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CEREC Primemill

Operating Instructions (not valid for USA)

Table of contents Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Table of contents
1 Dear Customer,....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Contact data................................................................................................. 5

2 General data ........................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Identification of the danger levels ................................................................ 6
2.2 Formats and symbols used.......................................................................... 7
2.3 Note PC / Acquisition Unit............................................................................ 7

3 General description................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Certification .................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Intended use ................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Legend ......................................................................................................... 10

4 Safety...................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Basic safety information............................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................. 12
4.1.2 Maintenance and repair ................................................................. 12
4.1.3 Modifications to the product ........................................................... 12
4.1.4 Accessories and consumables ...................................................... 13
4.2 Opening the processing chamber door during the machining process........ 13
4.3 Electrostatic charge ..................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 ESD warning labels........................................................................ 13
4.3.2 ESD protective measures .............................................................. 14
4.3.3 About the physics of electrostatic charges..................................... 14
4.4 Wireless phone interference with equipment ............................................... 15
4.5 Disturbance of data transmission................................................................. 16
4.6 Ventilation slots............................................................................................ 16

5 Installation and startup............................................................................................ 17

5.1 Transport and unpacking ............................................................................. 17
5.2 Disposal of packaging materials .................................................................. 17
5.3 Installation site ............................................................................................. 18
5.4 Commissioning ............................................................................................ 20
5.4.1 Functional elements....................................................................... 20
5.4.2 Supplied tools ................................................................................ 23 Tools............................................................................. 23 Calibration pins............................................................. 23 Torque wrench.............................................................. 23
5.4.3 Description of the touch interface .................................................. 24

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Dentsply Sirona Table of contents
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

5.4.4 Illumination of the processing chamber, LED light strip, and On/
Off button ....................................................................................... 24
5.4.5 Using the processing chamber screen........................................... 25
5.4.6 Installation...................................................................................... 26 Connecting to the PC via LAN...................................... 26 Connecting the unit to the power supply ...................... 26 Installing the unit........................................................... 26 Connecting the suction device (optional)...................... 28 Connecting to the PC via WLAN (option) ..................... 31 Operating several production units at one access
point.............................................................................. 32
5.4.7 Filling the water tank ...................................................................... 33
5.4.8 Switching the unit ON and OFF ..................................................... 34
5.5 Repacking .................................................................................................... 35
5.6 Scope of supply ........................................................................................... 35
5.7 Storage ........................................................................................................ 35

6 Operation ................................................................................................................ 36
6.1 Configure ..................................................................................................... 36
6.2 Calibrating the unit ....................................................................................... 37
6.3 Machining process ....................................................................................... 39
6.3.1 Process types ................................................................................ 39 Grinding ........................................................................ 39 Milling ........................................................................... 40 Permitted tool combinations ......................................... 40
6.3.2 Preparations................................................................................... 40
6.3.3 Starting the machining processes.................................................. 41
6.3.4 Ending the machining processes ................................................... 42
6.4 Scanning in the DataMatrix code ................................................................. 42
6.5 Block clamping............................................................................................. 43

7 Service .................................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Using the cleaning hose and the wet cleaning process ............................... 46
7.2 Changing filter bags and HEPA filters.......................................................... 47
7.3 Changing the water...................................................................................... 50
7.3.1 General information ....................................................................... 50
7.3.2 Changing the water........................................................................ 51 Procedure ..................................................................... 52

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Table of contents Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

7.4 Tools ............................................................................................................ 53

7.4.1 Overview of materials / tools.......................................................... 53
7.4.2 Changing tools ............................................................................... 53
7.5 Cleaning surfaces ........................................................................................ 55
7.6 Replacing the main fuses............................................................................. 55
7.7 Changing the filter........................................................................................ 56
7.7.1 Procedure for all materials ............................................................. 57
7.8 Removing water from the unit ...................................................................... 57
7.8.1 Procedure ...................................................................................... 57
7.9 Using the tank cap opener ........................................................................... 58

8 Technical description .............................................................................................. 59

8.1 System requirements ................................................................................... 59
8.2 Production unit ............................................................................................. 59
8.2.1 General technical description......................................................... 59
8.2.2 Technical data................................................................................ 60
8.2.3 Controller board ............................................................................ 60

9 Disposal .................................................................................................................. 61

10 Consumable............................................................................................................ 62

Index ....................................................................................................................... 65

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Dentsply Sirona 1 Dear Customer,
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 1.1 Contact data

1 Dear Customer,
Thank you for your purchase of this CEREC Primemill unit from
Dentsply Sirona.
This device enables you to produce dental restorations, e.g. from
ceramic material with a natural appearance (CEramic REConstruction).
Improper use and handling can create hazards and cause damage.
Please therefore read and follow these operating instructions carefully.
Always keep them within easy reach.
Also pay attention to the safety instructions to prevent personal injury
and material damage.
CEREC Primemill team,

1.1 Contact data

Customer Service Center In the event of technical queries, please use our online contact form at
the following address:
Manufacturer's address Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Fabrikstrasse 31
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 6251/16-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6251/16-2591
e-Mail: [email protected]

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2 General data Dentsply Sirona
2.1 Identification of the danger levels Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

2 General data
Please read this document completely and follow the instructions
exactly. You should always keep it within reach.
Original language of the present document: German.

2.1 Identification of the danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the
warning and safety information provided in these instructions for use.
Such information is highlighted as follows:

An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily
injury or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.

A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the
product or an object in its environment.

Application instructions and other important information.

Tip: Information for simplifying work.

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Dentsply Sirona 2 General data
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 2.2 Formats and symbols used

2.2 Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following

 Prerequisite Requests you to do something.

1. First action step
2. Second action step
➢ Alternative action
➢ Individual action step
See "Formats and symbols used  Identifies a reference to another
[→ 7]" text passage and specifies its
page number.
● List Designates a list.
"Command / menu item" Indicates commands / menu
items or quotations.

2.3 Note PC / Acquisition Unit

When a PC is described in this document, this refers to a PC for the
acquisition unit (if present). The PC is represented symbolically.

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3 General description Dentsply Sirona
3.1 Certification Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

3 General description

3.1 Certification
CE mark
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH hereby declares that the CEREC
Primemill radio system type complies with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available at Dentsply
Sirona Internet homepage.
This product bears the CE mark in accordance with the provisions of
Council Directive 2006/42/EC (machinery directive). As such, the
following standards apply: DIN EN ISO 12100:2011-03, DIN EN
61010-1:2011-07 and DIN EN 61326-1:2013-07.

CE mark for connected products
Further products which are connected to this unit must also bear the
CE mark. These products must be tested according to the applicable

Examples of CE mark for connected products:

● EN 60601-1:2006 based on IEC 60601-1:2005
● EN 60950-1:2006 based on IEC 60950-1:2005
● UL 60950 second edition 2010

RoHS compliance

This symbol indicates that this product does not contain any toxic or
hazardous substances or components above the maximum concen-
tration value set out in the Chinese standard SJ / T 11364-2014, and
can be recycled following disposal and should not be carelessly dis-

IC declaration (For Canada only)

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that
may cause undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada

applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique
subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le

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Dentsply Sirona 3 General description
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 3.2 Intended use

3.2 Intended use

This device is used for computed-aided production of dental
restorations, abutments, parts of abutments and drilling templates for
implant placement.
This unit must not be used for any other purpose. If the unit is used for
any purpose other than the one mentioned above, it may be damaged.
Intended use also includes compliance with these Operating
Instructions and the relevant maintenance instructions.

Follow the instructions
If the instructions for operating the unit described in this document are
not observed, the intended protection of the user may be impaired.

For the USA only

CAUTION: According to US Federal Law, this product may be sold only
to or by instruction of physicians, dentists, or licensed professionals.

Dry processing

In the event of dry processing without a suction device, dust can be
created from the materials being processed. Breathing in this dust
can have associated health risks. As such, observe the information
and requirements of the suction device.

Dry processing is only permitted in conjunction with CEREC Suction

devIce 230 V or 120 V.
● CEREC Suction Device 230 V/120 V, ordered together with the unit:
REF 6569730.
● CEREC Suction Device 230 V/120 V, if ordered separately:
REF 6580786.

Before using dry processing, verify the functioning, correct connection
and the tightness of the connections. All available suction openings
must be free.

Before dry processing check that the CEREC suction device contains
a functioning HEPA fine-dust filter.

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3 General description Dentsply Sirona
3.3 Legend Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

3.3 Legend
This symbol can be found on the rating plate on the unit.
Meaning: See warning notice in section "Replacing the main fuses 
[→ 55]".

This symbol can be found on the door of the unit.

Meaning: See warning in section "Opening the processing chamber
door during the machining process  [→ 13]".

This symbol can be found on the rating plate on the unit.

Meaning: ESD warning sign,
see section "Electrostatic charge  [→ 13]".

This symbol can be found on the drawer of the unit.

Meaning: Meaning: No heavy loads.
See notice in section "Installation site  [→ 18]".

This symbol can be found on the rating plate on the unit.

Meaning: The accompanying documents are available on the
Dentsply Sirona homepage.

Product disposal symbol (see "Disposal  [→ 61]").

Follow the operating instructions.

To ensure safe operation of the unit, the user must follow the operat-
ing instructions.

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Dentsply Sirona 3 General description
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 3.3 Legend

Symbols on the packaging

Take note of the following symbols on the packaging:


Protect from moisture

Fragile; handle with care

Stack limit

Temperature during storage and transport

Relative humidity during storage and transport

Air pressure during storage and transport

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4 Safety Dentsply Sirona
4.1 Basic safety information Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

4 Safety

4.1 Basic safety information

4.1.1 Prerequisites
Important information on building installation
In order to prevent the risk of an electric shock, this unit must only be
connected to a supply mains with a ground wire.
The building installation must be performed by a qualified expert in
compliance with the national regulations.

Restrictions regarding installation site
The system is not intended for operation in areas subject to explosion

Do not damage the unit!
The unit can be damaged if opened improperly.
It is expressly prohibited to open the unit with tools!

4.1.2 Maintenance and repair

As manufacturers of dental instruments and laboratory equipment, we
can assume responsibility for the safety properties of the unit only if the
following points are observed:
● The maintenance and repair of this unit may be performed only by
Dentsply Sirona or by agencies authorized by Dentsply Sirona.
● Components which have failed and influence the safety of the unit
must be replaced with original (OEM) spare parts.
● Only original cables may be used, so that EMC requirements are
Please request a certificate whenever you have such work performed. It
should include:
● The type and scope of work.
● Any changes made in the rated parameters or working range.
● Date, name of company and signature.

4.1.3 Modifications to the product

Modifications to this product which may affect the safety of the operator,
patients or third parties are prohibited by law!

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Dentsply Sirona 4 Safety
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 4.2 Opening the processing chamber door during the machining process

4.1.4 Accessories and consumables

In order to ensure reliable, high-quality results, product safety, and
durability, our range of CEREC Primemill production units must only be
operated with original accessories and consumables from Dentsply
Sirona or approved accessories and consumables from third-party
In particular, only the power cable also supplied or the corresponding
original spare part may be used with the unit. The user is responsible
for any damage resulting from the use of nonapproved accessories and
Approved accessories and consumables include grinding/milling tools,
blocks and coolants. The current selection of approved blocks and
corresponding grinding/milling tools can be found in the latest software
as well as in "Bur tables for the CEREC milling and grinding units" in the
download area at:
These lists are updated from time to time.

4.2 Opening the processing chamber door during

the machining process
Coasting tools
When the processing chamber door is opened during the machining
process, it may take a short time (approximately 2-3 seconds) for the
tools to coast to a stop.
➢ Be careful not to touch the tools with your hand or any other
object during this time.
➢ Avoid opening the processing chamber door while the production
unit is in operation.
➢ Before you open the processing chamber door, end any actions
that are running by pressing the "Stop" button on the touch
interface of the production unit or in the application software.

4.3 Electrostatic charge

4.3.1 ESD warning labels
ESD warning label CAUTION
Risk of injury or damage to components from electrostatic discharge
For electrical components labeled with an ESD warning label,
observe the following instructions.
➢ Apply the ESD protective measures.
➢ Do not touch connector pins or sockets without applying ESD
protective measures first.
➢ Do not establish any connections between these connectors
without applying ESD protective measures first.

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4 Safety Dentsply Sirona
4.3 Electrostatic charge Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

4.3.2 ESD protective measures

ESD ESD stands for ElectroStatic Discharge.
ESD protective measures ESD protective measures include:
● Procedures for preventing electrostatic charge build-up (e.g. air
conditioning, air moistening, conductive floor coverings and non-
synthetic clothing)
● Discharging the electrostatic charges of your own body on the frame
of the UNIT, the protective ground wire or large metallic objects
● Connecting yourself to ground using a wrist band.

Training We therefore recommend that all persons working with this system be
instructed on the significance of this warning label. Furthermore, they
also should receive training in the physics of electrostatic discharges
which can occur in the practice and the destruction of electronic
components which may result if such components are touched by
electrostatically charged USERS.
The content of this training is explained in the Chapter "About the
physics of electrostatic charges"  [→ 14].

4.3.3 About the physics of electrostatic charges

What is an electrostatic charge? An electrostatic charge is a voltage field on and in an object (e.g. a
human body) which is protected against conductance to ground
potential by a nonconductive layer (e.g. a shoe sole).
Formation of an electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges generally build up whenever two bodies are
rubbed against each other, e.g. when walking (shoe soles against the
floor) or driving a vehicle (tires against the street pavement).

Amount of charge The amount of charge depends on several factors:

Thus the charge is higher in an environment with low air humidity than
in one with high air humidity; it is also higher with synthetic materials
than with natural materials (clothing, floor coverings).
Electrostatic discharge must be preceded by electrostatic charging.
The following rule of thumb can be applied to assess the transient
voltages resulting from an electrostatic discharge.
An electrostatic discharge is:
● perceptible at 3,000 V or higher
● audible at 5,000 V or higher (cracking, crackling)
● visible at 10,000 V or higher (arc-over)
The transient currents resulting from these discharges have a
magnitude of 10 amperes. They are not hazardous for humans because
they last for only several nanoseconds.

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Dentsply Sirona 4 Safety
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 4.4 Wireless phone interference with equipment

Background Integrated circuits (logical circuits and microprocessors) are used to

implement a wide variety of functions in dental/X-ray/CAD/CAM
The circuits must be miniaturized to a very high degree in order to
include as many functions as possible on these chips. This leads to
structure thicknesses as low as a few ten thousandths of a millimeter.
It is obvious that integrated circuits which are connected to plugs
leading outside of the unit via cables are sensitive to electrostatic
Even voltages which are imperceptible to the user can cause
breakdown of the structures, thus leading to a discharge current which
melts the chip in the affected areas. Damage to individual integrated
circuits may cause malfunction or failure of the system.

To prevent this from happening, the ESD warning label next to the plug
warns of this hazard. ESD stands for ElectroStatic Discharge.
Connector pins or sockets bearing ESD warning labels must not be
touched or interconnected without ESD protective measures.

4.4 Wireless phone interference with equipment

The use of mobile wireless phones in practice or hospital environments
must be prohibited to ensure safe operation of the unit.

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4 Safety Dentsply Sirona
4.5 Disturbance of data transmission Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

4.5 Disturbance of data transmission

Note on wireless communication Data communication between the acquisition unit and the CEREC
Primemill production unit should preferably be wireless data
communication via WLAN.
As for all wireless connections (e.g. cell phones), heavy utilization of the
available radio channels or shielding caused by building installations
(e.g. metal-shielded X-ray enclosures) may impair the quality of the
connection. This may become noticeable through a reduction in range
and/or a slower data transmission rate. In extreme cases, it will be
impossible to establish a wireless connection at all.
Dentsply Sirona has selected the best possible configuration for data
communication via WLAN, which generally provides perfect functioning
of this connection. However, in individual cases unrestricted wireless
data communication may be impossible for the reasons mentioned
above and/or due to local circumstances. In such cases, a cable LAN
connection should be selected to ensure uninterrupted operation. If the
only LAN interface on the rear of the acquisition unit is occupied by
another plug, remove this wireless interface connection and instead
connect the LAN cable with the CEREC Primemill production unit.

4.6 Ventilation slots

Under no circumstances may the ventilation slots on the unit be
covered, since otherwise the air circulation will be obstructed. This can
cause the unit to overheat.
Do not spray liquids such as disinfectants into the ventilation slots. This
may lead to malfunctions. Use wipe disinfection only in the vicinity of the
ventilation slots.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.1 Transport and unpacking

5 Installation and startup

5.1 Transport and unpacking

All products from Dentsply Sirona are carefully checked prior to
shipment. Please perform an incoming inspection immediately after
1. Check the delivery note to ensure that the consignment is complete.
2. Check whether the product shows any visible signs of damage.

Damage during transport
If the product was damaged during transport, please contact your
carrying agent.

If return shipment is required, please use the original packaging for

The unit must be drained before it is ever transported if it has been in
operation (see "Removing water from the unit  [→ 57]").

Transport without packaging

Damage to the unit or risk of injury during transport without packaging
There is a danger of the unit falling down if it is grasped by its plastic
➢ The unit should always be carried by two persons.
➢ Do not grasp the unit by its plastic housing.
➢ Always grasp the unit by its chassis next to its feet.

5.2 Disposal of packaging materials

The packaging must be disposed of in compliance with the relevant
national regulations. Please observe the regulations applicable in your

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.3 Installation site Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

5.3 Installation site

59”mm 0mm
1500mm 1500mm
59” 59”

1500mm 1500mm
59” 59”
1500mm 1500mm
59” 59”

1500mm 1500mm
59” 59”

Install out of the reach of patients!
Do not install or operate the production unit in the vicinity of the
patient (place it at least 1.5 m away from the patient).

The production unit requires a level base of approx. 729 mm x 465 mm

(W x D). The height of the production unit is:
● with the processing chamber door closed: 454 mm
● with the processing chamber door, open: 675 mm
Install the production unit in such a way that access to the mains
connector plug is guaranteed at all times.
Make sure that the ventilation slots underneath and at the back of the
unit remain unobstructed. The distance between the back of the unit
and the wall must at least be 10 cm.
Note the weight of 46 kg!
The unit must not be installed at sites with a high level of humidity or

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.3 Installation site

Installation in a cabinet
If the unit is installed in a cabinet, you must provide for adequate heat
The ambient temperature surrounding the unit must be between 5 °C
(41 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F).

Risk of injury and damage to the unit
The unit can be tilted when the drawer is extended.
➢ Install the unit so that the front does not project beyond the base.

Risk of injury and damage to the unit
Avoid tilting the unit. Do not lean against the pulled-out drawer and do
not apply a vertical load of more than 5 kg onto the pulled-out drawer.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

5.4 Commissioning
Important information on initial startup
Observe the software installation instructions!

5.4.1 Functional elements

Unit overview


Production unit overview

A Processing chamber E DataMatrix code scanner

B Touch interface F LED light strip
C ON/OFF switch G Drawer
D RFID reader H Water tank

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

Ports on the back side




A Main switch E LAN

I = ON, 0 = OFF
B Fuse cover F USB B
C Power connection G USB 1
D Communications inter- H Connection for suction
face for

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Processing chamber




Processing chamber

A Tool set 1 E Motor mount

B Tool set 2 F Suction connection
C Block G Screen
D Workpiece spindle

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

5.4.2 Supplied tools Tools
The following tools are available for grinding and milling. When
changing tools, ensure that permitted tool combinations are used (see
"Permitted tool combinations  [→ 40]"). Calibration pins

The calibration pins are used when calibrating the tool sets (see
"Calibrating the unit  [→ 37]"). Torque wrench

Use the proper torque wrench for inserting and changing tools and
calibration pins. When doing so, pay attention to the connection
geometry of the torque wrench.

Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of

the force transmission
Bur 2.5 ZrO2 CS 6713940 Milling of zirconium ox- Yellow Square
(wet and dry)

Bur 1.0 CS 6713932 All-purpose milling Black Triangular

(wet and dry)
Bur 0.5 CS 6713924 All-purpose milling Black
(wet and dry)
Diamond 1.4 CS 6714088 Grinding White
Diamond 1.2 CS 6714070 Grinding White
Calibration pin Calibration Light blue

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

5.4.3 Description of the touch interface

These operating instructions describe operations in such a way as to
enable you to use your PC or the touch interface to execute and confirm
commands, such as "Start", "Stop", "Cancel" or "Okay". Other possible
commands are then available in the buttons on the touch interface.

5.4.4 Illumination of the processing chamber, LED light strip,

and On/Off button
The following function elements are illuminated differently depending on
the machining process and sub-process.

Machining operation Sub-process Processing chamber LED light strip ON/OFF button
Unit off – - Off Off Blue, constant
Main switch on
Switch the unit on – - Off Off Yellow, constant
Booting process
Self-test Off White, pulsating Yellow, constant
Referencing run White, pulsating White, pulsating Yellow, constant
Complete White, constant White, constant Green, constant
Errors Red, constant Red, constant Green, constant

The unit is ready to re- Status OK Status OK White, constant Green, constant
ceive processing opera-
Warning – Operation White, constant White, constant Green, constant
is continued; infor-
mation at the end of
the operation can be
ignored – e.g. water
pressure or water
level critical; tool at
end of service life
Unit is in operation Status OK White, constant Progress bars Green, constant
displayed in blue
and white, fully in
Problem – Process White, constant Yellow, constant Green, constant
pauses and can be
restarted; e.g. tool
broken, water pres-
sure inadequate
Serious error – Red, constant Red, constant Green, constant
Process stopped;
e.g. broken block
Processing concluded Door closed White, constant Green, constant Green, constant
Door open White, constant White, constant Green, constant
Door closed again White, constant White, constant Green, constant

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

Machining operation Sub-process Processing chamber LED light strip ON/OFF button
Maintenance Action required – White, constant Yellow, constant Green, constant
Close door, change
Longer actions; e.g. White, constant Progress bars Green, constant
calibration displayed in blue
and white, fully in
Shorter actions; e.g. White, constant White, constant Green, constant
machine moves to
starting position
Action completed White, constant Yellow, constant Green, constant
Unit shuts down Machine moves to White, constant White, constant Yellow, constant
starting position
- Off Off Blue, constant

5.4.5 Using the processing chamber screen

Risk of blockage in the cooling circuit
If chips enter into the cooling circuit of the machine, there is a risk that
the cooling circuit will become blocked.
➢ The processing chamber screen is suitable for all restoration and
material types. It is absolutely essential that no chips enter into
the cooling circuit.

The screen enables simpler cleaning of processing chambers.

Place the screen at the bottom of the processing chamber. If needed,
you can easily remove and clean the screen.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

5.4.6 Installation Connecting to the PC via LAN
An Ethernet port is located on the rear of the unit, which can be used to
connect the PC to the production unit. Use a network cable to do this
(LAN connection).

Using a network cable

Connect the PC to the LAN connection of the unit. Connecting the unit to the power supply

Grounded power outlet
The unit must be connected to a grounded power outlet.

➢ Connect the unit to the power supply using the supplied power
cable. Installing the unit

The following steps must be performed before putting the unit into
operation. Process steps that have to be taken on the unit.
ü The unit is connected to a power supply source and the main switch
on the rear of the unit is switched on.
1. Switch the unit on by pressing the On/Off button at the front.
Ä A start screen will shortly appear on the touch interface.
2. Select the user language.
3. Check the preset data and adjust it if necessary.
4. Check on the touch interface whether or not a suction unit is

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26 D3692.    01.2020
Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning Process steps that have to be performed on the acquisition unit or

the PC

Automatic unit search

ü The unit is connected to the PC via a LAN cable or via WLAN.
1. Click the "Configuration" button in the system menu.
2. Click the "Devices" button.
3. Click the "Scan for New Devices" button.
Ä All units connected to the PC are recognized. In the case of
new units, you will be prompted to enter a name.

Manual unit search

ü The unit is connected to the PC via a LAN cable or via WLAN.
1. Click the "Configuration" button in the system menu.
2. Click the "Devices" button.
3. Click the "Add Device (Manual)" button.
4. Enter the network address that appears on the touch interface after
switching on the production unit: "Settings" / "Network Settings".
5. Click the "Ok" button.
Ä The software attempts to contact the device.
If the connection fails, check the connection. If necessary, ask a
qualified technician.

Remove the unit

ü If you no longer require a unit (e.g. a unit is replaced), you can
remove it.
ü The unit is not in operation.
1. Click the "Configuration" button in the system menu.
2. Click the "Devices" button.
3. Click on the unit that you wish to uninstall.
4. Click the "Delete Device" button.
Ä You will be asked if you would like to remove the unit.
5. Click the "YES" button.
Ä The device is removed.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Connecting the suction device (optional) Connecting the suction tube

Trip/fall hazard
If the suction tube is routed poorly, there may be a risk of tripping.
➢ To prevent injuries caused by tripping, route the suction tube so
that there is no risk of tripping.

1. Connect one end of the suction tube to the available connection

point on the suction device (A).
2. Connect the other end of the tube to the rear side of the production
unit (B).

Notes on the suction tube:

The suction tube is supplied at a length of approx. 2.0 m. When
connecting the suction device to the unit, please ensure that no sharp
bends occur over the full length of the suction tube.
Reduce the length of the tube according to your requirements and your
installation location. Note that suction power drops along the length of
the tube. You obtain decent suction power if the suction device is
placed immediately below the machine and you have a tube length of
1.2 m or less.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning Connecting the power cord

Grounded power outlet
The unit must be connected to a grounded power outlet.

1. Insert the power cable into the relevant socket on the suction
2. Plug the other end into an appropriate power socket with a
protective ground terminal.

Note on the power cable:

The suction system must only be operated with a power cable with a
plug system designed for the relevant country.
Check the voltage specification on the rating plate. The system must
conform to the country-specific supply voltage. Connecting the interface cable (for automatic mode)
1. Plug the 15-pole connector into the socket (A) on the rear of the
production unit.

2. Plug the 9-pole connector into the socket (B) of the suction device.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Automatic mode

ü The interface cable is connected.
➢ Set the on/off switch to the position Auto.

Note on the automatic mode:

The production unit monitors the correct connection (interface cable and
suction tube) and the operation of the suction system during the running
processes. Setting the suction power
Use the control dial (A) to set the suction power.
➢ Recommendation: Set the suction power to the minimum (min).

We recommended replacing the filter bag for the CEREC suction after
approx. 120 restoration units. After 120 dry-milled restorations, a
notice appears on the home screen of the touch interface. This
number may differ depending on the amount of zirconium oxide
material milled and suctioned.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning Connecting to the PC via WLAN (option)

Making the connection



Connect access point

➢ Connect the LAN port A of the production unit to an access point

using the network cable.

Positioning the access point

➢ Position the access point and satellites, if any, in such a way that
you have adequate reception with the acquisition unit from every
relevant point in your practice.

LAN connection
Operation via a LAN cable connection is possible at any time.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Operating several production units at one access point

For operation of several production units on one access point, you also
need a switch to which you connect the production units.

10m B

LAN Switch 10m

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

5.4.7 Filling the water tank

Using the tank cap opener
If you find the tank cap, tank drain or filter insert hard to open by
hand, use the tank cap opener (see "Using the tank cap opener").

Use distilled or demineralized water.

Water tank

A Tank D Tank drain

B Tank cap E RFID chip
C Filter insert

ü The water tank is drained, see "Removing water from the unit 
[→ 57]".
1. Open the drawer of the unit.
2. Pull the water tank out of the unit's housing with the handle on the
bottom front side of the tank.
3. Turn the tank cap counter-clockwise and take it off.

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5 Installation and startup Dentsply Sirona
5.4 Commissioning Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Damage to surfaces!
In the undiluted state, the coolant additive DENTATEC disintegrates
plastic surfaces and can cause discoloration.
➢ Do not place DENTATEC on the unit.
➢ Do not spill DENTATEC.

4. Add approx. 75 ml of DENTATEC to the tank.

5. Fill the tank with water until the filter insert is completely immersed
(up to the bottom edge of the cover thread, approx. 3.5 liters).
6. Wait for a short time until the filter insert is completely soaked; then
add an appropriate amount of water.
7. Close the water tank by tightening the tank cap clockwise by hand.
Do not use the tank cap opener for this.
8. Push the water tank back into the housing.
9. Close the drawer of the unit.
10. Select the symbol shown on the left on the touch interface.
11. Activate the water pump in order to fill the water circuit.
12. Leave the water pump running until a constant jet of water strikes
the tools (approximately 10 seconds).
13. Deactivate the water pump.
14. Fill the water tank up again until the filter insert is completely
immersed (up to the bottom edge of the cap thread).
15. Select the symbol shown on the left on the touch interface.
16. To reset the water tank counter, press the "Replace" button next to
the "Water Tank" category.

5.4.8 Switching the unit ON and OFF

Do not put the unit into operation at low temperatures!
If you move the unit to the operating site from a cold environment,
condensation may form and result in a short circuit.
Within the machine, grease depots are included for lubricating
components that can cause error messages at low temperatures.
ü Install the unit at room temperature.
➢ Wait until the unit has reached room temperature and is
absolutely dry (for at least one hour)
Ä The unit is dry and can be put into operation.

Switching on the unit

ü The unit is connected to the power supply.
1. The main switch on the rear side of the unit is set to position I (ON).
The On/Off button lights up blue.
2. Press the On/Off button on the front.
Ä The unit switches on and the On/Off button changes from blue
to orange.
3. Select the appropriate language and region.
4. Confirm the date and time.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.5 Repacking

5. Activate the suction settings if necessary.

Switching off the unit

➢ Press the On/Off button on the front.
Ä The unit then switches off. The On/Off button changes from green
to blue.

Do not switch off the unit at the main switch.

5.5 Repacking
Repack only drained units!
Drain the unit!

ü The water tank is empty.

ü The main switch on the back side of the unit is set to the 0 (OFF)
1. Disconnect the power cable and the connecting cable from the back
side of the unit and stow them away.
2. Stow away the calibration tools in the drawer.
3. Check the unit for completeness according to the scope of supply!
4. Pack the unit securely.

5.6 Scope of supply

The detailed scope of supply is specified in the document "Checklist
CEREC Primemill".

5.7 Storage
Repack only drained units!
Drain the unit! See "Removing water from the unit  [→ 57]".

Store the unit in a closed and dry room at a temperature of -40 °C

(-40 °F) to 70 °C (158 °F).

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6 Operation Dentsply Sirona
6.1 Configure Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

6 Operation
Risk of injury from calibration pins/tools
If you reach into the processing chamber, for example, to insert/
remove a ceramic block, change tools or insert/remove a calibration
phantom, you may injure yourself on the calibration pins/tools.
Be careful not to brush against the calibration pins/tools with your
Always insert your hand into the processing chamber below the
calibration pins/tools.
In the event of cleaning or maintenance work in the processing
chamber, we recommend removing the Bur 1.0 and/or Bur 0.5 tools
We also recommend that you select the "Cleaning Position" option on
the touch interface to position the motors together so that the floor of
the production chamber is easier to access and clean.

6.1 Configure
When you switch on the machine for the first time, you can make the
following settings in the initial setup:
● Language
● Region
● Date
● Time
● Suction Unit
You can make the following settings via the menu item
"Settings" (symbol on left-hand side):
● Machine Name
● Firmware
● Theme
● Language
● Region
● Date And Time
● Network Settings
● Manage Water Tanks
● Suction Unit
● Camera
● Calibration
● Service

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Dentsply Sirona 6 Operation
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.2 Calibrating the unit

6.2 Calibrating the unit

Use only the supplied calibration tools
Use only the supplied calibration pins and the corresponding
calibration phantom when calibrating the unit.

Unit calibrated ex works

The unit is calibrated at the factory. No additional calibration is required
during initial startup. Proceed as described below when performing a
subsequent calibration.

Incorrect machining result
If a unit is not calibrated, the machining result may be incorrect.

Calibrating the machine at room temperature
The machine must be at room temperature for the calibration and be
switched on for at least 15 minutes.

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6 Operation Dentsply Sirona
6.2 Calibrating the unit Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Calibration procedure
1. Select the symbol shown on the left on the touch interface.
2. Select "Calibration" and then "Start".
3. Register the calibration phantom on the machine (scanning the
code) and insert it in the machine.
4. Close the door.
5. Register the calibration pins (set 1) on the machine (RFID reader)
and insert them in the machine.
6. Close the door.
Ä The calibration for set 1 is performed. The automatic calibration
starts and lasts approximately 5 minutes. Wait until the
calibration has been completed.
7. Remove the calibration pins from the machine.
8. Close the door.
9. Register the calibration pins (set 2) on the machine (RFID reader)
and insert them in the machine.
10. Close the door.
Ä The calibration for set 2 is performed. The automatic calibration
starts and lasts approximately 5 minutes. Wait until the
calibration has been completed.
11. Remove the calibration pins from the machine.
12. Close the door.
13. Remove the calibration phantom.
14. Close the door.
Ä The calibration is completed.

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Dentsply Sirona 6 Operation
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.3 Machining process

6.3 Machining process

Note the processing instructions of the respective material
manufacturer for all manufacturing processes.

Check the processed restorations after completion of the process and
finishing (e.g. sintering, stain & glaze, polishing) for any defects. Note
the requirements and instructions of the respective material
manufacturer for this.

6.3.1 Process types

Risk of injury through sharp-edged restorations and material residues
There is risk of injury through sharp-edged restorations as well as
sharp-edged material residues.
➢ Remove the restored objects and material residues carefully after
the processing.
➢ Pay attention to the sharp-edged material residues while cleaning
the processing chamber.

Different process types are available for machining. These differ in the
type of the materials to be processed, the tools to be used and the
corresponding fixture in the unit.

Risk of injury by machining tools
There is a risk of cut injuries caused by sharp edges of accessible
parts and the use of rotating milling and grinding tools that are sharp
and/or pointed. Grinding
For grinding, use the following tools as well as the appropriate torque
wrench: When doing so, pay attention to the connection geometry of the
torque wrench.

Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of the force

Diamond 1.4 CS 6714088 Grinding White Triangular
Diamond 1.2 CS 6714070 Grinding White

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6 Operation Dentsply Sirona
6.3 Machining process Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Milling
For milling, use the following tools as well as the appropriate torque
wrench: When doing so, pay attention to the connection geometry of the
torque wrench.

Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of

the force transmission
Bur 2.5 ZrO2 CS 6713940 Milling of zirconium oxide Yellow Square
(wet and dry)

Bur 1.0 CS 6713932 All-purpose milling Black Triangular

(wet and dry)
Bur 0.5 CS 6713924 All-purpose milling Black
(wet and dry) Permitted tool combinations

Depending on the materials to be processed and the process type used,
various tool combinations are permitted. These are permanently

6.3.2 Preparations
ü Load or design a restoration (see Operator's Manual).
ü You are in the "MANUFACTURE" phase and have selected the
production unit, tested the settings, and positioned the restoration in
the block.
➢ Click the "Start" step.
Ä The production unit moves to the application position.

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Dentsply Sirona 6 Operation
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.3 Machining process

6.3.3 Starting the machining processes

ü The touch interface of the production unit shows the home screen
and the unit door is closed.
1. The production unit positions the tools as soon as the door is
2. If a DataMatrix code is present:
The DataMatrix code scanner is activated and you can scan in the
DataMatrix code of the block (see "Scanning in the DataMatrix code 
[→ 42]").
➢ If no DataMatrix code is present:
You can manually enter manufacturer, type of material, size, color,
and enlargement factor of the block.
3. Open the door.
4. Place the selected block in the block fixing.
5. Clamp the block with the ball pressure screw. Use the block clamp
tool for this purpose (see also "Block clamping  [→ 43]").
6. Close the processing chamber door.
Ä The expected duration of the machining process is displayed on
the touch interface.

Error message during touch process!
Always be sure to insert the block that you selected for the
restoration. Otherwise an error message will be displayed during the
touch process.

Terminating the machining process
You can terminate the machining process at any time by clicking the
"Stop" button on the PC or touch interface.

67 19 681 D3692
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Dentsply Sirona 3 General description
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 3.3 Legend

Symbols on the packaging

Take note of the following symbols on the packaging:


Protect from moisture

Fragile; handle with care

Stack limit

Temperature during storage and transport

Relative humidity during storage and transport

Air pressure during storage and transport

67 19 681 D3692
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Dentsply Sirona 6 Operation
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.5 Block clamping

6.5 Block clamping

Wear of the ball pressure screw
The high clamping forces cause wear of the ball pressure screw.
➢ Replace the ball pressure screw every 500 clamping operations.

Blocks with 6 mm diameter block holders

If the block is not sufficiently tightened, it can lead to unsuitable
results and ceramic breakages.
➢ Tighten the block with the block clamp tool with torque wrench
until you hear a cracking sound.
➢ Check to make sure that the block is seated correctly.

1. Insert the adapter sleeve (A) into the block fixing.

Insert the adapter sleeve
The slot at the bottom end of the adapter sleeve must lie above the
radial pin of the block fastener in order to be inserted fully.
The hole for the ball pressure screw is then automatically in the
correct position, i.e. coincides with the threaded hole in the block

2. Insert the block (B) into the adapter sleeve.

3. Clamp the ceramic block securely with the ball pressure screw (C).
Use the block clamp tool with torque wrench for this purpose.
Ä The block is pressed laterally against the contact surface of the
block fixing and simultaneously pulled in axially. The plate of
the block holder thus rests on the block fixing.

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6 Operation Dentsply Sirona
6.5 Block clamping Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Removing the adapter sleeve

1. Loosen the ball pressure screw.
2. Place the adapter sleeve removal tool in the inner groove (D) and
pull out the adapter sleeve.

Blocks with 10 mm diameter block holders

If the block is not sufficiently tightened, it can lead to unsuitable
results and ceramic breakages.
➢ Tighten the block with the block clamp tool with torque wrench
until you hear a cracking sound.
➢ Check to make sure that the block is seated correctly.

1. Place the block (A) directly into the block fixing.

2. Clamp the ceramic block securely with the ball pressure screw (B).
Use the block clamp tool with torque wrench for this purpose.
Ä The block is pressed laterally against the contact surface of the
block fixing and simultaneously pulled in axially. The plate of
the block holder thus rests on the block fixing.

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Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.5 Block clamping

7 Service
Observe country-specific Regulations!
Some countries have legal regulations which require regular safety
inspections of electrical devices or systems by the operator.

Annual maintenance
Have maintenance performed on your unit annually by trained
technical personnel / a service engineer.
The touch interface shows a reminder notification when it is time for

Observe error messages
You must observe error messages shown on the touch interface on in
the software. If the error message does not disappear even after you
have performed the prompted action, contact your service engineer.

Machine care
Interval: Once a week or after every 4th water change
➢ Change the filter (see "Changing the filter  [→ 56]").
➢ Clean the block fixing with the supplied tool (A).
➢ Also clean the tool clamping cones with the supplied tool (A).
➢ If the jets of water do not strike the tools, the service life of the
tools will likely be reduced. In this case, clean the water nozzles
carefully with a probe to free them of foreign matter.

Processing chamber wet cleaning process
Interval (if dry milling is predominantly used): Once a week or in the
case of heavy soiling.
➢ Clean the processing chamber.

Using the tank cap opener
If you find the tank cap, tank drain or filter insert hard to open by
hand, use the tank cap opener (see "Using the tank cap opener 
[→ 58]").

Wear of the ball pressure screw
The high clamping forces cause wear of the ball pressure screw.
➢ Replace the ball pressure screw every 500 clamping operations.

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4 Safety Dentsply Sirona
4.5 Disturbance of data transmission Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

4.5 Disturbance of data transmission

Note on wireless communication Data communication between the acquisition unit and the CEREC
Primemill production unit should preferably be wireless data
communication via WLAN.
As for all wireless connections (e.g. cell phones), heavy utilization of the
available radio channels or shielding caused by building installations
(e.g. metal-shielded X-ray enclosures) may impair the quality of the
connection. This may become noticeable through a reduction in range
and/or a slower data transmission rate. In extreme cases, it will be
impossible to establish a wireless connection at all.
Dentsply Sirona has selected the best possible configuration for data
communication via WLAN, which generally provides perfect functioning
of this connection. However, in individual cases unrestricted wireless
data communication may be impossible for the reasons mentioned
above and/or due to local circumstances. In such cases, a cable LAN
connection should be selected to ensure uninterrupted operation. If the
only LAN interface on the rear of the acquisition unit is occupied by
another plug, remove this wireless interface connection and instead
connect the LAN cable with the CEREC Primemill production unit.

4.6 Ventilation slots

Under no circumstances may the ventilation slots on the unit be
covered, since otherwise the air circulation will be obstructed. This can
cause the unit to overheat.
Do not spray liquids such as disinfectants into the ventilation slots. This
may lead to malfunctions. Use wipe disinfection only in the vicinity of the
ventilation slots.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.3 Installation site

Installation in a cabinet
If the unit is installed in a cabinet, you must provide for adequate heat
The ambient temperature surrounding the unit must be between 5 °C
(41 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F).

Risk of injury and damage to the unit
The unit can be tilted when the drawer is extended.
➢ Install the unit so that the front does not project beyond the base.

Risk of injury and damage to the unit
Avoid tilting the unit. Do not lean against the pulled-out drawer and do
not apply a vertical load of more than 5 kg onto the pulled-out drawer.

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Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

Ports on the back side




A Main switch E LAN

I = ON, 0 = OFF
B Fuse cover F USB B
C Power connection G USB 1
D Communications inter- H Connection for suction
face for

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Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 7.2 Changing filter bags and HEPA filters

5. Take the perforated sheet out.

6. Remove the dusty HEPA filter and insert a new HEPA filter.
7. Put the perforated sheet back on and screw it down with the two
Phillips screws.
8. Put the filter bag back on again.
9. Put the maintenance cover on and screw it down with the two
knurled nuts.

Do not jam the filter bag
Make sure that the cap is sealed properly and the filter bag is not

10. After replacing the filter bag, activate the "Reset" button on the
screen of the touch interface.

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7 Service Dentsply Sirona
7.3 Changing the water Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

7.3 Changing the water

7.3.1 General information
Use distilled or demineralized water.

If a water change is due, a notification appears on your touch interface.

Preventing odors
All coolant additives contain a biodegradable preservative. Despite this,
however, odors may still develop under unfavorable conditions.
Observe the following:
● Change the water at least once a week.
● With ambient temperatures above 25 °C (77 °F), change the water
every 2 to 3 days to prevent foul odors.
● Drain the tank if you do not intend to operate the unit for more than
one week.
● Clean the tank if the odors recur.
● Add the coolant additive DENTATEC and fill the tank up to the brim
with water. Let it stand for at least 24 hours and then rinse it out
thoroughly with water once again.

Damage to surfaces!
In the undiluted state, the coolant additive DENTATEC disintegrates
plastic surfaces and can cause discoloration.
➢ Do not place DENTATEC on the unit.
➢ Do not spill DENTATEC.

Approved coolant additive
Use only DENTATEC as a coolant additive.

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Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 7.3 Changing the water

7.3.2 Changing the water

Change the filter insert regularly!
Replace the filter insert with a new one on every fourth water change
at the latest.

Water tank

A Tank D Tank drain

B Tank cap E RFID chip
C Filter insert

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7 Service Dentsply Sirona
7.3 Changing the water Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Procedure

Dispose of the contents of the container in accordance with local,
national, and international regulations.

To change the water, proceed as follows:

ü The unit is switched on.
ü No machining process is running.
ü Open the drawer.
1. Pull the water tank out.
2. Open the drain opening (D).
3. Empty two thirds of the water from the tank.
4. Close the drain opening (D).
5. Shake the tank vigorously.
6. Open the drain opening (D).
7. Drain the rest of the water.
8. Close the drain opening (D).
9. Turn the tank cap (B) counter-clockwise and take it off.

Foaming not permissible!
If any cleaning agents are used, this will create foam, which is not
Do not use any cleaning agents.

10. Add 75 ml of DENTATEC to the tank.

11. Fill the tank with water until the filter insert (C) is completely
immersed (up to the bottom edge of the cover thread, approx.
3.5 liters).
12. Wait for a short time until the filter insert (C) is completely soaked;
then add an appropriate amount of water.
13. Close the water tank by tightening the tank cap (B) clockwise by
hand. Do not use the tank cap opener for this.
14. Push the water tank back into the housing.
15. Select the symbol shown on the left on the touch interface.
16. To reset the water tank counter, press the "Replace" button next to
the "Water Tank" category.
17. If the filter was also replaced, press the "Replace" button next to the
"Filter" category to reset the filter counter.

67 19 681 D3692
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Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 7.4 Tools

7.4 Tools
7.4.1 Overview of materials / tools
Permitted tool combinations are indicated on the touch interface.

7.4.2 Changing tools

Replacement of tools
Change the tools when the system prompts you to do so.

Risk of injury from calibration pins/tools
If you reach into the processing chamber, for example, to insert/
remove a ceramic block, change tools or insert/remove a calibration
phantom, you may injure yourself on the calibration pins/tools.
Be careful not to brush against the calibration pins/tools with your
Always insert your hand into the processing chamber below the
calibration pins/tools.
In the event of cleaning or maintenance work in the processing
chamber, we recommend removing the Bur 1.0 and/or Bur 0.5 tools
We also recommend that you select the "Cleaning Position" option on
the touch interface to position the motors together so that the floor of
the production chamber is easier to access and clean.

ü The touch interface displays a dialog box that specifies the tool to
be changed or the application to be used.
1. Select either the individual tool or the individual tool set.
Ä The motors move to the position for changing the tools.
Ä The dialog box for changing the tools opens.
2. Open the processing chamber door.
3. Loosen the tool with the torque wrench and pull it out manually.
4. Hold the colored rear end of the tool approximately 1 mm in front of
the RFID scanner.
Ä If the correct tool type is selected and read by the RFID
scanner, the touch interface indicates this. The motor on which
the tool is to be inserted is also indicated.
Ä If an incorrect or defective/worn-out tool type is selected and
read by the RFID scanner, the touch interface indicates that
another (correct or new) tool should be selected.
5. Insert the tool into the appropriate motor as shown on the touch
interface. Tighten the respective chuck with the torque wrench until
a cracking sound is heard.
6. Close the processing chamber door.
7. If an application is selected requiring the replacement of more than
one tool, repeat the aforementioned process for the remaining tools.

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7 Service Dentsply Sirona
7.4 Tools Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Cleaning cooling water nozzles
The cooling water nozzles in the processing chamber must be free
from limescale and grinding dust/milling dust deposits at all times.
The respective cooling water jet must always strike the tool
ü The cooling water nozzles are dirty.
➢ Clean the nozzles with a probe.

Only use suitable tools!
Do not use any tools of the CEREC MC XL / MC X / MC / inLab MC
XL or inLab MC X5 units.

Changing a defective tool

If a tool breaks during the machining process or a tool with low
remaining service life is indicated during routine maintenance, the tool is
displayed in red on the touch interface. The touch interface also offers
the option of replacing the defective tool.
ü The touch interface displays a dialog box that specifies the tool to
be changed or the application to be used.
1. Select the tool.
Ä The motors move to the position for changing the tool.
Ä The dialog box for changing the tools opens.
2. Open the processing chamber door.
3. Loosen the tool with the torque wrench and pull it out manually.
4. Hold the colored rear end of the tool approximately 1 mm in front of
the RFID scanner.
Ä If the correct tool type is selected and read by the RFID
scanner, the touch interface indicates this. The motor on which
the tool is to be inserted is also indicated.
Ä If an incorrect or defective/worn-out tool type is selected and
read by the RFID scanner, the touch interface indicates that
another (correct or new) tool should be selected.
5. Insert the tool into the appropriate motor as shown on the touch
interface. Tighten the respective chuck with the torque wrench until
a cracking sound is heard.
6. Close the processing chamber door.

67 19 681 D3692
54 D3692.    01.2020
Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning Connecting to the PC via WLAN (option)

Making the connection



Connect access point

➢ Connect the LAN port A of the production unit to an access point

using the network cable.

Positioning the access point

➢ Position the access point and satellites, if any, in such a way that
you have adequate reception with the acquisition unit from every
relevant point in your practice.

LAN connection
Operation via a LAN cable connection is possible at any time.

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 31
Dentsply Sirona 5 Installation and startup
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 5.4 Commissioning

5.4.7 Filling the water tank

Using the tank cap opener
If you find the tank cap, tank drain or filter insert hard to open by
hand, use the tank cap opener (see "Using the tank cap opener").

Use distilled or demineralized water.

Water tank

A Tank D Tank drain

B Tank cap E RFID chip
C Filter insert

ü The water tank is drained, see "Removing water from the unit 
[→ 57]".
1. Open the drawer of the unit.
2. Pull the water tank out of the unit's housing with the handle on the
bottom front side of the tank.
3. Turn the tank cap counter-clockwise and take it off.

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 33
Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 7.8 Removing water from the unit

7.7.1 Procedure for all materials

ü The tank is drained, see "Removing water from the unit  [→ 57]".
1. Open the drawer of the unit.
2. Pull the water tank out of the unit's housing with the handle on the
bottom front side of the tank.
3. Turn the tank cap counter-clockwise and take it off. If you find the
tank cap hard to open by hand, use the tank cap opener.
4. Take the filter insert out of the tank.
5. Rinse the water tank.
6. Insert a new filter with handle into the tank and press it firmly onto
the base in the floor of the tank.
7. Fill the tank, see "Changing the water  [→ 50]".

Filter insert Order number

Filter unit (1 pcs) 63 87 067
Filter unit (six pack) 64 29 950

7.8 Removing water from the unit

You must remove water from the unit if you will not be using it for a long
period of time or wish to transport it.

7.8.1 Procedure
ü No machining process is running.
1. Turn the device off.
2. Open the drawer of the unit.
3. Pull the water tank out of the unit's housing with the handle on the
bottom front side of the tank.
4. Drain the water out of the water tank through the drain opening and
reinsert the water tank in the unit.
5. Switch the unit on.
6. Select the symbol shown on the left on the touch interface.
7. Activate the "Water Pump" option to switch on the pump.
Ä The water pump then starts pumping the water out of the unit.
Let the pump run until no more water escapes from the nozzles.
8. Deactivate the "Water Pump" option to switch off the pump.
9. Pull out the water tank and empty it.
10. Push it back into the housing.
11. Close the drawer of the unit.

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7 Service Dentsply Sirona
7.9 Using the tank cap opener Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

7.9 Using the tank cap opener

Risk of damage to the tank
Use the tank cap opener only for opening the tank cap.
Do not use the tank cap opener for closing the tank cap. It is sufficient
to tighten the tank cap clockwise by hand.

Opening the tank cap

ü The water tank has been pulled out and drained.
➢ Place the tank cap opener on the tank cap as shown, and take off
the tank cap by unscrewing it counter-clockwise.

Opening the tank drain

ü The water tank has been pulled out.
➢ The black rubber stopper can be removed by hand.

67 19 681 D3692
58 D3692.    01.2020
Dentsply Sirona 8 Technical description
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 8.1 System requirements

8 Technical description

8.1 System requirements

● CEREC SW 5.1.1 and higher versions

8.2 Production unit

8.2.1 General technical description
● Digital feed control with force monitoring for extremely sensitive
● Process-controlled tool drives

Grinding tools
● Diamond 1.4 CS (white)
● Diamond 1.2 CS (white)

Milling tools (wet and dry milling)

● Bur 2.5 ZrO2 CS (Yellow)
● Bur 1.0 CS (Black)
● Bur 0.5 CS (Black)

67 19 681 D3692
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6 Operation Dentsply Sirona
6.3 Machining process Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill Milling
For milling, use the following tools as well as the appropriate torque
wrench: When doing so, pay attention to the connection geometry of the
torque wrench.

Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of

the force transmission
Bur 2.5 ZrO2 CS 6713940 Milling of zirconium oxide Yellow Square
(wet and dry)

Bur 1.0 CS 6713932 All-purpose milling Black Triangular

(wet and dry)
Bur 0.5 CS 6713924 All-purpose milling Black
(wet and dry) Permitted tool combinations

Depending on the materials to be processed and the process type used,
various tool combinations are permitted. These are permanently

6.3.2 Preparations
ü Load or design a restoration (see Operator's Manual).
ü You are in the "MANUFACTURE" phase and have selected the
production unit, tested the settings, and positioned the restoration in
the block.
➢ Click the "Start" step.
Ä The production unit moves to the application position.

67 19 681 D3692
40 D3692.    01.2020
Dentsply Sirona 9 Disposal
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

9 Disposal
In accordance with Directive 2012/19/EU and national disposal
regulations regarding old electrical and electronic devices, please be
advised that such items must be disposed of in a special way within the
European Union (EU). These regulations require the environmentally
friendly recycling/disposal of old electrical and electronic devices. Such
items must not be disposed of as domestic refuse. This has been
expressed using the icon of the “crossed out trash can”.

Disposal procedure
We feel responsible for our products from the first idea to their disposal.
For this reason, we give you an option to return our old electronic and
electrical devices.
If you wish to dispose of your devices, please proceed as follows:
In Germany
To initiate return of the electrical device, please send a disposal request
to enretec GmbH. You have the following options here:
● Use the ‘Returning an electrical device’ button under the ‘eom’ menu
item on the enretec GmbH homepage (
● Alternatively, you can also contact enretec GmbH directly.
enretec GmbH
Kanalstraße 17
16727 Velten, Germany
Phone: +49 3304 3919-500
E-mail: [email protected]
In accordance with the national disposal regulations regarding old
electrical and electronic devices (ElektroG), as the manufacturer, we
assume the costs for disposing of the electrical and electronic devices
in question. Disassembly, transport and packaging costs shall be borne
by the owner / operator.
Prior to disassembly/disposal of the unit, it must be prepared
professionally (cleaned/disinfected/sterilized).
If your unit is not permanently installed, it will be collected from the
practice. If it is permanently installed, it will be picked up curbside at
your address by appointment.
Other countries
For country-specific information on disposal, contact your local dental

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 61
10 Consumable Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

10 Consumable
Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of the force
Diamond 1.4 CS 6714088 Grinding White Triangular
Diamond 1.2 CS 6714070 Grinding White

Tool REF Usage Color Connection geometry of

the force transmission
Bur 2.5 ZrO2 CS 6713940 Milling of zirconium oxide Yellow Square
(wet and dry)

Bur 1.0 CS 6713932 All-purpose milling Black Triangular

(wet and dry)
Bur 0.5 CS 6713924 All-purpose milling Black
(wet and dry)

REF Designation Illustration

5809640 DENTATEC, 1000ml

6280171 Tank cap opener

6711340 Interchangeable blade TX 10x132

67 19 681 D3692
62 D3692.    01.2020
Dentsply Sirona 10 Consumable
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

REF Designation Illustration

6718410 Block clamp tool, spare part

6479856 HT torque wrench, spare

6479849 Torque wrench, spare

6623792 Adapter sleeve

6704790 Adapter sleeve removal tool

6718444 Calibration set, spare part

6732528 Calibration pin (2 x), spare part

6258987 Ball pressure screw set (5 x), spare

6718451 Cleaning set, spare part

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 63
Dentsply Sirona 7 Service
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill 6.5 Block clamping

7 Service
Observe country-specific Regulations!
Some countries have legal regulations which require regular safety
inspections of electrical devices or systems by the operator.

Annual maintenance
Have maintenance performed on your unit annually by trained
technical personnel / a service engineer.
The touch interface shows a reminder notification when it is time for

Observe error messages
You must observe error messages shown on the touch interface on in
the software. If the error message does not disappear even after you
have performed the prompted action, contact your service engineer.

Machine care
Interval: Once a week or after every 4th water change
➢ Change the filter (see "Changing the filter  [→ 56]").
➢ Clean the block fixing with the supplied tool (A).
➢ Also clean the tool clamping cones with the supplied tool (A).
➢ If the jets of water do not strike the tools, the service life of the
tools will likely be reduced. In this case, clean the water nozzles
carefully with a probe to free them of foreign matter.

Processing chamber wet cleaning process
Interval (if dry milling is predominantly used): Once a week or in the
case of heavy soiling.
➢ Clean the processing chamber.

Using the tank cap opener
If you find the tank cap, tank drain or filter insert hard to open by
hand, use the tank cap opener (see "Using the tank cap opener 
[→ 58]").

Wear of the ball pressure screw
The high clamping forces cause wear of the ball pressure screw.
➢ Replace the ball pressure screw every 500 clamping operations.

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 45
Dentsply Sirona Index
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill


Application, 9 Installation site, 19
Installing the unit
B automatic, 27
Base, 18 manual, 27
Building installation, 12 removal, 27
Intended use, 9
Calibration tools
Calibration phantom, 37 Main switch, 21
Calibration pins, 37 Maintenance, 12
CE mark, 8 Regulations, 45
Connection Manufacturer's address, 5
Ethernet, 26 Milling unit
LAN, 26 Processing chamber, 22
WLAN (Wi-Fi), 31
Connection for suction, 21 N
Connections, 21 Nominal current, 60
Cooling water nozzles, 54 Nominal mains voltage, 60
Customer Service Center, 5
D Operating mode, 60
Dimensions, 60
Disposal of old electrical and electronic devices, 61 P
Packaging, 17
E Packing, 35
enretec GmbH, 61 Power connection, 21
Product safety, 13
F Production unit
Filter Overview, 20
mode, 56 Touch interface, 24
Order number, 57 Protection class, 60
Fuse, 21
Fuse type, 55 R
Order number, 55 Repair, 12
Replacement, 55
H Safety instructions, 6
Humidity range, 60 Scope of supply, 35

67 19 681 D3692
D3692.    01.2020 65
Index Dentsply Sirona
Operating Instructions CEREC Primemill

Temperature range, 60
Tools, 54, 59
Changing a defective tool, 54
Transport, 17
Type designation, 60

Unpacking, 17

Ventilation slots, 16

Water, 60
Water tank
Changing the water, 52
Filling, 33
Odors, 50
Overview, 33, 51, 56
Removing water from the unit, 57
Water change, 50
Weight, 60

67 19 681 D3692
66 D3692.    01.2020
We reserve the right to make any alterations which may be required due to technical improvements.

© Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Sprache: englisch Printed in Germany

D3692.      01.2020 Ä.-Nr.:  000 000

Sirona Dental Systems GmbH

Fabrikstr. 31 Order No   67 19 681 D3692

64625 Bensheim

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