Utility Billing Regulation 2003 - 159

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Province of Alberta



Alberta Regulation 159/2003

With amendments up to and including Alberta Regulation 74/2022

Current as of May 4, 2022

Office Consolidation

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Copyright and Permission Statement

The Government of Alberta, through the Alberta King’s Printer, holds copyright
for all Alberta legislation. Alberta King’s Printer permits any person to reproduce
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All persons making use of this consolidation are reminded that it has no
legislative sanction, that amendments have been embodied for convenience of
reference only. The official Statutes and Regulations should be consulted for all
purposes of interpreting and applying the law.
(Consolidated up to 74/2022)


Electric Utilities Act


Table of Contents
1 Definitions
2 Billing services agreement
3 Direct charges by owner
4 Contents of retailer’s or owner’s bill
5 Repeal
6 Expiry
7 Coming into force

1 In this Regulation,

(a) “distribution tariff” means a tariff approved by or filed

with the Board under the Distribution Tariff Regulation;

(b) “owner” means the owner of an electric distribution


Billing services agreement

2 For the purposes of section 106 of the Electric Utilities Act, an
owner is authorized to carry out billing services on behalf of a
retailer if

(a) the retailer requests the owner to do so, and

(b) the billing services are carried out in accordance with an

agreement between the owner and retailer.

Direct charges by owner

3(1) If an owner

(a) establishes a new line or connection for electricity

services, or

(b) provides a customer, at the customer’s request, with

electricity services

Section 4 BILLING REGULATION, 2003 AR 159/2003

and not all of the costs of the services are recoverable from the
customer’s retailer under the owner’s distribution tariff, the owner
may charge a customer or any of the other persons referred to in
subsection (2) directly for the difference between

(c) the costs of establishing the line or connection or of

providing the services, and

(d) the amount of those costs that is recoverable by the owner

from the customer’s retailer under the owner’s distribution

(2) The owner may send a bill for the difference referred to in
subsection (1) directly to any of the following:

(a) a customer purchasing electricity services through a new

line or connection or a retailer or other person purchasing
those services on behalf of the customer;

(b) a developer of land on which a new line or connection is


(c) a retailer providing electricity services through a new line

or connection;

(d) a customer or other person requesting electricity services

in the circumstances described in subsection (1).

Contents of retailer’s or owner’s bill

4 A bill prepared by a retailer or an owner for a customer must

(a) indicate separately the following credits or charges:

(i) the amount charged by the retailer for electric

energy, in dollars;

(ii) the amount charged by the retailer for administration

of the customer’s account;

(iii) the amount paid to the owner under the owner’s

distribution tariff for the account of the customer, in

(iv) under the heading “local access fee” any amount

levied under section 45 of the Municipal Government
Act, or Schedule 1, section 21 of the Metis
Settlements Act or by bylaw under the Indian Act
(Canada), and must also include the name of the
municipality, Metis settlement or band that will
receive the levied amount,

Section 5 BILLING REGULATION, 2003 AR 159/2003

(b) include the customer’s site identification number or

numbers as specified in the ISO Rules for load settlement,
but if the retailer and customer agree, the site
identification number or numbers may be provided in
electronic format to the customer when the bill is sent to
the customer,

(c) specify the customer’s consumption of electric energy on

which the charge referred to in clause (a)(i) is based,

(d) specify the period for which each of the amounts referred
to in clause (a) is calculated,

(e) indicate the name and telephone number of the owner, or

a person authorized by the owner to act on its behalf, to
answer customer inquiries about distribution access
service, and

(f) include any information that is required by the Utility

Commodity Rebate Regulation to be included in the
customer’s bill.
AR 159/2003 s4;60/2015;74/2022

5 The Billing Regulation (AR 290/99) is repealed.
AR 159/2003 s5;288/2009

6 For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for
ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be
repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this
Regulation expires on April 30, 2025.
AR 159/2003 s6;224/2012;60/2015;190/2020

Coming into force

7 This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of
Parts 1 to 10 of the Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003 cE-5.1.

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