Presentation Anglais Ecovadis Infographique

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Big data can play a significant role in achieving global goals, such as sustainable development

and climate change mitigation. Companies like Ecovadis are using big data to drive
sustainability and social responsibility initiatives, which can have a positive impact on the
world. Here are some ways in which big data is helping Ecovadis achieve its sustainability
1. Data-driven sustainability assessments: Ecovadis uses big data to assess the
sustainability performance of over 75,000 suppliers worldwide. Their assessment
methodology uses a wide range of sustainability indicators, such as environmental
impact, labor and human rights, and ethical business practices. By using big data to
analyze supplier performance, Ecovadis can identify areas where suppliers can
improve and provide recommendations for sustainable practices.
2. Benchmarking and reporting: Ecovadis use big data to benchmark supplier
sustainability performance against industry peers and global standards. This data-
driven approach enables companies to set sustainability targets and track progress
towards achieving them. Ecovadis also provides companies with comprehensive
sustainability reports, which can be used to demonstrate compliance with global
sustainability standards.
3. Transparency and accountability: By using big data to monitor and report on
sustainability performance, companies can improve transparency and accountability
in their supply chains. This can help to identify areas of risk and drive positive change
towards sustainable practices.
By leveraging big data to drive sustainability initiatives, companies like Ecovadis are making
considerable progress toward achieving global goals. An infographic on the topic is attached
In conclusion, big data can help companies to achieve sustainability goals and contribute to
global initiatives like sustainable development and climate change mitigation. Companies like
Ecovadis are leading the way in using big data to drive sustainability initiatives and improve
the social and environmental impacts of their operations.
Stive :
Today, I would like to present to you an infographic that highlights the importance of
sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (RSE) in the business world. The
infographic is divided into three parts.
Raph :
Firstly, we must acknowledge the problem at hand. The United Nations has set 17 global
goals that aim to achieve sustainable development by 2030. However, obtaining indicators on
a company's involvement in sustainable development has proven difficult. Sustainable
development is the essential pillar of the 17 global goals. For instance, we have two plots
that illustrate the pollution levels of different companies. As we can see, it is challenging to
obtain large information about a company's engagement in sustainable development. This is
where Ecovadis comes in, as they allow for the RSE evaluation of companies.
Stive :
Secondly, Ecovadis uses big data to evaluate a company's RSE. By gathering information on a
company's practices, policies, and performance, Ecovadis creates a comprehensive report
that scores the company's RSE performance. As you can see here, (5 ronds)
Those grades allow the company to see its position between various other companies,
whether it can be dealing with the same sector or not.
Ecovadis has graduated so far ninety thousand (ta-ou-zend) companies. Keeping helping
them grow, with the objective to obtain better RSE grades and being more respectful of
sustainable development.
Thirdly, the RSE rating provided by Ecovadis allows companies to improve their sustainability
practices. The report identifies areas where the company can make improvements, and the
company can use this information to implement changes that will lead to a better RSE rating,
such as the policies used in the companies, the retailers and others.
In conclusion, it is important to acknowledge the significance of sustainable development
and corporate social responsibility in the business world. Ecovadis' RSE evaluation system
plays a crucial role in ensuring that companies are held accountable for their actions and
continuously work towards improving their sustainability practices.

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