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PURPOSE: governs judicial petitions for change of given name or the notice published in connection therewith, precludes the court
surname, or both, pursuant to Article 376 of the Civil Code. from obtaining jurisdiction to entertain the same?

OBJECTIVE: To prevent fraud, since the rule involves substantial Question: Whether failure to include the same sought to be adopted
changes in a person's name. in the title of the petition and consequently in the notices published in
the newspaper is substantial jurisdictional infirmity?
You sent

Section 3. Order of hearing- if the petition filed is sufficient in form

Nature of the proceedings: In Rem and substance, the court, by an order reciting the purpose of the
petition, shall fix a date and place for the hearing thereof, and shall
direct that a copy of the order be published 3 successive weeks in
some newspaper of general circulation published in the province, as
Official Name: The only name that may be changed is the true or
the court shall deem best. The date set for the hearing shall not be
official name recorded in the civil register.
within 30 days prior to an election nor within four 4 months after the
last publication.

Section 1 - Venue:

Who may file: "PERSON" refers to all natural persons and not just GROUNDS for change of name:
Filipino citizens.
1. Name is ridiculous, dishonorable, or extremely difficult to write or

Where to file: Regional Trial Court of the place where the petitioner 2. Change results as a legal consequences, as in legitimation;
3. Change will avoid confusion;
You sent
4. When one has continuously used and been known since childhood
by a Filipino name, and was unaware of alien parentage;

Section 2- Contents of the Petion. A petion for change of name shall 5. Sincere desire to adopt Filipino name to erase signs of former
be signed and verified by the person desiring his name changed, or alienage, all in good faith and without prejudicing anybody;
some other person on his behalf and shall set forth:
6. Surname cause embarrassment and there is no showing that the
desired change of name was for fraudulent purposes or that the
change of name prejudice public interest.
a. That the petitioner has bona fide resident of the province where the
petition is filed for at least three (3) years prior to the date of such
Illegitimate child may now use father's surname (R.A No. 9255

b. The cause for which the change of the petitioner's name is sought;
Whether there's a need for change of name by married woman?

c. The name asked for.

Article 370 of the Civil Code, a married woman may use:

Jurisprudence provides for additional contents: 1. the applicant's real

1. Her maiden first name and surname and add her husband's
name, 2. his aliases or other or other names, if any, and 3. the name
sought to be adopted even if these data are found in the body of the
petition. 2. Her maiden first name and her husband's surname, or

3. Her husband's full name, but prefixing a word indicating that she is
wife, such as "Mrs."
Question: Whether failure to include the true name of the party
whose name is sought to be changed in the title of the petition and of

Whether a person's first name can be changed on the ground of sex

Issues: 1. Whether or not jurisdiction over Armi’s person was NOT

(Silverio v. Republic)


ACQUIRED. Under Section 2, Rule 47 of the 1997 Revised Rules of
Where change of name allowed arising from change of gender: CivilProcedure, judgments may be annulled on the grounds of lack of
jurisdiction and extrinsic fraud. Whether or not the trial court
acquired jurisdiction over the person of petitioner and her minor child
depends on the nature of private respondents action, that is, in
(Republic v. Cagandahan)
personam, in rem or quasi in rem. An action in personam is lodged
against a person based on personal liability; an action in rem is
directed against the thing itself instead of the person; while an action
Section 4- Hearing - Any interested person may appear at the hearing quasi in rem names a person as defendant, but its object is to subject
and oppose the petition. The Solicitor General or the proper that persons interest in a property to a corresponding lien or
provincial or city fiscal shall appear on behalf of the Government of obligation. Hence, petitions directed against the thing itself or the res,
the Republic. which concerns the status of a person,[22] like a petition for
adoption,[23]annulment of marriage,[24] or correction of entries in
the birth certificate,[25] as in the instant case, are actions in rem. In
an action in personam, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
Section 5. Judgement - Upon satisfactory proof in open court on the necessary for the court to validly try and decide the case. In a
date fixed in accordance with the prayer of the petition. proceeding in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the person of the
defendant is not a prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court,

Section 6. Service of Judgment - Judgments or orders rendered in

connection with this rule shall be furnished the civil register. provided that the latter has jurisdiction over the res. Jurisdiction over
the res is acquired either (a) by the seizure of the property under legal
********************* process, whereby it is brought into actual custody of the law; or (b) as
a result of the institution of legal proceedings, in which the power of
• Alba v. CA, GR 164041, July 29, 2005, 465 SCRA 495
the court is recognized and made effective.[26]The service of
summons or notice to the defendant is not for the purpose of vesting
the court with jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due process
Facts: On 21 October 1996, respondent filed a petition in RTC requirements.[27] In the case at bar, the filing with the trial court of
Manila for cancellation of entries in the birth certificate of petitioner the petition for cancellation vested the latter jurisdiction over the res.
minor, to wit: (1) minor’s surname ‘Herrera’; (2) his filiation as Substantial corrections or cancellations of entries in civil registry
father; and (3) marriage to minor’s mother, Armi, alleging they are records affecting the status or legitimacy of a person may be effected
false and that he married only once with Ezperanza Santos. On 13 through the institution of a petition under Rule 108 of the Revised
January 1997, the RTC issued an Amended Order re -scheduling the Rules of Court, with the proper Regional Trial Court.[28] Being a
hearing of petition to 26 February 1997. Copy of which was proceeding in rem, acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of
published in ‘Today’ in its Jan 20, 27, and Feb 3,1997 issues, and petitioner is therefore not required in the present case. It is enough
were also sent to Armi at No. 418 Arquiza St.,Ermita, Manila that the trial court is vested with jurisdiction over the subject matter.
(address per minor’s birth certificate), Local Civil Registrar and The service of the order at No. 418 Arquiza St., Ermita, Manila and
Solicitor General. During the hearing, only OSG appeared but filed the publication thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in
no opposition, while Armi was not present for she did not receive the Manila, sufficiently complied with the requirement of due process,
Order, the address provided being wrong. On 1 April 1997, the RTC the essence of which is an opportunity to be heard. Said address
granted the petition which became final on 2 June 1997. On appeared in the birth certificate of petitioner minor as the residence of
24November 2000, petitioners filed a petition for annulment of Armi. Considering that the Certificate of Birth bears her signature,
judgment with CA on the grounds of extrinsic fraud and lack of the entries appearing therein are presumed to have been entered with
jurisdiction over their person. Armi averred that: (1) respondent knew her approval. Moreover, the publication of the order is a notice to all
all along of her true address where they cohabited as husband of wife, indispensable parties, including Armi and petitioner minor, which
result of which is the minor; and (2) she knew of the decision only binds the whole world to the judgment that may be rendered in the
on26 February 1998; hence due process was denied. On 27 petition. An in rem proceeding is validated essentially through
publication.[29] The absence of personal service of the order to Armi
was therefore cured by the trial courts compliance with Section 4,
Rule 108, which requires notice by publication, thus: SEC. 4. Notice
February 2004, CA dismissed the petition. Motion for reconsideration and publication. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall, by an
was denied hence, the instant petition forcertiorari. order, fix the time and place for the hearing of the same, and cause

reasonable notice thereof to be given to the persons named in the 45, which should be instituted within 15 days from receipt of the
petition. The court shall also cause the order to be published once a assailed decision or resolution. The wrong choice of remedy thus
week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general provides another reason to dismiss this petition. Finally, petitioner
circulation in the province. failed to establish the merits of her petition to annul the trial courts
decision. In an action for annulment of judgment, the petitioner must
convince the court that something may indeed be achieved should the
assailed decision be annulled. Under Article 176[40] of the Family
The purpose precisely of Section 4, Rule 108 is to bind the whole Code as amended by Republic Act (RA) No. 9255, which took effect
world to the subsequent judgment on the petition. The sweep of the on March 19, 2004, illegitimate children shall use the surname of
decision would cover even parties who should have been impleaded their mother, unless their father recognizes their filiation, in which
under Section 3, Rule 108, but were inadvertently left out. The Court case they may bear the fathers surname. In Wang v. Cebu Civil
of Appeals correctly noted: The publication being ordered was in Registrar, it was held that an illegitimate child whose filiation is not
compliance with, and borne out by the Order of January 7, 1985. The recognized by the father, bears only a given name and his mothers
actual publication of the September 22, 1983 Order, conferred surname. The name of the unrecognized illegitimate child identifies
jurisdiction upon the respondent court to try and decide the case. him as such. It is only when said child is recognized that he may use
While nobody appeared to oppose the instant petition during the his fathers surname, reflecting his status as an acknowledged
December 6, 1984 hearing, that did not divest the court from its illegitimate child. In the present case, it is clear from the allegations
jurisdiction over the case and of its authority to continue trying the of Armi that petitioner minor is an illegitimate child because she was
case. For, the rule is well-settled, that jurisdiction, once acquired never married to private respondent. Considering that the latter
continues until termination of the case. Verily, a petition for strongly asserts that he is not the father of petitioner minor, the latter
correction is an action in rem, an action against a thing and not is therefore an unrecognized illegitimate child. As such, he must bear
against a person. The decision on the petition binds not only the the surname of his mother.
parties thereto but the whole world.

• Ceruila v. Delantar, GR 140305, Dec. 9, 2005, 477 SCRA

An in rem proceeding is validated essentially through publication. 134
Publication is notice to the whole world that the proceeding has for
its object to bar indefinitely all who might be minded to make an
objection of any sort against the right sought to be established. It is
the publication of such notice that brings in the whole world as a Petitioners-spouses Platon Ceruila and Librada D. Ceruila (Ceruilas)
party in the case and vests the court with jurisdiction to hear and filed an action with the RTC for the annulment and cancellation of
decide it.[30] Furthermore, extrinsic fraud, which was private the birth certificate of Maria Rosilyn Telin Delantar, the child-victim
respondents alleged concealment of Armis present address, was not in the rape case involving Romeo Jaloslos. Sometime in 1996,
proven. Extrinsic fraud exists when there is a fraudulent act Rosilyn complained against her father, Simplicio Delantar
committed by the prevailing party outside of the trial of the case, (Simplicio) for child abuse, particularly prostitution. Simplicio was
whereby the defeated party was prevented from presenting fully his incarcerated at the Pasay City Jail which prompted the filing of a
side of the case by fraud or deception practiced on him by the petition for involuntary commitment of Rosilyn in favor of DSWD as
prevailing party. Here, Armi contended that private respondent is the whereabouts of the mother, Librada Ceruila, was unknown. The
aware of her present address because they lived together as husband Ceruilas filed a petition before the RTC of Manila, entitled IN THE
and wife in the condominium unit from 1982 to 1988 and because MATTER OF CANCELLATION AND ANNULMENT OF THE
private respondent continued to give support to their son until 1998. BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF MARIA ROSILYN TELIN
To prove her claim, she presented (1) private respondents title over DELANTAR, praying that the birth certificate of Rosilyn be canceled
the condominium unit; (2) receipts allegedly issued to private and declared null and void for the reasons that said birth certificate
respondent for payment of homeowners or association dues; (2) a was made an INSTRUMENT OF THE CRIME OF SIMULATION
photocopy of a January 14, 1991 deed of sale of the subject unit in of birth and therefore invalid and spurious:
favor of Armi; and (3) the subsequent title issued to the latter.
However, these documents only tend to prove private respondents
previous ownership of the unit and the subsequent transfer thereof to
Armi, but not the claimed live-in relationship of the parties. Neither 
does the sale prove that the conveyance of the unit was part of private
respondents support to petitioner minor. Indeed, intimate
relationships and family relations cannot be inferred from what cancellation of entry of her birth certificate.[13] She claimed that she
appears to be an ordinary business transaction. The proper remedy of and her guardian were not notified of the petition and the subsequent
a party aggrieved by a decision of the Court of Appeals in an action judgment and learned about the same only from the news. CA
to annul a judgment of a Regional Trial Court is a petition for review reversed RTC. It ruled that since Rosilyn, an indispensable party, was
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure, not served with summons, there was a violation of her right to due
where only questions of law may be raised. The resort of petitioner to process. Hence, RTC’s decision is flawed.
the instant civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 is therefore
erroneous. The special civil action of certiorari will not be allowed as
a substitute for failure to timely file a petition for review under Rule

Issues w/ Ruling: 1. Is the petition for annulment and cancellation of

the birth certificate of Rosilyn an ordinary civil action or a special
proceeding? Considering that the petition, based on its allegations, Summons was sent to the Civil Register of Manila.[8] However, no
does not question the fact of birth of Rosilyn, all matters assailing the representative appeared during the scheduled hearing.[9] The RTC
truthfulness of any entry in the birth certificate properly, including rendered its decision granting the petition of the Ceruilas. Meaning,
the date of birth, fall under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court which the Birth Certificate of Rosilyn was cancelled. Rosilyn, represented
governs cancellation or correction of entries in the Civil Registry. by her legal guardian, the DSWD, filed, with the CA, a petition for
Thus, the petition filed by the Ceruilas, alleging material entries in the annulment of judgment in the petition for
the certificate as having been falsified, is properly considered as a
special proceeding pursuant to Section 3(c), Rule 1 and Rule 108 of
the Rules of Court.
Sec. 3, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, expressly states that:

xxx c. The name of Simplicio Delantar as the biological father,

Here, it is clear that no party could be more interested in the
considering that, as already mentioned, he is merely the foster father
cancellation of Rosilyns birth certificate than Rosilyn herself. Her
and co-guardian in fact of Maria Rosilyn and the name of the natural
filiation, legitimacy, and date of birth are at stake.
father in (sic) unknown;

with jurisdiction, but to comply with the requirements of fair play and
2. Did the Ceruilas comply with the requirements of Rule 108? No.
due process. This is but proper, to afford the person concerned the
opportunity to protect her interest if she so chooses.

d. The date of marriage of the supposed parents, since the parents

reflected in said certificate were (sic) actually full blood brother and
Petitioners claim that even though Rosilyn was never made a party to
sister and therefore marriage between the two is virtually impossible;
the proceeding, it is enough that her name was included in the caption
of the petition. Such reasoning is without merit.

SEC. 3. Parties. --- When cancellation or correction of an entry in the

civil register is sought, the civil registrar and all persons who have or
Indeed, there were instances when we ruled that even though an
claim any interest which would be affected thereby shall be made
interested party was not impleaded in the petition, such defect was
parties to the proceeding.
cured by compliance with Sec. 4, Rule 108 on publication. In said
cases, however, earnest efforts were made by the petitioners in
bringing to court all possible interested parties.[41]
e. The status of Maria Rosilyn as a legitimate child as the same (sic)
is actually not legitimate;

As we pronounced in Labayo-Rowe vs. Republic[38] where the

mother sought changes in the entries of her two childrens birth
Indeed, not only the civil registrar BUT ALSO ALL PERSONS certificates: since only the Office of the Solicitor General was
WHO HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST which would be notified through the Office of the Provincial Fiscal, representing the
affected by a proceeding concerning the cancellation or correction of Republic of the Philippines as the only respondent, the proceedings
an entry in the civil register must be made parties thereto.[35] As taken, which is summary in nature, is short of what is required in
enunciated in Republic vs. Benemerito,[36]unless all possible cases where substantial alterations are sought. Aside from the Office
indispensable parties were duly notified of the proceedings, the same of the Solicitor General, all other indispensable parties should have
shall be considered as falling much too short of the requirements of been made respondents. They include not only the declared father of
the rules.[37] the child but the child as well, together with the paternal
grandparents, if any, as their hereditary rights would be adversely
affected thereby. All other persons who may be affected by the
change should be notified or represented

In the present case, only the Civil Registrar of Manila was served
 summons, who, however, did not participate in the proceedings. This
alone is clearly not sufficient to comply with the requirements laid
down by the rules. Petitioners further claim that the lack of summons
on Rosilyn was cured by the publication of the order of the trial court

setting the case for hearing for three consecutive weeks in a

newspaper of general circulation. WRONG! Summons must still be become a male person. Thus, she prayed that her birth certificate be
served, not for the purpose of vesting the courts corrected such that her gender be changed from female to male and
her first name be changed from Jennifer to Jeff.

Such is not the case at bar. Rosilyn was never made a party at all to
the proceedings seeking the cancellation of her birth certificate. To prove her claim, respondent presented Dr. Michael Sionzon of the
Neither did petitioners make any effort to summon the Solicitor Department of Psychiatry, UP-PGH, who issued a medical certificate
General. stating that respondent is genetically female but her body secretes
male hormones, has two organs of which the female part is
undeveloped and that she has no monthly period.

Scaaary ayu ni nga part: It does not take much to deduce the real
motive of petitioners in seeking the cancellation of Rosilyns birth
certificate and in not making her, her guardian, the DSWD, and the The RTC granted her petition. However, the Office of the Solicitor
Republic of the Philippines, through the Solicitor General, parties to General appealed to the SC arguing that the petition is fatally
the petition. Rosilyn was involved in the rape case against Romeo defective because it did not implead the local civil registrar, an
Jalosjos, where her father, as appearing in the birth certificate, was indispensable party under Rules 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court.
said to have pimped her into prostitution. In the criminal case, the
defense contended that the birth certificate of Rosilyn should not
have been considered by the trial court to prove Rosilyns age and
thus find basis for statutory rape, as said birth certificate has been Issues:
cancelled by the RTC of Manila, Branch 38, in the special proceeding
antecedent to this petition. Their efforts in this regard, however, were
thwarted when the CA overturned Branch 38s decision, and the 1. Was the petition fatally defective for failure to implead the civil
Court, in G.R. Nos. 132875-76[42] considered other evidence as registrar?
proof of Rosilyns age at the time of the commission of the crime.

2. Should the court allow the change of name and gender?

2. Differences under Rule 103, RA 9048 and Rule 108 and
Republic Act 9048


• Republic vs Charlie Mintas – Felix, Gr No. 203371, June 1. No. There is substantial compliance with Rule 108 when
30, 2020 respondent furnished a copy of the petition to the local civil registrar.
Rule 1 of the Rules of Court states that courts shall construe the
Rules liberally to promote their objectives of securing to the parties a
just, speedy and inexpensive disposition of the matters brought before
• Republic vs Cagandahan, Gr No. 166676, Sept 12, 2008

2. Yes. The Court ruled that a change of name is not a matter of right
but of judicial discretion, to be exercised in the light of the reasons
and the consequences that will follow.
In 2003, respondent Jennifer Cagandahan filed a Petition for
Correction of Entries in Birth Certificate before RTC Siniloan,
alleging that she was born on January 13, 1981, registered as a
In the instant case, if we determine respondent to be a female, then
female, but while growing up, she developed secondary male
there is no basis for a change in the birth certificate entry for gender.
characteristics and was diagnosed to have Congenital Adrenal
But if we determine, based on medical testimony and scientific
Hyperplasia (CAH) which is a condition where persons thus afflicted
development showing the respondent to be other than female, then a
possess both male and female characteristics. She further alleged that
change in the subjects birth certificate entry is in order.
she was diagnosed to have clitoral hyperthropy in her early years and
at age six, underwent an ultrasound where it was discovered that she
has small ovaries. At age thirteen, tests revealed that her ovarian
structures had minimized, she has stopped growing and she has no Biologically, nature endowed respondent with a mixed (neither
breast or menstrual development. She then alleged that for all consistently and categorically female nor consistently and
interests and appearances as well as in mind and emotion, she has

categorically male) composition. Respondent has female (XX) Whether or not a person may successfully petition for a change of
chromosomes. However, respondents body system naturally produces name and sex appearing in the live birth certificate to reflect the
high levels of male hormones (androgen). As a result, respondent has result of a sex reassignment surgery.
ambiguous genitalia and the phenotypic features of a male.

Ultimately, we are of the view that where the person is biologically
or naturally intersex, the determining factor in his gender
classification would be what the individual, like respondent, having
reached the age of majority, with good reason thinks of his/her sex. No. It is the statutes that defines who may file petitions for change of
first name and for correction or change of entries in the civil registry,
where they may be filed, what grounds may be invoked, what proof
must be presented and what procedures shall be observed. Presently,
Respondent here has simply let nature take its course and has not there is no law allowing the change of entries in the birth certificate
taken unnatural steps to arrest or interfere with what he was born by reason of sex alteration.
with. And accordingly, he has already ordered his life to that of a
male. Respondent could have undergone treatment and taken steps,
like taking lifelong medication, to force his body into the categorical
mold of a female but he did not. He chose not to do so. Nature has The birth certificate of petitioner contained no error. All entries,
instead taken its due course in respondents development to reveal including those corresponding to his first name and sex, were all
more fully his male characteristics. correct. No correction is necessary. A law has to be enacted by the
legislative body laying down the guidelines governing the change of
entries in birth certificate due to sex reassignment in order to enter
the same in civil registry.
In the absence of a law on the matter, the Court will not dictate on
respondent concerning a matter so innately private as ones sexuality
and lifestyle preferences. Respondent is the one who has to live with
his intersex anatomy. To him belongs the human right to the pursuit • Republic vs Gallo, Gr No. 207074, Jan 17, 2018
of happiness and of health. Thus, to him should belong the primordial
• Re: Final Report on the Judicial Audit Conducted at the
choice of what courses of action to take along the path of his sexual
RTC Branch 67, Paniqui, Tarlac, AM 06-07-414-RTC, Oct. 19, 2007
development and maturation. (Republic v. Cagandahan, GR No.
166676, September 12, 2008)

• Republic vs Silverio, Gr. No. 174689, Oct 22, 2007


REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, G.R. No. 174689, October 22,


Rommel Jacinto Dantes Silverio filed a petition for the change of his
first name to “Mely” and sex (gender) in his birth certificate be
changed to female since he underwent sex reassignment surgery. The
OSG alleges that there is no law allowing the change of entries in the
live birth certificate by reason of sex reassignment surgery.


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