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Saint James Academy

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



A Capstone Study Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department
Saint James Academy
Ibaan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for
Research Project/Capstone Study

ABADAY, Cristelle Angela A.

PORTUS, Mariel Jazel C.

SABLAY, Hannah Sophia C.

VERANA, Donna Kristel B.


Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

This research entitled "ECO-DUSTBIN: ARDUINO UNO BASED
partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research Project and Capstone, has been
evaluated and approved with a grade of ___________________.

Date: ________________.


Evaluator/Research Advisor


Evaluator/Research Advisor



Final Defense taken on _____________________

Rating ____________________________________________

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support

are extended to the following persons who have contributed in giving a final shape

and making this study possible.

To the whole academe of Saint James Academy, to the school principal, to

our class adviser, for giving us the chance to improve our own selves by giving

their all.

To Engr. Melannie P. Adante and Mr. Heczel B. Miñas, the research

advisers, for their support, guidance, counsel, recommendations and provisions

which embolden the researchers to go after the study. At the foremost, we would

like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisors, thank you for your thesis

advices and for the priceless endeavor, patience, understanding and enthusiasm

you’ve exerted for this study. We would also like to acknowledge their time and

effort in checking and reviewing the research paper.

To our panelists, for giving remarks and discernments in our study that

opened for the improvement of the research study.

To Engr. Mark Jerald C. Portus, who provides us the additional sensors and

the Arduino Uno board, and for helping the researchers in their initial testing and

consultation process of their research study.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

To Patrick Lorenz Reyes and Ferdinand Gutierrez, for giving their time

assisting us on consultations and troubleshooting of the automated waste

segregator needed for the study.

To the researchers’ family, we are particularly indebted for they are one of

the most important to us in the pursuit of this research study, we would like to

thank our most loved and cherished parents for providing constant source of

inspiration, concern, support, strength and care throughout the whole academic

year that provide the necessities of the writers to bring out a study and whose love

and guidance are with us throughout the extent of our study .

And most especially to Almighty God, who gave strength to the writers to

continue despite all the hardships that were faced throughout the writing of the

thesis. Thank you, Lord God in helping us to achieve what we are and have now.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


This research paper is wholeheartedly dedicated to all the people who helped,

inspired and encouraged us in making this paper possible and successful through

the countless nights of hard work. The researchers devoted this humble and simple

triumph first, to our Almighty God who has always made His presence felt and

stood by when times of struggle were faced by the researchers. To our greatest

research advisors, for their potential to contribute source of knowledge and

expertise that is always been there for the researchers. It is also dedicated to the

academy, validators, principal, adviser, families and colleagues of the researchers

for giving their unending and overall moral support from the start of the paper

until the completion of the present research, and had given the researchers the

chance of conducting a study to test the capabilities of the group that showed the

full potential and talent of the researchers.

C. A. A. A
M. J. C. P.
H. S. C. S.
D. K. B. V.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Improper segregation of different types of waste being generated today

caused immense problem for national and local governments. A dramatic
increment in population, continuous economic growth, urbanization and
industrialization rapidly increases the consumption of different products thus
increasing the level of solid and hazardous waste being generated. To get rid of the
unawareness of this waste management problem, this paper proposes a prototype,
Eco-Dustbin, that automatically segregates wastes into their respective categories
which can be used as a solution for a segregation system at different institutions.
The Automated Waste Segregator system is designed to sort the refuse into
metallic waste, wet waste and dry waste. The system is based on Arduino Uno,
Motors, LCD display, and multiple sensors such as capacitive Proximity Sensor,
inductive Sensors, Ultrasonic Sensors, and IR Sensor. The Eco-Dustbin undergoes
in-depth programming using the “If-Then” statement of codes which can
manipulate the sensing mechanism to identify metallic items, and capacitive
sensors to distinguish between wet and dry waste. This study will test the volume
capacity, the energy capacity and the working duration of the prototype.
Experimental results will show that the overall responsiveness and sensitivity of
the Eco-Dustbin in segregating wastes into metallic, wet and dry waste has been
successfully implemented. Applying this study at Saint James Academy, the waste
generated will be automatically segregated using the Eco-Dustbin, an Arduino
Uno-Based Automated Waste Segregation System.

Keywords: Segregation, Waste, Automated Waste Segregator, Arduino Uno,

Motors, LCD, Sensors

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics













Introduction 1

Objectives of the Study 6

Conceptual Framework 7

Significance of the Study 11

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 12

Definition of Terms 14


Conceptual Literature 19

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Waste 16

Type of Wastes 17

Categories of Wastes 20

Waste Management 22

Waste Segregation 28

Automated Waste Segregator 35

Sensor Unit 39

Waste Disposal 40

Struvite Reactor 42

Ratio of gram of MgO/L of Urine 43

Application of Struvite on Plant 44

Research Literature 44

Synthesis of the Study 51


Research Design 53

Conceptualization and Development of Prototype 56

Design of Automated Waste Segregator 58

Integration of Hardware and Development of Software 60

Preliminary Testing of the Sensors of the

Automated Waste Segregator 61
Troubleshooting of the Automated Waste Segregator 63

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Final Testing and Evaluation of the

Automated Waste Segregator 63




System Components and Material Specifications 65

Schematic Diagram 73

Fabrication and Modification

of the Automated Waste Segregator 75

Development of Software 76

Preliminary Testing of the Sensors

of the Eco-Dustbin 81

Final Testing and Evaluation

of the Automated Waste Segregator 100

Troubleshooting of Automated Waste Segregator 102



Summary of Findings 103

Conclusions 104

Recommendations 106

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



A Prototype Manual 113

B Related Computations 117

C Documentation 120

D Cost Estimation 130

E Curriculum Vitae 132


No. Title Page

1 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Inductive Sensor in terms

its Responsiveness 81

2 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Raindrop Sensor in terms

of its Responsiveness 82

3 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the IR Sensor in terms

of its Responsiveness 83

4 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Ultrasonic Sensor in terms

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

of its Responsiveness 84

5 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Soil Moisture in terms

of its Responsiveness 85

6 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Capacitive Proximity Sensor

in terms of its Responsiveness 86

7 Results of Testing of the Sensitivity

of the Sensors in terms of its Responsiveness 87

8 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Operating Capacity of the

Metal Bin of the Eco-Dustbin 89

9 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Operating Capacity of the

Wet Bin of the Eco-Dustbin 90

10 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Operating Capacity of the

Dry Bin of the Eco-Dustbin 92

11 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Working Duration of the Eco-Dustbin 94

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

12 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Speed of IR Sensor

in Detecting and Sorting the Wastes 96

13 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Speed of Inductive Sensor

in Detecting and Sorting the Wastes 97

14 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Speed of Raindrop Sensor

in Detecting and Sorting the Wastes 98

15 Results of the Preliminary Testing

of the Speed of Ultrasonic Sensor

in Detecting and Sorting the Wastes 99

16 Results of the Final Testing

of the Eco-Dustbin

in terms of its Efficiency 100

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


No. Title Page

1 Conceptual Paradigm 10

2 Automated Waste Segregator 55

3 Schematic Diagram of

Automated Waste Segregator 73

4 Power Supply Unit 65

5 Open-close Mechanism 66

6 Rotating Mechanism 67

7 Circular Panel 68

8 Trash Bins 69

9 Sensors 70

10 LCD 71

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

11 Case Structure 72

12 Wheels 72

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics




Nowadays, people face critical problems which include the need to save the

weakening environment where solid wastes are uselessly dumped. Management

and disposal of these wastes has been a major recurring problem now, especially

in urban areas. As humanity develops new technology and equipment, the level of

waste increases every day. In everyday life, every human being produces a number

of garbage in the solid form of 1-3 kg (Angin, Sashanti, Siagian, Suryanto, &

Marcopolo, 2018). These problems arise also as the population increases where

every person’s necessities are constantly escalating thus resulting to more wastes.

Waste disposal is a systematic action for managing waste from its origin to

its final disposal. It includes incineration or burning, burial at landfill sites or

discharge at different bodies of water like sea, lake, river, and recycling. Improper

disposal of garbage generates harmful chemicals which contaminate surface and

groundwater. The harmful method used for waste disposal makes an excessive

damage to the environment because the production of toxic substances causes air

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

pollution and contributes to acid rain which is very dangerous to everyone’s

health. There are a lot of other negative effects of wrong waste disposal which can

give rise to disease vectors which spread harmful diseases. The factors that are

mostly affected by the negative effects of this method are human health, plant and

animal life which are essential to our environment. But before proceeding to the

process of disposal of wastes, proper segregation of wastes must be observed to

avoid mixing different waste substances that produced more toxic waste products.

It is the first step to total waste management.

Segregation of our waste is essential as the amount of waste being

generated today caused immense problem. Waste segregation is the process of

separating and sorting wastes according to a certain property required for

classification. The two main classifications of wastes are biodegradable which

includes organic waste such as kitchen waste, vegetables, and fruits, and non-

biodegradable waste where substances do not degrade easily. Non- biodegradable

waste can be further segregated into recyclable wastes, toxic wastes, and soiled


There are different ways for wastes to be separated. The most common and

simple way to segregate is to sort each waste manually by installing different bins

for collecting different type of waste such as wet, dry and metal etc. It can be done

mostly in households and be collected through garbage collection schemes that are

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

available in most of cities and towns. It is the responsibility of a community to

dispose the solid waste in a correct manner. Citizens have a huge role to play in

this too, as they are the main generators of this kind of a waste. There are instances

where other people often misplaced certain garbage to a wrong bin because of the

lack of awareness towards proper waste management. However, those people who

also lack of discipline and responsibility practices the improper way of segregating

different wastes in a community for they have not put an effort to contribute in

saving the environment in the simplest way. A disruption of proper disposal of

waste occurs due to a deficiency of the waste segregation caused by inappropriate

human behavior and practices.

On the other hand, waste can also be automatically separated with the help

of technology and innovation to form a more effective way of managing and

segregating waste. Automation deals with mechanization of process of production

involving the use of automatic machinery and integrating the use of

computers. Nowadays, the industry is turning towards computer-based monitoring

of tasks mainly due to the need for the increased productivity and delivery of the

final products with maximum quality (Aahash, Prasath, Gopinath, & Gunasekaran,

2018). Producing and implementing an automated waste segregator will reduce the

expenditure on waste disposal, and performance of the machine will substitute the

manual effort done by humans making recycling, reusing and reducing wastes be

resolved easily. The system of the machine consists of multiple sensors to classify

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

and identify the type of waste and subsequently place them in different bins

accordingly and automatically. Each sensor will give the commands that the

system will perform. The system is affiliated with the microcontroller used in the

machine. The use of the technical advances of this machine in waste segregation

will benefit and effectively improve the waste management of the society.

In line with the improvement of the waste management of the society, the

mayor of the municipality of Ibaan proposed a project regarding to proper waste

segregation of the town of Ibaan. The research will be conducted to help in the

segregation of solid wastes into its respective classification and to aid in recycling

wastes from institutions and commercial areas. The utilization of the automated

waste segregator will improve the sorting of municipal wastes and so as the

institutional wastes. As Saint James Academy is being part of the municipality of

Ibaan, this academic institution will participate on the proposed project of the

mayor of the municipality of Ibaan.

Saint James Academy, a catholic institution located in Ibaan, Batangas, was

founded in 1955 by the Oblates of St. Joseph through Fr. Guido Coletti, the OSJ

church builder in the Philippines. It is one of the institutions that implements

proper waste segregation specifically the categories of biodegradable, non-

biodegradable, and recyclable waste. However, not all people follow the

implementation of this regulation due to some circumstances which can cause

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

defectiveness on the proper waste disposal. Due to the escalation on the expected

number of students this school year, the generated wastes are expected to increase,

also. The students, teachers, and administrations must consider and pay a close

attention to the importance of right waste management to ensure their health and

the proper sanitation of their learning environment. By applying the project of the

automated waste segregator in the context of Saint James Academy, the

researchers will be able to reduce the problem of improper waste management

especially in segregating each waste to their proper category.

Even though there are large scale industrial waste segregators present, it is

always much better to segregate the waste at the source itself. The benefits of

doing so are that a higher quality of the material is retained for recycling which

means that more value could be recovered from the waste (Chandramohan,

Mendonca, Shankar, Baheti, & Krishnan, 2019). In this case, the utilization of the

automated waste segregator in an institution will help not only on the proper waste

management but also on the practice on the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, and

recycle within the school community. The economic value of each recyclable

material will be recognized and will be able to help minimized the waste being


Henceforth, research will be conducted in order to build an automated eco-

friendly dustbin as a waste segregator using Arduino operated by multiple sensors

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

which is a means of identifying each waste category accordingly and

automatically. This specific study aims to develop a more effective way of

segregating the wastes generated in the institution of Saint James Academy.

Objectives of the Study

The main extent of the study is to produce a prototype that segregates dry,

wet and metallic wastes through the use of Arduino Uno microcontroller.

Specifically, it aims:

1. To design and to develop an automated waste segregator considering the


1.1. system components;

1.2. material specification.

2. To develop a program of the automated waste segregator considering the


2.1. Arduino Sketch

2.2. Arduino IDE (software)

2.3. Arduino codes

3. To program different sensors and to test their sensitivity considering the


3.1. IR Sensor

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3.2. Metal Sensor

3.3. Moisture Sensor

3.4. Ultrasonic Sensor

4. To conduct the preliminary testing of the automated waste segregator

considering the following:

4.1. operating capacity

4.2. speed of sensors in sorting wastes

4.3. working duration

5. To evaluate the efficiency of the sensors of the automated waste segregator

in terms of:

5.1. responsiveness

5.2. sensitivity

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is the blueprint of the study wherein principle

and assumptions hold together the ideas incorporating the whole concept of the

study. The study is based on the efficiency of the Eco-Dustbin using Arduino,

which is an automated waste segregator of the institutional wastes generated in

Saint James Academy.

In order to have an intensified overview of the paper, the researchers

constructed a conceptual paradigm in a Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate or

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

CDIO model that illustrated the development stages for the assessment of the


In the Conceive Stage, the researchers will establish and present the

knowledge and hardware requirements that is essential to the study. Knowledge

about basic electronics, programming and troubleshooting, basic programmable

logic controller (PLC), and robotics technology are necessary and required.

Furthermore, hardware requirements which includes Arduino Uno, Inductive

Sensor, Capacitive Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, and DC power

adaptor were also vital to the study. Software requirements such as M-Duino

(Arduino-based PLC), and Arduino IDE are the most critical requirement to

accomplish this study.

In the Design Stage, the researchers will use the SketchUp program in

creating the plan and structure of the automated waste segregator, Eco-Dustbin.

In the Implement Stage, conceptualization of the prototype design will be

prepared and organized. Hardware requirements will be combined and then, a

software that will recognize the different solid waste inserted in the machine will

be developed. Next, software and hardware requirements will be completely

combined and after, a preliminary testing of the automated waste segregator will

be conducted. Performing troubleshooting process will help improve the operation

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

of the prototype. And lastly, the accuracy and efficacy of the automated waste

segregator will be tested and evaluated further.

In the Operate Phase, the researcher will be able to automatically

segregate waste using the automated waste segregator operated by Arduino. The

embedded microcontrollers and sensors will process the information and

properties needed to separate the waste accordingly.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Conceive Implement
Knowledge Requirements:
Basic Electronics Design Create and conceptualize the
Programming and System components automated waste segregator
Troubleshooting Power Supply Unit prototype design. Operate
Basic Programmable Logic Open-close mechanism Develop a software that will
Controller (PLC) Circular panel recognize the different solid waste
Robotics Technology Trash bins inserted in the machine.
Hardware requirements: LCD Combine the hardware
Arduino Uno Effective Waste Segregation
Wood Case Structure requirements and program and test
Inductive Sensor Using an Automated Waste
Wheels the sensitivity of different sensors.
Capacitive Sensor Segregator Operated by
Conduct a preliminary testing of
Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino
SketchUp design the automated waste segregator
Servo Motor prototype.
DC power adaptor Perform a troubleshooting process
Jumper Wires to improve the operation of the
Breadboard prototype.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Software Requirements: Evaluate the accuracy and
Arduino IDE efficiency of the automated waste
Arduino Sketch segregator.
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Figure 1
Conceptual Par
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Significance of the Study

This capstone study will be essential for the community of the school, the

faculties and the students for the improvement of waste segregation in the

environmental necessities of the institution. Moreover, the study will be conducted

to focus on the process of generating a prototype for waste segregation using the

Arduino system.

The specific significance of the study in each sector is enumerated as follows:

To the Community. This will allow the community to prevent negative

impacts on the environment caused by the outraging number of wastes in the

community. This will utilize the effectiveness of waste segregation in solving

environmental problems regarding wastes to achieve more control in collecting

wastes in the community.

To the Academe. The study will empower the school to have a great vision

of educating the students in proper waste management. This will also help in the

effectiveness of the disciplinary actions made by the faculty and staff to nurture

the foundation of the school into the prior way of education.

To the Students. The study will help them determine the proper waste

segregation in dealing with the increasing amount of wastes parallel to the rapid

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

growth of the population of students inside the academic institution. From the

study, this will encourage them to induce proper waste management using the eco-

dustbin generated by the Arduino system.

To the Faculty and Maintenance. The study will help them to guide the

actions of the students in terms of disciplinary management and to enhance the

provisions of the facilities for proper waste segregation of schools. Furthermore,

they will able to find ways of handling the waste management of the school by the

process of automatic segregation of the increasing number of wastes.

To the researchers. This will involve their intellectual creativity in

producing such machines to enhance their knowledge and to engage them on the

corners of problems inside the institution.

To future researchers. This will help them explore and create more

effective researches for the improvement of proper waste management of the

institution. This will also help them develop innovations of the machines relating

to waste segregation.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of the study focused on the automated waste segregator using the

Arduino Uno Microcontroller for waste segregation in Saint James Academy.

Production of the automated machine will consider the materials of Arduino Uno

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

microcontroller, motor driver and various sensors to send a signal to the bins

installed and to recognize the wastes according to their characteristics and

appropriate classifications.  In this case, the automatic machine will consist of only

three categories – for dry wastes, for wet wastes, and metallic wastes. However,

the separation of wastes will happen one at a time with an assigned priority for

metal, wet and dry waste.

Development of an eco-dustbin will be done on which researchers will

consider the system components and materials need in creating an eco-dustbin.

The system components to be examined incorporate the relevant melding of

software & hardware, power supply unit, servo motor, circular panel, trash bins,

LED light signals, wood case structure, and structure wheels that are of use to as

the core of an excellent functionality of the Arduino Uno in operating automated

waste segregator or the eco-dustbin.

 On the capacity of eco-dustbin, the machine has its limitations on

occupying the wastes being segregated. It has its maximum volume thus; it will

not collect all of its wastes. Another factor, the prototype does not equip in

removing solid or liquid contents of the containers. Therefore, it has to be done


The initial testing will be conducted to test the effectiveness of an

automated machine using the Arduino Uno Microcontroller, its sensors, and

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

motors. This will be conducted inside the premises of Saint James Academy to

evaluate the proper waste management. This prototyping process will focus on the

segregation of wastes and will not include the implementation of disposing wastes.

However, this study will not conduct to remove all the waste in the said

institution but to lessen the time in waste segregation especially in the cafeteria of

the school. Moreover, this study will not focus on segregating other types of waste

but merely centre on wastes like dry, wet and metal, also the volume capacity and

the power supply is limited as the basis of assessing the efficacy of Arduino Uno

as the system, the proponents will only examine its efficiency through using

different sensors. The researchers will not use any other microcontroller other than

indicated in the study.

Definition of Terms

The present study dealt with the production of the automated waste

segregator for waste management in Saint James Academy. In addition, the

following terminologies are hereby defined as to prevent incomprehensibility and

promote proper understanding.

Arduino Uno. A popularly used open-source micro-controller board that

runs on ATmega 328P micro-controller. This board is developed by

which is an Italy based hardware company. This board contains a set of digital and

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analog I/O data pins that are used to interface this board with other electronic

components (Iyer A. B., 2018).

Automated Waste Segregator. It employs inductive sensors to identify

metallic items, and capacitive sensors to distinguish between wet and dry waste

depending upon the threshold values set. However, it cannot segregate ceramic

into dry waste because it has the higher relative dielectric constant as compared to

other dry wastes that are segregated (Iyer A. B., 2018).

Codes. It is used to describe text that is written using the protocol of a

particular language by a computer programmer (Computer Hope, 2017). As to be

used in the study, it is to utilize the use of programming of Arduino Uno as

instructions to produce automated waste segregator.

Environment. It is comprised of the interacting systems of physical,

biological and cultural elements which are interlinked both individually and

collectively. Environment is the sum total of conditions in which an organism has

to survive or maintain its life process. It influences the growth and development of

living forms (Mondal, 2019).

Institutional wastes. Solid waste that is generated by institutional

enterprises such as social, charitable, educational, and government services and

that is similar in nature to household waste (Insider, 2019). As to be used in the

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study, these are wastes produced from the academic institution that will be used in

developing the automated waste segregator.

Microcontroller. MCU or Microcontroller Unit. It is a single Integrated

Circuit (IC) that gathers input, processes this information, and outputs a certain

action based on the information gathered. Microcontrollers usually operate at

lower speeds, around the 1MHz to 200 MHz range, and need to be designed to

consume less power because they are embedded inside other devices that can have

greater power consumptions in other typically used for a specific

application and designed to implement certain tasks (Gudino, 2018).

Programming. It is the art of developing computer programs with the aid

of selected programming language by a computer programmer. It is a special skill

whose quality is tested by the quality of the resulting program or software. In

programming, programming stages must be properly followed, i.e from problem

definition to maintenance and review (Lateef, Abimbola , Owoade, & Ogunsanwo,


Servo Motors. It is an electrical device which can push or rotate an object

with great precision (Apoorve, 2015). As to be used in the study, the servo motors

will connect directly to Arduino to control the shaft position of objects and move

sensors very precisely.

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Segregation. It is done manually by installing different bins for collecting

different type of waste such as wet, dry and metal etc (Naveen, 2008).

Sensor. It is a device that receives a stimulus and responds with an

electrical signal (Sinha, 2017). As to be used in the study, this is the material

measured in producing the prototype that signals to classify the different wastes

inserted in the machine.

Sorting. Waste sorting can occur manually at the household and collected

through curb side collection schemes, or automatically separated in materials

recovery facilities or mechanical biological treatment systems (Schlesinger,

Aluminum Recycling, Second Edition, 2010).

Speed. As to be used in the study, it is a rate and a way of measuring of

how quickly something is moving or operating.

Time. As to be used in the study, it is to measure the speed of sorting of

wastes inserted into the machine.

Waste. Any residue from a production process, transformation or use, any

substance, material or product or more generally any type of discarded goods or

property, or goods or property that the owner intends to discard (French

Environmental Code , 2015).

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Waste Management. Effective supervision and handling, keeping,

collection, conveying, treatment and disposal of waste in a manner that safeguard

the environment and the public (Tchobanoglous, 1993).

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter presents different concepts and theories that provide

significant relation to the project.

Content searches use key words and phrases to collect as many applicable

sources as possible. For the purpose of this research study, sources primarily from

2008 to present were utilized, except for earlier literature that was used for a

historical perspective.

I. Conceptual Literature

1. Waste

Waste has been a major environmental issue everywhere since the

industrial revolution. Besides the waste we create at home, there are also those

from schools, hospitals, industries, farms, and other public places (eSchoolToday,


Wastes are unused or unwanted materials which is discarded after primary

use, or is defective, worthless and of no use. According to the Basel Convention

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on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their

Disposal of 1989, Article 2(1), “Wastes’ are the substance or objects, which are

disposed of or are, intended to be disposed of by the provisions of national law,”

(Basel Convention Archived copy, 1989).

2. Types of Waste

Waste can be in any form (liquid, solid, gas), although generally, waste

is solid (Waste, n.d.).There are various types but primarily there are three kinds of


2.1 . Municipal wastes

Municipal Solid Waste Municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated from

households, offices, hotels, shops, schools and other institutions. The major

components are food waste, paper, plastic, rags, metal and glass, although

demolition and construction debris are often included in collected waste, as are

small quantities of hazardous waste, such as electric light bulbs, batteries,

automotive parts and discarded medicines and chemicals. Municipal waste differs

in each municipality and keeps changing with time.

2.1.1. Household waste

Materials like unused food, clothes, unwanted paper, damaged batteries,

etc. come under household wastes. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) deserves

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special attention as it may be a great concern in future. It includes common

household items such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries and pesticides. Agricultural

wastes also come under household waste.

2.1.2. Institutional waste

These are wastes coming from the vicinity of the schools.

2.1.3. Commercial waste

Wastes coming from any kinds of businesses, trading factories, etc.

come under commercial wastes.

2.2. Hazardous Wastes

Hazardous waste refers to solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes from industries

that have either of the properties: corrosiveness, ignitability, reactivity, and

toxicity. Treatment of these wastes is necessary before the industries dump it.

Hazardous wastes are unsafe for human health and the environment at large.

2.3. Biomedical wastes

Any waste coming from medical facilities such as hospitals, medical

colleges, research centers, etc.

3. Categories of Wastes

Wastes are further divided into various categories (Waste, n.d.):

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3.1. Dry Wastes

Waste which is isn’t dissolved in any form or in liquid form come under

dry wastes.

3.2. Wet Wastes

Any dissolve liquid-based waste or sludge coming from wastewater

plants, households, etc. come under wet waste.

3.3. Metal Wastes

Metal is a perfect material for recycling. It is valuable, it can be recycled

indefinitely without losing its physical properties, and the demand for metals is

constant. However, despite the good features and resale value, massive amounts of

recoverable metals end up being thrown away (Metal Waste Processing, 2019).

4. Waste Management

. Waste management is the precise name for the collection, transportation,

disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the

material, waste material that is produced through human being activity. This

material is managed to avoid its adverse effect over human health and

environment. Most of the time, waste is managed to get resources from it. The

waste to be managed includes all forms of matter i.e. gaseous, liquid, solid and

radioactive matter.

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The methods for the management of waste may differ for developed and

developing nations. For urban and rural populations, industrial and residential

areas it does differ as well. The management of waste in metropolitan and rural

areas is general responsibility of the local government. While the waste that is

produced by the industries is managed by the industry itself, in case it is non-

hazardous (Waste Management Resources, 2019).

Waste management is one of the primary problems that the world faces

irrespective of the case of developed or developing country (Dr.N.SATHISH

KUMAR, 2016)

4.1. The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

Republic Act No. 9003 popularly known as “The Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000”, an act providing an ecological solid waste

management program creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and

incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating

funds therefore and for other purposes. This law requires all Local Government

Units in the country to establish an ecological waste management program within

their jurisdictions and provides the necessary institutional mechanisms to attain its


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4.2. Present Waste Management Status

In a year-end Solid Waste Management (SWM) report conducted by the

School Maintenance, solid waste management remains a main challenge in the

school because of the continuous growth of the school’s population. Improper

waste disposal, inefficient waste collection and deficiency in facilities for waste

disposal are among the leading matters in the school’s waste management. It

continues to rise as the population, living standards, rapid economic growth and

industrialization increases throughout the years.

On the other hand, the institution sought to provide a long term solution to

this growing problem through a more strict implementation of the manual sorting

of wastes with provided 3 separated bins that has its own identification namely

biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable materials and wastes.

5. Waste Segregation

Waste segregation or waste sorting refers to the separation of wastes. The

purpose is to recycle dry and metal waste easily and use wet wastes as compost

(htt). Waste sorting can be done manually at the household and collected through

curbside collection schemes, or automatically separated in materials recovery

facilities or mechanical biological treatment systems. Hand sorting was the first

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method used in the history of waste sorting (Schlesinger, Aluminum Recycling,

Second Edition, 2010).

Waste segregation at source improves collection efficiency and leads to

better processing of wastes (Agarwal, 2018). Effective segregation of wastes

means that less waste goes to landfill which makes it cheaper and better for people

and the environment. (EMS, 2016). When the waste is segregated into basic

streams such as wet, dry and metallic, the waste has a higher potential of recovery

and consequently recycled and reused. The wet waste fraction is often converted

either into compost or methane-gas or both. (Iyer A. B., 2018).

6. Automated Waste Segregator

Segregation makes it possible to reuse and recycle the waste effectively.

This is the reason why the waste management becomes so important concern for

health and well-being of the society. (Raspberry Pi based Automated Waste

Segration System, 2018).

Even though there are large-scale industrial waste segregators present, it is

always much better to segregate the waste at the source itself. The benefits of

creating an automated waste segregator are that a higher quality of the material is

retained for recycling which means that more value could be recovered from the

waste. Also, the segregated waste could be directly sent to its corresponding places

instead of manually sorting them (Iyer A. B., 2018).

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Currently, there is no efficient system of segregation of dry, wet, and

metallic wastes at an institution or a household level. It has been recommended

that the least cost, most appropriate technological option for safe management

should be developed (Bajaj, 1995). An Automated Waste Segregator can be used

at the school and household level so that the waste can be sent directly for

processing. Implementation of this system at a local level like societies,

educational institutes, etc. can reduce the burden on the local authorities. The

automatic waste segregator is one small step towards building an efficient and

economic waste collection system with a minimum amount of human intervention

and also easier to install and use at a domestic level.

6.1 Basic Electronics

Basic electronics measures the knowledge and ability to apply concepts,

terms, and principle involved in working on or near electrical and electronic

equipment. Electronics is the branch of science and engineering dealing with the

theory and use of a class of devices in which electrons are transported through a

vacuum, gas or semiconductor.

6.2 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting requires for measurements to be made and tests to be

performed. The defective component(s) is isolated when measurements give

results far different than they would be in a properly operating unit, or when a test

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fails. Some failures happen which is a reason why troubleshooting is needed.

Some major types of failures are complete failures, intermittent fault, poor

performance, and induced failures. Complete failures are often the easiest

problems to repair. On the other hand, intermittent faults are usually the most

difficult to repair since troubleshooting can only be done when the equipment is

malfunctioning. Equipment that is functioning below specified operational

standards is said to have poor system performance characteristics which requires

troubleshooting. Regular performance checks are necessary for critical

communications systems. Induced failures often come from equipment abuse.

Induced failures can be eliminated by exercising proper equipment care. Repairs

should be done or supervised by experienced technicians. Voltage and resistance

checks are done to isolate defective components once the trouble has been

pinpointed to a specific stage of the equipment (Electronics Troubleshooting

Techniques, 2017).

6.3 Basic Programmable Logic Controller

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a special form of

microprocessor-based controller that uses a programmable memory to store

instructions and to implement functions such as logic, sequencing, timing,

counting and arithmetic in order to control machines and processes and are

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designed to be operated by engineers with perhaps a limited knowledge of

computers and computing languages (Bolton, 2006).

A PLC is digital operating electronic apparatus which uses a

programmable memory for internal storage of instruction for implementing

specific function such logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic to

control through analog or digital input/output modules various type of machines or

process (Priyam, Himanshu, & Selva, 2016).

6.4 Robotics Technology

Robotics involves the design and creation of robotic systems. A robotic

system has the capability of performing tasks and duties for humans to simplify

life and streamline work processes. The people who design robotic systems are

robotics engineers with specialized training in electrical and mechanical

engineering (Richards, 2019).

The robot technology is being applied in so many domains such as for

healthcare, medical and surgery, body-machine interface, telepresence robotics,

cyborgs, exoskeletons, and wearable robotics, humanoids, industrial,

housekeeping, collaborative robots, military robotics, underwater, flying and self -

driving machines, space robots, entertainment, art, environmental and alternately

powered robots, swarm and microbots, robotic networks, and modular robotics

(Pagliarini & Hautop Lund, 2017).

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6.5. Automated Waste Segregator using Arduino

6.5.1. Arduino

Arduino is a great platform for prototyping projects and inventions. The

Arduino is a platform for the development of microcontrollers coupled with an

intuitive programming language that you develop using the Arduino Integrated

development environment. You can the Arduino into a programmable “brain” for

just about any control system by equipping the Arduino with sensors, lights,

speakers, additional module (called shields) and other integrated circuits (Blum,


An Arduino is a small computer that can be programmed to process inputs

and outputs between your device and external components. It is a physical or

embedded computer platform, which means that it is an interactive system that

interacts with its surroundings (McRoberts, 2010).

Arduino was introduced back in 2005 in Italy by Massimo Banzi as a way

for non-engineers to have access to a low cost, simple tool for creating hardware

projects. Since the board is open-source, it is released under a Creative Commons

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license which allows anyone to produce their own board. If you search the web,

you will find there are hundreds of Arduino compatible clones and variations

available but the only official boards have Arduino in its name.

6.5.2. Arduino Uno

One of the most popular Arduino boards out there is the Arduino Uno.

While it was not actually the first board to be released, it remains to be the most

actively used and most widely documented on the market. Because of its extreme

popularity, the Arduino Uno has a ton of project tutorials and forums around the

web that can help you get started or out of a jam (Everything you need to know

about Arduino Code, n.d.).

The main workhouse in the Arduino family is the Uno. It is based on the

ATmega328 microcontroller and has a clock speed of 16MHz. it has 6 analog

input pins and 14 digital input/output pins. It can be powered by a USB connection

or a DC barrel connector, or by using power input pin headers (Craft, 2013).

6.5.3. Arduino Micro-controller

An Atmel microcontroller unit (MCU) is at the heart of each Arduino. Most

Arduino boards use the AVR ATMega microcontroller, including the Arduino

Uno. The microcontroller holds all your compiled code and executes the

commands that you specify (Blum, 2013). Microcontroller is a small computer

that carries out menial decision-making tasks that can be tedious, too fast, too slow

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or irritating for a person to do. It can be meaningful and react to events in the real

world by doing something (Craft, 2013).

6.6. Arduino Coding Environment

6.6.1. Arduino Sketch

The Sketch is a set of instruction that tells the board what function it needs

to perform. An Arduino board can only hold and perform one sketch at a time. The

software used to create Arduino Sketches is called the IDE which stands for

Integrated Development Environment (Everything you need to know about

Arduino Code, n.d.).

Every Arduino sketch has two main parts to the program:

1. void setup (): This is the location where a user can initialize all the

variables that will be required during the course of programming a

system. As the name suggests, this function is used to set up an Arduino

before interfacing it with other circuits. This area can also be used to

include libraries of various sensors. The popularly used functions in

void setup are:

 pinMode: This function is used to declare pins of Arduino as

input or output.

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 serial.begin: This function is used when Arduino is

communicating with other sensors or devices. This enables a

user to set a specific baud rate for communication purpose.

2. void loop (): The code written in this space will run over and over again

unless Arduino is interrupted using an interrupt or the USB cable is

disconnected from the USB port.

The different functions that are often used in void loop are:

 digitalWrite: This function is used to make a specific pin on

Arduino logically HIGH or LOW.

 digitalRead: This function is used when there is a need to

read digital data from a sensor or when we have to control

something using a switch/ push button.

 AnalogRead: This function comes in handy when we have to

read analog data from a sensor eg. Analog read is used when

there is a need to read data from a potentiometer.

 AnalogWrite: This function is used when a user wants to

supply analog voltages to a component. The best example of

analog write is when the intensity of LED is controlled using

a potentiometer and analog write function.

6.6.2. Arduino IDE

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Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software platform

that enables a user to program Arduino or any controller of the ATmega family.

This IDE provides a user the liberty to program an Arduino using C language. It

connects to the Arduino and hardware to upload programs and communicate with

them (Iyer A. B., 2018).

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is free to download and

will run on Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux. This enables the users to write

computer programs (a set of step-by-step instructions, known as sketches in the

Arduino world) that will then be uploaded to the Arduino using USB cable. The

Arduino will carry out the instructions based on its interaction with the outside

world (Geddes, 2016).

The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a special program

running on your computer that enables you to write codes for the Arduino board in

a simple language modeled after the processing which will then be converted to C

language when the user uploads the codes to the board itself. It will then be passed

to the AVR-CC compiler, the piece of open source software that will make the

final translation of the language to be understood by the microcontroller. The final

step is very important because this is where Arduino makes programming easy

without any knowledge of the complexity of programming microcontroller (Banzi,


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6.6.3 C++ Based Arduino Programming Language

This is used for Arduino based on C language. The syntax is almost

identical to that of C or C++. It is for the average Arduino user, a language that

still gives some nice features that can be taken advantage of as its programs

microcontrollers (Hawkes, 2018).

6.6.4 Arduino Codes

The basic Arduino code logic is an “if-then” structure and can be divided

into 4 blocks (Geddes, 2016):

 Setup - will usually be written in the setup section of the Arduino

code, and performs things that need to be done only once, such as

sensor calibration.

 Input - at the beginning of the loop, read the inputs. These values

will be used as conditions (“if”) such as the ambient light reading

from an LDR using analogRead().

 Manipulate Data - this section is used to transform the data into a

more convenient form or perform calculations. For instance, the

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AnalogRead() gives a reading of 0-1023 which can be mapped to a

range of 0-255 to be used for PWM.(see analogWrite())

 Output - this section defines the final outcome of the logic (“then”)

according to the data calculated in the previous step. Looking at our

example of the LDR and PWM, turn on an LED only when the

ambient light level goes below a certain threshold.

#include is used to include outside libraries in your sketch. This

gives the programmer access to a large group of standard C libraries

(groups of pre-made functions), and also libraries written especially for

Arduino (Arduino-Introduction, 2018).

#define is a useful C++ component that allows the programmer to

give a name to a constant value before the program is compiled. Defined

constants in Arduino don’t take up any program memory space on the chip.

The compiler will replace references to these constants with the defined

value at compile time (Arduino-Introduction, 2018).

#int are the primary data-type for number storage (Arduino-

Introduction, 2018).

7. Sensor Unit

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A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from

the physical environment. The specific input could be light, heat, motion,

moisture, pressure, or any one of a great number of other environmental

phenomena. The output is generally a signal that is converted to human-readable

display at the sensor location or transmitted electronically over a network for

reading or further processing (Automated Garbage Segregator for St. John

Technological College of the Philippines, 2018).

7.1.1. IR Sensor

An IR proximity sensor works by applying a voltage to a pair of IR light

emitting diodes (LED’s) which in turn, emit infrared light. This light travels

through the air and once it comes in contact with an object, it is reflected back

towards the detector. The waste is dumped into the AWS and comes in proximity

of IR proximity sensor module which marks the entry of the waste. When the IR

sensing unit becomes active, it sends a corresponding signal to controller which

in turn activates the other sensors (Wilson).

7.1.2. Moisture Sensor

The Moisture Sensor is used for measuring the moisture in waste and

similar materials. The two large exposed pads are used as probes for the sensor,

acting as a variable resistor. It measures the volumetric moisture/water content

indirectly by using some properties of the object such as electrical resistance,

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dielectric constant, or interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture

content (Implementation of Automated Waste, 2017).

7.1.3. Metal Sensor

The object moves over the incline and falls over the metal sensor. The

sensor is made up of inductive oscillator circuit which monitors high frequency

current loss in coil. The circuit is intended for any metallic body detection by

distinguishing the variations in the high frequency Eddy current losses. They

act as oscillators with aid of external tune d circuits. Output signal level is

changed by an approaching metallic object (Implementation of Automated Waste,


7.2. Servo Motor

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise

control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a

suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback (Automated Garbage

Segregator for St. John Technological College of the Philippines, 2018).

7.3. Liquid Crystal Display

This is flat panel display that uses properties of liquid crystals. LCD

displays do not emit light directly; instead, they use a black light to develop

images in single color (Iyer A. B., 2018). The command register stores the

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command given to the LCD by a micro-controller. The data register stores the data

to be displayed on the LCD.

7.4. Breadboard

A breadboard is a solderless device for temporary prototype with

electronics and test circuit designs. Most electronic components in electronic

circuits can be interconnected by inserting their leads or terminals into the

holes and then making connections through wires where appropriate (Wiring,


7.5. Jumper wires

Jumper wires are simply wirings that have connector pins at each end,

allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other without soldering.

Jumper wires are typically used with breadboards and other prototyping tools

in order to make it easy to change a circuit as needed. In fact, it doesn’t get

much more basic than jumper wires (Craft, 2013).

8. Waste Disposal

Waste disposal is a huge cause for concern in the present world. The

disposal method of voluminous amount of generated waste has had an adverse

effect on the environment (eSchoolToday, 2008-2019).

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II. Research Literature

1. Foreign Study

There were recent related studies on developing an automated waste

segregator with the utilization of Arduino system with various objectives. Most of

the concepts were based from these recent studies in different countries. Presented

here are some of the published studies about innovation of the automatic waste

segregation system, Arduino Uno and Sensors alongside with its results.

1.1. Automatic Lid Opening Waste Segregating Machine

In the paper presented by M.K.Pushpa et al., the proposition of an automated

waste segregating machine is highly feasible. The 8051 microcontroller is the

heart of the system. It controls the working and timing of all the subsections

including the sensors that will detect the properties of the materials. An open-

close mechanism was used to regulate the flow of the waste. An inductive sensor

detects if the object is metallic or non-metallic. If it is, the conveyor will transport

the object to the bin assigned to metallic objects. If it’s not, the high-speed blower

will determine if it is wet or dry based on its weight. The prototype yields an

almost perfect result but is only limited in metallic, wet and dry segregation. It

also lacks identification if the dry waste is plastic or paper. The segregation

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also takes an approximate of one minute to identify the object. In the design, the

object sizes are only limited to the size of the open-close mechanism.

Moreover, in the study conducted by Suwon Shin and Kaiyuan Fan, the trash

bin lid is integrated to automatically open when a user is nearby (Suwon & Fan,

2012). An indicator is also added to specify the content status of the trash bin. A

capacitive proximity sensor was used to identify the non-metallic objects. An

Arduino microcontroller was used to operate all of the added procedures. The

separation of metallic and non-metallic objects (i.e. paper, plastic, etc.) is more

accurate but consumes too much power. Each bin is connected to different

power supply thus considered as not economical for everyday use (M.K. Pushpa,


1.2. Waste Collecting and Segregating Machine

According to Ang F., et al. (2018) recycling centers in Philippines do manual

labor to properly segregate wastes which may lead to sickness. The researchers

of the said study created an automatic waste segregating machine and a mobile

garbage collector robot. The robot’s role is to collect the wastes from three bins.

The robot will only move when a button is pushed and the robot will track down

a line which will lead to the desired bin. After collecting, the robot will place the

collected wastes in the Automated Waste Sorter (AWS). AWS’ design consists

of the following: magnet motor, neodymium magnets attached onto the shaft of

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the rotating motor that will sort out steel wastes, a TDA0161 detector circuit that

will sort out aluminum wastes, and a tunable capacitive sensor to sort out glass, and

plastic bottles would be dispensed to the end of the conveyor belt. The Mobile Robot

\Waste Deliver System (MRWDS) activates through a radio frequency signal

triggered by a button. MRWDS’ was designed according to the principle of

line follower robots with certain modifications. The arm of MRWDS consists of

a DC wiper machine and switches at the bottom and top. The switches act as

limiters. Top limit switch indicates for the arm to stop rising. Bottom limit switch

indicates that the trash bin is placed properly and indicates for the robot to

reverse to go back to its original position. The result of their study shows that

15 out of 16 items were sorted. The said study recommends using other sorting

methods like image processing, X-ray imaging, and infrared scanning.

Multiple conveyor belts and sensors is recommended to use for faster sorting

process. Modifying the process of dispensing can also be an improvement for the

sorting process. For the robot, adding sensors like a proximity sensor to avoid

collisions and improving the interaction between the robot and the sorter (Fg & et,


1.3. Smart Waste Segregating Machine and Waste Monitoring

Another study of Kayva M. et al., Sensor Based Smart Dustbin for Waste

Segregation and Status Alert, was developed to sort the mixed trash into

metallic, wet and dry. The proponents used ARM microcontroller, GSM module,

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Infrared (IR) Sensor, Metal Sensor and Moisture Sensor. Three separate storage

based dustbin was designed for automatic waste collection and segregation. The

sensors segregate the collected waste and the microcontroller initiates the arm to

collect the waste. The IR sensor was attached to the dustbin to determine whether it

was full or empty. And as soon as the IR sensor senses that the dustbin reached

its maximum capacity, a message will be sent through a GSM module to

notify the trash management personnel that it was completely filled and the

trash collection for the whole community should be scheduled.

A study was conducted in Kerala India (Aleena, Kavya, Rosmi, & al., 2016)

proposed an automatic waste segregator (AWS) and monitoring system in

response to the increasing occurrence of improper waste management in relation

to their increasing population. It is a machine that sorts waste whether it is

plastic, metallic or organic in material. Its system is controlled by an Arduino

Uno board which was interfaced with combinations of an ultrasonic sensors, an

inductive proximity sensor, a DC motors, a blower and an electro magnet. It has

an open close mechanism with a use of 12 V DC geared motor and L293D that

control the waste that falls on the belt after an ultrasonic sensor at the inlet

detects waste. It has a conveyor belt that uses four 12V DC to move waste. The

gear assembly of DC motors helps in increasing the torque and reducing the

speed hence, it can be controlled by any desirable figure. In the process of

categorization of waste products, the principle of an inductive proximity sensor

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was used to sort out metallic wastes. The machine consists of a robotic arm with

an electromagnet fixed on its arm that can be quickly changed by controlling the

amount of electric current in winding. It has a feature of base rotation and single

plane shoulder. On the other hand, a blower that is controlled by a relay separates

plastic or paper wastes, dry or wet, based on their weight and density. An

Ultrasonic sensor is placed on the inlet and outlet. Therefore, whenever bins

have been filled, a short message will be given through a GSM module as a

means of monitoring. Upon testing, it shows that the machine sorting of waste at

the initial stage appears more effective. Also, dustbins are cleared when being

filled therefore leads to a more hygienic environment. It also includes lower initial

investment with lower cost of installation.

1.4. Pure Sensor-Based Waste Segregation

A study was conducted by Elfasakhany A. et al., about automated waste

segregation. The aim of the proponents was to design, build and test an autonomous

system capable of sorting common recyclable materials, namely ferrous and

nonferrous metals, plastics and glass into distinct waste containers. The system was

designed with an aluminum chassis, loading carrier maneuvered by a geared

motor and a rubber band, sensors (INEX-type metal sensor, DFRobot Ambient

Light Sensor, and Ultrasonic sensor), control board, air fan for blowing the

plastic bottles, DC motor to drive the sorted material, and containers for the

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storage of sorted materials. Electromagnetic sensor was used to distinguish

different metals because of its electrical and magnetic properties. Air fan and light

sensor were also used to distinguish between plastics and glass materials.

Arduino microcontroller was used to control all the system actions by merging

the interfaces of all the system components by means of programming.

Diverse iterations were used for distinguishing different trash materials.

The system has been successfully implemented and was able to sort trash

materials of different shape, size, weight and color without being affected by dust,

coatings or other impurities covering the trash materials. The project can be

endorsed to household up to small and medium industries with the advantages

of low power consumption and inexpensive.

1.5. Automatic Waste Segregator using Arduino

In a research study conducted by Patil, Yadav, Lodaya, Mohanty, &

Dudwadkar (2017), entitled “Implementation of Automated Waste Segregator

at Household Level” that industrialization, modernization, rapid advancements

and increase in population has led to large generation of waste. Lack of improper

disposal scheme in the country has headed the problem of accumulation of wastes.

Due to this waste lies littered in the surrounding, dumped on open lands and this

becomes major home for various types of disease-causing bacteria and viruses

which is why waste management is of vital importance. Segregation makes it

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possible to reuse and recycle the waste effectively. This paper proposes

implementation of an automated waste segregator at household level using

PIC16F877 microcontroller, to control the entire process with ease and simplicity.

The sensing unit consists of an IR (Infrared) sensor, a moisture sensor and a metal

sensor used to detect and identify various types of waste respectively. The main

architecture of the segregator comprises of three prominent stages consisting of an

IR sensor, a metal sensor, a moisture sensor and the segregation bins. The IR

sensor detects the arrival of waste. Identification and separation of waste is done

by sensors. The microcontroller controls all the activity of sensors. Results have

presented segregation of waste into metal, wet and dry waste.

Additionally, in the study titled “Automatic Waste Segregator

using Arduino” of Aahash, Prasath, Gopinath, and Gunasekaran (2018), that

automations deal with the design of robots and prototypes their manufacture and

applications. Automations gained more importance in the modern time since it

requires less cost to operate than a human labor to do the same task. Nowadays

industry is turning towards computer-based monitoring of tasks mainly due to the

need for the increased productivity and delivery of the final products with

maximum quality. Based on the commands given by the metal detector the system

will open door accordingly. The system has motors interfaced with the micro

controller. Recycling plays a vital role in saving the environment. It helps in

reducing the wastes everywhere and therefore saves the environment from too

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much pollution. The first step to total waste management is segregation. It is by

segregating wastes properly that people can easily identify which materials are

recyclable and which are not. A system was developed to automatically segregate

plastic bottles and tin cans. The system differentiates the waste based on the sound

resonant frequency produced when it hits the platform. After the waste has been

identified, it will then be separated in the trash bin. The study, however, showed

findings that there were few cases when the system mistakenly identifies the

plastic bottle as a tin can especially when its cap hits the platform which means

that the system is not accurate enough. This system uses metal sensor and

ultrasonic sensor to separate the metal waste from the waste in the dust bin. The

proposed system consists of two doors and opens depending on the wastes. This

system uses a metal sensor to detect the metal parts in the garbage. When it detects

the metal, the system will open the corresponding door else for the other waste it

will open another door. The ultrasonic sensor will detect the presence of the waste

either metal or other waste. Based on the commands given by the metal detector

the system will open door accordingly. The system has motors interfaced with the

micro controller.

Meanwhile, in the study entitled “Design and Development of Low-Cost

Smart Eco-Friendly Garbage Management System” of Mitha, Mariammal, and

Rajasekaran (2019), the waste is collected from the various places and it is

segregated into dry, wet and metallic wastes. Noise can be removed by the sensing

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module to develop accuracy and efficiency. Since it has some sort of limitations it

has the ability to split the wastes according to its characteristics. Though the time

period for sensing object is little slower but the sensing system will be fixed using

a single path where the object is placed to get good results. A mechanical setup

can be utilized for isolating wet and dry waste into independent holders for which

sensors are used for this purpose, for recognizing the nearness of any waste wet or

dry can be identified utilizing an IR sensor in the following stages. In this

procedure, if just IR is identified engine will pivot towards the dry waste holder on

the other chance; if both the sensors identify the waste; at that point it will go to

the wet compartment. Both these compartments are installed with ultrasonic

sensors at the best, and it supports in the estimation and segregation of the garbage

dump. This makes it conceivable to gauge the measure of waste in the holders on

and off the chance that one of the compartments is full, at that point an alarm

message will be sent to the relating individual, stating the full storage level (Mita

& B.Mariammal, 2019).

In addition, Babu, Arunima, and Athira, Chandran, Naveen (2016) in their

study “An Economic Automatic Waste Segregator using Arduino” states that

Automatic Waste Segregator has been successfully implemented for the

segregation of waste into metallic, dry and wet waste at a domestic level. The

system can segregate only one type of waste at a time with an assigned priority for

metal, wet and dry waste. The experiment has been conducted for wet, dry and

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metallic wastes. It is found that the change of resistive count value is greater for

wet waste and very less for dry waste. Other objects like glass and wood have

intermediate relative dielectric constant and thus are detected as dry waste.

Experimental result shows that the waste has been successfully segregated into

metallic, wet and dry using the Automatic Waste segregator.

Moreover, according to the study of Pushpa, Gupta, Shaikh, Jha, and

Suchitra (2015) which is entitled “Microcontroller Based Automatic Waste

Segregator”, the waste segregator as the name suggests, segregates the waste into

three major classes: dry, wet, metallic. The permanent magnets placed within the

metallic bin further sorts ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The inlet section is

provided with open and close mechanism to regulate the flow of waste on to the

conveyor. Inductive proximity sensor is used to detect the metallic waste. The

signal from the proximity sensor initiates the push mechanism to discard the

metallic waste. A blower mechanism is used to segregate dry and wet waste. The

timing and movement of the conveyor belt is controlled by 8051.

Subhasini Dwivedi proposes a solid waste treatment plant for

separating plastic, glass bottles and metal cans from solid waste material. The

system uses different capacitive, proximity sensors to detect each object which

is moving on a conveyer belt and segregate into different bins with the help of

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hydraulic cylinder flaps. The entire system is controlled by a programmable

logic controller (Dwivedi, Fernandes, & D’souza, 2016).

S.M. Dudhal describes paper deals with waste segregation using

programmable logic controller. The system is developed for separating out metal

from waste materials. The system consists of an automatic feed system

through which waste is fed into a conveyor belt, sensors and a robotic arm to

which an electromagnet is attached will extract the metal from the waste and

will deposit it into a bin (Dudhal, Jonwal, & Chaudhari, 2016).

2. Local Study

Studies about the development of an automated waste segregator with the

utilization of Arduino system are already starting to draw interest in the

Philippines. Other related studies which concern the topic were established


According to the publication of García, Aragón, Gandara, García, Jiménez

(2008) entitled “Intelligent Waste Separator” the challenge was to create an

Intelligent Waste Separator (IWS) which can separate inorganic waste like plastic

bottles, aluminum cans, plastic cutlery, and other kinds of waste. It uses

knowledge from different areas like computer sciences, optics, mechanics, and

electronics. The specific topics that we have focused on are image processing,

computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, embedded systems, and

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circuit design. Although this proposal does not really solve the trash problem, it

solves part of it by simplifying waste separation, saving money, and reinforcing

the environmental culture. With the aid of the current technology (Intel Atom

processor with multimedia capabilities), the waste can be categorized correctly by

the machine using HIM, as a principal core, avoiding undesired human errors.

Therefore, the IWS enables the recycling process to be more efficient. Regarding

comparison of the IWS against some products on the market, it was found that the

latter sort similar kinds of waste and have a reward system like the IWS. The main

advantage of the prototype presented in this paper is a flexible way to separate

different kinds of inorganic trash; it has a machine learning feature that helps to

train the system depending of the waste that is going to be separated (Torres-

García, Rodea-Aragón, & Longoria-Gandara, 2015).

Synthesis of the Study

Due to the rapid evolution of technology, different researchers around the

globe integrate diverse ways in segregating waste. The proponents of the present

study aim to develop an eco-dustbin as a waste segregator to be an alternative

disposal scheme to minimize waste production, combination of distinct sensors,

microcontrollers were utilized. The review of related literatures and studies

provided sufficient and feasible information that was utilized by the researchers to

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help further advance and have a better understanding of the study regarding

Arduino as the core of the system and the monitoring mechanism of the prototype.

With these, the researchers were able to come up with a study that integrates all

the various technology to be able to create a machine that is both efficient and

effective. The proponents will implement an automated waste segregating machine

equipped with both sensors (IR, metal, moisture, ultrasonic) and microcontroller.

The Arduino, on the other hand, will control the motor that will deliver

the waste to its respective bins and provide commands to the sensors. The

prototype maybe is powered with a power bank, battery and a direct current power

supply. The gathered data and results were considered in improving the

conduction of the study.

The local study of García, Aragón, Gandara, García, Jiménez (2008)

entitled “Intelligent Waste Separator,” and the foreign study of Babu, Arunima,

and Athira, Chandran, Naveen (2016) which is entitled “An Economic Automatic

Waste Segregator using Arduino,” has clear and comprehensible similarities with

the present study conducted by the researchers including the proving and testing of

the use of the sensors namely, IR, metal, moisture, ultrasonic which will be used to

make the prototype work. In addition, the studies shared similar implications and

thrust in the search for the right sensors to be used. The researchers also

considered the use of Arduino Uno as suggested in the studies. The studies also

promote to be environmentally friendly and will be prove to be a stepping stone in

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utilizing the proper waste management and segregating that can be cultivated and

improved through research.

However, there are differences in the studies in the review of related

literature with the present study in terms of, firstly in the process of making the

prototype, as there are different ways of achieving the output. Other studies used

more sensors, others also considered the use of other system and the type of

wastes that they used in conducting the study. The present study will be using

Arduino to develop an eco-dustbin, as well as what type of sensors is going to be

applied onto. The present study is different from the related studies above in many


In conclusion, the studies have both similarities and differences with the

present study. The researchers find substantial number of related studies and

literature that will be used as references of ideas, which will provide viable

information that, will improve the results. The information source will be able to

help in developing an automated waste segregator due to having supporting details

that will prove reliability and accuracy in the study and its functionality and


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This chapter presented the discussion of the design, plan, analysis, and

evaluation of the variables that would be used in the paper. Various research

methodologies would be utilized in order to achieve and acquire the needed data

and observation in the study.

Research Design
Conceptualization and Development of Prototype
System Components
Material Specification

Integration of Hardware and Development of Software


Preliminary Testing of Prototype

volume capacity
energy capacity
working duration

Troubleshooting of the Automated Waste Segregator

Final Testing and Evaluation of the Automated Waste


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Conceptualization and Development of Prototype

The developed prototype that was responsible for segregating waste would

utilize the following parts that would be considered for the prototype:

o System Components and Material specification

The machine would be composed of locally available materials. The

following were the materials that would be used in making the prototype

according to the components:

o Power Supply Unit: can either be Power Bank or Battery

o Open-close Mechanism: Wood, Servo Motor, Screws

o Rotating Mechanism: Wood, Servo Motor, Screws

o Circular Panel: Wood

o Trash Bins: Metal Garbage Bins

o Sensors: Inductive sensor, IR sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Capacitive


o LCD: 16x2 LCD

o Case Structure: Wood, Hinges

o Wheels: Metal, Rubber Wheels, Screws

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Design of Automated Waste Segregator

Figure 10.0 Front view of the design and its parts

Figure 10.1 Side view of the design of the Automated

Waste Segregator
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Integration of Hardware and Development of Software

In order for the researchers to develop and construct an Automated Waste

Segregator, they would follow this systematic process.

o Fabricating

1. Collect locally available materials that would be used in the Automated

Waste Segregator.

2. Assembled and constructed the case structure of the Automated Waste

Segregator as the foundation of the prototype.

3. Attached the circular panel inside the prototype where the three plastic

bins were placed which was convenient also for the servo motor to

control its rotation.

4. Assembled the open-close mechanism that was installed inside in the

upper portion of the prototype.

5. Attached the initial container where the waste would be classified by the

different sensors which were also connected to the open-close

mechanism of the prototype.

6. Assembled and organized the Arduino UNO microcontroller, different

sensors, motor drivers and the jumper wires into the prototype.

7. Lastly, attached the wheels to the Automated Waste Segregator

prototype which enabled it to move easily from one place to another.

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o Programming

To develop the automated waste segregator, the researchers would need to

program the Arduino board by making use of its software, the Arduino IDE.

By making use of the commands of each code that would be uploaded to the

Arduino, the automated waste segregator would be able to operate and function


o Flow Chart

The algorithm of this project is as follows:

Step 1: When the waste enters the eco-dustbin.

Step 2: The waste is then sensed by the IR sensor.

Step 3: The microcontroller, all the motors, and sensors are turned on.

Step 4: The waste is sensed by the metal sensor (inductive sensor) to detect

if it is metal or not.

Step 5: If the waste is metal waste, the M2 is turned on rotating the circular

panel in to 180 degrees to align counter 1 to the doorway of the

waste. Then M1 will open, letting the waste fall into counter 1.

Step 6: If not a metallic waste, the moisture sensor is turned on which

decides whether the waste is a wet waste or dry waste by checking

the moisture content of the waste.

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Step 7: If the waste has some humidity, it is detected as wet waste and then

the M2 is turned on, aligning the counter 2 to the doorway of the

waste. Then M1 will open, letting the waste fall into counter 2.

Step 8: If not a wet waste, the M2 is turned on rotating the circular panel in

to 90 degrees to align the counter 3 to the doorway of the waste.

Then M1 will open. The waste is dropped into the counter 3.

Step 9: Finally, the wastes are dropped into their respective bins (counter)

and the segregation process is completed. M1 will rotate the

circular panel back to its original position. The Ultrasonic sensor is

always turned on to send signal if the bins are full already. If not a

metallic waste, the moisture sensor is turned on which decides

whether the waste is a wet waste or dry waste by checking the

moisture content of the waste.

M1 – this is the servo motor attached to the open-close mechanism of the system

M2 - this is the servo motor attached to the circular based where the bins are

inserted. This is what makes the bins rotate.

Counter 1 – the metal waste bin

Counter 2 – the wet waste bin

Counter 3 – the dry waste bin

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Figure 11.0 shows the Flow Chart

IR sensor detects
the waste inserted.

ON Metal Sensor
(inductive sensor)

Yes Has metal No

waste been

ON M2, aligning the ON Moisture

metal bin to the Sensor
doorway of the

Yes Has wet No

waste been
ON M1 to open the detected?
doorway, letting the
waste fall in to the ON M2, aligning
metal waste bin ON M2, aligning the the dry waste bin
wet waste bin to the to the doorway of
doorway of the waste the waste

ON M1 to open the ON M1 to open the doorway,

doorway, letting the waste letting the waste fall in to the
fall in to the wet waste bin dry waste bin


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Waste Detected

Type of Waste = METAL Type of Waste = DRY Type of Waste = WET

Servo Motor Servo Motor

rotates 90 degrees rotates 90 degrees

Servo Motor rotates

0 degrees

Figure 12.0 shows the Direction of the

Rotation of the Bin

Preliminary Testing of the Sensors of the Automated Waste Segregator

The sensitivity of the sensors would measure the responsiveness and the

accurateness of each sensor on how the wastes would be detected depending on its

properties. The duration of segregating wastes would be considered on how the

sensor would recognize the wastes quickly and accurately in the automated waste


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Preliminary testing of Automated Waste Segregator

It is important to conduct a preliminary testing for the performance of the

Eco-Dustbin: Automated Waste Segregator. In order for the Eco-Dustbin to occur,

a fair and objective test must be conducted, Eco-Dustbin must be evaluated first.

The following components would be needed to consider first for the Eco-Dustbin:

 Operating Capacity

The trash bin tank would serve as the main body of the prototype. The bin has

a cylindrical external form. Considering its height and weight the volume capacity

would be identified. In order for the container to know its operating capacity the

weight of each waste would be tested and tallied which would enable the

researchers to identify the average weight of waste. Through this, the researchers

would also be able to know the operating capacity of each of the bins.

 Working duration

The working duration of the automated waste segregator would depend on the

type of energy or power supply that would be used. In conducting the preliminary

testing in terms of the working duration, two types of energy or power supply

would be tested and be applied to guarantee which one of those would last longer.

The bins attached would be filled with waste according to their operating capacity.

The first that would be utilized was the power bank, and lastly would be the

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battery. Considering the two sources of energy would prove the efficiency, which

one of the trials made, the working duration effective for a relatively long period

of time.

 Speed of Sensors in Sorting Waste

The different sensors such as the IR, metal, moisture and ultrasonic are mainly

used in terms of sorting wastes. In line with the testing of working duration of the

prototype, the speed would be measured and tested. The speed of sorting the

wastes would depend on the energy supply that would be utilized. The actual

speed of the sensors would be compared to the standard specification of the


Troubleshooting of the Automated Waste Segregator

Troubleshooting is the process of evaluating what is lacking and what needs

to be improved in the prototype. Repairing the faults and errors of data is a way of

troubleshooting. Performing the troubleshooting process would help improve the

development of the Automated Waste Segregator. Checking the function of each

parts would be vital in building a program and a prototype that would help

improve the society’s waste management.

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Final Testing and Evaluation of the Automated Waste Segregator

After troubleshooting, it would be important to conduct a systematic

evaluation for the performance of the Arduino Uno based Automatic Waste

Segregator System. The Eco-Dustbin would be evaluated based on the following


 Efficiency

The efficiency of the system would be tested and modified to run smoothly

and continuously. This would include how the working duration of the Automated

Waste Segregator would respond as a whole. The efficiency of the system would

be tested according to the accuracy of the sensors. The system must sense the

wastes correctly into its respective bins. The procedure that would be conducted

was adopted from the study of Pushpa, Gupta, Shaikh, Jha, and Suchitra (2015).

The method has included the testing of the system, the accuracy in identifying the

category of the waste and in segregating the waste into its respective bin.

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This chapter presents the design and development of the Eco-Dustbin. This

also includes the components and materials used in the construction of the Eco-

Dustbin, initial testing of the sensitivity of each sensor, along with the results of

preliminary testing of the prototype, troubleshooting, and the result of the final

testing and evaluation of the Eco-Dustbin.

Development of Prototype

The development of the prototype utilized mechanisms and components

that were needed to automatically segregate wastes into their own categories.

These include the following:

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System Components and Material Specification

o Power Supply Unit

Figure 13.0 shows the Power Bank and Batteries

The power supply unit was the component that supplies power to the

machine. The power supply pulls the required amount of electricity and converts

the alternating current to direct current. The power bank and the batteries shown in

figure 6.0 were the power sources that were utilized for the prototype as its source

of electricity.

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o Open-close Mechanism

Figure 14.0 shows the Open-close mechanism of the prototype

Figure 15.0 shows the Servo Motor attached to

Open-close mechanism of the prototype

The open close mechanism acted as the regulator which controlled the

waste that falls on the belt. This mechanism was responsible for the opening and

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closing of the panel of the machine that is linked to a sensor. As motor rotates, the

rotary motion is translated to linear motion using a rack and pinion arrangement.

o Rotating Mechanism

Figure 16.0 shows the Rotating Mechanism of the prototype

The rotating mechanism of the Automated Waste Segregator was powered

by the Servo Motor attached to the circular panel which manipulated the rotation

of the bins where the waste were categorized. The Servo Motors were

programmed into different rotation which where the three bins were placed for its

accurate segregation. This was made out of wood, screws, and servo motor.

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o Circular Panel

Figure 17.0 shows the Circular Panel of the prototype

Figure 18.0 shows the Servo Motor attached to

Circular Panel of the prototype

The Circular Panel acted as the base of the plastic bins. The Arduino

controlled the servo motor that was attached to the Circular Panel which

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transported the input to its respective bins. The Circular Panel was made up of

plywood that hold up and secured all the plastic bins attached in the machine. This

was made out of wood, screws, and servo motor.

o Trash Bins

Figure 19.0 shows the Trash Bins of the prototype

The Trash Bins acted as the receiver of the wastes that were placed in the

machine. It is located at the center of the machine and is attached at the circular

panel controlled by the servo motor. These bins were made out of metal and can

contain up to 10 gallons of waste.

o Sensors

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Figure 20.0 shows the Sensors of the prototype

Sensors were the devices that were used in detecting and responding to

electrical or optical signals. These were the primary devices that were utilized in

distinguishing the certain properties of wastes going in to their respective bins. It

is located on the upper portion of the Automated Waste Segregator. These sensors

were the IR sensor, Raindrop sensor, and the Inductive sensor.

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Figure 21.0 shows the Liquid Crystal Display of the prototype

The 12x6 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) was located on the upper portion

of the machine which indicated text that showed the process and the current status

of operation on segregating the wastes into its category.

o Wood Case


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Figure 22.0 shows the Wood Case Structure of the prototype

It acted as the frame of the machine. It holds up all the components and

materials of the machine that was responsible for the process of segregating


o Wheels

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Figure 23.0 shows the Wheels of the prototype

Wheels were also included for the machine to be used conveniently and

accessibly. The researchers designed this to collect the wastes in different areas


Final Design of the Eco-Dustbin: Automated Waste Segregation System

Figure 24.0 Front view of the design with its dimensions

Schematic Diagram

The schematic diagram is shown below to represent the components of a

process to develop an Automated Waste Segregator. The researchers need to

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program the Arduino board using the software of Arduino IDE and using the

different commands of codes that will be uploaded in the Arduino. This schematic

diagram consists of wires, servo motors, sensors, a microcontroller and LCD

attaching to a breadboard that represents on how the prototype works and

functions properly.



shows the

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Fabrication and Modification of the Automated Waste Segregator

The researchers developed and constructed an Automated Waste Segregator

by following a systematic process.


The materials needed for the construction of the Eco-Dustbin were

collected. The researchers looked for a furniture construction service who would

make the wood case structure of the Eco-Dustbin. After the construction, the

researchers painted the case and assembled the controller, sensors, motor drivers,

and the jumper wires into the prototype. Lastly, the wheels were attached for the

prototype to move from one place to another with an ease.


The modification was conducted after the fabrication of the Eco-Dustbin to

ensure if the developed waste segregator is working according to its purpose. The

manufacturer that the researchers collaborate with suggested to used wood as the

material for the case instead of metal. The reason behind this was because the

metal structure could trigger the inductive sensor and disrupt the flow of the

segregation and is most costly than using wood.

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The major problem observed was the furniture manufacturer because they

did not consider the size of the trash bin so the prototype was a bit bigger than the

proposed one. Also, the researchers found out that it is difficult for the sensors to

identify the wastes according to its own category. The researchers modified the

design and put the sensors on the open-close mechanism of the prototype.

In addition, the open-flap mechanism was change into an open-close that

rotates 180 degree instead. The open-flap mechanism required more materials

which was harder to achieve due to lack of supply available in the market.

Development of Software


The developed Automated Waste Segregator which main board is the

Arduino Uno was programmed with use of its software, the Arduino IDE and the

commands of each codes that were uploaded to the Arduino, was able to operate

and function effectively. The following are the set of codes which the researchers

utilized to make a command to the system

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Figure 26.0 shows the Setup of the Automated Waste Segregator

This was where the researchers initialized all the variables required during

the course of programming the system. This function was used to set up the

Arduino before interfacing with other circuits and also include libraries of various


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Figure 27.0 shows the Loop of the Automated Waste Segregator

Figure 27.1 shows the Loop of the Automated Waste Segregator

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Figure 27.2 shows the Loop of the Eco-Dustbin

Figure 27.3 shows the Loop of the Eco-Dustbin

The code written in this space will run over and over again unless Arduino

is interrupted. This shows all functions that the prototype will perform.

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IR sensor detects
the waste inserted.

ON Metal Sensor
(inductive sensor)

Yes Has metal No

waste been

ON M2, aligning the Figure 28.0 shows the Flow Chart

ON Moisture
metal bin to the Sensor Preliminary
doorway of the
waste Testing of the Sensors of the Eco-Dustbin

Yes Has wet No
sensitivity waste been of the
ON M1 to open the detected?
doorway, letting the
waste fall in to the ON M2, aligning
metal waste bin ON M2, aligning the the dry waste bin
wet waste bin to the sensors to the doorway of
doorway of the waste the waste
measured the

ON M1 to open the ON M1 to open the doorway,

doorway, letting the waste letting the waste fall in to the
fall in to the wet waste bin dry waste bin

responsiveness and the accurateness of each sensor on

how the wastes were detected depending on their properties.

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The duration of segregating wastes was considered on how the sensor recognize

the wastes quickly and accurately in the Automated Waste Segregator. The

procedure performed was adopted from the study of Kayva M. et al.. The waste

undergone testing wherein they are monitored and distinguished according to their


Table 1.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Inductive Sensor in terms of its


Type of Waste
Trial Type of Waste Average Responsive

Figure 29.0

Results shown in Table 1.0 contains how the Inductive sensor detected and

categorized the wastes that were tested. Tin cans were distinguished as METAL in

trial 1 until trial 3 which summed up that Tin vans wee METAL. Paper was

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distinguished as NOT METAL in trial 1 until trial 3 which resulted that the paper

was NOT METAL, respectively. Wet tissue was distinguished as NOT METAL in

trial 1 until trial 3 which summed up that the Wet Tissues were NOT METAL.

Table 2.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Raindrop Sensor in terms of its


Type of Waste
Trial Type of Waste Average Responsive
1 DRY ✓
2 Tin Can WET DRY ✓
3 DRY ✓
1 DRY ✓
2 Paper DRY DRY ✓
3 DRY ✓
1 WET ✓
2 Wet Tissue WET WET ✓
3 WET ✓

Figure 29.1

Table 2.0 showed how the Raindrop sensor detected and categorized the

wastes that were tested. Tin cans were distinguished as DRY on trial 1, WET on

trial 2, and DRY on trial 3 which showed that Tin vans were categorized as Dry.

Paper was categorized as DRY on trial 1 until trial 3 which resulted that the paper

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was categorized as DRY, respectively. Wet tissue was distinguished as WET on

trial 1, WET on trial 2, and WET on trial 3 which resulted that the Wet Tissues

were categorized as WET.

Table 3.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the IR Sensor in terms of its


Type of Detected the

Trial Average Responsive
Waste Waste or Not

Figure 29.2

Table 3.0 showed how the IR sensor responded and detected the wastes

inserted into the system. Tin cans were DETECTED on trial 1 until trial 3 which

showed that tin cans were DETECTED as waste by the IR sensor. Papers were

also DETECTED by the IR sensor from trial 1 until trial 3 which resulted that the

paper could be DETECTED, respectively. Wet tissues were inserted to the system

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and were DETECTED as waste by the sensor on trial 1, trial 2, and on trial 3

which resulted that the wet tissues were DETECTED as waste by the IR sensor.

Table 4.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor in terms of its


Type of Detected the

Trial Average Responsive
Waste Waste or Not

Figure 29.3

As shown on Table 4.0, the results of how the Ultrasonic sensor responded

and detected the wastes inserted into the system accordingly. Tin cans were

DETECTED on trial 1 until trial 3 which showed that tin cans were DETECTED

as waste by the Ultrasonic sensor. Papers were also DETECTED by the Ultrasonic

sensor from trial 1, trial 2, until trial 3 which resulted that the paper could be

DETECTED, respectively. Wet tissues were inserted to the system and were

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DETECTED as waste by the sensor on trial 1, trial 2, and on trial 3 which resulted

that the wet tissues were DETECTED as waste by the Ultrasonic sensor.

Table 5.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Soil Moisture Sensor in terms of its


Type of Type of Waste

Trial Average Responsive
Waste Detected

Figure 29.4

Results shown on Table 5.0 manifested that Soil moisture sensor was

unresponsive and was not working well with Arduino Uno board. The sensor was

not capable enough in determining the moisture content of the garbage. This led

for the proponents to not make use of the soil moisture sensor for detection of

wastes based on its moist and for the reason that it cannot provide the appropriate

function needed by the system.

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Table 6.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Capacitive Proximity Sensor in

terms of its Responsiveness

Type of Type of Waste

Trial Average Responsive
Waste Detected

Figure 29.5

Table 6.0 showed the results of how the Capacitive Proximity sensor

responded to the signal sent by the Arduino board. The sensor was not working

accordingly and was not able to identify the category of the wastes that were


Table 7.0

Results of Testing of the Sensitivity of the Sensors in terms of its


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Sensor Responsive
Inductive (Metal) 
Rain drop (Moisture) 
IR 
Ultrasonic 
Soil Moisture Sensor x
Capacitive Proximity Sensor x

Figure 29.6

Performing initial testing for the sensors was substantial for the fulfillment

of the development of the Automated Waste Segregator. The accuracy in

distinguishing each waste was considered to test the sensitivity of the sensors.

Different types of waste that are common in a school setup were collected.

The objective was to determine if the sensors will accurately function and sense

each of the waste.

Table 7 illustrates the results that sensors were responsive because they

respond as soon as the board sends command to each of the sensors. Each of the

sensors were tested if they were working properly. By conducting this test, the

researchers were able to identify which of the sensors are working and which are

not. Inductive, Raindrop, and IR sensors were responsive and were working

according to their purpose while Soil Moisture and Capacitive Proximity sensors

were not responding well.

Preliminary Testing of Eco-Dustbin: Automated Waste Segregator

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A preliminary testing was conducted to determine and test the performance

of the Eco-Dustbin: Automated Waste Segregator. The following components

were considered for the system:

 Operating Capacity

The trash bin tank served as the main body of the prototype. The bin has a

cylindrical external form. Considering its height and weight the volume capacity

was identified. The operating capacity of the Eco-Dustbin. The operating capacity

of each of the bins were depended based on their volume and the speed of the

system in responding to the segregation process. The formula in getting the

volume of a cylinder is V = πr2h. To get the best operating capacity of the bins,

the standard operating capacity was applied and tested.

Table 8.0

Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Operating Capacity of the Metal Bin
of the Eco-Dustbin

Capacity of the
Trial Operating Time (s) Average (s)
Bin (g)
1 2.49 2.59
2 540.06
2 2.69

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3 2.59
1 2.5
2 5 080.13 2.7 2.6
3 2.6
1 5
2 7 620.19 4.7 4.83
3 4.8

Figure 30.0

As shown on Table 8.0, the operating capacity of the metal bin was

identified. The Metal bin filled with 2 540.06 grams has an operating time of 2.4

seconds on the trial 1, 2.59 seconds on the trial 2 and 2.69 seconds on the trial 3,

respectively. The metal bin has an average operating capacity of 2.59 seconds.

When Metal Bin was filled with 5 080.13 grams, its operating capacity was 2.5

seconds on trial 1, 2.7 seconds on trial 2, and 2.6 seconds on trial 3. The average

operating capacity of the half-filled bin was 2.6 seconds. On the other hand, when

the bin was filled with 7 620.19 grams the operating time of the segregation

process was 5 seconds on trial 1, 4.7 seconds on trial 2, and 4.8 seconds in trial 3,

respectively. The metal bin has an average operating capacity of 4.83 seconds.

The proponents chose the bin with 5 080.13 grams or 1/2 of the volume

capacity of the bin. The operating time of the system was more stable and faster

when the bin is half-filled. Even though the operating time of the bin when it was

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filled with 2 540.06 grams of wastes, it was almost the same time when it was

half-filled but the bin that has 5 080.13 grams could carry more wastes compare to

it. Additionally, the process took longer to operate when the bin has 7 620.19

grams or 3/4 of the volume capacity because it was too heavy for the servo motor

to carry and rotate.

Table 9.0

Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Operating Capacity of the Wet Bin
of the Eco-Dustbin

Trial Capacity of the Operating Time (s) Average (s)

Bin (g)
1 2.49
2 2.29
2 540.06 2.32
3 2.19
1 2.5
2 2.3
5 080.13 2.3
3 2.2
1 4.7
2 4.5
7 620.19 4.5
3 4.3

Figure 30.1

Table 9.0 illustrate the results obtained in testing the operating capacity of

the Wet bin. The bin was filled with 2 540.06 grams of wastes and the operating

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time was tested. The operating time of the bin was 2.49 seconds for trial 1, 2.29

seconds for trial 2, and 2.19 trial 3 with an average operating capacity of 2.32

seconds. These results showed that the operating capacity of the Wet Bin that has

1/4 of its volume was 2.32 seconds. The operating capacity of the bin with half-

filled of wastes was also tested. Its operating process took 2.5 seconds on trial 1,

2.3 seconds on trial 2, and 2.2 seconds on trial 3, respectively. The Metal bin was

also tested when it is filled with 7 620.19 grams of wastes. Its operating time

during trial 1 was 4.7 seconds, 4.5 seconds on trial 2, and 4.3 seconds on trial 3.

The average operating capacity of the Wet bin was 4.5 seconds.

This led to the proponents to choose the bin that was half-filled or with

5.080.13 grams because the rotation was more stable and smoother than the others.

Although the bin could also operate when it has 7 620.19 grams or 3/4, the

operating was slower compared when it was half filled.

Table 10.0

Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Operating Capacity of the Dry Bin
of the Eco-Dustbin

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Trial Capacity of the Operating Time (s) Average (s)

Bin (g)
1 2.19
2 2.29
2 540.06 2.22
3 2.19
1 2.2
2 2.3
5 080.13 2.27
3 2.3
1 2.6
2 2.5
7 620.19 2.53
3 2.5

Figure 30.2

Table 10.0 illustrates the results of the preliminary testing of the operating

capacity of the Dry bin. The Dry bin was tested with three different amounts of

waste filled in it. When the Dry bin has 2 540.06 grams, its operating process took

2.19 seconds during trial 1, 2.29 seconds on trial 2, and 2.19 seconds on trial 3,

respectively. The average operating capacity of the bin was 2.22 seconds. The bin

was also loaded with 5 080.13 grams of wastes. The operating time was 2.2

seconds on trial 1, 2.3 seconds on trial 2, and 2.3 seconds on trial 3 with an

average operating capacity of 2.27 seconds, respectively. When the Dry bin was

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filled up with 7 620.19 grams of wastes, its operating capacity was 2.6 seconds on

trial and 2.5 seconds for both trial 2 and 3 which garnered an average operating

capacity of 2.53 seconds.

The proponents chose the bin filled with 7 620.19 grams or 3/4 of wastes. In

spite of the results having almost the same time in processing the segregation

process, the bin loaded with 7 620.19 grams of wastes could hold up most amount

of waste among the three measurements.

 Working Duration

The working duration of the prototype depended on the type of energy or

power supply that were used. In conducting the preliminary testing in terms of

energy capacity, two types of energy or power supply were applied to guarantee

which one of those will last long. The bins attached were filled with waste

according to their operating capacity. The first that was used is the power bank,

and lastly, the battery. Considering two sources of energy capacity proved the

efficiency which of the trials make the energy capacity span effective for a

relatively longer period of time.

Table 11.0

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Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Working Duration of the Eco-


Power Source Trial Working time Average Time

(hour) (hour)
Batteries 1 3.7 3.6
2 3.5
3 3.6
Power bank 1 4.2 4.6
2 4.6
3 5
Batteries and Power 1 7.5 7.6
2 7.8
3 7.4

Figure 31.0

Table 11.0 shows the result of the preliminary testing of the working duration

of the Eco-Dustbin. The working capacity of the system was tested with bins at

their best operating capacity. With the use of batteries, the system worked for 3.7

hours on the first trial, 3.5 hours on the second trial, and 3.6 hours on the third trial

respectively. In using the power bank, the system function for about 4.2 hours on

the first trial, 4.6 hours on the second trial, and 5 hours on the third trial. The

average capacity of the batteries was 3.6 hours. On the other hand, the average

capacity of the power bank in sustaining energy for the system was 4.6 hours.

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However, using two source of power supply unit at the same time sustained the

most energy for the power bank served as the secondary source of energy once the

batteries run out of charge. The working time of the system was 7.5 hours in trial

1, 7.8 hours in trial 2, and 7.4 hours in trial 3. The average capacity of both the

power bank and batteries when used together was 7.6 hours. This concluded that

using both of the power unit can induce more voltage and more power to the

system and helped the system work efficiently.

 Speed of Sensors in Sorting Wastes

The different sensors such as the IR, metal, moisture and ultrasonic are mainly

used in terms of sorting wastes. In line with the testing of working duration of the

prototype, the speed was measured and tested. The speed of sorting the wastes

depended on the energy supply that was utilized. The actual speed of the sensors

was compared to the standard specification of the sensors.

Table 12.0

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Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Speed of IR Sensor in Detecting

and Sorting the Wastes

Materials Trial Speed in Average Standard

Sorting and (time, sec) Specification
Detecting (time, sec)
(time, sec)
IR Sensor 1 1.01 0.97
2 0.99 0.97
3 0.98 0.97

Figure 32.0

Table 12.0 shows the result of the preliminary testing of the speed of the IR

sensor in detecting and sorting the waste. The IR sensor took 1.12 seconds in

detecting and sorting the waste om the first trial. On the second trial, the detection

and sorting took 0.99 seconds and 0.98 seconds on the third trial. The average

speed of the IR sensor in sensing the waste was 0.99 seconds. Compared to the

standard specification of the IR sensor which is 0.97, the value of the actual

duration of the sensor is near the standard value.

Table 13.0

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Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Speed of Inductive Sensor in

Detecting and Sorting the Wastes

Materials Trial Speed in Average Standard

Sorting and (time, sec) Specification
Detecting (time, sec)
(time, sec)
Inductive Sensor 1 1.82 1.8
2 1.78 1.8
3 1.75 1.8

Figure 32.1

Table 13.0 shows the result of the preliminary testing of the speed of the

Inductive Sensor in detecting and sorting the waste. The Inductive Sensor

detected and sorted the wastes accordingly with 1.82 seconds on the first trial, 1.78

seconds on the second trial, and 1.75 seconds on the third trial. The average value

of the speed of the Inductive Sensor in sensing the waste was 1.78 seconds. In

comparison, the value of the results of the actual speed of the Inductive Sensor is

almost the same with the standard specification of the Inductive Sensor which is


Table 14.0

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Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Speed of Raindrop Sensor in

Detecting and Sorting the Wastes

Materials Trial Speed in Average Standard

Sorting and (time, sec) Specification
Detecting (time, sec)
(time, sec)
Raindrop Sensor 1 1.72 1.6
2 1.65 1.6
3 1.57 1.6

Figure 32.2

Table 14.0 shows the result of the preliminary testing of the speed of the IR

sensor in detecting and sorting the waste. The Raindrop Sensor detected and sorted

the wastes accordingly with 1.72 seconds on the first trial, 1.65 seconds on the

second trial, and 1.57 seconds on the third trial. The average value of the speed of

the Raindrop Sensor in sensing the waste was 1.65 seconds. In comparison, the

value of the results of the actual speed of the Raindrop Sensor is almost the same

with the standard specification of the Raindrop Sensor which is 1.6.

Table 15.0

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Results of the Preliminary Testing of the Speed of Ultrasonic Sensor in

Detecting and Sorting the Wastes

Materials Trial Speed in Average Standard

Sorting and (time, sec) Specification
Detecting (time, sec)
(time, sec)
Ultrasonic 1 1.21 1.2
Sensor 2 1.32 1.2
3 1.26 1.2

Figure 32.3

Table 15.0 shows the result of the preliminary testing of the speed of the IR

sensor in detecting and sorting the waste. The Ultrasonic Sensor detected and

sorted the wastes accordingly with 1.21 seconds on the first trial, 1.32 seconds on

the second trial, and 1.26 seconds on the third trial. The average value of the speed

of the Ultrasonic Sensor in sensing the waste was 1.26 seconds. In comparison, the

value of the results of the actual speed of the Ultrasonic Sensor is almost the same

with the standard specification of the Ultrasonic Sensor which is 1.2.

Final Testing and Evaluation of the Automated Waste Segregator

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Table 16.0

Results of the Final Testing of the Eco-Dustbin in terms of its Efficiency

Figure 34.0
Waste Trial Type of Average Bin Average Speed Average
waste of
detected Time


1 DRY DRY 10.92

Paper 2 DRY DRY DRY DRY 10.90 10.92

3 DRY DRY 10.93
1 WET WET 11.4
Tissue 2 WET WET WET WET 11.49 11.46
3 WET WET 11.51

Table 16.0 shows the result of the final testing of the efficiency of the Eco-

Dustbin. It illustrates the results of the final testing of the Eco-Dustbin in terms of

its efficiency. The accuracy and speed in detecting and segregating the wastes are


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On the first trial, the tin cans were categorized as metal and fell into the

metal bin for about 11.35 seconds. Paper was detected as dry waste and was

inserted directly to the dry bin with a speed of 10.90 seconds. Also, wet tissue was

identified as wet waste and fell into the wet bin which took 11.4 seconds to occur.

During the second trial, tin cans was detected as metal, was placed into the

metal bin for about 11.41 seconds. The Paper was classified as dry waste, inserted

directly to the dry bin which took up to 10.90 seconds. The Wet tissue was

identified as wet waste. It was then inserted and fell into the wet bin for just 11.49


On the third trial, tin can was classified as metal waste. It was then sorted

and inserted into the metal bin for about 11.26 seconds. The Paper was detected as

dry waste and has fallen directly to the dry bin with a speed of 10.93 seconds. The

wet tissue was categorized as wet waste. It was then inserted to the wet bin for

about 11.51 seconds.

All in all, tin cans were categorized by the Eco-Dustbin as Metal waste and

inserted it directly to the Metal Bin with an average speed of 11.34 seconds. Paper

was classified as Dry waste and fell into the Dry Bin for about 10.92 seconds,

respectively. Wet tissue was detected and sorted as Wet waste and has fallen into

the Wet Bin with an average speed of 11.46 seconds. This illustrated that the Eco-

Dustbin has run smoothly and has accurately detected and sorted the wastes.

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Troubleshooting of the Automated Waste Segregator

Troubleshooting is a process of evaluating what is lacking and what needs

to be improved in the prototype. Repairing the faults and errors of data is a way of

troubleshooting. Performing the troubleshooting process will help improve the

development of the Automated Waste Segregator. Checking the function of each

parts is vital in building a program and a prototype that will help improve the

society’s waste management.

The troubleshooting of the sensors of the Automated Waste Segregator was

done at Brgy. Sandalan, Ibaan, Batangas after the final testing to guarantee if the

following sensors are functioning effectively in terms of its responsiveness and

sensitiveness. The sensors should be placed on the top of the open-close

mechanism wood panel for the reason that the sensors cannot detect wastes at a

distance. The wastes should be put directly in contact to the sensors for this can be

easily detected by the corresponding sensors.

Due to the reason that the researchers encountered some difficulties in

terms of the usage of the sensor responsible for distinguishing the moist of the

wastes being inserted into the Automated Waste Segregator, they considered three

different sensors for namely as the raindrop sensor, the soil sensor, and the

capacitive sensor to have concrete analysis and assessment which one of these

three sensor is the most applicable in programming the prototype. Upon testing the

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three sensors, the researchers arrive at a judgement in which the raindrop sensor

suited in detecting the moist of the wastes being inserted into the prototype.

Furthermore, the programming of the capacitive sensor was beyond the knowledge

of the researchers’ consultant. As a result, raindrop sensor was used as a

replacement for the capacitive sensor.

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This chapter presents the summary of findings from the data gathered,

conclusions from the findings, and recommendations formulated from the whole


Summary of Findings

The findings for the Eco-Dustbin: Arduino Uno-Based Waste Segregation

System are summarized as follows:

1. The design and development features of the Eco-Dustbin were based on the

researchers perceived machine’s construction. The Automated Waste

Segregator was made upon the availability of materials and components.

The material specifications of each components were coerced to be made

possible and appropriate for an institution’s waste management although it

was made to be utilized to a specific area only. The microcontroller, the

Arduino Uno which is utilized in this study, controls the working and

timing of all the subsections including the sensors that will detect the

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properties of the materials. An open-close mechanism was used to regulate

the flow of the waste.

2. The program of the Automated Waste Segregator was done using the C++

language by the utilization of its software, the Arduino IDE and each code

were arranged and uploaded to the Arduino board.

3. The main architecture of the segregator comprises of prominent stages

consisting of an IR sensor, a metal sensor, a moisture sensor, servo motors

and the segregation bins. The IR sensor detects the arrival of waste.

Identification and separation of waste is done by sensors: inductive sensor

detects if the object is metallic and rain moisture sensor determines if the

object is wet or dry. Servo motors manipulate the mechanisms of the open-

close wood panel and the rotation of the circular panel where the bins are


4. In order for the automated waste segregator to have fair and objective test, a

preliminary testing has been conducted for it to be evaluated. The operating

capacity is considered in the preliminary testing to identify the prototype’s

height and weight. The bin is in a cylindrical external form and its

corresponding formula, V=πr²h, was used and solved to know the volume

capacity of the bins. In terms of the working duration, two types of energy

or power supply were utilized which is the power bank and the battery to

assure the span of its effectiveness during the working duration of the

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automated waste segregator. Each of these power supplies undergone trials

to evaluate the efficiency over a long period of time. Another parameter

that was considered in the preliminary testing is the speed of sensors in

sorting waste using different sensors.

5. The Eco-Dustbin was evaluated according to its efficiency. The system was

modified to segregate the waste based on the responsiveness of the sensors

and the speed duration of the process of segregating wastes respectively to

the bins. Different kind of wastes were tested on three trials to evaluate its

efficiency. Considering the technical specification of the sensors, the

researchers able to compare these to the results of the three trials conducted

on the final testing.


Based on the findings given from the study, the conclusions drawn are as


1. On the preliminary testing, the sensitivity of the sensors measured the

responsiveness and the accurateness of each sensor depending on how it

will recognize the wastes quickly and accurately in the Automated Waste

Segregator. Based on the test conducted, the researchers had determined

that Inductive sensor, Raindrop sensor, IR sensor and Ultrasonic sensor

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were responsive and detected the wastes accurately. On the other hand,

other sensors such as Soil Moisture sensor and Capacitive Proximity sensor

were unresponsive and was not capable enough in determining the moisture

content of the waste during the test.

2. The testing for the operating capacity of automated waste segregator was

also concluded depending on its volume and the operating time it

established. In operating capacity, each bin can hold up to 10, 160 grams or

10.16 liters of wastes. Considering its height and weight of the bins with the

formula of V=πr²h, the researchers determined that half of its volume has

the best operating time for the metal and wet bins and the ¾ of the volume

for the dry bin.

3. The researchers concluded that both of the batteries and the power bank

should be used at the same time for it to assure the effectiveness of its

working duration and to have a maximum capacity of the power supply to

be utilized. Its efficiency was proven and it spans effectively for a longer

period of time.

4. In measuring the speed of sensors in sorting wastes, the technical

specification of the different sensors was compared to its actual working

speed in seconds and undergone three trials which showed that it is highly

depending on the sensor’s actual specs and resulted that there is no delayed

in the system.

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5. Based on the final evaluation of the prototype, its efficiency was measured

and proven and it then appeared that it’s slower than the specifications

listed for comparison while its sensitivity was also accurate to categorize

each waste into their corresponding bins.


Based on the results, the following recommendations that could further

improve the apparatus were suggested as the following:

1. Consider applying an Automatic Lid Opening for the Automated Waste

Segregator which can regulate wastes coming into the prototype. The

mechanism of this can be done with the manipulation of servo motor

through the sensing mechanism of either an IR sensor or an Ultrasonic


2. In terms of the sensors that will be used in programming, the researchers

suggest to use higher resolution of sensors because some sensors have its

limitations and possibilities of minor faults on processing the different

codes of the automated waste segregator. Higher resolution of sensors also

allows the prototype to run and function smoothly without any difficulties

in programming.

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3. In terms of the dimensions of the automated waste segregator, the

researchers recommend to adjust the measurements of the case structure

depending on the size of the trash bins. Also, consider the area where

the automated waste segregator was going to be implemented to provide the

appropriate size according to the scope and amount of wastes that will be

generated within the vicinity. Consult and ask for updates from your

inquired furnishing service to track the development of the prototype’s

design and features.

4. Consider providing more classifications for waste to be categorized to

maximize the efficiency of segregation waste. Through this, waste can be

segregated in their more specific type and applying the advancement of

technology can create more improvement in managing wastes.

5. Since specifications vary, choosing improved and higher specifications of a

microcontroller also suggest to sense various data from the environment

with the use of higher resolution of sensors and control devices

accordingly. Aside from the Arduino Uno, there are other versions that can

be found on the market.

6. The researchers encourage the academe to have a learning environment for

electronics and programming. Understand how to define and use functions

in a programming platform and to provide extra functionality of sketches.

Basic electronics and programming should be acquired to expand the

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knowledge and skills of students especially those who are enthusiastic to

pursue the field of electronics and programming. This will be a stepping

stone for the future engineers.


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International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics,
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Smart Eco-Friendly Garbage Management System. International Journal
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Implementation of Automated Waste. International Journal of Innovative
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Prototype Manual

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Prototype Manual

The developed Automated Waste Segregator is used for segregation

different types of waste namely as metal, dry, and wet for an efficient and

economic waste collection system with a minimum amount of human intervention.

A. System Components of the Apparatus

 Power Supply Unit

 Open-Close Mechanism

 Rotating Mechanism

 Circular Panel

 Trash Bins

 Sensors


 Wood Case Structure

 Wheels

B. Material Specification

 Power Supply Unit: can either be power bank or battery

 Open-close Mechanism: Wood, Servo Motor, Screws

 Rotating Mechanism: Wood, Servo Motor, Screws

 Circular Panel: Plywood

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 Trash Bins: Metal Garbage Bins

 Sensors: Inductive sensor, IR sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Capacitive


 LCD: 16x2 LCD

 Case Structure: stainless metal, wood

 Wheels: metal, rubber wheels

Safety Mechanism

The researchers, with the help of concerned individuals, made sure that the

fabrication of the automated waste segregator is in line with the safety

mechanisms. The materials used are the ones that would not affect the sensors and

most especially the microcontroller. Most parts of the automated waste segregator

are made from wood in order to have a secured and long-lasting mechanism. The

wooden case structure, together with the other parts of the automated waste

segregator, were painted for it to have a physical feature of a robot. The

proponents refused to use metal as the case structure of the automated waste

segregator in order to minimize the risk of false detection of metal sensed by the

Inductive Sensor. The researchers also made use of clamps to secure the wirings

especially from moving the prototype to one place to another that is connected into

the microcontroller, the Arduino, to help maintain its good functionality. During

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the use of the automated waste segregator, the proponents carefully conducted

trials for the safety and security of the microcontroller and sensors.


In order for the researchers to construct and develop an automated waste

segregator, they will follow this systematic process.

8. Collect locally available materials that would be used in the Automated

Waste Segregator.

9. Assembled and constructed the case structure of the Automated Waste

Segregator as the foundation of the prototype.

10. Attached the circular panel inside the prototype where the three plastic

bins were placed which was convenient also for the servo motor to

control its rotation.

11. Assembled the open-close mechanism that was installed inside in the

upper portion of the prototype.

12. Attached the initial container where the waste would be classified by the

different sensors which were also connected to the open-close

mechanism of the prototype.

13. Assembled and organized the Arduino UNO microcontroller, different

sensors, motor drivers and the jumper wires into the prototype.

14. Lastly, attached the wheels to the Automated Waste Segregator

prototype which enabled it to move easily from one place to another.

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Related Computations

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Related Computations

Height =28 cm
Diameter=21.5 cm
Radius=10.75 cm

V =π r 2h
¿ ( 3.14 )( 10.75 ) (28 )
¿ 10 , 160.26 cm

1 cm =1 gram
10 , 160.26 cm =10,160.26 grams


¿ 10,160.26 grams ( 14 )
10,160.26 grams
¿ 2 ,540.065 grams

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¿ 10,160.26 grams ( 12 )
10,160.26 grams
¿ 5080.13 grams


¿ 10,160.26 grams ( 34 )
10,160.26 grams(3)
¿ 7,620.19 grams

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Purchasing of Sensors

Conceptualizing and Planning of Automated Waste Segregator

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Building of Automated Waste Segregator

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Designing of Automated Waste Segregator

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Assembling of the Sensors

Preliminary Testing of Prototype

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Troubleshooting of the Automated Waste Segregator

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Final Testing of the Automated Waste Segregator

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Cost Estimation

Expenses Cost
Wooden Case Structure ₱ 4,300.00
Materials Bought ₱ 2,714.75
(sensors, servo motors, jumper wires,
Additional parts ₱ 605.00
(wheels, hinges, handle, trash bins)
Paints ₱ 1,000.00
Transportation ₱ 1,300.00
TOTAL ₱ 9,919. 75

Cost Estimation

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Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Curriculum Vitae

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


#58 Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
[email protected]

Personal Information

Date of Birth : December 22, 2001

Place of Birth : Lipa City, Batangas
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father : Crisostomo R. Abaday
Mother : Agnes A. Abaday

Educational Attainment

Secondary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas
Senior High School
Science, Technology, and Mathematics

Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas
Junior High School

Primary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas


#59 Sandalan, Ibaan, Batangas
[email protected]

Personal Information

Date of Birth : March 13, 2002

Place of Birth : Lipa City, Batangas
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father : Roel M. Portus
Mother : Ma. Theresa C. Portus

Educational Attainment

Secondary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas
Senior High School
Science, Technology, and Mathematics

Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas
Junior High School

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Primary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas


#124 Bago, Ibaan, Batangas
[email protected]

Personal Information

Date of Birth : December 27, 2001

Place of Birth : Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father : Noel T. Sablay
Mother : Evangeline C. Sablay

Educational Attainment

Secondary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas
Senior High School
Science, Technology, and Mathematics

Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas
Junior High School

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Primary Marfeben Academy

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas


#59 Calamias, Ibaan, Batangas
[email protected]

Personal Information

Date of Birth : December 16, 2001

Place of Birth : Naic, Cavite
Citizenship : Filipino
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father : Donato R. Verana Jr.
Mother : Noemi B. Verana

Educational Attainment

Secondary Saint James Academy (SJA)

Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas
Senior High School
Science, Technology, and Mathematics

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

St. Jude Science and Technological School of

Ibaan Inc.
Poblacion, Ibaan Batangas
Junior High School

Primary Tulay, Elementary, School

Tulay, Ibaan, Batangas

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

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