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Services, Wärtsilä Finland Oy
Engine section Engine type Ref. Date Issue Document No. Page
18 Lube oil system See below WFI–S 12-Nov-2010 01 WS18S046 1(3)+6

Lubricating oil centrifugal filter upgrade

Engine type This bulletin concerns the following engine types equipped with centrifugal
filters of type FM600DS:
- WÄRTSILÄ® 32 and 32GD
- WÄRTSILÄ® 9L34SG, 16V34SG and 20V34SG
General The centrifugal filter acts as a complement to the automatic filter.
It is important that the centrifugal filter is kept in operation and that it is in
good condition.
The bearings and the rotor have in some centrifugal filters failed
prematurely and due to this the design has been changed. The changes
concern the spindle 473 071, bearings 473 073 & 473 076 as well as
mounting instructions for the bottom bearing.

Fig. 1 Centrifugal filter

Recommendation Wärtsilä recommends upgrading the centrifugal filters as described on the

next page.
• Engines not in operation: Upgrade before or during the commissioning
• Engines in operation: Upgrade soonest possible.

Note! Clean and inspect the centrifugal filter at the intervals specified in the
maintenance schedule, or more frequently if found necessary. Replace worn

Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 252 (Tarhaajantie 2) Telecop. +358 10 709 1847 Tel. +358 10 709 0000 Business ID 0773744-3
Services, Vaasa FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 1380 Registered Office: Vaasa
Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 50 (Stålarminkatu 45) Telecop. +358 10 709 3279 Tel. +358 10 709 0000
Services, Turku FIN-20811 Turku, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 3410
Services, Wärtsilä Finland Oy Service Letter
Issue Document No. Page
01 WS18S046 2(3)+6

Identification The new spindle 473 071 has hardened bearing journals to reduce wear,
the new version can be identified by the shape of the groove, see Figure 2.

Previous design New design

Fig. 2 Spindle

Fig. 3 Top bearing The new type of top bearing 473 073 is of shielded typ, see Figure 3.

The two types of bottom bearing can be identified as shown in Figure 4.

Previous design New design

Fig. 4 Bottom bearing 473 076

Upgrade instructions For instructions regarding dismantling and re-assembly of the centrifugal
filter see chapter 18 in the engine instruction manual.
Installing the bottom bearing (473 076):
1 Carefully clean the threads in the filter body with a degreaser agent.
2 Apply Loctite 638 on the threads and mount the new bearing.
3 Tighten to 30 Nm.
4 Mark the centrifugal filters with “MK II” on the sign plate, see Figure 5.

Fig. 5 Marking of upgraded centrifugal filters.

Note! If the bottom bearing is secured with Loctite 638 it might be necessary to
apply heat (+250°C) with a hot air blower or gas torch to weaken the glue
when removing the bearing.
Remove all O-rings from the filter body before applying heat.
Services, Wärtsilä Finland Oy Service Letter
Issue Document No. Page
01 WS18S046 3(3)+6

Ordering Contact your closest Wärtsilä Services Network for an offer. The parts for
upgrading the centrifugal filters are available as upgrade kits, see the table
When ordering please specify the engine serial number(s) and part
number 473 118.

Part number Description Quantity

473 118 Upgrade kit for centrifugal filter 1 / filter

The upgrade kit includes:

- 473 071 Rotor sub assembly
- 473 079 Bearing kit
o 473 073 Top bearing
o 473 074 Circlip
o 473 076 Bottom bearing
o Loctite 638 (3 ml)

Note! To ensure that the correct upgrade kit(s) are delivered it is important to
specify the correct engine number(s) when ordering.

The upgrade kits are available at a special price when ordering before
1st June 2011.

Letter distribution Wärtsilä Services Network and operators/owners of engines concerned.

Letter validity Until further notice.
Enclosure Spare Part List 473-0003, edition C, 6 pages.

© 2010 Wärtsilä Finland Oy – All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, graphic, photocopying,
recording, taping or other information retrieval systems) without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. Wärtsilä Finland Oy
makes no representation, warranty (express or implied) in this publication and assumes no responsibility for the correctness, errors or
omissions for information contained herein. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise expressly set forth, no recommendation contained in this document is to be construed as provided due to a
defect in the engine, but merely as an improvement of the engine and/or the maintenance procedures relating thereto. Any actions
by the owner/operator as a result of the recommendations are not covered under any warranty provided by Wärtsilä and such
actions will thus be at the owners/operators own cost and expense.
WÄRTSILÄ 32 Spare Parts List 473-0003
Edition: C
Page: 1(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 001

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 001 Centrifugal filter 1 -
473-0003 Spare Parts List WÄRTSILÄ 32
Edition: C
Page: 2(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 035 473 036

473 033

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 033 Cover, complete 1 5.5
473 035 Cover clamp ring 1 1.2
473 036 Body, compl. 1 15.8
WÄRTSILÄ 32 Spare Parts List 473-0003
Edition: C
Page: 3(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 072 473 120 473 122

473 121 473 123

473 033

473 124

473 079

473 073

473 074
473 073
473 076
473 074

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 033 Cover, complete 1 5.5
473 072 Sight glass kit 1 0.1
473 120 Retainer ring * 1 -
473 121 Sight glass * 1 -
473 122 Sealing ring * 1 -
473 123 Sealing ring * 1 -
473 073 Cover bearing * 1 -
473 074 Circlip * 1 -
473 124 Cover * 1 -
473 079 Bearing kit (1) 1 -
473 073 Cover bearing * 1 -
473 074 Circlip * 1 -
473 076 Bearing *(2) 1 -
NOTE! (1) Glue compound included.
NOTE! (2) Illustrated on page 4.
NOTE! Spare parts marked * can not be
ordered separately
473-0003 Spare Parts List WÄRTSILÄ 32
Edition: C
Page: 4(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 082

473 036
473 125

473 126
473 076
473 075
473 130 473 085
473 127
473 131 473 129

473 128

473 085
473 064

473 129 473 083

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 036 Body, compl. 1 15.8
473 064 Valve, compl. 1 2.5
473 083 O-ring * 1 -
473 075 Drive tube 1 0.2
473 076 Bearing * 1 -
473 082 O-ring * 1 -
473 085 Sealing ring * 2 -
473 125 Distributor * 1 -
473 126 Sealing ring * 1 -
473 127 Sealing ring * 1 -
473 128 Housing * 1 -
473 129 Plug * 2 -
473 130 Nut * 1 -
473 131 Stop screw * 1 -
NOTE! Spare parts marked * can not be
ordered separately
WÄRTSILÄ 32 Spare Parts List 473-0003
Edition: C
Page: 5(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 071
473 132

473 032 473 077 473 134

473 133

473 138 473 135

473 066 473 069

473 067
473 136

473 063

473 062
473 078

473 137

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 032 Rotor, compl. 1 12.1
473 063 Cartridge 1 0.1
473 067 Rotor tube 1 3.7
473 071 Rotor sub assembly 1 6.1
473 062 Nozzle * 4 -
473 069 O-ring * 1 -
473 134 Grub screw * 1 -
473 135 Spindle * 1 -
473 136 Rotor base * 1 -
473 137 Pelton wheel * 1 -
473 077 Rotor cover 1 2.0
473 066 O-ring * 1 -
473 132 Nut * 1 -
473 133 Rotor cover * 1 -
473 138 Sealing ring * 1 -
473 078 Cone 1 0.3
NOTE! Spare parts marked * can not be
ordered separately
473-0003 Spare Parts List WÄRTSILÄ 32
Edition: C
Page: 6(6)
Updated: 15.10.2010
Centrifugal filter

473 066

473 081

473 082

473 126
473 069

473 127 473 085

473 085

473 083

Qty Wt. Qty Wt.

Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg] Part No. Description [Pcs] [Kg]
473 081 Sealing set 1 -
473 066 O-ring (1) 1 -
473 069 O-ring (1) 1 -
473 082 O-ring (1) 1 -
473 083 O-ring (1) 1 -
473 085 Sealing ring (1) 2 -
473 126 Sealing ring (1) 1 -
473 127 Sealing ring (1) 1 -
NOTE! (1) Parts included in set are not
delivered separately.

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