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Transforming Personal Skills - 7HR527

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Element 1: Swot Analysis 3

Element 2: Belbin & Group Formation Analysis using Tuckman’s Team Development 5
Tuckman’s Team development 8

Element 3: Honey & Mumford Learning Style Analysis using Kolb’s Learning Cycle 8

Element 4: Learning Reflection 11

Introduction 11
Finding and using journals 11
Evaluation of the sources 11
Academic Writing 12
Introduction to Referencing and Cite Them Right 12
Introduction to Library Resources 12
Conclusion 12

Element 5: Reflective writing on skill development 13

Personal Development Plan 14

Conclusion 18

Reference List 19

Appendices 22
Appendix 1 22
Appendix 2a. Honey and Mumford 23
Appendix 2b: Honey and Mumford scores 24

The current task will contain a personal SWOT analysis, followed by an analysis of myself based
on Belbin’s model and tuckman’s team development model. The next task will be to undertake
my analysis on my learning style based on Honey and mumford’s questionnaire. This will help
me to know which learning style is favourable for me and which learning style is my core
competency. The next element will consist of the reflective writing upon my understanding of
the current module. At last, the personal development plan will be provided, by giving a detailed
smart plan for the same.

Element 1: Swot Analysis

Figure 1: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

(Source: Denis, 2019)

Description: The current task is to undertake a SWOT analysis of my own self by reflecting on
my strengths and weaknesses. I will also understand and present my threats that can happen in
the near future (AlMarwani, 2020). Furthermore, with the help of understanding my weakness, I
will formulate opportunities in order to convert my weaknesses into strength.
Feelings: Before undertaking the swot analysis, I had a good idea about this as I have done it
during my high school. As a result of this, I was confident that I would be able to do the task
well. Furthermore, while doing the task, I found it challenging in terms of finding my threats as
most of the threats are pretty much common for every individual at this age.
Evaluation: Upon conducting the SWOT analysis, I have evaluated my following competencies,
demerits, potential barriers present and the opportunities to avoid them (AlMarwani, 2020). My
strengths as per this analysis are rational decision maker, sound technical knowledge about
concepts that have been taught, analysing risks well and good team work. My weaknesses are
that I am not good in time management, I often procrastinate, I am also stubborn and also am
emotional. The possible threats that are lurking are increased competitiveness, followed by
reduced job opportunities with low level degree, technology replacing human work. However,
my opportunities are to build and motivate myself, and manage time appropriately. Also, to
control my emotions when not needed.

Strengths Weaknesses
● Rational decision maker ● Poor time management abilities.
● Sound Technical knowledge. ● Procrastinator.
● Good analytical skills and
understanding of core concepts.

Opportunities Threats
● Manage time appropriately ● Increased competitiveness.
● Build my core competencies and ● Lack of employment opportunities for
motivate myself low-level degrees.
● Technological disruptions in

Table 1: SWOT Analysis Matrix

(Source: Self-made)

Analysis: It can be said that SWOT analysis is a good tool to self-assess (AlMarwani, 2020). But
this is based upon my perception. As a result, I often feel that I spend too much time on things
because I am engrossed in thoughts rather than actions. Also, my stubbornness makes me
persistent but also works as weakness by making me stubborn on things that are not needed.
Furthermore, I have realized that my strength of good teamwork will help in gaining
employment where teamwork is necessary. Also, on the other hand my weakness such as poor
time management capacity can hamper my ability to complete tasks on time.
Conclusion: To conclude this, I have learnt that SWOT analysis is very essential for my current
academic course and also during my future academic course (AlMarwani, 2020). In several
cases, I have observed that undertaking this test do helps in future, but the main limitation of this
test is lack of self-critic power that can give false answer
Action Plan: Based upon this swot analysis, my action plan will be to improve my weaknesses
and develop more strengths. As there are so many opportunities in terms of developing myself, I
have realised that such weaknesses need to be mitigated. The result of undertaking development
programs will benefit me in overcoming my weakness. Also, development programs will help in
facing the variations within the external and internal environment in the context of business.

Element 2: Belbin & Group Formation Analysis using Tuckman’s Team


High Strength Improvements

The first strength I have discovered is that I am an excellent resource
explorer. The Resource Investigators are the members of the
B organisation who go out into the field and retrieve expertise,
E suggestions, and improvements (Roy, 2019). This score suggests that
L I am competent in researching and expressing information,
B developments, or skills beyond the group, which improves strategy
I building by allowing for intelligent decisions. My capacity to
N’s develop external contacts and engage additional dialogues is really No
important in teamwork. Furthermore, my ability towards adaptive
thinking as well as inquiring individuals for information makes me
among the most useful members within the team for undertakings
that require a lot of collaboration.

Being a Specialist is the next most important characteristic I possess,

and it means that I have the specialised knowledge needed to do a
duty. It indicates that I am well throughout my specialisations and
have the potential to contribute more than any other. As a result, I
will continually strive for improvement in order to improve my
expertise and aid the team in making critical decisions. I will not only
aid my staff, but also my top executives with assignments and No
strategy formulation. I get highly interested and attributes that
contribute to my domain of expertise. In addition, I have really no
reservations about exchanging my expertise and information with my
O Medium Strength
Team workers are amongst the most important components of any
team, and their ability to perform in groups is astounding (Roy,
2019). As a result of the outcome, it appears that I am an amazing
team player. Such individuals are typically active listeners with the
ability to develop interprofessional collaboration and well-being in
order to function efficiently as a unit. In addition, if I notice that No
certain teammates are having difficulty keeping up with current
A responsibilities, I will eventually step in to assist them. It also means
N that I am adaptable and creative, helping me to manage successfully
A with a variety of unforeseen developments.
This survey has revealed that I am a good 'Shaper’, which is one of
the most important characteristics of my personality. Shapers, but at
the contrary end, may take on the form of the material they are
retaining simply describing it. Shapers are flexible individuals who No
are quick to adjust and welcome adaptations in changing
circumstances, whether figuratively or in a business setting.

I noticed that I have a fair bit of creative capability while performing

the research. Plants are innovative intellectuals and problem solvers
who develop up with novel solutions and approaches to problems.
T My talent as a 'Plants' makes me reasonably competent in solving Yes
O complex impediments in innovative and exciting ways in this regard.
O My brilliance, on the other hand, may not always be recognised in
L highly structured corporations.
Low Strength
T During the evaluation, I discovered that my major flaw is that I am
not a Complete Finisher. That is, once I begin a task, I am unable to Yes
complete it as efficiently as I had hoped. As a result, I'm having
trouble scheduling activities and managing my time.

The third flaw I have is that I lack the capacity to put plans into
action. Indeed, I am capable of developing workable responses and
assisting senior executives. However, this flaw may limit my future Yes
opportunities to work as a supervisor or in a superior position.
The third flaw is that, due to my lack of rational thinking, I am not a
competent assessor. A competent monitor may also analyse the
consequences of team performance and plans; yet, I am frequently Yes
too preoccupied with assisting others to see their faults, leaving me
ill equipped to observe.

Table 2: Belbin Team Role Assessment

(Source: Self-made)

● Tuckman’s Team development

Figure 1: Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development

(Source: ADCI Solutions, 2021)

From the theory of Tuckman’s team development, there are five main stages of team
development and for me, as per the above analysis, I am best suited in the Norming stage (Roy,
2019). This is because, at this point, the team has mostly reached an accord and consensus. I will
play a part in assisting the leader in reaching agreements. Furthermore, the knowledge and
experiences I gained will assist the team leader and my coworkers in better facilitating
collaboration. Within this stage, roles and responsibilities are defined and accepted. Because of
my expertise, I will be able to assist in making major decisions that require group consensus. My
knowledge will also aid in the execution of lesser choices that may be outsourced to people.
Element 3: Honey & Mumford Learning Style Analysis using Kolb’s Learning

Learning in the most appropriate manner for an individual might make the learning process more
efficient. It lays the groundwork for enhancing one's own set of abilities by raising knowledge of
how a learner prefers to learn (Childs-Kean, Edwards and Smith, 2020). This analysis is based on
Kolb’s experiential learning.

Figure 2: Kolb’s Learning Cycle

(Source: Expert Program Management, 2020)

● Activist and concrete learners:

Upon undertaking this study, I had a feeling that I would not be able to do the tasks as effectively
as others can. However, while analysing the model, I have understood that my role as an activist
is not that much. Individuals in this group learn best by doing things, hence I am not a good
active learner as I also do not have concrete learning abilities (refer to appendix 2a; appendix
2b). I, on the other hand, am not motivated enough to take on difficult jobs front on.
Furthermore, I am not a risk taker, and taking risks is an important part of activism. Activists
typically take a wide variety of risks and are not afraid to fail. Furthermore, their capacity to
experiment with new things and plunge themselves into the deep end distinguishes them. As a
result, I am restricted in my capacity to learn through tangible experience since new things terrify
me. Converging abilities, or my capacity to solve issues, is restricted, according to Kolb's
experiential learning cycle. (Tahir, 2020). In addition, I lack the desire to understand how to
solve problems in the real world.
● Theorists:
From the findings of the test taken, I have scored 14 as a theorist (refer to appendix 2a; appendix
2b). Theorists are people who are associated with abstracts and conceptualisations based on
Kolb’s learning cycle. These people are abstract thinkers and their ability to think new and
differently makes them unique (Kumar and Pande, 2018). As a result, I am a theorist because I
am able to absorb and learn issues through studying the underlying ideas. These theories aid in
my understanding of why something is the way it is. In addition, in order to learn properly, I
frequently rely on prior models of any method, concepts for analysing patterns, and data.
Furthermore, as shown in Belbin's teamwork analysis, my capacity to enjoy evaluating and
digesting knowledge is highly significant, and this enables me to be a competent resource
investigator (Tahir, 2020). Because of my capacity to gather knowledge, I am able to construct
my own hypotheses based on logic and reasonable thought. In my opinion, purpose is essential in
existence, and my knowledge must be used for a certain reason. As a consequence, my abstract
thinking and conceptualization process, based on Kolb’s learning, propels my theoretician
● Pragmatist:
From the findings of the study Honey and Mumford’s analysis, I have found that my score is 11
and it is based on the philosophy of active experimentation of Kolb’s experiential learning model
(refer to appendix 2a; appendix 2b). This means that I have a pretty good pragmatic approach.
Pragmatic people typically put their own learnings and experience into the real world (Kumar
and Pande, 2018). Or in other words, I have the ability to put the resources and learnings
gathered to apply for real life. In addition, I am the greatest at discovering real-world
applications for concepts and theories. In addition, my ability to be realistic and humility allows
me to get on with things and get stuff accomplished with the proper use of knowledge. My lack
of excitement, on the other hand, makes me a poor task finisher. This is because I am frequently
distracted by my thoughts, causing me to fall behind on my job. Furthermore, my potential is
hampered since, according to Belbin's study, my problem is that I am a poor finisher. My
pragmatic role, on the other hand, indicates that I can thoroughly analyse events that arise in
everyday life. As a consequence, this will assist me in the actual world when I begin working.
● Reflector:
I am a good reflector as my scores indicate that, and this element is based on the element of
reflector as presented in Kolb’s learning cycle (refer to appendix 2a; appendix 2b). Because I
prefer to learn best whenever I can monitor someone, I am an excellent reflector. In addition, my
ability to think about what I've just seen allows me to make sensible judgments. Furthermore,
instead of leaping to a conclusion right away, I take a step back, analyse, think, and then offer
my ideas calmly. Also, because of this talent, I am capable of making sensible judgments.

Element 4: Learning Reflection


I discovered the course, as well as the other library discussions that were mentioned, to be really
beneficial. It was also valuable to me during my business administration study. Finding and
using journals, analysing sources, producing academic papers, and finally referencing and citing
the work seemed to be invaluable to me.

Finding and using journals

The much more crucial aspect of academic writing was selecting key publications that would aid
me in my business management program and analysing their reliability as well as visibility
(Dawe, Stevens, Hoffman and Quilty, 2021). The most exciting aspect was learning that I may
use Google Scholar as my principal resource to discover papers and publications that I might
need during the program. I also learned that only publications and publications from the last five
years may be used to acquire credible and reliable knowledge.

Evaluation of the sources

As a student, I must evaluate the trustworthiness and dependability of the sources from which I
will obtain information and use it in my academic work. Collecting data from a variety of
sources may result in faulty data and improper theory underpinnings, resulting in an
inappropriate assignment context (Fielding, 2019). As a result, critical analysis of the resources
is essential, but first, learners must determine if they want to explore textbooks, publications,
papers, online databases, and perhaps other tools. For myself, it was a completely new approach.
I also discovered that I may assess sources using a variety of factors such as "precision,"
"timetable," "stipulation," "legitimacy," "aim," and "trustworthiness."

Academic Writing

While pursuing some other units in the Master of Business Administration in Global
Management programme, it was indeed critical to learn about academic writing and
bibliography, since Dawe, Stevens, Hoffman, and Quilty (2021) claimed that academic writing is
the foundation for innovation. Each learner must master the design of academic writings that are
encouraged by institutions and scholarly publications in ability to successfully and conveniently
accomplish the assigned work. Along with that, I learned various academic writing principles,
which I must follow when completing my tasks. According to Dawe, Stevens, Hoffman, and
Quilty (2021), requirements such as maintaining a polished and professional structure all
throughout paper, expressing in third person during normal works and first person exclusively in
personal reflection, and so on are needed.

Introduction to Referencing and Cite Them Right

Throughout my library workshops, I discovered that there are several referring styles, and each
reference would have its own set of restrictions. "Harvard," "Chicago," "MLA," "APA 6th" and
"APA 7th" editions, "Vancouver," and so on are some of the many styles. Furthermore, I
discovered that I can use "Cite Them Right" to create online website referrals. It can only be
used for a limited amount of time for researching articles and journals for essay papers
(Citethemrightonline.com, 2022). I also learned how to properly cite and in text in Harvard
referencing style from Cite Them Right's YouTube instruction. This website assists with
secondary referencing, which is something I learned in a university library session. When
referencing a journal, the very first step is to double-check the authorship and the year, which is
usually contained in the first bracket () when in-texting (Smith, 2020)
Introduction to Library Resources

Finally, I was able to locate several sorts of articles using the University's library resources
(Derby.ac.uk, 2022). I was able to simply find books and other learning resources alphabetically.


As a result, I can say that the library sessions were very beneficial to me since I was able to get a
firm understanding of resource discovery and evaluation, writing skill, citing, and referencing.

Element 5: Reflective writing on skill development

Upon conducting the overall task I have realised that there are a lot of things to learn in order to
self-develop myself as a student for the near future. The overall tasks included the SWOT
analysis, followed by Belbin and tuckman’s team development analysis. The element three
consisted of analysing the Honey and Mumford’s assessment based on learning skills of Kolb’s
reflective learning (Zdanevych et al., 2021). The element four comprised the course materials
such as understanding academic writing, referencing, academic integrity, critical analysis and
much more.
While undergoing the following tasks, I have realised that I had mixed feelings. While
conducting the swot analysis, I was very confident about it and had no issue with it. This is
because I have previously undertaken SWOT analysis where I got to know the importance of it.
The feeling was overwhelming when I got to know that the weaknesses that I earlier had, got
minimised with time. However, my feeling became sad eventually as I have understood that I
have possessed some new weaknesses that if I do not rectify, will become a threat during my
upcoming academic and professional life. While conducting Belbin's analysis, I felt anxious as it
was the first time, I was doing it for assessment (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe, 2022). I have
realized that this element is very crucial for personal growth. After completing the assessment, I
was content with the result and I feel that the analysis was justified. The next element that I
conducted made me really nervous as there were too many questions. However, the questions
were based upon selection. I was so uncertain about the result, I conducted it on another website
for reliability.
Upon evaluating the circumstances, I have realized and found that there are certain things I must
understand before proceeding further into my career. Firstly, upon conducting the swot analysis,
I was able to find my strengths and core competencies that can help in my future life, be it
professional or academic. The next finding upon conducting the swot analysis was that I have
certain weaknesses and flaws that are not good for the future. Such flaws only aggravate the
issues and have no further positive implications upon my life. The next finding that I got to know
upon conducting Belbin and Tuckman's analysis is that I have good scores in this assessment
(Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe, 2022). My ability as a resource investigator and also my ability
as a specialist makes me one of the important members in team-based works. Even though I got
mediocre scores in the other aspects, I believe that naturally it will improve. However, where I
have mentioned that I need improvements, I will have to develop my relevant skills in order to
improve those sub-elements as much as possible.
Upon analyzing the overall tasks' importance, I have realised that since I have certain
weaknesses, which can pose threats, I need to improve my skills in order to make myself resilient
against the volatile nature of the employment market (Levey and Levey, 2019). My weaknesses
that were established in the SWOT analysis are not at all minor, and if these weaknesses persist,
I will not be relevant as a human asset for the companies. Moreover, my role as a resource
investigator and specialist is good as it will contribute to teamwork. However, the weaknesses
associated with it, while conducting the team development analysis, I realized that my ability to
finish tasks is poor. Furthermore, my reflective and theoretical learning style has very much
practical implications, as I feel that being a specialist, I have to come up with plans and ideas that
can be gained primarily from experiences (Aranzabal, Epelde and Artetxe, 2022). However, I
need to be a more active learner, and I need to develop my skill sets in this area. As a result, I
feel that skill development is a very essential element in modern times and improving skills will
make oneself efficient. Additionally, my knowledge of developing skills is that I will set small
targets and achieve them within a certain timeframe. As a result, I will be formulating my
personal development plan based on the weaknesses that I found, and will set realistic goals and
time lines to achieve it.
Personal Development Plan

Specific goal Measurable Actions/ Approach(es) Relevance Time

criteria required /significance frame

The first goal is The time The first task is to It is very 6 months
to improve my management skill formulate a priority much
time will be measured matrix. Based on this relevant as in
management with the help of a matrix, I will prioritise my academic
skills. clock based upon tasks and assign them life, timely
self-evaluation. Highest priority tasks will completion
be emphasised at first. of
Also, a timeline will be set assignment
for each task to measure and exam is
the efficiency (Sainz, needed. Also,
Ferrero and Ugidos, 2019). it will help
The lowest priority tasks me during
will be emphasized at last my
as I may spend extra time professional
on that. life.

The next goal is The technical In order to complete this It is very 9 months.
to improve my skills like goal, I need an instructor much
technical skills. Microsoft office or LMS platform for e- necessary in
will be measured learning the concepts of my
with the help of a MS Word, MS Excel and professional
certificate. powerpoint (Ottenbreit- life. MS
Leftwich, Liao, Sadik and Word is
Ertmer, 2018). helpful in
of formal and
CV is a part
of a formal
which I need
to make.
Also, most of
will be
written and
formatted in
will help me
in giving
either in
academic or

To develop my The measurable As rational thinking is This is very 4 months

skills for criteria will be important for formulation essential as a
rational self-assessment. of unbiased opinions, I rational
thinking. will keep on practicing thought
essay writing critically process helps
with the help of e-journals in
and articles (Kolko, 2018). undertaking
Also, I will be able to logically
increase my rational sound
thought process by decisions. It
watching youtube videos. also helps in
the bias and
also helps in

To develop my The measurable Communication skills in Communicati 12

communication criteria will be this program, I will on skills are months
skills self-assessment. primarily focus on very
undertaking English as my important for
second language. Also, I two primary
will learn the importance purposes.
and strategies of gesture- The first is to
based communication interact with
(Thu, 2020). Also, I will my
develop my listening skills classmates in
through dictation practice. academic life
and with co-
workers in
However, the
next purpose
is to build
and grow my
network. As
it is known
networking is
vital in every
point of our

To build my The evaluation To develop my active Active 4 months.

active learning will be done by learning skills, I need to learning is an
skills. an external focus on taking risks and ongoing
instructor. doing things and then process;
learning from it. The next however, one
thing that I must do is needs to set
generate ideas instantly their goals in
and take part in group order to
debates (Trede and achieve this.
Jackson, 2021).

Table 3: Personal Development Plan

(Source: Self-made)


As a result of the aforementioned observation, it can be determined that improving knowledge

and capacities will necessitate a significant degree of hard work as well as attention. I identified
my aspects of qualities and implications, as well as the opportunities and drawbacks that I might
encounter in my career, while doing the SWOT analysis, and I require to continue to build and
strengthen my talents. The Honey and Mumford personality evaluation, as well as the Belbin and
group assessments, have provided me with a multitude of information regarding my distinctive
qualities and qualities, that I may use to improve my job prospects. Throughout this assignment,
I additionally learned the value of proper academic writing as well as citation.
Reference List

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Appendix 1
Appendix 2a. Honey and Mumford

(Source: ELN, 2022)

Appendix 2b: Honey and Mumford scores

(Source: Mint-hr.com, 2022)

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