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CIVL 4171

Pipeline, Platform and

Subsea Technology

Mooring Design of Floating Platforms

Mooring Design

1. Mooring review
• Hull type natural frequencies
• Line types
• Mooring arrangements
• Anchor solutions
2. Mooring analysis
3. Static analysis example
Mooring Review
Hull type Vs. Wave period
Mooring Review

Single mooring line


Mooring chain
(Catenary shape)

Anchor here: Taut catenary

Anchor here: Slack catenary (grounded portion)

Anchor for drilling (temporary): Drag

Anchors for production (permanent): Drag, Pile, Gravity,
Suction Caisson
Mooring Review

Hybrid lines possible (production


Chain used in high

wear regions

Use of wire rope makes

overall line lighter (reduces
tensions at platform)
Mooring Review

Mooring line types

Steel chain

Wire rope

Fibre rope
Mooring Review
Mooring arrangements - SPM
Mooring Review
Mooring arrangements - SPM

Spread mooring
anchor line
patterns used to
hold floating
offshore vessels
on station
Mooring Review

Anchor options for production vessel

Embedment anchors
Floating System Analysis

Main Methods of Analysis:

1. Simplified Quasi-Static Methods as per

-Suitable for preliminary design

2. Dynamic Analysis
-Frequency Domain, Time Domain
numerical solutions
Design Criteria /
Primary Considerations:
• Operations considerations 8 Leg Equispaced
– Mooring / Riser interface = offset
limitations (eg 10% - 20% water
– Directional Offsets
– Number of Risers / Heading
• Wire / Chain combinations depending
upon mooring depth, loads etc… Mooring
• Pretension affected by allowable
3 x 3 System

Design Cases

Basic Load Cases

– Intact (all lines intact)
– Damaged (one line broken)
– Transient (motions after 1 line breaks)

ÎLoad cases have different Factors of Safety

Line Tension

• Catenary equation
Th ⎛ ⎛ wx ⎞ ⎞
z+h = ⎜ cosh ⎜ ⎟ − 1⎟
w⎝ ⎝ Th ⎠ ⎠
• Maximum tension

Tmax = Th + wh
• Suspended (Minimum) length
lmin = g 2 max − 1 T- line tension (N)
h – water depth (m)
w – line weight in water (N/m)
Minimum anchor line length
Added to the minimum line length l, is a safety length D (resting on the seabed),
which depends on the type of line: D = 200-300m for wire rope lines & 50-
100m for chain anchor lines. This extra length precludes any risk of application
of vertical forces to the anchor and contributes to the holding power of the
anchoring system by friction of the line on the seabed.
Minimum anchor line length (cont’d)
The minimum length of an anchor line may be obtained from a formula related
to the properties of the catenary – with the assumption the mooring line can not
l = minimum length of anchor line
h = hm + hc
hc = height of fairlead above water line
Or hm = water depth
p = weight of submerged line per unit length
FH = horizontal force at the line at the fairlead
T = tension in the line at the fairlead
Θ = angle made by the line with the horizontal at the fairlead level

If the axial stiffness (EA) of the wire or rope were included the catenary equations would
be slightly modified. Here EA ~ ∞.

T = FH2 + FV2 FV = pl

(d = 50mm)
Load-excursion relation

(Axial stiffness not included, EA ~ ∞)

FH ⎛ pl ⎞ F ⎛ pl ⎞ F F
X − X0 = sinh −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − H0 sinh −1 ⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ − h 2 H + 1 + h 2 H0 + 1
p ⎝ FH ⎠ p ⎝ FH0 ⎠ ph ph

FH − FH 0 X-X0
K= Horizontal Stiffness of response
X − X0
FH0 = Horizontal force at which line length = l0
and horizontal coordinate = X0
FH = Horizontal force at which line length = l
and horizontal coordinate = X
l l0

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