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Technical & Experiences

Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScipt, ReactJs, Typescript

Backend : Java, NodeJs, SQL Server, MongoDB, Express
DevOps : Vercel, Heroku, Github, AWS EC2, SourceTree
[email protected]
Tools : VS Code, Visual Studio, Postman, SublimeText, Netbeans, Figma
Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam Fresher Developer – (Ni Hao Ma - Mandarin Learning Lab) 12/2022-2/2023
ManhHung-Portfolio (Website) • Description: Build an online interactive Chinese language education platform. Web lms
for teachers to manage students and schedule classes, manage transcripts. Dashboards
fpt and charts to track performance. • Main position: Frontend Developer
ungtran-fpt/ • Responsibilities:
TECHNICAL SKILLS - Research Edx e-learning platform
- Attend to company's project
Java JavaScript - Optimize code for performance, stability, and maintainability
OOP Git AWS EC2 cloud - Create new components/screens based on mocks
HTML CSS Jira Trello • Tech stack: ReactJs, Wordpress, Microsoft SQL server, AWS EC2, etc.
ReactJS C# Fullstack Blog App using MERN (mongo, express, react, node) 12/2022-1/2023
• Description: Blog Platform.
EDUCATION • Main position: Fullstack Developer (Personal project)
FPT University HCM 9/2019- • Responsibilities:
- Learn how to join information from different DB collections using Mongoose
- Authentication using JWT
Software Engineering
- Learn how to handle CORS error, using cookie
GPA: 7.9/10 (Semester 8/9)
- Create new components/screens based on mocks
MMU University 1-2/2020 • Tech stack: React, MongoDB, Express, NodeJs, etc.
English Training Course FPT’s Capstone: Book Fair Platform- Connect readers with book sellers 9/2022-2/2023
• Description: Boek is a platform that allows online and offline book sales between
1st Prize Technical Challenge customers, publishers and bookstores.
Winner - KMS Fresher • Main position: Frontend Developer
Bootcamp 2022 • Responsibilities:
Web app AI facial recognition - Review code
written in Angular/ReactJs - Optimize code for performance, stability, and maintainability
Honorable Student Of The - Create new components/screens based on mocks
Semester • Tech stack: ReactJs, Typescript, Microsoft SQL server, AWS EC2, etc.
Student with GPA higher than
Intern Frontend Developer – (KMS Healthcare) 6/2022-8/2022
8.0 after a semester at FPT
• Description: AI platform that recognizes faces through camera.
University would receive this
• Main position: Frontend Developer
• Tech stack: Reactjs, Redux, Sass, Chartjs, etc.
Top 8 English FPT’s speaking
contests Intern Software Engineer – (FPT Software) 12/2021-4/2022
• Description: Quiz Web for FPT’s employee with scoreboard.
• Responsibilities:
English: IELTS 6.0 (Reading - Learn Scum/Agile, Create new components/screens based on mocks
6.5/9) - Attend to company's project
Japanese: Basic • Tech stack: ReactJs, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL server, etc.

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