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Nama: Muhammad Aldi Kurniawan

Nim : 30302000193
Kelas : D
Matkul: B Inggris

1. Identifying Noun Clause
Exercise a: Identifying Noun clauses
Directions: Add the necessary punctuation and capitalization to the following.
Underline the noun clauses.

1. I couldn't hear the teacher what she said

➜ I couldn't hear the teacher. What did she say?
2. I couldn't hear what the teacher said. when explaining the book.
3. Where did Tom go no one know go by bicycle.
4. No one knows where Tom went with the stuff.
5. Where Tom went is a secret secret and no one knows.
6. What does Anna want we need to know so we understand.
7. We need to know what Anna wants in order to help Anna.
8. What does Alex need do you know what alex needs is a new job
9. Do you know what Alex needs alex is looking for a new job
10. What Alex needs is a new job that's what alex needs
11. We talked about what Alex needs talk about alex's new job
12. What do you need did you talk to your parents about what you need what i need
now is a new job

2. Sentence Making
Exercise 1: Noun Clause as Object

1. Create five sentences in which a noun clause functions as Object.

2. Apply the pronoun tests described above to demonstrate that the noun clauses really
function as subjects.
1) Sandals are one of the cheapest and easiest footwear to reach.
2) my pencil is still borrowed by my friend.
3) was looking for lost shoes for 2 days.
4) the information board at the school is again broken.
5) the camera on campus is very good.

2. The noun that I point to is a noun that shows and has a function as the subject of the
sentence which indicates that the noun has a function as the subject of the sentence.

C. EXERCISES ON Transition Questions

1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses
A. the youth of Davy Jones
B. Davy Jones's career as a sailor
C. a different traditional story from the sea
D. preparing to travel on the ocean

2. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses

A. Additional uses of carbon tetrachloride
B. The banning of various chemical compounds by the US government
C. Further dangerous effects of carbon tetrachloride
D. The major characteristic of carbon tetrachloride

3. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses

A. The movement of the planets
B. Bernard's star
C. The distance from earth to the moon
D. Why stars are always moving

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