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One of the fastest growing sectors of the economy of our time is the hotel industry. The hotel industry alone is a multi-billion dollar and growing enterprise. It is exciting, never boring and offer unlimited opportunities. The hotel industry is diverse enough for people to work in different areas of interest and still be employed within the hotel industry. This trend is not just in India, but also globally.

Modern hotels provide refined services to their guests. The customers or guests are always right. This principle necessitated application of management principles in the hotel industry and the hotel professionals realized the instrumentality of marketing principles in managing the hotel industry.

The concept of total quality management is found getting an important place in the marketing management of hotels. The emerging positive trend in the tourism industry indicates that hotel industry is like a reservoir from where the foreign exchange flows. This naturally draws our attention on HOTEL MANAGEMENT. Like other industries, the hotel industry also needs to explore avenues for innovation, so that a fair blending of core and peripheral services is made possible. It is not to be forgotten that the leading hotel companies of the world have been intensifying research to enrich their peripheral services with the motto of adding additional attractions to their service mix. It is against this background that we find the service mix more flexible in nature.

The recruitment and training programmes are required to be developed in the face of technological sophistication. The leading hotel companies have been found promoting an ongoing training programme so that the personnel come to know about the use of sophisticated communication technologies.

HR practices and policies in Grand villa-The boutique

Organizational structure:

Organizational structure: Core Functioning Department

Food and Beverage (F&D) Department:F & B deals mainly with food and beverage service allied activities. Different divisions are there in F & B like Restaurants, Coffee Shop (24 hrs.), Banquets, Room service etc. Apart from that we have Utility services (Cleaning). Front Office Department:The front office is the command post for processing reservations, registering guests, settling guest accounts (cashiering), and checking out guests. Front desk agents also handle the distribution of guestroom keys and mail, messages or other information for guests. The most visible part of the front office area is of course the front desk. Housekeeping Department:The housekeeping department is another important department in hospitality world. Housekeeping is responsible for cleaning the hotels guestrooms and public areas. This department has the largest staff, consisting of an assistant housekeeper, room inspectors, room attendants, a houseperson crew, linen room attendants and personnel in charge of employee uniforms. We also have our own laundry and valet service. Hotels with laundry and valet equipment may use it only for hotel linens and uniforms and send guest clothing to an outside service where it can be handled with specialized equipment. Food Production Department:Food production deals with the preparations of food items. It basically engaged in preparing those dish, which are ordered by the guest and afterwards is catered by the F&B department.

Cuisine like rajasthani, south Indian, Continental, South Indian, Chinese, etc. Different Chefs are appointed for the specialty cuisine.

Support Department (Cost Centers) Marketing & Selling Department:Sales and marketing has become one of the most vital functions of the hotel business and an integral part of modern hotel management. It includes packaging for selling, sales promotion, advertising and public relations. The marketing division is charged with the responsibility of keeping the rooms in the hotel occupied at the right price and with the right mix of guests. Engineering and Maintenance Department:The energy crisis throughout the world has given a great importance to the engineering department of a hotel. This department provides on the day-to-day basis the utility services, electricity, hot water, steams, air-conditioning and other services and is responsible for repair and maintenance of the equipment, furniture and fixtures in the hotel. The engineering department has an important role in satisfying the guest- demand and helping to maintain the profit level of the hotel. The cleaning, up-keep, repair, replacement, installation and maintenance of property and its furnishing, machinery and equipment are the joint responsibilities of Engineering/Maintenance and the Housekeeping Department. Finance, Accounting and Control Department:A hotels accounting department is responsible for keeping track of the many business transactions that occur in the hotel. The accounting department does more than simply keep the books-financial management is perhaps a more appropriate description of what the accounting department does. Whereas the control department is concern with cost control guidelines by way of reducing in investment, reduction in operating cost, control of food service costs, control of beverage costs, labor cost control, etc. Safety and Security Department:The security of guests, employees, personal property and the hotel itself is an overriding concern for todays hoteliers. In the past, most security precautions concentrated on the

prevention of theft from guests and the hotel. However, today such violent crimes as murder and rape have become a problem for some hotels. Unfortunately, crime rates in most majors cities are rising. Hence today security department also concentrate on these additional criminal activities too. Administration Department:Top organizational members usually supervise the Administration Department in a hotel. This department is responsible for all the work connected with administration, personnel, manpower, employees welfare, medical, health and security. Human Resource Development:This department has newly taken step in hotel industry and within a short span of time it has become a very important part of the organization.. This department is the topic of our discussion. The practice, which this department and their staff perform, is going to be learned in the light of following project.


In hotel industry the job of HR manager can be compare with the job of conductor, whose job is to instruct and direct all of the various musicians so that they can perform well together. But before a conductor can direct a beautiful performance, all of the individual musicians must be able to play their instruments well. What kind of performance could one can expect if the violinists did not know how to play their instruments or the flutists could not read music?

So it is in the hospitality industry, before a manager can direct and shape employees individual contributions into an efficient whole, he or she must first turn employees into competent workers who know how to do their jobs. Employees are the musicians of the orchestra that the members of the audiencethe-guests-have come to watch performance. If employees are not skilled at their jobs, then the performance they give will get bad reviews. Just as an orchestra can have a fine musical score from a great composer and still perform poorly because of incompetent musicians, so a hotel can have a finest standard recipes, service procedures and quality standards and still have dissatisfied guests because of poor employee performance. That is why properly managing human resources is so important. No other industry provides so much contact between employees and customers and so many opportunities to either reinforce a positive experience or create a negative one. As in the five-star hotel and five-star deluxe hotel there are around lots of employee are involved in different jobs in different fields there is dire need to look and control on them. No doubt different departments heads are present to look their department employee, but HRD is a place, which supervise and effectively communicate with these departments head and communicate with the top management. Thus there function is very large and diverse as compared with respect to different departments heads.

Grand villa the boutique

Mission: We are committed to create brand value in the hotel industry by providing excellent Customer Service as perceived by Guests and always ready to exceed their expectations without compromise.

Our vision is to establish a dynamics and successful group of hotels and hospitality related businesses with a team of dedicated and knowledgeable people who strike constantly to devise the best approaches, strategies, products and services at lower costs than the competitors to the ever changing markets though continual regeneration of the internal systems and resources mix with the external environment to satisfy the expectations of the customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, communities and the Government.

Our Values
At its core, the Marco Polo Hotels holds the following values and beliefs: Exceptional Service - We understand that the value can be created with every encounter and this is reflected in our superior standard of service. Integrity - We are honest and straightforward in our interactions with our owners, guests, colleagues and the communities in which we operate. Respect - We respect the objectives of our stakeholders, the values of our guests, and the cultural difference in the locations that we operate.

Teamwork and Passion - We bring our individual expertise, creativity and passion for our industry as a Marco Polo team member. This sets us apart and is the essence of the Marco Polo Way. Continuous Improvement - We are innovative and utilize best practices to continually improve our management techniques, and the quality of our products and services.

Recruitment policy: OBJECTIVE The objective of the Recruitment Policy is to source the best talent from Internal and External resources to achieve the Business Objectives and Goals of the Company. Recruitment at xyz would be based on the principle of open competition on merit, and qualification, the basic elements of which are:

vacancies are publicized to get potential candidates. Transparent, task oriented and merit based selection. Any kind of discrimination would not be take place like: -age, gender, race, region, religion etc.

Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment relationship. Integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.

Weightage during selection given to factors that suit organization needs. Internal and external both will be used to meet with the demand of human resources.

-Internal vacancies shall be displayed on the Notice Boards.

Eligible employees may apply for any vacancy. The process of selection shall include (i) Panel interview (ii) competency matching and (iii) a skill test shall be administered.

The decision of the panel shall be binding and final.


In case of non-availability of suitable internal candidate(s) with requisite talent /expertise for the vacant post(s), external sources shall be approached.

All Job Advertisements shall indicate JD, Role Summary, Location, required Experience and the Last Date of Application

Decision of the Interviewing Panel shall be Obligatory and Final. The recruitment process comprises five interrelated stages, viz. (i) Planning, (ii) Strategy development, (iii) Searching, (iv) Screening, and (v) Evaluation and control.

Direct method, Indirect method, Third party method which one is suits with the organizations need can be adopt. Selection process would be: Reception Screening Interview Application blank Selection Tests Selection Interview Medical Examination Hiring Decision

Selected candidates would undergo a training period of 15-25 days and on successful completion of the training period, they shall be absorbed in regular grades.



To ensure the medical fitness of the New Entrants.


All permanent Employees including Trainees


All appointments in the organization shall be subject to being found medically fit.



To verify all required credentials of the candidate


All Employees including trainees.

KEY POLICY-CLAUSE No Candidate shall be entertained for joining without presenting authentic LOI (letter of intent)

Following authentic documents shall be verified: Appointment Letter Copy of Interview Evaluation Sheet Resume Employment Application Form Compensation Package Medical Report.


To encourage and facilitate the performance of the New Entrant or Probationer.


a. New Entrants appointed against regular positions shall be kept on Probation for a minimum period of SIX MONTHS. b. Performance of Employees on Probation shall be assessed only using the prescribed Probation evaluation format. c. Probation Evaluation Form shall be sent to the departments 15 DAYS BEFORE the due date of confirmation. d. Evaluation form shall be sent back with necessary remarks to HR 7 DAYS BEFORE the due date of confirmation. e. Concerned HOD shall keep a track on the performance of the concerned probationer periodically. f. Extension of the Probation Period at the time of final assessment is not allowed without valid reason. g. Probationers shall be confirmed subject to all round performance of the probationer being adjudged satisfactory by respective HOD. h. As deemed fit, the Probation Period shall be extended for THREE MONTHS at a time and not more than TWO TIMES.

Attendance record policy

OBJECTIVE To record the attendance and bring discipline at work.

SCOPE All Employees.

KEY POLICY-CLAUSE a. Recording of attendance shall be compulsory every time any employee enters or leaves the relevant premises. With a view to suffice with this requirement, the company shall introduce & implement the electronic attendance recording system wherever feasible. b. Otherwise employee shall follow the attendance marking system established at respective places. c. All new entrants must sign the attendance register till the Permanent Identity Card issued. d. Permanent I Card shall be issued within thirty days of joining. e. Every employee shall carry I Card all the time during working hours. f. Employees shall produce their I Card at any point of time on demand by the authorities while in transit in the company vehicle or any place in the sites or offices. g. In case any employee loses /misplaced his or her Personal Identity Card, shall need to inform the Administration dept., and a new card shall be issued h. Actual cost of the card shall be recovered from the individual. i. When the employee leaves (gets relieved from services of the company), shall return the Personal Identity Card to HR manager.


. To maintain punctuality in attendance the following shall be observed: To debit one day Casual Leave (CL) for three late comings / early leaving in a month. (Mention timings of late coming).

b. Any employee having an urgent reason for leaving work must obtain permission from respective HOD /department chairperson prior to leaving the designated duty station.

c. Late attendance / leaving office early for an hour, and not more than two occasions in a month may be allowed if prior permission of the HOD is obtained.

d. If employee goes out during Office hours on account of Office Work, shall fill-in prescribed Out Door Duty slip duly approved by the HOD and submit with the Reception.

e. An entry will also be made in the register maintained at the Reception / Gate for the purpose. On return after Office Work, return time shall be entered in the register.

f. For employees posted on certain types of jobs, such as Dispatch, House Keeping, Maintenance etc. flexible working hours has been prescribed, but in any case the total working hours will not be less than eight hours a day (excluding half an hour for lunch).

Uniform and dress code

OBJECTIVE To have Safety of the employees, induce homogeneity & evolve a sense of belongingness amongst the employee for the company.

SCOPE All Permanent Employees including Trainees.

RESPONSIBILITY Each employee concerned.


COMMON POLICY-CLAUSE staff members are expected to be in their respective dress code during their job.

It is advised that during business meetings with customers, employees should be dressed in formal attire.

Training and Development policy:

Training program will be formulate with a view to ensure full utilization of the inherent skills of the new entrants and provide them with comprehensive foundations needed for successful performance in the first job and in subsequent career progression.

Training would be given on Categories of personnel Managerial Supervisory Workmen

Areas of training - Training would be divided into two parts

Behavioral Technical

Methodology Individual training: An individual person may be nominated as per recommendation of the unit head for external training programme. Totally need-based training, at least once in a year to an executive - one on technical and other on behavioural. Group training: The combined in-house training, each on technical and behavioural aspect, should be conducted with the help of unit head and should be held three times in a year for the same group. This is done with a view to sustain the momentum toward positive change in their personality as well as organisation performance.

The budget is developed and managed by the Training and Development manager on behalf of the Head of Training and Development who is ultimately accountable to the Chief Executive.

Area of training:

Human resource - Key training contents

Communication Dealing with the employees Counselling so as to have positive attitude on attendance and discipline Grievance redressal Compliance of statutory provisions

Proper protection of hotel persons and property Protection of guest and property Control over movements in the property Parking - control and safety Porch - receiving the guest; boarding the guest and baggage of the guest

Records and reports Extending cooperation in matter of healthcare

Check visitors Fire checks and control Shopping arcade movement control Vigilance

Audit - purpose and procedure Credit control KOT analysis Billing Cash handling Records and reports Statutory compliance Cost control Purchase, stock, stores, inventory control Coordination with other departments

General training topics to all level of employees

1. Features of service industry 2. Personal grooming 3. Manners and etiquettes 4. Talking to the guest 5. Attitude 6. Official communications 7. Avoiding wastages 8. Accident prevention 9. Cost conscious 10. Suggestive selling

Front Office
Handling reservations Preparing for guest arrival Receiving the guest Registration - allotment of room Handling room keys Handling mail and message of the guest Computer entries opening the bill Handling the departures From check-in to check-out Communication Suggestive selling Information to the guest Guest handling Handling guest complaints Foreign exchange Guest bill settlement Handling guest lockers

Features of housekeeping functions Room contents Setting of trolley Entering the room Room cleaning Surface cleaning in rooms and bathrooms Dusting Wiping Polishing Bed making Placing guest supply Pest control operation Stain removing Public area cleaning Guest services Evening services Baggage handling

Handling bags in and out Handling telephone calls - incoming and outgoing Selling ISD/ STD calls Wake up calls - bed tea selling Meal calls Guest history - preparation and use Tariff construction and room selling Terminology of front office Lost and found Tips Credit facilities Fax and photocopy Medical facilities Emergency situation handling Coordination with other departments

Shoe Shine Laundry selling Handling emergencies Theft Sickness Fire VIP securities Records and returns and checklist Key handling Lost and found Management of non- smoking room/ area Terminology of house- keeping Coordination with other departments

Types of training:


OBJECTIVE To familiarize the New Entrant with Organizations Operational processes, System & Practices and other crucial aspects.


All New Entrants


It shall be mandatory for New Entrants to attend Induction Program.

Induction Inputs provided to the New Entrant shall be:

About the Company (Company Profile)

Vision and Mission & Values

Achievements & history of the Company

Organization structure and introduction with Key role Executives

HR and other related Policies

Understand the Challenges that face the company

New Initiatives

Organizational Culture

Roles & Responsibility

Telephone Directory

The Inputs during Induction shall be provided through practical base, discussions and sharing of experiences that shall be followed by visit to sites & interface with cross functional team members.

Heads of concerned Departments shall chalk out their own Departmental Induction Program.


The trainees shall be allocated departments based on the generic branch of their study, performance in the tests & counseling interview.

They shall then undertake project-based handson training in the respective department.


The basic objective of competency and skill development is to ensure continuous development of skills and competencies of employees.

All regular employees including trainees.



Training needs are identified on six month basis training need analysis. For the employees training needs are derived from the performance management system and assessment of Competencies. Assessments of Skills are also done annually to ascertain the skill gaps. Over and above that there are organizational interventions like Multi skill wherein the Supervisor identifies the skills that need to be learnt by the employee in order to form multi-functional workgroups.

The company also has organizational initiatives wherein the target population is identified for the purpose of each initiative and the same is included in their training need.

After Training need analysis economic rational and return on investment would analyzed and then training program would be conducted:


KEY POLICY-CLAUSE Faculty is identified for each program from Internal Sources, External Sources or Experts in respective fields. Employees are nominated for program / seminars/ workshops/ visits conducted by leading institutions or professional bodies. Study of effectiveness of training is done every 3 months wherein the trained personnel as well as the respective supervisor respond about the benefits accrued out of the training in terms of skill/ competency up gradation and the resultant tangible/ intangible benefits. Skill / Competency assessment is also done to measure the effectiveness of training imparted. Retraining is imparted to an employee if after assessment it is found that his/her skill or competency level has not improved to the benchmarked standards.

Compensation policy:

Fix and variable both methods will be used to compensate employees. Overtime would be taken care of to pay.

Flexible Benefit Pay would consist: -HRA For metro cities 30% & other cities 20% of basic.

-Conveyance allowance Rs.800/-pm (Max) -Retirement benefit: 12% of Basic rate (PF employers contribution where applicable) Salary will be paid in recognition of the responsibilities and requirements of the position. Salary Payment The salary payment is made on the 28th of every month or if it is a holiday on the previous day. The date of payment may change due to unavoidable circumstances but attempt is made to strictly adhere to the 28th day of the month. If anyone is unable to collect his/her salary on the payment date, then it might be collected on a mutually convenient date.


Purpose The objective of this policy is to explain the leave entitlement and procedure for availing leave.

Annual / Earned Leave

Our annual vacation plan is designed to provide employees with the opportunity to rest and get away from the everyday routine. Employees are entitled to annual leave of up to 15 working days in a calendar year. The EL will be accrued only after the completion of each year. employees shall be entitled to earned leave only on confirmation of services.

Sick Leave

You are entitled to Sick leave of up to 12 working days in a calendar year.. Leave Encashment

Earned leave can be accumulated from year to year, up to a maximum of 60 working days at any given time. Any leaves over and above 15 can be claimed for encashment. Earned leave payment would be calculated as per the current Basic salary.

Maternity Leave

Female employees who have been working with the company for not less than 90 days will be eligible for 30 days of paid maternity leave, up to two confinements. To facilitate arrangements for cover of duties, application for maternity leave will have to be made not less than two months prior to the date of commencement of leave.

Absence from work due to miscarriage or any other illness arising out of pregnancy will not be considered as maternity leave, but as normal medical leave. Employees covered under ESI, shall govern as per the ESI guidelines.

Paternity Leave

Male Employees will be granted paternity leave for 10 working days. The leave should be availed within three weeks time of the birth of the child.

Special Leave/casual leave

As an employee friendly organization, an employee can avail one day leave over and above the other leaves above mentioned for one special occasion. This can be either his/her birthday or wedding

anniversary .

Compensatory Offs

An employee who has worked on a holiday is eligible for a compensatory off. However, this has to be approved by the Reporting Manager with appropriate justification for such extra work and efforts.

Reimbursement policy:

Accommodation and food: (1) 4 metros: Accommodation = Rs 1,500/- per day per head & Food = Rs 250/- per day per head. These limits are inclusive of all taxes. This is the maximum limit allowed.

Other state capitals and metropolitan cities: Rs 1,200/- per day per head & Food = Rs 250/- per head These limits are inclusive of all taxes. This is the maximum limit allowed. For stay at out station places for a period of at least 12 hours, full days rate is applicable. Otherwise for stay of less than 12 hours, 50% of the usual rate is allowed.

Anyone going for any official duty will be reimbursed the traveling expenses.


Our mission is to support our Corporate Leadership, Department Heads and employees in the achieving their personal and strategic goals. We intend to achieve this by attracting, recruiting, training, developing and retaining high caliber staff and constantly revitalizing the employees of Jain Group through Benchmark policies and practices.

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