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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background
You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.
Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Dow Boys Hostel Construction by Imtiaz Builders.
Site location* University Road, Karachi, Pakistan.
Number of workers 100
Dow boy hostel is a new building construction site building by Imtiaz Builders. It is a 4-
storey building in a different partition of areas which in its initial stage. The total area of
the site is 7,000 square meters. I visited the site on 6th Nov, 2022 for my risk

The construction site has a project manager, finance manager, HSE manager, general
manager, officer, ready mix plant manager, mechanical engineer, supervisor, masons,
General description of the organisation electrician, plumbers, and general labours. The average age of the employees is between
25 to 45 years. The site operates in single shift from 9:00am to 5:00pm, 48 working hours
weekly with Friday off. This site consists of different sections like administration offices,
worker’s accommodation, material storage area, steel fabrication area, concrete mixing
plant, and mechanical workshop area. Machinery and equipment used on the
construction site are loader truck, ready mixer, crane, excavator, dump truck, and
scaffolding. The activities of the site are labour fitting the scaffolding mixing of cement,
loading and unloading truck, steel fabrication, excavation for foundation, etc.
Description of the area to be included in
Area to be included in risk assessment is whole construction site.
the risk assessment

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HSE manager is responsible person for health and safety issues and reported to the
Any other relevant information
Project Manager.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I started by looking to see Before starting my risk assessment, I visited the external sources first
like international labour originations where I found ‘’safety and health in construction’’
After that, I also visited the website and found ‘’Health and safety in the construction industry’’; information helps me a lot in my risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was These sources helped me a lot in my risk assessment.
carried out this should include:
 sources of information consulted; I also visited the site for workers’ interviews who were performing their activities and they feed
 who you spoke to; and me a lot of information about the hazard that was present along with any control measures
 how you identified: places, talking to the supervisor and workers helped me in my risk assessment
- the hazards;
After visiting the ILO and HSE websites and interviewing workers, I also checked the internal
- what is already being done; and records of the site for past accidents ill-health record near misses, maintenance record, audit
- any additional controls/actions reports and accident records for at least last 1 year.
that may be required.
After identifying the hazards, when suggesting the control, I have taken a lot of information from
the notes that I made during the inspection report and from the HSE websites I found “noise at
work” and electricity which found “electricity at work” and ‘’confined space’’ . These helped me a lot in my risk assessment.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Dow Boys Hostel Construction by Imtiyaz Builders.

Date of assessment: 9th June, 2022.

Scope of risk assessment: Whole construction site.

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
Work Steel fixer working with Safety gloves, safety glasses 1. Safety guards for hand grinders 1. 1 week Finance
equipment grinder and worker direct safety footwear, and head must be installed, for the worker’s manager
and expose to grinder. protection with a helmet are safety to protect them from 2. 1 week (1,5)
machinery provided to the worker cutting abrasive cutting and grinding disc.
By cutting iron bar with iron bar with a grinder. 3. 1 week
hand grinder without 2. Must provide trip device to hand HSE manager
Steel fixer safety guard, disc may Proper training in using a grinder in any case of emergency 4. 1 week (6)
cutting iron bar be broken and cut the grinder and their precaution trip device trip automatically and
with hand worker hand finger, arm, are already given to the protect the worker from the
grinder without and other body part worker to cutting the iron bars accident. 5. 1 week Supervisor
safety guards. impact of the disc is so in the working site. 6. 1 month (2,3,4)
powerful and might be 3. Must provide the supervisor to the
fatal. worksite where the iron bar is cut
with a hand grinder.

4. Must be provided the inspection

checklist of the hand grinder to
the worker, which verifies that
each component of the hand
grinder is in working order.

5. Must provide special protective

tools to workers such as face

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)

6. Adequate training about the

activity regarding hazards and
prevention must be provided to all
Noise. Workers are using Safety gloves, safety glasses 1. Muffle the drill machine to reduce 1. 1 week Financial
hammer drill machines and proper working uniform the noise to an acceptable level. manager
Workers using and other workers are provided to workers. (1,2)
hammer drill nearby, visitors and staff 2. Increase the number of workers 2. 1 week
machine to members. Only authorised workers are which help them to less explore to
drill holes into allowed to use such the noise and reduce the chance
concrete which Worker using hammer equipment and machines. of noise pollution. 3. 1 week Supervisor
produces drill machine produces (3,4,5)
excessive noise which may cause 3. Provides job rotations to workers
amount of serious health issue such which are directly exposed to 4. 1 week
noise. as temporary or noise which reduces the effect of
permanent hearing loss noise on human health. Project
to direct noise exposure 5. 1 day manager
also cause high blood 4. Provides frequent breaks to (7)
pressure, sleeping workers which are directly or
disorder, and stress. regularly exposed to noise to 6. 1 month HSE manager
reduce the risk of noise on human 7. 6 months (6,8)
health. 8. 1 week
5. Barricade the area to avoid
unauthorized entry.
6. Must provide adequate training
about the noise hazards and
prevention to all workers.

7. Provide proper health surveillance

to the workers which are regularly
expose the noise.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
8. Must provide proper PPEs to
reduce the risk of hearing issues
like earplugs and earmuffs.

Hazardous Worker in the area, Face mask, safety gloves and 1. Barricaded the area where the Project
Substances supervisor, staff glasses are already provided material is being unloaded so that 1. 1 day manager
members, drivers and to worker on the storage area. unwanted or unauthorised (6)
Loading and visitors. persons by doing this, we can
unloading Well trained, and experienced reduce exposure to dust. 2. 1 week Supervisor
ready mix Due to unloading of sand worker are place on the (1,2,3,5)
plant and crush construction storage area for the unloading 2. Must provide job rotation to the
construction material huge amount of of construction material. worker which is directly exposed 3. 1 week HSE manager
material in the dust is produced in the to dust by taking these (4)
storage area area, which can cause Frequent breaks are also precautions we eliminate the risk
produces an cough, irritation allergy, given to the worker due to of dust to the health of a worker. 4. 1 week
excessive breathing problem, which workers are less
amount of asthma, throat problem exposed to the dust occurring 3. Must provide the water
dust. and could cause the from the unloading of material. evaporation Asprey on activity 5. 1 week
occupational cancer. area time by time to settle down
dust particles. 6. 6 months

4. Must providing material safety

data sheet to workers will help
them to improve efficacy and
reduce the risk
5. Must provide supervision to the
working site for managing and
controlling all activities.
6. Health surveillance must be
provided to the worker for their
physical and respiratory health of
the worker.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
Fire The workers are involved Proper clothing, face shield, 1. Must implement hot work permit 1. 1 week Finance
in the welding activity, safety gloves, and safety to ensure safe system of work. manager
Welding other workers on the site, footwear masks are provided (2,3,4,7)
activity and visitors of the to the workers. 2. Shielding the surrounding of 2. 1 week
performed by workshop and staff welding area to separate fire
the welders member. Fire extinguishers are already flame and combustible material to
near the provided in the case of an avoid the fire. 3. 1 month
combustible Flying sparks of welding emergency. Supervisor
waste material near the combustible 3. Separate storage area must be (1)
placed in the waste material can cause Proper warning signs are built for the combustible material 4. 1 week
area. a fire, which harms the placed in the working area of to segregate from welding activity
worker by breathing welding. to eliminate the chance of fire.
problems, pulmonary 5. 1 week
disease, heart disorder, 4. Must provide the worker fire Safety officer
sink problems, burns, blanket because it is important (5,6)
and fire produce smoke safety measure to control the fire. 6. 1 week
which also harms the
environment and 5. Fire exit routes must be marked
building. clearly for the workers in case of 7. 1 month

6. Must provide emergency fire

training to worker and educate the
how to handle the emergency
condition which includes
immediately emergency call,
activate fire alarm, assist injured
or notify emergency responder of
medical emergency

7. Must provide fire exit doors to the

area of welding it provides us
passive protection and also in

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
case of emergency fire door
reduce the spread of fire from one
area to another area.
Working at The worker is working at Safety gloves, footwear, and 1. Must provide proper scaffolding to 1. 1 week finance
height height, general worker, hard hat protection are work for constructing a wall to manager
and visitors. provided. reduce the risk of a falling from 2. 3 days (1,2,4)
The worker is height.
constructing Object falling or worker
the outer wall can fall from a height 2. Must provide safety nets around 3. 1 week Supervisor
at a height of 6 which causes injuries, the scaffolding to the working site (3,5,7,8)
meters using a fracture of arms, legs, to avoid damage from falling 4. 1 week
damaged and wrist internal injuries object
temporary and head injury which 5. 1 week
platform. lead to disability or death 3. Must provide safety harness to HSE manager
of workers. the worker because safety (6)
6. 1 month
harness will save workers from
7. 1 week
4. Must provide mobile scaffolding to
worker to reduce accident on 8. 1 day
working site.

5. Only authorised and experienced

workers must be allowed to work
at height to reduce accidents.

6. Must provide proper training to

the worker on how to work at
height and what safety measures
to take to avoid accidents and

7. Must provide proper supervision

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
to monitor the activity to ensure
safe system of work.

8. Barricade the area to avoid any

unauthorized entry.

Electricity Workers present on Safety gloves, safety glasses 1. Must replace the damaged cable 1. 1 week Finance
workshop, workers and safety footwear is given to of the drill and cutting machine manager
Damage of visitors. worker. with double insulated and high 2. 1 week (1,3)
electrical standard to avoid the chance of
power cable Workers are exposing to Only authorized workers are accident. 3. 2 weeks
and no damage electrical power allowed in the area. supervisor
earthing of the cable of cutting and 2. Install the GFCI breaker to control 4. 1 week (2,5,6,7)
electrical drilling machine without the unnecessary short circuit.
machines in proper earthing can 5. 1 week
workshop. cause electric shock skin
burn, cardiac arrest and 3. Install the ducts line for cables 6. 1 week Safety Officer
tingling and other serious underlying the floor which may (4,8)
health conditions. damage and shock the worker. 7. 1 week

4. Must Inspection of all workshop, 8. 1 month

cables, and machines that all are
working properly according to

5. Only allow authorised persons to

enter and work in the workshop to
avoid any accident

6. Proper maintenance of equipment

must be maintained and checked
properly to avoid any shock and
short circuits.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)

7. All activities must be supervised

by a competent person to avoid
the chance of an accident.

8. Adequate training must be

provided to the worker.

Confined Workers are involved in Proper lighting is provided in 1. Must provide proper mechanical 1. 1 week
space cleaning activity. the underground tank for ventilation blower for the workers Finance
cleaning purposes. working underground tank to manager
Workers are During cleaning the deep enhance the oxygen level. 2. 2 weeks (1,2)
cleaning the large water tank without Safety gloves, clothing, and
large proper ventilation footwear are already provided. 2. Must provide communication
underground workers can face devices to the worker working 3. 1 month
water tank shortage of oxygen, underground water tank to
without proper fatigue, breathing communicate and call a 4. 1 week Supervisor
ventilation. problem, and suffocation supervisor in case of emergency. (4,5)
which may lead to
serious health problems 3. Must provide proper training to a 5. 1 week
and death. worker working underground on 6. 1 week
how to handle the emergency.

4. Only physically fit workers should Safety Officer

be allowed to work underground (3,6)
to avoid any accidents.

5. Must provide frequent breaks to

the worker, which help the worker
to be less exposed to
underground working conditions

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
and avoid an accident.

6. Must practice the PTW to ensure

safe system of work.
Movement of Workers, site staff, and All drivers are already 1. Must built separate routes for 1. 2 month Supervisor
people and visitors. informed about the speed limit moving vehicles and pedestrians (3)
vehicles in at the site. on construction sites to reduce
workplace. Without using separate the chance of an accident. 2. 1 week
pathways for vehicles Signboards of speed limits are Financial
Workers and and pedestrians, the installed. 2. Must install the roadside mirrors manager
trucks are chance of collision at blind spots to avoid accidents. 3. 1 week (1,2,4)
using the increases which can Flashlights are installed in the
same routes cause serious injuries, working area. 3. Appoint the banksman on the
for movement including leg, arm working site who guides the driver 4. 2 weeks Safety Officer
on the fractures, head injuries, to the point of loading and (5,6)
workplace. and other serious unloading, which reduces the
medical conditions, chance of an accident. 5. 1 month
which lead to permanent
disability or death. 4. Must provide communication
devises to worker and supervisor 6. 1 week
to communicate with each other
to make save movement on
working site.

5. Proper training must be provided

to the workers and drivers to
ensure safe system of work at the

6. High visibility vest must be used

for clear vision to avoid the

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
Manual Workers involved in the Frequent breaks already 1. Forklift trucks must be provided 1. 2 months Finance
handling activity. provided to the worker to for shifting iron bars from storage Manager
reduce the risk associated area to working area to eliminate 2. 2 weeks (1,2)
Workers are Manual handling can with manual handling. manual handling.
shifting heavy cause severe injuries 2. Must provide trolleys for shifting 3. 1 week Supervisor
iron bars from such as muscle damage, Proper job rotation policy has iron bars from storage to working (3,4,5,7,8)
storage area back pain, joint been implemented to the area. 4. 1 week
to cutting area. dislocation, worker to minimize the risk 3. Increasing the numbers of HSE manager
musculoskeletal disorder, associated with manual workers so that risk exposure can 5. 1 week (6)
cuts, severe back issues, handling. be minimized.
upper limb disorder, and 4. Shift storage area near working 6. 1 month Project
hernia and could lead to Safety shoes and gloves are area to reduced distance so that manager
the disability. already provided to the risk can be reduced. 7. 1 week (9)
workers. 5. Only physically fit workers must
be allowed to work manually. 8. 1 week
6. Proper training must be given to
workers so that they can handle 9. 6 months
risk condition.
7. Proper supervision must be
provided in working area to avoid
8. Unobstructed and even walkways
must be provided to workers to
minimize the tripping hazards.
9. Proper health surveillance must
be given to the workers to check
physical health of the workers.
Slips and The workers, visitors and Slip hazard Safety signs have 1. Maintenance of the leaked water 1. 1 week Supervisor
trips other staff members. already been installed on the tank must be done to prevent the (1,2,3,4,5,7)
workplace. workers from slip hazard. 2. 1 week
There is water Those workers who walk 2. Spill tray must be placed under
spillage due to in that area can slip on Workers are provided proper the leaked water tank to collect 3. 1 day
water tank the floor due to water the leaked water to reduce the HSE Officer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? doing? required? further actions to person’s job
hazard be completed title
(within …)
leakage on spillage on walkways. It safety shoes and helmets. slip hazard. 4. 1 day (6)
walkways. may result in injuries 3. Working area must be properly
such as fracture, barricaded to avoid the 5. 1 week
disability, back injuries, unauthorized entry.
spinal cord injuries, 4. There must be proper 6. 1 month
broken injuries, head housekeeping of the working site
injuries, fatal injuries and so that accident risk can be 7. 1 week
death. reduced.
5. There must be proper supervision
of workplace area. So that slip
and trips hazards can be
6. Worker must be properly trained
how to handle this type of risk.
7. Area must be properly inspected
before starting work so that risk of
accident can be minimized.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial Moral Arguments: -
arguments It is the moral duty of employer to protect the workers from the risks of foreseeable injury at the
workplace. Workers come and work to earn money to meet their living expenses and to support
their families and their families depend upon them. There are some legal obligations from the ILO
on the employer that an employer must protect his workers from ill health and injury, and must
provide safe workplace and equipment. When a worker gets injured or ill health, his family will face
some financial issues. The co-workers and friends also affected by this kind of accident on the
workplace and their morale will be jolted. Our society does not accept it and demands that the
employer must care about the health of the employees and they would not be affected by any
hazard present on the workplace.
Financial Argument: -
Whenever the injury or ill health occurs to the worker in the workplace, it will make impact on the
financial resources of the employer, these financial loss to the employer can be cost associated
with the first aid treatment e.g., first aid cost, transport expenses, medical treatments e.g., hospital,
Doctor fee, and medicine cost. The employer also has to give the worker the sick pay in case of
bed rest or stay at home. He also has to hire and train a new worker. The equipment, raw material
and infrastructure can be lost in case of accident so he has to pay the cost of their repair and
replacement. He also has to pay legal fees and have to pay worker compensation. The productivity
and the reputation of the organization could be lost and the employer has to face high insurance
premium due to accidents.

Legal arguments: -
 It is employer legal responsibility to provide safe work environment and equipment for

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workers as per International Labour Organization ILO C155 and R164.
 For non-compliance of rules and regulations or unsafe condition could have consequences
on employer or official concerned, enforcement authority can issue improvement notice for
that work, can issue prohibition notice, fines, could seal working site or prosecute individual
as per law.
 If any employer did not follow the rules and laws, he shell be prosecuted and imprisonment
and sentenced to jail.
 Worker could initiate a civil suit in civil court of law against the company demanding
compensation which the company is bound to pay by law under court order.

Justification for action-1

Must built separate routes for moving vehicles and pedestrians on construction sites to reduce the
chance of an accident. (Hazard Category: Movement of people and vehicle in the workplace)
According to the International Labour Organization convention (ILO) C155-Occupational
Specific legal arguments
Safety and Health (Article 16) states that ‘’the employer must ensure safe workplace, equipment
and machinery to the workers for their safety and no risk to the health as for as possible and
practicable. International Labour Organization Publication (ILO) A Guide for Labour Inspector
and other Stakeholders section Vehicle in the workplace states that employer must ensure and
provide the separate routes for Pedestrian and Vehicle where possible. ILO COP Safety and
Health in the use of machinery (section 8.4.3) states that “mobile machinery should, if possible,
be segregated from pedestrians and appropriate warnings and safe access routes should be
Furthermore, the Government of Pakistan is obliged to ratifying, implementing and enforcing all
relevant convention and recommendation of ILO under Pakistan OHS Act, 2018.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of the accident is very likely because the people and vehicles are using same route
for their movement all day. As they use same routs for all the day so there is a chance of collision
between people and vehicles resulting injuries. I set up the categories when suggesting the severity
in the following way:
 Minimal: No injury or damage occur.
 Minor: Injury occurs requiring the first aid treatment and unimportant damage to the
equipment and machinery.
 Major: Injury happened requiring hospital treatment, recovery time and/or noticeable
damage to the equipment and machinery.
 Fatal: Injury causing disability or even death, and loss of equipment, machinery and

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The severity of the hazard is set to major and fatal because the injuries from the incident will
requires urgent hospitalization even lead to the death. These injuries include broken bones,
amputation of arms, legs, ribs fracture, head injury, permanent disability and death.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Construction of separate routes for the people and vehicle will reduce the risk of accident. Separate
controlling the risk. This should include:
routes means that pedestrian movement is restricted to pedestrian walkways. Both people and
 the intended impact of the action; vehicle have their own separate routes of movement. This will reduce the chance of collision
 justification for the timescale that you between people and vehicles.
indicated in your risk assessment; And as for as timescale is concerned that it will take 2 months because this is the matter of finance.
and First, we have to see if there is any budget for it or not. If yes, then allocation of budget will take
 whether you think the action will fully time. And then contractor will be hired who will segregate the routes, maybe it requires new roads
control the risk. construction or any alteration to the current setup.I hope the action will be completed in given time.
This action will effectively and fully control the risk of collision as the movement will be segregated.
Justification for action-2
Separate storage area should be built for the combustible material to segregate from welding
activity to eliminate the chance of fire. (Hazard Category: Fire)
Specific legal arguments According to ILO Convention C 155- “Occupational Safety and Health” Article 16 which states
that, “Employers shall be required to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the chemical,
physical, biological substances and agents under their control are without risk to health when the
appropriate measures of protection are taken”.
International labour organisation health in construction (section 167 article 29) state that
employer shall take appropriate measure to avoid the risk of fire, compact quickly and efficiently
any outbreak of fire, and bring about a quick and safe evacuation of person and sufficient and
suitable storage shell be provided for flammable liquid, solids and gases.
According to the code of practice of the international labour organisation health in construction
section 3.6 states that welding flame cutting and other hot work should only be done on the order
of the commitment safety supervisor after the appropriate precautions as required are taken to
reduce the risk of fire.
According to the Pakistan factory act 1934, section 25 state that every factory shall be provided
with such mean of escape in case of fire as may be prescribed.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood of this hazard is very likely because the workers are involved in welding activity in the

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presence of combustible material nearby. The welding sparks can fall over the material and it is
high chance of getting fire in the area.
When suggesting the severity, we will follow this table.
Negligible: No injury or damage happened.
Minor: Minor damage like minor abrasion, cuts, cramps, minor damage to equipment or machinery.
Major: Non-fatal injury, demanding the hospital treatment, significant damage to equipment and
Fatal: Disability, death, loss of property, machinery, and equipment.
The severity of this hazard is major and fatal. The injuries worker will suffer from will require
immediate hospital treatment. Injuries may also lead to fatality. These injuries include skin burn,
body burn, rashes on the skin and death. Loss of property and material is another factor.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Segregating the combustible material by building a separate room from the area of welding working
controlling the risk. This should include:
is on-going by doing this we can reduce the chance of fire, and welders will work securely and
 the intended impact of the action; efficiently, and the combustible material will be taken out of the area.
 justification for the timescale that you I have given the time scale for this action as 1 month because a separate area will be built and
indicated in your risk assessment; need a budget and approved from the finance manager. I am hoping this time will be enough for
and this action and will be completed on time.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk. This action will reduce the risk of fire as well as other control like shielding the welding area.
Applying these controls, I think the risk will be fully control.

Justification for action-3

Must replace the damaged cable of the drill and cutting machine with double insulated and high
standard to avoid the chance of accident. (Hazard category: Electricity)
Specific legal arguments ILO Convention: According to ILO Convention C155- Article 16 states that employers shall be
required to ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable the workplaces machinery equipment
and processes under their control are safe and without risk to health’’

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ILO code of practice ‘’safety and health in use of machinery’’ (Section 6.1) Where machinery
has an electricity supply it should be the relevant sections should be used by employers to assess
whether machinery, they are select and use or modify is fit for purpose and suitable for the specific
working environment and in these conditions have suitable.
Pakistan OHS act 2018. According to the Pakistan OHS act 2018 The Government of Pakistan
is obliged for the ratification, implementation and enforcement of all relevant convention and
Recommendation of International Labor Organization (ILO).
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of the hazard electricity is very likely because the several workers are carrying out
the drilling for 6 hours daily with damaged wire without any protection and damaged wire making
high chance of short circuit to body drillers.
To suggest the severity, I referred the following table.
 Negligible; no injury, harm or damaged happened
 Minor; first aid needed, auto trip electrical circuit, insignificant damage to
equipment and material
 Major; injury need to hospitalised, urgently first aid, significant damaged to
material, equipment and machinery
 Fatal; Disability, death, loss of infrastructure, property, equipment and
The severity for hazard electricity is set major and fatal because worker need hospital treatment
and could lead to be fatal such as complete body burn, loss of body organ, tissues damages, and
loss of body part, disability and death.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Replacing of damaged wire with the new, high standard and double insulated wire will reduce the
controlling the risk. This should include:
chance of shock. This action will make the machine safer to work and worker will work more
 the intended impact of the action; efficiently and effectively without a risk.
 justification for the timescale that you I have given the timescale for replacing the damage wire 1 week because changing wire need
indicated in your risk assessment; budget, approval from the financial manager i hope this will enough of compilation of action.
 whether you think the action will fully This action will reduce the chance of electric shock as well as other action such as GFCI bracers.
control the risk. I think this action is appropriate to control the risk of shock because if we change the damage, the
risk will be eliminated and there no chance of shock.

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with As per the legal requirement and company’s policy the risk assessment can be review after every
reasoning 12 months. So, I set my date of review which is 9th June, 2023. If there are following changes
occur, the risk assessment will also be reviewed.
 Change in management.
 Change in shift or number of workers.
 Change in legislation.
 Change in workplace.
 Change in technology and process.
How the risk assessment findings will be
communicated AND who you need to tell Firstly to all i will arrange a meeting with responsible person along with Project Manager and will
share the my risk assessment at their project site, I will also manage meeting with Finance
Manager on my risk assessment, I will discuss with them about my report effectiveness existing
control measure and future control measure. There is two useful way in construction site Email and
Intranet message and most in what’s up group which are intranet source of information sharing, I
will share these finding with onsite supervisors and foremen and worker through toolbox talk and I
will place a copy of the report on notice board for their easy access. I will also share the risk
assessment on the company’s website.

How you will follow up on the risk I will set the reminder on my personal dairy or mobile of 1 week before I visit to the site to check the
assessment to check that the actions progress whether they are implemented or not if there is any delay progress, I will check the reason
have been carried out behind it. If there is any resources and budget issues, I will request the finance manager to make
availability of budget and resources and if there are more works which have further time to
complete then I will meet with a responsible person and project manager to ask them to help out to
complete the action on time and handle this works to complete them.

Learner number: Learner name: Page 18 of 18

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