving, this finding clearly initial field experiment (Smith, Smoll, & Curtis,
indicated the need to increase coaches’ self-awareness 1979), 31 Little League Baseball coaches were ran-
when developing an intervention program. domly assigned either to an experimental (training)
The data from one of our field studies were group or to a no-treatment control group. During
also used to test a hypothesis derived from a a preseason CET workshop, behavioral guidelines
self-enhancement model of self-esteem (Smith & derived from our earlier research were presented
Smoll, 1990). This model posits that people who are and modeled by the trainers. In addition to the
low in self- esteem are particularly responsive to vari- information- modeling portion of the program,
ations in supportiveness from others because they behavioral feedback and self-monitoring proce-
have a strong need for positive feedback from others dures were employed in an attempt to increase
(or, alternatively, because they find a lack of support the coaches’ self-awareness of their behaviors and
to be highly aversive). This hypothesis was strongly to encourage them to comply with the coaching
supported by the data; the greatest difference in liking guidelines. To provide behavioral feedback, observ-
for supportive (reinforcing and encouraging) versus ers trained in the use of the CBAS observed exper-
nonsupportive coaches was found for children who imental group coaches for two complete games.
were low in self-esteem. Also consistent with a self- Behavioral profiles for each coach were derived
enhancement model, boys with low self-esteem from these observations and were then mailed to
showed the greatest difference in attraction toward the coaches so that they were able to see the dis-
(i.e., liking for) coaches who were either quite high tribution of their own behaviors. Trained coaches
or quite low on a behavioral dimension identified were also given brief self-monitoring forms that
through factor analysis as instructiveness (general they completed immediately after the first ten
technical instruction and mistake-contingent technical games of the season.
instruction versus general communication and general To assess the effects of the experimental pro-
encouragement). Instructiveness should be relevant gram, CBAS data was collected throughout the
to self-enhancement, because athletes are likely to season, and behavioral profiles were generated for
perceive such behaviors as contributing to skill incre- each coach in the experimental and control groups.
ments that would increase positive self-regard. Postseason outcome measures were obtained from
325 children in individual data collection sessions in
their homes. On both observed behavior and player
Assessing the Efficacy perception measures, the trained coaches differed
of a Coach-Training Program from the controls in a manner consistent with the
Sweeping conclusions are often drawn about the coaching guidelines. The trained coaches gave more
efficacy of intervention programs in the absence reinforcement in response to good performance and
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  391

effort, and they responded to mistakes with more baseball and a higher level of attraction among
encouragement and technical instruction and with teammates, despite the fact that their teams did
fewer punitive responses. These behavioral differ- not differ from controls in win-loss records.
ences were, in turn, reflected in their players’ atti- • Consistent with a self-esteem enhancement
tudes. Although the average win-loss percentages of model, children with low self-esteem who played
the two groups of coaches did not differ, the trained for the trained coaches exhibited a significant
coaches were better liked and were rated as better increase in general self-esteem over the course
teachers. Additionally, players on their teams liked of the season; youngsters with low self-esteem in
one another more and enjoyed their sport experi- the control group did not change (Smoll, Smith,
ences more. These results likely reflect the more Barnett, & Everett, 1993).
socially supportive environment created by the
trained coaches. Perhaps most encouraging was the • Children who played for the CET coaches
fact that children who played for the trained coaches manifested lower levels of performance anxiety
exhibited a significant increase on a measure of gen- than did the control children (Smith, Smoll, &
eral self-esteem compared to scores obtained a year Barnett, 1995).
earlier, while those who played for the untrained Some issues regarding experimental design
coaches showed no significant change. deserve mention. In our initial CET field experi-
Replication of our research on the efficacy of ment, coaches were randomly assigned to the con-
CET was conducted with the inclusion of several ditions (Smith et al., 1979). Fortunately, there was
additional outcome measures. The study included no difference in the mean win-loss percentages of
18 coaches and 152 children who participated in teams coached by the experimental and control
three Little League Baseball programs. Using a group coaches. Team success (winning) was thus
quasi-experimental design, one league (eight teams) ruled out as a plausible explanation for the differ-
was designated as the experimental group. The ences obtained in the outcome variables. In the
no-treatment control group included ten teams replication studies, assignment to the experimental
from two other leagues. Prior to the season, the or control group was made by league rather than
experimental group coaches participated in CET. within leagues (Smith et al., 1995; Smoll et al.,
The control coaches participated in a technical 1993). Use of separate, intact groups helped to
skills training workshop conducted by the Seattle ensure the integrity of the intervention by reducing
Mariners baseball team. To assess the effects of the possibility of contamination (communication of
CET, preseason and postseason data were collected training guidelines to control coaches). Moreover,
for 62 and 90 children in the experimental and this procedure guaranteed that the average win-loss
control groups, respectively. The study yielded four records of the teams in the experimental and con-
major results: trol conditions would be an identical 50 percent.
• The CET intervention resulted in player-
perceived behavioral differences between trained Achievement Goals, Motivational
and untrained coaches that were consistent with Climate, and Coaching
the behavioral guidelines. The sport environment is inherently a competence
• Behavioral differences resulting from the CET and achievement context. Consequently, motiva-
program were accompanied by player evaluative tional factors play an important role in determining
responses that favored the trained coaches. They the ultimate effects of participation on psychosocial
were better liked and rated as better teachers, development. As a theoretical framework, achieve-
and their players reported more fun playing ment goal theory provides an appropriate vantage
392 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

point from which to explore factors (e.g., coach In an ego state, social comparison plays a major
behaviors) that might affect motivated behavior role in self-perceived success, and the emphasis is
in youth sports. Achievement goal theory (Ames, on outperforming others in order to attain recog-
1992a; Dweck, 1999; Nicholls, 1989) focuses on nition and status. Thus, ego-oriented people define
understanding the function and the meaning of success as winning or being better than others. They
goal-directed actions, based on how participants are always comparing themselves with others and
define ability and how they judge whether or not don’t feel successful unless they view themselves as
they have demonstrated competence. Although a performing better than others. Anything short of
variety of variables are incorporated into achieve- victory is failure and indicates to them that they are
ment goal theory (e.g., goal states, attributions, fear inferior.
of failure, self-perceived competence, incremental Historically, several different labels have been
and entity implicit theories of competence), two of attached to the two major classes of achievement
the central constructs have received particular atten- goal orientations. Mastery and task have been used
tion in the sport literature, namely, individual goal interchangeably by various theorists and research-
orientations that guide achievement perceptions and ers, as have ego and performance (e.g., Ames, 1992a,
behavior and the motivational climate created within 1992b; Duda & Whitehead, 1998; Dweck, 1986;
adult-controlled achievement settings. An overview Midgley et al., 2000; Nicholls, 1989; Roberts,
of these constructs as related to coach–athlete Treasure, & Kavussanu, 1997). We find the terms
interactions follows. Comprehensive discussions mastery and ego to be more semantically meaning-
of achievement goal theory and its implications for ful in relation to the underlying constructs, as well
coaching practice appear elsewhere (e.g., Chapter 4; as the characteristics of the measures developed to
Duda & Balaguer, 2007; Roberts, Teasure, & assess them (Cumming, Smith, Smoll, Standage, &
Conroy, 2007). Grossbard, 2008; Smith, Cumming, & Smoll,
2008). Thus, we have chosen these labels for use in
Goal orientations. In essence, goal orientations our work.
involve the criteria individuals use to define suc-
cess. This dispositional variable is a product of Motivational climate. Achievement goal theory
and contributes to (along with situational factors) also addresses environmental factors that foster
goal involvement states in achievement situations. mastery or ego involvement. Because achievement
Achievement goal theory focuses on mastery and behavior is influenced by interacting personal and
ego orientations and states. When an individual situational factors, situational factors can predis-
is in a mastery state, success is defined in a self- pose individuals to enter particular goal states
referenced manner and is focused on skill develop- and, over time, to acquire a disposition toward
ment, task mastery, and exerting maximum effort. experiencing mastery or ego goal states. This is
In a sense, mastery-oriented people compare them- influenced, however, by the way in which relevant
selves with themselves. They can feel success and adults structure the situation and define success
satisfaction when they have learned something (Ames, 1992a, 1992b). A mastery climate is one in
new, witnessed skill improvement in themselves, or which teachers, coaches, or parents define success
given maximum effort. Legendary UCLA basketball in terms of self-improvement, task mastery, and
coach John Wooden captured the essence of a mas- exhibiting maximum effort and dedication. In such
tery orientation in his famous definition of success: a climate, students and athletes tend to adopt adap-
“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of tive achievement strategies, such as selecting chal-
self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to lenging tasks, giving maximum effort, persisting in
do the best of which you are capable.” the face of setbacks, and taking pride in personal
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  393

improvement. In both academic and sport set- on coaching behaviors and their effects, coaches are
tings, a wide range of salutary outcomes have been encouraged to increase four specific behaviors: pos-
linked to a mastery- involving motivational cli- itive reinforcement, mistake-contingent encourage-
mate, including a stronger mastery orientation on ment, corrective instruction given in a positive and
the part of participants, greater enjoyment and sat- encouraging fashion, and sound technical instruc-
isfaction, stronger intrinsic and self-determination tion. Coaches are urged to avoid nonreinforcement
motivation, group cohesion, and lower levels of of positive behaviors, punishment for mistakes, and
performance anxiety. punitive technical instruction following mistakes.
In contrast, an ego-involving climate promotes They are also instructed how to establish team rules
social comparison as a basis for success judgments and reinforce compliance with them to avoid disci-
and tends to foster an ego achievement orientation. pline problems and to reinforce socially supportive
When coaches create an ego climate, they tend to behaviors among team members. These behavioral
give differential attention and concentrate positive guidelines, shown in Table 18-2, are designed to
reinforcement on athletes who are most competent increase positive coach–athlete interactions, enhance
and instrumental to winning, the importance of team solidarity, reduce fear of failure, and promote a
which is emphasized. Rivalry among teammates positive atmosphere for skill development (Smith &
may be encouraged by comparing them openly Smoll, 2012).
with one another. Inadequate performances or The second important MAC theme, derived
mistakes are often punished with criticism, teach- from CET and also from achievement goal theory
ing athletes that mistakes are to be avoided at all and research, is a conception of success as giving
costs and thereby building fear of failure. Another maximum effort and becoming the best one can be,
unfortunate outcome associated with ego environ- rather than an emphasis on winning or outperform-
ments is the willingness to win at all costs, even if ing others. Coaches are thus encouraged to empha-
rule breaking is required to gain the needed advan- size and reinforce effort as well as outcome, to help
tage. A statement by George Allen, Pro Football their athletes become the best they can be by giving
Hall of Fame coach, typifies an ego environment: individualized attention to all athletes and by setting
“In this game, you’re either a winner or a loser. personalized goals for improvement, to define suc-
Success means winning championships. Anything cess as maximizing one’s athletic potential, and to
else is failure.” emphasize the importance of having fun and getting
better as opposed to winning at all costs. This orien-
tation is consistent with the procedures designed by
The Mastery Approach to Coaching
Ames (1992a, 1992b) and Epstein (1988, 1989) to
Inspired in part by the impressive research outcomes create a mastery learning climate in the classroom.
associated with a mastery-oriented climate, we rede-
signed CET to fit the framework of achievement goal
theory. The new program, which is called the Mastery Outcome Research
Approach to Coaching (MAC), incorporates con- The CET/MAC intervention has been evalu-
tent on goal orientations and motivational climate ated numerous times in experimental and quasi-
and includes specific guidelines on how to create a experimental studies. These studies have assessed
mastery climate. Accordingly, MAC focuses on two the effects of the interventions on a host of behav-
major themes. First, it strongly emphasizes the dis- ioral, attitudinal, social, motivational, and person-
tinction between positive versus aversive control of ality variables. We now summarize the results of
behavior (see Chapter 3). In a series of coaching do’s CET and MAC field experiments conducted by
and don’ts derived from the foundational research our research group in the sports of baseball and
394 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

Table 18-2  Summary of Mastery Approach to Coaching Guidelines

I. Reacting to Athlete Behaviors and Game Situations

A. Good plays
Do: Provide reinforcement! Do so immediately. Let the athletes know that you appreciate and value their efforts.
Reinforce effort as much as you do results. Look for positive things, reinforce them, and you will see them
increase. Remember, whether athletes show it or not, the positive things you say and do remain with them.
Don’t: Take their efforts for granted.
B. Mistakes
Do: Give encouragement immediately after mistakes. That’s when the youngster needs your support the most. If
you are sure the athlete knows how to correct the mistake, then encouragement alone is sufficient. When appro-
priate, give corrective instruction, but always do so in an encouraging manner. Do this by emphasizing not the bad
things that just happened but the good things that will happen if the athlete follows your instruction (the “why” of
it). This will make the athlete positively self-motivated to correct the mistakes rather than negatively motivated to
avoid failure and your disapproval.
Don’t: Punish when things are going wrong! Punishment isn’t just yelling. It can be tone of voice, action, or any
indication of disapproval. Athletes respond much better to a positive approach. Fear of failure is reduced if you
work to reduce fear of punishment. Indications of displeasure should be limited to clear cases of lack of effort;
but, even here, criticize the lack of effort rather than the athlete as a person.
Don’t: Give corrective instruction in a hostile, demeaning, or harsh manner. That is, avoid punitive instruction.
This is more likely to increase frustration and create resentment than to improve performance. Don’t let your
good intentions in giving instruction be self-defeating.
C. Misbehaviors, lack of attention
Do: Maintain order by establishing clear expectations. Emphasize that during a game all members of the team are
part of the activity, even those on the bench. Use reinforcement to strengthen team participation. In other words,
try to prevent misbehaviors by using the positive approach to strengthen their opposites.
Don’t: Get into the position of having to constantly nag or threaten athletes to prevent chaos. Don’t be a drill
sergeant. If an athlete refuses to cooperate, deprive him or her of something valued. Don’t use physical measures,
such as running laps. The idea here is that if you establish clear behavioral guidelines early and work to build
team spirit in achieving them, you can avoid having to repeatedly keep control. Youngsters want clear guidelines
and expectations, but they don’t want to be regimented. Try to achieve a healthy balance.
II. Getting Positive Things to Happen and Creating a Good Learning Atmosphere
Do: Give technical instruction. Establish your role as a caring and competent teacher. Try to structure participa-
tion as a learning experience in which you are going to help the athletes become the best they can be. Always give
instruction in a positive way. Satisfy your athletes’ desire to improve their skills. Give instruction in a clear, con-
cise manner and, if possible, demonstrate how to do skills correctly.
Do: Give encouragement. Encourage effort, don’t demand results. Use encouragement selectively so that it is
meaningful. Be supportive without acting like a cheerleader.
Do: Concentrate on the activity. Be “in the game” with the athletes. Set a good example for team unity.
Don’t: Give either instruction or encouragement in a sarcastic or degrading manner. Make a point, then leave it.
Don’t let “encouragement” become irritating to the athletes.

Note: These guidelines were excerpted from the manual that is given to MAC workshop participants (Smoll & Smith, 2009).
Smoll, F. L., & Ronald E Smith. Coaches who never lose: Making sure athletes win, no matter what the score. California: Warde
Publishers, Inc, 2005.
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  395

basketball, and by other investigators in basketball, mastery scores, a significant group difference
soccer, swimming, and volleyball. was found on the mastery score of an academic
achievement goal scale (Smoll et al., 2007). This
• The coach-training intervention resulted in result suggests the importance of assessing gen-
observed (CBAS) and athlete-perceived behav-
eralization effects of sport-related interventions
ioral differences between trained and untrained
on athletes’ functioning in other life domains.
coaches that were consistent with the CET/
MAC principles and behavioral guidelines. • Children low in self-esteem who played for
Thus, the training program was successful in trained coaches showed significant increases
promoting a more desirable pattern of coaching in feelings of self-worth. Youngsters with low
behaviors (Cruz, Mora, Sousa, & Alcaraz, 2016; self-esteem in the control group did not change
Lewis, Groom, & Roberts, 2014; Smith et al., (Akiyama, Gregorio, & Kobayashi, 2018;
1979; Smoll, Smith, & Cumming, 2007; Sousa, Coatsworth & Conroy, 2006; Smith et al., 1979;
Cruz, Torreggosa, Vilches, & Viladrich, 2006; Smoll et al., 1993).
Sousa, Smith, & Cruz, 2008). • Young athletes who played for trained coaches
• Athletes’ reports of their team’s coach-initiated showed significant decreases in sport perfor-
motivational climate clearly supported the effi- mance anxiety over the course of the season
cacy of the intervention (Smoll et al., 2007). (Conroy & Coatsworth, 2004; Smith et al.,
More exactly, compared with untrained coaches, 1995; Smith, Smoll, & Cumming, 2007).
trained coaches received significantly higher • Children who played for untrained coaches
mastery-climate scores and lower ego-climate dropped out of sports at a higher rate than those
scores on the Motivational Climate Scale for who played for trained coaches (Barnett, Smoll, &
Youth Sports (Smith et al., 2008). Smith, 1992). In line with this, young athletes
• Trained coaches were better liked and rated who played for trained coaches were more likely
as better teachers, and their athletes reported to stay engaged on a daily basis in the program
more fun playing the sport and a higher level (Smoll et al., 2007).
of attraction among teammates (Smith et al., Evidence for the efficacy of the CET/MAC
1979). Increases in athletes’ perceptions of both intervention has been provided by six different
task-related and social group cohesion have also research groups. Outcome studies have shown that
been reported for youngsters who played for the empirically derived behavioral principles can be
trained versus untrained coaches (McLaren, readily applied by coaches and that their applica-
Eys, & Murray, 2015). tion has beneficial effects on a range of psychoso-
• Differential patterns of change occurred in cial outcome variables in young athletes.
achievement goal orientations over the course
of the season. Male and female athletes who
played for trained coaches exhibited increases in Implementing Sport Psychology
mastery goal orientation scores and significant Workshops for Coaches
decreases in ego orientation scores. In contrast,
athletes who played for control group coaches Creating a Positive Learning Environment
did not change in their goal orientations from The most basic objectives of MAC and other sport
preseason to late season (Smoll et al., 2007). psychology training programs are to communicate
• Paralleling a significant difference between coaching principles in a way that is easy to under-
intervention and control groups in sport-related stand and to maximize the likelihood that coaches
396 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

will adopt the information. Because of this, the to protect athletes from coaches. Indeed, most
importance of creating a positive learning environ- volunteer coaches have commendable motives
ment cannot be overemphasized. Even the very best for coaching (Smith et al., 1978), and they gener-
program is of little value if presented in a way that ally make positive contributions to children’s well-
creates antagonism and defensiveness on the part being. A final breach is to convey the impression
of coaches. that what the coaches have been doing is incorrect.
There are several considerations in setting the Rather, we emphasize that many options are avail-
stage for a successful session. A major point is to able for dealing with particular coaching situations,
convey respect for the participating coaches. They and although all of these tactics may work in some
really deserve it! Indeed, without their unselfish cases, certain procedures have a greater likelihood
involvement, there could be no organized athletics than others of being successful. By counteracting
for children and youth. the notion of “right versus wrong,” we stress the
Next, at the very outset of a training session we importance of flexibility and thus attempt to make
emphasize that the coaches themselves have a great coaches receptive to alternative ways of responding
deal to offer as a result of their own experiences and to specific circumstances.
associated practical knowledge. We attempt to take
advantage of their expertise by encouraging them to
share it with the group. In conducting a MAC work-
Orientation to the Psychology
shop as a two-way sharing of information, coaches are of Coaching and a Mastery-Oriented
treated as an integral part of the session rather than Philosophy of Winning
a mere audience. The open atmosphere for exchange In introducing the psychology of coaching, work-
promotes active rather than passive learning, and the shop participants should first be made aware of the
dialogue serves to enhance the participants’ interest importance of their role as coaches. Some coaches
and involvement in the learning process. underestimate their influence, and they must be
A final key to successful program implemen- reminded of the many ways they can affect young
tation is to put a considerable amount of sincere athletes. Information and increased awareness of
enthusiasm into leading the workshop. When a what they are doing can help them optimize the
trainer truly enjoys his or her teaching role, the desirable effects they can have on young athletes.
pleasurable feeling ultimately carries over to the It is generally believed that athletes can learn
coaches. In such an atmosphere, coaches’ attention from both winning and losing. But for this to occur,
and involvement are likely to be enhanced, increas- winning must be placed in a healthy perspective.
ing the enjoyment of coaches and trainer alike. Consistent with Coach John Wooden’s definition of
In contrast to this, three strategies are virtually success, we therefore developed a four-part philos-
guaranteed to create hostility and resistance from ophy of winning that is taught in MAC (Smith &
coaches. One is to approach coaches in a conde- Smoll, 2012, pp. 27–28):
scending manner. In other words, the thing not to
do is communicate how much you think you know 1. Winning isn’t everything, nor is it the only thing.
and how little they know. An associated implica- Athletes cannot get the most out of sports if
tion concerns the way a trainer is introduced at the they think that the only objective is to beat their
beginning of a workshop. We recommend against opponents. Although winning is an important
presenting an extensive list of credentials and pro- goal, it is not the most important objective.
fessional accomplishments, which tends to convey 2. Failure is not the same thing as losing. It is import-
an air of elitism. Another contraindicated approach ant that athletes do not view losing as a sign of
is to intimate that your training program is designed failure or as a threat to their personal value.
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  397

3. Success is not equivalent to winning. Neither the coaches. In regard to this, Kaslow stated that
success nor failure need depend on the out- “translating psychological science means convey-
come of a contest or on a win-loss record. ing the message in a comprehensible, memorable,
Winning and losing pertain to the outcome of and relevant manner so the audience appreciates
a contest, whereas success and failure do not. what it means and what difference the science
4. Athletes should be taught that success is found makes” (2015, p. 361). A 75-minute MAC workshop
in striving for victory (i.e., success is related to therefore includes a description of the basic differ-
commitment and effort). Athletes should be ences between a mastery- and ego-oriented motiva-
taught that they are never “losers” if they give tional climate. The creation of a mastery climate is
maximum effort. strongly recommended, and a list of research-based
effects of such a climate is presented.
This philosophy is designed to maximize young A number of considerations underlie our com-
athletes’ enjoyment of sport and their chances of mitment to presenting empirical results. First of
deriving the benefits of participation, partly as a all, expertise (special knowledge) and trustwor-
result of combating competitive anxiety (Smith, thiness (the quality of meriting confidence) are
Smoll, & Passer, 2002). Although seeking victory two critically important variables in communi-
is encouraged, the ultimate importance of winning cating credibility (Petty & Wegener, 1998). Both
is reduced relative to other participation motives. In are enhanced when data is presented rather than
recognition of the inverse relation between enjoy- intuitive beliefs. Coaches have greater confidence
ment and post-competition stress, fun is highlighted in a training program when they know the content
as the paramount objective. The philosophy also is not merely composed of armchair psychology or
promotes separation of the athlete’s feelings of self- athletic folklore. Second, the presence of empirical
worth from the game’s outcome, which serves to data arouses the curiosity and involvement of the
help overcome fear of failure. participants. Coaches show a great deal of inter-
Because they tend to project adult values onto est in the research, which stimulates their active
children, many coaches seem to believe that how involvement in the workshop. Also, presentation
their athletes feel about them hinges on how suc- of unexpected results prevents either the trainer
cessfully the team performs. Yet, as noted earlier, or the coaches from believing they already know
our own research has shown that differences in all the answers. Third, the ability to demonstrate
coaching behaviors consistently accounted for sig- empirically that certain behaviors have positive
nificantly more variance in player attitudes toward effects on children serves to arouse the expecta-
the coach than did win-loss records (Breiger et al., tion that the coaches can produce similar effects
2015; Cumming et al., 2007; Smith et al., 1978). if they themselves apply the behavioral guidelines.
Stressing this finding to coaches tends to make This may increase their motivation to learn and
them more receptive to the philosophy of winning apply the information.
that we advocate. There are some practical points to be aware of
in presenting empirical results. Trainers should use
lay terms and avoid scientific jargon. It is best to
Presenting an Empirical Basis present data as simply as possible and to avoid tech-
for Coach-Training Programs nical details. In addition, appropriate use of visual
We believe in the importance of establishing an aids enhances any presentation. Diagrams and car-
empirical foundation for training guidelines, but we toons illustrating certain concepts and tables sum-
also feel that the ability to present supportive evi- marizing important principles serve to facilitate
dence increases the credibility of the guidelines for comprehension and retention.
398 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

Behavioral Guidelines and Their Presentation style. When coaches believe that adoption of the
The core of a MAC training session consists of a guidelines is a result of their own dedication and
series of empirically derived behavioral guidelines. effort, they are more likely to attribute behavioral
As discussed earlier, the coaching guidelines are changes to themselves rather than to the trainer.
based primarily on (a) social influence techniques This approach is supported by evidence that self-
that involve principles of positive control rather attributed behavioral changes are more enduring
than aversive control and (b) a mastery-oriented than those attributed to some outside causal agent
philosophy of winning. (Deci & Ryan, 1987).
As noted earlier, MAC workshops are con-
ducted with an interactive format to encourage
Didactic procedures. In a MAC workshop, behavioral
active participatory learning (Brookfield, 2004).
guidelines are presented both verbally and in a printed
Efforts are made to draw coaches into a discussion
manual given to the coaches. The manual (Smoll &
of the guidelines as opposed to using an exclusively
Smith, 2009) supplements the guidelines with con-
lecture-type approach. This is accomplished by
crete suggestions for communicating effectively with
directing questions to the coaches and then relating
young athletes, gaining their respect, and relating
their responses to the written materials. To use this
effectively to their parents. The importance of sensi-
instructional style, a trainer must be well versed in
tivity and being responsive to individual differences
the practical ramifications of the guidelines, their
among athletes is also stressed. The manual eliminates
applicability to various kinds of coaching situations,
the need for coaches to take notes; it facilitates their
and the kinds of questions they are likely to elicit
understanding of the information, and it gives coaches
from coaches.
a tangible resource to refer to in the future.
A practical problem occurs when coaches ask
Use of instructional technology is necessary
questions that are unrelated to the topic being cov-
for providing a multisensory stimulus and for coun-
ered. For example, during a discussion of principles
tering the potential influence of “verbalism”—the
of reinforcement, a coach might inquire about for-
tendency to place excessive reliance on words. In
mulating team rules. Our experience indicates that
MAC, animated PowerPoint slides and cartoons
answering such questions disrupts the sequencing
illustrating important points are used to present key
and continuity of concepts, which causes confusion
principles and add to the organizational quality of
for some coaches. A tactful procedure is to politely
the session. A word of caution is in order here. We
ask the coach to write down the question and to
have witnessed the collapse of several commendable
indicate when he or she should repeat the query.
presentations because of the failure of one or more
What are the secrets of effective, engaging pre-
electronic devices. Murphy’s Law—if anything can
sentations? In answering this question, Chamberlin
go wrong, it will—should be taken seriously when
(2000) interviewed six university faculty members,
preparing to give a coaching workshop. An essential
each of whom was known for delivering outstand-
preworkshop procedure should thus include an oper-
ing lectures. Their recommendations are presented
ational check of each piece of equipment.
here, along with comments by the professors.
In introducing coaching guidelines, we empha-
size that they should not be viewed as a “magic for- • Prepare, prepare, prepare. Practicing the work-
mula” and that mere knowledge of the principles is shop is an excellent way to thoroughly learn
not sufficient. We stress that the challenge is not so the material and feel comfortable speaking
much in learning the principles; they are relatively and answering questions about the content.
simple. Rather, the challenge is for the coach to inte- “Saying it out loud will highlight the sticky
grate the guidelines into his or her own coaching points and give you a chance to smooth those
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  399

out beforehand. It feels like you run the risk of workshop manual is that they can obtain consid-
making the lecture stale, but the energy in the erable information by reading on their own.
classroom will bring it to life and you feel like • Make improvements. Avoid doing the same thing
you are doing it for the first time” (p. 63). Some over and over, even though it is not working. If
experienced teachers bring notes or a script to your presentation style is not effective, be com-
every class—even for those they have done doz- mitted and courageous enough to change it. An
ens of times—and advise against trying to con- initial step toward improvement is to find out how
duct a session cold. As one expert states, “I may you are doing by asking coaches for feedback,
never look at my typed notes, but I always have especially if you feel they are not responding well
them there as a security blanket” (p. 63). to your style or are not learning. Furthermore, do
• Find your style. Seasoned lecturers warn about not get discouraged when you have a bad work-
the mistake of emulating a mentor or favorite shop. With sufficient dedication and effort, you
instructor. Rather, they emphasize the impor- will nail it and feel great the next time!
tance of performing in a way that reflects your
own style. “Your personality is a part of your Credibility and persuasiveness. A primary goal of
lecturing so you have to lecture in a way that our instructional approach is to change coaches’
is comfortable to your personality” (p. 63). In attitudes about some of their roles and responsibil-
other words, do what feels right. And, as noted ities and about their use of certain coaching behav-
earlier, whatever your approach, make enthusi- iors. Several aspects of the persuasion process, such
asm a big part of it. “Enthusiasm is infectious. If as credibility, trustworthiness, likeability, and nov-
you’re not excited about the material, they’re not elty, are utilized and have proven to be effective in a
going to be either” (p. 63). variety of intervention contexts (see Branscombe &
Baron, 2017; Cooper, Blackman, & Keller, 2016;
• Spice it up. The use of intermittent stories Petty & Wegener, 1998). In terms of personal
and anecdotes can enliven your presentation. characteristics, a highly credible communicator is
Weaving in personal sport stories or linking more effective in changing attitudes than one with
coaching principles to current research and low credibility. As Galbraith (2004) emphasized,
events helps keep workshop participants “[C]ommon sense tells us that being technically
engaged. One trap to avoid is relying solely on proficient in the content area within the teaching
computer graphics and technology to add flavor and learning encounter is paramount if it is going to
to a workshop. As a master teacher claims, “I have some meaning and value” (p. 4). Accordingly,
have sat through far too many sleep-inducing the best-qualified workshop presenter would be a
PowerPoint presentations that have had a lot of sport psychology consultant who is certified by the
power and no point” (p. 63). Association for Applied Sport Psychology.
• Cover less, not more. Another pitfall is packing Credibility is a multifaceted concept that seems
too much content into a workshop because of to be a function of at least expertise and trustwor-
the fear that coaches will not learn certain mate- thiness. As stated earlier, we endeavor to establish
rial if it is not included in the session. Trainers expertise in MAC by substantiating the content with
who try to cover too much inevitably end up empirical evidence from our own work and from
going too fast. In regard to this, “Less is the research of other sport psychology consultants
more. . . . Go slowly and thoughtfully through as well. With respect to trusting a communicator’s
the material” (p. 64). Additionally, one of intentions, credibility increases when the commu-
the benefits of providing participants with a nicator does not appear to be purposefully trying
400 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

to persuade the target (i.e., coaches in this case). able to conduct a MAC workshop as a mutual shar-
We therefore present information and coaching ing of information.
guidelines objectively, and as noted earlier, we spe- In addition to characteristics of the commu-
cifically avoid a “right versus wrong” orientation. In nicator, several facets of the message affect its per-
addition, because unexpected positions are gener- suasiveness. Coaches are generally not opposed to
ally seen as more trustworthy, we inform coaches the points of view advocated in MAC, so we usu-
that although we have been studying coach–athlete ally present one-sided communications. In some
interactions for more than 35 years, we simply do instances, however, we use two-sided presentation.
not have all the answers, and in some cases one This involves more than just acknowledging that
must be willing to say, “I don’t know.” The honesty another side exists. Rather, this approach analyzes
of such disclosures likely contributes to credibility. contrary perspectives to point out their deficiencies
The perceived similarity between a communica- and thus strengthen our position. For example, in
tor and the target of the message affects the power discussing recommendations relative to reinforce-
of persuasion. To increase the degree of perceived ment, the coaching guidelines are developed fully,
similarity with coaches, we customarily dress in a and their beneficial effects are substantiated with
fairly casual style. More important, while leading empirical evidence. Then, when aversive control is
discussions, we share examples from our own expe- considered, we proceed to point out the disadvan-
riences as athletes and coaches, and we often phrase tages of using punitive coaching behaviors. (See
comments with a “we” versus “you” perspective. Chapter 3 for a discussion of the negative side
The communicator’s likability also affects the effects of punishment.)
efficacy of persuasion. Because liking works by Using rhetorical questions is another way of
identification, we try to create a warm, friendly rap- influencing attitudes. We ask coaches rhetori-
port with coaches—partly by showing enjoyment in cal questions (questions to which no answer is
being with them and by expressing caring for them. expected) to stimulate their thinking and to make
Empirical work from the communication studies them pay closer attention to a communication. For
literature suggests that teachers’ behavioral cues of example, “What is the best way to maintain order
interpersonal warmth and students’ perceptions of and teach self-discipline?”
those behaviors are predictive of a variety of desir- Novelty of information also affects the message’s
able learning outcomes, including students’ liking impact. Some coaches may have had previous expo-
for the material and their intentions to act on what sure to some of MAC’s behavioral guidelines. We
they have learned (Friedrich & Douglass, 1998). attempt to make the principles seem unique by using
We therefore strive to be more persuasive agents by diagrams, charts, and cartoons for their presentation.
honestly and sincerely engaging in behaviors that Finally, humor can enhance the persuasiveness
are known to communicate caring for learners, such of messages. If used properly, humor can loosen up
as gesturing while lecturing, modulating one’s voice, a potentially tense atmosphere, make people feel
making eye contact, smiling, and self-disclosing. good, increase their responsiveness, and reveal a
Reciprocity is another factor that increases liking: more human side of the speaker (Barker & Gaut,
people tend to like those who like them. We com- 2002). Moreover, research suggests that humor
municate our high esteem for coaches by praising produces psychological and physiological benefits
their commitment to providing high-quality sport that help students learn (Stambor, 2006). We use
experiences for young athletes. Listening ability is humorous anecdotes whenever possible—not pri-
yet another factor in being likable. By encouraging marily for entertainment but as an educational tool
coaches to express themselves freely, and by listen- to help emphasize certain points and make concepts
ing attentively to them when they do, we are better memorable. This objective is best accomplished by
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  401

strongly establishing the link between humor and and athletes and prepare themselves for dealing
the point to be made such that coaches remem- with similar situations in the future. Other poten-
ber the key point, not just the good joke or story tial feedback procedures include coaches soliciting
(Farrah, 2004). input from athletes and provision of feedback by a
league committee.
Modeling. The instructional procedures described
earlier contain many verbal modeling cues that Self-monitoring. Another behavioral-change tech-
essentially tell coaches what to do. Information nique that has the potential for increasing coaches’
is also transmitted through behavioral modeling awareness of their own behavioral patterns and
cues (i.e., demonstrations showing coaches how to encouraging their compliance with the guidelines
behave in desirable ways). In MAC such cues are is self-monitoring (observing and recording one’s
presented by a live model (the trainer) and by sym- own behavior). This method of self-regulation has
bolic models (animated coach cartoons), as many proved to be an effective behavioral-change proce-
forms of modeling have been shown to be highly dure in a variety of intervention contexts (Chen,
effective in changing behavior (Bandura, 1986; Fearey, & Smith, 2017; Crews, Lochbaum, &
Perry & Furukawa, 1986). Karoly, 2001). To implement self-monitoring, the
MAC workshop manual contains a brief Coach
Role playing. Coaches are kept actively involved Self-Report Form, containing nine items related
in the training process through presentation of crit- to the behavioral guidelines (see Smoll & Smith,
ical situations and opportunities for them to role- 2009, p. 25). For example, “When athletes gave
play appropriate ways of responding. This form of good effort (regardless of the outcome), what
behavioral rehearsal has great promise in enhancing percent of the time did you respond with rein-
acquisition of desired behaviors, in providing the forcement?” MAC coaches are instructed to com-
opportunity to practice the behaviors, and in estab- plete the form immediately after practices and
lishing an increased level of participant involvement games, and they are encouraged to engage in self-
during the workshops. monitoring on a regular basis in order to achieve
optimal results.
Increasing Self-Awareness and Compliance
with Coaching Guidelines
A notable finding from observational studies is that A Final Word
coaches have very limited awareness of how they
behave, as indicated by low correlations between Given the ever-expanding nature of youth sports,
observed and coach-rated behaviors (N. Smith the need for effective coach-training programs is
et al., 2016; R. Smith et al., 1978). Because behav- obvious. Likewise, the large coach turnover from
ioral change does not occur without awareness of year to year creates a continuing demand for inter-
one’s behavior, MAC coaches are taught the use of vention. Our experience in offering workshops has
two proven behavioral-change techniques, namely, shown that youth coaches are committed to pro-
behavioral feedback and self-monitoring. viding positive experiences for youngsters; they are
willing to spend time to acquire additional informa-
Behavioral feedback. To obtain feedback, coaches tion; and they do take advantage of the availability
are encouraged to work with their assistants as a of workshops. An important feature of MAC is that
team and share descriptions of each other’s behav- it is a brief program that focuses on a relatively
iors (Huberman & O’Brien, 1999). They can discuss small number of critical principles and guidelines
alternative ways of dealing with difficult situations that clearly make a difference.
402 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

In concluding this chapter, it is appropriate of empirical attention is understandable, as propri-

to reaffirm that coach-training programs must be etors of existing programs have focused primarily on
evidence based. Indeed, the justification presented marketing and dissemination rather than evaluation,
earlier can be expanded with respect to the issue of and they have not had the benefit of research grants
social accountability/responsibility. Coach training to support evaluation research. We firmly believe
has become a large-scale commercial enterprise in that evaluation research is not only desirable but also
the United States, with the American Sport Education essential. In the words of Lipsey and Cordray (2000),
Program (, the National Youth Sports “[T]he overarching goal of the program evaluation
Coaches Association program (, and enterprise is to contribute to the improvement of
the Positive Coaching Alliance (www.positivecoach social conditions by providing scientifically credible
.org) among the most visible. Proponents of the pro- information and balanced judgment to legitimate
grams have good intentions, and they deserve credit social agents about the effectiveness of interventions
for increasing awareness of the importance of coach- intended to produce social benefits” (p. 346). It
ing education. Unfortunately, however, virtually follows that efforts to improve the quality of coaching
nothing is known about what effects these specific are best achieved by delivering evidence-based pro-
programs actually have on coaches and athletes and grams, and we strongly encourage sport psychology
how well they achieve their objectives. This absence consultants to do this.

We have described the development and evaluation of an empirically supported intervention
designed to assist coaches in providing a more positive and growth-inducing athletic experience
for athletes. This chapter provides guidelines in how to present such a program. We describe the
principles and ways we have found successful in presenting them with maximum positive impact.
As noted in the chapter, there are several virtues of presenting a program that is based on scientific
data rather than on experiential knowledge or speculation. First, you can have greater confidence
in the principles you are presenting. Even more important is the approach you can take in present-
ing the principles. You can present your workshop as informational in nature. In other words, you
can play to coaches’ desires to provide the best possible experience for youngsters (the prevailing
motivation for most volunteer coaches). You are not telling them what they “should do,” but rather
what research has shown to be effective in helping them meet their goals and how they can incor-
porate these findings into their own coaching style. We have always found coaches receptive to this
approach. By communicating simple but sound principles and showing coaches how to implement
them and become more self-aware, you provide tools that they can apply immediately. Once they
begin doing so, the positive responses from athletes and the reduced need to maintain discipline
through punitive means provide powerful sources of reinforcement that strengthen and maintain the
new behaviors. Many a coach has reported that applying the MAC principles resulted in the most
enjoyable season they had experienced in their coaching tenures, an outcome that is highly reinforc-
ing to the trainer as well.
Frank L. Smoll and Ronald E. Smith  403

Study Questions

1. Explain why evidence based coach-training programs are superior to interventions that are pri-
marily founded on experiential knowledge.
2. Describe the three basic elements of the mediational model of coach–athlete interactions that
served to guide the coaching-behavior research.
3. What are the two major classes of behaviors included in the CBAS, and what is the difference
between them?
4. Following development of the CBAS, field studies were conducted to establish relations
between coaching behaviors and children’s evaluative reactions. Describe the basic research
procedures, and discuss the major findings with respect to (a) the role of winning relative
to athletes’ psychosocial outcome measures, (b) relations between coaching behaviors and
athletes’ attitudinal responses, (c) the degree of accuracy with which coaches perceived their
own behaviors, and (d) the role of self-esteem as a mediator variable in coaching-behavior/
athlete-attitude relations.
5. Describe the research design and methodology incorporated in the studies that tested the effi-
cacy of CET. What were the results with respect to (a) behavioral differences between trained
and untrained coaches, (b) win-loss records, (c) players’ evaluative reactions to trained and
untrained coaches, (d) self-esteem effects, and (e) competitive anxiety differences between
youngsters who played for trained and untrained coaches?
6. With respect to achievement goal theory, what are the distinctions between (a) mastery and
ego goal orientations and (b) mastery and ego motivational climates?
7. Briefly describe the (a) major behavioral guidelines (i.e., coaching do’s and don’ts) and
(b) mastery-oriented philosophy of winning that are emphasized in the MAC program.
8. For the outcome research that was conducted to assess the efficacy of the CET/MAC inter-
vention, what were the results with respect to (a) observed and athlete-perceived behavior
differences between trained and untrained coaches, (b) differences between the motivational
climates created by trained and untrained coaches, (c) dispositional differences (sport-related
attitudes and perceptions) for athletes who played for trained versus untrained coaches,
(d) differential patterns of change in athletes’ achievement goal orientations, (e) group
differences in athletes’ academic achievement goals, (f) changes in athletes’ self-esteem,
(g) group differences in athletes’ sport performance anxiety, and (h) differences in sport
attrition for athletes who played for trained versus untrained coaches?
9. In implementing sport psychology workshops for coaches, the trainer should create a positive
learning environment. What are some ways to foster a receptive and cooperative attitude on
the part of coaches? What approaches should be avoided?
10. Describe the components of the healthy philosophy of winning that is taught in MAC, and
indicate how this orientation is designed to combat competitive anxiety.
11. In conducting a MAC workshop, what is the rationale/justification for presenting empirical
results to coaches?
404 Chapter 18   A Social-Cognitive Approach to Conducting Evidence Based Coach-Training Programs

12. What are the advantages of conducting coach-training programs with an interactive
format, and how might this be accomplished?
13. Discuss the key points associated with the following recommendations for making effective
presentations: (a) prepare, prepare, prepare; (b) find your style; (c) spice it up; (d) cover less,
not more; and (e) make improvements.
14. With respect to changing coaches’ attitudes during a training program, explain how the fol-
lowing aspects of the persuasion process might be taken into account: (a) credibility (exper-
tise and trustworthiness) of the trainer, (b) perceived similarity between the trainer and the
coaches, (c) likability of the trainer, (d) one-sided versus two-sided communications, (e) use of
rhetorical questions, (f) novelty of information, and (g) use of humor.
15. Describe the procedures that can be utilized to increase coaches’ self-awareness and their com-
pliance with coaching guidelines.

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Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence
Diane L. Gill, PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Cindra S. Kamphoff, PhD, Minnesota State University, Mankato

How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that has such
people in it!
—From William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, V, 1, 182

One size does NOT fit all!

Both our larger world and our sport world do indeed in sport, and then focuses on applied sport psychol-
include a wondrous diversity of people. Just as clearly— ogy research and professional practice. Throughout
one size does NOT fit all—whether we are considering the chapter we include examples, as well as sugges-
clothing, policies, institutions, or applied sport psychol- tions for promoting cultural competence in applied
ogy. Gender and cultural diversity issues are real and sport psychology. We interpret sport broadly,
powerful. As applied sport psychology practitioners, including all levels and forms of sport, and we
whether in teaching, research, or consulting with ath- intentionally advocate sport for all. That is, applied
letes, it is imperative that we recognize the possibilities sport psychology can best address gender and cul-
and constraints of cultural diversity and keep remind- tural diversity by promoting safe, inclusive physical
ing ourselves that one size does not fit all. Attention to activity and by highlighting cultural competence in
gender and cultural diversity is vital to our scholarship, professional practice.
and cultural competence is essential to professional
practice. We hope this chapter will encourage more Multicultural Psychology
scholarship on diversity issues and greater emphasis on
Although gender and cultural diversity are sel-
cultural competencies in professional practice.
dom central themes in applied sport psychology,
Overview and Framework the larger field of psychology, and particularly
the American Psychological Association (APA),
This chapter begins with a guiding multicultural has developed a scholarly base and profes-
framework, examines gender and cultural diversity sional resources on multicultural psychology.

410 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

The continuing work in feminist and multicultural for a conceptual shift in the way psychologists
psychology provides a framework for this chapter, understand social categories. Rosenthal (2016)
helps clarify terminology, and provides guidelines further argues that intersectionality draws
for professional practice. psychology’s attention to structural-level issues
Culture is complex and not easily defined. and social justice as a central issue in the field.
As Mio, Barker-Hackett, and Tumambing (2012) Power relations. Cultural relations involve
note, narrow definitions emphasize ethnicity, but a power and privilege. Who makes the rules?
broader definition refers to shared values, beliefs, and Who is left out?
practices of an identifiable group of people. With that
broader, encompassing definition, gender is part of Action and advocacy. Multicultural perspectives
culture. Thus, culture includes gender, race, ethnic- demand action for social justice.
ity, language, spirituality, sexuality, many other social Culturally competent applied sport psychology pro-
characteristics, and, of particular relevance here, fessionals develop their own multicultural compe-
physicality (physical abilities and characteristics). tencies and also work for social justice and advocate
This chapter draws from that expanding mul- sport for all.
ticultural psychology scholarship, along with the
feminist and cultural sport studies literature. These
sources converge on the following common themes Exercise 1: Identify Your Own Multiple Identities
that form the guiding framework for this chapter:
List as many as you can of your own social identities
Multiple, intersecting cultural identities. We (gender, race, ethnicity, social class, sexuality,
all have gender, race, ethnicity, and multiple spirituality/religion, physicality, etc.). You should
cultural identities, with the mix varying across have a long list. Try to mark three identities that are
individuals, time, and contexts. Moreover, especially salient or influential for you (that won’t be
multiple identities are not a simple additive easy, as different identities are more or less salient
combination, but reflect intersectionality. in different situations). Now, select a profession in
Intersectionality primarily stems from the work which you might be working with sport participants,
of black feminist scholars, such as Kimberlé such as sport psychology consultant, athletic
Crenshaw and Patricia Hill Collins. Crenshaw trainer, coach, or fitness leader. How will your own
(1993, 2011), often credited with introducing multiple, intersecting identities affect your work and
the concept of intersectionality, argued that interactions with participants?
women’s issues are not only gender issues, but
are shaped by other dimensions of identity,
particularly race and class. As Collins and The most recent APA (2017) multicultural
Bilge (2016) argue, African American wom- guidelines explicitly highlight intersectionality in
en’s experience of intersecting oppressions the title: Multicultural Guidelines: An Ecological
cannot be separated. For example, the expe- Approach to Context, Identity, and Intersectionality,
riences of black women athletes are unique 2017. The current guidelines extend previous ver-
and not simply the combination of black male sions to consider a broader range of contextual
athletes’ and white women athletes’ experi- factors and intersectionality among identities. The
ences. Within psychology, Shields (2008) guidelines reflect an ecological model of concen-
states that intersectionality has transformed tric circles moving from the microsystem of imme-
how gender is conceptualized in research, and diate family, friends, and institutions, through the
Cole (2009) noted that intersectionality calls mesosystem of social entities; the exosystem of
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  411

societal forces; the macrosystem of cultural, legal, Gender and culture are embedded in sport. If
and governmental influences; to the chronosystem you try to be nonsexist or nonracist and treat every-
of historical context. Sport psychology consultants one the same, you will have difficulty; everyone is
not only address issues within the microsystem but not the same and cultural identities are relevant.
may also engage with exosystems or macrosystems, Moreover, power and privilege are involved; trying
which suggests advocacy for social justice. to treat everyone the same may well do a disser-
By adopting the approach of the APA (2017) vice to participants. Invariably, identical treatment
guidelines, and the multicultural framework of this means treating everyone as if they were part of
chapter, sport psychology consultants can advance the dominant (privileged) group without consider-
our understanding of and promote cultural compe- ing cultural and individual differences. Our world
tence in professional practice—but that’s no easy is shaped by gender and culture. Gender influ-
task. Sport psychology is explicitly context depen- ence is particularly powerful in sport, with some
dent, and the sport context is unique in many ways. unique features. Sport participants are diverse, but
Sport psychology consultants must pay attention to not as diverse as the broader population. Sport is
power relations and social context in the sport envi- male-dominated, and elite sport programs clearly
ronment, while retaining concern for the individual. reflect gender and cultural restrictions. For exam-
The combined focus on the individual and layered ple, Sabo and Veliz (2012), in a nationwide study
cultural systems is key to cultural competence and of high schools, found that overall boys have more
promoting inclusive and empowering sport for all. sport opportunities than girls. Geographic region
and social class further affected sport opportuni-
ties, with urban schools and those with the fewest
The Cultural Context of Sport
economic resources offering fewer athletic opportu-
Before examining the scholarship on gender and nities for all students.
cultural diversity, consider the cultural context of
sport. Specifically consider gender and culture in
the following exercise. Exercise 3: Treating Everyone the Same
As a physical educator or coach, you likely want to
be fair and treat all of your students and athletes
Exercise 2: Gender and Culture
the same. How might that be problematic? How
Influence in Sport might treating everyone the same do a disservice to
Chris, the most talented 12-year old soccer player on some athletes? How might considering gender, race,
the team, often loses focus and has angry outbursts ethnicity, or social class help you better understand a
on the field. The coach wants to help Chris develop student or athlete?
emotional control and asks your advice. Before moving
into a psychological skills training program, consider
how gender and culture might affect Chris, the coach,
and your advice. Specifically, would you expect Gender and Sport
different behaviors or reactions from Christine and Society and social institutions clearly are gen-
Christopher? Do you think others (parents, teammates) dered, and sport has a unique gender context.
would react the same way to both of them? What if Long before the women’s movement of the 1970s
Chris’s parents were immigrants from a non-Western early women leaders advocated putting athletes
culture? What if Chris was not so talented? first, preventing exploitation, and downplaying
competition. Instead they emphasized enjoyment
412 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

and sportspersonship and promoting activ- of Fortune 500 companies, or 5.4 percent, are women
ity for all rather than an elite few, as expressed and just three, or 0.6 percent, are black (all of whom
in the classic statement, “A game for every girl are male)” (MarketWatch, 2018). Of special interest
and every girl in a game” (National Amateur here, only 9 of the 133 (or 6.7 percent) of major North
Athletic Federation [NAAF], 1930, p. 41). American professional sport teams—National Football
The 1972 passage of Title IX of the Educational League (NFL), National Basketball League (NBA),
Amendments Act, which is the U.S. federal law and Major League Baseball (MLB)—have female team
prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded owners (Ovenden, 2018). And there was a conspicu-
educational programs, marked the beginning of ous absence of female athletes on the 2018 Forbes’ list
the move away from that model toward today’s of the 100 richest athletes (Szczepanek, 2018).
competitive women’s sport programs. Indeed, As Sue (2004) noted, privileged people often
female athletic participation has exploded in the are unaware of power relations, and “color blind-
last generation. Still, the numbers of female and ness” often denies opportunity to others. Sue
male participants are not equal. More important, argued that psychology must recognize white priv-
female athletes are not the same as male athletes. ilege and the culture-bound nature of our scholar-
To understand gender and sport, we must look ship and practice to advance psychology’s mission
beyond dichotomous biological sex differences and enhance the health and well-being of all people.
to the social context. Sex and gender often are The following quote from Muhammad Ali clearly
used interchangeably, yet sex is biologically based, illustrates that white privilege is quite visible to
whereas gender refers to social roles and the mean- those who are not so privileged:
ing we attach to being female or male in a partic-
ular culture. These social meanings attached to We were taught when we were little children that
being female or male can vary with race, ethnicity, Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.
social class, and sexual orientation. Citius, Altius, Then we heard about Snow White, White Owl cigars.
White Swan soap. White Cloud tissue. White Rain
Fortius—the Olympic motto—translates as “swifter,
hair rings. White Tornado floor wax. White Plus
higher, stronger,” underscoring that sport is com- toothpaste. All the good cowboys ride white horses
petitive and hierarchical as well as physical. The and wear white hats. The President lives in the White
average male may be taller, faster, and stronger House. Jesus was White. The Last Supper was White.
than the average female, but biological sex is only The angels is White. Miss America is White. Even,
part of the gender mix. All the meanings, social Tarzan, the King of the Jungle in Africa is White.
roles, and expectations related to gender are con- —Muhammad Ali, 1967 (cited in
structed in the sport context, and the sport context McDonald, 2005, p. 245)
varies across cultures.
The Ali quote is 50 years old, and Sue’s numbers
Cultural Diversity in Sport are over 15 years old, but white privilege remains,
In considering cultural diversity, we must go beyond and the numbers haven’t changed much. Richard
numbers to consider power and privilege— “who makes Lapchick’s annual Racial and Gender Report Cards
the rules.” For example, while the 2018 U.S. Congress clearly show persistent racial and gender inequities
was more diverse than ever before, it still was over- in U.S. sport, with little progress. In the 2017 report
whelmingly composed of white men compared to the card (Lapchick, 2017), African American athletes
population they represent (Tully-McManus, 2018); are slightly overrepresented in U.S. college sports in
75 percent of full-time college faculty are white (Meyers, Division I football and basketball, but other cultural
2016), and “as of January 2018, just 27 of the leaders minorities are clearly underrepresented.
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  413

When we consider power positions, cultural and homophobia. Norman and Rankin-Wright
diversity drops dramatically. The Racial and Gender (2018) interviewed women coaches and con-
Report Card (Lapchick, 2017) indicated that whites cluded that coaches’ personal lives were sidelined
hold approximately 92 percent of the head coaching to meet expectations and that the women coaches
positions in U.S. college athletics, and about 86 per- were surviving rather than thriving. The former
cent of Division I athletics directors are white, and women coaches who Kamphoff interviewed sug-
only 9.8 percent are women. Before Title IX was gested they received fewer resources, lower sala-
enacted (1972) over 90 percent of U.S. women’s ries, more responsibilities, and less administrative
college athletic teams were coached by women and support than their male counterparts. They also
had a woman athletic director (Acosta & Carpenter, had difficulty balancing work and family and
2014). While participation of female athletes has reported that others saw them as “distracted by
increased, the percentage of female coaches remains motherhood” if they had children. As one coach
under 50 percent of women’s teams. The 2017–2018 commented:
report by the Tucker Center for Research on Girls
When I resigned, I remember [the athletic director]
and Women in Sport revealed that only 41.7 per-
telling me, “You know, I often wondered how you
cent of head coaches of women’s teams at NCAA could juggle being a wife, and having two kids.” . . .
Division I universities were female (LaVoi & Silva- Are you kidding me? He wouldn’t say that to a
Breen, 2018). The proportion of female athletic man. (A former collegiate coach, cited in Kamphoff,
directors, head athletic trainers, and sports infor- 2010, p. 367)
mation directors is even lower and far below male
Although international data is lacking, the Cultural Diversity in Exercise
underrepresentation of women coaches at the and Physical Activity
elite level is likely a global trend (Norman, 2010; Perhaps exercise and physical activity are more
Norman & Rankin-White, 2018), and the limited diverse than elite sport—or perhaps not. Do the
data available suggests even fewer women coaches fitness centers and activity programs in your
at the youth level than at the collegiate and elite community reflect the population diversity? U.S.
levels (LaVoi, 2009; Messner, 2007). The 2012 census data and public health reports indicate that
London Olympics showcased women athletes and physical activity is limited by gender, race, age,
also demonstrated intersecting cultural identities and socioeconomic status. Physical activity
and power relations. The United States sent more decreases across the adult lifespan, with men more
female than male athletes to London, but women active than women, and racial and ethnic minorities
were vastly underrepresented in several countries less active across all age groups. The dramatic drop
such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Power relations in physical activity during adolescence is a public
were also evident; coaching positions are heavily health concern and also a social justice issue, as the
dominated by men, and Olympic officials are not drop is greater for girls than boys, and especially
as diverse as the athletes. Clearly, elite sport is cul- for racial or ethnic minority and lower-income girls
turally elite. (Pate, Dowda, O’Neill & Ward, 2007). The Centers
Gender bias and white male privilege may not for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks
totally explain the declining numbers of women physical activity, and the CDC website (https://
coaches, but Kamphoff’s (2010) research clearly provides
shows that women coaches within collegiate ath- data on those trends as well as other helpful
letics experience marginalization, devaluation, information.
414 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

Cultural Diversity in Sport Psychology Almost no abstracts addressed race, ethnicity, sex-
Despite the diversity of participants and the need ual orientation, social class, physical ability, or any
for cultural competence, sport psychology has not other cultural diversity issue. AASP program con-
adopted multicultural perspectives in research or tent extends beyond the research to professional
professional practice. Duda and Allison (1990) first issues, but our findings suggest a continuing gap
identified the lack of research, reporting that only 7 in applied sport psychology with little attention
of 186 empirical papers (less than 4 percent) consid- to the wider range of participants or multicultural
ered race and ethnicity, and most of those were sam- issues.
ple descriptions. Ram, Starek, and Johnson (2004) Butryn (2002), taking a critical perspective,
updated that report by reviewing articles in sport argued that “confronting the invisible knapsack of
and exercise psychology research journals between white privilege” is essential for effective sport psy-
1987 and 2000 for race, ethnicity, and sexual ori- chology consulting. Butryn used Peggy McIntosh’s
entation content. They found only 20 percent of (1988) term “invisible knapsack” to describe the
the articles made reference to race or ethnicity and invisible privileges that come with having white
1.2 percent to sexual orientation. More important, skin; for example, a white person who goes shop-
those few articles provided few insights to advance ping is not likely to be followed or harassed. Butryn
our understanding. Ram et al. concluded that there emphasized that we must consider these privileges
is no systematic attempt to include the experiences when consulting. He further reminded us that race
of marginalized groups. is not just black and white; we must expand the dis-
course on race and privilege to the wider range of
racial and ethnic identities.
To expand our worldview, sport psychology
Exercise 4: Lack of Research on Cultural scholars must expand the research base on cul-
Diversity tural diversity and adopt multicultural competen-
Research reviews (Duda & Allison, 1990; Kamphoff, cies for professional practice. To get started, we
Gill, Araki, & Hammond, 2010; Ram et al., 2004) can draw from related multicultural psychology
demonstrate a lack of culturally diverse samples in scholarship.
sport psychology research. Has our research become
more inclusive since those earlier reports? Check the
most recent two years of one of our major journals Exercise 5: White Privilege in Sport Psychology
(e.g., Journal of Applied Sport Psychology; Psychology
of Sport & Exercise; Sport, Exercise and Performance Sue discussed “invisible whiteness” and Butryn
Psychology). How culturally diverse are the samples (2002) examined white privilege in sport psychology,
and participants in the studies? Do they represent the arguing that we should confront the often taken-for-
larger sport or exercise population? granted notion of race. Check the Association
for Applied Sport Psychology’s website (https://, and specifically the Certified
Consultants link (
Kamphoff et al. (2010) surveyed the Association /certification/find-a-consultant/). What do these
for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) conference websites and the consultants’ bios and pictures
programs from the first conference in 1986 to 2007 tell you about cultural diversity in applied sport
and found only about 10 percent of all abstracts psychology? How do these websites help us examine
addressed cultural diversity issues, with most of those white privilege in applied sport psychology?
being simple comparisons of gender differences.
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  415

Gender and Sexuality 25-year longitudinal study, Cooky, Messner, and

Musto (2015) found televised coverage of wom-
Gender Scholarship en’s sport “dismally low” with no progress. Media
representations are a major source of stereotypes
Gender is a clear and powerful cultural force in soci-
through representing women as sexualized objects,
ety and a particularly powerful and persistent influ-
the tendency to view women athletes in their roles
ence in sport. Gender scholarship in sport psychology
as mothers, and sending the message that sport is
largely follows gender scholarship within psychology,
for men (Fink, 2015).
which has shifted from a focus on sex differences, to
Stereotypes are a concern because we act on
gender role and personality, to social context and pro-
them, exaggerating minimal gender differences and
cesses, and most recently to a multicultural perspec-
restricting opportunities for everyone. Psychological
tive, but sport psychology is lagging behind.
research confirms that how people think males and
Much sport psychology research on gender
females differ is more important than how they actu-
emphasizes differences, such as early work (e.g.,
ally differ. If children think that dance is for girls,
Harris & Jennings, 1977; Spence & Helmreich,
boys will stand aside while girls dance. Children
1978) reporting that female collegiate athletes had
see female gymnasts and male baseball players as
more masculine and less feminine personalities
role models; peers gravitate to sex-segregated activ-
than nonathlete college females. Current research
ities; and parents, teachers, and coaches support
continues to focus on gender differences suggest-
gender-appropriate activities of children.
ing that, for example, comparatively males have
more anger (Bartlett, Abrams, Byrd, Treankler, &
Houston-Norton, 2018), higher self-confidence and
Exercise 6: Gender Stereotyping in the Media
lower anxiety (Dias, Cruz, & Fonseca, 2014), and
generally higher motivation (Vora & Naik, 2016), Follow the coverage of both men’s and women’s
whereas females have more adverse reactions to intercollegiate basketball for a week in a newspaper,
ego-oriented (focused on winning) motivational television news sport report, sport magazine, or sport
climates (Breiger, Cumming, Smith, Smoll, & website. Do men and women receive different amounts
Brewer, 2015). Overall, this research is not partic- of time or space? Does the type of coverage differ (e.g.,
ularly enlightening, as it infers that all females and references to accomplishments, appearance, personal
all males will be similar rather than using a multi- lives)? If so, how does the coverage differ? Do you find
cultural approach that considers athletes’ multiple gender stereotyping or bias?
identities and wide-ranging cultural influences (i.e.,
intersectionality). Sport psychology research must
move beyond the male–female and masculine– Sexuality
feminine dichotomies to more complex develop-
Sexuality and sexual orientation are clearly linked
mental, social, and multicultural models to advance
with gender, and especially so in sport contexts. In
our understanding.
her early work on gender roles Bem (1978) noted
that we often (and incorrectly) conflate biolog-
Gender Stereotypes ical sex, gender roles, and sexual orientation. For
Gender stereotypes did not fade away with the example, it often is assumed that a male football
implementation of Title IX in 1972. In 1993, player must have masculine personality character-
Messner, Duncan and Jensen showed that female istics and be heterosexual. As research shows, and
athletes receive much less and different media as most people recognize, that is not necessarily
coverage than male athletes. In an update of their true. Furthermore, the male–female biological sex,
416 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

masculine–feminine personality, and homosexual– they experienced left them feeling undervalued,
heterosexual categories are not the clear, dichoto- humiliated, trivialized, and framed as sexual pred-
mous binaries that we often assume. Binaries refer ators. One former women coach in Kamphoff’s
to pairs of related terms that most people think study stated,
are opposite in meaning (e.g., male/female, black/
white, masculine/feminine). Even biological sex is I know of a specific case of a lesbian coach that was
asked to leave and . . . they said, “We want to change
not the clear dichotomy that we assume, and indi-
the face of the coaching staff.” So, what does that
viduals’ gender identities, gender expressions, and mean? A lesbian coach, of course, is going to take
sexual orientations are even more varied (Krane, that as you want a straight coach. You are saying it
2019) and not necessarily linked. Still, when people without saying it. (A former collegiate coach, cited
step out of those binaries, they face discrimination. in Kamphoff, 2010, p. 368)
Discrimination and prejudice on the basis of sexual
orientation often is described as homophobia, but Although research is limited, reports from
Herek (2000), a leading psychology scholar on les- the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
bian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues, prefers sexual (GLSEN) national survey (Kosciw, Greytak, Giga,
prejudice, which is an attitude (evaluation) directed Villenas, and Danischewski, 2016) suggests that
at a social group involving hostility or dislike. sport is a particularly hostile environment for les-
Messner (2002) argues that sexual prejudice bian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning
is particularly powerful in sport and leads all boys (LGBTQ) youth. They found that most LGBTQ stu-
and men (gay or straight) to conform to a narrow dents have experienced harassment and discrimina-
definition of masculinity; real men compete and tion at school. In fact, over 85 percent experienced
avoid anything feminine that might lead them to be verbal harassments based on a personal charac-
branded a sissy. More recent work (e.g., Anderson, teristic, 55 percent experienced discrimination at
Magrath, & Bullingham, 2016) suggests that sports- school, and almost one-third missed at least one day
men, and particularly gay men, may have more of school due to feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.
latitude in sports today, but sport settings are still These hostile school climates can have a negative
spaces of restricted masculinity and hostility toward impact on LGBTQ students’ mental health and
sexual minorities (Cavalier, 2019). educational outcomes, given that those who expe-
Sexual prejudice in sport typically is discussed rienced victimization were twice as likely to report
in relation to women’s athletics. Walker and Melton that they did not pursue postsecondary education.
(2015) interviewed lesbian college coaches and GLSEN developed “Changing the Game: The
administrators who described overt discrimination GLSEN Sports Project” (available at www.glsen
as well as pressures to conform to heterosexual .org/participate/programs/changing-the-game) to
norms, a lack of administrative support, and a lack assist teachers and administrators in kindergarten
of a sense of community at work. These negative through high schools with creating safe and respect-
experiences were more pronounced for the racial ful sports and physical education environments for
minority women. These findings are consistent with LGBT students. School-based supports do have a
Kamphoff (2010), who concluded there is rampant positive effect on school and sport climates (Birkett,
sexual prejudice in U.S. collegiate coaching and Espelage, & Koenig, 2009; Krane, Barber, & Darah,
women clearly feel pressure to act in a heterosexual 2018).
way, regardless of their sexual orientation, to fit into In the short time from the last edition of
the collegiate system. Norman (2012) interviewed this chapter to the current time, the situation for
ten professional women UK coaches who identified LGBTQ people has changed in society, and even
as lesbian and found that the everyday homophobia in sport. More professional LGBTQ athletes have
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  417

come out, although usually after their professional the United Kingdom, the sport psychology litera-
careers have ended. The widely publicized coming ture was silent on this topic. Indeed, we still have
out of NBA basketball player Jason Collins and top little research on related issues, despite recent highly
WNBA selection Brittney Griner in 2013 clearly publicized cases. Related research in sport indicates
marked changing times. The most common response that some sport climates foster sexual harassment
to Jason Collins’s Sports Illustrated (May 6, 2013) and abuse; that young, elite female athletes are
cover story was muted, but positive. In her New York particularly vulnerable; that neither athletes nor
Times essay (May 5, 2013), Griner expressed opti- coaches have education or training about the issues;
mism and pride, even after describing the bullying and that both research and professional develop-
and harassment she had faced in earlier years. ment are needed to address the issues (Fasting,
Most recently, the public and sport psychology 2015; Fasting, Brackenridge & Walseth, 2007). That
communities have given more attention to the “T” research comes from several European countries and
in LGBT. Hargie, Mitchell, and Somerville (2017) Australia, and Rodriguez and Gill (2011) reported
interviewed transgender athletes and found com- similar findings with former Puerto Rican women
mon themes of intimidation; alienation; fear of pub- athletes. The International Olympic Committee
lic spaces; and overall effects of being deprived of (IOC, 2007) defines sexual harassment as
the social, health, and well-being benefits of sport.
Lucas-Carr and Krane (2011) noted that transgen- behavior towards an individual or group that
involves sexualized verbal, nonverbal or physical
der athletes were largely hidden and argued that the
behavior, whether intended or unintended, legal or
creation of safe and compassionate sport settings illegal, that is based on an abuse of power and trust
for all athletes, including trans athletes, is an ethical and that is considered by the victim or a bystander
responsibility. to be unwanted or coerced. (p. 3).

Women are more likely to be harassed, and men are

Exercise 7: Consider Intersections of Gender, more likely to be harassers, although it is not exclu-
Culture, and Sexuality sively men harassing women—as the highly pub-
licized Sandusky case at Penn State in the United
NBA basketball player Jason Collins and top WNBA States or the case against Brazilian national gymnas-
selection Brittney Griner are both talented black tics coach Fernando de Carvalho Lopes who was
athletes who came out as gay/lesbian in May 2013 with accused of abusing 42 boys over two decades illus-
a great deal of public attention. Consider how gender, trates. Clearly more research is needed, and sport
culture, and sexuality interact to affect their behaviors, psychology consultants, coaches, and other sport
media reports, and the reactions of others. How does professionals who are aware of gender and cultural
gender affect the situation and reactions? What if they dynamics might be quicker to recognize and prevent
had been white or Asian? What if they were not so sexual harassment.
talented? What other aspects of their cultural identities
might affect their behaviors or reactions of others?
Race and Ethnicity
Sexual Harassment Race and ethnicity are just as salient as gender
Considerable research demonstrates the preva- and sexuality in the ever-changing cultural context
lence of sexual harassment and abuse, in all types of sport but have received far less attention in the
of settings, but prior to the important work of sport psychology literature. As noted earlier, the
Kari Fasting of Norway and Celia Brackenridge of striking void in sport psychology research on race
418 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

and ethnicity persists despite the increased multi- athletes who have to navigate and counteract them
cultural diversity in society and in sport. (Fuller, 2017). Stone, Chalabaev, and Harrison
The psychology scholarship on race and eth- (2012) provide evidence that blatant reminders of
nicity is growing and taking a multicultural perspec- negative stereotypes can sabotage performance and
tive. Much of that work addresses health disparities, cause athletes to avoid failure, especially those who
which are well documented. Continuing reports are psychologically invested in their sport.
since 2011 indicate that health care access and qual- Ruth Hall, who is particularly eloquent on inter-
ity are suboptimal for minorities and low-income sections of gender, race, and class in sport and exer-
people (see National Healthcare Quality & cise, began a discussion of women of color in sport
Disparities Reports; available at: psychology with a commentary that claimed:
.gov/research/findings/nhqrdr/index.html). Given
Race and gender are firecrackers that ignite America’s
that physical activity is a key health behavior and
social conscience, rattle the cages that bind us—cages
that disparities in physical activity parallel dispar-
that block our passage to equality. It’s a double
ities in health, sport psychology consultants who whammy for African American female athletes since
are aware of the health disparities research are bet- we aren’t the dominant norm—we’re not white. Race
ter positioned to provide guidance on promoting and racism loom large and throw a level playing field
physical activity for health and well-being (see also off kilter.
Chapter 25). Many of us don’t fit the Anglo mold. We stretch
Steele’s (1997, 2010) extensive research on ste- the parameters of gender roles by our presence, our
reotypes and stereotype threat—the fear of confirm- physical appearance, and sometimes unorthodox style.
ing negative stereotypes—indicates that stereotypes We aren’t “feminine” they say. Commentators describe
affect all of us. That research, largely in academic figure skaters Debbie Thomas and Surya Bonaly and
the tennis star Venus Williams as “athletic” and “mus-
settings, indicates that the most devastating
cular” meaning not feminine. We create dissonance
effects, such as reduced effort, disengagement, and
with our skin color, body type, and facial features. We
poor performance, are on those minority group are the other. . . . (Hall, 2001, pp. 386–387)
members who have abilities and are motivated to
succeed. A review by Smith and Martiny (2018) Hall’s statement aptly applies to contemporary
reveals these effects in sport as well; when gender media commentary surrounding athletes like Serena
and racial stereotypes are activated, overtly or sub- Williams and Brittany Griner, and McDowell and
tly, minority athletes performed worse, identified Carter-Francique (2016) note that women of color
less as an athlete, decreased effort, and some ulti- have lower participation and less power in sport
mately dropped out of sport. On the positive side, compared to people in majority social groups.
Steele and Smith and Martiny suggest that even African American women tend to be clustered in
simple manipulations that take away the stereo- basketball and track, with few in sports perceived
type threat (e.g., discussing stereotypes or telling as feminine, such as gymnastics and skating; they
students/athletes that performance is not related argued that those patterns reinforce stereotypes
to race or gender) can help. about African American women, and those stereo-
The prevalence of negative stereotypes for racial types present challenges and barriers. Withycombe
and ethnic minorities, particularly black athletes, is (2011) interviewed African American female ath-
well documented. For example, black athletes are letes about their experiences in sport and found a
perceived to be natural athletes, academically or complex effect of the intersecting racial and gender
intellectually inferior, from economically disadvan- stereotypes they face. While the athletes experi-
taged backgrounds, and poor leaders (Sailes, 2017). enced empowering experiences, they also felt dis-
These stereotypes affect the experiences of black empowered by media that sexualized black female
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  419

athletes, questioned their femininity, and presented and that professionals who are more aware of the
them as dominating and aggressive. benefits and barriers can better serve their clients.
Carter and Davila (2017) interviewed black His recent Handbook of Disability Sport & Exercise
sport and exercise psychology professionals about Psychology (Martin, 2018) expands on these issues
microaggressions, which are defined by Sue et al. and provides helpful information for sport psychol-
(2007) as common and often unintentional racial ogy professionals interested in disability sport.
slights toward people of color. They found black Gill, Morrow, Collins, Lucey, and Schultz (2010)
sport and exercise psychology professionals examined the climate for minority groups (racial and
reported instances of blatant racism via verbal and ethnic minorities; gay, lesbian, and bisexual people;
nonverbal attacks, and participants shared incidents older adults; and people with disabilities) in orga-
where their education, skill set, or overall abilities nized sport, exercise, and recreational settings and
were ignored or questioned. Participants said they found the climate most exclusionary for those with
experienced numerous microaggressions, yet they disabilities. Testimony from people who have faced
did not allow them to be a roadblock or deterrence. discrimination because of physicality speaks clearly.
Carter and Davilla argue for a more supportive and Pain and Wiles (2006) conducted in-depth interviews
open space for professionals to advance the field. with obese and disabled individuals; consider these
quotes from three of the participants (p. 4):

Physicality and Cultural Diversity I am frightened to go back about this wheelchair

Sport psychology professionals deal with physical because they’re always going on about my weight.
They think that because you are in a wheelchair
activities, and thus, physical abilities and charac-
you haven’t got a brain.
teristics are prominent. Moreover, opportunity is I have got to say that actually every time
limited by physical abilities, physical skills, physical you go outside your front door, life’s really
size, physical fitness, and physical appearance— difficult. . . . Barriers all the way along, really.
collectively referred to here as physicality. Elite
sport implies physically elite performers. Persons Physicality is particularly relevant to applied sport
with disabilities certainly are among those left out psychology. Physical skill, strength, and fitness
in sport settings, and the increasing public attention are key sources of restrictions and stereotyping.
on obesity has created a negative culture for over- Physical appearance influences outcomes in sub-
weight and obese persons. Indeed, exclusion on jectively judged sports such as gymnastics—and
the basis of physicality is nearly universal in sport, perhaps in some that are not so subjectively judged.
and this exclusion is a public health issue. Rimmer Physical size, particularly obesity, is a clear source
(2005, 2017) notes that people with physical disabil- of social stigma and oppression and is a particular
ities are among the most inactive segments of the concern in physical activity and health promotion.
population; he further argues that rather than physi- Many studies (e.g., Puhl & Suh, 2015; Puhl et al.,
cal barriers, organizational policies, discrimination, 2017) document clear and consistent stigmatization
and social attitudes are the real barriers. Jeff Martin of obese individuals in employment, education, and
(2013), a leading scholar on disability sport psychol- health care. And several studies indicate that sport
ogy, reviewed the research from a social-relational and physical activity professionals hold negative ste-
perspective and concluded that while physical activ- reotypes and biases. Greenleaf and Weiller (2005)
ity is particularly important for those with disabil- found that physical education teachers held anti-fat
ities, they are relatively inactive. Furthermore, he bias and strong personal weight control beliefs (e.g.,
argued that medical, psychological, social, and envi- obese individuals are responsible for their obesity).
ronmental barriers make physical activity difficult Chambliss, Finley, and Blair (2004) found a strong
420 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

anti-fat bias among U.S. exercise science students, Cultural Sport Psychology
and Robertson and Vohora (2008) found a strong Although the earlier sections of this chapter show
anti-fat bias among fitness professionals and reg- a lack of attention to cultural diversity in sport
ular exercisers in England. Negative stereotypes psychology, a few dedicated scholars have been
about obese people are so prevalent that we may developing cultural sport psychology over the last
not realize our biases. That is, we may have implicit, 15 years. Fisher, Butryn, and Roper (2003) advo-
or unconscious, biases even if we do not explicitly cated cultural studies as a promising perspective for
recognize them. A great deal of research has been sport psychology, and the publication of Schinke
done on implicit biases and their effects (see the and Hanrahan’s (2008) edited text, Cultural Sport
Project Implicit website: Psychology, suggests that cultural sport psychology
.edu/implicit/). Check your own implicit biases in is now a recognized area. Two of our journals have
Exercise 8. Implicit weight biases are particularly devoted special issues to cultural sport psychology.
likely given the media coverage. Research confirms The International Journal of Sport and Exercise
that obese individuals are targets for teasing, are Psychology special issue (Ryba & Schinke, 2009)
more likely to engage in unhealthy eating behav- highlighted the dominance of the Western world-
iors, and are less likely to engage in physical activ- view in our research and practice. The Journal of
ity (Puhl et al., 2017). See the UConn Rudd Center Clinical Sport Psychology special issue (Schinke &
Website ( for resources Moore, 2011) on culturally informed sport psy-
and information on weight bias in health and educa- chology called for understanding, respect, and
tional settings. integration of culture in professional practice. The
continuing work of these scholars gives culture
and cultural diversity a greater presence in sport
psychology and fits with the framework of this
Exercise 8: Test Your Implicit Biases
chapter. Cultural sport psychology scholars call for
Go to the Implicit Attitude Test (IAT) at the Project awareness of (and a critical look at) our own cul-
Implicit website at Harvard University (https:// tural identity, continuing reflection to gain a deeper and take the IAT on understanding of culture within sport psychology,
weight demonstration test to assess your own implicit and action. That brings us to the topic of cultural
attitudes about obesity. Most likely you will find that competence and social justice.
you have some implicit bias. Implicit bias does not
necessarily suggest that you are prejudiced, but it
does indicate the power of the negative stereotypes Cultural Competence and Social Justice
and associations that are so prevalent that we in Sport Psychology
don’t recognize them. Think about those implicit
assumptions and cultural biases that may affect Cultural competence, which may be described as the
your behaviors and interactions in sport. Specifically, ability to work effectively with individuals who are of a
how might you counter that implicit bias to make different culture, takes gender and cultural diversity
a youth sport program more welcoming for youth directly into professional practice. Culturally com-
who are overweight or not physically skilled? Check petent professionals act to empower participants,
information on the Project Implicit website, Puhl challenge restrictions, and advocate for social jus-
and Wharton’s (2007) article, and the Rudd Center tice. Indeed, cultural competence is a professional
( for ideas. competency required in psychology and many
health professions. Cultural competence includes
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  421

both understanding and action, and is needed at your own perceptions and stereotypes about each
both the individual and organizational level. That of the following groups (women basketball players,
is, sport psychology professionals not only develop Asian golfers, gay male athletes). Quickly—what
their own cultural competence but also work to are the first five words or images that come to
ensure that their educational programs, professional mind? Do your perceptions reflect biases (implicit
practices, and organizations are culturally compe- or explicit)? Why do you believe this? And how
tent. Sport psychology professionals can advocate might your perceptions influence a client–consultant
for sport as a place that is socially just where all can relationship?
participate, feel supported, and be respected. Sport
psychology professionals can continue to write,
research, and work with marginalized communities
The AASP Ethics Code, Principle D (Respect
and participants that have received little scholarly
for People’s Rights and Dignity) clearly calls for cul-
attention. In addition, sport psychology profession-
tural competence within applied sport psychology
als can continue to use sport as a vehicle for social
in stating
change and advocate for social justice.
Most advocates of cultural competence follow AASP members are aware of cultural, individual,
Stanley Sue’s (2006) model in which cultural com- and role differences, including those due to age,
petence has three key components: (a) awareness gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion,
of one’s own cultural values and biases, (b) under- sexual orientation, disability, language, and socio-
standing of other worldviews, and (c) development economic status. AASP members try to eliminate
of culturally appropriate skills. Culturally com- the effect on their work of biases based on those
petent sport psychology professionals work to be factors, and they do not knowingly participate in or
condone unfair discriminatory practices. (Available
conscious and mindful of their personal reactions,
biases, and prejudices to people who are different /ethics-code/).
(i.e., awareness); recognize their client’s worldview
or perspective given their culture and background William Parham (2005), a leader in APA’s mul-
(i.e., understanding); and develop abilities that ticultural efforts as well as an active sport psychol-
allow them to work effectively with people who are ogy professional, offers useful guidelines based on
different from them (i.e., skills). Increase your own his professional practice, including the following
awareness by examining your biases in Exercise 9. three guiding premises:
Sport psychology professionals work with a wide
range of people who are culturally different; there- Context is everything. When working with
fore, learning about our clients’ worldviews and diverse individuals (and all sport psychology
developing culturally appropriate skills is essential. professionals work with diverse individuals)
Furthermore, cultural competence is not static and history, economics, family, and social context
requires frequent learning, relearning, and unlearn- are all relevant.
ing about diversity and culture. Culture, race, and ethnicity as separate indexes
do little to inform us. Parham reminds us that
cultural groups are not homogeneous, and
Exercise 9: Becoming Aware every individual has a unique mix of cultural
of Your Own Worldview identities.
Becoming aware of your own limited worldview is the Using paradigms reflecting differing world-
first step to becoming culturally competent. Consider views. The typical U.S. worldview emphasizes
422 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

independence, competitiveness, and individual Culturally competent practitioners recognize culture

striving. Emphasis on connectedness rather while avoiding stereotyping, take an idiosyncratic
than separation, deference to a higher power, approach, and stand for social justice.
mind–body interrelatedness rather than con-
trol, and a sense of “spirit-driven energy” may
be more prominent in another’s worldview.
Exercise 10: Working with Diverse Clients
Parham (2011) offered further helpful guides Assume that you are a professional sport psychology
and proposed consideration of the immediate and consultant. You begin working with a client from
historical cultural context of communication. He a culture about which you have limited knowledge
suggests we consider both historical (culture, race, (e.g., an Australian indigenous athlete, an African
ethnicity, gender, and religion) and contemporary American–Muslim athlete, an international student-
(parents, family, community, school, socioeco- athlete from China). What could you do to increase
nomic status [SES], sexual orientation, disability, your understanding and work more effectively
media, religious/spiritual affiliations, and local/ with this client? List three ways you can learn
state/regional/global events) phenomena that affect more about the athlete’s culture and enhance your
the behavioral, cognitive, and affective expressions cultural competence. What personal or professional
of both the sender and receiver when communicat- limitations, given this discussion on cultural
ing. Overall, Parham calls for “more of thee and competence, might warrant the referral of this client
less of me” in research and practice. That is, pro- to another sport psychology professional?
fessionals are listening as much as (or more than)
talking while engaging in culturally informed inter-
actions and keeping in mind the context-sensitive
across-cultures communication model he proposes.
Cultural Competence for Sport
The International Society of Sport Psychology Psychology Professionals
(ISSP) developed and published a position stand Cultural competence is integral to quality programs
on culturally competent research and practice in and effective practice, not only for sport psychology
sport and exercise psychology (Ryba, Stambulova, but also for all sport and physical activity profes-
Si, & Schinke, 2013). The authors provide an excel- sionals. Sport psychology consultants can play an
lent review of the relevant cultural sport psychology important role in helping all sport professionals
scholarship, as well as guidelines and recommenda- develop multicultural competencies.
tions for culturally competent research and practice As part of a project to develop more inclusive
in sport psychology. In their closing section, they physical activity programs, we (Gill, Jamieson, &
describe three major areas of cultural competence for Kamphoff, 2005) found professionals rated their
sport psychology practitioners as (a) cultural aware- ability to deal with students of other cultural back-
ness and reflexivity, (b) culturally competent commu- grounds as good, but they seldom took any proactive
nication, and (c) culturally competent interventions. steps to promote inclusion. While the professionals
Awareness and reflectivity refer to recognition of saw the need for cultural competence, the work has
between and within culture variations, as well as barely begun. Cross, Bazron, Dennis, and Isaacs’s
reflection on both the client’s and one’s own cultural (1999) continuum of cultural competence is a help-
background. Culturally competent communication ful starting place. Considering cultural competence
involves meaningful dialogue and shared language— as a developmental process, the continuum presents
much as Parham (2011) suggested in calling for “less steps moving from cultural destructiveness to cul-
of me and more of thee” in working across cultures. tural proficiency:
Diane L. Gill and Cindra S. Kamphoff  423

Cultural destructiveness—characterized by advocacy by promoting organizational change and

policies, actions, and beliefs that are damaging social justice.
to cultures. Sport psychology professionals must continuously
Cultural incapacity—not intending to be cultur- examine their own cultural competence to ensure their
ally destructive, but lacking ability to respond practices support their diverse clients. Sport psychol-
effectively to diverse people (e.g., bias in hiring ogy professionals can extend their services to a wider
practices, lowered expectations). population, help other physical activity professionals
develop their cultural competencies, and advocate for
Cultural blindness—philosophy of being unbi- social justice in sport and physical activity programs.
ased and that all people are the same (e.g., Hacker and Mann (2017) have provided spe-
encouraging assimilation, blaming individuals cific recommendations for moving toward social
for not “fitting in”). justice in sport psychology practice. Drawing from
Cultural precompetence—desire but no clear their professional experiences, they present guide-
plan to achieve cultural competence. lines and examples in calling for sport psychology
Cultural competence—respect and recognition consultants to be reflective and emphasize context-
for diversity, genuine understanding of cultural driven practice. That includes reflecting on how
differences (e.g., seek training and knowledge to cultural identities and experiences might affect your
prevent biases from affecting work, collaboration own and the client’s behaviors, questioning your
with diverse communities, willingness to make own interpretations of athletes’ behaviors, and rec-
adaptations, continued training, and commit- ognizing that any professional practice takes place
ment to work effectively with diverse groups). in a specific sociohistorical moment (context).

Cultural proficiency—culture held in high

esteem and it is understood to be an integral Exercise 11: Consider Your Own
part of who we are (e.g., conducting research Cultural Competence
to add to knowledge base, disseminating infor- How culturally competent are you? Review the six points
mation on proven practices and interventions, on the continuum of cultural competence and think
engage in advocacy with diverse groups that about your current or possible applied sport psychology
support the culturally competent system). activities. Are you culturally proficient or competent?
How so? Are any of your activities culturally destructive
The Cross et al. (1999) model and APA (2017) or incapacitating? Where does your school, agency,
multicultural guidelines reflect similar themes. or program fit on this continuum? How could you
That is, professionals, including sport psychology move “up” the cultural competence continuum? List
consultants, must recognize and value cultural two specific things you could do to enhance your own
diversity, continually seek to develop their multicul- cultural competence and two things that would help
tural knowledge and skills, translate those under- your school/program move toward social justice.
standings into practice, and extend their efforts to

Gender and cultural diversity characterize sport and influence all sport participants. Culturally com-
petent sport psychology professionals cannot simply treat everyone the same. Gender and culture
424 Chapter 19   Gender, Diversity, and Cultural Competence

are dynamic social influences best understood within a multicultural framework that recognizes
multiple, intersecting identities, power relations, and the need for social action. Sport psychology
has barely begun to address multicultural issues in research and professional practice. To date most
scholarship focuses on gender issues, with few truly multicultural frameworks. Multicultural per-
spectives and cultural competence are especially needed for sport psychology in the real world. To
advance sport psychology research and professional practice, we must develop our multicultural
competencies, expand our reach to the marginalized “left outs,” and promote sport for all.

Study Questions

1. Identify and briefly explain the three themes in the multicultural framework for this chapter.
2. Describe the impact of Title IX on girls’ and women’s participation in athletics and in coach-
ing and administration positions.
3. Explain the terms invisible whiteness and white privilege. Give two specific examples to demon-
strate white privilege in sport.
4. Define the terms sexual prejudice and heterosexism, and explain how sexual prejudice might
affect sport participants.
5. Define stereotype threat and explain how stereotype threat might operate in sport.
6. Describe the research on stereotypes and biases related to obesity, and explain how such bias
might affect participants and professionals in physical activity programs.
7. Define cultural competence and identify the three general areas of multicultural competencies.
8. Identify the steps or levels on the cultural competence continuum. Give two specific things a
sport psychology professional could do to move up to a higher level of cultural competence.
Describe how sport psychology professionals might promote organizational change and social
justice in sport.

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Enhancing Health
and Well-Being
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When to Refer Athletes to Other
Helping Professionals
David Tod, Liverpool John Moores University, England
Hayley E. McEwan, University of the West of Scotland, Scotland
Mark B. Andersen, Halmstad University, Sweden

There are many ways of getting strong, sometimes talking is the best way.
—Andre Agassi

When you open yourself up mentally, you do so only with someone you trust from the bottom of your
heart, someone you feel very close to. To open yourself up in this way is an important step in overcoming
mental problems.
—The Dalai Lama

A sport psychology practitioner had been working consultant attended practice and found out from
with a gifted collegiate male hammer thrower for the coach that the thrower had missed the last two
about three months. A close trusting relationship days of training because of the flu. Later that eve-
had formed, and together they had addressed a ning the practitioner finally contacted the athlete
number of performance and communication issues. via the telephone. The thrower was very apologetic
Recently, however, the thrower started to miss and also scared because he had lied to his coach; he
sessions, although he always contacted the sport did not have the flu. On further discussion, the ath-
psychology consultant and rescheduled. The prac- lete admitted that he had not been able to train, go
titioner was concerned because he also had noticed to school, or even bring himself to eat. He had fallen
the athlete had been losing weight. One day when into a dark place, and he wanted to go to sleep with-
the young man failed to attend a session and did out waking up. The sport psychology consultant,
not call, the sport psychology consultant tried to recognizing the signs of depression, and realizing
contact him and left a message. After not hearing the associated risk of suicide, managed to convince
from the thrower for two days, the sport psychology the athlete to come to his office straight away.

434 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

Depression is “the common cold” of mental emotional difficulties. Over time, however, sport
health disorders among the general population psychology consultants and coaches will come
(Andersen, 2004) and athletes (Wolanin, Gross, & into contact with athletes they are not equipped to
Hong, 2015). Athletes often experience depressed help, and in these situations referral is the ethical
moods following losses or failures to perform as path to follow. The goal of this chapter is to pro-
hoped or expected. If depressed moods are par- vide a set of guidelines that people working with
ticularly severe or seem to last longer than usual, athletes, coaches, and exercise participants can use
athletes may need help to get through the sense of for referring individuals for professional counseling
loss or disappointment. In many cases, individuals or psychotherapy. We will also provide suggestions
hide their depression from others or may self-medi- about making suitable referrals for varying circum-
cate with alcohol or other substances. People expe- stances, and we will present dialogue from a referral
riencing depression may show social withdrawal, session. Referring athletes to other helping profes-
hopelessness, or loss of self-esteem. Lethargy is sionals does not mean sport psychology consul-
also a common symptom and may prevent sports tants need to stop working with their clients. There
participants from training. Verbalizations indicating are no ethical violations or professional problems
depression, hopelessness, or poor self-esteem are when performance enhancement sport psychology
red flags for coaches and sport psychology consul- consultants and other helping professionals work
tants. Overt and covert signs may signal a call for with athletes at the same time, as long as all par-
help. With depression there is often the possibility ties are informed with the clients’ consent. In many
of suicide, which may take the form of unusual risk cases, a team approach can be the optimal way
taking (Doherty, Hannigan, & Campbell, 2016). to deliver services. In the space of a chapter it is
Treatment may include psychotherapy and antide- impossible to describe the symptoms, methods for
pressant medication, and unless the sport psychol- assessment, and suitable interventions for the many
ogy consultant is competent and qualified to work possible mental health issues athletes may present.
with depressed athletes, a referral to another pro- Such information already exists, and readers are
fessional is needed. Referral is a sensitive issue, and referred to the American Psychiatric Association’s
practitioners need to show compassion and care (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental
(see Andersen & Van Raalte, 2005, for how the case Disorders, Fifth Edition for information on specific
example here was successfully resolved). In general, issues. Instead, we provide some information on
when a sport psychology consultant is faced with many of the common issues for referral to other
an athlete or coach whose presenting concern is helping practitioners that might arise in sport
outside the practitioner’s realm of expertise (e.g., settings.
in need of medication), then the practitioner needs
to (a) refer the client to a suitable helping profes-
sional for treatment and (b) consider upskilling
The False Dichotomy of Performance
through training courses, professional development, Enhancement Versus Problematic
workshops, clinical supervision, and self-study, Personal Issues
along with gaining any necessary qualifications, to
become competent to work with future athletes pre- In many (probably most) instances, it may not be
senting with that issue. possible to disentangle performance from personal
Most athletes’ requests for assistance with issues, and sometimes they may be one and the
performance issues, such as prerace anxieties, will same. Imagine, for example, that a performance
not necessitate referral to professionals trained to enhancement practitioner has worked with an ath-
help individuals with clinical, deep-seated, or severe lete for several months, and the client’s skill level
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  435

has improved to the point that making an interna- few paragraphs provide some guidelines to help
tional team is now a realistic possibility. The ath- practitioners decide if an issue warrants referral to
lete’s life may have changed considerably. She is another professional for assistance (see Box 20-1).
now living her dream; her self-worth has risen, and
her relationships with her coach, parents, and sib-
lings have improved. She has become a happier per-
son. A useful question is: “How does performance Box 20-1 Considerations for Deciding
fit in the rest of the athlete’s life?” Performance If an Issue Warrants Referral
enhancement techniques, such as goal-setting and 1. How long has the issue existed?
self-talk, may be of limited value if the athlete’s life
is a jumble of confusion and conflict. For an ath- 2. What is the severity of the issue?
lete experiencing prerace anxiety that is intimately 3. How does the issue relate to other factors
tied to parental love and acceptance or feelings of in the person’s life?
worthiness as a human being, relaxation may prove 4. Does the person display unusual emotions
to be an inadequate Band-Aid for what are deeper or behaviors around the issue?
issues than prerace nerves.
In much of the performance enhancement liter- 5. How well is the athlete using existing inter-
ature, problems in performance are related to issues ventions or coping strategies?
such as competition anxiety, low motivation, poor 6. Does the practitioner have the knowledge,
self-talk, and lapses in concentration. Determining skills, and competencies to address the
whether other factors might be involved requires issue?
understanding a number of interrelated issues. An
athlete coming to a coach or sport psychology con-
sultant may be uncomfortable if discussions probe
personal areas. Likewise, the practitioner may be First, how long a problem has existed, its
reluctant to ask highly personal questions. It is pos- severity, and its relationship to other issues in the
sible, however, to get at least a feel for some of the person’s life may signal a need for referral. A prob-
salient issues in typical discussions of sport perfor- lem that is relatively recent, that is not severe in
mance factors. It is natural for the sport psychology its emotional implications, and that does not have
consultant or coach to build rapport by asking ath- substantial overlap with other aspects of a person’s
letes about themselves. Helping athletes talk about life is less likely to require professional assistance.
their lives can lead to understanding their perfor- For example, an athlete who is facing a tough com-
mance or motivational problems, as well as getting a petitive situation and who experiences mild to mod-
picture of the whole person. erate anxiety and negative self-talk is not likely to
Often, many requests for assistance with per- require referral. A person for whom each athletic
formance enhancement will be just what they competition becomes an all-or-nothing battle for a
appear to be, and practitioners with supervised sense of self; whose emotional state is dependent on
experience and adequate sport psychology training performance outcomes; and where strong anxiety,
will be able to assist the athletes with whom they depressive states, or substance abuse may also be
interact. In some cases, however, athletes will pres- involved is more likely to need a referral than the
ent with issues outside the realm of practitioners’ athlete in the earlier example.
expertise, and sometimes those concerns will Second, unusual emotional reactions may also
emerge after the sport psychology consultant and need to be considered. Anxiety that generalizes to
athlete have worked together for a while. The next situations beyond the athletic arena may signal that
436 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

other issues are present and that interventions may Instead of referring out, referring in may be the bet-
be needed to help deal with other areas of the per- ter choice (Van Raalte & Andersen, 2013). Bringing
son’s life. For example, anger or aggression is likely in a qualified professional and having all three par-
to be an issue presented by an athlete only if it has ties sit down and discuss a plan may be less threat-
become a problem to others. Unfortunately, it may ening to the athlete and help ease the individual into
take the form of fights with strangers or teammates, the therapeutic process. Referring in may be the best
which sometimes involve legal complications, as way to keep the therapeutic process going.
well as familial abuse issues. In other cases, an ath- Most articles on referring athletes to other prac-
lete may lose control within the competitive context. titioners (Andersen & Van Raalte, 2005; Van Raalte
This emotional reaction may inhibit otherwise good & Andersen, 2013) focus on what to do, what not
performance or be a performance threat, in that the to do, and what should happen. Many students ask,
person becomes a liability in terms of penalties or “How do you do it?” There is probably no better
ejections from the game. way (except for a live role-play) to demonstrate how
Third, it may also help to examine the effective- to do a referral than through dialogue and commen-
ness of performance enhancement interventions. tary. The third author’s experiences when he knew
For example, perhaps an athlete has not disclosed he was not qualified to work with an athlete with an
the full extent of the issue or is not aware of it. It eating disorder illustrate several issues.
may be that the person working with the athlete did Quite early in my training, I (Mark) had been
not come to understand the nature and extent of the seeing a swimmer, Angela, for about two months,
problem. The practitioner may also misunderstand working with her primarily on self-talk and arousal
how to use interventions, such as those that have regulation. When she arrived at our eighth meeting,
recently become fashionable (e.g., mindfulness, see I could see something was wrong. We had built a
Zizzi & Andersen, 2017). If interventions such as strong working alliance, so when she answered my
self-talk and imagery do not seem to be working, question about how things were going with a flat
there are several possibilities to consider. Perhaps “Okay, I guess,” I jumped in:
the athlete did not respond well to the particular
Mark (M): From over here, it doesn’t look like
intervention (e.g., many individuals are not nat-
things are okay. It looks like something not very
urally adept at imagery). It may be that the sport-
good is going on.
related problem was not accurately assessed or was
stronger than initially assumed. It may also be, how- Angela (A): I don’t know, Doc, I’m just kind of
ever, that the sport-related concern is intimately tied worried. [I kept silent to see if she would go on,
to other issues in the person’s life and may have but she just sighed.]
deeper, stronger, or more chronic patterns than the M: So, what’s troubling you, Angela?
practitioner first believed.
A: [beginning to have tears in her eyes] I am just
outta control [now full tears flowing].
How to Start the Referral Process M: I can see that this is really painful; tell me
what’s going on.
The referral process is not usually a straightforward
one. If trust and rapport have been built between the A: You’d be disgusted with me.
sport psychology consultant and the client, sending M: We’ve worked together for about two months,
the athlete directly to someone else when material and I think we’ve built up a good relationship. I
comes up that the practitioner does not feel com- don’t know everything about you, but what I know
petent to handle may not be the optimal choice. is that you are a fine person. I can’t imagine that
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  437

anything you could tell me would put me off. So and you and she and I all sit down together? We
let’s look at what’s going on and see if we can could meet right here in my office just like our
figure out what to do. usual appointment. How’s that sound?
At this point, I know something big is coming. A: I guess that would be okay. I just feel comfort-
Angela is having trouble talking to me about the able with you.
problem for a variety of reasons. First, she is dis- M: I’ll be there with you all the way, and I know
gusted with herself and thinks I will be disgusted you and Dr. Kerstner will hit it off.
too. Because of our strong working alliance and A: Can I still keep seeing you?
her positive transference to me, she does not want
M: Of course! I am your sport psychology con-
to say anything that will disappoint me (Tod &
sultant as long as you want me to be. We can keep
Andersen, 2012). I am trying to reassure her of my
working on your swimming, and I’ll be checking
unconditional positive regard and to remind her
in with you and Dr. Kerstner occasionally on how
that we are in this endeavor together and that we
things are going. How’s that?
will look for solutions. Angela then began to tell me
of being stressed with swimming, her weight, and A: Okay, ask her to come over.
school pressures and how her long-standing once- M: I’ll get hold of her right after our session.
a-week binge–purge episodes had turned into an A: Doc, could we do a nice long autogenic thing
almost daily occurrence. today? I’m kind of frazzled.
A: How can I do that to myself? Don’t you think M: You bet, you know the drill. All right, get your-
it’s terrible? self in a comfortable position and take a nice deep
M: No, I don’t think it’s terrible. In fact, right breath. . . .
now I am feeling really proud of you for having the This interchange contains many different processes,
courage to talk about all this. I know it’s gotta be all directed at making the referral an acceptable
one of the harder things you’ve done. . . . I want option. First, I assure Angela that instead of seeing
to do everything I can to help, but Angela, to tell her problem as terrible (and disgusting), I am proud
you the truth, I am not trained in eating problems. of her. I am letting her know that my opinion of her
I think we need to talk to an expert. has changed only for the better because of what she
A: But I don’t want to talk to anyone else. I want has told me. Next, I introduce the idea of referral,
to talk to you. Those people over in Student Health but she is quite resistant. Athletes at large North
don’t understand athletes. American universities (from my experience) often
M: I know what you mean, but I know a great feel that services on “main campus” are not geared
psychologist over there who is a runner herself and for their needs. I attempt to overcome the resis-
competed in college. She is a major sweetheart and tance by telling her a little bit about the psychol-
really understands eating problems and weight con- ogist’s sport background and by letting her know
cerns in sport. that I think quite highly of Dr. Kerstner. This last
point illustrates the importance of having a referral
A: I just hate going over there, and I don’t want to network of health care professionals who are sen-
go to sports medicine. If I did that, I know it would sitive to athletes’ issues. Angela is coming around,
get back to the coach. but she still wants to stay with me. Her reaction is
M: Nothing is going to get back to the coach understandable; our relationship has grown to this
unless you want it to. I have an idea. How about if intimate point, a point where she is able to talk
I ask Dr. Kerstner [the expert] to come over here about truly painful issues in her life. Getting here
438 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

was a long process, and she may not want to tell her if word gets around that athletes are seeing other
problems to a stranger. I address Angela’s lingering practitioners, they might feel they have lost some
resistance by suggesting that we see Dr. Kerstner on of their dignity. Although society has become more
familiar turf (my office) and by letting her know I aware and accepting of mental health problems in
will be with her all the way. recent years, there are those who still stigmatize
At the end of this emotionally draining ses- people seeking counseling.
sion (for athlete and sport psychology consultant Third, practitioners may not have prepared ath-
both), Angela wants to return to the familiar and letes adequately for the referral process. Sport psy-
the soothing, so we do something together that we chology consultants need to inform athletes about
have done several times before—we relax. In time, what referrals involve, who the other helpers are,
other professionals (e.g., a physician or nutrition- why they might help, and what the implications are
ist) would be called in to help Angela (see Roberts, for the existing sport psychology consultant–athlete
Faull, & Tod, 2016, for a description of ongoing relationships. Practitioners can begin preparation
support when referring an athlete to other helping right from the start by signaling to athletes in their
professionals). This first, and largest, referral step first sessions together that referral might be a pos-
helped Angela get on the path of treatment. No two sibility in the future. Athletes poorly prepared for
referrals are alike, and some referrals are easier than referral may have unrealistic expectations about
others. But almost all referrals are complex and sen- how helpful the new practitioners might be, partic-
sitive in nature. ularly if sport psychology consultants have oversold
the benefits to convince athletes to seek help.
Fourth, in the absence of any follow-up or
When Referrals Don’t Go Smoothly facilitation, athletes might never contact the recom-
mended practitioners or may not persist after the
Some athletes may not follow their sport psychol- initial meetings. The match between the athlete and
ogy consultants’ advice to seek assistance from the other helper may not be close enough for bene-
other professionals. Van Raalte and Andersen fits to accrue. Also, it may have been a huge step for
(2013) identified reasons why athletes may not athletes to share sensitive material with their sport
act on their practitioners’ suggestions. First, sport psychology consultants, who may be among the
psychology consultants and athletes may not have few trusted people in their lives. Athletes may not
solid working alliances. In the absence of close rela- be ready to establish new relationships with other
tionships, athletes may not trust that their sport strangers.
psychology consultants have their best interests at When faced with referrals that do not appear
heart. Practitioners’ recommendations, for exam- to be working well, sport psychology consultants
ple, might be interpreted as attempts to rid them- can still keep in contact with athletes. To maintain a
selves of their athletes and pass them on to other close relationship, the perception that the sport psy-
professionals. From such interpretations, athletes chology consultant’s continued help is conditional
might infer they are damaged goods and possibly on the athlete meeting with the external helper
unworthy. needs to be avoided. It is probably inadvisable, and
Second, if handled insensitively, athletes might impractical, to force athletes to meet with other
feel unsupported and believe their trepidations professionals if they are uncomfortable, except in
regarding referral have been ignored. One fear might some situations, as when there is a threat of harm
be that the mental health practitioners will take to self or others. Then practitioners have ethical
away from athletes what made them high achiev- (and legal) obligations to consider. Sport psychol-
ers in sports. Confidentiality is important as well; ogy consultants who maintain their relationships
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  439

with their athletes can continue to provide perfor- (Arvinen-Barrow, Hurley, & Ruiz, 2017; Blakelock,
mance enhancement assistance and can reinitiate Chen, & Prescott, 2016; Park, Lavallee, & Tod,
the referral process in the future if athletes change 2013). These threats represent critical moments,
their minds. often accompanied with existential anxiety, in
which athletes are forced to reassess their self-
perceptions (Ronkainen & Nesti, 2017) and may
Some Specific Athlete-Related Issues need to rewrite their personal stories.
Although we normally think of the identity
Sometimes, in addition to performance issues, or of athletes as something both individuals and peer
related to them, other concerns confronting ath- groups see as positive, valuable, and rewarding, there
letes may surface. Insights into depression were pre- are also negative self-narratives (Erikson, 1968).
sented at the start of this chapter; let’s now examine A negative identity is the acceptance and valuing of
some other concerns in more detail. an identity that is generally disapproved of by soci-
ety. The dumb jock is one such negative identity.
Identity Issues Individuals and subgroups may hold opinions that
One of the most problematic issues for many athletes athletes shouldn’t care about school or shouldn’t do
is that sometimes most of their sense of self has cen- well, and so forth. This negative identity, although
tered on their roles as athletes, the development of disapproved of by many, may become important
which may begin in childhood (Carless & Douglas, to an individual or subgroup. Similarly, the tough
2013). This overidentification may be particularly jock identity can be problematic. For many, being
salient for competitors at elite levels, but it can occur an athlete means being tough, and it often involves
for any person in any sport. Often the athlete’s hopes intimidating others verbally or physically. Substance
for the future and social support from others may abuse issues also can become part of negative iden-
revolve around the sport and competitive success. tity patterns. To be a successful jock, one may need
For someone working with these issues, attempts at to be able to consume a great deal of alcohol or
performance enhancement may take on an extreme other drugs. In some cases such activity is done
urgency, because the athlete’s sense of self may well covertly, with an eye to the clean-cut image that has
be riding on performance outcomes. When individ- to be maintained for public relations purposes.
uals identify with the role of athlete exclusively, they As with many other human affairs, unless indi-
are said to have foreclosed their identities, as Petitpas viduals see these identity issues as areas that are
and Danish (1995) have discussed: problematic and that they would like to change, it
may only be possible for coaches or sport psychol-
In psychological foreclosure people rigidly adhere ogy consultants to communicate concern for these
to their identities to maintain security or to cope
areas and to point athletes in the direction of those
with intrapsychic anxiety. This might be seen in
athletes who are adult children of an alcoholic
who can help them work on these difficulties.
parent. They may be resistant to change and more
vulnerable to threats of identity loss because their Sexual Orientation and Abusive Environments
method of coping with their life situations is to seek Athletes’ sexual orientation, especially for lesbian,
approval through their athletic successes. The loss gay, bisexual, and transsexual (LGBT) athletes, has
of their athletic role would compromise their entire
received limited attention in the sport psychology
defensive structure. (p. 263)
literature (Krane, 2016; Krane, Waldon, Kauer, &
Major threats to identity can come through Semerjian, 2010), and one must go to sociological
athletic injury, deselection, and career termination and popular writings to learn about LGBT athletes’
440 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

experiences and the culture of abuse and discrimi- experience sexual abuse and rape, both as victims
nation in sport (e.g., Anderson & Bullingham, 2013; and perpetrators (see Mountjoy et al., 2016 for
Krane, 2019; Thomas, 2014). Although LGBT ath- signs, indicators, and prevention of harassment and
letes may struggle with the coming out process, for abuse in sport). If a professional is uncomfortable
most of these sports participants, their sexuality is discussing intimate behavior or is not knowledge-
not their primary issue. The abuse and discrimina- able about STDs, referral to a counselor with exper-
tion present in the sporting world is usually a far tise in sexual health is appropriate.
more serious concern, and it raises fears in athletes
about getting less playing time, being kicked off
teams, being harassed, and being physically abused Eating Disorders
if their orientations were made public. Reactions Given the complexities of eating disorders and the
to the abusive environments of sport may mani- accompanying psychological, physical, and physi-
fest in anxiety disorders, relationship problems, ological effects, referral to a variety of health care
depression, and even suicidal ideation. All of these professionals (e.g., dieticians, gastroenterologists,
potential problems may require referral to clinical psychologists, team doctors) is becoming the norm.
professionals. If sport psychology consultants are Eating disorders among athletes have received much
uncomfortable interacting with LGBT athletes or attention in the sports medicine and sport psychol-
are not sensitive to the abusive environments and ogy fields (Reel & Galli, 2012). Prevalence rates of
issues these athletes experience, then referral may eating disorders among athletes are similar, if not
be the optimal and ethical decision. higher, than among the general population (results
vary from 0 to 19 percent in male athletes and
6 to 45 percent in female athletes; Bratland-Sanda
Sex- and Health-Related Issues & Sundgot-Borgen, 2013).
Most athletic careers start seriously sometime Eating disorders historically have been consid-
during adolescence and usually end somewhere in ered a female concern. In the general population,
the mid-20s to late 30s. In Erikson’s (1968) psy- however, disordered eating behaviors are increasing
chodynamic framework, many athletes are in the at a faster rate in males than females (Michison,
middle of the challenges of either “identity versus Slewa-Younan, & Mond, 2014). Current rates may
role confusion” or “intimacy versus isolation.” Both not accurately reflect male athletes’ actual prev-
these times are periods of experimentation, explo- alence, and these individuals, especially those
ration, and finding out about oneself. For some in sports with a focus on leanness or that have
athletes, the exploration of self and intimate rela- weight divisions, may experience adverse health
tionships may involve risk-taking behavior, espe- issues that mirror the female athlete triad, such as
cially in the realm of sex. Athletes in general engage impaired bone health (Tenforde, Barrack, Nattiv, &
in sexual behavior more frequently, have more part- Fredericson, 2016). Compared to women, men may
ners, and are at greater risk for a variety of sexually seek therapeutic help less often (Olivardia, Pope,
transmitted diseases (STDs) than their nonathlete Mangweth, & Hudson, 1995); have less chance
peers (Butki, Andersen, & Heyman, 1996; Wetherill of successful outcomes (Oyebode, Boodhoo, &
& Fromme, 2007). Some STDs (e.g., hepatitis C) Schapira, 1988); and be more likely to use saunas,
may also be contracted through other means, such steam baths, and exercise, rather than purging,
as needle sharing. Athletes may approach sport psy- diet pills, and laxatives (Braun, Sunday, Huang, &
chology consultants to talk about anxieties related Halmi, 1999).
to their risky sexual behaviors. Some of these activ- A central feature of eating disorders is often
ities may have been consensual, but athletes also a disturbance in body image, and over the last two
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  441

decades interest in the ways men view their phy- should be the object of treatment (see Cosh, Crabb,
siques has grown. Increasingly, men are feeling Kettler, LeCouteur, & Tully, 2015 on the normal-
as if they need to attain a highly muscular meso- ization of body regulation practices in elite sport).
morphic body shape (Edwards, Molnar, & Tod, I (Mark) worked with a collegiate gymnast whose
2017). In addition to eating disorders, body dissat- disordered eating was primarily environmentally
isfaction has been related with body dysmorphia, dependent. When she was away from school, the
some forms of somatic delusional disorders, poor coach, and the gym, her bulimic behavior dropped
self-esteem, depression, social anxiety, inhibition, to zero. After returning from semester break, she
sexual dysfunction, and a variety of health-risk said, “I was just fine at home; it didn’t happen, not
behaviors, such as excessive exercise and steroid even once. But as soon as I get back here—Blam!—
use (Grogan, 2016). it’s starting all over again.” I met this gymnast in
The etiologies for eating disorders and body dis- her senior year, and we worked together on some
satisfaction in the general public and in athletes are cognitive-behavioral interventions to decrease the
probably, in some cases, dissimilar. Andersen and frequency of her bulimic behavior. She was success-
Fawkner (2005) identified a number of reasons why ful at reducing the bulimic behaviors, but the eating
athletes may experience disturbed eating and body disorder did not go into full remission until she fin-
dissatisfaction. First, although poor body image ished her competitive career and left the sport.
might motivate exercise and sports participation, Eating disorders are difficult to treat, and
there may be no changes in some anatomical fea- among athletes, more than many other issues, bring
tures, and the source of the dissatisfaction may not up the question of whom or what is really in need
be alleviated. Second, some sports and types of exer- of referral. Stimulated by the previously mentioned
cise may not produce desired body changes. Third, case (and others), the Eating Disorders Team at
participation in sport and exercise may raise expec- my (Mark’s) university (composed of general prac-
tations beyond what is realistically or genetically titioners, a psychiatrist, psychologists, a dietician,
possible. Fourth, comparing oneself against others and a sport psychology consultant from the student
may result in a negative evaluation. The chance of mental health center) ran educational seminars
dissatisfaction may be heightened in sports where in the athletics department. These seminars were
comparisons are part of the competitive process, aimed at increasing coaches’, administrators’, and
especially in sports such as diving or gymnastics. sports medicine personnel’s awareness of the signs
Fifth, participants may be reinforced for develop- and symptoms of eating disorders and helping them
ing an excessive preoccupation with weight and make referrals to appropriate services. The athletics
physique, notably for those athletes whose coaches department was receptive to these interventions, in
dwell on body appearance. Disturbed body image part, because they and the university were facing lit-
may continue past an athletic career into retirement igation from a former student athlete who claimed
(Park et al., 2013). Sixth, individual, psychosocial, she arrived at the university healthy and left with an
and cultural factors also need consideration. In eating disorder directly related to her sport.
men, for example, gender and sexuality-specific There is an extensive body of literature that
stressors may elevate disordered eating behaviors coaches and sport psychology consultants can read
(Norris et al., 2012). to learn how to help athletes with eating disorders
The United Kingdom’s National Institute of (Arthur-Cameselle & Baltzell, 2012; Bratland-Sanda
Clinical Excellence provides guidelines on how to & Sundgot-Borgen, 2013; Dosil, 2008), such as
help people with eating disorders ( how to identify warning signs. Some indicators of A more important question, how- eating disorders to watch for include a marked loss
ever, is whether the pathogenic sport environment in weight, preoccupation with weight, avoidance of
442 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

team and other socially related functions involving can note their concerns, but not in lecturing or
food, eating little at such functions, visits to the threatening ways. It is important to have sources
bathroom after meals, bloodshot eyes after bath- for referral available, particularly if athletes become
room visits, decreases in energy levels and ability apprehensive about their usage and would like to
to concentrate, chronic gastrointestinal complaints, seek help.
and increased mood swings. Practitioners working in competitive and recre-
ational sporting contexts are likely to meet individ-
uals who consume drugs to enhance performance
Alcohol and Other Substance Use Issues and body composition, of which anabolic ste-
Perhaps due to the public fascination with celebri- roids are probably the most commonly discussed.
ties’ problems with alcohol and drugs, this domain Athletes and exercisers initiate and sustain their
is one in which athletes’ problems have received use of these substances for various reasons, and not
extensive attention (Backhouse, 2012; Stainback & just for performance enhancement. In addition to
Taylor, 2005). The association in the United States an individual’s motives, substance use is influenced
and other Western countries between masculin- by intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and societal
ity and drinking (as well as the ability to consume factors (Bates et al., 2019). For example, athletes
large amounts of other substances) may make some may become dependent on performance drugs,
athletes vulnerable to developing problems in this such as steroids, via psychological, physiological,
area. Research suggests that student-athletes are a and sociological mechanisms. In some contexts,
high-risk group (Doumas, Haustveit, & Coll, 2010): such as elite sport, athletes may perceive a need
they consume more alcohol, start drinking earlier, to consume drugs to be competitive. In other con-
and engage more frequently in alcohol-related risk texts, drug consumption provides users with social
behaviors (e.g., driving after drinking) than their capital allowing them acceptance into desired com-
nonsporting counterparts (Taylor, Ward, & Hardin, munities. Similar to eating disorders, the sporting
2017). Athletes’ alcohol consumption may vary environment is structured in ways that it is unsur-
with different sports, at different times of the year, prising that doping is likely to be more common
and by gender (Taylor et al., 2017). In addition, than currently recognized (De Hon, Kuipers, &
individuals inclined to take risks, or sensation seek- van Bottenbury, 2015). Although there is some
ers (Zuckerman, 1979), are also likely to indulge encouraging data, most interventions for reducing
in large amounts of alcohol and drug use. Certain or preventing performance-enhancing substance use
sports may disproportionately attract sensation have limited evidence of their effectiveness (Bates
seekers. et al., 2017). Helping individuals abstain from
Someone working with athletes should recog- image- and performance-related drug use is seldom
nize the general symptoms of excessive alcohol or straightforward, especially if they have become
drug use. Common signs involve chronic use or dependent on the substances. Substance users
binges, centering major events around drug and may acknowledge the presence of side effects, but
alcohol, personality changes during use, and alco- believe they are controllable and are outweighed by
hol and drugs interfering with other life activities the benefits. These individuals typically see them-
or relationships. Unfortunately, high school and col- selves as healthy and distinguish themselves from
lege life in general, and often the athletic environ- the stereotypes of recreational drug addicts. Often,
ment, will cloak problem usage with different forms users also view scientists and medical personnel
of social acceptability. Given denial and defensive- with suspicion, believing they have limited knowl-
ness around alcohol and drug use, coaches or sport edge and are untrustworthy. Similar to other mental
psychology consultants worried about these issues health problems discussed in this chapter, unless
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  443

athletes perceive they have issues, practitioners (e.g., Turner, 2016; Turner & Bennett, 2018). It is eas-
may have difficulty instigating successful referral. ier to help individuals resolve conflicts and reestablish
Doping in sport is a topic on which entire books controls if they have had a reasonably good history
are written and, like other mental health topics, a of anger and aggression control (Novaco, 1975).
full discussion is beyond the scope of this chapter Helping athletes with more problematic histories is
(Mottram & Chester, 2018). possible, but it may be a slower process.
Anger and Aggression Control Romantic and Family Relationship Issues
In many competitive sports, coaches and players Athletes and sport participants are likely to have
encourage psychological attributes of toughness and relationship problems similar to those of others in
competitiveness, and they may portray opponents as their peer groups. Some problems, however, might
enemies to be defeated. In contact sports in partic- be more common for athletes than their nonathlete
ular, but in other sports as well, physical aggression peers, but similar to others who are celebrities or
often is sanctioned. Most athletes are able to control who are dedicated to demanding activities in which
their anger and aggression both on the field and off, their partners may not be involved.
although some require a little time after competition Many athletes are away from friends or family
for their behavioral controls to reset. for extended periods. This absence can cause lone-
For some athletes, however, who experience liness, anxiety, and depression for both the athlete
difficulty with anger or aggression control, a refer- and family members. There may be conflicts in
ral might be appropriate. Some individuals may the relationship, or fears, or suspicions, and these
have had a reputation for conflict. For athletes, this problems can manifest themselves in decreased
tendency may have a negative identity component performance, increased anger and aggression, or in
that cloaks the problem in an acceptable way for a a number of other ways. At the same time, practice
peer group. The athlete may be tough on and off and competition place demands on the athlete’s time
the field, someone not to mess with. Unfortunately, at home, and this pressure, too, may be problematic
the frequency and severity of conflicts may esca- for the partner. For many marathoners, who may
late to harmful levels. In other cases, someone not be elite or competitive athletes, the time taken
going through a personally difficult time may be to train may disrupt family or relationship patterns.
less able to control anger or aggression. This dif- Someone who spends years involved in training and
ficulty may be expressed either on or off the field. competition may need an understanding or mutually
Particularly when anger and aggression have not involved partner. Also, given the amount of time that
been issues for a person before, they might be dis- athletes, coaches, and teammates spend together and
cussed with the athlete and a referral made. the closeness of their interactions, romantic relation-
Alcohol and drug use may also be related to ships may occur (Johansson, Kenttä, & Andersen,
such behaviors. In general, when people are intox- 2016). The glamour and celebrity-like status that can
icated, bottled-up anger or rage may be expressed surround some athletes, as well as the long periods
more easily than when sober. In recent years, roid they can spend away from home, offer opportunities
rages, or violent reactions in some individuals who for infidelity. Even when an athlete is not unfaithful,
are taking steroids, also have been noted (e.g., the partner may have fears about straying when the
Backhouse, 2012). athlete is away, or the athlete may have anxiety about
There are ways to help individuals deal with the partner left behind.
anger and aggression. For example, there is a grow- Sport psychology consultants may not find
ing body of work on aggression using rational- it easy to identify relationship problems. In some
emotive behavior therapy in applied sport psychology cases, when performance becomes problematic,
444 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

the athlete will indicate that the source is an inter- about mental disorders with athletes will help prac-
personal or relationship problem. In other cases, a titioners support their clients and prepare them
relationship problem may manifest itself in changes for referrals to recommended mental health pro-
in mood; the expression of anger, depression, or fessionals. Along a related line, learning how to
anxiety; or increases in alcohol or drug use. Often use suitable clinical assessment technologies may
teammates will be told of the situation, and they help consultants identify mental health concerns
may discuss it with a coach or others. Sometimes, needing referral, such as the Athlete Apperception
the athlete or sport participant may just need to Technique (Gibbs, Andersen, & Marchant, 2017;
talk with someone individually such as a sport psy- Gibbs, Marchant, & Andersen, 2016). Texts and
chology consultant or another counselor to come chapters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013;
to understand personal reactions and to make deci- Andersen, 2004) contain useful information for
sions about commitments and behaviors. In other practitioners’ continuing education, and sport psy-
cases, marital, relationship, or family counseling chology consultants can supplement their technical
therapy might be the best referrals. knowledge by reading biographies of athletes who
have experienced mental health issues (Carlise, 2013;
Thomas, 2014). With increased prominence of ath-
Professional Development Tasks lete mental health concerns, the UK government
for Sport Psychology Consultants
and Students
Sport psychology consultants and students can
engage in numerous professional development tasks Box 20-2 Professional Development Tasks
to help make referral processes go smoothly and to for Practitioners
ensure that athletes feel accepted and supported (see 1. Become familiar with the psychopathology
Box 20-2). Becoming familiar with the psychopa- of various mental health issues
thology and psychopharmacology of various mental
2. Increase awareness of various other physi-
health problems is a valuable first step, particularly
cal, medical, and social challenges
for those individuals without clinical backgrounds.
For example, some anxiolytic drugs (i.e., medica- 3. Develop knowledge of psychopharmacology
tions designed to inhibit anxiety) may lower blood 4. Enhance awareness of currently banned
pressure, and if relaxation treatment is also being substances, their consequences, and their
used, blood pressure may drop to unhealthy lev- side effects
els. Also, sport psychology practitioners, coaches,
and athletes need to be aware of what medications 5. Read about athletes’ experiences with
are prohibited by national and international sport mental health issues
governing agencies (e.g., the World Anti-Doping 6. Develop a network of professionals from
Agency [WADA] at various disciplines
Sport psychology consultants, well informed about 7. Engage in career-long supervision with
psychopathology and pharmacology, may have a mentors and colleagues
keen appreciation of what life is like for people with
mental health concerns, and they may be able to 8. Role-play possible scenarios and receive
use that empathic understanding to maintain help- feedback
ful working relationships with their athletes. Being 9. Undertake reflective practice
able to talk knowledgeably and nonjudgmentally
David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, and Mark B. Andersen  445

has advised that all elite sports must have a clear For example, a clinical psychologist who has partici-
mental health strategy in place by 2024 (Department pated in track and field events may be a good choice
for Culture, Media and Sport, 2018). Such strate- for the depressed hammer thrower mentioned at the
gies, supported by mental health practitioners, start of this chapter.
will provide training and education to coaches and Sport psychology practitioners and students
sports governing bodies’ staff on how to identify also can engage in role plays to prepare themselves
the signs of mental ill health and develop referral for making referrals (Tod, 2007). By rehearsing the
pathways. If such a trend reflects a global move- referral process, sport psychology consultants can
ment, then individuals who are trained in sport and practice ways to interact with athletes in a caring
exercise science departments may find it worth- and compassionate manner. For example, an ath-
while considering further training to become state- lete may feel threatened by meeting a clinical or
approved (registered, licensed) psychologists. counseling psychologist, and role playing helping
Another way students and practitioners can the athlete overcome those anxieties adds another
prepare themselves for handling future referrals well dimension to the sport psychology consultant’s
is by identifying and cultivating relationships with repertoire. Peer-group supervision is an ideal place
professionals they know and trust. Sport psychol- to conduct role plays because fellow practitioners
ogy consultants can select from a range of suitable can receive feedback from their colleagues in a safe,
individuals, depending on athletes’ needs. These problem-solving environment.
professionals may include psychiatrists, clinical Supervision generally can be an ideal place for
and counseling psychologists, social workers, pasto- practitioners to seek guidance from senior practi-
ral care providers, marriage and family therapists, tioners and colleagues about specific athletes whom
substance abuse counselors, and career guidance they are unsure if they can help. Seeking advice and
experts. Many athletes’ concerns may not be related guidance from others may be instrumental in decid-
to mental health, but instead to other domains such ing if referral is suitable and how best to handle
as nutrition or physical well-being. Sport psychol- such instances. Supervision is also a place where
ogy consultants’ networks could include nutrition- practitioners can self-reflect and develop their
ists, biomechanists, sports medicine specialists, and skills. Practitioners who do not examine their own
exercise physiologists. Understanding the sporting attitudes and behaviors may not be in a position to
backgrounds of the individuals in sport psychology help others. A person who is open and accepting of
consultants’ professional networks will help practi- others, however, will convey an important message
tioners suggest experts who are best suited to help- to athletes and will increase the likelihood of the
ing and forming working alliances with athletes. athlete agreeing to referral procedures.

Throughout this chapter, we have tried to address a variety of issues involved in deciding when to refer
an athlete to other helping professionals. We hope that this chapter has provided helpful information
for recognizing when athletes present issues beyond the scope of the usual performance enhance-
ment realm. It is also important, however, for individuals working on performance-enhancement
446 Chapter 20   When to Refer Athletes to Other Helping Professionals

issues to recognize the need for sensitivity towards the athlete’s other life issues when making refer-
rals. These helping individuals should also be cognizant of their own issues and values, because they
might affect their ability to work with and to be sensitive to the issues others might have.
This chapter has been a difficult one to write (and rewrite) because referral involves many com-
plex issues that should be discussed, or at least acknowledged. Many of these topics, such as career
termination or injury rehabilitation, merit chapters on their own. This chapter has explored ways
to help those not trained in counseling or psychotherapy to recognize these issues and to facilitate
sensitive and caring referrals.

Study Questions

1. From the dialogue in the chapter, what are some important issues to be sensitive to when mak-
ing a referral?
2. What are three patterns someone might note as indicating other serious problems when work-
ing with an athlete on performance enhancement?
3. What are some reasons why the hammer thrower presented at the beginning of this chapter
may not meet with a mental health practitioner?
4. How does homophobia in society and in the sport world contribute to problems for athletes
who may manifest in mental and behavioral disorders?
5. How might a concern with food or weight gain reflect a serious eating disorder problem?
6. What can sport psychology consultants do to prepare themselves for making referrals?
7. What are some signs that aggressiveness in an athlete has become problematic? Is it likely that
an athlete who has been driven by anger will become less successful if underlying conflicts are
8. What factors related to sport can cause or exacerbate relationship problems for athletes?
9. How might a coach or sport psychology consultant find professionals to refer athletes for
counseling or psychotherapy?
10. What might you do if an athlete currently does not want to take your referral advice?

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Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures
Mark H. Anshel, Middle Tennessee State University, Emeritus
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus

It’s a good day for baseball. Nobody wants an uneven playing field. I’m glad this happened. You want
everybody on the same page. We shouldn’t be competing against guys who use drugs like that. You always
want to compete on the same level. That’s all I want. That’s all everyone else wants. Today is bad for
baseball and the fans. But as a player, this is what you want.
—Boston Red Sox star Dustin Pedroia in response to the suspensions by Major League Baseball of
13 players for using performance-enhancing drugs

According to the World Anti-Doping Agency careers ended because of their connections to these
(WADA, 2009), doping behavior refers to the use of labs. The Tour de France and professional bicycling
illegal performance-enhancing drugs and methods also have been rocked by confessions of blood dop-
to improve performance. Doping in elite sport—both ing, most notably by Lance Armstrong, seven-time
professional and amateur—has received more atten- winner of the race, as well as by several other for-
tion than ever in recent years. For example, Russia mer champions.
was banned from having a track and field team The use of drugs in sport is not new. Greek
participating in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics athletes in the third century BC ingested sub-
because of prior widespread doping and cover-ups, stances to improve their performance. In the 1970s
including the explicit and tacit approval of Russian performance-enhancing drugs were used by medal
governmental authorities. In the United States, two winners from the Soviet Union and other Eastern
clinics (Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative and European countries, most notably East Germany,
Biogenesis) were exposed for providing performance but it was not until the 1976 Olympic Games
enhancement drugs to Olympic, professional, and held in Montreal that the International Olympic
other elite athletes. Athletes such as professional Committee (IOC) started widespread drug testing
baseball player Alex Rodriguez, U.S. Olympic track and penalized athletes for testing positive. Even
athlete Marianne Jones, and numerous other profes- with more rigorous testing for banned substances
sional baseball, track, and American football play- at the Olympics, the problem of ingesting banned
ers have been implicated, suspended, or had their substances and engaging in other inappropriate

452 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

behaviors continues. Doping is not just a problem gain is immoral. Medical factors that include the
among elite athletes; it exists across all levels of long-term harmful effects of prolonged drug use
sport and exercise participation. among athletes are severe and well known (e.g.,
Considering the emphasis put on winning, and Martens, Dams-O’Connor, & Kilmer, 2007). These
that winning is often tied to an athlete’s self-esteem, outcomes include dehydration, heatstroke, cardiac
it is not surprising that some athletes will do what- arrest, liver cancer, lymphoma, cardiovascular dis-
ever it takes to succeed even if it means facing severe ease, kidney stones, irregular heartbeat, sterility,
penalties if caught and potentially serious health and hypertension. Psychological problems include
consequences. This chapter explains the reasons for heightened anxiety, suicidal tendencies, short atten-
rules on doping and the need for tough enforcement tion span, depression, aggression, and schizophre-
of those rules because education alone is ineffective nia (Pope & Katz, 1994; Weinhold, 1991). Finally,
in preventing doping among sport competitors. In many drugs are addictive.
particular, this chapter will (a) describe the reasons The word drug means different things to
these substances and actions are banned, including different people. The two most common catego-
the negative, even possibly fatal, effects on the ath- ries of drug use among competitive athletes are
lete’s physical and mental health; (b) present the performance-enhancing drugs, such as anabolic ste-
different types of drugs that athletes are taking and roids, and drugs referred to as recreational, such as
other forms of banned behaviors (e.g., blood doping); cocaine or marijuana. The objective of recreational
and (c) suggest strategies that coaches, sport admin- drug users is to alter the state of mind, with no
istrators, and sport psychology consultants may use intention of improving performance. The different
to reduce the likelihood of drug-taking in sport. rationales for ingesting performance-enhancing
and recreational drugs must be considered when
developing strategies to reduce or eliminate such
Rationale for an Antidoping behaviors.
Policy in Sport
Why are certain substances and methods banned Review of Substances/Methods
from competitive sport, and why should sport Banned in Sport
administrators, coaches, parents of athletes, and
athletes themselves be concerned about the use of Prokop (1990) provides a useful, more-detailed defi-
illegal performance-enhancing drugs and methods nition of doping, that is, “the administering or use
to improve performance? The answer lies in legal, of substances in any form alien to the body or of
ethical, and medical reasons. Legal considerations physiological substances in abnormal amounts and
reflect federal and state laws that ban the use or with abnormal methods by healthy persons with the
sale of selected substances, such as hallucinogenic exclusive aim of attaining an artificial and unfair
drugs, and the illegal use of steroids, narcotic analge- increase of performance in competition” (p. 5). The
sics, and beta-blockers. Ethical issues exist because WADA has set international standards regarding
doping behaviors violate the integrity of sport by rules, regulations, and policies, and it coordinates
failing to comply with team rules and organizational antidoping efforts, including testing, for Olympic
policies, in other words, cheating. Most importantly, sport. A current list of substances banned by the
doping contaminates performance results by pre- WADA can be found at their website (
venting a level playing field. In addition, most rea-
sonable persons would agree that allowing athletes Not banned by most sport organizations, at
to ruin their health and reputation for short-term least for mature-age athletes, are alcohol, nicotine
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  453

(e.g., tobacco products), diet regimens (e.g., carbo- injury. The negative side effects of prolonged steroid
hydrate loading or any other food-ingestion habits), use are even greater for individuals who have not
amino acids, caffeine (within limits), antidepres- yet reached physiological maturity. For example,
sants, and vitamins (Lennehan, 2003; Williams, adolescent abusers may incur reduced bone growth
1998). Additional supplements such as creatine, because of premature fusion of the epiphysis of long
human growth hormone (HGH), and tetrahydroge- bones; the result is permanently stunted growth
strinone (THG) have been banned by some sport (Miller, Barnes, Sabo, Melnick, & Farrell, 2002).
organizations. More ominously, prolonged heavy steroid users
risk cancerous liver cell tumors, high blood pressure
(i.e., hypertension), premature heart disease, myo-
Anabolic Steroids cardial infarction (heart attack), and stroke. Some
Anabolic steroids are the best-known category chronic steroid users experience what popularly is
of performance-enhancing drugs. Of course, any referred to as roid rage, which is heightened, uncon-
potential benefit of steroid use to sport perfor- trolled aggression, and may include criminal acts of
mance depends on the type of skills and physical violence (e.g., child abuse, domestic violence, suicide,
demands required of that sport. Perhaps the most and attempted murder) (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013).
salient advantage of steroid use on sport perfor- Another concern about steroid use is its addic-
mance is improved strength and power (Mazzeo & tive properties, both psychologically and phys-
Ascione, 2013), thus aiding performance in sports iologically (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013). From a
such as football, weightlifting, track and field, and psychological perspective, the individual may feel
swimming. This is because the function of anabolic dependent on steroids for maintaining a sense of
steroids is to increase the hormone androgen and well-being, perceived strength and musculature,
decrease the hormone estrogen. Increased strength and a performance edge. Failing to maintain the
occurs because steroids promote the synthesis of steroid regimen may result in lost confidence, fear
proteins that are used to build skeletal muscle tissue of failure, irritability, and depression. Physiological
(Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013). Anabolic steroids are addiction may reflect the body’s dependence on
also used for medicinal purposes, most notably to molecular substances for protein synthesis, which
promote muscle growth and tissue repair as part of builds skeletal tissue. Symptoms of sudden with-
injury rehabilitation. drawal of prolonged steroid ingestion include
The harmful side effects of prolonged steroid changes in heart rate, blood pressure, tension, and
use are extensive (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013). fatigue (Leccese, 1991). When chronic steroid use is
High testosterone levels in females can increase suddenly stopped, clinical depression often results.
facial and body hair, lower the voice, increase Other symptoms during withdrawal may include
muscularity and strength, and interfere with fatigue, restlessness, insomnia, headache, dissatis-
reproductive function. When testosterone levels faction with physical appearance, and possibly sui-
become too high, the hypothalamus in the brain cide (Mazzeo & Ascione, 2013).
starts to shut down the body processes involving the
I lied. I lied to you. I lied to my family. I lied to
hormone. These processes include stimulation and
a lot of people for a lot of years when I said I
maintenance of the sex organs for males, leading to didn’t use steroids. I started taking anabolic ste-
reduced facial and body hair, reduced sperm pro- roids in 1969, and I never stopped. Not when I
duction, and impotence. All users may experience retired from the NFL in 1985. Not ever. I couldn’t,
temporary or permanent sterility. In addition, and then I made things worse by using human
tendons and ligaments may not strengthen at the growth hormone, too. I had my mind set, and I
same rate as muscle tissue, thus increasing risk of did what I wanted to do. So many people tried to
454 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

talk me out of what I was doing, and I wouldn’t death due to seizures, damage to the heart muscle,
listen. And now I’m sick. I’ve got cancer—a brain or stroke (Doweiko, 1996).
lymphoma—and I’m in the fight of my life. Hallucinogens, often referred to as recreational
—Lyle Alzado, former All-Pro American or mind-altering drugs, influence the individu-
football player (Alzado, 1991) al’s perceptions of incoming stimuli by slowing
response and decision-making time and inhibiting
According to Schlaadt and Shannon (1994),
attentional focusing. Hallucinogens are categorized
athletes may attempt to overcome these problems
as either stimulants (e.g., cocaine), which increase
by taking drug holidays between periods of use by
somatic arousal (e.g., heart or respiration rate), or
pyramiding or stacking. Pyramiding consists of
narcotic analgesics (e.g., marijuana, LSD, PCP),
beginning with a lower dose, then increasing the
which can reduce pain (as an anti-inflammatory)
amount progressively until the maximum dose is
and anxiety (as a sedative). Not surprisingly, this
reached, then tapering the dosage until the drug is
category of drug actually impairs, not promotes,
completely withdrawn. Stacking consists of using
sport performance. Most sport organizations ban
numerous drugs and varying the dosage throughout
all types of hallucinogens. The use of these drugs
the cycle. The authors conclude, however, that “no
is also against the laws of most countries, but that
scientific evidence supports the idea that ‘stacking’
is starting to change for recreational marijuana. For
or ‘pyramiding’ the drugs is more effective than
example, usage became legal in Canada in 2018 and,
other methods of using them or that it minimizes
in the United States, by 2019 eight states (Alaska,
the harmful side effects of steroid use” (p. 50).
California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts,
To find detailed information about steroids and
Nevada, Oregon, Washington) and the District of
their effects, read the National Institute on Drug
Columbia (DC) had legalized usage.
Abuse Research Report Series, which is sponsored
by the National Institutes of Health and can be
obtained at Narcotic Analgesics (Anti-Inflammatories)
/research-reports/anabolic-steroid-abuse. Narcotic analgesics, discussed briefly in the previous
paragraph, are used by athletes as pain suppressants
Stimulants and enable an injured competitor to continue playing
despite tissue damage and injury. Anti-inflammatories
Stimulant drugs increase the rate and, hence, the
can reduce performance effectiveness in some sports
work capacity of the heart, central nervous sys-
due to their sedative effect. All analgesics are toxic
tem (CNS), and respiratory system. Stimulants are
and addictive in large doses (Doweiko, 1996).
divided into four groups: psychomotor (e.g., amphet-
Examples of narcotic analgesics include codeine, her-
amines, cocaine, and most diet suppressants);
oin, morphine, and opium. Harmful effects of anal-
sympathomimetic amines, which stimulate the sym-
gesics include gastrointestinal disturbances, physical
pathetic and autonomic nervous systems; hallucino-
and psychological dependence, and depressed res-
gens, often referred to as recreational, mind-altering,
piration, including respiratory arrest. Non­narcotic
or street drugs (Martens et al., 2007); and miscella-
analgesics such as aspirin and acetaminophen, which
neous central nervous system (CNS) stimulants such
are not habit forming, do not affect the central ner-
as ephedrine that are found in many prescription
vous system and are not banned.
and over-the-counter cold remedies. Ostensibly these
drugs improve athletic performance by increasing
alertness through inhibition of mental and physical Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
fatigue. However, on the minus—and very dangerous— Perhaps best known for the treatment of high
side, some stimulants (e.g., cocaine) may result in blood pressure and some forms of heart disease,
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  455

beta-blockers aid performance by slowing the heart Nausea, heat exhaustion, or stroke from impaired
rate, decreasing anxiety, and steadying natural body thermoregulatory control, blood clotting, reduced
tremors. These are desirable outcomes in sports blood volume, and muscle cramps are other possi-
such as rifle and pistol shooting, archery, bowling, ble outcomes (Russell, 1990).
and golf, which are why their use creates an unfair
advantage. Adverse effects of beta-blockers include Additional Banned Performance Aids
bronchospasms, CNS disturbances, hypotension,
Caffeine is another type of CNS stimulant that is
and impotence. In addition, beta-blockers may neg-
banned by WADA if ingested beyond moderation.
atively affect high-intensity, longer-endurance tasks.
How much caffeine intake is too much? Moderate
caffeine intake commensurate with less than
Meldonium 18 ounces of coffee is not prohibited by the IOC.
The WADA added the drug meldonium to the Caffeine increases alertness and arousal, thereby
list of substances banned for use by athletes start- preventing or overcoming mental and physical
ing January 1, 2016. Meldonium is reported to fatigue. These effects may improve forms of ath-
have anti-ischemic and cardioprotective effects; it letic performance that depend on heightened CNS
increases blood flow and thus carries more oxygen activity. Excessive amounts of caffeine can prolong
to muscle tissue. There is some evidence in sport endurance performance and high-intensity short-
that it may increase endurance, shorten the recovery duration exercise, creating an unfair advantage in
period after exercise, and enhance activation of the competitive sport; however, excessive caffeine may
central nervous system. Prior to being banned, there also adversely affect thermoregulation (i.e., internal
was an alarmingly high prevalence of meldonium body temperature). As a diuretic, caffeine increases
use by athletes. For example, the laboratory findings urination. Combined with insufficient water intake,
from the Baku 2015 European Games detected use the athlete’s internal body temperature rises, induc-
in 15 of the 21 sports and in 13 medalists (Stuart, ing premature fatigue and, at dangerous levels,
Schneider, & Steinbach, 2016). In March 2016, pro- heat-related illnesses.
fessional tennis player Maria Sharapova announced
that she had a positive doping test at the Australian Blood Doping
Open Tennis Championships in January as a result
Blood doping involves removing approximately one
of consuming the banned drug meldonium. At the
liter (about two units) of the athlete’s blood one to
time, she was the world’s top earning sportswoman.
two months before the competition and appropriately
She was suspended from professional sport for two
freezing and storing it. The athlete’s frozen red blood
years, but the ban was lifted nine months early.
cells are then infused back into the competitor shortly
before competition, thus increasing red cell mass and
Diuretics hemoglobin up to 15 percent. This technique increases
Diuretics increase the rate at which water and salts oxygen uptake—the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity—
leave the body as urine. Athletes such as jockeys, thereby improving aerobic (endurance) performance.
wrestlers, and boxers use diuretics to make weight The effect may last as long as two weeks. Blood doping
for a competition. Other athletes use diuretics to has few medical dangers if a careful and knowledge-
overcome fluid retention—often to modify the excre- able physician performs it. Yet there is the possibility
tion rate of urine to alter the urinary concentrations of being infected by hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV
of banned drugs such as anabolic steroids. The rapid (AIDS) due to mishandling or mislabeling of blood
depletion of body fluids in general and of potas- products. As Williams (1998) indicates, “an incompat-
sium in particular can produce heart arrhythmias. ible blood transfusion could be fatal” (p. 143).
456 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

Erythropoietin that “short-term creatine supplementation may

Another form of blood doping may occur by ingest- contribute to increased total body mass, at least in
ing the hormone erythropoietin (EPO). EPO is a males, although much of the increase in body mass
hormone secreted by the kidneys in response to may be attributed to water retention rather than
hypoxia—a lack of oxygen in the blood—that stim- increased contractile protein. Chronic creatine sup-
ulates production of red blood cells (hemoglobin). plementation, combined with resistance training,
As Branch explained (2002), “an increase in hemo- may increase lean body mass, but more supportive
globin and the circulating red blood cell mass by research is desirable to determine efficacy and the
doping would increase the oxygen content in arte- possible underlying mechanism” (p. 194). Williams
rial blood and enhance the body’s ability to trans- (1998), however, also reports that “creatine supple-
port oxygen to peripheral exercising muscle (p. 61). mentation might be detrimental to performance in
Typically, EPO is used clinically to treat anemia in events dependent primarily on the oxygen energy
hemodialysis patients; however, world-class endur- system. Creatine phosphate is not a very import-
ance athletes have also been known to ingest EPO. ant energy source for prolonged aerobic exercise”
For example, a number of world-class cyclists who (p. 180). Williams concludes that creatine supple-
competed in the Tour de France, including Lance mentation may have a beneficial effect only in certain
Armstrong, have admitted to using EPO (Keller, types of performance (e.g., repetitive, high-intensity,
2013). EPO reduces the onset of muscular fatigue very short-term tasks with brief recovery periods).
and may improve regulation of the internal body
temperature, thus providing an unfair advantage Human Growth Hormone
to endurance athletes who use it. The American and Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) considers
HGH, banned by WADA, is naturally secreted
blood doping unethical, and readers are referred to
by the pituitary gland. More recently, it has been
Sawka et al. (2010) for the ACSM’s position paper
created by recombinant DNA technology, but it
on the use of blood doping.
remains very expensive. Clinically, HGH is pre-
scribed to overcome pituitary deficiency in chil-
Creatine dren. In adults, HGH increases lean body mass and
Creatine has become increasingly popular since decreases fat mass. Mark McGuire (Major League
St. Louis Cardinals’ home run slugger Mark Baseball player with one of the best single-season
McGuire admitted using it during the 1998 season home run records) has admitted to using HGH, and
in which he hit 70 home runs (he has since discon- it was the primary steroid used by the late profes-
tinued using creatine according to media reports). sional football player, Lyle Alzado, quoted earlier,
Creatine is classified as a physiological sports ergo- who died at the age 42 of two brain tumors.
genic, although it also is regarded as a nutritional Banned by many sport organizations, HGH is
sports ergogenic (Williams, Kreider, & Branch, medically used to treat HGH deficiency, Turner’s
1999). Ostensibly, its function is to increase mus- syndrome, and for relief from excessive burns by
cular power and speed in sports events (Williams, stimulating growth (Saugy et al., 2006). In addi-
1998). It is a popular substance because it is not tion, the U.S. national media reported in 2004 that
considered an anabolic steroid and is perceived as HGH has been taken by 20,000 to 30,000 nonath-
safe, and it is legally available in drug and health letes in the United States to prevent aging at a cost
food stores and fitness clubs around the world. of $1,000 per month (The Tennessean, January 16,
How effective is it? The results of studies are 2007). Although this anabolic outcome may
equivocal. Williams et al. (1999) has concluded appear to have a beneficial effect related to sport
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  457

performance, the results of past studies have indi- entail measurement whereby the target variable
cated that the use of HGH for six months produces (i.e., doping behavior) is estimated via an interme-
less than five pounds of muscle mass and a similar diary variable (Petroczi, 2015). See Petroczi (2015)
decrease in fat. This outcome is similar following for a discussion of indirect techniques such as pro-
resistance training, but without the use of HGH. jective questioning, hypothetical situations, network
Thus, the effect of HGH on physical performance scale-up, and implicit methods using response time
seems negligible in contrast to regular exercise. It differences. Keep these limitations in mind when
can also cause the skull to thicken and the forehead examining the following information.
and eyebrow ridge to become especially prominent.
One’s hands and feet grow out of proportion with
the rest of the body, causing a condition called acro- Anecdotal Evidence
megaly. If a patient is young enough that his or her Anecdotal evidence consists of information pro-
bones are still growing, exposure to excessive HGH vided by individuals based on their own experiences
will result in gigantism. or perceptions. For example, former U.S. Olympic
A related hormone that ostensibly has an gold medal hurdler Edwin Moses (1988) asserted
ergogenic effect is gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB). that “at least 50 percent of the athletes in high-
Although the body produces this substance natu- performance sports such as track and field, cycling,
rally, too much can lead to distorted physical char- and rowing would be disqualified if they weren’t so
acteristics, which is why it sometimes is referred adept at beating the tests” (p. 57). Other anecdotal
to as Frankenstein’s syndrome. GHB stimulates the evidence exists to show that some coaches actually
release of human growth hormone and can lead to a sanction drug use, either passively, by failing to warn
coma and death. WADA also bans GHB. their athletes against it, or actively, by encouraging
athletes to use steroids and ways to avoid positive
drug tests. For example, Kelli White (American
How Widespread Is Doping world champion sprinter) stated,
in Sport?
I want to explain what it takes for the whole
It is impossible to determine the exact extent of system to work . . . It not only took [Nick] Conte’s
doping in sport. The two primary sources of infor- [founder of BALCO] help, it took my coach
making me believe it was O.K. I think a lot of the
mation, anecdotal evidence and scientific research
time, what happens to athletes is that people make
studies, have serious limitations. Anecdotal reports, you believe that what you are doing is O.K. because
among other shortcomings, fail to provide concrete everyone else is doing it. (Nazzaro, 2013, p. 10)
evidence documenting the usage of illegal drugs
and methods. According to a review by Ntoumanis, Encouragement to take banned substances
Ng, Barkoukis, and Backhouse (2014), the major- can be direct, as in the example just provided, or
ity of scientific studies have relied on self-report indirect (e.g., requiring that the participant reach
surveys. A serious limitation of this approach is an unrealistic body weight by a certain time,
underreporting due to a social-desirability effect requiring a particularly demanding performance
(Gucciardi, Jalleh, & Donovan, 2015); that is, goal, or ignoring doping behavior and thus sanc-
athletes might be unwilling to admit to a behavior tioning its use). For example, Canadian world-
considered undesirable, unethical, or illegal. See class sprinter Ben Johnson, after having his gold
Gucciardi et al. (2015) for suggestions to lessen medal taken away, strongly asserted to a Canadian
this effect. Other researchers have tried to get more government inquiry that his coach knowingly gave
accurate reporting by using indirect methods that him a substance that was banned by international
458 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

sport organizations (Time, 1989). Throughout the Scientific Evidence

coverage of the Olympics, there are numerous As we indicated earlier, the reported prevalence
examples of athletes being disqualified for doping of doping in competitive sport is influenced by
and stripped of their medals. the methodology employed by the researchers.
Anecdotal evidence indicates team physicians A recent review of psychology of doping research
and other professional employees have contributed (Elbe & Barkoukis, 2017) reported that when using
to drug abuse among athletes. For example, Ye self-report surveys, rates might lie between 3 and
Qiaobo, a Chinese speed skater, was sent home in 15 percent, with younger and female athletes less
disgrace from the 1988 Olympics after testing pos- susceptible to doping than older and male ath-
itive for steroids. A later inquiry revealed that she letes. When indirect measures are employed, dop-
unknowingly had been taking steroids prescribed ing in elite athletes may be as high as 39 percent
by the team doctor. Richard Rydze, former team (de Hon, Kuipers, & Bottemburg, 2015). We found
doctor for the Pittsburgh Steelers, was arrested for one study of competitive bodybuilders in which the
distributing steroids, HGH, and painkillers. Also, figures were 77.8 percent for steroid use (Blouin &
Kirk Radomski, who was a New York Mets club- Goldfield, 1995)!
house employee, pled guilty to distributing steroids Some insights regarding bodybuilders comes
between 1995 and 2005. Television’s coverage of from Grogan and colleagues’ (2006) in-depth inter-
the Olympics revealed the extensiveness, as far back views with five male and six female body builders to
as preparation for the 1976 Olympics, of experi- examine their motives for steroid use and the subse-
mentation with steroids by many countries. In the quent effects of prolonged steroid use. These users
former East Germany, for example, team doctors, believed steroids used in moderation were safe and
under orders from the highest political powers, pre- that serious side effects were not significant disin-
scribed steroids for athletes, even 13-year-old girls, centives. Perhaps not surprisingly, the researchers
and then kept careful records regarding the effects found that competitors deemphasized serious side
of different dosages on performance and the length effects relative to short-term gains. This result has
of time needed to test clean. The results of the 1972 widespread implications for athletes in other sports
Olympics, and probably others, were greatly con- in which more immediate concerns about perfor-
taminated by these efforts. mance enhancement is more important than possi-
In other high-profile cases, Alex Rodriguez, ble long-term risks.
a 14-time All-Star and at that time the highest-paid The seriousness of ingesting steroids in sport
player in the league, was suspended for the entire is apparently a concern to coaches. BlueCross
2014 season for violating Major League Baseball’s BlueShield of Tennessee and the Tennessee
performance-enhancing drugs policy. In addition Secondary School Athletic Association surveyed 462
to Rodriguez, 12 more players accepted 50-game high school coaches in Tennessee (Daily News Journal,
suspensions for their connections to Biogenesis, November 18, 2005). They found that 90 percent
the lab found to be supplying performance- of the coaches perceived performance-enhancing
enhancing drugs. In a later interview, which USA drugs as a problem among high school athletes, with
Today (Sinn, 2017) reported on, Rodriguez had the 18 percent concluding it is a “serious” problem. In
following quote: addition, while 98 percent of the coaches believed
How stupid can you be? This thing cost me over that educating students about performance-enhanc-
$40 million. And it cost me my reputation, and it ing drugs is important, 54 percent of the coaches did
may cost me the Hall of Fame and a number of not believe students understand the long-term effects
other things. of using such drugs, and 65 percent said they have
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  459

warned the athletes against using them. This data, if 23,028 student-athletes across 24 sports and showed
accurate and generalizable to other samples, is posi- that within the past 12 months:
tive in that coaches appear to acknowledge the seri-
• 1.5 percent used amphetamines*
ousness and pervasiveness of drug usage in sport.
A number of large-scale studies have been • 0.4 percent used anabolic steroids*
conducted with young people. For example, Melia, • 3.8 percent used cocaine*
Pipe, and Greenberg (1996) attempted to deter-
mine the prevalence of the use of anabolic steroids
• 1.9 percent took Ecstasy/Molly*
and other performance-enhancing drugs among • 0.2 percent used heroin*
16,119 Canadian students from grades 6 to 12 rep- • 77.1 percent drank alcohol
resenting five regions of Canada. They found that
2.8 percent of this sample ingested these banned • 24.7 percent reported using marijuana*
substances in attempts to improve sport perfor- • 2.9 percent used narcotic pain medication
mance or to improve body build. Similar findings without a prescription
occurred with 2,516 middle and high school students • 7.5 used ADHD stimulants without a
in the United States (Van Den Berg, Neumark-Sztainer, prescription
Cafri, & Wall, 2007). For the females and males,
*Substance banned for use by the NCAA.
1.4 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively, admitted to
steroid use. While this study did not specifically focus This latest survey found intercollegiate athletes are
on athletes, the researchers found that the desire for using marijuana and amphetamines at a lower rate
a larger body size in boys and participation in weight- than the nonathlete college population. Also, the
related sports for girls were predictors of steroid use. percentage of student-athletes who reported drink-
A study of “muscle-enhancing behaviors” with 2,793 ing alcohol showed a slight decrease from the previ-
adolescents revealed that 5.9 percent reported using ous survey of 2013.
steroids, while 34.7 percent used protein powders or On the international level, the broadest
shakes (Eisenberg, Wall, & Neumark-Sztainer, 2012). source of data comes from a composite of all
The athletes in this study were “significantly more tests analyzed by the WADA-accredited laborato-
likely to report more muscle-enhancing behaviors than ries. In this book’s previous edition, we reported
those not involved in sports” (p. 1022). The authors that WADA found that the percentage of adverse
concluded that prevention programs were needed, atypical findings for 2011 and 2012 were the
especially those aimed at sport teams, coaches, and highest compared to the past five years. The fig-
parents. Even more disconcerting were the results ures from 2013 to 2017 show this upward trend
from a study of just athletes (N = 3,573, mean continuing for sport overall and for non-Olympic
age 15.5 years) from Quebec provincial teams; sports; however, for Olympic sports, the figures
25.8 percent admitted that within the last 12 months were lower, except for 2016 (WADA, 2017). (An
they attempted to improve their performance by using adverse atypical finding indicates “the presence
1 of 15 substances prohibited or restricted by the of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or
International Olympic Committee (Goulet, Valois, markers” but “does not necessarily lead to an
Buist, & Côté, 2010). anti-doping rule violation, since an athlete may
For intercollegiate athletes, the best data have a therapeutic use exemption for this particu-
comes from a recent National Collegiate Athletic lar substance”; WADA, 2011).
Association study of substance use (NCAA, 2018). Many claim that the WADA statistics cannot
They reported findings from a 2017 survey of be used as a reliable estimate of the prevalence
460 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

of doping because the way they are conducted Cope with pain and injury rehabilitation. Athletes
(i.e., analytical chemistry that gives priority to also ingest drugs to cope psychologically with physi-
specificity at the expense of sensitivity) leads to cal discomfort and to expedite recovery from injury
underestimated values (e.g., Sottas et al., 2011). (English, 1987). For example, athletes may feel
For example, Sottas and colleagues found that that medical treatment is not sufficient to eliminate
their procedures for determining blood doping pain. They will take drugs to attenuate pain with no
in 2,737 top-level international track and field prescription and without the coach’s knowledge,
athletes tested across multiple years yielded a usually to avoid disappointing the coach or losing
14 percent mean estimate and a 1 to 48 percent starting status (a tendency more typical of the male
estimate depending upon the subpopulation (e.g., athletes) (Anshel, 1991a).
endurance vs. nonendurance or country). These
figures are in sharp contrast to the 1 to 2 percent Weight control. Amphetamines often are used to
typically reported by WADA. control appetite, while diuretics reduce fluid weight.
The preceding data on the prevalence of doping This allows the athlete to compete in a lower weight
in sport is one reason well-publicized doping poli- group, which the athlete feels is more likely to lead
cies by sports organizations and coaches, a strong to success (Donald, 1983).
testing program that has consequences, continuous
Psychological Causes
doping education, and close monitoring of athlete
behavior by coaches and parents are of extreme Stress and anxiety. Emotions such as stress, ten-
importance. These issues will be addressed later. sion, and anxiety may be antecedent causes of
ingesting drugs, particularly hallucinogens and
beta-blockers. The need to control anxiety and other
Likely Causes of Doping undesirable emotions in sport is widely known, but
in Sport these artificial means provide an unfair advantage.
Recreational drugs have also been used to help
Based on a review of the anecdotal and scientific athletes manage stress and anxiety, which is both
literature, the causes of doping lie within three unethical and illegal (Anshel, 1991a). Instead, ath-
categories: physical (performance enhancement), letes can be taught mental skills for controlling emo-
psychological and emotional, and social. tions, such as the ones presented in this book.
Physical Causes
Boredom. Recreational drugs, which, of course,
Enhance sport performance. The most common are illegal, might be ingested to help overcome bore-
physical reason for doping is attempting to enhance dom (Julien, 1981), which is more prevalent on
sport performance. Depending on the doping behav- weekends, when teams travel, or when team-related
ior, the athlete may be seeking benefits such as activities are unplanned (Anshel, 1991b).
increased strength, endurance, alertness, and aggres-
sion; decreased fatigue, anxiety, and muscle tremor; Personal problems. A variety of personal, nonsport
or faster recovery from injury and exercise. As indi- issues may lead an athlete to use drugs. The athlete’s
cated earlier, coaches and sponsors can and often personal life may be in turmoil (e.g., poor school
do contribute to the competitors’ dilemma by rein- grades, an unhappy or dysfunctional home life).
forcing the need to win at any cost. The same can be Drugs, then, may be a coping mechanism or a means
said for some parents, media, teammates, and peers. of escape in dealing with personal difficulties away
Financial incentives also exist in some cases. from the sport venue (Gardner & Moore, 2006).
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  461

Low self-confidence and self-esteem. Athletes If I had known that I would be this sick now,
may use drugs, either performance enhancing to I would have tried to make it in football on my
build self-confidence or recreational, due to a lack own—naturally. Whoever is doing this stuff, if you
of self-confidence (Anshel, 1991a). Perhaps the stay on it too long or maybe if you get on it at all,
you’re going to get something bad from it. . . .
athlete doubts his or her skills or is worried about
It is a wrong thing to do. (p. 25)
the perceived superior skills of an opponent (e.g.,
“They make me feel better about my ability,” “I’m
sure ‘so and so’ is taking them,” “If I’m going to per- Negative perfectionism. Some individuals are
form at ‘X’ speed, I have to take these”). These feel- never pleased with their accomplishments, even
ings may reflect low self-esteem, which is a person’s with the appropriate recognition and adulation of
evaluation of the picture they hold about themselves others. For these people, “good” is never quite good
(Sonstroem, 1997). Drug use may be perceived to enough. A perfectionist is someone who has trouble
increase self-esteem or confidence. discriminating between realistic and idealized stan-
dards (Flett & Hewitt, 2002). He or she bypasses
The Superman (Adonis) complex. The Superman, attainable excellence in pursuit of unattainable per-
or Adonis, complex is a condition in which some fection. Performance-enhancing doping provides
athletes feel impervious to the known harmful a means to overcome the self-doubt and anxiety
effects of drugs, even after obtaining valid infor- associated with failing to meet excessively high stan-
mation about possible detrimental effects to their dards, a condition called neurotic perfectionism
health (Anshel, 1993). According to Don Weiss, (Hewitt & Flett, 2002). Although researchers have
executive director of the National Football League: increased their attention to perfectionism in recent
“It is not easy to convince pro football players that years (Stoll, Lau, & Stoeber, 2007), additional
they are vulnerable to the negative health effects research is needed to determine its connection to
of steroids. Some of these young men are such doping in sport.
great physical specimens with such great athletic
ability that they think they’ll be like that forever” Social Causes
(Shroyer, 1990, p. 115). Also worrisome is that the Perhaps there is no greater cause of succumbing
Superman/Adonis complex can prompt adolescent to drug ingestion than response to social—and
nonthletes to use steroids to improve their physique societal—pressures.
(Pope, 2002).
What may change these perceptions of invin- Peer pressure and acceptance. Pressure from
cibility are the publicized stories of high-profile peers, the need to gain group acceptance, or the
athletes whose health has significantly deterio- natural need to be accepted and admired by others
rated or who have died because of the prolonged are likely causes of doping. For example, athletes
use of banned substances. This was the exact who have a strong need for social approval may
reaction to the death of former Denver Broncos use recreational or performance-enhancing drugs
football player Lyle Alzado in 1989 at age 42. if they believe that is what is expected by their
Alzado died from cancer that he (and his doc- teammates (Waldron & Krane, 2005). In their
tors) attributed to prolonged, extensive use of ste- eagerness to attain social acceptance, athletes
roids and HGH. In an article published in Sports become aware of the types of approval-earning
Illustrated (Alzado, 1991) entitled, “I’m Sick and behaviors—the need to please other people—that
I’m Scared,” Alzado asserted: will facilitate popularity.
462 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

Role models. If sports stars are known to dope, (positive or negative evaluations of performing dop-
will younger, less skilled athletes be copycats? ing), (c) perceived subjective norm (pressure from
Modeling occurs when we learn by demonstration significant others to either engage or not engage
or change our behavior to imitate behaviors we in doping), and (d) perceived behavioral control
have observed (Gill & Williams, 2008). Modeling (evaluation of capability/obstacles to performing
has a particularly influential effect during adoles- the behavior). They noted that although TPB and
cence. Accordingly, the development of appropriate extensions of the approach (e.g., adding morality
(e.g., training and effort) and inappropriate (e.g., issues) have been somewhat effective in predicting
cheating, doping) behavior of young athletes often doping behavior, even better understanding and
is derived from the modeling of older, more expe- prediction might occur with the use of integrative
rienced counterparts. The modeling effect is rein- models that incorporate social-cognitive research
forced by media reports that publicize incidences and include broader personal, social/contextual, and
of doping by professional athletes. For example, institutional dimensions. See Lazuras (2015) for an
the Mitchell Report (2007) on steroid use in Major overview of integrative models (e.g., The Integrative
League Baseball highlighted the increased prolifer- Model, The Trans-contextual Model of Anti-Doping,
ation of steroid use by adolescents, both athletes The Theory of Triadic Influence, The Sport Drug
and nonathletes, and partly attributed the problem Control Model) and Elbe and Barkoukis (2017)
to the perception that professional athletes are also for a discussion of theoretical approaches used in
taking these drugs. psychology of doping research.

Conceptual Models and Predictors Strategies for Controlling

of Doping Behavior
Although a variety of conceptual models and demo-
graphic and psychosocial predictors have been According to Elbe and Barkoukis (2017), the most
used to try and understand doping, Ntoumanis common doping prevention approach has been
et al. (2014) were the first to quantitatively syn- one of detection and deterrence. This approach has
thesize the available evidence in order to identify led to more frequent, more thorough (samples
the strongest predictors of doping intentions and kept multiple years so retesting and punishment
behaviors. Their meta-analysis included 63 indepen- could occur with advances in detection), random,
dent datasets and found that the strongest positive and out-of-competition testing. The approach has
correlates of doping intentions and behaviors were deterrence limits, however, because testing tech-
the use of legal nutritional supplements, perceived niques are often inadequate. Therefore, it must be
social norms (e.g., friends that doped), and positive supplemented with a prevention approach, more
attitudes toward doping. In contrast, morality and specifically, education-based interventions that
self-efficacy to refrain from doping were negatively are long term and values based and grounded on
associated with doping. scientific evidence and conceptual models coming
In addition, Ntoumanis and colleagues reported from research on psychology of doping use in sports
that most of the doping studies used the theory of (100+ studies in the last decade). 
planned behavior (TPB, Ajzen, 1991) to examine The effectiveness of strategies to prevent or
the psychosocial mechanisms that potentially lead eliminate doping in sport is often a function of
to doping behavior. According to TPB, behavior factors such as the individual’s perceived needs
(i.e., doping) would be viewed as a distal or proximal for using banned drugs and methods. For exam-
outcome of the athlete’s (a) intention, (b) attitude ple, gaining self-confidence, overcoming pain,
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  463

improving strength or performance, the type of Lumsden, 1987). The following suggestions were
drug usage (e.g., performance enhancing versus derived from anecdotal and scientific literature,
mind altering), the sport’s physical demands (e.g., media reports, and one of the author’s (Anshel)
those requiring improved aerobic capacity, strength, experiences as a sport psychology consultant.
or steadiness), and situational factors (e.g., bore-
dom, stress, keeping endorsements, high expecta-
tions of others, perception that others are doping). Cognitive Approaches
Nevertheless, because athletes share similar psycho- Provide education. Traditionally, the primary
logical demands and performance requirements, objective of education-based prevention programs
many of the issues described here can be applied was to disseminate accurate information about the
to competitors from various sports, skill levels, gen- negative consequences of drug use. The underlying
ders, and cultures. premise was that people use drugs because they
An array of techniques is available in the anti- have little knowledge of their deleterious effects
doping arsenal (see Anshel, 1991b, 2005; Barkoukis, (Nicholson, 1989). Supposedly, after being edu-
2015; and Ntoumanis et al., 2014, for reviews of inter- cated about these risks and dangers, the individual
ventions and suggestions for prevention and control is expected to develop a negative attitude toward
strategies). Strategies for decreasing or eliminating drug use that, in turn, will dictate desirable behavior.
doping are only as effective as the policymakers, sport In actuality, an intervention meta-analysis review
organizations, coaches, consultants, and parents (Ntoumanis et al., 2014) has shown that increased
who help implement them. Strict policies by sport knowledge about the harmful effects of doping
organizations to which the athlete belongs form a has only a minimal influence on behavior, but
formidable obstacle to doping in sport, as evidenced another review concluded that there is a place for
by organizations representing elite sports (e.g., IOC, scare tactics in antidoping education, provided it is
USOPC, NCAA, professional sport organizations). theory-based, credible, and targeted (Petroczi,
Regulating doping therefore starts with organiza- Dodge, Backhouse, & Adesanwa, 2014). A recent
tional policy. Prevention efforts should also include qualitative study with young adult athletes also
coaches, medical staff, and parents (Dodge, Clarke, & found that they felt scare tactics would deter adoles-
Renninger, 2015; Elbe & Barkoukis, 2017, Ntoumanis cents from initiating doping (Hallward & Duncan,
et al., 2014). The coach, however, is the person who 2019). In addition, the athletes recommended that
has the most credibility with the athlete and who is educational programs initially target late child-
the most important agent in preventing doping behav- hood and adolescent athletes and that the pro-
iors on the team (Anshel, 1990, 1993). grams would be more effective if they were short
The two approaches offered in this chap- and delivered in an interacting and engaging format
ter for combating doping center on cognitive and and included the athletes’ entire entourage (e.g.,
behavioral strategies. Cognitive strategies deal with coaches, parents, trainers, doctors).
influencing the athlete’s behaviors and attitudes According to Barkoukis (2015), rather than
intellectually and psychologically through verbal primarily addressing potential negative side effects
and nonverbal communication. Behavioral tech- of doping, it would be far better if educational
niques involve two components: (a) setting up sit- interventions focused on the risk factors associated
uations that foster certain desirable responses from with doping use and employed relevant behavioral
the athletes, including instituting organization and change theories. He also noted that effectiveness
team policies that prohibit doping, and (b) using might be enhanced if protective factors such as
verbal and nonverbal techniques that reinforce favor- life skills, self-esteem, self-assertion, self-belonging,
able behaviors or performance outcomes (Martin & parental support, and emotion management were
464 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

included.  Further, these interventions should start psychology consultants, academic tutors) should
with young athletes, involve interactive learning be sensitive to various aspects of athletes’ lives.
versus one-way delivery of information, include Examples include a newly divorced or deceased
“booster” sessions, and be continuously evaluated parent/guardian, poor school grades, high absentee
to ensure success and enable modification if goals rate, a personal crisis, frequent illnesses, short-term
are not sufficiently met. In addition, Backhouse and change in physical features, heightened aggression,
colleagues (2012) emphasized that successful edu- frequent bouts of anger, and unwarranted challenges
cational interventions are tailored to fit the needs of to authority (Damm, 1991). Physical, emotional,
the target population, aimed at core life skills such behavioral, and cognitive signs of drug use are listed
as effective refusal skills and decision making, and in Table 21-1. Attempts to stop the drug-taking
delivered by well-trained individuals. behavior must be enacted immediately.

Discuss ethical issues. Doping compromises the Build confidence and self-esteem. Athletes who
integrity of sport competition because (a) athletes doubt their ability to succeed are more susceptible
will never know their natural potential due to rely- to doping than their more confident counterparts.
ing on a foreign substance or outlawed method, As such, athletes can be taught to believe in their
(b) doping has a health risk, and (c) athletes who ability to perform to their capability by continually
engage in doping behaviors seek an unfair and learning new skills and strategies and through hard
illegal advantage. Sports administrators, coaches, physical and mental training. Sport psychology con-
parents, and sport psychology consultants can sultants can help athletes with low self-confidence
send a joint message that doping is cheating, and by teaching them the cognitive techniques found in
this dishonesty deprives athletes and others of Chapter 16.
knowing the true victor at the risk of one’s health.
Educational strategies aimed at improving athletes’ Professional counseling. An athlete’s decision to
moral-reasoning and ethical decision-making skills engage in doping behavior often has a psychologi-
should help reduce doping intentions and behav- cal explanation, as noted earlier. Low self-esteem,
iors considering the meta-analysis finding that irrational thinking, depression, pressure to meet
morality and self-efficacy to refrain from doping abnormally high expectations (both their own and
were deterrents of doping behavior (Ntoumanis those of others, a condition associated with neu-
et al., 2014).  Intervention research now supports rotic perfectionism), chronic anxiety, pressure to
this premise (Elbe & Brand, 2016). achieve, need for peer approval and acceptance by
others, or feelings of helplessness and low personal
Recognize the athletes’ use of drugs. To think “it control are all reasons for athletes to obtain profes-
can’t happen on my team (or to me)” is not only sional counseling. Coaches do not typically have
naive but also irresponsible. To be effective, coaches training in counseling, but the coach is often the
and parents must detect signs and symptoms of first—and most important—person to whom an ath-
drug ingestion—even legal drugs that are against lete comes to discuss personal or team-related con-
team rules—before it becomes addictive and has cerns (Rosenfeld, Richman, & Hardy, 1989). Team
long-lasting negative consequences to good health. members need private and confidential access to
Unfortunately, according to at least one study their coach. The sport psychology consultant can be
(Hanson & Gould, 1988), parents and coaches another effective confidant and facilitator in help-
cannot always detect athletes’ thoughts, emotions, ing athletes deal with their pressures and problems.
and signals of certain behavioral patterns. Coaches Addressing the issues surrounding doping behav-
and team consultants (e.g., athletic trainers, sport ior may even warrant referral to a licensed mental
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  465

Table 21-1  Physical, Behavioral, Emotional, health professional (see Chapter 20 for guidelines
and Cognitive Signs of Drug Use on referral).

Physical Signs Motivational interviewing (MI). Miller and

•• Bloodshot eyes Rollnick (2002) have developed a client-centered
•• Dark circles under eyes directive method to increase a client’s intrinsic
•• Profuse sweating motivation for health behavior change by explor-
•• Heightened sensitivity to touch, smell, and sound ing and resolving ambivalence. MI could perform
•• Chronic fatigue three essential functions with respect to reducing or
•• Trouble maintaining normal body temperature eliminating doping in sport: (a) collaborating with
(always feeling too hot or cold) the athlete to create a safe, supportive, and non-
Behavioral Signs judgmental environment within which to influence
the athlete to avoid doping; (b) exploring with the
•• Unusually secretive behavior athlete reasons for and against doping, the goal of
•• Increased tardiness to practice and school which is to resolve ambivalence; and (c) develop-
•• Apathetic attitude about school ing the athlete’s sense of autonomy, or responsibil-
•• Poor school performance ity, for changing the decision to engage in doping
•• Social isolation behaviors. One study using MI for health behav-
•• Often broke or out of money ior change indicated significant improvements in
•• Irresponsible fitness, exercise adherence, and blood lipids (i.e.,
•• High risk-taking behaviors changes in diet) among Tennessee police officers
•• Change in dress style (Anshel & Kang, 2008).
•• New circle of friends
•• Marked changes in usual or normal ways of behav- Behavioral Strategies
ing (e.g., unwarranted challenges to authority,
isolation, increased arguments, new friends) Teach sport skills and offer positive feedback. 
Athletes, perhaps more than most other individu-
Emotional Signs
als, are driven to achieve the virtually impossible
•• Extreme mood swings task of performing consistent and error-free skilled
•• Irritability movements. Experiencing improved performance
•• Highly reactive will give the athletes fewer reasons to engage in
•• Less affectionate banned behaviors. Offering high-quality, proper
•• Chronic physical fatigue conditioning programs can also result in improved
•• Heightened aggression/hostility performance through better training. Good coaches
•• Recurrent depressive episodes are good teachers. The key objectives for the coach
Cognitive Signs include skill and conditioning improvement and
•• Decreased mental capabilities positive reinforcements of desirable performance
•• Disordered thinking changes through verbal and nonverbal communica-
•• Increased forgetfulness tion (Martin & Lumsden, 1987).
•• Paranoid thoughts that others are out to get him or her
Develop and implement a doping policy and plan of
•• Denial of problems
action. This strategy is of particular importance,
•• Superman complex (i.e., sense of invulnerability)
especially given the doping scandals that have
•• Shortened attention span plagued elite-level sports. Sport organizations at
•• Thoughts of suicide all levels of competition, starting with adolescents,
466 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

should include widespread information about the and ready to respond in an emergency 24 hours
dangers of doping in sport. Teams and sport organi- a day. A “management-by-crisis” approach must
zations must develop a doping policy and announce be avoided. Respecting the competitor’s confi-
it from day one. The policy should include testing dentiality and privacy is another important ingre-
(preferably random), consequences for violations dient to an effective plan of action. For example,
(treats all athletes equally), education (see earlier should parents be notified if their son or daughter
section), and a process for seeking assistance and/ is involved in taking banned substances of any
or counseling. Failure to do so, in effect, actually kind? Cases of doping need not be publicized or
sanctions doping—or gives the impression that handled publicly. The objective of an effective
sport leaders do not care. Athletes need to know response is to extinguish the probability of future
the boundaries between acceptable and unaccept- undesirable behaviors by responding efficiently to
able behaviors. The coach and parents must jointly an emergency.
assert that doping is not allowed. A strict sport
organization and team doping policy also relieves Use behavioral contracting. A contract system,
athletes of feeling pressured to engage in behaviors often called a performance contract, is among the
that are illegal, unethical, and detrimental to their most sophisticated forms of contingency manage-
physical and mental health. ment. It is a preplanned agreement between two
The results of studies show that drug testing parties (the coach or administrative unit and athlete
effectively reduces the likelihood of drug abuse in this case) that a specified reinforcement will occur
among athletes. For example, Albrecht, Anderson, to the athlete following the occurrence of a partic-
McGrew, McKeag, and Hough (1992) found in ular action (Martin & Lumsden, 1987). Contracts
their study of 2,282 college athletes that “among can be verbal or, perhaps more effectively, in writ-
those athletes participating at colleges and ten form and signed by the parties involved. Of
universities with institutionally based drug-testing course, in professional sports in the United States,
programs, individuals who are aware of the fact player unions and team contracts stipulate drug-
they are susceptible to periodic testing are more testing procedures and penalties.
inclined to view such procedures as an effective
deterrent to drug use” (p. 245). These results Use a support group. Results of research on the
can be generalized to adolescent athletes as well effectiveness of educational programs on drug
(Martin & Anshel, 1991). Doping policies have (Palmer, 1989) and alcohol prevention (Werch,
become more stringent at the professional level. Carlson, Pappas, Edemon, & DiClemente, 2000)
For example, in the National Hockey League revealed that high school seniors serve as excellent
(NHL), a player who fails his random drug testing peer educators and role models in drug prevention
is suspended for 20 games without pay for the first among fellow student athletes and nonathletes.
incident (NHL, 2013). Among the first structured attempts at dealing
If a doping incident occurs, coaches should with drug abuse on a sports team, particularly at
know whom to call—physicians, school administra- the elite level, was one conducted by the Cleveland
tive personnel, a counselor, a legal advisor, perhaps Browns football team (Collins, Pippenger, &
a religious leader. All team leaders and athletes Janesz, 1984). In addition to medical and psycho-
should know in advance the necessary steps in logical treatment programs, the team owner hired
responding to a player’s doping or the results of a a psychiatrist to conduct group and individual
positive test. This policy should be an integral part therapies and to establish self-help meetings for
of an overall crisis management plan. Medical and players and their wives. The core of the program
psychological support services should be in place consisted of a subgroup called The Inner Circle,
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  467

which included of a group of identified drug­ gyms, and athletes across all levels of skill. Most have
involved players. According to Collins et al.: been conducted live, but some have been online (e.g.,
Elbe & Brand, 2016). For a more detailed discussion
Group discussions typically dealt with who was
of them, see Barkoukis (2015), Lazarus (2015), Elbe
relapsing and why and the need for changes in the
individual’s lifestyle to support staying “clean.” . . .
and Barkoukis (2017), and Ntoumanis et al. (2014).
Rather than participating in cover-ups and deceptions, We end this chapter with a presentation of
the players saw that relapses were “contagious,” and one of the models, the Disconnected Values Model
that when one member was in trouble, others would (DVM) (Anshel & Kang, 2007). We have chosen this
soon follow. . . . The group eventually became respon- model merely as an example, not because there is
sible for much of its own therapeutic work in keeping any reason to believe it would be more effective than
its individual members away from drugs. (p. 490) the others. The model emphasizes an examination of
athletes’ values. The pressures to succeed in sport,
especially at elite levels, are too great to expect ath-
Invite guest speakers. Sometimes athletes become
letes to regulate their own personal behavior. And,
coach deaf—they are so accustomed to the voice
as indicated earlier, frequently the athletes’ self-es-
of their coach (or, for that matter, their parents)
teem is dependent on their sport success—at virtu-
that they tune them out. Guest speakers bring
ally any cost. In addition, typical of human nature,
to the team a renewed sense of authority, exper-
most athletes do not associate a negative, unhealthy
tise, credibility, and respect. Examples of guest
habit with longer-term harmful outcomes. Short-
speakers include pharmacists, retired athletes,
term benefits prevail over long-term consequences.
former coaches, physicians, lawyers, religious lead-
A unique approach to behavioral change among ath-
ers, and individuals whose personal history may
letes and nonathletes that appeals to the very core
benefit the listeners (e.g., the medical problems
of the athletes’ reasons for competing—their deepest
of a former steroid abuser, former champion ath-
values and beliefs—is the DVM.
letes who can reveal their commitment and ded-
The primary purpose of the model is to assist
ication to become successful). Kelli White was
athletes in acknowledging that taking drugs,
the first athlete implicated in the Balco scandal
whether it is for performance-enhancing or rec-
(Nazzaro, 2013). She also was the first athlete
reational purposes, is a negative habit that has
to join efforts by the United States Anti-Doping
benefits, but also dire costs and long-term con-
Agency (USADA) in working to reduce drug use
sequences. The model is driven by the athletes’
in sport. White spoke publicly about the dangers
willingness to become aware of the contradiction
of doping, and her message was very powerful.
between their deepest values and beliefs and their
As Travis Tygart, the chief executive of USADA
actions, in this case, taking banned substances.
stated, “Kelli’s contributions to antidoping . . . will
For example, athletes may acknowledge a discon-
have a much longer-lasting and beneficial impact
nect, or inconsistency, between their values of
for athletes and sport than anything she ever did
competitiveness, integrity, fairness, health, hon-
on the track” (Nazzaro, 2013, p. 15).
esty, and faith and their conscious decision to
ingest substances they know to be illegal in society,
Models for Reducing Doping in Sport unhealthy to long-term health, or against the team’s
or sport organization’s rules. Does the athlete find
Numerous models and antidoping interventions have this disconnect acceptable? If the athlete acknowl-
been developed that have direct implications for reduc- edges the disconnect yet deems it acceptable, the
ing or eliminating doping in sport. They have been negative habit (i.e., drug-taking) will continue.
used with adolescents, exercisers in fitness centers and The ability to act in a way that is consistent with
468 Chapter 21   Doping in Sport: Causes and Cures

Disconnect Between Negative Continue

Negative Cost and
Values Habits and Deepest Values Acceptable Negative
Habits Benefits
and Beliefs Habit
Adhere to Rituals
Taking Action Plan Remove
Banned Unacceptable Replace Negative Habits Negative
Substances with Positive Rituals Habits

Figure 21-1  The Disconnected Values Model for drug use in sport

one’s deepest values and beliefs is referred to as strength fitness, exercise adherence, and blood lip-
expanding spiritual capacity (Loehr & Schwartz, ids profile of university faculty (Anshel & Kang,
2003). The model, presented in Figure 21-1, 2007) and police officers (Anshel & Kang, 2008).
depicts the intervention stages. Research findings Investigation on the model’s effectiveness in
have indicated that, used as an intervention, the changing attitudes and behaviors related to doping
DVM significantly improved cardiovascular and in sport, in particular, is needed.

The causes of doping among athletes are multidimensional and lead to the use of illegal performance-
enhancing substances and methods to improve performance. Although personal characteristics play
a relevant role in doping, situational and environmental issues also contribute by exacerbating the
pressures placed on athletes to achieve sport success. Examples include unreasonable expectations
by others, particularly the coach; peer pressure; the perception of social acceptance through media
reports of high-profile athletes who engage in doping; and, at the elite level, the financial incentives
for success.
Protection from sport pressures must come from their coach; sport organizational policies;
sport psychology consultants whose expertise includes modifying behavior and teaching effective
mental skills; and licensed psychologists who are trained to deal with pathological issues related
to the athlete’s various disorders, addictions, and personal traits and characteristics that make the
athlete vulnerable to doping. It is unrealistic to expect athletes to eliminate the problem without
external support.
The various national and international sporting organizations have to show a high degree of con-
sistency and unanimity in fighting doping in sport. Both detection and deterrence and educational
prevention approaches are needed to optimize antidoping efforts. Numerous models are available
to understand doping use in sport and to provide interventions to deter athletes from using banned
substances and methods. Further research is needed, however, to examine the efficacy of these
models. The fight against doping in sport must be aggressive to protect the integrity and future of
competitive sport.
Mark H. Anshel and Jean M. Williams  469

Study Questions

1. What is doping, and why does it occur?

2. Give examples of doping that athletes may use to enhance their performance, and discus when
and why the substance or method might enhance performance.
3. Identify the different health concerns for different forms of doping.
4. Develop a rationale for an antidoping policy in sport. Consider if the policy should be
different for high school versus professional sport versus other competitive levels.
5. Using both anecdotal reports and evidence from scientific studies, give some indication of
the extensiveness of doping in sport. How does methodology (e.g., self-report surveys versus
indirect methods) influence the findings?
6. Discuss the physical, psychological and emotional, and social causes of doping in sport.
7. What are the best predictors and deterrents of doping intentions and behaviors?
8. Distinguish between cognitive and behavioral strategies in controlling doping in athletes.
Provide examples of both types of interventions.
9. If you were the team’s head coach, describe the cognitive and behavioral strategies you would
use with your team to prevent and respond to the use of anabolic steroids.
10. Discuss the components of an effective antidoping educational program and how to help
ensure an effective testing program.
11. What strategies can parents of athletes use to reduce the chance their child athlete will use
anabolic steroids and other banned substances and behaviors?

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Athlete Burnout: An Individual and
Organizational Phenomenon
J. D. DeFreese, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thomas D. Raedeke, East Carolina University
Alan L. Smith, Michigan State University

Big dreams are so damn tiring.

—Former professional tennis player Andre Agassi in his autobiography, Open

Athlete burnout can be perplexing and frustrating and research on athlete burnout with an emphasis
for coaches, sport psychology consultants, and ath- on how theory can inform practice. We strive to
letes alike due to the wide range of meanings of the arm sport psychology consultants with the knowl-
term in popular culture, the negative impact it has edge to pursue evidence-based athlete burnout inter-
on athletes, and the complexity in understanding ventions that consider both the individual and the
what causes it (Eklund & Cresswell, 2007; Maslach, organization.
Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001). The vast array of poten-
tial individual and environmental contributors to
burnout, along with the consequences associated What Is Athlete Burnout?
with it, can be difficult to fully comprehend and
ultimately address with effective interventions. Before gaining empirical interest in sport,
Understanding athlete burnout as well as its key psy- Freudenberger (1974) first described burnout
chosocial antecedents is important for those who among highly dedicated social workers who became
wish to combat this maladaptive athlete experience exhausted due to the chronic strain associated with
and to safeguard athlete performance and enhance their role. Around the same time, Maslach (1976,
well-being. 1978) recognized a similar phenomenon in health
In this chapter we provide an overview of schol- care professionals and in 1982 operationalized burn-
arship on athlete burnout to inform evidence-based out as a multidimensional psychological syndrome
practice. Specifically, we summarize existing theory involving emotional exhaustion, depersonalization,

476 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

Table 22-1  Athlete Burnout Dimensions, Definitions, and Symptoms

Dimensions Definitions Symptoms

Emotional & Physical Exhaustion Emotional and physical fatigue Excessively tired or lethargic
stemming from the psychological Emotionally “drained”
and physical demands associated Unable to perform nonsport activities
with training and competing due to fatigue
Reduced Sense of Accomplishment Inefficacy and a tendency to Decreased feelings of sport
evaluate oneself negatively in achievement
terms of sport performance and Performing below personal standards
accomplishments Consistent negative self-evaluation
Sport Devaluation Negative, detached attitude Reduced concern for sport and
toward sport reflected by lack performance quality
of concern for sport and Question the value/meaning of sport
performance quality Resentful attitude toward sport

and reduced personal accomplishment among indi- coordinate their efforts to measure and under-
viduals who work in human service settings (e.g., stand this athlete experience.
social workers, nurses, teachers). Because sport
is a highly effort-driven activity and was a source
of anecdotal accounts of burnout in the media, How Prevalent Is Athlete Burnout?
sport scientists recognized the need to systemati-
cally understand this phenomenon in sport as well The prevalence of athlete burnout is not well under-
(Dale & Weinberg, 1990; Fender, 1989). stood, allowing only for very tentative estimates
To understand athlete burnout, a clear opera- ranging from approximately 1 to 10 percent of ath-
tional definition was needed. Adapting Maslach’s letes (see Eklund & Cresswell, 2007; Gustafsson,
(1982) framework to sport, Raedeke (1997; Kenttä, Hassmén, & Lundqvist, 2007; Raedeke &
Raedeke & Smith, 2001, 2009) defined athlete Smith, 2009). The lack of consistent diagnostic
burnout as a multidimensional, cognitive-affective criteria is a key limitation of efforts to assess ath-
syndrome characterized by emotional and physical lete burnout prevalence, as is the lack of large-scale
exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment, and epidemiological work on athlete burnout (Smith,
sport devaluation. Definitions for these dimen- Pacewicz, & Raedeke, 2019). This noted, even at a
sions are found in Table 22-1. Physical exhaustion low prevalence burnout would have public health
was incorporated into Maslach’s worker burnout significance when considered in light of the high
definition to account for the physical demands number of sport participants worldwide and its
of sport participation. Depersonalization was negative impact on athletes experiencing it. The
adapted to devaluation because the athlete–sport negative impact of burnout includes performance
(rather than the worker–patient) connection is of decrements, decreased motivation, and potential
principal interest in competitive sport. Raedeke’s dropout. Burnout also can negatively affect mental
definition addressed the multifaceted nature of (anxiety, depression, eating disorders) and physi-
athlete burnout and enabled researchers to best cal (illness susceptibility, substance abuse) health
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  477

(Gustafsson, Hassmén, Kenttä, & Johansson, Why Does Burnout Occur? A

2008). Beyond these effects specific to the individ-
Review of Theoretically Informed
ual, burnout can be associated with troubled social
relations that more broadly reflect negatively team Burnout Antecedents
climate (Smith et al., 2019). Thus, capturing the
Understanding what causes burnout is necessary
number of individuals experiencing the burnout
to develop effective prevention and treatment
syndrome (i.e., prevalence) may underestimate the
strategies. Burnout is considered a reaction to
potential broader negative impact of burnout within
chronic stress and therefore has been explained
sport. Altogether, this suggests that athlete burnout
within overtraining and psychosocial stress
warrants education, research, and practice efforts.
perspectives. Burnout also is considered a motiva-
To fully understand the prevalence and impact
tional phenomenon and has been examined within
of burnout also requires attention to what athlete
self-determination and entrapment frameworks.
burnout is not. Athlete burnout is distinct from
A brief review of these prominent conceptualiza-
depression. Confusion between the psychological
tions highlights key antecedents of athlete burnout
outcomes of burnout and depression is not surpris-
(Eklund & Cresswell, 2007; Gould & Whitley,
ing, as both represent negative affective experiences
2009). Notably, such a review points to both
(Cresswell & Eklund, 2006a). However, carefully
individual and organizational contributors to this
designed research has shown these two maladaptive
maladaptive syndrome.
outcomes to be related yet distinct psychological
constructs (Cresswell & Eklund, 2006b; Raedeke,
Arce, de Francisco, Seoane, & Ferraces, 2013). Overtraining
Depression is distinguished from burnout by its One explanation for athlete burnout may be that it is
more pervasive affective symptomology, as opposed a maladaptive psychophysiological response to over-
to burnout’s central (but not sole) link to the sport training, especially in conditioning-intensive sports.
experience (Cresswell & Eklund, 2006b). This dis- Overtraining commonly is viewed as an imbalance
tinction noted, athletes suffering from burnout may between training and recovery, often combined with
be at risk for experiencing depression (Hakanen & other nontraining stressors. Within the overtraining
Schaufeli, 2012). Thus, it is important to consider perspective, athletes are considered to be in a state
the potential existence of depressive symptoms (see of overreaching when they experience elevated fatigue
Chapter 20 when assessing and treating athlete and performance decrements that they can recover
burnout). from within days to a few weeks. Overreaching can be
As an additional important point, athlete intentional as part of training periodization. However,
burnout and sport dropout should not be con- when not carefully planned or when athletes respond
founded. Though burnout will cause some ath- to performance plateaus caused by overreaching with
letes to quit sport, not all burned-out athletes will intensified training, the overtraining syndrome can
respond in this way (Raedeke, 1997). Moreover, develop. The overtraining syndrome is characterized
sport dropout can result from reasons other than by performance decrements and exhaustion that fail
burnout. These reasons include time constraints, to improve even with rest or reduced training. It rep-
personal choice, switching sports, or pursuing resents the repeated failure of the body’s adaptive
alternative activities. Accordingly, differentiating mechanisms to cope with chronic training stress (for
athlete burnout and sport dropout is important for reviews see Meeusen et al., 2013; Raglin & Wilson,
practitioners, as burned-out athletes may not out- 2000). The overtraining syndrome can take months
wardly manifest behaviors or attitudes that suggest to years to recover from, and presently there is no evi-
a desire to leave sport. dence that the overtraining syndrome can be treated
478 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

aside from prolonged rest and taking time away from sport-based psychosocial stressors (Smith, 1986).
sport (Meeusen et al., 2013). Thus, one pathway to Psychosocial stress occurs when athletes perceive
burnout might be through the development of the an imbalance between sport demands and their abil-
overtraining syndrome. ity to meet those demands. Athletes with high sport
Although coaches and athletes attend carefully demands, yet insufficient resources to meet those
to training loads, they often overlook recovery pro- demands, experience elevated stress and are more
cesses. Recovery is integral to training periodization susceptible to burnout. Supporting this perspec-
and represents the mechanism by which a higher tive, a systematic review of the burnout literature
level of function is achieved following intense training found perceived stress to consistently and positively
by reducing fatigue and regaining vitality (Kenttä & associate with athlete burnout (Goodger, Gorely,
Hassmén, 2002). It is important to maintain a balance Lavallee, & Harwood, 2007). In sum, stress is a
between rest and training stress in sport. In fact, some salient burnout antecedent.
scholars highlight that underrecovery, rather than Many potential sources of athlete stress have
excessive training per se, results in the overtraining been described in interviews with coaches and
syndrome (Budgett, 1998; Kellmann, 2002). Thus, it athletes, including high training and competitive
is important to monitor not only athlete training loads demands and the time requirements of sport par-
but also what athletes do to recover. The most com- ticipation (Gould, Tuffey, Udry, & Loehr, 1997;
mon forms of recovery are passive activities like rest, Raedeke, Lunney, & Venables, 2002). Stress can
yet recovery is multifaceted and involves more than also stem from interpersonal sources such as social
passive rest and time away from sport. It also involves interactions and the performance emphasis of sport
active strategies including light activity, proper nutri- (e.g., pressure from coaches/teammates, family
tion, hydration, quality sleep, mental and physical dynamics surrounding sport). Indeed, research sup-
relaxation, stretching, and warm-down. Recovery also ports an association between negative sport-based
can involve interacting with supportive others (e.g., social interactions and athlete burnout (DeFreese &
peers, family members) or engaging in experiences Smith, 2014; Smith, Gustafsson, & Hassmén, 2010;
(e.g., spending time in nature, hobbies) that contrib- Udry, Gould, Bridges, & Tuffey, 1997). In addition
ute to life balance, increase feelings of vitality, and to negative interactions, social influences can be
provide a mental break from sport (Kellmann, 2002; subtle, such as when parents are supportive, but
Kenttä & Hassmén, 2002). family dynamics revolve excessively around sport
Beyond excessive training and inadequate (Raedeke et al., 2002).
recovery, life stress outside of sport can affect how Beyond outside sources, high demands
athletes respond to intense training according to can come from within the athlete. An athlete’s
the overtraining perspective. Athletes who experi- self-esteem being based on performance accom-
ence high amounts of stress outside of sport are less plishments, trait anxiety, and perfectionism, char-
able to handle high training volumes compared to acterized by overly high performance expectations,
those experiencing less outside stress (Tenenbaum, along with concerns about others’ evaluations and
Jones, Kitsantas, Sacks, & Berwick, 2003). Thus, critical self-evaluations, can contribute to athlete
training volume, recovery, and life stress are import- burnout perceptions (DeFreese & Smith, 2014;
ant considerations when seeking to address burnout. Goodger et al., 2007; Hall, Hill, & Appleton, 2012).
Importantly, these dispositional factors can create
psychological vulnerability to burnout, whereas
Psychosocial Sport Stress more adaptive factors such as optimism, hope,
Although overtraining can be a contributor, burn- and resiliency can reduce vulnerability to stress
out also is thought to be a reaction to chronic and burnout. Indeed, a litany of cross-sectional and
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  479

longitudinal studies demonstrate that maladaptive • Relatedness — social connection to others

aspects of perfectionism associate with greater ath- reflected by feelings of acceptance and belonging
lete burnout perceptions (Hill & Appleton, 2011;
Madigan, Stoeber, & Passfield, 2015). When needs for autonomy, competence, and relat-
Cumulatively, the psychosocial sport stress edness are met by the social environment of sport,
perspective asserts the importance of individual and more self-determined motivation is expected. This
environmental resources in decreasing stress and yields the most adaptive outcomes for athletes.
alleviating burnout for athletes. For example, cop- Athletes who do not feel autonomous, competent,
ing resources including lifestyle management (e.g., or related with others in sport will be motivated for
proper nutrition, adequate sleep; Raedeke & Smith, less self-determined reasons and more likely to expe-
2004) and social support (e.g., from teammates, rience burnout.
parents, coaches; Cresswell, 2009; DeFreese & Research on athlete burnout supports
Smith, 2013b), are inversely associated with athlete these ideas (see Li, Wang, Pyun, & Kee, 2013).
burnout perceptions. This suggests that beyond low- Perceptions of exhaustion, reduced accomplish-
ering sport-based demands, increasing individual ment, and devaluation have been shown to posi-
and environmental resources can be effective in tively associate with less self-determined forms of
deterring athlete burnout. sport motivation and/or inversely associate with
more self-determined motivation (e.g., Cresswell &
Self-Determination Theory Eklund, 2005; Curran, Appleton, Hill, & Hall,
2011; Lemyre, Roberts, & Stray-Gundersen, 2007;
Athlete burnout is closely intertwined with motiva- Lonsdale, Hodge, & Rose, 2009). Additionally, in
tional processes, and therefore motivation theory a longitudinal study of elite swimmers, Lemyre,
can inform understanding of why burnout occurs. Treasure, and Roberts (2006) found that shifts from
Self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; more to less self-determined forms of motivation
Ryan & Deci, 2000) is a prominent theory of human across a season predicted elevated burnout per-
motivation that has been used to understand athlete ceptions. Thus, changes in athlete motivation may
burnout. According to SDT, psychological well- precede burnout development. Also consistent
being is influenced by the nature of one’s motivation. with SDT, athlete autonomy, competence, and
The most adaptive motivation is self-determined in relatedness perceptions are inversely associated with
nature, meaning that it results predominantly from burnout (Amorose, Anderson-Butcher, & Cooper,
individual choice rather than internal pressures 2009; Hodge, Lonsdale, & Ng, 2008; Perreault,
(e.g., guilt, obligation) or external pressures (e.g., Gaudreau, Lapointe, & Lacroix, 2007; Quested &
rewards, punishments, expectations of others). Duda, 2011). Research has also at least partially
More self-determined motivation is associated with supported models specifying a sequence whereby
lower burnout risk, whereas less self-determined psychological needs predict self-determined moti-
motivation is associated with greater burnout risk. vation for sport, which in turn predicts burnout-
SDT further posits that motivation is influenced by related perceptions in athletes (Lonsdale et al.,
the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, 2009). This highlights the importance of understand-
and relatedness. ing athlete need satisfaction and self-determined
motivation in tandem as contributors to burnout.
• Autonomy — feelings of personal choice or Overall, burnout research within an SDT
control framework suggests that structuring sport to meet
• Competence — sense of success and being effec- underlying psychological needs of autonomy,
tive in one’s environment competence, and relatedness, as well as increase
480 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

self-determined motivation, will help prevent burn- a commitment perspective, burnout occurs when
out. A variety of social-contextual factors, including athletes experience sport entrapment and maintain
the team motivational climate, organizational struc- involvement not because they want to, but because
ture, and coach and parent behaviors, are important they feel they have to, remain in sport.
because they have the potential to affect need satis- From a sociological perspective, Coakley
faction and motivation. For that reason, they war- (1992) concurs that burnout arises when highly
rant specific attention in burnout prevention efforts motivated athletes begin to question the value of
(Isoard-Gautheur, Guillet-Descas, & Lemyre, 2012; sport and feel trapped in the role of being an ath-
see also Chapter 4). lete. Athletes believe they are missing out on life
opportunities due to the social structure of sport,
yet still feel they have to stay in sport. As an inte-
Sport Entrapment gral part of normal adolescent development, young
As burnout is both stress and motivation related, a people sample a variety of activities and roles and
common belief is that it occurs only when highly through that process develop multifaceted iden-
motivated individuals become disillusioned with tities. However, the social structure of sport may
their involvement (Pines, 1993). Expanding on this discourage athletes from this exploration and foster
idea, Schmidt and Stein (1991) and Coakley (1992) unidimensional identities centered on athletics. As
offer complementary perspectives emphasizing that a result, some athletes feel trapped in their athletic
burnout occurs when individuals feel trapped into role. Additionally, adolescence is a developmental
the role of being an athlete. period in which athletes seek autonomy and control
Schmidt and Stein (1991) characterized two of their lives. Although athletes may have initially
faces of commitment underpinning athlete sport decided to participate in sport, the social struc-
involvement. Adaptive commitment is when ath- ture of sport limits their autonomy because much
letes maintain sport involvement because of pas- of their sport experience is controlled by others.
sion and intrinsic motivation. These athletes are From Coakley’s perspective, the development of a
committed because they want to maintain their unidimensional identity combined with low auton-
sport involvement and report high enjoyment and omy results in feelings of sport entrapment when
concomitantly high benefits (positive aspects of athletes begin to question the value of sport in their
being an athlete) and low costs (negative aspects lives and ultimately results in burnout.
of being an athlete) connected to sport. They Though few investigators have examined
also invest a great deal of time and energy into them, entrapment-based perspectives have received
sport because they enjoy it and feel sport is more empirical support (e.g., Black & Smith, 2007;
attractive than other alternatives they could pur- Raedeke, 1997). For example, Raedeke (1997)
sue. The other face of commitment is maladaptive examined athlete burnout via the integration of
and characterized by athletes who feel entrapped Schmidt and Stein’s (1991) commitment model
by sport and that they “have to” maintain involve- and Coakley’s (1992) sociological perspective. In
ment. This occurs when they have decreasing competitive age-group swimmers, Raedeke found
sport attraction corresponding with decreasing that athletes showing entrapment profiles of sport
benefits and increasing costs. Nonetheless, they commitment exhibited higher burnout compared
maintain involvement because they have too much to those experiencing more adaptive or low sport
invested to quit (e.g., potential scholarship), per- commitment profiles. Entrapment-based perspec-
ceive high social constraints (e.g., not wanting to tives highlight that athlete burnout experiences are
disappoint significant others), and see few, if any, most appropriately considered within psychosocial
attractive alternatives to being an athlete. From sport structures.
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  481

Integrating the Burnout Knowledge Jackson, 2007). Creating sport experiences that fos-
ter engagement not only will prevent burnout but will
Base: How the Individual and
also result in positive benefits for athletes, including
Organization Fit enhanced motivation, performance, and well-being.
Investigation of the areas of worklife and
Ultimately, the experience of burnout is neither the
engagement in sport is in its infancy. Adopting
sole result of an individual problem nor exclusively
a positive psychology approach (Gould, 2002;
charged to the organizational (or team) environment.
Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000), DeFreese
The fit of these elements is important for under-
and Smith (2013a) examined the areas of worklife
standing burnout development. Much contemporary
as they relate to athlete burnout and engagement in
research on worker burnout has been framed within
a sample of collegiate athletes. Consistent with
the job–person fit model of burnout and engagement
theoretical expectations, athlete endorsement of
(see Leiter & Maslach, 2004; Maslach & Leiter,
athlete–team congruence on the variables of work-
1997; 1999). According to the model, the perceived
load, control, reward, community, fairness, and
congruence of individual needs and organizational
values was positively associated with athlete engage-
resources couched within these six domains is crit-
ment and negatively associated with athlete burnout.
ical to outcomes of psychological well-being. These
Thus, striving to foster athlete–team congruence in
domains are described as follows:
these domains appears to be a promising approach
that is innovative and comprehensive for enhancing
• Workload — demands relative to one’s personal
limits and resources engagement as well as preventing burnout.

• Control — ability to influence decisions, auton-

omy, and access to the resources necessary for Preventing Athlete Burnout:
performance Individual and Organizational
• Reward — incentives (monetary, social, Intervention Strategies
intrinsic) consistent with expectations
Effective intervention targeting burnout should be indi-
• Community — social interaction in the form of
closeness, teamwork, and lack of conflict vidualized, given the multifaceted nature of the burn-
out process (Gould et al., 1997; Gustafsson, Kenttä,
• Fairness — fairness and respectfulness of Hassmén, Lundqvist, & Durand-Bush, 2007). Each of
decisions and treatment the theoretical perspectives reviewed in this chapter
• Values — correspondence between personal and provides guidance on developing evidence-based inter-
organizational goals and behavioral expectations ventions targeting key variables associated with burn-
out, as shown in Table 22-2. The table also includes
Less congruence of individual (e.g., athlete) needs example intervention strategies based on each afore-
and organizational (e.g., team) resources is expected mentioned burnout theory. Finally, given the chronic
to increase the likelihood of experiencing burnout. nature of burnout, the most effective interventions will
Conversely, with greater congruence, the likelihood of have a prevention, rather than treatment, focus. Within
experiencing engagement is increased. As compared such a multifaceted intervention strategy, individual
to burnout, engagement is a positive psychological and organizational antecedents should jointly be con-
experience characterized by (a) confidence in contrast sidered for each case. Indeed, adopting a framework of
to a reduced sense of accomplishment, (b) dedication individual–organization fit may be especially fruitful
in contrast to devaluation, and (c) vigor and enthusi- for the prevention of burnout and the promotion of
asm in contrast to exhaustion (Lonsdale, Hodge, & adaptive psychosocial outcomes in athletes.
482 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

Table 22-2  Athlete Burnout Perspectives, Key Variables, and Intervention Strategies

Perspectives Key Variables Intervention Strategies

Overtraining Training Volume Ensure developmentally appropriate training loads based on athlete age,
physical maturity, and skill level.
Continuously monitor individual athlete training responses and feeling
states. Prolonged fatigue and mood disturbance are warning signs.
Avoid a “one size fits all” approach to the design of athlete training programs.
Recovery Reduce training loads after a period of intense training or if athletes are
experiencing prolonged fatigue.
Educate athletes about maladaptive responses to training and emphasize
the importance of recovery.
Ensure that athletes receive adequate recovery, including passive rest
and more active forms of recovery.
Ensure that athletes engage in pursuits outside of sport that increase vitality.
Nonsport Stress Provide resources and training in strategies to cope with sources of stress
beyond sport (e.g., schoolwork, family life, romantic relationships).
Do not increase training loads when nonsport stressors are on the rise.
Psychosocial Sport Demands Identify key stressors and develop a plan for dealing effectively with them.
Stress Adopt a positive coaching style and help parents maintain realistic
expectations and positive support of their children.
Emphasize that skill development is a continuous process with highs
and lows.
Resources Increase coping resources such as through effective lifestyle management.
Encourage athletes to form strong social support networks.
Build self-regulation skills through mental skills training.
Self-Determination Self-Determined Promote a stimulating sport climate that emphasizes effort, learning,
Theory Motivation accomplishment, and enjoyment of the sport.
Autonomy Allow athletes choices in their practice, competition, and treatment plans.
Provide a rationale for decisions so athletes understand why they are
doing things a certain way.
Employ democratic coaching that involves group decisions when appropriate.
Competence Structure sport so athletes have opportunities to succeed with effort.
Aid athletes in focusing on successes as well as areas in need of
Establish effective goal-setting strategies.
Continuously develop fundamental physical and mental sport skills
by reinforcing effort, learning, and improvement, as well as treating
mistakes as part of the learning process.
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  483

Perspectives Key Variables Intervention Strategies

Relatedness Foster a productive and supportive coach–athlete relationship as well

as positive relationships between athletes.
Provide pre- and during-season programming that builds teammate
relationships and supports positive social interactions.
Incorporate team building activities within the practice structure and
encourage outside social activities.
Sport Entrapment Benefits Help athletes recognize the benefits of their sport involvement that
may not be evident to them or that they overlook.
Assess what makes sport rewarding to athletes and incorporate those
elements into the sport experience.
Costs Acknowledge personal costs of sport involvement and help athletes
develop strategies for managing them effectively.
Explore alternatives for athletes in dysfunctional training or competition
Enjoyment Ensure practice variety and limit the monotony of training.
Structure sport to be exciting and to foster competence, autonomy,
and relatedness. Refer to self-determination theory in the earlier
section of the table.
Investments While recognizing the time and energy required by sport,
encourage athletes to maintain nonsport interests and hobbies
so they do not feel that they are missing out on other important
life opportunities.
Social Promote athlete social relationships with both sport and nonsport
Constraints associates.
Ensure that coaches, parents, and peers are sources of support and
not pressure.
Attractiveness Support athlete exploration of other sport and nonsport activities
of Alternative as a means of personal exploration and validation of sport
Activities involvement.
Encourage athletes to reflect on the meaning and value of sport in
their lives, including what they would miss if not an athlete.
Athletic Identity Communicate that one can strongly identify with multiple roles
(e.g., athlete, student, responsible citizen).
Encourage athletes to develop other aspects of their lives beyond
sport and support their doing so.
Help athletes put sport performance into proper life perspective.
Sport Control Refer to autonomy in the earlier section of the table.
484 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

In spite of the wealth of information on poten- Based on the many ways individual burnout
tial burnout antecedents derived from theory and cases develop, a variety of individual and organiza-
research, an important question remains for the tional options for burnout diagnosis, treatment, and
practitioner: How can all of this information be used prevention exist. In addition to being multifaceted,
to recognize, prevent, and treat burnout in compet- effective interventions likely will involve not only
itive athletes? We recommend an evidence-based the athletes but also parents, coaches, and sports
approach that targets both individual and organi- medicine staff. We provide case studies next to help
zational burnout antecedents (see Table 22-2) and practitioners develop their skill in planning effective
considers the fit between the individual (athlete) interventions.
and organization (team or club). Specific anteced-
ents and issues of fit will be more or less relevant
to individual athlete cases. Therefore, rather than Case Studies as a Training
suggesting a “one size fits all” approach to athlete Tool for Practitioners
burnout intervention, we offer a guiding framework The following case studies are fictional scenar-
designed to help practitioners appropriately tailor ios designed to simulate situations where sport
prevention and/or treatment strategies. personnel may encounter burnout when working
Step 1: Assess the situation. It is important to with athletes. We challenge you to work through
establish whether burnout may be occur- these scenarios using the three-step evidence-based
ring or has the potential to develop. First, approach outlined earlier. First, assess the situation
evaluate whether potential symptoms to establish whether burnout is occurring or has the
of burnout exist. Then, determine the potential to develop and what factors are contrib-
individual and organizational factors that uting to it. Second, design an intervention plan that
may contribute to risk of burnout. This is addresses these targeted factors. Finally, consider
crucial for the design of an effective inter- how you will evaluate intervention effectiveness and
vention plan. then make modifications to intervention strategies
as needed.
Step 2: Design an intervention plan. The inter- In these case studies, some symptoms of burn-
vention plan should be multifaceted and out are presented and many potential factors could
target salient factors grounded in moti- be considered as contributing to burnout. A wide
vation and stress theory. Based on the variety of potential intervention strategies exist.
concept of athlete–organization fit, the We offer guidance for addressing the first case
congruence of individual characteristics and remove guidance for the second case, with the
with organizational structures affect- goal of encouraging you to frame the evaluation
ing demands and resources should be and discussion of them. In the first case, you are
targeted. left to consider the symptoms of burnout, but we
Step 3: Evaluate intervention effectiveness. highlight some important individual and organiza-
Consistent with best practice, intervention tional factors and present a few potential solutions.
strategies should be continuously evaluated You are encouraged to consider other potential fac-
to ensure their effectiveness. In the event tors and solutions that could have bearing on the
specific strategies are unsuccessful or unde- case, as ours are not comprehensive. In the second
sirable, they should be altered or new strate- case, we encourage you to use your expertise and
gies (potentially targeting different burnout creativity as well as your learning of the three-step
factors) should be implemented. evidenced-based approach to burnout intervention.
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  485

Case Study 1


You are a sport psychology consultant with a university athletics program. Manuel is a first-year university
soccer player referred to you by the athletic training staff (he has knee tendonitis) because he is struggling
with motivation. He is the first “blue chip” recruit of the soccer program, which was formed three years
ago, and has a full scholarship. It is early October, and therefore Manuel has been on campus about eight
weeks. Preseason and early season conditioning has been rigorous, and the competition schedule will soon
heat up as the team plays conference opponents. Manuel’s performance has been subpar for him, as he is
not playing to the level expected, nor is he improving. He tells you at your first meeting with him that he is
“completely fried” from soccer. He also says that he is “going nowhere” with soccer and that he can’t imag-
ine surviving the season, let alone the entire four years. Manuel’s drive for soccer is not the same as it once
was. Although the coach is disappointed with this, given the high expectations held for him, Manuel overall
feels the coach and other individuals linked to the team (e.g., administrators, training staff) are largely
supportive. They are primarily concerned with improving his “attitude” and overall soccer experience this
season. From working with this team and coach in the past, you have a very positive outlook on the way
athletes are treated in training and as individuals. How will you proceed?

In brainstorming intervention strategies, we encour- (i.e., intrinsic) motivation for sport, and transi-
age you to recall each theory and the concept of tioning to college.
individual–organization fit and to develop a multi-
• Suggest Manuel take some time off from soccer
faceted intervention that targets the athlete as well to focus on injury rehabilitation and partici-
as important others (e.g., coaches, parents, orga- pate in activities that promote psychological
nization). We hope that these case studies foster recovery. The benefits of this break will likely
helpful discussion among coaches, sport psychol- outweigh any performance/conditioning dec-
ogy consultants, and others interested in addressing rements. These decisions should be made in
athlete burnout. collaboration with coaches and sports medicine
Possible Case Study 1 Solutions
• Provide Manuel with training on the use of
• As the team environment appears positive, relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing,
potential intervention strategies will primarily progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness
address modifiable individual factors to pro- training). This will aid in his ability to cope
mote an optimal individual–organization fit. with sport stress (see Chapters 12 and 17).
• Key individual burnout factors for Manuel may Additionally, Manuel should identify specific
include overtraining, pressure associated with sport and nonsport stressors and construct a
being a “blue chip” recruit, lack of recognition plan for dealing with them. This will help him
of sport benefits, low levels of self-determined manage the pressures of being a student-athlete.
486 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

• Initiate Manuel creating a list of the benefits of environment, to build sport competence.
his current sport involvement. This list should Also, help Manuel realize that plateaus are a
be exhaustive so as to showcase benefits he may natural part of the training process and are
not currently be considering. normal when making the transition to a new
• Manuel’s self-determined motivation for soc-
cer will be increased by promoting feelings of • Initiate team-building activities such as a mentor-
competence, autonomy, and relatedness (see ing program to provide opportunities for Manuel
Chapter 4). Review past successful perfor- to develop relatedness with his teammates and to
mances, particularly those in the collegiate help make the transition to college.

Case Study 2


Judy is a competitive high school and club swimmer. She is visiting with you in compliance with her team
requirement that all athletes meet with the club’s sport psychology consultant (with the primary goal of
performance enhancement) at least one time during the competitive season. In your initial meeting, Judy
commented that she specialized at swimming at a young age where two-a-day practices and near year-round
training were common. Although she believes that swimming prevents her from having a normal social life,
she used to feel swimming success was worth the sacrifice. Now she is less sure of that. She also hints that she
is extremely perfectionistic as well as singularly focused on winning. Even now others are describing her as
the next Olympic hopeful. Because of that she feels pressure. She does not want to disappoint her coaches or
parents because they have done a lot for her swimming career. Judy states that she continuously gets in extra
workouts before and after practice, even when coaches insist that the athletes rest in order to best respond to
a designed training taper. Despite her high level of focus and commitment, Judy also mentions that she is
feeling much more lethargic than normal and does not seem to be performing as well as she did in previous
seasons or even earlier in the present one. Further, she states that she often evaluates herself negatively, while
simultaneously maintaining an image of confidence and positivity to her coach, teammates, and parents.
Overall, your impression is that swimming is not really something that Judy enjoys, but rather is an activity
she views as a way to avoid disappointing others, gain recognition/approval, and maybe receive a college
scholarship. From your knowledge of the training environment, you are aware that this particular club team
has a very demanding regimen. This has allowed some athletes to excel and reach their goals of swimming
in national competitions and receiving college scholarships. However, for others dropout and maladaptive
psychological outcomes (e.g., burnout) are common. The coach states that she has a “survival of the fittest”
approach to training. She guards her training regimens closely and does not “alter them for any athlete.”
Judy’s parents were both former collegiate athletes and are personal friends with this coach. They believe that
pushing Judy hard in swimming will benefit her character as well as help financially by landing her a college
scholarship. You work regularly with this team to employ mental skills training for performance enhance-
ment. How will you proceed?
J. D. DeFreese, Thomas D. Raedeke, and Alan L. Smith  487

We have aimed to provide sport psychology consultants with clarity regarding the complex (and
sometimes frustrating) phenomenon of athlete burnout. This multidimensional cognitive-affective
syndrome is distinct from depression and dropout, and is explained by several sport-based burnout
theories. Accordingly, overtraining, psychosocial stress, motivation, and sport entrapment perspec-
tives on burnout highlight key antecedents which inform evidence-based strategies for burnout treat-
ment and prevention. Further, the host of burnout factors emphasized within these perspectives can
be integrated within an individual–organization fit framework in sport.
Because burnout is a multifaceted and individualized experience, the design and implementa-
tion of effective intervention strategies should be tailored accordingly. To facilitate best practice, we
suggest a three-step evidence-based approach to burnout intervention that considers the fit between
the athlete and the team on theoretically specified individual and organizational factors import-
ant to the athlete’s burnout experience. Practitioners should (a) assess the situation, (b) design an
intervention plan, and (c) evaluate intervention effectiveness. We hope that this chapter aids sport
psychology consultants in conceptualizing how to prevent and treat athlete burnout, which in turn
enables athletes to achieve optimal performance and psychological health.

Study Questions

1. How is athlete burnout defined? What are its three dimensions?

2. How is burnout distinct from depression and sport dropout?
3. A coach mentions that burnout does not seem to be a very important issue in sport because it
is rare. How would you respond?
4. What key burnout antecedents are highlighted by an overtraining perspective? Can an athlete
experience burnout without being overtrained? Why or why not?
5. How does a psychosocial sport stress perspective differ from an overtraining perspective on
the causes of burnout?
6. What three psychological needs are showcased in self-determination theory? Describe an
example athlete burnout intervention strategy tied to each of these three needs.
7. How does a sport entrapment perspective describe the development of burnout in athletes?
Why don’t “burned-out” athletes always just leave sport altogether?
8. What is individual–organization fit? How can lack of congruence between the athlete and the
team promote burnout and prevent engagement in sport?
9. What three steps should sport psychology consultants consider when designing and imple-
menting athlete burnout prevention or treatment interventions?
10. A coach you work with believes that burnout is a sign of weakness in an athlete. How would
you respond to this coach? What information could you provide her?
488 Chapter 22   Athlete Burnout: An Individual and Organizational Phenomenon

11. Your initial intervention for an adolescent track athlete experiencing burnout is not work-
ing well. You originally suggested a brief (two-week) break from training and competition.
However, after returning from this break he is still feeling “burned out.” What will you recom-
mend next? What nontraining factors could be playing a role?

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Injury Risk and Rehabilitation:
Psychological Considerations
Jean M. Williams, University of Arizona, Emeritus
Carrie B. Scherzer, Mount Royal University

I knew I was in trouble when I heard snap, crackle and pop, and I wasn’t having a bowl of cereal.
—Nick Kypreos, Toronto Maple Leaf player (in McDonell, 2004, p. 96)

Sport injuries frequently occur and often have a Factors That Predispose Athletes
devastating impact on the injured athlete, team
to Injury
performance and revenue, health care costs, and
community. Although most causes of injury are Research with recreational to elite athletes has
undoubtedly physical in nature (e.g., level of con- found that certain psychosocial factors predis-
ditioning, poor playing surface, faulty biomechan- pose individuals to injury, whereas other psy-
ics) or just plain bad luck, psychosocial factors chosocial factors help protect them from injury.
also play a role. This chapter reviews research on The best understanding of how this influence
psychosocial factors that influence risk of injury occurs comes from a theoretical model devel-
and reactions to injury, and it discusses psycholog- oped by Andersen and Williams (1988) and its
ical interventions to reduce injury occurrence and later modification (Williams & Andersen, 1998).
to enhance the physical and psychological recov- They proposed that most psychosocial variables,
ery of the injured athlete. It is beyond the scope if they influence injury outcome at all, prob-
of this chapter to discuss the psychological issues ably do so through a linkage with stress and a
involved when injuries are so severe that return resulting stress response. The central hypothesis
to sport is impossible, but the reader is referred of their stress–injury model is that athletes with
to Chapter 24 and to a book on injured athletes a history of many stressors, personality char-
edited by Pargman (2007). acteristics that intensify the stress response,

Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  493

Case Study 1

Is one of these players more vulnerable to injury?

John is a freshman football player at a California college. He came from New York and is missing his family
and friends, plus is worried about his mother who just began treatment for breast cancer. Used to being the star
on the team, he’s having difficulty accepting his role and is frustrated with the coaches. He feels pressure to per-
form and is losing his confidence, both on the field and in the classroom. He’s become moody and pessimistic.
Manuel, another freshman, has his best friend from high school on the team. He, too, is frustrated
with less playing time, but is excited about his teammates and coaches pushing his game to a higher
level. His optimistic nature and work with a sport psychology consultant is helping him to stay positive
and focused, both on the field and in the classroom.

and few or maladaptive coping resources will, caused by the increased stress reactivity, is what
when placed in a stressful situation such as a predisposes the athletes to injury. Considerable
demanding practice or crucial competition, be support exists for all facets of the stress–injury
more likely to appraise the situation as stressful model. For a more thorough review of research
and then exhibit greater physiological activation testing the model, see Williams and Andersen
and attentional disruptions (see Figure 23-1). (1998, 2007) and a recent meta-analysis by
The severity of the resulting stress response, Ivarsson et al. (2017).

Stress and Injury Model

History of Coping
Stressors Resources

Stress Response
Stressful Injury
Athletic Cognitive Appraisals
Attentional Changes


Figure 23-1  Revised version of the stress and injury model

From Williams and Andersen (1998)
494 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

The stress response reflects a bidirectional rela- due to attention to task-irrelevant cues, may also
tionship between cognitive appraisal of and physi- result in failure to detect or respond quickly enough
ological and attentional responses to potentially to relevant cues in the central field of vision, such as
demanding athletic situations. If an athlete views a when a batter fails to avoid a pitch coming directly
competitive situation as challenging, exciting, and at his head.
fun, the resulting “good” stress (eustress) may help
the athlete stay focused and his or her play to suc- Coming into the game my concentration was
divided, due to unforeseen incidents . . . before the
cessfully “flow.” Injury risk in this situation is low,
game started. I recall that I was not in the best
but it would be higher when the athlete feels “bad” mental state for playing. (Quote in study assessing
stress (distress), such as appraising the competi- why athletes thought they were injured, Johnson,
tion as ego threatening or anxiety producing and 2011, p. 106)
becoming too tense and distracted. This latter inter-
pretation most likely occurs when athletes perceive Considerable support (seven studies) exists
inadequate resources to meet the demands of the for individuals with a high- versus low-risk
situation and potentially dire consequences for fail- psychosocial profile reporting higher state anxiety
ure to meet the demands. and experiencing greater peripheral narrowing
Whether the cognitive appraisal is accurate or under stressful laboratory or real-life athletic
distorted by irrational beliefs or other maladaptive situations compared to low-stress situations. Even
thought patterns (see Chapter 14) is irrelevant. more important, Rogers and Landers (2005)
Correspondingly, these cognitive appraisals and found support for the model’s hypothesis that
physiological and attentional responses to stress peripheral narrowing during stress is one of the
constantly modify each other. An example is that mechanisms by which athletes with high life stress
relaxing the body can help calm the mind, just as increase their likelihood of athletic injury, as did
stopping anxious thoughts can lower the physical Andersen and Williams (1999). Only Williams
stress response. The resulting individual differences and Andersen (1997) examined central field of
in stress responsivity due to differences in psychoso- vision, and they found a greater susceptibility to
cial variables may either help inoculate the athlete attention disruptions (e.g., missed or delayed
against injury or exacerbate his or her risk. responses) for athletes with a high injury-risk pro-
Of the myriad physiological and attentional file when they performed under higher stress. The
changes that occur during the stress response, one study that examined the connection between
Andersen and Williams (1988) hypothesized that psychosocial factors and muscle tension found
increases in generalized muscle tension, narrowing increased muscle tension during the stress con-
of the visual field (the revised model added audi- dition for the total group, but failed to support
tory cues), and increased distractibility were the the hypothesis of even greater muscle tension for
primary culprits in the stress–injury relationship. individuals with a high-risk profile. The results
Generalized muscle tension can lead to fatigue and may have been influenced by studying the general
reduced flexibility, motor coordination difficulties, population rather than a high-risk subpopulation.
and muscle inefficiency, thereby creating a greater Before addressing the implications of these find-
risk for incurring injuries such as sprains, strains, ings for designing interventions to decrease injury
and other musculoskeletal injuries. Narrowing of risk, we will discuss how history of stressors, person-
peripheral vision could lead to not picking up or ality factors, and coping resources influence stress
responding in time to dangerous cues in the periph- and injury. These variables may contribute inter-
ery, such as an outside linebacker rushing the quar- actively or in isolation in influencing the stress re­
terback. Increased distractibility during stress, often sponse and, ultimately, injury occurrence and severity.
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  495

The original stress–injury model hypothesized that high compared to low life stress, and risk of injury
an athlete’s history of stressors contributes directly tended to increase in direct proportion to the level
to the stress response, whereas personality factors of life stress.
and coping resources act on the stress response Researchers failed to support daily hassles
either directly or by attenuating the negative (e.g., minor daily problems, irritations, or changes)
effects of the history of stressors. Ten years later, as a contributor to injury risk (e.g., Smith, Smoll, &
when Williams and Andersen (1998) critiqued and Ptacek, 1990; Van Mechelen et al., 1996) when
modified their stress–injury model, they proposed they assessed hassles only once preseason, but
bidirectional arrows between each of these three the hypothesized relationship was found in better-
predictor categories. designed studies that measured hassles weekly and
then predicted injury using the score just prior
to the time of injury (Fawkner, McMurray, &
History of Stressors Summers, 1999; Ivarsson & Johnson, 2010;
This category of injury risk variables includes major Ivarsson, Johnson, & Podlog, 2013). Moreover,
life change events, daily hassles, and previous injury. Ivarsson et al. (2013) found that experiencing more
major negative life events led to more frequent daily
It was a very chaotic period in life, all the time hassles, which in turn had a direct effect on injury
new things to do and stress everywhere. So much frequency. The meta-analyses and path analyses
training and obligations and hardly any time
from Ivarsson et al.’s (2017) review found that his-
to socialize with family and friends outside the
team. It really made me feel bad. I think this was
tory of stressors, particularly the stress associated
the main reason behind my injury. (Johnson, with negative events (i.e., negative life event stress,
2011, p. 105) hassles, previous injury), and stress responsivity had
the strongest relationships with injury occurrence.
The most support exists for the detrimental effects As hypothesized in the stress–injury model, the
of experiencing major life events—typically assessed stress response mediates the connection between
as the amount of change and upset that athletes psychological variables (i.e., history of stressors,
experienced in the year prior to a competitive sea- personality) and injury rates.
son. Examples of general life events are incidents
such as the breakup of a relationship, change in
residence, and death of a loved one, whereas major Personality and Coping Resources
events related to sports include eligibility difficul- The presence of desirable personality attributes and
ties, trouble with coaches, and change in playing coping resources may buffer individuals from stress
status. Over 50 studies have examined life-event and injury by helping them to perceive fewer situa-
stress and injuries. Approximately 90 percent of tions and events as stressful or by helping them cope
them found a positive relationship between high more effectively with their stressors. Conversely, the
life stress and injury, with the most frequent asso- lack of desirable personality characteristics and
ciation occurring with negative life stressors and/ coping resources, or the presence of undesirable
or total life stressors. The most extensive evidence ones, may leave individuals vulnerable to higher
involves football (seven studies), but similar find- stress (acute and chronic) and, presumably, greater
ings have occurred across activities as diverse as injury risk.
Alpine skiing, race walking, figure skating, baseball, It would be useful to have a specific personal-
gymnastics, soccer, field hockey, tennis, wrestling, ity test that predicts injury-prone athletes, but none
track and field, and ballet. Injuries tended to occur exists, so researchers examined specific variables of
two to five times more frequently in athletes with interest. A number of researchers studied some type
496 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

of trait anxiety or concept related to it. Trait anxiety relationship between major negative life events
is a general disposition or tendency to perceive sit- and subsequent injury time-loss (Smith, Ptacek, &
uations as threatening and to react with an anxiety Smoll, 1992). According to Zuckerman (1979),
response. When assessing global trait anxiety, no sensation avoiders, unlike sensation seekers, have a
relationship to injury occurred with nonsport tools lower tolerance for arousal and therefore do not care
(e.g., Kerr & Minden, 1988), but did with sport- for change, avoid the unfamiliar, and stay away from
specific tools. Athletes scoring higher on com- risky activities. Also, although they found that sen-
petitive trait anxiety (e.g., Hanson, McCullagh, & sation avoiders reported poorer stress management
Tonymon, 1992; Petrie, 1993) incurred more inju- coping skills, no support existed for differences in
ries or had more severe injuries. In contrast, simi- coping skills mediating the injury vulnerability dif-
lar somatic trait anxiety results occurred with both ferences. When Van der Sluis et al. (2017) studied
nonsport (Ivarsson & Johnson, 2010; Johnson & risk taking, a construct similar to sensation seeking,
Ivarsson, 2011) and sport-specific assessment they found risk taking significantly predicted both
(Smith, Ptacek, & Patterson, 2000). The injured time loss and severity of overuse injuries in boys,
athletes in the Ivarsson and Johnson studies also but not girls.
scored higher on stress susceptibility, suggesting
I was not in the mood for anything. I was simply
that they might experience more athletic situations depressed and just wanted to quit playing soccer,
as stressful or have higher levels of stress in those but something still kept me going. This was
situations. obviously a wrong decision. However, it is easy to
In other promising personality research, dis- be wise after an injury happens. (Johnson, 2011,
positional optimism and hardiness were examined. p. 107)
Individuals high in optimism anticipate that good
rather than bad things will happen to them, whereas In addition to personality traits, mood states
individuals high in hardiness feel deeply commit- influence injury risk. Findings support the premise
ted to the activities in their lives, believe they have that positive states of mind might buffer the effects
some control over the events they experience, and of potentially stressful sport situations, thereby cre-
consider change an exciting challenge that furthers ating less stress and fewer injuries, just as negative
development. As hypothesized by the stress–injury states might do the opposite. For example, intercol-
model, being optimistic and hardy correlated with legiate football, volleyball, and cross-country athletes
fewer injury problems and, in some of the studies, who experienced positive states of mind (e.g., abil-
moderated the greater injury effects of higher life ity to stay focused, keep relaxed, share with others)
stress (e.g., Ford, Eklund, & Gordon, 2000; Wadey, early in the season incurred significantly fewer inju-
Evans, Hanton, & Neil, 2012a, 2013). A follow-up ries compared to athletes with less positive states
qualitative study sought the mechanisms underlying of mind (Williams, Hogan, & Andersen, 1993).
the hardiness effects and found that high-hardiness Negative states such as tension/anxiety, competitive
athletes possessed a repertoire of problem- and emo- cognitive and somatic anxiety, and/or total negative
tion-focused coping strategies that lowered strain mood state correlated with a higher rate of injury
and facilitated a plan of action to resolve stressful and/or severity of injury (Alizadeh, Pashabadi,
events/situations, while low-hardiness athletes used Hosseini, & Shahbazi, 2012; Lavallee & Flint, 1996).
avoidance coping strategies such as denial and men- Fawkner (1995) noted significant increases in mood
tal disengagement, which had long-term negative disturbance in the measurement immediately prior
implications (Wadey, et al., 2012b). to injury, and Kleinert (2007) reported risk of seri-
In another study, only athletes who scored ous injuries with mood disturbance three hours to
low in sensation seeking had a significant positive three days before tournament play.
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  497

When it comes to research on coping resources high social support or psychological coping skills
(e.g., general coping behaviors, social support sys- eliminated the relationship between high life stress
tems, psychological coping skills such as stress and injury. Having ineffective coping strategies,
management techniques and mental skills), there such as self-blame, also puts athletes at higher injury
is sufficient support that coping resources need to risk (Ivarsson & Johnson, 2010).
be considered when trying to understand injury vul-
nerability and how to decrease it. Researchers have
found that social support influences injury outcome
Exercise 1
directly and/or by lessening the negative effects
of high life-event stress (e.g., Hardy, O’Connor, & In Case Study 1 at the beginning of this chapter,
Geisler, 1990; Johnson, 2011; Petrie, 1992; Williams, which athlete is more likely to benefit from an
Tonymon, & Wadsworth, 1986). These findings intervention to reduce injury vulnerability, and why is
suggest that increasing social support from fam- that athlete more likely to become injured based upon
ily, friends, and significant others—a group likely what you just read? Using the following section, plan
to include coaches and teammates—is one way to an intervention to reduce his injury risk.
reduce injury risk. Richman, Hardy, Rosenfeld, and
Callahan (1989) offer an excellent source for a vari-
ety of strategies coaches and sport psychology con-
sultants could implement to enhance social support Interventions to Reduce Injury
in student athletes. Vulnerability
Although a greater number of supportive rela-
tionships is desired, the quality of such relation- The stress–injury model proposes a two-pronged
ships is also important. For example, an athlete approach to prevent injuries from increased stress
with fairly strong religious values felt he had to go reactivity due to the individual’s psychosocial pro-
out, drink, and chase women with his teammates file. One set of interventions aims to change the
to receive their support and friendship. Although cognitive appraisal of potentially stressful events
he achieved an external measure of support, the (see Chapter 14 for techniques to eliminate or mod-
relationships added to his level of stress. It was, in ify cognitions that cause stress) and the second to
fact, through a classroom discussion of stress that modify the physiological/attentional aspects of the
the athlete sought someone with whom to discuss stress response (see Chapter 12 for relaxation tech-
his conflicts. The athlete successfully resolved the niques and Chapter 15 for techniques to decrease
conflicts, and may well have been an accident that distractibility and to keep an appropriate attentional
did not happen. focus). Also included on the cognitive appraisal
Findings from studies such as Smith et al. side of the stress response are interventions for fos-
(1990), Rogers and Landers (2005), and Devantier tering realistic expectations (e.g., goals), a sense of
(2011) suggest that increasing psychological cop- belonging (e.g., team cohesiveness), and optimal
ing skills (e.g., the ability to control arousal, think coach–athlete communication (see Chapters 6 to 8
appropriately, and stay focused under pressure) and 11 for interventions).
might decrease injury risk. In the best-designed Considerable support exists for the interven-
psychology of injury study, Smith et al. (1990) tions portion of the model. The meta-analysis by
found that the most injuries occurred in athletes Ivarrson et al. (2017) showed all seven studies found
who experienced high negative life events and who fewer injuries in the intervention groups in compari-
lacked both social support and psychological cop- son to the control group, with the greatest reductions
ing skills. In contrast, having either moderate to occurring when at-risk populations are targeted.
498 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

For example, Johnson, Ekengren, and Andersen Athletes’ Reactions to Injury

(2005) provided six intervention sessions and two tele-
phone contacts consisting of treatments such as stress Despite the best efforts of athletes, coaches, and
management skills, somatic and cognitive relaxation, athletic trainers, injuries occur and the conse-
goal-setting skills, and attribution and self-confidence quences are both physical and psychological.
training. Findings indicated 10 of 13 in the at-risk Historically, sport medicine specialists have been
experimental group remained injury free, in contrast most concerned with the physical aspects of reha-
to only 3 of 16 in the at-risk control group. bilitation, assuming that completing physical reha-
Across the studies, the reduction in injury vul- bilitation prepared the athlete for a successful
nerability occurred in groups as diverse as soccer, return to competition. But some athletes are not
gymnastics, rugby, and ballet and with skill levels psychologically ready to return. To them the sugges-
ranging from high school players to elite athletes. tion of returning creates stress from fears of reinjury
The interventions also varied from psychological and embarrassing performance. As a result, optimal
skills training to cognitive-behavioral therapy and injury rehabilitation requires both physical and psy-
mindfulness training. The one commonality was that chological components. When done well, injuries
all interventions targeted stress management skills often heal faster, psychological adjustment is health-
that decrease the magnitude of stress responses; ier, and higher levels of performance occur. This
thus, their effectiveness at preventing injury is not entails gaining an understanding of the psychology
surprising considering that stress is the biopsycho- of injury rehabilitation, which is the focus of the
social construct that has the strongest relationship remainder of this chapter.
with injury occurrence, and the interventions would
have enhanced the athletes’ coping resources and
ability to control their emotional states. Psychological Reactions to Injury
The obvious conclusion is that psychologi- Athletes perceive injury in various ways. Some view
cally based interventions should be included when it as a disaster; some an opportunity to display cour-
designing injury prevention programs, and partic- age; others welcome it as relief from a long season
ularly so with athletes suspected of matching the or poor performance; and still others see it as an
psychosocial risk profile. Recognize, however, that opportunity to focus on other areas. It is common
it would be most egregious to think that all indi- for injured athletes to worry about whether they
viduals in an at-risk group will experience injury or will recover and return to their previous form.
that none will in a low-risk group. To identify at-risk Understanding the emotional response of injured
athletes, coaches and others must be aware of what athletes can lead to more effective interventions.
is happening in athletes’ lives and the presence of Injured athletes are often uncertain if they will be
personal characteristics identified in the at-risk pro- facing a quick return to action, a long rehabilita-
file. Sport psychology consultants or others trained tion process, or the end of their career. Many of
in the use of psychological tests may even want to the issues athletes face with severe injury parallel
employ the questionnaires used in injury research those that occur with career termination or retire-
as screening instruments. Coaches also should con- ment (see Chapter 24). Athletes may also underes-
sider reducing exposure to high-risk activities, such timate the seriousness of their injury initially, which
as learning a new and potentially dangerous vault may affect their emotional response (de Heredia,
or dive, with athletes who seem to be in a stressed Munoz, & Artaza, 2004). Athletes have good rea-
or distracted state. Where levels of stress appear to son to be upset when injured, but as one athletic
be extreme and coping skills minimal, professional trainer stated, “I know it’s frustrating for athletes
counseling may be necessary (see Chapter 20). to be injured, but I found that those who have the
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  499

negative attitudes or poor mood state, that they are 74 percent of athletic trainers who responded to a
the ones who are continuously in rehab, and having survey by Clement, Granquist, and Avrinen-Barrow
problems making it to rehab” (Granito, 2001, p. 78). (2013) reported that athletes experienced psycho-
A positive and enthusiastic response will ensure the logical effects along with physical injuries, most
best possible chance of complete physical and men- commonly stress/anxiety, anger, and issues related
tal rehabilitation. to treatment adherence. Unfortunately, most athletic
A study by Mainwaring et al. (2004) sheds trainers in the United States do not have easy access
some light on athletes’ reactions to injury. Following to a sport psychology consultant—only 20 percent in
concussion, athletes experienced depression, confu- one study (Clement et al., 2013) and 25 percent in
sion, and overall mood disturbance. The authors a second study (Cramer Roh & Perna, 2000); how-
postulate that mood changes are due to the injury ever, they did use them (i.e., 84 percent who had
itself, not the removal from sport, as they experi- access made referrals). A different survey of ath-
enced a normalization of mood before their return letic trainers found a similarly high rate of referral
to sport; this finding has been supported by other (71.6 percent) of athletes for sport psychology
research as well (Hutchison, Mainwaring, Comper, services (Zakrajsek, Martin, & Wrisberg, 2015),
Richards, & Bisschop, 2009). plus higher rate of access to a sport psychology
Others also notice changes in injured athletes. consultant (63 percent). Sports medicine physi-
According to a survey of 482 certified athletic train- cians are also aware of the problems that arise
ers, 47 percent believed that every injured athlete from injury—in a survey of 827 practitioners,
suffers negative psychological effects such as stress 80 percent reported discussing psychological issues
and anxiety, anger, treatment compliance problems, with injured athletes (Mann, Grana, Indelicato,
and depression (Larson, Starkey, & Zaichkowsky, O’Neill, & George, 2007). These practitioners
1996). In addition, 24 percent of the trainers also noted a lack of sport psychology consul-
referred an athlete for counseling related to their tants in their geographic areas, and 75 percent
injury. Athletic trainers are continuing to recog- rarely or never referred athletes to sport psycholo-
nize the psychological impact of injury in athletes; gists (Mann et al., 2007).

Table 23-1  Models to Explain Reaction to Injury

1. Grief Models: Injured athletes proceed sequentially through a series of stages (disbelief, denial, and isolation;
anger; bargaining; depression; and acceptance and resignation) on the way to recovery (see Kubler-Ross,
1969 and Evans & Hardy, 1995 for a better understanding).
2. Cognitive Appraisal Models: The response to injury comes from how the athlete perceives the injury
(see Figure 23-2 and Brewer, 1994 for more information).
3. Integrated Model of Response to Sport Injury: How an individual copes following injury is determined by
personality, social, and emotional factors (see Wiese-Bjornstal, Smith, Shaffer, & Morrey, 1998 for a more
thorough explanation and see Bejar & Butryn, 2016 for an application with athletes of low socioeconomic
[SES] backgrounds).
4. Biopsychosocial Models: Reciprocal interaction of psychological factors with biological and social/contextual
factors in the rehabilitation process (see Brewer, Andersen, & Van Raalte, 2002 for more detail and see Bejar
et al., 2017 for an exploration of the model as applied to South Korean athletes).
5. Other Models: Self-regulation theory (Hagger, Chatzisarantis, & Griffin, 2004), blend of grief model, and
cognitive appraisal model (Striegel, Hedgpeth, & Sowa, 1996).
500 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

Situational Factors
Personal Factors
(injury-related and social/
(dispositional and/or
physical environment
historical attributes)

Cognitive Appraisal
(interpretation of injury)

Emotional Response
(anger, depression, relief)

Behavioral Response
(adherence to rehab regimens)

Figure 23-2  Cognitive appraisal models of psychological adjustment

to athletic injury

Cognitive Appraisal Models successful rehabilitation positively affected assess-

Many models have been used to explain athletes’ ments of ability to manage a subsequent injury. This
reactions to injury (see Table 23-1 for some exam- rehabilitation self-efficacy, in turn, related positively
ples). The cognitive appraisal models have garnered to physical recovery. Research on hardiness shows
the most empirical support for describing individual that athletes who are higher in hardiness tend to
differences in response to athletic injury. For this rea- have a lower risk of becoming injured, and when
son, we will only elaborate on them. Brewer (1994) they do, they are more successful at rehabilitation
identified five cognitive appraisal models relevant (Wadey et al., 2012a). Brewer (1993) found that
to psychological responses to athletic injury. He physical self-esteem may buffer the negative effects
explains that each model (Figure 23-2) is rooted in of athletic injury on mood.
the literature on stress and coping; athletic injury is It is definitely easier to deal with injuries on the
conceptualized as a stressor to the athlete, who then mental side after you’ve had a few of them, since
evaluates, or appraises, the stressor in accordance you are aware of the recovery process.
with personal and situational factors. The response –Mike Schultz, U.S. Paralympic snow-
to injury comes from how the athlete perceives boarder (, 2018a)
the injury. This cognitive appraisal determines the
One of the most supported personal factors is
emotional response (e.g., anger, depression, relief),
the influence an athlete’s psychological investment
which determines the behavioral response to injury
in sport has on their adjustment to athletic injury
rehabilitation (e.g., adherence to rehabilitation).
(e.g., Brewer, 1993; Brewer, Van Raalte, & Linder,
Personal factors. Personal factors contribute to 1993). For many athletes, particularly those who are
cognitive appraisal and emotional and behavioral intensely involved with their sport and/or achieve
responses to injury. For example, Brewer (1994) notable success, the primary focus of their identity
reported that Shaffer (1992) found that a history of may be as an athlete (see Case Study 2).
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  501

Case Study 2

An Athlete Reacting to Injury

Beth was a two-time all-state performer who had already accepted a full athletic scholarship to a major college
soccer powerhouse. During the winter months, Beth was a starter on the varsity basketball team. During the third
game of the season she severely injured her right knee diving for a loose ball. The injury required surgery to repair
torn ligaments, and the doctors told Beth that with hard work she would be as good as new in a few months.
This was Beth’s first major injury. She was afraid, and she was angry at herself for getting injured
because she felt it was a stupid play on her part. She also felt that she had let her parents and friends
down because of what might happen if she didn’t fully recover. She asked herself many of the same
questions she heard her friends asking: Would she lose her scholarship? Would she be able to play as
well as before? Did she make a mistake by playing basketball this year?
Up to this point, it seemed that the anger, guilt, and other feelings that resulted from the injury caused
Beth to doubt herself and her ability to cope with the situation. She found it easier to be alone than to
deal with family and friends. Although withdrawing from people brought her temporary relief from her
feelings, it also kept her away from the support she needed to get through this unexpected transition.
During her rehabilitation, Beth refused to go to basketball games or social events that she normally
attended. She was very moody and seemed to become angry at the smallest thing. Her boyfriend would
come over to visit, but these meetings usually ended in a fight because Beth would say he didn’t know what
she was going through. She was becoming frustrated at her progress in physical therapy, even though she
was reaching her therapist’s treatment goals. She would be particularly demanding of her therapist if her
strength or range of motion had not improved from day to day. Her frustration led her to ignore her ther-
apist’s recommendations. She pushed her exercises so hard that she cried from the pain and then became
angry at herself for not being tough enough. Instead of getting better, Beth suffered a setback.
Although Beth was trying to deal with her feelings, she found herself pushing away the people who were
trying to help her. At the same time her fear caused her to make some poor decisions about her rehabilita-
tion program. Fortunately, Beth was able to get the support she needed to work through her feelings.
Beth’s physical therapist introduced her to a counselor who worked in the training room. The coun-
selor listened to Beth’s story and tried to understand what she was going through. For the first time Beth
was able to voice her anger and sadness. After this, the counselor helped Beth identify the skills that she
had used to become a good athlete and showed her how to use them to deal with her injury. Beth had not
been prepared for her injury, and her emotions kept her from using the goal-setting and imagery tech-
niques that she used to improve her sport skills.
Beth had also failed to seek help from others. Before her injury, she had always sought out the best
coaches for advice and had often talked with players she admired to learn more about game strategies and
techniques. She withdrew from this type of support while she was injured. Once Beth learned to use her skills
and the support of others, she made better decisions about her rehabilitation and made a quick recovery.
Reprinted by permission from Petitpas, A., Champagne, D., Chartrand, J., Danish, S., & Murphy, S (1997). Athlete’s Guide
to Career Planning. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 11–12.
502 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

The more narrowly focused an injured athlete’s return to competitive sport). Some of the benefits
sense of self is, the more threatened the athlete will were improvements in social networks, increased
be. Such a person appears more likely to appraise knowledge of anatomy, and becoming more resil-
his or her injury in terms of threat or loss (Brewer ient. Salim and colleagues suggest that practitioners
et al., 1993) and to experience feelings of anxiety, working with injured athletes can help increase the
depression, or hopelessness (Brewer, 1993; Smith, likelihood of their experiencing growth through
Scott, O’Fallon, & Young, 1990). Athletes who the recovery process, in part by maximizing use
are more involved in sport before injury may be of social network support (Salim, Wadey, & Diss,
confused during rehabilitation and may perceive a 2015). Coaches have also noted that the coach–
lesser degree of recovery at the end of rehabilitation athlete relationship can grow stronger through
(Johnston & Carroll, 2000). They might be more the injury process (Wadey, Clark, Podlog, &
motivated to return to sport, possibly prematurely. McCullough, 2013).
On the positive side, a strong athletic identity cor- Athletic trainers are a great resource when an
responds with greater motivation during rehabili- athlete is experiencing psychological distress—most
tation following injury (Masten, Strazar, Zilavec, view it as their responsibility to refer athletes to
Tusak, & Kandare, 2014). counseling when they experience personal distress
The coach, athletic trainer, or others involved (Cormier & Zizzi, 2015). However, not all sport
during rehabilitation should be sensitive to these psychology consultants are trained counselors,
issues and help the athlete see himself or herself and not all counselors are aware of the issues con-
more fully as a person, with many potentials, and to fronting athletes. One alternative is to have athletic
explore other possibilities—not to replace the sport trainers take a more active role in providing sport
or athlete identity, but to complement it. The devel- psychology in the athletic training room. Several
opment of the NCAA Life Skills program and books authors have suggested that athletic trainers are
to aid athletes in planning for careers help athletes perfectly positioned to train athletes to use psycho-
develop in other realms. Highlighting one’s athletic logical skills (e.g., goal-setting, imagery), as they
success may be helpful in establishing careers both frequently see injured athletes and possess a wealth
during and after sport. For example, Tim Horton, of knowledge about injuries (e.g., Cramer Roh &
a former NHL player, opened a doughnut shop Perna, 2000; Misasi, Redmond, & Kemler, 1998).
that has expanded into one of the most recognized Tracey (2008) found that physical therapists and
chains in Canada. Other athletes have careers in athletic trainers see themselves as filling the role
sport broadcasting (e.g., Bill Walton, Sean Elliot), of building rapport, educating, and communicating
owning a business (e.g., Venus Williams’s V Starr with injured athletes, which supports Misasi et al.
Interiors, Maria Sharapova’s Sugarpova), and devel- (1998), who point out that “the athletic therapist
oping the next generation of athletes (e.g., Justine cannot avoid the need to be an effective counselor
Henin’s tennis academy). or helper” (p. 36). Scherzer and Williams (2008)
Researchers (Udry, Gould, Bridges, & Beck, found that when athletic trainers have additional
1997; Wadey, Evans, Evans, & Mitchell, 2011) have training in sport psychology, they perceive them-
assessed the benefits perceived by athletes follow- selves as more skilled at using the techniques and
ing injury. Udry et al.’s (1997) participants iden- they think they use the skills more. Additional
tified four general dimensions: personal growth, training does not have to be extensive to be effec-
psychologically based performance, physical and tive, either. Clement and Shannon (2009) found
technical development, and none. Wadey et al. that athletic training students increased their
(2011) found that there were multiple benefits at sport psychology behaviors following a 75-minute
different points (i.e., injury onset, rehabilitation, workshop.
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  503

Situational factors. Many potential situational to extremes these actions can foster injury and fail-
factors influence cognitive appraisal and emotional ure. Curt Schilling’s performance in the 2004 World
and behavioral responses to injury. For example, Series epitomizes these beliefs. Schilling suffered an
Wiese-Bjornstal and colleagues (1998) enumerated ankle injury during the Division Series that affected
three types of situational factors: (a) sport factors his performance in Game 1 of the league’s champi-
(e.g., time in season, playing status); (b) social fac- onship series against the New York Yankees. Rather
tors (e.g., coach and medical team influences); and than succumbing to his injury, the Boston Red Sox
(c) environmental factors (e.g., accessibility to reha- medical team devised a method to stabilize his
bilitation). Granito (2001) conducted focus groups tendon that allowed him to pitch again in Game 6
with injured athletes and found that athletes’ reac- of the series, which he won. On the morning of
tions to injury fell into seven categories: (a) personal his scheduled start in Game 2 of the World Series,
factors (e.g., athlete’s personality, role on team); Schilling was prepared to tell the team he couldn’t
(b) effects on relationships (e.g., with coaches, par- pitch. Again, the medical staff found a solution that
ents, teammates); (c) sociological aspects (i.e., gen- enabled Schilling to take to the mound (MacMullan,
der differences, athletic subculture); (d) physical 2004). In both outings in which his tendon was sta-
factors (e.g., pain and use of painkillers); (e) daily bilized by stitches, Schilling truly wore a red sock for
hassles (i.e., stress); (f ) feelings associated with the Red Sox—his socks turned red from blood ooz-
injury (e.g., frustration, depression, tension); and ing from his injury. Schilling needed ankle surgery
(g) rehabilitation (i.e., adherence, ease of receiving during the off-season and in 2005 began the season
treatment). Granito’s investigation provides sup- on the disabled list. He rebounded and helped lead
port that many factors contribute to an athlete’s the Red Sox to a second World Championship in
response to injury. When Evans, Wadey, Hanton, 2007 (“Curt Schilling,” 2007).
and Mitchell (2012) examined situational factors Athletes must be capable of “playing through”
at different points in the injury process, they found some pain. Seldom do we educate athletes about
that athletes are affected by medical/physical, which kinds of pain to ignore and which kinds of
sport-related, social, and financial demands at the pain to respond to. Both the Schilling example and
time of injury and during rehabilitation. However, research findings indicate that sports medicine
only medical/physical and sport-related demands practitioners can be complicit in this culture of risk.
affected return to competitive sport. Safai (2003) interviewed physicians, physiothera-
pists, and intercollegiate athletes at a Canadian uni-
Potentially Dangerous Attitudes versity and found that sports medicine practitioners
seem to understand why athletes endorse the sport
While developing athletes into successful com-
ethic of playing through pain, and they help them
petitors, many coaches and athletic trainers have
play again as quickly as possible, even before an
unknowingly fostered erroneous attitudes concern-
injury is healed.
ing successful injury rehabilitation. Understanding
these potentially dangerous attitudes is crucial to You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it’s
appreciating the psychological aspects of injury and worth it if you score a spectacular goal.
rehabilitation. Mia Hamm, U.S. Women’s Soccer Team
(1987–2004) (“Mia Hamm,” 2013b;
Act tough and always give 110 percent. Athletes, 2013)
have been systematically taught that mental tough-
ness and giving 110 percent are necessary for suc- How is this sport ethic learned, and is it perva-
cess. Although mental toughness and giving one’s sive at all levels of sport? Malcom (2006) observed
best are important, we must realize that when taken girls aged 11 to 16 in a softball league. Most of
504 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

the injuries tended to be minor, but how the girls Whole-Person Philosophy
learned to react was fascinating. Some girls would Reacting to an injured athlete from a whole-person
initially react to injuries to gain attention, while oth- philosophy deals with short- and long-term aspects
ers would try to move out of harm’s way to avoid of an injury in a way that increases the chances of
injury. As time wore on, coaches and other play- an athlete’s return to sport participation. Reactions
ers taught the girls to play through the injuries by to Kevin Ware’s injury, the Louisville guard who
ignoring complaints of injuries, teasing girls about experienced a serious fracture during a 2013 Elite
injuries, or modeling acting tough (e.g., a coach Eight round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball tourna-
would catch a line drive without a glove and not ment, exemplify this. Ware’s injury was one of the
react). Malcom demonstrated that the sport ethic most gruesome in sport, but it didn’t stop him from
is learned through participation in sport, though being part of the team. Ware had surgery on his leg
it is not directly taught. Other researchers (Liston, and was with the team when they won the semi-final
Reacher, Smith, & Waddington, 2006) were curious and championship games one week later.
whether the sport ethic would be found in nonelite
rugby, reasoning that professional athletes might The bone’s 6 inches out of his leg and all he’s
be more willing to play through pain due to finan- yelling is, “Win the game, win the game,” I’ve not
cial and commercial pressures. They found that the seen that in my life. . . . Pretty special young man.
sport ethic was present and identified two codes in (Rick Pitino, coach of Kevin Ware, ESPN.
com, 2013).
rugby: (1) a willingness to be hurt and (2) playing
when hurt for the good of the team. It seems the
Ware did recover and resumed his playing career
sport ethic of playing in pain permeates every strata
in college and as a professional in Europe (“Kevin
of athletics.
Ware,” 2018).
An athlete with an injury is no less of an athlete,
Injured athletes are worthless. Coaches play an
no less of a person, than before the injury. While
important role in the lives of athletes—both when
athletes may not expect their sports medicine pro-
they are healthy and when injured. While it is easy
fessionals (e.g., physiotherapists, athletic trainers)
for coaches to invest time and energy in healthy ath-
to be able to address the psychosocial challenges
letes, it’s important to do the same when athletes
that arise with injury (Arvinen-Barrow, Massey, &
are not able to compete. Leaders must help injured
Hemmings, 2014), researchers (e.g., Cramer Roh &
athletes realize that attitudes such as desire, pride,
Perna, 2000; Misasi et al., 1998) have suggested
and commitment are beneficial at the right time,
that these professionals are perfectly positioned to
but these attitudes may be hazardous to present
offer such support.
and future health if taken to the extreme. Athletes
become extremely vulnerable and totally unprepared Social support. Social support is critical in the
for the incapacitating injury or lifelong pain that may rehabilitation process, particularly with moderate
follow inappropriate reactions to pain and injury. to severe injuries. Having the support of others can
Attitude change is required to ensure adaptation to contribute to injured athletes having a better sense
injury and life. Sport professionals must realize the of well-being, particularly for those athletes who
hazards of these mistaken attitudes before they can report having less hope (Lu & Hsu, 2013). Family
fully use the psychological strategies presented later and friends may respond to the athletes primarily
in this chapter. Leaders have to do what is in the best as athletes, and in many cases friendships are based
interest of injured athletes. With this approach, ath- along these lines, particularly with teammates
letes, coaches, and teams will have the best possible or other athletes. Suddenly these important ties
chance of attaining their fullest potential. may be ruptured—the hockey players interviewed
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  505

by Ronkainen and Ryba (2017) found being cut discover other bases of support. Some athletes note
off from their teammates incredibly difficult. Too a lack of support from their coaches, and even say
often, when athletes are kept away because of that coaches can be pushy when athletes are injured
injury, they feel that their teammates and time have (Ruddock-Hudson, O’Halloran, & Murphy, 2012),
marched on. One injured athlete interviewed by which underscores that athletes need support
Von Rosen and colleagues said “Everybody should from their coaches as they move toward recovery
see the ones who are injured. See them. Talk to (Peterson, 2001). Athletic trainers can also be good
them. Acknowledge their training. And try to talk sources of social support (Clement & Shannon,
to them about something other than their injury” 2011). In particular, athletes will benefit from
(Van Rosen, Kottorp, Friden, Frohm, & Heijne, informational support (i.e., information about the
2018, p. 736), highlighting the importance of con- injury) and emotional support (i.e., helping the ath-
tinued social connections between teammates. lete express emotions and feel understood) through-
Interestingly, teammates have been found to be an out the injury and recovery processes. Athletes who
even greater source of social support for athletes are satisfied with the social support they receive
with orthopedic injuries than athletes with con- from their athletic trainers may be less likely to be
cussions (Covassin, Crutcher, Bleecker, Heiden, depressed or anxious upon their return to sport
Dailey, & Yang, 2014). (Yang et al., 2014).
With athletes whose rehabilitation will take
I used to keep injuries to myself. It would just
make it worse and worse. Now I’m having none longer than two weeks, Striegel et al. (1996) suggest
of that. two additional forms of social support: peer mentors
and injury support groups. Peer mentor relation-
–Katarina Johnson-Thompson, British track
and field athlete (, 2018b) ships are opportunities for an injured athlete to talk
with an athlete who has successfully rehabilitated a
Giving athletes the option to rejoin the team similar injury. Injury support groups provide injured
when injured might be a good starting point. We athletes with a forum to talk about their injury, reha-
would go so far as to say that as soon as athletes bilitation, and anything else with others who are in
can rejoin a team, they should do so, as coaches the same position. Both these forms of support may
and teammates continue to be important sources help motivate injured athletes during rehabilitation
of social support for injured athletes through the and give athletes a sense of community.
rehabilitation process (Clement, Arvinen-Barrow, & Although social support and the reintegration
Fetty, 2015). Asking an injured athlete to help the of the injured athlete are important parts of the
coaching staff or to mentor younger players pro- rehabilitation process, there are two problems with
vide ways in which an injured athlete can still be this “double-edged crutch.” First, an injured athlete
a contributing member. But it is important to con- may present a conscious or unconscious threat to
sider that attending practice while injured may have others: “If it could happen to them, it could happen
a negative impact on an athlete’s emotional state. to me.” This fear may evoke anything from a mild
Some of the athletes Tracey (2003) interviewed feeling of discomfort to an almost phobic avoid-
explained that it was really difficult to be at prac- ance of the injured player. When this type of situa-
tice while injured; in fact, six of the ten participants tion develops, it is important for sport personnel to
chose not to attend practice. show that the injured person should not be feared
Coaches and sport psychology consultants and relay the message that the injured athlete will
must help ensure that normal contacts are main- recover and rejoin the team.
tained. They should be reassuring about recovery Second, although cooperation and cohesion
of past abilities and encourage injured athletes to are part of teamwork, so is competition. An athlete’s
506 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

injury may present an opportunity to another per- injured athlete is a person and not just a broken leg.
son. The second-string player, for example, may It is important to talk to the athlete about himself or
have a chance for glory. This is what happened in herself, not just the injury.
the New England Patriots organization. Early in Petitpas and Danish suggest a series of steps to
the 2000–2001 football season, the Patriots’ start- follow when working with an injured athlete. First,
ing quarterback, Drew Bledsoe, was injured. The build rapport with the athlete. This allows you to
starting job was turned over to an unknown, Tom understand what the athlete is experiencing with
Brady. With Brady as quarterback, the Patriots their injury. Education is next, when the athlete
won seven games and were in contention for the learns about the injury and rehabilitation process.
playoffs. Even when Bledsoe was cleared to play, The phases of skill development and practice and
Coach Bill Belichick started Brady. When Brady evaluation follow the general education phase.
got hurt in the AFC Championship game, Bledsoe The opportunity to learn and use skills (e.g., goal-
stepped in and got the win. Belichick had to decide setting, imagery) helps athletes with rehabilita-
who to start in the Super Bowl—should he start his tion and with performance once they are “back in
high-profile, high-salary quarterback or his young the game.”
breakout star? Brady was healthy, got the start, and A case study highlights the importance of treat-
the Patriots won the first of what would be three ing the whole person. Davis and Sime (2005) docu-
NFL championships in four years, all with Brady mented their work with a collegiate baseball player
as quarterback (“New England Patriots,” 2007). struggling to regain his form following an eye injury.
This type of competition should be focused on the He had lingering effects after his injury had healed
athletic situation and not personalized. One can- medically; he was not hitting effectively, reported
not ignore the realities of competition; however, feeling anxious when he had two strikes during
one can try to maintain as positive a climate as an at-bat, and felt as though his vision was not
possible. 100 percent. Davis and Sime used a mix of tradi-
tional (e.g., breathing and relaxation training,
To treat a knee and ignore the brain and emo-
tions that direct the choreography of that knee
imagery) and nontraditional strategies (i.e., electro-
is not consistent with total care of the patient. encephalograph biofeedback) to great success—the
(G. J. Faris, “Psychological Aspects of Athletic athlete had his most successful season following the
Rehabilitation,” Clinics in Sports Medicine, interventions. This blended intervention demon-
4, 1985, p. 546) strates the possibilities created when considering
the whole picture and the whole person (i.e., his
Addressing the whole person. When dealing with psychological fears and perceived visual losses).
an injured athlete, one of the most crucial aspects Heil, Wakefield, and Reed (1998) suggest that
entails understanding what the athlete is expe- conceptualizing rehabilitation as an athletic chal-
riencing before trying to “fix” them (Petitpas & lenge may help athletes through the rehabilitation
Danish, 1995). An injured athlete may experience process. By using this metaphor, the rehabilitation
all, some, or none of a range of effects, including process encompasses familiar skills, and rehabilita-
grief, identity loss, separation and loneliness, fear, tion becomes part of training for excellence rather
loss of confidence, and performance decrements. than a setback. Another approach gaining support
If you try to address all of these issues, or some of is utilizing acceptance and commitment therapy,
them, without assessing what the individual athlete which incorporates mindfulness (e.g., Bennett &
is experiencing, you risk frustrating the athlete. It Lindsay, 2016; Shortway, Wolanin, Block-Lerner, &
can sometimes be difficult to remember that the Marks, 2018).
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  507

Teaching Specific Psychological psychological interventions for sport injury, Cupal

(1998) concluded that psychological interventions
Rehabilitation Strategies
significantly altered the rehabilitation outcome for
The same mental skills and techniques that help injured athletes in terms of earlier gains in strength;
athletes in sport (e.g., goal-setting, mental imagery) increases in functional ability; and reduction of
can play a role in rehabilitation from injury. In a pain, state anxiety, and reinjury anxiety. A more
large cross-cultural study of athletes’ use of mental recent review by Schwab Reese, Pittsinger, and
skills during rehabilitation, 72 percent of the ath- Yang (2012) concluded that imagery and relaxation
letes who used mental skills during their rehabili- were associated with better psychological coping
tations thought it helped them rehabilitate faster during rehabilitation. Both research and extensive
(Arvinen-Barrow et al., 2015). Coaches, sport psy- anecdotal information from consulting experiences
chology consultants, and athletic trainers may need offer support for teaching the following psychologi-
to teach athletes that it is reasonable to think the cal interventions to injured athletes.
injury is unfortunate, untimely, and inconvenient
and to feel irritated, frustrated, and disappointed Thought stoppage and cognitive restructuring. What
when one occurs. It is unreasonable for athletes to athletes say to themselves following an injury helps
convince themselves that the situation is hopeless, determine their subsequent behavior. Athletes can be
that injuries are a sign of weakness and should be taught coping skills to control their inner thoughts.
hidden, or that their season or career is over. Then, when self-defeating internal dialogues occur,
Part of the learning is about the injury itself they can use an intervention strategy such as thought
and the rehabilitation process. It is difficult for stoppage or cognitive restructuring. (See Chapter 14
intelligent athletes to be positive and relaxed if they for more information on these and other techniques
lack knowledge, are anxious, and wonder about for controlling thoughts.) Thought stoppage and
what they are doing in the athletic training room. cognitive restructuring can be conceptualized as
Athletes who realize the purpose of rehabilitation “self-talk,” or how we speak to ourselves. Positive
are more likely to work hard and to provide useful self-talk is thought to contribute to personal well-
information about their progress. being and the enhancement of healing (Ievleva &
Two studies that examined psychosocial factors Orlick, 1991). Self-talk can also help with phys-
related to sports injury rehabilitation found that ical skill development in rehabilitation (Beneka
athletes who possess certain mental attributes and et al., 2013).
who use certain mental skills may recover faster Injuries are not only a physical question, which
from injury. In the first study by Ievleva and Orlick is the most important thing, of course, but also a
(1991), athletes who used more goal-setting, heal- question of your mind. If you’re thinking: “I’m not
ing mental imagery, and positive self-talk recovered going to make it,” “I can’t cope”, “it hurts,” “it’s
faster than athletes who did not. A follow-up study never going to get better,” then it won’t.
by Loundagin and Fisher (1993) revealed a similar –Luis Suarez, soccer player (Uruguay
pattern of results and also that focus of attention (, 2018c)
and stress reduction significantly enhanced recovery
time. In contrast, a study by Scherzer (1999) failed As an example of the importance of inner
to find any correlation between using mental skills dialogue, consider a situation in which an athlete
and recovery from knee surgery except for goal- is going through rehabilitation exercises while
setting predicting one outcome measure. In a review experiencing pain and little apparent improvement
of research on both preventive and rehabilitative in the injured area. If her inner dialogue becomes
508 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

self-defeating, the athlete worries and questions the Emotive imagery: rehearsal of scenes that
benefit of treatment and exercise: produce positive self-enhancing feelings such
as enthusiasm, self-pride, and confidence
This is awful. This hurts too much. These exercises
will probably make things worse. Besides, I’ve been Healing imagery: envisioning what is happen-
doing this for three days now and I can’t see any ing to the injury internally during the rehabili-
progress. It would be a lot easier to let the injury tation process
heal on its own. I’m not coming tomorrow. It really
doesn’t matter if I get treatment. All three types of imagery can help athletes
when they are rehabilitating an injury. Mastery
The athlete does not get much out of today’s treat- imagery can help foster motivation for rehabili-
ment and begins to develop excuses for not continu- tation and confidence on return to competition.
ing therapy. Injured athletes also can use coping rehearsal to
On the other hand, if the athlete’s inner dia- visually rehearse anticipated problematic situations
logue is self-enhancing, she worries and questions that may stand in the way of their successful return
the benefits of treatment and exercise but then to competition and then rehearse overcoming these
thinks: obstacles. Such visual rehearsal methods can pre-
pare injured athletes for any number of competitive
Stop. These exercises hurt, but it’s okay—they’ll
pay off. I’m lucky to have knowledgeable people or practice situations, helping them maintain physi-
helping me. I’ll be competing soon because I’m cal skills, retain confidence in their ability, and dis-
doing these exercises. If the pain gets too severe, I’ll sipate any lingering fears they may have of reinjury
ask my trainer if I am doing it right and, if I am, I’ll (Ievleva & Orlick, 1993). Injured athletes can use
live with it and think about how happy I’ll be to be emotive imagery to help feel secure and confident
competing again. that rehabilitation will be successful. In order to
successfully use healing imagery, athletes must
The athlete has a good treatment session and prepares receive a detailed explanation of their injury and
herself to continue. By using cognitive techniques that how it will heal physiologically. After visualizing
promote positive self-talk, athletes can often reduce the healing process, athletes are asked to imagine in
the time they need to rehabilitate from injury (Ievleva vivid color the healing occurring during treatment
& Orlick, 1991; Loundagin & Fisher, 1993). sessions and at intervals during the day. For exam-
ple, athletes can imagine increased blood flow and
Imagery warmth going to the injured area, or they can imag-
Athletes can learn to control their visual images and ine the stretching necessary for enhancing range of
to direct them productively to reduce anxiety and to motion. Research also supports the effectiveness
aid in rehabilitation and successful return to sport. of using imagery for pain management (Wesch,
Imagery tends to be helpful for reducing pain and Callow, Hall, & Pope, 2016).
increasing athletes’ sense of self-efficacy for rehabili- Despite research findings that imagery can help
tation (Zach, Dobersek, Filho, Inglis, & Tenenbaum, with recovery (e.g., Ievleva & Orlick, 1991), many
2018). See Chapter 13 for more detailed information athletes in the past did not use imagery extensively
on what imagery is and techniques that can be used during rehabilitation (Driediger, Hall, & Callow,
to teach and enhance imagery skills. 2006; Sordoni, Hall, & Forwell, 2000). In another
study, 68 percent of the participants reported using
Mastery imagery: visual rehearsal of success- imagery during rehabilitation (Monsma, Mensch, &
fully completing tasks Farroll, 2009); however, those who were injured the
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  509

longest were less likely to use imagery. When Milne, make sure that the plan was adhered to on a daily
Hall, and Forwell (2005) sought to extend Sordoni basis. Short- and long-term goals were detailed so
et al.’s results (2000), they found that injured ath- that by the fifth game of the year the athlete would
letes used more motivational and cognitive imagery be ready to return to the pitching mound for three
than healing imagery while rehabilitating. They sug- innings of relief pitching. While rehabilitating an
gest that athletes may need instruction in healing injury, athletes have noted the importance of having
imagery if they are to use it. This concern is echoed reasonable goals (Johnson et al., 2016).
by Evans, Hare, and Mullen (2006), who found As with many other athletes, the process from
that the athletes used imagery to control pain and injury to return to competition was a challenge to
enhance healing, but were more familiar with per- this athlete’s mind and body. Because the process
formance-related imagery. was managed properly, it allowed for a positive and
bright future. Research by Filby, Maynard, and
Goal-setting. It is helpful for the rehabilitation Graydon (1999) found support for the notion that
team to work with the injured athlete at setting setting multiple goals (e.g., outcome, process, and
specific short- and long-term goals for recovery, performance goals) improved task performance.
return to practice and competition, and day-to-day Wayda, Armenth-Brothers, and Boyce (1998) fur-
rehabilitation throughout the rehabilitation process ther explain that if the injured athlete feels that he
(DePalma & DePalma, 1989). Athletes should be or she is part of the process (i.e., by taking an active
actively involved in this process. (See Chapter 11 role in goal-setting), he or she is more likely to be
for specific suggestions on how to effectively set committed to the rehabilitation program.
goals and implement a goal-setting program.)
The following example of a college pitcher who Exercise 2 Goal-Setting
needed surgery on his throwing arm highlights the
effective use of goals in a rehabilitation process For help with goal-setting, try the WOOP app. It helps
designed to physically and psychologically prepare you plan to achieve a goal by identifying your goal
him for return to practice the following spring. (or Wish), as well as the desired Outcome, potential
He was reminded of how excited he would be on Obstacle(s), and Plan to overcome (
the first day of practice to be back on the field .org/).
with his teammates and to see if he still “had it.”
He was also told that he would feel great and have
an almost overpowering urge to try all his pitches Relaxation
and overthrow on the first day his arm felt good, Practicing any of the relaxation techniques (see
but he would overcome the urges by being smart, Chapter 12) can play a role in reducing stress and
disciplined, and emotionally controlled. The desire speeding injury rehabilitation (Loundagin & Fisher,
to help his teammates be successful and the thrill 1993). These results may occur for a number of rea-
of getting back on stage and becoming a star again sons. Relaxation helps open the mind–body chan-
would be highly motivating. nels that regulate the body, enabling inner control
Together, this athlete, his coaches, and his over the body (Botterill, Flint, & Ievleva, 1996).
athletic trainers outlined a specific goal plan. They Tension levels often increase in the injured area due
decided on a set number of throws each day, the to the stress of being injured (Brewer, Van Raalte, &
distance of the throws, the approximate speed of the Linder, 1991). This tension can increase pain and
throws, and the kinds of throws. For the first three work against the effectiveness of the rehabilitation
weeks the athlete’s catcher and a coach would help exercises by, for example, reducing blood flow and
510 Chapter 23   Injury Risk and Rehabilitation: Psychological Considerations

range of motion. Practicing a relaxation routine can less pain, and fewer days to recovery than counter-
relieve the tension and enhance blood circulation. parts who received only physical therapy, demon-
Injured athletes who participated in stress inocula- strating the effectiveness of adding relaxation
tion training (i.e., deep breathing, progressive mus- training to physical rehabilitation protocols (Ross &
cular relaxation, imagery) experienced less anxiety, Berger, 1996).

Sport psychology consultants have made great advances in understanding the psychological reha-
bilitation of athletes and the psychological factors that put athletes at risk of injury. Although some
athletes have effective psychological responses, others do not. This chapter focuses on factors that
may predispose athletes to injuries, patterns of negative reactions to injuries, and ways in which
coaches and sport psychology consultants can help athletes respond psychologically to injuries in
positive, growth-oriented ways.
Although no clear injury-prone personality has been identified, some factors such as high life
stress and low social support and psychological coping skills are predictive of injury. Effective pre-
ventive interventions are available for these and other factors related to injury. Athletes can respond
to injury in more and less adaptive ways. Using a cognitive appraisal model, we identify personal and
situational factors that might influence an athlete’s cognitive appraisal of the injury and his or her
resulting emotional and behavioral responses to both the injury and injury rehabilitation. We con-
tinue to agree with Brewer’s (1994) earlier conclusion that cognitive appraisal models offer a useful
framework to guide both future empirical efforts and rehabilitation practice. Systems of social sup-
port, treatment of the whole person, and cognitive-behavioral interventions are ways to help injured
athletes respond to injury in a more positive way.

Study Questions

1. What are key factors that may predispose some athletes to injury, and how does this occur?
2. Describe interventions that can be used to modify risk factors and enhance buffering factors,
thereby reducing injury risk.
3. List five responses that may occur as a result of anxiety and tension associated with an injury
on an athlete’s initial return to competition.
4. How and why might personal growth possibilities become an important part of the psychologi-
cal rehabilitation of the injured athlete?
5. List five problematic results of an athlete returning to competition following an injury if not
psychologically prepared.
6. Diagram the cognitive appraisal model of psychological adjustment to athletic injury and
discuss the different components.
Jean M. Williams and Carrie B. Scherzer  511

7. Explain the differences between mastery imagery, emotive imagery, and healing imagery.
8. Describe what other psychological strategies might be used to hasten rehabilitation and to
prepare for returning to competition.

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Athletes’ Careers and Transitions
Natalia B. Stambulova, Halmstad University, Sweden

After swimming at an elite level for almost 15 years now, it’s finally time for me to retire. I’ve spent an
unreasonable amount of time in a state of heavy chlorination, averaging over twenty hours a week in
swimming pool since the age of 13. I’ve swum roughly the circumference of the Earth, but now it is time
to learn how to be a real person.
—Lizzi Simmonds, British Olympic swimmer

This quote was retrieved from Lizzi Simmonds’ blog kicked out of my own home. . . . There are new
(, and it kicked off the official challenges and to transition successfully I know I
announcement of her retirement from elite swim- can’t deviate from proactively applying myself to
ming, followed by her career story, with thanks to these challenges . . . My motivation at the moment?
To succeed at transition! To keep myself in check,
many people and organizations that supported her.
to learn how to be kind to myself, to achieve a
A month after this blog entry, she shared her initial
balance—managing to find time for both novelty of
retirement reflections, emphasizing the mixture of leisure activities and career development pursuits.
emotions she experienced (grief, excitement, guilt,
pride, embarrassment, denial, jealousy, and drive) These and other of Lizzi’s reflections provide
but also her constructive vision of the transition: excellent illustrations to, and resonate well with, ath-
letic retirement and broader athlete career research
I wasn’t forced out of sport because of circum- in sport psychology. To understand Lizzi’s retire-
stances—injury, illness, or financial difficulty— ment mind-set and what it means for her to leave
rather, I made the choice to step away. . . . It’s only
the elite sport “bubble” and “to be a real person,”
by stepping away from sport that I have started
we need to know more about her entire career (with
to see any kind of real perspective on my career
and achievements. When you are in the ‘bubble’ all her impressive performance achievements, but
it’s almost impossible to do anything other than not only), various backgrounds (e.g., family, edu-
continue to strive for bigger, better, faster goals. . . . cation, key relationships), and resources she devel-
Since my early teens I’ve relied on ambition in sport oped in sport for the rest of her life. This chapter is
to drive my everyday functionality . . . and removing about athletes’ development in and through sports.
myself from that space feels a little bit like being It is about athletes’ careers and major sport and

520 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

nonsport transitions, including but not limited to end) and within-career transitions (e.g., from
athletic retirement. In other words, it is about what junior-to-senior)
and why sport psychology consultants should know • From reliance on nonsport frameworks to devel-
to provide efficient career assistance and about how opment of sport-specific frameworks for use in
they may help athletes make healthy and successful career research and assistance
careers in sport and beyond.
• From the first few career assistance programs
(CAPs) limited to retired athletes to a number
Evolution and Current Structure of CAPs around the world supporting young,
of Athlete Career Approaches in elite, professional, and retired athletes
Sport Psychology • From focusing mainly on athletes’ sport-related
development to career research and practice
Career research in sport psychology has been develop- that are guided by the holistic view of athletes’
ing since the 1960s. During this five-decade journey, development (i.e., both sport and nonsport)
the topic evolved through the following major shifts: within relevant environments and contexts

• From a narrow focus on athletic retirement Figure 24-1 illustrates the current structure
to studying a whole career (from beginning to of the athlete career topic in sport psychology,

Career assistance (CA)

Programs and interventions aimed at helping athletes to deal with athletic and nonathletic
career issues.
Guided by intervention frameworks, CA professional culture, and application of relevant
tools Cultural

Career development Career transition

(CD) research (CT) research

Aimed at description of career development Aimed at description and explanation of a

stages and career pathways with prediction transition process and factors involved in of
of normative transitions terms of normative, non-normative, and
quasi-normative athletic and nonathletic
transitions athletes’
Guided by CD frameworks (e.g., Stambulova, Guided by CT frameworks (e.g., Taylor &
1994, Wylleman, Reints, & De Knop, 2013) Ogilvie, 1994; Stambulova, 2009)

Conceptualizations of an athlete as a whole person, athletes’ development as holistic,
and athletic career as a part of life career; career transitions as turning career phases

Figure 24-1  Current structure of athlete career topic in sport psychology (modified from
Stambulova, 2016)
Source: Stambulova, N. 2016. Athletes’ transitions in sport and life: Positioning new research trends within existing
system of athlete career knowledge. In Schinke, R. J., McGannon, K., & B. Smith (Eds.) The Routledge international
handbook of sport psychology. New York: Routledge, 519–535.
Natalia B. Stambulova  521

incorporating all the important developments during Athletic career. Sport psychology researchers
its evolution. This structure (Stambulova, 2016) rests and consultants define this term from different
upon the foundations which support the two major points of view. First, athletic career is “a multi-year
and interrelated research areas: career development sport activity voluntarily chosen by the person and
and career transition research, which in turn feed into aimed at achieving his/her individual peak in ath-
the applied part termed career assistance, and all of letic performance in one or several sport events”
these are connected by a relatively new paradigm (Alfermann & Stambulova, 2007, p. 713). This defi-
known as the cultural praxis of athletes’ careers. nition highlights an athlete’s choice, long-term com-
mitment, striving for upward career progression,
and a possibility of competing in one or more sport
Foundations: Defining Key Terms
events and on the different levels of a sport system
For a long time in sport psychology, an athlete (e.g., local, national, international, professional).
was conceptualized strictly as an athletic per- Second, athletic career is defined as “a succession
former, which is a person who is involved in reg- of stages and transitions that includes an athlete’s
ular practices, preparation for, and participation initiation into and continued participation in orga-
in sport competitions. Now career researchers and nized competitive sport and that is terminated with
practitioners have reconceptualized an athlete as the athlete’s (in)voluntary but definitive discontin-
a whole person, which is a person who practices uation of participation in organized competitive
sport (including at the elite level) within the scope sport” (Wylleman, Theeboom, & Lavallee, 2004,
of other life matters (e.g., family, friends, stud- p. 511). In this definition, scholars adopted a devel-
ies, work). Consequently, athletes’ development opmental perspective on the career as a cycle, with
in sport (i.e., progressing through athletic career the stages and transitions unfolding within the
stages) has been complemented by their psycho- structure of organized competitive sports. Third,
logical, psychosocial, academic/vocational, and based on the holistic lifespan perspective, career
financial developments, with stages and transi- researchers and practitioners define athletic career
tions (i.e., turning phases) in each developmental as a part of, and a contribution to, an athlete’s life-
layer. Such a multidimensional view of athletes’ long career. This definition expands the meaning of
development has been termed a holistic lifespan (or athletes’ experiences from doing sport for the sake
developmental) perspective (Wylleman et al., 2013; of sport to doing sport for the sake of sport and life.
Wylleman & Rosier, 2016). Recently, the holis-
tic lifespan perspective has been complemented Career transitions. For a long time, sport psychol-
by a holistic ecological perspective (Henriksen & ogy researchers used the definition of a transition sug-
Stambulova, 2017; Henriksen, Stambulova, & gested by Schlossberg (1981, p. 5): “a transition can
Roessler, 2010) that considers athletes’ whole envi- be said to occur if an event or non-event results in a
ronment and encompasses micro- and macrolevels change in assumptions about oneself and the world,
and athletic and nonathletic domains. Microlevel and thus requires a corresponding change in one’s
domains consist of the social environment that behavior and relationships.” This definition empha-
athletes interact with daily, both inside and out- sizes changes in the person and social environment
side of sport (e.g., coaches, peer athletes, school- in response to important life events (i.e., adaptation
mates, teachers, family members), and macro-level to what has happened or what was anticipated but
domains include organizations and contexts that did not happen). The view of transitions as adapta-
influence athletes indirectly (e.g., sport federa- tion reactions/processes is still popular, but it has
tions and other national governing bodies, media, been further complemented by defining career tran-
and youth culture). sitions as turning phases in athletes’ development
522 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

that are associated with a set of specific demands to and prepare for normative, quasi-normative, and (if
be managed by athletes to continue successfully in possible) non-normative transitions.
sport and/or other spheres of their life (Alfermann
& Stambulova, 2007). This definition focuses on Career Development and Career 
athletes’ coping processes with transition demands Transition Research
(i.e., working on what they want/ought to achieve
through the transition) and emphasizes that, Career research, grounded in the foundations described
depending on the effectiveness (or quality) of cop- earlier, conventionally is divided into two interrelated
ing, the transitional athlete’s career situation might areas: career development and career transition research.
turn for the better or for the worse. Samuel and These two areas complement each other in a way that
Tenenbaum (2011) proposed inclusion of career- career development research describes athletes’ career
change events (e.g., selection to the team, conflict trajectories and predicts normative transitions that ath-
with a coach) into the concept of transitions: these letes might have (e.g., between adjacent career stages),
events have the potential to destabilize careers and while career transition research describes and explains
provoke emotional and cognitive imbalance in ath- the transition processes and outcomes as embedded
letes, stimulating them to cope with these events by into a career context and influenced by personal and
undertaking a series of decisions and actions. environmental/contextual factors. Therefore, career
development and career transition research both deal
Career transition taxonomies. There are two major with athletes’ development, but view it from different
taxonomies of athletes’ career transitions. The first perspectives and are guided by different frameworks.
one is based on a life domain in which the transi- Career development frameworks usually are com-
tion is initiated, and it consists of athletic (e.g., the posed of stages and consider an athletic career as “a
junior-to-senior), nonathletic (e.g., vocational), and miniature lifespan course,” while career transition
dual career transitions (i.e., simultaneous in sport frameworks focus on the transition processes and how
and education or work; Stambulova & Wylleman, various factors interplay to define the different transi-
2015). The second taxonomy is based on transi- tion pathways and outcomes.
tion predictability, and it contains normative, non-
normative, and quasi-normative transitions. Career Assistance
Normative transitions are relatively predictable In Figure 24-1, both areas of career research are shown
based on the athlete’s development in sport and life to be the basis for career assistance, which is a profes-
(e.g., transitions between mandatory levels of edu- sional discourse in applied sport psychology aimed at
cation or athletic retirement transition), and there- helping athletes with various career issues inside and
fore can be planned and prepared for in advance. outside of sport (Stambulova, 2010a). This broad defi-
Non-normative transitions are less predictable (e.g., nition covers various intervention types and services
injury, deselection, death in the family) and risky in provided by individual sport psychology consultants
terms of potentially negative outcomes. Therefore, and also included in CAPs defined as “integrated and
athletes often need professional assistance in this comprehensive combinations of workshops, semi-
type of transition. Quasi-normative transitions nars, educational modules, individual counseling and/
(Stambulova, 2016, 2017) are relatively predictable or a referral network providing individualized and/
for a particular category of athletes (e.g., elite junior or group-oriented multidisciplinary support services
or senior athletes might expect the transition to a to athletes with regard to their athletic participation,
residential high-performance center, and transna- developmental and lifestyle issues, and educational
tional athletes might expect cultural transitions). and vocational development” (Wylleman et al., 2004,
From an applied perspective, it is important to plan p. 511). There is a reciprocal relationship between
Natalia B. Stambulova  523

career assistance and career research, in which the stages. While earlier frameworks focused only on
professional philosophy of career assistance, interven- athletic career stages (e.g., Stambulova, 1994), the
tion frameworks, strategies, and tools are informed by currently dominant holistic athletic career model
research outcomes, while career assistance provides (Wylleman & Rosier, 2016) describes athletes’
practical validation of research findings and generates development as multidimensional, with five inter-
new research ideas. related layers being athletic, psychological, psycho-
social, academic/vocational, and financial. In this
Cultural Praxis of Athletes’ Careers model, athletic development is structured in
four stages—initiation, development, mastery, and
Athlete career experiences are context-sensitive, mean-
discontinuation—with transitions between them.
ing that athletes in different sports, at different levels,
Psychological development is marked by the matura-
and in different cultures have unique combinations
tion stages of childhood (ages 12 and younger), ado-
of factors contributing to their career development
lescence (ages 13 to 18), and adulthood (ages 19 and
and influencing their individual career trajectories.
older), with related transitions in athletes’ personal
Recognition of the role of contexts in athletes’ careers
growth. Psychosocial development is represented
has led to the development of a recent paradigm termed
by the changes in athletes’ sport-related networks,
cultural praxis of athletes’ careers that encourages
including their parents, siblings, sport and educa-
researchers and practitioners to blend career theoriz-
tion peers, coaches, support staff, and spouse/part-
ing, research, practice, and athletes’ relevant contexts
ner. Academic-vocational development is described
to address the diversity of athletes’ careers across cul-
by stages in education (primary, secondary, higher
tures (Stambulova & Ryba, 2013b, 2014). More specif-
education) and vocational career, with transitions
ically, the cultural praxis of athletes’ careers promotes
defined by the relevant education and vocational
• The holistic lifespan and ecological perspectives systems. Financial development is described in a
more blurring manner (i.e., without clear stages),
• Contextualization of career projects and
researchers’ cultural awareness and reflexivity reflecting the ever-changing roles of family, sport
federation, National Olympic Committee, spon-
• Studying transnational and minority athletes sors, and employers as major financial backers
• Exploring individual career trajectories of athletes’ careers. All the layers are interrelated
in a way that a change in one induces concomi-
• Growth of participatory action research and
multicultural consulting tant changes in others. For example, the junior-to-
senior athletic transition often coincides with the
This is why Figure 24-1 presents the cultural praxis transition to higher education, identity develop-
of athletes’ careers as the “glue” that binds career ment, and changes in social network and financial
topic foundations, research areas, and career assis- conditions. The holistic athletic career model is
tance fields together. useful in career assistance because it promotes a
whole-person approach.
The common problem of all stage career models
Career Development Frameworks
is that they give the impression that athletic careers are
and Research linear, but research does not confirm this. Therefore,
these types of models should be taken with a grain
Frameworks of salt, because real careers are always more diverse,
As mentioned earlier, career development frame- richer, and less linear than these models suggest.
works usually are structured by stage and predict One way to escape from linear trajectories is to
normative transitions between adjacent career use a multiple-metaphor career framework created
524 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

Inheritance Cycle
Innate abilities/talent and psychosocial Athletic cycle and balancing it with
inheritance (family, social class, race, other life cycles (e.g., education, work,
gender, etc.) family)

Movement between places (e.g., Action
geographical relocations) and in time Athletes’ agency, choices, decisions
(trajectory of career development, turning their career trajectory
pace, crossroads, personal control)
Degree of fit between the athlete, the
Athlete’s social network and key
task or demands, and the environment
relationships that make an athlete’s
as “a measure” of adjustment (e.g., in
career possible and meaningful

Athletic career as a resource for life
Athlete’s different roles and identities,
career; athletes and their careers as
potential intra-role and inter-role
resource for their teams and
conflicts, role strain

Athletes construct and make meaning
of their careers through narratives

Figure 24-2  Athlete career multi-metaphor framework

Source: Stambulova, N. 2010. Professional culture of career assistance to athletes: A look through contrasting lenses of career
metaphors. In T. V. Ryba, R. J. Schinke, & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.)

in work psychology (Inkson, 2006), which was Figure 24-2 provides an overview of the nine career
later adopted and adapted in sport psychology metaphors as applied to an analysis of athletes’
(Stambulova, 2010a). This framework suggests careers, and Exercise 1 invites you to analyze your
describing careers using nine metaphors, such as athletic career using the multiple-metaphor career
inheritance, cycle, journey, action, fit, relationship, framework.
role, resource, and story. As Inkson (2006, p. 15)
Careers can be any, or all, of these [nine meta- Exercise 1
phors]. Each of these metaphors has something to
say about careers. Each is true up to a point, but Describe your athletic career using career metaphors.
only up to a point. Each represents a particular way Answer the following questions and reflect on how
of thinking about careers. Taken together, they may useful you found the metaphors to consider your
provide a wide understanding of careers. career from different perspectives.
Natalia B. Stambulova  525

Career as inheritance •• What resources (e.g., skills, social connections)

•• What you have inherited from your family and/ can/could you transfer from your athletic career
or from your sociocultural background for your to your life outside/after sports?
athletic career? Consider both resources and Career as story
constraints. •• What does your athletic career mean to you?
Career as cycle •• How has the meaning of sport changed for you
•• Divide your career into a number of stages and across the career stages?
describe what happened during each of them.
Career as journey
•• What type of journey does your career represent?
Career development research is mainly qualitative
•• Do/Did you have a map for this journey? and aims at describing career stages and group-
•• Are/Were you a passenger or a driver on this related or individual career trajectories in different
journey? sports and sociocultural contexts. Usually research-
Career as action ers employ in-depth retrospective or concurrent
interviews and use career development stage frame-
•• What were the most important decisions you works to facilitate the interpretation of findings,
made during your athletic career? or adopt a narrative approach and retell narratives
•• How did these decisions influence your athletic constructed by participants or the media. When
career and/or your life career? athletes’ career development is considered from
Career as fit the holistic life span perspective, researchers follow
changes not only in athletic but also psychologi-
•• What were major “good fits” in your athletic
career? cal, psychosocial, academic/vocational, and finan-
cial developments. Debois, Ledon, and Wylleman
•• Tell about your one career situation where you (2015) interviewed nine French male Olympians
experienced a lack of fit. How did you cope? who described their individual career development,
Career as relationship which followed nonlinear pathways with various
•• What were the most important relationships transitions in sport, education, relationships, fam-
related to your athletic career? ily, and financial life. A comparison of the career
trajectories of professional boxing world champi-
•• How did these relationships influence your ath-
letic career? ons, American Floyd Mayweather and Filipino
Manny Pacquiao (Bonhomme, Seanor, Schinke, &
Career as role Stambulova, 2018), highlighted the role of sociocul-
•• How did your athletic role coexist with your other tural context through analyzing media stories that
roles in life? followed their progression from the very first steps
•• Please talk about the intra-role and/or inter-role in the sport to world champion titles. Both boxers
conflict(s) you experienced. experienced difficult childhoods, but in different
ways. Mayweather’s parents’ involvement with
Career as resource
drugs caused instability in his early life; at the same
•• What sport organizations were you involved with time, his father and two uncles were professional
during your athletic career? boxers and guided him in his career. Pacquiao came
•• Do you think these organizations have had you from a very poor family that struggled for survival
as a resource and in which ways? during the civil war period in the Philippines, and
526 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

he was introduced to boxing at the age of 12 as a and studies). Among these three, the linear trajec-
way to earn a living. Childhood hardship experi- tory is the riskiest in terms of centralizing athletic
enced by both boxers was framed in media stories as identity and creating potential retirement issues
a source of the athletes’ resilience and commitment should unexpected career termination occur.
to boxing. Their further pathways through amateur Narrative research revealed individual DC trajec-
and professional boxing were idiosyncratic, both tories constructed by athletes. Ryba, Stambulova,
culminating in world champion status. Examining Ronkainen, Bundgaard, and Selänne (2015) inter-
“the boxers’ life stories through a holistic lens pro- viewed six transnational athletes of European
vided insight into how media sources layer athletes’ origin who changed countries to combine sport
identities in relation to their sport and . . . construct and studies. Three DC pathways were identified
media personas” (p. 14). based on the direction of geographic mobility and
In an attempt to contextualize general career motivation: (a) the sport exile DC, with migra-
development frameworks, two recent studies tion for better conditions in sport while keep-
(Battochio, Stambulova & Schinke, 2016; Ekengren, ing education in the home country (within the
Stambulova, Johnson, & Carlsson, 2018) focused European Union); (b) the sport mercenary DC,
on the development of career models in specific aimed at getting an athletic scholarship and pos-
sport and sociocultural contexts. Battochio et al. sibly developing a professional career (by moving
interviewed 23 Canadian NHL players, and to the United States); and (c) the nomadic, cos-
Ekengren et al. interviewed 18 Swedish professional mopolitan DC, aimed at getting new experiences
handball players to create relevant empirical career and opportunities (by also moving to the United
models. Both empirical models infused by contex- States). Another study focused on how Finnish
tual features were more comprehensive than the adolescent student-athletes constructed their
general career models, and the authors highlighted future and identities through narratives (Ryba,
a need in career-long and context-driven psycholog- Stambulova, Selänne, Aunola, & Nurmi, 2017).
ical support. Music metaphors were suggested to describe DC
A relatively new interest in Europe is ath- athletes’ career construction styles as contrapun-
letes’ dual career (DC) development, which is tal (sport and education themes coexist in future
how athletes combine sport and education or planning), monophonic (athletic themes domi-
work. In contrast to a North American context, nate), and dissonant (sport and education themes
where sport and educational settings coincide, are in discord). The contrapuntal style was the
in European countries they are separated, with most beneficial in athletes’ identity construction
athletes doing sport in clubs or high-performance and bridging their current situations with future
centers and studying at educational institutions projections.
(schools, universities). In 2012, the European To conclude, individual career pathways are
Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes were shown to be nonlinear and are therefore rather poorly
issued to stimulate development of DC programs, served by the linear career development frameworks.
research, and support. For example, as shown in Empirical career frameworks provide descriptions of
Spanish research (Torregrossa, Ramis, Pallarés, careers in particular sport and sociocultural contexts
Azócar, & Selva, 2015), upon high school gradu- and are useful for context-driven career assistance.
ation, athletes might choose between three career Research reveals athletes as active agents in con-
trajectories termed linear (i.e., sport-oriented), structing their careers and identities through narra-
convergent (prioritizing sport but maintaining tives, and the media contributes to these processes by
education), or parallel (with equal focus on sport creating athletes’ public identities.
Natalia B. Stambulova  527

Career Transition Frameworks strategies, on the other. The successful transition

outcome usually is associated with the athlete’s
and Research Summary
improved performance (in sport and/or other
spheres of life) and satisfaction. The crisis transition
Frameworks is characterized by a set of subclinical symptoms
Career transition frameworks focus on the factors (e.g., decrease in self-esteem, lasting emotional
involved in the transition process and their inter- discomfort, disorientation in decision making and
play to define transition pathways and outcomes. behavior; see Stambulova, 2017) and the athlete’s
The first transition model used in sport psychology perceived need for intervention. The unsuccessful
was Schlossberg’s (1981, 1989) human adaptation transition is usually associated with premature
to transition model. In its latest version (1989), the athletic dropout, overtraining, substance abuse, or
model considered four groups of factors—the situa- other negative consequences of not coping with
tion (i.e., what has happened), the self (i.e., personal the transition demands, and it also signals a need
characteristics), support (social and professional), for intervention (usually a clinical one). Samuel and
and strategies (i.e., actions aimed at adaptation)—as Tenenbaum’s framework focuses on how athletes
interacting and influencing the transition adapta- cope with various types of career-change events
tion. This model played an important role in devel- (e.g., being selected or deselected for a program/
opment of transition research and sport-specific team, failure in competition). Cognitive mechanisms
transition frameworks. embedded in the coping process (appraisals,
To date, three transition frameworks have decision making) define athletes’ choices, such as
been developed in sport psychology: the model of ignoring the change, coping on their own, consulting
adaptation to retirement among athletes (Taylor & with others, or conferring with a sport psychology
Ogilvie, 1994), the athletic career transition model consultant. Depending on the decision made,
(Stambulova, 2009), and the scheme of change for commitment to change, and quality of resources
sport psychology practice (Samuel & Tenenbaum, available, athletes might find themselves within
2011). All these models consider career transitions successful or less successful transition pathways.
from different yet complementary perspectives.
Taylor and Ogilvie’s model focuses on athletic
retirement experiences and emphasizes an interplay Research
of former athletes’ personal and environmental Worldwide, major athlete transitions under study are
resources (e.g., developmental experiences, self- the junior-to-senior athletic transition (JST), dual career
identity, perceived control over the transition) transitions, cultural transitions, and athletic retirement.
that influence the transition outcome (a healthy There is also emerging research on the transition to
transition or transition distress). In Stambulova’s residential high-performance centers (Poczwardowski,
model, the transition process is defined as coping Diehl, O’Neil, Cote, & Haberl, 2013), injuries (Ivarsson,
with a set of transition demands (typically appraised Stambulova, & Johnson, 2016), and Olympic Games
as challenges), using relevant coping strategies, (Wylleman & Rosier, 2016) as career transitions.
and with consideration of internal (person-related)
and external (environment-related) resources and The junior-to-senior transition (JST). This is a
barriers. Transition outcomes and relevant pathways normative transition between the development
are dependent on the quality of coping and the and mastery career stages. Individual sport ath-
extent of fit between transition demands, on the letes enter the JST when they begin to compete
one side, and the athlete’s coping resources and at a senior level, and the entry point for the team
528 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

sport athletes is their acceptance to a senior team A relatively new trend is studying the JST from
(Stambulova, 1994). The age when athletes expe- the holistic ecological perspective by looking at the
rience the JST depends on the sport event regula- environment that either facilitates or hinders the JST
tions, but it usually happens during the adolescent process (Henriksen et al., 2010; Henriksen, Larsen, &
years and coincides with changes in athletes’ psy- Christensen, 2014). The key success factors include
chological, psychosocial, academic/vocational, and athletes’ personal resources (e.g., athletic abilities,
financial developments (Wylleman & Rosier, 2016). self-reliance, and time management) and supportive
Athletic demands for the JST athletes include environment, where the availability of role models
a higher performance standard in senior sports and professional (e.g., psychological) assistance is
requiring considerable physical, technical, tacti- complemented by athletes’ optimal interactions with
cal, and psychological improvements; an intense, coaches, teammates, peers, and parents (Gledhill &
deliberate practice and competition schedule; and Harwood, 2015; Henriksen & Stambulova, 2017).
balancing sport with recovery and other activities
in life. Newcomers to the senior level also need DC transitions. These transitions are defined
to earn public recognition (e.g., from fans, media, as athletes’ simultaneous transitions in sport and
referees) and acceptance in their teams/groups, as education or work. Athletes’ transitions within a
well as deal with demands specific for their sport compulsory educational system are normative,
events (e.g., increasing complexity of performance while the transition to higher education is an ath-
routines in sports requiring complex coordination). lete’s choice, and thus conceptualized as quasi-
The JST is considered a decisive transition for normative. In North America, two major DC tran-
athletes who aspire to proceed to the elite amateur sitions are beginning university and advancing to
and/or professional sport (Stambulova, 2009). It is professional sport upon graduation. Since only a
also one of the most challenging transitions, with minority of student-athletes continue in profes-
only about 20 to 30 percent of athletes being able sional sports, often graduation from higher edu-
to cope and establish themselves on the senior cation is associated with retirement from sports
level. For example, Vanden Auweele, De Martelaer, (Petitpas, Van Raalte, & Brewer, 2013). To be
Rzewnicki, De Knop, and Wylleman (2004) eligible to compete at the U.S. university level,
showed that only 17 percent of the best junior college student-athletes have to meet a minimum
track-and-field Belgium athletes could reach the grade point average requirement. Therefore, for
senior national team level during the five years of American student-athletes, it is important to do
observation, while the majority retired or dropped well in both their academic and sport pursuits
to a lower competition level. The current estimate and proactively prepare for athletic retirement.
of the JST duration is between one and four years Petitpas et al. (2013) identified collegiate ath-
(Stambulova & Wylleman, 2014). In the JST of letes’ developmental tasks throughout the college
Swedish ice hockey players (Stambulova, Pehrson, & years as self-exploration during the first two years,
Olsson, 2017), four phases were identified in the followed by career exploration and preparation
process, including preparation (18- to 20-year-old for career acquisition during the next two years.
players, still on the junior team), orientation (first Career services within a university life-skills pro-
season on the senior team), adaptation (second gram provide enhancement, support, and coun-
to third seasons), and stabilization (fourth sea- seling. American DC researchers also focused on
son). The dynamics of the transition process were the athletic and academic identities of student-
revealed through phase-specific demands, barriers, athletes (Yukhymenko-Lescroat, 2018), particularly
resources, coping strategies, and outcomes as per- on the athletic identity foreclosure, which may be
ceived by players in the study. situational, derived from low self-exploration and
Natalia B. Stambulova  529

awareness, or psychological, employed as a defen- •• What were the major demands in sport,
sive strategy to avoid personal crisis (Petitpas & education, social, and private life that you
France, 2010). experienced?
In Europe, researchers focus on the athletes’ •• Have you experienced any barriers to dealing
transition to national elite sport schools (for 16- to with these demands (e.g., a lack of time)?
19-year-olds), the transition to a university, and the
transition to work after graduation while continuing
•• What personal resources helped you cope?
in sports (see Stambulova & Wylleman, 2019 for a •• Who helped you and how (external resources)?
review). These studies usually adopt the holistic life •• What coping strategies did you use to adjust to
span perspective and consider DC athletes’ transi- DC at college/university?
tion demands in sport (e.g., train and perform well, •• Do you think that you are now fully adjusted to
advance to a senior level) and education (attend your college/university life doing both sport and
classes, pass exams), as well as psychological, psy- studies? Why or why not (outcomes)?
chosocial, and financial developments (e.g., build
identity and relationships with sport and nonsport
•• Does the model help you make sense of your
peers, negotiate or earn financial support for their
sport). Because the demands are many, DC athletes
have to prioritize them and make shifts in this pri-
oritizing depending on life situations (e.g., school Cultural transitions. These transitions are con-
during the exam period or sport when approaching ceptualized as quasi-normative and relevant to
competitions). It has been shown that the key for transnational athletes who regularly move abroad
DC athletes is to find and maintain an optimal DC for training, competitions, or DC pursuits, and to
balance (Stambulova, Engström, Franck, Linnér, & immigrant athletes who move to another country to
Lindahl, 2015). Athletes’ personal resources are live permanently. Ryba et al. (2017) distinguished
decisive factors in DC adjustment, complemented between athletes’ short-term mobility (e.g., traveling
by formal and less formal DC external support (e.g., abroad for a competition or a training camp), long-
social support network or professional support pro- term migration (e.g., working on a professional con-
viders). Research also confirmed that athletes who tract abroad), and immigration (moving abroad with
followed DC trajectories during their sport partici- an intention to stay permanently).
pation were better prepared for athletic retirement Cultural sport psychology researchers brought
than those focused solely on sport (Torregrosa et al., a critical perspective (Chirkov, 2009) to the cultural
2015). For examples of DC projects, see the web transition research, with foci on athletes’ adaptation
resources in the References list at the end of the challenges, nonlinear acculturation processes, and cop-
chapter, and check out Exercise 2 if you wish to ana- ing on emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and identity
lyze your own DC transition. levels. Researchers examining Canadian immigrant
athletes and coaches, as well as Aboriginal athletes
moving from a reserve to a mainstream culture (e.g.,
Schinke, Blodgett, McGannon, & Ge, 2016; Schinke &
Exercise 2 McGannon, 2014), concluded that migrants often
experience culture shock (e.g., being overwhelmed
Analyze your dual career transition to college/
by change, dealing with racism and prejudices in the
university using the career transition model:
new environment) and become disconnected with the
•• How did you decide to go to college/university? home culture (e.g., being distant from family, missing
•• Did you plan this transition? home culture), leading to acculturation stress and even
530 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

a belonging/identity crisis. The acculturation environ- to continuation in sport), pull (positive expecta-
ment (e.g., sport club or team in the host country) was tions about the post-sport future), anti-push (attach-
one of the key factors facilitating (where acculturation is ment to sport), and anti-pull (uncertainty about the
shared with the hosts) or hindering (in case of newcom- future). Athletes may consider transferable skills
ers being left alone or stigmatized) the acculturation (e.g., goal-setting, dealing with success and fail-
process and outcomes. ure) as resources for the post-career adaptation.
The temporal model of cultural transition (Ryba, Retirement planning, the prevalence of pull reasons
Stambulova, & Ronkainen, 2016) delineated three for career termination (e.g., job offer, having kids),
cultural transition phases—pre-transition, acute and feeling resourceful for the future put athletes
acculturation, and sociocultural adaptation—and in control of the retirement process and reduce the
three underlying mechanisms permeating the tran- probability of a crisis transition (e.g., feeling empty,
sition: social repositioning in translocal networks, lost, forgotten, disoriented). Research shows that
negotiation of cultural practices, and reconstruc- about 20 percent of athletes experience retirement
tion of meanings. The pre-transition phase is as a crisis, while about 80 percent cope successfully
aimed at preparing for the relocation by collecting during the period between 8 and 19 months (Park,
information and searching for relevant contacts, Lavallee, & Tod, 2013). Athletes who did not plan
both at home and abroad, and ends when the ath- for retirement and athletes with athletic identity
lete arrives at the new place. The two acculturation foreclosure and minimal self- and career exploration
phases that follow are more fluid in nature, with experiences are most at risk for crisis. These ath-
a symbolic ending characterized by the migrant’s letes often end up needing professional assistance.
optimal functioning in novel sport and nonsport The major transition demands for retired
environments. athletes consist of starting a new occupational
career (in sport or beyond) or continuing in edu-
Athletic retirement or the transition to the post-sport cation, earning money for living, reconstructing
career. This transition was the very first focus of self-identity, renewing social networks, restructur-
transition researchers in sport psychology. Initially, ing lifestyle, and, often, dealing with changes in
the studies were stimulated by media stories about family life (e.g., parenthood). During the coping
mainly crisis-type athletic retirement characterized process, retired athletes rely on the (transferable)
by former athletes’ negative feelings (e.g., depres- skills and efficacy resources they developed in
sion, frustration), identity confusion, loss of social sport, their education and life experiences, social
support, and adjustment difficulties (e.g., trouble support from family and friends, and professional
finding a job or continuing education). Pioneering support (if available and needed). For example,
athletic retirement researchers conceptualized it as Lizzi Simmonds (see the quote at the beginning of
a social death, whereas the transition perspective the chapter) described her coping strategies as “to
(Schlossberg’s and Taylor & Ogilvie’s models) has keep myself in check, to learn how to be kind to
cast retirement as a social rebirth opening new life myself, to achieve a balance.” As Lizzi mentioned
opportunities. in the same quote, she retired by her own choice
Athletes begin to prepare for athletic retire- and, reflecting on her athletic career and future
ment while they are still active in sport. They think challenges, she felt optimistic about her retirement
about retirement timing and often plan for what from the early days of the transition. This contrasts
they are going to do in the post-athletic career. The with a difficult transition because of unexpected
retirement decision might take time (Fernandez, deselection from the national team and self-identity
Stephan, & Fouquereau, 2006), and it is based on reconstruction problems as revealed in the story of
athletes’ weighing of factors termed push (barriers Clair in Exercise 3.
Natalia B. Stambulova  531

salient identities in the center, while moving less

Exercise 3 salient identities to the periphery. If some identi-
Reflect on the identity story of Clair, an elite Canadian ties clearly intersect, show this on the map.
volleyball player. Then reflect on your own current 4. Reflect on your identity map, keeping Clair’s
self-identity. story in mind.
From “After four
years of playing on the Women’s National Volleyball
team . . ., my coach told me that I no longer had
a spot on the team . . . I was devastated . . . Retiring athletes tend to reflect on their ath-
Up until that point, when I met new people, I letic careers, and a sense of accomplishment emerg-
introduced myself as: a volleyball player, an athlete, ing from these reflections (like in Lizzi’s case) adds
a teammate, a Libero, a member of Team Canada, to their efficacy resources for coping with retire-
a National Team athlete. I could also add: a sister, ment demands. It is obvious, however, that having
a daughter, a granddaughter, a graduate of the this sense of accomplishment is heavily dependent
University of British Columbia, and a friend, etc. on how successfully an athlete coped with the ear-
But let’s be honest, . . . answers [related to sport lier transitions in sport and nonsport life. Therefore,
roles] are 100 × sexier. These were my initial the whole athletic career pursuit can be viewed as
thoughts when I was cut from Team Canada: preparation for athletic retirement and moving on
in one’s life career.
•• What am I going to do?
•• How am I going to make money?
•• Where am I going to move? Insights from Cultural Praxis
•• Do I have to change my Twitter description right For a long time, career researchers were guided by
now? thinking that the more their research findings and
•• When I meet new people, what do I say I do? practical recommendations could be generalized, the
•• Who am I?” better. The cultural praxis of athletes’ careers encour-
ages a new way of thinking; that is, the more research
This athlete needed time to answer these questions. findings and practical recommendations that can be
She also received professional counseling, and by contextualized, the better. Stambulova, Alfermann,
the time she was writing these reflections, she was Statler, and Côté (2009) analyzed career research foci
working as a journalist and feeling adjusted to her across cultures and identified four major traditions:
new life. She also accepted that her identity has been North American, Australian, Western European,
changing and that there is no drama in this process. and Eastern European. Stambulova and Alfermann
Guidance for self-reflections: (2009) continued the discussion on the role of con-
text in career research and introduced an idea of a
1. When you meet new people, how do you usually
cultural mindset into career research. They critically
introduce yourself?
reflected on their own cross-cultural career research
2. What identity dimensions do you have right (Alfermann, Stambulova, & Zemaityte, 2004), with
now? Make a list of them. its etic perspective on culture (i.e., culture as an
3. Try to reorganize the list of your identity dimen- external entity), and articulated the need to consider
sions into a map of your self-identity. Show each cultural context as formative for athlete career devel-
identity as a circle—bigger or smaller, depending opment (i.e., an emic, or culture-insider, perspective
on their significance for you—and put the most on culture). Further, in the book Athletes’ Careers
532 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

across Cultures (Stambulova & Ryba, 2013a), contrib- Career Assistance Professional
utors identified three established (North American,
Philosophy and Interventions
Australian, and European) and two emerging (Asian
and South American) discourses in worldwide career Career assistance is currently accessible to ath-
research and practice. Briefly, these analysis revealed letes in many parts of the world. While pioneering
• All the discourses share interest in athletic CAPs focused almost exclusively on helping ath-
retirement research, but the dominant dis- letes with retirement issues, further research led to
courses cover a greater variety of topics than a broadening of practitioners’ repertoires to help
the emerging discourses junior and senior athletes with various athletic and
nonathletic transitions, education and career guid-
• North American discourse emphasizes transi- ance, social psychological issues (e.g., relation-
tions of student-athletes, identity in relation to ships), lifestyle issues (e.g., recovery, combination
career development, life skills, talent develop- of sport and other activities), and personal growth
ment pathways, and transitions/acculturation (e.g., identity and transferable skills). It is possible
of migrant and indigenous athletes to say that career assistance interventions address
• Australian discourse focuses on professional clients’ athletic, psychological, psychosocial, aca-
athletes and their within-career transitions, dual demic/vocational, and financial developments,
career, preparation for retirement, and evalua- depending on each client’s situation and needs.
tion of CAPs Therefore, career assistance providers must be pre-
• European discourse is the most diverse and pared to deal with a wide variety of issues and may
embraces within-career athletic and nonathletic have to adopt specific approaches that complement
transitions studied from the holistic develop- the basic values and principles of applied sport
mental and ecological perspectives (see more in psychology work (Stambulova, 2010a). Figure 24-3
Stambulova & Ryba, 2014) outlines the major principles of career assistance
professional philosophy, with a set of basic applied
Based on a comparative analysis of athletes’ careers principles—ethics, theory/research-based practice,
across cultures, Stambulova and Ryba (2013b) building a trusting relationship, and empowering
concluded, clients (i.e., helping them become more autono-
mous after the intervention)—at its core. Principles
On the surface, the vast majority of athletes face specific to career assistance are shown as a trian-
rather similar challenges, but how these challenges gle consisting of
are perceived and addressed heavily depends on
the context in which the athlete is embedded. . . . • A whole-person and individual approach (i.e.,
Career stages established by career frameworks can exploring and addressing clients’ individual
be seen only as overarching categories having many needs from the holistic life span perspective)
variations behind. (pp. 236, 238)
• A whole-career and developmental approach
In line with the cultural praxis approach, career (i.e., helping athletes with various transitions
research and assistance should be context driven and bridging their past experiences with the
and culturally informed. Sport psychology consul- present situation and perceived future)
tants need to search for evidence-based and cul- • A whole-environment and context-driven approach
turally appropriate intervention strategies to help (i.e., regarding athlete-clients as embedded
athletes navigate their career pathways within the in, and influenced by, a multilevel sport and
relevant contexts and cultures. sociocultural context)
Natalia B. Stambulova  533

A Whole-

Career Assistance: Professional ethics,

theory/research-based, trusting
relationship, empowerment of clients

A Whole-career/ A Whole-environment/
Developmental Approach Context-driven Approach

Figure 24-3  Major principles of career assistance professional philosophy

In the special issue on context-driven sport and today’s situation), current situation, and perceived
exercise psychology practice of the Journal of Sport future. This holistic and contextual information
Psychology in Action (Schinke & Stambulova, Eds., is a necessary pre-condition to designing the best
2017), sport psychology consultants from different way to address the client’s needs. When sharing
countries shared their experiences of working in their perception of the current situation, athletes
various cultural/subcultural contexts. Derived from usually communicate several concerns, so the con-
these experiences was a set of postulates about con- sultant’s job is to decide how to prioritize the con-
text-driven practice, for example, recognizing that cerns, depending on their urgency (e.g., a conflict
both clients and consultants are cultural beings, with a coach or an injury might create substantial
situating the clients within their relevant contexts, stress and warrant immediate attention) and time
consultants’ immersing in the clients’ contexts to available (short-term or long-term intervention).
become “cultural insiders” and developing “contex- Considering how much personal information is
tual intelligence,” stimulating the client’s and the shared during the transition intervention, success is
consultant’s cultural reflections—all applicable in heavily dependent on developing and maintaining
career interventions (Stambulova & Schinke, 2017). a trusting relationship between the consultant and
the client.
Career Transition Interventions
Helping athletes prepare for or go through transi- Taxonomy of transition interventions. There are
tions is at the heart of career assistance. According currently seven major types of career transition inter-
to the principles outlined earlier, career assistance ventions identified and distributed along a contin-
practitioners should begin a transition intervention uum between a preventive/supportive perspective and
with collecting holistic information about the athlete- crisis-and-negative-consequences-coping perspective
client and the contexts involved. Intake interviews (Stambulova & Wylleman, 2014). The preventive/
with the athlete, interviews with significant others, supportive perspective covers interventions aimed at
and real-life observations (with the client’s consent) enhancing athletes’ awareness of the forthcoming/
all help illuminate the client as a person and an ath- current transition demands and aiding in the timely
lete, paint a picture of his or her nonathletic roles development of the resources necessary for effective
and major contexts involved, and delve into the coping. These interventions may enhance the ath-
client’s recent past (which might have a bearing on lete’s readiness for a normative or quasi-normative
534 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

career transition and/or support the athlete during and (c) stress level. Note: Use rank 1 as the
the transition process itself. This perspective is rep- greatest importance/time/level. It is possible to
resented by career planning, life development inter- use pie charts here.
ventions, lifestyle management, identity development •• Analyze your ranking: Do you devote enough
interventions, and cultural adaptation interventions, time to your priorities (i.e., the most important
with related professional strategies and tools. The areas)? How stressful are your priority areas?
crisis-and-negative-consequences-coping perspective Why?
covers interventions that help athletes analyze their
crisis situations and find the best available ways to Step 4: Structure Your Future
cope and consists of crisis-coping educational inter- Reflect on the most important events you wish for/
ventions and clinical interventions. expect in the future:
Career planning interventions are counseling
•• During your whole life. Mark them on the
interventions to increase self-awareness, set realistic lifeline.
career goals, bridge the past, present, and future,
and prepare for the forthcoming transitions. An •• During the next 10 years (more detailed)
example of one such tool—the five-step career plan- •• During the next 5 years
ning strategy—is given in Exercise 4. •• During the next 3 years
•• During the next year (the most detailed)
Step 5: Bridge Your Past, Present, and Future
A. From the present to the past and back
Exercise 4
•• What were the most difficult moments/periods in
Try your hand at your own career planning, using on your life before today?
the five-step career planning strategy. Read more in •• How did you cope?
Stambulova (2010b).
•• What lessons did you learn from your hard
Step 1: Make a Framework experiences?
•• Draw a life/timeline and mark your birth (e.g., •• What were the most successful moments/periods
the year) as an initial point on the left. in your life before today?
•• Mark your current age (or year) as the second •• What lessons did you learn from your positive
point on the line. Now you have a framework: the experiences?
past, the present, and the future.
B. From the present to the future
Step 2: Structure Your Past
•• What do you want to achieve in the priority
•• Take some time to think and then reflect on the areas for you right now? Formulate your
most important events in your life before now. goals (e.g., for the nearest six-month/one-year
When did these events happen? Mark their time period).
points on the lifeline.
•• Analyze your internal/external resources (help-
Step 3: Structure Your Present ing conditions/factors) to reach your goals in
•• What are the most important parts of your life your priority areas.
right now? Write them down as a column. •• Analyze your internal/external barriers (inter-
•• Please rank these parts of life on three different fering conditions/factors) to reaching your goals.
scales: (a) personal importance, (b) time spent, Think about how to overcome them.
Natalia B. Stambulova  535

•• Make an action plan to reach your goals. Think Identity development interventions include
about how to best use the lessons you learned counseling, education, and training aimed at aid-
from your past experiences. ing athletes in self-exploration and development
C. From the future to the present (balancing pres- of multidimensional self-identities. People around
ent and future priorities) athletes and the athletes themselves often central-
ize their athletic identity and marginalize nonath-
•• Come back to your plans (wished for/expected letic identity dimensions (i.e., generate the identity
events) for the next three to five years. Can you foreclosure). These interventions work to stimulate
do anything today to prepare for the coming athletes’ identity exploration and awareness, as
events/demands/challenges? well as through practical exploration of new social/
•• Do you still think that you have the right priori- professional roles (e.g., coach, team captain).
ties right now? If not, try to adjust them to your Petitpas and France (2010) provided a set of rec-
future plans. ommendations on how practitioners can work with
athletes in situational or psychological foreclosure
of athletic identity.
Cultural adaptation interventions are aimed
Life development interventions/life skills train- at helping athletes adjust to the new sociocultural
ing consists of needs assessment, education, and environment when moving to another country
training with regard to sets of transferable life to play sports or to combine sport and studies.
skills (e.g., effective communication, dealing with Practitioners can help athletes prepare for reloca-
success and failure, stress management), which are tion (e.g., developing a network and collecting infor-
applicable in both sport and other spheres of life. mation about the future acculturation environment)
There is a wealth of literature on the life develop- and deal with acculturation challenges and stress
ment intervention framework. Recently, Pierce, upon arrival by facilitating the newcomers’ identity
Kendellen, Camiré, and Gould (2016) summarized negotiations and acceptance in their new environ-
the life skills training approaches in guidelines for ments (see Ryba et al., 2016; Schinke et al., 2016;
coaches. They encouraged coaches to prioritize Schinke & McGannon, 2014). In such interven-
teaching life skills, foster life skills mastery and tions, collaboration between the home and the host
their transfer beyond sport, develop partnerships countries’ sport psychology consultants might be
with key social agents (e.g., teachers, parents), pro- useful in helping athletes navigate between cultures
vide life skills boosters (e.g., role modeling), and and function optimally in the new environment. It is
facilitate athletes’ reflections on experiences and important to involve athletes in a “shared” (i.e., two-
the value of life skills. way) acculturation process (Schinke & McGannon,
Lifestyle management interventions consist 2014) characterized by mutual interest, support,
of counseling, education, and training aimed at and joint cultural activities of the newcomers and
helping athletes combine sport and other activ- the members of the host environment (e.g., team-
ities, prioritize among them, and manage time mates, coaches).
and energy in a way that helps athletes maintain Crisis-coping educational interventions aim at
good health and well-being. Time management helping athletes analyze the crisis situation, gen-
is usually a central issue in balancing one’s life- erate alternative coping strategies, make an action
style, and there are several strategies (e.g., self- plan, and increase their self-efficacy in dealing with
monitoring of daily activities, personal planner, the crisis. These interventions are useful during the
goal-setting, sticking to priorities) recommended initial phase of the crisis, when athletes feel dis-
to improve it (Etzel & Monda, 2010). tressed and disoriented but do not yet experience
536 Chapter 24   Athletes’ Careers and Transitions

any clinical symptoms. One example of the relevant

crisis coping tool is the mobilization model of coun- Exercise 5
seling athletes in crises (Stambulova, 2011). Read the case description and imagine that you
Clinical interventions are applied when athletes are Erik’s sport psychology consultant. What more
experience clinical symptoms related to overtrain- information would you collect about the case?
ing, neuroses, psychosomatic illnesses, substance What types of transition interventions might Erik
abuse, negative identities, eating disorders, aggres- benefit from?
sion, grieving, depression, and suicidal thoughts, Case: Erik, a-16-year-old male soccer player,
which are often among the negative consequences has just started at the elite sport school in Sweden
of not coping with previous or current transitions. that provides a three-year dual career program (i.e.,
These interventions necessitate referrals for coun- facilitating a combination of sport and studies). Erik
seling (see Chapter 20) and include various psycho- moved far from his home and parents, began a new
therapeutic approaches. round of studies with new teachers and classmates,
There are clear overlaps among all these types and started on a new team. He lived in a student
of career transition interventions. Such overlaps apartment and had to take care of himself. School was
are not surprising, as all the interventions deal with challenging, and in sport, Erik got involved in a conflict
slightly different facets of the transition process between newcomers and older players on the team.
and adopt the holistic approach. These overlaps His playing position was a goalkeeper, and he found
are conducive to combining various types of inter- himself “in between” the two opposing groups. Being a
ventions to best meet the particular needs of the sensitive and emotional person, he was overwhelmed
athlete. Read the case in Exercise 5 and analyze it with a number of changes in his life, and especially he
using what you have learned about helping athletes found the situation on the team hard to deal with.
in transition.

This chapter highlights the complexity of athletes’ career development and how career transitions
have the power to change a career trajectory—for the better or for the worse—depending on the qual-
ity of coping with relevant demands in sport and nonsport life. This chapter emphasizes an athlete as
a whole person, who is living and functioning within the complicated sport and nonsport contexts,
with various transitions (normative, non-normative, and quasi-normative; athletic and nonathletic)
involved. Career development cannot be properly understood without transitions, and transitions
do not make much sense if extracted from the career development processes. Transitions are many,
and athletes could go through one or several at any given moment; their different demands must be
balanced and resources allocated to successful coping. Career assistance is about helping athletes to
become more resourceful for sport and life by developing transferable skills and linking their past,
present, and future. This is how an athletic career might turn into a resource for a life career.

Study Questions

1. Define an athlete as a whole person. Discuss why this conceptualization is important for
career research and assistance.
Natalia B. Stambulova  537

2. What are the major tenets of the cultural praxis of athletes’ careers?
3. Reflect on shared features and differences between career development and career transition
frameworks and research. Why should stage frameworks be used with caution?
4. Describe existing taxonomies of career transitions and provide examples.
5. Discuss the major principles of career assistance professional philosophy and their relevance
to career topic foundations, research, and context-driven practice.
6. Describe two major perspectives in and related taxonomy of career transition interventions.
Reflect on how different types of interventions might complement each other.

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Natalia B. Stambulova  541

Web Resources:
• IOC Athlete Career Programme,
• Athlete Learning Gateway,
• Olympic Athletes’ Hub,

European Dual Career Projects:

• Gold in Education and Elite Sport (GEES) Project,
• Be a Winner in Elite Sport and Employment Before and After Athletic Retirement
(B-WISER) Project,
• Ecology of Dual Career (ECO-DC) Project,

Exercise and Physical Activity Participation:
An Identity-Centered Approach
Diane E. Whaley, University of Virginia
Duke Biber, University of West Georgia

You see, soccer didn’t make me who I was. I brought who I was to soccer. And I get to bring who I am
wherever I go. And guess what? So do you.... Ask yourself, who do I want to be? Because the most import-
ant thing I’ve learned is that what you do will never define you. Who you are always will.
—Abby Wambach, 2018 Barnard Commencement Address

Although the majority of this text is dedicated to Abby Wambach, identity involves more than sim-
the psychological aspects of competitive sport, from ply doing an activity; it encompasses our goals, our
a life span perspective, it is important to consider interests, and requires our commitment; thus, this
psychological factors that influence participation in topic is quite compatible with many of the concepts
all forms of physical activity (PA), including sport, discussed in this text. Our hope is that the strategies
recreation, and exercise. As we will see in the first you learn here will be useful in all physical activity
portion of this chapter, exercise and other forms of contexts, including competitive sport.
physical activity are associated with numerous psy-
chological benefits, yet the great majority of adults
in both the United States and worldwide are inac- Psychological Benefits
tive. One fruitful line of research examining both the of Physical Activity
reasons for PA involvement and how to promote PA
in adults revolves around the topic of identity. We We begin with a review of the mental health ben-
will explore two popular theories of identity applied efits of physical activity (updating the work of
to physical activity, the research that supports Dr. Rod Dishman in previous editions). Mental
those theories, and throughout discuss application health benefits are most profound when behavior is
of those theories to physical activity behavior. As consistent with the recommended 150 minutes of
exemplified by the quote from U.S. soccer legend moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and two

Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  543

days of strength training per week. Regular PA can and can reduce symptomology, individuals with
effectively ameliorate many mental health problems depression are less likely to engage in regular PA,
(e.g., depression, anxiety, cognitive function, quality making intervention design and analysis difficult
of life, and stress) and prevent the onset of symp- because of adherence issues.
toms. However, although much attention has been If participation and adherence issues can be
given to physical activity interventions and attempts properly addressed, regular physical activity may
to increase adherence, less than 21 percent of adults be effective in preventing and treating depres-
are meeting physical activity guidelines as proposed sion. Baseline physical activity is negatively cor-
by HealthyPeople 2020 (Ward, Clarke, Nugent, & related with depressive symptoms (Mammen &
Schiller, 2015). Much of the included research will Faulker,  2013) and was even found to have a pre-
be discussed in terms of meta-analytic reviews, a ventative effect on depression in healthy individuals
type of statistical analysis that combines the out- (Conn, 2010). While the physical activity dose-re-
put of many research studies. The output often is sponse on depression has been studied, the results
described as an effect size, or the size of the com- are mixed. Researchers suggest anywhere from 10
bined findings from multiple research studies on a to 90 minutes of daily PA at a leisurely or moder-
common outcome variable of interest. In this case, ate intensity (Mammen & Faulker, 2013; Stanton
meta-analyses allow us to understand how differ- & Reaburn, 2014) can have a positive effect. When
ent types of physical activity interventions affect compared across life stages, physical activity inter-
aspects of mental health. ventions have a moderate effect, reducing depression
symptoms in college (Bailey, Hetrick, Rosenbaum,
Physical Activity and Depression Purcell, & Parker, 2018), adult (Schuch et al., 2016),
and older adult populations (Silveira et al., 2013).
Depression is a serious mood disorder marked by
a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to
hopelessness, helplessness, guilt and worthlessness, Physical Activity and Anxiety
loss of sleep and appetite, and persistent sadness. Anxiety is an irrational response to either a per-
Depression affects nearly 16 million Americans ceived or real threat that includes a variety of
each year (NIMH, 2018). Physical activity has a physiological and psychological symptoms, such as
large beneficial effect on depressive symptomol- excess worry, autonomic arousal, difficulty breath-
ogy in clinical samples (Rosenbaum, Tiedemann, ing, dizziness, muscle tension, and fear leading to
& Ward, 2014) and a moderate effect in nonclini- minor or severe impairment (Barton, Karner, Salih,
cal samples (Rebar et al., 2015). To understand Baldwin, & Edwards, 2014; Simpson, Neria, Lewis-
the impact of physical activity on depression, Fernández, & Schneier, 2010). It is estimated that
it is necessary to understand the physical activ- over 30 percent of adult Americans will suffer from
ity behavior of depressed individuals. In a meta- an anxiety disorder in their lifetime (Bandelow &
analysis of 24 studies, Schuch and colleagues (2017) Michaelis, 2015). Like depression, physical activity
found that individuals with major depressive disor- has the potential to reduce anxiety symptomatology
der engaged in less total physical activity and less and prevent the onset of anxiety symptoms.
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity than control Meta-analyses provide evidence that single
groups. This is especially important because, when bouts of physical activity as well as regular physi-
compared to physically active individuals, sedentary cal activity reduce anxiety symptoms (Stonerock,
individuals have higher risk for depressive symp- Hoffman, Smith, & Blumenthal, 2015). Physical
toms (Zhai, Zhang, & Zhang, 2015). While PA is activity is beneficial for both subthreshold anxiety
negatively associated with depression symptoms symptoms and clinically diagnosed populations
544 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

(Asmundson et al., 2013; Mochcovitch, Deslandes, In a systematic review, Bherer, Erickson, and
Freire, Garcia, & Nardi, 2016; Rebar et al., 2015). A Liu-Ambrose (2013) reported older adults who
review by Stonerock and colleagues (2015) showed regularly participated in long-term physical activity
highly anxious and clinically anxious individu- experienced less cognitive decline than less active
als in exercise interventions experienced greater individuals. The same review indicates the positive
reductions in anxiety symptoms and anxiety sensi- impact of short-term physical activity interventions
tivity when compared to control groups. However, on processing speed, memory, executive control
the effect of physical activity on clinical anxiety is (e.g., task switching, inhibitory control, working
mixed, ranging from an insignificant, small (0.22), memory), and cognitive performance among older
or moderate (0.56) effect sizes (Rebar et al., 2015; adults compared to inactive adults. When com-
Stonerock et al., 2015; Wegner et al., 2014). In pared to inactive adults, regularly active older adults
meta-analyses examining exercise as a method of reported a greater range of executive task function-
reducing anxiety symptoms in nonclinical samples, ing (e.g., planning, selective attention, resistance
exercise had a small effect (Pedersen & Saltin, 2015; to interference) and less cognitive impairment
Rebar et al., 2015). The exact dose-response of phys- (Guiney & Machado, 2013; Snowden et al., 2011).
ical activity on anxiety has not been determined, While the exact dose-response and mode-response
but Pedersen and Saltin (2015) suggest individuals relationship between physical activity and cogni-
suffering from anxiety engage in bouts of physical tive function is yet to be determined (Chang et al.,
activity for 10 to 20 minutes, gradually increasing 2015; Loprinzi, Edwards, Crush, Ikuta, & Del
to 30 minutes per bout, with greater frequency asso- Arco, 2018), a systematic review showed no sig-
ciated with greater reduction in symptoms. Based nificant difference between aerobic groups and
on the evidence to date, physical activity can be stretching groups on cognitive functioning in terms
used as a free self-management strategy for anxi- of recall, attention, procession speed, or working
ety symptoms in college (Asmundson et al., 2013), memory (Kelly et al., 2014). The impact of physical
adult (Stonerock et al., 2015), and older adult popu- activity on dementia, Alzheimer’s, and cognitive
lations (Mochcovitch et al., 2016). functioning has the potential to improve the ability
to perform activities of daily life and overall qual-
Physical Activity and Cognitive Functioning ity of life (Pedersen & Saltin, 2015). Practitioners
The number of Americans 65 years of age and over is should consider incorporating physical activity as
expected to double by 2060 (Census Bureau, 2018). a protective measure against and treatment for cog-
Cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s dis- nitive decline in middle- and older-aged individuals
ease are age-related disorders that affect cognitive (Groot et al., 2016).
functioning. Cognitive functioning, or the ability
to understand, remember, and perceive objects, Physical Activity and Quality of Life
thoughts, and ideas, is necessary for long-term qual- Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) includes
ity of life (Lox, Ginis-Martin, & Petruzzello, 2014). components such as health status and physical, emo-
Impairment in cognitive functioning includes a tional, social, and cognitive factors that can be pos-
variety of symptoms such as memory loss, inabil- itively affected by health interventions (Lox et al.,
ity to concentrate, impaired decision making, vision 2014). A multitude of correlational studies exhibit
problems, and decreased processing speed, among the positive relationship between HRQoL and phys-
others. The effect of physical activity on cognitive ical activity for college students, adults, and older
functioning has received increased interest over the adults (Koolhaas et al., 2018; Pedišić, Rakovac, Titze,
past decade. Jurakić, & Oja, 2014; Vasiliadis & Bélanger, 2018).
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  545

In a community-based physical activity inter- students (Park, 2014; VanKim & Nelson, 2013),
vention with older adults, physical activity was adults (Brunet, Love, Ramphal, & Sabiston, 2014;
positively correlated with all five dimensions of Mouchacca, Abbott, & Ball, 2013), and older adults
HRQoL (Halaweh, Willen, Grimby-Ekman, & (Rueggeberg, Wrosch, & Miller, 2012).
Svantesson, 2015). Various modes of physical activity, rang-
In a review of physical activity for adults suffer- ing from yoga to high-intensity interval training,
ing from chronic pain, interventions had a small to effectively reduce the physiological and psycho-
moderate effect on physical function, psychological logical responses to stress (Bogdanis et al., 2013;
function, and overall health-related quality of life Sharma, 2014). These results are further supported
(Geneen et al., 2017). Furthermore, a meta-analysis by a meta-analysis that found chronic exercise
comparing yoga to no physical activity found that decreased inflammation often associated with
yoga improved overall HRQoL, reduced perceptions physiological stress and immune impairment in
of pain and fatigue, and reduced sleep disturbances older adults (Monteiro-Junior et al., 2018). The
in adult women with cancer (Cramer et al., 2017). frequency, mode, and intensity of physical activity
The benefit of physical activity on HRQoL in can- behavior also affect stress. In a study with trained
cer patients is widely supported (Buffart et al., 2017; adult men, longer-duration physical activity had a
Stout, Baima, Swisher, Winters-Stone, & Welsh, greater impact on reducing the physiological stress
2017), indicating a significant dose-response rela- response than moderate-duration physical activity
tionship between physical activity and HRQoL (Johnson, Padilla, & Wallace, 2012). Endurance
(Eime, Harvey, & Payne, 2014; Stout et al., 2017). training, resistance training, and combined train-
A variety of modes of physical activity (e.g., aero- ing all significantly diminished the physiological
bic, strength training, cycling, walking, stretching) stress response in untrained adult men (Azizbeigi,
have all been found to significantly affect HRQoL Stannard, Atashak, & Haghighi, 2014). Lastly,
across the life span (Awick et al., 2015; Koolhaas a recent review found that stress level predicted
et al., 2018; Pedišić et al., 2014). It is important for lower physical activity behavior and higher seden-
individuals, from young adults to older adults, to tary behavior (Stults-Kolehmainen & Sinha, 2014).
commit adequate time to regular physical activity. These studies provide evidence for a dual-role path-
Since many modes of physical activity can improve way between physical activity and stress and sup-
HRQoL, choosing activities that are enjoyable can port the practice of physical activity as a coping
improve motivation and adherence. strategy for those experiencing stress.

Physical Activity and Stress

Stress is the imbalance between a demand and Exercise 1
an individual’s perceived ability to successfully
respond to that demand (McGrath, 1970, p. 20). How could you use this information about the mental
Demands, or stressors, can be physical, psycholog- health benefits of PA to encourage an adult you know
ical, or cognitive, and perception of such demands to be more active?
can vary among individuals. A multitude of stud-
ies support the effect of fitness as a buffer to the
effects of stress (Burton, Hoobler, & Scheuer, Conclusions and Future Directions
2012; Gerber, Lindwall, Lindegård, Börjesson, The mental health benefits of PA are evident based
& Jonsdottir, 2013). Regular physical activity is on the research to date. However, more research is
associated with lower perceived stress in college needed to clarify the amount (dose) and type (mode)
546 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

of physical activity best suited for particular aspects of physical activity behavior by providing a perspec-
of mental health (e.g., depression versus stress). One tive that more effectively includes the social, cultural,
clear take-home message is that some physical activ- and personal context than the aforementioned person-
ity is beneficial, and more is even better to promote centered theories alone. Additionally, they argue that
positive mental health. Still, physical activity moti- identity theories are more dynamic, focusing on both
vation and behavior vary across a variety of demo- past and future behaviors (Rhodes et al., 2016), and
graphic variables such as gender, race, age, culture, so are more likely to be helpful in facilitating not just
and socioeconomic status, and research often does engagement in physical activity but also maintenance
not represent the diversity of individuals who can of behavior over time.
and should be physically active. Future researchers Strachan and Whaley (2013) add that self-related
need to be mindful of who their participants are and variables have long been applied to help us under-
strive to be inclusive so as to improve the general- stand exercise participation and adherence (e.g.,
izability of results and effectiveness of intervention Fox & Wilson, 2008). They proposed a definition of
designs. It is also important to understand how psy- identity as “a complex yet organized integration of
chological and social factors affect physical activity our beliefs, values, and behaviors into a self-package
participation. We turn now to examine the concept that develops and changes over time, guided by our
of identity, which combines individual and social social relationships and society at large” (p. 213).
factors, and has been linked to behavior more gener- Two theories have been applied in the realm of physi-
ally and physical activity specifically. cal activity: schema theory (Markus, 1977) and iden-
tity theory (Stets & Burke, 2003). These two identity
theories have taken slightly different approaches,
The Case for an Identity-Centered one focusing more on the cognitive construction of
Approach identity (schema theory), the other focusing on iden-
tity formation as a product of social categories and
Although there is compelling evidence for the link socialization (identity theory). However, Strachan
between physical activity and mental health out- and Whaley (2013) concluded the two theories had
comes, less than 23 percent of people across the more commonalities than differences. Rhodes et al.
world are active at levels that result in health bene- (2016) found, in their review of 60 identity or schema-
fits (WHO, 2016). Interventions to date designed to related papers published from 1988 to 2015, that the
promote physical activity have had only moderate two associated constructs of identity and schema
success (Conn, Hafdahl, & Mehr, 2011; Rhodes, showed no difference in their relationship with
Janssen, Bredin, Warburton, & Bauman, 2017). Most behavior and suggested that the measurement and
interventions have utilized theoretical models that operationalization of these two constructs is nearly
focus on the individual (e.g., social cognitive theo- identical. Thus, we chose to take an inclusive theo-
ries; Bandura, 1986) or on stage-like models (e.g., retical approach to identity as it relates to physical
transtheoretical model; Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). activity. We begin, though, by briefly reviewing the
Although the use of theory in exercise research is two theories next.
critically important (Biddle & Nigg, 2000; Noar &
Zimmerman, 2005), it may be time for an expanded
approach. In a recent meta-analysis of identity the-
Exercise 2
ories and physical activity, Rhodes, Kaushal, and Think about your own identity related to sport or
Quinlan (2016) conclude that identity and schema- physical activity. How did it develop? How does it
related theories (Markus, 1977; Stryker & Burke, affect your PA behavior?
2000) hold the potential to add to our understanding
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  547

Self-Schema Theory roles, through socialization. Relatively fixed and

In an effort to explain how individuals process the predictable behavior results from this shared knowl-
enormous amount of information available to them, edge; individuals are likely to behave in ways consis-
Markus (1977) described the concept of schemas as tent with their identities and correct the situation
internal cognitive structures that allow individuals to when their behavior is inconsistent with their iden-
encode and represent information. Self-schemas are tity (Strachan & Whaley, 2013). For example, not
those structures that refer specifically to the individ- only will individuals with an “exerciser” identity
ual (as opposed to others). It may be helpful to use exercise more, but if that individual is not able to
a computer analogy here; schemas can be thought exercise for a period of time, they will feel negative
of as file folders, allowing the individual to organize emotions and a motivation to correct that incon-
information in ways that are relevant, but are flexi- sistency. Thus, as with self-schema theory, identity
ble enough to reorganize or partition into additional theory suggests that the development of an iden-
folders as the situation dictates. These schemas act tity for a particular behavior (sport, exercise, and
as domain-specific representations of attributes, other forms of physical activity) is predictive of that
abilities, and experiences in a particular domain behavior and facilitates the development of strate-
(Strachan & Whaley, 2013). Importantly, although gies that help maintain that behavior, even in the
the focus here is on the organization of information, face of barriers. In summary, the two theories of
much of this information comes from the social identity cover both the cognitive process of identity
context. As such, Markus (1990) noted that “while formation and the important role the social context
hypothesized to reside inside one individual’s head plays in identity and behavior. We next turn to a
or heart, self-schemas are in large measure inter- brief review of research supporting the link between
personal achievements” (p. 249). As self-schemas identity and physical activity behavior.
represent patterns of behavior (Markus, 1977), they
are related to goals and actions (Whaley, 2004). In Research Supporting the Identity–
the first study applying self-schema to the physical Behavior Link
domain, Kendzierski (1994) stated that to be sche-
There is strong empirical support for the link
matic for an activity or behavior is to see the activity
between identity and physical activity behavior.
as descriptive and important to their self-image. For
Beginning with the work of Kendzierski (1988,
example, many people exercise. However, when one
1990), the presence of an exercise schema (or iden-
becomes schematic for exercise, they move from an
tity) in college-aged individuals has been associated
action (exercising) to an identity (exerciser). The
with more frequent exercise, a higher likelihood of
difference is critical, as embracing this identity is
past exercise, and a higher commitment to exercis-
related to more frequent activity, higher commit-
ing in the future than those without such an iden-
ment to being active, and developing strategies to
tity. These findings have been supported by multiple
maintain that identity (Kendzierski, 1988, 1990;
researchers in college students through older adults
Sheeran & Orbell, 2000).
and across gender (Estabrooks & Courneya, 1997;
Hardcastle & Taylor, 2005; Strachan, Woodgate,
Identity Theory Brawley, & Tse, 2005). The presence of an exer-
Burke (1980) argued that identities are associated cise/physical activity identity has been shown to
with role meanings (e.g., what it means to be a run- increase and/or change over time (Cardinal &
ner or exerciser; Strachan & Whaley, 2013). Stets Cardinal, 1997; Whaley & Schrider, 2005). For
and Burke (2003) explain that individuals acquire a example, Cardinal and Cardinal (1997) found that
shared knowledge about social categories, including college-aged women developed a stronger exercise
548 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

identity over the course of a semester, while Whaley I desire to do it) help motivate an individual to actu-
and Schrider (2005) reported that older adults’ ally accomplish the task; that is, it appears that con-
identities progressed from “wanting to get health- structing an exercise identity not only contributes to
ier” to “I am a fairly healthy person” over a ten-week the intention to exercise but in fact results in actual
span. Exercise-related identities have also been physical activity behaviors. Still, they cautioned that
related to enjoyment of physical activity (e.g., Yin more research on the identity–behavior relationship
& Boyd, 2000) and to be related to higher self-effi- is needed, particularly more intervention studies
cacy and self-regulation (e.g., Harju & Reed, 2003; and studies with more rigorous research designs.
Strachan et al., 2005). Strachan and Whaley (2013) Since that review, Ntoumanis et al. (2018) con-
concluded that “exercise identity is reliably related ducted the first known longitudinal study examin-
to exercise behavior” (p. 217). ing the relationship between exercise identity and
Rhodes et al. (2016) followed up this previous exercise motivations. Following 180 adults over six
research with a systematic review of the literature months, they found what might be more important
(or meta-analysis), including a narrative review for promoting an exercise identity is not the specific
designed to examine not just the strength of the rela- motives for exercise, but the ability to change those
tionship between identity and physical activity but motives over time. For example, when starting an
also the factors that influence and are influenced exercise program you may be motivated by a doc-
by that relationship. Their review of 62 independent tor’s recommendation or some other obligation
data sets strongly supported the link between iden- (referred to as “introjected regulation” by Deci &
tity and physical activity behavior; in fact, they state Ryan, 2000); but if you are able to move to a more
that this relationship “places (identity) as one of the self-determined form of motivation (e.g., exercis-
largest known correlates of physical activity behav- ing because it is consistent with your health goals,
ior commensurate with intention” (p. 218, emphasis referred to as identified regulation), then forming
added). Kendzierski, Sheffield, and Morganstein an exercise identity is more likely to occur. Recall
(2002) showed individuals with an exercise identity that Whaley and Schrider (2005) found older adults
were more likely to act on their intentions because quite capable of changing their beliefs about their
they attributed their exercise lapses to unstable exercise identity over a relatively short time frame,
causes, which provides more opportunity to redirect so this line of research holds promise for helping
or change a behavior. For example, someone with an individuals build an exercise identity and thereby
exerciser identity may explain their exercise lapse as increase/sustain that behavior over time.
being caused by a poorly planned schedule (some- Santo, Lepp, and Barkley (2017) reported that
thing that can be adjusted), while someone without exercise identity was positively associated with
that identity may simply say they don’t have time physical activity and inversely associated with sed-
(perceived as unchangeable). We will return to this entary behavior. This is important, since research
finding in the next section, as it has key implica- has established a link between high levels of sed-
tions for interventions. Rhodes et al. (2016) found entary behavior and negative health outcomes
that the relationship between physical activity and (Zhu & Owen, 2017). In addition, some research
identity was strong (i.e., with medium to large effect has looked at the link between exercise and other
sizes) and that identity was associated with a num- identities, particularly ethnic identity. For example,
ber of motivational variables, including a stronger Henley, Sealy, Hopp, and Brown (2016) found that
commitment to exercise, higher perceptions of abil- cultural identity may influence physical activity
ity for exercise, and more self-determined forms of in black female college students. Similarly, Wirtz,
motivation to exercise. In sum, positive beliefs about Wang, and Kulpavarapos (2017) found that ethnic
exercise behavior (e.g., I can do it, I want to do it, and exercise identity in Hispanic adults served as
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  549

a filter, determining how (and potentially if) media Coming from a more cognitive perspective,
messages about physical activity were interpreted. Whaley and Schroyer (2010) argued that the key to
Thus, there is ample research to support the conten- encouraging physical activity behavior was fostering
tion that establishing an exercise or physical activity constructive self-beliefs. They recommended three
identity likely will result in new and/or sustained key self-beliefs: a self-schema (identity) for exer-
physical activity, and quite possibly, decreased sed- cise, possible selves that relate to that identity, and
entary activity. It is also clear that factors related to effective self-talk. Where identity is largely based on
the individual (age, race, ethnicity) may affect how past and current experiences, possible selves, a term
exercise is viewed and how exercise identities are coined by Markus and Nurius (1986), are future-
created and nurtured. The question becomes: How oriented components of the self, representing what
does one go about establishing a physical activity we want to do or who we want to become. When
identity that works for the individual? paired with effective and appropriate strategies, possi-
ble selves move dreams and desires to achieved states
(Whaley & Schroyer, 2010). Research has found that
Constructing a Physical Activity Identity college students (Harju & Reed, 2003) through older
Given the theories of identity, it should not be surpris- adults (Whaley & Schrider, 2005) can easily articu-
ing that several studies have attempted to explain the late possible selves related to physical activity, and
construction of an exerciser/physical activity identity these possible selves are positively related to their
using a social approach (Oliver, Hudson, & Thomas, behavior (Perras, Strachan, & Fortier, 2015).
2016; Rossing & Jones, 2015; Rossing, Ronglan, &
Scott, 2016). In a case study examining one woman’s
process of identity formation for exercise, Rossing et Exercise 3
al. (2016) found that her relationship to significant
others (in particular, feedback from others) and to Think about your own physical activity–related
sociocultural norms and expectations influenced the possible selves. Who would you like become? How is
process of identity formation. However, this was nota- PA involved?
bly an identity that took considerable time to develop
and one with struggles the authors describe as a
“recognizable story,” common to many (and perhaps A few studies have successfully used possible
a reason why becoming active has been so elusive for selves as an intervention to increase physical activ-
many individuals). Rossing and Jones (2015), explor- ity in college-aged students (Murru & Martin Ginis,
ing the development of exercise identities in work- 2010; Oullette, Hessling, Gibbons, Reis-Bergan, &
place settings, note the potential barriers to identity Gerrard, 2005) and adults (Strachan, Marcotte,
development, including high levels of social compar- Giller, Brunet, & Schellenberg, 2016). In these stud-
ison and feelings of guilt for exercising at work. They ies, participants were asked to read, think, or write
suggest strategies for overcoming and negotiating about their physically active selves in the future.
those barriers, including justifying participation by Importantly, these one-time interventions improved
developing common identities across participants— physical activity behavior. Perras, Strachan, Fortier,
so-called “worker-exerciser” identities. These stud- and Dufault (2016) compared a one-time possi-
ies hint at strategies one might take to develop an ble selves intervention with a repeated possible
exerciser identity: providing effective feedback, selves intervention (three sessions) and a control
highlighting the benefits of physical activity (that is, group with newly retired persons. Although all
establishing norms for expected behavior), establish- three groups increased their activity levels, they
ing common identities, and minimizing barriers. strongly supported the use of possible selves as an
550 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

intervention strategy in future research. They note discussion of mindfulness). The mindful awareness
that, for example, their sample was somewhat active of negative self-talk and replacement with positive
at the beginning of the intervention, so it may be self-talk can be more effective than judging internal
that possible selves interventions work best for inac- dialogue and traditional thought-stopping techniques
tive individuals. Most importantly, there are enough (Gardner & Moore, 2004; Garland, Gaylord & Park,
studies showing significant effects of possible selves 2009). While the relationship between self-talk and
on physical activity behavior that it is reasonable to mindfulness needs to be further researched, mindful-
continue to examine if helping individuals to “see ness is negatively associated with rumination and pos-
themselves” as exercisers in the future can be an itively associated with emotional regulation (Greeson,
effective strategy to initiate, and sustain, physical 2009; Raes & Williams, 2010). In a review of mindful-
activity behavior. ness and physical activity literature by Blair Kennedy
The third component of constructive self- and Resnick (2015), mindful individuals were more
beliefs is self-talk, described as the verbal and inter- motivated to be physically active and were more likely
nal stream of thoughts running through your head to initiate and adhere to physical activity. We now
(Whaley & Schroyer, 2010; also see Chapter 14, turn to the one existing theoretical model that inte-
this volume). When these thoughts are positive and grates many of the concepts we have just reviewed.
instructional (that is, how, when, and where to do
something), they facilitate behavior and positive
emotions, while negative self-talk can discourage Exercise 4
and decrease satisfaction (Hardy, Hall, & Hardy, Take a moment to consider your own self-talk,
2005). Oliver et al. (2016) report that self-talk acts particularly in stressful situations. Is it helpful or
as a process through which social messages are inter- harmful? How could you change it for the better?
preted and internalized to integrate a new behavior
into an existing self-concept. As Robert Weinberg
(2018) writes in his introduction to a special issue of
The Sport Psychologist dedicated to self-talk theory The Physical Activity Self-Definition Model
and research, there is ample research about effective Introduced by Kendzierski, Furr, and Schiavoni
self-talk in the sport domain, but far less research in 1998, the physical activity self-definition model
in exercise and physical activity contexts. He argues (PASD) was created to explore identity development
that “it would seem a great opportunity to employ in specific (tennis, running) and general (exercise) con-
self-talk in a systematic way to help improve the texts. According to Kendzierski et al., identity is based
frequency and intensity of exercise” (p. 75). We on perceptions about the behavior itself (effort, impor-
couldn’t agree more and further suggest that self- tance), as well as motivation to engage in the behav-
talk is crucial to forming physical activity identities. ior (perceived competence, improvement, and effort;
A mechanism by which someone can become Strachan & Whaley, 2013). The model was tested in
more aware of their self-talk is through mindful- samples of weightlifters, basketball players, and exer-
ness training. Mindfulness can be defined as the cisers and then tested again with separate samples
practice of focusing attention toward the present of runners and cyclists (Kendzierski & Morganstein,
mental moment or state in an unconditional, non- 2009). In the final model, perceived commitment and
judgmental, and accepting way (Bishop et al., 2004). perceived ability directly influenced self-definition,
Rather than wasting energy judging or trying to stop and perceived wanting, perceived trying, and enjoy-
certain thoughts, mindfulness teaches acceptance of ment indirectly influenced self-definition (i.e., want-
thoughts and cognitions (see Chapter 16 for a detailed ing, trying, and enjoyment affect commitment and
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  551


Focus on Relevant Receive Positive

Promote Healthy
Sociocultural Feedback from Minimize Barriers
Body Image
Norms Others


Create Future-
Develop a oriented, Engage in Positive
Physically Physically and Instructional
Active Self-schema Active Possible Self-talk
Identity Formation

Figure 25-1  Summary of social and cognitive processes related to identity development

perceived ability, which in turn influence identity). Case Studies: Applying Theory
This implies that any effort to form a physical activity
to Practice
identity must focus on increasing one’s commitment
to physical activity, as well as developing one’s abil- Now we put the concepts and strategies reviewed
ity to feel capable and successful with that behavior. in this chapter to practice. In particular, we will
Importantly, although the context may require changes develop plans for individuals who could profit from
in self-definitions (e.g., going from a walker to a runner the mental health benefits of physical activity. Keep
over the course of an activity program), the process in mind that when designing interventions, we must
of how this occurs remains the same over any sort of consider the characteristics of the individual or
activity (Strachan & Whaley, 2013). Figure 25-1 pres- group they belong to: age, gender, race, ethnicity,
ents a summary of the key processes related to identity and sexual orientation. Before we share the cases,
development supported in the literature. let’s review some of the strategies we have avail-
able to use. Our focus is on establishing an iden-
tity for physical activity behaviors. Theoretically,
Exercise 5 that means the behavior should be descriptive and
What are strategies you have used to feel more important and come from shared roles and social-
capable and committed to PA? ization processes. Research tells us that people
with exercise/physical activity identities are more
552 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

likely to act on their intentions to be active, in part likely requires an increased level of awareness or
because they view lapses as unstable (and therefore mindfulness. Importantly, the PASD model showed
able to be changed). Other people can help this us that fostering a sense of competence in one’s abil-
process by providing informational feedback, as ity to be successful, along with establishing commit-
well as establishing norms related to physical activ- ment to the activity, will lead to an identity related
ity. Strategies for developing an identity include to physical activity. We now present two case stud-
creating possible selves related to activity and rec- ies to bring these concepts to life. As you read each,
ognizing and potentially changing the self-talk an consider what specific strategies you would use to
individual uses related to physical activity. This start or sustain physical activity in that individual.

Case Study 1

Devin is an 18-year-old leaving the inner city to begin his first year of college. He is moving to a new state,
without any of his high school friends, and from a big city to a small, rural college town. Throughout high
school, Devin was both a soccer player and track runner. He had regularly scheduled practices mandated
by his coaches, easily found friends in his teammates, and identified himself as an athlete. Since Devin is
not playing either sport at the collegiate level, he is questioning who he is without his athlete identity. He
is unsure how he will stay in shape without the rigorous practice and competition schedules to which he is
so accustomed. He has never just exercised for the sake of exercising; there has always been an outcome
to attain (e.g., scoring a goal in soccer or setting a new personal record in the 100-meter dash). And to top
off his list of worries, Devin is not sure how he will make new friends in a completely new environment
without the automatic bond he so often found in his teammates. What would you suggest Devin do to
create an exercise/physical activity identity?

Case Study 2

Jaysly is a 40-year-old woman who works as an accountant, sitting at a desk for nearly ten hours each
day. While she used to love working as an accountant, she has come to realize she no longer has work–
life balance and her career has begun to consume her life. She has been experiencing chronic fatigue,
lack of enjoyment in her daily routine, and has gained 45 pounds in nearly 15 years working her desk
job. Because of her fatigue, she finds herself sitting on the couch watching television every night after
work to relax and rest. Jaysly wants to lose the weight she has gained and improve her energy levels. She
has noticed that some of her friends from work seem to enjoy working out during their lunch break or
after work. However, she has never really exercised and doesn’t think she has the knowledge or ability to
successfully do so. She is worried that she will exercise the wrong way, look foolish, or fail at anything
she tries. How can Jaysly begin exercising and successfully accomplish her goals?
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  553

Discussion of Case Study 1 so it would help if she learned to create a new exer-
One thing Devin has going for him is a high level cise identity “file folder.” She also doesn’t believe
of competence in his ability to be active. While in her ability to successfully initiate and adhere to
Devin has identified himself as an athlete for most exercise. We suggest Jaysly practice mindfulness
of his life, it can be both difficult and advantageous training to become aware of how she speaks to her-
for him to draw on his previous experiences to self throughout the workday and as she observes her
create an exercise identity. Devin could join cam- coworkers successfully engaging in exercise. Her
pus intramural and recreation leagues to continue self-talk consisting of self-doubt and lack of knowl-
competing in soccer, which could provide needed edge is hindering her from initiating exercise or
social support and camaraderie. This activity could asking her coworkers how they manage to balance
provide friendship, purpose in recreational soccer, exercise during the workday. Becoming more aware
and modeling by which he could observe older stu- (i.e., mindful) of her self-talk (internal dialogue) is
dents’ successful transition from competitive to rec- the first step in being able to change how she speaks
reational sport participation. This would help him to herself. Jaysly can begin to change her self-talk
personally begin the creation of an exercise identity. from negative to positive by recording her negative
Devin could also speak with his parents, a mentor, self-talk in a log. With consistency and a focus on
or fellow students to talk through his worries about the how, what, when, and where, Jaysly will be able
transitioning out of sport and into exercise during to change her automatic negative thoughts about
college. Devin could articulate his desire to stay exercise ability to positive thoughts that may help
physically active with these people whose opinions her initiate exercise.
he values, which could help him realize his poten- For example, Jaysly can reconstruct her self-
tial to create an exercise identity and behave in a talk in the following way: Initial negative self-talk: “I
consistent manner. will get injured or look foolish if I try to exercise on my
In addition, Devin could manage his self-talk to own since I have no experience.”
try and establish an exercise identity. For example, Since Jaysly has not and does not currently
rather than only focusing on past sport accomplish- identify as an exerciser, it is also important for
ments, Devin could identify various exercise goals her to realize the benefits of exercise and estab-
he wants to achieve (e.g., lifting a certain amount of lish a routine to be successful. Jaysly could write a
weight, training and finishing a new race distance).
With goals in mind, Devin could incorporate posi-
tive, instructional, and process-oriented self-talk to Reconstructed Self-talk:
begin working toward his goals. This will help him
Automatic negative Reconstructed positive
identify as an exerciser with an outcome to work
thought thought
toward. Although Devin has spent most of his life
as a soccer player and track athlete, he can iden- “I will look foolish” “I am doing this for fun
tify as an exerciser with the help of peer modeling, so it doesn’t matter what
anyone thinks”
social norms and support, and self-talk focused on
his goals. “I will get injured” “I am confident I can
learn the right techniques
and stay healthy”
Discussion of Case Study 2
“I have no experience” “I’ve been able to learn
Jaysly has the desire to initiate exercise, but is strug- things before; I think I can
gling to consider her identity within the exercise learn to do this as well”
domain. She seems to overidentify with her career,
554 Chapter 25   Exercise and Physical Activity Participation: An Identity-Centered Approach

letter to her future, physically active self. She could with her coworkers to keep her accountable and
include specific details about the mode, frequency, supported. By involving her coworker friends, they
and intensity of her behavior; how she feels emo- could provide encouragement, model effective exer-
tionally and physiologically after exercise; and any cise behavior, and help Jaysly overcome workplace
weight loss her future self has achieved. Writing a barriers, thus promoting her self-efficacy to exercise.
letter could provide meaningful behavioral and out- By becoming aware and improving her self-talk,
come goals to work toward, helping her to begin incorporating workplace norms and support, focus-
identifying as an exerciser. ing on her future self, and preparing for barriers,
Lastly, we note that Jaysly’s coworkers are Jaysly can begin to establish an exercise identity.
currently physically active. Since she is already
friends with them, she could discuss her weight-loss
goal, desire to be more energetic, and how she has
Exercise 6
observed their active behaviors each day. For exam- What other suggestions would you have for helping
ple, Jaysly could ask her coworkers how they manage Devin and Jaysly create a physical activity or
to exercise during the workday and still have time exerciser identity?
for lunch. She could also begin exercising when and

The majority of college, adult, and older adult populations are not meeting recommended guidelines
of physical activity to reap health benefits. We first examined the research on the psychological ben-
efits of exercise and can conclude that
• Physical activity has a moderate effect on depression symptoms and can help prevent the
onset of depression.
• PA has a small to moderate effect on anxiety, with ten-minute bouts significantly reduc-
ing symptoms. Various forms of exercise (aerobic, resistance, flexibility) have been
shown to reduce stress.
• Regular physical activity can slow age-related cognitive decline and improve cognitive
functioning. Various physical activity modes positively affect the five components of
We then suggested that approaching physical activity from an identity perspective may help
improve participation and adherence rates. We reviewed two theories employed in the physical
domain, self-schema theory and identity theory, concluding they shared more similarities than dif-
ferences. Some take-home messages from this section include the following:
• Across the life span, adults can adopt new identities and use those to motivate behaviors.
• Having an exercise (or physical activity) identity is linked to a number of positive motiva-
tional variables, including higher intentions to exercise, commitment to exercise, strate-
gies to maintain exercise, and more actual exercise behavior.
Diane E. Whaley and Duke Biber  555

• Techniques for constructing and maintaining a physical activity identity include both
social processes (e.g., receiving positive, informational feedback from others, identifying
barriers to exercise) and cognitive processes (develop a physically active possible self,
engage in positive, instructional self-talk, practice mindful strategies).
• The PASD provides a potential framework for interventions to develop and maintain
physical activity identities.
We ended the chapter with two case studies designed to illustrate the concepts described in the
chapter and providing an opportunity to put these concepts into practice.

Study Questions

1. According the research, how does exercise and physical activity affect mental health issues
like depression, anxiety, and stress?
2. Why do researchers use meta-analyses to explain the effect of exercise on mental health?
3. What are some of the limitations and gaps in the research on mental health and exercise/
physical activity?
4. What is the evidence for the link between identity and physical activity?
5. Summarize the two theories of identity described in the chapter, providing the points of
agreement across the two theories.
6. List the social and cognitive factors that contribute to identity formation.
7. What are the three components of constructive self-belief formation?
8. How might someone create an exercise identity using the theories and constructs discussed
in the chapter?

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Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f’ and ‘t’ denote Amphetamines, 460
figures and tables respectively. Anabolic steroids, 453–454
Anecdotes, inspirational, 110–111
A Anger and aggression control, 443
AASP. See Association for Applied Sport Psychology Antecedents, 41
(AASP) Antidoping policy, 452
AASP certification, 10 Anti-fat bias, 419–420
Abbreviated active progressive relaxation (PR), 227 Anti-inflammatories. See Narcotic analgesics
ABC (DE) cognitive restructuring, 300–302 Antonelli, Ferrucio, 4
“About Smocks and Jocks” (Martens), 6 Anxiety, physical activity and, 543–544
Academic-vocational development, 523 Anxiety Rating Scale (ARS-2), 215
Achievement drive, 371 Anxiolytic drugs, 444
Achievement goals, 59–65 Applied sport psychology, 1, 2
Achievement goal theory, 391–392 Armstrong, Lance, 451, 456
ACSM. See American College of Sports Medicine Arousal and activation, 212
(ACSM) Arrogant listening, 149
ACT. See Attentional control theory (ACT) Ashe, Arthur, 295
Activation, 212 Assertiveness, 151
Active listening, 149–151 Assertiveness training, 151–152
Adaptive commitment, 480 Association for Applied Sport Psychology
Adlington, Rebecca, 210 (AASP), 8
Advantage, the, 143 certification by, 360, 362
Advice seeking (stress management), 221 conference programs, 414
Affective cues, 289 Ethics Code, Principle D, 421
Affect/mood, 289–290 ethics committee, 379
Affirmations, 302–303 Associative phase of learning, 21–23, 25t
African American women, 418 Athlete apperception technique, 444
Agassi, Andre, 433 Athlete-athlete communications, 148–149
AGT. See Ahievement goal theory (AGT) Athlete burnout, 475–488
Ahievement goal theory (AGT), 70 case studies, 484–486
Alcohol and drug use, 442–443 causes of, 477
Ali, Muhammad, 412 defined, 476
Allen, George, 393 and depression, 477
All-or-nothing thinking, 299 dimensions, definitions, and symptoms, 476t
Alzado, Lyle, 454, 456, 461 emotional and physical exhaustion, 476t
American College of Sports Medicine individual-organization fit, 481
(ACSM), 456 intervention strategies, 481–484, 482–483t
American Psychological Association (APA), 8, 409 need thwarting, 69
American Sport Education Program, 402 negative impact of, 476–477
Amotivation, 67, 67f overtraining, 477–478, 482t

564  Index

Athlete burnout (continued) imagery, 184

prevalence of, 476–477 mindfulness, 183
prevention, 481–484 monitoring physiological systems, 184
psychosocial sport stress, 478–479, 482t performing skills vs. experiencing skills, 178–179
reduced sense of accomplishment, 476t playing the edge of peak performance, 180
SDT, 68 psychological questionnaires, 184
self-determination theory, 479–480, 482–483t the R’s, 177–178, 183
sport devaluation, 476t scouting report, 178
and sport dropout, 477 signal light analogy, 182, 183f
sport entrapment, 480, 483t sport journal, 183, 187–188
stress and, 477 stress, and, 180–183
Athlete leader, 108–114 Awareness training, 179
Athletes’ Careers across Cultures, 531–532 Awfulizing, 298–299
Athletes’ development, 523
Athlete stigma, 89 B
Athletic career, 521. See also Career development Backup technique, 374
and transitions Bandwidth feedback, 32
Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28, 367 Bannister, Roger, 281
Athletic motivation inventory, 4 Basketball, 202f
Athletic retirement, 530–531. See also Career Behavioral-change techniques, 401
development and transitions Behavioral feedback, 401
Attention. See Concentration Behavioral guidelines, MAC, 398–401
Attention, dimensions of, 316, 316f, 317f Behaviorally based information, 79
Attentional control theory (ACT), 219 Behavioral modeling cues, 401
Attentional cues and triggers, 326 Behavioral patterns, 58
Attentional focus, 316, 316f, 371 “Being in a cocoon,” 160
Attention control, 289 Benson, Herbert, 337
Attention control training principles, 315–316 Berra, Yogi, 45
Attribution, 83, 85 Beta-adrenergic blockers, 454–455
Attunement, 345 Bioinformational theory, 252
Authentic leadership, 112 Biosocial hypothesis, 87
Autogenic training, 228–229, 241–243 Black women athletes, 410
Autogenic training with visualization, 228–229 Blaming, 299
Automating preperformance routines, 262 Bledsoe, Drew, 506
Autonomous motivation, 67, 67f Blindfold run, 180
Autonomous phase of learning, 23–24, 25t Blocked practice, 27, 28f
Autonomy-supportive coaching, 68, 69, 71 Blood doping, 455–456
Autonomy-supportive interpersonal style, 90 Body dissatisfaction, 441
Aversive control, 42, 43 Bracing, 212
Aversive punishment, 42, 43–44 Brackenridgem, Celia, 417
Awareness, 176–188 Brady, Tom, 506
awareness training, 179 Breathing exercises, 225–227, 231–232
blindfold run, 180 Broad-external drills, 320–321
feedback sheets, 181f Broad-internal drills, 321
focus, 176–177 Buddhist philosophy, 336–337
group discussion, 184 Burnout. See Athlete burnout
Index  565

C Case studies
Caffeine, 455 athlete burnout, 484–486
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), 8 identity-centered approach, 546, 551–554
Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and imagery, 266–268
Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), 5 injuries and rehabilitation, 493, 501
Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA), 8 instruction and feedback, 52
Candrea, Mike, 108 positive reinforcement/shaping, 46
Capability, 19 psychological skills training program, 375
The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the skill development, 34–36
World’s Greatest Teams, 101 stress, 46, 231–233
Captain selection policies, 108 Catastrophe model, 218–219, 218f
Captain’s weekly monitoring sheet, 113–114 Catastrophizing, 297–298
Career development and transitions, 519–537 CBAS. See Coaching behavior assessment system
athletic career, defined, 521 (CBAS)
athletic retirement, 530 Centering, 326–327
career assistance, 522–523, 532–533 Center of mass, 326
career development frameworks, 523–525, 524f Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 413
career development research, 522, 525–526 Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, 454
career transition frameworks, 527 Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC),
career transition research, 527–531 10, 360, 379
cultural praxis of athletes’ careers, 523, CET. See Coach effectiveness training (CET)
531–532 Change-oriented behaviors, 107
cultural transitions, 529–530 Changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts,
DC transitions, 528–529 294–296
dual career (DC) development, 526 Choking, 220, 316
evolution and current structure of athlete career defining, 318
approaches, 520–523, 520f prevention and treatment, 318–319
holistic ecological perspective, 521 Clarify, 145, 150
interventions, 532–536 Closed skills, 22, 265
principles of career assistance professional Clutch, 161
philosophy, 533f Coach-athlete communications, 145–148
taxonomies of athletes’ career transitions, 522 Coach-athlete relationship, importance, 109
transition defined, 521 Coach-coach communications, 145
transition to post-sport career, 530 Coach effectiveness training (CET), 390–391
Career development research, 522, 525–526 Coaching
Career transition research, 522 associative phase of learning, 22–23, 25t
Career transitions, 521–522. See also Career autonomous phase of learning, 23–24, 25t
development and transitions autonomy-supportive, 68, 69, 71
interventions, 533–536 cognitive phase of learning, 21, 25t
non-normative transitions, 522 credible coaches, 107, 142, 143
normative transitions, 522 goal-setting, 200–201
quasi-normative transitions, 522 interpersonal style, 90
Carril, Pete, 102, 111 learning situation, 40
Carroll, Pete, 40, 386 negative approach, 43–44
Carron and Spink team building approach, peak performance, 168–169
130–131 perceptual flexibility/inflexibility, 80, 92t
566  Index

Coaching (continued) Competitive anxiety, 212–213

positive approach. See Positive approach to Competitive state anxiety, 126
coaching Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), 184,
“psychology of,” 41 214, 367
social environment, 40–41 Competitive stressors, 211
Coaching behavior assessment system (CBAS), Complementary roles, 116
388–389, 390t Complete breath, 225
Coach-team communications, 144–145 Concentration, 314–330
Cocaine, 454 attention control training principles, 315–316
Codeine, 454 choking, 318–319
Cognitive anxiety, 213 decision to concentrate, 316
Cognitive defusion, 341–342 effective, 314, 318
exercise, 342 external distractions, minimizing, 323–325
Cognitive distortions, 298–300 focus outward in nervousness, 319
Cognitive functioning, physical activity and, 544 here and now for, 315
Cognitive-mediational model, 387 individual differences, 318
Cognitive motivational relational theory (CMRT), 211 loss of, 317
Cognitive phase of learning, 20–21, 25t major component of, 314
Cognitive restructuring, 300–302 optimal, 315
Cognitive Sport Psychology (Straub/ Williams), 6 problems, 318
Cognitive theory of goal-setting, 194 process versus outcome, 319–320
Cohesion, 371 shifting attention, 317
defined, 124 strategies to stay focused, 325–329
Collective ethos, 112 types of, 316, 316f
Collins, Patricia Hill, 410 Concentration breathing, 226
Communication, 139–152 Confidence, 278–304
assertiveness training, 151–152 defined, 279
athlete-athlete communications, 148–149 explanatory style, 283–284
coach-athlete communications, 145–148 imagery, 262
coach-coach communications, 145 mental toughness, 279–281
coach-team communications, 144–145 misconceptions, 281–283
contextual factors, 140 optimism, 280
credibility, 142, 143 psychology of excellence, 284–285
defined, 140–141 self-awareness, 283
dynamic process, 141 self-efficacy, 280–281
empathy, 149–151 self-talk. See Self-talk
groups, 129, 143–148 thinking habits, 279
Johari window, 148 thought-performance link, 282–283
listening, 149–151 Confidence management, 231
misunderstandings, 144 Conscious processing hypothesis (CPH),
respect, 142 219–220
trust, 141 Constant conditions, 29
Communication within team, 371 Constructive conflict management, 116
Community, 140 Contextual interference, 27
COMPASS, 147 Contingencies, 41
Competence, 59 Continuous schedule of reinforcement, 47
Index  567

Contract system, 466 D

Controllability, 246, 247, 258, 259 Dalai Lama, 433
Controlled motivation, 65, 67f Defusion, 341
Controlling interpersonal style, 90 Deliberate practice, 24
Cook, Emily, 264 Demeanor, 110, 111
Coping audio/video files, 303–304 Depression, 434, 477
Coping strategies, peak performance, 165–166 physical activity and, 543
Counselor-client relationship, 361 DeRozan, DeMar, 2
Countering, 297 D.E.S.C. method, 111–112, 151–152
CPA. See Canadian Psychological Association Dewey, John, 140
(CPA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders,
Creatine supplementation, 456 Fifth Edition, 434
Creativity, 166 Diaphragm, 225
Credible coaches, 107, 142, 143 Diaphragmatic breathing, 226–227
Crenshaw, Kimberleì, 410 Dichotomous binaries, 416
Crisis-coping educational interventions, 535–536 Diem, Carl, 3
Critical race theory, 89 Dier, Eric, 130
Cross-country skiing, 163f Differential progressive relaxation (PR), 228
CSAI-2. See Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 Differential relaxation, 212
(CSAI-2) Diggins, Jessie, 320, 325
CSPA. See Canadian Sport Psychology Association Disability sport psychology, 419
(CSPA) Disassociate from fatigue, 232
Cultural adaptation interventions, 535 Disconnected values model (DVM), 467–468, 468f
Cultural blindness, 423 Discriminative stimuli, 41
Cultural competence, 420–422, 423 Disempowering motivational climate, 70, 71f
for sport psychology professionals, 422–423 Dishman, Rod, Dr., 542
Cultural destructiveness, 423 Dispositional hope, 165
Cultural diversity Distorted thinking, 298–300
in exercise and physical activity, 413 Distractions control plan, 376
physicality and, 419–420 Diuretics, 455
in sport, 412–413 Diversification, 22
in sport psychology, 414 Doping, 442–443, 451–469. See also Drug use
Cultural identities, multiple, 410 anecdotal evidence on, 457–458
Cultural incapacity, 423 antidoping policy, rationale for, 452
Culturally competent communication, 422 behavioral contracting, use of, 466
Cultural praxis of athletes’ careers, 523, 531–532 behavioral strategies for, 463–465
Cultural precompetence, 423 blood, 455–456
Cultural proficiency, 423 cognitive approaches to, 463–465
Cultural sport psychology, 9, 420 conceptual models and predictors, 462
Cultural transitions, 529–530 definition of, 452
Culture, 410 education-based prevention programs, 463–464
definition of, 410 erythropoietin use, 456
gender and, 410, 411 ethical issues, 464
Curry, Stephen, 57 extent of, 457–460
Cusp catastrophe model, 218–219, 218f models for reducing of, 467–468
Cycle of Leadership, The (Tichy), 114 motivational interviewing, 465
568  Index

Doping (continued) Ego involvement, 49

physical causes, 460 Ego-involving climate, 61, 63
policies, development of, 465–466 Ego-oriented motivational climate, 49
prevention approach, 462–463 Eightfold Path, 336
professional counseling, 464–465 Electroencephalography (EEG), 327
psychological causes, 460–461 Ellis, Albert, 298
scientific evidence on, 458–460 Emotional intelligence, 104
social causes, 461–462 Emotionally intelligent leadership, 104
substances banned, 452–457 Emotion charades, 345
support group, use of, 466 Emotion-focused coping, 220
theory of planned behavior, 462 Emotive imagery, 508
WADA on, 451, 452–457, 459–460 Empathetic accuracy, 151
Dorrance, Anson, 101 Empathetic listeners, 151
Double-edged crutch, 505 Empathetic understanding, 150
Dress rehearsal, 323 Empathy, 104, 149–151
Drive theory, 216 Empowering motivational climate, 70, 71f
Drucker, Peter, 106 Empowerment, 106, 112
Drug use, 451. See also Doping Encourage, 150
anabolic steroids, 453–454 Energizing approaches to stress management,
beta-adrenergic blockers, 454–455 231–232
caffeine, 455 Energizing imagery, 232
creatine, 456 Energizing verbal cues, 232
disconnected values model for, 467–468, 468f Energy management, 263, 371
diuretics, 455 Energy Room (imagery exercise), 263
ethical issues, 452 Enjoyment, 167
medical and psychological problems, 452 Entity theorists, 90
meldonium, 455 EPO. See Erythropoietin (EPO)
narcotic analgesics, 454 Epstein, Mark, 336
performance-enhancing drugs, 452 Error correction, 24, 30–31
physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive Error identification and diagnosis, 30–31
signs of, 464, 465t Errors in performance, 30, 30f
pyramiding, 454 Erythropoietin (EPO), 456
recreational drugs, 452 Ethics, 10–11
stacking, 454 European Federation of Sport Psychology
stimulants, 454 (FEPSAC), 5
Dual career (DC) development, 526 European Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes, 526
Dumb-jock stereotype, 89 Evaluative feedback, 145
Durand-Bush, Natalie, 8 Evert, Chris, 159, 250
DVM. See Disconnected values model (DVM) Evidence based coach-training programs, 386–404
achievement goal theory, 391–392
E behavioral guidelines, 398–401
Eating disorders, 440–442 CET program, 390–391
Ego-approach goal, 61, 62 coaching behaviors, measurement of, 388–389,
Ego-avoidance goal, 61, 62 388t
Ego climate, 393 coaching behaviors and children’s reactions,
Ego-involved athlete, 59, 61 389–390
Index  569

credibility and persuasiveness, 399–401 Feedback

developing training programs, 387–395 associative phase of learning, 22–23
didactic procedures, 398–399 athlete leadership development, 112–113
efficacy of intervention programs, assessment of, coach-athlete communication, 145
390–391 goal-setting, 199, 201, 202f
MAC interventions, 393–395, 394t motor skill learning, 31–33
modeling, 401 positive approach to coaching, 49–53
motivational climate, 392–393 role clarity, 116
orientation to psychology of coaching, 396 self-fulfilling prophecy theory, 81–83
philosophy of winning, 396–397 Feedback sheets, 181f, 183
positive learning environment, 395–396 Feltz, Deborah, 6, 8
presenting empirical results, 397 Females. See also Gender
role playing, 401 expectancy bias, 87
self-awareness and compliance with coaching 5-to-1 count (rhythmic breathing), 226
guidelines, 401 Fixation, 22
theoretical model and research paradigm, Flanagan, Shalane, 2
387–388 Flow, 161–162
Evidence-based practice, 386–387. See also Evidence Focus
based coach-training programs awareness, and, 176–177
Exercise psychology, growth of field of, 11 imagery and, 261–262
Exercise-related identities, 548. See also Identity- mental toughness, and, 280
centered approach; Physical activity (PA) Focusing skills, exercises for improving of, 328
Expectancy-performance process, 78–85 Focus training, 327
Expected sensory consequences, 22 Follow-up, goal-setting, 201
Explanatory style, 283–284 Ford, Henry, 278
External imagery perspective, 247 Formal role, 127
External locus of control, 70 Foundation skills, 371, 371t
Externally paced skills, 370 Four Noble Truths, 336
External-oriented behaviors, 107 Four Olves, 152
External regulation, 67, 67f Frankenstein’s syndrome, 457
External world, athlete’s, 375 Functional equivalence, 251
Extinction, 42 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Extrinsic motivation, 48, 67, 67f research, 345
Extrinsic rewards, 68, 69–70
Gallwey, Tim, 287
F Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), 457
Faded feedback, 32 Garrido, Augie, 179
Failure into success, turning of, 327 Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Failure-oriented athletes, 194, 203 national survey, 416
Fairness, 299 Gender
Fake honesty, 146 and culture in sport, 411
Fallacy of fairness, 299 scholarship, 415
Fasting, Kari, 417 and sexuality, 415–417
Fear, 43 and sport, 411–412
Fear-of-failure syndrome, 298 stereotypes, 88–89, 415
570  Index

Gender-biased coaches, 87 Grid exercise, 328

Gender-related stereotypes, 88–89 Griffith, Coleman, 3
Geron, Ema, 5 Group cohesion, 123–129. See also Sport team
Gill, Diane, 8 Group goals, 190
Goal achievement card, 202f Group goals and rewards, 129
Goal orientations, 392 Group integration, 125
Goal perspectives, 59 Groupness, 123
Goal(s), 189–190 Group norms, 128–129
Goal setting, 189–204, 435 Guest speakers, 467
coaches, 200–201
cognitive theory, 194
common problems, 201–203
Hall, Ruth, 418
contract, 199
Hallucinogens, 454
effectiveness research, 190
Hamm, Mia, 503
feedback, 199, 201, 202f
Handbook of Disability Sport & Exercise Psychology
follow-up/evaluation phase, 201
(Jeff Martin), 419
goal-achievement strategies, 199
Hanh, Thich Nhat, 336
goal staircase, 197f
Harrington, Padraig, 293
group goals, 190, 200
Harris, Dorothy, 5
importance, 190–191
Harrison, Robert, 8
life skills goal-setting programs, 194–195
Hazing, 122–123
log book/notebook, 199
Healing imagery, 508
mechanistic theory, 193
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL), 544–545
meeting phase, 200–201
Heroin, 454
moderately difficult but realistic goals,
HGH. See Human growth hormone (HGH)
Highlight videos, 304
outcome goals, 190, 196
Holistic ecological perspective, 521
performance goals, 190, 196
Holistic lifespan perspective, 521
performance-oriented vs. failureoriented
Holtz, Lou, 114
athletes, 194, 203
Homophobia, 416
planning phase, 200
Horton,Tim, 502
positive goals, 198
HRQoL. See Health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
practice goals, 198
Hubbard, Alfred, 3
process goals, 190, 196
Human adaptation to transition model, 527
short-range/long-range goals, 196
Human growth hormone (HGH), 456–457
stress management, and, 230
Humorous anecdotes, use of, 400
support from significant others, 199
supportive goal-setting atmosphere, 204
target dates, 198–199 I
technique-related, 204 Ice hockey, 2, 163f
time commitment, 204 “Ideal conditions,” 299
unrealistic goals, 203 Idealized influence, 103
Goal staircase, 197f Ideal self-image (ISI), 262
Goleman, Daniel, 104 Identified regulation, 67, 67f
Golf Is a Game of Confidence (Rotella), 287 Identity achievement, 371
Grange, Pippa, Dr., 130 Identity-behavior link, 547–549
Index  571

Identity-centered approach, 542–554 Imaginary switch, idea of, 316

case studies, 546, 551–554 Immediate Anxiety Measurement Scale (IAMS), 215
physical activity. See Physical activity Impart, 145
Identity development interventions, 535 Implicit weight biases, 420
Identity issues, 439 Inappropriate praise, 89
Identity theory, 547 Inattentive listening, 149
Imagery, 244–277, 507, 508–509 Incremental theorists, 90
automating preperformance routines, 262 Individual imagery program, 266
basic training, 258 Individualized consideration, 103
bioinformational theory, 252 Individualized zone of optimal functioning (IZOF),
case studies, 266–268 162–164, 217
controllability, 246, 247, 258, 259 Informal role, 127
defined, 244–245 Information gathering (stress management),
energizing, 232 221–222
energy management, 263 Injuries, 492–511
evaluation questionnaire, 274–277 case study, 493, 501
functional equivalence, 251 cognitive appraisal models, 499t, 500–503, 500f
individual imagery program, 266 goals in rehabilitation process, use of, 509
injuries, 264 history of stressors, 495
internal/external perspectives, 247 imagery, 264, 508–509
ISI exercise, 262 interventions, 497–498
mental focus, 261–262 models to explain reaction to injury, 499t
mental readiness, 252 personality and coping resources, 495–497
mental training tool, 246–247 potentially dangerous attitudes, 503–504
mistakes, 261 predisposing factors, 492–497
negative aspects of, 252–253 psychological reactions to, 498–499
for pain management, 508 psychological rehabilitation strategies, 507–508
polysensory experience, 245–246 relaxation training, 509–510
practicing performance strategies, 261 social support in rehabilitation, 504–506
preparatory strategy, as, 248–249 stress-injury model, 492–495
as re-creating/creating, 245 whole-person philosophy, 504–506
during rehabilitation, 508–509 The Inner Circle, 466
sample imagery script, 273 Inner dialogues, 507–508
self-awareness, 259–260, 264 Inspirational anecdotes, 110–111
self-confidence, 262 Inspirational motivation, 103
self-talk, 291–292 Inspire, 145
setting up imagery training program, 253–256 Instructional technology, use of, 398
strategies to enhance imagery practice, Integrated Model of Flow and Clutch States, 161
264–265 Intellectual stimulation, 103
stress management, 229, 263–264 Intentions, and attention, 322
symbolic images, 256 Interactionism paradigm, 5
team imagery program, 265–266 Internal imagery perspective, 247
technology, and, 266 Internal world, athlete’s, 375
verbal triggers, 256 International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
vividness, 246, 258–259 420
when to use it, 264–265 International Olympic Committee (IOC), 451
572  Index

International Society of Sport Psychology Leadership, 100–117, 371–372

(ISSP), 4, 422 athlete leadership development, 108–114
Interpersonal competence, 371 authentic, 112
Interpersonal conflict, 143–144 captain’s weekly monitoring sheet, 113–114
Interpersonal mindfulness, 344–346 coach leadership development, 105–107
Intersectionality, 410 development, 102
Intrinsic motivation, 48, 67, 67f emotionally intelligent, 104
Introjected regulation, 67, 67f, 548 importance, 101
Inverted-U hypothesis, 216–217, 216–217f leadership partnership, 109
Invisible knapsack, 414 optimal leadership behaviors, 105–106
Irrational beliefs, 298, 300 seven secrets of successful coaches, 107
ISI exercise, 262 team captains leadership model, 109–110, 110f
IZOF. See Individualized zone of optimal functioning team leadership development, 114–117
(IZOF) transformational, 103–104
IZOF iceberg profile, 163f what it “is”/“is not,” 105
Leadership of self, 112
J Leadership partnership, 109
Jackson, Phil, 341, 345 Learner-regulated feedback, 32
Job-person fit model of burnout, 481 Ledecky, Katie, 314
Johari window, 148 Lehigh wrestling covenant, 115, 115f
Johnson, Ben, 457 Lendl, Ivan, 302
Johnson-Thompson, Katarina, 505 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual (LGBT)
Jones, Bobby, 295 athletes, 416–417, 439–440
Jones, Marianne, 451 Lesgaft, P. F., 3
Journaling, 183, 187–188 Life development interventions, 535
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 377 Life skills goal-setting programs, 194–195
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 9, 420 Lifestyle management interventions, 535
Journal of Sport Psychology, 5 “Like playing possessed, yet in complete control,” 160
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 533 Listening, 149–151
Judgmental labeling, 299 Lloyd, Carli, 244
Junior-to-senior transition (JST), 527–528 Locus of control, 70
Long distance runners, 232
K Love, Kevin, 2
Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 337
Kahneman, Daniel, 386 M
Kim, Rodney, Jr., 122, 123 MAC. See Mastery approach to coaching (MAC)
Kinesiology, 2, 5 Maladaptive commitment, 480
Kinesthetic sense, 246 Management-by-crisis approach, 466
King, Billie Jean, 59 Mandel, Arnold, 6
Kleiber, Carlos, 314 Manipulating task/practice variables, 33, 34t
Kypreos, Nick, 492 Mantra, 227
Martens, Rainer, 6
L Martin, Jeff, 419
Labeling, 299 Mastery approach to coaching (MAC), 132, 393–395,
Landers, Dan, 6 394t, 396, 398–401
Lapchick, Richard, 412 Mastery audio/video files, 303–304
Index  573

Mastery climate, 392 interpersonal, 344–346

Mastery imagery, 508 MAC program, 338
Mastery-oriented motivational climate, 48–49 meditation, 342
Mastery-oriented team climate, 90–91 psychological skills relevant to sport, 338
Mayweather, Floyd, 525 research support for, 338–339
McGuire, Mark, 456 The 3-Second Rule, 344
McIlroy, Rory, 59 sport performance, influences on, 339
McIntosh, Peggy, 414 in sport psychology, 337–338
Mechanistic theory of goal-setting, 193 theory of ironic processes of mental control, 337
Meditation, 227–228 third wave of behavioral and cognitive therapies,
Meldonium, 455 337
Mental focus, 261–262. See also Focus traditional psychological skills training and, 337
Mental links to excellence, 165 in Western psychology and medicine, 337
Mental practice, 248. See also Imagery Mindfulness-Acceptance- Commitment (MAC)
Mental preparation, 169 program, 338, 339–340
Mental Readiness Form (MRF), 215 The Mindfulness App, 343
Mental rehearsal, 325 Mindfulness Meditation Training in Sport 2.0 (MMTS
Mental skills, for athletes, 371–372, 371t 2.0), 340
foundation skills, 371, 371t Mindfulness training, 162
performance skills, 371, 371t Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness and
personal development skills, 371, 371t Knowledge (mPEAK), 340–341
team skills, 371–372, 371t Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE),
Mental toughness, 167–168, 279–281 340
Mental training programs. See Psychological skills Mindful stretching, 343
training program Mindlessness, 335
Messi, Lionel, 65 Mind-to-muscle techniques, 223
Meta-awareness, 341 Mistake ritual, 376–377
Metaphor self-generation method, 164 Mistakes, 43, 44, 53, 261
Mickelson, Phil, 250 Misunderstandings, 144
Microaggressions, 419 Mitchell, Michele, 328
Military programs, 12 Modeling effect, 462
Millman, Dan, 334 Models of sport psychology delivery and practice
Mind-altering drugs. See Hallucinogens cognitive-behavioral consultation model, 359
Mindful body scan, 343 educational model, 359
Mindful breathing, 342–343 individual zones of optimal functioning, 359
Mindfulness, 162, 183, 317–318, 334–348, 354 life development intervention, 359
applications, 335 periodization of mental training, 359
awareness of myths while teaching, 346–347 resonance performance model, 359
benefits of, to athletes, 339 sport psychology service delivery heuristic,
in Buddhist philosophy, 336–337 358–359
cognitive defusion, 341–342 Momentary muscle relaxation exercises, 228
and culture, 336–337 Momentary relaxation, 224–225
doing with athletes, 341–344 Monitor, 145
formal mindfulness-based approaches, 339–341 Mood states, and injury risk, 496
goals of, 346 Moran, Aidan, 315
and inner experiences, 335 Morgan, Bill, 5, 8
574  Index

Morphine, 454 Narrow-internal drills, 321

Moses, Edwin, 457 Narrow-to-broad external drills, 321
Motivation, 57–71, 104 Narrow-to-broad internal drill, 322
achievement goals, 59–65 NASPSPA. See North American Society for the
autonomous vs. controlled, 65, 67, 67f Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
autonomy supportive vs. socially supportive (NASPSPA)
coaching`, 68, 69, 71 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA),
ego approach vs. ego avoidance, 61, 62 122
extrinsic, 67, 67f National Collegiate Athletic Association study of
extrinsic rewards, 68, 69–70 substance use (NCAA), 459
intrinsic, 67, 67f National Institute of Clinical Excellence, 441
motivational climate, 62–63, 66t National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report
SDT, 65–69 Series, 454
TARGET structures/strategies, 66t National Youth Sports Coaches Association program,
task involvement vs. ego involvement, 59–60, 61, 402
66t NCAA. See National Collegiate Athletic Association
Motivation, self-determined, 479 (NCAA)
Motivational climate(s), 48–49, 63–64, 66t, 392–393 NCAA Life Skills program, 502
conceptualization, 70 Neck and shoulder check, 228
disempowering, 70, 71f Need thwarting, 69
empowering, 70, 71f Negative identity, 439
Motivational interviewing (MI), 465 Negative norms, 129
Motor program, 20 Negative perfectionism, 461
Motor skill learning, 19–36 Negative performance-enhancing emotion, 162–163
associative phase of learning, 21–23, 25t Negative performance-impairing emotion, 162, 163
autonomous phase, 23–24, 25t Negative reinforcement, 42
cognitive phase, 20–21, 25t Neurofeedback training (NFT), 327
error correction, 24, 30–31 NFT. See Neurofeedback training (NFT)
feedback, 31–33 Nideffer, Robert, 315
manipulating task/practice variables, 33, 34t Nightmare Season, The (Mandel), 6
motor learning, defined, 19–20 Nonverbal communication, 146
overview, 20f Norms, 128–129
Movement-related feedback, 33 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport
Multicultural Guidelines: An Ecological Approach to and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), 4–5
Context, Identity, and Intersectionality, 2017, 410
Multicultural psychology, 409–410 O
Multidimensional anxiety theory (MAT), 217–218 Obese individuals, stigmatization of, 419–420
Multimodal mental training interventions, 249 Objective performance feedback, 50
Multimodal stress management techniques, 229 Off-season norms, 128
Murphy, Shane, 7 Ogilvie, Bruce, 4, 8
Muscle-to-mind techniques, 223 Oglesby, Carole, 5, 10
“Must” statements, 300 Okafor, Jahlil, 2
Olympic wrestlers, thoughts and cognitions of, 376
N One Minute Drill, the, 145, 146
Narcotic analgesics, 454 1:2 ratio (rhythmic breathing), 226
Narrow-external drills, 320 One-trial generalizations, 300
Index  575

Online mental training, 361 organizational stress, 169

Open-door policy, 146, 148 parents and family members, 168–169
Open-ended questions, 150 psychological profile, 170t
Open skills, 22 questionnaires, 164–165
Opium, 454 sport intelligence, 165
Optimism, 280 team chemistry, 168
Optimistic explanatory style, 283–284 Pedroia, Dustin, 451
Organizational stress, 169 Peer leadership, 108–114, 126
Organization stressors, 211 Peer pressure, 461
Other-referenced, 49 Perceptual-cognitive skills, 371
Ottawa Mental Skill Assessment Tool (OMSAT-3), Perceptual flexibility/inflexibility, 80, 92t
165, 367 Perfectionism, 298
Outcome goals, 190, 196 Perfectionist, 461
Overreaching state, 477 Performance contract, 466
Overtraining, 477–478, 482t Performance edge, 180
Overtraining syndrome, 477–478 Performance enhancement, 434–435
Over-verbalization, 288 Performance-enhancing drugs, 442, 451, 452
Performance errors, 30, 30f
P Performance evaluation card, 202f
PA. See Physical activity (PA) Performance feedback, 49–53. See also Feedback
Pacquiao, Filipino Manny, 525 Performance feedback sheet, 181f
Paralysis by analysis, 220, 288 Performance goals, 190, 196
Paraphrase, 150 Performance-oriented team climate, 90
Parham, William, 421–422 Performance-oriented vs. failureoriented athletes, 194,
Partial schedule of reinforcement, 47 203
Part practice, 24–26, 26f Performance profiling, 368–369, 368f
PASD. See Physical activity self-definition model Performance skills, 371, 371t
(PASD) Performance success, 129
Passive progressive relaxation (PR), 227, 228 Performance team, 370
Pavlovian conditioning, 323 Performing skills vs. experiencing skills, 178–179
Peak performance, 159–169, 374. See also Goal Permanence, 283
setting Personal development skills, 371, 371t
coaching, 168–169 Personal-disclosure mutual-sharing (PDMS), 132
coping strategies, 165–166 Personal highlight films, 145
defined, 159 Personal highlight videos, 304
flow, 161–162 Personality traits, and injury risk, 495–496
goal-setting, 189–204. See also Goal-setting Personalization, 283, 300
IZOF, 162–164 Personal stressors, 211–212
mental links to excellence, 165 Person cues, 79
mental preparation, 169 Pervasive dissatisfaction, 336
mental skills, 170t Pervasiveness, 283
mental skills training, 169, 170 Phelps, Michael, 57, 250, 278, 287
mental toughness, 167–168 Phoenix, Cassandra, 9
metaphor self-generation method, 164 Physical activity (PA). See also Exercise psychology
mind and body, 159–160 anxiety and, 543–544
mindfulness, 162 cognitive functioning and, 544
576  Index

Physical activity (PA) (continued) variable, 29–30

and depression, 543 whole vs. part, 24–26
future directions, 545–546 Practice goals, 198
identity theory, 547 Praise, inappropriate, 89
psychological benefits of, 542–543 Pre-competition plan, 222, 222f
quality of life and, 544–545 Preparatory imagery, 248–249
self-schema theory, 547 Preperformance routine, 262
and stress, 545 Presence, and attunement, 345
Physical activity identity, constructing, 549–550 Previous experience strategy, 323
Physical activity self-definition model (PASD), 550–551 Proactive behavior, 223
Physicality, 419 Problem Athletes and How to Handle Them (Ogilvie/
and cultural diversity, 419–420 Tutko), 4
Pinella, Lou, 177 Problem-focused stress management strategies,
Pitino, Rick, 504 221–223
Planning, 222 Problem solving, 222–223
Play It Smart, 12 Process cues, 320
Polarized thinking, 298 Process goals, 190, 196
Positive action-oriented self-statements, 303 Processing efficiency theory (PET), 219
Positive approach to coaching Productive perfectionism, 165
cornerstone, 45 Productive thinking, 371
performance feedback, 49–53 Professional organizations, 4–5, 7
practical guidelines, 53t Progressive-part practice, 25, 26f
Positive Coaching Alliance, 402 Progressive relaxation (PR), 227, 228, 238–240
Positive control, 42 Prohibited medications, 444
Positive goals, 198 Proprioceptive control, 21
Positive internal self-evaluation, 48 Psychic self-regulation, 3–4
Positive performance-enhancing emotion, 162 Psychological characteristics of peak performance,
Positive performance-impairing emotion, 162 159–169. See also Peak performance
Positive reinforcement, 45–49 Psychological interventions, 1
case study, 46 Psychological Skills Inventory for Sport (PSIS), 165
defined, 41–42 Psychological skills training program, 357–381
intrinsic motivation, 48 application to other settings, 377
motivational climate, 48–49 beneficiary of, 359–360
practical guidelines, 53t case study, 375
reinforcers, 45 coach-administered programs, 360
reinforcing effort/desirable behaviors, 47–48 demands of the sport and, 370
schedules and timing of reinforcement, 47 discuss the approach, 365
shaping, 46–47 effectiveness of interventions, 358–359
target behaviors, 45–46 ethical considerations, 378–379
Positive sandwich technique, 106–107 flexible and individualized approach, 374
Positive social influence techniques, 147 goal-setting and journal assignments, 374
Potential reinforcers, 45 importance of mental training, emphasizing,
Power relations, 410 365–366
Practice, 24–30 and mindfulness, 337
blocked vs. random, 26–29 models of sport psychology delivery, 358–359
deliberate, 24 one-shot/occasional, 363
Index  577

online mental training, 361 negative side effects, 43–44

overview, 357–358 response cost, 42, 44
person delivering training program, 360–362 PyeongChang Olympic Games (2018), 2
potential problem areas, 379 Pygmalion-prone vs. non-Pygmalionprone coaches, 78,
practical pointers for coaches, 373–378 91–92t
practice before teaching, 377–378 Pyramiding, 454
pre-competition and competition plans, 374–376
program evaluation, 372–373 Q
psychological skills objectives and outcomes, 372t Qiaobo, Ye, 458
psychological strengths/ weaknesses, assessment Quality of life, physical activity and, 544–545
of, 366–370 Questioning, 150
readiness for psychological skills training, 360 Questioning approach (feedback), 33
responding to errors, 376–377 Quick body scan, 228
self-regulation, 364–365
setting up program, 364–370 R
skills included in program, 370–372, 371t Race and ethnicity, 417–419
skills practice by athletes, 363 athlete-athlete communication, 149
special training sessions, 363 stereotypes, 88–89
sport performance, positive effects on, 358 Racial and Gender Report Cards, 412, 413
systematic observations, 378 Radical candor, 143
teach by example and self-monitor, 378 RAE. See Relative age effect (RAE)
time for implementing training, 362–363 Random practice, 27, 28f
time spent in mental training, 363–364 Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), 230, 300
unreceptive athletes, 366 Recovery, 478
what, why, when, and how of mental skills Recreational drugs, 452, 460. See also Hallucinogens
training, 373–374 Reduction stress management strategies, 223–229
young developing athletes and, 359, 362 Referral for counseling, 433–446
Psychological strengths/weaknesses, assessment of, alcohol and substance abuse, 442–443
366–370 anger and aggression control, 443
initial interview, 366–367 eating disorders, 440–442
Orlick’s semi-structured interview, 366–367 identity issues, 439
paper and pencil questionnaires, 367 initiating referral process, 436–438
performance profiling, 368–369, 368f issues and need for referral, 435–436
written feedback, 367 performance and personal issues, 434–436
Psychological techniques, 357, 358. See also professional development tasks for practitioners
Psychological skills training program and students, 444–445
Psychology of Athletics (Griffith), 3 referrals not working well, 438–439
Psychology of Coaching (Griffith), 3, 41 referring in, 436
Psychology of excellence, 284–285 romantic and family relationship issues, 443–444
Psychomotor stimulants, 454 sex- and health-related issues, 440
Psychosocial development, 523 sexual orientation and abusive environments,
Psychosocial stress, 478–479 439–440
Puni, A. Z., 3 Reflect, 150
Punishment Reflective listening, 150
aversive, 42, 43–44 Refocusing plan, 376
negative reinforcement, compared, 42 Reframing, 297–298
578  Index

Rehabilitation, injury risk and, 492–511. See also Role(s), 127–128

Injuries Role satisfaction, 128t
Reinforce, 145 Rondo, Rajon, 23
Reinforcement Rose, Russ, 145
negative, 42 Rotella, Bob, 287
positive. See Positive reinforcement
schedules of, 47 S
Reinforcement contingencies, 45 Sandwich approach (feedback), 32f
Reinforcement schedules, 47 SCAPPS. See Canadian Society for Psychomotor
Relationship problems, 443–444 Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS)
Relations-oriented behaviors, 107 Schedules of reinforcement, 47
Relative age effect (RAE), 87 Schema theory, 29
Relaxation exercises, 375 Schilling, Curt, 503
Relaxation response, 227 Schultz, Mike, 500
The Relaxation Response (Herbert Benson), 337 Scouting report, 178
Relaxation techniques, 485 SDT. See Self-determination theory (SDT)
autogenic training, 228–229, 241–243 Self-awareness, 104, 259–260, 264, 283, 371. See also
breathing exercises, 225–227 Awareness
meditation, 227–228 Self-confidence, 166, 371
momentary muscle relaxation exercises, 228 Self-defeating thoughts, 296t
momentary relaxation, 224–225 Self-determination continuum, 67f
progressive relaxation, 227, 228, 238–240 Self-determination theory (SDT), 65–69, 70, 479–480,
visualization, 228–229 482–483t
Repeated blocked practice, 28f, 29 Self-determined extrinsic motivation regulations, 68
Repetitive-part practice, 25–26, 26f Self-efficacy, 280–281, 290
Research, 6–8 Self-enhancement model of self-esteem, 390
Respect, 142 Self-enhancing thoughts, 296t
Response characteristics, 252 Self-esteem, 279
Response cost, 42, 44 Self-esteem, low, 461, 464
Restructuring stress management strategies, 230–231 Self-fulfilling prophecy theory, 77–92
Retrospection, 291 attribution, 83, 85
Reward power, 45 coach-athlete interactions, 81
Rhetorical questions, 400 coach’s expectations, 79–81
Rhythmic breathing, 226 coach’s interpersonal style, 90
Roadmap, 106 entity vs. incremental perspective, 90
Rockne, Knute, 1, 3 expectancy-performance process, 78–85
Rodriguez, Alex, 451, 458 feedback, 81–83
Roid rage, 453 maturation rates, 86–87
Role acceptance, 116, 128t performance-oriented vs. masteryoriented team
Role ambiguity, 127, 128t climate, 90–91
Role clarity, 116 Pygmalion-prone vs. non-Pygmalion-prone
Role conflict, 128t coaches, 78, 91–92t
Role efficacy, 128t quantity/quality of instruction, 81
Role identity, 116 RAE, 87
Role overload, 128t stereotyping, 88–89
Role performance, 128t Self-handicapping, 63
Index  579

Self-monitoring, 182, 401 Sighing with exhalation, 226

Self-paced skills, 370 Signal light analogy, 182, 183f
Self-regulation:, 104 Silva, John, 8
Self-regulation, in mental training program, 364–365 Simmonds, Lizzi, 519, 530
commitment to change, 364 Simulated competition experiences, 323–325
execution of self-regulated change, 364 Skill, 22
generalization, 365 Skill analysis, 30
manage the environment, 365 Slatter-Hammel, Arthur, 5
problem identification, 364 Slogans, 302
Self-regulation training, 3–4 Smith, Brett, 9
Self-schema theory, 547 Sochi Olympic Games (2014), 2
Self-talk, 285–304, 435, 507 Socially supportive coaching, 68, 70, 71
ABC cognitive restructuring, 300–302 Social reinforcers, 45
affect/mood, 289–290 Social skills, 104
affirmation statements, 302–303 Social support, 497
attention control, 289 in rehabilitation process, 504–406
changing bad habits, 288–289 stress management, 221
changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts, SOLER, 150
294–296 Solomon expectancy sources scale (SESS), 79
coping audio/video files, 303–304 Somatic anxiety, 213
countering, 297 Sparkes, Andrew, 9
exercise behavior, 290–291 SPC. See Sport psychology consultant (SPC)
highlight videos, 304 Spink and Carron team building approach, 130–131
imagery, 291–292 Sport Anxiety Scale, 367
mastery audio/video files, 303–304 Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2), 214
reframing, 297–298 Sport Competition Anxiety Test, 367
retrospection, 291 Sport-confidence model, 279
self-confidence, 290 Sport entrapment, 480
self-efficacy, 290 Sport ethic, 503–504
self-talk log, 292 Sport imagery evaluation, 274–277
skill acquisition, 288 Sport intelligence, 165
stress, and, 230 Sport journal, 183, 187–188
thought stoppage, 293–294 Sport muscle check, 228
Self-talk log, 292, 295 Sport psychologist
Seven secrets of successful coaches, the, 107 AASP certification, 10
Sexual abuse, 440 training, 10
Sexual harassment, 417 Sport Psychologist, The, 550
Sexuality, 415–417 Sport psychology
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 440 applied, 1, 2
Sexual orientation, 439–440 Eastern Europe, 3–4
Sexual prejudice in sport, 416 ethical standards, 10–11
Shaping, 46–47 functions, 1
Sharapova, Maria, 455 future directions, 11–12
Shared vision, 143 historical overview, 2–12
“Should” statements, 300 job market, 11
Siegel, Daniel, 345 professional associations, 4–5, 7
580  Index

Sport psychology (continued) Stereotype threat, 418

research, 6–8 Stereotype threat theory, 89
women trailblazers, 10 Steroids use, 453–454, 458
Sport Psychology Academy (SPA), 5 Stimulant drugs, 454
Sport psychology books, 8 Stimulus characteristics, 252
Sport psychology consultant (SPC), 360–362. See also Stimulus control, 41
Psychological skills training program Strahan, Michael, 282
clinical and educational approach, 365 Stress, 210–243
and coach meetings, 360–361 ACT, 219
consultant-client relationship, 361, 362 arousal and activation, 212
contact with athletes, 365 and athlete burnout, 477, 478
important characteristics, 361 awareness and, 180–183
relationships with athletes, 361 case studies, 231–233
selection of, 360 causes, 211–212
successful SPC, 361 CMRT, 211
Sport-specific video games, 325 competitive anxiety, 212–213
Sport team, 122–133 CPH, 219–220
cohesion, 123–129 cusp catastrophe model, 218–219, 218f
communication, 129, 144–149 drive theory, 216
competitive state anxiety, 126 emotion-focused coping, 220
defined, 123 energizing approaches to stress management,
environmental factors, 125 231–232
example (Toronto Maple Leafs), 132–133 imagery, 263–264
group integration, 125 and injury, 492–497
groupness, 123 inverted-U hypothesis, 216–217, 216–217f
group processes, 129 MAT, 217–218
imagery, 265–266 measuring stress-related symptoms, 214–215
leadership, 114–117, 126 PET, 219
norms, 128–129 physical activity and, 545
overview, 124t problem-focused stress management strategies,
performance outcome, 129 221–223
personal factors, 125–126 psychosocial, 478–479
proximity, 125 reduction stress management strategies,
roles, 127–128 223–229
satisfaction, 126 restructuring interventions, 230–231
team building, 130–132 ZOF, 217
team leadership development, 114–117 Stress inoculation training, 229
team size, 125 Stress management training, 229
Stacking, 454 Stretching exercises with mindful focus, 343
Stages of change model, 360 Student-athlete
Staley, Dawn, 100 athlete-athlete communications, 148–149
State anxiety, 214 athlete leadership development, 108–114
Stereotype(s), 415, 418 coach-athlete communications, 145–148
African American athletes, 88–89 Student-athlete leadership development, 108–114
dumb-jock, 89 Suarez, Luis, 507
gender, 88–89 Substance abuse, 442–443
Pygmalion-prone coach, 91t Success, definitions of, 392
Index  581

Summarize, 150 Traffic signal light analogy, 182, 183f

Summitt, Pat, 19, 116 Trait anxiety, 214, 496
Superficial listening, 149 Trait-State Sport Confidence Inventory, 367
Superman (Adonis) complex, 461 Transfer, 27
Support group, 466 Transferring energy, 232
Symbolic images, 256 Transformational leadership, 103–104, 126
Sympathomimetic amines, 454 Troyan, Sue, 114
Trungpa, Chögyam, 336
T Trust, 141
TARGET structures/strategies, 66t Trust gap, 101
Task approach goal, 62–63 Tutko, Tom, 4
Task avoidance goal, 62–63 2 × 2 achievement goal model, 62
Task-involved athlete, 59, 61, 66t Tygart, Travis, 467
Task-involving coach-created environment, 63
Task-oriented behaviors, 107 U
Team, 123. See also Sport team UConn Rudd Center Website, 420
Team building, 115–116, 130–132, 143, 184 Uncertainty, 147
Team captains leadership model, 109–110, 110f Underrecovery, and overtraining syndrome, 478
Team commitment contract (Lehigh wrestling Unfairness, 299
covenant), 115, 115f United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA),
Team confidence, 371 467
Team goal-setting sessions, 115–116 United States Army, 12
Team imagery program, 265–266 United States Olympic Committee (USOC), 7
Team leadership development, 114–117 University of Connecticut (UConn), 122
Team skills, 371–372, 371t Unproductive perfectionism, 165
Technique-related goals, 204 Unrealistic goals, 203
Temporal model of cultural transition, 530 U.S. National BMX Cycling Team, 340
Tension sensation, 224
Test of Performance strategies (TOPS), 165 V
The First Tee, 12 Variable practice, 29
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 462 Verbal modeling cues, 401
The R’s, 177–178, 183 Verbal reinforcement, 45
Thompson, Jim, 2 Verbal triggers, 256
Thoughts, 334–335. See also Mindfulness Video games, 328–329
Thoughts-feelings-behavior link, 278–279, Visualization, 228–229
282–283 Visual rehearsal methods, 508
Thought stoppage, 293–294 Vividness, 246, 258–259
Thought stoppage and cognitive restructuring, Vonn, Lindsey, 244, 250
Tianlang, Guan, 20 W
Tichy, Noel, 114 WADA. See World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
TIC-TOC strategy, 327 Walker, Sam, 101
Tittel, Kurt, 4 Walsh, Erica, 146
Toronto Maple Leafs (team values), 132–133 Wambach, Abby, 542
Total relaxation, 224 Ware, Kevin, 504
TPB. See Theory of planned behavior (TPB) Weiss, Don, 461
Track and field, 222f Wellington, Chrissie, 245
582  Index

Werthner, Penny, 8 Worker-exerciser identities, 549

White, Kelli, 457, 467 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), 451, 452–457,
White privilege, 412, 414 459–460
Whole-person philosophy, 504–506 Wrinn, Abigail, 2
Whole practice, 25
Wilberg, Robert, 5
Wilhout, Julie, 178
Yates, Dorothy, 3
Williams, Christyn, 122
Young, Steve, 59
Williams, Helen, 40
Yow, Kay, 108
Williams, Jean, 6, 8, 9, 10
Williams, Roy, 189
Williams, Serena, 57 Z
Women coaches, 413 Zero-activation, 224
Wooden, John, 43, 48, 49–50, 117, 392, 396 ZOF. See Zone of optimal functioning (ZOF)
Worker burnout, 481. See also Athlete burnout Zone of optimal functioning (ZOF), 217

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