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College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, Bataan


NAME: Padlan, Syra May M.

DATE OF SUBMISSION: September 30, 2022

1. Reflect on the video about the human body & answer the following questions:
a. Explain how the different body systems are interrelated. (5 points)
The body systems are interrelated in a way that the function of one system relies and depends
from the other systems. The Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular, and Nervous Systems create an
infrastructure that allows the Endocrine, Lymphatic, and Urinary Systems to regulate body’s
environment. These systems need energy to function so the Respiratory and Digestive Systems
are responsible for its production.
b. Why is the reproductive system considered unique? (5 points)
The Reproductive System is considered unique because it is the only system that has the
capability to produce an offspring. The role of the Reproductive System is to ensure the survival
of its species while the other systems focuses on the survival of the individual itself
2. In a tabular form, name the different body systems, the organs each system contains & enumerate
their function. Follow the example below. (30 points)
Organ System Major body organs Functions
Skeletal System Bones - Provides framework
- Protect and support
body organs
- Formation of blood
Muscular System Muscles - Facilitate movement
Cardiovascular System Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels - Transport blood that
carries oxygen,
nutrients, hormones,
- The heart pumps the
Nervous System Brain, Spinal Cord, Cranial and - Transmit information
Spinal Nerves and coordinate bodily
Endocrine System Endocrine Gland - Produces hormones that
help regulate body’s
Lymphatic System Lymph Nodes, Lymph Vessels - Help regulate body’s
defenses and uses
neural pathways to
transmit information to
the blood stream
Respiratory System Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, - Keep the body supplied
Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs with Oxygen and
removes CO2
Digestive System Oral Cavity, Esophagus, - Digestion and
Stomach, Small and Large Absorption
Intestines, Rectum
Urinary System Kidney, Ureter, Urinary - Eliminates wastes in the
Bladder, Urethra body through urine
- Regulates water,
electrolyte, and acid-
base balance of the
Reproductive System Male and Female Reproductive - Reproduction

3. Differentiate negative from positive feedback mechanism and give example of each. (10 points)
Negative Feedback occurs when the product of a reaction leads to a decrease in that reaction
that brings the system closer to the stability of homeostasis. This feedback decreases the
productivity and reduces the effect of stimulus. The Positive Feedback occurs when its product
leads to an increase in that reaction that brings the system further from its equilibrium. This
feedback increases the productivity and boosts the stimuli. Most homeostatic mechanisms are
negative feedback like the thermoregulation, this frequently happens in the body when the
temperature in our body rises and in order for our body to slow down the rise of temperature,
our body releases body sweat and vasodilation occurs where our blood surface area are
exposed in a cooler environment. Positive feedback rarely happens in our body like the blood
clotting. When we are injured, our body releases chemicals that cause our body to release
platelets. Once these platelets are released they send more chemicals to release more platelets
until there is a clot formation on the wound.

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