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Entrepreneurship 1b: Make

Your Idea a Reality

Unit 3 Critical Thinking Questions

1. Please answer the following questions using what you learned in the Lessons.
Be sure to review the scoring rubric at the end of the assignment to see how you
will be graded.
2. After you complete the questions, save this document to your computer with a
new custom name, like “Last_Name Unit 3 Critical Thinking Questions”. Saving
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4. Please reach out to your teacher if you have any questions.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Discuss the different types of organizational charts. Provide examples to illustrate their
various uses.
2. Discuss the internal organization of a business and the assignment of tasks to be
3. Describe the role of operations and organization in growing a business.
4. Describe appropriate ways in which to fire or dismiss an employee.
5. Describe the stages of the recruiting and hiring process, and explain the ways in which
recruiting includes a degree of marketing.


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There are three primary categories of organizational charts: hierarchical, matrix,
and flat. hierarchical, matrix, and flat.

 Hierarchical organizational charts are the very common type. They show

the hierarchy of an organization, with the CEO at the top, followed by other
senior executives, managers, and employees. Hierarchical charts are useful
for understanding the chain of command and who reports to whom.
 Matrix organizational charts illustrate the process through which staff
members are given responsibilities for various projects or activities.
Employees in a matrix organization may report to two or more managers,
depending on the nature of the project that they are working on at any one
time. Matrix charts are helpful for companies that need to be able to swiftly
modify their strategies in response to shifting requirements and initiatives.
 Flat organizational charts have few or no levels of management. In a flat
structure, employees have more autonomy and responsibility, and they are
more likely to collaborate with each other. Flat charts are useful for small
organizations that need to be nimble and responsive.

Here are some examples of how different types of organizational charts can be

 A hierarchical chart might be used by a large corporation to show the chain

of command between the CEO and the rest of the employees.
 A matrix chart might be used by a marketing agency to show how
employees are assigned to different projects.
 A flat chart might be used by a small startup to show how employees
collaborate on different tasks.


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The internal organization of a business is how it is set up to reach its goals. The
division of jobs is the process of deciding who will do what in a group. There are
many ways to organize a business. Some common elements that influence the
selection of organizational structure include the size of the business, the type of
industry, and the company's culture.

One common way to organize a business is by function. In a functional

organization, employees are grouped together based on their skills and expertise.
For example, a company might have a marketing department, a sales department,
and an operations department.

Another common way to organize a business is by product or service. In a product-

or service-based organization, employees are grouped together based on the
products or services that they provide. For example, a company might have a
division that sells software, a division that sells hardware, and a division that
provides customer support.

The assignment of tasks is important because it helps to ensure that the right
people are doing the right things. It also helps to avoid repetition of effort and to
ensure that every person is working towards the identical goals.

There are many different factors to consider when assigning tasks, such as the
skills and experience of the employees, the importance of the task, and the time
constraints involved.


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Operations and organization are two of the most important factors in growing a
business. A well-organized business with efficient operations is more likely to be
successful than a business that is disorganized and inefficient.

Operations is the term for how a business makes its things or provides its services.
It includes everything from buying raw materials to sending out finished goods.
Organization refers to the pathway in which a business is structured and managed.
It includes everything from the hierarchy of the company to the way in which
employees are assigned tasks.

Both operations and organization are essential for the success of a business. A
well-organized business with efficient operations is more likely to be able to meet
customer demand, produce high-quality products or services, and stay ahead of the


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Firing or dismissing an employee is never an easy task. It is important to handle
the situation in a professional and respectful manner, even if the employee is being
terminated for poor performance or misconduct.

There are a few things to keep in mind when firing or dismissing an employee:

 Be prepared. Before you fire or dismiss an employee, make sure that you
have all your ducks in a row. This includes having a clear understanding of
the reasons for the termination, as well as having all of the necessary
documentation in order.
 Be professional. Even if you are angry or upset with the employee, it is
important to remain professional throughout the termination process. This
means speaking respectfully to the employee and avoiding any personal
 Be compassionate. It is important to remember that the employee is losing
their job, which can be a difficult and stressful experience. Be
compassionate and understanding and offer the employee any assistance that
you can.


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The recruiting and hiring process is a series of steps that businesses take to find
and hire qualified employees. The process typically includes the following stages:

1. Identify the need. The first step in hiring a new employee is to realize that
you need one. This could be because of growth, development, or turnover.
2. Define the role. Once it's clear that you need a new employee, the next step
is to describe the job. This means figuring out the job title, duties, and
3. Write a job description. The job description is a written record that
explains the duties and skills for a particular job. It is a key tool for getting
suitable people to apply.
4. Post the job. Once the job description has been written, the next step is to
post the job. This can be done online, in newspapers, or through job boards.
5. Screen applicants. Once the job has been posted, the next step is to screen
applicants. This may involve reviewing resumes, conducting phone
interviews, or scheduling in-person interviews.
6. Make an offer. The next step is to make an offer once a suitable candidate
has been found. This means talking about pay, perks, bonuses, and when to
7. Onboard the new employee. The last step in the hiring process is to bring
the new employee on board. This includes giving them training, resources,
and help.

Recruiting is a marketing activity because it involves attracting qualified

candidates to a business. The job description, the way the job is posted, and the
interview process are all marketing tools that can be used to attract the right

Here are some tips for recruiting effectively:

 Make sure that the job description is correct and up to date. Candidates will
first see the job description, so it's important to make sure it's correct and up
to date.
 Post the job in the right places. There are a variety of places to post jobs, so
it's important to post the job in the right places to reach the target audience.
 Screen applicants carefully. It's important to screen applicants carefully to
make sure that they have the skills and experience necessary for the job.
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 Make an offer that is competitive. The offer should be competitive with
other offers in the market.
 Onboard the new employee effectively. The onboarding process should be
well-planned and executed to ensure that the new employee is successful.

By following these tips, businesses can improve their recruiting efforts and attract
the best candidates.

Your teacher will use this rubric to evaluate the completeness of your work as well as
the clarity of thinking you exhibit.

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Total Points: 100


 Completes all components of the questions.

Full Credit  Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts.
 Answers in complete sentences.

 Completes some components of the questions.

Partial Credit
You may be asked to  Demonstrates some understanding of the relevant concepts.
redo the assignment.  Answers mostly in complete sentences.

 Does not complete most components of the questions.

No Credit  Demonstrates minimal understanding of the relevant concepts.
You may be asked to
 Answers in incomplete sentences.
redo the assignment.
 Answers are plagiarized.

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