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Program Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical (EM220 / CEEM220)

Course Manufacturing Processes Laboratory
Course Code MEM564
Laboratory CAD/CAM – 3D Machining
Experiment CNC Water Jet Cutting
Group EMD5M3A / B – 3

The laboratory report is to assess Course Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3 and 5 (CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 and
CLO5) of the MEM564 course. Selected manufacturing processes laboratory work were designed for
students’ engagement in the hands-on activities pertaining to the basic manufacturing practices. The
assessment is designed according to the laboratory report assessment rubrics. This assessment is
important to assess the students’ understanding and reflecting their learning experience.

This is a group work task. Students need to work in a maximum of five (5) members in a group. Each
group must nominate their team leader. Each member is responsible to contribute to the report content
as stated in the Table 1. You may highlight your name and student ID; in the content you have
contributed to the report.

No. Student Name ID Number Signature

1. ISFAHAN BIN JULIAH 2020459442




Date of Practical Session Date of Report Submission
7/11/2022 16/11/2022

General Guidelines:

LEVEL Very Poor Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent

Scale 1 2 3 4 5


Report Contents Content Description Weightage Factor Score

Refer to respective lab

Title sheets / instructions for - - - -
title of experiment.

State the purpose that

describes the intention
Objective(s) of the experiment, - - - -
investigation or

Provide an
understanding of the
1.0 Introduction experiment to relate
(Theory and with the body of
Background) knowledge of the 5% 1
[CLO1 - PO1] experiment topic which
includes necessary
diagrams, theory and

List equipment,
machine, accessories,
and components,
2.0 Apparatus/ involved in the
Materials/ experiment with the
Equipment necessary 5% 1
[CLO1 - PO1]
May include a brief
description of the
if necessary, to connect
Report Contents Content Description Weightage Factor Score
with the main body of
knowledge of the topic.

Describe safety,
standard operating
procedures and
3.0 Safety and
methods applied to
Procedure relate with appropriate 20 % 4
techniques using
[CLO3 – PO5] available modern
engineering set up/
machineries and IT

Investigate using
knowledge and
research method; and
summarize results and
present data in tables or
4.0 Results & Data
Analysis Conduct investigation,
analysis and
[CLO2 – PO4] interpretation of data,
and synthesis of 10% 2
For Demo – information and
according to discussion;
instructor during
lab sessions Illustrate trends or
output of investigation
or necessary
comparisons. Show
sample calculation,
graph, diagram etc.
Answer any questions
5.0 Discussion of
Discuss and interpret
results and final
10% 2
[CLO2 – PO4] conclusions may be
drawn to relate with the
Report Contents Content Description Weightage Factor Score
For Demo – research/experiment
according to investigation.
instructor during
lab sessions. Support results with an
understanding of
theory of investigation.
May also include
alternative methods of
investigation, accuracy,
sources of errors, etc.
6.0 Conclusion Summarize the
outcome of the
[CLO2 – PO4] experiment based on an
investigation being
For Demo – done in experiments 10 % 2
according to the analysis of results
instructor during and analysis. Relate
lab sessions. this to the objectives of

Recognize a need for

modification in the
system for further
7.0 Recommendation investigation (At least
[CLO2 – PO4] 10% 2
Incorporate innovative
ideas in the
experimental work or
set-up for future
investigation (at least

List references to
methods and related
8.0 References studies with
appropriate style of 5% 1
[CLO5 – PO10] report writing. (At least
Report Contents Content Description Weightage Factor Score

Able to comprehend
and write effective
reports and design
documentation; and
give and receive clear
Report delivery
instructions 5% 1
[CLO5 – PO10] (Formatting and
writing skill,
Language, include
Turnitin report)
[CLO5 – PO10]

Please note:
Compulsory to include/attach this lab report TOTAL
assessment form in your report submission. MARKS
NO MARK be given if failure to do so.

1.0 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 7

2.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 7
3.0 APPARATUS ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.0 SAFETY & EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES .................................................................. 9
5.0 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 11
6.0 DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................... 13
7.0 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 14
8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 15
9.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 16
The objectives of the experiment are as follows:
1) To design a basic NC program for CNC water jet cutting
2) To produce a part using CNC water jet cutting
3) To investigate the part quality of CNC water jet cutting

A high-pressure water jet is used by a CNC water jet, an industrial tool, to cut a variety
of materials. For cutting softer materials like wood and rubber, it can utilise just water;
for cutting tougher materials, it can combine water with an abrasive (such as garnet or
aluminium oxide).

Figure 1 CNC Water Jet Cutting

The actual cutting is frequently done underwater to minimise noise and splash, and the
water pressure is normally between 20,000 and 55,000 PSI (pounds per square inch), or
50,000 to 60,000 PSI. Imagine a CNC water jet as having around 30 times the pressure of
a power washer but yet directing the spray via a smaller, more precise gem nozzle (often
between 0.010" and 0.015" in diameter). This diamond nozzle was chosen because to its
exceptional resistance to corrosion.
Typically, a pump and filter are used to inject water into the CNC water jet unit. Only
pure water can achieve the extremely high pressure required to produce a continuous
cutting stream; hence the filtering procedure is essential. Although in some circumstances
a water treatment system may be necessary if the water contains dangerous minerals,
filtering also safeguards the high-pressure components.Compounds in the water can cause
early corrosion and harm to the pressured components by causing this corrosion.
Additionally, the high-pressure seal is reduced when minerals like magnesium salts,
calcium, chlorides, and sulphates are present, necessitating the usage of a water softener
Apparatus Description

• To display the product’s drawing,

run software and do some editing

Computer display

• Serves as a medium for sketching

the product’s form in 2d drawings

Dassault System Catia Software

• To examine drawing, doing basic

editing and convert file “.ord”
FlowPATH Software

• To run the machine

FlowCUT Software

• Machine that executes water jet cutting


CNC Water Jet Machine

• Utilise to cut the steel plate into

desired shape

Water jet cutter

1. Safety jacket and safety boots has been worn during the experiment.
2. Designed product was imported into CAM program and tool path created.
3. The CNC machine's G-code was properly configured.
4. The USB flash drive was inserted to the CNC-controlled.
5. The designed product was copied to the CNC-controlled.
6. The sheet metal was put on the worktable.
7. The simulation of the cutting process was carried out before starting the cutting
1. Design of product is drawn in Catia software in 3D with maximum size of 100mm
x 100mm

Figure 2 Product in Catia software

2. The design was transferred to drawing sheet and all of the words or axes on the
drawing sheet must be deleted.
3. Then, the drawing was saved in “.dxf” format (to generate Gcode) and was
transferred to a pendrive.
4. The pendrive that containing the product design was connected to the CNC water
jet machine.
5. The file was opened in a FlowPATH software to adjust the product position on
the metal sheet.
Figure 3 Product in FlowPATH
6. Then, a support was drawn/placed on the drawing to avoid the product to fell off
in the water when cutting is finished.


Figure 4 Product's support

7. Set the machine cutting speed to 80% and save the file in “.ord” type.
8. Open the “.ord” file in FlowCUT software.
9. Choose the plate material and setup the machine as below:

Figure 5 Machine Setup

10. Choose the cutting type as water and abrasive and test run the machine.
11. Before running the machine, ensure the nozzle is at home.
12. Run the machine
13. Collect workpiece.

Figure 6 Final product

G92 X0.Y0. G40
G21 G00 X2.816 Y1.905
G91 G00 X-10.948 Y33.621
G00 X-5.902 Y-18.704
G42 G02 X2.828 I1.414 J-1.414
M07 G02 I-3.536 J-3.536
G02 X2.828 I1.414 J-1.414 G02 Y-2.829 I-1.414 J-1.414
G02 I-3.536 J-3.536 M08
G02 Y-2.829 I-1.414 J-1.414 G40
M08 G00 X3.362 Y.51
G00 X40.365 Y.229
G00 X3.362 Y.51 M07
G00 X59.628 Y2.319 G01 X-1.379 Y-4.806
G42 G02 X-2.201 Y-1.22 I-1.711 J.491
M07 G01 X-16.056 Y4.604
G02 X2.828 I1.414 J-1.414 G01 X4.702 Y6.472
G02 I-3.536 J-3.536 G03 X-1.111 Y.787 I-32.328 J-44.496
G01 X-16.693 Y-.583
G02 Y-2.829 I-1.414 J-1.414
G01 X2.472 Y7.608
M08 G03 X-1.3 Y.405 I-16.996 J-52.308
G40 G01 X-15.696 Y-5.713
G00 X3.362 Y.51 G01 Y8.
G00 X-33.796 Y26.622 G03 X-1.362 Y-.017 I0. J-55.
G42 G01 X-13.162 Y-10.283
G01 X-2.472 Y7.608
G03 X-1.29 Y-.437 I16.996 J-52.308
G02 X2.829 I1.414 J-1.414 G01 X-9.34 Y-13.847
G02 I-8.839 J-8.839 G01 X-4.702 Y6.472
G02 Y-2.829 I-1.414 J-1.414 G03 X-1.092 Y-.814 I32.328 J-44.496
M08 G01 X-4.604 Y-16.056
G01 X-6.472 Y4.702 G40
G03 X-.787 Y-1.111 I44.496 J-32.328 M02
G01 X.583 Y-16.693
G01 X-7.608 Y2.472
G03 X-.405 Y-1.3 I52.308 J-16.996
G01 X5.713 Y-15.696
G01 X-8.
G03 X.017 Y-1.362 I55. J0.
G01 X10.283 Y-13.162
G01 X-7.608 Y-2.472
G03 X.436 Y-1.29 I52.308 J16.996
G01 X13.848 Y-9.34
G01 X-6.472 Y-4.702
G03 X.814 Y-1.092 I44.496 J32.328
G01 X16.056 Y-4.604
G01 X-4.702 Y-6.472
G03 X1.111 Y-.787 I32.328 J44.496
G01 X16.693 Y.583
G01 X-2.472 Y-7.608
G03 X1.3 Y-.405 I16.996 J52.308
G01 X15.696 Y5.713
G01 Y-8.
G03 X1.361 Y.017 I0. J55.
G01 X13.163 Y10.283
G01 X2.472 Y-7.608
G03 X1.289 Y.437 I-16.996 J52.308
G01 X9.341 Y13.847
G01 X4.702 Y-6.472
G03 X1.092 Y.814 I-32.328 J44.496
G01 X4.604 Y16.056
G01 X6.472 Y-4.702
G03 X.786 Y1.111 I-44.496 J32.328
G01 X-.583 Y16.693
G01 X7.609 Y-2.472
G03 X.405 Y1.3 I-52.308 J16.996
G01 X-5.713 Y15.696
G01 X8.
G03 X-.017 Y1.362 I-55. J0.
G01 X-10.284 Y13.162
G01 X7.609 Y2.472
G03 X-.437 Y1.29 I-52.308 J-16.996
G01 X-13.847 Y9.34
G01 X5.955 Y4.327
G02 X4.191 Y-.664 I1.763 J-2.427 M08
G00 X3.365 Y-.485
G00 X-7.039 Y1.524
G03 X-.814 Y1.092 I-44.496 J-32.328

Figure 7 Workpiece result from CNC water jet cutting operation (left) and Workpiece result
from CNC plasma arc cutting operation (right)
From the figure above, we could observe that there is difference between these two
workpieces in terms of its result after cutting operation through its respective CNC
machining operations. If we take a look on the workpiece that has been cut by the water
jet operation, we can conclude that the workpiece has more fine and sharp edges compared
to the workpiece that has been cut by the plasma arc cutting operation. This is because
there are a lot more slags and leftover on the edge of the workpiece that has been cut
through plasma arc. This is because when a pressurized stream of gas is blown at high
speed while an electrical arc is introduced during plasma cutting, this makes some of the
gas condenses into hot plasma. The gas has a temperature of 27,000° F (15,000° C), which
melts any metal it comes into contact with. This super high temperature cutting process
causes materials to undergo stress such as warp and distortion at the cut edge location.
This can be compared to when a waterjet cutting machine cuts, it does not generate
excessive heat in the material. As a result, no stress is applied to the material. Hence, there
are no slags or leftover behind compared to plasma arc cutting which reduces the quality
and precision of the cut. This means that water jet cutting provides better quality cuts if
the materials are sensitive to stress compared to plasma arc cutting. A high temperature is
used to melt the material in plasma cutting. A chemical reaction occurs near the melted
part as a result of the gases. The color and chemical composition of the material adjacent
to the cut are altered as a result. There is no heat-affected zone in waterjet cutting. Waterjet
systems, once again, are the better option for preserving the overall quality and integrity
of the material and reducing any heat-related effects. Because of the heat-related effects
and lower precision of the plasma cutting machine, the cut requires some secondary
finishing (fine grinding) to improve edge quality.
Waterjet cutting eliminates the need for additional finishing because the cuts are already
precise. By using waterjet cutting, you can save money on secondary finishing labor.
There is no need to improve edge quality because waterjet processed parts have clean and
accurate edge cuts. They are of such high quality that they do not require further finishing.
A plasma cutter has a cutting tolerance of 0.015 inch. The tolerance is the distance
between the actual cut and the intended cut area. The tolerance of an entry-level plasma
cutter is significantly higher. Simultaneously, waterjet cutting tolerance is close to 0.001
inch, resulting in greater accuracy, lower kerf width, and better cut quality. A better edge
quality requires less finishing when cutting metal. When the cut quality and part
accuracies are priorities, a waterjet cutter produces a more acceptable tolerance than a
plasma cutting machine. The more accurate the cutter, the lower the tolerance value.

Based on the workshop that had been done, we could understand and study on how to
operate the numerical control and study the numerical code to understand how it effects
the computer numerical control (CNC) machinery. For example, certain code is important
to memorize in order to analyze and study the effect of the code on the operation
conducted especially the motion or movement involving the cutting part of the machine.
Furthermore, we could also learn and understand on how to design a part of a product by
using CNC water jet cutting machinery. We learnt that the CNC water jet machinery does
not cause heat and thermal stress to the operated workpiece which can cause a lot of stress
buildup to the workpiece, thus deforming the workpiece which can cause warping and
distortion to the product. We also learnt on how the waterjet cutting and plasma arc cutting
is different in terms of quality cut it produced. The water jet cutting process produced a
better-quality cut than plasma arc cutting process. This fact is certain because the water
jet only used high pressurized water stream with implementation of abrasive substance to
cut the workpiece which does not include high thermal stress like plasma arc cutting that
can cause the precision of the cut to be deformed and not accurate. When the cut quality
and part accuracies are priorities, a waterjet cutter produces a more acceptable tolerance
than a plasma cutting machine. The more accurate the cutter, the lower the tolerance value.
Waterjet can cut materials that are difficult to melt (granite, cement, and ceramic) or are
destroyed by melting (many laminates, aluminums, exotics). Precision is improved
because there is no slag or melted metal left along the cutting edge as with plasma. Plasma
cutting emits fumes, making it less environmentally friendly than waterjet cutting.
Furthermore, the melted metal reacts with water and gases to form cutting waste (called
dross). Waterjet cutting is a one-way process. During the cutting process, the water used
is recycled. Furthermore, all of the metal ejected from the cut can be recycled as scrap
metal. Waterjet cutting is the obvious choice for environmentally friendly operations.
One of the most significant recommendations is to make sure to follow all the steps
given by the instructor to avoid any injuries happen. Other than that, make sure that
students already learn the CAD/CAM by having an appropriate software either it is
CATIA, Solidwork, AutoCAD or the others Besides that, setup properly and use suitable
cutting parameters for instance spindle speed, tools, M-function and etc, in order to get
the better surface of workpiece.
Next, ensure that students are briefed about the experiment that will be conducted
earlier. avoid using dull or broken tools which can performing less capable to create a
final product. Other than that, conduct further lectures to guide students on how to use the
CAD/CAM software to avoid any mistakes. Finally, avoid using dull or broken tools
which can performing less capable to create a final product.

1) CNC Water Jet – All You Need to Know. (2019, June 16). All3DP.
2) Schlick, J. (2021, December 16). Waterjet Cutting vs Plasma Cutting. TechniWaterjet.
3) Waterjet Advantages | Waterjet vs. Laser, CNC, Plasma, EDM, Stamping. (n.d.). Milco
Waterjet Wordpress. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from
4) Smith, Elmo V., Liquid Blasting Archived 2014-02-27 at the Wayback Machine, filed
June 10, 1935, and issued May 12, 1936.
5) "What is a Waterjet cutting machine ?". Thibaut. Retrieved 2020-11-10.
6) "Waterjet Cutting Advantages". Archived from the original on 2017-09-21.
7) Olsen, John. "Improving waterjet cutting precision by eliminating
taper". FMA Communications. Archived from the original on 22
July 2015. Retrieved 18 July 2015
8) "How Does a Waterjet Work?". OMAX Abrasive Waterjets. Archived from the original
on 2 June 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
9) Guidorzi, Elia (2022-02-03). "Waterjet Cutting History - Origins of the Waterjet
Cutter". TechniWaterjet. Retrieved 2022-02-17.
10) Chadwick, Ray F Chadwick, Michael C Kurko, and Joseph A Corriveau, Nozzle for
Producing Fluid Cutting Jet Archived 2014-01-31 at the Wayback Machine, filed
March 1, 1971, and issued September 4, 1973

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