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Allied School Sargodha Road Campus Fsd

Unit 1 Elephants
Lesson # 1 Home Work
Creative writing: Paste the picture of Zoo and write about it. Word bank is given to the

Tickets, reptiles, cage, gathered, swinging, feats, riding, camel, lion, Suzi elephant, snakes,
enjoyed, ice-cream, happiest day

Topic: Revenge (Fiction)

Words Synonyms
jammed blocked
evidently apparently
succulent juicy
forage Search for food
split divide
panic became afraid
chatter noise
shackled bound
upheavel disturbance/sudden change
sparse Scanty/light

Reading for understanding

Q 1: What had the elephant handlers done after the young man had been buried?
Ans: They began to flee, along with their elephants.
Q 2:How had Shwe Doke, the dead man’s elephant, been behaving?
Ans: The elephant was restless, nervous, flapping her ears and clawing the air with the tip of
her trunk.
Q 3: What had the hsin_ouq done to ensure that Shwe Doke did not break free?
Ans: He used heavy towing chains instead of the light fetters.
Q 4:What were the first signs that a storm was approaching?
Ans: With the approach of evening, the clouds began to mass and the sky was completely
Q 5: Why was the hsin_ouq so sure that Shwe Doke had been freed by a human hand?
Ans: As he was not able to hear the towing chains dragging with her foot, he said that she
must have been freed by a human.
Q 6:Explain exactly what happened between Shwe Doke moving towards the tai and
McKay_thakin shooting her.
Ans: McKay_thakin had heard the bells of the elephant. He came out with a rifle. Shwe Doke
went near the tai and examined the structure and charged for demolition.
Q 7: Explain exactly how Shwe Doke and McKay-thakin died.
Ans: Shwe Doke died by the bullet that McKay himself was crushed under the falling body of
the elephant.
Q 8: What did the storyteller and the hsin_ouq see next to the huge footmark of Shwe Doke?
Ans: They saw a human foot print.

Creativity: Make sentences of the following words.

Sparse, forage, jammed, succulent, shackled,

Grammar: Verb aspect in the past (The past perfective) Read pg #8 carefully then write
down five more examples of the past perfective from the text.

Speaking & Listening: Make a discussion about Suzi Elephant who died in Lahore zoo in 2017.

Dialogue between two students ( about Zoo)

Note: Student’s spoken should be in English when you make a discussion.

Quiz about lesson.

Q1: What is fiction?
Ans: The type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not
based on real people and facts.
Q2: Where did the story ‘Revenge’ take place?
Ans: In the teak forests of Burma.
Q3: Who is Shwe Doke?
Ans: Elephant’s name.
Q4: For which purpose elephants were used?
Ans: To unblock the jam.
Q5: When did the storyteller begin his story?
Ans: Just after buried the storyteller’s nephew.
Q6: Who is McKay?
Ans: He is an English overseer.
Unit 2 War and Peace
Lesson # 1 Home Work
Creative writing: Write about your religious festivals.
Topic: A Christmas Story (Fiction)
Words Synonyms
crisp fresh
trench A long narrow ditch
Junk shop A shop selling used goods
huddle Crowd together
parapet A low wall
renovate Embellish
terrible Horrible
rousing Exciting
coral A Christmas song
cello A musical instrument

Reading for understanding

Q1: What was the significance of the white flag?
Ans: White flag is the symbol of peace. It meant that they did not want to fight at the time.
Q2: What were the colours of the German and the British uniforms?
Ans: Germans wore grey colour and the British wore khaki.
Q3: Why did Jim tell his men to keep their heads down?
Ans: He was afraid that it might be a trick and the Germans would start shooting.
Q4: Why did Jim not stop his men walking out into no_man’s_lands?
Ans: As he also liked this atmosphere of peace and goodwill so he did not stop them.
Q5: What activities did the British and German soldiers share on that Christmas morning?
Ans: They smoked, joked, talked, drank, ate and played a football match together.
Q6: What was the significance of the breaths of Jim and Hans ‘mingling in the air’ between
Ans: It showed that as their breaths mingled and came together, they also could live together
in peace.

Creativity: Make sentences of the following words.

Lid, terrible, waving, warmly, symbol,
Speaking & Listening: Make a discussion about different festivals. Like Eid-Fitar, Eid- Azha, Eid

Note: Student’s spoken should be in English when you make a discussion.

Quiz about lesson.

Q1: Who were Tommies?
Ans: Tommies were British soldiers.
Q2: Who were Fritz?
Ans: Name of German soldiers.
Q3: When did First World War start and end?
Ans: The Frist World War lasted from August 1914 until November 1918.
Q4: Who wrote this letter?
Ans: Jim wrote this letter.
Q5: What is the full name of Jim?
Ans: Captain Jim Macpherson.
Q6: Before war what was the profession of Jim?
Ans: Jim was a school teacher.
Q7: What is the name of Fritz officer?
Ans: Hans wolf
Q8: Had Hans any child?
Ans: Hans had a son, just six months old.
Q9: What is Marzipan?
Ans: Almond and sugar layered cake or traditional Christmas cake.
Q10: In the end what did they want?
Ans: They wanted to live in peace.

Choose the correct answer.

Which colour of flag is waving?

a) Red b) white c) green
Who are Fritz?
a) Germans b) Spanish c) British
What occasion they celebrated together?
a) Ester day b) New year c) Christmas day
Who was the school teacher from Dorset?
a) Hans Wolf b) Captain Jim c) Private Morris
‘ A Christmas Story’ is about Christmas _______.
a) night b) evening c) morning
Hans Wolf’s favorite was __________.
a) T.S Eliot b) Thomas Hardy c) sergeant
They played a ________ match.
a) hockey b) football c) cricket
The First world War lasted from _____ until _______.
a) 1914, 1918 b) 1915, 1919 c) 1916, 1920
The date printed on letter was ________.
a) Dec 25th b)Dec 26th c) Dec 27th
Thomas Hardy was a _________ writer.
a) English b) American c) German
How many children Hans Wolf had?
a) Three b) Two c) One
White flag is a symbol of _______.
a) war b) peace c) disorder
‘Renovate’ means ________.
a) damage b) ruin c) decorate
Unit 2 War and Peace
Lesson # 2 Home Work
Creative writing: Write about different Wars.
Topic: The Battle of Panipat, 1526 (Non-fiction)

Words Synonyms
subdue to bring under control
Exasperated irritated
incite Provoke
subjugate To conquer
strategist Careful planner
cavalry Soldiers who fight on horse back
decapitate Behead
harass Pester and annoy
pillage Robbing especially in war
stampeded Ran off/ sudden rush of frightened
animals or people
Reading for understanding
Q:1 What was Babur’s purpose in marching on Delhi?
Ans: He wanted to defeat Ibrahim Lodhi once and for all.
Q:2 Why were the Turkish gunners so useful to Babur?
Ans: They were useful as they had mastered the art of using cannons in warfare.
Q:3 By how many men was Babur outnumbered by Ibrahim Lodhi?
Ans: Ibrahim Lodhi had about 100,000 soldiers whereas Babur had only about 15000. He was
outnumbered by 85,000 men.
Q:4 How were the cavalry and archers important to the battle?
Ans: They were important for encircling and destroying Ibrahim Lodhi’s army.
Q:5 What did Babur want to prevent happening in Agra and Delhi?
Ans: He wanted to protect treasure from pillage of his own troops.
Q:6 Why did Ibrahim Lodhi find it impossible to make an attack with his elephants?
Ans: His elephants were frightened by the noise of gunfire and stampeded.

Creativity: Make sentences of the following words.

Decapitate, stampeded, harass, proclaim, assault,
Speaking & Listening: Make a discussion about different Wars. Like First World War, 2nd
World War, Great War 1858, War 1965, War 1971

Note: Student’s spoken should be in English when you make a discussion.

Quiz about lesson.

Q1: What is non-fiction?
Ans: Writing that is about real events and facts.
Q2: Who were the leaders of this battle?
Ans: Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi.
Q3: Why did Babur want to march on Delhi?
Ans: Once more, he wanted to conquer Lahore.
Q4: How many soldiers had Babur?
Ans: 15,000 soldiers.
Q5: How many soldiers did Ibrahim have?
Ans: 100,000 soldiers.
Q6: Where did this battle take place?
Ans: In the village of Panipat.
Q7: When did Ibrahim Lodhi attack?
Ans: On the morning of 21 April 1526.
Q8: Why were elephants frightened?
Ans: By the noise od gunfire.
Q9: Who was the winner of this battle?
Ans: Babur.
Q10: What was the name of Babur’s son?
Ans: Humayun.
Q11: What was the age of Babur’s son?
Ans: seventeen
Q12: Where did he send his son?
Ans: Agra
Q13: After battle why did he march on Delhi?
Ans: To protect the treasure and proclaiming himself Padishah of Hindustan.
Q14: Who gave the Koh-i-noor to humayun?
Ans: Ruling family of Gwalior.
Q15: What was the value of Koh-i-noor?
Ans: ‘the whole world’s expenditure for half a day’.

Choose the correct answer.

The battle of Panipat was held in ________.
a) 1522 b) 1526 c) 1527
At Agra, Babur was greeted by ________?
a) Humayun b) Ibrahim c) Shah Jahan
Babur had only ________ men?
a) 14,000 b) 15,000 c) 16,000
The elephants were frightened by the noise of _________.
a) cannons b) gunfire c) pistols
The village of Panipat is situated in _______.
a) Mumbi b) Kolkata c) Delhi
Ibrahim Lodhi had about _________ men.
a) 100,000 b) 200,000 c) 300,0000
On the ______ morning, Ibrahim started the attack.
a) 27 April b) 25 April c) 21 April
Babur sent his son to _________.
a) Mumbi b) Delhi c) Agra
Babur’s son was only ________years old.
a) 17 b) 18 c) 19
Humayun presented the conqueror with diamond called _________ .
a) Yaqoot b) koh-i-noor c) Granite
‘Incite’ means _______.
a) restrain b) provoke c) discourage
‘Decapitate’ means ________.
a) killing b) cutting c) behead

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