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Smart Home Technology

Setup for Ecobee Smart Thermostat with Alexa

1 Make sure your home internet connection is up

and running with a strong 2.4 gHz Wi-Fi network
throughout the home.

2 Make sure your mobile device has Bluetooth and

Wi-Fi enabled, and that the mobile device bat­tery
has sufficient charge for the setup process.

3 Make sure your mobile device is connected to your

home Wi-Fi network with a strong signal at the
location of your Ecobee Smart Thermostat.

4 Make sure you have already created your Amazon


5 Download the 'Eco bee' mobile app from the iTunes

App Store or Google Play Store (iOS/ Android).

6 Open the app, select 'Create Account'.

7 Enter your information, select 'I Accept the Terms

and Conditions'. Press 'Create Account'.

8 Select 'Create My Home'. Enter your home address

and select 'Save Home'.

9 Select 'Add a Device'

10 Select 'Thermostat' from the list of Ecobee devices. 15 Select 'Use iPhone/iPad'

11 Select 'Yes, it is installed'. 16 Go to Wi-Fi Settings on your device. Look for

'Setup a New Device' near the bottom of the
12 Go to the physical thermostat in your home. Press
screen. Make sure that the number of the
the 'Menu' button in the bottom left corner of the
device in the settings matches the number
thermostat screen.
shown on the Ecobee device screen. Select
13 Select 'Registration'. the device.

14 Select 'Wi-Fi Setting' 17 Select 'Next' on your mobile device.

J ay m a n . c o m / S m a r t H o m e
Smart Home Technology
Setup for Ecobee Smart Thermostat with Alexa

18 Go back into the Ecobee app on your mobile device. 23 On the Ecobee mobile app on your mobile
device, select 'Show me my thermostat'.
19 There should be a 4 digit registration code
displayed on the physical thermostat in your home. 24 Ecobee setup will now be completed.
Enter this 4 digit code into the Ecobee app on your
25 On Ecobee Thermostat, select the
mobile device. Select 'Next' on your mobile device.
microphone symbol in the bottom right of the
20 Select 'Details'. Enter in your home's details screen. Select 'Voice, Set Up Alexa'
(house type, size of home,# of floors,# of
26 Select 'Enable Amazon Alexa'
bedrooms). Select 'Done'.

27 Select 'Sign In with Amazon'. Enter your

21 Go back to the physical thermostat. Select 'Finish'.
Amazon account information. Select 'Keep me
22 On the Ecobee mobile app on your mobile device, signed in'.
select the location of the thermostat in the home
(e.g. main floor, upstairs, downstairs). Select 'Save

J ay m a n . c o m / S m a r t H o m e

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