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Human Resource Management (HRM) MCQs


1. Organizational Behaviour is a study of investigating the impact of:

A. Employees' behaviour in an organization
B. Societal behaviour on an organization
C. Country's culture on an organization
D. Country's economy on an organization
Answer: A

2. Which of the following term is used to identify, "what the job holder does"?
"how it is done"? & "why it is done"?
o m
A. Job specification
. c
B. Job evaluation
C. Job description
D. Job title
Answer: C
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Mis used to identify the physical & mental skills,
3. Which of the following term
required to perform by an individual within a particular position in an
A. Job title
B. Job specification
C. Job description
D. Job evaluation
Answer: C

4. Jobs are compensated on the basis of:

A. Job analysis
B. Job specification
C. Job worth
D. Job description
Answer: A
5. ____________ is the main source of innovations.
A. Upgraded technology
B. Human mind
C. Competitors' pressure
D. Research & Development
Answer: B

6. Which of the following HR function is the basic element of recruitment?

A. Attract the job applicants for the particular post
B. Select the best one among all applicants
C. Train the people as per organizational requirements
D. Fire the non-performing employees
Answer: A

7. “A person is known by the company he/she keeps”; is well described by which of

the term?
A. Prejudice
B. Stereotype
C. Introversion
D. Extroversion
Answer: B

8. Terms "Interpersonal skills" and "Human skills" are used for:

A. Two different skills
B. Different managerial skills
C. Operational skills
D. Same managerial skills
Answer: D

9. Which of the following abilities are categorized as the Technical skill of an

A. Judgment & creativity
B. Analysis & communication
C. Knowledge & proficiency
D. Innovation & advancement
Answer: C

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10. The intellectual & mechanical process used by an organization to transform
inputs into outputs is termed as:
A. Task
B. People
C. Structure
D. Technology
Answer: D

11. Under which of the following authority, an HR manager took the decision to
provide training to its employees regarding the operations of newly installed
A. Staff
B. Functional
C. Line
D. Implied
Answer: C

12. Which one of the following is NOT the benefit of making teams?
A. Every member is mutually accountable within a team
B. Teams enable organizations to better utilize employees' talents
C. Teams create trust and a collaborative culture
D. Teams always perform better than individuals in all situations
Answer: A

13. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of a Virtual Team?
A. Lack of nonverbal signals
B. Limited social contact
C. Increased social relationship
D. Ability to overcome time and space constraints
Answer: C

14. Which of the following functions of HRM deals with 'Collective Bargaining'?
A. Staffing
B. Forecasting
C. Employee-assistance management
D. Employee-relations management
Answer: D

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15. 'There is no need to make any new appointment'; therefore, the organization
has transferred Mr. Jaison to another branch. This step of the organization is
taken to:
A. Increase the labour supply than demand
B. Maintain the balance of labour supply and demand
C. Decrease the labour supply than demand
D. Devastate the balance of labour supply and demand
Answer: C

16. A test conducted to ensure the biological fitness of an individual by identifying

the presence of any inherited diseases like diabetese, heart diseases, neurological
disorders etc, is termed as:
A. Hereditary testing
B. Gene testing
C. Instinct testing
D. Genetic testing
Answer: B

17. Which of the given employment testing approach requires individuals to

perform activities similar to those they might encounter in an actual job?
A. In-basket technique
B. Role playing
C. Interview simulations
D. Case study
Answer: B

18. According to which of the following interview type, several applicants are being
interviewed by one or more company representatives?
A. One-to-one interview
B. Panel interview
C. Group interview
D. Stress interview
Answer: C

19. 'Material wastage has increased to greater extent due to using outdated
machinery'. This issue can be resolved by:
A. Train machine operators regarding its operations

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B. Replacing the existing machinery with the new one
C. Using new raw material in production
D. No action is required as it is not a noticeable issue
Answer: B

20. Previous company records & customer satisfaction surveys may serve as a
source for:
A. Cultivating learning culture within the organization
B. Determining deficiencies that require training
C. Developing career development plans for employees
D. Identifying training outcomes through evaluation
Answer: B

21. Evaluation of training program is conducted:

A. At the initial stage while design a training
B. Prior to need assessment phase
C. Parallel to design a training content
D. At the last stage of training
Answer: D

22. HR managers play vital role in:

A. Setting production targets
B. Formulating strategies
C. Publishing financial statements
D. Preparing reports for shareholders
Answer: A

23. Which of the following are the groups of social nature that are formed around
friendship and common interests?
A. Formal
B. Structured
C. Informal
D. Unstructured
Answer: D

24. Initially the personnel department was only involved in:

A. Recruitment & selection

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B. Compensation & benefits
C. Training & development
D. Scheduling vacations
Answer: D

25. 'Career counselling' is part of which of the following functions of HRM?

A. Compensation & benefits
B. Planning & selection
C. Training & development
D. Maintenance of HRIS
Answer: C

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