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Name: Abbie Entz

Grade Level:

Emporia State University

Professional Development School
Lesson Plan Template [Modified for EE 314 – 5E Instructional Method]

Part A: Standards, Objectives, and Assessment Alignment

Objective Select a social studies content idea for Standard 2 - Individuals have rights and
inquiry from the KSDE Social Studies responsibilities.
Standards. Include Grade, Discipline, and
idea (e.g. 4th, History: emigration). Write an Benchmark 2.2 The student will analyze the context
ABCD content learning objective. and draw conclusions about rights and

5th, US Constitution: Bill of Rights

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

define the Bill of Rights and know where it is found.

Select a skill standard from the C3 Dimension 4 - Communicating Conclusions &

Framework. Include the abbreviation and Taking INFORMED ACTION
D4.3.3-5. Present a summary of arguments and
Do NOT choose a standard from explanations to others outside the classroom using
Dimension 2 (p. 29-51). print and oral technologies (e.g., posters, essays,
letters, debates, speeches, and reports) and digital
Write an ABCD skill learning objective. technologies (e.g., Internet, social media, and
digital documentary).

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

create a presentation about which amendment is
the most important and relevant today.

When and how are students practicing the The students will be practicing the C3 skill during
C3 skill during the lesson? Be specific. the evaluation portion of the lesson by creating a
poster or PowerPoint that argues which amendment
is the most important and relevant today. They will
use resources that were given to them during the
Explain and Elaborate part of the lesson

Individual Assessment of Student Learning Objectives (Add additional columns, if needed.)

Knowledge/Content (Soc. Studies) Objective Skill (C3 Framework) Objective

How will the objective be Students will write a definition of what the Bill of The Students will be able to create a
assessed? Rights is and where is it found. - LOTS presentation about which amendment is the
most important and relevant today. The
presentation will need to have proper grammar,
amendment identified, a convincing argument,
at least two sources cited, and creative use of
pictures. - HOTS
What is the mastery level 2 out of 2, 100% 8 out of 10, 80%
for the assessment?

How will you score the Checklist Rubric

assessment? Definition of what the Bill of Rights is Social Studies Presentation Rubric
Where the Bill of Rights is found

Part B: Student Needs and Differentiation Alignment

Description of Students. Identify behaviors and needs of the identified students, specifically related to skill needs. (2-3 sentences each)

Above-Level Beth is above-level in both reading and writing and will lose interest in assignments or readings that do not
interest her. She also has problems interacting with other classmates because she is often viewed as a show-off
by them. When she finishes an assignment early she is often a distraction to the other students.

Below-Level Annie struggles with her reading and is behind grade level in both reading and writing. She will complain that her
assignments are boring or that the reading is boring because she struggles with reading. learners, presently not
performing at grade level in the subject area of your lesson

How will the teacher make the learning objective accessible for students (i.e., ELL, IEP, below-level) and/or provide enrichment?

Who? How will I differentiate? Consider differentiating content, process, and product.

Above-Level Content - I will shorten group instruction and allow Beth to have a more independent study where she will be
able to read and watch sources that will challenge her.
Process - While playing the game I will encourage Beth to read through the amendments and after try and place
the customers by memory when possible.
Product - I will allow Beth to look for her sources when creating her presentation and she will be able to be as
creative and detailed as she wants to. I will also have the option of replaying the game to encourage her to finish
the presentation.

Below-Level Content - Annie struggles with reading so I will add pictures and definitions to any key terms. I will also give
them the needed information in more than one format so that she will have a better understanding.
Process - For Annie, I will try to have different types of reading-buddy groups to help support and challenge the
students as they ask each other questions.
Product - I will give Annie more time to work on the poster so that she does not need to feel rushed or left
behind as she works. I will also provide Annie with books and websites that are interesting and it will be a way of
giving her a chance to make their own choices and be creative when designing her poster.

Part C: Resources and Materials

Resources (Referenced in APA format):

“The Bill of Rights for Kids.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Oct. 2018,

“Do I Have a Right?” ICivics,

“High-Resolution Downloads.” National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,

Materials – what do students need for the lesson?:

● Play Do I Have a Right? | Constitutional Rights Game | iCivics
● Bill of Rights Lesson Plan |
Part D: Instruction – 5E Instructional Model
For each phase of the 5E model, fully respond to the question prompts. Replace the red text with your personal

Engage What media (photo, artwork, picture, map, I am going to show the students a picture of the
political cartoon, book, song, video, graph, original Bill of Rights and have them talk in groups
table, etc.) will you use to engage learners about what it could be. They will hopefully note that
and activate prior knowledge? Describe the it looks very old and official. After a bit, I will zoom in
media. Include a URL. on it and read the very first amendment and see if it
sounds familiar to the students.

I will tell the class that it is the Bill of Rights and ask
them to discuss with a partner what they already
know about it.

The Bill of Rights is a written statement that

explains the basic freedoms and rights of citizens
and it is the first 10 amendments to the
Constitution. They are some of the most important
laws in the country.

Why this media? This picture will do a good job of getting the class
interested and thinking about what the lesson could
be. It is also directly related to what the lesson is
about so it will tie very well into the explore part of
the lesson.

Explore What questions do you expect students to 1. I expect them to want to know more about
formulate after engaging with the media? what the rest of the amendments are in the
What hypotheses do you expect they have Bill of Rights. I assume they will know about
for their questions? Give two examples of the first amendment and the second
questions and hypotheses. amendment but not anything else.
2. I think they will want to know if it is still
important today. Because it is so old they
may think that it is outdated, but they may
also understand how important the first
amendment is.

For the Explore part of the lesson, I will have the

students play the iCivic games where they are a
lawyer deciding if different cases should go to trial
and if what amendment is being violated. This will
be a fun way for the class to get familiar with the Bill
of Rights and see firsthand why they are still
important today.

Play Do I Have a Right? | Constitutional Rights

Game | iCivics

List three resources (websites, books, ● The Bill of Rights for Kids
resources, etc.) you will provide to students ○ This video goes into detail about
to explore their questions. what each of the amendments in the
Bill of Rights is and why it is
For each, describe how it aligns with the important.
inquiry. ● Bill of Rights - Constitution Facts for Kids
○ This website provides a short and
simple view of the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights. It also goes into
detail but it does help for the
students to have a simpler version to
look at as well.
● Bill of Rights Facts for Kids 2023
[Constitution Facts].
○ This website gives the backstory for
how the Bill of Rights came to be and
why it is important today.

Explain What content will you teach? List three 1. Why was the Bill of Rights created?
content items to address and emphasize a. The people who founded the United
during the Explain phase. States believed that containing the
government's power and protecting
For each, include two or three main points to liberty was their most important task.
highlight during instruction. b. They declared a new purpose for
government: the protection of
individual rights.
2. What is an amendment?
a. It is a change or addition to a law
that is called an amendment.
b. In the United States, there have
been 27 amendments to the
3. Why is the Bill of Rights still important
a. It protects our freedom of speech,
religion, assembly, and due process
of law.
b. The Bill of Rights plays a central role
in American law and government

Make a visual anchor for instruction and Bill of Rights Visual Anchor
include it in Part E. How does each content Each of the points made in the visual anchor should
item align with the media? help to answer the questions the students might
have and it should help them in creating their

Elaborate What are students creating that The students will create a presentation about which
demonstrates learning about the content and amendment is the most important and relevant
answering questions? Describe the activity. today. The presentation will need to have proper
grammar, amendments identified, a convincing
argument, at least two sources cited, and creative
use of pictures.

What skill(s) are students practicing? The students are practicing how to analyze the
context and draw conclusions about rights and

Evaluate What content and skill(s) are you assessing? Students will write a definition of what the Bill of
Exit ticker How will you evaluate each? Describe. Rights is and where is it found on an exit ticket, and
create a presentation as well.
Bill of Rights Exit Ticket

Create and attach a rubric, key, checklist, or scoring guide for assessing the Elaborate activity
in Part E.

Part E: Attachments

Include any activities; provide both a blank and a finished copy.

Bill of Rights Visual Anchor

Bill of Rights Exit Ticket

Social Studies Presentation Rubric

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