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Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.

1. By entering without authority therefore, a

Title 1: Crimes against National Security and warship, fort or naval or military
Law of the Nations establishment or reservation to obtain any
information, plans, photographs or other
Art. 114. Treason data of a confidential nature relative to the
Elements: defense of the Philippines.
a. that the offender is a Filipino citizen or
an alien residing in the Philippines; Elements:
b. that there is war in which the Philippines a. That the offender enters any of the
is involved; places mentioned (warship, fort or naval
c. that the offender is either; or military establishment).
● levies war against the government; b. That he has no authority therefor; and
or c. That his purpose is to obtain
● adheres to the enemies, giving them information, plans, photographs or other
aid or comfort. data of a confidential nature relative to
the defense of the Philippines.
Art. 115. Conspiracy to commit treason
Elements: 2. By disclosing to the representative of a
1. In time of war; foreign nation the contents of the articles,
2. Two or more persons come to an data or information referred to in paragraph
agreement to - No. 1 of Art. 117, which he had in his
a. levy war against the government, or possession by reason of the public office he
b. adheres to the enemies and to give holds.
them aid or comfort;
3. They decide to commit it. Elements:
a. That the offender is a public officer.
Art. 1156. Proposal to commit treason
b. That he has in his possession the
articles, data or information referred to in
1. In time of war;
paragraph no. 1 of Article 117, by
2. A person who has decided to levy war
reason of the public office he holds.
against the government, or to adhere to the
c. That he discloses their content to a
enemies and to give them aid or comfort
representative of a foreign nation.
3. Proposes its execution to some other
person or persons.
Art. 118. Inciting to war or giving motives for
Art. 116. Misprision of Treason
Elements; Elements:

1. The offender must be owing allegiance to 1. That the offender performs unlawful or
the government, and not a foreigner. unauthorized acts
2. That he has knowledge of any conspiracy 2. That such acts provoke or give occasion for
(to commit treason) against the government. a war involving or liable to involve the
3. That he conceals or does not disclose and Philippines or expose Filipino citizens to
make known the same as soon as possible reprisals on their persons or property.
to the governor or fiscal of the province or
Art. 119. Violation of Neutrality
the mayor or fiscal of the city in which he
resides. Elements:

Art. 117. Espionage 1. That there is war in which the Philippines is

Two ways of committing espionage; not involved;

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

2. That there is a regulation issued by part of its cargo, its equipment or personal
competent authority for the purpose of belongings of it complement or passengers.
enforcing neutrality; and
3. That the offender violates such regulation. Elements:
1. That a vessel is on the high
Art. 120. Correspondence with hostile country seas/Philippine waters
Elements: 2. That the offenders are not members
of its complement or passengers of
1. That it is in time of war in which the
the vessel
Philippines is involved
3. That the offender seizes the the
2. That the offender makes correspondence
whole or part of the cargo of said
with an enemy country or territory occupied
vessel, its equipment or personal
by enemy troops
belongings of its complement or
3. That the correspondence is either –
i. prohibited by the government, or
ii. carried on in ciphers or conventional
signs, or Piracy in the RPC v. P.D. 532
iii. containing notice or information which
might be useful to the enemy.

Art. 121. Flight to Enemy’s Country


1. That there is a war in which the Philippines

is involved
2. That the offender (Filipino or resident alien)
must be owing allegiance to the government
3. That the offender attempts to flee or go to
enemy country
4. That going to enemy country is prohibited Mutiny
by competent authority Elements:
1. Committed by a member of complement of
Art. 122. Piracy in general and mutiny on the a vessel or a passenger thereof,
high seas or in Philippine waters 2. who unlawfully resists a superior officer or
raise commotion or disturbance on board a
Piracy vessel against the authority of its
Two ways of committing Piracy; commander
3. on the high seas or in Philippine waters.
a. By attacking or seizing a vessel on the high
seas or in Philippine waters; and Piracy v. Mutiny
The differences between piracy and mutiny are as
1. That a vessel is on the high
(1) in piracy, the criminal act is taking or seizing
seas/Philippine waters
property with intent to gain; in mutiny, the
2. That the offender is any person; and
criminal act is resisting the authorities in the
3. That the offender shall attack or
seize that vessel.
(2) the concept of piracy is similar to robbery or
theft where intent to gain is an element; the
b. By seizing in the vessel while on the high
seas or in Philippine waters the whole or

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

concept of mutiny is similar to coercion 1. That the offender is a public officer or

where intent to gain is not an element; and employee
(3) in piracy under the Revised Penal Code, the 2. That there is a judicial or executive order for
pirate must not be a passenger or member the release of a prisoner or detention
of the complement of the vessel; however, prisoner, or that there is a proceeding upon
in piracy under P.D. No. 532, the pirate is a petition for the liberation of such person
any person; in mutiny, the mutineer must be 3. That the offender without good reason
a passenger or a member of the delays:
complement of the vessel. a. the service of the notice of such
order to the prisoner, or
b. the performance of such judicial or
Title 2: Crimes against the Fundamental Laws
executive order for the release of the
of the State
prisoner, or
c. the proceedings upon a petition for
ARTICLE 124. Arbitrary Detention
the release of such person
ARTICLE 127. Expulsion
1. That the offender is a public officer or
employee (whose official duties include the 2 acts punishable:
authority to make an arrest and detain
1. by expelling a person from the Philippines
persons; jurisdiction to maintain peace and
2. by compelling a person to change his
2. That he detains a person (actual restraint).
3. That the detention was without legal ELEMENTS
grounds (cannot be committed if with
warrant). 1. That the offender is a public officer or
Article 125. DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF 2. That he expels any person from the
DETAINED PERSONS Philippines, or compels a person to change
his residence
3. That the offender is not authorized to do so
1. That the offender is a public officer or by law
ARTICLE 128. Violation of Domicile
2. That he has detained a person for some
legal grounds ELEMENTS:
3. That he fails to deliver such person to the
proper judicial authority within: 1. That the offender is a public officer or
a. 12 hours, if detained for employee
crimes/offenses punishable by light 2. That he is not authorized by judicial order to
penalties, or their equivalent enter the dwelling and/or to make a search
b. 18 hours, for crimes/offenses therein for papers or other effects
punishable by correctional penalties, 3. That he commits any of the following acts:
or their equivalent or a. entering any dwelling against the will
c. 36 hours, for crimes/offenses of the owner thereof
punishable by capital punishment or b. searching papers or other effects
afflictive penalties, or their found therein without the previous
equivalent consent of such owner
c. refusing to leave the premises, after
ARTICLE 126. Delaying Release having surreptitiously entered said

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

dwelling and after having been same (e.g. denial of permit in

required to leave the same arbitrary manner).
b. hindering any person from joining
ARTICLE 129. Search Warrants Maliciously
any lawful association or from
Obtained and Abuse in the Service of Those
attending any of its meetings
Legally Obtained
ARTICLE 132. Interruption of Religious Worship
2 punishable acts:
1. Search warrants maliciously obtained.
1. That the officer is a public officer or
1. That the offender is a public officer or 2. That religious ceremonies or manifestations
employee of any religion are about to take place or are
2. That he procures a search warrant going on
3. That there is no just cause 3. That the offender prevents or disturbs the
2. Abuse in the service of warrant or exceeding
authority or using unnecessary severity in ARTICLE 133. Offending the Religious Feelings
executing a search warrant legally procured.
1. That the acts complained of were performed
1. That the offender is a public officer or a. in a place devoted to religious
employee feelings, or (for this element, no
2. That he has legally procured a search need of religious ceremony, only the
warrant place is material)
3. That he exceeds his authority or uses b. during the celebration of any
unnecessary severity in executing the same religious ceremony
2. That the acts must be notoriously offensive
ARTICLE 130. Searching Domicile Without to the feelings of the faithful (deliberate
Witnesses intent to hurt the feelings)
ELEMENTS: 3. The offender is any person
1. That the offender is a public officer or 4. There is a deliberate intent to hurt the
employee feelings of the faithful, directed against
2. That he is armed with a search warrant religious tenet
legally procured
3. That he searches the domicile, papers or Title 3: Crimes against Public Order
other belongings of any person
4. That the owner, or any member of his ARTICLE 134 - REBELLION OR INSURRECTION
family, or two witnesses residing in the
same locality are not present ELEMENTS:

ARTICLE 131. Prohibition, Interruption, and 1. That there be a public uprising and taking
Dissolution of Peaceful Meetings up of arms against the Government.
2. For the purpose of:
ELEMENTS: a. Removing from the allegiance to
1. Offender is a public officer or employee said Government or its laws
2. He performs any of the ff. acts: i. The territory of the
a. prohibiting or interrupting, without Philippines.
legal ground the holding of a ii. Anybody of land, naval or
peaceful meeting, or dissolving the other armed forces or

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

b. Depriving the Chief executive or 3. Accepting appointment to office under the

Congress, wholly or partially, of any rebels.
of their powers or prerogatives.
1. That the offender is a person or persons
1. That the offender does not take up
belonging to the military or police or holding
arms or is not in open hostility
any public office or employment.
against the Government
2. That it is committed by means of a swift
2. That he incites others to the
attack accompanied by violence,
execution of any of the acts of
intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth.
3. That the attack is directed against duly
3. That the inciting is done by means of
constituted authorities of the Republic of the
speeches, proclamations, writings,
Philippines, or any military camp or
emblems, banners, or other
installation, communication networks, public
representations tending to the same
utilities or other facilities needed for the
exercise and continued possession of
4. That the purpose of the attack is to seize
or diminish state power.
1. That the offenders rise
a) Publicly b) Tumultuously
2. That they employ force, intimidation, or
other means outside of legal methods
3. That the offenders employ any of those
2 crimes punishable:
means to attain any of the following objects:
1. Conspiracy to commit rebellion, and
a) To prevent the promulgation or execution
2. Proposal to commit rebellion
of any law or the holding of any popular
● Conspiracy to commit rebellion – when
b) To prevent the government or any public
two or more persons come to an agreement
officer from freely exercising its or his
to rise publicly and take arms against the
functions or prevent the execution of any
Government for any of the purposes of
Administrative Order.
rebellion and decide to commit it.
c) To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon
● Proposal to commit rebellion – when the
the person or property of any public
person who has decided to rise publicly and
take arms against the Government for any
d) To commit, for any political or social end,
of the purposes of rebellion proposes its
any act of hate or revenge against private
execution to some other person or persons.
persons or any social class.
This is an instance where the law punishes
e) To despoil, for any political or social end,
preparatory acts.
any person, or the government of all its
property or any part thereof.
1. Failing to resist a rebellion by all means in
1. That the offender does not take direct part
their power
in the crime of sedition
2. Continuing to discharge the duties of their
office under the control of the rebels

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

2. That he incites others to the ELEMENTS:

accomplishment of any of the act which 1. That there be a meeting of Congress or any
constitute sedition of its committees or subcommittees,
3. That the inciting is done by means of constitutional commissions or committees,
speeches, proclamations, writings, or any provincial board or city or municipal
emblems, cartoons, banners, or other council or board
representations tending to the same end. 2. That the offender does any of the following
PUNISHABLE ACTS: a) He disturbs any of such meetings.
1. Inciting others to commit sedition by means b) He behaves while in the presence of any
of speeches, proclamations, writings, such bodies in such a manner as to
emblems interrupt its proceedings or to impair the
2. Uttering seditious words or speeches respect due it.
which tend to disturb the public peace
a. They tend to disturb or obstruct any ARTICLE 145 - VIOLATION OF
lawful officer in executing the PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITY.
functions of his office PUNISHABLE ACTS:
b. They tend to instigate others to cabal 1) Using force, intimidation, threats, or frauds to
and meet together for unlawful prevent any member of the National Assembly from
purposes (1) attending the meetings of the Assembly or of
c. They suggest or incite rebellious any of its committees or subcommittees,
conspiracies or riots constitutional commission or committees or
d. They lead or tend to stir up the divisions thereof, or from (2) expressing his
people against the lawful authorities opinions, or (3) casting his vote:
or disturb the peace of the
community, and the safety and order 2) Arresting or searching any member while
of the Government. Congress is in session, except in cases where such
3. Writing, publishing, or circulating member has committed a crime punishable under
scurrilous (meaning vulgar, mean, foul) the Code by a penalty higher than prision mayor.
libels against the Government or any of its
duly constituted authorities, which tend to ELEMENTS FOR FIRST PUNISHABLE ACT:
disturb public peace. 1) The offender uses force, intimidation,
threats, or fraud;
ARTICLE 143 - ACT TENDING TO PREVENT 2) The purpose of the offender is to prevent
THE MEETING OF THE ASSEMBLY AND any member of the National assembly from
ELEMENTS: a. attending the meetings of
1. That there be a projected meeting or actual Congress or any of its committees or
meeting of the National Assembly or any of subcommittees, constitutional
its committees or subcommittees, commissions or committees or
constitutional commissions or committees or divisions thereof
divisions, or of any provincial boarder city or b. expressing his opinions
municipal council or board; and c. casting his vote.
2. That the offender, who may be any person,
prevents such meeting by force or fraud. The offender in this first mode is
Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

1) The offender is a public officer or 1) Without public uprising, by employing

employee; force or intimidation for the attainment of
2) That he arrests or searches any member any of the purposes enumerated in defining
of the National Assembly; the crimes of sedition & rebellion.
3) That the Assembly, at the time of the
arrest or search, is in regular or special 2) Without public uprising, by attacking, by
session; and employing force or seriously intimidating or
4) That the member arrested or searched by seriously resisting any person in
has not committed a crime punishable authority (PA) or any of his agents (APA),
under the Code by a penalty higher than while engaged in the performance of official
prision mayor. duties, or on the occasion of such
Forms of Illegal Assemblies: ELEMENTS OF THE FIRST MODE:
1. Any meeting attended by armed persons for 1. That the offender employs force or
the purpose of committing any of the crimes intimidation.
punishable under the Code. Requisites are as 2. That the aim of the offender is to attain any
follows: of the purposes of the crime of rebellion or
a) That there is a meeting, gathering or group any of the objects of the crime of sedition.
of persons, whether in a fixed place or 3. That there is no public uprising.
b) That the meeting is attended by armed ELEMENTS OF THE SECOND MODE:
persons. 1. That the offender:
c) That the purpose of the meeting is to a. Makes an attack;
commit any of the crimes punishable under b. Employs force;
the Code. c. Makes a serious intimidation; and
d. Makes a serious resistance
2. Any meeting in which the audience, whether 2. That the person assaulted is a person in
armed or not, is incited to the commission of the authority or his agent.
crime of treason, rebellion or insurrection, sedition, 3. That at the time of the assault the person in
or assault upon a person in authority. The following authority or his agent
are its requisites: a. is engaged in the actual
a) That there is a meeting, a gathering or performance of official duties; and/or
group of persons, whether in a fixed place b. that he is assaulted by reason of the
or moving. past performance of his official
b) That the audiences, whether armed or not, duties.
is incited to the commission of the crime of c. That the offender knows that the one
treason, rebellion or insurrection, sedition, he is assaulting is a person in
or direct assault. authority or his agent in the exercise
of his duties.
ARTICLE 147. ILLEGAL ASSOCIATIONS 4. That there is no public uprising.
Association totally or partially organized for:
1. The purpose of committing any of the ARTICLE 149. INDIRECT ASSAULTS.
crimes punishable under the Code ELEMENTS:
2. Some purpose contrary to public morals 1. That the person in authority or his agent is
the victim of any of the forms of direct
assault defined in Art. 148
2. That a person comes to the aid of the
person in authority or his agent.

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

3. That the offender makes use of force or

intimidation upon such person coming to the
aid of the person in authority or his agent.
QUALIFIED ASSAULT 1. That a person in authority or his agent is
ELEMENTS: engaged in the performance of official duty
or gives a lawful order to the offender;
1. When the assault is committed with a
weapon; or 2. That the offender resists or seriously
2. When the offender is a public officer or disobeys such person in authority or his
employee; or agent; and
3. When the offender lays hands on a person 3. That the act of the offender is not included
in authority. in the provisions of the articles 148, 149 and
COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES, BY THE 1. That an agent of a person in authority is
CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS, ITS engaged in the performance of official duty
COMMITTEES, SUBCOMMITTEES OR or gives lawful order to the offender;
PUNISHABLE ACTS (FIVE MODES): 2. That the offender disobeys such agent of a
1. By refusing, without legal excuse, to obey person in authority; and
summons of the National Assembly, its
3. That such disobedience is not a serious
committees or subcommittees, by
constitutional commission, committees,
subcommittees or division. ARTICLE 153 - TUMULTS AND OTHER
2. By refusing to be sworn or placed under DISTURBANCE OF PUBLIC ORDERS;
affirmation while being before such TUMULTUOUS DISTURBANCE OR
legislative or constitutional body or official. INTERRUPTION LIABLE TO CAUSE
3. By refusing to answer any legal inquiry or to DISTURBANCE.
produce any books, papers, documents, or ACTS PUNISHED (TUMULTS AND OTHER
records in his possession, when required by DISTURBANCES OF PUBLIC ORDER):
them to do so in the exercise of their 1. Causing any serious disturbance in a public
function. place, office or establishment;
4. By restraining another from attending as a 2. Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions
witness in such legislative or constitutional or gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not
body. included in Articles 131 and 132;
5. By inducing disobedience to a summons or 3. Making any outcry tending to incite rebellion or
refusal to be sworn by any such body or sedition in any meeting, association or public place;
official. 4. Displaying placards or emblems which provoke a
disturbance of public order in such place;
ARTICLE 151 - RESISTANCE AND 5. Burying with pomp the body of a person who has
1. Resistance and serious disobedience; and ACTS PUNISHED:
1. Publishing or causing to be published,
2. Simple disobedience. by means of printing, lithography or any

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

other means of publication, as news any ELEMENTS:

false news which may endanger the 1. That the offender is a convict by final
public order; or cause damage to the judgment;
interest or credit of the State; 2. That he is serving sentence which consists
2. Encouraging disobedience to the law or in the deprivation of liberty;
to the constituted authorities or praising, 3. That he evades service of his sentence by
justifying or extolling any act punished escaping during the term of his
by law, by the same means or by words, imprisonment.
utterances or speeches;
3. Maliciously publishing or causing to be ARTICLE 158 - EVASION OF SERVICE OF
published any official resolution or SENTENCE ON THE OCCASION OF DISORDER,
document without proper authority, or CONFLAGRATIONS, EARTHQUAKES, OR
before they have been published OTHER CALAMITIES.
officially; ELEMENTS:
4. Printing, publishing or distributing (or 1. That the offender is a convict by final
causing the same) books, pamphlets, judgment, who is confined in apenal
periodicals, or leaflets which do not bear institution.
the real printer’s name, or which are 2. That there is disorder, resulting from-
classified as anonymous. Actual public a. conflagration,
disorder or actual damage to the credit b. earthquake,
of the State is not necessary. c. explosion,
d. similar catastrophe, or
ARTICLE 155 - ALARMS AND SCANDALS. e. mutiny in which he has not
ACTS PUNISHED: participated.
1. Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, 3. That the offender evades the service of his
or other explosive within any town or public sentence by leaving the penal institution
place, calculated to cause (which produces) where he is confined, on the occasion of
alarm of danger; such disorder or during the mutiny.
2. Instigating or taking an active part in any 4. That the offender fails to give himself up to
charivari or other disorderly meeting the authorities within 48hours following the
offensive to another or prejudicial to public issuance of a proclamation by the Chief
tranquility; Executive announcing the passing away of
3. Disturbing the public peace while wandering such calamity
about at night or while engaged in any other
nocturnal amusements; ARTICLE 159. VIOLATION OF CONDITIONAL
4. Causing any disturbance or scandal in PARDON
public places while intoxicated or otherwise, ELEMENTS:
provided Article 153 in not applicable. 1. That the offender was a convict;
2. That he was granted a conditional pardon
ARTICLE 156 - DELIVERY OF PRISONERS by the Chief Executive;
FROM JAILS. 3. That he violated any of the conditions of
ELEMENTS: such pardon.
1. That there is a person confined in a jail or
penal establishment; ARTICLE 160. QUASI–RECIDIVISM
2. That the offender removes therefrom such ELEMENTS:
person, or helps the escape of such person. 1. Offender was already convicted by final
judgment of one offense;

Criminal Law 2: Elements of Crimes & Acts Punishable z.m.s.r

2. He committed a new felony before beginning f. Those who sell, distribute, or exhibit
to serve such sentence or while serving the prints, engraving, sculptures or literatures
same. which are offensive to morals

Title 4: Crimes against Public Interest ARTICLE 202. VAGRANTS AND PROSTITUTES
1. A women habitually indulge in sexual
Title 5: Crimes relative to opium and other intercourse or lascivious conduct; and
prohibited drugs 2. The act was done for money or profit.
● Vagrancy has been decriminalized by RA
10158. We no longer have the crime of
Title 6: Crimes against Public Morals
vagrancy. No person can longer be
prosecuted for being a vagrant.
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS ● If the woman does not habitually indulge
ELEMENTS: in said acts, then she cannot be deemed
1. act of trafficking as a prostitute.
2. means to commit trafficking and ● In one case, there the Court asked how
3. exploitive purpose many times the NBI agent engaged in
sexual intercourse with the alleged
prostitute. When the agent said that it was
only once, and that they did not know if
1. Offender performs an act 
there are any instances before him and after
2. Act is highly scandalous as offending
him – the Court acquitted the accused
against decency or good customs 
because the sexual intercourse for money
3. Highly scandalous conduct does not
or profit was not habitual, done only once.
expressly fall within any other article of the
4. Committed in a public place or within the
public knowledge or view. (The public view
is not required, it is sufficient if in a public
place. For public knowledge, it may occur
even in a private place; the number of
people who see it is not material).


1. Those who publicly expound or proclaim
doctrines that are contrary to public morals 
2. Authors of obscene literature, published
with their knowledge in any form 
3. Editors publishing such obscene literature 
4. Owners or operators of establishments
selling obscene literature
5. Those who exhibit indecent or immoral
plays, scenes, acts or shows on theaters,
fairs, cinemas or any other place 


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