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Self Critique

Name: Cindel Ann R. Martinez

Date: April 17, 2023
Name of partner: Anne Margarette Jordan

Focus of critique: The way of constructing ideas into art. She focuses on how I build my essay,
considering the structures and mechanics and also how effective I am as a writer.

My partner liked how I put myself into my essay. She felt what i feel while writing which is a
kind of compliment for me because as a writer i have the willingness to share my thoughts and it
feels so glad when the readers gave me validation.

My partner suggested me to add some scenarios in my life where I choose to take everything
positively and I tried it.

My next step: My essay is not perfect as what my classmates think, it has mistake with grammar
and sentence structure. I want to explore more and enhance my writing skills. I still have to work
on it. There are things that I have to improve for me to be a better writer and meet their
expectation. I am still learning about what a writer should be. In this kind of activity I realized
that although writing is not my passion it's not a hindrance for me to enjoy it and become
passionate on it.

Peer Critique

Title: Miss Daydreamer

Date: April 17, 2023 Writer's
Name: Cindel Ann Martinez
Peer Reviewer's Name: Anne Margarette Jordan

This essay is about on how positivity works in every individual when it comes in engaging with
everyday life.

Your main points in this essay are we have a lot of choices and it depends on how we handle our
life, it is either with positivity or negativity. There is a chapter of our story where we are
struggling to find the light in the midst of darkness but through being a positive person we are
able to handle difficult scenarios easily. It is not only about escaping reality, it tends to build a
better version of ourselves for us to go with the flow of reality.

What I liked about this essay, it is very colorful. It’s actually gave hope to readers, to continue
the fight and never give up. There is something in this essay that makes me smile while reading
it, something like a magic. It is full of realization that will help us to determine the reason why
we are all living. Is it only to face reality and accept it or wholeheartedly accept it with positivity
and without regrets?

These three points struck me as your strongest:

Point 1: The way you construct every sentence leads to make clear images in my mind. You
really explore the world of writing. Your ideas are well told. You really put yourself into work
that makes me feel and understand what you are trying to say in this essay, such a good writer.

Point 2: Your word choice and the main points are perfect, it really suits on the topic. You have
the willingness to share positivity through writing which served as the formula of this essay to be
an effective one. It is full of lessons that will help readers to choose to be happy rather than
wasting time for non sense negativity.

These places in your essay are not clear to me:

Where 1: "Living with the reality as well as with fantasy." Is it means that escape the reality,
instead of facing it just rely on fantasy? You actually used flowery words which is good, it just a
little bit confusion. You already a good writer but you have to think first the perceptions of the
readers on how they would understand your work.

The one additional change you could make that would improve this essay significantly is you can
add some scenarios in your life that makes you think and realized that benefits of being a
positive person, how you chose to live with positive mind despite of having world covered by
negativity. Me as your friend, I am one of the people who witnessed your downfall phase of your
life but the thing I am really proud of is you can still smile, you can still bring color to life of
other people. You will be a better writer more than you expected. Honestly for me it is perfect
although there are parts that are needed to improve such as grammar and structure of sentence,
you create an art.
Self Critique

Name: Anne Margarette Abalita

Date: 04/17/23

Name of Partner: Cindel Martinez

Focus of Critique: Grammar and usage of punctuation marker. My partner liked: She likes my
topic which is about family.

My partner suggested: She suggested me to explore with my ideas and be confident what is truly
in my heart.

My next Step(s): I will working on expanding my knowledge to improved my writing skills.

Peer Critique

Title: A Home of Heart

Date: April 17, 2023
Writer's Name: Anne Margarette Jordan
Peer reviewer's name: Cindel Ann Martinez

This essay is about a family that serves as the foundation of love that makes all people stronger
and courageous.

Your main points in this essay are family will always be our important treasure. They are the
reason why there is nothing feels like home. We are able to grow more emotionally and mentally
because of them. They mold us to be a better person which is stronger to conquer our fear.

What I liked most about this essay is how you gave importance to your family although this kind
of essay which is about family can consider as a basic topic but the purity of it and your intention
to show your gratitude makes this essay unique. Not all people are lucky to have complete and
happy family because nowadays it is hard to maintain the family as the foundation of love.
These three points struck me as your strongest:
Point 1: The first point is how this essay elaborates the connection of each member of the family,
how they are committed and obliged to each other. In this point, I realized that whenever I go I
am always with my family because they are connected on me. Their love and support that makes
me feel their presence. This play as the strongest part of this essay because it tells us that we will
never feel the loneliness, we always have our family in our back.

Point 2: The second point is how you build the topic with supporting ideas. It is a simple essay
but it provides facts about families. Although they are encountering a lot of challenges in life
they face it together. They are one reason why they have the strength that no one could have.

These places in your essay are not clear to me:

Where 1: You used a lot of wrong grammar but it can still improve through being knowledgeable
enough about the right usage of every word. You have to work on in and spend enough time for
you to develop your writing skills. As long as you know how to construct a sentence there is
always a hope that you will become a better writer.

Where 2: The ideas are being cut off which leads to confusion. The sequence of events is being
told, but I felt like there is still missing, and that is being lack of ideas. Do not be afraid to
express your thoughts because I believe there are still things that you want to share, and this
essay would be effective if you write what is truly in your heart and mind. The additional charge
you could make that would improve this essay significantly is just explores and have the freedom
in writing. You must have the willingness to learn different things when it comes to writing,
things that must me consider such as word choice, structure and mechanics. You already wrote a
good essay as a beginner and as you grow you would enhance your skill and create a better essay
without being afraid about wrongs. Try to improve your works using figurative language, it
makes you enjoy to read and write. This will help you to find the sense of writing when it comes
to our development and expansion of knowledge. I am proud of you! You did a great job!
Happy Family

A Family is made up of parents, kids and other family members. Mine is a family of four.
My sister and I, my mother, and my father. I have my grandmother in my mother's side. In the
same way that we care for our other family members, we care also of our two dogs.

My mother is a house wife and my father is tricycle driver. My sister studying also in
Tanauan Institute, she is a SHS grade 11 student. Anywhere my sister goes I go, whatever she
enjoy I do too. I share her interests in everything. My parents are very committed to each other.
They work together, sometimes argue, a d are constantly forgiving of each other. We are not a
perfect family, after all, a perfect family is one in which everything is wonderful. Every family
has both happy and sad times, and my family is not an exception. We frequently have awkward,
deep dinners in silence, but we go on as a family should.

My Family isn't perfect, but it's not awful either. They're my family. They support me up
in everything I decide to do and guide me in the right way. I am extremely grateful for having
my family.

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