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DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

A D-Latch is a basic digital logic circuit that is used to store a single bit of data. It is a simple
device that has two inputs - a data input (D) and a control input (CLK) - and a single output (Q).
When the control input is low (0), the output remains in its current state, regardless of the data
input. When the control input is high (1), the output follows the state of the data input. In other
words, a D-Latch is a type of flip-flop that allows you to latch (or store) a single bit of data,
based on a clock signal.

GRAY code
GRAY code, also known as reflected binary code, is a binary numeral system where two
consecutive values differ in only one bit. In other words, each bit position in a GRAY code
sequence changes only once, as opposed to a traditional binary code where all bits may change
simultaneously. This property makes GRAY code useful in digital applications such as rotary
encoders, error detection and correction codes, and analog-to-digital converters.

Special gate.
a. The special gate is a digital logic gate used to perform specific functions. The three
types of special gates are:
b. XOR gate (Exclusive-OR gate): A gate that outputs a high (1) signal only when the
inputs differ from each other, otherwise it outputs a low (0) signal.
c. XNOR gate (Exclusive-NOR gate): A gate that outputs a high (1) signal only when the
inputs are the same, otherwise it outputs a low (0) signal.
d. NAND gate (Not-AND gate): A gate that outputs a low (0) signal only when both
inputs are high (1), otherwise it outputs a high (1) signal.

A special type of sequential circuit used to count the pulse is known as a counter, or a collection
of flip flops where the clock signal is applied is known as counters.
e. Counters are used in digital electronics for counting purpose, they can count specific
event happening in the circuit.
f. A counter can follow the certain sequence based on our design like any random
sequence 0,1,3,2… .They can also be designed with the help of flip flops.

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

g. The main properties of a counter are timing, sequencing , and counting. 

Universal Gate.
A universal gate is a type of logic gate that can implement any Boolean function without the
need for any other gate. It means that all other gates can be constructed from a universal gate.
The two most common universal gates are the NAND gate and NOR gate.
The NAND gate can be used to implement all three basic gates: AND, OR, and NOT. When
multiple NAND gates are connected, they can also implement more complex logic functions,
such as XOR and XNOR gates.
The NOR gate is another universal gate that can implement any Boolean function. It can be
used to create all three basic gates: AND, OR, and NOT. When multiple NOR gates are
connected, they can also implement more complex logic functions, such as XOR and XNOR

Flip-flop is a circuit that can store a single bit of data in digital electronics. It has two stable
states, "0" or "1". Flip-flops are widely used in digital systems to implement various types of
sequential logic circuits. They are often used to synchronize or control the timing of signals in
digital systems.
There are four types of flip-flops, including SR flip-flop, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, and T flip-flop.
Each type of flip-flop has its own unique functionality and applications in digital circuits. For
example, the D flip-flop is commonly used as a data storage element in registers and counters,
while the JK flip-flop is used to implement more complex sequential circuits.

Half Adder
a. A half adder is a type of adder, an electronic circuit that performs the addition of
b. A half adder is used to add two single-digit binary numbers and results into a two-
digit output.
c. The half adder is able to add two single binary digits and provide the output plus a
carry value. It has two inputs, called A and B, and two outputs S (sum) and C (carry).
The common representation uses a XOR logic gate and an AND logic gate.

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

An example of a half adder circuit is shown below:

Where A and B are the input bits, S is the output sum, and C is the output carry.

Full Adder
a. A full adder is a digital circuit that performs addition.
b. A full adder is used to add three single-digit binary numbers and results into a two-digit
c. Full adder has three inputs, A, B and Z and two outputs S (sum) and C (carry).
d. Full adders are implemented with logic gates in hardware.  Full adders are made from
XOR, AND and OR gates in hardware. Full adders are commonly connected to each other
to add bits to an arbitrary length of bits, such as 32 or 64 bits.

An example of a full adder circuit is shown below:

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

Where A and B are the input bits, C is the input carry, S is the output sum, and C is the output

Shift Register
A shift register is a sequential circuit that is used to store and shift data in a controlled manner.
It can be thought of as a chain of flip-flops connected in series, with the output of one flip-flop
connected to the input of the next. The data is loaded into the first flip-flop, and then shifted
down the chain one bit at a time on each clock cycle.
There are four basic types of shift registers:
d. Serial-in, Serial-out (SISO) shift register: It has a single input and a single output.
Data is entered serially, one bit at a time, and shifted out in the same way. Example:
e. Parallel-in, Serial-out (PISO) shift register: It has multiple inputs and a single output.
Data is entered in parallel, with each bit on a separate input, and shifted out in serial
form. Example: 74LS166.
f. Serial-in, Parallel-out (SIPO) shift register: It has a single input and multiple outputs.
Data is entered serially, and then latched into the flip-flops. The data is then
available in parallel form at the outputs. Example: 74LS165.
g. Parallel-in, Parallel-out (PIPO) shift register: It has multiple inputs and multiple
outputs. Data is entered in parallel, and then shifted out in parallel form. Example:
Shift registers are used in a variety of applications, including data storage, data transmission,
and signal processing. For example, they can be used to store and shift out data from a sensor
array, to implement a delay line for audio or video signals, or to perform serial-to-parallel or
parallel-to-serial conversions.

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

Karnaugh map 
Karnaugh map or K-map is a map of a function used in a technique used for minimization
or simplification of a Boolean expression. It results in a smaller number of logic gates and inputs
to be used during the fabrication.
Booleans expression can be simplified using Boolean algebraic theorems but there are no
specific rules to make the most simplified expression. However, K-map can easily minimize the
terms of a Boolean function.
4 Variable K-Map
The number of cells in 4 variable K-map is sixteen, since the number of variables is four. The
following figure shows 4 variable K-Map.

 There is only one possibility of grouping 16 adjacent min terms.

Logic Gate
The basic digital electronic circuit that has one or more inputs and single output is known
as Logic gate. Hence, the Logic gates are the building blocks of any digital system. We can
classify these Logic gates into the following three categories.
h. Basic gates
i. Universal gates
j. Special gates
1. AND Gate
An AND gate is a digital circuit that has two or more inputs and produces an output, which is
the logical AND of all those inputs. It is optional to represent the Logical AND with the symbol

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

Here A, B are the inputs and Y is the output of two input AND gate. If both inputs are ‘1’, then
only the output, Y is ‘1’. For remaining combinations of inputs, the output, Y is ‘0’.
2. OR Gate
An OR gate is a digital circuit that has two or more inputs and produces an output, which is the
logical OR of all those inputs. This logical OR is represented with the symbol ‘+’.

Here A, B are the inputs and Y is the output of two input OR gate. If both inputs are ‘0’, then
only the output, Y is ‘0’. For remaining combinations of inputs, the output, Y is ‘1’.
3. NOT Gate
A NOT gate is a digital circuit that has single input and single output. The output of NOT gate is
the logical inversion of input. Hence, the NOT gate is also called as inverter.

Special Gates
Ex-OR & Ex-NOR gates are called as special gates. Because, these two gates are special cases of
OR & NOR gates.
1. Ex-OR Gate
The full form of Ex-OR gate is Exclusive-OR gate. Its function is same as that of OR gate except
for some cases, when the inputs having even number of ones.

DLD Notes by ASSK Friends

The output of Ex-OR gate is ‘1’, when only one of the two inputs is ‘1’. And it is zero, when both
inputs are same.
2. Ex-NOR Gate
The full form of Ex-NOR gate is Exclusive-NOR gate. Its function is same as that of NOR gate
except for some cases, when the inputs having even number of ones.

Therefore, the output of Ex-NOR gate is ‘1’, when both inputs are same. And it is zero, when
both the inputs are different.


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