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Fall 2019
Course Outline

Mon: 12-02:05 pm/ (CMT/ B15)
Wed: 12-02:05 pm/ (CMT/ B15)

Instructor: Dr. Lyutha Al-Subhi TA: Ms. Farhat Al Nabi

[email protected] [email protected]
Room #: 2026 Room#: 002
Phone #: 1236 Phone #: 3636
Office hrs: Mon/Wed: 2-3pm Office hrs: Sun: 8:00- 13: 00pm
Tue: 10-12pm OR by appointment Mon: 15:00 - 16:00pm
Thur: 11:00 - 13:00pm
TA: Jamila Al Zedjali
[email protected]
Room: 0002
Phone: 3664
Office hrs: Mon: 10-11am & Tue: 9-10am

Course Description
The course provides application of nutrition principles in the dietary treatment of certain
organic, functional, and metabolic diseases. Also, the course guide towards
implementation of the standardized language for the Nutrition Care Process in various
disease states and conditions.

Prerequisite: FSHN4301 Medical Nutrition Therapy I; FSHN4307 Nutrition Care

Process; NURS1009; CR

Upon completion of this Course, the student will be able to:
 Integrate and apply knowledge of basic nutrition, metabolism and normal
physiology to understand changes in function and nutritional needs as a result of
pathophysiology and metabolic changes in disease states.
 Integrate and apply knowledge of foods and social determinants of eating to
treating disease states with medical nutrition therapy.
 Integrate knowledge of psychology, sociology, and economics to evaluate a
patient’s ability to implement prescribed therapeutic diets.
 Integrate coursework in normal nutrition, chemistry, food science, sociology,
psychology, physiology and biochemistry by demonstrating an ability to assess
patients’ risk for malnutrition and recommend appropriate interventions which
consider physiologic, psycho-social, socio-economic and basic nutritional needs.

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

 Integrate knowledge of food science by demonstrating an ability to provide
medical nutrition therapy by modification of diet for a person with an
uncomplicated medical condition.
 Plan medical nutrition therapy for a person with a complicated medical
 Discuss the underlying principles of total parenteral nutrition and design TPN
 Using case studies, demonstrate ability to interpret diagnostic and laboratory tests
and clinical history and conduct a nutrition assessment.
 Demonstrate an ability to communicate nutrition care plans and document the
provision of nutrition care.
 Demonstrate ability to retrieve and interpret medical literature pertinent to
nutritional care.

Required Textbooks:

1. Handouts
2. Mahan LK and Escott-Stump, S. Krause’s Food Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 13th
ed., WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2012.
3. Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Weight Management. American Diabetes
Association and American Dietetic Association.

Recommended References:

1. Food Medication Interactions, 17th Ed. Zaneta Pronsk.

2. Nelms MN, & Anderson SL. Medical Nutrition Therapy/A Case Study Approach,
4th ed. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, 2014

 Two 50 minutes lectures/week
 Two 50 minute lectures/tutorial/application/week

Medical Terminology and Pop Quizzes:

 There will be online based medical terminology quizzes; they can include any
terms based on your past and current course work experiences.
 Pop quizzes will be given in class. These will be based on the assigned cases of
some weeks.

NOTE: There will be no Make-up Chances for both items above

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

Assignment Policy:

All assignment must be TYPEWRITTEN. Format for each assignment will be provided
in class.

Most assignments are due one week from the day they were assigned. Some might
be required sooner than one week.

Independent assignments are NOT designed to be group projects. We recognize that

many students work together on course assignments; in general this is a valuable learning
experience and we encourage the peer-teaching relationship. HOWEVER, each student
is expected to turn in their own original work. Collaborative assignments: 1) DO NOT
go un-noticed, 2) WILL NOT be considered as an acceptable practice and will be
managed based on SQU Misconduct Policy. Assignments are an integral part of the
learning process. They were planned to enable each student to develop necessary
professional skills.

LATE POICY: assignments MAY be accepted up to one week past the due date with a 5-point
penalty on the FINAL GRADE for that assignment. No assignment will be accepted after one
week of the due date.

IN-COURSE AND FINAL EXAM POLICY: There will be no Make-up chances

without an acceptable documented excuse based on USQ regulations and guidelines.

Grade Distribution:
Component Week Date % Final Grade
Exam 1 7 23 Oct 19 15%
Exam 2 11 20 Nov 19 15%
Assignments and quizzes To be announced 35%
Final Exam (compressive) Master timetable 35%
Total 100%

Cutoff points for grades are tentatively set as follow:

A (90 – 100); B (80 - 89); C (70 – 79); D (60)

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

Case Study Assignments:

During the semester, all students will complete assigned group case studies.

Oral Case Presentation:

Students will prepare a Power Point presentation of their oral case to be given on
the assigned date. Follow the ADIM content and format in your presentation. Oral
presentations of clinical cases will include: 1) a brief narrative of the assessment of the
problem. Include: nutritional implications of the disease process, assessment of patient’s
nutritional status, medication actions and drug-diet interactions, socio-demographic
factors, 2) presentation of laboratory values of the patient compared to normal range and
interpretation of the abnormal values 3) a nutrition care plan for intervention and follow-
up including outcome based evaluation 4) qualitative recommendations 5) a one day meal
plan using food exchanges.

Oral cases will be assigned in class, on a weekly basis. The presentation, students will be
responsible for presenting for 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes questions/discussion. All
students are expected to participate in discussion and evaluation of oral presentations.
Further details will be given class.

Abstract of a Research Article:

Select a PRIMARY research article related to the subject of your case study. The article
should be within the past 10 years. A minimum of half a page and a maximum of one
page is allowed (Use Times New Romans 12 points and signal space). Each student to do
a different article related to the same subject.

Case Studies :
In total each student will be exposed to three written case studies; one will be online.
They involve questions including calculations, abbreviations, definitions of medical
terms, interpretation of laboratory values, actions of commonly used medications, drug-
diet interactions, and strategies for medical nutrition management, one day meal plan
based on the exchange system, OR a regimen for nutrition support; and a charting note
using the ADIME format documenting the provision of nutrition care.

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

SQU/ FSN: Nutrition and Dietetics Program Educational Objectives
A- Ability to apply knowledge of interpersonal communication skills and use technologies in:
1- Group education
2- Individual counseling
3- Documentation of nutrition related counseling/education
4- Develop and review educational materials
B- Knowledge of and ability to interpret laboratory parameters related to nutrition
C- Knowledge of nutrient requirements, metabolism, nutrient-nutrient and drug-nutrient
D- Ability to apply knowledge of food science to develop and/or modify recipes/formulas
E- Ability to apply knowledge of nutrition to assess nutritional status of individuals
addressed by health promotion/disease prevention activities or uncomplicated instances of
chronic diseases of the general population
F- Ability to apply knowledge of nutrition therapy; patients with complex medical
G- Ability to apply research methodologies to improve the quality of nutrition services
H- Ability to apply management skills: determine cost, prepare budget, interpret financial
data, solve problems, make decisions and apply marketing principles
I- Knowledge of national health care system; policies and regulations; socioeconomics and
J- Ability to participate in lifelong learning activities

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019


Wk Date Day Topic Text Assignment Due Date

1 9- Sep M Introduction to MNT II Course ouline

11- Sep W Code of Ethics Handouts Independent reading

Case studies In class - 16 Sep
2 16- Sep M Code of Ethics – Case studies Nutrition Support Handout In class - 19 Sep
from MNT1 Independent
19- Sep W Nutrition Support Guest Speaker: - -
3 23- Sep M Enteral Nutrition Support - case Handouts-case In class

25- Sep W Parenteral Nutrition Support - case PN case: calculation In class

quiz – In class Email your Prac 2 case 26 Sep
Nutrition formula comparison 2 Oct
4 30- Sep M Evaluating Nutrition Information Prac 2 cases – EN/PN cases 07- Oct
Evaluating Evidence Random
02- Oct W Disorders of the Upper GI Tract 28
5 07- Oct M Disorders of the Upper GI Tract 28
09- Oct W Disorders of the Lower GI Tract 29 Case (group 1&2) 16-Oct
6 14-Oct M Disorders of the Lower GI Tract 29
16-Oct W Presentation, role play, evidence based
7 21-Oct M Disorders of the Lower GI Tract 29 Online-written Case Study 28-Oct
23-Oct W Exam 1
Terminology quiz1 – online
8 28-Oct M Hepatobiliary and pancreatic Disorders 30
30-Oct W Hepatobiliary and pancreatic Disorders 30

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

9 04-Nov M Disorder of the Kidney 36 Case (group 3&4) 11-Nov
06-Nov W Disorder of the Kidney 36 Case (group 5&6) 13-Nov
10 11-Nov M Presentation, role play, evidence based
13-Nov W Presentation, role play, evidence based Calculating Renal Diets 18-Nov
11 18-Nov M Neoplastic Diseases 37/23
20-Nov W Exam 2 Written Case 2 27-Nov
Terminology quiz1 – online
12 25-Nov M Neoplastic Diseases 37/23
27-Nov W Metabolic Stress 39/22 Case (group 7&8) 04-Dec
13 02-Dec M Metabolic Stress 39/22
04-Dec W Presentation, role play, evidence based
14 09-Dec M Lab: Product testing and evaluation Report testing and evaluation 09-Dec
11-Dec W Lab: Recipe Recipe 11-Dec
modification/demonstration modification/demonstration
15 16-Dec M Catchup
18-Dec W Review

FSHN4308 MNT 2 Lyutha Al Subhi Fall 2019

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