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Different ways you can use sports in Ethical and Moral behaviour to a group of trainees you are


Ethical Coaching Practices

Applying ethical coaching practices can make a huge impact on an athletics program, especially
when it involves athletes who small age groups.

 By focusing holistically on the development of minor athletes, coaches help them reach their
greatest potential within the sport.
 By setting developmentally appropriate goals and planning strategically, coaches can empower
minor athletes to succeed.
 By identifying and modeling ethical behaviors in a sport, coaches can prepare students to
respond appropriately during practices and competitions.
 By creating safe, respectful environments free of abuse, coaches create the conditions for minor
athletes to learn from their mistakes and build confidence.
 By paying attention to the wellness of minor athletes and their body structures, coaches can help
prevent injuries and advise students on good nutrition and other practices that can help them stay

Social and Ethical Issues in Sports

Larger social concerns often present as ethical issues in sports. Some of these concerns which
coaches and sports administrators must address include:

Gender Equity — Some young female athletes still report having fewer opportunities to
participate in the sports of their choice, and receiving less recognition for the sports they do
participate in.

Bullying — The prevalence of bullying has gained attention in recent years. A number of hazing
incidents in interscholastic sports have highlighted the need for athletic departments to be
vigilant and develop comprehensive prevention plans.
There should be developed national standards that can help coaches and sport administrators
build more ethical sports programs. The strategies may include:

 Embrace a philosophy that focuses on developing the whole athlete.

 Create goals that address the physical, behavioral, and social development of student-athletes.
 Ensure the sports program matches community needs, athlete needs, and established rules and
 Teach and model established codes of conduct.
 Cultivate an environment that rewards effort and learning.
 Encourage the participation of all athletes regardless of their backgrounds by using these ideas,
athletic programs can:
o Improve the quality of student performance
o Reduce violence
o Lower the number of injuries
o Build a greater sense of community
o Strengthen teamwork

Just as sports can promote ethical values, they can also promote the opposite. Coaches can
expect their athletes to mimic the behaviors they teach or reward. If coaches teach players that
they can benefit from disrespecting rules, athletes will commit more violations. However, if
coaches reward athletes for fair play and good sportsmanship, players are more likely to respect
themselves, other players, officials, and the rules of the game.

When it comes to coaching, first and foremost a coach should encourage good sportsmanship.
Especially when coaching children, it is important for coaches to remember that children look
to coaches as role models. Coaches must impart positive values to children along with rigorous
athletic training. Coaches need to promote high standards of integrity while supplying a team-
first atmosphere. Ensure that the focus is on learning important skills both on and off the field
while also working towards a common goal.

There are several important pieces of advice that all coaches should keep in mind when working
to promote sportsmanship.

1. Promote Integrity

Most people have experienced the discomfort that comes with competing against someone who
sacrifices integrity in the name of victory. When it comes to young athletes, promoting integrity
should remain at the forefront of every athletic competition. Therefore, a coach should encourage
a team to always play within the rules. Never encourage athletes to perform morally or legally
questionable actions during gameplay. Furthermore, if a call goes the way of your team when
you are certain that it should go in favor of the other team, step up and say so. Set a positive
example for athletes by preserving integrity as the highest priority. By setting a positive example,
athletes will learn to respect the game instead of trying to win by sacrificing morals. Encouraging
integrity on the field will also translate to positive character development off of the field.

2. Minimize Selfish Actions

A coach should work to minimize braggadocios behavior. Do not allow athletes to get away with
taunting or showboating for big plays. The NFL is a perfect example of a professional sports
organization cracking down on disrespectful celebration. These celebrations include using props,
such as cell phones and footballs, offensive gestures, and group celebrations. While kids take
after professional athletes who may behave this way, remind children that they should celebrate
in a responsible and respectful manner. A neutral gesture, such as the Cam Newton Superman
pose, is acceptable, but disparaging celebrations go too far. Encourage players to focus on team
success and respectful celebration instead of offensive or choreographed group celebrations.

3. Respect Referees

It is common for children to see professional athletes confronting referees and officials for
calling fouls, strikes, and penalties. When kids look around the stands, they may even see parents
going after refs. While children may want to follow in these actions, remind children that
officials are there to encourage fairness to all players while protecting the players on the field.
Encourage players to address concerns with referees in a way that doesn’t embarrass the referee.
This includes avoiding offensive language or gestures directed at officials. Players should start
by approaching refs with a calm question that does not accuse the ref of bias. Coaches should
remind players that this has a higher chance of having their concerns addressed. Coaches should
remember to set a positive example for players in their own interactions with refs. Use a neutral
tone when addressing referees that show players how to communicate their point respectfully to

4. Encourage Teamwork

One of the most important aspects of sports is the development of teamwork. Whether in sports
or in life, kids need to learn to work with others to achieve a common goal. Make sure
to positively reinforce these values by encouraging the players to work together. Encourage
players to help their teammates who might be struggling or to work with kids who might be left
out. Children often make mistakes both on and off the field. While correcting mistakes is
important, it is vital that coaches do not embarrass players by calling them out individually.

5. Focus On Learning
While the result of games is important, the positive life lessons that kids take away from sports
are even more important. Sports are important for teaching hand-eye coordination, handling a
loss with grace, working with other people, and promoting perseverance. The vital work habits
mentioned above, such as discipline, time management, and commitment, are important to
reinforce during the course of a season. Kids tend to focus on the result of games, just as adults
do. Try to keep their focus on learning important life habits through their participation in sports.
Encourage the children to grow personally as well as work hard for wins.

6. Compliment The Other Team For Great Plays

To encourage respect for the opponent, compliment players on the other team for great
performances. Everyone is capable of showing respect for an impressive demonstration of
athleticism even if it comes against their team. If an outstanding catch is made or amazing
teamwork is displayed, be sure to point this out to players on the other team. This will encourage
a coach’s team to do the same. One team complimenting the other for great plays is one of the
ultimate demonstrations of sportsmanship. Make sure to teach kids to respect the other team by
complimenting players for good plays.

7. Praise A Player For Hustle

A team cannot have success on every play. It is important to not let children get discouraged by
failure. Make sure to praise a player for a great effort even if the result isn’t perfect. If a kid runs
hard and almost beats out an infield base hit, compliment their effort. If a basketball player
makes an impressive steal yet misses the layup, point out the great defensive play. If a punter
lands a punt on the one-yard line and has it roll into the end zone, say it was a nice try. This will
help to foster perseverance by promoting children to put forth their best effort at every
opportunity. Always giving 100% effort is an important tenant of sportsmanship. Encourage kids
to hustle day in and day out.

8. Criticize Constructively and Privately

Sometimes players need to be singled out for poor displays of sportsmanship, lack of effort, or
simply constructive teaching moments; however, never call out a player in front of other people.
Especially when it comes to children, it is only natural that sometimes their emotions get the best
of them or they lose focus and make silly mistakes. Coaches need to control their emotions and
avoid yelling at a player in front of the team. This only serves to cause embarrassment. Instead,
pull the player aside privately and politely explain what went wrong and how to rectify it in the
future. A child will respect that the coach put in the effort to pull them aside privately. This will
generate positive rapport for the coach and help a child grow.

9. Show Deference In Victory And Defeat

Regardless of the outcome, the coach should hold his or her head high, be proud of the effort,
and always compliment the other team on a good game. Learning to be humble in victory and
remain proud during defeat is a tough balance to strike for children. Make sure the players are
respectful in the handshake line with the other team at the end of the game and ensure that the
players do not celebrate excessively after a win. There is a right and wrong way to handle both
victory and defeat. This will encourage the kids to play fairly and enjoy the game

10. Keep It In Perspective

While the game teaches crucial life lessons already discussed, it is also important to remind
children that this is just a game. It is appropriate for players to become passionate during
practices and during games, but make sure that players have interests outside of sports too.
Without a doubt, there are more important issues in life. Remind the athletes that the ability to
play this game is a blessing and children should relish the opportunity. It is more important for
the kids to leave the playing field learning important life lessons about integrity, teamwork, and
good sportsmanship than enjoying a win.

Coaches must always remember the role that they play in affecting the athletes they lead. From
discipline and strategy to teamwork and compromise, every player should look to their coach as
a role model to respect.

The following list of legal duties of coaches-

1. conducting practices and games in a safe physical environment

2. use of current knowledge of proper skills and methods of instruction
3. use of safe and appropriate equipment
4. proper short- and long-term planning
5. proper matching of athletes in practices and games by size, experience and ability
6. provide warnings to parents and athletes of risks inherent in sport participation
7. provision of appropriate emergency care
8. prevent harassment and discrimination by coaching staff and athletes
9. report suspected child abuse to proper authorities
10. respect and protect the confidentiality of student personal records

The range of ethical responsibilities that should be part of all sport programs for our youth.
1. We encourage the development of our youth into productive citizens and to develop their
abilities and attitudes for further learning and success in life.

2. We encourage participation and would like to involve as many students as possible in a

competitive, interscholastic experience.

3. All team members, regardless of ability, will be afforded opportunities to develop their work
ethic, sense of commitment, and social and athletic skills.

4. The athletic program seeks to educate athletes about community support and encourages them
to return that support both now and throughout their lives.

5. The goal is to win, but to win the correct way. Never sacrifice character for wins.

1. Create a healthy and safe emotional environment, free of fear, discrimination, abuse and
harassment. Athletes cannot enjoy their experience without this.

2. Teach and more importantly model good citizenship and sportsmanship. Athletes must
understand your commitment to helping them develop character and moral reasoning.

3. Respect the spirit of a rule as well as the letter of the rule. Respect the difficult job officials
have in enforcing the rules of any game. Taking advantage of rules

to gain an advantage is not ethical. It indicates an unhealthy focus on winning.

4. Be fair in the selection of players for teams and in the allocation of practice and playing time.
Empathize with the young athletes attempting to gain a place on your team.

5. Respect the role of sport in the life of a child and the commitment the athlete has to family,
friends and other interests outside of sport. Athletes must be allowed to experience other sports
as well as to participate in the arts if they desire. Off-season conditioning activities may be
beneficial to a high school athlete, but these activities must be chosen by the athlete and not
dictated in such a way that it limits the freedom of the individual to freely participate in other
activities of interest to the student.

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