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Operating Instructions

Network Disk Recorder

Model No. WJ-NX200K/G

Disk Re
corder WJ

Before attempting to connect or operate this product,

please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use.

The model number is abbreviated in some descriptions in this manual.

Preface........................................................................4 Configure the settings and operations relating to
About the user manuals..........................................4 the system [System management]........................66
Abbreviations..........................................................4 Register the licenses for the recorder and the
About the settings and operation of the additional camera [Registration of license]...........68
recorder ..................................................................4 Manage the hard disk drives [HDD management]....71
Restrictions when using this product......................5 How to display the "HDD management" page......71
Before using this product............................................7 Check the hard disk drive information
Motion detection (VMD) function............................7 [General]................................................................72
Time display of recorded images............................7 Format the hard disk drives [Format HDD]...........72
Response to the mouse operations........................7 About the removal process and the link process
Black screen displayed when playing recorded of hard disk drives.................................................73
images.....................................................................8 About the change of the HDD operational
Recording operation................................................8 mode.....................................................................74
Event type...............................................................8 Configure the settings relating to the extra functions
Configure the basic settings [Basic setup]..................9 [Extra function]..........................................................75
Display the basic setup pages................................9 Lists of the setting items (Setup menu).....................76
Set up date & time and language About the error logs and the network logs................90
[Date/Language]......................................................9 Error logs...............................................................90
Camera setup [Camera]........................................12 About the network log...............................................92
Set up recording/events [REC & event].................35 Operation window.....................................................93
Configure the settings relating to monitors Main monitor (A monitor to display the live image,
[Monitor]....................................................................46 the playback image and the setup menu).............93
Set up the main monitor [Main monitor]................46 Sub monitor (monitor for display of live images
Configure the settings relating to sub monitors only).......................................................................97
[Sub monitor].........................................................48 Basic operations........................................................98
Configure other settings relating to monitors Logout...................................................................98
[Advanced setup]..................................................49 Login operation at startup.........................................99
Configure the settings relating to network Monitor live images.................................................100
[Network]...................................................................50 About the operation panel...................................100
Configure the basic network settings [Basic]........50 Switch between control screen and wide view
Procedure to register information for the screen..................................................................105
"" service...................................52 1-screen display..................................................106
Configure the settings relating to the mail Display images from cameras on a
notification [e-Mail]................................................54 multiscreen..........................................................107
Configure the TCP alarm notification settings Use digital zoom..................................................108
[TCP alarm notification].........................................55 Correct the fisheye image...................................109
Configure the settings relating to NTP/SNMP Operate the camera................................................110
synchronization [NTP/SNMP]................................56 Camera control panel..........................................110
Configure the settings relating to the user Panning/Tilting....................................................112
management [User management].............................57 Zooming..............................................................112
Configure the basic settings relating to user Move to home position.......................................113
management [Basic]..............................................57 Focus adjustment................................................113
Register, edit or delete the user information Iris (brightness) adjustment.................................113
[User registration]..................................................59 Auto mode...........................................................114
Edit the administrator information Register camera preset positions.......................115
[Administrator setup].............................................61 Move camera preset positions............................115
Register, edit or delete host [Host registration].....62 AUX operation.....................................................116
Configure the settings relating to maintenance Wiper operation...................................................116
[Maintenance]............................................................63 Register home position.......................................117
Check the system information such as the version Execute auto back focus.....................................117
[System information].............................................63 Set up mask areas...............................................118
Confirm the hard disk drive information Zoom/Focus adjustment.....................................118
[HDD information]..................................................64 Initial position setup............................................119

Event function.........................................................120 Event function.........................................................166
Action to be taken upon an event occurrence....120 Action to be taken upon an event occurrence....166
Stop buzzer beeping...........................................121 Cancel the alarm action......................................167
Cancel the alarm action......................................122 Cancel the error action........................................167
Cancel the error action........................................122 Play recorded images..............................................168
Record images........................................................123 Play image recorded at a designated
Record images (Schedule recording)..................123 date & time..............................................................170
Emergency recording..........................................124 Search and play recording events
Play recorded images..............................................125 (REC event search)..................................................171
Playback operation panel....................................127 Motion detection search and playback
Play images from a designated point......................130 (VMD search)...........................................................173
Play image recorded at a designated Copy recorded images............................................175
date & time..........................................................130
Download recorded images currently being
Play the latest recorded image............................131
Playback by designating a timeline.....................132
Check a list of copied recorded images..................179
Search and play.......................................................134
Play back the copied/downloaded images on a
Play images selected from logs (Log search)......134
Display thumbnail screen and paly back PC............................................................................181
(Thumbnail search)..............................................135 To play recorded images copied on the media
Search and play recorded images triggered by device..................................................................181
motion detection (VMD search)...........................136 Play recorded images downloaded using a web
Copy recorded images............................................139
Install the viewer software...................................182
Format USB medium...........................................142
Uninstall the viewer software..............................182
Play back copied images with this recorder...........143
How to use the viewer software..........................183
List of operation items.............................................145
Configure the network settings...............................148
Basic operations.................................................187
Configure the network settings of the
Configure the settings.........................................187
Set the web browser [Web browser]...................188
Configure the network settings of the PC...........148
Update the firmware............................................188
Network security of the recorder.............................151
Notification by e-mail..............................................189
The security function of the recorder..................151
Alarm mail...........................................................189
Enhance network security...................................151
Warning mail........................................................189
Display the operation window.................................153
About the operation window...................................154 In combination with the network microphone.....191
Top Page.............................................................154 Concurrent user license function........................197
Control panel.......................................................155
Camera selection panel.......................................156
Setup panel.........................................................157
Status display area..............................................158
Download operation area....................................159
[CAM] tab............................................................159
[HDD] tab.............................................................160
Monitor live images.................................................161
Display images on a 1-screen.............................161
Display images on a 4-screen (multiscreen)........162
Operate the camera................................................163
Focus adjustment................................................164
Iris (brightness) adjustment.................................164
Register preset positions....................................164
Move to preset positions.....................................164
Auto mode/AUX/Wiper........................................165

About the user manuals
There are 4 manuals provided for the WJ-NX200K/G as follows.
Installation Guide: Contains procedures how to install/connect this product, and descriptions of easy
Important Information (PDF):
Contains preface, precautions, and major operating controls and their functions and
Operating Instructions (PDF: this document):
Contains descriptions of how to operate this product with a PC. Make sure to read
them when installing the recorder.
This document is intended for recorder software versions V1.10 and later.
Quick Reference Guide: Contains descriptions of how to configure the basic settings and how to use the major

Adobe® Reader® is required to read the PDF files (the setup instructions and the operating instructions) on the
provided CD-ROM.
When Adobe® Reader® is not installed on the PC, download the latest Adobe® Reader® from the Adobe web
site and install it.

"NX200" shown in the instructions and illustrations used in these operating instructions indicate the WJ-NX200K/G.
Refer to "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM for further information about the optional dedicated software,
compatible network cameras (hereinafter, cameras) and their versions.
Refer to our website (
for latest information about the compatible cameras and functions to be added or changed by firmware
The external appearance in the document may differ from the actual product within no influence range on operation
due to improvement of the product.

The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 is described as Windows 8.
Microsoft® Windows® 7 is described as Windows 7.
Windows® Internet Explorer® 11 is described as Internet Explorer.
Network cameras are described as cameras.

About the settings and operation of the recorder

• The recorder can be operated using the provided mouse connected to the USB port on the front side of the
recorder and the soft keyboard. Refer to "Basic operations" of Installation Guide for the operation of the
mouse and the soft keyboard.
• The camera settings are automatically done in accordance with recording settings of the recorder once the
camera is registered in the recorder. If you directly change settings related to image and audio of the cam-
era registered in the recorder, the settings may differ from those of the recorder or some functions may not
work properly.
• It is also possible to perform settings and some operations of the recorder from the web browser. Refer to "Lists
of the setting items" on page 76 for setting items via the web browser and "List of operation items" on page
145 for operational items via the web browser. Refer to page 153 and following pages for the operation.
• This documents is sub headed in each applicable page such as "Setup via recorder's main monitor",
"Operation via recorder's main monitor", "Setup on browser" and "Operation via PC web browser".
• This document explains settings and operation of the recorder using 16 cameras as examples.

Restrictions when using this product
When using this product, some functions have the following restrictions. Before using this product, keep the
following in mind.

When displaying live images from the When recording images

camera • The actual time of recording trigger (event occur-
• Black screen may be displayed for the first several rence time, start time of the schedule recording,
seconds (*) when the following operations are per- etc.) and the recording start time (time displayed
formed while displaying live images. on the recording event list) may not exactly be the
• When live images are displayed (by switching same.
camera, etc.) • When pre-event recording is set to be performed,
• When image is zoomed in or out the recording may not be performed as the set
When playing recorded images • If the frame rate is set to switch during the event
recording or the emergency recording, it may take
• First several seconds (*) may be skipped when the a few seconds to switch the rate depending on
following operations are performed while playing the refresh cycle interval.
recorded images.
• When cameras are switched
When copying images
• When image is zoomed in or out (When zoom-
ing into/out of a paused recorded image, an Copying of recorded images may start from a point
image occurring several seconds before or several seconds (*) before the designated start time
after the displayed image may be zoomed in.) when copying recorded images.
• When the playback button is clicked again
while playing images When downloading recorded images
• When the first frame is displayed by starting Downloading of recorded images may start from a
the frame by frame playback during pausing point several seconds (*) earlier than the designated
• Playback may be performed in several seconds start time.
intervals (*) when the following operations are per-
formed. Refer to the description of operations * Time (seconds) differs depending on the refresh
during playback on pages 127 and 169 for how interval setting of the camera (0.2 - 5 seconds). In
to control playback. the recorder, the refresh interval setting of the cam-
• Reverse playback era is set to 1 second at the camera registration.
• Fast playback/Fast reverse playback Refer to the operating instructions of the camera for
• Reverse frame playback information about the refresh interval setting.
• When playing images by designating date & time,
playback may start from a point several seconds*
before/after the specified time or from the first
When using a USB memory stick/
frame of the next record. external storage device
• When the latest recorded image is played, play- After a USB memory stick is inserted, it may take time
back may start from a point several seconds to recognize the medium. It also may take time if the
before/after a point that is 10 seconds before the capacity size of the inserted media is large.
latest recorded image. The playback may be
paused some ten seconds after the start of the
playback depending on the volume of recorded
image data.
• When the frame rate is set to 25 ips ~ 60 ips,
recorded images may not be played smoothly.
• If the recorder cannot continue playback due to a
large load, it stops the playback and returns to the
live display.

When using the web browser
• If the camera is set to high frame rate and high
resolution, update of images may take time or
images may be displayed intermittently. If the
camera is used with the following settings, the
above may be improved by using a PC described
in the specifications.
[Setting examples]
1-screen display Image capture size:
FHD (1920×1080), frame rate: 60 ips,
image quality: XF
1-screen display Image capture size:
HD (1280×720), frame rate: 60 ips,
image quality: XF
4-screen display Image capture size:
HD (1280×720), frame rate: 30 ips,
image quality: XF
CPU: Intel® CoreTM i7 6700 or better
Memory: 8 GB (4 GB×2) or more

Before using this product
Motion detection (VMD) function
The motion detection (VMD) function of cameras detects motions referring to changes of luminance (brightness)
in areas set in advance.
The motion detection function will not effectively work in the following situations or may sometimes be malfunc-
• When there is a very little difference in luminance (brightness) between a background and a subject
• When brightness of images is low such as at night
• When a subject moves very slow
• When a subject is very small
• When the amount of rays of light incidence changes frequently such as at a window or outdoors.
• When light such as sunlight or car headlight comes from outside
• When a fluorescent lamp flickers
• When a subject has depth
When configuring the motion detection settings, check the function performance both in daytime and at night
after appropriately configuring the area settings and the sensitivity settings according to the camera installation
conditions and possible movement of subjects. When the detection function does not work or false detection
occurs, use a sensor separately. Refer to the operating instructions of the camera for further information.

Time display of recorded images

When displaying recorded images, the displayed date & time may sometimes skips. This is not a malfunction.
The displayed date & time on the monitor and the recorder may sometimes not be exactly the same. This is
also not malfunction.

Response to the mouse operations

While this recorder is processing multiple operations at the same time, the response to the operations from the
connected mouse may temporarily become slow. This is not a malfunction.

Black screen displayed when playing recorded images
In the following cases, a black screen may be displayed during playing recorded images. However, this is not a
• When changing cameras or screen patterns during playback or pausing
• When skipping/reverse skipping during playback
• When fast forwarding/reverse fast forwarding during playback
• When the latest recorded image is played while displaying images on a multiscreen*
• When changing the selected camera during the multi-screen display
• When going to the next recording event list by fast forwarding/reverse fast forwarding or skipping/reverse
skipping during playback
• When playback operation is affected by another operation (such as when receiving multiple alarms sequen-
tially or while copying is being performed simultaneously)
* Some camera images go black depending on the data volume.

Recording operation
The recorder can connect up to 32* cameras and record their images on the HDD.
The following recording operations are available.
Schedule recording: Recording that is automatically performed at the designated time range on the desig-
nated day(s) of the week
Event recording: Recording that is automatically performed when an event occurs (such as terminal
alarm/camera site alarm/command alarm, etc.)
Emergency recording: Gives priority to recording video and audio at emergency using the external switch
connected to the emergency record input terminal of the recorder.
* When registering the license for 32 cameras by the additional camera kit.

• Recording may not be performed for around 3 seconds in the following cases. However, this is not a mal-
• When the settings are changed and the setup menu is closed during recording

Event type
The following event recording types are displayed in list form on the web browser:
SCH: Schedule recording
EMR: Emergency recording
SD: SD backup rec.

The following are detailed event recording types.

COM: Displayed when a command alarm occurred
TRM: Displayed when a terminal alarm occurred
CAM: Displayed when a camera site alarm occurred
PRE: Pre-event recording

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the basic settings [Basic setup]

The basic settings of the recorder such as date & time and recording mode, etc. can be configured on the
"Basic setup" page.
The "Basic setup" page provides access to the [Date/Language], [Camera] and [REC & event] pages.

• Refer to "Configure the minimum settings [Easy Start]" of the Installation Guide for the [Quick setup] - [Easy
Start] of the setup menu.

Display the basic setup pages

Click the desired button on the setup menu.

• The setup menu can be displayed by clicking the [Setup] button on the operation panel of the operation screen.

[Date/Language] button: Displays the "Date/Language" page. Perform settings such as date & time and
daylight saving time.
[Camera] button: Displays the "Camera" page. Perform registration and setup of network cameras.
[REC & event] button: Displays the "REC & event" page. Configure the recording schedules and event

Set up date & time and language [Date/Language]

The "Date/Language" page has the [Date & time adjustment], [Date & time settings] and [Language] tabs.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Date & time adjustment] tab

Set the current date & time.

■ Date & time

Set the current date. Select the year, month and day
from the calendar.
[<<Y]/[Y>>] button: Selects the previous or next
[<M]/[M>] button: Selects the previous or next

Set the current time.

• Click the [Apply] button after setting the date &
time. →The second will be set to "00".

[Date & time settings] tab

Perform settings such as date & time format, time zone, daylight saving time, and time adjustment method.

Select a time display format. (Example: 3 o’clock in
the afternoon)
24 h: 15:00:00
12 h: 03:00:00 PM
Default: 24 h

■ Time zone
Select the time zone and shift to/from daylight saving

■ Display format [Set time zone]

Select a display format for the current date & time. Select your time zone.
GMT-12:00 - GMT+13:00
Note: Default: GMT
• "Date & time display" on the [Camera setup] tab
(☞ Page 17) corresponds to the display format [Daylight saving time]
settings on this tab. Determine how to switch to/from daylight saving time.
The asterisk "*" will be displayed before date & time
[Date] during daylight saving time.
Select a date/time display format. (Example: March 1, Out: Does not apply daylight saving time.
2014) Auto: Automatically applies daylight saving time
yyyy/mm/dd: 2014/03/01 based on the pre-set Start/End date and time
Mmm/dd/yyyy: Mar/01/2014 of daylight saving time.
dd/Mmm/yyyy: 01/Mar/2014 Default: Auto
mm/dd/yyyy: 03/01/2014
dd/mm/yyyy: 01/03/2014
Default: dd/mm/yyyy

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Start/End date and time] Master: Outputs a signal from ALARM/CONTROL

Set up the rule of the Start/End date and time of day- connector on the rear panel of the recorder
light saving time. and adjusts time of other equipment. When
It is displayed when "Auto" is selected in "Daylight you select "Master", the setting of "Operation
saving time". time and date" to set the time for time adjust-
Select "Designate by day of the week" or "Designate ment will be displayed.
by date" as a method to assign the starting (In) and Default: Off
ending (Out) date and time of daylight saving time.
[Operation time and date]
Important: Set time to output a signal from ALARM/CONTROL
• Setting is impossible when the interval between connector. It is displayed when you select "Master"
start (In)/end (Out) is less than an hour. of the "Auto time adjustment".
Default: 00:00
[Auto time adjustment]
Select a method of auto clock adjustment from the
Off: Does not adjust the time automatically.
Slave: Receives a signal from the ALARM/CON-
TROL connector on the rear panel of the
recorder and adjusts the clock. When the sig-
nal is received and if the clock is within 29
minutes ± the hour, the time will be adjusted to
00 minutes 00 seconds.

[Language] tab
Select the display language for the main monitor and for the web browser on the PC.

Japanese/ English/ Français/ Español/ Deutsch/
Italiano/ Русский/ Português/ ไทย/ 中文
Default: English

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Camera setup [Camera]

The "Camera" page has the [Camera registration] tab, the [Camera setup] tab and the [Advanced setup] tab.

[Camera registration] tab

Perform settings such as the network settings of the camera (IP address and port number), and the display
position on the main monitor.
When performing the initial settings, displays camera information detected/set on the "Easy Start".

[Change the display position of camera]

The camera numbers can be interchanged. When the
[Setup >] button is clicked, the "Change the display
position of camera" window opens to edit the set-
tings. (☞ Page 16)

[Detect cameras]
The cameras connected to a network can be
detected for registration. (☞ Page 13)

[Management of camera user]

Set a user name/password of the camera in the camera.
(☞ Page 14)

[Registered information]
Change the "Model", "Option", "Address" and "Com-
When the [Setup >] button is clicked, the "Registered
information" window opens to edit the settings.
(☞ Page 15)
In the event of communication trouble with the cam-
era, one of the following error messages is displayed
for "Error information".
Connection error: The communication with the
camera disconnected.
Authentication error: The user authentication of
the camera failed.
Camera error: The response from the camera is

• When an error message is displayed, check the
camera connections and settings (☞ operating
instructions of the camera). If the problem cannot
be solved, refer to "Easy Start" of Installation
Guide and register the camera again.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Detect cameras for registration [Detect cameras]

Clicking the [Setup >] button of "Detect cameras" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the following window.
After editing the settings, click the [OK] button to save the settings and return to the [Camera registration] tab.

New: Displayed when the camera is newly connected
to the recorder.
Replaced: Displayed when the camera has been
replaced by another one.
Added: Displayed when the camera connection is
added to the recorder.
Registered: Displayed when the camera has already
been registered.
Lost: Displayed when the registered camera is not
Blank: No camera is detected.

Note: [IP address]

• Before the settings, register the cameras into the Displays the IP addresses configured for the detected
network. Even though it is possible to detect up to cameras.
192 cameras, the number of cameras that can be
registered is the same number as registered [Auto addressing]
licenses. The IP addresses of the cameras whose checkboxes
are marked will be automatically configured.
[Port selection]
Select the port to which the camera to be detected is [Start IP address]
connected. Specify the start IP address and order when setting
the IP address automatically.
[New] button
Deletes all the current settings and searches all the Note:
connected cameras. The models, results of the • It is impossible to register cameras in other networks
detected cameras and IP addresses will be displayed. via the same router.
• For the security enhancement, changing of the IP
[Addition] button address of the camera will become impossible
Detects only the added or replaced cameras. The when 20 minutes have passed after the power is
models, results of the detected cameras and IP turned on. Refer to the operating instructions of
addresses will be displayed. the camera for further information.
• When "On" is selected for the "DHCP" setting of
[No.] the detected cameras, the recorder will forcibly
Shows a number of detected cameras in order of the change the setting to "Off" to give the IP
IP address. The maximum number of detectable addresses automatically.
cameras will be 192 units. • If the IP address of the camera is set to be
assigned automatically, an IP address will be
[Select] assigned to the camera when the [OK] button is
Mark the checkboxes of cameras to register. clicked. In this case, the default gateway
The vacant number will be fulfilled by the subsequent (☞ Page 50) of the recorder is set to the default
camera. gateway of the camera.
• Click the [Cancel] button to return to the [Camera
[Model] registration] tab without applying the camera
When our cameras are used, the model numbers will detection result.
be displayed.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Change the password of camera [Management of camera user]

Click the [Setup >] button of "Management of camera user" on the [Camera registration] tab to display the
following screen.

• For user name and password, enter those of camera
administrator rights according to the specifications
of the camera. (Please refer to the operating instruc-
tions of the camera.)
• The entered user name and password are set as
registered information of the applicable camera
when the settings to the camera is completed.
• Click [Exit] button when you set the user name
and password.

Select items to set up.
Register camera administrator: Registers a user name
and password to a camera whose administrator is not
registered. Enter a user name/password.

• Cameras that already have the User name/
Password registered cannot register another User

Change password: Changes the password of the

camera user registered to the recorder only. Enter a

■ Camera selection
Select the camera to which the settings are sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the set
user name and password are sent.
(When "Register camera administrator" is selected in
the "Settings", you cannot select cameras whose
administrators have already been registered.)

[Transmission] button
Transmit the settings to the camera. Once transmis-
sion is completed and the setting has been applied to
the camera, "OK" will be displayed in the "Results"
field. If the display reads "Authentication error", etc.,
the camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings. The
screen returns to the [Camera registration] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Change the registered information [Registered information]

Click the [Setup >] button for "Registered information" on the [Camera registration] tab to display the following
After editing the settings, click the [OK] button to save the settings and return to the [Camera registration] tab.

• Assignment example by the application of camera
①Recording by compression of H.264, 1-screen
live display, browser display: H. 264(1)
②Sub-stream recording by compression of
H.264, live multi-screen display: H.264(2)
③Recording by compression of H.264 or H.265,
1-screen live display, browser display:
H.264(1), H.264(3), H.264(4), H.265(1), H.265(3),
④Sub-stream recording by compression of H.264
or H.265, live multi-screen display:
Up to 32 cameras can be connected. By registering
H.264(2), H.265(2)
the licenses, number of the cameras can be increased
• When selecting "MJPEG" for "Compression", the
to 9, 16, 24 or 32.
live image transmission rate and the frame rate
will be changed automatically to "5 ips".
(☞ Page 35)
The model of a registered camera will be displayed.
• When selecting "H.264(n)" or "H.265(n)" for
(Blank: Camera is not registered)
"Compression", it will become possible to select
Click the [▼] button to select the camera model from
"XF" in the image quality setting.
the camera categories. Refer to the "readme.txt" on
• Depending on the model of the camera, the cam-
the provided CD-ROM for camera categories.
era may reboot when the compression method is
It is unnecessary to change it for normal use.
changed. The reboot will be detected as a com-
munication error, but that is not a malfunction.
Assign the operational mode of the camera having a
[User name]
specific function due to the difference in function of
Enter the user name for accessing the cameras and
the camera.
logging in using the on-screen keyboard (☞ Installation
Guide  Page 8). Register the user name whose
access level is "Administrator".
An address already in use will be displayed. The
address can be changed using the on-screen key-
board. Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters
Enter the password to be used for the user whose
including hyphens (-) and periods (.).
name has been registered as "User name" (☞ Instal-
lation Guide  Page 8). (Up to 32 alphanumeric char-
• Entering "http://" is not necessary if the host name
is entered.
[Port No.]
Set a port number from 1 - 65535 for use by the camera.
Default: 80
Select the image compression method.
H.265(1)/ H.265(3)/ H.265(4)/ H.264(1)/ H.264(3)/
H.264(4)/ MJPEG
• Enter the port number in five digits, right aligned.
(Example: When the port number is 80, enter
"00080".) The leading zeros are omitted here.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Table to delete] [Auto model number acquisition]

To delete registration information or remove a previ- Click the [Execute] button to acquire the model num-
ously connected camera, either select the camera ber from the camera registered for this product and
number and click the [Delete] button, or delete the IP update the model number information.
address of the respective camera. When the acquired model number is different from
the registered one, as the image capture size is
changed to the default, reset the image capture size
in [REC & event]-[Recording setup] again.

Interchange camera numbers [Change the display position of camera]

Click the [Setup >] button for "Change the display position of camera" on the [Camera registration] tab to dis-
play the following items.

The registered camera is displayed on the screen from the left top to right in order of 1, 2, ∙∙∙16. If the configura-
tion is set to 32 cameras, they are displayed on two 16-screen.
To interchange camera numbers, drag the camera image to be moved with the mouse and drop on the desired
If the camera titles are to be interchanged as well, mark the "Also change camera titles" checkbox.

[Refresh] button [Back] button

Obtain the latest camera image after interchanging Save the settings and return to the [Camera registra-
cameras. tion] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Camera setup] tab

Transmit the date & time and text displayed on an image, the refresh rate, the VMD alarm and the Light control
mode etc. settings to the camera. Click the [Setup >] button for each item to open the respective setup win-

• The settings of some models of our cameras only can be configured. Refer to the "readme.txt" on the pro-
vided CD-ROM about the supported cameras. Some functions are not supported depending on the models
of the connected cameras. For further information about detailed specifications, refer to the operating
instructions of the cameras in use.
• It is impossible to check the current settings using this recorder.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up date & time display [Date & time display]

Select the date & time display position for each camera and transmit it to the cameras to change the camera
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Date & time display" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the following

■ Camera selection
Select the camera to which the date & time display
setting is to be sent. Mark the checkbox of the cam-
era to which the setup information is to be transmit-

[Transmission] button
Transmit the date & time setting to the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field. If the display reads "Authentica-
■ Setting items tion error", etc., the camera connection or the setting
[Display] may have failed.
Choose whether or not to display the date & time. If
date & time display is activated, date & time will be [Back] button
displayed on camera images and will also be Click the button after completing the settings. The
recorded with the recorded images. screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.
To transmit the settings to the camera, mark this
item, and select either of the following.
On: Date & time displayed
Off: Date & time not displayed

• The display format corresponds to the settings on
the [Date & time settings] tab (☞ Page 10).

Select the position to display the date & time on the
If the setting is to be transmitted to the camera, mark
this item to select the display position.
L-Upper/ L-Lower/ R-Upper/ R-Lower

• The position to display the title edited on "Display
Title" (☞ Page 19) is the same as the "Position"
selected here to display the date & time edited on
"Date & time display".

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up OSD [Display Title]

Determine whether to display the title and select the title to display for each camera, the settings will be
changed after the settings have been transmitted to the camera.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Display Title" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the following items.

• [Display Title]
Enter a character string to be displayed on the
image using the on-screen keyboard. (☞ Installa-
tion Guide  Page 8) (Up to 16 alphanumeric char-
Available characters: 0-9, A-Z, ! # $ % ( )* + , - . / :

• [Camera title]
Display the camera title registered on the [Main
monitor] tab of the monitor page (☞ Page 46).
■ Setting items
[Display] • [Copy] button
Select whether or not to display the title on camera The camera title registered on the [Main monitor]
images. If title display is activated, the title will be dis- tab of the monitor page can be used as display
played on camera images and will also be recorded title. Clicking this button will copy the camera title
with the recorded images. to the "Display Title" field.
To transmit the settings to the camera, mark this
item, and select either of the following. • [Back] button
On: Title displayed Click the button after completing the settings.
Off: Title not displayed This will close the window.

[Display Title] ■ Camera Selection

To transmit the settings to the camera, mark this Select the camera to which the setting of the "Display
item, and edit the title displayed on the image. Click- title" is to be sent.
ing the [Edit >] button will display the following title Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
editing window: information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Display title" to the cam-
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up how to turn on or off the indicators [Indicator]

Select how to turn on or off the link indicator, access indicator or status indicators for each camera and trans-
mit the information to the cameras to change the camera settings. Refer to the operating instructions of the
camera for further information.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Indicator" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

On: All the indicators will light in accordance with
the status.
On (Access): Only the live indicator will light when
images are viewed.
Off: All the indicators will light off.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the "Indicator" setting is
to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Indicator" to the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the camera image transmission priority [Transmission priority]

Select the transmission priority setting for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change
the camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Transmission priority" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

[Control time period]

Select the period of controlling H.264 bit rate to be
recorded from the following when the transmission
priority is "Advanced VBR".
1 h, 6 h, 24 h, 1 week

[Priority setting]
Set which to prioritize, the "Frame rate" or the "Image
quality", when the transmission priority is the "Frame
Frame rate priority: Prioritizes the frame rate. The
image quality may vary according to the
■ Setting items
[Transmission priority]
Image quality priority: Reduces the change in the
Select the transmission mode for H.264/H.265 images
image quality. The frame rate may be slower
from the following.
depending on the object.
The "Transmission priority" will be configured based
on the markings of the checkboxes of "Stream1" and
[Smart coding (GOP control)]
Set whether to use the GOP control or not when the
Frame rate: H.264/H.265 images will be transmitted
transmission priority is set to the "VBR".
with the frame rate specified in "Frame rate".
Off: Does not use the GOP control.
Advanced VBR: H.264 images will be transmitted
On (Advanced): Can reduce the data amount
with the frame rate specified in "Frame rate".
when the motion in the image is less.
When this parameter is selected, this product
transmits images while adjusting the average
of transmission amount in the period specified ■ Camera Selection
in "Control time period" to match it to the Select the camera to which the setting of the "Trans-
specified bit rate. mission priority" is to be sent.
VBR: Transmits H.264/H.265 images with the Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
frame rate specified in "Frame rate" and the information is to be transmitted.
image quality level specified in "Image quality"
kept. The image quality is fixed and the stor- [Transmission] button
age capacity varies according to the "Image Transmit the setting of the "Transmission priority" to
quality" setting and conditions of the object. the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
Note: been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
• Set up the transmission mode again when the the "Results" field.
camera is changed on the camera registration If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
screen or change of the camera is detected. camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Burst tolerance level] [Back] button

Select the allowance of "Max bit rate (per client)" for Click the button after completing the settings.
the H.264 bit rate from the following when the trans- The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.
mission priority is "Advanced VBR".
High, Middle, Low

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up the refresh interval [Refresh interval]

Select the image refresh interval for each camera and transmit it to the cameras to change the camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Refresh interval" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

[Refresh interval]
Select an interval to update the image display. If used
in a network environment where frequent errors
occur, shorten the refresh interval to reduce image
distortions. However, the refresh interval may be
longer than the set value.
0.2 s/ 0.5 s/ 1 s/ 2 s/ 3 s

• Set up the refresh interval again when the camera
is changed on the camera registration screen or
change of the camera is detected.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Refresh
interval" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Refresh interval" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

• Image transmission from the camera will tempo-
rarily be canceled and no image will be recorded
during this period if the setting to change the
refresh interval is transmitted to the camera.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up the method of camera installation [Upside-down]

Select the method of installation for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the
camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Upside-down" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup window.

On (desktop): Select this when the camera is to
be installed with the dome side up.
Off (ceiling): Select this when the camera is to be
installed with the dome side down.
Wall: Select this when the camera is to be
installed on a wall.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the
"Upside-down" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Upside-down" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

• To flip the camera image vertically, select the "Off
• If a fisheye camera is registered, "Off (ceiling)" will
be set. Select "Wall" to install the camera on the

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the image rotation of camera [Image rotation]

Select the image rotation for each camera and transmit it to the camera to change the camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Image rotation" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup window.

[Image rotation]
• 0 °(Off): Does not rotate the image.
• 90 °: Rotates the image by 90 °.
• 180 °(Upside-down): Inverses the image upside-down.
• 270 °: Rotates the image by 270 °.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Image
rotation" is to be sent. Mark the checkbox of the
camera to which the setup information is to be

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Image rotation" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up pan/tilt-flip [Pan/tilt-flip]

Select the pan/tilt-flip function for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the cam-
era settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Pan/tilt-flip" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

Select whether or not to activate the pan/tilt-flip func-
tion that can achieve camera controllability equal to
360° endless cameras.
On: The pan/tilt-flip function will work.
Off: The pan/tilt-flip function will not work.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Pan/
tilt-flip" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Pan/tilt-flip" to the cam-
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up Super Dynamic [Super Dynamic (Wide dynamic range)]

Select the Super Dynamic function for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the
camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Super Dynamic (Wide dynamic range)" on the [Camera setup] tab will display
the setup page.

[Super Dynamic (Wide dynamic range)]

Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to
activate the super dynamic function.
On (High): The super dynamic function will work.
When "On (High)" is selected, the tone level
will be compensated to emphasize the con-
On: The super dynamic function will work. When
"On" is selected, the tone level will be com-
pensated to emphasize the sensitivity.
Off: The super dynamic function will not work.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Super
Dynamic" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Super Dynamic" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the adaptive black stretch function of the camera [Adaptive black stretch]
Determine whether to enable the adaptive black stretch function for each camera. The settings will be changed
after the settings have been transmitted to the camera.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Adaptive black stretch" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup win-

[Adaptive black stretch]

By using the adaptive black stretch function, dark
area in the image will turn brighter by the digital
image processing.
On: The adaptive black stretch function will be
Off: The adaptive black stretch function will be

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Adap-
tive black stretch" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Adaptive black stretch" to
the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

• When "On" is selected for "Adaptive black
stretch", noise in dark area in image may increase
and the periphery of the border between the dark
area and the bright area will be displayed brighter/
darker than the other brighter/darker area in the

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the back light compensation function of the camera [Back light compensation
Determine whether to enable the back light compensation function for each camera. The settings will be
changed after the settings have been transmitted to the camera.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Back light compensation (BLC)" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the
setup window.

[Back light compensation (BLC)]

When "On" is selected for "Super Dynamic", this
function is not available.
The back light compensation function masks the
brighter area in image and compensates exposure in
silhouette created by back light.
On: Mask area will automatically be set.
Off: Mask area will not be set automatically. It is
necessary to set mask areas manually.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Back
light compensation (BLC)" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Back light compensation
(BLC)" to the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up Light control mode [Light control mode]

Select how to control the amount of light for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to
change the camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Light control mode" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

[Light control mode]

Outdoor scene: Depending on the brightness
level (illuminance), the iris will automatically be
controlled together with the shutter speed
adjustment to control light.
Indoor scene (50Hz): The shutter speed will auto-
matically be adjusted to prevent flicker caused
by fluorescent light. (For the 50 Hz areas)
Indoor scene (60Hz): Same as "Indoor scene"
above. (For 60 Hz areas)
ELC: The iris will automatically be controlled with
the shutter speed adjustment to control light.

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Light
control mode" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Light control mode" to
the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

• When "Outdoor scene" is selected, flicker may
occur when a subject is under fluorescent lighting.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the automatic slow shutter of the camera [Auto slow shutter (Maximum
Select the auto slow shutter setting for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the
camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Auto slow shutter (Maximum shutter)" on the [Camera setup] tab will display
the setup page.

• When "Max. 16/30s" is selected, the electronic
sensitivity will automatically be enhanced up to 16
• When "Off" is selected for "AGC", this function is
not available. Refer to the operating instructions
of the camera for further information.

[Auto slow shutter (Maximum shutter)]

The auto slow shutter adjusts the sensor storage time
to enhance the electronic sensitivity.
The following are available setting values.
Off (1/30s)/ Max. 2/30s/ Max. 4/30s/ Max. 6/30s/
Max. 10/30s/ Max. 16/30s

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Auto
slow shutter" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Auto slow shutter" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

• When the auto slow shutter is set, the frame rate
may drop. Noise or white dots (scratches) may
also be seen in image.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the black and white switchover of the camera [Day & Night (IR/electrical)]
Select the day and night setting for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the
camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Day & Night (IR/electrical)" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "Day &
Night (IR/electrical)" is to be sent.
Mark the checkbox of the camera to which the setup
information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Day & Night (IR/electrical)"
to the camera.
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
[Day & Night (IR/electrical)]
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
Select a method of how to switch between B/W
camera connection or the setting may have failed.
image and color image from the following.
Off: Color images will always be taken.
[Back] button
On: B/W images will always be taken.
Click the button after completing the settings.
On (IR Light On): B/W images will always be
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.
taken. Use it at night time or using near-IR
Auto1 (Normal)/Auto: Depending on the image
brightness (illuminance), the system automati-
cally switches from/ to the color image to/from
B/W image.
It switches to the color mode when the light
source is bright and to the monochrome mode
when the light source is not bright.
Auto2 (IR Light): Use it at night time or when using
near-IR light source.
Auto3 (Super Chroma Compensation (SCC)): Use
it if you want to keep the color image even if
the light source is not bright. Super Chroma
Compensation (SCC) function keeps the color
image under the lower illuminance than "Auto1

• "On", "Auto2" and "Auto3" can be selected for
cameras having "Day & Night (electrical)" only, but
they are not operable.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set the intelligent auto of camera [Intelligent auto]

Select the intelligent auto for each camera and transmit it to the camera to change the camera settings.
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "Intelligent auto" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup window.

[Intelligent auto]
Set whether or not to turn on the intelligent auto func-
tion. The intelligent auto is a function to judge the
scene (back light, outside, night view), people's faces,
objects in motion, stop the lens down automatically
and adjust the shutter speed and contrast to improve
visibility of people's faces and objects in motion.
Off: Does not use the intelligent auto function
On: Uses the intelligent auto function

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the
"Intelligent auto" is to be sent. Mark the checkbox of
the camera to which the setup information is to be

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "Intelligent auto" to the
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field.
If the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
camera connection or the setting may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up VMD alarm [VMD alarm]

Select the VMD function for each camera and transmit the information to the cameras to change the camera
Clicking the [Setup >] button for "VMD alarm" on the [Camera setup] tab will display the setup page.

[VMD alarm]
Select whether or not to use the VMD (VMD: Video
Motion Detection) alarm function when a change
(movement) is detected in the image. Refer to the
operating instructions of the camera in use for how to
configure the VMD alarm.
On: Detects alarms.
Off: Does not detect alarms.

[Detection sensitivity]
To transmit the settings to the camera, mark this item,
and select either of the following.
1(Low) - 15(High)

■ Camera Selection
Select the camera to which the setting of the "VMD
alarm" is to be sent. Mark the checkbox of the camera
to which the setup information is to be transmitted.

[Transmission] button
Transmit the setting of the "VMD alarm" to the cam-
Once transmission is completed and the setting has
been applied to the camera, "OK" will be displayed in
the "Results" field. If the display reads "Authentica-
tion error", etc., the camera connection or the setting
may have failed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings.
The screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Advanced setup] tab

Set the connection method of the camera.
Clicking the [Setup >] button of "Connection method" under the [Advanced setup] tab displays the setup screen.

■ Connection method

[Connection method]
Set the connection method for each camera.
RTP: Connects with the RTP.
RTSP: Connects with the RTSP. It is used for
local camera connection and others.
Internet mode: Connects in the Internet mode. It
is used to connect remote cameras or for
other connection.

• The connection method will become valid when our
camera is the i-pro series and the compression type
is H.264/H.265.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up recording/events [REC & event]

The "REC & event" page has 3 tabs; the [Recording setup] tab, the [Event setup] tab and the [Advanced setup] tab.

Recording setup tab [Recording setup]

Configure the settings relating to schedule recording. Set the day(s), time table(s), frame rate and image quality
for recording.

[Schedule recording]
Mark the checkbox (es) if you want to carry out the
schedule recording based on the set time bar.

[Event recording]
Mark the checkbox (es) if you want to carry out event
recording based on the set time bar. The recorder
does not record the image even if the alarm occurs
during time in which the event recording is not set.

To send an alarm e-mail when an event occurs, mark
■ Schedules
this item. The event recording must be checked to set
Recording will be performed according to the sched-
this item.
ules set in advance. Select the day(s) of the week and
Refer to "Configure the settings relating to the mail
the time table(s).
notification [e-Mail]" (☞ Page 54) for the setting of
the destination.
[Days to record]
Select the day(s) of the week to record. Mark the
[TCP alarm notification]
checkbox(es) of the day(s) of the week to record.
Mark the checkbox of this item to automatically trans-
mit information on an event that occurs to a PC using
[Schedule to record]
the TCP alarm notification. The event recording must
6 time tables can be set up for "[Time table1]". The
be checked to set this item.
time bar indicates 24 hours in steps of 15 minutes.
Refer to "Configure the TCP alarm notification
Click the desired position on the time bar to desig-
settings [TCP alarm notification]" (☞ Page 55) for
nate the start and end time. When the time is desig-
the setting of the address.
nated, the time bar turns red.
[Advanced >] button
The "Advanced schedule setup" page will be dis-
• At the default, schedule recording and event
played. In addition to 6 schedule recordings, 6 event
recording have been set for 24 hours on Time
recordings can be set up. The schedule settings can
table1. To delete the designated start and end
be set up to 16 patterns. (☞ Page 36)
time, right-click the timetable.
• The recording time table can be set by dragging the
■ Recording setup (All cameras)
start and end time on the time bar with the mouse.
Set the recording frame rate and image quality. The
• Be sure to set so that there is no overlap between
settings will be applied to all cameras.
the 6 time tables. When attempting to set the
same time as already set on another time bar, the
[Frame rate]
time immediately before or after the overlapping
Select the recording frame rate.
time will be set.
1 ips/ 3 ips/ 5 ips/ 10 ips/ 15 ips/ 30 ips
• Within the same time table, event recording has
Default: 10 ips
priority over schedule recording.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Important: Note:
• For a camera whose compression method is [MJPEG], • The referenced recording days will be displayed cor-
"10 ips / 15 ips / 30 ips" cannot be selected. rectly only when the settings have been saved while
• If a camera whose compression method is the recorder has recognized the camera correctly.
[MJPEG] is included, [MJPEG] camera is set to • The referenced recording days will be calculated
"5 ips" even if "10 ips / 15 ips / 30 ips" is set by based on the assumption that recording is started
slider bar of frame rate setting. You can confirm on Monday. The special day settings are not taken
the current setting value with [Advanced setup >] into account.
in Recording setup (All cameras). • This value excludes the HDD consumption for the
event/emergency recording.
[Image quality] • If a camera manufactured by other than ours is
Select the recording image quality. used, the value of "Referenced recording days"
NQ (Normal): Standard quality will not be displayed.
FQ (Fine): High quality • "*" preceding an item indicates that the item has
SF (Super Fine): Super fine quality been changed on the "Advanced recording setup"
XF (Extra Fine): Extra fine quality page.
Default: FQ • When configured to perform recording in high res-
olution and high quality, recording may sometimes
Important: not be performed at the specified rate. When
• For a camera whose compression method is there may be possibility to fail recording at the
[MJPEG], "XF" cannot be set. specified rate while using only our cameras, the
• If a camera whose compression method is [MJPEG] confirmation window will be displayed.
is included, [MJPEG] camera is set to "SF" even if
"XF" is set by slider bar of image quality setting. You [Advanced >] button
can confirm the current setting value with [Advanced The "Advanced recording setup" will be displayed.
setup >] in Recording setup (All cameras). Each camera can be set up separately for recording.
(☞ Page 38)
[Referenced recording days]
Calculates and displays the total number of days for
which recording on the hard disk drives is available.

Configure the advanced settings for schedule recording

[Advanced schedule setup]
Up to 16 schedule patterns can be set. Up to 6 time zones of the schedule recording or event recording can be
set for each schedule.
Clicking the [Advanced >] button in the "Schedules" field will open the "Advanced schedule setup" page.

Time table1: Recording according to Time table1.

Time table2: Recording according to Time table2.
Off: Neither schedule nor event recording will take

■ Event recording
Set the recording duration in the event that an alarm
occurs and the recording duration before an alarm

[Event recording duration]

■ Days to record Set the recording duration in the event that an alarm
Select the actions to be taken on each day of the occurs.
week based on a time table. [●] indicates the 2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min/ 2 min/ 3 min/
selected state, [○] the unselected state. 5 min/ 10 min/ 15 min

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Manual: Recording will continue while receiving [Display the schedule list.]
an alarm input signal. Recording will be per- Display each time table from Schedule 1 to Schedule
formed for at least 8 seconds. 16 and settings of the schedule recording, event
Ext.: Alarm output will continue until the alarm recording, etc. The schedule list will be displayed
action is reset. when clicking [View] button.
Default: 30 s

[Pre-event duration]
Set the recording duration before an alarm occurs.
0 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 15 s
Default: 0 s

• The actual recording time may sometimes be
longer than the duration selected for this setting.
• A 15 second pre-event recording is available when Time zones from 1 to 6 of each time table are super-
the bit rate setting of the camera is 4 Mbps. Time of imposed and displayed.
the pre-event recording may be shorter than the set
time if the image is recorded in high resolution over [Back] button
4 Mbps, high image quality and high rate. Click the button after completing the settings. The
• Pre-event recording is not performed when "0 s" screen returns to the [Recording setup] tab.
is selected.
• When images are set to be recorded together with
audio, the audio may not be recorded at the
beginning of the pre-event recording.

■ Schedule to record
Two time tables can be set.

[Schedule recording] (☞ Page 35)

[Event recording] (☞ Page 35)

[e-Mail] (☞ Page 35)

[TCP alarm notification] (☞ Page 35)

[Prev page] / [Next page]

The schedule settings to be configured will be
switched over.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up recording for individual cameras [Advanced recording setup]

Set up items such as the image capture size, frame rate and image quality for individual cameras.
Clicking the [Advanced >] button on the [Recording setup (All cameras)] tab will open the advanced setup page.

• When configured to perform recording in high res-
olution and high quality, recording may sometimes
not be performed at the specified rate.
• Depending on the model of the camera, the cam-
era may reboot when the image capture size is
changed. The reboot will be detected as a com-
munication error, but that is not a malfunction.

[Rate] (Frame rate) (☞ Page 35)

• The 25 ips/ 50 ips/ 60 ips is available depending
The model number of the connected camera will be
on the camera model and settings of compression
and image capture size.
(Blank: Camera is not registered)
• The images of "60 ips (50 ips)" can be displayed
in one screen if a monitor compatible with
1920×1080 p/ 60 Hz (1920×1080 p/ 50 Hz) is used
The compression method selected when registering
as a main monitor. (The images on the main moni-
camera will be displayed.
tor other than 1-screen and on the sub monitor
are displayed in "30 ips (25 ips)".)
[Image capture size]
Select a resolution for images to be recorded.
[Quality] (Image quality) (☞ Page 36)
<When the aspect ratio is 4:3>
VGA(640×480)/ SVGA(800×600)/
SXVGA(1280×960)/ UXGA(1600×1200)/
Select whether or not to record audio together with
QXGA(2048×1536)/ 5M(2560×1920)/
On(AAC-LC): Audio will be recorded. (AAC-LC
<When the aspect ratio is 16:9>
HVGAW(640×360)/ HD(1280×720)/
On: Audio will be recorded. (G.726 format)
FHD(1920×1080)/ WQHD(2560×1440)/
Off: Audio will not be recorded.
Default: Off
<When the aspect ratio is 1:1>
1.6M(1280×1280)/ 4M(2048×2048)/
5M(2192×2192)/ 8M(2816×2816)/ 9M(2992×2992)
Select a schedule in which the desired recording to
<When the aspect ratio is 9:16>
be performed is included.
0.2M(360×640)/ 1M(720×1280)/ 2M(1080×1920)
Schedule1 : Recording will be performed accord-
When the aspect ratio is set to 9:16, the image is
ing to the settings for schedule1.

rotated by 90 °. If you want to rotate the image by

Schedule16: R  ecording will be performed accord-
270 °, select 270 ° at "Set the image rotation of
ing to the settings for schedule16.
camera [Image rotation]". (☞ Page 24)
Default: Schedule1

• The available image capture sizes may differ
Select the frame rate of the event recording.
depending on the model of the camera and the
1 ips/ 3 ips/ 5 ips/ 10 ips/ 15 ips/ 25 ips/ 30 ips/
compression method.
(Same as the basic)
Default: Same as the basic

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Emergency] [Referenced recording days] (☞ Page 36)

Set the frame rate of the emergency recording.
1 ips/ 3 ips/ 5 ips/ 10 ips/ 15 ips/ 25 ips/ 30 ips/ [Back] button
(Same as the basic) Click the button after completing the settings. The
Default: Same as the basic screen returns to the [Recording setup] tab.

• If the rate of the basic settings is 50 ips or 60 ips, the
settings of the event recording and the emergency
recording will be the same as the rate or the basic
setting and displayed as "Same as the basic". In this
case, the settings of the event recording and
emergency recording cannot be changed.
• The rates of recorded images set to 5 ips/ 10 ips/
15 ips become 4.2 ips/ 8.3 ips/ 12.5 ips
respectively if any of the basic setup, the event
recording or the emergency recording of the same
camera is set to 25 ips.
• If the SD backup rec. or the SD recording function
of the camera is used, set the frame rate of the
event recording and the emergency recording to
"Same as the basic".

Configure event-related settings [Event setup] tab

Configure event-related settings such as the alarm output duration and buzzer duration.

Rec.: Output of the alarm signal will continue dur-

ing event recording.
Default: 2 s

[Buzzer duration]
Set the duration of the buzzer sound when an alarm
occurs. When "0 s" is selected, the buzzer will not
0 s/ 2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min
Ext.: The buzzer will keep on sounding until the
alarm action is reset. Refer to the "Cancel the
alarm action" (☞ Page 122) for further infor-
■ Alarm action
mation about how to cancel the alarm action.
Configure alarm-related items such as alarm output
Rec.: The buzzer will keep on sounding during
duration and alarm auto reset.
event recording.
Default: 2 s
[Output duration]
Select the output duration for the alarm signal output
[Auto reset time]
from the terminal on the recorder’s rear panel when
Set the time for automatically resetting the alarm action.
an alarm occurs. When "0 s" is selected, alarm sig-
2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min/ 3 min/ 5 min
nals will not be output.
Ext.: The alarm action will not automatically reset.
0 s/ 2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min
Refer to the "Cancel the alarm action" (☞ Page
Ext.: Alarm output will continue until the alarm
122) for further information about how to can-
action is reset. Refer to the "Cancel the alarm
cel the alarm action.
action" (☞ Page 122) for further information
Default: Ext.
about how to cancel the alarm action.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Note: [Event type]

• If the time set for "Output duration" or "Buzzer Displayed when "On" or "On(ACK/RESET)" is
duration" is longer than that set for "Auto reset selected for "Main monitor action".
time", the time set for "Auto reset time" will be A event type to be linked is selected.
[Message display] Displayed when "On" or "On(ACK/RESET)" is
Select whether or not to display a message on a PC selected for "Main monitor action".
connected to a network when an alarm occurs. It selects the display in which the main monitor action
On: Display a message. to be displayed.
Off: Does not display a message. Ctrl screen: Displays in the Ctrl screen.
Default: On Wide view: Displays in the Wide view.

[Main monitor action] ■ Advanced event setup

While the main monitor is displaying the operation Configure advanced settings for individual alarm types
window, select whether or not to switch to 1-screen (terminal alarm, camera site alarm, and command
display in association with alarm occurrence. alarm). Clicking the [Advanced >] button for each item
On: Switch the monitor display in association with will open the respective "Advanced setup".
alarm occurrence.
On(ACK/RESET): Switches the monitor display
linking with the alarm confirmation and reset-
Off: Does not switch the monitor display.
Default: Off

• When "On(ACK/RESET)" is selected, the monitor
will not be switched and keeps displaying the
same camera images even when a different alarm
occurred while the main monitor action is enabled.
When the alarm reset signal is input to the
ALARM/CONTROL connector, the monitor
switches and shows the different camera images.
If multiple alarms occur while the main monitor
action is enabled, the camera number will be
memorized in sequence.
• The images from the camera selected for
"Recording camera" of "Advanced setup" are dis-
played on a 1-screen.
• The main monitor action will not be activated
while recorded images are being played back or
the setup menu is being displayed.
• When the auto reset time have passed, it will
return to the previously displayed screen. (When
the mouse is operated while the main monitor
action is being taken, it will not return to the previ-
ously displayed screen.)

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up terminal alarm [Advanced terminal alarm setup]

Configure the settings relating to the recording triggered by an alarm signal supplied to the ALARM/CONTROL
connector of the recorder from an external alarm device such as a door sensor.
Configure the necessary settings for each alarm input terminal of the ALARM/CONTROL connector on the rear
panel of the recorder.

• When many cameras are registered and "All" is
selected for "Recording camera", the start of
alarm recording may be delayed depending on the
cameras. It is recommended to perform pre-event

Select the camera preset position (001 to 256) to
which the camera is to be moved when an alarm sig-
nal is received. If "---" is selected, the camera will not
be moved to a preset position.
■ Advanced terminal alarm setup
[Terminal output]
Select the action to be taken when an alarm signal is
Choose whether or not to output an alarm signal from
the alarm output terminal of the ALARM/CONTROL
Recording & alarm action: Performs all event
connector on the recorder’s rear panel when an alarm
actions according to the settings.
signal is received.
Recording only: Only recording, filing of event
On: Outputs the alarm signals from the alarm out-
logs, and moving the camera to a preset posi-
put terminal.
tion will be performed.
Off: Does not output alarm signals.
Off: Only filing of event logs will be performed.
Default: On
Default: Recording & alarm action
[Terminal input]
[Alarm log]
Select the terminal status for supplying an alarm sig-
Determine whether or not to save the alarm log.
nal to the alarm terminal.
Save: Logs will be saved.
N.O. (Normally Open): Signals will be supplied
Not save: Logs will not be saved.
when short-circuited.
Default: Save
N.C. (Normally Close): Signals will be supplied
when open-circuited.
[Setup by terminal]
Default: N.O.
Set up individual terminals numbered from 1 to 9.
[Back] button
[Recording camera]
Click the button after completing the settings. The
Select the camera for recording. When "Off" is
screen returns to the [Event setup] tab.
selected, recording will not be performed.
All: Applies all the registered cameras for record-
• Refer to the "Operate the camera" section
Default: Camera number associated with the terminal
(☞ Page 110) for further information about the
camera preset positions.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up camera site alarm [Advanced camera site alarm setup]

Set up the action to be taken when a TCP alarm notification received from a camera triggers camera site alarm.

Refer to the "Set up terminal alarm [Advanced terminal alarm setup]" section (☞ Page 41) for further informa-
tion about the items available for "Advanced camera site alarm setup"; "Mode" and "Alarm log", and also
"Recording camera", "Preset" and "Terminal output" under "Setup by camera".

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings. The
screen returns to the [Event setup] tab.

• If the event recording time (☞ Page 36) is
shorter than alarm deactivation time set from the
camera, the event recording may not be done for
alarms which continuously occur.

Set up command alarm [Advanced command alarm setup]

Set up the action to be taken when a command alarm signal received from a PC that is connected via a net-
work protocol triggers command alarm.

Refer to the "Set up terminal alarm [Advanced terminal alarm setup]" section (☞ Page 41) for further informa-
tion about the items available for "Advanced command alarm setup"; "Mode" and "Alarm log", and also
"Recording camera", "Preset" and "Terminal output" under "Setup by command number".

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings. The
screen returns to the [Event setup] tab.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the advanced settings for recording and events [Advanced setup]
Configure the special settings related to recording on this tab. Set up the recording mode, alarm disarm dura-
tion and TCP alarm port number (the port number for incoming site alarm).

[Recording time of emergency recording]

Select a recording duration for the emergency recording.
30 s/ 1 min/ 3 min/ 5 min/ 10 min/ 15 min/ 30 min
Manual: Records only while the connected exter-
nal switch is being pressed. It records at least
8 seconds.
Ext.: Alarm output will continue until the alarm
action is reset.
Default: 30 s

[SD backup rec.]

[Recording mode] Set whether to save the image on the SD memory
Determine whether or not to stop all recording card or not when the communication is disconnected
actions. Set to "Off", primarily to stop access to the during the recording.
HDD before turning off the power.
On: Performs recording.
Off: Stops all recording actions.
Default: On

• If "Off" is selected, be sure to return the setting to
"On" when resuming operation.

[Alarm disarm duration]

Set the period to suspend event actions for the case On: Uses the SD memory backup function.
that the same kind of event (terminal alarm, camera Off: Does not use the SD memory backup function.
site alarm, command alarm) occurs repeatedly at the Default: Off
same camera.
2 s/ 3 s/ 5 s/ 10 s SD backup rec.
Default: 2 s The SD memory backup is a function to save images
on the SD memory card inserted in the camera when
[TCP alarm port number] the recorder fails to communicate with the camera
Specify the number of the port to be used for receiv- during the set recording time.
ing site alarm. The SD memory backup is only available if the cam-
Default: 1818 era supports the SD memory recording and the com-
pression is set to H.264/H.265.
Note: The SD memory recording is done by the registered
• Enter the port number in five digits, right aligned. compression of the camera.
(Example: When the port number is 80, enter
"00080".) The leading zeros are omitted here. Note:
• The following numbers, the HTTP port number, the • If the camera is set to "Not use" the SD memory
HTTPS port number, the FTP port number and the card or the SD memory card is not inserted
port number of the port forwarding are unavailable. (including insufficient insertion), error messages
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110, are displayed some times in a day and recording
123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002, is paused for about 20 seconds.
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007 • If the SD backup rec. function is used, set the
operation mode of the SD memory card to
"Overwrite On" from the camera side.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Acquire the image saved on the SD memory card Refer to "readme.txt" for model numbers and version
Acquire the image saved on the SD memory card to information of cameras that have the smart coding
the recorder and record it to the HDD. (GOP control) function.
Acquisition of images from the SD memory card is
automatically done a quarter past every hour. [Sub-stream recording]
(0:15, 1:15, ∙∙∙23:15) Set the sub-stream recording*.
You can check whether the recorder is acquiring the
SD memory data on the "Status display area".

• When the recording starting time set on the sched-
ule has arrived without communication between
the camera and the recorder, the SD memory
backup will not be executed.
• Do not set the SD memory backup function to the
same camera from multiple network disk recorders.
• The recording time of the acquired SD memory
data will be time of the camera. Adjust time of the
camera and the recorder using the NTP function [Sub-stream recording]
and the camera time auto synchronization func- Set On/Off of the sub-stream recording*.
tion. If time is not adjusted, the SD memory On: Uses the sub-stream recording.
backup may not be available. Off: Does not use the sub-stream recording.
Default: Off
• All images may not be acquired at one time due to [Frame rate]
the time between time tables of the schedule and Select the frame rate of the sub-stream recording.
the total capacity of the images. The remaining 1 ips/ 3 ips/ 5 ips/ 10 ips
images will be acquired at the subsequent acqui- Default: 10 ips
sition time.
• The image is not acquired during the following [Bit rate]
cases. Playing the image/HTTP downloading/ Select the bit rate of the sub-stream recording.
Emergency recording 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 384 kbps,
• If the following operations occur during acquiring 512 kbps, 768 kbps
the SD memory data, the acquisition is paused. Default: H.264(2) 768 kbps, H.265(2) 512 kbps
Communication failure with the camera while
acquiring SD memory data/Entering in HDD man- Note:
agement page of [Advanced setup] • The sub-stream means H.264(2) or H.265(2).

[Smart coding (GOP control)] * The sub-stream recording is a function to record

Select when you use the smart coding (GOP control) low-resolution image (less data volume) in addition
function of the camera. to the normal live image/recording image from cam-
eras. Use it when you want to play back image effi-
ciently while the unit is recording the high resolution

The sub-stream recording is used for the follow-

ing application.
• Playback on a 16-screen during use of the recorder
• Multi-display during use of image monitoring soft-
ware (narrow band)

On (Advanced): Uses the smart coding.

Off: Does not use the smart coding.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Special days]
Assign a schedule of another day individually as a
special day.
For example, if you set "January 1st" to "Sunday", the
recording will be performed as on Sunday, no matter
which day of the week January 1st is actually on.
The following screen of the special day will be dis-
played when the [Setup >] button is clicked.

[Month] [Day]
Select a date that you want to set as a special day.
Select a day whose schedule you want to use.
Default: None

■ Other setup

[Make the frame rate of the pre-event recording to

the frame rate of the event recording]
Check to set the frame rate of the pre-event record-
ing to the frame rate of the event recording. Uncheck
to return the frame rate to the standard settings (the
frame rate of the schedule recording). The setting is
only effective for our cameras.

[Do not send the bit rate setting to a camera for

which the same frame rate is set for the basic set-
up, event recording and emergency recording]
The bit rate setting is not sent to the camera for which
the same frame rate is set for each recording when it is
checked. The setting is only effective for our cameras.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to monitors [Monitor]

The settings relating to the display of the main monitor or sub-monitor connected to the recorder are config-
ured on the setup menu - the "Advanced setup" - the "Monitor" page.
The settings relating to image switching such as multiscreen display and sequence display of live images are
also configured on this page.
The "Monitor" page has 3 tabs; the [Main monitor] tab, the [Sub monitor] tab and the [Advanced setup] tab. The
settings relating to the display of the web browser can be set on the [Web browser] tab of the "Monitor" page
on the setup menu of the web browser. (☞ Page 188)

Set up the main monitor [Main monitor]

Perform settings relating to the main monitor display such as the display position of the camera title.
■ Live sequence (Wide view)
Set the sequence of the wide view screen on the
main monitor.
The following live sequence (Wide view) screen will be
displayed when the [Setup >] button is clicked.

■ Camera title
Determine whether or not to display the camera title
on the main monitor.
On: Displays the camera title.
Off: Does not display the camera title. [Mode]
Default: On Select a screen pattern of the sequence.
1-screen live sequence/4-screen live sequence/
[Position] 9-screen live sequence/16-screen live sequence
Select the position to display the camera title on Default: 1-screen live sequence
L-Upper/ L-Lower/ R-Upper/ R-Lower [Keep aspect ratio]
Default: R-Upper Select whether to change the aspect ratio of the dis-
played area if the aspect ratio of the image is different
[Camera title] from the displayed area.
Enter a camera title to display for each camera using Checked: Keep aspect ratio (Does not change the
the on-screen keyboard (☞ Installation Guide  page ratio automatically).
8). (Up to 16 characters) Not checked: Does not keep aspect ratio
(Changes the ratio automatically).
Note: Default: Not checked
• When using together with the date and time dis-
play to be set on the camera (☞ Page 18) or [Duration]
OSD (Display Title, ☞ Page 19), adjust the posi- Set the interval (duration) for switching camera
tion to be displayed to not to overlap with them. images.
• The camera title configured on this setting will not 3 s/ 5 s/ 10 s
be embedded on recorded images. Default: 5 s

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Note: [Stretch images to fit the areas in control screen

• Some cameras may take time to display images display]
and the screen may be switched before images Mark the checkbox to enlarge the vertical size of
are displayed if the duration is short. In that case, images with the aspect ratio of 16:9 to fit into the
set a longer time for the switching interval. image display area on the control screen.

[Camera selection] Note:

Select the cameras to be included in the sequence • If the image is expanded by this setting, the cam-
display. era operation or the motion detection search in
Mark the checkbox next to the desired camera. The the image may not function as the specified coor-
selected cameras will be displayed in numerical dinates or area.
[Fix the HDMI output to the following video mode]
Note: Fixes the signal system of the HDMI output when it is
• The selected cameras are displayed from the top checked. The signal system is selectable from 4K and
in the 4-screen, 9-screen and 16-screen live 1080p.
• The number of selected camera is within the num- Note:
ber of split screens, it displays without switching • 4K output is p/30Hz(4K/30p). Depending on your
the cameras. monitor, "ERROR" may be displayed, but you can
still use this product without problems.
[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings. The [Activate the time-saving playback]
screen returns to the [Main monitor] tab. Mark the checkbox to activate the time-saving play-
back and play the recorded image up to 4 times
■ Other setup faster if there is no movement in the recorded image.
Click [Setup >] button to display the following screen. (For playback by the operation of the recorder)
(☞ Page 132)

• To use the time-saving playback, cameras that
support the motion detection search function are
Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided
CD-ROM about the supported cameras. Refer to
the operating instructions of the camera in use for
further information.

[Back] button
[Select multiscreen buttons displaying on wide Click the button after completing the settings. The
view operation panel] screen returns to the [Main monitor] tab.
The button whose checkbox is marked will be dis-
played on the wide view operation panel.

■ Other setup
[Auto-hide the status display panel and the opera-
tion panel in wide view]
Mark the checkbox to display or hide the status dis-
play panel and the operation panel in wide view in
association with whether the mouse cursor is dis-
played or hidden.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to sub monitors [Sub monitor]

Set up the sub monitor by selecting the camera images to display, the image display duration, etc.

[Keep aspect ratio]

Select whether to change the aspect ratio of the dis-
played area if the aspect ratio of the image is different
from the displayed area.
Checked: Keep aspect ratio (Does not change the
ratio automatically)
Not checked: Does not keep aspect ratio
(Changes the ratio automatically)
Default: Not checked

Set the interval (duration) for switching camera
■ Camera title images.
[Display] 3 s/ 5 s/ 10 s
Set whether to display the camera title on the sub Default: 5 s
On: Displays the camera title Note:
Off: Does not display the camera title • The terminal status (N.O. or N.C.) for supplying an
Default: On alarm signal to the alarm terminal depends on the
settings for "Terminal input" of "Advanced termi-
■ Display settings nal alarm setup" (☞ Page 41).
Set the display sequence for camera images (image • Some cameras may take time to display images
switching). and the screen may be switched before images
are displayed if the duration is short. In that case,
[Mode] set a longer time for the switching interval.
Select how to display images from the cameras.
1-screen live sequence: Images from the cameras [Camera selection]
will sequentially be switched and displayed on Select the cameras to be included in the sequence
1-screen. display.
4-screen live sequence: Images from the cameras Mark the checkbox next to the desired camera. The
will sequentially be switched and displayed on selected cameras will be displayed in numerical
4-screen. order.
9-screen live sequence: Images from the cameras
will sequentially be switched and displayed on Note:
9-screen. • The selected cameras are displayed from the top
16-screen live sequence: Images from the camer- in the 4-screen, 9-screen and 16-screen live
as will sequentially be switched and displayed sequence, 24Screen or the 32Screen.
on 16-screen. • The number of selected camera is within the num-
Switch by alarm terminal input: Switches camera ber of split screens, it displays without switching
1 to 9 to display images on 1-screen accord- the cameras even if the live sequence is selected.
ing to the signal input triggered by the terminal
alarms from terminal 1 to 9.
24Screen: Images from the cameras will be dis-
played on 24Screen without switching the
32Screen: Images from the cameras will be dis-
played on 32Screen without switching the

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Secret view]
Secret view is a function that causes the camera
image displayed on a 1-screen or the selected cam-
era image on a multiscreen on the main monitor to be
displayed as a black screen on the sub monitor.
Determine whether or not to use secret view.
On: Enables the secret view function.
Off: Disables the secret view function.
Default: Off

• While "1-screen live sequence" is being per-
formed, the secret view images will be skipped
(not displayed).
• The image on the sub monitor may momentarily
go black when images are switched on the main

Configure other settings relating to monitors

[Advanced setup]
Configure the audio output setting of the monitor and select the video format sent to the sub monitor.

[Video format of sub-monitor (BNC)]

Select NTSC system/PAL system as analogue video
to the sub monitor (BNC).

• If you want the audio output from the monitor, set
"On" in "Audio" of the "Advanced recording setup"
(☞ Page 38).

■ Other setup
[Detect a power-off of the sub monitor (HDMI)]
When the sub monitor is to be used and the check-
[Audio output camera]
box is marked, the error action will be taken if the sub
The camera channel whose audio is output from the
monitor is disconnected or the power is off.
recorder will be fixed. To fix the camera channel,
select the camera whose audio is to be output from Note:
the recorder. • Depending on the monitor, it may not be detected
Selected camera: Does not fix the camera chan- even if the power switch of the monitor is turned off.
nel (The recorder will output the audio of the
camera whose images are being displayed.) [Display 1-screen live image on stream 2]
Cam.1 - Cam.32: Fixes the camera channel (The Mark the checkbox to display 1-screen live image on
recorder will always output the audio of the stream 2.
selected camera.)
Default: Selected camera

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to network [Network]

The settings relating to the network of the recorder are configured on the setup menu - the "Advanced setup"
menu - the "Network" page.
The "Network" page has [Basic], [e-Mail], [TCP alarm notification] and [NTP/SNMP] tabs.

Configure the basic network settings [Basic]

The basic settings relating to the network can be configured on this tab.

• Enter the address octets and port numbers right-aligned. (Example: When the port number is 80, enter
"00080".) The leading zeros are omitted here.

■ Network Setup [Line speed]

Configure the network settings of the recorder. Specify the line speed for data transmission.
Auto: Line speed will be applied automatically.
[IP address] 100M-Full: 100 Mbps full-duplex
The IP address of the recorder will be displayed. 100M-Half: 100 Mbps half-duplex
To change the IP address, click the [▲]/[▼] button. 10M-Full: 10 Mbps full-duplex
Default: [Camera/PC port] 10M-Half: 10 Mbps half-duplex [PC port] Default: Auto [Camera/PC port]
Auto [PC port]
[Subnet mask]
Select the subnet mask in accordance with the Important:
recorder’s network environment. Enter in the same • When the setup menu is closed after changing the
way as the IP address. line speed, the recorder will automatically reboot.
Default: [Camera/PC port] [PC port] ■ DNS Setup
The settings relating to DNS (Domain Name System)
[Default gateway] can be configured on this tab.
Select the address for the default gateway in accord-
ance with the recorder’s network environment. Enter [DNS]
in the same way as the IP address. Determine whether or not to use the DNS.
Default: Off : Does not use the DNS.
Manual: When using DNS, it is possible to search
IP addresses by host name.
Default: Off

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Primary server address] When using the ""

[Secondary server address] service
When the DNS is used, select the IP addresses for
the primary and secondary DNS server. Enter in the
same way as the IP address.

[Domain name]
Enter the domain name of the recorder. The first char-
acter of the domain name should be an alphabetical
Enter 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters including
hyphens (-) and periods (.).
Default: localdomain

■ DDNS Setup [Personal(Product) URL]

Select the DDNS service to determine whether or not The URL of the camera registered for "Viewnetcam.
to use DDNS. com".
Off: Does not use the DDNS function. When accessing the menu again after performing the Uses the "" initial settings, the temporary URL will be displayed.
Default: Off [Your account link]
The URL of the registration window for the "Viewnet-
Note:" service will be displayed.
• "" is a Dynamic DNS service Register the information in the registration window to
designed for use with our network cameras. Refer enroll in the "" service.
to the "" website ( for further information about [Access interval]
the service. Select the interval to access the ""
service server to check the IP address and the host
name from the following.
10 min/ 20 min/ 30 min/ 40 min/ 50 min/ 1 h
Default: 1 h

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Procedure to register information for the ""

Step 1 ■ Other setup
Click the [Advanced >] button to set bandwidth con-
Access the URL displayed on "Your account link"
trol, HTTP port number, and FTP port number.
from the PC connected to the Internet.
The setup menu (advanced) will be displayed.
→→ The registration window for ""
will be displayed.

Step 2
Register the information for "" by
following the instructions of the wizard.
→→ When the registration window is not displayed,
check that the PC is being connected to the Inter-
net, and click the reload button of the browser.
When the message is displayed to inform that the
registration is successful, close the registration
The URL selected at the time of registration can
■ Other setup
be used for recorder access. However, this URL
[HTTP port number]
is unavailable when accessing the recorder from
Specify the HTTP port number to be used to send
the PC connected to the same network (LAN).
images from the recorder.
It is unnecessary to change it for normal use.
1 - 65535
• When the registration for the ""
Default: 80
service is completed, the URL of the recorder reg-
istered for "Personal(Product) URL". It may take
up to around 30 minutes until the URL of the reg-
• Depending on the network settings, network com-
istered recorder is validated.
munication may not be established if the HTTP
• To cancel the enrollment in the "Viewnetcam.
port number has been changed. In this case, refer
com" service, access the ""
to the administrator of each network.
website ( later.
• The following numbers, the HTTPS port number,
• It is possible to check the information registered
the FTP port number, the site alarm receive port
for the "" service by accessing
number and the port number of the port forward-
the URL displayed beside "Your account link".
ing are unavailable.
When the URL is not displayed, check that the
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 105, 110,
recorder is being connected to the Internet, exit
123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002,
the menu, and display this tab again to check the
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007
• If access often fails due to the change in the
global address of router, set a smaller value for
"Access interval".

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[FTP port number] [Port forwarding]

Designate the FTP port number of the recorder. Set whether to enable the port forwarding or not.
It is unnecessary to change it for normal use. On: Sets the port forwarding.
1 - 65535 Off: Does not set the port forwarding.
Default: 21
[Port setup]
Note: Set the port number of each camera between 1 to
• The following numbers, the HTTP port number, 65535 if the port forwarding is set.
the HTTPS port number, the site alarm receive Default: Cam.1 60001 ~ Cam.32 60032
port number and the port number of the port for-
warding are unavailable. Note:
20, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110, • The following numbers, the HTTP port number,
123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002, the HTTPS port number, the FTP port number, the
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007 site alarm receive port number and the port num-
ber of other port forwarding are unavailable.
[Attach the alteration detection code (FTP)] 20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110,
Determine whether or not to attach the alteration 123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002,
detection code to the recorded images to be down- 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007
loaded from an FTP server.
Off: Does not attach the alteration detection code. [Easy IP Setup accommodate period]
On: Attaches the alteration detection code. Set time to enable operation of the network settings
Default: Off from the dedicated software to 20 minutes or unlim-
ited from the launch of the recorder.
[Internet mode (This product → PC)] 20 min: Enables operation to change the IP
Set this to transmit the camera live image (H.264/H.265) address of the recorder from the dedicated
via the Internet. It can transmit the H.264/H.265 image software for 20 minutes only after the launch
with the settings of the broad band router kept the same of the recorder.
as the JPEG image transmission. Unlimited: Always enables operation to change
On: Uses the HTTP port to transmit the image the IP address of the recorder from the dedi-
and audio. cated software.
Off: Uses the UDP port to transmit the image and Default: 20 min
Auto: Uses the HTTP port to transmit the image [Back] button
and audio if the network address of the desti- Click this button after completing the settings.
nation is different from that of the recorder.
Default: Off

■ Port forwarding
Click the [Setup >] button to set the port forwarding.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to the mail notification [e-Mail]

The settings of alarm mail notice, the settings of warning mail (☞ Page 189) and the settings to use the mail
functions can be configured on this tab.

[Authentic method - Password]

Enter the password to be required together with the
user name for the authentication. Enter up to 32
alphanumeric characters excluding "&" listed in the
description of "Note". An entered character for the
password will be displayed as "*".

• Available characters are as follows.
[SMTP server address] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! # $ % &‘ ( ) * + ,- . / : ; < = > ?
Enter an IP address or a name of the SMTP server to @[¥]^_`{|}~
send e-mails. The name of the SMTP server is availa-
ble only when "Manual" is selected for "DNS" on the [Sender’s address]
[Basic] tab accessed from the "Advanced setup" Enter the mail address of a sender. Entered mail
menu - the "Network" page of the setup menu. Enter addresses will be displayed in the "From" (sender)
up to 255 alphanumeric characters including hyphens line. Enter up to 127 alphanumeric characters includ-
(-) and periods (.). ing hyphens (-), periods (.), @, and _.
Default: NWDR
[SMTP port number]
Enter the port number of the SMTP server. [Security]
1 - 65535 Alarm mails or warning mails will be encrypted and
Default: 25 transmitted. Authentication method will be set to
"SMTP" if it is not set to "Off". Set the user name and
[POP server address] password for the authentication.
Enter an IP address or name of the POP server to be Off / SMTP over SSL / STARTTLS
used for POP before SMTP authentication. The name Default: Off
of the POP server is available only when "Manual" is
selected for "DNS" on the [Basic] tab accessed from [Destination address - Address1 - Address4]
the "Advanced setup" menu - the "Network" page of Enter the mail addresses of the recipients of the alarm
the setup menu. Enter up to 255 alphanumeric char- mail and the warning mail (☞ Page 189). Enter up to
acters including hyphens (-) and periods (.). 255 alphanumeric characters including hyphens (-),
periods (.), @, and _.
[Authentic method] Check the desired mail type (Warning/Alarm) to be
Select the authentication method to send e-mails sent.
from the following. Up to 4 destination addresses can be registered.
None/ POP before SMTP/ SMTP
Default: None

[Authentic method - User name]

Enter the user name to be required for the authentica-
tion. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters exclud-
ing "&" listed in the description of "Note".

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the TCP alarm notification settings

[TCP alarm notification]
The settings to notify the PC of the event and error information when an event or an error occurs can be config-
ured on this tab.
To display the event and error information, it is necessary that the software (option) is installed on the recipient
Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM for details on the software.

[Port number(to PC)]

Enter the port number of the recipient PCs.
It is usually not necessary change the default.
Default: 1818

Set the number of retry attempts for the transmission
to the PC.
0 - 8 (times) (In steps of times)
Default: 2

• If the transmission to the PC fails, increase the
number of retry attempts.

[Destination address - Address1 - Address8]

Enter the addresses of the recipient PCs. Enter the IP
address or host name for "Address1" - "Address8".
The host name is available only when "Manual" is
selected for "DNS" on the [Basic] tab accessed from
the "Advanced setup" menu - the "Network" page of
the setup menu.
Up to 8 destination addresses can be registered.
Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters including
hyphens (-) and periods (.).

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to NTP/SNMP synchronization

The settings to synchronize the system clock with the NTP (Network Time Protocol) and SNMP (Simple Net-
work Management Protocol) server can be configured on this tab.

• It is possible to run the recorder as an NTP server
to be referred by the cameras. In this case, set the
port number of the camera to "123". Refer to the
operating instructions of the connected camera
for information on how to configure the settings of
the camera.

■ SNMP setup
Set this item to check the status of the recorder by
connecting to the SNMP server.
■ NTP setup Enter the items using the alphanumeric characters
[Time adjustment] listed in "Note" (☞ Page 54) and symbols.
Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to
adjust the time according to the NTP server. [Community]
On: Adjusts the time automatically. Enter a name used for SNMP authentication (up to 32
Off: Does not adjust the time automatically. alphanumeric characters).
Default: Off
[System name]
Important: Enter a name (up to 255 alphanumeric characters) for
• Inaccuracy of time stamp on recorded images due management of the recorder by the SNMP system.
to inaccurate clock adjustment of this product Example: No.1
may cause operational problems. When the sys-
tem operation requires an accurate time setting, [Location]
use the NTP auto time adjustment using an NTP Enter a location where the recorder is installed. (up to
server. 255 alphanumeric characters)
Example: 2F
[Primary server address]
[Secondary server address] [Contact]
Enter the address or name of the NTP server when Enter the contact information such as a mail address
adjusting the time using the NTP server. of an administrator of this recorder. (up to 255 alpha-
The name of the NTP server is available only when numeric characters)
"Manual" is selected for "DNS" on the [Basic] tab
accessed from the "Advanced setup" menu - the
"Network" page of the setup menu.
Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters including
hyphens (-) and periods (.).

• Entering "http://" is not necessary if the server
name is entered.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to the user

management [User management]
The settings such as user authentication On/Off, administrator registration and operation levels can be config-
ured on the setup menu - the "Advanced setup" menu - the "User management" page.
The "User management" page has [Basic], [User registration], [Administrator setup] and [Host registration] tabs.

Configure the basic settings relating to user management

The settings relating to login when using the mouse, user authentication for network operations, and user levels
can be configured on this tab.

[Auto logout]
Set the time to wait until auto logout when no opera-
tions are made while displaying live images.
Off: Does not logout to the recorder automati-
After 1 min/ After 3 mins/ After 5 mins/
After 30 mins
Default: Off

• When "On" is selected for "Auto login", the user
■ Operation will not be logged out automatically even if other
Configure the settings to enable auto login when turn- values than "Off" is selected for "Auto logout".
ing on the recorder. When logout is performed (☞ Page 98), login
will be automatically performed by the user regis-
[Auto login] tered in "Auto login user".
Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to • To prevent inappropriate operations, it is recom-
activate the auto login function. mended to select settings other than "Off" for
On: Logs in to the recorder automatically. "Auto logout".
Off: Does not log in to the recorder automatically.
Login is required when operating the recorder ■ Network
from the logout status. Determine whether or not to require user authentica-
Default: On tion for operating the recorder from a PC.

[Auto login user] [User authentication]

When "On" is selected for "Auto login", the users reg- Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to
istered as auto login users in this setting can log in to authenticate the user.
the recorder automatically. An auto login user should On: Login followed by user authentication
be one of the users registered in the recorder. Off: Login without user authentication
Default: (Administrator) Default: On

[Quick login] [Host authentication]

Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether to enter or Determine whether to enable or disable the host
select the user name. authentication.
Off: User name needs to be entered. On: Login followed by host authentication.
On: Login by selecting a displayed user name. Off: Login without the host authentication.
Default: Off Default: Off

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

■ User level settings * Administrators and managers can perform all

Set up the operations allowed at each user level operations. The difference between an adminis-
(Administrator/Manager/Operator/Viewer) by marking trator and a manager is that an administrator
the respective checkboxes. To stop a user from oper- has priority over a manager; if both perform the
ating certain functions, do not check the respective same operation at the same time, that of the
function. The setting for the administrator cannot be administrator will have priority.
changed. The system can also be set up to allow only • The screenshot shows the default.
live operation (image switching) after logout. • When a user tries to operate a function that is not
checked (restricted function), the login window
Note: may sometimes be displayed to prompt a user
• Only a user logged in as "Administrator/Manager" with the required user level to log in.
can change the user level settings.
• At the default, operations allowed at the user level
are as follows:
Administrator/Manager: Possible to perform all
the operations (Administrators)
Operator: Possible to perform a part of the set-
tings of the recorder and alarm reset (Head of
Viewer: Possible to monitor or play the images

Restrictable operations
It is possible to allow or restrict the following operations for each user.
Operation Description
Camera operation Camera images displayed on the main monitor can be changed.
Camera control Camera control such as panning and tilting can be performed.
Search and playback Recorded images can be played back and searched by VMD search.
Copy Recorded images can be copied to storage media such as a USB.
Alarm reset An alarm action can be canceled.
Error reset An error action can be canceled.
Setup Setup menus can be displayed and the settings can be configured.
Camera image display The image and audio data of all cameras can be displayed/output. To set
up the display of camera images, click the [Setup >] button. (☞ Set up the
user level for individual cameras)

* It is recommended to restrict "Setup" to the administrator.

* Even if "Setup" is set to be available to each user, there will be some operations restricted to the administrator

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Set up the user level for individual cameras

Select the cameras allowed for operation by each user level (operator/viewer/logged out) by marking the
respective checkboxes.
Remove the check mark from any cameras not to be displayed. The setting for the administrator/manager can-
not be changed.

[Back] button
Click the button after completing the settings. The
screen returns to the [Basic] tab.

Register, edit or delete the user information

[User registration]
Use this tab to register, edit or delete user names and passwords.

Enter the user password using the on-screen key-
board (☞ Installation Guide  Page 8). The password
must be between 8-32 characters including the half-
width alphanumeric and the symbol. Use at least two
types of characters among alphabet, numbers and
symbols. The registered password will be displayed
as "*****" regardless of what is entered.

• For enhanced security, change the password on a
regular basis.
■ Register new user • If you forget the administrator name and the pass-
Register user information such as a user name, pass- word, the recorder must be initialized (repair).
word and operation level.
The maximum number of users that can be registered
is 32.

[User name]
Enter the user name using the on-screen keyboard
(☞ Installation Guide  Page 8). The user name must
be between 1-32 characters including the half-width
alphanumeric and the symbol.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Display the operation level of a user.
Operable functions can be set on the [Basic] tab
(☞ Page 57).
Manager/ Operator/ Viewer
* Administrator and manager both have the same
level, but the administrator has the higher priority.
Default: Operator

[Default screen]
Select a startup screen to be displayed after login.
Cam.1/ ... / Cam.32/ 4Screen-(1)/ ... /
4Screen-(8)/ 9Screen-(1)/ ... / 9Screen-(4)/
16Screen-(1)/ 16Screen-(2)/
Sequence(Wide view)/ 1Screen(Wide view)/
4Screen(Wide view)/ 9Screen(Wide view)/
16Screen(Wide view)/ 24Screen(Wide view)/
32Screen(Wide view)
(Refer to the "Operation window" section (☞ Page 95)
for further information about each setting value.)
Default: 4Screen-(1)

• When a monitor that is not selected in the
"Monitor" - "Main monitor" - "Other setup" is set
as the default screen, "4Screen-(1)" will be dis-
played as the default screen.
• When "9Screen", "16Screen" or any of wide view
screen is selected, the default screen on the web
browser of the PC will be set to 4-screen with live
images from camera 1 to 4.

[Registration] button
Select this button to newly register the edited user

■ Edit user information

Edit or delete the user information that has been reg-
Select the user whose user information is to be edited
or deleted. To edit items, proceed as for new user

[Edit] button
Registers the edited user information.

[Delete] button
Deletes the selected user.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Edit the administrator information [Administrator setup]

The administrator information relating to the password and default screen, etc. can be registered on this tab.

[Administrator name]
Enter the administrator name using the on-screen
keyboard (☞ Installation Guide  Page 8). The adminis-
trator name must be between 1-32 characters includ-
ing the half-width alphanumeric and the symbol.

Enter the administrator password using the on-screen
keyboard (☞ Installation Guide  Page 8). The pass-
word must be between 8-32 characters including the
half-width alphanumeric and the symbol. Use at least
two types of characters among alphabet, numbers and
The registered password will be displayed as "*****"
regardless of what is entered.

• For enhanced security, change the password on a
regular basis.

[Password (Retype)]
Enter the password that has been set for "Password"
again for confirmation.

Display the operation level of an administrator. It is
impossible to change the setting value for an administra-
tor. "Administrator" has been set for the administrator.

[Default screen]
Select a startup screen to be displayed after login.
(☞ Page 60)

[Edit] button
Register the edited administrator information.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Register, edit or delete host [Host registration]

Register, edit or delete the host information of the PC which can access to the recorder via the Internet.

■ Register new host

Register the host information that uses the recorder
such as the host IP address and the operation level.
Up to 32 hosts can be registered.

[Host IP address]
Enter the IP address.
• Enter the IP address in half width digits from 0 to
• "*" can be used as a special character representing
all numbers.
• "" and "*.*.*.*" cannot be registered.

Select an operation level.
(Refer to the "User registration" for the setting contents).
Default: Manager

[Default screen]
Select a startup screen to be displayed after login on
the web browser.
Cam.1/ ... / Cam.32/ 4Screen-(1)/ ... / 4Screen-(8)
Default: 4Screen-(1)

[Registration] button
Registers the set host information as a new.

■ Edit host information

Change or delete the registered host information.
Select a host information to change or delete on
[Host IP address]. To edit items, proceed as for new
user registration.

[Edit] button
Registers the edited user information.

[Delete] button
Deletes the selected user.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to maintenance [Maintenance]

The version of the recorder and disk information is displayed, and the settings relating to hard disk drives can
be configured on the setup menu - the "Advanced setup" menu - the "Maintenance" page. It is also possible to
initialize the setup data of the setup pages, check the system logs and register the license on this page.
The "Maintenance" page has [System information], [HDD information] and [System management] tabs.

Check the system information such as the version

[System information]
The version (of the software and hardware), serial number, network information (MAC address, IP address, line
speed), temperature inside the recorder and highest temperature inside the recorder, etc. are displayed on this

■ SD card information of camera

The SD card information and the SD memory backup
progress of the camera in which the SD memory
backup is set are displayed. Click [View >] button to
display the following screen.

• System information will not be updated while the
"Maintenance" page is being displayed.
• Besides the setting value for "Line speed", the
actual line speed will be displayed in "( )".
• The current temperature in the body is higher than [Software] Displays the software version of the cam-
the ambient temperature due to a temperature era.
increase of internal parts. [SD card model number] Displays the model number
• The temperature increase of internal parts varies of the SD memory card used for the camera.
according to the load on equipment. [Operation time] Displays the operation time of the SD
• The thermal error makes an error action to prevent memory card used for the camera.
failure or unsafety of equipment when tempera- [Overwrite time] Displays the number of the overwrit-
ture of internal parts (such as HDD and CPU) ing of the SD memory card used for the camera.
exceeds the specified temperature. [Backup progress information] Displays the progress
of the SD memory backup.
Date & time display: Date and time of the image
being acquired from the SD memory card of
the camera.
- : No image data to be acquired from the SD
memory card of the camera is available.

• Read "readme.txt" in the CD-ROM provided with
the recorder for applicable cameras.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Confirm the hard disk drive information [HDD information]

Capacity of the hard disk drive and the running time of this product, time range of the recorded images, etc. will
be displayed.

[Overwrite cycle]
Calculates and indicates the overwriting cycle of the
hard disk drives, based on the past recording perfor-
mance (the date & time of the oldest recorded data,
the current date & time and the capacity of the hard
disk drive).

• While overwriting recording is being performed,
the overwriting cycle will be calculated based on
the date & time of the oldest recorded data and
that of the newest recorded data.
• The more often the recording was performed in
• HDD information will not be updated while the
the past, the more accurate the calculation of
"Maintenance" page is being displayed.
overwriting cycle will be.
• The recovery progress information is displayed
• When the recording conditions are changed or
next to the HDD operation mode display during
when data is automatically deleted, the overwrit-
mirroring recovery.
ing cycle will not be indicated accurately.

[Operation mode of HDD]

[Set password for HDD viewer]
Operation mode of HDD will be displayed.
Set whether you will assign a password to the HDD
Refer to page 74 for further information.
mounted on the recorder. Setting it to "On" allows
you to set a password to the HDD when removing
HDD. When you use a HDD with a password set in
Displays the capacities of the hard disk drives.
HDD viewer, you need to enter the password.
On: Sets a password for the HDD.
Off: Does not set a password for the HDD.
Displays the operating time of the hard disk drives.
Default: Off

[Status] Important:
Displays the statuses of the hard disk drives. • Removing the HDD without the removal process
Normal: Hard disk drives that are operating nor- of the HDD (☞ Page 73), the password is not set
mally. The number indicates the order of use. in the HDD.
Playback-only: Hard disk drives for playback use
only (Recording is unavailable.) [Password]
Removed: Hard disk drives that are excluded Assign a password for HDD viewer using the on-
from operation due to fault screen keyboard. The password must be between
Error: Hard disk drives that have become faulty 8-32 characters including the half-width alphanumeric
during the format process and the symbol. Use at least two types of characters
Blank: No HDD connected among alphabet, numbers and symbols. The set pass-
Added: HDD cannot be used until it is formatted word will be displayed as "*****" regardless of what is
[Recorded time range]
Displays the time range of the images recorded on Important:
the hard disk drives. • If you forget the password of the removed HDD,
you cannot play back the HDD in HDD viewer.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Retype password]
Enter the password that has been set for "Password"
again for confirmation.

[Save HDD viewer (to USB medium)]

Save HDD viewer to a USB medium (external storage
device). Click the [Execute >] button to display the
confirmation window to start saving. HDD viewer is
saved under the USB medium drive as a compressed
file ( Unzip the file to use it. The
operating instructions of HDD viewer are available on
our following website.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings and operations relating to the system

[System management]
The settings relating to the actions at an error occurrence and auto data deletion from hard disk drives can be
configured on this tab. It is also possible to display the logs on this page. In addition, general maintenance,
such as license registration, setting initialization and firmware upgrade, can be performed on this tab.

[HDD hour meter warning]

If the operation time of a hard disk drive reaches a
specified level, a warning will be performed. When
"Off" is selected, warning will not be performed.
Off/ 10000 h/ 20000 h/ 30000 h/ 40000 h/ 50000 h
Default: 20000 h

[Auto data delete]

Select to determine how many days should have
passed from the recorded day to delete data auto-
matically from the hard disk drive.
Off/ 1 day/ 2 days/ 3 days/ 4 days/ 5 days/ 6
■ System setup
days/ 7 days/ 8 days/ 9 days/ 10 days/ 14 days/
[Error output duration]
30 days/ 45 days/ 60 days/ 90 days/ 120 days/
Select the duration to output a signal to notify the
150 days/ 180 days/ 184 days
external devices of an error (HDD error, camera error,
Default: Off (Does not delete the data automatically.)
recorder error, recording error or network error).
When "0 s" is selected, the signal is not output.
[Camera time auto synchronization]
0 s/ 2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min
When a date changes, the clock of the cameras will
Ext.: When "Ext." is selected, the signal will keep
be synchronized with the clock of this product.
on being output until the error is reset.
On: Synchronized
Default: 2 s
Off: Not synchronized
Default: On
• Refer to the "Cancel the error action" section
■ Logs
(☞ Page 122) for how to reset the error.
The following logs can be checked.
• Access log: Logs of accessing the recorder
[Error buzzer duration]
• Operation log: Logs of operating the recorder
Configure the settings to sound a buzzer at an error
• Network log: Logs of network errors
occurrence. When "0 s" is selected, buzzer will not
To check each log, click the [View >] button.
0 s/ 2 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 20 s/ 30 s/ 1 min
Ext.: When "Ext." is selected, the buzzer that
started sounding at an error occurrence will
keep on sounding until the buzzer is stopped.
Default: 2 s

• Refer to the "Stop buzzer beeping" (☞ Page 121)
for further information about how to stop buzzer

About the access log

The date & time when logged in/out for the recorder,
the user name, and the IP address will be displayed.
Up to 500 logs are saved.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

When more than 500 logs are filed, the older logs will ■ Functions for maintenance
be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the License is added to operate the recorder. In addition,
oldest log is the first to be overwritten. settings and operations are also performed for main-
**LOGIN/**LOGOUT: A user has logged in/out the tenance of the recorder.
** indicates a user name or an IP address. [Registration of license (This product, camera
extension, etc.)]
About the operation log To use the recorder, it is necessary to obtain the
The operation log displays specific operations of the "Registration Key" from the key management system
recorder and their dates and time in a list. and to register the license. Up to 32 cameras can be
Up to 500 logs are saved. added by registering the license of the additional
When more than 500 logs are filed, the older logs will camera kit.
be overwritten by the newer logs. Contact your dealer for additional cameras. Clicking
CONFIG LOGIN / CONFIG LOGOUT: A host has the [Setup >] button will open the registration window
logged in/out the "HDD management" page. to register the license. (☞ Page 68)
UPDATE SETTINGS: Settings have been changed.
POWER ON: The power of the recorder has been [Registration of license (Security)]
turned on. The registration of the secure communication license
POWER ON(UPDATE): The recorder is rebooted allows you to perform secure communication with up
after the software is updated. to 32 cameras. Contact your dealer for secure com-
POWER ON(RESTART SWITCH): The recorder is munication.
rebooted by pushing the Restart button. Click the [Setup >] button to display the license regis-
BEFORE TIME CHANGE MANUALLY: Before the tration screen. For setting details, refer to the "Oper-
system clock has been changed ating Instructions  Secure Communication Kit" on
AFTER TIME CHANGE MANUALLY: Just after the the provided CD-ROM.
system clock has been changed
BEFORE TIME CHANGE BY NTP: Before the sys- [Registration of license (Optional extension)]
tem clock has been changed by NTP You can activate the optional functions by registering
AFTER TIME CHANGE BY NTP: Just after the additional licenses.
system clock has been changed by NTP Click the [Setup >] button to display the registration
HDD FORMAT: The HDD has been formatted. window of license.
RESET ALL SETTINGS: The settings have been
reset. [Reset all settings]
POWER ON (MAINTENANCE): The recorder has Initializes the setting data. Click the [Execute >] but-
been rebooted by the operation of the setting ton to display the confirmation window for starting
menu. initialization.
temperature information has been cleared. Note:
• The following setting items will not be reset to the
About the network log default or loaded.
The network error logs (occurrence date & time and • HTTP port number
error details) will be displayed in list form. • FTP port number
Up to 100 logs are saved. When more than 100 logs • Network port
are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the • DNS Setup
newer logs. In this case, the oldest log is the first to • License number
be overwritten. Refer to page 90 for further infor-
mation about the error logs. [Save data (to USB medium)]
Saves the setting data on the USB medium. Click the
Note: [Execute >] button to display the confirmation window
• Information will not be updated while logs are to start saving.
being displayed.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Load data (from USB medium)] Note:

Loads the setting data saved on a USB medium • Usage time varies depending on the capacity of
(external storage device) into the recorder. Click the the USB medium or the recording content. Retry
[Execute >] button to display confirmation window to again later if you fail in operation.
start loading. • Do not operate the recorder with multiple USB
medium connected.
Important: • Use the USB medium formatted in exFAT, FAT
• Click the [Set] button to save the settings and (FAT 16) or FAT 32.
leave the menu after loading data. • USB medium recognized by this recorder can be
formatted by the recorder. Refer to page 142 for
[Firmware update] the format procedures.
Loads the software saved on a USB medium (external • USB medium with password authentication or
storage device) into the recorder to upgrade the firmware. requiring a dedicated driver or with the encryption
Click the [Execute >] button to display the confirma- function are not available.
tion window to start initializing. • Contact your dealer for further information about
Only an administrator can execute the firmware the firmware update.
The page to save the maintenance data will open.
(☞ Page 70)

Register the licenses for the recorder and the additional

camera [Registration of license]
The licenses to operate the recorder and to add cameras are registered. The license for 9 cameras are included
when purchasing the recorder. Cameras can be added to 16, 24 or 32 units by adding the license.
To register the options, the "Registration Key" that can be obtained from the Key Management System is
required. Refer to the provided "Activation Key Card" to obtain the "Registration Key" of this product. Refer to
the "Activation Key Card" of the additional camera kit (WJ-NXE20, WJ-NXE20W) for how to obtain the "Regis-
tration Key" to add cameras.

• After registering the "Registration Key" for the recorder or that for the Additional Business Intelligence Kit,
be sure to click the [Restart] button to reboot the recorder. The license will not be effective before the
recorder is rebooted.
• When the Registration Key of this product is registered
• When the Registration Key of the additional camera is registered
• When the license of the concurrent user license kit is added
• The added cameras shall be registered on "Easy start" (☞ Installation Guide  Page 29). Each setting value
is the default. Configure each setting according to your needs.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

[Additional business intelligence - Registration Key]

When you use the additional business intelligence
function, enter the registration key of the Additional
Business Intelligence Kit. Refer to the Operating
Instructions of the Additional Business Intelligence Kit
(WJ-NXF02, WJ-NXF02W) for the detailed setting
methods and operations of the additional business
intelligence function.

[Dealer’s information]
Up to two pieces of information, such as a dealer name
[Entry information of the key management sys- and its telephone number, can be registered using the
tem] on-screen keyboard (☞ Installation Guide  Page 8).
This is the ID number required to obtain the "Regis- Registration is possible for a maximum of 32 characters
tration Key". The Activation Key Card provided with for each entry field.
the recorder describes how to access the key man-
agement system. Click the [Restart] button after entering the items. The
recorder will reboot, and the settings will be applied.
[Registration of license]
Register the "Registration Key" to operate the [Back] button
recorder and activate the extra functions. By clicking this button when license is not activated
or when only "Dealer’s information" is changed, the
[Product - Registration Key] display will return to the [System management] tab.
Enter the "Registration Key" obtained from the key
management system. When the [Registration >] but-
ton next to the entry field is clicked, the registration
window to register the license. When using the
recorder for the first time, be sure to register the
"Registration Key".

[Additional camera - Registration Key 1-3]

To add cameras, enter the registration key of the
additional camera kit. Registering the registration key,
the number of connected cameras is increased as fol-
No Registration Key 9
Registration Key 1 16
Registration Key 2 24
Registration Key 3 32

Refer to the "Activation Key Card" of the additional

camera kit for how to obtain the "Registration Key" to
add cameras. The registration window will be dis-
played when the [Registration >] button on the right
side of the field is clicked.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Execute functions for special maintenance and service [Other]

All logs can be saved on the USB medium (external storage device) or the date and time of the camera can be
synchronized with this product.

• Since this setting will change the settings of all
cameras, please take an extra caution in case that
the settings of each camera are customized indi-

[Acquire the SD backup data from camera]

Starts to acquire the image (SD memory data)
recorded on the SD memory card of the camera in
which the SD memory backup is set.

[Reboot this product]

[Save maintenance data (to USB medium)]
Reboots the recorder.
Save all logs on the USB medium (external storage
[Boot this product in the board replacement mode.]
Saving of the logs will start by executing on the confir-
Used to replace the board.
mation window displayed by clicking the [Execute] but-
• The board replacement mode is used during
maintenance. Do not use it in ordinary operation.
• Do not operate the recorder with multiple USB
• Contact your dealer for the board replacement.
medium connected.
• Use the USB medium formatted in exFAT, FAT
[Clear the maximum temperature record information.]
(FAT 16) or FAT 32.
Clears the highest temperature record information.
• USB medium recognized by this recorder can be
formatted by the recorder. Refer to page 142 for
the format procedures.
• USB medium with password authentication or
requiring a dedicated driver or with the encryption
function are not available.
• Usage time varies depending on the capacity of
the USB medium or the recording content. Retry
again later if you fail in operation.

[Synchronize the camera's time with this unit]

Time and date of all the registered cameras will be
synchronized with the clock of this product. The time
and date synchronization will be executed when the
setting is completed after executing on the confirma-
tion window displayed by clicking the [Execute] but-

[Synchronize the camera's settings with this unit]

Reconfigure the settings of all the registered cameras
based on the setting information of this product. The
time and date synchronization will be executed when
the setting is completed after executing on the confir-
mation window displayed by clicking the [Execute]

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Manage the hard disk drives [HDD management]

The operations relating to the hard disk drives such as checking the capacity of each recording area and for-
matting the drives can be performed on the "HDD management" page of the setup menu - the "Advanced
setup" menu.

• All other operations such as recording and playback will stop when the "HDD management" page is dis-
• Displaying the "HDD management" page forcibly logs out any other users currently logged in to the

How to display the "HDD management" page

Step 1 Click the [Operation] button to return from the "HDD
management" page to the operation screen.
Click the [HDD management] button of the setup
menu - the "Advanced setup" menu.
→→ The window with the administrator name and
password entry fields will be displayed. The win-
dow is also displayed when a user has already
logged in as the administrator.

Step 2
Click the [OK] button after entering "Administrator
name" and "Password" of an administrator.

→→ The "HDD management" page will be displayed.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Check the hard disk drive information [General]

The capacities, operation time and statuses of the hard disk drives are displayed.

Refer to the setup menu - the "Advanced setup" menu - the "Maintenance" page - the [HDD information] tab for
further information about the items displayed on the [HDD information] tab. (☞ Page 64)

Format the hard disk drives [Format HDD]

Hard disk drives are formatted. It is necessary to initialize the HDD after replacing the HDD.

• When a hard disk drive is formatted, all the recorded images will be erased.

Step 1
Click the [Execute >] button for "Format HDD" on the
[General] tab - [HDD management] page.
→→ The window to format hard disk drives will be dis- Step 2

Step 2
Check the hard disk drives to format in the "Format"
field, and click the [Start] button. To start formatting,
click the [OK] button on the confirmation window dis-
When "OK" is displayed on the "Results" field, click
the [Back] button.
When "Error" is displayed, format the hard disk drives

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

About the removal process and the link process of hard disk
When replacing hard disk drives, it is necessary to perform the removal process/ the link process.
Be sure to consult the dealer for the removal, installation, and the related process of hard disk drives.

Remove the HDD [Remove HDD]

Step 1 Step 2
Click [Execute >] on the [Remove HDD]. Check the HDDs to remove, and click the [Start] but-
→→ The HDD removing screen will be displayed. ton.
The HDDs can be removed when "OK" is displayed in
the "Results" field. Click the [Back] button.

• If a password is assigned for HDD viewer, the
HDD is also assigned with a password.

Add the HDD [Add HDD]

Step 1 Step 2
Click [Execute >] on the [Add HDD]. Check the HDDs to add, and click the [Start] button.
→→ The HDD adding screen will be displayed. The process is completed when "OK" is displayed in
the "Results" field and the HDDs are ready for record-
ing. Click the [Back] button.

• When the link process is performed, the data will be erased.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

About the change of the HDD operational mode

About the HDD operational mode
Single mode: Images and audio from the cameras will be recorded on the HDD of this product.
Mirroring mode: The same images and audio from the cameras will be recorded on the 2 HDDs of this
When one of the 2 HDDs is replaced with a new one, it is possible to copy data on the
other HDD to the replaced HDD.

Change the operation mode of HDD [Change the operation mode of HDD]

Step 1 Important:
• When the operational mode of HDD is changed
Click the [Execute >] button on the "Change the oper-
(except the case that the operational mode is
ation mode of HDD" section.
changed from the mirroring mode to the single
→→ The "Change the operation mode of HDD" win-
mode), all data on the HDDs will be erased.
dow will be displayed.
• The capacity of the HDD in the mirroring mode will
become almost half if compared with the single
• When the operational mode of HDD is changed
from the mirroring mode to the single mode, the
Step 2 status of the HDD will turn to "Playback-only".
• When "Operation mode of HDD" is changed, the
recorder will be automatically rebooted.

• When one of the HDDs is replaced in the mirroring
mode, "Add" will be displayed in the status infor-
mation section of "HDD information". The newly
Step 2 replaced HDD will start working in the mirroring
mode when "Add HDD" is executed. In this case,
Select the desired operation mode of HDD, and then
all data on the replaced HDD will be erased.
click the [Start] button.

[Setup via recorder's main monitor]

Configure the settings relating to the extra functions [Extra function]

Set the security and the additional business intelligence function settings on the extra function page of
[Advanced setup] on the setup menu.
Refer to the Operating Instructions of the Secure Communication Kit for the detailed setting methods and oper-
ations of the secure communication function. Refer to the Operating Instructions of the Additional Business
Intelligence Kit (WJ-NXF02, WJ-NXF02W) for the detailed setting methods and operations of the additional
business intelligence function.

■ Security between this product and PC

Connect the recorder and the PC with the HTTPS.
The HTTPS encodes the access to the recorder and
enhances the safety of the communication.

Set the connection.
HTTP & HTTPS: The HTTP and HTTPS connec-
tions are available.
HTTPS: The HTTPS connection is only available.
Default: HTTP & HTTPS

[HTTPS port number]

Set the port number used for the HTTPS.
1 - 65535
Default: 443

• The following numbers, the HTTP port number,
the site alarm receive port number and the port
number of the port forwarding are unavailable.
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110,
123, 161, 162, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002,
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007

Lists of the setting items (Setup menu)
Quick setup (Easy Start)
Setting item (including those of the
Available range Default
"Advanced setup" menu)
Date & time adjustment 2016/1/1 0:00 - 2037/12/31 23:59 20nn/mm/1 0:00
("nn" and "mm" are
calculated base on the serial
number of the recorder.)
Set time zone GMT-12:00, GMT-11:00, GMT-10:00, GMT-9:00, GMT
GMT-8:00, GMT-7:00, GMT-6:00, GMT-5:00,
GMT-4:30, GMT-4:00, GMT-3:30, GMT-3:00,
GMT-2:00, GMT-1:00, GMT, GMT+1:00,
GMT+2:00, GMT+3:00, GMT+3:30, GMT+4:00,
GMT+4:30, GMT+5:00, GMT+5:30, GMT+5:45,
GMT+6:00, GMT+6:30, GMT+7:00, GMT+8:00,
GMT+9:00, GMT+9:30, GMT+10:00, GMT+11:00,
GMT+12:00, GMT+13:00
Activate the Daylight saving time Checked/Not checked Checked
Recording setup Frame rate 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips, 15 ips, 30 ips 10 ips
(The same setting Image quality NQ, FQ, SF, XF FQ
for all cameras) Audio Off, On, On(AAC-LC) Off
Referenced recording (Calculated result will be displayed.) (Calculated result will be
days displayed.)

Basic setup
(Remarks: "●" are the setting items configured on "Easy Start". "◎" are the setting items configured
from the web browser. "★" are the setting items only configurable with web browser.)
Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Date & time Date & Time 2016/1/1 0:00 - 2037/12/31 20nn/mm/1 0:00 ●
adjustment 23:59 ("nn" and "mm" are ◎
calculated base on
the serial number of
the recorder.)
Date & time Display format Date yyyy/mm/dd, Mmm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy ◎
settings dd/Mmm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy,
Time 24 h, 12 h 24 h ◎
Time zone Set time zone Refer to "Set time zone" of Refer to "Set time ◎
"Quick setup (Easy Start)". zone" of
"Quick setup (Easy
Daylight saving time Out, Auto Auto ◎
Start/End date and Designate by day of the Designate by day of ◎
time week, Designate by date the week
Start/End date and 00:00 Monday, 1st week of In: The last Sunday ◎
time (Designate by day January ~ 23:59 the last in March, 1:00 this
of the week) In/Out Sunday of December year and subsequent
Out: The last Sunday
in October, 1:00 this
year and subsequent
Start/End date and time 1/1 00:00 ~ 12/31 23:59 In: --/-- --:-- ◎
(Designate by date) In/Out Out: --/-- --:--

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Date & time Auto time − Off, Slave, Master Off ◎
settings adjustment
Operation time and date 00:00 ~ 23:00 00:00 ◎
Language Language Japanese/ English/ Français/ English (Web ◎
Español/ Deutsch/ Italiano/ browser: English)
Русский/ Português/ ไทย/ 中
文 (Web browser: Japanese/
English/ Français/ Español/
Deutsch/ Italiano/ Russian/
Português/ Thai/ Chinese)
Camera Model (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
registration Address (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Compression (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Error information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Registered Model/Option Corresponding camera (Blank) ◎
information number/Option
Address (Address) (Blank) ◎
Compression H.265(1), H.265(3), H.265(4), (Blank) ◎
H.264(1), H.264(3), H.264(4),
User name (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎

Password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎

Port No. (Port No.) 80 ◎
Camera setup Date & time Display (check box) Checked/Not checked
display Display (drop-down Off, On
Position (check box) Checked/Not checked
Position (drop-down L-Upper, L-Lower, R-Upper,
list) R-Lower
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Display title Display (check box) Checked/Not checked
Display (drop-down Off, On
Display Title (check Checked/Not checked
Display Title (Text will be entered.)
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Indicator Indicator On, On (Access), Off
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Transmission Setting items Frame rate, Advanced VBR,
priority (Transmission priority) VBR
Stream1 Checked/Not checked
Stream2 Checked/Not checked
Setting items Checked/Not checked
(Priority setting)
Priority setting Image quality priority, Frame
rate priority
Setting items Checked/Not checked
(Burst tolerance level)
Burst tolerance level High, Middle, Low

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Camera setup Transmission Setting items Checked/Not checked
priority (Control time period)
Control time period 1 h, 6 h, 24 h, 1 week
Setting items (Smart Checked/Not checked
coding (GOP control))
Smart coding Off, On (Advanced)
(GOP control)
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Refresh Refresh interval 0.2 s, 0.5 s, 1 s, 2 s, 3 s
interval Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Upside-down Upside-down On (desktop), Off (ceiling),
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Image rotation Image rotation 0 °(Off), 90 °, 180 °(Upside-
down), 270 °
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Pan/tilt-flip Pan/tilt-flip Off, On
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Super Super Dynamic Off, On, On (High)
Dynamic (Wide dynamic range)
(Wide dynamic Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Adaptive black Adaptive black stretch Off, On
stretch Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Back light Back light Off, On
compensation compensation (BLC)
(BLC) Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Light control Light control mode Outdoor scene, Indoor
mode scene (50Hz), Indoor scene
(60Hz), ELC
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Auto slow Auto slow shutter Off (1/30 s), Max. 2/30s,
shutter (Maximum shutter) Max. 4/30s, Max. 6/30s,
(Maximum Max. 10/30s, Max. 16/30s
shutter) Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Day & Night Day & Night Off, On, On (IR Light On),
(IR/electrical) (IR/electrical) Auto1 (Normal)/Auto, Auto2
(IR Light), Auto3 (SCC)
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Intelligent auto Intelligent auto Off, On
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
VMD alarm VMD alarm Off, On
Detection sensitivity 1(Low), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15(High)
Camera selection Checked/Not checked
Microphone Microphone sensitivity 0 High sensitivity, 1, 2, 3 1
sensitivity Default, 4, 5 Low sensitivity
Microphone selection Checked/Not checked
Advanced Connection method RTP, RTSP, Internet mode RTSP ◎

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
REC & event
Recording Schedule1 Mon, Tue, ..., Sun Checked/Not checked Checked
setup Days to record
Schedule1 Time Schedule --:--, 00:00 - 24:00 Schedule bar 1:
Schedule to table1 bar 00:00 - 24:00
record Schedule bar 2 ~
Schedule bar 6: --:--
- --:--
Schedule Checked/Not checked Checked
Event recording Checked/Not checked Checked
e-Mail Checked/Not checked Not checked
TCP alarm Checked/Not checked Not checked
Recording Frame rate 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips, 10 ips ●
setup (All 15 ips, 30 ips
cameras) Image quality NQ, FQ, SF, XF FQ ●
Referenced recording (Calculated result will be (Calculated result
days displayed.) will be displayed.)
Schedule1 Days to record (Mon, Time table1, Time table2, Off Time table1 ◎
Advanced Tue, ..., Sun)
setup Event Event 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 30 s ◎
recording recording 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min,
duration 10 min, 15 min, Manual, Ext.
Pre-event 0 s, 5 s, 10 s, 15 s 0s ◎
Schedule Time table1- --:--, 00:00 - 24:00 Schedule bar 1: ◎
to record Schedule bar 00:00 - 24:00
Schedule bar 2 ~
Schedule bar 6: --:--
- --:--
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Event recording
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
TCP alarm
Time table2- --:--, 00:00 - 24:00 Schedule bar 1 ~ ◎
Schedule bar Schedule bar 6: --:--
- --:--
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Event recording
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
TCP alarm
Display the (Indication only) (Indication only)
schedule list.

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Recording Schedule2 ~ Days to record (Mon, Time table1, Time table2, Off Time table1 ◎
setup Schedule16 Tue, ..., Sun)
Advanced Event Event 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 30 s ◎
setup recording recording 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min,
duration 10 min, 15 min, Manual, Ext.
Pre-event 0 s, 5 s, 10 s, 15 s 0s ◎
Schedule Time table1- --:--, 00:00 - 24:00 Schedule bar 1 ~ ◎
to record Schedule bar Schedule bar 6: --:--
- --:--
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Event recording
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Time table1- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
TCP alarm
Time table2- --:--, 00:00 - 24:00 Schedule bar 1 ~ ◎
Schedule bar Schedule bar 6: --:--
- --:--
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Event recording
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Time table2- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
TCP alarm
Display the (Indication only) (Indication only)
schedule list.
Advanced Model (Registered information will (Registered information ◎
recording be displayed.) will be displayed.)
setup Compression (Registered information will (Registered information ◎
be displayed.) will be displayed.)
Image capture size When the aspect ratio is 4:3 VGA(640×480) ◎
When the aspect ratio is 16:9
When the aspect ratio is 1:1
4M(2048×2048)/ 5M(2192×2192)/
8M(2816×2816)/ 9M(2992×2992)
When the aspect ratio is 9:16

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Recording Advanced Rate 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips, 15 ips, 10 ips ◎
setup recording 25 ips, 30 ips, 50 ips, 60 ips
setup Quality NQ, FQ, SF, XF FQ ◎
Audio [Camera] Off ◎
Off, On, On(G.711)*,
[Network Microphone]
Off, Cam.1, ..., Cam.32
Schedule Schedule1, Schedule2, ..., Schedule1 ◎
Event 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips, Same as the basic ◎
15 ips, 25 ips, 30 ips, Same
as the basic
Emergency 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips, Same as the basic ◎
15 ips, 25 ips, 30 ips, Same
as the basic
Referenced recording (Calculated result will be (Calculated result ◎
days displayed.) will be displayed.)
Event setup Alarm action Output duration 0 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 2s ◎
1 min, Ext., Rec.
Buzzer duration 0 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 2s ◎
1 min, Ext., Rec.
Auto reset time 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, Ext. ◎
1 min, 3 min, 5 min, Ext.
Message display Off, On On ◎
Main monitor action Off, On, On(ACK/RESET) Off ◎
Event type Checked/Not checked Terminal alarm: ◎
Camera site alarm:
Command alarm:
Display Ctrl screen, Wide view Ctrl screen ◎
Advanced Mode Off, Recording only, Recording & alarm ◎
terminal alarm Recording & alarm action action
setup Alarm log Save, Not save Save ◎
Setup by terminal Off, Cam.1, ..., Cam.32, All Camera number ◎
(Recording camera) associated with the
terminal number
Setup by terminal 001 - 256, --- --- ◎
Setup by terminal Off, On On ◎
(Terminal output)
Setup by terminal N.O., N.C. N.O. ◎
(Terminal input)
Advanced Mode Off, Recording only, Recording & alarm ◎
camera site Recording & alarm action action
alarm setup Alarm log Save, Not save Save ◎
Setup by camera Off, Cam.1, ..., Cam.32 Camera number ◎
(Recording camera)
Setup by camera 001 - 256, --- --- ◎
Setup by camera Off, On On ◎
(Terminal output)

* Only selectable while not our camera is connected.

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Event setup Advanced Mode Off, Recording only, Recording & alarm ◎
command Recording & alarm action action
alarm setup Alarm log Save, Not save Save ◎
Setup by command Off, Cam.1, ..., Cam.32 Camera number ◎
number (Recording
Setup by command 001 - 256, --- --- ◎
number (Preset)
Setup by command Off, On On ◎
number (Terminal
Advanced Recording mode Off, On On ◎
setup Alarm disarm duration 2 s, 3 s, 5 s, 10 s 2s ◎
TCP alarm port number (Port No.) 1818 ◎
Recording time of emergency 30 s, 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 10 30 s ◎
recording min, 15 min, 30 min, Manual,
SD backup rec. Off, On Off ◎
Smart coding (GOP control) Off, On (Advanced) Off ◎
Sub-stream Sub-stream recording Off, On Off ◎
recording Frame rate 1 ips, 3 ips, 5 ips, 10 ips 10 ips ◎
Bit rate 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 768 kbps (H.264(2)) ◎
384 kbps, 512 kbps, 768 kbps 512 kbps (H.265(2))
Special days 1/1 ~ 12/31 --- ◎
Day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,
Fri, Sat, Sun
Other setup Make the frame rate of Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
the pre-event recording
to the frame rate of the
event recording
Do not send the bit rate Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
setting to a camera for
which the same frame
rate is set for the basic
setup, event recording
and emergency

Advanced setup
Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Main monitor Camera title Display Off, On On ◎
Position L-Upper, L-Lower, R-Upper, R-Upper ◎
Camera title (Text will be entered.) CAM1, ..., CAM32 ◎
Live sequence Mode 1-screen live sequence, 1-screen live ◎
(Wide view) 4-screen live sequence, sequence
9-screen live sequence,
16-screen live sequence
Keep aspect ratio Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Duration 3 s, 5 s, 10 s 5s ◎
Camera selection Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Other setup Select multiscreen ◎
buttons displaying on
wide view operation panel
1-screen Checked/Not checked Checked, Fixed ◎
4-screen Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
6-screen Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
9-screen Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
16-screen Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
24-screen Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
32-screen Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
1-screen (pillar box) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
4-screen (pillar box) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
9-screen (pillar box) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
12-screen (pillar box) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
16-screen (pillar box) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
3-screen (unequally Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
9-screen (unequally Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
16-screen (unequally Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
3-screen (mixed ratio) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
4-screen (mixed ratio) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
2-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
3-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
4-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
5-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
6-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
7-screen (vertical) Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Other setup ◎
Auto-hide the status Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
display panel and the
operation panel in
wide view
Stretch images to fit Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
the areas in control
screen display

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Main monitor Other setup Fix the HDMI output to Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
the following video mode
Fix the HDMI output to 4K, 1080p 4K ◎
the following video mode
Activate the time- Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
saving playback
Sub monitor Camera title Display Off, On On ◎
Display settings Mode 1-screen live sequence, 1-screen live ◎
4-screen live sequence, sequence
9-screen live sequence,
16-screen live sequence,
Switch by alarm terminal
input, 24Screen, 32Screen
Keep aspect ratio Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Duration 3 s, 5 s, 10 s 5s ◎
Camera selection Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
Secret view Off, On Off ◎
Web browser Group display Group display Off, On Off ★
of camera tree Group title (Text will be entered.) G1: Group1, …, ★
G8: Group8
Grouping G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, Cam.1 ~ Cam.16: G1 ★
G8 Cam.17 ~ Cam.32: G2
Advanced Audio output camera Selected camera, Cam.1, ..., Selected camera ◎
setup Cam.32
Video format of sub-monitor (BNC) NTSC, PAL PAL ◎
Other setup Detect a power-off of Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
the sub monitor (HDMI)
Display 1-screen live Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
image on stream 2
Basic Network Setup IP address (IP address) ◎
[Camera/PC Subnet mask (IP address) ◎
Default gateway (IP address) ◎
Line speed Auto, 100M-Full, 100M-Half, Auto ◎
10M-Full, 10M-Half
Network Setup IP address (IP address) ◎
[PC port] Subnet mask (Subnet mask) ◎
Default gateway (Common settings with the ◎
Camera/PC port)
Line speed Auto, 100M-Full, 100M-Half, Auto ◎
10M-Full, 10M-Half
DNS Setup DNS Off, Manual Off ◎
Primary server address (IP address) ◎
Secondary server address (IP address) ◎
Domain name (Text will be entered.) localdomain ◎
DDNS Setup DDNS Off, Off ◎
Other setup HTTP port number (Port No.) 80 ◎
FTP port number (Port No.) 21 ◎
Attach the alteration Off, On Off ◎
detection code (FTP)
Internet mode (This Off, On, Auto Off ◎
product → PC)

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Basic Other setup Port forwarding Off, On On ◎
Port setup (Port No.) 60001 (Cam.1) ~ ◎
60032 (Cam.32)
Easy IP Setup 20 min, Unlimited 20 min ◎
accommodate period
e-Mail e-Mail setup SMTP server address (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
SMTP port number (Port No.) 25 ◎
POP server address (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Authentic method None, POP before SMTP, SMTP None ◎
User name (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Sender's address (Text will be entered.) NWDR ◎
Security Off, SMTP over SSL, STARTTLS Off ◎
Destination address (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Destination address Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
Destination address Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
TCP alarm TCP alarm Port number(to PC) (Port No.) 1818 ◎
notification notification Retry 0, ..., 8 2 ◎
Destination address (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
NTP/SNMP NTP setup Time adjustment Off, On Off ◎
Primary server address (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Secondary server (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
SNMP setup Community (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
System name (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Location (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Contact (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
User management
Basic Operation Auto login Off, On On ◎
Auto login user (Select from the registered (Administrator) ◎
user names.)
Quick login Off, On Off ◎
Auto logout Off, After 1 min, After 3 mins, Off ◎
After 5 mins, After 30 mins
Network User authentication Off, On On ◎
Host authentication Off, On Off ◎
User level Camera operation Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
settings Fixed)
Operator: (Checked,
Viewer: (Checked,
Logged out: Checked
Camera control Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
Operator: Checked
Viewer: Not checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)
Search and playback Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
Operator: Checked
Viewer: Checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Basic User level Copy Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
settings Fixed)
Operator: Not checked
Viewer: Not checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)
Alarm reset Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
Operator: Checked
Viewer: Not checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)
Error reset Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
Operator: Checked
Viewer: Not checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)
Setup Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
Operator: Not checked
Viewer: Not checked
Logged out: (Not
checked, Fixed)
Camera image Checked/Not checked Manager: (Checked, ◎
display Fixed)
Operator: Checked
Viewer: Checked
Logged out: Checked
User Register new User name (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
registration user Password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Level Manager, Operator, Viewer Operator ◎
Default screen* Cam.1, ... , Cam.32, 4Screen-(1) ◎
4Screen-(1), ... , 4Screen-(8),
9Screen-(1), ... , 9Screen-(4),
16Screen-(1), 16Screen-(2),
Sequence(Wide view),
1Screen(Wide view),
4Screen(Wide view),
9Screen(Wide view),
16Screen(Wide view),
24Screen(Wide view),
32Screen(Wide view)
Administrator Edit Administrator name (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
setup administrator Password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Password (Retype) (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Level Administrator Administrator ◎
Default screen* Cam.1, ... , Cam.32, 4Screen-(1) ◎
4Screen-(1), ... , 4Screen-(8),
9Screen-(1), ... , 9Screen-(4),
16Screen-(1), 16Screen-(2),
Sequence(Wide view),
1Screen(Wide view),
4Screen(Wide view),
9Screen(Wide view),
16Screen(Wide view),
24Screen(Wide view),
32Screen(Wide view)
* The available range of the default screen differs according to the number of camera licenses.

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
Host Register new Host IP address (IP address) (Blank) ◎
registration host Level Manager, Operator, Viewer Manager ◎
Default screen* Cam.1, ... , Cam.32, 4Screen-(1) ◎
4Screen-(1), ... , 4Screen-(8)
System Software version (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Hardware version (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Serial number (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Network port MAC address (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
port] IP address (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Line speed (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Network port MAC address (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
[PC port]
IP address (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Line speed (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Internal temperature (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Highest temperature (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
SD card Software (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
information of
camera SD card model (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Operation time (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Overwrite time (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Backup progress (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD Capacity (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Operation (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Status (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Recorded time range (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Overwrite cycle (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Set password for HDD viewer Off, On Off ◎
Password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Retype password (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Save HDD viewer (to USB medium) (None) (None)
Download HDD viewer (None) (None) ★
System System setup Error output duration 0 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 2s ◎
management 1 min, Ext.
Error buzzer duration 0 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 2s ◎
1 min, Ext.
HDD hour meter Off, 10000 h, 20000 h, 20000 h ◎
warning 30000 h, 40000 h, 50000 h
Auto data delete Off, 1 day, ..., 10 days, 14 days, Off ◎
30 days, 45 days, 60 days,
90 days, 120 days, 150 days,
180 days, 184 days
Camera time auto Off, On On ◎
Logs Access log (Date & (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Time / Log)
Operation log (Date & (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Time / Log)
Network log (Date & (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Time / Log)
* The available range of the default screen differs according to the number of camera licenses.

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
System Entry MPR ID (None) (Unique number given ◎
management information of to the device)
the key Activation Key No. (None) Refer to the Activation
management Key Card.
system Registration ID (None) Refer to the Activation
Key Card.
Registration of Product-Registration (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
license Key
Additional Registration Key 1 (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
camera Registration Key 2 (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Registration Key 3 (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Additional Registration Key (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Dealer's information (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
Secure com- Registration Key 1~32 (Text will be entered.) (Blank) ◎
munication Total number of (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Functions for Reset all settings (None) (None) ◎
maintenance Save data (to USB (None) (None)
Load data (from USB (None) (None)
Firmware update (None) (None) ◎
Save maintenance data (None) (None)
(to USB medium)
Synchronize the (None) (None) ◎
camera's time with
this unit
Synchronize the (None) (None) ◎
camera's settings
with this unit
Acquire the SD backup (None) (None) ◎
data from camera
Reboot this product (None) (None) ◎
Boot this product in Single mode, Mirroring (None) ◎
the board mode
replacement mode.
Clear the maximum (None) (None) ◎
temperature record
HDD management
General HDD Capacity (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
information Operation (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Status (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Recorded time range (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Format HDD HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎

Menu/Tab Setting item (including those of the Available range Default Remarks
"Advanced setup" menu)
General Remove HDD HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Status) (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information Checked/Not checked Not checked ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Add HDD HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Status) (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Add) Checked/Not checked Checked ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Change the HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
operation mode (Capacity)
of HDD HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
HDD information (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
Operation mode of HDD Single mode, Mirroring mode Mirroring mode ◎
Extra function
Security Security between Connection HTTP & HTTPS, HTTPS HTTP & HTTPS ◎
this product and
HTTPS port number (Port number) 443 ◎
Security Connection HTTP, HTTPS HTTP ◎
between this
product and
Port number (Port number) 443 ◎
camera* Data encryption setting Off, On Off ◎
Business Face matching Face matching alarm Off, On Cam.1: Off, ◎
intelligence Cam.2: Off
Face matching output Off, On Cam.1: On, ◎
Cam.2: On
Usage pattern Non-shared, Share Cam.1: Non-shared, ◎
Cam.2: Non-shared
Alarm log Save, Not save Save ◎
Statistics Accumulate statistics Off, On Cam.1: Off, ◎
data Cam.2: Off
Usage pattern Non-shared, Share Cam.1: Non-shared, ◎
Cam.2: Non-shared
Face Registration list- 1(Low), 2, 3, 4, 5(High) 3
registration Sensitivity
Registration list- (None) (None)
Face image
Registration list- (None) (None)
Registration list- (Text will be entered.) "Person01", ... ,
Name "Person100"
Registration list- On, Off Off
Concurrent user Concurrent Client Identifier/ (Indication only) (Indication only) ◎
license user license Date&Time/Status
* When registering the secure communication kit (option) license.

About the error logs and the network logs
Error logs
This section describes the display contents on the status display panel of the main monitor, the logs of error
occurrence (error logs) and their details.
The display contents of each error logs are common between the main monitor and the web browser.
• "y" indicates the HDD (hard disk drive) number.
• "f" indicates the cooling fan number.
• "cc" indicates the camera number.

Display of the status display Output from

Description Error log
panel connector
Thermal error warning Thermal error: MAIN Thermal error: MAIN Recorder error
FAN warning Fan error: MAIN f Fan error: MAIN f Recorder error
NW camera error detection Communication error: Communication error: Camera error
NW camera error recovery – Communication recovered: –
NW camera error detection (audio) Audio communication error: Audio communication error: Camera error
NW camera error recovery (audio) – Audio communication –
Video loss (Notification of video input Video loss: Video loss: Camera error
signal loss occurred on the encoder)
Video loss recovery (Notification of – Video recovered: –
video input signal loss recovered on
the encoder)
Recording error detection Recording error Recording error (RCA) HDD error /
Recording error (AGT): Recording error output
Recording error (WCK):
SMART warning SMART warning: MAIN-y SMART warning: MAIN-y HDD error /
Recording error
Slow response Slow response: MAIN-y Slow response: MAIN-y HDD error /
Recording error
HDD hour meter warning Hour meter warning: MAIN-y Hour meter warning: MAIN-y HDD error /
Recording error
HDD skip* – HDD skip: MAIN-y –
HDD write error – Write error: MAIN-y –
HDD read error – Read error: MAIN-y –
Remove auto links (per HDD) HDD removed: MAIN-y HDD logically removed: HDD error /
MAIN-y Recording error
HDD format error Format error: MAIN-y Format error: MAIN-y HDD error /
Recording error
HDD removal error (Properly Swap warning: MAIN-y Swap warning: MAIN-y HDD error /
recognized HDD was removed without Recording error
proper operations.) output
Reboot (Related to CPU) – System reboot (Related to –

Display of the status display Output from
Description Error log
panel connector
Reboot (Related to DEC) – System reboot (Related to –
Failed to write data on the media Copy error Write error: USB –
Failed to read the data from the media – Read error: USB –
Copy media FULL – No available space: USB –
Number of data on the copy medium – Over limitation: USB –
NW link error Network link error Network link error: Camera/ Network error
PC port
Network link error: PC port
Line speed warning (When line speed Line speed warning Line speed warning: –
becomes "Half" while "Auto" is being Camera/PC port
set) Line speed warning: PC port
When time is not adjusted due to the Skip time adjustment Skip time adjustment –
time difference of 1000 second or more
from the NTP server
Failed to resolve an address of TCP – Address error: TCP ALARM Network error
alarm notification from DNS
No response from a notified address of – No response: TCP ALARM Network error
TCP alarm notification
Undefined error of TCP alarm – Other error: TCP ALARM Network error
Complete mirroring recovery – Complete mirroring recovery –
Undetected sub monitor Undetected sub monitor Undetected sub monitor –
Camera SD Card error Backup error: [SD]Card error: Camera error
Camera SD Write start failure Backup error: [SD]Start error: Camera error
Camera SD Write end failure Backup error: [SD]End error: Camera error
Camera SD List failure Backup error: [SD]Get list error: Camera error
Camera SD Image acquisition failure Backup error: [SD]Get image error: Camera error
Camera SD Image delete failure Backup error: [SD]Delete image error: Camera error
Camera SD Accumulated recording SD life warning: [SD]Long-term use warning: Camera error
time warning
Camera SD Overwrite warning SD life warning: [SD]Overwrite warning: Camera error
Camera SD Access error SD access warning: [SD]Access warning: Camera error
Camera hardware error Hardware error: Hardware error: Camera error
Wiper rubber replacement notice Wiper rubber: Wiper rubber: Camera error
NW camera error detection (video) Communication error: Communication error: Camera error
NW camera error recovery (video) – Video communication –
Recorder login error Login error Login error –

* "HDD skip" is the function that continues recording on another hard disk drive even if an error occurs, such as
an HDD write error.

About the network log
This section describes the details on the network logs and their details. The network logs are displayed by
selecting the "Maintenance" page - [System management] tab - [Network log] on the setup menu.
Contents to be displayed are the same as when using the web browser.

Description Network log Output from

E-mail transmission complete <SMTP>MAIL_SEND –
SMTP authentication error <SMTP>SMTP_ATTEST_ERR Network error
POP3 authentication error <SMTP>POP3_ATTEST_ERR Network error
Failed to resolve POP3 server address from DNS <SMTP>POP3_ADD_ERR Network error
Failed to find POP3 server <SMTP>POP3_SVR_ERR Network error
Failed to resolve SMTP server address from DNS <SMTP>SMTP_ADD_ERR Network error
Failed to find SMTP server <SMTP>SMTP_SVR_ERR Network error
MAIL FROM command error <SMTP>MAIL_FROM_ERR Network error
RCPT TO command error <SMTP>RCPT_TO_ERR Network error
Other errors for SMTP <SMTP>OTHER_ERR Network error
FTP server transfer complete <FTP>SVR_FWD_OK –
Other error for FTP <FTP>OTHER_ERR Network error
Synchronization with the NTP server complete <NTP>GET_TIME_OK –
Failed to resolve NTP server address from DNS <NTP>SVR_ADD_ERR Network error
Synchronization with the NTP server failed (Time is not <NTP>TIME_INVALID Network error
Failed to adjust the time <NTP>SET_TIME_ERR Network error
Failed to find NTP server <NTP>SVR_ERR Network error
Other errors for NTP <NTP>OTHER_ERR Network error
Password error for SNMP user name <SNMP>USER_PASS_ERR Network error
SNMP object inquiry failure <SNMP>OBJ_ERR Network error
Other errors for SNMP <SNMP>OTHER_ERR Network error
Password error for HTTP user name <HTTP>USER_PASS_ERR Network error
HTTP download failure <HTTP>DOWNLOAD_ERR Network error
HTTP request invalid <HTTP>REQUEST_ERR Network error
Other errors for HTTP <HTTP>OTHER_ERR Network error

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Operation window
The recorder can be operated using the provided mouse connected to the mouse connection port on the
recorder. When operating the recorder using a web browser, refer to "Network" (☞ Page 148).

Main monitor (A monitor to display the live image, the playback image and the setup menu)
The main monitor is used to switch between the control screen and the wide view.

Ctrl screen
This screen will be displayed after startup. Main operations of this product can be performed on this screen.

② ④

① Image display area

Displays images from the camera. (☞ Page 100)

② Status display panel

Displays the statuses of the recorder. Also dis-
plays alarm/error status and remedies. (☞ Page

③ Operation panel, Date & time operation panel,

Camera control panel
Used to switch between screens, to play back
recordings, operate the camera and so on. Dis-
plays the current date & time.

④ [Wide view] button

Switches the main monitor to wide view display.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Wide view display

This view offers a large image display area, especially suited for monitoring live images. However, operations
are restricted.

③ ④

① Image display area ③ Operation panel

Displays images from the camera. (☞ Page 100) Switches between screens and screen patterns,
playback recordings and so on.
② Status display panel Displays the current date & time.
Displays the statuses of the recorder. Also dis-
plays alarm/error status and remedies. (☞ Page ④ [Ctrl screen] button
96) Switches the main monitor to control screen dis-
When clicking alarm button or error button, this play.
panel may be displayed overlapped on the opera-
tion panel.

Image display area

Playback images and live images will be displayed.

Camera selection Date & time

frame Camera title

Camera title/date & time

The set camera title will be displayed. The display
position can be selected from upper-left ("L-Upper"),
lower-left ("L-Lower"), upper-right ("R-Upper") and
lower-right ("R-Lower"). The default display position
is "R-Upper". (Default: Upper right). Date & time will
be displayed as set on the camera. The magnification
is displayed around the camera title during zoom dis-
play in wide view.

Camera selection frame

Displays the camera being operated. When using
1-screen/4-screen display (☞ Pages 106 and 107),
the cameras can be operated with the mouse.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Image display area

The number of images that can be displayed on the multiscreen differs for the control screen and the wide view

• It is possible to select whether to display or hide the wide view multi-screen selection button. Refer to the
"Set up the main monitor" section (☞ Page 46) for further information.

The startup screen to be displayed upon login in the image display area (default screen) can be set for each
login user.
The available screens that can be set as the default screen are as follows. Refer to page 60 for how to con-
figure the default screen.
Cam.1, ..., Cam.32: Each camera displayed on a 1-screen
4Screen-(1): Camera 1 to 4 displayed on a 4-screen

4Screen-(8): Camera 29 to 32 displayed on a 4-screen

9Screen-(1): Camera 1 to 9 displayed on a 9-screen

9Screen-(4): Camera 28 to 32 displayed on a 9-screen

16Screen-(1): Camera 1 to 16 displayed on a 16-screen
16Screen-(2): Camera 17 to 32 displayed on a 16-screen
Sequence(Wide view): Live sequence in wide view
1screen(Wide view): 1-screen display in wide view
4screen(Wide view): 4-screen display in wide view
9screen(Wide view): 9-screen display in wide view
16screen(Wide view): 16-screen display in wide view
24screen(Wide view): 24-screen display in wide view
32screen(Wide view): 32-screen display in wide view

• If any of the default screen other than "Cam.1" - "Cam.32" or "4Screen-(1)" - "4Screen-(8)" is selected, the
4-screen that automatically displays images from camera 1 to camera 4 will become the default screen of
the web browser on the PC.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

About the status display panel

Normal operation

② ③

In case of alarm/error (When the associated buttons are displayed)

① ② ④ ⑤ ③ ⑥ ⑦

① Status display area

Recorder status indications and their details are shown in the table below. In the event that the recorder
enters several statuses at the same time, these are displayed in their order of priority. If both statuses have
the same priority, the one that occurred last will be displayed.

Status Description Example Priority

Live Live images are being displayed. 6 (Low)

During playback Recorded images are being played. 6

Indicates that SD memory data is being obtained from

Downloading SD data 4

Copying Data is being copied. Copying progress is displayed in %. 3

Formatting USB USB medium is being formatted. 3

Indicates an alarm occurrence. Detailed information of the

In the alarm state 2
alarm will be displayed.

Emergency recording Emergency recording is on. 2

Indicates that an error has occurred. A detailed description

In the error state 1
of the error content will be displayed.

Displaying thumbnail Thumbnail search screen is being displayed. 0 (High)

② Alarm buttons
Indicate that an alarm has occurred. Turn red in the alarm state. Clicking the buttons will toggle between
displaying/not displaying buttons such as the alarm log button and the alarm reset button.

③ Error button
Indicate that an error has occurred. Turn yellow in the error state. Clicking the buttons will toggle between
displaying/not displaying buttons such as the error log button and the error reset button.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

④ Alarm log display button

The alarm log are displayed on the operation panel of the control screen. Up to 1000 alarm logs are saved.
When more than 1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this case, the
oldest log is the first to be overwritten.

⑤ Alarm reset button

Cancels the alarm action. If the recording time of emergency recording is set to "Ext.", the emergency recording
will be stopped. Clickable only in the alarm state and emergency recording state.

⑥ Error log display button

The error (trouble) logs are displayed on the operation panel of the control screen. Up to 1000 error logs are
saved. When more than 1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs. In this
case, the oldest log is the first to be overwritten.

⑦ Error reset button

Cancels the error (trouble) action. Clickable only in the error state.

Sub monitor (monitor for display of live images only)

• Configuration and operation of the recorder from the sub monitor is not possible.

Live images from the specified cameras can be displayed on 1-screen or 4-screen/9-screen/16-screen/24-screen/
32-screen on the sub monitor. When several cameras are selected on 1-screen or 4-screen/9-screen/16-screen,
camera images will be switched sequentially at the selected switching interval (sequence display). In addition,
camera images can be switched according to the signal input triggered by a terminal alarm. (☞ Page 48)

• The date & time and camera also appear on the camera image displayed on the sub monitor, but some
characters may be cut off.
• To display images, it is necessary to select the cameras to be displayed in the setup menu in advance. The
recorder is not configured to display camera images by default.
• Depending on the selected switching interval, a black screen may appear before camera images are dis-
• When the secret view function is selected, the single screen on the main monitor or selected images on a
multiscreen will not be displayed.
• While "1-screen live sequence" is being performed, the secret view images will be skipped (not displayed).
• During 9-screen or 16-screen live sequence operation, the black screen is displayed when the camera
image is switched.
• The image of a camera where an error has occurred will not be displayed.
• The size of displayed images will be fit into the screen regardless of the aspect ratio at the default setting.
When the aspect ratio of the sub monitor (BNC) is 4:3, the vertically long images will be displayed compared
with the images of the sub monitor (HDMI).
• Depending on whether enabling or disabling the re-encoding transmission, the frame rate or the resolution
of camera images on the sub monitor may vary, or the sub monitor may momentarily go black.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Basic operations

To operate, use the mouse connected to the recorder to move the mouse cursor displayed on the main monitor
and left-click the buttons or tabs displayed on the screen. (Hereinafter, "Left-click..." will be described as
"Click..." in this document.)

In lines where the [▲]/[▼] buttons are displayed, the value on which the cursor is placed can be changed by
turning the mouse wheel. For example, when setting date & time, the hours, minutes and seconds can be

The shape of the mouse cursor will change as follows depending on the display screen and mouse operation.
: Normal operation
: When dragging a camera number panel (wide view screen)

• When no operation is made for 10 seconds or more, the mouse cursor will be hidden. The mouse cursor will
be displayed again when the mouse is moved.
• It is impossible to connect a mouse to the mouse connection port if the connector from the mouse is upside
down. When it is hard to connect, check the upside down position of the connector.

Click the [Logout] button. To log out, click the [OK] button in the confirmation window displayed.

• If "On" is selected for the "Auto login" (☞ Page 57), login will be automatically performed by the user reg-
istered in "Auto login user" in the logged-out state.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Login operation at startup

When "Off" is selected for "Auto login" (☞ Page 57), the recorder will start up in the logged-out state after
completing the system check.
When the operation window is displayed on the main monitor, enter a user name and password as follows:

Step 1 Note:
• The administrator is not registered when the
Click the [Login] button on the operation screen.
recorder is purchased. Enter an administrator
→→ The "Login" window will be displayed.
name, a password and the password retyping fol-
lowing the instruction on the display and click
Step 2 [Registration] as "Administrator registration"
Enter a user name and password. For character entry, screen is displayed on the main monitor when you
refer to "About the operation of on-screen keyboard" first launch the recorder.
(☞ Installation Guide  Page 8). • To enhance the security, change the administrator
name and the password periodically. Refer to
page 59 for how to change the password.
• To log out, click the [Logout] button on the opera-
tion screen.
• When a user logs out during copying, the copying
will be canceled. (When operating the recorder
using a web browser, it will take around 90 sec-
onds until copying is stopped after the web
browser is closed.) When the auto logout function
is activated, logout will be executed when the
specified time have passed after copying is com-
• Displaying images in the logged-out state
After startup with "Auto login" set to "Off", the
"4Screen-(1)" will be displayed.
• Refer to page 59 for how to register users. When logging out during the login process, the
same screen as right before logout will be dis-
Note: played.
• When "On" is selected for "Quick login", the user (Which camera images the user is authorized to
name can be selected from the pull-down menu. display depends on the user level set up.)
The password entered will be displayed as "*" • When "On" is selected for "Auto login", it is
marks. unnecessary to perform the operations described
• In the logged-out state or when a user other than on this page.
administrative or manager privileges is logged, the
login window will be displayed if tries to operate
an unauthorized function.

Step 3
Click the [OK] button.
→→ When the entered user name and password are
correct, the login window will disappear and the
login button will change to the logout button.
When the entered user name and password are
incorrect, the error window will be displayed.
Close the error window and log in again.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Monitor live images

When the recorder started up, live images from cameras will be displayed according to the configured settings.
Live images from cameras are displayed via the recorder.

Image data

Network cameras

Main monitor (HDMI)


Sub monitor (BNC)

Sub monitor (HDMI)

It is possible to display live images on a 1-screen or on a multiscreen. Depending on the configuration of the
sub monitor, the cameras can automatically be switched and images from the cameras can be displayed on
1-screen or multi-screen. (☞ Page 48)
When displaying images from the camera for which "On" is selected for "Audio" under "Recording setup" (☞
Page 38), audio captured by the camera will be output. When displaying images on a multiscreen, audio from
the selected camera will be heard.

• Depending on the camera in use or network environment, the audio of live images from the camera may be
delayed, but that may not affect the audio output from recorded images.
• Update processing of audio data will be performed to synchronize live images with audio.
Due to the processing, the audio of live images from the camera may be momentarily interrupted, but that
may not affect the audio output from recorded images.

About the operation panel

Operations with live images differ depending on whether they are performed on the control screen or on the
wide view screen.

Control screen / Operation panel

Camera number tab

Multiscreen buttons
Camera number panel

Digital zoom buttons

Mute button

Fisheye correction display button

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Multiscreen buttons Note:

The 1-screen/4-screen/9-screen/16-screen buttons • When the camera number tab "1-32" is pressed,
are displayed. the camera number will not be displayed, but the
camera title and the recording indicator will only
Digital zoom buttons be displayed.
When displaying images on a 1-screen or 4-screen,
the images can be enlarged/reduced. (☞ Page 108)

Mute button
Each click of this button toggles between mute and
mute cancel of the camera audio.

Fisheye correction display button

Fisheye display button Camera title: Shows the first 5 characters of the
Returns to the fisheye image display. previously entered camera title.
1-screen PTZ display button (Character color)
Corrects the fisheye image and displays on the White: Camera is registered.
1-screen PTZ. Gray: Camera is not registered.
4-screen PTZ display button (Background color)
Corrects the fisheye image and displays on the Aqua: Image display area is displaying images
4-screen PTZ. Blue: Camera is registered and image display
Only when the camera image is displayed on a 1-screen area is not displaying images.
in a control screen, will the fisheye correction display Gray: Recording is not possible or camera is
button be displayed. not registered.
Red: Event recording is being performed.
Camera number tab
: Switches the camera number panel to display.
1-16: Displays a panel of Camera 1 ~ 16.
17-32: Displays a panel of Camera 17 ~ 32.
1-32: Displays a panel of Camera 1 ~ 32.

Camera number panel

Camera number:
(Character color)
White: Camera is registered.
Gray: Camera is not registered.
(Background color)
Aqua: Image display area is displaying images
Blue: Camera is registered and image dis-
play area is not displaying images.
Gray: Recording is not possible or camera is
not registered.
Camera title: Shows the first 8 characters of the
previously entered camera title.
(Character color)
Same as camera number
(Background color)
Red: Event recording is being performed.
Black: Camera is not registered.
Recording indicator: Lights red when recording is
being performed. Display of [ ] indicates a
connection error.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Wide view operation panel

Camera number panel Multiscreen buttons

Sequence button

Camera number panel Note:

Camera number [CAM]: • During the sequence, the dragging & dropping of
(Character color) the camera number panel onto live images can't
White: Camera is registered. switch over camera images.
Gray: Camera is not registered. • During the sequence, the audio is not output.
(Background color) When fixing the audio output in "Audio output
Aqua: Image display area is displaying camera" found in the "Advanced Setup" section
images under "Monitor", the audio will be output.
Blue: C amera is registered and image dis- • While recorded images are being played back, the
play area is not displaying images. sequence can't be started.
Gray: Recording is not possible or camera is • Setting "Sequence(Wide view)" on the "Default
not registered. screen" under "User Management>User registra-
Red: Event recording is being performed. tion" and "User management>Administrator
setup" will start the sequence after login.
Multiscreen buttons • When camera images are displayed in
9-screen/16-screen live sequence (4/9/16-screen
Note: live sequence during 4K output), a black screen is
• It is possible to hide/display the multi-screen displayed at the time of the switchover of the
selection buttons on the operation panel. Refer to camera images.
the "Configure the settings relating to monitors" • The camera whose compression method is JPEG
sections (☞ Page 47) for further information. and whose resolution is set higher than 0.4M
• When 5 or more multi-screen selection buttons (640×640) can't display camera images in 9-screen
are displayed, it is possible to switch the position live sequence and 16-screen live sequence.
of displayed buttons using the left/right buttons or
the slider.

Sequence button
: Clicking of a sequence button can start the
sequence. Clicking any multiscreen buttons
other than the sequence button will terminate
the sequence.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Change the camera display position on the screen

The default camera display positions are as follows:

1-screen (16:9) 4-screen (16:9) 6-screen (4:3) 9-screen (16:9)

1 2 1
1 2
2 3
1 2 1
1 2
2 3
3 1 2 3
1 2
2 1
1 2
2 3
3 1 2 3
1 2 3
1 4
4 5
5 6
1 4
4 5
5 6
3 4
4 4
4 5
5 6
3 4
4 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
7 8
8 9
16-screen (16:9) 24-screen (4:3) 32-screen 1-screen (4:3)
1 2 3 4 11 22 33 4
4 5
5 6
6 1
1 2 33 44 55 66 77 8
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 1 2
1 2
2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 5 6
5 6 7
6 7
5 6 7 8 77 88 99 10
10 11
11 12
12 9
9 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
11 12
12 9
9 10
9 10 11
10 11 12
11 12 13
12 13 14
13 14 15
14 15
15 16
16 1
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19
19 20
20 21
21 22
22 23
23 24 1
9 10 11 12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16 17 18 17
17 18
18 19
19 20
20 21
21 22
22 23
23 24
9 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
16 17
17 18
18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
9 10 11 12 19
19 20
20 21
21 22 23 24 25 26
25 26 27
27 28
28 29
29 30
30 31
31 32
13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
13 14
14 15
15 16
19 20
20 21
21 22
22 23
23 24
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
13 14 15 16
4-screen (4:3) 9-screen (4:3) 12-screen (4:3) 16-screen (4:3)
1 2 3 1 22 33 44 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
1 2 1
1 2
2 3
3 1 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
1 2
2 3
3 1 2
1 2 33 44 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 5 6 7 8
6 7 8 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
4 5
5 6
6 5 5
9 6
10 7
11 8
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 5 6
5 6 77 88 9
9 10
10 11
11 12
3 4
4 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 9
9 10
10 11
11 12
3 4
4 7
7 8
8 9
9 9 10 11 12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
7 8
8 9
9 9 10
9 11 12
10 11 12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16

3-screen (4:3) 9-screen (4:3) 16-screen (4:3) 3-screen

2 3
3 4
2 1 2 3 2
2 3
3 4
4 2
2 1
1 2
2 3
3 1 5 6 7 2
1 1
1 2
2 3
3 1 5
5 6
6 7
7 1
1 6 7 1
1 5
8 6
9 7
10 1
1 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 1
1 3
3 4 5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 3
3 4
4 5
5 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 3
3 4
4 5
5 8
8 9
9 11
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16

4-screen 2-screen 3-screen 4-screen

1 3
3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
1 3
3 1
1 2
2 1
1 2
2 3
3 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4

5-screen 6-screen 7-screen

3 4
4 1
1 5
3 4
4 1
1 5
1 2
2 4
4 1
1 2
2 3
3 5
5 2
2 4
4 6
1 2
2 4
4 1
1 2
2 3
3 5
5 2
2 4
4 6
5 6
6 3
3 7
5 6
6 3
3 7

It is possible to change the camera image by dragging & dropping the number of the camera number panel
onto the desired display position. The position of the camera display can be replaced by the right-click menu
on the image.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

• When a camera is assigned to a screen segment to which another camera is already assigned, the image of
the camera originally assigned to that position will disappear.
• The assigned camera position is retained even if the recorder is rebooted (note however that initializing the
settings will also reset the camera positions to the defaults).
• The audio of the camera assigned to the top left position will be output.
• If "Mute" was selected on the control screen, no audio will be output.
• The size of displayed images will be fit into the screen regardless of the aspect ratio if the aspect ratio of the
original image is 4:3 or 16:9.
• Images may not be displayed in multi-screen depending on the resolution of the connected monitor or com-
pression or the resolution of the registered camera.

【4K monitor connection, H.264/H.265, no sub-monitor display, no re-encoding transmission】

Image capture size HVGAW(640×360) ~ QXGA(2048×1536) ~ 9M 12M
Multiscreen display FHD(1920×1080) 4KUHD(3840×2160) (2992×2992) (4000×3000)
1-screen ~ 4-screen display ○ ○ ○ ○
5-screen/6-screen display ○ ○ ○ ×
7-screen display/4-screen sequence ○ ○ × ×
9-screen ~ 16-screen display ○ × × ×
24-screen ~ 32-screen display ○ ○ ○ ○

【4K/1080p monitor connection, JPEG, no sub-monitor display, no re-encoding transmission】

Image capture size SVGA(800×600) ~ 1.6M QXGA(2048×1536) ~ 12M
Multiscreen display SXVGA(1280×960) (1280×1280) 9M(2992×2992) (4000×3000)
1-screen ~ 4-screen display ○ ○ ○ ○
4-screen sequence,
○ ○ ○ ×
5-screen ~ 7-screen display
9-screen ~ 16-screen display ○ ○ × ×
24-screen ~ 32-screen display ○ × × ×

【4K/1080p monitor connection, JPEG, sub-monitor display or re-encoding transmission】

Image capture size SVGA(800×600) ~ 1.6M QXGA(2048×1536) ~ 12M
Multiscreen display SXVGA(1280×960) (1280×1280) 9M(2992×2992) (4000×3000)
1-screen/2-screen display ○ ○ ○ ○
3-screen/4-screen display ○ ○ ○ ×
4-screen sequence,
○ × × ×
5-screen ~ 32-screen display

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Switch between control screen and wide view screen

Camera images will be displayed on a full screen.

[Wide view] button of the control screen [Ctrl screen] button of the wide view screen

Step 1 Note:
Click the [Wide view] button (☞ Page 93) on the • Clicking the [Wide view] button again will switch
operation window. to the multiscreen displayed before.
→→ Images from the camera will be displayed on a full
screen. The 1-screen is displayed by default.

Step 2
To return from the full screen to the control screen,
click the [Ctrl screen] button.
→→ The display reverts to the control screen. The
image display area corresponds to the default
screen set up by the login user. When a wide view
screen is set as the default screen, "4Screen-(1)"
will automatically be applied.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

1-screen display
Live images from cameras can be displayed on a 1-screen.

Displaying images on a control screen

Step 1 If a camera that you want to display is not on the

camera number panel, select it on the camera num-
When displaying in a multi-screen, click the 1-screen
ber tab and move to Step 2.
button of the "Multiscreen select".
→→ The image will be displayed on a 1-screen.
• Another way to display images on a 1-screen is to
Step 2 double-click the camera number panel of the
Click the camera number panel of the desired image camera to be selected in the image display area.
from the camera. • In the multiscreen display area, double-clicking
→→ The background color of the selected camera the camera selection frame is also possible to dis-
number will turn aqua, and live images will be dis- play an image on a 1-screen.
played. • The audio of the camera whose images are being
displayed will be output. (It is possible to fix audio
Camera No. box in the control screen to be output on "Audio output camera" under
"Advanced setup" under "Monitor".)
• At the default, black zones will be displayed on
the top and bottom of images with the aspect
ratio of 16:9. Refer to page 47 for the setting to
enlarge the vertical size of displayed images.

Displaying images on a wide view

Step 1 Note:
• The camera can be selected by the right-click
When displaying in a multi-screen, click the 1-screen
menu on the image display area.
button of the "Multiscreen select".
• The audio of the camera whose images are being
→→ The image will be displayed on a 1-screen.
displayed will be output. (It is possible to fix audio
to be output on "Audio output camera" under
Step 2 "Advanced setup" under "Monitor".)
Drag the camera No. to be displayed over the live
image and drop it.
→→ The background color of the selected camera
number will turn aqua, and live images will be dis-

Camera No. box in the wide view screen

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Display images from cameras on a multiscreen

Live images from cameras can be displayed on a multiscreen.

Displaying images on a control screen

Step 1 Note:
• After having switched from multiscreen to
Click one of the [Multiscreen select] buttons.
1-screen display, double-clicking the image dis-
→→ Live images from cameras will be displayed on a
play area will display the multiscreen displayed
before switching screens.
Displaying images on a control screen • It is also possible to switch the images displayed
on the 4-screen/9-Screen/16-Screen by clicking
the camera number panel with the 4-screen/9-
Screen/16-Screen displayed. (When the panel of
camera 5 is clicked with the 1- to 4-screen dis-
played, the images of camera 5 to 8 will be dis-
• 4-Screen button
• The audio of the selected camera will be output.
Displays images on the 4-screen including the
(It is possible to fix audio to be output on "Audio
selected camera. Each click of a button switches
output camera" under "Advanced setup" under
to the next 4 screens in the sequence: camera 1
to 4 → camera 5 to 8 → camera 9 to 12 → cam-
• At the default, black zones will be displayed on
era 13 to 16.
the top and bottom of images with the aspect
• 9-Screen button
ratio of 16:9. Refer to page 47 for the setting to
Displays images on the 9-screen including the
enlarge the vertical size of displayed images.
selected camera. Each click of a button switches
to the next 9 screens in the sequence: camera 1
to 9 → camera 10 to 18 → camera 19 to 27.
• 16-Screen button
Displays images on the 16-screen including the
selected camera. Each click of a button switches
to the next 16 screens in the sequence: camera 1
to 16 → camera 17 to 32 → camera 1 to 16.

Displaying images on a wide view

Step 1 Note:
• Cameras displayed on the multiscreen can be
Click one of the [Multiscreen select] buttons.
changed. Read Step 2 described in "Displaying
→→ Live images from cameras will be displayed on a
images on a wide view" of "1-screen display".
• Clicking the sequence button can switch camera
[Multiscreen select] button of the wide view screen images automatically (live sequence display). The
settings related to the live sequence display can
be performed at "Live sequence (Wide view)" of
[Monitor]-[Main monitor].
• The audio of the camera assigned to the top left
position will be output. (It is possible to fix audio
to be output on "Audio output camera" under
"Advanced setup" under "Monitor".)

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Use digital zoom

Images on the 1-screen or 4-screen of the control screen, or the 1-screen in wide view can be digitally zoomed.
It is also possible to move the zoomed area within the displayed image.

Displaying images on a control screen

• Digital zoom is not available on the 9-screen/16-screen.
• To use this function on the 4-screen, do so after first selecting the desired camera image. To select a cam-
era, click the camera number panel or the camera image. Once a camera has been selected, the selection
frame will be displayed around the camera image.

Step 1 • If "Enable camera control with mouse" on the

camera control panel (☞ Page 110) is not
Confirm that the image display area is displayed on
checked, the digital zoom factor can also be
the 1-screen or 4-screen.
changed by placing the cursor on the image in the
(when displaying on the 4-screen, select the camera
image display area and turning the mouse wheel.
whose image is to be zoomed)
In this case, the point where the mouse cursor is
positioned will become the zoom center.
Step 2 • If the image resolution is too small compared with
Click the digital zoom buttons . the size of the image display area, the digital zoom
→→ The displayed image will be enlarged ×1, ×1.25, levels off and the image cannot be displayed at the
×1.50, ×1.75, ×2, ×2.5, ×3, ×3.5, ×4, ×5, ×6, ×7, ×8 assigned magnification.
centering on the center point of the screen.
Step 3
Digital zoom buttons
Click the digital zoom button to zoom out the
image by the magnification opposite to the Step 2.

• Digital zoom is automatically canceled by other
Note: operations such as selecting another camera or
• Clicking a point in the zoomed image makes the changing the screen pattern.
clicked point the center of the image.

Displaying images on a wide view

Step 1 Note:
• The magnification is displayed around the camera
Confirm that the image display area is set to the
title during the zoom display. If the camera title is
not displayed, the zoom magnification will not be
displayed. You can set whether to display the
Step 2 camera title in the [Main monitor] tab of the moni-
Use the mouse wheel. tor page. (☞ Page 46)
→→ Zooming is switched by ×0.25 from ×1 to ×2, by • Digital zoom is automatically canceled by other
×0.5 from ×2 to ×4 and by ×1 from ×4 to ×8 cen- operations such as selecting another camera or
tering the position of the mouse cursor. changing the screen pattern.
Click of the image during zoom display changes the • If the image resolution is too small compared with
center to the clicked position. the size of the image display area, the digital zoom
levels off and the image cannot be displayed at the
assigned magnification.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Correct the fisheye image

The Fisheye image can be corrected and displayed while the fisheye image is displayed on the 1-screen in the
image display area of the control screen.

• The fisheye correction display is not available in wide view and on the 4-screen, 9-screen and 16-screen.
The fisheye correction display button is not displayed.

Step 1 Note:
• Double-click of the right mouse button on the fish-
Confirm that the image display area is set to the 1-screen
eye image can correct the image and display on
display of the fisheye image on the control screen.
the 1-Screen PTZ centering the cursor position.
• Click on the image during the 1-Screen PTZ cor-
Step 2 rection display can change the center to the
Click the 1-screen PTZ display/4-screen PTZ display clicked position. Click an image that you want to
button. change the display position, and then click on the
→→ Corrects the fisheye image and displays on the image during the 4-Screen PTZ correction display.
1-screen PTZ/4-screen PTZ. Images of the follow- • The clicked position may not come to the center
ing angle of view will be displayed respectively. depending on the clicked position.
■1-Screen PTZ display • Double-click on the image during the 4-Screen PTZ
Fisheye After 1-screen correction correction display can switch the screen to the
1-Screen PTZ correction display (and vice versa).
• The high resolution image and high frame rate
image may not be corrected and displayed based
on the original frame rate.

■4-Screen PTZ display Step 3

Fisheye After 4-screen correction Click of the fisheye display button releases the cor-
1 2
rection function.

4 2 Note:
3 4
3 • The correction display position of the fisheye
image is recorded after the recorder is turned off.
• The fisheye image is displayed on the previous
position when it is displayed on the 1-Screen after
Fisheye correction display button
the recorder is turned on.
• The split line is displayed on the image in a
moment when the correction function is cancelled
from the 4-Screen PTZ correction display.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Operate the camera

When displaying live images from a camera with the panning/tilting function on a 1-screen or 4-screen, the fol-
lowing camera operations are available.

• It may be impossible to operate the camera or some functions may be inoperable depending on the model
of the camera.
• Operations are performed from the operation window. When working with the wide view screen, open a
1-screen or 4-screen operation window by clicking the [Ctrl screen] button in the bottom right corner of the
• For a fixed camera, the buttons on the camera control panel and other controls will be disabled.

Camera control panel

Operate the cameras displayed as selected (inside selection frame) in the image display area. On the 1-screen,
the camera whose image is currently displayed, can be operated. On the 4-screen, click the camera number
panel on the operation panel, or select a camera image by clicking it in the image display area.

Control buttons

Control buttons [Detail] button

Move (pan/tilt) the camera in the clicked direction. Display the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel, and
Keeping the button pressed will move the camera perform any of the following camera operations.

[Zoom] button
Adjusts the zoom factor.

[Home position/Call] button

Move the camera to the home position.

[Enable camera control with mouse] checkbox

When this item is checked, pan/tilt (clicking) and
zoom (mouse wheel) can be controlled with the
mouse on the selected camera image. [Focus] button
Adjust the focal point.
• When this checkbox is marked, digital zooming [Brightness] button
(☞ Page 108) by turning the mouse wheel opera- Adjusts the lens iris of the camera.
tion is not possible. When the camera control
panel is inoperable for the fixed camera, the dig- Auto mode
ital zoom can be performed by turning the mouse Activates the auto mode function of the camera.
wheel even when the checkbox is checked.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

[Position] [Back] button

Registers the current orientation of the camera as a Closes the "Camera control [Advanced]" and returns
preset position. Moves the camera to a previously to the camera control panel.
registered preset position.
When the page is switched to 2/2 with a button on the • Controlling the cameras is not possible on the
top right of the detailed control panel, the following wide view screen and on the 9-Screen/16-screen.
camera operation can be performed.

[AUX] button
Sets the device connected to the AUX terminal of the
camera to the open/closed state.
If the camera is a network camera, AUX1, 2 and 3 is
controlled with only AUX1 of the camera.
If the device is the encoder GXE500, the AUX1 and 2
control terminals of a camera or a receiver (WV-
RC150) are applicable for each analogue camera
connected to it.
The AUX3 controls the AUX output terminal (1 system
only) of GXE500.

[Wiper] button
Operates the washer/wiper of the WV-SUD638.

[Setup] button
Displays the camera setup window for registering a
home position (☞ Page 117), executing auto back
focus (☞ Page 117), etc.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Adjusts the horizontal/vertical position of the camera.

Step 1 Note:
• To enable operations in the displayed camera
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the
image from the recorder, check "Enable camera
desired cameras.
control with mouse" on the camera control panel.

Step 2
Click the [Control] button.
Click the desired point to be located at the center of
the angular field of view. The camera will move to
locate the clicked point as the center point in the
image display area.

Zoom the displayed camera image in/out by zooming the camera lens. Depending on the models of the con-
nected cameras, the available zooming factors may be different. Refer to the operating instructions of the cam-
era for further information.

Step 1 Note:
• To enable operations in the displayed camera
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the
image from the recorder, check "Enable camera
desired cameras.
control with mouse" on the camera control panel.
• When selecting an area in the image display area
Step 2 by dragging the mouse, the selected area will be
Click the [–] button or the [+] button. located at the center of the image display area
Alternatively, adjust the zoom by placing the mouse and the zoom ratio will be adjusted automatically.
pointer on the image and turning the mouse wheel.
Click the [x1] button to reset the zoom factor to x1.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Move to home position

Move the camera to a previously registered home position. The home position needs to be registered in
advance. (☞ Page 117)

Step 1
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the
desired cameras.

Step 2
Click the [Call] button to move to the home position.

Focus adjustment
Adjusts the focal point. The auto focus function is available.

Step 1 Step 3
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Near] or [Far] button.
desired cameras. When the [Auto] button is clicked, focus will automati-
cally be adjusted.
Step 2
Click the [Detail] button.
→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be
displayed. (☞ Page 110)

Iris (brightness) adjustment

Adjusts the lens iris of the camera.

Step 1 Step 3
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [–] or [+] button.
desired cameras. It is possible to reset the set brightness by clicking
the [Reset] button.
Step 2
Click the [Detail] button.
→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be
displayed. (☞ Page 110)

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Auto mode
Activates the auto mode function of the camera.

Step 1 Step 4
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Start] button to start the selected auto
desired cameras. mode function.
Click the [Stop] button to turn off the auto mode func-
Step 2 tion.

Click the [Detail] button.

→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be
• When you use the auto mode, please read the
displayed. (☞ Page 110)
operating instructions of your camera and set the
auto mode at the camera menu in advance.
Step 3
Click the auto mode button [▼] of the camera, and
select one of the following auto modes:
Auto track: The camera will automatically track an
object moving on the screen.
Auto pan: The camera direction will automatically
move (pan) between the start point and end
point set in advance.
Preset sequence: The camera will move to the
preset positions registered in advance in order
of the preset position number (numerical
Patrol: The camera will trace the manually
recorded panning pattern.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Register camera preset positions

Register the current camera position as a preset position. The preset positions can be registered only when
using a camera supporting the preset position function.

Step 1 Step 4
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [▲]/[▼] button in the [Position] box to select
desired cameras. a preset number. Select a preset number (1 - 256) to
be registered.
Step 2
Click the [Detail] button. Step 5
→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be Click the [Regist] button.
displayed. (☞ Page 110) →→ The camera direction will be registered to the
selected preset position number when you click
Step 3 the [OK] button on the confirmation window.

Move the direction of the camera to the position to be

registered using the panning/tilting function of the
camera. (☞ Page 112)

Move camera preset positions

Move the camera to the registered preset position. It is necessary to register preset positions in advance.

Step 1 Step 4
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Call] button.
desired cameras. →→ The camera direction will move to the preset posi-
tion corresponding to the selected preset position
Step 2 number.

Click the [Detail] button.

→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be
• A non-registered preset number can be selected,
displayed. (☞ Page 110)
but the camera will not move even if the [Call] but-
ton is clicked.
Step 3
Click the [▲]/[▼] button in the [Position] box to select
a preset number. Select a preset number (0 - 256) to
be registered. Selecting preset position number 0 will
move the camera to home position.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

AUX operation
Sets the device connected to the AUX terminal of the camera to the open/closed state.

Step 1 Step 4
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Open]/[Close] button after selecting the
desired cameras. AUX terminal number.
When [Open] button is clicked, the AUX terminal of
Step 2 the camera becomes open.
When [Close] button is clicked, the AUX terminal of
Click the [Detail] button.
the camera becomes closed.
→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be
displayed. (☞ Page 110)
• The selection of the AUX terminal number is only
Step 3 available for WJ-GXE500. For cameras other than
Click the page switch button on the right top of the WJ-GXE500, the open/close operations only are
screen. available.
→→ The page will be switched to 2/2.

Wiper operation
Operates the washer/wiper.

Step 1 When [Start] button is clicked, the selected motion

When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the
When [Stop] button is clicked, the motion ends.
desired cameras.

Step 2 • The following operation is not available while the
Click the [Detail] button. washer is operating.
→→ The "Camera control [Advanced]" panel will be • [Start] and [Stop] operation of "Wiper"
displayed. (☞ Page 110) • Control of panning, tilting zooming and focusing
• [Start] operation of "Auto mode"
Step 3 • [Call] operation of "Preset Position"
• It requires the washer operation settings for the
Click the page switch button on the right top of the camera side. Refer to the operating instruction of
screen. WV-SUD638.
→→ The page will be switched to 2/2.

Step 4
Select an operation and click the [Start] or [Stop] button.
High: Wipes out continuously. (once per 4 sec-
Low: Wipes out continuously. (once per 8 sec-
1 shot: Performs high speed wiping (once per 4
seconds) 5 times.
Washer: Performs the specified washer/wiper
Refer to the operating instruction of WV-SUD638.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Register home position

The home position is set with the camera positioned at an already registered preset position.

Step 1 Step 4
Register the camera preset positions on the "Camera Click the [Regist] button.
control [Advanced]" panel. (☞ Page 115) →→ The selected preset number will be registered as
the home position when you click the [OK] button
Step 2 on the confirmation window.

Click the [Setup] button.

→→ The camera setup window will be displayed. Step 5
(☞ Page 111) Click the [Back] button.
→→ The camera setup window closes, and the display
Step 3 returns to the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel.

Click the [▲]/[▼] button in the [Position] box to select

a preset number to register as the home position.
Select a preset number (1 - 256) to be registered.

• On some of our camera models, preset position
number 0 is registered as home position. Refer to
the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM about
the supported cameras.

Execute auto back focus

The auto back focus function starts to automatically adjust back focus based on a subject located in the center
of the screen by clicking the execute button. For further information about this function, refer to the operating
instructions of the camera in use.

Step 1 Step 3
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Execute] button next to "Auto back focus".
desired cameras.
Step 4
Step 2 Click the [Back] button.
Display the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel →→ The camera setup window closes, and the display
(☞ Page 110), and click the [Setup] button. returns to the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel.
→→ The camera setup window (☞ Page 111) will be

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Set up mask areas

Set up mask areas of the camera. For further information about this function, refer to the operating instructions
of the camera in use.

Step 1 Step 5
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [End] button.
desired cameras. →→ The mask area setting will be completed and the
grid will disappear.
Step 2
Display the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel Step 6
(☞ Page 110), and click the [Setup] button. Click the [Back] button.
→→ The camera setup window (☞ Page 111) will be →→ The camera setup window closes, and the display
displayed. returns to the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel.

Step 3 Note:
• It is possible to reset all the mask area settings by
Click the [Start] button.
clicking the [Reset] button.
→→ A grid will appear over the image display area and
the segments designated as mask areas are cov-
ered with white translucent masks.

Step 4
Click a segment in the image display area.
→→ Each click of the segment toggles between On
and Off for the mask area setting.

Zoom/Focus adjustment
Adjust zooming or focusing of the camera. For further information about this function, refer to the operating
instructions of the camera in use.

Step 1
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the
desired cameras.

Step 2
Display the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel
(☞ Page 110), and click the [Setup] button.
→→ The camera setup window (☞ Page 111) will be

Step 3
Click the [Setup] button.
→→ The zoom/focus adjustment screen will be displayed.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 4 Step 5
Zooming can be adjusted by clicking the [–] button, Click the [Back] button.
the [×1] button or the [+] button. →→ The screen will return to the camera setting page.
Focusing can be adjusted by clicking the [Near] but-
ton, the [Reset] button or the [Far] button.

Initial position setup

Tilting degree adjustment, vertical angle adjustment, horizontal adjustment of image clipping position can be
performed. For further information about this function, refer to the operating instructions of the camera in use.

Step 1 Step 5
When displaying the images on a 4-screen, select the Click the [Set] button.
desired cameras. →→ The adjusted position will be saved on the cam-
Step 2
Display the "Camera control [Advanced]" panel Step 6
(☞ Page 110), and click the [Setup] button. Click the [Back] button.
→→ The camera setup window (☞ Page 111) will be →→ The screen will return to the camera setting page.

Step 3
Click the [Setup] button.
→→ The initial position setup window will be dis-

Step 4
Adjust the position using the buttons or by clicking on
the image.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Event function
The recorder will take an event action when any of the following events occur.
• Terminal alarm: An event when an alarm input signal is supplied from an external device such as a
door sensor to the alarm input terminal on the rear of the recorder.
• Camera site alarm: An event when an alarm (camera terminal alarm, etc.) is detected by a camera.
• Command alarm: An alarm when receiving an alarm from a PC, etc. via a network.

Action to be taken upon an event occurrence

When the recorder recognizes an event, it will take an event action according to the set action mode.

Event action mode

In the event modes shown below, the recorder takes one of the following event actions when an event occurs.
The event action mode can be configured on the setup menu. (☞ Page 41)
Recording & alarm action: Performs all event actions according to the settings. ("A" in the following table)
Recording only: Performs only recording, filing alarm logs, and moving to camera presets. ("B" in the
following table)
Off: Files only alarm logs. ("C" in the following table)

A different event action will be taken depending on the selected event action mode. Refer to a system adminis-
trator for further information.

Event action Description Mode*1

Start event recording Recording will start according to the recording ● ● ×
duration configured on the setup menu.
Define pre-event recording Camera images recorded before an event occurs can ● ● ×
be associated with the event and saved on the hard
Alarm action
Move the camera to the Move the camera to the preset position registered in ● ● ×
preset position advance.
Blink the alarm indicator The alarm indicator on the front panel will start ○ × ×
Sound the buzzer The buzzer will start sounding for the duration set in ● × ×
Outputs alarm signals Output signals will be sent from the ALARM/ ● × ×
CONTROL connector at the rear of the recorder.
Display event information on The event type and terminal/camera number will be ○ × ×
the main monitor displayed on the status display panel. At the same
time, the alarm button turn red.
Display the alarm icon on a The alarm icon will be displayed on the event error ○ ○ ×
web browser display area of the web browser.
Display the alarm message A window that notifies of an event occurrence will be ● × ×
on a web browser displayed on the web browser.
* The alarm message displayed last has priority. To
close the window, click the [×] button.
Record the alarm logs*2 Date & time of the event and event information will be ● ● ●
recorded in a log list.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Event action Description Mode*1

Alarm action
Send a mail that notifies of An e-mail notifying of the event and its date & time ● × ×
an event occurrence (alarm mail) will be sent to registered e-mail
addresses (up to 4).
Provide an alarm notification When an event occurs, a notification will be sent to a ● × ×
to a PC according to the PC in accordance with the settings made under
TCP alarm notification [TCP alarm notification]. (☞ Page 37, 55)
Display the images on a Display the images recorded by the camera ● × ×
1-screen when an alarm associated with the alarm number on a 1-screen

*1 ○: Takes action regardless of the setting, ●: takes action in accordance with the setting, ×: takes no action
*2 When "On" is selected for the "Additional alarm data" setting of the camera, i-VMD type information will be
displayed in the alarm log. For further information, refer to the operating instructions of the camera in use.

Stop buzzer beeping

The buzzer sounding to announce an alarm or error can be stopped from the recorder’s front panel.

Step 1
Press the [BUZZER STOP] button.

→→ The buzzer will stop.

• The buzzer can also be stopped by canceling the alarm action or error action. (☞ Page 122) The [BUZZER
STOP] button does not reset any of the other alarm actions.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Cancel the alarm action

The recorder will take an alarm action according to the settings configured in advance when an event occurs in
the alarm mode (ALM). Information of the occurred alarm will be displayed on the status display panel of the
main monitor. (☞ Page 96) To reset the alarm action, click the [Alarm] button on the status display panel, and
click the alarm [Reset] button.
When an item other than "Ext." is selected for "Auto reset time" on the "Event setup" tab under "REC & event"
on the setup menu [Basic setup] (☞ Page 39), the following actions will automatically be taken even if the
alarm action is not canceled by clicking the alarm [Reset] button.
• The alarm indicator on the front panel will stop blinking and light steadily.
• The alarm status display on the main monitor will disappear.
• The sounding buzzer and the alarm output will stop.

Step 1 Note:
• When the alarm action is canceled, the event
Click the [Alarm] button displayed on the main moni-
recording will stop and return to the operational
tor, and click the alarm [Reset] button.
status just before the event occurred.

→→ The alarm action will be canceled and the alarm

indicator will go off.

Cancel the error action

When an error (trouble) occurred on the recorder, the recorder will take the error action (a series of actions that
notifies of the error occurrence). Information of the occurred error will be displayed on the status display panel
of the main monitor. (☞ Page 96) To cancel an error action, first click the [Error] button on the status display
panel and then the displayed error [Reset] button.

• When an error occurs, take remedial action by following the instructions displayed on the error log panel
(☞ Page 134). The error indicator on the front of the recorder will go off when the cause of the error has
been eliminated.
• When the cause of the error is resolved automatically, the following operations are performed automatically.
• The error indicator on the front panel will stop blinking and light steadily.
• The error status display on the main monitor will disappear.
• The sounding buzzer and error output will stop.
• Clicking the error reset button turns off the error button and error indicator.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Record images
Live images can be recorded on the recorder. The image of up to 32 cameras can be recorded in the recorder.

Network cameras

Image data



Record images (Schedule recording)

Recording can be automatically started and stopped according to a previously specified schedule. Refer to
page 35 for schedule recording.

• When event recording is triggered by an alarm during the schedule recording, event recording has the
higher priority. Refer to the "Recording mode and its priority" section below for further information about the
priority of the recording mode.
• To stop schedule recording, stop the recording on the setup menu. Refer to page 43 for further information.
• In case of a network error, the image of the camera where the communication error has occurred will not be
recorded. Recording starts when the network error is recovered. If the status in which the communication
with the camera is disconnected recovers within around 40 seconds, it may not be recorded in the error log.
• Schedule-recorded image data will be divided into multiple files every hour on the hour. In that moment,
recording may sometimes be interrupted around for 1 second.

Recording mode and its priority

There are 4 recording modes. The recording modes and their priority levels are as follows.
When two or more recordings with different recording modes started simultaneously, only recording with the
higher priority will start.

Recording mode Priority

Emergency recording 1
Event recording 2
Schedule recording 3
Pre-event recording 4

The audio recording is done at the same time as the image recording. The audio recording can be set for each
camera. Refer to page 38 for further information.

• The audio recording is done at the same time as the image recording. Recording of the audio only is not

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Emergency recording
The recording is manually done using a switch connected to the "Emergency recording input" terminal of the
"ALARM/CONTROL connector" on the back side of the recorder when the emergency occurs. For example,
you can install a switch into the reception of the store and press the switch for the emergency recording when a
suspicious person appears.

• The emergency recording records all images of all the connected cameras.

Step 1
Press the switch connected to the "Emergency
recording input" terminal.
→→ The emergency recording will start.

Step 2
The emergency recording will automatically be termi-
nated when the recording time set for the emergency
recording is over.
Set the recording time of emergency recording at
"Recording time of emergency recording" of "REC &
event" - "Advanced setup" tab on the setting menu.

• The emergency recording is the most prioritized
recording mode. The emergency recording will be
prioritized even if recording is being done on
another recording mode.
• Press the "Alarm reset" button to stop the record-
ing if "Recording time of emergency recording"
setting (☞ Page 43) is "Ext."

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Play recorded images

Display the images recorded on the recorder’s hard disk on the main monitor.
Playback operation can be made while recording. Playback of images can be controlled from the operation dis-
play area or the wide view.
Refer to page 130 and following pages for playback operation.

Image data Main monitor



• Images can be played on 1-screen and 4-screen in the control screen. When the sub-stream recording is
set, the image can be played on 9-screen and 16-screen also (Except cameras which record images as
• Images can be played back on 1-screen to 4-screen in the wide view. When the sub-stream recording is
set, images can be played on up to 16-screen (Except cameras which record images as JPEG).
• The audio of the displayed image is output on 1-screen display and the audio of the selected camera is out-
put on multi-screen display of the control screen.
• The audio of the top-left camera on the screen is output during the wide view.
• No audio will be output when playing back in fast forward/fast reverse.
• The camera image can be changed by clicking the camera number (1 to 32) during playback.
• The Multiscreen select button, digital zoom button, Mute button and OSD button remain effective during
playback. Refer to "Monitor live images" (☞ Page 100) for further information.
• When displaying images recorded at the following setting values of resolution and frame rate on each seg-
ment of a multiscreen, the images will be played back with the selected refresh interval.

【No sub-monitor display nor re-encoding transmission】

50 ips or higher

【Sub monitor display or re-encoding transmission enabled】

50 ips or higher
QXGA(2048×1536) ~ 9M(2992×2992) 25 ips or higher
10 ips or higher (H.264/H.265)
Display not available (MJPEG)

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

【Sub monitor display and re-encoding transmission enabled】

1-screen 3-screen/4-screen
(Not applicable) 50 ips or higher
QXGA(2048×1536) (Not applicable) 25 ips or higher
WQHD(2560×1440) ~ 9M(2992×2992) (Not applicable) 10 ips or higher
3 ips or higher (H.264/H.265)
12M(4000×3000) 10 ips or higher
Display not available (MJPEG)

• Different values selected for resolution and frame rate will cause the data size of the playback images on the
multiscreen to differ considerably, which may result in non-synchronized playback. In this case, pause and
then restart playback (☞ Page 127).
• At the default, black zones will be displayed on the top and bottom of images with the aspect ratio of 16:9
when images are played back on the control screen. Refer to page 47 for the setting to enlarge the verti-
cal size of displayed images.
• Image with an aspect ratio of 16:9 is displayed fitting into the screen when the image is played in wide view.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Playback operation panel

In playback mode, operation buttons are displayed on the playback operation panel. In addition to the opera-
tion buttons, the playback operation panel displays the playback status.

Normal status (during display of live images)

Image playback status Playback pause status

Wide view playback status (Image playback status) Wide view playback status (Playback pause status)

Wide view playback status (Minimized mode, image playback status) Wide view playback status (Minimized mode, playback pause status)

Click the minimizing button on the playback operation panel in the wide view playback status to minimize
the window.
The functions of the buttons are as follows:
Function Example Operation
Playback button Plays recorded images.
Clicking this button while playback is paused will cancel the pause
When the playback button is clicked during fast playback/fast
reverse playback, the playback speed will be x1.
Stop button Playback will stop and live images will be displayed when this but-
ton is clicked during playback/pause.
Pause button Playback will be paused when this button is clicked during play-
Pause will be canceled when this button is clicked during play-
Captured image button Saves images paused during playback on USB medium.*
Clickable only while playback is paused on a 1-screen. When this
button is clicked, the button will turn gray, and images will be
saved. The USB medium can be removed when the button
becomes available.
The image size of the captured image is not the resolution of the
recording, but that of the playback.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Function Example Operation

Next image/Previous When the next image button is clicked during pausing, the next
image button frame is played and paused.
When the previous image button is clicked during a pause, the
previous frame is played and paused.

• When playing H.264/H.265 images, some frames of recorded
images will not be displayed. Reverse frame-by-frame playback
will be performed with the refresh interval setting of the camera.

Fast forward/Fast Playback speed of fast playback will be changed in the following
reverse button order each time the fast forward button is clicked:
Step2 (Approx. 2x) → Step3 (Approx. 4x) → Step4 (Approx. 8x) →
Step5 (Approx. 16x) → Step6 (Approx. 32x) → Step7 (Approx. 48x)
Playback speed of fast reverse playback will be changed in the
following order each time the fast reverse button is clicked:
Step2 (Approx. 2x) → Step3 (Approx. 4x) → Step4 (Approx. 8x) →
Step5 (Approx. 16x) → Step6 (Approx. 32x) → Step7 (Approx. 48x)
The playback speed will be displayed on the playback status dis-

• When playing H.264/H.265 images, some frames of recorded
images will not be displayed. Except for ×2 fast playback
speed, fast playback/fast reverse playback will be performed
with the refresh interval setting of the camera.

Next record/Previous Clicking the next record button will play back the next later
record button recording.
Clicking the previous record button will play back the next earlier
When there is no next/previous recorded image to be skipped to,
the current playback will continue.
Go to last button When this button is clicked, playback of the latest recorded
images will start. The starting point is around 10 seconds before
the date & time of the latest recorded images.
Playback status display The status of the recorder such as the playback status, pause sta-
tus etc. will be displayed.
The playback speed will be displayed in fast forward/fast reverse
Wide view button/ Clicking the button during playback stops the playback and dis-
Ctrl screen button plays the live image in the wide view/control screen.

Playback operation The playback operation panel will be hidden when the playback
panel switch button operation panel is displayed. Clicking the button again will return
(Displayed during to the original display.
playback on a full Clicking the button during the live image display will start playback
screen) and displays the playback operation panel.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

About captured images

The images captured by clicking the image capture button and saved on a USB medium will not be displayed
with this recorder.
To display those images on a PC monitor, the data format and destination to save are as follows:
File format for recorded images: JPEG (DPOF-compatible)
Destination to save: USB storage DCIM\100_PANA\P1000001.jpg
P1000002.jpg, ...

* The folder will be created from 100_PANA to 999_PANA. If the folder already contains the file
P1000999.jpg, a folder with a new number will be created.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Play images from a designated point

It is possible to start playback from a designated date & time or the latest recorded image.

Play image recorded at a designated date & time

Start playback by designating the date & time of a recorded image on the date & time operation panel.

Date & time operation panel (normal display)

Playback button Calendar

Step 1 Step 4
Click the [▲]/[▼] button in the [Playback] box to set To stop playback and return to live images, click the
the date & time to be played. [Live] button or the stop button on the playback oper-
ation panel.
Step 2 →→ Playback will stop, and live images will be dis-
Select the month from the calendar in which date &
time of the image to play back is included.
Click the [<<Y]/[Y>>] button to change the year and
• Playback can also be stopped and live images
the [<M]/[M>] button to change the month.
can also be displayed by the following operations:
• Clicking the [Live] button or [×] button on the
date & time operation panel (playback display)
• The current date is displayed in aqua.
• Changing the playback medium
• The date on which the recorded image is stored
• When there is no image stored under the entered
on the HDD will be displayed in white.
date & time, proceed as follows:
• When there are images recorded after the des-
Step 3 ignated date & time, the oldest image recorded
Click the date & time of the image to play back from after the designated date & time will be played.
the calendar. • When there are no images recorded after the
→→ The background of the selected date turns green, designated date & time, the newest image
and playback starts at the designated date & recorded before the designated date & time
time. will be played.
The date & time operation panel will turn to the
playback display (☞ Page 132) and the playback
operation panel will be displayed on lower section
of the date & time operation panel (☞ Page 127).

• Unless you want to change the date & time on the
calendar, click the playback button.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Play the latest recorded image

When this button is clicked, playback of the latest recorded images will start. The starting point is around 10
seconds before the date & time of the latest recorded images.

Date & time operation panel (normal display) Operation panel (Wide view display)

Step 1
Click the [Go to last] button.
→→ Playback of the latest recorded images will start.
The date & time operation panel will change to
playback display (☞ Page 132). At the same
time, the playback operation panel (☞ Page 127)
is displayed at the bottom of the date & time
operation panel.

Step 2
To stop playback and return to live images, click the
[Live] button or the stop button on the playback oper-
ation panel.
→→ Playback will stop, and live images will be dis-

• Playback can also be stopped and live images
can also be displayed by the following operations:
• Clicking the [×] button on the date & time
operation panel (playback display)
• Changing the playback medium
• When clicking the [Go to last] button while dis-
playing images on a 4-screen, the recorded image
may not be displayed depending on the timing. In
this case, click the [Go to last] button again.
• The playback cannot start during the live
sequence display in wide view. Click the [Go to
last] button after switching the screen to those
other than the live sequence display.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Playback by designating a timeline

When playback starts, the date & time operation panel will change to playback display.
This section explains how to use the timeline display to designate a playback date & time by operating the play-
back slider.

Date & time operation panel (playback display)

Scale selection button

Jump buttons
Jump interval
Display range selection Display range selection
button button
Playback slider

The playback display shows available recorded images and displays these on a timeline sorted by type. It is
possible to change the type of recorded images displayed on the timeline, change the timeline scale, and des-
ignate the recorded image to play.

[REC Event] [Time-saving playback]

Mark the checkboxes of different types of recorded When it is checked, the recorded image is automati-
images and display them on a timeline. If changes are cally played up to 4 times faster if there is no move-
made during playback, playback will be paused and a ment in the image. Remove the check mark if you
new search will be performed. want to play the image at normal speed.
Schedule: Schedule-recorded images will be dis- If you activate the time-saving playback (☞ Page 47),
played in pink the screen is displayed with the box always checked.
Event: Event-recorded images will be displayed in red
[Information] • To use the time-saving playback, cameras that
When this box is checked, the time zone recorded
support the motion detection search function are
when the VMD function was activated (motion was
detected in an image) will be displayed in blue on the
Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided
timeline. (Playback will be paused.)
CD-ROM about the supported cameras. Refer to
Periods for which no recorded images are available
the operating instructions of the camera in use for
will be displayed in black.
further information.
Note: (If the setting for "VMD information addition" is off,
• To display the result of the motion detection or the image recorded by our cameras does not
search, cameras that support the motion detec- support time-saving playback, the image will be
tion search function are necessary. played in the fast playback mode regardless of
Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM motion.)
about the supported cameras. Refer to the operating
instructions of the camera in use for further information.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

• The time-saving playback only functions when the [Display range selection] button
image is played back at the actual size on The timeline will be displayed in accordance with the
1-screen ~ 4-screen. It does not function while setting of the scale selection button.
fisheye correction is displayed.
• When the time-saving playback functions in the [Playback slider]
fast playback mode, is displayed. During Displays the time during playback. Drag and drop the
this time, no audio is output. playback slider to a desired time on the timeline to
• When an image is played with a recorded time start playback from that time.
close to the current time, fast playback is not
available. Note:
• When the image capture size and the frame rate • The playback slider may not soon move to the
of the recorded image are high, the fast playback desired position.
may not be available. In addition, the playback
speed of each image may not be the same during [Jump interval]/[Jump] buttons
multiscreen playback depending on the setting Move the playback point by a given amount of time
values of the image capture size and the frame and play back from that point. Clicking the [<] / [>]
rate of each recorded image. buttons will move the playback point by the amount
• The time-saving playback is available for image of time specified under [Jump interval].
data recorded by software supporting the time- Available ranges: 10 s/ 15 s/ 30 s/ 60 s/ 180 s/ 300 s
saving playback.
[Playback of audio]
[Advanced setup] button This item is displayed when the recorder is set up to
Display the advanced setup panel and change event lock in a camera with audio output. If this checkbox is
types and other information displayed on the timeline. marked, the audio associated with the displayed
Playback will be paused. image will be output. (☞ Page 49)

[Scale selection] button

Select a timeline display covering 2 hours (2 h), 8
hours (8 h) or 24 hours (24 h).

Change event types and other information displayed on the timeline

[Advanced setup]

[Event type]
Set event types to be displayed on the timeline. To
display event-recorded images on a timeline, mark
their checkboxes.
Refer to page 120 for further information about each

[Sensitivity of VMD]
Set the sensitivity for the motion detection displayed
on the timeline. Sensitivity increases in the steps
shown below.
Low → Mid → High → All

[Back] button/[×] button

Click this button to return to the date & time operation
panel (playback display).

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Search and play

Search a desired recorded image and play it. There are the following 3 searching methods.
• Play images selected from alarm and error logs (Log search)
• Display thumbnail screen and paly back (Thumbnail search)
• Search and play images recorded triggered by the motion detection of the camera (VMD search)

Play images selected from logs (Log search)

Display the alarm log list or error log list, and click a date & time to play the corresponding recorded images.

• The corresponding recorded data that is displayed in the selected log list cannot be played if the data has
already been overwritten or erased.

Step 1
Click the [Alarm] button or [Error] button on the status
display panel.
→→ The corresponding [Log] buttons will be dis-

Step 2
Click the [Log] button.
→→ The alarm log panel or error log panel will be dis-
played. It is possible to switch between list pages
by clicking the [Previous]/[Next] buttons.

• Up to 1000 error logs are saved. When more than
1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwrit-
ten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log
is the first to be overwritten.

Step 3
Select the line with the desired list, and click the play-
back button on the playback operation panel.
(☞ Page 127)
→→ Playback will start from a point approx. 5 seconds
before the date & time selected.

• Playback can also be started by double-clicking
• Up to 1000 alarm logs are saved. When more than the desired date & time line.
1000 logs are filed, the older logs will be overwrit- • To start playback from the beginning of the pre-
ten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log event recording when the "Pre-event duration" set-
is the first to be overwritten. ting is longer than 5 seconds, click the playback
button, and then click the previous record button.
• If no recorded image is available for 5 seconds
from the date & time, image will be played from
the date & time.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 4
To stop playback and return to live images, click the
stop button on the playback operation panel.
(☞ Page 127)
→→ Playback will stop, and live images will be dis-

Display thumbnail screen and paly back (Thumbnail search)

Search a thumbnail from the recorded images and play back.
Select an image from the thumbnail screen and play back the image.

Step 1 Step 5
Click the "Search" button of the playback operation Click the [Search] button.
panel. →→ Searches thumbnails at every display interval
→→ The thumbnail search screen will be displayed. from the assigned starting date and time and dis-
plays them on the image display area.
Up to 12 thumbnails can be displayed. The [Previ-
ous]/[Next] buttons can switch thumbnails.

Step 2
Select a camera that you want to search on the cam-
era number panel. Note:
• It may take time to display all thumbnails.
• The date and time display until thumbnails are dis-
Step 3
played is a provisional date and time calculated
Designate a date and time for the start date and time from the starting date and time and the display
(Start). interval.
Set the "Start" using the [▲]/[▼] buttons of the date Once thumbnails are displayed, the date and time
and time. will be updated to the actual date and time of the
Step 4 • If the recorded image is not found at the assigned
Assign the display interval of thumbnails. Displays date and time, the thumbnail after the assigned
thumbnails in accordance with the display interval by date and time will be displayed.
searching them from the recorded images.
Display interval: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 6 Step 7
Click a thumbnail that you want to play and then click To stop playback and return to live images, click the
the playback button on the playback operation panel. stop button on the playback operation panel.
→→ Starts playback from the date and time of the (☞ Page 127)
selected thumbnail. →→ Playback will stop, and live images will be displayed.

• You can start the playback by double-clicking a
thumbnail that you want to play back.

Search and play recorded images triggered by motion

detection (VMD search)
Search images recorded with a camera supporting the VMD search function by the date motion was detected
and play them. Click a date & time on the result list to play corresponding recorded images.

• To perform the motion detection search, it is necessary to configure the settings of the connected cameras
that support the motion detection search function in advance. Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided
CD-ROM about the supported cameras. Refer to the operating instructions of the camera in use for further

Step 1 Step 3
Click [Search] button on the playback operation panel Designate the time range to search.
and click [VMD] tab. Set the year, month, day and time of the start and
→→ The VMD search panel is displayed. end point by clicking the respective [▲]/[▼] buttons.

• It is also possible to set the start point and end
point of the search range by clicking the [Start]/
[End] buttons after selecting the desired time in
the [Playback] box and clicking the desired date
on the calendar.

Step 2
Select a camera that you want to search on the cam-
era number panel.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 4
Click the [Search] button.
→→ This will run a VMD search within the designated
search range and display a list of results as follows.
It is possible to switch between list pages by
clicking the [Previous]/[Next] buttons.

Change list size button

[Change list size] button

Displays/Hides the list.

• Up to 100 logs are displayed in the list. When
more than 100 logs are filed in the search result,
"> 100" will be displayed.
• The VMD search function searches the entire
camera image by default. To designate a search
area, click [Filtering] button and set the search
area on the filtering panel. (☞ Page 138)
• It may take some time until the search results are

Step 5
Select the line with the desired list, and click the play-
back button on the playback operation panel.
(☞ Page 127)
→→ Playback will start from the date & time selected.

• Playback can also be started by double-clicking
the desired date & time line.

Step 6
To stop playback and return to live images, click the
stop button on the playback operation panel.
(☞ Page 127)
→→ Playback will stop, and live images will be dis-

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Set up VMD areas, etc. [Filtering]

Assign the search area, setup the motion detection area in the image and masking period.

Step 1
Click [Search] button on the playback operation panel
and click [VMD] tab. (☞ Page 136)

Step 2
Select a camera that you want to search on the cam-
era number panel.

Step 3
Click the [Filtering] button.
→→ The filtering panel will be displayed.

• As the detection areas will be set up to match the
image display area divided into 16×16 segments,
the top left and bottom right detection areas may
not be exactly as designated.
• It is impossible to delete the detection area that
has been set. To change the detection area set-
ting, perform Step 3 again.

[Mask duration setup]

If VMD search takes too much time or the search pro-
duces too many results, set a mask duration to
reduce the search frequency. When mask duration is
set, no motion detection will be performed from the
[Designate the search range] time motion is detected to the time mask duration is
Designate the time range to search. set.
→→ Set the "Start" and "End" by clicking [▲]/[▼] but- To set, click the [▼] button next to [Mask duration
ton of the date and time respectively. setup] on the advances setup panel.
Mask duration: 1 s/ 5 s/ 10 s/ 30 s/ 1 min/ 5 min/ 10 min
[Detection area setup] Default: 10 s
Click 2 points of the upper left and lower right to cre-
ate a square to be set as the area on the displayed Step 4
image. Clicking the [Search] button will start searching by the
→→ The set area will be displayed in gray, and the assigned conditions.
area will become subject to be searched for
motion detection.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Copy recorded images

Copy the recorded image on the recorder to an external storage device (external HDD, USB memory stick).
Personal information may be included in copied images. Take an extra caution to handle and manage the
medium used for copying to prevent from information leakage.
It is impossible to copy recorded images when the recorder is in the following statuses.
• When the copy window is being opened by other user via a network
• When the medium (external storage device) is being selected by another user via network
• When the medium (external storage device) is selected as the playback medium
The copied recorded images can be played on the recorder or on a PC using the dedicated viewer software.
The viewer software will automatically be copied on the storage medium (external storage device) on which
recorded images are copied. Refer to page 183 for how to operate the viewer software. Refer to page 143 for
how to play the copied recorded images on the recorder.
The original (n3r: video, n3a: audio) file or MP4 file copied on the external storage device can be played back on
the recorder.

• When copying images onto an external storage device, format the device first before starting copying.
• Required time for copying varies depending on the data size to be copied. It will take longer time to copy
recorded images when they were recorded with a larger image capture size, in a higher quality or at a higher
frame rate even though the same number of cameras and the same duration are set for copying.
• Copying of recorded images may sometimes be performed incorrectly when there exist 2 or more images
recorded at the same date & time resulting in change of the date & time setting or the auto time adjustment
• In the following cases, the copying currently being performed will stop.
• When any of the settings of the recorder is changed
• When a user who started manual copy logged out (It will take around 90 seconds until copying is
stopped after the web browser is closed.)
• When the original data (source for copying) is lost (overwritten or malfunction of the hard disk drive)

Step 1
Connect an external storage device to the copy port
[COPY] of the recorder.

Step 2
Click the [Copy] button on the operation panel of the
main monitor.

→→ The copy panel will be displayed (if in playback

mode, playback will be paused).
• The copy panel cannot be displayed in the web
browser when it has already been opened by
another user. When copying is already underway,
the copying window will be displayed.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 3 Note:
• Images recorded in H.264 or H.265 can be copied
Set copying conditions following the instructions on
in MP4 format. If audio is recorded in AAC-LC, the
the screen.
image is copied in MP4 format with audio.
Clicking [Next]/[Back] button switches the page. Click
• Copying and downloading (☞ Page 177) in MP4
the [×] button to close the window.
format are available for up to 2 users at the same
Item Description
Camera selection Check the number of the camera
• To attach a code for alteration detection, click the
whose recorded data is to be copied. [Advanced] button. On the advanced setup window,
Checking [All] will copy the recorded set [Attach the alteration detection code] to "On".
data of all cameras.
Date & Time range Specify times and dates to define the
range for copying recorded data. Set
the year, month, date & time of the
start point and end point.
It is also possible to set the start point
and end point of the filter range by
clicking the [Start]/[End] buttons after
clicking the desired date on the
calendar and then selecting the
desired time in the [Playback] box.
File format selection Check the file format (Original (n3r/
n3a), MP4) of the recorded image to
be copied.

The remaining space of the storage medium will be
Data size: • When you assign a password to the data that you
The total volume of all recorded images to be cop- will copy, click the [Advanced setup] button and
ied (including the viewer software) will be displayed. set "On" for [Assign a password] on the displayed
* Indicated as *.** GB while the data volume is advanced setup screen.
being calculated. • Clicking the [Back] button will return to the copy
* When the calculated value exceeds the remaining panel.
volume during calculation, ">" will be indicated in
front of the data size, and the calculation stops.
Step 4
* If ">" is indicated even though the calculated
value is smaller than the remaining volume, it Click the [Copy] button on the copy panel.
means that over 10000 of recorded data exists as →→ If [Assign a password] is set to "On", the pass-
target. word entry screen will be displayed.
Otherwise proceed to Step 6.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 5 • Due to characteristics of the file system, the copy-

ing time becomes longer as the number of record-
Enter the password, and then click the [Next] button.
ing data copied to the external storage device at
For character entry, refer to "About the operation of
one time increases. To copy a massive number of
on-screen keyboard" (☞ Installation Guide  Page 8).
files, keep the number of files to handle at one
• Enter 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters for a pass-
time less than 10000. And every time the copy is
finished, it is recommended to disconnect the
• To confirm the password, enter the same pass-
memory device and connect it again.
word again into the "Retype password" column.
• The progress of the copy is calculated based on
• To save the entered password, check "Memorize
the size displayed as "Data size". If copying more
password temporarily". The next time data is cop-
than 10000 files, correct value will not be dis-
ied, the password entry window will open with the
password already filled in. The password will be
retained in memory until the power of the recorder
is turned off. Step 7
→→ The copy start confirmation window will be dis- Once the copying process is completed, the copy
played. complete window will be displayed. Click the "Close"
button and remove the external storage device.
Step 6
Click the [OK] button in the copy start confirmation
• Usage time varies depending on the capacity of
the external storage device or the recording con-
→→ Switches to the copying window and displays
tent. Retry again later if you fail in operation.
copying progress.

• Do not disconnect the external storage device
when copying is being performed. Otherwise the
data stored on the external storage device could
be lost.
• If the copy destination lacks sufficient remaining
storage capacity, copying will continue until the
medium is full. Use a medium with sufficient stor-
age capacity to avoid left over data that is not
• Copying will be performed in the following order:
Viewer Software → Images → Audio Depending
on the designated time range for copying and the
remaining space of the storage medium, images
and audio may not be copied.
• Clicking the [Copy] button during the copying pro-
cess will display the copying window. Clicking the
[Cancel] button will display the copy cancel confir-
mation window. Copying continues while the copy
cancel confirmation window is displayed.
• Do not turn off the power of the recorder while
copy is in progress. If the power is turned off while
copying, the storage media copied on will become
• Recorded images (data) of up to 1 million can be
copied onto the external storage device. However,
it is impossible to copy any more data exceeding
these limits even when there is a sufficient remain-
ing capacity.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Format USB medium

USB medium recognizable by the recorder can be formatted by the recorder.

• Formatting will delete all data and setup information stored on a USB medium. Image data once deleted
cannot be restored.
• The file systems recognizable by the recorder are exFAT, FAT (FAT 16) and FAT 32.
• This recorder can format in FAT (FAT 16), FAT 32 and exFAT according to the capacity of the USB medium.

Step 1 Step 4
Click the [Copy] button on the operation panel of the Click the [OK] button.
main monitor. (☞ Page 139) →→ Formatting of the USB medium will start, and a
→→ The copy panel will be displayed. window indicating that formatting is in progress
will be displayed.
Step 2 When formatting is completed, the format com-
pletion window will be displayed.
Click the [Advanced] button. (☞ Page 139)
→→ The setup menu (advanced) will be displayed.
• Do not turn off the power of the recorder while
formatting is in progress.

Step 3
Click the [Execute] button for "Format USB medium".
→→ The confirmation window will be displayed.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Play back copied images with this recorder

Display recording images copied to the external storage device (copy data) on the list, select among them and
playback. It is possible to search for copied data using filters.

• The n3r (video)/n3a (audio) file or MP4 file copied to the external storage device can be played back.

Step 1
Insert the external storage device to which the
recording data is copied into the recorder.

Step 2
Select [USB] of the "Disk/Medium" on the playback
operation panel.
→→ The media playback panel will be displayed. Up
to 10000 logs are displayed in the list. When more
than 10000 logs are filed in the search result,
"> 10000" will be displayed.

Filtering by camera
Select "Filtering by displaying camera". Filtering will
be applied to the camera whose image is displayed.

Filter by designating date & time

Specify the filter range by designating a date & time.
To specify the filter range, set the year, month, day
and time of the start and end point by clicking the
respective [▲]/[▼] buttons.

File format
Select the format for filtering.
• When copying large amounts of data, more time is
needed to display the list.
• It is also possible to set the start point and end
point of the filter range by clicking the [Start]/[End]
Step 3 buttons after clicking the desired date on the cal-
Click [Filtering] button to filter the number of the cop- endar and then selecting the desired time in the
ied data displayed on the list. The filtering panel will [Playback] box at Step 2.
be displayed.
To play back without filtering, proceed to Step 5. Step 4
Click the [Search] button.
→→ A list of search results for the specified filter crite-
ria is displayed. It is possible to switch between
list pages by clicking the [Previous]/[Next] but-

• When copying large amounts of data, more time is
needed to display the list.

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Step 5
Select the line with the desired date & time, and click
the playback button on the playback operation panel.
→→ Playback will start from the date & time selected.
If the multiscreen was displayed, it will change to
the 1-screen.

• Playback can also be started by double-clicking
the desired date & time line.
• If the selected copied data is password protected,
the password entry screen will be displayed. Enter
the assigned password, and click the [OK] button.
If the wrong password is entered, the copied data
cannot be played back. For character entry, refer
to "About the operation of on-screen keyboard"
(☞ Installation Guide  Page 8).
• Usage time varies depending on the capacity of
the external storage device or the recording con-
tent. Retry again later if you fail in operation.
• If you play multiple data files continuously, the
audio may not be synchronized. In this case,
pause and then restart playback.

Step 6
To stop playback and return to live images, click the
stop button on the playback operation panel.
→→ Playback will stop, and live images will be dis-

• Playback can also be stopped and live images
can also be displayed by the following operations:
• Clicking the [×] button on the media playback
• Clicking the [Live] button on the date & time
operation panel (playback display)
• Changing the playback medium

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

List of operation items

The following "Top items" mainly shows operation and "Middle items", "Bottom items" and "Details"
mainly show each operation menu of the main monitor and the browser.
○, △ and × indicate operable, partially limited, inoperable respectively.
Top Middle Main
Bottom items Details Remarks Browser
items items body
Live Main monitor Ctrl screen Image display area ○ ○
image Status display panel ○ ○
display Operation panel * Tree view is available for the browser. ○ ○
[Wide view] button ○ ○
Wide view display Image display area ○ ○
Status display panel ○ ×
Operation panel *T  he browser will be displayed by the right ○ ○
click of the mouse.
[Ctrl screen] button *T he browser will be displayed by the right ○ ○
click of the mouse.
Sub monitor − − * The setup of the sub monitor is ○ ×
possible, but the actual image on the
sub monitor cannot be displayed on the
About the Multiscreen buttons − * Only the 4-screen is available for the ○ △
operation browser.
panel Digital zoom buttons − * ×1, ×1.25, ×1.5, ×1.75, ×2, ×2.5,×3, ×3.5, ○ △
×4, ×5, ×6, ×7, ×8 are available for the
recorder and ×1, ×2, ×4 are available for
the browser.
* It is available only in the 1-screen/4-
screen for the recorder and the 1-screen
for the browser.
* It is operable by the mouse wheel for
the recorder.
Mute button − * It can be muted by the PC setting for ○ ×
the browser.
Fisheye correction − ○ ×
(1PTZ/4PTZ) button
Change the camera − * The images are fixed in order of the ○ ×
display position in the camera number for the browser.
wide view screen
Digital zooming in the − * It is operable by the mouse wheel only ○ ×
wide view screen in the 1-screen for the recorder.
Camera Camera Camera operation − * It is available in the 1 screen/4-screen ○ ○
operation operation only for the recorder and 1-screen for
the browser.
Panning and tilting PT button ○ ○
PT pad × ○
Click centering ○ ○
Zoom [Zoom] button ○ ○
Mouse wheel zooming ○ ○
Drug zooming ○ ○
Focus − ○ ○
Brightness − ○ ○
Auto mode − ○ ○
Preset position Register camera preset ○ ○
Move camera preset ○ ○
Move to home position ○ ○
[Enable camera − * Since this is a switch of the mouse ○ ×
control with mouse] operation on the image of the HDMI
checkbox monitor, it cannot be set from the

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Top Middle Main

Bottom items Details Remarks Browser
items items body
Camera Camera Register home − ○ ○
operation setup position
Execute auto back − * Set it by the browser of the camera ○ ×
Set up mask areas − * Set it by the browser of the camera ○ ×
Zoom/Focus − * Set it by the browser of the camera ○ ×
Initial position setup − * The settings of Inclination, vertical angle ○ ×
adjustment and horizontal adjustment of
the image cut area of the fisheye camera
is available.
Alarm Action to be − − ○ ○
action taken upon
an event
Stop buzzer − − ○ ×
Cancel the − − ○ ○
alarm action
Cancel the − − ○ ○
error action
Display alarm ○ ○
Display error ○ ○
Recording Record − − ○ ○
Search/ Play Playback operation Playback ○ ○
Playback recorded panel Stop ○ ○
images Pause ○ ○
Next image/ Prev image ○ ○
Fast forwarding/reverse ○ ○
fast forwarding
Next record/ Prev record ○ ○
Go to last ○ ○
Jump playback ○ ×
Captured image ○ ×
Playback status display ○ ○
Wide view display ○ ○
Select medium − ○ ○
Playback medium − ○ ×

[Operation via recorder's main monitor]

Top Middle Main

Bottom items Details Remarks Browser
items items body
Search/ Search and Play image recorded − ○ ○
Playback play at a designated date &
Play the latest − ○ ○
recorded image
Playback by − * The timeline is not displayed on the ○ ×
designating a timeline browser. Play back recorded images
from the recording event list.
Play back recorded − × ○
images by designating
in REC & event list
Play images selected ○ ○
from alarm and error
logs (Log search)
Search and play − ○ ○
recorded images
triggered by motion
detection (VMD
Play back recorded − ○ ×
image by designating
a thumbnail
Copy/ Copy − − * The viewer software is copied together ○ ○
Download with the recorded image.
Format USB − − ○ ×
Download × ○
data (to PC)
Download × ○
viewer (to

[Setup Network]

Configure the network settings

The recorder can be operated using a mouse or from a web browser on a PC (excluding certain functions and
settings). On the following pages, operation from a web browser, setting up the PC and related matters will be

When operating the recorder using a web browser, it is necessary in advance to configure the network settings
of the recorder and a PC.
When the network settings of the PC are as follows, it is unnecessary to configure the settings. It is possible to
configure the settings and operate the recorder using a web browser after completing the connection.
IP address: -, -
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
When the settings are configured differently from the above, configure the network settings of the recorder or a

Configure the network settings of the recorder

The network settings of the recorder can be configured on the [Basic] tab of the "Network" page under the setup
menu [Advanced setup].
Refer to the chapter relating to the [Basic] tab of "Network" of the setup menu on page 50 for how to operate.

Configure the network settings of the PC

The TCP/IP setting of the PC shall be changed to conform to the settings of the recorder. When using the
recorder with the default (IP address:, set the IP address of the PC to " (a number
from 2 to 254 except 250 (this recorder))".
The settings described in these operating instructions are based on the standard settings for Windows 7. Refer
to the operating instructions of the respective OS for further information.

Step 1 Important:
• Log in to the PC as an administrator.
Click "Control Panel" on the start menu.

→→ "Control panel" will be displayed.

[Setup Network]

Step 2 Step 4
Click "View network status and tasks". Click [Properties]

→→ The "Network and Sharing Center" window will be


Step 3
Click "Local Area Connection".

→→ The "Local Area Connection Properties" window

will be displayed.

Step 5
Click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", and
then [Properties].

→→ The "Local Area Connection Status" window will

be displayed.

→→ The "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Prop-

erties" window will be displayed.

[Setup Network]

Step 6
Select [Use the following IP address] and set "IP
address" and "Subnet mask" as follows:
• IP address:
• Subnet mask:

Depending on the network configuration, it is neces-

sary to configure "Default gateway". Contact the sys-
tem administrator for further information about the

Step 7
Click the [OK] button and close the window.

[Setup Network]

Network security of the recorder

The security function of the recorder
① Access restriction by the user authentication
It is possible to restrict users to access the recorder by selecting "On" for "User authentication". (☞ Page 57)

② Access restriction by changing the HTTP port number

By changing the HTTP port number, it is possible to prevent illegal access such as a port scanning, etc.
(☞ Page 52)

• Design and enhance security countermeasures to prevent leakage of information such as image data,
authentication information (user name and password), alarm mail information, FTP server information, etc.
Perform the countermeasure such as the access restriction using the user.
• After the unit is accessed by the administrator, make sure to close the web browser for added security.
• Change the administrator password periodically for added security.

Enhance network security

The registration of the secure communication license allows you to encrypt the communication between the
recorder and camera and enhance the network security. The encryption of the recorded data will further
enhance the security.
Contact your dealer for secure communication. For setting details, refer to the "Operating Instructions  Secure
Communication Kit" on the provided CD-ROM.
In addition, network security can be enhanced by the following measures.
It is possible to enhance the network security by dividing the subnet using a router to authenticate users twice
(by the recorder and by the router). When connecting the recorder to an unsecured network, secure the net-
work connection by installing a VPN (Virtual Private Network) device, etc. between the recorder and the host

• The settings for the network security vary depending on the network to which the recorder is to be con-
nected such as an intranet or Internet service provider. Refer to a network administrator for further informa-
tion about the network security.

[Connection example]

Router Router
IP address: Network IP address:
Subnet mask: Subnet mask:

IP address: IP address:

Subnet mask: Subnet mask:
Default gateway: Default gateway:


By using a firewall, etc., it is possible to use packet filtering and protocol filtering to enhance the network secu-

[Setup Network]

[Connection example]


Router Router
IP address: Network
Subnet mask:
IP address:
Subnet mask:

Switching hub

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

[Operation via PC web browser]

Display the operation window

Boot the PC and operate the recorder using a web browser.

Step 1 • When any ActiveX control for our recorder other

than this product is already installed, uninstall
Start the web browser.
"WebVideo ActiveX" from "Uninstall a program"
and then install ActiveX control for this product.
Step 2 (☞ Page 181)
Enter the IP address or URL assigned to the recorder • When the installation wizard is displayed each
into the address box, and then press the [Enter] key. time displaying other page even though installa-
tion of ActiveX control for this product has been
completed, reboot the PC.
• The ActiveX control used on each PC should be
licensed individually. The recorder has the license
for 1 PC. Refer to your dealer for the software

Step 3
Enter the user name and password registered in the
recorder, and then click the [Login] button.
→→ The top page will be displayed.

→→ The authentication window will be displayed. The

authentication window will not be displayed when
"Off" is selected for "User authentication" on the
[Basic] tab of "User management" under the
setup menu [Advanced setup].

• Refer to a network administrator for further infor-
mation about the set IP address.
• Do not attach "0" before the numbers when enter-
ing IP address.
• Refer to a system administrator for the set user
name and password.
• If a message is displayed on the information bar,
• Refer to page 59 for how to register users.
see page 203.
• Change the password periodically. Refer to page
• If the text is not displayed, add the IP address set
59 for how to change the password.
to the recorder to the compatibility view settings
• Refer to page 203 when a message is displayed
of IE and the trusted site.
on the information bar or when an unnecessary
status bar or scroll bar is displayed on the win-
• When the top page is displayed for the first time,
the install wizard of the ActiveX control required to
display images from the camera will be displayed.
Follow the instructions of the wizard.
• To install ActiveX, the computer must be logged in
by a user with "computer administrator" authori-
zation and the web browser must be executed by
the administrator.
• The ActiveX control and the viewer software (☞
Page 181) will be installed at the same time.

[Operation via PC web browser]

About the operation window

Top Page
Status display area Current time display area

Image display area

Download opera-
[CAM] tab tion area

[HDD] tab

[Control] tab Image display area

Displays operations such as searching for and copy- Playback images and live images will be displayed.
ing recorded images, search results and log informa- The camera title is displayed at the upper left and the
tion. date & time (the current date & time of the camera’s
It can also be used to switch camera images between clock when displaying live images and the date &
display of live images on a multiscreen, wide screen, time when the images were recorded when playing
etc. recorded images) at the upper right. Clicking the
camera title while displaying images on a multiscreen
[Cam. select] tab will display images from the respective camera on a
Can be used for camera operations such as switching 1-screen.
camera images.
Download operation area
[Setup] tab Downloads the images currently being played and the
Can be used to configure the settings of the recorder. viewer software.
Refer to the "Setup via recorder's main monitor" sec-
tion starting from page 9 for setup items and their [CAM] tab
further information. Refer to page 187 for basic Camera operations such as zooming, focusing, auto
operations. mode, etc. can be performed on this tab.

Status display area [HDD] tab

The current status of the recorder such as playback Can be used to play back or operate recorded
status, recording status, etc. will be displayed. images.

Current time display area

The current date & time will be displayed.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Control panel
The following operation panels will be displayed when the [Control] tab is clicked.

List display

[Multiscreen] box • [Copy data] button

Images recorded using up to 4 cameras can be Select [USB] for "Disk/Medium" to display this
played simultaneously on a multi-screen. Each click button. Displays the copy data search window.
of the button switches to the next 4 screens in the
sequence: camera 1 to 4→camera 5 to 8→camera 9 Disk/Medium
to 12→camera 13 to 16. Select a destination folder to store the current playing
[Wide view] box HDD/USB
Displays live or recorded images on a full-screen.
(☞ Page 162) [Copy] button
Select [HDD] for "Disk/Medium" to display this but-
[Digital zoom] box ton.
Camera image displayed on a 1-screen will be dis- Displays the copy window. Use this button to copy
played in the proportion of the clicked zoom ratio but- the recorded images to an external storage device.
[×1]: ×1, [×2]: ×2, [×4]: ×4 [Log] box
Select a log for display.
[Search] box Clicking the buttons will display the respective logs in
Use this button to search recorded images. The the list display area.
search result will be displayed in the list display area. Displayed logs: Alarm log, error log

• [REC event] button • [Close] button

Select [HDD] for "Disk/Medium" to display this Close the window displaying log information.
button. The recording event search window will
be displayed.

• [VMD] button
Select [HDD] for "Disk/Medium" to display this
button. The motion detection search window will
be displayed.

[Operation via PC web browser]

List display area To display search results or a list of copied data, refer
Total: Displays the total number of listed data. to "Search and play recording events" (☞ Page 171)
No.: The number will be displayed in the order of and "Check a list of copied recorded images" (☞ Page
occurrence. 179), respectively.
Date & List: Date & time when an event or trouble
occurred will be displayed. Note:
Log: Details of the occurred event are displayed. • To start playback from the beginning of the pre-
The following are the maximum number of logs event recording when the "Pre-event duration"
that can be saved. When the number of logs setting is longer than 5 seconds, click the play-
exceeds the limit, the older logs will be overwrit- back button, and then click the previous record
ten by the newer logs. In this case, the oldest log button.
is the first to be overwritten. • The corresponding recorded data that is displayed
Alarm log: Up to 1000 in the selected log list cannot be played if the data
Error log: Up to 1000 has already been overwritten or erased.
Clicking date & time in the list can start playback from
that date & time. (When clicking date & time in the log
information, playback will be started from a point
approx. 5 seconds before the date & time selected.)

Camera selection panel

Clicking the [Cam. select] tab will display the operation panel shown below. Switch the image display area and
select camera images.

Camera selection box

For the [Multiscreen] box, [Wide view] box and [Digital zoom] box, refer to "Control Panel" (☞ Page 155).

Camera selection box

Clicking the camera title will display images from the
selected camera on a 1-screen in the image display
area. Setting the [Group display] of [Monitor] - [Web
browser] to "On" (☞ Page 188) enables the group
display of cameras.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Setup panel
The following setup panel will be displayed when the [Setup] tab is clicked. The settings such as the date &
time display of the recorder can be configured.
Refer to the "Setup via recorder's main monitor" section starting from page 9 for setup items and their fur-
ther information. Refer to page 187 for basic operations.

[Date/Language] button
Displays the "Date/Language" page. Perform settings
such as date & time and daylight saving time.

[Camera] button
Displays the "Camera" page.
Perform registration of network cameras.

[REC & event] button

Displays the "REC & event" page. Configure the set-
tings relating to the recording schedules and alarms.

[Monitor] button
Configure the settings relating to the main monitor
and the sub monitor.

[Network] button
Configure the settings relating to the network.

[User management] button

Register, edit or delete the user information. The
administrator information can also be changed.

[Maintenance] button
Displays the system information of the recorder. It is
used for registration of license and firmware update.

[HDD management] button

Format the HDD or change the operation mode of

[Extra function] button

Sets the security function.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Status display area

Live/playback status display area Other status display area

Recording indicator

Live/playback status display area Recording indicator

The status of an image (live image/recorded image) Indicates the status of recording.
will be displayed. The following information will be : Indicates that recording is being performed.
: Indicates that live images are being dis- : Indicates that recording is not being per-
played. formed.
: Indicates that playback images are being
displayed. Other status display area
: Indicates that reverse playback images are Indicates the following statuses.
being displayed. : Indicates that the camera is inoperable
: Indicates that fast playback images are since a user with a higher priority is currently
being displayed. operating the camera.
: Indicates that fast reverse playback images : Indicates that copying is being performed.
are being displayed. : I ndicates that recorded images are being
: Indicates that a paused image is being dis- deleted. (Auto deletion only)
: Indicates that recorded images/audio are Alarm button [ALM]
being downloaded. This button will be displayed when an event occurs.
: Indicates that downloading of recorded The alarm action will be canceled by clicking this but-
images/audio is completed. ton.

[Step 1] - [Step 7] Error button [ERR]

Indicates the playback speed. This button will be displayed when an error occurs.
: Normal playback speed (1x) The error action will be canceled by clicking this but-

: Approx. 4x playback speed ton.

: Approx. 8x playback speed
: Approx. 16x playback speed Note:

: Approx. 32x playback speed • Once an emergency recording starts, it will not

: Approx. 48x playback speed stop even by clicking the [ALM] button. It will stop

: Approx. 96x playback speed only when "Ext." is selected for "Recording dura-

tion" on the "Emergency rec." page.
: Indicates that the HDD is selected as
playback media.

: Indicates that the USB medium is selected.

: Indicates that the formatting of the HDD

or the USB medium is in progress.

: Indicates that SD memory data is being


: Indicates filtering of recording events.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Download operation area

[Start]/[End] setup

[Start]/[End] setup [Viewer] button

Specify the time range for downloading images and Download the viewer software for playing the down-
audio by setting a start and end time. This operation loaded images and audio.
is available only during playback on a 1-screen.
(☞ Page 177)

[Download] button
Downloads recorded images and audio at the desig-
nated date & time.

[CAM] tab
When displaying live images from a camera with the panning/tilting function, the following camera controls are
available. Depending on the model of the camera, some operations may not work.

Control buttons/Control pad

[Zoom] box Control buttons/Control pad

Zooming can be adjusted by clicking the [–] button Clicking the buttons around the control pad can move
(wide) or the [+] button (tele). Click the [x1] button to (pan/tilt) a camera in the clicked direction. Clicking
reset the zoom factor to x1. inside the control pad also can adjust the vertical/hor-
izontal position (pan/tilt) of the displayed images.
[Focus] box Panning/ tilting speed will be faster if a clicked point
Focusing can be adjusted by clicking the [Near] but- gets farther from the center point of the control pad.
ton or the [Far] button. The auto focus function can
be performed by clicking the [Auto] button. [Brightness] box
The brightness (lens iris) can be adjusted by clicking
[Auto mode/AUX/Wiper] box the [–] (darker) button or the [+] (brighter) button. It is
Switch the operation mode in the box to use it. Refer possible to reset the adjusted brightness by clicking
to page 165 for the details. the [Reset] button.

[Operation via PC web browser]

[Preset Position] box

• [Regist] button
Register the current camera position as a preset
Select a preset position number (1 - 256) by click-
ing the [▼] button after moving the camera to a
position to be registered as a preset position, and
then click the [Regist] button. It is impossible to
register the position as "Home".

• [Call] button
Moves the camera to the preset position regis-
tered in advance.
Select a preset position number (Home, 1 - 256)
by clicking the [▼] button, and then click the [Call]
button. It is necessary to register preset positions
in advance to move the camera to the preset

[HDD] tab

[Play]/[Rev play] button [Pause] button

Plays recorded images in forward or reverse. Playback will be paused when this button is clicked
during playback. Playback will start when this button
[FF]/[FR] button is clicked during pause.
Plays recorded images at high speed in forward or
reverse. [Stop] button
Playback speed of fast playback will change in the Stops playback and displays live images.
following order each time this button is clicked:
Step2 (Approx. 4x) → Step3 (Approx. 8x) →Step4 [Go to last] button
(Approx. 16x) → Step5 (Approx. 32x) →Step6 The starting point of playback is approx. 10 seconds
(Approx. 48x) → Step7 (Approx. 96x) before the date & time of the latest recorded images.
Depending on the recording settings, images may be
[Next record]/[Prev record] button played back more than 10 seconds before.
Skips to the next recorded image or previous
recorded image and plays it. [Date search] box
Start playback by designating the desired date & time
[Next image]/[Prev image] button of image. Click the [▼] button and determine the
Clicking this button during playback/pausing will dis- desired date & time.
play the next or previous frame and playback will be Clicking the [Date search] button will play back the
paused. images corresponding to the selected date.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Monitor live images

Live images will be displayed in the web browser window. It is possible to display live images on a 1-screen or
a 4-screen (multiscreen) and to expand the image display area across the full screen.

Display images on a 1-screen

To display live images on a 1-screen, take the following procedures.

Step 1 Step 2
Click the [Cam. select] tab. (☞ Page 154) Select the title of the camera.
→→ A list of the registered cameras will be displayed →→ Live images from the selected camera will be dis-
in the [Camera selection] box. played on a 1-screen.

• Selecting a camera from the right-click pop-up
menu also will display images from the selected
• Clicking the [Go to last] button on the [HDD] tab
while displaying live images will start playback
from a point around 10 seconds before the latest
recorded image of the camera currently being dis-
played. Depending on the recording settings,
images may be played back more than 10 sec-
onds before.

Use digital zoom

Enlarges the displayed live images.
When playing recorded images on a 1-screen, click a button in the [Digital zoom] box.
[×1] button: Displays live images with ×1 zoomed size.
[×2] button: Displays live images with ×2 zoomed size.
[×4] button: Displays live images with ×4 zoomed size.
Clicking a point in the zoomed image makes the clicked point the center of the image.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Display images in wide view

Display live images across the full screen. When working on a 1-screen, click the [Wide view] button (the opera-
tion panel will disappear).
To return the wide view image to the original size, right-click on the image and select [Ctrl screen] from the dis-
played menu.

• To enlarge the displayed live images, also right-click on the live images and select [Wide view] from the dis-
played menu.

Display images on a 4-screen (multiscreen)

Live images from cameras will be displayed on a 4-screen.

Step 1
Click the [Cam. select] tab.
• To change the screen pattern to a multi-screen,
→→ A list of the registered cameras will be displayed
right-click on the live images and select the item
in the [Camera selection] box. (☞ Page 156)
from the displayed menu.
• Selecting [Wide view] from the right-click menu
Step 2 will enlarge the displayed images on a 4-screen.
Click the [Multiscreen] button. • If the resolution of the recording setting is high,
→→ Live images from the cameras (registered as a the displayed image will be coarse. The image will
group) will be displayed on a 4-screen. be clear when it is displayed in wide view or
Step 3 • Clicking the [Go to last] button on the [HDD] tab
while displaying live images will start playback
Each click of the [Multiscreen] button switches to the from a point around 10 seconds before the latest
next 4 screens in the sequence: camera 1 to 4→cam- recorded image of the camera currently being dis-
era 5 to 8→camera 9 to 12→camera 13 to 16... If a played. Depending on the recording settings,
set of 4 cameras are not registered on the 4-screen, it images may be played back more than 10 sec-
will be skipped. onds before.
• When playing recorded images on a 4-screen, the
Step 4 audio of the camera assigned to the top left
Click a camera title in the [Camera selection] box or screen segment will be output.
the camera title displayed on the image to display on • When starting VMD search while displaying
a 1- screen again. images on a multiscreen, the camera image dis-
→→ The display returns to the 1-screen. played in the top left screen segment will be

[Operation via PC web browser]

Operate the camera

When displaying live images from a camera with the panning/tilting function, the following camera controls are
available. It may be impossible to operate the camera or some functions may be inoperable depending on the
model of the camera.

• Panning/Tilting: Adjusts the horizontal/vertical position of the camera.

• Zoom: Zoom in/out the displayed image.
• Focus: Adjust the focal point.
• Brightness: Adjusts the lens iris of the camera.
• Preset position operation: Move the camera to the preset position (that is determined on the camera’s
setup menu and registered in the recorder).
• Auto mode/AUX/Wiper: Activates the auto mode function/AUX function/wiper function of the camera.

To operate the camera, display the [CAM] tab of the top page.

Control buttons/Control pad

When displaying live images on a 1-screen, moves a camera horizontally/vertically in the following ways.

Control buttons
Click to move (pan/tilt) a camera in the clicked direction.

Control pad
Click to move (pan/tilt) a camera in the clicked direction. Panning/ tilting speed will be faster if a clicked point
gets farther from the center point of the control pad.

• Click the desired point to be located at the center of the angular field of view. The camera will move to
locate the clicked point as the center point in the image display area.

Zoom in/out the displayed image. Depending on the models of the connected cameras, the available zooming
factors may be different. Refer to the operating instructions of the camera for further information.
Zooming can be adjusted by clicking the [–] button (wide) or the [+] button (tele). Click the [×1] button to reset
the zoom factor to ×1.

• It is possible to adjust zooming by turning the mouse wheel.
• When selecting an area in the image display area by dragging the mouse, the selected area will be located
at the center of the image display area and the zoom ratio will be adjusted automatically.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Focus adjustment
Adjusts the focal point. The auto focus function is available.
Focusing can be adjusted by clicking the [Near] button or the [Far] button.
The auto focus function can be performed by clicking the [Auto] button.

Iris (brightness) adjustment

Adjusts the lens iris of the camera.
The brightness (lens iris) can be adjusted by clicking the [–] (darker) button or the [+] (brighter) button. It is pos-
sible to reset the adjusted brightness by clicking the [Reset] button.

Register preset positions

Registers the current camera position as a preset position. Camera supporting the preset position function can
be used.

Step 1 Step 3
Perform the pan/tilt operation to move the camera to Click the [Regist] button.
the position to be registered. →→ The preset position will be registered under the
selected preset number.
Step 2
Click the [▼] button in the [Preset Position] box to
• Some preset numbers may not be registered
select a preset number (1 - 256). (It is impossible to
depending on the model of the connected cam-
register the position as "Home".)
era. Please refer to the user manual of your cam-
era for the preset registration function of the cam-

Move to preset positions

Moves the camera to the preset position registered in advance. Preset positions need to be registered in

Step 1 Step 2
Click the [▼] button in the [Preset Position] box to Click the [Call] button.
select a preset number (Home, 1 - 256). →→ The camera moves to the registered preset posi-
tion respective to the selected preset number.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Auto mode/AUX/Wiper
Select and activate the auto mode function/AUX function/wiper function of the camera.

Auto mode function Wiper function

Step 1 Wiper/Washer of WV-SUD638 can be operated.

Select "Auto mode" for the operation mode. Click [▼]

button and select an auto mode that you want to Step 1
operate. Change the operation mode from "Auto mode" to
Auto track: The camera will automatically track an "Wiper" and select a wiper function from the following.
object moving on the screen. High: Wipes out continuously. (once per 4 sec-
Auto pan: The camera direction will automatically onds)
move (pan) between the start point and end Low: Wipes out continuously. (once per 8 sec-
point set in advance. onds)
Preset sequence: The camera will move to the 1 shot: Performs high speed wiping (once per 4
preset positions registered in advance in order seconds) 5 times.
of the preset position number (numerical Washer: Performs the specified washer/wiper
order). operation.
Patrol: The camera will trace the manually Refer to the operating instruction of WV-SUD638.
recorded panning pattern.
Step 2
Step 2 When [Start] button is clicked, the selected motion
Click the [Start] button to start the selected auto starts.
mode function of the camera. When [Stop] button is clicked, the motion ends.
Click the [Stop] button to turn off the auto mode func-
tion. Note:
• The following operation is not available while the
Note: washer is operating.
• When you use the auto mode, please read the • [Start] and [Stop] operation of "Wiper"
operating instructions of your camera and set the • Control of panning, tilting zooming and focusing
auto mode at the camera menu in advance. • [Start] operation of "Auto mode"
• [Call] operation of "Preset Position"
AUX function • It requires the washer operation settings for the
camera side. Refer to the operating instruction of
Step 1 WV-SUD638.

Change the operation mode from "Auto mode" to

"AUX" and select a terminal number of the AUX.

Step 2
Open: The AUX terminal becomes open.
Close: The AUX terminal becomes close.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Event function
The recorder will take an event action when any of the following events occur.
Terminal alarm: An event when an alarm input signal is supplied from an external device such as a
door sensor to the alarm input terminal on the rear of the recorder.
Camera site alarm: An event when an alarm (camera terminal alarm, etc.) is detected by a camera.
Command alarm: An alarm when receiving an alarm from a PC, etc. via a network.

Action to be taken upon an event occurrence

When the recorder recognizes an event, it will take an event action according to the set action mode.
Refer to the "Event action mode" (☞ Page 120) for further information about the event action and action mode.
The actions that can be set up and checked from a PC when an event occurs are described below.

Display the alarm message

A window that notifies of an event occurrence will be displayed.

Click the [OK] button or the [×] button to close the window. When several events occur at the same time, the
information for the event that occurred last will be displayed.

Display the alarm button Provide an alarm notification to a PC according to

The [ALM] button will be displayed in the status dis- the TCP alarm notification setting
play area. The alarm action will be canceled by click- When an event or an error occurs, information about
ing [ALM] button. (☞ Page 167) the event/ error will automatically be notified to the
registered PC according to the "TCP alarm
Display the error button notification" setting. To receive a notification and
The [ERR] button will be displayed in the status dis- display the contents, it is necessary to install the
play area. The error action will be canceled by click- dedicated software (option).
ing [ERR] button. (☞ Page 167) Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM
about the dedicated software.
Send a mail that notifies of an event occurrence
A mail that notifies of the event occurrence with the
date & time of the event occurrence will be sent
(Alarm mail).
Up to 4 destination addresses for the alarm mail can
be registered.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Cancel the alarm action

To cancel the alarm action manually, click the [ALM] button in the status display area.

→→ The alarm action will be canceled. The event recording will stop and return to the operational status just
before the event occurred.

Cancel the error action

When an error (trouble) occurred on the recorder, the recorder will take the error action (a series of actions that
notifies of the error occurrence). An error display window providing information on the error that occurred will
be displayed on the web browser. To cancel the error action manually, close the error display window, and click
the [ERR] button in the status display area.

→→ The error action will be canceled.

• When an error occurs, take remedial action by following the instructions displayed on the error log panel
(☞ Page 134). The error indicator on the front of the recorder will go off when the cause of the error has
been eliminated.
• The [ERR] button is continuously displayed even if the cause of the error is automatically resolved. Click the
[ERR] button to turn it off.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Play recorded images

Display camera images recorded on the recorder’s hard disk. There are 2 ways to play recorded images as fol-
lows. Play image recorded at a designated date & time. Search and play recorded images. Playback operation
can be made while recording.

Step 1 Note:
• When displaying images on a 1-screen, audio
Click the [HDD] tab on the top page of the operation
assigned to the camera from which images are
currently being displayed will be heard. When dis-
→→ The [HDD] tab will be displayed.
playing images on a multiscreen, audio assigned
to the camera from which images are displayed
on the upper left corner will be heard.
• When starting playback for the first time after
login, playback will start from a point around 10
seconds before the latest recorded image.
While recording, the playback starts 10 seconds
prior to the current time. Depending on the
recording settings, images may be played back
more than 10 seconds before.
• When both a web browser and the viewer soft-
ware are active, playback of audio may not be
performed correctly. To play audio correctly, use
either the web browser or the viewer software and
Step 2 close the other.
Click the [Play] button. • When load to be processed is too heavy for the
→→ Playback of a recorded image will be performed. recorder (such as when many cameras are con-
The "Playback" indication and the "Step 1" indi- nected, images (live/playback) are displayed on
cation will be displayed on the status display many windows (segments)), playback speed may
area. become slow or playback may stop for a while.
Playback will start from the point at which the last • When displaying images on a multiscreen, play-
playback was stopped (date & time). back will be performed while skipping the actual
Step 3 • When playing images recorded at a higher frame
rate and images recorded at a lower frame rate
Click the [Stop] button on the [HDD] tab. together on a multiscreen, there will be a widening
→→ "Playback" and "Step 1" will disappear from the gap between the displayed times.
status display area, and playback will stop. Live • Playback images and audio may sometimes not
images from the camera will be displayed on the be synchronized exactly.
image display area. • The camera image can be changed by clicking the
[Cam. select] tab and the camera title during play-
• It is possible to switch 1-screen to a multi-screen
during playback by clicking the [Multiscreen] but-
• When clicking a camera title on the image dis-
played on a multiscreen, images from the camera
whose camera title is clicked will be displayed on
a 1-screen.
• The playback video may temporary stop or the
image may not be displayed if the vicinity of the
current time is continuously being displayed. If the
data is played back in a multi-screen, video may
temporarily stop or the image may not be dis-
played a part of the camera.

[Operation via PC web browser]

About playback operation

The following operations are available during playback:

Function Example Operation

[Play]/[Rev play] button / • Plays recorded images.
• Plays back recorded images in reverse.
* Playback and reverse playback may not work when the [Play] or
[Rev play] button is clicked while recording images at a lower
frame rate.
[Stop] button • Playback will stop and live images will be displayed when this
button is clicked during playback.
[Pause] button • Playback will be paused when this button is clicked during
• Playback will resume when this button is clicked during pause.
[FF]/[FR] button / • Playback speed of fast playback will be changed in the following
order each time the [FF] button is clicked:
Step2 (Approx. ×4) → Step3 (Approx. ×8) → Step4 (Approx. ×16)
→ Step5 (Approx. ×32) → Step6 (Approx. ×48) → Step7 (Approx.
• Playback speed of fast reverse playback will be changed in the
following order each time the [FR] button is clicked:
Step2 (Approx. ×4) → Step3 (Approx. ×8) → Step4 (Approx. ×16)
→ Step5 (Approx. ×32) → Step6 (Approx. ×48) → Step7 (Approx.
• The step of the playback speed will be displayed on the
playback status display.
* When playing H.264/H.265 images, some frames of recorded
images will not be displayed. Fast playback/fast reverse
playback of images will be performed with the refresh interval
setting of the camera.
[Next record]/[Prev record] / • When the [Next record] button is clicked, playback point will skip
button to the start time of the next recorded images.
• When the [Prev record] button is clicked, playback point will skip
to the start time of the previous recorded images.
* When there is no next/previous recorded image to be skipped
to, the current playback will continue. In this case, playback time
of the current playback may sometimes be displayed as around
for 1 minute ago.
[Next image]/[Prev image] / • The next frame will be displayed when the [Next image] button is
button clicked during playback/pause, and playback will pause.
• The previous frame will be displayed when the [Prev image]
button is clicked during playback/pause, and playback will pause.
* When playing H.264/H.265 images, some frames of recorded
images will not be displayed. Reverse frame-by-frame playback
will be performed with the refresh interval setting of the camera.
[Go to last] button • When this button is clicked, playback of the latest recorded
images will start. The starting point is around 10 seconds before
the date & time of the latest recorded images.
While recording, the playback starts 10 seconds prior to the
current time. Depending on the recording settings, images may
be played back more than 10 seconds before.
* When the [Go to last] button is clicked while recording images at
a lower frame rate, playback of the latest recorded images may
be paused or images may not be displayed.
The playback video may temporary stop or the image may not
be displayed if the vicinity of the current time is continuously
being displayed.

Refer to the page 155 for further information about the [Multiscreen], [Digital zoom] and [Wide view].

[Operation via PC web browser]

Play image recorded at a designated date & time

Start playback by designating the desired date & time
of a recorded image. Playback operation can be
made while recording.

Step 1
Click the [Cam. select] tab on the top page of the
operation window, and select a camera for playback
from the camera selection box. (☞ Page 156)

Step 2
Click the [HDD] tab. (☞ Page 154)

Step 3
Click the [▼] button and determine the date & time of
the desired images.

Step 4
Click the [Date search] button.
→→ "Playback" and "Step 1" will be displayed in the
status display area, and playback will start from
the image corresponding to the designated date
& time.
(About playback operation: "Play recorded
images" (☞ Page 169))

• When playing H.264/H.265 image by designating
date & time, playback may start from a point sev-
eral seconds before or after the designated date &
• When no recorded image found at the designated
date & time, playback of images recorded after
and at the closest to the designated date & time
will start.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Search and play recording events (REC event search)

Search the recording event list for a recording event and play it back.

• To use recording event search, "HDD" must be selected for [Disk/Medium].
It is also possible to filter recording events using the search filters.

Step 1 [Camera]
Searches for images recorded with each selected
Click the [Control] tab on the top page (☞ Page 154)
camera. Mark the checkbox corresponding to the
of the operation window, and click the [REC event]
desired camera. When the checkbox for [All] is
button in the [Search] box.
marked, the checkboxes of all cameras can be
→→ The recording event search window will be dis-

Step 2
Specify the search conditions (filters).

[Date & time range]

Select a time range by designating a start and end
date & time. The designated time range will be

[REC event]
Searches for images recorded by the selected
recording mode only. Check the checkbox corre-
sponding to the desired event type. When the check-
box for [All] is marked, the checkboxes of all of the
following events can be marked:
Schedule [SCH]: Recording by the schedule
recording event
Terminal alarm [TRM]: Recording triggered by a
terminal alarm
Command alarm [COM]: Recording triggered by a
command alarm
Camera site alarm [CAM]: Recording triggered by
camera site alarm
Emergency [EMR]: Recording triggered by the
emergency recording event
SD backup rec. [SD]: Recording by the SD mem-
ory backup function

[Operation via PC web browser]

Step 3 [Date]
Start time of recording will be displayed.
Click the [OK] button.
→→ "FILTERING" appears in the status display area,
and the filtered result will be displayed in the list
The camera which recorded the images will be dis-
display area.

Event type will be displayed. (☞ Page 171)

The hard disk drive number in which the correspond-
ing recorded images are stored will be displayed.

When audio is attached to recorded images, the
audio icon will be displayed.

• The [All list] button will become unavailable during
playback. To use the [All list] button, stop play-
back and click it.
• When many cameras are connected, the record-
ing start time of each camera may sometimes not
be the same.

Step 4
Click the date & time of the desired recording event.
→→ Playback of recorded images of the selected
recording event will start. (About playback opera-
tion (☞ Page 169))

Displays the total number of searched data. When
more than 10001 data matched, the "> 10000" indi-
cation will be displayed.

[All list] button

Cancels filtering and displays all recording events.

[Refresh] button
Updates the list to the latest one.

[Prev page (<)] button

Displays the previous page of the list.

[Next page (>)] button

Displays the next page of the list.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Motion detection search and playback (VMD search)

Search for recorded images from images recorded triggered by the VMD function of cameras by designating a
time range. Click a date & time on the result list to play corresponding recorded images.

• To perform the VMD search, it is necessary to configure the settings of the connected cameras that support
the motion detection function in advance. Refer to the "readme.txt" on the provided CD-ROM about cam-
eras supporting the VMD search function. Refer to the operating instructions of the camera in use for further

Step 1 Step 3
Click the [Control] tab on the top page (☞ Page 154) Set up a VMD area. Drag the mouse on the screen.
of the operation window, and click the [VMD] button →→ A frame will be displayed, and the area within the
in the [Search] box. frame will be set as VMD search area.
→→ The "VMD search" window will be displayed. The
still image of the latest data will be displayed.

• To delete the created area, click the [Delete area]
Step 2 button.

Specify the search conditions (filters).

Step 4
[Camera] Click the [OK] button.
Select the camera for VMD search. →→ The VMD search will start. The search result will be
displayed in the list display area. (☞ Page 172) It
[Date & time range] may sometimes take time to complete the search.
Select a time range by designating a start and end
date & time. The designated time range will be Important:
searched. • In the result list of the VMD search, the audio icon
will not be displayed in the "Audio" column even if
[Mask duration] audio is attached to the recorded images.
Select the time span to be searched.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Step 5
Click the date & time of the desired recording event.
→→ Playback of recorded images of the selected
recording event will start. (About playback opera-
tion (☞ Page 169))

• Up to 100 logs are displayed in the list. When
more than 100 logs are filed in the search result,
"> 100" will be indicated.
• Recorded images will be played on a 1-screen. To
play on a multi-screen, click the [Multiscreen] but-
ton after starting playback.
• When starting the VMD search while displaying
images on a multiscreen, the camera whose
images are displayed at the upper left corner will
become subject to the VMD search.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Copy recorded images

Copy the recorded image on the recorder to an external storage device (external HDD, USB memory stick).
Refer to page 139 for further information about the copy function. Refer to page 181 for information on how
to play copied images.

Step 1 Step 3
Click the [Control] tab on the top page (☞ Page 154) Specify the detailed conditions of recorded images to
of the operation window. be copied. Specify the information to be set as condi-
Step 2
Click the button in the [Copy] box.

Select the camera you wish to copy. Mark the check-
box next to the desired camera. When the checkbox
for [All] is marked, the checkboxes of all cameras can
be marked.

[Date & time range]

Designate the start point (start date & time) and the
end point (end date & time) of recorded images to be
copied. Click the [▼] button, and then designate date
& time.

[Alteration detection]
Determine whether or not to attach the alteration
→→ The "Copy" window will be displayed. detection code to the recorded images to be copied.
When the alteration detection code is attached, it is
possible to check if the copied recorded images have
been altered or not when playing the copied recorded
images using the viewer software. Click the [▼] but-
ton, and then select "On" or "Off".

[File format]
Select the file format (Original (n3r/n3a)/MP4) of the
recorded data to be copied. Mark the checkbox
corresponding to the desired file format.

[Operation via PC web browser]

[Password] Important:
To copy with password protection, mark the corre- • When copying to an external storage device is
sponding checkbox and enter a password. (5 to 8 being performed, do not disconnect the external
alphanumeric characters) The password will be storage device. Otherwise the data stored on the
required to play back the copied data. external storage device could be lost.
• When the copy end time is set earlier than the
[Data size] start time, copying will not start even when the
When the [Measurement] button is clicked, size of the [OK] button is clicked.
data to be copied will be displayed. • When copy medium lacks enough storage space,
data will be copied until the copy medium is full.
[Free] Use a medium with sufficient storage capacity to
The remaining capacity of the destination medium avoid left over data that is not copied.
(external storage device) will be displayed. • Copying will be performed in the following order:
Viewer Software → Images → Audio Depending
Step 4 on the designated time range for copying and the
remaining space of the storage medium, images
When the [OK] button is clicked, the confirmation
and audio may not be copied.
window will be displayed. Then click the [OK] button
• When clicking the button in the [Copy] box during
on the displayed confirmation window.
copying, the confirmation window for cancellation
→→ The data copy window will close. Copying will
of the current copying will be displayed. It is pos-
start and the "COPY" icon will be displayed in the
sible to cancel the current copying on this win-
status display area. When copying is complete,
the "COPY" icon will disappear.
• Do not turn off the power of the recorder while
copy is in progress. If the power is turned off while
copying, the storage media copied on will become
• Recorded images (data) of up to 1 million can be
copied onto the external device connected to the
copy port "COPY". However, it is impossible to
copy any more data exceeding these limits even
when there is a sufficient remaining capacity.
• When another user operating the recorder has
opened the copy panel or when the destination
medium has been selected by another user, the
copy window cannot be displayed.
• When the web browser is closed during the copy-
ing process, the process will be stopped. Do not
close the web browser during the copying process.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Download recorded images currently being played

Designate the start point and the end point of recorded images currently being played and download images to
a PC.
If the original format is selected for the file format of the data to be downloaded, the recorded images will be
downloaded as an image data file (filename.n3r) and an audio data file (filename.n3a). If MP4 format is selected,
the recorded images will be downloaded as an MP4 file (filename.mp4). Refer to page 181 for information on
how to play downloaded recorded images.

• Note when downloading that, due to limitations of Internet Explorer, the free disk space of the PC must be 2
or more times the size of the file to be downloaded.
• When download is canceled in the process of the download, it is impossible to properly play the down-
loaded file on a PC.
• If the recorded images are downloaded in MP4 format, add the recorder address to the trusted sites of
Internet Explorer.

Step 1 Step 4
Click the [HDD] tab on the top page (☞ Page 154) of Click the [Download] button.
the operation window. →→ The "Download" window will be displayed.

Step 2 Step 5
Play back the recorded images on a 1-screen. Select the file format (Original (n3r/n3a)/MP4), "With
Click the [Start] button in the download operation audio" or "Without audio" to determine whether or not
area at the playback point where the download is to to download images with audio, and select "On" or
start. Another way to start the download is to click "Off" to determine whether or not to attach an
the start time box and enter date & time. alteration data on downloaded images due to
alternation detection. When assigning a password,
enter 5 to 8 alphanumeric characters for the password.
However, passwords cannot be assigned to MP4 files.
When the setting is completed, click the [OK] button.

→→ The date & time set in the start time box will be

• Downloading is only available during the playback
on 1-screen display.

Step 3
→→ The file download window will be displayed.
Click the [End] button in the download operation area
at the playback point where the download is to end.
Another way to end the download is to click the end
• Images recorded in H.264 or H.265 can be down-
time box and enter date & time.
loaded in MP4 format. If audio is recorded in
→→ The date & time set in the end time box will be
AAC-LC and "With audio" is selected, the images
are downloaded in MP4 format with audio.

• It is possible to designate up to 60 minutes of the
time range per download.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Step 6
Operate it following the instructions on the web
→→ Recorded images and audio will be downloaded
as an image data file (filename.n3r) and an audio
data file (filename.n3a) respectively, or as an MP4
file (filename.mp4).

• Copying (☞ Page 139) and downloading in MP4
format are available for up to 2 users at the same
• When "Original (n3r/n3a)" and "With audio" is
selected, the "Download" window will be dis-
played again after the download is complete.
• If a message is displayed on the information bar,
see page 203.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Check a list of copied recorded images

Display a list of data (recorded images) copied on the external storage device and confirm them. It is possible
to search for copied data using filters. Available filters are "Date & time range" and "Camera".

Step 1 [Date & time range]

Select a time range by designating a start and end
Insert the external storage device on which the
date & time. The designated time range will be
recording data is copied.

Step 2 [File format]

Click the [Control] tab on the top page (☞ Page 154) Searches for images recorded with each selected file
of the operation window. format. Mark the checkbox corresponding to the
desired file format.
Step 3
Select [USB] for "Disk/Medium" in the [Search] box, Step 5
and then click the [Copy data] button. Click the [OK] button.
→→ Copied data matching the search criteria will be
displayed on the list display window.

→→ The copy data search window will be displayed.

Step 4 [Total]
Displays the total number of searched data. When
Specify the search conditions (filters).
more than 10001 data matched, the "> 10000" indi-
cation will be displayed.

[All list] button

Cancels filtering and displays all recording events.

[Refresh] button
Updates the list to the latest one.

[Prev page (<)] button

Displays the previous page.
[Next page (>)] button
Searches for images recorded with each selected
Displays the next page.
camera. Mark the checkbox corresponding to the
desired camera. When the checkbox for [All] is
marked, the checkboxes of all cameras can be
Start time of recording will be displayed.

[Operation via PC web browser]

The camera number of the recorded data will be dis-

Event type will be displayed. (☞ Page 171)

Displays a file format.

• Do not remove the external storage device during
playback of copied data on the external storage
device. Otherwise the data stored on the external
storage device could be lost.

• When copying large amounts of data, more time is
needed to display the list.
• If you check the list of another external storage
device, select the "HDD" on [Disk/Medium] of
[Search] box and then select "USB" again.
• Refer to page 181 for information on how to play
copied images.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Play back the copied/downloaded images on a PC

The original file or MP4 file is copied to the destination when the playback image is copied or downloaded. It is
possible to play, save and print the copied/downloaded data files using the dedicated viewer software.
The MP4 file can be played on the general playback software.

To play recorded images copied on the media device

The executable file of the viewer software (NX_Viewer.exe) is also saved directly under the drive when images
are copied to the medium.
Double click the executable file to launch the viewer software when you play the copied images in the medium.
Refer to page 183 for how to use the viewer software.

Play recorded images downloaded using a web browser

The viewer software together with ActiveX are installed on a PC used for downloading images (☞ Page 153).
To play back images downloaded from the web browser, start the installed viewer software. If another PC is
used for playback, it is necessary to download the viewer software and install it on the PC.
Refer to page 183 for how to use the viewer software.

Download the viewer software

Step 1
Click the [Viewer] button in the download operation
area on the top page (☞ Page 154) of the operation
window. (☞ Page 159)
→→ The file download window will be displayed.

Step 2
Select "Save as" with the ▼ button on the right of the
[Save] button.
→→ The window to specify the save destination will be

Step 3
Select a desired directory and click the [Save] button.
→→ The viewer software will be downloaded.

[Operation via PC web browser]

Install the viewer software

When the older version of the viewer software is installed on a PC, uninstall it before installing the newer ver-

Step 1
Double-click the downloaded file (wvasetupnx.exe).
→→ The installer launches. Follow the instructions of
the installation wizard.

• If agreed to the displayed license agreement,
select "I accept the terms in the license agree-

Step 2
Click the [Install] button.
→→ The Installation will start. When installation is
complete and the completion window is dis-
played, click the [Finish] button.

• When the viewer software is installed, the ActiveX
control will be installed at the same time.

Uninstall the viewer software

Step 1
Open "Program and functions" in "Control Panel".

Step 2
Select "WebVideo ActiveX NX" (the program to be
deleted) from the presently installed programs, and
then right-click on it. Select "Uninstall" from the dis-
played right-click menu.
→→ The uninstaller launches.

Step 3
Complete the uninstallation by following the instruc-
tions of the wizard.

• When the viewer software is uninstalled, the
ActiveX control will be uninstalled at the same

[Viewer software]

How to use the viewer software

Select "NX_Viewer" from the start menu ("Network Disk Recorder" – "NX_Viewer") or double-click the NX_
Viewer icon on the desktop.
For images copied on the USB medium or the external storage device, double-click the execution file
(NX_Viewer.exe) to launch (refer to page 181 for the destination of the execution file).

• The license agreement window will be displayed when you first launch the viewer. The viewer software is
launched when you accept the license agreement.

Playback operation
button Search box

Image display
List display

Playback operation window when images are displayed on a full screen

• The viewer software requires a license for each PC. The recorder has the license for 1 PC. Additional
licenses are required when you use the viewer software with more than 2 PCs at the same time. Contact
your dealer for the license.

[Viewer software]

Select playback images

Step 1 • Do not change the file name of the copied or

downloaded image data. If the file name is
Click the [ ] button.
changed, the file information will not be displayed
→→ The "Open" window will be displayed.
• The image data file can be selected by dragging
and dropping the file on the viewer software with-
• When you run the executable file copied to the
out opening the file open window.
external storage device, the file open window will
• The files can be sorted by start date & time in
be automatically displayed.
ascending or descending order by clicking the
header of the list display area,
Step 2 • To add image data to the list display area, right-
Select the image data file (filename.n3r, filename. click the list and select [Add file] from the menu
mp4), and click the [Open] button. displayed. When the window for opening files is
→→ The information on the file selected in the list dis- displayed, proceed to Step 2. The image data is
play area will be displayed. added to the list.
Recording date and time: Displays a start time and • When the number of displayed image data files
an end time for copying the recorded images. has reached 100, no more files can be added. The
Recording CH: Displays the camera number. number of the image data is displayed on the top
of the list.
Note: • Clicking the [ ]button will delete all data dis-
• It is possible to select multiple files (up to 100 played on the list. Another way to clear the list is
files) by clicking the desired files while holding to right-click the list and select [Clear all list].
down the [Ctrl] key or the [Shift] key and display
all of them in a list by drag & drop.

Playback downloaded images

Use the playback operation button to play downloaded images. If the same camera channel is displayed on the
list, the next list image in playback mode or the previous list image in reverse playback mode will be played
back consecutively. If the same camera channel is not displayed on the list, playback will stop, the image dis-
play area will turn black and playback will be paused.

• If a password is given to the data or the file is encrypted, the password will be required. The image will be
played only when the correct password is confirmed.
• When a web browser and the viewer software are running at the same time, audio may not be played prop-
erly. To play audio correctly, use either the web browser or the viewer software and close the other.
• Playback images and audio may sometimes not be synchronized exactly.

The playback operation buttons enable the following operations.

[Play] button : Starts the playback.
[Rev play] button : Plays the image backwards.
[FF] button : Plays the image at high speed.
[FR] button : Plays the image backwards at high speed.
[Pause] button : Pauses the playback.
[Next image] button : Moves to the next image. It is operable only when playback is paused.
[Prev image] button : Returns to the previous image. It is operable only when playback is paused.
[Next record] button : Plays the next recording file on the list.
[Prev record] button : Plays the previous recording file on the list.

[Viewer software]

The playback position can be changed with the slider bar. When the slider bar is moved, the image will be
paused. Restart the playback with the [Play] button.

Change the playback time and date

Play image recorded at a designated date & time
Selecting a date from the calendar, assigning time and a recording channel and clicking the [Search and play]
button will start to play the image of the assigned date and time.
The filtered date is displayed with a red circle on the calendar.
Play an image by selecting it from the list
Selecting a line on the list will play the image of the selected date and time, and the recording channel.
Clicking it will pause playback at the first image and double-clicking will start the playback.

Make the image easy to see

Display enlarged images
When setting a cursor on the image display and manipulating the mouse wheel, digital zoom is displayed.
Clicking the image during zoom display changes the screen center to the clicked position.

Change the display size

Enlarges the window screen display.
Returns the enlarged window screen display to the original size.
Display the image maximized to the whole window.
The maximized image to the whole window is returned to the original by the [Back] button or the [Esc] key.

Change the display format

Displays the image in the screen with the aspect ratio kept.
Displays the image with it expanded or contracted to fit in the screen.
Displays 1 pixel of the screen on 1 dot.
When you click the image in the screen, the center position changes to the point where you have clicked.

Smooth the high-speed playback

Checking the box enables a smooth, high-speed playback.
The fast playback speed may be limited depending on the performance of the PC in use or process status.

Plays the fisheye image of the fisheye network camera (made by i-PRO, hereinafter called "fisheye camera")
When you select a fisheye image which can be corrected, the image will be corrected and displayed on
1-screen PTZ/4-screen PTZ.
After clicking the image during corrected display on 1-screen PTZ/4-screen PTZ, the clicked position will be
centered on the screen.
Returns the image to the fisheye image.
Corrects the image on 1-screen PTZ.
Corrects the image on 4-screen PTZ.

[Viewer software]

Adjust the volume

When the audio data (filename.n3a) is available, a button to adjust the audio will be displayed.
Adjusts the volume. Clicking the button can switch the volume in three levels.
Toggles Audio playback/Silent.
If the audio is controlled or adjusted by another application, the audio may not be played correctly on the
viewer software. To play the audio correctly, adjust the audio only with the viewer software.

Detect alteration of the image data

It is possible to detect alteration in downloaded data to which a code for alteration detection has been attached.
Confirm whether the played image has been altered or not by the following procedures.

Step 1 Step 2
Select the data to detect alteration on the list and Select the [Check alteration] and click the [Execute]
click the button. button.
→→ File advanced window will be displayed. →→ Starts alteration detection and displays the results
once the detection has been completed.

Save still images

Save an image displayed in the image display area as a JPEG file on a PC.
: Saves the image on pause in JPEG file with a new name.

Save image data (copy)

Save selected image data (filename.n3r) in any folder on the PC.

Step 1 Step 3
Right-click the list and select [File advanced function] Designate the folder name and destination drive and
from the displayed menu. click the [Save] button.
→→ File advanced window will be displayed. →→ Starts saving the image data and displays results
once the saving has been completed.
Step 2
Select the [File output] and click the [Execute] button.
• Select [File output (Decryption)] if you save data
→→ The "Save As" window will be displayed.
after decrypting it.

Print the displayed image

Print the image displayed in the image display area.
: Prints the image on pause with the date and time.

[Setup on browser]

Basic operations
Step 1 Step 3
Click the [Setup] tab. Click the button for the desired submenu.

Step 4
Configure each setting item. Click the [Set] button
after completing the settings.
→→ The settings will be applied. When moving to
another page without clicking the [Set] button, the
configured settings will be canceled.

• If the settings are applied, other login users will be
forcibly logged out.
• If the settings relating to the user management are
applied, all login users will be forcibly logged out.
Step 2 • Recording may not be performed for around 4
seconds just after the settings are applied.
Click the button for the desired menu.

Configure the settings

It is possible to configure the settings of the recorder using a web browser.
Refer to page 76 for setup items that can be configured from the web browser and their further information.

[Setup on browser]

Set the web browser [Web browser]

Set the settings related to the display of the web browser such as a group title of the camera.
Click the [Monitor] button on the setup menu and then click the [Web browser] tab.

Assign the camera to each group (G1 ~ G8).

Group display of camera tree

[Group display]
Set whether to use the group display or not.
On: Uses the group display.
Off: Does not use the group display.
Default: Off

[Group title]
Enter a group title to display for each group (G1 ~ G8)
(within 16 characters).

Update the firmware

To update the firmware of the recorder to the latest version, proceed as follows.
Refer to page 68 for the operation procedures if the software is saved on the USB medium.

Step 1 Step 3
Download the firmware of the latest version onto a Designate the downloaded firmware by clicking the
hard disk drive of a PC. [Browse...] button of "Firmware update".

Step 2 Step 4
Click the [Maintenance] button and then click the Click the [Execute >] button.
[System management] tab. →→ The confirmation window will be displayed to start
the update procedure.

• Depending on the firmware to be updated, it may
take up to 30 minutes for upgrading, leaving the
start screen displayed.
• Contact your dealer for further information about
the firmware update.

Notification by e-mail
Alarm mail
The camera/PC port address are indicated in an alarm mail as follows.

Contents of the alarm mail (example)

In NWDR (, alarm was occurred.
Occurrence date and time: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx GMT+xx:xx (Example. 2016-11-18 12:00:00 GMT+9:00)
Alarm descriptions: Alarm descriptions, camera channel or alarm number will be described.
(Example: SITE ALARM 5ch)

Warning mail
The following mail will be sent to notify of a trouble occurrence to a registered address when the trouble

NWDR ( Status notification

Occurrence date and time: xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx GMT+xx:xx (Example. 2016-11-18 12:00:00 GMT+9:00)

Indication Description
Date & time Date & time when the trouble occurred will be displayed.
Status The description of the trouble will be displayed. xxx indicates the camera number, y indicates the HDD number
Thermal error: Main unit: MAIN THERMAL ERROR
HDD smart warning: Main unit: MAIN-y SMART WARNING
HDD slow response: Main unit: MAIN-y SLOW RESPONSE
HDD hour meter warning: Main unit: MAIN-y HOUR METER WARNING
Auto remove of link: Main unit: MAIN-y LOGICALLY REMOVED
Fan error: Main unit: MAIN FANy ERROR
NW camera error detection: CAM xxx COMMUNICATION ERROR
NW camera error detection (audio): CAM xxx COMMUNICATION ERROR(AUDIO)
NW camera error recovery: CAM xxx COMMUNICATION RECOVERED
NW camera error recovery (audio): CAM xxx COMMUNICATION RECOVERED(AUDIO)
Video loss detection (encoder): CAM xxx VIDEO LOSS
Video loss recovery (encoder): CAM xxx VIDEO RECOVERED
NW camera error detection (video): CAM xxx COMMUNICATION ERROR(VIDEO)
NW camera error recovery (video): CAM xxx COMMUNICATION RECOVERED(VIDEO)
HDD remove error: Main unit: MAIN-y SWAP WARNING
Format error: Main unit: M
Number of data on the copy medium OVER LIMITATION ON COPY MEDIUM
Starting mirroring recovery: MIRROR RECOVERY START
Complete mirroring recovery: MIRROR RECOVERY COMPLETE
Network link down detection: NETWORK LINK ERROR
Camera SD memory card error: CAM xxx SD ERR

Indication Description
Status Camera SD memory write start command CAM xxx SD START ERR
Camera SD memory write completion CAM xxx SD END ERR
command error:
Camera SD List failure: CAM xxx GET LIST ERR
Camera SD Image acquisition failure: CAM xxx GET IMG ERR
Camera SD Image delete failure: CAM xxx DEL IMG ERR
Camera SD Accumulated recording time CAM xxx SD LIFE WARNING (LONG-TERM)
Camera SD Overwrite warning: CAM xxx SD LIFE WARNING (OVER-REWRITTEN)
Camera SD Access error: CAM xxx SD ACCESS ERROR
Camera failure (*): CAM xxx HARDWARE ERROR
Exchange notification of wiper rubber of CAM xxx REPLACE WIPER RUBBER
camera (*):
* For WV-SUD638 camera only

In combination with the network microphone
This section provides an explanation of how to use the network microphone with NX200 in connection with the
fisheye network camera (hereinafter referred to as "fisheye camera").

Supported software version

The functions of the network microphone described in this section are available when the software version is
V1.10 or later.

Audio recording and playback using the network microphone

The audio input to the network microphone will be recorded as the audio of the fisheye camera. Also, the audi-
bility around the specified location can be improved while live images are displayed.

• The registration is required for both microphone and fisheye camera. The registration of the network micro-
phone by itself cannot perform recording or audio output.
• Operation with the network microphone is allowed only when the image compression method of the fisheye
camera is selected for H.264.
• Sound pick up is still available outside the specified location.

Supported microphones (As of September, 2017)

WV-SMR10 V1.10 or later

Compatible cameras (As of September, 2017)

WV-SW458 series V1.55 or later
WV-SF438 V1.55 or later
WV-SF448E V1.55 or later
WV-SFN480 V1.11 or later
WV-SFV481 V1.11 or later

Register the network microphone

Step 1 Note:
• Only the camera number registered in the
Register the network microphone and the fisheye
"Fisheye" (FE), "Fisheye + Double Panorama"
camera with the recorder.
(FE+DP), "Fisheye + Quad PTZ" (FE+4PTZ), or
The network microphone can be registered via Net-
"Panorama" (P) mode of the fisheye camera can
work in the same manner as our cameras.
be selected.
• The same fisheye camera cannot be selected for
"Audio" of the multiple network microphones.
• Registration of a network microphone occupies
• Automatically "On" will be set for the "Audio" of
one camera registration field in the setup window.
the fisheye camera selected by "Audio" of the net-
• When a network microphone is detected, its ID
work microphone.
(last 4 digits of the MAC address) will be displayed
• Automatically "Off" will be set for "Audio" of the
in "Results".
fisheye camera deselected by "Audio" of the net-
work microphone.
Step 2 • The network microphone will perform audio
Select a camera number of the fisheye camera in recording according to the schedule of the
"Audio" of "Advanced recording setup". selected fisheye camera.
• Even if RTSP is set for the connection between
the recorder and the fisheye camera, the connec-
tion with the network microphone will be RTP.

• Set the connection method of the recorder and
the fisheye camera to HTTP. If HTTPS is set, the
audio of the fisheye camera cannot be recorded.
(☞ Operating Instructions  Secure Communication Kit)

Adjust the sensitivity of the network microphone

Step 1 [Back] button

Click the button after completing the settings. The
Click the [Setup >] button of "Microphone sensitivity"
screen returns to the [Camera setup] tab.
in the [Camera setup] tab.

Step 2
Set the "Microphone sensitivity", mark the "Select"
checkbox, and then click the [Transmission] button.

→→ The setting will be applied to the selected micro-

phones, and transmission result will be displayed
in "Results".

[Microphone sensitivity]
Set up the sensitivity of each network microphone
according to the installation environment.
Microphone sensitivity: 0 High sensitivity/ 1/ 2/ 3
Default/ 4/ 5 Low sensitivity

[Transmission] button
Transmits the setting of the microphone sensitivity to
the network microphone. Once transmission is com-
pleted and the setting is applied to the network
microphone, "OK" will be displayed in "Results". If
the display reads "Authentication error", etc., the
microphone connection or the setting may have

Hear audio from the main monitor
The audio will be output when a fisheye camera connected with a network microphone is selected in the main
monitor. Non-directional audio will be output in the default state.

• The audio of the network microphone cannot be heard on a web browser.
• The audio cannot be heard by selecting a camera number with which a network microphone is registered.
• When the network microphone is used in the multicast transmission, the audio of the live image will not be

The recording indicator of the camera number with which network microphone is registered will not be dis-
played in the operation panel in the control screen and the wide view.
Example) When a network microphone is registered with Camera 2

Set up the sound collecting position

The sound collecting position of the network microphone can be set during the live image display, playback, or
media playback.

• The sound collecting position can be specified only when fisheye images are displayed. When other than
fisheye images are displayed, the position specified on the image and the sound collecting position will not
be consistent.
• During compensation display of the fisheye image, the audio will be output based on the position specified
with the fisheye image.

Step 1 During media playback

Switch to 1-screen of the fisheye camera for which
sound collecting position to be set.

During live image display

• During multiscreen or wide view display, the
sound collecting position cannot be set.
• The [Mic setup] button is enabled only when
images are displayed on 1-screen in the control
During playback
• The audio of the microphone is not output even if
an MP4 file is played back (medium) since the
audio of the microphone cannot be copied in MP4

Step 2
Click the [Mic setup] button.
→→ The "Microphone setup" panel will be displayed.

[Mic Directionality]
The sound directionality can be set up.
Off: No directionality
On: Directionality set over a specified sound
collecting position

The sound collecting position will be displayed on the

camera image with icon.

To change the sound collecting position, click on the
image at any place where you wish to hear a sound.

• The directionality of the microphone and the
sound collecting position are memorized per cam-
era number.
• The directionality of the microphone and the
sound collecting position are retained even if the
recorder is rebooted (however note that changing
the camera registration or initializing the settings
will reset all the settings).
• If clicked on a place beyond the setting range, the
sound collecting position will not be changed.
• The icon which indicates the sound collecting
position will appear only when the microphone
setup panel is displayed and "On" is selected for
the directionality of the microphone.
• When playing back the recorded images of the
camera in which audio from the network micro-
phone is recorded, non-directional sound may be
played if the network microphone has not been
registered with the corresponding camera num-

Hear audio from PC
The copied/downloaded data files can be played using the dedicated viewer software.
When the audio from the network microphone is recorded to the audio data (filename.n3a), audibility around the
specified location can be improved with the mouse operation on the image.

Step 1 • The audibility can be adjusted with the "Voice

clear" setting.
To specify a sound collecting position, click the
OFF: Not adjustable
button. (The button will be displayed when play-
Low: Low effect
back is started.) High: High effect
• The audio noise reduction function will always be
enabled if "Noise Reduction" is marked.
• The audio from the network microphone will not
→→ The menu for setting the sound collecting position be played with the viewer software copied/down-
will be displayed. loaded from the recorder using the software ver-
sion of V1.10 or before. Use the viewer software
of the recorder with the software of V1.10 or later.

Step 2 When the fisheye images of the fisheye camera are

displayed in 1-screen PTZ/4-screen PTZ with com-
The sound collecting position can be specified at two pensation, the audio from the network microphone
points at maximum. When and/or is clicked, will be output at the sound collecting position previ-
the icon will be displayed on the screen. Drag the ously specified with the fisheye image. To change the
icon and drop it at a desired location. position, return to the fisheye image display.
→→ The audibility of the place where the icon is
dropped will be improved.

• For the image data with no audio from the net-
work microphone is recorded, the button will
not be displayed.
• Since the audio of the microphone cannot be copied
in MP4 format, the button will not be displayed
even when an MP4 format file is played back.
• When "Aspect" is selected for the display format,
the button will be displayed.

Concurrent user license function
This section explains how to use the concurrent user license function in the recorder.

Supported software version

The function is available when the software version is V2.0 or later.

About the concurrent user license function

Refer to the operating instructions of i-PRO Management Software WV-ASM300 for the concurrent user license

About license registration

Register the license of the Concurrent User License Kit (WJ-NXC05W) to use the concurrent user license func-
tion. To register the options, the "Registration Key" that can be obtained from the Key Management System is
required. Refer to the "Activation Key Card" attached to the recorder for how to obtain the registration key.
Refer to [Registration of license] for license registration of the concurrent user license function.

Check the client information connected to the recorder

Displays a list of i-PRO management software (Client) information connected to the recorder. Click the [Extra
function] - the [Concurrent user license] tab of the [Advanced setup] on the setting menu.
→→ The concurrent user license screen will be displayed.

Login: The client has logged in.

Logout: The client has logged out and ended use. Other clients can connect.
Time out: The client has timed out and ended use. Other clients can connect.

Before asking for repairs, check the symptoms with the following table.
Contact your dealer if a problem cannot be solved even after checking and trying the solution in the table or a
problem is not described below.

Symptom Cause/solution Reference

Recording cannot be performed. • Is "On" is selected for "Recording mode"?
Check whether the settings are appropriate.
• Are the settings of the schedules appropriate?
Check whether the settings are appropriate.
Cannot play back images. • Are there any recorded images on the hard disk drives?
Check if there are recorded images.
• Users who have logged into the system may not be
authorized to playback images recorded on the hard
disk drives.
Check the user level settings of these users.
• Users who have logged into the system may not be
authorized to display the images from cameras. 58
Check the user level settings of these users.
Audio is not output from the cam- • Is the audio encoding format of the camera set to
era. "G.726(32kbps)"?

Or audio is accompanied by noise. This recorder supports "G.726(32kbps)" only. Check
the setting of the connected camera.
• Is other than "Selected camera" selected for "Audio
output camera" in the "Monitor" - "Advanced setup"
Check whether the setting is appropriate.
Cannot control the cameras. • Check whether the camera numbers and IP addresses
that are displayed on the setup menu - the "Advanced
setup" menu - the [Camera] page - [Camera registra-
tion] tab.
• Check if the user name and password has correctly
been entered on the setup menu - the "Advanced
setup" menu - the [Camera] page - [Camera registra-
tion] tab.
The message "Please insert a • After the external storage device is inserted, it may take
medium." is displayed even after an time to recognize the medium. Close the message win- −
external storage device is inserted. dow and wait for a while before retry.

Symptom Cause/solution Reference
Cannot access from the web • Is the Ethernet cable firmly connected to the 10BASE-T,
browser. 100BASE-TX, or 1000BASE-T port on the rear side?
Confirm the cable is firmly connected.
• Is the connection indicator of the network port lit on the
rear side?
When it is not lit, connection to a LAN is not estab-
lished or a network is not working correctly.
Confirm that the connection indicator of the network
port is lit. Refer to the system administrator if it is not
• Is the valid IP address set?
Refer to a system administrator for further information 50
about the settings.
• Are you accessing the wrong IP address?
Check the connection by using a ping command from
the PC command prompt as follows.

>ping "IP address of this unit" If there is reply from this
unit, the connection is normal. If not, check the set-
tings of the IP address and the subnet mask.
• Is the same IP address provided to other devices?
Refer to a system administrator for further information 50
about the settings.
• Are there contradictions between the address and the
network subnet to be accessed?
When the recorder and the client (PC) are on the same
subnet, is the same subnet set for the IP addresses of
the recorder and the PC? Or is "Use Proxy Server" for 50
the settings of the browser checked? When accessing
the recorder in the same subnet, entering the address
of the recorder in the "Don’t Use Proxy For These
Addresses" box is recommended.
The image displayed on the • Depending on the traffic of the network, there might be
browser is not being refreshed. difficulties in displaying images. Press the [F5] button −
on the keyboard to request images.
Image refresh of the browser is • Isn't the network traffic heavy?
slow. These symptoms may occur when the network traffic −
Response of the browser is slow. is heavy.
A pop-up is not displayed on the • It may be possible that a pop-up blocker other than
browser. Internet Explorer is activating. Check the installed soft- −
ware and cancel the pop-up blocker.
Cannot close the authentication • Are the correct user name and password entered?
window displayed when displaying Confirm the correct user name and password. 59
the operation window.
Audio is interrupted during play- • When playing images recorded at a higher frame rate,

back using the viewer software. audio may sometimes be played interrupted.
Cannot play the downloaded • When any setting of the setup menu has been changed
recorded images. during the download, the download will be canceled

automatically. In this case, the downloaded file is not a
complete file and it is impossible to play it.

Symptom Cause/solution Reference
An error message is displayed when • Decrease the number of the selected files or select files
trying to launch the viewer software after launching the viewer software.

by dragging and dropping multiple
files onto it.
When displaying images on a multi- • This may occur due to the display adapter and driver
screen of the browser, images from combination. When this occurred, update the driver of
two cameras or more are displayed the display adapter to the latest version first.
in sequence on a screen of multi- • If updating the driver does not solve the problem,
screen. adjust the hardware acceleration as follows. The
following are descriptions when using Windows 7.
1. After closing all web browser windows, right-click on
the desktop and select "Screen resolution" from the
displayed pop-up menu.
2. Click "Advanced settings" on the "Screen resolution"
3. Select the [Troubleshoot] tab, and click the [Change
settings] button.
4. Disable the DirectDraw acceleration by adjusting the
performance level of "Hardware acceleration" on the
"Display Adapter Troubleshooter" window. −

The external storage device is not • Is the connected external hard disk drive or USB mem-
recognized. ory compatible with USB 3.0 or 2.0?
• Is the external storage device formatted in exFAT, FAT
(FAT16) or FAT32?
If the capacity of the external storage device is 32 GB
or less, the device must be formatted in FAT32. If it is
64 GB or more, the device must be formatted in exFAT.
• Is the external storage device equipped with the pass-
word authentication function? −
• Is the connected hard disk drive run by USB bus
power? The protection circuit function activates and
the power supply will be stopped. Make sure to use the
hard disk drive that runs using external power source.
• If the recorder is started up with a USB cable con-
nected, in rare cases, the external storage device may
not be recognized. Connect the cable after starting up
the recorder.

Symptom Cause/solution Reference
When opening the web browser of • The port forwarding function of this recorder is availa-
the camera from the setup menu of ble only in HTTP traffic and therefore, images are not
the web browser, H.264 images or displayed. To display images, access the address of
H.265 images are not displayed. the camera directly in the web browser.
The live image or the playback • The PC memory may be insufficient. End the web
image turns to the black screen on browser and unnecessary software, launch the web −
the web browser. browser again and then connect to the recorder.
“SSL communication unavailable” • Follow the procedures below.
was displayed in the connection • Click [Setup >] button of [Security between this
error information on [Extra function] product and camera] – [Connection] item on [Extra
– [Security] setting screen after function] – [Security] setting screen.
selecting HTTPS for the connection • Confirm that the connection of the camera is set to
with the camera. HTTPS and the port number to 00443. If the port
number is wrong, set it to 00443.
• End the setting.
• If the problem is not solved, further perform the follow-
ing procedures.
• Click [Security between recorder and camera] –
[Connection] item button on [Extra function] – −
[Security] setting screen and set the connection of
the camera to HTTP.
• Click [Setup >] of [Registered information] on
[Camera] – [Camera registration] setting screen.
• Confirm that the camera port number is set to
00080. If the port number is wrong, set it to 00080.
• End the setting and open the setting screen again.
• Click [Setup >] button of [Security between this
product and camera] – [Connection] item on [Extra
function] – [Security] setting screen and reset the
connection of the camera to HTTPS.
The data size displayed in the copy • The data size displayed in the copy panel is approxi-
panel differs from the data size mate. Errors will increase if audio data is recorded. Our
which is actually copied. network microphones in particular produce a large
amount of data, so more errors tends to occur. Make
sure to copy data to media with enough storage
Copying progress can at times stop • If the data of our network microphone is copied in orig-
for a while at 99.9 %, or jump from inal format, copying will continue even though progress
70 ~ 80 % to 100 %. remains at 99.9 %, as the calculation error of the audio
data is large. Make sure to copy data to media with
enough storage capacity. Meanwhile, the data are cop-
ied in MP4 format, the progress may suddenly change
to 100 % and the copy may be complete as the audio
data is not copied if not recorded in AAC-LC.
MP4 files cannot be played on the • The general viewer may not support codec. In this
general viewer. Only audio is case, use the viewer software of the recorder. 181

Symptom Cause/solution Reference
The "Thermal error" indication is • The ambient operating temperature is +5 °C to +45 °C.
displayed on the main monitor. The "Thermal error" is displayed based on the internal
thermal information of the HDD. If the "Thermal error"
indication is displayed, it is recommended to change the Installation
installation environment so that the ambient temperature Guide
is maintained at approx. +25 °C. When the "Thermal
error" indication is displayed frequently, contact your
• Check if the fan is malfunctioning. 90
• Check if the recorder ventilation holes or cooling fan are
blocked, and also check for dust collected around the
ventilation holes.

Message displayed on the information bar
Depending on the operation system in use, the following may occur. Follow the instructions below when the fol-
lowing occurred. By performing the following solutions, other applications may not be affected.

The "Information Bar" expressed in the following symptom and solutions will be displayed just below the
address bar only when there is information to communicate.

Information Bar

Symptom Cause/solution Reference

The following message is displayed
on the information bar. • Click the information bar and select "Always Allow Pop-
"Pop-up blocked. To see this pop- ups from This Site". When the warning window is dis- −
up or additional options, click played, click the [Yes] button.
The following message is displayed
on the information bar.
• Click the information bar and select "Install ActiveX
"This site might require the
following ActiveX control: −
Click the "Install" button on the displayed "Security
'wvasetupnx.exe' from 'Panasonic
Warning" window.
i-PRO Sensing Solutions Co., Ltd'.
Click here to install..."
• Click the information bar and select "Download File...".

When downloading fails even though you selected
"Download File...", perform the following operation.
The following message is displayed
Click "Internet Options" on the Tools menu of Internet
on the information bar.
Explorer, and then click the [Security] tab. Then, click
"To help protect your security,
the [Custom Level…] button to open the "Security Set- −
Internet Explorer blocked this site
ting" window. Under "Downloads", select "Enable" for
from downloading files to your
"Automatic prompting for file downloads". Then click
computer. Click here for options..."
the [OK] button.
When the warning window is displayed, click the [Yes]
The following message is displayed
on the information bar when tried to
execute a downloaded file.
• Click the [Run] button. −
"The publisher could not be verified.
Are you sure you want to run this
• Click "Internet Options" on the Tools menu of Internet
Explorer, and then click the [Security] tab. Then, click
the [Custom Level…] button to open the "Security
Unnecessary status bar or scroll bar
Setting" window. Under "Miscellaneous", select
is displayed on the pop-up window.
"Enable" for "Allow script-initiated windows without size
An URL is displayed on the pop-up −
or position constraints". Click the [OK] button. When the
title bar and the title is not dis-
warning window is displayed, click the [Yes] button.
played completely.
• In addition, when using Internet Explorer 7.0, select
"Enable" for "Allow websites to open windows without
address or status bars".

ActiveX Control are given an easy-to-follow name (domain name)
A software module developed by Microsoft. It is used which is converted to an IP address before they are
to add functions, downloaded from a web server via communicated with. The DNS provides translation
the Internet or intranet, to Internet Explorer. The between domain names and IP addresses.
recorder uses it to display video.
Emergency recording
Bit rate A function to prioritize image/audio recording using
Indicates how many bits of data can be processed or the external switch connected to the recorder for
transmitted in a unit of time. Generally, the units are in when emergencies occur.
bps, or bits per second. Used to indicate the com-
pression rate of video and audio data, and how much Event
data a communications line can send and receive in 1 Indicates an occurrence that causes the recorder to
second. take an event action. Events include terminal alarm,
command alarm and camera site alarm, etc.
Camera operation
Operations of the camera connected to the recorder Event action
such as pan and tilt (horizontal and vertical position), A specific action to be taken at an event occurrence.
zooming, focusing, brightness (iris adjustment), pre- When "ALM" is selected, the occurrence of an event
set motions (movement towards a set horizontal and is announced by displaying a notification on the mon-
vertical position) and auto functions (automatic cam- itor, lighting the status indicators and sounding the
era rotation, etc.). buzzer. When "ADM" is selected, the occurrence of
an event will not be announced and only recording
Day & Night (IR/electrical) and filing of event logs will be performed. Only an
Day & Night (IR) is a function to switch on black and event log is filed when it is set to Off.
white optically with an infrared filter inserted, and Day
& Night (electrical) is a function to switch on black Event recording
and white with the image processing of the camera. Function for starting recording automatically when an
event occurs. Event recording includes Pre-event
DDNS (Dynamic DNS) recording that records images before the event and
A technology for dynamically translating DNS server event recording that records images after the event.
information to enable the transfer of only differences
in information between DNS servers (refer to "DNS"). FHD(Full HD)
Resolution with 1920×1080 pixels.
Default gateway
Network device used as a gateway for networks, Firewall
such as a local network, to access PCs on an exter- A type of security used when accessing outside net-
nal network. works like the Internet. A PC is used to prevent com-
puters outside a local network from accessing the
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) network.
A protocol that enables PCs to automatically get
information from a server needed for accessing a net- Fisheye correction
work. This is a function to correct the fisheye image of our
fisheye network camera to a 1-screen PTZ or
Digital zoom 4-screen PTZ image.
The function that enlarges live images and playback
images during playback. The digital zoom enlarges Frame rate (ips)
the images by the recorder and is separate from the Refers to the unit that determines the smoothness
zoom function included as part of the camera opera- with which the recorded images are played back.
tions for enlarged images. "ips" indicates the number of recorded frames in 1
second. The higher the number, the smoother the
DNS (Domain Name System) movement, but the available recording time becomes
The long lists of numbers or IP addresses that are shorter.
used in network environments are difficult to remem-
ber, which makes them impractical. This is why PCs

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) IP address (Internet Protocol Address)
A protocol that is commonly used for transferring files The identification number assigned to PCs connected
over the Internet. via IP networks such as the Internet or an Intranet, or
to individual communications devices. Do not assign
Full duplex the same address to multiple devices, especially on
Communications method that allows simultaneous the Internet.
sending and receiving by transmitting in both direc-
tions using an independent sending line and receiving LAN (Local Area Network)
line. A communications network for connecting PCs, print-
ers and other network devices in a relatively small
Global (IP) address area such as in a building or floor of a building or
IP address assigned to each device connected to the campus in which data is transferred.
Internet that is equivalent to an address on the
Internet. IP address is required for Internet communi- MAC address (Media Access Control address)
cations. In contrast, IP address freely available to Fixed physical address assigned to network devices.
assigned to each device within an intranet is called as Devices send and receive data based on this.
"Private (IP) address".
H.264 Indicates a video format to sequentially transmit
One of the compression methods of moving images. JPEG images from cameras.
Some cameras phrase this video codec as just
H.265 "JPEG".
One of the compression methods of moving images
having a higher compression rate than H.264. Multiscreen display
This product can display multiple camera simultane-
Half duplex ously while displaying live images or playback imag-
Communications method that switches between es. Displaying of images from 4 cameras or from 16
sending and receiving using a single communications cameras simultaneously is called as the 4-screen dis-
line. play or 16-screen display respectively.

HD(High Definition) NTP (Network Time Protocol)

Resolution with 1280×720 pixels. A protocol developed to accurately maintain time
among hosts on the Internet.
Stands for Hard Disk Drive (a high capacity storage TCP alarm notification
device). This product uses hard disk drives instead of Sends a message to the registered address using our
video tapes for recording. communication system when an event or error
occurs. It is also used to receive the TCP alarm
HVGAW(Half VGA Wide) notification from the camera (camera site alarm) and
Resolution with 640×360 pixels. operate event actions of the recorder.

Image quality Pillar box

Image quality varies depending on the compression A display format to which blank space is added to
rate. In this product, the following image qualities both sides of the video to maintain the aspect ratio.
(compression rates) are available and they can be
selected for each camera. XF (Extra Fine: Extra fine Plug-in software
quality), SF (Super Fine: Super high quality), FQ (Fine: Small programs used to add functions to application
High quality), NQ (Normal: Standard quality) software.

Internet POP 3
A global system of interconnected computer net- A protocol for receiving e-mail stored on a server on
works. It is required to contract with an Internet ser- the Internet or an Intranet.
vice provider to connect to the Internet.

POP 3 Server RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol)
A server that supports POP3, currently the most A protocol to transmit data such as audio and video
widely used mail sending protocol. in real time using the UDP. Although data is lost or
delayed due to the UDP, the receiver plays the data
Port forwarding ignoring lost or delayed packets. It also enables mul-
A function that takes packets that arrive to a specific ticast transmission of audio and video.
port number from the Internet and forwards them to
the set camera. The recorder only forwards HTTP RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
packets. A protocol to control transmission of data which can
be delivered in real time such as audio and video. It
Port number basically uses the TCP for the data transmission and
A sub address set below the IP address to connect allows highly reliable transmission.
multiple parties simultaneously for communication
(TCP, UDP, etc.) on the Internet. Schedule recording
Function that automatically starts video and audio
Primary (DNS) server recording on a preset time schedule.
DNS servers usually have more than 2 systems and
the primary server is the main system. SD memory backup, SD memory data
The SD memory backup is a function of the camera
Private (IP) address to save images on the SD memory card inserted in
IP address assigned when connecting primarily to the camera when the recorder fails to communicate
LAN. Private IP addresses can be assigned freely on with the camera during the set schedule. The SD
a network and do not require a formal application. memory data means its recorded image.
However, because private IP addresses cannot be
used to access the Internet, a router or other device it Secondary (DNS) server
is necessary to assign a global IP address. DNS servers usually have more than 2 systems and the
secondary server is the sub system. If there is trouble
Protocol with the primary server, the secondary server takes over.
A set of rules that allows the exchange of data
amongst different types PCs with information. The Smart coding (GOP control)
Internet uses the TCP/IP protocol as its base and A control method of the camera to reduce the amount
information is transferred following http and ftp proto- of the transmitted data by prolonging the refresh inter-
cols depending on the application. val of the image when the motion in the image is little.

QXGA SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Resolution with 2048×1536 pixels. A protocol for sending e-mail on the Internet or an
Intranet. Used when transferring mail between serv-
Resolution (Image capture size) ers or when clients send mail to the server.
Resolution refers to the degree of fineness and quality
of the camera pictures recorded by this product. SMTP authentication (Simple Mail Transfer
In this product, it indicates the number of pixels used Protocol authentication)
in the image displayed on the screen. A horizontal SMTP mail transfer protocol appended with a user
resolution of 640 pixels and a vertical resolution of authentication function. It authenticates passwords
480 pixels is expressed as 640×480. and user accounts between SMTP servers and cli-
ents. Both SMTP servers and clients must support
Router SMTP authentication.
Placed in between different networks, a router sends
data to the proper destination via network. If data on SMTP server
the network is addressed to an external network, A server that supports SMTP, currently the most
routers send the data to the outside of the network widely used mail transfer protocol.
after judging the optimum sending route.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) VPN
A protocol for monitoring and managing networked Service used to make public lines as private lines.
communications devices, such as routers, PCs, cam- Many companies are using this as a new medium of
eras and Network Disk Recorders via a network. communication instead of costly private lines.
Depending on service, VPN also provides a secure
Subnet mask line using authentication technology and encryption.
Numerical value to define whether to use several bits
for a network address to distinguish among subnet IP WAN
addresses in a network. According to the values, Allows physically separated PCs, such as between
devices can determine which part of the address is the head office and a branch office, to connect via a
the network address and which part is the host phone line or private line data for exchanging.
Web browser
Subnet A software application which enables to display web
A small network used as a unit of administration when pages. Microsoft Internet Explorer is one of the most
a larger network is divided into smaller networks. widely used web browser.
Large networks in corporations, for example, the net-
work can be broken down into smaller networks
called "subnets" to make the network more manage-
able and lines used more efficiently. In this case,
these smaller networks are called subnets.

Resolution with 800×600 pixels.

Refers to a resolution of 1280×960 pixels.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet

The standard network protocol for the Internet and

Time zone
A time zone is a region or a country that has uniform
standard time.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

An address for locating information resources such as
documents and images on the Internet.

USB medium
It is a removable external storage device having the
universal serial bus interface such as a USB memory
stick or an external hard disk.

VGA (Video Graphic Array)

Resolution with 640×480 pixels.

VMD (Motion detection) search

The function that automatically detects motion in
images. In this product, it is possible to search for
date & time of motion detection in recorded images.


© i-PRO Co., Ltd. 2022 L0417-4042 PGQP2458VA

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