Complete Lesson 4 Assessment Task On Respond To Distress Signal at Sea

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1. IAMSAR stands for ______.

Answer: B. International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual

2. Each EPIRB shall be tested using the integrated test circuit and output indicator every ______.

Answer: A. month

3. Responsible for the on-scene coordination during search and rescue operation is the ______.

Answer: B. On-scene Commander

4. Your vessel is not in distress and not taking part in a distress operation. How would you impose radio
silence on vessels which are interfering the distress traffic?

Answer: B. Seelonce Distress

5. What is a “Search and Rescue Region” (SRP)?

Answer: B. An area of defined dimensions within which search and rescue services are provided

6. The most probable position of the object of a search at any given time is the ______.

Answer: A. Datum Position

7. One of the sailors needs urgent medical assistance. The VHF calls starts with:

Answer: A. MAYDAY (3X)

8. “SART” is short for ________.

Answer: D. Search and Rescue Radar Transponder

9. A distress alert on board may only be transmitted on explicit order of the:

Answer: C. Master

10. If a distress signal is received, what would you do?

Answer: D. All of the alternatives together

11. One check the functioning of the SART by:

Answer: A activating the SART and check test I it is working

12. Which of the following day visual distress signals detected by the use of:

Answer: C. Orange smoke Signal

13. The possible of a ship in distress is called:

Answer: D. Zero-Point

14. Distress alert initiated for other than an appropriate test by communications equipment intended
for alerting, when no distress situation actually exist.

Answer: A. False Alarm

15. What is a “Rescue Sub-Centre” (RSC)?

Answer: D. A unit subordinate to a rescue

16. A “Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports” (SITPREPs) should be used by vessels
in distress. The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essentials details). Which of the
following information shall be included?

Answer: D. Weather Scene

17. You are the OOW at sea. During your watch, you collided with a sailing vessel and no sign of life seen
in the water. What action would you do?

Answer: A. Alarm the rescue coordination center and commence searching for survivors

18. You are proceeding to the are of reported distress. When you arrive at the reported position, the
vessel in distress is not sighted. What type of search should be conducted?

Answer: A. Expanding Square Search

19. A message warnings of a tropical storm or ice in the are should be sent as a (n):

Answer: C. Safety Message

20. A Coast Guard radiotelephone message about an aid to navigation that is off station is preceded by
the word______.

Answer: C. Security

21. On what wave band does the search and rescue radar transponder operate?

Answer: D. 9 GHz

22. According to the rules of GMDSS, on behalf of safe navigation, a listening watch should be kept on:

Answer: D. VHF VH. 70

23. What is the search pattern system called using more than one ship?

Answer: D. Parallel System

24. Inflatable rescue boats shall be so constructed as to be capable of withstanding exposure for ______
in all sea condition.

Answer: B. 30 days

25. You wish to send a DSC message because of a MOB situation and assistance by other ship is
required. What message category should be used?

Answer: A. Distress

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