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Jackelyn Gubala L Abels-2

Litr 132.- Children’s Literature LT and Assessment 1.2

A.Instructions: Answer the following questions and record your responses in

the matrix below. Then, interview a preschool or elementary teacher and a high
school teacher. Ask them the same questions and record/note their responses.
Use extra sheets as necessary.
1.What is reading for you?
2. What are the values of books for you? (You may review your answer/s in the
motivation question or get ideas from the discussion section for your own
3. What is your favorite story that you always share with or read in your class?
Why do you like this book or story the most?
4. What is the best thing about books?
5. How can you promote children’s literature?

My Response Preschool or High School

Elementary Teacher
Reading creates For me, as a teacher, Reading is a receptive
cognitive engagement. It reading prepares skill. Through it we
improves vocabulary, students to interpret receive information.
mind skills, and complex ideas. It
attentiveness. requires them the skills
of speaking, so that they
can pronounce the
that they read.
Books can be Books are full of Books give solutions
instructive. It can be a knowledge and wisdom. and gives you a new
source of positive It has the capability to way and a new
values, intelligence, and transform lives. perspective to
creativity. Books can look at things and
emphasize principles at situations.
its fullest, where it could
largely influence
character and
Antoine de Saint- B.J Novak’s The Book Tonny Robins's Awaken
Exupéry's The Little with No Pictures. I the Giant
Prince will always be always read it in class Within. I always share it
my all-time favorite. I for it inspires laughter. with my class as it
always share it with It is a funny read-aloud provides fundamental
people who would ask book. lessons in self-mastery.
for a book suggestions. It can help my students
This book encompasses in managing their
observations emotions, body,
about life, adults, relationships, finances
relationships and human and life.
Books are magical. It Books are unbounded It can transform lives.
can teach, transport, and limitless. On a personal
console, create, inspire, perspective, it prevents
and bring beautiful cognitive decline, aids
rransformation. Books sleep, and reduces
also bring entrancing stress.
new-world surprises.
At my age, it is quite Write. Read. Share. Join book organizations.
impossible to bring a Children books, Where
big-time influence, but I magazines, and poems linking up with people
can still promote are not complex to who buy and promote
children's literature create. Through writing, books is easier. Sharing
through imparting what reading continues, by a book to my students is
I have learned. I have sharing, writing one of my personal
two nieces and three continues. contributions in
nephews with us, and I promoting children's
am slowly introducing literature.
them to children books.
Promoting children's
literature in social media
is also a great idea e.g.
posting a bed-time story
or children songs in my
YouTube channel where
I can cover a large

C. Instructions: Read the children’s story, entitled: Tight Times by Jeanette C.

Patindol. Answer the following questions through a

Reflection paper.

1. What does your family do when faced with tight times?

2. How do you relate the story to what is happening today?

3. What personal and academic values have you gained from the story? Discuss

A Hilly Ride

(A Reflection Paper on Jeanette Patindol’s Tight Times)

Life is tricky. It has its own way of surprising people with grandeurs and

paltry, and humans are made to counteract these highs and lows. Jeanette

Patindol’s Tight Times best explains how this story-line happens. It shows the

hilly ride of life, and a rider’s way to come through. It may appear comical and

entertaining in general, but it encompasses the values needed to survive in life.

The point of view in the story resembles the periphery of people at young

age. The number of youths as represented by the young mice will never ran out

of capacity to breakthrough. As observed, as the young mice was narrating the

whole story, the details in life were being observed in an affectionate and keen

perspective. In the family, resolutions are mostly obliged to parents. In an

outside viewpoint, the roles of offspring are often mislabeled with vacancy, but

the real fact is, the courage and spirit of parents in dealing with unresolved

matters come from their kids, but it doesn’t appear simple, as it may seem. As

mothers do their jobs infighting up a home, their kids serve as the fossil fuels

running into their mother’s veins. Without them, strength and courage would

not be generated at all. As fathers enforce, shape, and build, their kids are their

cheerleaders that make their muscle pumps productivity. It is an interconnected

role in a familial relationship.

In our family, we have encountered a lot of struggles and hard times, and it

appear soften. The resolution is not one-way, we get to walk in different ways

before coming up with a certain solution, but we are never tired of reminding

ourselves about the essence of relationship. Misunderstandings will always

come in the way, still, At the end of the day, we still got each other’s back, and

we never leave anyone behind. Despite the couple of lows, we make sure to lift

our head and look on the brighter side of things, focusing on the bigger picture
because we believe, that if we start jotting down the things, we are grateful for,

it will release all the toxicities in life, and we start to live in harmony.

In this time of crisis, the family of mice mirrored the condition of every

Filipino family struggling. The pandemic has swept the resources including

employment, agriculture (food security), economic prosperity, and activities,

among others. Due to these, people are starting to live in a reduced

circumstance. The population in marginalized sector receives the stillness of

weights in their shoulders. As portrayed in the book, the family of mice is in

deep crisis. Their father has no stable job, so as their mother, they were pictured

empty-handed. Their favorable condition back in time was replaced by hunger,

drawbacks, and scarcity. This particular story-line exhibits the exact situation of

families troubling in the midst of pandemic. As we start seeing the brighter side

of the story, it screams a word, RESILIENCE!

Filipinos are known to be extremely resilient. Random circumstances may

dust them off of, but they move on, laugh, and go on with life. No matter how

bad the situation is, they would always put a smile on their faces, and think it’s

just a bad day, not a bad life. Aside from resiliency, Filipinos are family-

oriented, the members in the family would go hand in hand toresolve matters,

and their strings of affection would make the resolution lighter and easier. As

the saying goes, it is just a bad day and not a bad life, things may seem rocky

and teetering, but better days would also fall in line. Family problems are not
only narrowed to financial instability, some common family problems are;

arguments, parenting decisions, lack of proper communication, stress,

organization of chores, and imbalance work and home life. These problems

would come across the journey, but there are plenty ways to handle these issues.

Every family has issues, and there is no ‘perfect happy ending ‘to any story, but

good ending sexist. It is of great advantage to keep each one’s self ready,

because it is difficult to face and handle surprising conflicts. Oftentimes, we get

to experience it in our family, and we are perfectly reflected in the story ‘Tight

Times’. We may have struggled and fell apart, but the story continues, and in

each turning page, life will still always be full of surprises. Lastly, we got each

other, and that’s the best thing our family could offer.

The book appears functional in multiple ways, may it be for the academe

or personal. The story is not a typical family story, where the characters are

played by real people. It is very comical in a sense that it can capture and

entertain young minds, with its fable-like content. The resolution did not appear

as complex as in real life, but it clearly instate how it goes and how life should

be. The book is indeed a good illustration of visual images’ intertextuality. The

style in writing is very instructive, it has a neatly-tied resolution in the end, with

a strongly-deliberate message. For personal values, the story instilled plenty of

reasons to resonate with. It is beyond the story of struggling to make ends meet,

its texture is way different, it was significantly added in a familiar narrative. “I

used to have two eggs for breakfast. Now, I can have only one, and not every

day at that. But I’m glad I still have eggs to eat.”, More than anything, this is a

story that speaks hope, optimism, transformation, and the resilience of one’s

spirit to triumph against life’s vicissitudes. While yes, times are tough, it is

edged with tiny joys and glories.

In reality, regardless of what we have and who we are, life is hard-not

impossible-but hard, still, life is wonderful ultimately, and it is simply an

evolved human nature. No matter how crushy our life may seem to be at times,

life will always be hard for our kind. Gratitude, optimism, and resilience can

make the ride a lot better, especially if we get to surrender ourselves to the


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