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Chapter I

The Problem and its Setting


The implementation of technology has been a reoccurring

theme upon the advancement and development of agriculture

for the radical benefits and efficiency that it offers

(Ramey, 2012). Although, the production and distribution of

such products always comes with a price and a cost, and to

be particular, it is the financial cost to be able to grasp

and harness the power of the technology that has an estimate

of 21 million pesos for the price of multiple units of farm

machineries in Nueva Ecija (Balitang Unang Sigaw, 2017) to

further have the clear foundation of efficiency upon the

progress that is occurring at a farm, which may have been

the hurdle on the mechanization of farms, since finance is

quite a necessary asset in the sector of agriculture (Wagan

et al., 2016) for the mass production of crops in order to

meet with the demand of supply of the market. Since the

average income of farm owners is around ₱100,000 a year,

although it may vary due to other external factors.

(bworldonline, 2017) they would have to deal with these

costs for machinery, the tractor as the example already

heaps at a whopping price of ₱250,000, excluding other

potential expenses (PCCAARRD, 2000). This study further

emphasized the struggle and challenges faced in all aspects

by the mechanization of developing countries, especially in

the economic region (Emami et al, 2018).

The researchers settled a study upon the financial

hurdles on the mechanization in large farms to determine the

factors that could possibly be affiliated with the pace of

the progress of mechanization or implementation, and the

scale of its impact in large farms and its involved sectors.

This study would determine the possibilities of what

sections of the technology in agriculture could be

furthermore improved upon.

The study mainly revolved to the topic at hand which is

regarded with the financial asset of agriculture concerning

with farms and farm owners in the selected area in Bongabon

city, which were requested and considered as the population

to respond for the sake of the topic matter, for the 75% of

the population in Bongabon were farmers (Crisologo, 2016).

Research Paradigm

Mechanization of
Selected Farms in
Yearning Bongabon
on selected

Ownership Maintenance,
Storage Record-keeping

Figure 1 Research Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 displays the outline of this research; since

the research regards the financial obstructions of the

progress of mechanization of farms; this study also provokes

the matter on how and what could be the type of financial

hurdles that sparked the phenomenon, and their response

could also be distinguished on which of the three variables

is more concerning as upon the regarded matter.

Statement of the problem

This study was conducted to determine how the financial

obstructions affect the mechanization on the selected farms

in Bongabon city.

Specifically, this research sought to answer the

following questions:

Quantitative Questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be

described in terms of:

1.1. sex;

1.2. age;

1.3. farm size;

1.4. crops produced;

1.5. budget for machinery?

2. How may the financial obstructions be described

in terms of:

2.1. Ownership;

2.2. storage; and

2.3. operation, maintenance, record-keeping?

3. Which among the financial obstructions affect

the most?

Qualitative Questions:

1. What could be the possible aspects of machines

that could be further improved upon? Whilst

elaborating in depth financial obstructions.

Significance of the study

The outcome of the study was based on the financial

obstructions on mechanization of small farm owners. This

study aimed to know how the financial obstructions were able

to impact the progress of mechanization of farms. It will

also help the researchers to widen the knowledge by gaining

more data about the quality and response of the respondents.

The results will benefit the following:

To the Consumers – They would be given the hindsight of

what and how do the crops get produced that are supplying

the market.

To the Department of Agriculture – This research will

provoke the concerning factors of that could make a

difference upon the accessibility of mass producing farms

implementing technology for the progress of


To the Farmers – This study could provide information of

what could they face and be exposed to when technology is

applied for the ease of labor, thus perhaps progress

along the progression of mechanization.

To the Farm Owners - This study will help provide

knowledgeable material to those who are in the department

of agriculture and pertaining to a business that

relatively has a cost upon its production.

To the Future Engineers- This study would manifest the

obstructions occurring on mechanization in agriculture

and that would give them the idea of what assets could be

further improvised with the use of their expertise.

To the Future Researchers – The ideas of this research

may help or can be used as a reference for the future

researchers that are studying a similar topic.

Scope and Delimitation

This research had some limitations regarding the farm

owners interviewed. This study only covered the response

that revolved around the farm owners in the selected area in

Bongabon city due to the given limitation of time, and the

researchers hold no responsibility nor influence in the

outcome of their response or reaction to the particular

subject matter, this study also just revolves around the

topic or variables indicated, thus prioritized and focused

on assessment regarding the statements of the problem, hence

there was only a narrow room for new discoveries, for this

is classified as a mixed method research. The researchers

utilized the purposive sampling in order to reach the

respondents that own 7 to 10 hectares of land for farming

the crops, various crops being produced was varied for it is

due to the choices of the respondents.

This research study was conducted from November to

March 2020 at the College of the Immaculate Conception.

Definition of terms

The terminologies that can be found in this research were

as follows:

Agricultural machinery or machinery: is the machinery

used in farming; uses the types of equipment that are

considered as power tools instead of hand tools.

Financial Obstruction: the relationship of money making

it difficult for something to happen or move forward.

Industrial Farming: the process of mechanizing the

growing, harvesting, and processing food.

Maintenance: the process of maintaining or preserving

something in good condition, or the provision of

financial support to keep the state of maintained.

Mechanize and mechanization: to change (a process or an

activity) so that it is done with machines instead of by

people or animals.

Obstruction: the act of making it difficult for something

to happen or move forward.

Operation: activity or usage of machinery.

Ownership: owning a machine for agriculture.

Storage: where the machineries are stored.

Record keeping: documents that are used to keep account

of different activities, events, materials etc. regarding

farm operations.

Chapter II
Review Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the Review of Related Literature

and Studies which were used by the researchers as references

upon the completion to the topic at hand.

Brown et al., (2018) in the published text titled as

”The Current State, Challenges and Plans for Philippine

Agriculture” indicate the one of the long standing

concerning problems that were being faced by farmers was

that disrupt the productivity including limited access to

credit and agricultural insurance that results to low

mechanization, and inadequate facilities. There were

noticeably less service being offered for the machineries,

hence the decapitating rate of preferring to adapt and

sparks the probability of poor management and lack of

knowledge as a result. Investment for technology were also

mentioned and manifested that inadequacy of such investment

has long been a significant constraint upon agricultural

growth, having the typical percentage of 0.3% annually,

banks did imply that it is quite improving, however it still

running low.

Tullberg, J., (2009) in the study entitled

“Agricultural Machinery: Problems and Potential” implied the

conflicts of pros and cons of machines in agriculture and

also stating that mechanization is fundamental to reducing

poverty and improving lifestyle and food security in the

developing world. The budgeting and the adoption of

concerned parties involved were also erected upon the

discussion of the conflict, for farmers are still in doubt

to invest on it. In their conclusion the major farm

machinery manufacturers are reluctant upon major investments

to be casted for there is still an unlikely capture of

benefits of any resultant innovation. Though the study did

look upon both perspectives of the manufacturers and the

farmers, the results and discussion were quite obscure and

had too many indicators to look upon; hence it did not rely

heavily on the economic aspects of it.

Bagheri et al., (2014) had a study called “Factor

Analysis of Agricultural Mechanization Challenges in Iran”

that is classified as descriptive survey research that

analyzed the challenges that is facing agricultural

mechanization developed in the country that was implied. The

data was divided into seven groups, if it is focused upon

the economical regions of the study, the data mainly

indicated that Iran was mostly faced by inefficiency of

subside payment methods, large number of time-worn

agricultural machinery incomplete collection of agricultural

equipment for power generator machinery, slow trend of

beneficiaries in accepting new technologies, financial

weakness of agricultural beneficiaries, inefficiency of

agricultural extension and education methods, and weakness

of agricultural machinery producers and operation in

protecting their guild benefits. The few potholes of the

study that needs to be considered is that the study revolved

in the country Iran and only looked upon the phenomenon to

enumerate what are the factors that were affiliated on

challenging mechanization on agriculture.

Ibendhal, G. (2015) had a journal entitled “The Effects

of Machinery Costs on Net Farm Income” which conducted an

observation to see what are the impacts of machinery and the

affiliated cost that goes along with, the results manifests

that the large scale farms or huge-profit farms do have a

large quantity of machinery for their production, although

it was indicated that the cost were just balanced and did

not go that excessively. The costs that need to be

reprimanded were also mentioned in the journal. Although

this material only scoped in the United States, and was only

an evaluation of data or background information that were

already compiled through the past years, hence there may be

a small chance of disrupting the reliability of this


Sims et al., (2006) the study titled as “Farm Power and

Mechanization for Small Farms in Sub-Sahara Africa”

manifests the numerous beneficiaries of machinery in

agriculture and further elaborates the problems without

mechanization in various aspects and conditions. The

constraints upon the progress of implementations of machines

in financial terms, the very first indicator is that the

lack of knowledge or experience of handling machinery, and

poor farm households may need assistance on calculations,

the wear and tear considerations of the machines, taxes and

interest, shelter or storage cost and other costs for

repair, and furthermore costs are for the fuel or product

for consumption in order to function, thus operators wages.

The study indicated many indicators of what may be the

constraint upon mechanization, although their scope and

delimitations concerns small or non-large farm holders and

also looked upon the non-mechanized section or tradition of

farming, hence making the financial challenges more of an

enumeration and only a tad bit of discussion and analysis.

Artz et al., (2016) the study published as “The

Benefits and Challenges of Machinery Sharing Among Small-

Scale Fruit and Vegetable Growers” provided with agreements

for having the accessibility towards machinery for farming

which includes the cost of ownership, storage, and

operation, maintenance, record-keeping. The results showed

that there was no significant reduction of the cost of the

machineries and found that farmers could not afford the

machines individually. The study concluded that sharing

machineries as the possible way to introduce and gain

accessibility and expand the production rate, although the

study only revolved around the small-scaled farms in the

location within Iowa, and relatively aimed to identify what

were the pros and cons of machine implementation.

Sims et al., (2017) the research named “Sustainable

Agricultural Mechanization for Smallholders: What Is It and

How Can We Implement It?” sparks the discussion upon the

mechanization of smallholders that occurred upon various

selected locations to draw an answer on their set goal. The

study indicated that in order to attain sustainability the

application of mechanization must have the required or

preferred power sources so the cycle of exchange are meeting

each other’s needs. Conflicts were also discovered such as

negligence, soaring costs. However this research only scoped

upon the potential of mechanization and less of the cost of

it, also they compare and also considered countries that

differ so much because of its current state.

Sims et al., (2006) the “Addressing the Challenges

Facing Agricultural Mechanization Input Supply and Farm

Product Processing” a compilation of various studies

elaborated the constraints various topic at hand concerning

mechanization in agriculture. The financial constraints that

were pointed out is that the adaptation and implementation

would need a few years to settle in, and must bear with loan

repayment and other financial burden, other “special”

factors were also enumerated in the book. The gap between

financial resources of small holders for the access to

machinery was also mentioned. This book, however was

contained with numerous studies that involves various

places, and the studies were relatively constructed to fit

within that state.

Bautista et al., (2017) the study entitled “Farmer’s

Perception on Farm Mechanization and Land Reformation in the

Philippines” surveyed 280 Filipino farmers to lend their

perspectives on mechanization on agriculture. Respondents

implied that there were many recognizable advantages of it

despite the magnanimous expense and dispose of the majority

of laborers, although the awareness of farmers upon

mechanization was noticeably scarce and financial problems

were huge factor of consideration in order to adapt to it.

The indicated disadvantages of mechanization includes

displacement of labor, expensive cost of machines,

additional maintenance cost, not suitable for the country’s

condition, additional production cost, increases crimes,

provision of alternative sources of income, and government

subsidy to machines. Though some of the particular data of

the study quite came in vaguely and the study did also cover

the land reformation, hence the study did not have that

tunnel vision for financial constraints, instead those were

just compiled data or perceptions from the farmers, and also

it did not indicate whether they surveyed farm holders of

large proximity.

The references manifested above supplies the possible

obstructions that the farm owners could face when

implementing machinery upon their production, thus this

supply the materials needed to the debacle of the

phenomenon whether the constraints upon mechanization is the

flaw of engineering or just poor management.

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter depicts the methods included and utilized

in the study. It is composed of the compilation of data,

sampling procedure, and other descriptive details concerned

with the study.

Research Method

This conducted study utilized the descriptive method

and a mixed method that involves qualitative and

quantitative data.

The mixed method research requires a purposeful mixing

of methods in data collection, data analysis and

interpretation of the evidence (shorten, 2017). The

quantitative method is defined as the systematic

investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data

and performing statistical, mathematical or computational

techniques (Surendran, 2019), and it obtains information

that will help in making a generalization about a population

under study. This process is known as generalizability

(Chelaa, 2017). Qualitative is defined as an inquiry process

of understanding a social or human problem, based on

building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words,

reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a

natural setting (Cresswell, 1994), or it is simply concerned

with understanding and words. Qualitative methods allow the

researcher to study selected issues in depth and detail

without being constrained by pre-determined categories of

analysis. (University of Utah, 2013). The descriptive method

means to develop, test and evaluate research instruments and

methods. It explores phenomena in real-life situations and

uses a survey method. Common data gathering methods used are

questionnaire, interview, and observation (StudyMode, 2013).

Research Locale

Figure 2. Location of Bongabon

The foundation of the study was at the city of Bongabon

which is the leading onion production in the Philippines and

consisting of the selected specific location or barangays,

recorded during the year 2019-2020. The target population of

the study was not the whole city but the specific ground

population around selected large farms, which was necessary

for the convoluted matter and since it is present in the


Respondents of the Study

The respondents selected were certified farm owners

that own the lot that has a size of 7 hectares to 10

hectares. The average age of farm owners in the Philippines

has a range around 40-60 years of age, and could be either

classified as female or male.

Sampling Technique

The sampling method for this conducted research was

purposive sampling since the chosen respondents are based

upon the judgment and set of standards by the researchers.

The following table manifests the population of the

farm owners.

Table 1

Barangay Number of farm


Cruz 6

Curba 5

Kalisitan 4

Lusok 4

Santor 5

Sapambuho 3

Tulay na Bato 1

Total: 28

A total of 20 respondents from various barangays were

selected. There were 8 respondents needed for a more in-

depth interview for the qualitative data, whilst the rest or

20 respondents were all surveyed for the quantitative data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The process of compiling the data had gone by taking

the first step, which was when the researchers made the

questionnaires to be answered and utilized the research

design classified as sequential explanatory. Second, they

embarked on a search for respondents that are inclined to

give answers in regards to the research. Third, the process

of answering and surveying was done, for as the quantitative

instrument was first to be done then the qualitative

questionnaire. Thus, the researchers studied, read, reviewed

and quantified and elaborated the response of the

participants in order to get the gist of the data, analyzed

and interpreted it by the researchers.

To get a preview ground of information, a pre-survey

interview was conducted to further solidify the formation of

the research instrument.

Research Instrument

The respondents were provided with survey-based

questionnaires constructed by the researchers. The questions

were developed by revolving to the quintessential point of

the research for the participants to present quantifiable

description and intricate information of their perception

towards the subject matter that is validated as the data for

the research.

1. Questionnaire

a. Description

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of

a series of questions for the purpose of gathering

information from respondents indicated by Mcleod (2018).

Hence, why the questionnaire was conducted as the

primary instrument for gathering information since it

supplies the demanded information and measures the

perception of the respondents towards the topic, and there

were two types of questionnaires presented that used the

quantitative and qualitative method of instrumentation.

b. Response Mode

The response for the qualitative questionnaire was a

written interview to manifest and obtain the knowledge and

perception of the respondents upon the phenomena, which is

basically utilizing the narrative analysis or inquiry, for

that collection of information.

The Likert scale is an expanded scale to measure the

attitudes and opinions compared to a “yes/no” response. It

was considered as the particular mode of gathering responses

on the provided questionnaires in order to be measurable

with a definite scale.

In order to obtain data with regards to the

obstructions being faced by the farm owners when it comes to

implementing machines towards their farms, the following

numerical and verbal descriptions were utilized:

Numerical Verbal

5 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 Agree (A)

3 Moderately Agree (MA)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

c. Development

The conductors of the study utilized two different

research instruments in order to be applicable by

quantifiable or qualitative means.

The quantitative questionnaire had thirty statements

that were answered by numerical and verbal response. The

instrument consisted of three portions. The first have

questions upon the basis of the ownership that the

respondent receives. The second portion satisfies the

question of how the respondents are affected by the expense

that must be imported to storage. The last portion indicates

the operation, maintenance, record-keeping expenses of what

the respondents deal with. Each portion consisted of ten

(10) statements which led to a total of thirty (30)

statements. The qualitative questionnaire composed of seven

(7) questions for an in depth attainment of information for

the whole phenomenon.

d. Validity

The questionnaire was validated, critiqued and modified

by the research instructor, Miss Ma. Shaira R. Adriano. The

questionnaires were revised after to vanquish flaws and

errors. Other authority included was Mister Anthony

Gutierrez an administrator from the engineering department.

The collected data from the respondents were valid and

credible for the response was directly delivered by the

participants who have enough experience and knowledge upon

the conducted study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The average weighted mean and percentage formula were

utilized to analyze and interpret the compilation of

quantifiable data.

The percentage was used for comparison upon the

frequencies of the responses to the total number of

responses; it also served as the numerical depiction of the

profile variables of the respondents that contains their

age, gender, barangay, farm size, crops produced, and budget

for machinery. The percentage was attained through dividing

the frequency if the category by the total number of

respondents and multiplied by 100. The formula of the

percentage goes by:

p= ×100


f =¿ Frequency Count

n=¿ Number of Respondents

For the determination upon the results of the financial

obstructions of farm mechanization in terms of ownership,

storage, and operation, maintenance record-keeping, this

equation was employed:

( wf )=
∑ wf


wf =¿ Weighted Mean Frequency

N=¿ Total Number of Students

To facilitate the scoring of the respondents’

responses, this rating scale was harnessed:

Rating Scale Range Verbal Description

5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree

3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Agree

2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

In this chapter manifests the results of the provided

questionnaire from the respondents, then the data was

analyzed and manifested regarding the financial obstructions

of mechanization in selected farms in Bongabon.

I. Profile of the Respondents

1. How may the respondents be described in terms of:

Table 2
Age of the respondents

Age Total Percentage

45 - 50 5 18%

51 - 55 16 57%

56 - 60 4 14%

Others 3 11%

Total 28 100%

The table portrays the age of the respondents; there

are 16 respondents that are 51-55 years old which is 57% and

4 respondents that are 56-60 years old which is 14% and then

there were 5 respondents classified as 45-50 years old which

makes up as the 18% out the total respondents. The other 3

makes up the remaining 11%.

Table 3
Sex of the Respondents

Sex Total Percentage

Male 26 92%

Female 2 8%

Total 28 100%

The preceding table manifests the number of male and

female respondents. There were 26 males which is equivalent

to 92% and then the remaining 8% are 2 females out of the

total respondents.

Table 4
Farm Size

Age Total Percentage

7 – 8 7 25%

8.1 – 9 2 7%

9.1 - 10 3 11%

Others 16 57%

Total 28 100%

The preceding table manifests the number of the farm

size that the respondents own. There were 16 respondents

classified as others which makes up 57%, thus 7 people have

7-8 hectares which is 25%, then 11% for the 3 respondents

that owns 9.1-10 hectares, and 8.1-9 hectares was owned by 2

people which is the remaining 7%.

The farm owners also stated that their allotted budget

for machinery ranges from ₱10,000-₱45,000, and the crops

they produce are rice, onion and corn.

II. Responses

2. How may the financial obstructions be described in

terms of?

Table 5


Weighted Verbal Rank

2.1. Ownership Mean Interpretation
2.1.1. It is difficult to
find financial support to 3.7 Agree 4
invest to a machine.
2.1.2. I had to have a huge
interest rate in order to 3.6 Agree 5
afford the machine.
2.1.3. The machines that I
need always go over the 3.3 Moderately 7
budget that I only have. Agree

2.1.4. Loaning is a burden

when it comes to owning a 3.85 Agree 2
machine for my farm.
2.1.5. I am reluctant to
own a machine for it may 3.7 Agree 4
not be worth it for my
2.1.6. The price of
machines costs too much, to 3.8 Agree 3
the point that it is bad
for my business.
2.1.7. I am reluctant to own
a machine because for it is 3.7 Agree 4
financially inaccessible
for me.
2.1.8. I am hesitant to buy
machines for the 3.9 Agree 1
responsibility and the cost
I may have to owning one.
2.1.9. Some of the available
machines in the market are 3.2 Moderately 8
not compatible on handling Agree
the crops we produce.
2.1.10. It is difficult to
find a machine for farming 3.5 Agree 6
for there is not enough
machines being offered to
the market.
General Weighted Mean 3.63 Agree
The table portrays the data of how the financial

obstruction in mechanization by means of ownership. The

statement that ranked first was 2.1.8. “I am hesitant to buy

machines for the responsibility and the cost I may have to

owning one.” which generated 3.9 weighted mean, manifests

that the handling or management made the farmers reluctant

to purchase any more machine, machines do need proper

maintenance on a regular basis (Gough Engineering, 2020),

although as the statement implies it is still an implication

in financial terms (Edwards, 2015). The statement that

ranked last with the weighted mean of 3.2 was 2.1.9. “Some of

the available machines in the market are not compatible on

handling the crops we produce.” particular selection of

crops are not quite compatible to other machines, and may

also inflict damage to the crops by means of air pollution

when operated (Stewart,2018), although there are also

selected crops are usually compatible, but it is not quite

versatile to handle the majority of the production (4HNET,

2019). It led to a general weighted mean of 3.63 meaning

that the respondents agree with the general concept of the

statements given.

Table 6
2.2. Storage Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
2.2.1. I am still in
debit for the cost of the 3.7 Agree 1
2.2.2. I own a lot of
machines so I had to buy 3.5 Agree 5
more storage for it.
2.2.3. I own a lot of
machines so I had to buy 3.35 Moderately 7
more storage for it. Agree
2.2.4. The renting
storage for the machine 3.25 Moderately 8
requires a huge amount of Agree
2.2.5. The machine is not
portable, hence moving it 3.55 Agree 4
also comes with a cost.

2.2.6. I was held back to
own a machine because I 3.65 Agree 2
had to buy something to
store it.
2.2.7. I believe that the
machines are designed to 3.5 Agree 4
be too large so the cost
is also big.
2.2.8. I have to own a
land to give space for 3.6 Agree 3
storing my machines which
is expensive.
2.2.9. I have to buy
materials for building 3.45 Agree 6
the storage for my
machines which is quite
2.2.10. I have to hire
someone to manage the 3.65 Agree 2
storage of the machines
that I have, which is
rebidding for my finance.
General Weighted Mean 3.52 Agree

The table shows the data of how financial obstructions

of mechanization of selected farms may be described in terms

of storage. The statement that ranked first with the

weighted mean of 3.7 was 2.2.1. “I am still in debit for the

cost of the storage.” which showcase the weak or low income

of the respondents, combined with economic and environmental

circumstances, farmers are also in need of storage for their

crops and harvest, making the storage for the machine adds

additional cost allotted for it including taxes

(Edwards.2015). The last one to rank with the weighted mean

of 3.25 was 2.2.4. “The renting storage for the machine

requires a huge amount of cash.” the price of the storage

for rent depends in the size, location, and other features,

and since machines may vary by size, the price would depend

on what would be stored (Campisi, 2017). It led to a general

weighted mean of 3.52 meaning that the respondents agree

with the general concept of the statements given.

Table 7
Operation, Maintenance, Record-keeping
2.3.Operation, Weighted Verbal Rank
Maintenance, Record- Mean Interpretation
2.3.1. Hiring workers
to repair the machines 3.65 Agree 4
cost too much.
2.3.2. Fuel to power
the machine so it 3.75 Agree 2
could operate costs
too much.
2.3.3. Hiring the
people to operate the 3.6 Agree 6
machine can be so
2.3.4. The machine
needs a lot of people 3.63 Agree 5
to operate resulting
to a lot of expense.
2.3.5. Some of the
machines can damage 3.25 Moderately 10
the crops, which Agree
results to poor
2.3.6. The parts for
repair for the 3.7 Agree 3
machines are difficult
to have and expensive
to buy.

2.3.7. The machines I
have are not sturdy 3.9 Agree 1
enough for longer and
many use resulting to
more repairs.
2.3.8. It is difficult
to find a capable 3.35 Moderately 9
repairman to fix my Agree
machines, which
results to business
going poorly.
2.3.9. It is difficult
to find parts for 3.5 Agree 8
repair and maintenance
for the machine, which
adds up to the
2.3.10. I have to hire
someone to manage and 3.55 Agree 7
handle the expenses
for the machines for
it is too complicated
for me.
General Weighted Mean 3.59 Agree

The table manifests the data of how financial

obstructions of mechanization of selected farms may be

described in terms of operation, maintenance, record-

keeping. The statement that ranks as first with the weighted

mean of 3.9 is 2.3.7. “The machines I have are not sturdy

enough for longer and many use resulting to more repairs.”

which implies acquiring and maintaining durable farm

machines continued to stay at levels unaffordable to most

farmers (PCAARRD, 2005). The statement 2.3.5. “Some of the

machines can damage the crops, which results to poor

production.” ranked the lowest generating a weighted mean of

3.25, although a study showed that heavy agricultural

machinery can damage the soil which can degrade the

foundation of the soil for production (The Research Council

of Norway). It led to a general weighted mean of 3.59

meaning that the respondents agree with the general concept

of the statements given.


The following are narrative presentation of the

respondents that relates to the subject matter which

includes the financial hindrance upon implementing machinery

to their farms. These contain the major themes which are

difficulty, aspects, storage conflict, damage, longevity,

wishes for improvement, and preference.

Frequency of
Operation, and
Ownership Record-keeping
Longevity Others


Accessible Others

Efficiency others Financial Machine itself

Obstructions of
Mechanization of Both
Wishes for
Selected Farms in
Improvement 35


Figure 3. Major Themes and Sub-themes

Major theme 1: Ownership

This theme determines the details of perception

pertaining to the difficulty faced by the farmers by

attaining a machine.

P1: “Obligadong magkaroon ng isang pinansiyal na suporta

upang makakuha ng isa, na maaaring maging isang abala para
sa mga ito ay kinakailangan upang makagawa ng aming mga
pananim.” (Obligated to have a financial support in order to
obtain one, which could be a bother for it is needed to
produce our crops.)

P2: “Ito ay mahirap para sa ito ay isa pang gawain sa

badyet upang makakuha ng isang machine, kahit na karaniwan
kapag ito ay nasira paghahanap ng mga bahagi para sa
pagkumpuni, na kung saan ay din ng isa pang gastos.” (It is
difficult for it is another task to budget out to obtain a
machine, although usually when it is broken finding parts
for repair, which is also another expense.)

P3: “Pagiging sapat na sapat na pinansiyal na mga

tuntunin, na kung saan ay maaaring tumagal para sa isang
habang.” (Being sufficient enough financial terms, which
could take for a while.)

P5: “Higit sa mga tuntunin ng pananalapi, ang badyet

para sa pagbili ay hindi laging sapat upang ganap na
sariling isa.”(More in the terms of financial, the budget
for purchasing is not always enough to completely own one.)

P6: “Bukod sa mamahaling presyo point ng makina,
karamihan sa makina na kailangan namin ay hindi kompatibol
sa paghawak ng aming mga pananim.”(Apart from the expensive
price point of the machine, most the machine we needed were
not compatible on handling our crops.)

P7: “Noon pa man ay mahirap bumili ng makina na

kailangang gamitin para sa sakahan, hindi lamang sa mga
tuntunin ng pananalapi kundi maging sa kanyang pag-
andar.”(It had always been difficult to purchase a machine
that is needed to be used for the farm, not only in terms of
financial but also to its functionality.)

P8: “Ang makina ay masyadong mahal para sa aming mga

tuntunin.”(The machine is too expensive for our terms.)

Sub-theme 1.1: Renting

R4: “Hindi ko ganap na sundin ganap na sa pagmamay-ari

ng isang machine, kaya pag-upa out ay mas maginhawa at mas
mahal.”(I do not totally comply fully on owning a machine,
hence renting out is more convenient and less expensive.)

Based on the indications above, the vast majority are

more concerned on the financial aspects, consequences, and

implications upon obtaining or purchasing a machine which

led to a difficulty upon owning one for it does affect a

company’s cash flow (Exapro, 2017) there were also other

conditions upon being reluctant on owing one such as:

incompatible to crops produced and others are compromised on

renting for it is much inexpensive compared to owning one

(Holtca, 2018).

Sub-theme 1.2: Efficiency

P1: “Ang pagkakaroon ng isang mas epektibong machine ay
lalong kanais-nais para sa mga ito ay mas kapaki-pakinabang
sa katagalan, maaaring ito ay mahirap dahil sa kanyang
gastos, kahit na ito ay dapat bayaran.” (Having a much more
effective machine is preferable for it is more beneficial in
the long run, it might be difficult due to its expense,
although it should pay off.)
P6: “Mas gusto namin ng isang epektibong machine, para
sa karaniwang ang uri ng machine ay siguradong magkaroon ng
mas malaking kalidad at hindi makapinsala sa mga pananim.”
(We prefer an effective machine, for usually this kind of
machine are guaranteed to have greater quality and would not
damage the crops for the least.)
P7: “Kami ay mas gusto ng isang epektibong isa kaysa sa
isang mas mura isa, para sa mga ito ay mas mas mahusay na
magkaroon ng isang garantisadong kalidad para sa kanyang
operasyon.” (We much prefer an effective one than a cheaper
one, for it is much better to have a guaranteed quality for
its operation.)
P2: “Ang isang mahusay at mabilis machine ay mas
mahusay na, lalo na para sa kapakanan ng kahabaan buhay sa
kabila ng gastos, para sa pamumuhunan sa isang bagay na mas
mura ay maaaring hindi huling mahaba at function na rin.”
(An efficient and fast machine would be much better,
especially for the sake of longevity despite the expense,
for investing to something cheaper may not last long and
function as well.)
P3: “Gusto ko na mamuhunan ng higit pa sa matibay na
machine kaysa sa murang machine na kalaunan ay mapapaso mas
maaga.” (I would rather invest more unto durable machines
than cheap machines that would eventually expire earlier.)
Sub-theme 1.3: Accessible

P8: “Pagkakaroon ng isang epektibong machine ay

palaging maging isang magandang bagay na mayroon para sa mga
ito ay gumawa ng mas mabilis at maginhawa, kahit na ang
pagkakaroon ng isang mas murang machine ay magiging mas
mahusay na, para sa mga ito lamang ay gumagawa ito mas
madaling makuha para sa lahat ng magsasaka, ngunit para sa
ngayon ang magsasaka ay nangangailangan ng isang partikular
na ma chine na kung saan ay modernong, mahusay, magtatagal
at hindi dapat maging masyadong mahal, ako ay umaasa.”

(Having an effective machine would always be a nice thing to
have for it does make things more faster and convenient,
although having a least a cheaper machine would be better,
for it just makes it more accessible for all farmers, but
for now the farmers need a particular machine which is
modern, efficient, durable and should not be too expensive I

Sub-theme 1.3: Others

P4: “Ginustong hindi upang bumili ng kahit na sariling

machine ganap na dahil sa iba pang mga gastos ito spurts
out, at pagdating sa pagsasaka pag-upa out ay lamang
maginhawa at murang lahat sa lahat.” (Preferred not to
purchase nor own a machine completely due to the other
expenses it spurts out, and when it comes to farming renting
out is just convenient and inexpensive all in all.)
P5: “Prefer not to answer.”
The prominent statement prefers the effective machine

rather than the cheaper machines, although some still

indicated that it might be difficult to attain one for its

expense. It seems that the majority prefer efficiency than

accessibility is that there is this concern of cheaper

products not being able to function compared to a higher

quality product, for expensive products are mostly

guaranteed by the masses that it is much better. Efficiency

of machines are necessary for farms that mass produce crops

for the market, hence why it is much preferred for its

sustainability and its beneficiaries (FAO, 2020). This

premise does not indicate accessible machines are obsolete

though, for machines are considered necessary for farming

especially for mass production, it is just that lower prices

tend to deliver that it might be made of low quality

material (Mielach, 2012).

Major theme 2: Wishes for Improvement

P1: “Isang mas mahusay na machine at serbisyo (tibay)

upang makuha ang mga nakalulugod na mga resulta sa ito.” (A
much more effective machine and service (durability) in
order to attain gratifying results with it.)
P2: “Oo, nagbigay ito sa akin ng pag-aalinlangan na
mamuhunan, para sa maraming mga tao ay din sa linya,
kailangan namin upang kumita, kaya hindi namin maaaring
itapon ito nang walang mabigat na pag-iisip tungkol dito.”
(Yes, it did give me some doubt to invest, for many people
are also in the line, we need to earn, so we just cannot
throw it without heavily thinking about it.)
P3: “Marahil karagdagang pagpapabuti sa palitan at
madalas na mga paglabag bahagi o ang buong machine ng isang
katibayan, kaya ang gastos ay hindi magiging masyadong
pabigat.” (Perhaps further improvement on replaceable and
frequently breaking parts or the whole machine’s durability,
so the expense would not be too burdensome.)
P6: “Marahil maaari naming isaalang-alang ang
pagkakaroon ng isang hiwalay na pamumuhunan upang matulungan
ang pagbabago para sa pagpapabuti sa suporta mula sa
pamahalaan lalo na pagdating sa regular na pag-aayos at
binuo ng machine.” (Perhaps we could consider on having a
separate investment to help out the innovation for

improvement with the support from the government especially
when it comes to regular repairs and built of the machine.)
Sub-theme 2.1: Others
P4: “Ang pagkakaroon ng upa out ay sapat na para sa
aming produksyon, kaya hindi namin naisip sa pamumuhunan ng
anumang karagdagang.” (Having to rent out is enough for our
production, so we never thought of investing any further.)
P8: “Makina para sa pagsasaka ay mahal talaga, ngunit
ito ay tulong ng maraming sa patlang at ang serbisyo na ito
ay naghahatid ng mahusay na, ang machine lamang bawasan ang
Labor kinakailangan at mas maginhawang sa patlang.
Samakatuwid, kung bakit ang pagkakaroon ng isang machine ay
lubos na isang pangangailangan para sa mga kagamitan.”
(Machines for farming are expensive, but it does help a lot
in the field and the service it delivers is excellent, the
machine just lessen the labor needed and more convenient in
the field. Hence why having a machine is quite a necessity
for equipment.)
P5: (Prefer not to answer.)
P7: “Hindi na kailangan, dahil hindi namin harapin ang
mga problema sa paghahanap ng mas mura bahagi o serbisyo,
dahil sa aming lokasyon.” (No need, for we do not face
difficulties on finding cheaper parts or services, due to
our location.)
The perception of the farm owners insists that they

hope to see further efficiency and practicality of the

production of the machines. Reluctance upon investing

further onto machinery by the farm owners was also

indicated, and prominently the concern was the maintenance

that gave more hindrance towards the owners. It was also

implied that some are not interested on investing further

and some are already content just by the delivery of the

machine’s service. The discourse of doubt could be mitigated

when beneficiaries are provided, it is normal to be

reluctant on investing on the things that are unknown, but

some are willing to comply as long they see they would get

paid off (Osman, 2013).

Major theme 3: Storage

This theme proceeds to know whether the financial

conflict upon storing the machine is caused by the machine

itself or attaining storage for it.

P1: “Sa una, ngunit pagkatapos ay ito ay kinakailangan

pa rin upang ang machine ay sa isang matatag na kalagayan
para sa gumagana.” (At first it does, but then it is still
necessary so that the machine would be in a stable status
for functioning.)

P4: “Pamumuhunan at pagkakaroon sa mukha interes ay

isang pagsasaalang-alang sa magkaroon ng imbakan para sa
machine, ngunit lamang namin mukha na kapag upa para sa
isang mas mahabang panahon.” (Investing and having to face
interest is a consideration to have storage for the machine,
but we only face that when renting out for a longer period.)

P3: “Ang pag-iimbak ay ang karaniwang nangyayari, dahil

kailangan din nating magkaroon ng imbak na pagkain para sa
ating mga pananim.” (Storage is where the conflict usually
occurs, for we needed to have storage for our crops also.)

Sub-theme 3.1: Others

P5: “Hindi namin kailangan upang mamuhunan para sa
imbakan para sa isang machine para sa hindi namin sariling
isa, namin lamang upa ng isang machine para sa produksyon.”
(We did not need to invest for storage for a machine for we
do not own one; we just rent out a machine for production.)

P8: “Sa pagtatago ng machine, ito ay hindi na mahal
hangga 't ang regular na mga tseke kapag hindi ginagamit sa
halip madalas. Ang kumpanya ay karaniwang nagsasagawa ng
pana-panahong maintenance alinsunod sa warranty nito.” (In
storing the machine, it was not that expensive as long that
there are regular checks when not being used rather often.
The company usually conducts periodic maintenance in
accordance of its warranty.)
Sub-theme 3.2: Machine itself
P7: “Ang makina mismo ay karaniwang ang muling nangyari
problema, para sa mga ito break at obligates upang maging
repaired kaagad kaya hindi ito maging sanhi sa proseso ng
produksyon o paghawak ng mga pananim.” (The machine itself
is usually the reoccurring problem, for it breaks and
obligates to be repaired immediately so it would not cause
in the process of production or handling the crops.)

Sub-theme 3.3: Both

P2: “Ang parehong ang dahilan, para sa parehong

nangangailangan ng pamamahala na ibinigay sa mga ito.” (Both
are actually a factor, for both need management allotted to

P6: “Pareho, dahil ang makina ay masyadong malaki at

magastos sa sarili, ang pagbuo ng isang imbakan ay
kinakailangan para sa hindi ko kayang bumili ng isa pa.”
(Both, since the machine is too big and expensive to own,
building storage was necessary for I cannot afford to buy
another one.)

Upon the response of the farm owners, it seems that the

machine and storage are quite parallel on affecting

financial terms, if the size of the machine is quite large,

so as the storage to be occupied by it, and there is also ,

although others just rent out storage and machines, some are

bothered for they are also in need of storage warehouse

utilities, and locality cost and inventory for the crops,

and some had to invest further for storage (ERPinformation,

2017), thus particularly some does not seem to be bothered

for they do not own a machine completely. Although it still

implies the financial hindrances towards the farm owners.

Major theme 4: Maintenance, Operation and Record-keeping

This theme determines how one aspect of the machinery

may have causes to financial burden in terms of maintenance

concerning the machine.

P2: “Kapag ang machine ay nasira, na maaaring dahil sa

isang problema sa pagpapatakbo o lamang ay maaaring maging
ang machine mismo.” (When the machine is broken, this may be
due to an operational problem or just may be the machine

P3: “Maintenance at mapahaba nito kondisyon at

kahusayan para sa machine natural hamakin matuwid sa
paglipas ng panahon at paggamit, na kung saan ay
kinakailangan upang mamuhunan” (Maintenance and prolonging
its condition and efficiency, for the machine naturally
degrade over time and use, which is necessary to invest to.)
P4: “Lubos na depende sa kalagayan ng machine, para sa
dalas ay lubos na sa isang regular na batayan, at ang dalas
ng kanyang paggamit at paghawak, kaya ito ay lubos na
alinman sa paraan.” (Quite depends on the condition of the
machine, for the frequency is quite in a regular basis, and
the frequency of its usage and handling, so it is quite
either way.)

P5: “Ito ay depende sa machine ay binuo, para sa na
maaaring salik sa katayuan at kalagayan ng machine.” (It
depends on the machine is built, for that could factor in
the status and condition of the machine.)

P6: “Mas madalas na pagpapanatili ay ang lumalaking

Bumabati, kaya ang mga machine laki ay maaari ring
kadahilanan at ang mga bahagi na kailangan upang makakuha ng
para sa pagkumpuni o kapalit. Mayroon ding mga problema sa
paghahanap ng isang angkop na tagakumpuni.” (More often
maintenance is the growing concern, thus the machine size
could also factor and the parts needed to obtain for repair
or replacement. There are also difficulties upon finding a
suited repairman.)

P7: “Ito ay lubos na standard ngunit din nakakabigo

kapag ito ay dumating sa pagkumpuni, para sa pagbasag
radikal nangyayari mas madalas.” (It is quite standard but
also frustrating when it comes to repair, for breakage
radically occurs more often.)
P8: “Ang pagpapanatili ay mahal, para sa mga bahagi,
accessory, at serbisyo para sa pagkumpuni ay hiwalay na
gastos. Sa imbakan kailangan ng makina ang regular na mga
tseke kapag hindi ito abala o ginagamit. Sa maintenance,
pag-iiskedyul at pamamahala ng mga iskedyul ay
kinakailangan, para sa pagsuri.” (The maintenance is
expensive, for parts, accessories, and service for repair
are separate expenses. In storage the machine needs regular
checks when it is not occupied or in use. In the
maintenance, scheduling and managing schedules were
necessary, for checking.)

P1: “Karaniwan sa mga tuntunin ng maintenance at

imbakan upang mapanatili ang kanyang tibay at huling na para
sa paggamit nito para sa sakahan.” (Usually in terms of
maintenance and storage in order to preserve its durability
and last longer for using it for the farm.)

It appears that the majority of the respondents are

bothered more in the maintenance aspect of financial

obstructions and just a bit of the storage aspect, and its

frequency of repairs just to maintain longevity and its

condition had displayed its prime impact towards farm owners

upon implementing machinery, for when a machine is deemed

unresponsive, it could mean as potential lost revenue upon

production (Grainger, 2017).

Sub-theme 4.1: Frequency of Repair

P1: “Ang pangyayari ng isang machine na nasira ay lubos

na itinuturing na natural, karaniwan ang bahagi ay chains at
bearings na ang mga bahagi ay nahaharap sa masakit na
kalagayan tulad ng pagtakbo ito sa patlang o sa lupa.” (The
occurrence of a machine being damaged is quite considered
natural, usually the parts are chains and bearings which are
the parts faced harsh condition such as running it at the
field or the ground.)
P2: “Ang mga kadena, bearings at pambelt ay kadalasang
may pahinga, na talagang mahirap gawin kapag kailangan itong
gawin sa misyon.” (The chains, bearings and pambelt quite
often breaks, which does spark inconvenience when it is
needed to work in the field.)
P3: “Bearings madalas break, ang piston ring ay
maaaring maging isang dahilan din, dahil sa paggamit ng mga
ito sa patlang ng regular. Minsan pagbasag ay maaaring
mangyari sa panahon ng trabaho sa mga patlang.” (Bearings
frequently breaks, the piston ring could be a reason also,
because of using it on the field regularly. Sometimes
breakage could occur during work on the fields.)
P6: “Ang ilang bahagi ng makina ay madalas na lumalabag
sa na regular na batayan, para ito ay ginagamit para sa
isang pulutong ng mga beses, lalo na kapag ito ay pana-
panahong para sa mga pananim na degrade ang machine. Ito ay
lubos na isang pag-agaw kadahilanan para sa aming mga
pinansiyal na katatagan.” (Some parts of the machine are
frequently breaking at that regular basis, for it is being
utilized for a lot of times, especially when it is seasonal

for the crops which degrades the machine. It is quite a
seizing factor for our financial stability.)
P7: “May isang problema kapag ang makina nasira sa
isang maling panahon, lalo na pagdating sa pag-aani o
planting. Ang makina lamang ay hindi maaaring mahawakan ito,
samakatuwid ang pagkakaroon ng kapasidad ng paggamit at
operasyon nito.” (There is only a problem when the machine
just breaks at a wrong time, especially when it comes to
harvesting or planting. The machine just could not handle
it, therefore having capacity of its usage and operation.)
P8: “Pinsala ay karaniwang nangyayari dahil sa ang
operator ay hindi na sanay, kaya ang mga bahagi ng machine
ay kinakailangan para sa mga tseke at regular na kapalit,
kaya sa pangyayari para sa isang mas murang ruta, kami
malutas sa paghahanap ng mga alternatibo at mas mura
hahalili, upang itaguyod ang kanyang habang-buhay. Sumusunod
na mga tagubilin na ang kumpanya ay nagbibigay din ng
tulong, para sa mga ito ay ipahiwatig ang paminsan-minsang
oras ng talahanayan para sa pagbabago ng langis, bahagi,
bilang ng paggamit, atbp, ang tibay ay tama, kahit na
wastong pamamahala ay kinakailangan. Ang tanging dahilan
kung bakit maaari naming pumunta up kung bakit ito break ay
dahil sa hindi wastong paghawak at pamamahala ng machine.”
(Damage usually occurs due to the operator is not that
skilled, thus the parts of the machine are needed for checks
and regular replacement, so in hindsight for a cheaper
route, we resolve on finding alternatives and cheaper
replacements, to promote its lifespan. Following
instructions that the company gives also helps, for they
would indicate the periodic time table for changing oil,
parts, number of usage, etc., the durability is alright,
although proper management is required. The only reason we
could come up why it breaks may be due to improper handling
and management of the machine.)
According to the preceding statements from above, it

manifests that repair and replacement frequently occurs upon

common parts that is quite considered natural and replaced

at a regular basis due to the operation, most parts

indicated faced logical harsh conditions when operating in

the field. Other indications was that the damage could be

due to the operators, but the majority lean in more on to

the machine’s condition and pertaining necessary

maintenance. There are many possibilities on why the

frequency of repair upon machines and most of it are

external conditions like the weather location, and

operational conditions which could be due to the operators,

overrunning the machine or lack of troubleshoot or regular

maintenance (Wehrspann, 2018).

Sub-theme 4.2: Longevity

P1: “Oo, para sa mga bahagi na karaniwang break ang mga

chains at bearings, na kung saan ay pangunahin sa
pagpapanatili para sa kapalit.” (Yes, for the parts that
usually break are the chains and bearings, which are primary
in maintenance for replacement.)
P2: “Ang regular na checks at maintenance ay naging
kinakailangan upang matiyak na tatagal ito ng mahabang
panahon, at nakikita ang madalas na kapalit ng ilang bahagi
na ginawang malinaw.” (Regular checks and maintenance had
become necessary in order to guarantee that it would last
long, and seeing the frequent replacement of some parts made
it clear.)
P3: “Oo, kailangan ko ring malaman kung magkano ang
gastos para sa pagkumpuni at may kinakailangang background
sa kung ano ang dapat na repaired. Kaya kinailangan naming
magpunta nang mahinahon sa makina kung gusto naming
pahahabain ang serbisyo nito.” (Yes, I also needed to know
how much the expense for repair and have necessary
background to what must be repaired. So we had to go gentle
with the machines if we wanted to prolong its service.)

P6: “Sa tingin namin ito ay dahil sa kung paano ito ay
binuo, naisip din namin na ito ay maaaring hindi huling
dahil sa iyon, ngunit dahil ito ay kapaki-pakinabang para sa
aming sakahan, isinasaalang-alang pa rin namin sa pagmamay-
ari ng isa.” (We think it is because of how it is built, we
also thought that it might not last because of that, but
since it would be beneficial for our farm, we still
considered on owning one.)
P7: “Ito ay ang makina mismo, para sa ilan sa aming mga
machine ay hindi bagong bago o ang iba ay may isang depekto
pagkatapos ng pagbili” (It is the machine itself, for some
of our machines are not brand new or others have a defect
after purchase.)
P8: “Hefty investment ay kinakailangan para sa machine,
kahit na ito ay Sarahan up ang bilis ng produksyon sa
patlang, kaya ito ay lubos na makatwirang upang makakuha ng
isa dahil ito ay maghatid ng mga benepisyo. Sulit ang
halaga, ang wastong pangangasiwa at maintenance ng
alituntunin ay kailangan lamang.” (Hefty investment is
required for the machine, although it does fasten up the
pace of the production in the field, so it is quite
reasonable to obtain one since it does deliver benefits. The
cost was worth it, just proper handling and maintenance
guideline is needed.)
Sub-theme 4.3: Others

P5: “Hindi ko maipaliwanag nang malalim, dahil kaya

nating gawin ito, kailangan lang natin itong gawin at gawin
ang kanyang gawain, at hindi tayo mananagot para sa
maintenance nito para hindi tayo ang nagmamay-ari nito.” (I
cannot explain with depth, for we could care less about it,
we just needed it to function and do its work, and we are
not held responsible for its maintenance for we are not the
ones who owns it.)

Maintenance exerts the impact as indicated above

towards the respondents that it serves quite bothersome at

some point due to its common occurrence (Antich, 2010),

although some sought that regular checks and maintenance is

just necessary for its longevity and functionality. Some

farm owners still insist that the machine could be the

reason behind of its degrading quality over time, however

some also insisted that preserving longevity of the machines

is additional work and just treated as is, for it is quite

the reoccurring theme for preserving its lifespan of service

and to avoid frequent repairs.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter indicates the summary of the findings, the

conclusions drawn and the recommendations based on the data

analyzed in the previous chapter.

Summary of Findings

The researchers sought to find how the financial

obstructions of implementing machines on farms affect farms

owners. They utilized the descriptive method since it

elaborates the phenomenon involved. The study was conducted

at selected barangays in Bongabon city with 28 respondents’

ages ranging from 45-60 years old, that owns a farm ranging

from 7-10 hectares, and dedicated budget for machinery

ranging from ₱10,000-₱45,000. This study used purposive

sampling in order to have the particular respondents who

meet the standard upon the subject matter.

The researchers conducted questionnaires as the

research instrument distributed upon the respondents to

obtain the information for the study. Statistical treatment

was rendered to tally the results using computation of

percentages, weighted means, and averages, thus analyzed the

qualitative questionnaire, the data for quantitative all

resulted at the degree of the respondents agreeing to the

statements especially in terms of ownership, thus for

qualitative the data proposed leaning more onto maintenance

and repairs and other premises indicated for improvement.

The research took 5 months for completion.


Based on the discoveries, the researchers found that

the farm owners in Bongabon City that faced financial

obstructions upon mechanization are most likely affected in

terms of ownership, which depicts that farmers faced

difficulty upon purchasing or fully owning a machine due to

the financial implications of it, although the numbers of

each variables are not that quite far-fetched, it was also

insisted that maintenance was the aspect that they wish

there were further improvements on maintenance and repair

due to its frequency and to avoid loss of profit.


Upon the observations of the outcomes of the study, the

researchers proposed some recommendations.

To the engineering students, this research may spread

awareness and serve as the data that may project some

support or guidance to upon conducting studies.

To the engineers or agricultural engineers, this

research may serve as the tool to know the specific aspect

for further improvements that are demanded in the market in

order to enhance the drive of innovation.

To the future researcher, this study may be replicated

with a different population, for this research has the

possibility of having inconsistencies due to the response of

the participants. This research lacks the intricate or wider

scope of the data.


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