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Karl Fischer Water Determination


Determination of the moisture content in sample substance of the most varied kinds is an important
routine operation in many analytical laboratories, this is done by applying either a constant DC voltage
or a constant DC current to double platinum electrode immersed in the titration mixture, and during the
titration the current or the voltage is measured. The titrating reagents used are variations on the original
Karl Fischer reagent of which the common feature is that they all contain the basic ingredients of
iodine and sulphur dioxide, the background solvents may be methanol, isopropanol, pyridine,….


Karl Fischer reagent consist of C5H5N + I2 + SO2 , in the presence of water, sulphur dioxide oxidized
by the Iodine to produce sulphuric acid according to the following equation :

SO2 + I2 + 2H2O 2HI + H2SO4

C5H5N + I2 + SO2 + H2O C5H5 NH+I- + C5H5N + SO3-

C5H5N + SO3- + CH3OH C5H5N.HSO4CH3

So total equation is: I2 + SO2 + 3C5H5N + CH3OH + H2O 2C5H5N.HI + C5H5N.HSO4CH3

The acid reaction products are buffered by the background solution, when no more water remain in the
reaction mixture, the excess of free Iodine acts as electrode depolarizer, resulting in a sharp voltage or
current jump , thus indicating the titration end point


Karl Fischer reagent C5H5N + I2 + SO2


Methanol CH3OH (for general used), Pyridine C5H5N, Chloroform or Trichloroethylene are used
when the sample contain substance insoluble in methanol (these chlorinated hydrocarbons high
electrical resistance, so they used in mixtures with methanol)


Karl Fischer Automat, Karl Fischer processor, KF Titrino, EP/KF processor, Double Platinum
electrode, reaction vessel


Determination of Karl Fischer factor:

It is the item for power of Karl Fischer which means number of ml Karl Fischer equivalent with
constant weight of water, It can be determined by add about 20 ml of methanol free of water (if contain
water titrate with Karl Fischer reagent till end point) then we add constant weight of water by micro
syringe or by add constant weight of sodium tartrate C4H4Na2O6.2H2O which contain certain amount of
water, and titrate against Karl Fischer reagent till the EP:

Factor = mg of water / ml of Karl Fischer

Sample size x factor

Factor =
Volume of KFR

Standard used Sample size Factor

Water g 1000
Water µl 1
methanol ml Content of methanol (g/ml)
methanol µl 0.001 x content of methanol
Sodium tartrate.2H2O g 156.6
Sodium tartrate.2H2O mg 0.1566

Determination of moisture on sample:

Liquid Sample:
It is measure out into titration vessel by syringe or rarely with pipette, the vessel contain solvent
(solvent for sample) free of water, and start titration with Karl Fischer reagent till the EP

Solid Sample:
It should be powder as finely as possible, and then introduced into the titration vessel with a weighing
spoon (differential weighing)

Greases and Oil Sample:

Are also introduced into the titration vessel by means of a syringe free from injection needle and the
quantity of the sample is found by differential weighing

Sample with Blank:

Can be used blank with sample, if it is determined with an excessive solvent volume, the result can be
converted to the amount used subsequently with the aid of the factor


Volume of KFR x titer (KF factor) x factor

Water content =
Sample size x Divisor
Unit of Result Sample Size Factor Divisor
% g 0.1 1
% mg 100 1
% ml 0.1 Density
ppm g 1000 1
ppm ml 1000 Density
ppm µl 1 Density
mg/ml g 1 Density
mg/ml ml 1 1
mg 1 1 1
ml 1 1 1000

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