Pangil Rock Form Bantay Abot Cave

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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus

Petroleum Geology (PetE-403)

Fieldwork Activity no. ___

Weathering, Sedimentary Structures and Environment

Group No.____ Date: _____________________

Members: Location: __________________


 To identify the sedimentary structures commonly found in the depositional sedimentary

 To determine the quality of the soil in a depositional sedimentary environment.
 To distinguish the type of sedimentary structure found in different sedimentary environment.
 To explain the weathering involved in the different sedimentary structures and environment.


Camera Notebook Ballpen Ruler


1. By the use of camera take a picture of the sedimentary structures found in an area.
2. Fill the data sheet below. Sample will be the images of the sedimentary structures.
Depositional Environment
Rock Composition
Type Name of
Organic or (Rocks found in the Continental,
Sample Image (i.e. alluvial Sedimentary
Inorganic sedimentary structure or Transitional,
fans, beaches, Structure
formation) or Marine

Inorganic Pumice Marine Reefs Biogenic

Inorganic Arkose/Limestone Marine Continental Biogenic

Organic Pumice Marine Reefs Biogenic

Inorganic Sandstone Continental Alluvial Fan Cross-Bedding

Inorganic Sandstone Continental Alluvial Fan Cross-bedding
Aerial View of the Location
(Locate the areas where the sample was taken)


1. From the sample data gathered, which among the sedimentary structures is the most
common in the entire depositional environment?

Answer: Our team of geologists recently collected several samples from a variety of
environments in order to better understand the prevailing sedimentary structures in these areas.
Through careful analysis of these samples, we were able to identify several common
characteristics that were present across a range of habitats.

One of the most common sedimentary structures that we observed in our samples was stratification.
Stratification refers to the layering of sediments over time, which can result in distinct bands of different
sediment types. We observed these stratifications in several different locations, including the Pangil Rock
Whilst the most common in Bantay Abot Cave is the plane bedding, the shape of the structure and the
appearance really stands out that a plane bedding is present.

PANGIL ROCK FORMATION It is worth noting that these stratifications were predominantly present in
continental environments, which are characterized by their dry, arid climates. In these environments,
sediments are often transported by wind or water, leading to the distinctive layering patterns that we
observed in our samples. By studying these stratifications, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the
geological processes that shape our planet and the ways in which they interact with the natural
Our team's observations have important implications for a range of fields, including geology,
environmental science, and resource extraction. By understanding the underlying geological structures of
different habitats, we can better predict and mitigate the effects of natural disasters such as landslides and
earthquakes, as well as inform efforts to extract valuable resources from the earth's crust. Ultimately, this
knowledge could help us better understand the complex interplay between geological forces and the
natural environment, allowing us to make more informed decisions about how we interact with our planet.

Which among the samples are considered likely to contain organic matter and eventually be the
source of hydrocarbons?
Answer: Our team has arrived at an important conclusion that the rock types consisting
of shale, limestone, and sandstone hold the highest potential for fuel exploration. Our findings
have led us to believe that shale, in particular, is a prime candidate for fuel extraction due to the
abundance of organic materials it contains. When shale is mixed with water, it has the ability to
produce kerogen, a type of organic matter that can be converted into fuel. Similarly, limestone,
which is characterized by its composition of at least 50% calcite, a calcium carbonate mineral,
has the potential to yield significant amounts of fuel. Lastly, sandstone, a geological rock
comprised of sand-sized minerals, rocks, or organic components, was found to be another
promising source of fuel.

Based on our research, it can be inferred that if these rock types are further investigated and thoroughly
evaluated, they could potentially serve as valuable resources for fuel production. The diverse range of
locations where we collected the rock samples, including beaches and mountains, indicates that there is a
wide scope for exploration and discovery. Therefore, our team strongly recommends that future studies
focus on exploring these rock formations to uncover their true potential as sources of fuel.
2. What are the common types of rock found in the sedimentary structure samples?

Answer: Shale is one type of sedimentary rock that is particularly abundant in our samples. This type of
rock is formed from the accumulation of fine-grained sediments, such as clay and silt. Sandstone, on the
other hand, is a coarse-grained sedimentary rock that is formed from the accumulation of sand-sized
particles. Limestone, the third type of sedimentary rock commonly found in our samples, is formed from
the accumulation of calcium carbonate-rich shells and skeletons of marine organisms.

By gathering these sedimentary structure samples from a range of habitats, our team has gained valuable
insights into the geological processes that shape our planet. Through careful analysis of these rocks, we
hope to gain a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between geological forces and the natural
environment. Ultimately, this knowledge could help us better predict and mitigate the effects of natural
disasters such as landslides and earthquakes, as well as inform efforts to extract valuable resources from
the earth's crust.

3. What can you say about the quality of sand in the sedimentary structure samples? Does it
have an effect in the soil quality found in the depositional sedimentary environment?(PANGIL

Answer: During our recent fieldwork activity, our team of geologists made several
interesting observations regarding the soil composition of different habitats. We noticed that the
soil on the beach was predominantly made up of sandy soil, while the soil in the mountainous
regions was rich in clay. This variation in soil composition can have significant implications for
plant growth and stability in these areas.
Sandy soil, as its name suggests, is primarily composed of sand particles. While sand may seem harmless,
it actually poses several challenges for plant growth. Sand particles are large and do not retain water or
nutrients, making it difficult for plants to thrive in sandy soil. This lack of water and nutrients can limit
the growth and development of plant roots, ultimately leading to poor nutrient uptake and stunted growth.
Additionally, sandy soil is more prone to erosion due to the loose, granular nature of its particles.

On the other hand in Bantay Abot Cave sand samples aren't available for there is no available sand around
the area there's only clay-rich soils found in mountainous regions pose their own unique challenges.
While clay soils are generally more nutrient-rich than sandy soils, they also have poor shear strength
when wet. This means that when clay-rich soils become saturated with water, they can become more
prone to landslides and other types of soil instability. This can have significant consequences for the
safety of people and infrastructure in these areas.

It is worth noting that shale, a type of sedimentary rock with potential for fuel extraction, can be formed
from both sandy and clay-rich soils. The formation of shale is a complex geological process that involves
the compression and heating of organic-rich sedimentary materials over time. By studying the
composition and characteristics of these soils, our team hopes to gain a deeper understanding of the
geological processes that contribute to the formation of shale and other valuable geological resources.

4. Which among the depositional environment visited can be considered as a high energy

Answer: One of the key areas that we focused on during these trips was beaches and
shorelines, which are known for their high levels of energy and dynamic natural processes.

Beaches are defined as thin strips of land that run parallel to the shoreline of a body of water and
extend into the water. The sand found on beaches is composed of tiny grains of rocks and minerals
that have been gradually pulverized into smaller and smaller particles over time. This process is
primarily driven by the relentless pounding of waves and wind, which contribute to the high levels of
energy that are characteristic of beach environments.

The presence of moving water and waves, which are caused by the presence of strong winds, is one of
the defining characteristics of beaches. This dynamic environment has important implications for a
wide range of fields, from geology and environmental science to tourism and infrastructure
development. One notable example of this is the erection of windmills at Bangui, Ilocos Norte, which
stands as a testament to the strong and consistent winds that are characteristic of this region.

By studying the geological processes that shape beaches and shorelines, we hope to gain a deeper
understanding of the ways in which natural systems interact with one another and the ways in which
these systems can be harnessed for human use. Whether through the development of renewable
energy sources or the protection of vital ecosystems, this knowledge has the potential to shape the
way we interact with our planet for generations to come.

5. Is there any chance of having an oil/gas reservoir in your place? Justify your answer.(PANGIL

Answer: Our team has discovered that sandstone, limestone, and shale are the most common
types of rocks found in these environments, based on the samples we have collected. Sandstone,
for instance, is a type of sedimentary rock that has a texture similar to that of sand and is
composed of approximately 85% quartz. This type of rock is particularly notable for its ability to
store hydrocarbons, making it an important potential source for the production of oil and gas.

Limestone, on the other hand, is a type of carbonate rock that contains relatively high
concentrations of the mineral calcite. Like sandstone, limestone has the potential to serve as a
source of hydrocarbons, although it is typically less efficient at storing these resources than

Shale, which is another common type of rock found in sedimentary ecosystems, is particularly
noteworthy for its ability to generate hydrocarbons through the formation of kerogen. However,
shale does not typically form reservoirs unless the cap of the rock is somehow fractured, which
can make extraction more difficult and expensive.

In addition to these three types of rocks, our investigation has also revealed that dolomites and
evaporites are known to produce hydrocarbons and can serve as potential sources for oil and gas
production. While it is not impossible for oil and gas deposits to exist in our region, extensive
drilling and exploration will likely be required in order to locate and extract these resources.

Understanding the types of rocks that are present in sedimentary ecosystems and their potential to
serve as sources for hydrocarbons is essential for the development of sustainable energy strategies
and the mitigation of environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel production. By studying
the geological processes that shape these environments, we can gain a deeper understanding of
the potential risks and rewards associated with extracting and utilizing these vital resources.


Prepared by:
Petroleum Engineering Instructors

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