Julius Caesar

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Act 1 scene 1: The play opens with the citizens of Rome celebrating Caesar’s victory in war.
The tribunes, Flavius and Marullus, tell them off for reacting that way and taking a holiday to
honour Caesar, telling them that he has not brought back any ‘conquests’ or spoils and that
they are forgetting how much they used to love Pompey, the Roman leader who Caesar has
defeated. The tribunes say to them ‘And do you now strew flowers in his way / That comes in
triumph over Pompey’s blood?’ Flavius suggests he and Marullus tear down the decorations
from Caesar’s statues, saying Caesar will 'soar above the view of men / And keep us all in
servile fearfulness.’

Act 1 scene 2: Caesar arrives with his entourage, including his wife Calphurnia and loyal
friend Antony. a soothsayer in the crowd calls out a warning to Caesar, saying ‘beware the
ides of march’, but Caesar dismisses it. The entourage then leaves to go to a ceremonial race,
leaving Brutus, a trusted friend of Caesar’s, and Cassius alone. Cassius begins to flatter
Brutus, but Brutus is distracted by shouts he can hear coming from the race. He fears Caesar
is being crowned king and accidentally voices this thought out loud. At this, Cassius begins
to openly criticise Caesar, recalling times when Caesar showed physical weakness. Cassius
reminds Brutus of his reputation and his concern for the good of Rome rather than personal
triumph. Caesar and his entourage return after the race and Caesar says to Antony that
‘Cassius has a lean and hungry look. / He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous’ but
Antony assures him that Cassius is 'noble'. After Caesar leaves again, Casca tells Brutus and
Cassius that Antony offered Caesar a crown three times at the race but that Caesar refused
it.Casca adds that Caesar fell down and ‘foamed at the mouth’ and Brutus confirms that
Caesar has ‘the falling-sickness’. He tells Cassius he will give his words thought. Left alone
with the audience, Cassius points out how easily Brutus’ noble nature can be
manipulated.Notice how carefully Cassius manipulates Brutus in scene 2. He starts with
flattery and chips away at Caesar’s character. Note how emotional he gets and how
personally he attacks Caesar.

Act 1 scene 3: Cassius meets Casca during a violent storm. Casca sees the storm as a bad
omen but Cassius dismisses this and compares it to the political turmoil within Rome. Casca
tells Cassius that the senators intend to crown Caesar the next day and Cassius speaks
strongly against Caesar saying, ‘what trash is Rome, / what rubbish, and what offal when it
serves / for the base matter to illuminate / so vile a thing as Caesar!’ he says that he has the
support of several 'noblest-minded romans' to undertake 'an enterprise / of honourable-
dangerous consequence’ and to stop Caesar. They are then joined by one of these romans,
Cinna. Cassius gives him letters containing material against Caesar to throw into Brutus’
house before they visit him. Casca comments that Brutus’ involvement will make their
‘offence’ appear as ‘virtue’ and ‘worthiness’ as people love and respect him and believe
Brutus is a good man.Notice the mention of omens and signs throughout act 1. We only see a
little of Caesar but hear a great deal about him from other characters. Act 1 is important
because it sets up the characters – letting us know that opinion on Caesar is divided and that
there is a plot to murder him before he is crowned.

Act 2 scene 1: Brutus is in his orchard unable to sleep. in a soliloquy, he reveals he can see
no way of stopping Caesar except 'by his death’. He reads a letter that Cassius and Cinna
have planted. his servant tells him that tomorrow is 15 march (the ides of march) and that
several men have arrived with ‘half their faces buried in their cloaks’. Brutus lets the men, or
conspirators, in. one of them is Cassius who introduces the rest. Brutus rejects Cassius’ wish
to ‘swear’ their ‘resolution’. He believes an ‘oath’ is unnecessary if they are acting as
‘countrymen’ and ‘romans’. Cassius argues that Antony should also be killed but Brutus says
this will make them seem ‘too bloody’. They arrange to accompany Caesar to the capitol the
next day and the conspirators leave.Portia, Brutus’ wife, enters. She is worried about him,
saying ‘you have some sick offense within your mind'. Portia begs him to tell her his ‘cause
of grief’. Brutus assures her that she is his 'true and honourable wife' and that he will explain

Act 2 scene 2: The storm rages at Caesar’s house. Like Brutus, Caesar has had a troubled
night. His wife, Calphurnia, has dreamt about his murder three times. Other omens have been
noted in the streets of Rome and Calphurnia begs Caesar not to go to the capitol as she is
afraid of what the signs mean. Caesar maintains he is stronger than fate saying ‘danger knows
full well / that Caesar is more dangerous than he.’ however, he orders the priests to make a
sacrifice to determine his success that day and, out of love for Calphurnia, he agrees to stay at
home. Decius, one of the conspirators, arrives to fetch Caesar. Caesar says he’s not going
because Calphurnia ‘saw my statue, / which, like a fountain with an hundred spouts, / did run
pure blood; and many lusty romans / came smiling and did bathe their hands in it.’ Decius
informs Caesar there are plans to crown him at the senate and if he does not go because of his
wife, he will seem cowardly.This is enough for Caesar to change his mind. The conspirators
enter to escort him to the capitol.

Act 2 scene 3: Artemidorus reads the petition he plans to give to Caesar, warning him against
the conspirators.

Act 2 scene 4: Portia has been told by Brutus about the plot. She struggles between her fears
for her husband and her promise to Brutus to ‘keep counsel’ and not speak out. The
soothsayer enters on his way to warn Caesar ‘to befriend himself’ and Portia betrays her
nerves as she questions him. ACT 2 is important because it sets up conflict – letting us know
exactly who is for and against Caesar and why. it also introduces us to two domestic
relationships - Portia and Brutus and Caesar and Calphurnia.

Act 3 scene 1: Caesar approaches the capitol. He observes that the ‘ides of march have come’
but the soothsayer points out they are not over yet. Caesar refuses to read Artemidorus’
warning. Cassius has a moment of panic and fears the plot has been discovered but Brutus
reassures him.The conspirators surround Caesar, pretending to kneel in appeal, and Caesar is
stabbed to death by all the conspirators. Brutus is the last to strike, a betrayal of friendship
which shocks Caesar. The conspirators claim publicly that ‘tyranny is dead!’ and Brutus
invites them to ‘bathe' their hands in Caesar’s blood, echoing the image in Calphurnia’s
dream.Antony, who has fled, returns to the scene. After being promised safety, he shakes
hands with the murderers. Brutus tells him he will explain his motives at Caesar’s funeral
where he will speak to the crowd. Antony asks to speak also. Cassius advises against this but
Brutus allows it, as long as Brutus speaks first. When left alone with Caesar’s body, Antony
weeps and speaks of revenge. We hear that Caesar’s great-nephew Octavius is coming to

Act 3 scene 2: At Caesar’s funeral, the crowd demand an explanation from the murderers.
Brutus speaks first. he argues with logic and reason, saying that he loved Rome more than
Caesar and asking the crowd if they would rather be free with Caesar dead or ‘slaves' with
him alive. thecrowd are on his side, saying 'Caesar’s better parts / shall be crowned in
Brutus.’Then Antony enters with Caesar’s body. He speaks with emotion, reminding the
crowd of Caesar’s qualities and deliberately repeating that Brutus is ‘an honourable man'.
Antony shows them the wounds on Caesar’s body, where each knife stabbed it before
revealing Caesar’s will in which he has left the people of Rome money and land. Antony not
only wins the crowd but turns them into an angry mob intent on revenge: 'they were traitors:
honourable men?’ the conspirators flee from the mob. Caesar’s body is taken to be burnt ‘in
the holy place’. a servant announces that Octavius and Lepidus have arrived in Rome.

Act 3 scene 3: The angry mob of citizens chase and catch Cinna the poet, mistaking him for
Cinna the conspirator and calling out ‘tear him to pieces! He’s a conspirator!’Cinna insists
that he is a poet, not a conspirator but the mob don’t care. They kill Cinna with their bare

Act 4 scene 1: Octavius, Lepidus and Antony, the three men who will form the new
triumvirate of Rome meet in Antony’s house to discuss which conspirators are to die. Antony
sends Lepidus to fetch Caesar’s will. Alone with Octavius, Antony belittles Lepidus: 'He
must be taught and trained and bid go forth— /A barren-spirited fellow’. Octavius disagrees,
saying he is ‘a tried and salient soldier'. The subject changes to Brutus and Cassius who are
preparing to fight. Octavius and Antony prepare to do the same.

Act 4 scene 2: Brutus waits for Cassius in the rebel camp. Lucilius comments that Cassius’ is
not as open and friendly as he once was. Brutus agrees that Cassius is ‘cooling’ in his
friendship. Cassius arrives and directly accuses Brutus of wronging him. To hide the row
from their men, Brutus invites him into his tent. The argument escalates and political
accusations become personal insults until Cassius offers Brutus his dagger to kill him with.
Brutus backs down and they embrace as friends again. Brutus then reveals why he is so
angry. Portia, his wife, is dead. She has killed herself: ‘Impatient of my absence, / And grief
that young Octavius with Mark Antony / Have made themselves so strong’

Not wanting to talk more of Portia, Brutus changes the subject to battle plans. Cassius
suggests they wait for Antony and Octavius’ armies to reach them so they’ll be tired when
they fight. Brutus disagrees, wanting to meet them in Philippi. Cassius is overruled. When
Brutus is left alone, he is visited by Caesar’s ghost: ‘Art thou some god, some angel, or some
devil, / Thatmak’st my blood cold and my hair to stare?’ Claiming to be Brutus’ evil spirit,
the ghost says they will meet again at Philippi. Brutus wakes his men but they all deny crying
out or seeing anything. Brutus sends word to Cassius to be ready to march ahead of him next
morning.Act 4 is important because it sets up the battle – letting us know how events are
changing the characters we have met. How have the actions of the conspirators backfired?
Who has more power now? Who has the strength to win this battle?

At Philippi, Octavius and Antony briefly disagree over tactics. Brutus and Cassius enter with
their armies and the two sets of leaders exchange insults: 'When your vile daggers / Hacked
one another in the sides of Caesar. / You showed your teeth like apes and fawned like
hounds’ (Antony). Octavius and Antony lead their armies away. Away from Brutus, Cassius
reveals his concern over certain omens he saw on their march, despite never believing in
them before. Brutus returns and he and Cassius discuss what will happen if they lose. Brutus
vows he will not be taken captive to Rome. The two friends bid farewell to each other and go
into battle: 'Forever and forever farewell, Cassius. / If we do meet again, why we shall smile;
/ If not, why then this parting was well made.'
Act 5 scene 2: Brutus sends a message to Cassius that he can see a possible weakness in
Octavius’ army and is going to attack.

Act 5 scene 3: Cassius watches his troops flee Antony’s army. Cassius hears that Antony has
entered his camp. He notes that it is his birthday, the day he is also likely to die: 'Where I did
begin, there shall I end’. Mistaking a victory for Titinius for defeat, Cassius hands his sword
to his servant, Pindarus, and asks him to kill him: ‘With this good sword, / That ran through
Caesar’s bowels, search this bosom.’ Pindarus kills Cassius and flees. Titinius lays the
victory wreath sent by Brutus on his body and kills himself with Cassius’ sword. Brutus
enters and, seeing the bodies, says that the spirit of Caesar ‘walks abroad’. He promises
Cassius that he will 'find time' to mourn and speaks fondly of his friend: ‘The last of all the
Romans, fare thee well. / It is impossible that ever Rome / Should breed thy fellow.’

Act 5 scene 4: Brutus rallies his men and exits, fighting. Cato is killed. Lucilius pretends to
be Brutus and is captured. Antony arrives and praises Lucilius’ bravery, telling his men to
treat him well: ‘I had rather have / Such men my friends than enemies.’ (5:4)

Act 5 scene 5: Recognising that he is defeated, Brutus asks his men to kill him but they
refuse. He speaks of his visions of Caesar’s ghost, saying that his own ‘hour is come'. Alarms
sound and his men urge Brutus to flee but he bids them farewell: ‘Night hangs upon mine
eyes; my bones would rest, / That have but labored to attain this hour.’ Brutus runs onto his
own sword and dies as Antony and Octavius arrive. Antony praises Brutus’ honour: ‘All the
conspirators save only him / Did that they did in envy of great Caesar.’ Octavius agrees and
says Brutus will be buried with a soldier’s honours.

Notice how Shakespeare creates the illusion of battle with short physical and verbal clashes
between characters. Take note of how Antony and Octavius receive the news of Brutus’
death. Act 5 is important because it resolves the drama – Caesar’s murder is avenged and the
conspirators dealt with. A lot is said about the characters of Brutus and Cassius. Do you think
they die heroes or villains?

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