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7. Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs 1

Hague Agreement (1925), revised at London 2 (1934) and at The Hague (1960) 3 (supplemented by the
Additional Act of Monaco (1961)), 2 the Complementary Act of Stockholm (1967)
and the Protocol of Geneva (1975), 4 and amended in 1979),
and the Geneva Act (1999)
(Hague Union)

Status on September 15, 2020

State/IGO Date on which Date on which State Date on which State Date on which State/IGO
State/IGO became party to the became party to the became party to the
became party to the Hague Act Complementary Act Geneva Act
Agreement of Stockholm

African Intellectual Property

Organization (OAPI) ............. September 16, 2008 – – September 16, 2008
Albania .................................... March 19, 2007 March 19, 2007 March 19, 2007 May 19, 2007
Armenia .................................. July 13, 2007 – – July 13, 2007
Azerbaijan ............................... December 8, 2010 – – December 8, 2010
Belgium 5 ................................. April 1, 1979 August 1, 1984 May 28, 1979 December 18, 2018
Belize ...................................... July 12, 2003 July 12, 2003 July 12, 2003 February 9, 2019
Benin ....................................... November 2, 1986 November 2, 1986 January 2, 1987 –
Bosnia and Herzegovina ......... December 24, 2008 – – December 24, 2008
Botswana ................................. December 5, 2006 – – December 5, 2006
Brunei Darussalam .................. December 24, 2013 – – December 24, 2013
Bulgaria ................................... December 11, 1996 December 11, 1996 December 11, 1996 October 7, 2008
Cambodia ................................ February 25, 2017 – – February 25, 2017
Canada..................................... November 5, 2018 – – November 5, 2018
Côte d’Ivoire ........................... May 30, 1993 May 30, 1993 May 30, 1993 –
Croatia ..................................... February 12, 2004 February 12, 2004 February 12, 2004 April 12, 2004
Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea ................ May 27, 1992 May 27, 1992 May 27, 1992 September 13, 2016
Denmark .................................. December 9, 2008 – – December 9, 2008 6
Egypt ....................................... July 1, 1952 – – August 27, 2004
Estonia..................................... December 23, 2003 – – December 23, 2003
European Union ...................... January 1, 2008 – – January 1, 2008
Finland .................................... May 1, 2011 – – May 1, 2011
France 7 .................................... October 20, 1930 August 1, 1984 September 27, 1975 March 18, 2007
Gabon ...................................... August 18, 2003 August 18, 2003 August 18, 2003 –
Georgia .................................... August 1, 2003 August 1, 2003 August 1, 2003 December 23, 2003
Germany .................................. June 1, 1928 August 1, 1984 September 27, 1975 February 13, 2010
Ghana ...................................... September 16, 2008 – – September 16, 2008
Greece ..................................... April 18, 1997 April 18, 1997 April 18, 1997 –
Hungary 8 ................................. April 7, 1984 August 1, 1984 April 7, 1984 May 1, 2004
Iceland ..................................... December 23, 2003 – – December 23, 2003
Israel........................................ January 3, 2020 – – January 3, 2020
Italy ......................................... June 13, 1987 June 13, 1987 August 13, 1987 –
Japan ....................................... May 13, 2015 – – May 13, 2015
Kyrgyzstan .............................. March 17, 2003 March 17, 2003 March 17, 2003 December 23, 2003
Latvia ...................................... July 26, 2005 – – July 26, 2005
Liechtenstein ........................... July 14, 1933 August 1, 1984 September 27, 1975 December 23, 2003
Lithuania ................................. September 26, 2008 – – September 26, 2008
Luxembourg5 ........................... April 1, 1979 August 1, 1984 May 28, 1979 December 18, 2018
Mali ......................................... September 7, 2006 September 7, 2006 September 7, 2006 –
Mexico .................................... June 6, 2020 – – June 6, 2020
Monaco ................................... April 29, 1956 August 1, 1984 September 27, 1975 June 9, 2011
Mongolia ................................. April 12, 1997 April 12, 1997 April 12, 1997 January 19, 2008
Montenegro ............................. June 3, 2006 June 3, 2006 June 3, 2006 March 5, 2012
Morocco .................................. October 20, 1930 October 13, 1999 October 13, 1999 –
Namibia ................................... June 30, 2004 – – June 30, 2004
Netherlands5 ............................ April 1, 1979 August 1, 1984 9 May 28, 19799 December 18, 20189
Niger ....................................... September 20, 2004 September 20, 2004 September 20, 2004 –
North Macedonia..................... March 18, 1997 March 18, 1997 March 18, 1997 March 22, 2006
Norway .................................... June 17, 2010 – – June 17, 2010
Oman ....................................... March 4, 2009 – – March 4, 2009
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7. Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs1
Hague Agreement (1925), revised at London (1934)2 and at The Hague (1960)2 (supplemented by the
Additional Act of Monaco (1961)),2 the Complementary Act of Stockholm (1967)
and the Protocol of Geneva (1975),4 and amended in 1979),
and the Geneva Act (1999)
(Hague Union)

State/IGO Date on which Date on which State Date on which State Date on which State/IGO
State/IGO became party to the became party to the became party to the
became party to the Hague Act Complementary Act Geneva Act
Agreement of Stockholm
Poland ..................................... July 2, 2009 – – July 2, 2009

Republic of Korea ................... July 1, 2014 – – July 1, 2014

Republic of Moldova............... March 14, 1994 March 14, 1994 March 14, 1994 December 23, 2003
Romania .................................. July 18, 1992 July 18, 1992 July 18, 1992 December 23, 2003
Russian Federation .................. February 28, 2018 – – February 28, 2018
Rwanda ................................... August 31, 2011 – – August 31, 2011
Samoa ...................................... January 2, 2020 – – January 2, 2020
San Marino .............................. January 26, 2019 – – January 26, 2019
Sao Tome and Principe ........... December 8, 2008 – – December 8, 2008
Senegal .................................... June 30, 1984 August 1, 1984 June 30, 1984 –
Serbia 10 ................................... December 30, 1993 December 30, 1993 December 30, 1993 December 9, 2009
Singapore ................................ April 17, 2005 – – April 17, 2005
Slovenia................................... January 13, 1995 January 13, 1995 January 13, 1995 December 23, 2003
Spain ....................................... June 1, 1928 – – December 23, 2003
Suriname ................................. November 25, 1975 August 1, 1984 February 23, 1977 September 10, 2020
Switzerland ............................. June 1, 1928 August 1, 1984 September 27, 1975 December 23, 2003
Syrian Arab Republic .............. May 7, 2008 – – May 7, 2008
Tajikistan................................. March 21, 2012 – – March 21, 2012
Tunisia..................................... October 20, 1930 – – June 13, 2012
Turkey ..................................... January 1, 2005 – – January 1, 2005
Turkmenistan .......................... March 16, 2016 – – March 16, 2016
Ukraine .................................... August 28, 2002 August 28, 2002 August 28, 2002 December 23, 2003
United Kingdom 11 ................... June 13, 2018 – – June 13, 2018
United States of America ........ May 13, 2015 – – May 13, 2015
Viet Nam ................................. December 30, 2019 – – December 30, 2019

(Total: 74) (74) (34) (34) (65)

The Geneva (1999) Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs was adopted on July 2, 1999. The
Geneva Act entered into force on December 23, 2003.
The termination of the London Act, as well as of the Additional Act of Monaco, became effective on October 18, 2016, three months after the Director
General received the required instruments of acceptance of termination by 11 Contracting Parties, following the earlier denunciation of the London Act by
the three other Contracting Parties, which became effective on June 3, 2010, November 19, 2010, and December 13, 2011, respectively,
(see Hague Notification No. 130).
The Protocol to the Hague Act (1960) is not yet in force. It has been ratified by or acceded to by the following States: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Liechtenstein, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands and Switzerland.
The Protocol of Geneva (1975), in accordance with Article 11(2)(a) thereof, ceased to have effect as of August 1, 1984; however, as provided by
Article 11(2)(b), States bound by the Protocol (Belgium (as from April 1, 1979), France (as from February 18, 1980), Germany (as from December 26,
1981), Hungary (as from April 7, 1984), Liechtenstein (as from April 1, 1979), Luxembourg (as from April 1, 1979), Monaco (as from March 5, 1981),
Netherlands (as from April 1, 1979), Senegal (as from June 30, 1984), Suriname (as from April 1, 1979) and Switzerland (as from April 1, 1979)) are not
relieved of their obligations thereunder in respect of industrial designs whose date of international deposit is prior to August 1, 1984.
The territories of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in Europe are, for the application of the Hague Agreement, to be deemed a single country.
Applicable to Greenland as of January 11, 2011 and the Faroe Islands as of April 13, 2016.
Including all Overseas Departments and Territories.
With the declaration that Hungary does not consider itself bound by the Protocol annexed to the Hague Act (1960). The London Act ceased to be
effective in respect of Hungary as of February 1, 2005.
Ratification for the Kingdom in Europe.
Serbia is the continuing State from Serbia and Montenegro as from June 3, 2006.
In respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.

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