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LIGHT (Archangel

Your physical body has

the innate ability to heal
itself... But negative
thinking, toxic emotions
and external density can
block the natural healing
flow of your energy
body. Archangel
Raphael is on hand to
assist you in peeling
back the layers of
density present to allow
your vibrant, radiant,
natural state of well-being to shine through.

To invoke the healing energy of Archangel Raphael,

simply think or say "Archangel Raphael please
surround me in your emerald green healing light.
Clear my physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual being from negativity in all its forms.
Release any dense or toxic energy into the light,
and help me to stay grounded, centered, and
present in the energy of love. Help me to start
making healthy choices in the present moment to
restore my natural, radiant state of well-being."
Know that when you invoke the healing light of
Archangel Raphael, he will often show you how you
can heal yourself. Be sure to act upon any intuitive
guidance you receive.

Crystal to connect with Raphael: Emerald

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