Activity 3

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Effective Teaching and Learning in the Classroom

Hearing Impairment Visual Impairment

1. Student acceptance: All students want to 1. Reading: When the class is reading a
feel a sense of belonging. Welcoming book altogether, try and have the
them into your class and being positive book be read aloud to the whole
will help other students accept him or class by you or an audio version.
her. Being encouraging could also help 2. Writing: Having an electronic device
the student feel accepted and that they that can help a student for writing
belong. assignments. There are Braille note
2. Preferential Seating: Maybe seating the takers available as well.
student near where you teach so that 3. Overprotect: Just because the
they can follow your directions/teaching student is visually impaired doesn’t
and easily turn around to work with their mean that they can’t do something.
classmates if need be. Allowing your Allow them to try different things and
student to move when they need to for attempt as many things as desired.
class presentations, discussions, or 4. Classroom set up: Removing
demonstrations. obstacles that can be in the way and
3. Increasing visual information: Trying to informing the student prior to them
stay in one place while teaching so that entering your classroom if there has
the student can read your lips and not been a change.
have to try and read them if you are 5. Layout of school: Showing the
constantly moving. Using visual aids like student of frequently used rooms
pictures, charts, and diagrams. Writing such as restrooms, library, cafeteria,
the assignment on the board can very and gym would benefit them. Once
helpful as well. they are familiar with those areas,
4. Have realistic expectations: Knowing no allowing them to go alone so they
matter how hard the student and you try, can feel more independent.
they will never understand everything all
of the time so encouraging your student
to ask for repetition would help. Give
them breaks from listening.
5. Minimizing classroom noise: Waiting to
start the class once all students are quiet
can help. Seating the student away from
things that make noise such as pencil
sharpeners or the school bell.

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