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Commonwealth of Kentucky

Office of the Attorney General

Daniel Cameron Capitol Building, Suite 118
Attorney General 700 Capital Avenue
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
(502) 696-5300
Fax: (502) 564-2894

May 2, 2023

Mr. Jamie Dimon, CEO

JPMorgan Chase & Co.
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
[email protected]

Re: Discrimination by Chase Due to Religious or Political Affiliation

Dear Mr. Dimon:

It is clear that JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) has persistently discriminated against
certain customers due to their religious or political affiliation. This discrimination is
unacceptable. Chase must stop such behavior and align its business practices with
the anti-discrimination policies that Chase proclaims.

In its public-facing statements, Chase markets the company’s professed openness and
inclusivity. Chase touts that it “opposes discrimination in any form” and “promote[s]
an inclusive society where everyone feels welcomed, equal and included.” 1 Likewise,
the bank’s “Equal Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Statement” promises:

No form of discrimination, harassment, inappropriate or abusive

conduct is tolerated by or against employees, customers, vendors,
contractors or any other individuals who conduct business with
JPMorgan Chase. . . . All employees, including managers and employees
in non-managerial positions, are required to promote equal opportunity

1 Stuart Richardson, Human Rights Campaign Sets New Standard for 'Best Places to Work for
LGBTQ+ Equality', NBC NEWS (June 9, 2022),
rights-campaign-sets-new-standard-best-places-work-lgbtq-equalit-rcna32727 [hereinafter HRC New
Mr. Jamie Dimon
May 2, 2023
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and prevent discrimination, harassment and inappropriate and abusive

conduct. 2

But Chase has not extended its openness and inclusivity to everyone. Last year,
Chase de-banked a preeminent religious liberty organization. 3 And this was not an
anomaly, as there have been at least two other similar incidents. 4 Shareholders and
outside groups alike responded by requesting that Chase disclose its policies for
closing accounts and that it participate in the survey component of the Viewpoint
Diversity Score Business Index. 5 Chase has opposed both of these requests. 6
Meanwhile, Chase celebrates its participation in the survey component of the
Corporate Equality Index sponsored by the left-wing Human Rights Campaign.7
Quite simply, this viewpoint discrimination demonstrates that Chase is not the
“inclusive” company it claims to be. Nor is it one that “opposes discrimination in any

2 Equal Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement, JPMORGAN CHASE &

harassment-statement (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
3 John Brown, Chase Bank Allegedly Shutters Bank Account of Religious Freedom Nonprofit,
Demands Donor List, FOX BUSINESS (Oct. 13, 2022),
4 Ronn Blitzer, JPMorgan Chase Bank Reverses Decision After Missouri Calls Out Refusal to Serve
Conservative Group, FOX BUSINESS (Nov. 18, 2021),
missouri-conservative-group; [hereinafter Chase Bank Reverses
5 Letter from Brian V. Breheny, Corporate Counsel, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP, to U.S. Sec. and Exch. Comm’n, Office of Chief Counsel (Jan. 13, 2023),
[hereinafter JPMorgan Letter]; Take Action: Tell Chase to Respect Customers of all Beliefs, NAT’L
action-tell-chase-to-respect-customers-of-all-beliefs/; see also David Bahnsen, My Bid to Make
JPMorgan Less Woke, WALL STREET JOURNAL (Apr. 16, 2023),
6 JPMorgan Letter, supra note 5; See Jay Hobbs, Transparency Wins Out as SEC Allows Viewpoint
Diversity Resolution to Advance at Chase, Viewpoint Diversity Score (Mar. 31, 2023),
7 See JPMorgan Chase Earns a Perfect Score for LGBT Equality, 16 Years in a Row, JPMORGAN
CHASE & CO., (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
The Corporate Equality Index downgrades a company for contributing to certain conservative
groups. See 2023 Corporate Equality Index Criteria, HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, (last visited Apr. 14, 2023) (deducting
points for “directing corporate charitable contributions to organizations whose primary mission
includes advocacy against LGBTQ equality”). Bizarrely, the Human Rights Campaign considers
advocacy for sex-specific restrooms/locker rooms as “anti-equality.” Human Rights Campaign
Condemns Gov. Sanders for Signing Bathroom Ban Bill, HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN (Mar. 22, 2023),
Mr. Jamie Dimon
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First, in May 2022 Chase abruptly closed the National Committee for Religious
Freedom’s (NCRF) checking account. NCRF is a “nonpartisan, faith-based nonprofit
organization dedicated to defending the right of everyone in America to live one’s
faith freely.” 8 NCRF’s National Advisory Board includes Christian, Hindu, Jewish,
and Muslim members. 9 Three weeks after NCRF opened a Chase checking account,
Chase sent NCRF a letter indicating that the bank had “end[ed] their relationship.” 10
In fact, Chase closed the account unilaterally and before NCRF even received the
letter. 11 Chase did so despite there being no possible basis for claiming that NCRF’s
conduct or transactions had somehow raised regulatory red flags or given the bank
any legitimate reason to cut off service. 12

When NCRF inquired about the reason Chase closed the account, multiple bank
employees stated that the decision came from the “corporate office.” 13 Specifically,
NCRF’s executive director “was informed that ‘a note in the file read that Chase
employees were not permitted to provide any further clarifying information to the
customer.’” 14 Eventually, someone from Chase contacted NCRF to note that the bank
would restore the account, but only if NCRF provided the following:

• A list of NCRF’s donors;

• A list of political candidates NCRF intended to support; and
• An explanation of the criteria NCRF used to determine its endorsements and
support. 15

The bank’s brazen attempt to condition critical services on a customer passing some
unarticulated religious or political litmus test flies in the face of Chase’s anti-
discrimination policies. Worse, it flies in the face of basic American values of fairness
and equality.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time Chase has discriminated against customers
due to religious or political affiliation. In 2021, a credit card processor—owned by
Chase—terminated the account of Family Council, a conservative, pro-life

8 Letter from Sam Brownback, Chairman, Nat’l Comm. for Religious Freedom, to Jamie Dimon,
CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Sep. 27, 2022), available at
9 Id.
10 Id.
11 Id.
12 Id.
13 Id. (explaining that a member of Chase’s corporate team affirmed that closing the account “was
final and nonrevocable”).
14 Id.
15 Id.
Mr. Jamie Dimon
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organization. 16 Acting through its credit card processor subsidiary, Chase stated,
“[u]nfortunately, we can no longer support your business[.]” 17 The processor came to
that conclusion, at least in part, because it considered Family Council to be “High
Risk.” 18 Family Council fit none of the processor’s examples of “High Risk”
businesses. 19 That same year a company called WePay, which is also owned by Chase,
refused service to a conservative group because WePay equated conservative views
with “hate, violence, racial intolerance, [and] terrorism[.]” 20 Chase reversed that
wholly-unfounded decision only after intense pressure from the Treasurer of

This pattern of discrimination means that many Kentuckians, and many residents of
the states represented by the signatories to this letter, are at risk of being de-banked
without notice or recourse. 21 Kentucky is a “conservative state with conservative
voters.” 22 In fact, of the Kentuckians who are Republican or who “lean Republican,”
64% describe themselves as conservative. 23 Among the Kentuckians who are
Democrat or who “lean Democrat,” 24% describe themselves as conservative. 24 As
recently as 2021, Chase apparently considered these Kentuckians, of both political
parties, to hold views that promote “hate, violence, racial intolerance, [and]
terrorism[.]” 25 And while the bank reversed past decisions that were based on such
discriminatory judgments, Chase seemingly has made no institutional changes to
prevent similar discrimination in the future. 26

Second, Chase has refused proposals that would demonstrate the bank’s declared
commitment to openness and inclusivity. The National Center for Public Policy
Research (the Center) recently led a shareholder proposal calling on Chase to disclose
its policies for closing accounts. 27 The proposal asked “that [Chase] commission and

16 Chase Bank Cancels National Committee for Religious Freedom’s Account Two Years After
Cancelling Ours, Family Council, (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
17 Id.
18 Id.
19 Id.
20 Chase Bank Reverses Decision, supra note 4.
21 Chase operates 51 branch or ATM locations in Kentucky and serves more than 60 million
households nationwide. See JPMORGAN CHASE & CO., (last visited Apr.
14, 2023); Chase Expands Retail Branches to All Lower 48 States, CHASE (Aug. 4, 2021),
22 Garrett Wymer, WKYT Investigates: Kentucky Voting Trends, WKYT (Oct. 22, 2020),
23 Political Ideology Among Adults in Kentucky by Political Party, PEW RESEARCH CTR.,
affiliation/among/state/kentucky/ (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
24 Id.
25 Chase Bank Reverses Decision, supra note 4.
26 Id.
27 JPMorgan Letter, supra note 5.
Mr. Jamie Dimon
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disclose a report on the risks created by Company business practices that prioritize
non-pecuniary factors when it comes to establishing, rejecting, or failing to continue
client relationships.” 28 The bank ignored the proposal and asked the Securities and
Exchange Commission for permission to continue ignoring it. 29

The Center also requested that Chase participate in the survey component of the
Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index. 30 That index is “the first comprehensive
benchmark designed to measure corporate respect for religious and ideological
diversity in the market, workplace, and public square.” 31 The survey component of
the index includes a questionnaire about internal policies and practices that affect
the civil liberties of customers and employees. Chase has refused to participate in the
survey. 32

In the 2022 Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index, Chase received a viewpoint
diversity score of 15% (out of 100). 33 The report revealed that the bank
has unclear or imprecise policies that allow it to deny service for arbitrary or
politically biased reasons. The report also noted that Chase lacks transparency in
how it treats religious and political differences in the workplace and in corporate
governance. 34 In other words, without adequate transparency it seems likely that
Chase could be engaging in even more discrimination than is currently known.

Third, Chase’s actions reveal a concerning double standard. While Chase refuses to
participate in the survey component of the Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index
and disregards related shareholder proposals, the bank prides itself on the company’s
top score in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. 35 The Human
Rights Campaign describes itself as “[l]eading the fight for LGBTQ+ rights[.]” 36 Its
Corporate Equality Index measures “corporate policies, practices and benefits” but

28 Id.
29 Id.
30 Take Action: Tell Chase to Respect Customers of all Beliefs, Nat’l Ctr. for Pub. Policy Research
(Jan. 18, 2023),
customers-of-all-beliefs/. David Bahnsen of The Bahnsen Group submitted a separate shareholder
proposal similar to the Center’s proposal. Chase attempted to ignore that request, too. But the
SEC recently overruled Chase and required it to consider Mr. Bahnsen’s proposal. See Bahnsen,
supra note 5.
visited Apr. 14, 2023).
32 JPMorgan Letter, supra note 5; see Hobbs, supra note 6.
33 JPMorgan Chase, VIEWPOINT DIVERSITY SCORE, (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
34 Id.
35 Id.
36 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
Mr. Jamie Dimon
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only those “pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees.” 37
The index has been described as “basically a racket,” with the Human Rights
Campaign using threats of low scores to secure donations. 38 Chase submitted
information in response to the 2022 Corporate Equality Index 39 and, when speaking
about the index, affirmed the bank’s “unwavering commitment to members of the
LGBT+ community.” 40

Plainly, Chase has not extended the same unwavering commitment to conservatives
and religious groups like NCRF. To be clear, banks generally have the right to
conduct their business however and with whomever they choose. But a bank does not
have the right to mislead its customers. Chase cannot call itself “inclusive,” publicize
that it “opposes discrimination in any form,” promise to “prevent discrimination”
against customers, and then refuse to commit to the most basic equality of treatment
and fair dealing.

No individual or organization should have to worry that religious or political beliefs

will limit access to financial services or undermine financial stability. Surely Chase’s
promised inclusivity should extend to these fundamental characteristics of American
identity. Accordingly, we call on Chase to stop its religious and politically biased
discrimination and start living up to its commitment to an inclusive society where
everyone feels welcomed, equal, and included. Participating in the survey component
of the Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index would be a positive first step.



Attorney General of Kentucky Attorney General of Alabama

37 Corporate Equality Index 2022, HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, (last visited Apr. 14, 2023).
38 Kristen Altus, Bud Light Using Dylan Mulvaney to Boost Their ‘Corporate Equality Index’ Score:
‘This is Basically a Racket’, FOX BUSINESS (April 11, 2023),
39 Corporate Equality Index 2022, Appendix A: Employer Ratings, HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN, (last visited Apr.
14, 2023).
40 HRC New Standard, supra note 1.
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Attorney General of Alaska Attorney General of Arkansas


Attorney General of Florida Attorney General of Georgia


Attorney General of Idaho Attorney General of Indiana


Attorney General of Iowa Attorney General of Kansas


Attorney General of Louisiana Attorney General of Mississippi


Attorney General of Missouri Attorney General of Montana


Attorney General of South Carolina Attorney General of Texas
Mr. Jamie Dimon
May 2, 2023
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Attorney General of Utah Attorney General of Virginia

Attorney General of West Virginia

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