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Getting Started…

with your TMP6100/470 PINSTAMP® Marking System

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

Safety Information
The following is provided only as a summary of the safety information you should be aware of before operating your system.

Complete safety information for your marking system is provided in the TMP6100 Operation Supplement, the TMP6100
Installation & Maintenance Manual, and the TMC470 Installation & Maintenance Manual. Telesis® strongly recommends
that you read the complete safety information in those documents before installing or operating the equipment.

Safety Overview
The system uses high-voltage power supplies and high-pressure pneumatic supplies. Accordingly, there is some danger when
working with, and near, marking machines. The following safety precautions should be observed at all times.
 Eye protection may be required when working in close proximity of an operating marker.
 Ear protection may be required when working with or near an operating marker.
 Keep all body parts, jewelry, and clothing clear of the marker while it is operating.
 Do not disconnect electrical components while power is applied to the system.
 Do not disconnect the tubing while air pressure is applied to the lines.
 Do not remove or defeat the marker’s safety features or protective guards.
 Never use the marker in any manner or for any purpose other than that for which it was designed.

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

What equipment is included in my marking system?

All standard TMP6100/470 Marking Systems include the following components.

TMP6100 Marking Head

The marking head houses the mechanical motion components to
position the impact pin at precise X/Y positions and the pneumatic
components to fire the pin and return it to the pin cartridge.

Marker Cable
The marker cable connects the marker to the controller. It supplies
the marking head with electrical power and provides input/output
signals from and to the controller for marker operation.

Impact Pin and Pin Cartridge

The pin cartridge connects to the marking head. It contains an air-
driven impact pin that fires and retracts to indent dot matrix
characters into the marking surface.

Air Filter/Regulator and Air Tubing TMP6100 Marking Head & Marker Cable
The air filter/regulator unit controls the drive air pressure and the
return air pressure. Drive air pressure fires the impact pin; return air
pressure pushes it back into the cartridge. Air tubing connects the
filter/regulator to the marking head.

TMC470 Controller
The controller contains an integrated keyboard with an LCD
display that provides a text-only operator interface. The back panel
Pin Cartridge & Impact Pin
provides an electrical interface for connecting to optional, remote
I/O sources.

The system software, permanently installed in the controller,

provides the user interface for full operational control of the
TMP6100 marking head. The software also provides a library for
storing, loading, and editing user-defined patterns.

Controller Connector Kit

The controller connector kit contains spare fuses for the controller
and spare connectors for optional I/O devices. Use these connectors
if your marking system will be connected to a remote I/O logic Filter/Regulator Unit & Air Tubing
controller (such as a PLC) or to a TTL I/O device (such as a remote
push-button station).

Documentation Medium
All standard documentation is provided with your system on the
Telesis Product Documentation medium. The medium contains
documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) files, which may
be viewed and printed using Adobe® Reader®. Refer to the next
page for details on your system documentation.

TMC470 Controller & Connector Kit

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

Where is the documentation for my marking system?

All standard TMP6100/470 documentation is provided on a medium that accompanied your system.

The Product Documentation medium contains the Customer Documentation folder, which includes operation, installation,
and maintenance manuals, datasheets, and manual supplements for optional accessories. The documents are Portable
Document Format (PDF) files and can be viewed and printed using Adobe® Reader®.

The Library PDF file is included in the Customer Documentation folder. Use the Library file to access the documentation,
which is organized by marking system.

To open the Library file and access the marking system documentation:
1. Ensure Adobe® Reader® is installed on your computer.
If it is not installed, download and install the free application from the Adobe® website at
2. Insert the Product Documentation medium into your machine.
3. Using Windows® Explorer, open the Customer Documentation folder.
4. In the list of files in the Customer Documentation folder, locate and open the LIBRARY.PDF file.
5. When the Library file opens, click the appropriate links to view the documentation associated with your marking system.

You can copy the files to your computer or to your local area network or print the documentation, as necessary.

If you prefer, you can purchase printed documentation by contacting the Telesis Sales Department at (740) 477-5000 or at
[email protected]. Be sure to specify the document number when ordering.

If you have questions about the Product Documentation medium, contact the Telesis Technical Services Department at (740)
477-5000 or at [email protected].

What are the key documents for my system?

CE Declaration of Conformity
A printed copy of the TP6100/470 CE Declaration of Conformity will be provided upon request. To obtain a copy of
the CE Declaration of Conformity for your marking system, contact your Telesis Sales Representative.
Getting Started Supplement
The Getting Started Supplement (this document) lists the documentation and equipment supplied with standard
marking systems, provides an overview of the installation process, and outlines the steps to create and print a simple
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual
The TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual provides guidelines, requirements, and instructions for installing the
TMP6100 marking head and the air filter/regulator. It also provides maintenance information for keeping your
equipment in top working condition.
TMC470 Controller Installation/Maintenance Manual
The TMC470 Controller Installation/Maintenance Manual provides guidelines, requirements, and instructions for
installing the controller. It also contains interface information and communication protocol for connecting the
controller with a host computer or other remote I/O devices.
TMC470 Operation Manual
The TMC470 Operation Manual provides information on the marking system software installed in the TMC470
TMP6100 Operation Supplement
The TMP6100 Operation Supplement provides operational information about the system hardware.

What if I have optional or custom equipment?

Optional Accessories
The Product Documentation medium contains installation and operation supplements for all standard optional
accessories. These supplements may be accessed from the Library file, listed under each system for which they apply.
Custom Equipment
If your system includes custom hardware or software, a separate printed addendum will be provided to explain the
custom features and how to use them.

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

How do I install my marking system?

Complete installation procedures are provided in the TMP6100 and TMC470 Installation/Maintenance Manuals.

The following procedures are listed only for reference to provide a general overview of the installation process.

1. Install the pin and pin cartridge on the marking 9. Plumb the facility (supply) air to the filter
head. Refer to Replacement Procedures in the regulator. Refer to Filter/Regulator Unit Installation
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual. Requirements and Facility (Supply) Air Installation
2. Mount the marking head on a suitable tool post or Requirements in the TMP6100 Installation/
structure. Refer to Marking Head Installation Maintenance Manual.
Requirements and Marking Head Installation in the 10. Mount (or place) the controller on a suitable
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual. surface. Refer to Installation Requirements and
3. Connect the marker cable to the marking head. Installation Procedures in the TMC470 Controller
Refer to Marking Head Installation in the TMP6100 Installation/ Maintenance Manual.
Installation/Maintenance Manual. 11. Connect the marker cable to the controller. Refer to
4. Connect the drive air line (black) to the marking Electrical and Data Connections in the TMC470
head. Refer to Marking Head Installation in the Controller Installation/Maintenance Manual.
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual. 12. Connect the power cable(s) to the facility power
5. Connect the return air line (natural) to the marking outlet. Refer to Electrical and Data Connections in the
head. Refer to Marking Head Installation in the TMC470 Controller Installation/Maintenance Manual.
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual. 13. Set the Drive Air pressure. Refer to Air Pressure
6. Mount the filter/regulator to a suitable surface. Adjustments in the TMP6100 Operation Supplement.
Refer to Filter/Regulator Unit Installation in the 14. Set the Return Air pressure. Refer to Air Pressure
TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance Manual. Adjustments in the TMP6100 Operation Supplement.
7. Connect the drive air line (black) to the
filter/regulator. Refer to Filter/Regulator Unit
Installation in the TMP6100 Installation/Maintenance
8. Connect the return air line (natural) to the
filter/regulator. Refer to Filter/Regulator Unit
Installation in the TMP6100 Installation/ Maintenance

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

How do I create and print a text string?

This section contains a brief tutorial to help you create and print a simple text string. The information you need to create,
save, load, and modify “pattern files” for printing is located in the TMC470 Operation Manual.

1. Start the marking system software.

 Position the controller power switch (on back panel) to ON.
 Wait approximately 10 seconds until the main
operating screen is displayed. SETUP LEVEL
OPER –Offline– Pattern:UNTITLED :000
001:[ ]
002:[ ]
2. Place the system in Designer mode. 003:[ ]
The system must be in Designer or Supervisor mode to 004:[ ]
create and edit patterns. 005:[ ]

 Press F5 (SETUP) and F1 (LEVEL).

The system will display the Setup menu.
 Press F2 (DESIGNER) to change the mode. F1:FILE F2:EDIT F3:MACHINE F4:MARKER F5:SETUP
OPER –Offline– Pattern:UNTITLED :000
The Password screen is displayed to access Designer 001:[ Enter Password [ ] ]
mode. 002:[ ]
003:[ ]
 Press F1 (ACCEPT). 004:[ F1 ACCEPT F2 CANCEL ]
Because a password has not yet been defined, this 005:[ ]
enters the default (null) password. The system then
displays the Designer Main screen.

3. Display the Pattern Wizard.

 From the Designer Main screen, press F1 (FILE). F1:FILE F2:EDIT F3:MACHINE F4:MARKER F5:SETUP
DESN –Offline– :000
 Press F2 (NEW).  F1:PATTERN
 Press F2 (WIZARD). 001:[ F2:WIZARD ]
002:[ ]
The system will display the Text Tool Wizard screen 003:[ ]
to define the first text field. 004:[ ]
005:[ ]

4. Use the Pattern Wizard to define a text field.

 In the Text box, type ABC123. This is the text string
that will be printed.
Text Tool Wizard ...Field # 01
 Press TAB to select the Height parameter and type the
desired dimension. Text: [ABC123 ]
Height: [ 0.125]in Font : < 5x7 >
 Press TAB to select the X (or Y) parameter. You may X: [ 1.250]in Density: < LOW >
enter the specific location coordinates for the text Y: [ 1.500]in
string or let the system provide the coordinates.
 Press TAB to select the Font parameter, then press
ENTER until the desired font is displayed.
 Press TAB to select the Density parameter, then press
ENTER until the desired print density is displayed. Text Tool Wizard ...Field # 01
 Press F1 (ADD TO PATTERN) to save the text field Text: [ABC123 ]
parameters and add the field to the pattern. Height: [ 0.125]in Font : < 5x7 >
 After all text fields are defined, press ESC to exit the X: [ 1.250]in Density: < LOW >
Y: [ 1.500]in
wizard. The system will return to the Main screen.

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started


5. Name and save the pattern. DESN –Offline– Pattern:UNTITLED :001
 Press F1 (FILE) to display the File menu. F2:NEW
001:[ 0in, 1.500in, L]
 Press F4 (SAVE-AS) to display the Pattern Save screen. 002:[
003:[ ]
004:[ ]
005:[ ]

Pattern Save Editor

 Type SAMPLE. This is the file name that will be used Name: UNTITLED
to identify and recall (load) the pattern.
Save As: [SAMPLE ]
 Press F1 (SAVE) to save the pattern file.

The system will return to the Main screen.
6. Place the machine online.
The machine must be online to move the marker and DESN –Offline–  Pattern:SAMPLE_02 :002
to print patterns. F1:ON/OFF
 Press F3 (MACHINE) to display the Machine menu. 001:[TEXT: ABCABC, 3.000in, 6.000in,
002:[ F4:GO ]
 Press F1 (ON/OFF) on the Machine menu. 003:[ F5:DRYRUN ]
004:[ ]
 Press F1 (ONLINE) to place the machine online. 005:[ ]


DESN –Offline– Pattern:SAMPLE_02
F1:ONLINE :002
001:[TEXT: ABCABC, 3.000in, 6.000in, ]
002:[ ]
003:[ ]
004:[ ]
005:[ ]

7. Pre-position the machine for printing.

The Pre-Position command moves the marking pin to F1:FILE F2:EDIT F3:MACHINE F4:MARKER F5:SETUP
where the first pixel will be marked. This helps you DESN –Online –  Pattern:SAMPLE_02
properly align the marking surface under the pin. F2:PARK
001:[TEXT: ABCABC, 3.000in, 6.000in,
 Press F3 (MACHINE) to display the Machine menu. 002:[ F4:GO ]
 Press F3 (PREPOSITION). 003:[ F5:DRYRUN ]
004:[ ]
005:[ ]
8. Position and secure the part for marking.
 Secure the part under the marking pin so the pin is
0.25 in (6.5 mm) above the marking surface.

9. Print the pattern.

 Press the PRINT key .

The marker will print the text string “ABC123”, and then return to its Home position.

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

How do I change to Legacy mode?

This section contains a brief tutorial to help you change to Legacy mode and back to Normal mode. The information you
need to change to Legacy mode is located in the TMC470 Operation Manual.

1. From the Supervisor Main screen, press F5 (SETUP).

The system will display the Setup menu. F1:FILE F2:EDIT F3:MACHINE F4:MARKER F5:SETUP
SUPV –Offline– Pattern:SAMPLE_02 :002
*001:[TEXT: User Text: ]
3. Press F2 (STARTUP) to access the Startup screen. F3:DESIGN
002:[TEXT: Fixed Text: ABCDE ]
The Startup parameters are displayed on three separate 003:[ ]
004:[ ]
pages (On Startup, IO, and Disk). 005:[ ]

F1:FILE F2:EDIT Properties
SUPV –Offline– Pattern:SAMPLE_02 :002
Text: F6:CLOCK ]
003:[ F4:SERIAL 2 ]
004:[ ]
005:[ ]

4. Press TAB to select the Legacy menu parameter.

This parameter changes the menu visual display to Legacy STARTUP: ON STARTUP IO DISK
mode. To use Legacy mode, see the 470 Controller
Pattern: [ ]
Legacy Operation Manual. Online:  Abort Select: 
Note: After saving, restart the controller by turning it off Park on Load:  Legacy menu: 
and turning it on again. Keyboard/Display: < Normal > Beep: 
Mode: < OPERATOR >
5. Press ENTER to toggle the selection on or off. F1 SAVE F2 DEFAULTS

 indicates the system will remain in Normal mode.

 indicates the system will change to Legacy mode.
6. Press F1 (SAVE). After the system displays the Main screen, restart the controller.
7. To return to Normal mode:
 Ensure the system is in Supervisor mode.
 Press F5 (SETUP).
 Press F8 until "STARTUP" is displayed, then press F4 (PROPERTIES).
 Press TAB to select the Legacy menu parameter.
 Press ENTER to toggle the selection OFF.
 Press F1 (SAVE).After the system displays the Main screen, turn the controller OFF.
 Restart the controller.

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TMP6100/470 – Getting Started

What if I want more information or need help with my system?

Telesis offers the following assistance.
• Phone Support—Telesis Technical Services offers free phone support to answer questions during normal business
• On-Site Service—Telesis can send personnel to your facility to perform equipment startup, repair, maintenance, and
• Service Contracts—As part of your Service Contract, you receive periodic maintenance and quick on-site customer
support if a problem should occur.
• Factory Service—Telesis can repair defective parts in our factory to save you money.

If you need parts or service for your marking system, be sure to specify the equipment model number and serial number.

Contact Telesis at one of the following locations for more information on any of these services.

Telesis Technologies, Inc.

Corporate Headquarters
28181 River Drive
P.O. Box 1000
Circleville, Ohio, USA 43113
+1 (740) 477 5000
+1 (800) 654 5696 (U.S. and Canada)
+1 (800) 867 8670 (after hours)
+1 (740) 477 5001 (fax)
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]

Telesis Worldwide Locations

For contact information, visit our website at

Telesis and PINSTAMP are registered trademarks of Telesis Technologies, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Adobe and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

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