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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

A Study on Role of Information Technology in

Healthcare Industry
Priyanka Prajapati
Student of Department of MCA, Late Bhausaheb Hiray Smarnika Samiti Trust Hiray Group of Institutes

Mentor: Prof. Divakar Jha

Abstract: Introduction: Currently, information technology is considered an important tool to improve healthcare services. To adopt the
right technologies, policy makers should have adequate information about present and future advances. This study aimed to review and
compare studies with a focus on the future of health information technology Methods: This review study was completed in 2015. The
databases used were Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, Ovid Medline, and PubMed. Keyword searches were used to identify papers and
materials published between 2000 and 2015. Initially, 407 papers were obtained, and they were reduced to 11 papers at the final stage.
The selected papers were described and compared in terms of the country of origin, objective, methodology, and time horizon. Results:
The papers were divided into two groups: those forecasting the future of health information technology (seven papers) and that
providing health information technology foresight (four papers). The results showed that papers related to forecasting the future of
health information technology were mostly a literature review, and the time horizon was up to 10 years in most of these studies. In the
health information technology foresight group, most of the studies used a combination of techniques, such as scenario building and
Delphi methods, and had long-term objectives.

Keywords: Information Technology, Healthcare Industry

1.Introduction practices for network security. Today‟s patients expect

their data to be secure, and we can help establish your
Healthcare comprises directing and controlling a group of reputation as a trustworthy steward of patient data.
one or more people or entities for the purpose of
coordinating and harmonizing that group towards Scope
accomplishing a goal. Healthcare often encompasses the
deployment and manipulation of human resources, Information technology has the potential to substantially
financial resources, technological resources, and natural improve healthcare by bringing decision support to the
resources. Indian healthcare Industry is growing at 12% point of care, by providing vital links and by allowing
annually, according to a recent report by Springboard routine quality measurement to become reality. Healthcare
Research. The Indian healthcare sector has started to serve IT market is fastest growing where the hospitals across the
customers or patients better to balance the profitable country are leveraging the power of IT to provide the best
business operation and meeting social objectives. The of healthcare services. Health IT may be especially
main area of focus is to improve the service to the end beneficial for inner-city and rural populations and other
customer patients. It is observed that if substantial medically underserved areas. It is necessary that latest IT
improvement is to be achieved over the coming decade, technologies in healthcare centre that are available in
then automation of clinical, financial, and administrative urban population to be made available to rural areas of
transactions is essential to improve the quality, preventing India. Rural users can access information by connecting
errors, enhancing consumer confidence and improving block headquarters to fiber optic network, using wireless
efficiency in the health care system. technology to achieve last mile connectivity. Achieving
this potential will be challenging task, but it is possible.
Healthcare information technology is all about
communication-communication between devices, between 2.Review of Literature
team members, between patients and their medical
providers, between separate medical facilities. These Mobile Technology Applications in the Healthcare
communication channels are enabled by carefully-selected
and installed hardware solutions, and maintained with The development of mobile technologies steered both the
prompt and effective repair services. These components manufacturers to compete with the existing firms, and the
should be scalable and flexible so that your network can solution developers to produce new and talented
grow along with your facility. applications using mobile technologies (Price & Summers,
2006). In the healthcare environment using mobile
Information technology‟s role in communications also technology and mobile devices has proven to be effective.
puts it on the frontlines of your facility‟s security team. While developing such applications, patient requirements
Healthcare IT standards, patient privacy rights and patient and the level patient accept the impact of technology on
well-being all require a trustworthy, secure network that is their health care and disease management should be
transparent and easy for your staff to use but opaque and considered (Siau & Shen, 2000). It is a must to make it
secure against unauthorized users. A healthcare IT balanced between the cost of deployment and the use of
services provider can help your facility initiate best device and satisfying patients‟ requirements. Some of the

Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22626222432 DOI: 10.21275/SR22626222432 1905
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
outstanding mobile applications in healthcare definitely try to impact the overall healthcare. As the
environment, their advantages and disadvantages from government healthcare service in India is in a dismal
different points of view are presented below. ITAREPS condition, there is a growing demand of these healthcare
(Information Technology Aided Relapse Prevention companies. These healthcare consulting companies‟ help
Programme in Schizophrenia) is a program which aids patients connect with the medical services available in the
relapse in the prevention of schizophrenia using country. Below are some best Healthcare Software
information technology. It provides a mobile phone-based Companies in India.
telemedicine solution for this purpose. With the help of
the home tele-monitoring system via a PC to mobile 1. Lybrate
phone SMS (Short Message Service) platform which
recognizes prodromal symptoms of relapse, the system Lybrate is the perfect solutions for them who would like
warns to take the action before hospitalization which is to avoid the hassle of going to a hospital and booking an
both costly and stressful both for the patient and the appointment. It directly connects you with the doctors in
family of the patient. This program offers an authorized your locality. With such exceptional vision, Lybrate was
web-based interface both for the physician and for the created as a Delhi-based start-up by Saurabh Arora and
patient to analyze the dynamics and development of Rahul Narang in the year 2013. Lybrate claims to have
possible prodromes. The early warning signs data is more than 150, 000 doctors at the service of patients who
collected through a SMS platform using a mobile phone, could not connect with them otherwise. It also maintains
from the patient himself/herself and from his/her family patient anonymity.
members As a second application, in the management of
asthma (Ryan, Cobern, Wheeler, Price, & Tarassenko, 2. Livehealth
2005) peak flow monitoring is widely recommended and
used. This study includes an observational study using Livehealth is a Pune-based data management platform that
handheld electronic peak flow meter monitoring and collects patient‟s data for future analytics through AI
mobile phone technology in a time period of nine months. based technology. They also arrange online check-up of
Patients who are at the ages of between 12 and 55 patients by renowned and experienced doctors. Their
requiring treatment with regular inhaled steroids and primary specialties include allergy, psychology and
bronchodilators were recruited from nine general psychiatry. The website charge around $49 per visit. In the
practices. In this study, from all of the participants 69% of coming years, Livehealth will emerge as another giant in
them who has filled in the post-study questionnaire form healthcare in India.
were marked as „satisfied‟ or „very satisfied‟ by the study,
citing the ease of use and the increased autonomy and 3. Clinicea
understanding of the asthma as the main advantages.
Totally, 74% of them have indicated that the system had Clinicea is an EMR expert that provides a plethora of
helped to improve their ability to manage their symptoms. healthcare services worldwide. With its Indian office in
The most attractive features of the telemedicine system Kolkata, Clinicea provides an electronic medical record,
were increased awareness and information about asthma, lab reporting, preventive health reminders, clinical audit,
improved ability to monitor and manage the condition appointment scheduling services, pharmacy data, imaging,
with the feedback screens on the mobile phone and ease of patient portal, customer support in more than 20 languages
use. As a result it is possible to say that a server based etc. Their specialties include all the major domains of the
peak flow asthma telemedicine system that analyses peak medical arena. Their 24*7 service makes it very helpful
flow values in real time and feeds information back to the for patients in India and worldwide.
patient within seconds would be a valuable tool to
enhance self management. The usage of mobile phone 4. Patientclick
technology for recording and gathering asthma data
(Cleland, Caldow, & Ryan, 2007) is another valuable Patientclick provides direct patient care through
study in this field. In this study a qualitative interview telecommunication. Their service is both patient and
study using a purposeful sample of 10 patients with physician friendly where a patient portal is maintained to
asthma and two research staff were conducted. The provide patient education and instructions as directed by
patients‟ diary information was collected twice a day the physicians. They maintain the electronic health record
using an electronic peak flow meter linked to a mobile and provide e-prescriptions facility that removes any error
phone with an interactive screen to record current asthma found in handwritten prescriptions. Reports of lab tests
symptoms and this information is stored in a server. Both can be uploaded in different modes so that the physicians
the patients and the staff believed that mobile phone can access them. Their specialties include Internal
technology would be useful in clinical practice as well as medicine, Gynaecology, Nephrology, Neurology,
research. Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Urology etc. They provide
telemedicine facility for rural patients. They also have go-
3.The Industry live assistance facilities.

With growing demand in Healthcare service in India, it is 5. Healthcare Technology Trends in Future
imperative that a huge number of healthcare software
companies will thrive in the country. With the wealth of a From real-time diagnoses aided by machine learning to
huge population, these healthcare software companies will wearable devices that track and transmit patient data from
Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22626222432 DOI: 10.21275/SR22626222432 1906
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
a distance, a host of new and evolving technologies are Which is why he expects to see alliances develop between
poised to influence care delivery in 2020. Intended to tech companies and healthcare organizations, as well as
maintain good health, not to react to an existing illness, tools that perform double duty: “What I believe we will
these investments are designed to reduce hospitalizations see in the next year or two is algorithms that interpret
and related costs. “We‟re seeing a shift away from using multiple data sources at the same time from different
technology to advance specialty care and high-tech variables. Once you‟ve got that, the sky is the limit.”
medicine and a shift toward using technology to enable
prevention and primary care,” Dr. Felix Matthews, a 3. Telehealth Will Widen Its Reach and Scope of
managing director and physician leader at Deloitte, tells Service
HealthTech. The continuing challenge for hospitals, he
adds, is finding the right tools and level of investment to More doctors, health systems and medical specialties are
tackle risks and reach enough patients to justify the effort. providing telehealth services. As insurers move to offer
Matthews spoke about five healthcare trends and their reimbursements for telehealth and the scope of telehealth
potential implications in 2020. coverage for Medicare Advantage enrollees expands the
benefits will continue to be more evident. A senior citizen
1. Wearables Will Bring Deep Data Insights and recovering in post-acute care, for example, could receive
Challenges an on-camera consultation without the physical and
financial toll of travel. Regardless of a user‟s age or
Once the domains of early adopters, wearable are poised condition, familiarity with the concept will prompt wider
to help healthcare professionals collect a wealth of data adoption. “I think FaceTime and Google Chat have really
from a widening and more diverse pool of users. This will opened people‟s willingness to do remote things; you‟re
come in the form of remote patient monitoring, in which comfortable talking with your grandmother over Skype, so
specialized devices track metrics such as blood pressure you also understand this is a normal type of
and glucose levels, and also via fitness trackers and communication you can have with the clinician,”
devices such as the Apple Watch that can identify signs of Matthews says, noting that not all Americans have high-
atrial fibrillation, among other things. As a research tool, speed internet coverage or personal technology to support
the technology is gaining ground. In September, Apple it. Such exchanges will increasingly go beyond a patient‟s
announced three cutting-edge studies-on women‟s health, typical providers to encompass a wide range of care
heart health and noise exposure-in conjunction with needs, he adds. That‟s crucial for people in rural or
leading medical institutions. More than 400, 000 Apple underserved areas who require the care of a specialist:
Watch users have agreed to participate. Still, the “You are calling for higher acuity cases or situations, and
movement presents big interoperability and interpretation you are willing to entrust somebody who is far away.
challenges for providers. “As a clinician, I don‟t have time
to deal with a flood of data-where‟s my team filtering 4. Virtual Reality Will Play a Greater Role in Patient
through this and escalating the important stuff to me?” Care
Matthews says. “And do I expose myself to more medical
liability because I‟m receiving information about my The technology that some may assume to be purely for
patient‟s condition but not acting upon it, because I‟m gamers are finding a role in healthcare. Senior living
busy doing whatever I have to do as opposed to residences are implementing VR to help memory care
monitoring data feeds?”. patients “visit” favorite vacation spots, access street views
of their childhood homes and enjoy comforting scenes of
2. Artificial Intelligence Will Enhance Diagnosis, animals and nature. Those experiences can spark group
Process and Security discussions and boost socialization. Vivid imagery
provided via headsets is also being used in hospitals as a
Increasingly, AI is becoming a pivotal part of healthcare. mode of distraction-and, when necessary, a way to avoid
As healthcare threats increase in number and severity, AI or lessen the use of pain medication-for patients
can be employed to recognize unusual behaviors on a undergoing treatments or who are experiencing
network, watch for fraud threats and predict malware discomfort. VR can also be used to educate; for instance,
infections based on previously identified characteristics, by offering “fly-through tours” of a tumor to explain
among other security measures. The technology is also treatment to a patient. VR also helps surgeons visualize
helping patients take better control of their own care, with potential obstacles before complex surgeries-a use that
tools that include chatbots for quick help with minor Matthews considers pivotal to advancing care. “I think
ailments, and wearable devices such as smart shirts that there‟s a lot of promise for clinicians using virtual reality
can record health data and produce predictive capacities. It to improve procedural intervention or procedure by
also can be used to develop algorithms that help overlaying imaging data and relevant information,” he
oncologists offer deep insights on biopsy reads. Many of says. VR can also provide audiences with a new
these applications remain segmented, however, which perspective on illness. VR headsets with special software,
presents a barrier to fully comprehensive care. “Right for example, can help wearers experience what life is like
now, artificial intelligence is mostly individual companies for people with Alzheimer‟s. In this case, the tool both
with one variable and one AI algorithm solving one educates and builds empathy.
problem,” Matthews says.

Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22626222432 DOI: 10.21275/SR22626222432 1907
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
4.Research Methodology There are two types of method used for data collection.

Method of Study The first method is primary data. Primary data is

conducted through survey in the form of questionnaire.
A research method is a systematic plan for conducting The survey consisted of various types of questions like
research. Research methodology is the specific procedures open ended question, close ended questions, MCQ type
or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze question. The secondary data is the second method used
information about a topic. In a research paper, the for data collection. In this method data is collected
methodology section allows the reader to critically through various articles on internet and websites. The
evaluate a study‟s overall validity and reliability. The tools used for data collection techniques are Questionnaire
methodology section answers two main questions: How Google forms observation.
was the data collected or generated? How was it analyzed?
The method of study used in this research is as following;
● In this survey 70% of the respondents are females and
1. Quantitative research 30% of the respondents are Male.
● In this survey, 65% respondents are in the age group 18-
Quantitative research collects information from existing 25 followed by 15% respondents are under age group
and potential customers using sampling methods and 25-35.10% of the respondents are under age group 35-
sending out online surveys, online polls, questionnaires, 45 age group and rest 10% are in the 45+ age group
etc., the results of which can be depicted in the form of ● The survey shows that 45% of the respondents are
numerical. After careful understanding of these numbers students followed by working professional,
to predict the future of a product or service and make Entrepreneur and rest respondents come under other
changes accordingly. option.
● Major finding from this survey is that almost all of the
2. Descriptive research (85%) respondents think that there is growth of
technology in healthcare industry.
This process takes up the bulk of online surveying and is
● The latest technologies people are aware of are
considered conclusive in nature due to its quantitative Artificial Intelligence followed by data science, virtual
nature. The main idea behind using this type of research is reality, cloud computing, predictive analysis, Telehealth
to better define an opinion, attitude, or behaviour held by and Internet of medical things.
a group of people on a given subject. This allows you to
measure the significance of your results on the overall
● Fitness trackers is most used product by respondents
followed by other.
population you are studying, as well as the changes of
your respondent‟s opinions, attitudes, and behaviours over ● Google Fit is the most used Smartphone application
time. followed by healthify me, heart rate monitor and instant
heart rate.
A Primary Data ● Findings from this survey are that almost all of them
think that Healthcare systems help to store patient‟s data
Primary data has been directly collected from online efficiently.
Google survey. The main source of collecting data in this ● More than half of the respondents think that Healthcare
section was by conducting a Google survey in a information technology will help to improve the quality
questionnaire form. The survey consist of close ended, of healthcare industry.
MCQ type questions in it for the purpose of data
collection 6.Conclusion
A. Secondary Data With the help of IT, it is possible to transform health care
and improve patient safety by better leveraging
Secondary data has been collected from following information technology to improve the efficiency,
Websites, Internet, and Books. accuracy, and effectiveness of health care system.

Population The target population for this study is as Implementing and supporting IT applications require
follows; skills; hence physicians must make significant changes to
both office and physician workflow and take time away to
Students, Entrepreneur, Working professionals. learn how to use IT.

Sample size: The sample size in this study is 20 Health care administrators and planners should take a
respondents long-term view because the benefits will not be
immediately tangible. In India today healthcare is
Sample area: The location used in this study to collect inefficient, error-prone, and of variable quality.
data from people is as follows: Thane, Mumbai. Navi
Mumbai. Hospitals are slowly moving towards clinical information
systems, which helps them to lower their cost, to raise the
Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22626222432 DOI: 10.21275/SR22626222432 1908
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
quality and to improve their cash flow.

The degree of use of IT in healthcare varies by health care

setting. IT and the internet had a significant impact on
consumers. Numerous websites have made health
information available to patients, thereby strengthening
their role in care decisions. Now a day‟s some
technologies are emerging in healthcare such as Clinical
Data Warehouse, Clinical Decision Support Systems
(CDS), Data-mining Techniques, Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) and Online Transactional Processing

These technologies are used to maintain and utilize patient

data intelligently, based on the user‟s requirements.
Information systems are used to educate patients about the
latest developments in medical science through the
internet and specially configured kiosks in hospitals and

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Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR22626222432 DOI: 10.21275/SR22626222432 1909

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