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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Naic Integrated National High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Katherine Anne M. Contreras Learning English
Teaching Dates & Day 1 Day 2 Quarter Fourth
Time May 29, 2023 May 31, 2023
6:00-8:00 ROSAL 6:00-8:00 ROSAL
8:20 -10:20 ILANG-ILANG 8:20 -10:20 ILANG-ILANG
May 30, 2023 June 01, 2023
8:20 – 10: 20 DAHLIA 8:20 – 10: 20 DAHLIA
10:20 – 12: 20 GUMAMELA 10:20 – 12: 20 GUMAMELA
May 31, 2023 June 02, 2023
8:20 – 10: 20 DAISY 8:20 – 10: 20 DAISY
10:20 – 12: 20 CATTLEYA 10:20 – 12: 20 CATTLEYA

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of
Standards preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also, how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies
Standards and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. MELCs/ Reacting to lay value judgment on critical issues that Reacting to lay value judgment on critical issues that
Objectives demand sound analysis and call for prompt actions demand sound analysis and call for prompt actions
(Write the code)
A. Define social, moral, and economic issues; A. Recall the types of issues;
B. Select ideas from the text that suggest social, moral, B. Compose a letter to the government regarding a
and economic issues; and problem that you want to be addressed; and
C. Demonstrate appreciation on selecting ideas from the C. Demonstrate appreciation on the importance of
text that suggest social, moral, and economic issues. resolving issues.
II. CONTENT Social, Moral, Economic Issues (Part 1) Social, Moral, Economic Issues (Part 2)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. LMs pages
3. Textbook pages Learner’s Packet Learner’s Packet
4. Additional
Material from
LR portal
B. Other Learning
A. Introduction Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer 1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance 2. Checking of Attendance

What I need to know? What I need to know?

 The learning objectives will be introduced to guide  The learning objectives will be introduced to guide
learners on the learning expectations for the day. learners on the learning expectations for the day.
 The students will read a selection and answer its  The students will read a selection and answer its
comprehension questions. comprehension questions.

What’s New? What’s New?

Spell the word… Spell the word…
1. graft - the act of getting money or advantage through 1. violence - actions or words that are intended to hurt
the dishonest use of political power and influence people
2. pleasant - enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like 2. variants - something that is slightly different from
3. abortion - the intentional ending of a pregnancy other similar things
4. immoral - morally wrong, or outside society's 3. detected - to notice something that is partly hidden or
standards of acceptable, honest, and moral behavior not clear, or to discover something, especially using a
5. dishonest - not honest special method
6. intensify - to become greater, more serious, or more 4. virulence - the danger and speed of spreading of a
extreme, or to make something do this disease
7. leech - a person who gives attention to someone over a 5. mutation - the way in which genes change and
long period in order to get their money or support produce permanent differences
8. corruption - illegal, bad, or dishonest behavior, 6. dodge - to avoid being hit by something by moving
especially by people in positions of power quickly to one side
9. inflation - a general, continuous increase in prices 7. recession - a period when the economy of a country is
10. siege - the surrounding of a place by an armed force not successful and conditions for business are bad
in order to defeat those defending it 8. poverty - the condition of being extremely poor
9. fertility - the quality of being able to produce young or
10. therapeutic - relating to the curing of a disease or
medical condition
B. Development What I know? What I know?
Fact or Opinion Recall
Directions: Write the word FACT if it is true and proven, Directions: Recall and explain the types of issues.
and OPINION if it involves your feelings or how someone
else feels about a particular topic. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number.
________1. There are 447,039 confirmed CoVid-19 cases
in the Philippines as of December 11, 2020.
________2. I think his skin color is not pleasant to the
________3. The senator was arrested because of graft and
1. Violence against children
Kind of issue:
________4. I don't think it is okay for him to marry that
2. Our fellowmen living in Luzon suffered from the flood
________5. The woman who left the hospital a while ago
caused by Typhoon Maring.
has committed an abortion.
Kind of issue:
If you have noticed, in this activity, you came across
3. Hunger and Poverty.
these phrases:
Kind of issue:
1. "CoVid-19 cases." (A pandemic is considered one of the
biggest health crises in the Philippines.)
2. "Skin color is not pleasant to the eyes." (This phrase
What is in?
conveys the sense of being racist, which is a form of
Read and analyze the news article and determine
discrimination because of skin color.)
its implications in the society. Copy the table and list
3. "Graft and corruption." (This case is one of the
down the social issue, moral issue, and economic issue
problems that a certain country or organization faces –
having dishonest employees and officials in a certain that have rooted from the general issue discussed in the
organization, just like in the government.) article.
4. "Not okay for him to marry that woman." (In this
phrase, we can sense the woman's dislike – a common Philippines detects 242 new cases of coronavirus
problem faced by everyone due to the differences in variants of concern
beliefs.) (Philstar.com) - May 29, 2021 - 3:50pm MANILA,
5. "Committed abortion." (Abortion is immoral in some Philippines
cultural beliefs.) — The Department of Health announced Saturday
that health authorities have detected a total of 242 new
What is in? cases of various coronavirus variants classified as
Directions: Read the statement and answer the questions variants of concern.
that follow. Of these, 137 are new cases of the variant first
“The government has intensified its fight against national identified in South Africa (B.1.351), while 104 are new
problems such as illegal drugs, gender inequality, cases of the variant first identified in the United Kingdom
corruption, and poverty. These are leeches that made the (B.1.1.7), and one is a new case of the variant first
country bleeds.” identified in India (B.1.617).
Processing Questions: The DOH also announced the detection of four
1. What do you think the author meant with the term more cases of the variant first identified in the
"leech"? Philippines, which is still not considered a variant of
2. What kind of issue do you think illegal drugs, gender concern.
inequality, corruption, and poverty are? The DOH did not release further details on the new
If we try to dig deeper, the quote above points out three cases of coronavirus variants.
of the most prevalent issues in society nowadays, which A variant of concern is defined as one with increase
the speaker has compared to "leech," which made the in transmissibility, increase in virulence or change in
country bleeds. On the other hand, if we are to classify clinical disease presentation, and decrease in
these issues, illegal drugs and gender inequality fall effectiveness of public health measures or available
under social issues, corruption belongs to the moral diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics.
issue. At the same time, poverty is an example of an The B.1.617 variant, first found in October 2020,
economic issue. carries several mutations, including the L452R and
These issues may be interpreted differently by E484K.
different people, but in general, they all contribute to one The L452R mutation is associated with increased
complex web of interrelated points of concern that every transmissibility and reduced antibody neutralization,
country is experiencing. which may help the virus get past antibodies.
Meanwhile, the E484Q mutation, which is similar to
What is it? E484K mutation, may also help the virus escape
SOCIAL ISSUE is a group of common problems in immune response.
present-day society that many people strive to solve. Both the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants carry the
N501Y mutation, which is associated with increased
Examples: overpopulation, gender inequality, poverty transmissibility, while B.1.351 carries the E484K
and homelessness mutation, which may help the virus dodge some
MORAL ISSUE concerns the internal - your own values, antibodies. — Xave Gregorio with reports from Gaea
beliefs, feelings, and learnings that are often subjective Katreena Cabico
and concern yourself to discover your own morality. It
has the potential to help or harm others.
Examples: corruption, manipulation, prostitution, extra
marital and pre-marital relationship, and physical and
mental abuses
ECONOMIC ISSUE is that being faced by the world
economy, as well as regions and countries.
Examples: prospects for growth, inflation, energy.
C. Engagement What can I do? What can I do?
Directions: Read the statements carefully and answer the Directions: Our country has many problems that must
question. be given solution. At an early age, you must feel a sense
1. Which of the following can be categorized as a social of commitment to your community. It is important to
issue? take part in improving the quality of life. On this task,
A. Teens using a beach to build a bonfire. write a letter to the government regarding a problem that
B. A boy throwing rocks into a pond. you want to be addressed and detail your requested
C. A high school learner who becomes pregnant. solution.
D. A mother who takes away her daughter's gadget for
not listening to her.
2. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. He got arrested in the drug buy-bust operation.
B. The Pageant organizer disqualified Candidate A
because she is transgender.
C. The illegal settlers were forced to evacuate the area.
D. The value of peso and dollar exchange has decreased
in the last seven months.
3. Which of the following can be categorized as a moral
A. Nena was left in tears after her wallet got stolen.
B. Nena did not eat the food prepared by her mother.
C. Nena failed in the summative test.
D. Nena got engaged after earning her bachelor's degree.
4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Inflation
B. Unemployment
C. Poverty
D. Homelessness
5. Which of the following can be classified as an
economic issue?
A. 85% of the province's population is virus-infected.
B. The siege in Zamboanga City will never be forgotten.
C. Men are better than women.
D. She caught her husband cheating on her.
D. Assimilation What have I learned? What have I learned?
Quiz Quiz
Directions: Read the following news headlines or Directions: Determine whether the statements reflect
journalistic article titles and identify the issues being social issue, moral issue, or economic issue. Write your
depicted. On the box, write S if social issue is being answers on the blanks.
displayed, M for moral issue, and E for economic issue. _________1. The government must make effort to listen to
people experiencing poverty.
_________2. Bullying violates many of the human rights
of a person.
_________3. Abortion is the most widespread method of
fertility control.
_________4. The Philippine economy is in a recession due
to lockdown.
__________5. The number of Filipinos living below the
poverty line is a serious concern.

What other enrichment activities can I engage

Directions: Cut or print out an article that reflects an
issue in the society, then paste it in a pad paper. Next,
indicate whether a social issue, moral issue, or economic
issue is being presented. Elaborate the problem
presented in the article and suggest a possible solution
What other enrichment activities can I engage to address it
Directions: Identify and explain the supporting technique
used for each paragraph.
1. It is clear that TV triggers violence. According to a
study by the American Psychological Association (2005),
the average child living in a developed country will view
8000 murders and 100.000 other acts of violence before
finishing elementary school. The average 27 hours a
week kids spend watching TV - much of it violent -
makes them more prone to aggressive and violent
behavior as adolescents and adults (p. 10). (as cited in
APA, 2005, p. 3). Supporting technique used:
2. Not letting their children watch television as a
punishment is a futile effort of parents since almost
every effect of punishment is negative. Dr. Bruno
Bettleheim (2003, p. 8), famous psychologist and
professor at the University of Chicago, writes,
“Punishment is a traumatic experience not only in itself
but also because it disappoints the child’s wish to believe
in the benevolence of the parent, on which his sense of
security rests.”
Supporting technique used: ________________

A. No. of learners Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia
who earned 80% in a Ilang a Ilang
the evaluation

B. No. of learners Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia
who require a Ilang a Ilang
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia
lessons work? a Ilang a Ilang
No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia Rosal Cattley Ilang - Gumamela Daisy Dahlia
who continue to a Ilang a Ilang
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher I
Principal IV

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