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Miss Daydreamer

Our world was covered by reality, but many of us chose to remain blind, deaf, and
heedless. There are thousands of reasons to validate this choice, entrenched on different
perspectives. Among the millions of stars, only one moon captures our attention which
symbolized our quest for the bright side of life, the pursuit of positivity, and the construction of
our own personal escapism. Uncertain of what lies ahead, we cling to the belief that there is
always a rainbow after the rain. We are always able to find the beauty in withered flower. Do I
have to open the door of reality using the key of acceptance or should I still live with my
imagination to escape the large thorn on my chest?
I wonder how birds sing despite of risks they may encounter when they are hunting for
food. Their whistle that gave peace, their resilience, ability to provide their needs, and
satisfaction with a small nest, little things that matter. This seems to be a proof that we humans
are also able to create own happiness and has a freedom to spread it, for as long as the world
keeps turning. We have our own cycle of life wherein we can determine the true meaning and
purpose of our living. Just like birds, we fly like there is no end. We saw a lot of things and we
learn from our experiences. It is our choice to put smile on our face despite of the challenges, it
is our choice to sing even though we are out of tune, it is our choice to be sweet although life is
bitter. It is always our choice but why people still chose to be mad, lonely and lack of hope? It
looks like confusing but on the other side it makes them valid. That is how reality controls the
flow of our life. It will let us hear the sound of thunder as a melody of music, live through the
storm and open our mind that this world is such a wonderful place to be. I remember when I was
in junior high, I am struggling with my mental health and it si difficult for me to be productive.
The time goes by I realized that the world did not stop but continued to turn when I am on my
downfall, it simply I am not only the reason why the world keeps turning so that I have to fix
myself on my own.
I embrace both reality and fantasy, as they offer me positivity, is that okay?
Definitely,yes. That is how I handle my life, sounds crazy but really helps me to become
stronger; can smile in the midst of the crowd where negativity were scattered, can still find the
light in darkness, realized that feeling lonely do not mean I am alone and learned to put color in
an art. Every time I meet persons who can still find the positive part of every phase of their
everyday life was something that I am really proud of. It is being mindful on things that must be
consider rather than eaten by sadness. Molding ourselves with different positive perspectives in
order to build a protection from negativity that tends to attack and destroy us. Savoring every
minute where reality drives the car of imagination on a bumpy and uphill road. This will teach
you to enjoy your meal with only rice and salt, to accept failures as a bite of an ant, to face the
everyday with smile.

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