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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur


What is the importance of the historical foundation of education in developing our education today?

The record of all previous human experience, demonstrating how people are and how they came
to be. It is concerned with the political, social, economic, scientific, and technical reasons and
events that affected humanity's evolution and progress. The complete process of developing
human capacities and behaviour. Or the planned and continual education intended at transmitting
information, skills, attitudes, and understanding required for full involvement in life. Education is
also viewed as a social process through which a member of a society achieves individual growth
and development as well as social competence, which is carried out in carefully selected and
well-defined institutional contexts.

The study of the historical evolution of educational systems, ideas, practices, and institutions
within the larger historical framework of political, social, economic, scientific, technical, and
cultural changes that various cultures have experienced over time. Many lessons may be drawn
from the study of previous educational experiences in order to enhance current educational theory
and practice. Our educational problems and challenges are not unique; others have faced similar
problems and attempted solutions with varying degrees of success or failure. In seeking to better
our education, we may learn from their triumphs and avoid their blunders. The history of
education is replete with both failures and breakthroughs that we may either avoid or emulate.

A thorough study of the history of education has an impact on how teachers and student
instructors conduct their personal and professional lives. The subject helps to strengthen both by
encouraging teachers to examine, evaluate, accept, or modify cultural heritage, as well as to
become an educational critic and agent for intelligent cultural transmission and change, rather
than simply accepting the educational status quo, ideas, practices, and unchallenged claims. In
other words, studying educational ideas and practices in their historical context allows teachers to
be critical of current beliefs and practices.

The past sheds light on the present. History teaches not just what education is, but also where it
came from, why it came to be, and what it will become in the future. The history of education is a
narrative of the beginnings, growth, and evolution of educational institutions, techniques,
concepts, goals, curriculum, theory, and practice, without which they would look fresh, unknown,
and untried to us in the modern world. Thus, understanding the history of education allows us to
comprehend the path that education has taken to get to where it is today.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Why do you consider the study of the history of education a necessary part of the program
of teachers education in the Philippines?

The study of education history allows us to know the various educational concepts, practices, and
theories in the said country. In this way, it can aid in the formulation of better ideas, patterns, and
concepts, as well as providing a broader perspective. It may also allow one to draw from and act
imaginatively on a greater variety of humanity than a single cultural experience represents. Apart
from understanding the various educational concepts, practices, and theories, one should also be
able to demonstrate the historical development of a particular theory and practice, as well as the
specific conditions under which such a theory or practice arose and the specific purpose it was
intended to serve.

Education history, like other areas of knowledge, has its own body of information and traditional
means of gaining this knowledge. Human people, and especially teachers and teachers-to-be,
have an innate urge or curiosity to learn about what education is, where it comes from, and where
it is heading. This inner urge is satisfied by studying educational history. This is all that is
required to legitimize the study of educational history.

A meaningful study of educational history requires us to train and exercise all parts of our
intellectual activity, inspires curiosity and the spirit of inquiry, trains the capacity of reason, and
cultivates the skills of self-expression and communication. Historical study is also essential for
establishing the mental attitudes that define the educated person, such as skepticism and criticism;
thinking with a broad perspective and objectivity; and discriminating between the good and the
evil in human experience. The study of education history provides one with the discerning eye to
provide shape, form, structure, sequence, connection, and relative value to ideas.

Education historians must constantly go outside the boundaries of their subject in order to
thoroughly comprehend the nature of the phenomena they research. They should be particularly
familiar with social sciences such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, and comparative
education, which may be utilized to analyze significant educational concepts in a mutually
enriching way. Though scholars in each subject may function from their own unique point of
view, they must all draw from the well of history, which provides the raw record of human
experience and establishes the context of events within a temporal continuum within which other
disciplines must operate. The study of educational history therefore exposes one to information in
other social sciences and humanities that are concerned with the study of human affairs.

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