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This pamphlet is dedicated to the Latter Day
Saints engaged in ‘the work’ of God and to
the Youth of Zion whom we serve.

Youth of Zion Organization 2022

Key to Abbreviations

JD Journal of Discourses
TPJS Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
ToK Treasures of Knowledge
D&C Doctrine and Covenants
HC History of the Church

Compiled by:
Christian Hess and the Youth of Zion Organization Presidency

of Zion

Foreword 1
Preface 1
What is Priesthood? 3
Articles of Faith 5
Agency 6
Dress and Appearance 8
Education 11
Entertainment and Media 13
Family 15
Friendship 18
Gratitude 21
Honesty and Integrity 23
Language 25
Music and Dancing 27
Physical and Emotional Health 29
Priesthood Courting 31
Purity and Virtue 37
Repentance 39
Sabbath Observance 41
Service 43
Tithing and Consecration 45
Word of Wisdom 47
Work and Self-Reliance 50
Faith: Doubt Not, Fear Not 52

My dear precious friends, as a servant of God, I implore you

to follow the Lord and His great plan. Fast and pray for divine
guidance and personal revelation. You have tremendous and
capable YOZ leadership who are dedicated to assisting you
on your pathway through this life. I am your friend and fellow
servant; ready and available to assist you in anything I can.
God bless you in your preparations to meet the Savior of the

Your Brother in Christ,

Dave Watson

The following material is designed for all members belonging
to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as restored by
the Prophet Joseph Smith. Though it is originally a product of the
Youth of Zion organization, it is meant for men and women of all
ages. It may aid children of reading age as they learn the gospel,
provide guidance for youth, and be a resource to which adults
may refer. The material is such that it should find its place on the
bookshelf of every family. We have felt directed by God to put
forward this work amongst our people — for His people.

Throughout my youth I often considered rules, policies, and

principles of the gospel. It was not always easy to ascertain where
to begin in forming a foundation, developing a testimony, and
reforming my character. To answer the questions of my youth, I
have long desired a compilation of reference material that is easily
accessible for our people — that would spell out the priesthood
standards commonly referenced within our communities. While
this pamphlet does not go into great detail, it does provide a
starting point for you to begin your search. I believe it will allow
those of ‘the work’ to know what to expect, how to operate
and govern themselves, as well as supply a foundation for the
coming generations to build upon. It clears blurry lines and defines

The purpose of this pamphlet is to identify and define, in brief,

the standards by which a true Saint of the Most High will operate.
These standards are based upon correct principles that are used
by your Father in Heaven to govern His creations across the vast
expanse of the universe since the beginning of time. This pamphlet
does not provide detailed instructions but lays out in simple terms
important standards of the gospel. Furthermore, this material is not
the policy of the Youth of Zion organization. Rather, this pamphlet
contains standards as directed by the Priesthood Council brethren,
past and current. It has been read and approved by Brother David
Watson and the brethren of the Priesthood Council.

The YOZ thanks all those who contributed to this project. Each
section was written by individuals in our communities, it is a product
of love from the pillars among us, and we pray the Lord’s choice
blessings upon them. I realize it is possible that some may disagree
with portions of this pamphlet, it is not a perfect project, nor is it
written to please every mind. It was completed to the best ability
of all who contributed to expounding upon correct principles. I
admonish you to deeply consider these things and use them as
a starting point to dig deeper. Return to them time and again to
refresh yourself on these topics. They will be a great benefit to
you. I ask that the Lord bless you with His Holy Spirit, and I leave
you with Moroni’s admonition:

“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye
would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things
are not true: and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent,
having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the
power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may
know the truth of all things.” - Moroni 10:4-5

Christian Hess

What is priesthood?

“This gospel is introduced that we “An individual who holds a share in

may be taught and instructed in the the priesthood, and continues faithful
ways of God, and that the priesthood to his calling, who delights himself
may be organized according to the continually in doing the things God
holy order of God. What for? That requires at his hands, and continues
this priesthood may associate with through life in the performance of
the priesthood behind the veil, who every duty, will secure to himself not
are operating with God and for God in only the privilege of receiving, but the
the interests of humanity. That is the knowledge how to receive the things
reason of it. And hence we find that of God, that he may know the mind
these men who hold the priesthood, of God continually; and he will be
the everlasting priesthood, that enabled to discern between right and
ministers in time and in eternity, wrong, between the things of God
coming one after another to Joseph and the things that are not of God.
Smith and conferring upon him the And the priesthood — the Spirit that
priesthood which they held.” is within him, will continue to increase
John Taylor, JD 22:305 until it becomes like a fountain of
living water, until it is like the tree of
“What was the power of Melchizedek? life, until it is one continued source
Twas not the Priesthood of Aaron of intelligence and instruction to that
which administers in outward individual.
ordinances, and the offering of
sacrifices. Those holding the fulness This is one of the most glorious and
of the Melchizedek Priesthood are happy principles that can be set
kings and priests of the Most High before any people, or any individual
God, holding the keys of power and who will be faithful to his God and
blessings. In fact, that Priesthood to his religion. It is the privilege of
is a perfect law of theocracy, and every person who is faithful to the
stands as God to give laws to the priesthood, who can overcome the
people, administering endless lives enemy, thwart the design of death, or
to the sons and daughters of Adam.” him that hath the power of it, to live
Joseph Smith, TPJS p.322 upon the earth until their appointed
time; and they may know, see,
and understand, by revelation, the
“The priesthood is an everlasting things of God just as naturally as we
principle, and existed with God from understand natural things that are
eternity, and will to eternity, without around us.”
beginning of days or end of years. Brigham Young, JD 3:192
The keys have to be brought from
heaven whenever the gospel is
sent. When they are revealed from
Heaven, it is by Adam’s authority.”
Joseph Smith, TPJS p.157

“Perhaps it may make some of “The Priesthood of God is the great,
you stumble, were I to ask you a supreme, legal authority that governs
question, ‘Does a man’s being a the inhabitants of all redeemed and
prophet in this Church prove that he glorified worlds. In it is included all
shall be the president of it?’ I answer, power to create worlds, to ordain
‘No!’ A man may be a prophet, fixed and permanent laws for the
seer, and revelator, and it may have regulation of the materials in all their
nothing to do with his being the varied operations, whether acting as
President of the Church. Suffice it to particles, as masses, as worlds, or as
say, that Joseph was the President clusters of worlds. It is that power that
of the Church, as long as he lived, formed the minerals, the vegetables,
the people chose to have it so. He and the animals in all their infinite
always filled that responsible station varieties which exist upon our globe.”
by the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Can Orson Pratt, The Seer p.145
you find any revelation appointing
him the President of the Church? THE
“The Aaronic Priesthood entitles
us to the ministering of angels. And
committed to Joseph, to build up the
if we were to magnify it through the
Kingdom of God on the earth and
responsibilities that we ought to,
were not to be taken from him in time
we could have instruction from the
or in eternity; but when he was called
Lord through them. But those who
to preside over the Church. It was by
hold the Melchizedek Priesthood
the voice of the people, though he
and stand in their office, magnifying
their responsibilities, have the
INDEPENDENT of their voice.
positive promise from God many
times in ancient days and in our time
Joseph was ordained an apostle —
now, that if they call upon His name
this you can read and understand.
and seek His face and keep His
After he was ordained to this office,
commandments, that they shall see
then he had the right to organize
Him and know that He is.”
and build up the kingdom of God,
Rulon C. Allred, ToK 1:341.
for he had committed unto him the
keys of the priesthood, which is after
the order of Melchizedek — the high “The power of the Melchizedek
priesthood, which is after the order Priesthood is to have the power
of the Son of God. Could he have of endless lives; ... Those holding
built up the Kingdom of God, without the fullness of the Melchizedek
first being an apostle? No, he never Priesthood are kings and priests
could. All the priesthood, all the keys, of the Most High God, holding the
all the gifts, all the endowments, and keys of power and blessings. In fact,
everything preparatory to entering that priesthood is a perfect law of
into the presence of the Father theocracy and stands as God to give
and of the Son, are in, composed laws to the people, administering
of, circumscribed by, or I might say endless lives to the sons and
incorporated with the circumference daughters of Adam.”
of the apostleship.” Joseph Smith, HC 5:554-555
Brigham Young, JD 1:133-135

OF faith
By Jose ph Smith

1. We believe in God, the Eternal Fa- 9. We believe all that God has re-
ther, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and vealed, all that He does now reveal,
in the Holy Ghost. and we believe that He will yet reveal
many great and important things per-
2. We believe that men will be pun- taining to the Kingdom of God.
ished for their own sins, and not for
Adam’s transgression. 10. We believe in the literal gathering
of Israel and in the restoration of the
3. We believe that through the Atone- Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jeru-
ment of Christ, all mankind may be salem) will be built upon the American
saved, by obedience to the laws and continent; that Christ will reign person-
ordinances of the Gospel. ally upon the earth; and that the earth
will be renewed and receive its paradi-
4. We believe that the first principles siacal glory.
and ordinances of the Gospel are: first,
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, 11. We claim the privilege of worship-
Repentance; third, Baptism by immer- ing Almighty God according to the
sion for the remission of sins; fourth, dictates of our own conscience, and
Laying on of hands for the gift of the allow all men the same privilege, let
Holy Ghost. them worship how, where, or what
they may.
5. We believe that a man must be
called of God, by prophecy, and by the 12. We believe in being subject to
laying on of hands by those who are kings, presidents, rulers, and magis-
in authority, to preach the Gospel and trates, in obeying, honoring, and sus-
administer in the ordinances thereof. taining the law.

6. We believe in the same organi- 13. We believe in being honest, true,

zation that existed in the Primitive chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in
Church, namely, apostles, prophets, doing good to all men; indeed, we
pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so may say that we follow the admoni-
forth. tion of Paul — We believe all things,
we hope all things, we have endured
7. We believe in the gift of tongues, many things, and hope to be able to
prophecy, revelation, visions, heal- endure all things. If there is anything
ing, interpretation of tongues, and so virtuous, lovely, or of good report or
forth. praiseworthy, we seek after these
8. We believe the Bible to be the
word of God as far as it is translated
correctly; we also believe the Book of
Mormon to be the word of God.

Wherefore, men … are

free to choose liberty and
eternal life, through the great
Mediator of all men, or to
choose captivity and death.
- 2 Nephi 2:27

Many of God’s children think

that agency means you have
the right to do anything you
want, and that consequences
violate agency. This is a lie.
The war in heaven was about agency, and because you chose the
right side in that conflict, you earned a body for this probation.
You have a duty to continue standing for agency. Those who tried
to destroy the agency of man were cast out of heaven. That was
the consequence for working to destroy God’s law of agency. Our
loving Father in Heaven stopped them from using their influence to
destroy the souls of men. This was not a violation of their agency.
For example, when a ball is thrown in the air, it will come back down.
That is natural law or natural consequence, it is not a violation of
the agency of the ball or the thrower of the ball. In like manner, if
you attempt to break eternal laws you will have consequences.
Those consequences are not a violation of your agency.

There is a relationship between righteousness and freedom on

one hand, and evil and a denial of agency on the other. This allows
us to define good and evil. Both the laws of God and the laws of
civilized man define good as a thing that increases and preserves
agency. Evil causes the decrease and destruction of agency. You
can only gain your desired result by following laws, but you cannot

purposely obey a law unless you know what the law is. Thus,
achieving a goal is impossible without knowledge of the laws.

If your actions are based upon false information and principles,

your failure is certain, and the exercise of agency is frustrated.
Consequently, if you deceive or deliberately mislead, both the
laws of God and man condemn you. In contrast, one of the most
righteous callings is to increase agency by sharing truth, which
increases others’ ability to reach their goals.

Agency is a fundamental principle of “You chose the right

the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is essential
to your salvation and exaltation, and side in that conflict,
it is a measuring rod by which you you earned a body
will be judged. To protect agency,
for this probation.
there must be standards established.
Every standard will result in a natural You have a duty to
consequence, good or bad. Voluntarily continue standing
choosing to follow standards will
expand your agency, not restrict it.
for agency.”

What is agency? How can you continue to defend this principle?

Does agency mean you should be allowed to do whatever you
want without consequence?

2 Nephi 2:27, 32:7; Matthew 7:13-14, 25:14-29; Moroni 7:15-19; Alma 41, 3 Ne.
14:13; D&C 132:21-22, 93:31-32, 39, 95:5-6, 76:75, 130:21; JD 23:63; Moses 4;
H. Verlan Andersen, Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen.

Dress & Appearance

Know ye not that ye are the

temple of God, and that the
Spirit of God dwelleth in
you? … The temple of God is
holy, which temple ye are.
1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Modesty in dress and appearance is a standard that reflects

your personal dignity and integrity to the principles of the gospel.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you show gratitude to Him in how you
treat the sacred mortal body that you have been blessed with. It is
your privilege to show your respect and love to Him by manifesting
it in your appearance. By following simple guidelines, you will find
joy, always remembering in whose image you were created.

What you wear is often an outward display of what lies inward. It

affects how you think, feel, and behave. Even if it does not begin
this way, your attitudes and behaviors will change depending on
your style of clothing. Wear clothing that fits properly and covers
your body. Anything that reveals or accentuates the human form is
not consistent with priesthood dress standards. Never lower your
dress standards to fit the style of the day or to fit in with the world.
As you prepare to enter the temple, choose to wear clothing that
would allow you to keep the priesthood garment sacred, without
alteration. Forming this habit now will be valuable in the present
and the future. It will be a blessing to you even before you have
entered the house of the Lord.

Be diligent in keeping the priesthood standard of dress and

appearance when attending church meetings, activities, and
• Ladies wear dresses or skirts that are mid-calf in length or
longer, not skin-tight and not revealing in the front or back; neck
lines should not be lower than the collar bone. It is immodest
to wear short dresses or skirts with skin-tight leggings or pants
underneath. There is no substitute for the proper length of a
dress or skirt.

• Gentlemen wear slacks and a button-up or polo shirt. Pants

should fit the waist to prevent underclothes from showing.

• Hats should not be worn while attending spiritual or religious

meetings, in dedicated buildings, or during prayer.

This same standard is referred to as Sunday Dress. This is the dress

standard meant for various occasions such as Sunday School,
church, firesides, baptisms, dances, etc. It is meant to keep not
only the Sabbath day holy and separate from the rest of the week,
but to also keep our activities separate from those of the world.

When partaking of or attending an ordinance, you can show respect

and gratitude by what you wear. Young men dress with dignity
when officiating in the ordinance of the sacrament, this means to
wear white dress shirts and a tie when doing so. The clothes we
wear while attending special occasions allow for uniformity — this
inspires oneness. It sets us apart from the fashions of Babylon and
invites the Spirit of the Lord. There is never a time you should act
or dress in a manner that would deprive you of the Spirit of the

Casual dress, as defined by priesthood authorities, is wearing a shirt

with a sleeve length of at least 4-inches measured at the underarm,
loose fitting, and long enough to cover your stomach. Shorts should
not be worn except in certain activities such as swimming or sports
and should be accompanied with long undergarments to maintain
modesty. Pants should not be form fitting (or skin tight) and are
to be free from holes and fraying. Material should never be sheer
or have the potential for displaying what is underneath. Logos
or pictures on clothing should be wholesome and inoffensive in
nature. Any clothing that falls into these categories should not be
worn at all.

As a son or daughter of God you should never pierce or tattoo
your body, they are temples and should be treated as such. You
would never desecrate the temple and should reverence your
body with the same respect. Becoming temple-minded requires
an outward expression as much as an inward. This also means you
should present your hair in a clean and trimmed manner, free from
unnatural or extreme coloring. Your body should be kept in a clean
and hygienic condition, bathe regularly and wear clean clothes. As
you work to keep your temple clean on the outside, think about
what changes you can make on the inside.

This is your standard, your opportunity to make a commitment

to yourself and to God on how you will care for your precious
body. When you have questions about what may or may not be
appropriate, study, pray, and ask for guidance from parents in
these decisions. Your body isbeyourappropriate,
stewardship, study,
and we encourage
pray, and
modesty andiscleanliness
never a as youask prepare yourself to
for guidance frommake and keep
parents in
time you should act
sacred covenants in the House of
these the Lord. You
decisions. are
Your created
body is in the
image of God — His pinnaclestewardship,
creation, cherished,
and and we treasured
encourage by
or dress in a manner modesty and cleanliness as you
that would deprive prepare yourself to make and keep
you of theyourself
dress Spirit ofmodestly?
sacredAre you modest
covenants in your
in the Houseattitude?
of the
Do you protect your personal temple?
Lord. What
You are does your
created dress
in the say
the testimony?
about your Lord.” of God — His pinnacle creation,
cherished, and treasured by Him.
Genesis 1:27, Alma 1:27
Do you dress yourself modestly? Are you modest in your attitude?
Do you protect your personal temple? What does your dress say
about your testimony?

Genesis 1:27; Alma 1:27

There are no people upon the face of the earth
who need and who can find use for education to
the extent that the Latter-day Saint can.
George Q. Cannon

God wishes you to become a person of intelligence. Intelligence

is gained by inspiration from your Heavenly Father. Inspiration
occurs through faith, prayer, education, obedience, and experience.
Because education is important for you to gain intelligence, God
made it part of the gospel plan. Do all in your power for the
advancement of your education and maintain an enthusiasm and
joy for learning throughout your life. Take every means in preparing
to instruct your future children. Your education consists of spiritual
training and temporal training.
The goal of your spiritual training should be to obtain the highest
attributes. These consist of:

• faith in God
• faith that you can commune with God
• faith in the scriptures handed down to us by
the ancient servants of God
• faith that the practice of gospel principles will
lay the foundation of a higher form of living

Make a daily habit of reading material of a spiritual nature, whether

it be from the Standard Works or other faith promoting books.
Pray in faith that you will obtain answers to questions about what
you read. Include fasting as a form of prayer, as needed. Strive to
be worthy to gain and keep the Spirit of the Holy Ghost as your
constant companion. With your spiritual training as part of your
daily routine, you are ready to advance in your temporal training.
There are many careers and positions that you can occupy, and
many branches of business to which your community has to
attend. Not only of a spiritual, but also of a temporal nature. There
are many ways to receive your temporal education. Take time
to ponder and pray about
what you enjoy doing and
ask God how you can help
build up Zion — in building
temples, cities, towns,
villages, culture, or any other
labor, or in cultivating the
earth. As you increase and
gain talent, your Heavenly
Father will instruct you on
things that are expedient
for you to understand in
preparing for greater service.
Your temporal education
takes time, hard work, and
sacrifice to develop, but your
investment will open doors
for opportunities that might
otherwise be closed to you.

In the Doctrine and

Covenants, God has given
you the commandment to give heed to your education both
spiritual and temporal, that you may be prepared in all things. God
will magnify the calling whereunto He has called you. As you gain
intelligence, your life will become more rewarding, your ability to
bless others will increase, and you will be a greater contributor to
the building of Zion.

What type of things are you learning “Take time to

Is your education pointing you towards
ponder and pray
God? about what you
enjoy doing and ask
JD 22:273, 21:331, 11:369; D&C 88:77-80
God how you can
help build up Zion.”

Entertainment & MEdia
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2

The world you live in is full of media. Electronic devices provide

internet, access to movies, music, social media, video games,
books, magazines, instructional courses, opinions, news, and an
endless list of topics at your fingertips. Most times, electronic
devices are used for media and
entertainment, specifically movies,
music, social media and games. Too
much media or negative sources of
entertainment is unhealthy to your
spirit and your relationship with God.

Ponder these questions as

you consider your media and
entertainment choices.

Am I just bored? Am I seeking media/

entertainment as a distraction from
boredom or negative feelings, such
as anxiety or depression? God says,
“Man is that he might have joy.”
Seeking entertainment to fulfill boredom or negative feelings is
unhealthy. Too much use can create addictions as it does not offer
satisfaction past the moment of use. The adversary uses media/
entertainment to weaken your mind — leading to more boredom,
negativity, and restlessness when used improperly. A habit of use
develops, and it becomes an idol, stealing your affections from

Can media/entertainment provide solutions for a negative outlook on life?

Entertainment in the form of faith-promoting talks, presentations,

or music that are geared to making you more like God are the best
option. It is important to be careful that you avoid distractions that

might lead you away from addressing your true needs.
How much is the right amount?
Some media is educational or instructional, meant to make you
a more productive individual. These can strengthen your life, but
even too much of that can lead to a place of ‘ever learning, and
never coming to a knowledge of the truth,’ or it can distract you
from actually doing good and leave you only learning about good.
Overindulgence of any kind is detrimental.

Ensure that media/entertainment is never a high priority. Place

God, others, and productive ambitions first. Never allow media/
entertainment to keep you from your Godly duties, and avoid all
media that is violent, sexual, deceitful, lustful or anything else that
is not of ‘good report and praiseworthy’ in
God’s eyes. Be aware that the Priesthood “Overindulgence
Council has asked you not to take part in of any kind is
social media platforms; do your best to
follow this admonition.
Pornography in all forms is dangerous and “Place God,
addictive. What may begin as unexpected
exposure or curiosity can become a others, and
destructive habit. Use of pornography is productive
a serious sin that can lead to other sexual ambitions first.”
transgressions. Avoid pornography at all
costs. It is a poison that weakens your self-control, destroys your
feelings of self-worth, and changes the way you see others. It
causes you to lose the guidance of the Spirit and can damage your
ability to have a normal relationship with others, especially your
future spouse. It limits your ability to feel true love. If you encounter
pornography, turn away immediately.

If you are involved in pornography, cease now. Seek the help

you need. Your parents and bishop can help you take the steps
necessary to repent and rid yourself of this destructive habit. Seek
Christ for complete healing and a renewing of your mind.

What media are you involved in? How does that media affect
your thoughts and actions?

Moroni 10:30; D&C 121:45; Colossians 3:2; Proverbs 15:24; Ephesians 1:18

When God sets up any portion of His kingdom upon the earth, it is
patterned after His own order in the heavens. When He gives to man a
pattern of family organization on the earth, that pattern will be just like
His own family organization in the heavens. The family of Abraham
was a transcript of a celestial pattern…And why did God approve of
it? Because it is the only order in the celestial heavens, and the only
peaceful, united and prosperous order, that will endure.

Orson Spencer

Your family is established after an eternal pattern. The place and

time of your birth was pre-ordained by God and based on your
valor in the preexistence. God designed your family specifically to
bless each member. You will have a profound effect on the growth,
trust, security, and confidence of all other family members. The
relationships that you form with your family are eternal. They have
origins in the pre-existence, and they grow and develop during
your time on earth. Relationships are one of the only things that
you will take into the next life.

Your family should be an organization of peace and order. Each
member has a role with callings and responsibilities. Strong, united
families have an established family government in which every
member strives to understand and magnify their individual roles.
Your first role will be that of a child. As such, you should honor
and obey your parents in their role of authority over you. Have
confidence in their efforts to teach, support, and prepare you for
adulthood and future callings. Their actions are motivated by love
and a desire to help you return to the presence of your Father in

Magnify your calling by being happy, helpful, and considerate.

Many of the problems your family may
face arise from selfishness and pride. “Strengthen your
Strengthen your family by loving them as
much as you love yourself. Participate in family by loving
family gatherings, activities, and traditions. them as much as
Join your family for prayers and scripture
you love yourself.”
study. Devote time to building friendships
with your siblings. Be generous with your
time and talents. You have a greater obligation to your family than
your social circles. Your responsibilities within the home come
before your personal desires or outside influences.

Within your family you are taught faith in Jesus Christ and the plan
of salvation. You are shown obedience to the laws and principles of
the gospel, and you will be guided through the steps of repentance
when necessary. You should receive and cultivate the gift of the
Holy Ghost. You should be an example of honesty, virtue and honor.
You should uphold the standards of the priesthood in your home.
You should be a positive influence in every situation in which you
find yourself. To deepen the influence of these teachings, read,
study, and pray that these principles will become written upon your

Young men, respect yourselves as sons of God — a holy vessel, an

eternal being. You should understand that you are called to be a
companion and coworker with your future wives. You should aspire
by every principle of honor and integrity to become the patriarch
of your future family. Understand that you will be the head of your
family as Christ is the head of the Church. Prepare and humble
yourself to be an example of Godliness.

Young ladies, respect and revere yourselves as daughters of God

— a holy vessel, an eternal being. You should understand that you
are called to sustain and magnify the eternal and sacred role of
wife and mother. You should aspire to respect those men who are
striving to be worthy of your confidence and affection, worthy to
become your Savior and head as Christ is the head of the Church.
Prepare and humble yourself to willingly submit to your future
husband’s law as he exercises it in righteousness.

Familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of husbands

and wives, of fathers and mothers. Embrace your future role and
recognize that God created you for it. The roles and responsibilities
of men and women are different, but remember, “The mother
holds a position in life that is as fully important as fatherhood. She
is the power to endless increase.” You can look forward to the time
when you and your spouse will have the opportunity to share a
never fading crown and an eternally increasing dominion.

What is your role and responsibility in your family? Do you fulfill

your duties?

Ephesians 6:1-3, 5:21-33; Proverbs 15:5, 17:22; Matthew 22:37-40; Joseph W. Musser,
Celestial or Plural Marriage: The Mormon Marriage System p.145-146; Rulon C. Allred,
ToK 1:228,326, 2:172-173, 234


A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:

and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

are :
THE Two greatest commandments are:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

What is friendship? The greatest examples of friendship you

have are your Heavenly Father and your elder brother, Jesus
Christ. In the scriptures you will read that your Father in Heaven
sent His Only Begotten Son to redeem your soul. This was an act
of love from the Father and the Son! Jesus said, “Greater love hath
no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye
are my friends.” They were the first to serve and bless you, this
naturally leads you to love them. Follow their example by serving
and blessing others. You have been so richly blessed by Christ’s

friendship. Share His love with others and be a true friend. “As ye
have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it
unto me.”

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that friendship is one of the

grand fundamental principles of Mormonism; it unites the human
family with its happy influence. Friendship is an essential need for
all people. It goes hand in hand with love; it comes naturally as you
live the principles of the gospel. To love your neighbor as yourself,
you need to view everyone as a child of God.

The most basic application of friendship is the Golden Rule: treat

others the way you want to be treated. A smile or a simple act of
kindness makes a quick friend. As you serve and bless others, it will
increase your love for them and their love for you, and it will bring
you closer to heaven.

With close friends you talk, listen, laugh, and cry together. Because
of shared trust, you have the power to influence each other’s hearts
for good. In genuine friendships there will be times that you must
speak the truth in love to help a friend repent, repair, or reconcile.

When you choose a friend, consider the effect they might have
on you. What kinds of spirits, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
will they inspire in you? You should continually evaluate the friends
you have, keeping these things in mind. If you need to step back
from a relationship, do not give up on that person, instead you can
pray for them. Encourage them. Be a positive influence, even while
limiting their influence on you. Charles Wesley said, “Come on dear
brother, since the war is past, for friends at first are friends again at
last.” You should likewise evaluate yourself. How will I affect others?

Am I a true friend?
A true friend will be striving for the pure Love of Christ. A true
- endures with patience and serenity
- is kind and thoughtful
- is not jealous or envious
- is not proud, boastful, or arrogant
- is not rude
- is not self-seeking

- is not provoked (nor overly sensitive and easily angered)
- does not take into account a wrong endured
- does not rejoice at injustice but rejoices with the truth
(when right and truth prevail)
- bears all things (regardless of what comes)
- believes all things (looking for the best in each one)
- hopes all things (remaining steadfast during difficult times)
- endures all things (without weakening)
- never fails (never fades nor ends)

“A true friend will be striving for

the pure love of Christ”

The adversary will tempt you to follow poor influences, to seek

fellowship with those who do not maintain priesthood standards.

As a young man, the Prophet Joseph gave in to these temptations.

He recognized his mistakes and the need to improve his choices:
“I was left to all kinds of temptations; and mingling with all kinds of
society, I frequently fell into many foolish errors, and displayed the
weakness of youth, and the foibles of human nature; which, I am
sorry to say, led me into divers temptations, offensive in the sight
of God… I was guilty of levity, and sometimes associated with jovial
company, etc., not consistent with that character which ought to
be maintained by one who was called of God.”

To have a friend you must be a friend. Do not give up on your

friends. Encourage each other to keep priesthood standards.
Be quick to ask forgiveness and forgive. Build each other up
emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Emulate the love of Jesus
Christ in your friendships.

What kind of friend are you?

Matthew 22:37-40; TPJS p. 316; Joseph Smith History 1:28; Proverbs 18:24


A grateful heart is not only the greatest virtue,

it is the seedbed for all other virtues.

Maintaining a spirit of gratitude is one of the greatest ways to

turn your heart to the Lord. When you are grateful you can truly
recognize how blessed you are, God’s awareness of you, and the
many ways He shows He loves you. Seeing these blessings will
help you feel an increased love for God and the people around
you and for your circumstances in life. That spirit of thanksgiving
will lighten your step, brighten your eyes and your countenance,
and cause others to enjoy being around you because they can feel
love emanating from you.

Openly show and express your gratitude to God and to others.

Keeping God’s commandments and serving others will become
welcome opportunities that bring you satisfaction. They will also
increase your ability to worship God. The word worship implies
humility, reverence, and thanksgiving to God. Take time to worship.
Pray with a heart filled with thanksgiving. Be specific in identifying
God’s mercies to you.

All sins stem from the sin of ingratitude.

How can that be? How can ingratitude
“Gratitude is part be that serious? How can it be the root
of yielding your cause of all other sin? Consider this, when
heart to God’s.” you feel grateful and humble how can you
complain or be critical? Most sins stem
from insecurity and being critical of others.
Having gratitude is constantly remembering that God is the source
of all you have and are. It erases insecurity and feelings of being
critical. That is when seeing the good in everything around you
becomes your natural frame of mind.

If you desire to be at peace and truly happy — the exact opposite
of being discouraged — you must yield your heart to God. This
will give you contentment and fill you with joy and consolation.
Gratitude is part of yielding your heart to God. By practicing an
attitude of gratitude, you can look at the beautiful world around
you with an eye of appreciation. You can see God’s marvelous
handiwork and breathe thanksgiving for the gift of life! Look at
the people you rub shoulders with and have appreciation for
where they are. Have more empathy and compassion regardless
of the weaknesses they might have, knowing that you have your
own weaknesses. It is through God’s mercy and love for us that
He gives us such opportunities to become strong! Be grateful for
every chance to grow and learn.

Having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion should be one

of our greatest goals in life. Living in a state of gratitude is a grand
key to achieving that!

What are ways you can express gratitude?

Helaman 3:35; Luke 17:12-19; Alma 34:38

Honesty & Integrity

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Exodus 20: 15-16

Honesty and integrity are closely associated attributes. You

cannot have one without the other. Webster’s 1828 dictionary
defines them as follows:
Integrity: The entire, unimpaired state of anything, particularly of
the mind; moral soundness or purity; integrity comprehends the
whole moral character but has special reference to uprightness in
mutual dealings and agencies of others.
Honesty: A disposition to conform to justice and correct moral
principles. Genuine sincerity.

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, a general authority in the LDS Church,

describes integrity:
“To me, integrity means always doing what is right and good,
regardless of the immediate consequences. It means being
righteous from the depths of our soul, not only in our actions but
more importantly in our thoughts and in our hearts.”
Brother Rulon C. Allred speaks of honesty in this way:
“Honesty is the difference between greatness and mediocrity.”
“That man or woman who is not honest … will never enjoy the
fullness of God’s glory.”

“Integrity means always doing what

is right and good regardless of the
immediate consequences.”

If you are in possession of these characteristics you can respond

to any situation that arises in a truthful, rightful, and morally correct
manner and with respect, dignity, and refinement. Your responses
will be consistent with keeping the commandments of God and will
be worthy of His acceptance and approbation. Furthermore, if you
are honest and have integrity, you will not be comfortable with or
condone dishonesty and lack of integrity in others. Honesty and
integrity are characteristics that define who you are and define
the moral character that you possess. They do not come and go
with circumstances or experiences, or who you are with or who
is aware of your behavior. The level of honesty and integrity you
possess is manifest in the way you think and act, the words you
utter, and even in the feelings that you have. Their influence is the
same whether you are interacting with friends, strangers, Heavenly
Father, or when you are alone.

Are you honest? Do you make decisions that will sow integrity
into your character?

D&C 98: 10-11; 1 Kings 9:4; Article of Faith 13; Alma 27:27; Job 2:3; ToK 2:148-150


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1-13

And I, God, said; Let there be light; and there was light.
Moses 2:3-31

Words are powerful enough to be a name for God. They can

create or destroy worlds and people. It is the communication that
Heavenly Father uses that you borrow. The words you use always
reflect the spirit you carry. As a child of God, He has gifted you
with intelligent and wholesome minds to use language to uplift,
encourage, and bless everyone around you. Kind and positive
words go a long way. You never know when you can make a
difference with a simple kind word. To encourage others, keep
your words full of faith, hope, and charity. Help others to do the
same with your example. Surround yourself with those who are
practicing the same thing.

Do not speak guile and avoid gossip. You can never take back
words you have spoken. Do not be tempted to join in the harsh
or hurtful things you hear. Do not put people down or mock them,
even if it is joking. If you are tempted, it is better to leave things
unsaid. Instead, choose the higher road and make the conversation
complimentary. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Be willing to
remove yourself if there is inappropriate talking around you.

The holy name of God is misused every day in our society. That is
a sin. The names of our Lord, Jesus Christ and our God, Heavenly
Father should only be used with the utmost reverence and respect.
Even the Savior spoke respectfully whenever He spoke to or about
His Father.

Eighty percent of your communication to another person is through

body language. Even if unsaid, any vulgar, profane, or crude gestures
or actions are offensive to God and others. You have conversations
with people all the time without even speaking a word. Remember
to keep all forms of communication complementary and chaste.
This includes texting and on the internet. If you are struggling with
crude language, profanity, gossip, or unchaste conversations, there
is hope and help. Pray to Heavenly Father first, then ask for help
from your family and friends to support you in your efforts to do
better and change. If you persist, Heavenly Father will reward you.

The words you speak reflect the spirit you are carrying. What do
your words say about you?

1 Peter 3:10; Exodus 20:7; Mosiah 4:30; James 3:2-13; Matthew 6:9-12; John 11:41-42

“The words you use always reflect

the spirit you carry.”

Music & Dancing
Praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing.
D&C 136:28

Music not only enriches your life,

but it can also be a profound tool to
aid you in your spiritual journey back
to your Heavenly home. It can inspire,
uplift, bring the Spirit, increase your
testimony, and literally transform the
natural man. Music affects this mortal
clay in a myriad of ways, specifically
the mind, heart, spirit and behavior.
One of the best ways to bring the spirit
is by listening to, learning, singing, and
memorizing hymns. Sing with your
whole heart and soul! It will lead you to
righteousness and ward off the fiery
darts of the adversary.

Music can also have a powerful

influence to lead you down destructive paths. Be very careful,
even prayerful, about the music you choose to listen to. Your music
will influence you. How does music make you feel? Are you uplifted
and joyful, or do you feel dark and depressed? Much research has
been conducted on the positive and negative effects of musical
tone, rhythm, lyrics, and intensity. They will affect your physical,
mental, and emotional well-being. Music with evil and destructive
messages continually promotes immorality and violence in the
world today. Commit to keeping your music free of these damaging

Negative music can dull your spiritual sensitivity. It makes it difficult

to hear the promptings of the still, small voice. Remember that
listening to music constantly can rob you of the vital time you
need to meditate and receive guidance from the Spirit. Finally, use

caution when using earphones. Using them can be a courteous
gesture to keep from bothering those around you or using them
can be rude to those who are trying to interact with you. It can be
very easy to tune out your loved ones and the Holy Ghost if used
in excess.

Dancing is found throughout the scriptures. Most often it is

associated with music and singing in giving praise to God. If done
properly, it is a beautiful and graceful mingling of Saints that is
conducive to wholesome fun and exercise. It is a school for men
and women to learn how to talk and behave respectfully with one
another. It is also a wonderful way to meet new people.

Priesthood dances are intended to keep the culture and dancing

styles that were taught by the early brethren as well as to
incorporate appropriate ballroom dance forms. Our dances are
social dances, meaning that anyone at the dance may ask anyone
else of the opposite gender to dance. It is courteous to ask the
same person only once or twice at any dance.

There are rules that need to be maintained in order for dancing

to be appropriate and bring the Spirit. Remember good hygiene
and clean, appropriate attire. Try to apply the Golden Rule to
those who ask you to dance. Do not refuse a dance unless you
feel unsafe with them or they have asked you too many times,
and then do so with tact and kindness. Gentlemen should take the
lady by the arm and lead them back to their seats at the end of
the dance. Keep a good distance between you and your partner.
Do not use positions or moves that are immoral or inappropriate
or are too rambunctious. Be considerate of others and adhere to
proper dance etiquette. Follow the line of dance and be conscious
of other dancers and available space.

Commit to attend dances where only good standards — dress,

grooming, lighting, music, lyrics, and entertainment — contribute to
wholesome surroundings where the Spirit may abide.

Does the music you listen to invite the Spirit?

Do you dance in a pleasing manner before the Lord?
Psalms 149:3; D&C 25:12, 136:28
Physical & Emotional
Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people.
2 Corinthians 6:16

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you should diligently strive to

cultivate your physical and emotional health. As described by Paul in
2 Corinthians 6, your body is a temple. With this knowledge comes
the responsibility to treat your mental, physical, and emotional
health with purposeful intent.

Through your trials and adversities, you “have a labor to perform

whilst in this tabernacle of clay.” You should focus your physical
and emotional health on the desire to serve your Lord. Recognize
and fight against the vanities and luring of this carnal world. Choose
healthy, nourishing foods and avoid harmful foods and substances.
Strive to obtain the promises of the Word of Wisdom that you may
“run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint.”

As a temple your body should be maintained and built up

accordingly. Engage in healthy activities designed to strengthen
your physical body. Pursue positive experiences that promote
your mental and emotional well-being. As you discover the best
methods for keeping your mind and body in good health, direct
your intents towards housing the Spirit of the Lord and building His

Your physical and emotional health are closely connected.

Appropriately prioritize rest with respect to your work and play.
Your physical body is rejuvenated and healed through deep,
peaceful sleep. Your emotional health rests in your continual efforts
to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.”
With the constant whispering
temptations of the adversary,
you can plant yourself firmly
in the grace of God knowing
this is the fertile soil in which
your emotional state can
rest. Through these means of
physical and emotional rest you
are renewed.

Your mind is very susceptible

to the influences of the
adversary. He will use tools of
discouragement to depress your
thoughts, weaken your senses,
and cloud your perceptions. He
seeks to distort your self-image
and the image of others.
These seeds of self-destruction can grow to have far-reaching
effects. Learn to recognize these thoughts and how to respond
to them. Do not be afraid to seek help and guidance from proper
resources. All of God’s children face this battle and can overcome
it in Christ. Remember this: do not give up; you are not alone, and
“all of these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy

Through healthy physical and emotional choices you present to

God a willing mind trusting that “the willing and obedient shall eat
the good of the Land of Zion in these last days.”

Be intensely grateful for the opportunity to be part of God’s army.

Prepare yourself for the battles ahead. Cheerfully use your physical
and emotional health, not only for the service of man, but to be
ready to put on the full armor of God.
What are you doing to keep
your body a temple? Do you “Pursue positive
get adequate exercise and experiences that promote
rest? Do you take time for your
mental and emotional health?
your mental and
emotional well-being.”
D&C 88:124, 122:7; 2 Peter 3:18
PRiesthood Courting
Standards and Protocol
“And they were married … and were blessed according to the
multitude of the promises which the Lord had made unto them.”
4 Nephi 1:11

Courtships should not be taken lightly, and you should have a goal
of being sealed by the Holy Priesthood in the temple of our God.
This requires a temple-minded courtship with mutually agreed upon
standards by which you will conduct yourself, all the while limiting
potential unnecessary temptations.

These are general standards, but there may be some additional

expectations and exceptions due to personal and unique
circumstances or situations (counsel with your parents and the
Council as needed). These protocols can be a safety net and a
protection for you; if followed properly, you can avoid undue pressure
and awkward situations. In the following courting guidelines, if you
receive ‘no’ to any one of these steps, then drop the matter and
return and report to the previous parties involved, informing them
of the answer you received.


Dating — Pairing off alone as a couple with the purpose of ‘just

getting to know’ or ‘for the fun of it’ with no specific intention of
marriage. There is no place for pairing off ‘just for the fun of it’
among the Saints; that is a worldly idea and activity.

Socializing — Spending time together with your peers and

community for the purpose of interaction and observation where
you may ‘get to know’ others in a chaperoned environment. There
the Spirit of the Lord can move upon one or both parties, that one
may be inclined to ‘ask’ about the other. Pairing off with another
couple is not the same as ‘getting to know’ someone in a group
There are many organized activities in which our youth and the
Saints in general may become acquainted with one another, such
as dances, sporting activities, YOZ activities and trips, religious
gatherings and meetings, plays, firesides, etc. In social situations,
using appropriate conversations such as, “Hello, how are you?
This dance sure is fun,” can be ways to spark conversation. Avoid
phrases such as, “Hi, how old are you? You are cute, do you have
a boyfriend/girlfriend?” Socializing in group activities is a conducive
way to meet new people where new relationships may grow.

Pre-Courtship — Before you are officially ‘courting’ you should avoid

unreasonable calling, texting, letters, sharing personal information,
or pairing off in any way with a person you like, but have not
yet received permission to court. Avoid spending excessive time
together, arranging private meetings, telling each other of your
feelings for each other, sitting together at all activities, exclusively
dancing together, etc. It is best to know your parents’ expectations
and standards early on in these matters.

Courting — Spending time together, after obtaining permission,

with the intention of respectfully interacting in order to develop a
holy relationship. Marriage should be a possibility and consideration.

Process for obtaining permission to court

Step 1: Ask your Father in Heaven. Fast and pray to know for
certainty of His will for you in these regards. You should have peace
and assurance that the course you are pursuing is pleasing in the
sight of God. It does not necessarily mean you need a revelation
that you are to marry this person at this point. If the answer is ‘yes’
proceed to step 2.
(It is important to know what it is like to have an answer from God
personally. It is valuable to learn how to receive answers from
the Lord prior to this. Those experiences will familiarize you with
receiving answers.)

Step 2: Ask your parents. Talk to them about your experience in
receiving an answer or personal revelation from the Lord. Tell them
what impressed you about this person. Ask them to pray with you
for an answer about your decision. If the answer is ‘yes’ proceed to
step 3.

Step 3: Ask a member of the Priesthood Council in your area.

Explain your experiences during the first two steps and ask him for
counsel to move forward.

At this point the member of the Council may offer one of the
*He may give his blessing and instruct you to approach the
parents of the person you are asking about directly to let them
know your intentions. (Let the parents know you have completed
the steps above.) If the answer is ‘yes’ proceed to step 4.
*He may want to speak directly with the parents of the
person you are asking about and return to you with an answer. If
the answer is ‘yes’ proceed to step 5.

Step 4a: When asking about a single man or woman:

Ask the individual’s parents. You are presenting yourself before their
parents and are showing your courtesy and respect to them. This
gives them the opportunity to ask you questions about yourself,
which may help them to decide your acceptableness and worthiness
for their daughter/son. The parents will know if their son/daughter
is ready for marriage and what is occurring in their life. Explain the
steps you have taken thus far and ask them to consider you as a
prospect for their son/daughter. Make sure they approve of your
intentions before continuing. The parents may give their blessing, or
they may have you wait while they speak with their son/daughter.
They may give you permission to speak directly with their son/
daughter. If the answer is ‘yes’ proceed to step 5.

Parents may ask: Do you serve God? Are you interested in the
gospel and your eternal future, or just interested in having fun?
Why are you asking? Are you keeping the commandments? Have
you kept yourselves clean? Are you in good standing? Have you
followed the proper steps for asking? Do you pay tithing? Do you
attend your meetings? Do you have a recommend?

Step 4b: When asking about a married man:
Ask the man. After receiving permission from a Council member,
you may approach the man and express your intentions. Or you
may also have a Council member or your father speak to him first. If
the answer is ‘yes’ proceed to step 5.

Step 5: Talk to the person. Bear your testimony of the gospel. Let
the Spirit of God direct the interaction.

If the answer is ‘no’ after or during any one of these steps, drop
the matter and return and report to the previous parties involved,
informing them of the answer you received.

***Attention*** If you are unapproved at any step in this process, or

if anyone says, “No,” you must respect the individual and let it go;
the matter is settled. Do not try to influence, persuade, convince,
cajole, sway, entice, coax, sweet-talk, flatter, or charm your way into
receiving a ‘yes.’ You may fast and pray, waiting upon the Lord for
direction, but you may not interfere after this point.

Now you have permission. For what? Are you married? Not yet! Do
you act like you are married? Not yet! Do you know each other? Not
yet, at least not that well.

You now have permission to ‘get to know’ each other: spiritually —

yes; emotionally — yes; verbally — yes, as long as it is appropriate;
physically — NOT YET, except perhaps holding hands. Hugs, if any,
should be brief and gentle. Limiting touch to the span of the elbow
to fingertips will help lessen temptations in your physical relationship.
Holding hands is a very bonding activity as you will find. Your first
kiss should be saved for the moment you have been sealed for time
and all eternity in the temple. Remember that the Lord is always
there, and your guardian angels are watching. You are never truly
alone. Communicate, communicate, COMMUNICATE. Get to know
the family, parents, siblings, other wives, and children, whatever the
case may be. This may be your new family; be respectful.

Set guidelines and ground rules you are both willing to abide by.
Parents from both parties will/may also be involved in this step with
standards and ground rules of their own. Guidelines may concern
curfews, media and entertainment, and when it will be appropriate
for unchaperoned outings and dates. Lengthy courtships, especially
in plural situations, often prove to be strenuous and challenging, but
they will always depend on personal circumstances.

Age — How old do you have to be to start courting? This depends

largely on your parents’ rules. Generally, you need to be 18 years old
before getting married, and you must be at least 18 years old before
marrying plurally. A good rule of thumb is not to get involved in a
relationship more than you can act upon. In other words, if you are
too young to start courting, then keep your feelings in check and do
not allow them to move faster than you can move forward. Keep the
feelings in your heart for the right time and place to act upon them
and you will be blessed.

Men — Consider this, whatever you did or however you behaved

with your current wife/wives while you were courting is what will be
expected when you court a potential wife. If you were not respectful
and you went beyond the bounds of the courtship, that is what
may be imagined you are doing when you are alone in this new
relationship. But if your relationship was respectful, then that is what
will be anticipated with delight and fond remembrance as you are
courting this new woman.

Women — You may do the asking first. It is just as correct and

proper for you as a woman, young or old, to become interested in a
man. You may have watched the way he conducts his life and treats
his family and friends, and you desire to know if it is the will of the
Lord that you should be in his family. Or perhaps the Lord touched
your heart or inspired you to consider him. Fast, pray, and follow the
steps in asking. As you court, remember to maintain a standard that
you would want your husband to hold himself to with future sister

If you are asked about improperly you do NOT have to give an

answer. You can direct the person to go through the proper steps.
If someone is circumventing and disrespecting the proper order of
asking permission, they may not respect you. These standards are a
safety net to help you avoid awkward and unnecessary face to face
encounters that could place pressure on you to respond to things
you are uncomfortable talking about. You may prefer to seek the
Lord’s guidance privately before discussing anything with the person

Your responsibility when you are asked about
• Take it very seriously — someone has taken the time and
effort to go through all the proper steps.
• Fast and pray, make it a priority to get an answer. Do not
leave someone waiting for an unnecessary length of time, but do
not feel manipulated or rushed either. This is an important decision,
an eternal one.
• Get the will of God for you directly. You may not receive a
testimony initially. You may only get confirmation to move forward
to the next step in faith not knowing how it will turn out. This is
different from courting for fun just to see if you are ‘compatible’
with the other person. Courting is not a game. It should be done with
consideration of marriage.
• Counsel with your parents.
• Keep a confidence. Be courteous and kind, even if it does
not work out.
• Be respectful. Do not gossip about the person, situation, or
parties involved with your family and friends.

Be respectful — Learn the rules and expectations of both sets of

parents regarding physical touch (holding hands), being alone on
dates (chaperones), communication (specifically texting and calling),
when and how often may you see each other, etc.

*Once you have been courting, you may ask for revelation
concerning marriage. Ask God for His blessing before taking the
next step.


Step 6: Ask the Head of Priesthood. Explain your experiences and

ask for his blessing. Many times he will receive revelation at once
by the power of the Holy Ghost. Do not become engaged until you
have the permission of the Head of Priesthood. Make sure you have
his blessing, not just his consent.
Step 7: Ask the Parents. Request the parents’ permission and
blessing before proposing. If all parties give their blessings, and you
become engaged, you may ask for information on preparing for a
temple sealing.

“You should have a goal of being sealed by the Holy

Priesthood in the temple of our God.”
Purity & Virtue
That which was most dear and precious above
all things, which is chastity and virtue.
Moroni 9:9

“The great science of life” is a priceless gift, a gift more

desirable and precious than all other gifts: the privilege to blend
eternal elements in human form, to create physical bodies capable
of housing immortal spirit! This grand process has the power to
expand eternally, to bring you the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, to bring you into the presence of God and His associates.
It also has the power to plunge you into an abyss of eternal woes.

This power is difficult to comprehend and can have far-reaching

effects upon:

• your thoughts
• your health
• your capacity to choose right and wrong
• your ability to discern truth
• your capacity to feel eternal love

As an infant in your cradle, as a youth expanding your visions and

aspirations for life, or when aged and bowed down with worn-out
expectations, you will carry the effects of how you perceive and use
this precious gift. A moment’s unguarded use of uncouth language
or unchecked view of lustful images will leave a scar upon your
spirit. In that moment you hold within your grasp the chance to mar
that ability within you — the calling to produce a royal priesthood
line, a holy race. You can, in an unguarded moment, smother natural
instinct to nourish and protect the fountains of life.

When you choose virtue to rule your thoughts and beauty to fill
your eyes, you enhance that gift and plant it deep within your soul.
This secures you the right to companions with sterling character.
It makes you worthy to exchange eternal vows that produce
kingdoms, powers,
glories, and posterity
without end.

Will you dare to risk

such a treasure to
careless moments of
passion or pleasure
pursued outside the
sacr ed bo n ds o f
marriage? Do you
dare chance life-long
regret in a moment of
reckless indulgence?
Can you see that
even the thought
leaves a stain on your
soul? Guard your
precious gift with
the fierceness only a
true warrior for Christ
has the strength and
courage to demand.
Yo u t h o f Z i o n ,
shake off the
shackles of a cursed society and enlist all your energies in
preserving a pure and beautiful and holy generation calculated to
witness the millennial reign of Christ!

Do you feel the value of your virtue? Do you protect your virtue
and the virtue of others?

Moroni 9:9, Jacob 2:28; Genesis 39:1-12; D&C 38:42

“Guard your precious gift with the fierceness only

a true warrior for Christ has the strength and
courage to demand.”


Whosoever repenteth shall

find mercy; and he that findeth
mercy and endureth to the end
the same shall be saved.
Alma 32:13

The scriptures say, “No

unclean thing can inherit the
kingdom of heaven.” Through
the ato n em en t o f J esu s
Christ, your Father in Heaven
has provided the only way to
return to heaven. Jesus Christ
suffered the penalty of your
sins for you to be forgiven if
you sincerely repent. As you
repent and rely on His saving grace you will be cleansed from sin.

The steps of repentance

Faith in God and Jesus To become free from sin, you must turn
to Heavenly Father, pray in faith, and act as commanded. The
adversary will discourage you to pray and teaches that God will
not hear your prayers. This is a lie. Your Father in Heaven is always
there if you go with a repentant heart. He has the power to forgive
and aid you in the triumph over sin. Repentance is an action of faith
—an acknowledgment of the power in the atonement. Forgiveness
comes in accepting the cleansing power of the atonement.

Sorrow for Sin To be forgiven, you first acknowledge that you

have sinned. If faithfully living the gospel, such acknowledgments
will lead to a “Godly sorrow.” Godly sorrow comes from the
knowledge that you have displeased our Heavenly Father and
your Savior by your words and actions.

Confession Repentance provokes you to a state of willingness to

show God all that you have done. You should kneel in prayer, confess
your sins, and plead for help. Heavy sins need to be confessed
to both the Lord and His priesthood representatives. While only
the Lord can forgive sins, priesthood leaders play critical roles in
the repentance process. They keep confessions confidential and
guide you through the remaining steps of repentance.

Forsaking Sin You must maintain an unyielding, permanent

resolve that you will never repeat the transgression for which
you are seeking forgiveness. You should flee immediately from
any situation that could cause you to slip into that transgression
again. It is taught that you cannot linger in temptation and expect
to overcome sin.

Restitution You must restore all that has been damaged by

your actions, whether that is someone’s property or someone’s
reputation. Restitution shows God that you have done all that can
be done.

Faithful Living Once you have a repentant soul you will fill your
life with righteousness and engage in activities that bring spiritual
power. Immerse yourself daily in scripture and pray for the Lord
to give you strength. Obedience brings the power of the gospel
into your life, including strength to overcome weaknesses. This
obedience includes actions you might not initially consider part
of repentance, such as attending meetings, paying tithing, and
forgiving others. The Lord promised, “He that repents and does
the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven.”

Have you been spiritually born of God? Do you feel like singing
the song of redeeming love? Do you feel His image engraven in
your countenance?

Alma 11:37, 34:17; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 1:18; D&C 1:32, 58:42-

“Repentance is an action of faith —an

acknowledgment of the power in the atonement.”
Sabbath Observance

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

The Lord has set for you a pattern, one that the Gods live by.
Do all your labors on the first six days of the week and the seventh
is a day of rest. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.

The Sabbath day is a holy day, a day in which you are commanded
• rest from your labors
• refrain from buying and selling
• refrain from entertainment and recreation
• meet and worship together
• fast and pray
• offer up sacraments

Invest yourself in keeping the Sabbath day holy. Make every effort
to be on time for your meetings. Keep a spirit of reverence and

observe the commandments of the Lord.

Preparation is key in good Sabbath observance. Think about what

you will need on the Sabbath and prepare beforehand. Are you
prepared to receive the Savior on His day? Your home should be
clean. You should be ready to present your best self for His day. Be
dressed in your best clothes and keep your body clean and your
clothes clean and pressed.

The Sabbath is also well spent in fellowship with your family and
your brothers and sisters in the gospel. You should speak with one
another concerning the welfare of your souls and feast upon the
word of God. Devote yourself to prayer, fasting, and visiting the

Your focus should be upon the Lord on His day. Faithful Sabbath
observance will help keep you unspotted from the world.

Do you reverence the Sabbath? What do you participate in on

the Sabbath?

Exodus 20:8-11; D&C 59:9-13; Moroni 6:5-6; Isaiah 58:13-14

Are you prepared to receive the Savior on His day?


O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye

serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength,
that ye may stand blameless before God.
D&C 4:2

The greatest example of service is your elder brother Jesus

Christ, the Prince of Peace, the Chosen Servant who came not to be
ministered unto, but to minister unto all. The act of serving means
to be of assistance. This can take various forms, and all forms, from
least to great, constitute a genuine act of love. The Savior, when
speaking to His disciples said, “And whosoever will be chief among
you, let him be your servant.” This was a commandment He gave
to His disciples at that time. Now He gives it to you, His aspiring
disciples. He says to you, “He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me.”

If you truly love Him, you will serve Him, and your life will become
one of service. This is a call to you regardless of your rank and
position in the world. When you love Christ, you will live your life as
He did. You will clothe the naked, feed the hungry, bless the poor,
and heal the sick. “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and
whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”

It was not just His atonement that was redemptive. There was
redemption in every act of His service and love. When you become
a true disciple of Jesus Christ, your belief in Him is proved through
your actions. Your faith is alive through your works of service. This
will take on redemptive power not only on behalf of those you serve,
but for yourself as you lay up treasure in heaven. “Wherefore, be
faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor
the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the
feeble knees.”

“If you truly love
Him, you will
serve Him, and
your life will
become one of

There are many ways you can serve others in your life. Holding the
door open for others, speaking a kind word, saying a prayer, giving
to others, being a friend, attending your meetings, participating in
work projects, etc. There is no act of service that is too big or too
small; after all the Savior gave His life in service to His Father and
to you. Do your best to be in tune with the Holy Spirit that you can
discern where your Father in Heaven needs you to serve. When
you feel prompted and have the desire to serve fill your bosom,
then you are called to the work. Thrust in your sickle and embark
in the service of God.

Have you served anyone today?

Matthew 16:25, 20:27; Galatians 5:13; John14:21; Mosiah 4:14-15, 26; Luke 22:7;
D&C 4:3, 81:5

Tithing & Consecration

Bring ye all the tithes into the

storehouse … and prove me now
herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if
I will not open you the windows of
heaven and pour you out a blessing.

Malachi 3:10

In 1838, the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith restored the
law of tithing. This commanded that you should pay 10% of what is
given to you. “And this shall be the beginning of the tithing of my
people. And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay
one-tenth of all their interest annually; and this shall be a standing
law unto them forever, for my holy priesthood, saith the Lord.”

The Lord also says that if you do not pay your tithing, you will not
be able to live in Zion. What greater blessing could there be than
to live in a land where peace reigns and everyone has their needs
met? You might ask, “Why does He require this of me, everything
already belongs to Him?” Or you might think that the Lord does not
need what you have, and you would be right; He does not need it.

It is taught that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of

all things could not possibly have the power to produce the faith
needed to receive the blessings of life and salvation. The law of
tithing requires only a 10% sacrifice. This is preparatory to the
sacrifice of all things. It is a stepping stone to living the full law of
consecration and receiving all the blessings the Lord has in store
for you. The sooner you learn to freely give your 10%, the easier
it will be for you to consecrate all that you have. Heber C. Kimball
stated, “If you do not pay one dime of tithing, it will not impoverish
the Almighty.”
What then will it do? You can find the answer in Jacob 2:17-19,
“Think of your brethren like unto yourselves and be familiar with all
and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you.
But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.”

This aligns with the Savior’s direction to His disciples in Matthew

6:17-19, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth … but lay
up for yourselves treasures in heaven … for where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.”

You can build the kingdom of God by giving freely of your substance.
This includes more than just your money. You can also build the
kingdom by performing labors as a tithe of your time.

“You can tithe almost anything, and you will be blessed for it.”

Consider the parable of the talents. What you have been blessed
with was not meant to be “hid up in the earth.” The Master of the
vineyard expects you to use that which has been given to you to
bless the lives of others.

The law of tithing is part of that, and the law of consecration is

another part. The tithing and consecrations received by the bishop
are used for many good purposes. They bless the lives of many
who stand in need. They support and further the work of God.
When you give freely, you progress towards Zion and become the
recipient of many blessings.

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared

for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungered,
and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a
stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick,
and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me … Verily I
say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Do you offer an honest tithe? Do you tithe your time? How are
you building the kingdom?

Leviticus 27:32; Malachi 3:8-9; D&C 119:6, 64:23; Genesis 14:20; Numbers 18:21–28

Word of Wisdom

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that

the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the
temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of
God is holy, which temple ye are
1 Corinthians 3:16-17

All through time, the Lord has given instructions to His people
concerning proper dietary habits. From the Garden of Eden to
Daniel to the children of Israel, God has always placed importance
on the food His people consume as they carry out His purposes.
The care of your body is a sacred duty. If you are a temple of God,
everything you allow into your body must be fitting for a temple.
You become hungry every few hours and must eat regularly for
your body to function properly. This recurring need for nourishment
shows that the things you put in your body are important and
intended by the Lord to serve you. They have a direct effect upon
your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The Prophet Joseph taught that knowledge is power – wisdom is
more than that. Wisdom implies the proper use of knowledge. The
Word of Wisdom, as given in Doctrine and Covenants Section 89,
promises you both wisdom and knowledge if you are obedient to
its teaching, which is the Lord’s will. You show not only a willing
heart to obey your Father, but you will be blessed with a body
equal to the work He has for you.
Outlined in the Word of Wisdom are instructions that can be
separated into four basic principles:

• Partake of things created by God and grown by Mother

Earth, not made in a factory.
• Partake of things in the form they were created, not
changed to fit your own desires.
• Partake in the quantities that the earth provides, as well
as in its own season.
• Partake “by the sweat of your brow.”
There is a built-in protection available as real effort and real food
is used when preparing meals and medicines for your loved ones.
There are no examples of ‘divine fast food’ anywhere.
These principles apply not only to the food you eat, but also to the
medicines, chemicals, drugs, and other substances that you may
consume. These things alter and manipulate your mind and body,
affecting your physical and spiritual health. When used improperly,
they will defile the temple of God and drive away His Spirit.
While considering these principles, remember that the “conspiring
men in the last days” have changed and altered every principle
mentioned here. Doctrine and Covenants 130 says, “There is a law,
irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world,
upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any
blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is
predicated.” The Lord has promised you blessings of health and
strength in mind, body, and spirit if you will adhere to His words,
given through revelation, and the patterns He has created in the
Earth. Your mind and heart will be free of man-made substances
that you will be able to receive greater light and understanding
from your Father, and the destroying angel shall indeed pass you
Are you willing to live according to God’s law? How are you an
example of living God’s law?

The Word of Wisdom

Showing forth the order and will of God in the

temporal salvation of all Saints in the last days

Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the

weak and the weakest of all Saints, who are or can be called Saints.
Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils
and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men
in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving
unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—That inasmuch as
any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not
good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling
yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him. And,
behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the

vine, of your own make. And, again, strong drinks are not for the
belly, but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is
not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but
is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment
and skill. And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly. And
again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained
for the constitution, nature, and use of man — Every herb in the
season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to
be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord,
have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless
they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they
should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.
All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the
staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and
the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the
earth; And these hath God made for the use of man only in times
of famine and excess of hunger. All grain is good for the food of
man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether
in the ground or above the ground — Nevertheless, wheat for man,
and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls
and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all
useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain.
And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings,
walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in
their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall find wisdom and
great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall
run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord,
give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by
them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them, Amen.

– Doctrine and Covenants 89

Daniel 1:8, 20; Psalm 34:8

Work & Self Reliance

For behold, this is my work and my glory — to bring to

pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
Moses 1:39

Before the world was, there was work. Work is not a curse from
the fall, but an act of creation itself. The opening verses in the Bible
show us God working, and what He is working for. There are some
lessons to learn from the creation story:
• His work is endless; He labors every day and rests on the
• He finishes the task at hand.
• He inspects His work, and He is able to say, “It is good.”

Your Father in
Heaven placed man
and woman on the
earth and gave them
the responsibility
to perform a good
labor. Responsibilities
that give you the first
picture of what it is to
be like God Himself;
one who creates, one
who builds, one who
works. In Hebrew,
work is “avodah.” This
is the same word that
is used for worship.

“The Lord God took

the man and put him

in the garden of Eden to work (avodah) it and keep it.”

“Choose ye this day whom you will serve … but as for me and my
house, we will serve (avodah) the Lord.”

You may think of worship, not work, as a religious act. The Israelites
did not divide work and worship. Work was to be done daily and
worship on Sunday. Honorable work is the opportunity to worship
God. Pulling weeds, attending church, making dinner, cleaning
house, setting up chairs, babysitting, reading your scriptures,
pounding nails, participating in a work project, or saying your
prayers can be a continuous act of worship.

Do not think about work as something to get through, or a way to

earn and then spend money. Choose to see work as a way to give
honor and glory to God. Strive to make your labors acceptable
before the Lord. Consider and evaluate the work that you do:

• If someone were looking to hire someone and they came

to my school, my bishop, or my parents, could those
people recommend me?
• Do I do the bare minimum when I have a job to do?
• Am I willing to have my work inspected? Is it good?
• Am I a finisher?
• Do I look at household chores as someone else’s job that
I am helping with? Do I resist doing those jobs?
• Do I work to keep my stewardships taken care of — my
body, room, homework, and family responsibilities?
• Does work feel like a curse? Why?
• What does it mean to be a member of ‘the work’?

Colossians 3:22-24; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; 1 Timothy 5:8; Proverbs 18:9, 13:4, 12:24,
14:23; John 5:17, 6:27; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Matthew 25:40; Moses 1:4

“Choose to see work as a way to

give honor and glory to God.”

faith: Doubt Not,
Fear Not
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might
have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be
of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

As you step forward in your life as a child, youth, or adult, each

step requires a degree of faith, and in every step, you will face
opposition. Many consider opposition to be a bad sign warning you
to stop the course you are pursuing. James 1 says, “My brethren,
count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that
the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her
perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

Upon reading these words, Joseph Smith responded, “Never did

any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of
man than this did at this time to mine. I reflected on it again and
again… at length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in
darkness and confusion or else I must do as James directs.”

Joseph concluded that he should do exactly as directed. He prayed

and received the answer to his plea but received opposition before
and after kneeling in prayer. If Joseph considered it important to act
exactly as James directed, then it is important for you to truly count
any opposition as joy when your faith is tried; you must endeavor to
stand with strength and not waver.

Faith is an action and determination, not a feeling. If children never

tried to stand and move their legs, they would never walk. Likewise,
you must try to place your feet in the right place, or in holy places,
in order for your heart to be in the right place. Jesus taught, “Lay
up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, for where your treasure is
there your heart will be also.” The action came first, then the heart
followed. Wherever your treasure is found, in time, money, or love,
there will be your heart. It is common to wait for your feelings to
dictate to you the right thing, but you must step forward in the
direction God has given you through parents, leaders, and scriptures.
If you follow their counsel, you will receive the strength you require
to move forward on your path.

As you move forward in faith, ponder the words of Paul in Hebrews

10:32, 35-39, “But call to remembrance the former days, in which,
after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions; Cast
not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence
of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the
will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and
he that shall come will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live
by faith; but if any man draw back, my soul shall have NO pleasure
in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of
them that believe to the saving of the soul.”

To step forward with faith, remember these admonitions:

• partake of the sacrament and truly fulfill every word

• pay a full tithe
• honor your parents
• honor the priesthood
• forgive one another
• love one another as He has loved you
• speak no evil one of another
• be grateful in all things
• love the Lord thy God with all thy heart might, mind, and strength
• love your neighbor as yourself

I wonder what they are thinking today. And yet we still have the
responsibility, dear ones, to sanctify our lives, to purify our lives in
the face of all this wickedness that is before our eyes and before
our ears almost every day, unless we are sheltered. And some of us,
I’m sure, are more sheltered than others… I can tell you, dear ones,
that the Lord will allow us to have our temptations. He will allow us
to go through what we can bear, and knowing our loving Heavenly
Father, he won’t give us any more than we can bear, if...IF we will
trust in him, if we will be prayerful, if we will live up to the gospel
of Jesus Christ that we understand, if we will seek his Holy Spirit
and abide by the whisperings thereof. But sometimes we freely
give way to the pressures and the carnal desires that are in every
one of us. And I think many times, dear ones, that Heavenly Father
leaves us, to some degree, but not entirely because we can’t be
without excuse. He won’t allow us to be without excuse, and will
strive with us, bear with us far more than we realize, far more than
we give him credit…God bless us to do it and improve every facet of
our lives. It is our job, dear ones, as was stated this morning. God
expects us to raise the bar, to be better and better and better so
that he can call us to receive all of the ordinances of the House of
God. That’s what he expects. It’s a broad statement and I don’t
want to be specific at this time, but that is what is expected of you
and me.

Lamoine Jenson 2006

personal notes:


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