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Autumn(September) 2023

Undergraduate(New/Transfer)&Dual Degree program

This booklet is written in the Korean language, and translated into the English, Chinese and Vietnamese languages.
In the case of any conflicts over the meaning or application of this admission guide,
the Korean language text shall prevail against any translated language text.
The Joongang daily University Evaluation QS World University Evaluation 2023

Ajou University, ranked 11th! Ajou University, ranked 488th!

•Source: •Source:

•University Evaluation wsa not conducted in 2022 due to COVID-19

Support programs for undergraduate

international students

1. Division of International Liberal Arts 5. TOPIK classes and registration fee subsidies/assistance
• The Recommended Curriculum is exclusively for international students • To receive scholarship benefits and graduate, students are required to
to help them adjust to the academic workload required by Ajou pass the TOPIK Level 4 exam. Each semester, TOPIK classes are offered
University. The Division of International Liberal Arts provides courses on to ensure that students receive high scores.
academic Korean and basic courses for two semesters. U
 ndergraduate international students whose most recent TOPIK score
is at least one level higher than their previous score or received Level 4
2. New student mentor program or higher on their first TOPIK will have their registration fee waived.
• Each new student is paired with one international and one Korean
upperclassman to facilitate their adjustment to life at Ajou University and 6. Cultural experience
in Korea. Opportunities are provided by colleges/departments for new • Each semester, visits are made to a venue that fosters understanding of
students to meet and socialize. Korean culture, history or traditions. Such visits may be offered alongside
various experience-based activities on traditional Korean culture.
3. Pre-College, new student orientation, Welcome Week
• The Pre-College program offers incoming students lessons on academic 7. Career and Employment Support
Korean that will be useful to them for the duration of their time at Ajou • Providing useful information on career and employment through
University as well as related information before the semester begins. special lectures by experts, such as how to find employment
• For new students, there is an orientation session that provides information and what to prepare for employment, and supports
important information on academic life (general facts on Ajou internships and employment through industry-academic linkage.
University, how to register for courses and scholarships, how to take
classes online, etc.) and Welcome Week. 8. Counseling
• Students having a hard time with university life can discuss
4. Writing Clinic difficulties related to school, psychological issues, vocational
• Students having difficulties with academic Korean writing (papers, team issues, learning/academic difficulties, and/or things they would
reports, presentation material, preparing for written exams, etc.) can like to know more about living in Korea with a counselor.
receive assistance from a graduate student tutor with Korean spelling Counseling is available in multiple formats, including 1:1 face-to-
and grammar as well as general proofreading. face meetings, online (Zoom) meetings, and digital chatrooms.


Apply Now ▶

Classification Date Note

•Online Application Only (Except for Dual Degree

Deadline: Before 17:00 on June 2 (Fri), 2023
April 17 (Mon) ~ •Guide to Early Bird application
June 2 (Fri), 2023 The application fee is waived for complete applications
(including required documents) received by May 4 (Thur),
2023. (only for applicants attending Ajou University
Center for International Education)

•In person or via postal mail

Document April 17 (Mon) ~ •[Address] International Admissions Team, Rm. 153,

Submission June 2 (Fri), 2023 Yulgok Hall, 206 World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si,

(Offline) Gyeonggi-do 16499

※ Office of International Affairs is closed on Saturdays,
Sundays and national holidays

Document June 5 (Mon) ~

screening June 30 (Fri), 2023

① Ajou University International Admissions website

July 7 (Fri), 2023 (
② Personal notification via email

Tuition Payment July, 2023
(Bank hours : Monday~Friday, 09:00~16:00)

Visa Documents
July, 2023
•Personal notification via email
August, 2023
/course registration

Important Notes

•The above schedule is subject to change in accordance with Ajou University circumstances. Any changes will be announced on the Ajou University
International Admissions website (
•Online application is also accepted through the “Studying in Korea” website (
•Documents submitted by mail must arrive by the submission deadline.
•If mailed documents do not arrive at Ajou University due to delivery-related or other problems or the applicant fails to submit the required documents,
the application may be dropped from document screening. In any of the above cases, responsibility lies solely with the applicant and the application fee
will not be refunded.
•All notifications related to the application process will be emailed to applicants. Be sure to enter your email address correctly on your application.
Any disadvantages that occur due to errors in the email address or failure to reach the applicant through other forms of communication are the sole
responsibility of the applicant.
•Once the online application is submitted, it cannot be revised. All outcomes caused by errors entered by the applicant are the applicant's sole responsibility.


Payment of the Application Fee

Application Fee Payment deadline How and when to pay

Before 17:00 on After submitting online application

KRW 150,000
June 2 (Fri), 2023 (bank transfer or credit card)

※ Application fees are waived for dual degree applicants.

Guide to Early Bird application (only for applicants attending Ajou University Center for International Education)
- The application fee is waived for complete applications (including required documents) received by May 4 (Thur), 2023.

Important Notes

•Applications without payment of screening fee are not accepted. (Please note that Early Bird applicants will receive a “application fee waiver code” from
the international admissions team after the document review is complete.)
•Once you have completed your application, it cannot be cancelled and the application fee will not be refunded. The only exception is if, before the
deadline, you submitted your application and pay the fee but are unable to follow through with the rest of the application process for reasons that are
not attributable to you (i.e. natural disaster, epidemic, any other unpredictable crisis or accident). In such cases, you may submit a fee refund request and
documents supporting your claim. After the submitted materials are screened, you may receive a partial or full refund of the application fee.

College Admission Units College Admission Units
① Mechanical Engineering ⑭ Mathematics
② Industrial Engineering Natural ⑮ Physics
③ Chemical Engineering Sciences ⑯ Chemistry
④ Material Science and Engineering ⑰ Biological Science
⑤ Applied Chemistry and Biological Business
⑱ Business Administration ◆
Engineering Administration
Engineering ⑥ Environmental and Safety Engineering ⑲ Korean Language&Literature
⑦ Civil System Engineering ⑳ English Language&Literature
⑧ Transportation System Engineering ㉑ French Language&Literature
Humanities ㉒ History
⑨ Architecture
•Architecture Engineering[4 years]
㉓ Culture and Contents
•Architecture[5 years]

⑩ Electrical and Computer Engineering ㉔ Economics
⑪ Software and Computer Engineering ㉕ Public Administration
•Software Engineering
Computing and Sciences ㉖ Psychology
•Global IT ◉
⑫ Cyber Security ㉗ Sociology
⑬ Digital Media ㉘ Political Science & Diplomacy

Important Notes

•◆ Applicants for the Department of Business Administration may elect to take English Track(transfer or dual degree students only). (New students can
only apply for the Korean track)
•◉ Those applying to transfer to the Software or Global IT major will enter as either third- or fourth-year students depending on the prospective transferee's
prior academic record.



Qualification categories Eligibility

•Prospective student and both parents must be non-Korean citizens

※ Please refer to "On Nationality" on following page

•Prospective student who has graduated or is expecting to graduate from a high school in
New Korea or abroad or has an academic background equivalent to high school recognized by
the law of the individual’s home country

•Prospective student who has completed or is expecting to complete two years or four
semesters (1 year=2 semesters, not including summer/winter session) of an accredited
four-year university in Korea or abroad and has taken at least half of the minimum number
of credits required by one's former university for graduation or has or is expecting to
graduate from a two- or three-year university program in Korea or overseas
Level of •A prospective student transferring into the Global IT major as a fourth-year student must be
education a (prospective) graduate of a software-related department at a university abroad (three-year
or longer program)

•Prospective student who 1) has completed or is expecting to complete two years or four
semesters (1 year=2 semesters, not including summer/winter session) at a university that
has signed a dual degree agreement with Ajou University and who 2) has taken at least
half of the minimum number of credits required by the prospective student's former
university for graduation
•Prospective student who has an average score/grade (in all subjects) at his/her prior
university of B or higher or a total score of at least 80/100

Korean Track

Prospective student who (One of the following)

•Has or is expecting to acquire Level 3 or higher in TOPIK
New or •Has or is expecting to pass a Level 4 program or higher offered by a language education
transfer center that is affiliated with an accredited university in Korea
Language •Has passed Ajou University's Korean language exam
Proficiency (only scores from April 23 or June 13, 2023 exam will be accepted)

Dual Degree •TOPIK level 3 or higher

English Track

Transfer •Prospective student who has achieved an IELTS level of at least 5.5, TOEFL (IBT) score of
/Dual Degree at least 71, or an equivalent score on an English proficiency test of equivalent standing

Important Notes

A. On nationality
•Applicants will only be deemed eligible foreigners if both parents had foreign nationality before the applicant started the curriculum that is compatible
with Korea's high school program.
•If only one parent (father or mother) is legally responsible for financially supporting the applicant, only the nationality of the parent with this legal
responsibility will be considered. The applicant is responsible for submitting government-issued documents that verify such fact.
•If either the applicant or one or both of his/her parents are dual citizens with Korean nationality, this will render the applicant ineligible. If the applicant's
dual nationality is discovered after he/she has been accepted, the acceptance will be rescinded.
•In the event of an anomaly or extenuating circumstances regarding family relations or nationality (e.g divorce, remarriage, unmarried single parent, death,
disappearance, acquiring Korean nationality), the applicant must submit a government-issued document that verifies such anomaly or extenuating


Important Notes

B. On level of education
•Grades for elementary, middle and high school will be recognized based on the Korean school system. (i.e. Grades 1~6 of a foreign educational
curriculum will be regarded as elementary school, grades 7~9 as middle school, and grades 10~12 as high school).
•For applicants from countries whose elementary, middle and high school systems add up to less than 12 years, only those applicants recognized
by Korea's Minister of Education as having completed a foreign school system that is compatible with Korean high school will be recognized as
having the equivalent of a high school diploma.
•Decisions on whether the applicant should be recognized as having graduated from high school will be based on various factors (i.e. school system
of respective country) in comparison to Korea's high school system.
•Korean or foreign high school graduation equivalency exam scores, home schooling and cyber educational programs are not recognized as
equivalent to a high school diploma. Applicants who have taken courses at a online university or college will not be accepted as transfer students.
•If you are applying to undertake your degree in English, if your native language is English or you have completed elementary, middle and high
school in English, you may apply without taking an English proficiency test
•Korean Government-invited scholarship students must follow the National Institute for International Education's admission guidelines on Korean


Document screening Interview

100% None

Important Notes

•Those who do not meet the requirements (or have not submitted the required documents) will be marked as "disqualified."
•The document screening will make a comprehensive consideration of all documents submitted by the applicant
•Applicants may submit any of the following as reference material: high school grades, personal statement and study plan, results of high school graduation
exam, results of university entrance exam, list of awards received, list of licenses, documents that prove language proficiency, etc.



A. Undergraduate
Category No. Documents Remarks

1 Admission application •Online application, printed application with signature

Personal statement and •The applicant's name on the application must be spelled in the same way as it is on the
2 applicant's passport.
Study Plan
Ajou Univ.
Recommendation from •Original of Korean or English letter of recommendation
Form •Must be submitted directly by the one providing the recommendation and bear his/her
instructor of applicant's
3 high school (or university) signature
or Korean language •Use downloaded Ajou University form. (Go to International Admissions Notice on Ajou
education center(optional) University website:

1. Original of notarized translation (for documents in languages other than Korean or English)
2. Certificate or reports
A. Non-Chinese applicant (one of the following)
① Apostille Certificate
② Consular confirmation of Korean embassy in country of high school or consular
confirmation of embassy in Korea
B. Chinese applicant general high school
•Verification Report of China Higher Education Qualification Certificate (English) of
Ministry of Education of China and copy of diploma
Certificate of high school
4 C. C
 hinese applicant vocational high school (junior secondary, senior secondary, tertiary)
(One of the following)
① Certificate of graduation issued by respective school, verifying document from
Academic municipal or provincial Offices of Education, consul authentication from Consulate
records General of the Republic of Korea in China and School Information Verification Form
② Certificate of graduation issued by municipal or provincial Offices of Education 
(must include seal of education office) Consul authentication from Consulate General
of the Republic of Korea in China and School Information Verification Form
※ Pre-graduation applicants must submit the respective (final) documents outlined in options a,b and c
after graduation

1. Original of notarized translation(for documents in languages other than Korean or English)

2. Certificate or reports(one of the following)
① Apostille Certificate
High school academic
5 ② Consular confirmation of Korean embassy in country of high school or consular
confirmation of embassy in Korea
(for all years)
※ Pre-graduation applicants must submit apostille certificate or notarized (final) academic transcript
translation with consular confirmation after graduation.

•Non-Chinese nationality: Birth certificate with notarized translation(for documents in languages

other than Korean or English)
6 •Chinese nationals (must submit both ① and ②)
certificate of family
①Certificate of family relations (with notarized translation)
②Household Register (with notarized translation)

Nationality •Non-Chinese applicant

- Copies of passports (For persons who do not have a passport, ID card verifying nationality
Copies of passports of (excluding driver’s license))
applicant and parents •Chinese applicant
- Copies of ID cards of applicant and parents
- Copies of passports of applicant and parents (only for those who have passports)
Copy of foreigner
8 •Only for applicants currently residing in Korea
registration card


Category No. Documents Remark
•Select either of the following:
Language Documents proving
① (Original) Completion certificate (expected completion certificate), 
ability 9 Korean proficiency
Final semester performance and attendance certificate
documents ※ Submit only if applicable
② Original copy of TOPIK test result
•At least USD 20,000
Certificate of deposit
10 ※ At least USD 10,000 for applicants who completed the Korean language course at Ajou University Center for
International Education

11 Copy of bankbook •Only for holders of accounts with Korean banks

Consent to use of personal
information, academic record
12 •Signed printed copies after completion of online application (one copy for each)
inquiry, and request for release of
academic records

B. Undergraduate transfer and dual degree

Category No. Documents Remark


1 Admission application •Online application, printed application with signature

•The applicant's name on the application must be spelled in the same way as it is on the
Personal statement and
2 applicant's passport.
Study Plan

Recommendation from
•Original of Korean or English letter of recommendation
instructor of applicant's
•Must be submitted directly by the one providing the recommendation and bear his/her signature
3 high school (or university)
•Use downloaded Ajou University form. (Go to International Admissions Notice on Ajou University
or Korean language
Ajou Univ. website:
education center(optional)
Dual Degree

4 Admission application

Personal statement and

study plan
•Please send request for these documents via email ([email protected]). Fill out and submit
Official recommendation the forms sent to you in reply.
from university that has dual
degree agreement
with Ajou University

Transfer / Dual degree

1. O
 riginal copy of notarized translation (for documents in languages other than Korean or
2. Certificate or reports
A. Non-Chinese applicant (one of the following)
① Apostille Certificate
② Consular confirmation of Korean embassy in country of the school or consular confirmation of
embassy in Korea
Academic * Students attending a four-year university at home or abroad should submit an apostille certification or
background University graduation
consular certification of high school graduation (to verify highest level of schooling)
records 7 (completion)
B. Chinese applicant
Certificate of Enrollment
① Verification Report of China Higher Education Qualification Certificate (English) of Ministry
of Education of China and copy of diploma
* Students attending a four-year university at home or abroad should submit Verification Report of
China Higher Education Qualification Certificate (English) issued by Ministry of Education of China
regarding graduation (for general high school) or consular certification (for vocational high school: junior
secondary, senior secondary, tertiary) (to verify highest level of schooling)
※P  re-graduation applicants must submit the respective (final) documents outlined in
options a and b after graduation


Category No. Documents Remark
1. O
 riginal of notarized translation (for documents in languages other than Korean or
2. Certifications or reports(one of the following)
University academic ① Apostille certificate
background 8
records for all courses ② Consular confirmation of Korean embassy in country of the school or consular
records confirmation of embassy in Korea
※ Pre-graduation applicants must submit apostille certificate or notarized (final) academic transcript translation with
consular confirmation after graduation.
•Non-Chinese nationality: Birth certificate with notarized translation(for documents in languages
other than Korean or English)
9 •Chinese nationals (must submit both ① and ②)
certificate of family
① Certificate of family relations (with notarized translation)
② Household Register (with notarized translation)
•Non-Chinese applicant
- Copies of passports (For persons who do not have a passport, ID card verifying nationality
Copies of passports of (excluding driver’s license))
applicant and parents •Chinese applicant
- Copies of ID cards of applicant and parents
- Copies of passports of applicant and parents (only for those who have passports)
Copy of foreigner
11 •Only for applicants currently residing in Korea
registration card
Korean track (Transfer / Dual degree)
•Select either of the following:
Documents proving
① (Original) Completion certificate(expected completion certificate), 
Language 12 Korean proficiency
Final semester performance and attendance certificate
ability ※ Submit only if applicable
② Original copy of TOPIK test result
English Track (Transfer / Dual Degree)
English proficiency
13 •TOEFL IBT, IELTS, etc.
•At least USD 20,000
Certificate of deposit
14 ※ At least USD 10,000 for applicants who completed the Korean language course at Ajou University Center for
International Education
15 Copy of bankbook •Only for holders of accounts with Korean banks
Consent to use of personal
information, academic record
16 •Signed printed copies after completion of online application (one copy for each)
inquiry, and request for release of
academic records

Important Notes
Please note regarding submitted documents
1. All documents that are in a language other than Korean or English must be submitted with a notarized Korean or English translation.
2. As a rule, original documents must be submitted. Submitted documents are not returned to the applicant If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent submission of the original copy by the
application deadline, the applicant may receive permission from the International Admissions Team to submit a copy first and submit the original by a later date. Failure to submit the original(s) by
the date designated by the International Admissions Team or any discrepancy between the copy and original may result in rescinding of admission.
3. If it is discovered, whether before or after entering Ajou University, that an applicant gained admission through dishonest or unfair means (e.g forgery or falsification of submitted documents, failure
to meet qualifications, test taking by someone else), admission and the right to take classes based on such admission will be revoked immediately. In this case, the tuition payment made by the
applicant will not be refunded.
4. Prospective graduates must, after graduating, submit the documents required by the selected item of the above-mentioned "Proof of level of education" by the date designated by Ajou University.
If the applicant fails to submit evidential graduation documents by the start of the school year or experiences delays in visa acquisition due to the delay in document submission, his/her admission
may be rescinded.
5. Applicants with a score from a language education center of an accredited Korean university of Level 4 or higher or have received (or are expecting to receive) TOPIK Level 3 or higher may be accepted
on the condition that they submit proof of such completion or scores by August 2023. In this case, admission is finalized only after the evidential documents are submitted. If the applicant fails to
submit evidential documents by the deadline or acquire the expected score, his/her admission will be rescinded.
6. In the case of a transcript if it is impossible to issue grades or grades for each semester according to the national/school transcript system, the International Admissions Team may request relevant
evidence or additional documents.
7. The International Admissions Team may add or remove from the list of required documents depending on the content and/or status of the applicant's documents. Applicants who are asked to
submit additional paperwork must provide such paperwork by the requested deadline.


Tuition Tuition
College/major College/major
(per semester) (per semester)
Information Technology, KRW 4,606,000 KRW 3,620,000
Computing and Informatics

Natural Sciences KRW 4,096,000 KRW 3,554,000
Social Sciences

※ The amounts listed above are only for the 2023 academic year and may be subject to change. (Any change will be posted on the Ajou University

1) Scholarships for admitted students (New / Transfer / Dual degree)
Transfer/Dual degree
Scholarship Content New English track
Korean track
(Dept. of Business Administration)
Ajou Frontier Scholarship S 100% of tuition exemption (4years)

Ajou Frontier Scholarship A 100% of tuition exemption(2years)

Ajou Frontier Scholarship J 100% of tuition exemption (one year) Select among students with outstanding grades

100% of tuition exemption

Ajou Frontier Scholarship O
(one semester)
※ Select among students who meet the following conditions
by their potential
•OECD DAC (OECD Development Assistance Committee) Successful
applicants from ODA-recipient countries that have no students at
100% of tuition exemption Ajou University, according to higher education statistics
Ajou Frontier
(one semester to four years) (Refer to the website for the relevant country.)
Scholarship U
* Excluding mid- or upper-income countries among ODA countries
•Need for emergency support or social consideration due to war or
natural disaster, etc.
•Scholarship period varies depending on admission test scores and
students’ academic potential assessment.
Ajou Global Scholarship 1 90% of tuition exemption TOPIK Level 6 TOPIK Level 6 IELTS 7.5 TOEFL 100
Ajou Global Scholarship 2 70% of tuition exemption TOPIK Level 5 TOPIK Level 5 IELTS 7.0 TOEFL 90
Ajou Global Scholarship 3 50% of tuition exemption TOPIK Level 4 TOPIK Level 4 IELTS 6.5 TOEFL 80
Ajou Global Scholarship 4 30% of tuition exemption TOPIK Level 3 TOPIK Level 3 IELTS 6.0 TOEFL 75
Special Scholarship D Additional 10% tuition exemption All accepted into the Global IT major
•Selected among students who are recommended by King Sejong
Ajou-King Sejong A: 100% of tuition exemption (4 years) Instituteand meet the conditions below
Scholarship B: 100% of tuition exemption (1year) - A: TOPIK level 6, top 90% of high school grades
- B: TOPIK level 5 or above, top 80% of high school grades
A : A student who passed the Ajou University Korean Proficiency
Ajou Challenger A: 30% of tuition exemption Test with excellent grades (equivalent to level 6)
Scholarship B: 20% of tuition exemption B : A student who passed the Ajou University Korean Proficiency
Test with excellent grades (equivalent to level 5)

※ TOEFL score refers to the TOEFL iBT score.

※ Students who are eligible for International Special Scholarship D have a TOPIK grade that satisfies the requirements for any New
Student Scholarship (1~4), they may receive both scholarships.
※ If applicants submit TOPIK scores higher than their previously-submitted scores within the extended deadline notified by email after the
application deadline, scholarship eligibility will be assessed based on the updated scores. (Individual applicants will be notified of the
extended deadline, method of submission, and scholarship details via email.)


2) Scholarships for enrolled students (New / Transfer/ Dual degree)
Scholarship content
Language Academic records
Ajou Academic 100% of tuition
In top 5%
Excellence 1 exemption
Ajou Academic 50% of tuition
TOPIK level 4 or higher In 5% to 15%
Excellence 2 exemption
Ajou Academic 30% of tuition
In 15% to 30%
Excellence 3 exemption
First-year student (two semesters): Top to 50%
First-year student (two semesters):
in rank regardless Natural Sciences/Engineering
TOPIK Level 3 or higher
Cheer up 1million Won(KRW) and humanities and social sciences
Scholarship in living Second-year or higher student (three or more
Second-year or higher student
(Living Expenses) expenses semesters): Top to 50% in rank
(three or more semesters):
(Group1:Natural Sciences/Engineering
TOPIK Level 4 or higher
Group2: humanities and social sciences)
300,000 Won - Acquisition of TOPIK level 4 or higher within 2 semesters
(KRW) in living - Scholarship provided only once
expenses (Academic transcript must be submitted within the 2nd semester)
Ajou Frontier 100% of tuition exemption ※ Select among students who meet the following conditions by their potential
Scholarship U (1 semester~4years) - Need for emergency support or social consideration due to war or natural disaster, etc.
※S  cholarships for enrolled students are considered for those who earned at least 12 credits in the preceding semester with a GPA of at least 2.0.
※ For the English course, IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 80, or other official scores are needed.
※ Rank is assessed separately for first-year students (two semesters) and second-year or higher students (three semesters). In addition,
for second-year or higher students (three semesters), rank is assessed separately for natural sciences/engineering college students and
humanities/social sciences college students.
※Cheer up scholarship is excluded for those who are eligible for Academic Excellence scholarship.
※ Candidates for Ajou Academic Excellence scholarships must complete sexual violence prevention education and Korean law education
within the designated period of the current semester.
※ Scholarship standards and amounts are subject to change based on the scholarship system of Ajou University.

DORMITORY FEES(based on 2023 figures)

Builing Bedroom Type Duration of stay Fee (KRW)
1 semester 1,372,000
International Dormitory 2-person
vacation(8weeks) Summer or winter vacation 785,000
1 semester 1,050,000
vacation(8weeks) Summer or winter vacation 594,000
Hwahong hall
1 semester 712,000
vacation(8weeks) Summer or winter vacation 452,000
※ The above figures are based on the 2023 academic year and are subject to change.
※ Further information on dormitory use will be provided individually after accepted students are announced.

AJOU University Korean language proficiency test(Tentative)

Date(tentative) Note
•candidacy : Those applying as international students to Ajou University for the Fall semester, 2023 (entering in
September) who wish to complete the Korean language requirement
① New student applicants who have or are expecting to receive TOPIK Level 3 or higher or have or will be
1) April 23(Sun) completing a Level 4 program (or higher) at a language education center affiliated with an accredited Korean
2023 university
(Vietnam, China, etc) ② Applicants for English track
•For further information, please refer to the notification on the Ajou University Korean Language Proficiency Test
2) June 13(Tue) that will be posted on the website ( Depending
2023 on the COVID-19 situation, the test may be conducted online or cancelled.
(On/off-line) •Test outcomes will only be used to determine whether international applicants to Ajou University the Second
semester, 2023 (entering in September) satisfy the Korean language requirement. Applicants will not be issued a
certificate or any other type of document that displays the grade received for this test.
•Exam fee : 60,000 won (KRW)
※ The test date may change in the future.


Other Important information

Evaluation of submitted admission materials is kept strictly confidential. All matters related to screening and assessment are decided by Ajou University's
International Admissions Committee. Matters that are not delineated in these guidelines will be decided through an Ajou University's Admission Screening
Failure to pay tuition, after being notified of acceptance, by the designated deadline will result in rescinding of the applicant's acceptance. Those who are wire
transferring their tuition from overseas must include the internationaI remittance charge.
When students do not comply with University's prescribed process and rules, or required documents are not completely submitted, the students will be disqualified.
If a student is found to have applied through illegal means, such as submission of false or forged documents or altered representation of eligibility, admission will
be denied.
Documents that are not written in either Korean or English must be enclosed with notarized translations into Korean or English.
According to Korea's National Health Insurance Act and Enforcement Decree of the National Health lnsurance Act, starting from March 1, 2021, foreign study-abroad
students are automatically registered for local subscriber health insurance. Information on insurance, including fees, will be provided to accepted applicants. It is
recommended that items not covered by the National Health Insurance Service be covered through a private insurance plan (traveler's insurance or insurance for
study-abroad students).
Graduation is possible only after obtaining TOPIK level 4 or higher (In case of English language course, IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL IBT 71 or equivalent in recognized English
grades is needed)
Students whose period of stay expires during the application process must extend it by registering for a language study program (to extend a D-4 visa).
Those who are unable to receive a visa by the deadline designated by Ajou University or the Korean Immigration Office or for whom grounds are found for
disqualification regarding sojourn may have their acceptance status revoked even if the semester has already begun. In this case, Ajou University does not assume
any responsibility for tuition-related losses.
For those residing outside of Korea (or first-time D-2 visa applicants), the OIA will send a copy of the applicant's Certificate of Admission or Ajou University's business
registration via email.
- Please apply for a D-2 visa, after preparing the following documents, through an in-person visit to the Korean embassy or consulate in your country of residence.
① Application form (with photo attached) and commission fee ② Form of legal identification ③ Passport ④ Certificate of Admission (if you do not have
the original, a copy is acceptable)
※ Required documents may vary slightly by country. Be sure to check with your local Korean embassy or consulate in advance.


Office of
International Admissions
(Yulkok Hall 153)

Address: Office of International Affairs(Yulkok Hall 153), Ajou University,

206 Worldcup ro Yeongtong-Gu Suwon, 16499

82-31-219-2924 [email protected]

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