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This very work is dedicated to God almighty.

I wish to thank God Almighty for giving me the grace and strength to carry out this
industrial training safely.
Also not forgetting the entire Hercules and Associates, LTD especially the C.E.O.
Arc. Y.B. Bala for their acceptance, guidance and support through the course of
my industrial training.
Not forgetting my parents, my siblings, loved ones and friends for their support
and both financially and other wise.


Theoretical knowledge is often not sufficient for the actual work done by a
professional since it does not provide an individual with the opportunity to apply
skills used to perform the work. Obviously, effective learning involves educational
input and practical skills and therefore, a suitable combination of theoretical
knowledge and its application in practice will put the individual possessing them in
the best possible position in field.

The SIWES program aims, as its foundational objective, to provide undergraduates

with this practical knowledge, especially as processes change and advancing
technologically methods are introduced into their industries.


The Industrial Training Fund (established in 1971 initiated the Student Industrial
Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in 1973 to better prepare graduates (especially
those in fields related to science, engineering and technology) for entry into the
workforce by exposing them to their prospective industrial environments. This
exposure was intended to enable them obtain and develop skills useful in their
chosen careers before they graduate from the university.

SIWES is a planned and structured program based on stated and specific career
objectives which are geared towards developing the occupational competences of

These objectives are achieved by:

 Bridging the gap between the skills possessed by fresh graduates and the
minimum skills (relevant production skills) required by an effective member
of staff in an organization.
 Exposing the work environment to prospective employees and facilitating
hands-on preparation for productive employment upon full entry into the
workforce. This includes familiarizing students with technological methods
and processes, equipment and tools that might not be available at their
 Providing an environment in which the development of personal attributes
such as problem-solving skills, creativity, effective time management,
presentation skills, inter-personal skills etc. can be encouraged with the
assistance of professionals in their chosen career path.

Objectives of SIWES

The aim of SIWES program is all about strengthening future employees. Such
program is attempted to help students to understand the underlying principles of
their future work.

The ITF outlined the objectives of SIWES thus:

1. To provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to

acquire industrial skills and experience during the course of their study.
2. To prepare students for industrial work situations that they are likely to meet
after graduation.
3. To expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment
and machinery that may not be available in their institutions.

4. To make the transition from school to the world of work easier and to
enhance the chances of student employment after graduation.
5. To provide students with the opportunities to apply their educational
knowledge in real work situations, thereby bridging the gap between theory
and practice.
6. Enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational
process through SIWES.

Roles of the student

1. Participate in the SIWES Orientation Program before proceeding on to

2. Be regular and punctual at respective places of industrial attachment.
3. Avoid unilateral change of place of attachment except in special
circumstances and only with the permission/approval of the institution’s
SIWES Coordinator and the employer.
4. Comply with the employer’s rules and regulations.
5. Portray willingness and zeal towards learning.
6. Keep proper records of training activities and other assignments in logbooks.
7. Submit to the ITF, through the institution, the Evaluation Form (ITF Form
8.) duly completed by the student, the employer and the institution.
8. Submit logbooks, reports and other SIWES documents required by the
respective institutions at the end of the training program.
9. Be diligent, honest and conscientious in all activities.
10.Protect and safeguard employers’ property throughout the period of training.

Roles of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF)

The industrial training fund Act (ITFA) came into effect on 8 October 1971. The
purpose of the act was to establish a fund – the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) – to
be utilized to promote and encourage the acquisition of skills in industry or
commerce in Nigeria with a view to generating a pool of indigenous trained man
power sufficient to meet the needs of the economy.

1. Organize biennial conferences and seminars on SIWES.

2. Provide logistic materials needed to administer the scheme.

3. Compile list of employers and available training places for industrial attachment
and forward such to the coordinating agencies (NUC, NBTE, and NCCE).


Brief history of the organization.

Hercules and associates Ltd, is a civil construction company trading under the

registered name. Was established and registered in May 2009 with the goal of

taking the current flagship in construction and growing it within the Western

Africa region by providing the trust and quality that our customers have learnt to

rely on. The company inherently has 100% black managed and comprising of a

Chairman Arc. Bala Baba, who brings a complimentary expertise and experience

to the organization. The primary function of the company is to provide

construction services to developers, funding agents, and development

organizations. Our management and staff have a complimentary experience in

project management, production management, supplies and site supervision.


The vision of the organization is to become a preferred service provider in the

management of programmes and projects in various disciplines/ fields based on the
capabilities of the organization.


To manage projects efficiently and effectively by being a customer focused Project

Management Company.

Key aim being to meet and exceed customer expectation with regards to project
management outputs: thus capitalize on use of project management principles:
➢ Directing and coordinating resources

➢ Scope and time management

➢ Quality management

➢ Cost control

➢ Participation that will ensure that the goals of the project achieved


Projects Team work together to ensure our customers ultimate success, by means

o Integrity
o Passion
o Commitment
o Competence
o Conscientiousness

Our team spirit runs from Top management down, with our extensive internal and
external staff training and motivation programs. We regularly contribute to various
charity organizations and take part in many sponsorships incorporating team spirit.


a) To acquire the involvement of the social community into self-development.

b) To actively work towards improving skills of the social community and their
young generations.
c) To alleviate poverty through creation of employment and development.


Arc Bala Baba


Engr Kennedy Johnson


Engr Kololko Geoffrey



Project Manager BSc, MSc (Architecture), MNIA, ARCON


Chief Building Engineer HND (Building), B.ES (Architecture), B.B (Technology)
MNIOB (Chartered Builder), CORBON


Project Quantity Surveyor BSc (Quantity Surveying), ANIQS, QSRBN

JOSEPH KEAGU TANKO, Principal Civil Engineer BSc, MSc (Civil

Engineering), MNSE, COREN

STEVE OBIKA OBIWUZIE, Senior Electrical Engineer BSc (Electrical

Engineering), MNSE, COREN

SALIU AKINTUNDE OLOWU, Senior Structural Engineer BSc (Structural

Engineering), MNSE, COREN

MICHAEL O. AGBATAEKWE, Senior Mechanical Engineer BSc, MSc

(Mechanical Engineering). COREN

Assistant Electrical Engineer BSc, MSc (Electrical Engineering), COREN

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Assistant Mechanical Engineer BSc (Mechanical Engineering), COREN

Chief Accountant BSc (Accounting), ANAN

Personnel Manager BSc (Political Science), AMNIM

Confidential Secretary HND (Secretarial Administration)

Clerical Officer OND (Administration)

General Foreman OND (Building Technology)

Site Supervisor OND (Mechanical Engineering)

Supervisor OND (Electrical Engineering)

Senior Technician Trade Test Certificate

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During my six months industrial attachment with Hercules and Associates Ltd. in
Architectural services with Arc. Baba Bala Yerima, I had the privilege to gain
experience as an Architect and also Site experience, which includes but not limited
to site experience and improvement on the use of computer aided design software.

My site experience involved site visitations and inspection, and site

survey/measurements, space and a lot more.


Site work experience is the practical aspect of Architecture which deals with the
knowledge on the basic steps or stages in the building erection processes. Also it is
the experience one gets from theoretical aspect of learning in school and put it into
practice on construction site.
The following are they stages involved in the construction site:
A. Preliminary stage
B. Sub-structural stage
C. Super-structural stage
D. Finishing stage
E. General cleaning stage
F. Drainages.
G. Completion

Preliminary, the portion of a building that extends above the ground level outside it
is called the superstructure. The portion below the outside ground level is called
the substructure. The parts of the substructure that distribute building loads to the
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ground are known as foundations. Sub-structural, and super-structural stages are
the stages I acquired my site experience during the period of my industrial training
with Hercules and
Associates Ltd.
These stages will be further elaborated and also the methods involved at every

This stage involves all the necessary works needed to be done or carried out after
architectural and structural drawings are ready and approved, all paper works have
been completed properly with government agencies and all the agreements with
land owners, contractors, and stake holders are completed before proper excavation
of the project or construction on site.
The works needed to be done are;
i. Site inspection
ii. Site clearance
iii. Soil excavation
iv. Site layout
v. Construction of Site store.
The afore-listed are elaborated below:
a. During my period of I.T with Hercules and Associates Ltd, I was privileged
to gain site experience from construction sites within Yola, although I
wasn’t privileged to witness the start-up of some of the projects. I however
had the privilege of witnessing the start-up of one of the biggest construction
projects handled by the firm at Dogire, behind DSS headquarters, Adamawa

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b. SITE INSPECTION: Site inspection are some relevant observation taken
before embarking on any construction which includes examining the nature
of the sub-soil, vegetation, topography of soil etc. which will determine the
depth of foundation and the type of foundation that will be suitable for the

c. SITE CLEARANCE: This involves the activities undertaken as part of

enabling works, carried out to prepare a site construction. It also involves
clearing the site to allow other remedial, treatment or demolition works to
take place before the actual construction can begin. Site clearance can be
done either by mechanical means (use of heavy duty machines) or by
manual means (use of shovel, digger, hoe etc.).

d. SOIL EXCAVATION: For a building construction to be carried out, soil has

to be excavated to create trenches that will house the substructure of the
building to ensure structural stability. The soil at the site where I did my
industrial training was rocky which would have made excavation very
difficult. The services of rock breakers (manual labour) had to be employed
and they had to work hand in hand with labourers to do a proper excavation
of the trenches.

e. SITE LAYOUT: The production of building can be considered to be as a

product being produced on a temporary factory, the factory itself eventually
forming part of the finished product. The builder requires men, materials and
equipment to be carefully controlled on a building construction site so as not
to interfere with the major production activities. Site layouts consist

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primarily of the proper positioning of such items such as plant, access road
to ease movement on site.
The fundamental objectives of a site layout plan are:
o To create ease of movement for either materials, labor and plant.
o To create a good flow of work through proper linkage of materials and
plants. E.g. water tank, concrete mixer machine and store (cement) should be
kept close to each other.
o Eliminating the likelihood of too many plants on site which may create
obstruction to smooth flow of work or build-up of idle capacity.

f. CONSTRUCTION OF SITE STORE: Every construction site requires a site

office and a store that are comfortable, attractive and versatile, as well as being
robust and secure enough to withstand the rigors of busy construction site.

Setting out is the process or technique of transferring all the necessary information
of a building plan from paper to the ground using the appropriate scale and
measurement in which the building plan is drawn. The setting out is usually done
by a professional site engineer who has the knowledge of understanding
architectural drawing. Setting out is usually done by either using pegs or sand
screed blocks. Setting out can only be effected when the preliminary tasks of site
clearing, removal of obstacles is done and other factors such as orientation,
proximity to access roads etc. must have been determined. After which the
transferring of the plans on paper to the ground can be effected by the surveyor,
builder, architect, engineer and the foreman.
There are different methods of setting out which includes but not limited to;
 The 3, 4, 5 methods.
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 The builders’ square method.
 Leveling instruments method.
 Using templates.


 Builders’ square
 50 x 50mm hardwood pegs,
 25mm x 50mm x 3300mm profile wood
 steel bar pegs,
 100m tapes
 Pocket tapes (7.5m-10m)
 Line
 Nails
 Hammer
 Digger
 Marker pen
 Builders line

Sub structure is the lower portion of the building, usually located below the ground
level, which transmits the loads of the super-structure to the supporting soil. A
foundation is therefore that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the
ground to which the loads are transmitted.
The procedures executed in this stage are;
1. Trench excavation
2. Blinding and concrete footing
3. Setting-out of columns
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4. Block work
5. Casting of columns
6. Ground beam
7. Shear wall
8. Backfilling and ramming
9. Hardcore filling
10. Concrete oversite

Trench excavation is a type of excavation or depression in the ground that is
generally deeper than it is wide and narrow compared to its length. This is also the
process of removing top soil (non-load bearing soil) and it involves the digging of
the tranches of all the required functional spaces on the proposed site.

Picture 1 and 2: excavation of trenches.


 Reinforcement Steel Bars for Foundation Footing: after casting of column
base, foundation reinforcement steel bars were laid inside the foundation
trench considering 25mm top, bottom and sides concrete cover. These steel
bars serve as reinforcement to the foundation footing due to the load to be

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imposed on the foundation footing. Y16 steel reinforcement bars and 2mm
binding wire were used.
 Curing of Concrete: The concrete cast was cured for 3 days because high
early strength concrete was used considering the temperature above 10°C
(50°F) and to increased its strength and decrease its permeability so as to
mitigate cracks in the concrete.

Picture 3 and 4: Blinding for foundation footing and of foundation footing

reinforcement respectively.


Columns are critical structural elements used in transmitting superstructures
load to the substructure. Starting column bars will normally start from the
foundation. For local construction works, setting out works will involve
establishing the building lines, and marking out column locations on the
profile board which must be established all round the building.
The footing reinforcement and column reinforcement starters can be
installed properly and held in place until the concreting of the foundation is

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 Casting of Foundation Footing: concrete mix 1:2:3 was used in casting the
foundation footing with 230mm depth and 600mm width because the dead
load of the foundation will be more in terms of the roof decking.

Picture 5 and 6: setting out of foundation column and casting of foundation

column respective.

o Block work is a wall or structure beneath or above the earth made of blocks.
This is also part of foundation in which transmits load to the natural ground.
o Forming: After curing of foundation footing, first block course (forming)
were laid on top of the foundation footing binding each other with mortar
mix 1:4. These first course blocks were aligned with the reinforcement
column bars using line and plumb in taking the top and side’s level of the
blocks and using builders square in getting a perfect angle 90° at walls
corner. 230mm x 460mm x 230 (9 inch) sands Crete hallow blocks were
used throughout this stage and the type of block work bonding used was
stretcher bond.

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Picture 7 and 8: pictorial view of foundation block-work and forming


Ground beam was built to enhance structural stability and rigidity of the building.
This was achieved as explained below:
o Formwork construction for Ground Beam: This is a temporary mold, made
from planks, into which concrete is poured. This was done by the carpenters
using 25mm x 230mm (2inch x 9inch) planks and 50mm x 100mm hard
wood for bracing.
o Reinforcement Steel Bars for Ground Beam: 4Y16`S T/B +M8-250 c/c
rectangular steel bars were used in reinforcing the ground beam by laying
them on top of the block work round the building with thickness of 250mm
and 225mm in width considering 25mm top to bottom and sides concrete
o Casting of Ground Beam: Concrete mix of 1:2:4 was used in casting the
300mm thick ground beam.

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Picture 9 and 10: pictorial view of form-work and casting of ground beam
Backfilling is the process of refilling an excavated area or trench with
materials like sand, laterite etc. Backfilling was done on areas below the
ground level (the trenches) using laterite due to the presence of high iron
oxide in laterite, higher water holding capacity of the laterite and easy to
compact when wet. After filling the laterite into the trenches, the laterite is
being watered very well so that the laterite will settle down and to remove
all the air spaces formed during backfilling. The volume of watering
depends on the absorption rate of the laterite. After the laterite absorbed the
water, the laterite was well rammed using compactor machine. This process
gives a total compaction to the laterite.

Picture 11 and 12: pictorial view of backfilling by labourers.

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In structural engineering, a shear wall is a vertical element of a system that is
designed to resist in plan lateral forces, typically wind and seismic loads.
This wall is a reinforced concrete wall meant to house the lift in the house.

Picture 13 and 14: A view of the shear wall before and after backfilling and
hardcore placement.
o Hardcore Filling: hardcore referred to as some measures of large aggregates
of stones measuring from 6mm and above, used as part of foundation in
construction project. This hardcore serves as firm base in receiving the
concrete slab and keep it in position to prevent any settlement. Hardcore
were laid on top of the DPM and were arranged to ascertain a height of
o Damp Proof Membrane (DPM): Damp proofing is a type of moisture control
applied to building walls and floors to prevent moisture from passing into
the interior spaces. This was not applied at the site because the soil there is
rocky and as such is not susceptible to capillarity (ground water movement).
o Plumbing: ⱷ100mm and ⱷ50mm pvc pipes were installed for sewage waste
and soil waste starter respectively using pvc elbows in connecting the
vertical and horizontal pipes (joints) in the toilet spaces.
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Picture 15 and 16: Hardcore well placed and plumbing work (pipping)
o Formwork Construction for Oversite Concrete: This is a temporary mold,
made from planks, into which concrete is poured. This was done by the
carpenters using 25mm x 150mm (2inch by 9inch) planks and
50mm*100mm hard wood for bracing.
o Casting of Concrete: Concrete mix 1:2:4 was used in casting the 150mm
thick over site or floor slab. During casting or pouring of the concrete, poker
vibrator was used in vibrating the concrete poured in order to remove the air
spaces within the wet concrete. A level range and lines were also used in
getting a smooth and leveled floor slab.
o Curing of Concrete: The concrete cast (floor slab) was cured for 3 days or
more because high early strength concrete was used considering the
temperature above 10°C (50°F) and to increased its strength and decreased
its permeability so as to mitigate cracks in the concrete.

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Picture 17 and 18: Labourers casting oversite concrete and masons leveling
the oversite concrete respectively.
This stage starts at the ground level after the oversite concrete is poured, levelled
and left to be cured for at least three days.
It starts with form/course work which is laying of blocks.
 Block work is a wall or structure beneath or above the earth made of blocks.
This is also part of foundation in which it transmits load to the natural
Forming: After curing of foundation footing, first block course (forming)
were laid on top of the foundation floor (oversite concrete) each other with
mortar mix 1:4. These first course blocks were aligned with the
reinforcement column bars using line and plumb in taking the top and side’s
level of the blocks and using builders square in getting a perfect angle 90° at
walls corner. 230mm x 460mm x 230 (9 inch) sands Crete hallow blocks
were used throughout this stage and the type of block work bonding used
was stretcher bond, which is done up to lintel level that’s 2100m from the
ground floor and three to four courses after the lintel.

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Picture 19 and 20: Forming and block wall respectively.
 COLUMNS: columns were made at the edges and at the places where
expansion joints were provided and at the interval of 3m (3000mm) along
the length of the building,with reinforcements using y16, with stirrups of y8
which were binded at an interval of 3000mm, both front and back in order to
provided rigidities to the building and transmitted the coming load be it live
or dead load from the building to the foundation then to the mother earth.

Picture 21 and 22: Formwork of a column and mason casting a column

 LINTEL: lintel were carried out 2100mm, that’s nine coures of sand crete
hallow blocks with mortar in between each layer. The reinforcemnet bars
used were y16 and stirrups of y8 for binding which was done at an interval
of 300mm.the lintel was done all round the building,togetherb with the
partitioning walls.
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Picture 23 and 24: Placing of reinforcement bar inside the formwork done
by carpenters and carpenters removing formwork after casting and curing of
 BEAMS: beams constructed as a head course which was attached with the
floor slab, the beams where placed on partitioning walls and around the
building. y16 reinforcements were used round the building and in the center
of the building along the length of it. while y12 were used on the partitioning

REINFORCEMENT BARS: It is so obvious that concrete has no useful tensile

strength and is limited in its structural uses; steel reinforcement bars are used in
concrete columns, beams, and slabs, to increase tensile strength. Reinforcement
bars comes in various diameter sizes such as; 12mm (Y12), 16mm (Y16), 18mm
(Y18), 20mm (Y20), 25mm (Y25), 30mm (Y30). The reinforcement bars that were
mostly used on this site were; 12mm and 16mm, diameter sizes on different parts
of the structure as specified by the structural consultant.
STAIRS CONSTRUCTION: The stair case was constructed with 12mm iron bars
with the measurement of 1.2m by 1.2m in width and breath with the length of 6m
above the hardcore. These reinforcements were fixed to the concrete over site at a
depth of 450mm, to a running beam at landing and finally fixed to first floor
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reinforcement. Formwork spaced at 300mm and height of 150mm were used to
construct the risers and going of the stairs.

Picture 25: Staircase stair-case starters on the ground.

On completion of all block wall for ground floor, preparations for decking of first
floor commenced with the construction of formwork. Planks used for decking were
2*4, 2*6,2*12inches’ hard wood spaced at 600mm were used to support a
horizontal 2x4 inches metal panels from below it. Then 1*12inches’planks were
used beneath the first floor reinforcement started upon. On which the Polyethylene
sheet was laid.

Picture 26 and 27:woods used to support metal panels that will support the

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FLOOR SLAB REINFORCEMENT: the construction of the first floor slab
started by placing of reinforcement bars on the form work carried out by the
carpenters, the reinforcement bars that were involved in this construction
were;12mm (y12) and 10mm (y10), where the y12 was placed first along the
length of the building and over lapping at the end of each one with not less the
1200m(900mm), and15cm parallel to each other. And also y10 (10mm)which were
placed above the y12 crossing them at an interval of 15cm parallel to each other
creating squares of 15cm respectively. which also returns back into the floor with a
measurement of not less than 1.2m.

Picture 28 and 29:Decking reinforcement bars.


All electrical piping fitting points for ground floor was carefully carried out using
the electrical drawings on the first floor form work before Casting of the floor.
Which the conduit pipes were protected from breaking by supporting the
reinforcement bars with precast cubes attached with binding wires, which are
called biscuits.

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Picture 30 and 31:Mechanical and electrical conduit piping respectively.

o Concrete Casting: Casting is the process of pouring concrete mix into a mold
or form laid with reinforcement bars to form a solid mass structure.
o Concrete mix for casting: Concrete was mixed with a machine known as
“Concrete Mixer” which is mostly preferable over the manual mixing with
shovels because of its time efficiency. The mixer is either left on the ground
or taking up to the place where the casting was done. The latter is mostly
preferred by site laborers than the former. Concrete mix of ratio 1:2:4 was
used in casting the 150mm thick over site or floor slab. During casting or
pouring of the concrete, poker vibrator was used in vibrating the concrete
poured in order to remove the air spaces within the wet concrete. A level
range and lines were also used in getting a smooth and leveled floor slab.

Picture 32 and 33:Casting and curing of decking respectively.

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Revit 2021:

Autodesk Revit is a building information modelling software for architects,

landscape architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers and
contractors. The original software was developed by Charles River Software,
founded in 1997, renamed Revit Technology Corporation in 2000, and acquired by
Autodesk in 2002. The software allows users to design a building and structure and
its components in 3D, annotate the model with 2D drafting elements, and access
building information from the building model's database.
Revit is 4D BIM capable with tools to plan and track various stages in the
building's lifecycle, from concept to construction and later maintenance and/or
Below is one of the designs I was able to do with Autodesk Revit.

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Visitor’s toilet
Living room
2 Bedrooms ensuite



31 | P a g e
From the previously stated challenges and general observations of problems
affecting the SIWES,
I recommend that that;
 I hereby recommend that Industrial Training firms and industries be
encouraged by ITF to assist their respective students on attachment in terms
of feeding and transportation for better efficiency by the students.
 Students especially in architecture should disabuse their mind from thinking
architecture is all about design. In the real-life practice, it comes with a lot of
office responsibilities.
 SIWES allowances should be made available to students during the cause of
the exercise to aid students’ welfare.
 Supervision of students should be intensified by both industries based and
school supervisors to encourage student’s participation.
 Industries should be charged and encouraged to accommodate more students
on SIWES programme.

32 | P a g e
Olusegun A. T. Mafe (2014); Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme SIWES;
Guide to Successful Participation in SIWES
Archon Nigeria Limited Profile 2004
Nikolas, D. and Jokiniemi, E. Dictionary of Architecture and building construction.
Francis, D.K Ching Building construction illustrated. 4th edition.
Barry, R. Building construction Vol. 1 and 2, 1971.
Oberlender, G. Project Management and Construction. 3rd edition.

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